Pavel Astakhov is a prominent lawyer and political figure, former presidential commissioner for children's rights (successor - Anna Kuznetsova). His name is known far beyond the professional community, he participated in many high-profile cases and earned the reputation of one of the best lawyers in Moscow. Notable and interesting is his activity as a TV presenter: "The Hour of Judgment", "The Astakhov Case", as well as numerous legal headings in other programs made him real star television. Pavel Astakhov made the national legislation understandable and accessible to a wide audience, increasing the legal literacy of the population and clarifying many intricate issues of law enforcement practice.

Childhood and youth of Pavel Astakhov

The future famous lawyer was born into an ordinary Moscow family. His father worked in a printing house, and his mother was a teacher. Pavel was connected with the law enforcement environment only through his grandfather, who was a prominent Chekist and for a long time worked with Vyacheslav Menzhinsky.

The childhood and adolescence of the future lawyer passed in Zelenograd. He studied well, but after graduation high school did not go to college. Instead, Pavel went to serve in the border troops. Here, on the border with Finland, Pavel spent two years, during which he established himself in the future. life path. At the end of his service, Astakhov decided to remain in law enforcement structures and entered higher school KGB of the USSR.

reminisced about given period Pavel: “I liked it there [at the KGB school]. Interesting people around, interesting teachers, interesting subjects. The field itself is interesting. It was a very special department, counterintelligence, everyone called it thieves. For example, the son of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Estonia, the son of the chairman of the KGB of Azerbaijan, studied with us.”

After graduating in 1991, Pavel began to engage in advocacy, but soon decided to continue his studies and in 2000 moved to America, to Pittsburgh, where he entered the magistracy of a local university. Subsequently, the lawyer spoke extremely flatteringly about studying in the United States, calling the United States "his second homeland."

Lawyer career of Pavel Astakhov

Since 1991, Pavel Astakhov has participated as a lawyer in many high-profile lawsuits. In the early nineties, he worked for a short time in Spain, but he gained the greatest fame in Russia.

Among his clients were many well-known politicians (Luzhkov, Stepashin), as well as stars Russian show business(Kristina Orbakaite, Philip Kirkorov, Arkady Ukupnik, Lada Dance, Soso Pavliashvili and many others).

In 1995, Pavel Astakhov represented the interests of Valentina Solovyova, the infamous founder of financial pyramid"The Lord". Five years later, within litigation the lawyer defended another "great schemer" - Vladimir Gusinsky.

Astakhov: writer and TV presenter

In 2004, Pavel Alekseevich made his debut on television as the host of the Hour of Judgment program, which subsequently gained wide popularity both in Russia and abroad. Thanks to this show, Astakhov became known outside the legal community. In 2005, the RBC media holding named Astakhov "Person of the Year", noting his contribution "to increasing legal culture population". IN 2007 Russian Academy business and entrepreneurship honored him with the title "Russian of the Year". A number of prestigious awards were awarded to the program "Hour of Judgment" itself.

"Hour of Judgment" with Pavel Astakhov

The lawyer interrupted work on it two years later, starting to work on another show - "Three Corners with Pavel Astakhov", which, like the "Hour of Judgment", was aired on the Ren-TV channel.

Subsequently, the well-known lawyer participated in a number of other projects, among which the most famous were the programs “The Astakhov Case” and “On Juvenile Affairs”. In addition, Pavel Alekseevich worked for some time at City-FM radio, where he hosted a legal program.

In 2007, Astakhov also made his debut as a writer, presenting the novel The Mayor to the public. Subsequently, many works of the author of the legal and artistic sense appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Russia. Readers especially loved his novel "Raider", which is distinguished by an abundance of criticism regarding the activities of the Main Investigation Department of Russia and the Moscow Police Department. In 2011, this novel was filmed, although before that it almost cost the lawyer his career.

Political activities of Pavel Astakhov

In the first years of Vladimir Putin's presidency, Astakhov actively criticized the judicial and law enforcement system in Russia, noting that the prosecutor's office only "blindly fulfills the wishes of the authorities." However, in 2007, unexpectedly for everyone, Pavel Alekseevich headed the All-Russian movement “For Putin”. The lawyer and TV presenter substantiated his decision with a number of legal changes in the life of the state and society.

Pavel Astakhov - Causes of corruption in Russia

At the end of December 2009, Pavel Astakhov took the post of commissioner for children's rights. After the expiration of the mandate in 2012, Vladimir Putin extended Astakhov's powers for a three-year term.

