rainy season in thailand in the imagination of travelers it is usually represented as a time when endless streams fall from heaven. The situation is seen as deplorable from the point of view of a vacationer, so many people prefer to find out in advance when it is preferable to visit a particular country. Nobody wants to ruin their own vacation.

Thai rainy season: does it make sense to be afraid of it

Thailand is considered a state with huge areas. In this regard, in different resorts, the rainy season begins in different months.

Resorts where precipitation begins in late spring and ends by mid-autumn:

  • Ko Chang;
  • Pattaya;
  • Phuket;
  • Krabi.

But in Koh Samui, cloudy weather reigns from mid-autumn to mid-winter.

For many countries, the rainy season is really ruinous. After all, such states usually live off tourism. For example, in Vietnam or India, the rains may not stop for long enough. Moreover, it is not uncommon for water to overflow its banks and flood residential areas.

However, to the Kingdom of Thailand, the phrase "rainy season" has a completely different meaning. Tropical downpours like a wall, abysses of heaven and other horrors of a traveler do not belong to this state in any way. A global storm occurs only in works of art and films, the plot of which takes place in the countries South-East Asia.

So what is considered the Thai rainy season? Usually we are talking about the time of the year with the highest amount of precipitation compared to other periods. IN central regions kingdoms, precipitation in the form of rains of varying intensity is possible (however, not necessary), which lasts a maximum of half an hour. Most often, rains begin late in the evening or at night, and by morning there are no traces of them. The sun quickly dries up the moisture, because even during these periods the thermometer does not fall below 24 degrees.

In rare cases, it rains during the day, but usually does not last longer than 15 minutes. In addition, behind them looks out bright sun, which dries out trees, sand and other surfaces. And tourists who sunbathe on the beach have a slight advantage - after the rain, the air is not so hot, but fresher.

As for excursions, precipitation practically does not affect their conduct. On the contrary, the rain that caught the travelers on the boat warms with warm jets. In addition, this is a great chance for a spectacular photo shoot. The main thing is to hide the equipment from wet jets. The only minus of precipitation is the appearance of jellyfish in the water. Therefore, an open reservoir for some time will have to prefer a pool at the hotel.

Should I go to Thailand during the rainy season?

It is in Thailand that the rainy season cannot scare away travelers. But according to statistics, during these periods, the number of Europeans and Chinese who want to soak up the Thai sun is on the wane. There are two positives to take away from this trend:

  • due to the smaller number of tourists, it becomes more free and calmer, the bustle and hustle disappear on the streets;
  • prices during the rainy season in many hotels are reduced, which is reflected in the final cost of the tour purchased from the tour operator.

In addition, the cost of excursions is reduced, and significantly - one and a half to two times. Therefore, even a modest budget is not a reason to limit yourself to the hotel-beach route. After all, in Thailand there is something to see. Perhaps only one thing is a fly in the ointment: during the rainy season, some excursion routes are closed. In particular, we are talking about the western and eastern islands of the kingdom.

Reduced prices for air tickets, as well as menus in Thai catering establishments. So the rainy season allows you to significantly save money and afford a more status hotel than the one you had counted on before.

When is the rainy season in Thailand?

As mentioned above, in the Thai kingdom, the rainy season depends on the geographical location of the region. The country is large, and therefore at different resorts precipitation falls in different time. It happens that in some years this season does not start at all.

Resort/month Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Saint Oct But I Dec
O. Ko Lan
O. Phuket
O. Koh Samui
O. Koh Phangan
O. Tao
Chiang Mai
O. Chang
Hua hin
O. Samet
Chiang Rai
O. Koh Kood
O. Koh Lipe

* best time to visit the resort;
acceptable time to visit (minimum rainfall);
not recommended time to visit (showers)

However, it is difficult to guess whether it will be pouring this year or will cost - there are no specific signs that allow you to find out.

The weather depends on the monsoons (wind directions). As a rule, the climate changes after the hot season. It lasts from late March to May. Then the wind changes direction and rainy weather sets in in some areas.

