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Waste paper collection campaign “Let's give paper a second life!” Waste paper collection campaign “Let's give paper a second life!” The motto of the action is: "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree!" Goals: 1. Conservation and responsible.

Dear colleagues! Did you know that 125 million trees are cut down annually for the production of paper in the world - this is a whole.

In our kindergarten, an action was held on the topic "Ecological Bird Feeder". In our group, we also had a conversation with children about what is not.

Synopsis of the event to sum up the results of the environmental action "Hand over waste paper - save the tree" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "Swallow" Synopsis of the summarizing event.

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Ecological campaign "Take care of spruces" The purpose of the action: to attract the attention of children, parents, teachers, the population to the problem of forest protection, especially on New Year's days. Tasks: 1.

The environmental action "Protect Primroses" has started. It was held in our kindergarten for the first time, so the action aroused great interest.

Our kindergarten has been giving Special attention problems environmental education preschoolers. In accordance with the FGOS.

Hand over waste paper - save a tree!

Under this motto in kindergarten No. 3 "Firefly" on February 02, 2017. there was an action - collection of waste paper, dedicated to the year of ecology in our country.

The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of teachers, pupils, and their parents to the problem of a careful, prudent attitude to such wealth as a forest, which is an important natural resource in economic activity human, but an even more important resource in the preservation of ecology environment are the lungs of our planet.

The action was preceded big job teachers with children and parents. In the course of the work, the task was solved: to acquaint children with one of the ways to preserve the forest - the collection of waste paper, which everyone, even a preschooler, can do, and put it into practice with the involvement of the parents of the pupils.

The work of teachers with children was aimed at motivating the collection of waste paper. During the organized educational activities conducted in the form of conversations, stories, observations, presentations, experiments and research work children learned about how and where paper comes from, in what areas it is used. Children also learned that a lot of necessary things can be made from recycled materials (waste paper) without cutting wood:

Various types of containers and packaging (cages and cassettes for eggs, various packing lists and gaskets for food packaging, household appliances, furniture and other consumer goods),

- disposable pots for seedlings and seed germination,

- paper towels, napkins, toilet paper,

Most high class waste paper is used to produce excellent office paper, paper for the printing industry, etc.

The action, in which we also added an element of competition (which group will save the most trees?), began earlier than the date of delivery of waste paper was scheduled. Parents and children began to bring waste paper, neatly folded, tied and weighed in advance, because each group wanted to be ahead. The result exceeded all our expectations. We planned to collect about 200 kilograms of waste paper, but we collected 643 kilograms!

Group No. 3 "Romashka" took the first place, having collected 205 kg. waste paper, in second place - group No. 7 "Cornflower" - 121 kg, in third place - group No. 4 "Forget-Me-Not" - 116 kg. Other groups also made their significant contribution. Prizes await the winners!

We are confident that the action carried out marked the beginning of the formation of an ecological culture among our pupils and their parents, and we plan to continue working in this direction. I would like to believe that the new generation will grow up more environmentally literate and separate collection garbage will be the norm of everyday life for him.

The baton of the action "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree!" we transfer to kindergarten No. 4 "Kid".

Firulina K.Z - senior educator, Pavlova T.V. - Deputy Head of Security.

Have you ever wondered how much "unnecessary" paper we throw away just like that? Pay attention to how much paper we throw into the trash can every day: it's not only read newspapers and magazines, but also paper spam that falls into our mailboxes, and store checks, packages and wrappers, as well as medicine boxes and much, much more. Luckily, paper is biodegradable. That is, once in a landfill, it will simply disappear over time without a trace and will not cause any harm to the environment, unlike, for example, batteries.

In the last couple of decades, the inhabitants of not only Russia, but the whole world have been too irrationally disposed of natural resources, and if you do not change your attitude towards nature, then an ecological catastrophe is almost inevitable.


To prevent an undesirable outcome, as well as to save green spaces, there is a campaign in Russia to collect waste paper, which applies to every inhabitant. Its essence is to:

  • convince people to take care of natural materials and resources, including paper;
  • do not throw it in the trash, but carry out regular collection and delivery to the appropriate services;
  • engage in processing and production from recycled materials;
  • reduce tree cutting

Here are some facts about waste paper:

  • 60 kilograms of waste paper is 1 saved tree;
  • each Russian has about 25 kilograms of paper products per year, that is, each average family can save at least one tree per year;
  • waste paper accounts for approximately 40% of all solid waste by weight;
  • The area of ​​forests on the planet is constantly declining, so the lack of trees will become a tangible problem in the very near future.