Personal life of Pavel Astakhov

Since 1987, Pavel Astakhov has been married to TV producer Svetlana Astakhova. It was she who supervised the process of creating a number of programs of her husband (“The Hour of Judgment”, “The Astakhov Case”, “Three Corners”). On this moment at married couple three children - Anton (born 1988), Artem (born 1993) and Arseniy (born 2009).

It should be noted that personal life famous lawyer for a long time was the object of criticism from the Russian and European media, as it often found itself at the epicenter of various scandals. So, the press often exaggerated the fact that the Astakhov family owns prestigious real estate on the southern coast of France. The youngest son of a lawyer was born in an elite Cannes clinic; Little Arseniy was baptized in the Archangel Michael Church in Cannes.

In addition, reports often appear in the press about expensive parties that, with a certain frequency, Astakhov's eldest sons throw in Nice, in currently holding positions in the government apparatus of the father.

In early 2013, a French human rights organization insisted on banning the Astakhov family from entering France. After that, they decided to move from Nice to Monaco.

In 2012, Anton Astakhov almost ended up behind bars in connection with an accident in the center of Moscow. Then, being in a state of intoxication, the son of a famous lawyer collided in his Audi 5th series with a passing car.

Pavel Astakhov now

Since 2012, Astakhov has positioned himself as an ardent opponent of the adoption of Russian orphans and refuseniks by foreigners. So, in December of the same year, Astakhov supported the corresponding bill.

In 2015, Astakhov spoke approvingly of upcoming wedding 57-year-old head of the Chechen police department Nazhid Guchigov and 17-year-old Kheda Goylabieva: “In the Caucasus, emancipation occurs earlier and puberty let's not be hypocrites. There are places where women are already shriveled at the age of 27, and by our standards they are under 50. In general, the Constitution prohibits interfering in the personal affairs of citizens.”

In February 2016, Astakhov refused to accept father of many children from the Tyumen region, whose family was threatened with eviction from their home.

On June 30, 2016, the media reported that Pavel Astakhov had resigned from the post of Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights. His departure was primarily due to the incorrect statement of the Ombudsman, uttered at a meeting between Astakhov and a girl who survived the tragedy in the Syamozero camp (“Well, how did you swim?” Astakhov asked).

The information was officially confirmed only in September 2016. On September 9, Pavel Astakhov, having returned from vacation, was dismissed from the post of Ombudsman with the wording "according to own will". After his dismissal, Astakhov and his family moved to Pskov.

Pavel Alekseevich Astakhov is a Muscovite. He was born on September 8, 1966 in the family of an official working in the printing industry. His mother was a teacher.

According to a number of media reports, Pavel Astakhov had unusual ancestors. So, the paternal great-grandfather - the Cossack chieftain - became the prototype of one of the characters in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by Mikhail Sholokhov. Maternal grandfather was a Chekist, and he was well acquainted with Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, one of the top leaders of the state security agencies.

The future lawyer studied at the Zelenograd school. According to some reports, his relationship with teachers was not easy, but he studied very well. Until the third grade, he often went on business trips with his father, which made studying a little more difficult.

By his own admission, as a child he was restless, climbed all the construction sites, fences, all the surroundings. At the same time, he managed to study in circles of mathematics, aircraft modeling, soft toys, English and others. He loved to go fishing with his friends. He wrote poetry, but did not like to talk about it. As an adult, he regretted that among the many activities he did not find time for music.

After graduation in 1984 he did not work long at the Ostankino television center, but in what position, in no official biography, not mentioned in the press.

In the same year, he joined the army and ended up in the border troops (at that time they were part of the KGB). He was sent to the Soviet-Finnish border. For three months he replaced the foreman of the outpost. He served until 1986, after which he entered the Faculty of Law at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. According to him, he did not decide to go there himself. He was invited to the Higher School of the KGB by the head of local intelligence. Also during these years, he joined the CPSU and remained in the party until its prohibition in 1991.

In parallel with his studies, he worked as a janitor, cashier, and night watchman. Got a diploma in 1991, however, in the same year, after the putsch, he left the KGB without having worked there for a single day.

While studying in his last year, he got a job as a legal adviser at the Avia-Rus company and, after graduating from the Higher School, continued to work there. He was soon promoted to Head of the Legal Department.

In 1994 Pavel Astakhov joined the Moscow Bar Association and in the same year founded the Advocate Group of his own name. It is also known that in the mid-90s he was invited to work in the United States, and the invitation came from one of the organizers of the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, but the lawyer refused.