If we summarize the knowledge, it turns out that it starts to rain in May and stops by the end of autumn. However, this information will be too vague. And judging by the reviews Russian travelers, the rains in this country really do not bother vacationers a lot.

Rainy season in Pattaya

Pattaya is considered a resort where the rainy season is very weak. No more than a couple of weeks in May and in the second half of July, the number of precipitation increases in this resort. These are the statistics for the last decades. And the data itself, again, is very conditional. In the past few years, local meteorologists have recorded a trend towards a weakening of the rainy season in this resort. Some tourists can avoid the Thai rain altogether.

In order not to confuse the cards for tourists, not a single hydrometeorological center gives forecasts regarding the weather on the coast. After all, the accuracy in this case can be reduced to zero.

There are not very competent versions, according to which, due to the rainy season in Pattaya, flooding of residential areas and even floods begin. However, experts assure that the season of intense precipitation in this case does not matter. Flooding can happen any month of the year. The Thais themselves have long been accustomed to this phenomenon, have adapted and practically do not react to it.

As a rule, flooding is provoked by heavy rains, coupled with a not very high-quality sewerage system and stormwater in the city center. In the history of the resort, cases were recorded when the water in the city center could not leave for several hours, and its level reached 50-60 cm. Resourceful Thais pulled out of the pantries small boats and forwarded to them on urgent matters, if any.

In Pattaya, the peak of the rainy season falls at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. At this time, a downpour can really cause inconvenience to travelers. But the rest of the months are quieter. The rainy season ends in October and starts in November. high season recreation. By the way, from June to the end of October, the cost of living in hotels and inns is minimal.

Rainy season in Phuket

Phuket is considered the largest island in the kingdom, but also the most expensive. Not surprisingly, the rainy season here is much more intense than on the mainland. However, the main inconvenience for vacationers during this period is not the precipitation itself, but the restless sea.

Often the waves are so strong that they can reach a height of 5-6 meters. Therefore, almost every summer, red flags appear on local beaches warning that swimming is prohibited. However, a much greater danger to swimming in the rainy season is not a huge rough sea, but strong undercurrents.

The unfavorable season begins at the end of spring and ends closer to the beginning of autumn. However, tourists, especially those who go in for sports, are a little deterred. Phuket is filled with surfers in summer. They only benefit from high waves. At the same time, accommodation and food in local restaurants are significantly cheaper.

Rainy season on Koh Samui

Koh Samui is famous for the not too typical start of the rainy season. While in other resort areas of the state, precipitation is already ending or close to it, here it is just starting to rain. The most unfavorable months for recreation, in which it is really better not to purchase vouchers, are October, November, December. The rainy season peaks at the beginning of winter.

feature climatic conditions Mostly night precipitation is considered on Koh Samui. However, sometimes there are cases when showers fall like a sheer wall for several days in a row, and then a completely different weather sets in for several days - sunny and hot.

In this regard, the specificity of the holiday is related - visiting the island for a holiday for a short time - a week and a half - is risky. There is a chance of continuous rain.

Rainy season on Koh Chang

Koh Chang is one of the few resorts in Thailand that is definitely not suitable for visiting during the rainy season. It becomes very windy on the beaches, the sun rarely peeks out, cloudy weather sets in. Possible and thunderclouds. Precipitation falls almost every day. At the same time, it rains for several hours. But it happens that the downpour does not stop for days.

At this time, the resort becomes very empty, and excursions to this place are canceled by many travel agencies. The duration of the rains is also characteristic - here the bad weather lasts longer than in other parts of the kingdom. Precipitation begins in mid-April and ends only by October.

  • Tourists whose vacation falls during the rainy season in the Kingdom of Thailand have a way out. Pattaya is the perfect place to stay. You can relax and save money at the same time. However, even in this area you should not be in August and September. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the rest, although with a minimal probability.
  • Koh Chang is the rainiest island. You should not buy tickets for it from May to mid-October.
  • Phuket is famous for its troubled waters and summer months there are very high waves. This can attract surfers. The rest is better to choose a quieter resort for beach relaxation.
  • Koh Samui is suitable for year-round travel, except for the period from October to December.
  • In general, the rainy season in Thailand is milder than in other Asian countries. Therefore, you can relax and save money - the prices for many goods and services, including flights, are significantly reduced.