In the period from the mid-90s to 2001, he acted as a lawyer for Valentina Solovieva, the head of one of the financial pyramids, designer Artemy Lebedev, Edmond Pope, a US citizen who collected information about the Russian submarine (Pavel Alekseevich Astakhov wrote a speech in his defense in verse, however, the case was lost.Soon the American was pardoned, after a petition to Vladimir Putin). After the case of the American spy, representatives of the Hollywood film company turned to the lawyer with a request to give permission to shoot the film "The Life Story of Pavel Astakhov", but he refused. Subsequently, he will tell that the main roles were to be played by John Malkovich and Angelina Jolie.

Also during this period, he took part in public discussions of bills, contributed to the return of the archive of the writer Ivan Shmelev to his homeland, published his first book, in which, according to him, “lawyer stories” were collected.

In 1999 he was attacked. The lawyer managed to escape from the attackers. According to him, he knew those who ordered the assassination.

In 2000, he represented the residents of the Ryazan house, which was mined in 1999 Federal Service security. The residents appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation with a request to explain the purpose of this operation and determine the amount of compensation for moral damage. The lawyer limited himself to the response of the Prosecutor General's Office that the FSB acted within its competence.

2000 to 2001 Pavel Astakhov was a lawyer for Vladimir Gusinsky and his Media-Most company. He received this position after he facilitated the release of detainees in May 2000 in the office of a company of journalists. Media representatives were detained while trying to videotape a search at the firm's office.

In 2002 The lawyer graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. In the same year, he defended his master's and candidate's dissertations.

Returning to Russia, he joined the Barshchevsky and Partners law office. In 2002-2003 acted as a representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Supreme Court in the case of combating pirated products, as a representative of the Moscow authorities in hearings on the legality of the election of the vice-mayor of the capital Shantsev.

In 2003 his Advocate Group was renamed the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association.

In the 2000s, he was the defender of a number of famous people, in particular, the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Stepashin, head federal agency in culture and cinematography Mikhail Shvydkoy, film director Alexei Uchitel, former mayor of Volgograd Yevgeny Ishchenko, journalist Mikhail Leontiev, artists Lada Dance, Alena Sviridova, Philip Kirkorov, Elena Obraztsova, Vladimir Spivakov and others.

In 2006 he created the Pavel Astakhov School of Advocacy.

In 2007 he became the leader of the movement "For Putin!". In 2008, not being a member of the party, was included in the central coordinating council of United Russia supporters.

At the end of 2007 he became a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation from public organizations Bryansk region. In its composition, he worked in the commission on communications, information policy and freedom of speech in the media. In addition, he was a member of the intercommission working group organization of expert activities of the Public Chamber.

April 2008 he entered the public council under the FSB of Russia.

In 2009 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appointed him Commissioner for Children's Rights. At this post, he replaced Alexei Golovan. Assuming a new position, Pavel Astakhov left Public Chamber and left the practice of law. In 2012, after Vladimir Putin took office as head of state, he was reappointed to this post.

In this position, among other things, he was engaged in the case of the Izhevsk boarding school, the pupils of which opened their veins in protest of the leadership. He also dealt with the fate of Artem Saveliev, abandoned by adoptive parents from the United States, took an active part in the creation and adoption of a bilateral agreement on adoption between Russia and the United States. An agreement obliging US citizens to adopt children from Russia only through accredited international adoption agencies was signed on July 13, 2011.

In 2012, he was repeatedly mentioned in the press in connection with the case of Anastasia Zavgorodnya, who lives in Finland, who was separated from her children by the authorities due to alleged abuse of them. Thanks to the intervention of the children's ombudsman, she was allowed to live with her children in an orphanage, and later she was allowed to go home with them. However, soon the children were again placed in an orphanage.

Also, his name appeared in connection with the bill "named after Dima Yakovlev." This document was created in response to the "Magnitsky Act" adopted by the United States. The name of the bill was given in memory of a two-year-old child from Russia who died in Virginia. He was locked in the sun in a car by his adoptive American father. Also, this bill was named in memory of all Russian children who were abused and died because of adoptive parents from the United States.

In addition to advocacy, Pavel Alekseevich Astakhov is engaged in teaching. Since 2004 served as professor of the Department of Theory of Law and State of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2006 to 2007 was a professor at the Department of the Russian State humanitarian university, A since 2008- the head of the department in this university.

In addition, he participated in the creation of a number of television and radio programs. So, in 2004, he began hosting the TV program "Hour of Judgment" and subsequently published books with legal advice based on its materials. He was also the host of the Three Corners with Pavel Astakhov program on REN-TV. On the radio "City-FM" he hosted the program "Receptions of defense lawyers". Performed with legal advice in printed publications and has repeatedly been present as a consultant in various programs.

In 2006 he received a doctorate in law.

He has a number of awards, in particular, the badge "Honorary Lawyer of Russia", the medal "For fidelity to the lawyer's duty".

According to the official website of Pavel Astakhov, he is a member of not only the Moscow City Bar Association, but also the Paris Bar Association. He is a member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the European (Brussels) Arbitration and Mediation Court, the Board of Mediators (legal intermediaries) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Court at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Commission of the Public Chamber on communications, information politics and freedom of speech in the media.

He knows four foreign languages: English, French, Spanish and Swedish.

The official has been married since 1987. His wife Svetlana has three higher education. She is a mathematician, psychologist and PR specialist. She worked as a public relations specialist in her husband's bar, and also acted as a producer of the program "Three Corners".

The couple have three sons. The elder Anton was born in 1988, the middle Artem in 1993, the younger Arseniy in 2009. As the official himself said in an interview, the eldest son has rich encyclopedic knowledge and understands many issues. He graduated from school with a gold medal, and, while still a student, proved to be a qualified economist. The middle one already had several business ideas at school.

Pavel Astakhov is fond of sports, in particular karate. He has been doing it since 1983 and has a brown belt in karate-do. He also loves boxing. He is engaged in diving, hunting, collecting magnifiers and even thinking about holding an exhibition: he already has more than 600 magnifying glasses in his collection.

In 2011, he declared an income of 29.2 million rubles. His wife - 6.3 million rubles. The property of the Ombudsman included an apartment and a car. His wife declared two plots of land, two apartments, a third of the share in the apartment, a garage and a car.

Publications with a mention on the site

EKATERINBURG, April 20, RIA FederalPress. Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov has finally turned his attention to the problem of the boarding school in...

TYUMEN, April 20, RIA FederalPress. In the Tyumen region, a mother was convicted, through whose fault two of her sons died in a fire. As FederalPress was informed in the regional prosecutor's office, ...

sudenko at A man with a hazy past, a brilliant present, and an uncertain future...

Pavel Astakhov held a press conference. On it he stated:"Pedophiles want my resignation, because as much as we have done to fight pedophiles, this has not been done."

Yes, Mr. Astakhov did a lot to fight pedophiles. Let's remember one sensational case of 2005. The grandmother, who lived with her granddaughter (father died, mother left in infancy), to earn a living, rented a room in her two-room apartment to a young Tajik Bakhtior. Bakhtior seduced a 10-year-old girl, she gave birth at the age of 11. Andrey Malakhov made not one, but two or three programs in which he spoke about these wonderful modern Romeo and Juliet. Romeo, they say, is terribly happy with the baby and is ready to marry his Juliet at any moment. But an investigation began, which revealed that 14-year-old Bakhtior turned out to be 18-year-old Khabibula Pakhtakhonov from Dushanbe, who was in Russia illegally and on the basis of other people's documents. Once he was already deported from Russia for offenses, but he decided to return on his brother's passport - and in Moscow he was overtaken by unexpected love in the face of an orphan child. The zone threatened the pedophile, and we know what they do with the molesters of ten-year-old children in the zone.

And then the poor Khabibula, who worked as a loader in a vegetable store, suddenly came to the aid of one of the most expensive Moscow lawyers - Pavel Astakhov. Prior to that, he defended Vladimir Gusinsky, Yuri Luzhkov, Sergei Stepashin, Mikhail Shvydkoy, Vladimir Spivakov, Philip Kirkorov, Kristina Orbakaite and so on ... That is, very wealthy and status clients. And suddenly he took up the case of a Tajik loader. This is weird. Of course, lawyers have to defend both murderers and rapists in courts, this cannot be blamed on them, this is their job. But in this case, Pavel Astakhov, on his own initiative, volunteered to ruin the case of an obvious, one hundred percent pedophile. Astakhov's wife is a TV producer, and she began to put Khabibula in all conceivable programs, persistently accustoming the public opinion that the "Tajik Romeo" is a victim of circumstances, and not a cold-blooded criminal at all. In all these programs, Astakhov himself appeared in a beautiful suit, ardently appealing to the pity of the audience. He did the same in court. "Can these eyes lie?" - Stretching out his hand towards the frail Khabibula, Astakhov called out. And, according to the script, Khabibula flapped long girlish eyelashes. Astakhov unexpectedly stated to the court that some Caucasians had allegedly already managed to rape the girl before Khabibula (no evidence was presented, except for the words of the girl herself, who after each program received a fee at the television box office together with Khabibula). The hypnotized court believed it (although how this circumstance could justify our criminal is not clear). Further, Astakhov told the court the following version. A 10-year-old baby, having “fallen in love” with a sultry 18-year-old Tajik, herself New Year drugged him with champagne and nearly raped him. Tajik confirmed:“We drank some champagne. And I decided to give up. After all, you still lose your virginity. Moreover, I was afraid of offending her. The court believed this.