Thailand- country with large area, as a result, the rainy season in different resort areas comes at different times. In Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Chang and Krabi rain season starts in May and ends in October, in Koh Samui it rains throughout October-December.

Rainy season in Thailand It's not at all the weather you imagine. developed imagination tourists preparing to spend their holidays in this exotic country . The myth of torrential rivers constantly flowing like a sheer wall tropical rains appeared on the basis of some feature films set in Southeast Asia. Yes, there is a period when, for example, in Vietnam, the rain can not stop for a very long time, there is really a full-blown rainy season. But this has little to do with Thailand.

The fact is that the rainy season in Thailand is the time of the year when large quantity rainfall than in any other period. But how do these rains go and what does the rainy season look like?

For most of the central regions of Thailand, it is possible (note, only possible) during the day, light or heavy rain, which lasts 10-30 minutes in 95% of cases. If It is raining late in the evening or at night (the greatest likelihood of precipitation during these periods) - then in the morning hotel guests will not see any traces of it (heated earth and a night temperature of 24-29 degrees will do their job).

If it rained during the day, then in 10-15 minutes the sun is already shining, and in 30 minutes roads and trees dry up. Sunbathing on the beach after rain is even nice: hot air does not rise from the sand. This is how the rainy season in Thailand looks like.

When is the rainy season in Thailand?

In different regions of Thailand, the rainy season can begin and end. in different months of the year, in fact, how can it not start at all in certain years. There are no fixed dates or folk signs when the rainy season starts, only statistics. the weather has a pronounced dependence on the direction of the wind (monsoons), usually after the hot season (from late March to May) the wind changes its direction, along with this, the climate in Thailand also changes, rains come to some areas.

In general, the rainy season in Thailand begins in May and ends in November, in different regions this period can start later and end earlier. Below on video we tried to tell in detail about the rainy season in Thailand:

Should I go to Thailand during the rainy season?

Holidays in Thailand are possible all year round, general climate And the weather doesn't change much from month to month. The number of tourists (especially from Europe and China) who want to get to Thailand during the rainy season sharply reduced compared to high season. As a result, prices for air tickets to Suvarnabhumi (the main international Airport Thailand in Bangkok), the cost of accommodation in hotels, prices for excursions and meals in cafes and restaurants. That is, having got to rest in the rainy season, you can save a decent amount, or afford to live in more expensive hotel or more comfortable room.

And if the most popular hotels can afford not to reduce prices or reduce them significantly, the prices for excursions from tour operators and street agencies fall by 1.5-2.5 times, so even with a modest budget you can visit many interesting places. However, there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey: during the rainy season, trips to some excursions are impossible, especially for the eastern and western islands.

Another nice moment: during the rainy season very few tourists(do not worry, not so small that it becomes boring) - there is no such crush on the streets, on excursions groups are recruited less in number of people, in popular cafes, restaurants, shopping malls becomes freer. The Thais have this sign: drunken Russian men disappeared under the bushes in the morning - the rainy season has begun!

Rainy season in Pattaya

In Pattaya the rainy season is benevolent to tourists. One to two weeks in May, in the second half of July, Pattaya experiences an increased amount of precipitation (compared to the hot season from March to May). But these are statistics for the last decades. IN last years there is a trend towards a weakening of the rainy season in this region. It may not exist at all, no weather forecasts are taken to predict coastal weather, or the information is inaccurate (with an accuracy of "quite the opposite" most often).

As for floods in the city, the rainy season does not play a decisive role here, they can occur at any time of the year, the population of Thailand has long been accustomed to this. Floods occur after prolonged and/or torrential downpours due to a failing city center sewer system. There were cases when the water in the central regions of Pattaya was “knee-deep” for many hours, the Thais took out small boats and moved around the city on them. But such cases - a rarity, and occur only in the city center. As for vacationers in the southern areas, for example, guests of Jomtien beach hotels, such as Ambassador City Jomtien, may not know what happened at night heavy rain, relaxing sunbathing on your beach or by the pool.