As a result, Khabibula received a suspended sentence, and after that, immediately and Russian citizenship. He never married his "Juliet", but continued to live with her, now openly. Now he began to beat her and her grandmother, drive her out of the apartment onto the street, and felt himself master of the situation. He did not get a job, but lived on children's payments and his grandmother's pension. Moreover, he settled in the same apartment his brother, who had just been released from prison (fortunately, his brother was soon put back in prison). Girl with a newborn babyI had to hide in the village with my friends. ..

None of his biography Pavel Astakhov does not write about his family. This is not on Wikipedia or on the Ombudsman's personal website. It all starts with studying at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. You might think that he was born there, in this school . In a certain sense, it is. To collect some crumbs, I had to work hard. It flashed that the grandfather of Pavel Alekseevich was a Chekist, an ally of Menzhinsky. That is why the son's parents sent him on the same path: first he served on the border with Finland in the border troops (they were part of the KGB system), there he joined the party and received a referral to the KGB higher school, where he studied Swedish. It is not clear who Pavel Alekseevich's parents were: in one of the interviews, he mentions that in connection with his father's service, up to the third grade, he had to "wander" around different cities and schools. However, according to the documents kept in the Zelenograd school No. 609, he studied there all ten years - from the first grade to the tenth, and did not "wander" at all."There was already some kind of narcissism in him" - teachers remember. In another interview, he mentions that his parents met in Germany, in German captivity, and the Americans offered them to emigrate to the States, but those, as patriots, did not agree.

He graduated from the KGB school in 1991 with the rank of lieutenant and allegedly immediately left the organs. True, the wording was strange: "transferred to National economy". Then a dark spot until 1994, in only one interview he casually said:"In the early 90s I went to work in Spain." Strange, of course, "national economy", but quite acceptable for a graduate of the counterintelligence faculty. In 1994, Pavel Astakhov received the status of a lawyer, and the 28-year-old novice lawyer immediately founded his own law office. WITH young years having fallen in love with PR, Pavel Astakhov, first of all, sought to participate in high-profile, high-profile cases. And such a case immediately presented itself: in 1995, Astakhov became a lawyer for the notorious "Vlastilina", that is, Valentina Solovyova (on the recommendation of her husband, whom he had defended before; Astakhov's "defense" ended with the dude hanging himself). Solovieva deceived 24 thousand investors of her financial pyramid, stealing several hundred million dollars from them. The fate of Vlastelina was not decided at all in court, so Astakhov naturally lost the court, his client was sentenced to seven years in prison with confiscation of property for fraud on an especially large scale. It is believed that the role of a lawyer in this case was reduced to dragging out the process and extorting from Solovieva at least the money that high-ranking security officials gave her (for example, acting Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Oleg Gaidanov allegedly personally transferred $ 700 thousand to her). Astakhov brilliantly coped with this task: the investigation and trial lasted five years, and when everything that was possible was shaken out of her, she immediately got out (with the help of the same Astakhov) on parole. The material well-being of the novice lawyer Astakhov went up sharply. He was seen in casino "Shangri La" with huge sums of money (after being in Moscow casino were closed, he bought himself a house in Monaco to be closer to his favorite hobby).

In 2000, apparently at the request of colleagues from the FSB, he became a lawyer in several high-profile cases at once. The first of these was the case of the American entrepreneur Edmond Pope. It was the first trial in forty years (after pilot Powers) of an American accused of espionage. The attention of the Western press was enormous. And this attention did not escape the fact that the lawyer Astakhov, to put it mildly, did not at all seek to justify his client ...

Another fact, which P. Astakhov indicates in each of his biography: "member of the American Association international law". It sounds impressive, it also probably hangs in a frame in a prominent place, but Wikipedia explains to us: "For membership in the American International Law Association, it is enough for any lawyer to pay a membership fee of $ 100 annually. For foreign students studying law in the US (like Pavel Astakhov in 2002), this membership is free."

Until very recently, Pavel Astakhov, judging by his public statements, was quite a pro-American person.

However, in December last year, Astakhov unexpectedly announced:"Americans should have been banned from adopting Russian children two years ago." Why didn't you ban it? Instead, once a month, starting in April 2010, I went to America to settle the details of the Russian-American agreement on adoption, which was adopted on your own initiative. I would forbid it - and there would be no need to pore over the contract and suffer on airplanes ...

Do you know who is rushingat full speed across the movement, in front of the traffic police and stunned passers-by? I think you already guessed it: this is Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights. Perhaps, somewhere, a mother went on a drinking binge and does not feed her children for a week, or a father chopped off the child’s fingers with an ax, or a mother, taking the baby by the legs, smashed his head against the wall just because he prevented her from watching the series, or that also happened to Russian kids for last days? So Pavel Alekseevich flies - to understand, protect, help. He is very mobile, our Pavel Alekseevich. Figaro here, Figaro there.

It should be recognized that, having become the children's ombudsman, Astakhov began to travel a lot around the country. In those places where Astakhov is heading, the following rider is sent in advance:

These are demands sent from the Office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights to the administration of the Voronezh Region. Most likely, exactly the same went to other cities, which the Ombudsman consecrated with his presence. Somewhat perplexes the last point ("lunch in the diocese"). But "journalists and a press conference" is such an understandable requirement. Pavel Astakhov cannot live without this. This is the essence of his work. I do not know any other government official who would be so concerned about his own PR.

Agree, the list of requirements is similar to the rider of a capricious pop star.

So he is a pop star...

Astakhov repeatedly defended in courts interests of Yu.M. Luzhkov and E.N. Baturina. With varied success. For example, he failed to prove Supreme Court legitimacy of the election of vice-mayor. But Luzhkov's personal claims - he won. He also won those lawsuits against the media that were brought by "a devoted wife, the largest billionaire entrepreneur." For example, Forbes magazine had a hard time, which had to pay Elena Nikolaevna some amount for desecrated business reputation ...

Astakhov gave a thousand interviews, in which he said that he had decided to found the All-Russian social movement"For Putin!" Presidential elections were coming up (as a result of which, as we know, Medvedev became president), but the lawyer Astakhov decided that Putin, regardless of the Constitution, had no right to leave after the expiration of his second term. And should stay. Should and all. A month later, the Koptevskaya inter-district prosecutor's office issued a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case against Pavel Astakhov in connection with the publication of the novel Raider. And in November, a congress of the new movement was held in Tver, at which Astakhov said in his speech: . Movement "For Putin!" under the leadership of Pavel Astakhov did not last long: in December, Putin announced that Medvedev would be the successor, and it would be foolish to argue with that.

The "All-Russian movement" was somehow blown away by itself, but Astakhov was noticed. In 2008, he was appointed to the Public Chamber, and in 2009, President Medvedev took him to the presidential administration - made him Commissioner for Children's Rights ...

As soon as Pavel Astakhov became the commissioner for children, he got off to a strong start. First of all, he expanded the staff of his department. Then he decided to come to grips with foreign adoption, for which he practically did not get out from abroad (you must see everything with your own eyes). On December 15, 2011, at one of Putin's televised pre-election meetings, Astakhov for the first time announced the need to cancel foreign adoption. Putin replied:"I am not a supporter of adoption by foreigners." And he added that it should be reduced to zero.

Astakhov wound this up on his mustache. And when the Magnitsky Law was passed in the United States, which literally infuriated Putin, it was he, according to numerous testimonies, who came and offered Putin such an "asymmetric answer" as the "Dima Yakovlev Law." Almost everyone in Putin's entourage was against it, all ministries gave a negative opinion (including the Foreign Ministry), but the idea seemed so successful to Putin that he simply did not want to listen to anyone except Astakhov. Here is such a version. We know the next...


You are hard - the share of a lawyer! Everything does not always go smoothly, although you have a mind chamber.

Name: Pavel Astakhov

Surname: Alexeyevich

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 87 kg

Zodiac sign: Virgo (characteristic)

Eastern horoscope: Horse

Activity: lawyer, human rights activist, TV presenter, writer

Pavel Astakhov is a prominent lawyer and politician, former commissioner for children's rights under the head of state (successor - Anna Kuznetsova). His name is known far beyond the professional community, he took part in many high-profile cases and gained fame as one of the best lawyers in Moscow. Noteworthy and interesting is his work as a TV presenter: "The Hour of Judgment", "The Astakhov Case", as well as numerous legal headings in other programs made him a real television star. Pavel Astakhov made the national legislation understandable and accessible to the general public, increasing the legal literacy of citizens and clarifying many intricate issues of law enforcement practice.

The future famous lawyer was born into an ordinary Moscow family. His father worked in a printing house, and his mother was a teacher. Pavel was connected with the law enforcement environment only through his grandfather, who was a prominent Chekist and worked for a long time with Vyacheslav Menzhinsky

The childhood and adolescence of the future lawyer passed in Zelenograd. He studied well, but after graduating from high school he did not go to college. Instead, the young man went to serve in the border troops. Here, on the border with Finland, Pavel spent 2 years, during which he established himself in the future path of life. After the end of his service, Astakhov decided to remain in law enforcement structures and entered the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR.