Peak rainy season in Pattaya falls on August and September, during this period, precipitation can cause serious inconvenience to tourists. In October, the rainy season ends, and November is considered the beginning of the high season. Prices for hotels and excursions in Pattaya fall from June 1 and rise in October.

Rainy season in Phuket

Phuket is the largest island in Thailand. The rainy season is much more pronounced here than on the mainland of the kingdom. But the main inconvenience for tourists during the rainy season is not brought by precipitation, but excitement at sea. Often, the height of the waves reaches five meters in height on many beaches in Phuket, almost all summer red flags are displayed on the beaches, which inform about the ban on swimming. Swimming during the rainy season is no longer dangerous with waves, but with undercurrents.

This unfavorable period for holidays in Phuket begins in May and ends in September. In the summer, the beaches of the island are visited by many surfers, who only benefit from high waves, due to the fall in popularity among tourists, the prices for food and accommodation in Phuket are already not so fabulous, as in the high season (Phuket is the most expensive resort in Thailand).

Rainy season on Koh Samui

On Koh Samui the rainy season begins in a non-standard way: when this period has already ended or is coming to an end on other islands and the mainland of Thailand, the rainy season on Koh Samui just beginning. The rainiest months are statistically

Reading time: 6 minutes

We focus on the months most favorable for a trip to Thailand. Everything is on point: weather, prices for tours in 2019, features of resorts.

The tourist season in Thailand lasts all year round. Nevertheless, the question of where and when it is better to go on vacation is always relevant. Today we will share information based on personal experience 3 trips (were in Phuket, Pattaya, Krabi and Bangkok) and of course the reviews of travelers and bloggers:

  • When does the beach season in Thailand begin and end?
  • where the sea is warmer
  • How do ticket prices differ depending on the seasons?
  • when to fly for cheap fruit
  • and is it possible to low season rest better than high?

For more interest, we note that for 2019 a tour to Thailand for two can be found from 70,000 rubles for 10 days. Where to look for such profitable options? Let's talk two sections below 🙂

Beginning and end of the holiday season in Thailand

In general, in Thailand, the holiday season is an ambiguous concept. In December, you bask in the sun in Phuket, and on Koh Samui, the less fortunate are counting “dry” days on their fingers. In April, you regretfully conclude that you did not have time for the hot season at andaman sea, and in Pattaya - near the Gulf of Thailand - at this time they do not get out of the water.

We will analyze the nuances of the climate by resorts a little lower, but for now we summarize:

By the way, do you use Telegram? We share about our trips, money spent and non-banal life hacks on the @howtrip channel. Drop by :)

And although the high season in Thailand starts in late autumn and ends in spring, you should not be categorical about a trip in the summer.

Search for cheap tours on your own. Best Services

You should not wait for a delicious offer from above and rely on third parties, you need to take matters into your own hands and look for tours yourself! It's not difficult and even more interesting 🙂

There are three great sites that we (and tens of thousands of other travelers) have tested:

Cool, because they compare prices for tours from all tour operators at once and give out the most profitable options. To put it simply, it's like Skyscanner, only for tours 🙂 We research the desired destination on each service, study the tour cost schedule by months, adjust the dates and requirements for the hotel and book what we like, where it's cheaper.

As our practice shows, Travelata and LevelTravel help out in case of early booking, and Online Tours is generous with last-minute tours. But it happens the other way around too, so it's worth checking out all three (and checking which promo codes work).

When is the cheapest time to go on holiday to Thailand? Is it worth buying a tour in the off-season?

Please note that all prices indicated in the article are current at the time of its publication and are indicative only.

If you are determined to spend your holiday in tourist season in Thailand then democratic dates fall at the end of November-beginning of December and March-April.