Paul recalled the following about that period:

“There [at the KGB school] I immediately liked it. Interesting people around, interesting teachers, interesting subjects. The field itself is interesting. It was a very special department, counterintelligence, everyone called it thieves. For example, the son of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Estonia, the son of the chairman of the KGB of Azerbaijan studied here.”

After graduating in 1991, Pavel began to practice law, but soon decided to continue his studies and in 2000 moved to the United States, to Pittsburgh, where he entered the magistracy of a local university. Subsequently, the lawyer spoke very flatteringly about studying in America, calling the United States "his second homeland."

Since 1991, Pavel Astakhov has been involved as a lawyer in many high-profile lawsuits. In the early 90s, he worked for a short time in Spain, but he gained the greatest popularity in the Russian Federation.

Among his clients were many famous politicians (Luzhkov, Stepashin), as well as Russian show business stars (Kristina Orbakaite, Philip Kirkorov, Arkady Ukupnik, Lada Dance, Soso Pavliashvili and many others).

In 1995, Pavel Astakhov represented the interests of Valentina Solovyova, the infamous creator of the Vlastilina financial pyramid, in court. Five years later, as part of a lawsuit, the lawyer handled the case of another “great schemer” - Vladimir Gusinsky.

In 2004, Pavel Alekseevich made his debut on TV as the host of the Hour of Judgment program, which subsequently gained wide popularity both in Russia and abroad. Thanks to this show, Astakhov became popular outside the legal community. In 2005, the RBC media holding named Astakhov "Person of the Year", noting his contribution "to improving the legal culture of the population." In 2007, the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship awarded him the title of "Russian of the Year". The Hour of Judgment program itself received a number of prestigious awards.

The lawyer interrupted work on it two years later, starting to work on another show - "Three Corners with Pavel Astakhov", which, like "Hour of Judgment", appeared on the air of the Ren-TV channel.

Subsequently, the popular lawyer took part in a number of other projects, among which the most famous were the programs “The Astakhov Case” and “On Juvenile Affairs”. In addition, Pavel Alekseevich worked for some time at City-FM radio, where he hosted a legal program.

In 2007, Astakhov also made his debut as a writer, releasing the novel The Mayor. Subsequently, on the shelves of bookstores in Russia appeared a large number of works of the author of the legal and artistic sense. The special love of readers was received by his novel "Raider", which differs big amount criticism regarding the work of the Main Investigation Department of Russia and the Moscow Police Department. In 2011, this novel was filmed, although earlier it almost cost the lawyer his career.

In the early years of Vladimir Putin's presidency, Astakhov strongly criticized the judicial and law enforcement system of the Russian Federation, noting that the prosecutor's office only "blindly fulfills the wishes of the authorities." But in 2007, unexpected for many, Pavel Alekseevich headed the All-Russian movement “For Putin”. The lawyer and TV presenter substantiated his decision with a number of legal changes in the life of the country and society.

In the last days of December 2009, Pavel Astakhov took the position of Commissioner for Children's Rights. After the expiration of the mandate in 2012, Vladimir Putin extended Astakhov's powers for a 3-year term.

Since 1987, Pavel Astakhov has been the husband of TV producer Svetlana Astakhova. It was she who led the process of creating a number of her husband's programs ("Hour of Judgment", "The Astakhov Case", "Three Corners"). To date, the couple has 3 children - Anton (born in 1988), Artem (born in 1993) and Arseniy (born in 2009).

It should be noted that the personal life of the famous lawyer for a long time was the object of criticism from the Russian and European media, as it often found itself at the epicenter of various scandals. Thus, the fact that the Astakhov family owns prestigious real estate on the southern coast of France was often exaggerated in the media. The youngest son of a lawyer was born in an elite Cannes clinic; Little Arseniy was baptized in the Archangel Michael Church in Cannes.

In addition, reports often appear in the media about expensive parties that Astakhov's eldest sons, who currently hold positions in their father's government apparatus, throw in Nice with a certain frequency.

In early 2013, a French human rights organization insisted on the Astakhov family being banned from entering the country. After that, they decided to move from Nice to Monaco.

In 2012, Anton Astakhov almost ended up behind bars in connection with an accident in the center of the Russian capital. Then, while intoxicated, the son of a famous lawyer collided in his Audi 5th series with a passing car.