The "package" boom on the beaches subsides only when the rainy season in Thailand is in full swing. However, planes continue to supply vacationers who are either slightly more knowledgeable or driven by the low cost of the tour 🙂

During the rainy season in Thailand, vouchers really cost more budget - voucher prices fall from 45,000 rubles per person in January to 34,000 rubles in May. Same story with independent rest. Considering how much it takes to fly to Thailand, a ticket cannot be super-chip, but still, on off-season dates, prices tend to go down: from 20,000 rubles Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow (we recommend looking at Skyscanner and Aviasales).

Went for a cocktail at the Kata Rocks Resort

Is it worth it to go during the off-season? Based own experience- we were in Phuket in April and May - the answer is yes, definitely worth it! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 best places in Thailand.

  • We were not flooded with rain (rather, refreshed a couple of times for 20 minutes),
  • did not upset the desire of the locals to cash in on a white man (they are willing to bargain, because what is there to sell and who is not 🙂)
  • we did not suffer from a lack of fruits (the same yellow mango ripens since April) and an overabundance of people (having visited Thailand for the first time in the low season, we were stunned by the number of tourists in the high season!)
  • moreover, last-minute tours were for one or two and for very pleasant amounts (our 2 weeks cost 62,000 rubles for two)

When is the rainy season in Thailand? Peculiarities

The weather at different resorts during the rainy season in Thailand varies in terms of rainfall by months, so even at this time a full-fledged beach holiday is available.

  • Phuket: The wet season comes at the end of May and it rains until mid-October. There are big waves on the sea, and the few who spend time on the island in the summer are surfers
  • Pattaya: rainy months - September and October
  • Krabi: tourists escape from the showers for the period June-September
  • Koh Samui: the island is watered from October to December

Why does the rainy season vary by region? Everything is tied to the monsoon winds, which bring a change in climatic periods. Due to the different location (the first two are near the Andaman Sea, the second - in the Gulf of Thailand), the winds do not arrive on the same schedule.

By the way, are you still afraid big name- rainy season? Then we come to you with this fact: in January we got more water than in May! Approximately 9 days versus 3 (sample of 2 weeks 🙂). In addition, water from the sky usually pours no more than half an hour during the day or within 1-2 hours after sunset. The rest of the time, Thai resorts have a uniquely comfortable temperature, but high humidity.

Season at popular resorts in Thailand

A clear idea (but not guaranteed, because these are unpredictable tropics) about the weather at different resorts and islands in Thailand by months gives a summary table.

Resorts Month
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Koh Phangan
Koh Samui
  • dry season;
  • wet;
  • not recommended.

Season in Phuket

The most popular tourist destination is the pearl of Thailand - Phuket. The holiday season in a truly beach corner of the country lasts a long time and is interrupted only by a few especially wet months.

the beginning holiday season November is considered, and the end falls on March. The hottest period falls in April and May, but it is still permissible to spend a vacation during these months. At the end of spring, the rainy season begins, and like most holiday destinations in Thailand, Phuket becomes less crowded. High waves and dirty water in June will not please beachgoers, but the season for surfers in Thailand in Phuket is just flaring up. From the second half of October, the island regains the status of the most visited resort.

  • On average, prices for tours to Phuket in 2019 per season start at 73,000 rubles
    10 days for two

Season in Pattaya

Koh Lan Island (near Pattaya)

The resort town is located in a bay on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, is less prone to monsoons, and therefore the tourist season does not stop here. IN Thailand Pattaya- the center of entertainment and sightseeing routes. Go-go bars, night discos, massage parlors and shows for adults are the first thing that attracts tourists here, but the beach season here is also the longest. Due to the geographical location in the city, the most dry summer, and short showers do not cause discomfort.

The season in Thailand in Pattaya lasts from November to mid-August. In summer it is relatively dry and still warm, and therefore the resort is suitable for traveling to Thailand from June to August.

Are you several people? Take a profitable transfer to Pattaya from Bangkok Airport

Interestingly, there are periods in Pattaya when it's cold for everyone - really cold! A couple of years ago, the temperature in January (seemingly, the very sun) dropped to +15°C! By the way, about the unpredictability of the weather 🙂

  • 10-day tours to Pattaya for two people cost from 70,000 rubles

Season on Koh Samui

On the islands of the Gulf of Thailand, which include Koh Samui (Thailand), the best season for a holiday starts in January and lasts until the end of September. Starting October bathing season may be considered closed due to heavy rains and storms. The amount of precipitation will noticeably begin to decrease in January, and in February Koh Samui will turn into a paradise in bloom. Spring on Koh Samui - not only low prices but also an abundance of exotic fruits. April is the mango season, and in May you can already try durian, mangosteen, rambutan and other exotics that are not available in our latitudes.

  • The cost of tours to the island starts from 150,000 rubles for 10 nights for two

Weather in Thailand by months

Having understood the seasons, hot and humid, let's look at the weather in Thailand by months. And although within the same season the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bmay fluctuate slightly, there is still a difference in sensations.

Thailand in December, January and February

Thailand in winter is the rave reviews of tourists who have been in paradise. The coldest months in Russia are the height of the swimming season in Tai, the weather stabilizes, there is practically no precipitation. The sea is calm and clear, the water warms up to +26°C…+27°C.

Average daily air temperature during the winter months:

  • in December - +29°C
  • in January – +30°C
  • in February - +32°C

Thailand in March, April and May

Kayaking tour in the mangroves (Krabi) - we loved it

Thailand in the spring attracts vacationers more profitable tours and an abundance of fruits. At this time, the weather favors both beach holiday and excursion programs.

The water temperature on the coast is +29°C…+30°C.

Daytime air t:

  • in March - +33°C
  • in April – +35°C
  • in May – +35°C

In March, the swimming season is in full swing, but in April it gets hotter in Thailand and the humidity rises.

Thailand in summer (June, July, August)

If your plans include surfing, it is better to go to Thailand in the summer.
The low price of tours in the summer months attracts athletes from all over the world, although a number of resorts have enough sunny days and for beachgoers.


water – +28°C…+29°C

  • in June – +33°C
  • in July – +33°C
  • in August - +32°C

The sea at this time is often restless, the weather is changeable, but tropical showers are short-lived, followed by a bright sun.

Thailand in September, October and November

Thailand in autumn, especially in September, can not boast of great weather, but remains just as attractive for tourists.

The water temperature in the autumn months is +27°C…+28°C.

Average air temperature in autumn during the daytime:

  • in September - +31°C
  • in October - +32°C
  • in November - +31°C

Already at the end of autumn comes the Velvet season, and a ticket to Thailand will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. If you want to save money, the second half of October-early November is quite suitable for this.

Mango season costs 40-50 baht 🙂

  • Mango: March to September
  • Rambutan: May to August
  • Mangosteen: March to November
  • Longan: June to September
  • Papaya: all year round
  • Durian: May-October
  • Dragonfruit: all year round
  • Passion fruit: January-April

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If, nevertheless, your vacation was overshadowed by a tropical downpour, then you can move, for example, to Pattaya or Bangkok.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Aug. Sen. Oct. But I. Dec.
Bangkok 29 30 31 32 31 30 30 30 29 29 28
Krabi 29 30 30 30 28 28 27 28 28 28 28
Pattaya 29 30 30 29 28 27 27 28 28 29 29
Phi Phi 26 28 29 30 30 29 28 28 28 27 26
Phuket 29 30 30 30 29 28 28 28 28 28 28
Koh Samui 30 31 32 32 31 31 30 30 30 29 29
Chang 31 32 32 32 31 30 29 29 30 30 30

Best months to visit Thailand

It is best to come to Thailand in November, by the beginning of the holiday season. At this time, prolonged rains stop, and the temperature reaches its maximum. It is not surprising that it is in November that there is a massive influx of tourists from all over the world.

Prices for hotels and entertainment are also skyrocketing. beach season continues until April-May. And then the torrential rains begin again.

Very often, when asked when it is better to come, they name the period from November to March. And all because in March - April, the heat comes to the coast. This situation is inherent in the southern sea areas of the country. Do not forget that in Thailand are also suitable for recreation mountainous areas located in the northern part.