Since 2012, Astakhov has presented himself as an ardent opponent of the adoption of Russian orphans and refuseniks by foreigners. So, in December of the same year, the lawyer supported the corresponding bill.

In 2015, Astakhov spoke approvingly of the upcoming wedding of the 57-year-old head of the Chechen police department, Nazhid Guchigov, and the seventeen-year-old Kheda Goylabieva:

“In the Caucasus, emancipation and puberty happen earlier, let's not be hypocrites. There are places where women are already shriveled at twenty-seven, and by our standards they are under fifty. In general, the Constitution does not allow meddling in the personal affairs of citizens.”

In February of the year before last, Astakhov refused to admit a father with many children from the Tyumen region, whose family was threatened with eviction from their home.

On June 30 of the year before last, the press was informed that Pavel Astakhov had resigned from the post of Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights. His departure was primarily due to the incorrect statement of the Ombudsman, uttered at a meeting between Astakhov and a girl who survived the tragedy in the Syamozero camp (“Well, how did you swim?” Astakhov asked).

The information was officially confirmed only in September of the year before last. On September 9, Pavel Astakhov, having returned from vacation, was dismissed from the post of Ombudsman with the wording "of his own free will." After his dismissal, Astakhov and his family moved to Pskov.

It is possible through the website of Pavel Astakhov's Bar Association - In order to become a client of a lawyer or his assistants, you must click on the "Make an appointment" button located in the middle. Fill in the last name, first name, e-mail address and describe the problem in detail.

Before sending a message, you should state the essence of the problem succinctly, meaningfully and competently. It is not necessary to paint all the nuances of the case, you can simply indicate that everything required documents are in hand and will be provided if necessary. After Astakhov receives the letter, if he becomes interested in the case, his press secretary will get in touch and tell him the next steps.

How to write a letter to the Ombudsman for Children Astakhov

After being appointed to a new position, Pavel Alekseevich began to receive complaints about the violation of the rights and freedoms of minor children, against the administrations of orphanages and boarding schools. But the newly minted official is not in a position to consider all appeals received by him and solve them personally. Therefore, all letters are sent to the regional commissioners for children's rights. Of course, Astakhov investigates egregious cases himself.
Some officials, due to the lack of a function to directly contact Astakhov, consider his post as authorized only self-promotion for a lawyer.
To contact the authorized person, you need to go to the website, in the upper right corner, click "Contact". They also remind you that all appeals sent from this page do not go to Pavel Alekseevich, but to the official for the rights of the child of the region from which the appeal was sent.

On the page, you should correctly and correctly fill in all the empty fields, indicate passport data, exact address, phone number. In the text of the appeal, formulate the essence of the complaint in a clear language without unnecessary details. Enter the code from the picture and send.

Pavel Astakhov has an official page in social network Twitter - You can attract the attention of a lawyer with your problem by retweeting his posts or by leaving a comment.

With silence on the part of Astakhov, one should not give up. There are reception rooms of the President of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister, where you can also write a written appeal. Perhaps from there they will give an order to investigate the complaint.
It is also possible to write open letter Commissioner for Children's Rights and publish it in print media or on the Internet. Having given general publicity, there is an option that the Ombudsman himself will take up this problem.


  • Plenipotentiary under the President Russian Federation on the rights of the child
  • Official page P.A. Astakhov on Twitter
  • Bar Association of Pavel Astakhov

Personal meetings

Anyone can use the opportunity to personally meet with Astakhov by visiting the official reception in the city of Moscow, at the address: Staraya Ploschad, 4; or call the special phone number hotline, the number of which is easy to find in the public domain on the Internet. In addition, you can write an e-mail to the lawyer's personal mailbox. [email protected].

virtual acquaintance

To date, Astakhov has two official websites, one of which has the status of a personal one, designed to discuss numerous legal issues of various kinds, the other is associated with a high government position, its main goal is to draw attention to the affairs of minors. and are provided with all contact information and 24-hour hotline telephones where you can leave your applications and get answers to your questions.

media space

Astakhov maintains his own columns on Twitter and Instagram, so if you have enough skill and experience with these information channels, you can easily use these methods of communication with an interesting and useful person

Despite the workload, Astakhov does not refuse to maintain his own information columns on some Internet sites, with the help of which he tries to answer especially interesting questions readers of similar projects.

Pavel Astakhov is the host of many popular TV programs related to family and civil law, his program "The Astakhov Case", broadcast on one of the country's popular TV channels, has long gained wide public popularity. At the end of each meeting, Astakhov tries to leave personal contact details and editorial numbers, by which viewers can contact a well-known human rights activist at any time.