For example, Chiang Mai is cool from November to December. At night, the thermometer can drop to zero. Many will think that if compared with the Russian climate, then this is nonsense. But rooms in Thai hotels are not equipped with systems that retain heat, so any tourist can freeze with such a jump in temperature. In April, a new trouble comes to the north - the fields are burning, and that's it. settlements filled with thick smoke. The ideal option would be a trip from August to October.

Worst time to go to Thailand

The rainy season in Thailand starts in May and lasts until October. Many tourists have heard about this period and try not to come to the coast in the spring. Winds are constantly blowing, huge waves on the sea, and if you get wet, you won’t be able to warm up anywhere, since air conditioners are constantly working in any cafe. The bad thing is that it is very difficult to understand when the next downpour will begin. An important plus can be considered the almost absence of tourists and a slight coolness. In addition, during the rainy season, prices for tourist services are sharply reduced.

What time is not the best conditions

As mentioned above, the rainy season begins in May. The peak of torrential doges and storms falls on the period from July to October. It rains almost all the time here.

As a rule, everything starts at 5 pm. If you got to Bangkok by this time, then get ready for a long traffic jam. You can not ride a bike during the rains. Firstly, it will not be very comfortable, and secondly, you can get into an accident.

The rainy season is best spent in Pattaya.

It is located in the Gulf of Thailand, so it does not happen here at all big waves. You can swim at any time without fear of being caught natural disaster. Among other things, before lunch in Pattaya is always warm and clear.

Monthly weather in Thailand

So when does the rainy season start in Thailand? To give the most accurate answer, it is worth considering climatic features all Thai areas.

The southern provinces can be roughly divided into two groups: resorts of the Gulf of Thailand and resorts of the Andaman Sea. There is nothing in common between them, since the regions are located at a great distance from each other.

For example, if in October it rains in the Gulf of Thailand, then the sun fries with might and main in the Andaman Sea. The very best tourist places Pattaya, the islands of Koh Lan and Koh Samui are considered to be Siam.

Phuket is located on the Andaman Sea. Taking into account the peculiarities of the climate of these two regions, we can say that the best time for rest starts in January and lasts until the beginning of spring.

In March, the hottest time begins in Thailand. The temperature reaches 49 degrees. There are very few vacationers during this period, and those who remain try not to go out in the sun. Locals advise to sit in an air-conditioned room in the morning, and go out for a walk only in the evening, when the heat begins to subside.

When tropical rains are pouring in Pattaya, the velvet season is in full swing in Phuket. Swimming and diving is possible until the beginning of April. It is possible to stay longer, but April in Phuket is the monsoon season. There is no rain, but there are strong winds, which will interfere with a pleasant quality rest. Yes, and the water during this period becomes very cloudy. So it is worth coming to the island from November to March, when it is warm, clear and there is no wind.

The holiday season as a whole ends with the onset of summer, when the rainy season begins. Almost every day the island is flooded, and the sea is stormy.

Pattaya and Bangkok

At the end of the rainy season, numerous tourists from all over the world come to Pattaya. In November, it still rains here, but already in December, warm, dry weather sets in.

The beach season here lasts exactly 6 months, until the very spring thunderstorms.

In March, in Pattaya, the thermometer shows a maximum value of +40 degrees. This month is not recommended to live in the city. Because of a large number transport in Pattaya comes a period of smog. If you still came to Pattaya, then the best option will become a hotel right on the seashore, where there are no cars and businesses. Many advise to rest on Pratamnak Hill. Since this is a hill, there will be no smog here, and walks in the tropics join the beach holiday.

There are situations when you are going to warmer climes, but the vacation coincides with the rainy season. Do not cancel the trip, because you can have a great time in Pattaya. Due to the good location, the sea here is always calm, so you can relax all year round. Only when you are planning to settle, choose rooms on upper floors and with air conditioning.

If the purpose of your vacation is sightseeing, then come to Bangkok, where you can see a lot of interesting things. The wet season in the city is the best time for walking, as smog disappears during this period. It is advised to travel around Bangkok by underground transport, as there is a high probability that you will get stuck in a traffic jam on the road.

The first thing I want to write here in capital letters - rain season- this is absolutely not something to be afraid of when planning a trip to Thailand. But it can be really scary heat season in Thailand.

Sunny season when there is no rain and not very hot: January-February and July-August. At this time it is good on Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao, Pattaya, Koh Chang and in the North of Thailand (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai).

From October to May it is good in Phuket, Phi Phi, Krabi, Khao Lak.

The rainiest months in most of Thailand: October-November. In Phuket - from May to September. But the heat is worse.

hottest months in Thailand: April-June. On Koh Samui and Phuket it may not be as noticeable, but Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Chang and the North of Thailand are very hot in April and May.

It is very hot - this means that during the day you don’t want to be on the street for more than 5 minutes at all, and most of the daylight hours you have to sit under the air conditioners at home, and go for a walk to supermarkets.

Read more about the rainy season in different parts of Thailand

Thailand - big country and the rainy season here is different everywhere. Let's see where and when it rains here.

Rainy season and weather in Bangkok

In Bangkok the rainy season lasts from September to November. There are floods at this time, but as a rule they do not concern tourists. Floods are scary local residents living on the outskirts of Bangkok.

In general, you can go to Bangkok at any time, except for the heat season, which lasts from April to June. At this time, walking around the city will be very difficult, and the rainy season will seem like a long-awaited miracle).

You can see how good such a flood looks like in Bangkok (it happens once every few years).

Rainy season and weather in Pattaya

In Pattaya normal weather all year round. The rainy season here formally takes place in September-October, but as a rule, the sun does not appear in the sky as often as at other times of the year. But you can walk as much as you like, and during short tropical rains hide under the roofs of buildings.

In December-January in Pattaya it is more “cool” and comfortable, in April it is too hot.

There are no serious floods in Pattaya.

Rainy season and weather on Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao

The rainy season on Koh Samui lasts from November to December (according to tourists) or in August (according to Thais). It seems to me that both of them are right, but the rainy season is not so terrible here - it just rains, but it can be at any time of the year. Once I experienced a serious flood on Koh Samui and it was in March, when it should not rain at all.

see what the real thing looks like flood on koh samui Can .

And here you can see a part of the “dry road” on Koh Samui when it rains without interruption for only a day (it is impossible to drive further, bikes, cars are floating and some houses in the lowlands are flooded):

A good season on Koh Samui is in the summer, when there are almost no tourists or rains.

Seasons in Phuket, Phi Phi, Khao Lak, Krabi

In Phuket and Krabi the most rainfall is from May to October. There are strong waves and wind on the sea.

See what Phuket looks like at different times of the year and in this moment you can visit samui.life — through online webcams or by viewing webcam recordings in the form of time-lapses.

Rainy season and weather in the North of Thailand

In Chiang Mai good weather all year round, but in March-May, forests are usually on fire and it is very, very hot.

December-January in the North of Thailand is cool, sometimes even very cool and warm clothes are needed, and the Thais are happy to take out hats and jackets from the wardrobe.

Rainfall in Thailand in numbers

The amount of precipitation in Thailand can be studied on this plate.

Read more about the seasons and what is the heat in Thailand

There are three seasons in Thailand:

  • rainy season (June-November),
  • cool season (October-February) and
  • hot season (March-May).

In the hot season the temperature in Thailand can reach up to 40C, this is a real heat, which, for example, I prefer to live in a house on the seashore (it's cooler here, and then it's already very stuffy).

Rain season does not mean heavy downpours and floods at all, but simply the sky is overcast, sometimes it rains, and prices become lower. During the rainy season, the sun often shines and there are completely sunny days.

cool season- this is also heat, but not yet as severe as in the hot season. Well, floods, as we have already seen, can be in any season.

View the weather in Thailand online through webcams

You can see what Koh Samui, Phuket, Pattaya look like at different times of the year and at the moment on samui.life - through live webcams or by viewing webcam recordings in the form of time-lapses.

The same beach in the hot season and the rainy season (photo)

Sea in the hot season:

The same beach during a flood on Koh Samui:

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