And if your hand trembled at least once when you sent a pile of papers to the trash can, then you in step from the beginning of a new life in which you will begin to hand over waste paper.

Get a box at home in which you will put all the waste paper: these are not only newspapers, but also glossy magazines, and unnecessary papers, and not the most successful children's drawings, and medicine boxes. Even if this paper is torn, crumpled, has irregular shape- no one will force you to carefully fold it and pull it with a twine, as it was at the pioneer collections of waste paper.

It is necessary to instill in children the right eco-habits from childhood. Tell us what paper is made of and why trees should be protected. After all, we all want us and our children to grow up on a GREEN PLANET.

By collecting waste paper, YOU save trees and clean our city from garbage!

Feel free to join our environmental action!

Together we can improve the environment and make our city cleaner!!!

March 25 at 20-30 on Tverskaya Square in Moscow for the eighth time will be held the annual environmental action "Earth Hour"!

Purpose of the action– to remind people of the need for a careful and responsible attitude towards the environment.

In solidarity with these goals Department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow and project "Paper BOOM" invite educational institutions take part in the charity competition for the collection of waste paper "Paper BOOM-Earth Hour"!

Donate your waste paper and contribute to the conservation of forests as a sign of indifference to the future of our planet! 1 ton of old paper sent for recycling saves up to 17 trees, saves 14,000 liters pure water and 1000 kw/h of electricity.

In addition, the proceeds from the delivery of waste paper as part of the action will be directed to support the WWF program (World wildlife) "Save your forest" (

All participants will receive WWF certificates of appreciation and certificates of the Paper BOOM project.

3 winners will be additionally awarded with valuable eco-prizes. Among the prizes: portable solar battery, visiting environmental games on the topic of resource saving and waste recycling, tree planting certificates, etc.

The awards ceremony will take place on March 25 as part of the official city holiday program dedicated to Earth Hour. Taking into account that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology and specially protected natural areas, all participants of the festive program will have a musical program, contests and prizes.

This year the action will take place not only in Moscow, but also in other cities where the action "Paper BOOM" takes place!

To register and get more detailed information please send to: [email protected] a letter with the subject “Paper BOOM – Earth Hour”, indicate the name in the letter educational institution, contact phone and e-mail, the desired date of delivery of waste paper.

Contacts to receive additional information and registration: 8-910-455-24-30, [email protected], Asadcheva Marina.

With the results of the action "Paper BOOM-Earth Hour" in 2016 you can find it here: site/summed up-of-the-waste-paper-collection-within-the-promotions-of-the-earth-hour

The results of the workWWFunder the Save Your Forest program in 2016:

1. Over the past six months, WWF has concluded 4 new moratorium agreements with timber companies, providing for the voluntary refusal of companies to harvest in intact forest areas (ILTs). As a result, 231 thousand ha of IFLs were excluded from felling. In total, agreements are currently in force that protect more than 2 million hectares of IFL from logging.

2. A buffer zone was created in the Onega Pomorie National Park in the Arkhangelsk Region, and at the same time, the MLT was removed from the felling.

3. Thanks to an active campaign in the press against the new Timber Harvesting Rules, significant changes have been made to them aimed at maintaining the ban on felling cedars, including in the MLT.

4. On December 21, 2016, a protocol was signed between WWF, Greenpeace and the Titan group of companies providing for the consent of these companies to the creation of a large protected area in the Arkhangelsk region, providing for the preservation of the last large massif of IFL in Europe in the interfluve of the river. Dvina and r. Pinega in the Arkhangelsk region.

5. Held a big scientific work on the development and testing of methods for identifying the most valuable IFL sites in Siberia and the Far East, in order to ensure their conservation later.

These results became possible, among other things, thanks to our contribution following the results of the “Paper BOOM-Earth Hour” action!

Today, the problem of the environment in Russia and around the world is particularly acute. And in order to save the planet for future descendants, it is necessary for every person with early age learn to protect nature.
In April of this year, preparatory group under my leadership, an environmental action was launched to collect waste paper "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree!", The purpose of which was to form an active position of children in the field of environmental protection



Ecological action"Hand over the waste paper - save the tree."


1. Conservation and responsible consumption natural resources our planet.

2. Attracting the attention of the younger generation to the need reuse natural resources.

3. Dissemination of information about the importance of the event for the delivery of waste paper for recycling.

4. Involvement of children and parents in a playful, competitive form in the practice of collecting and handing over waste paper.


1. To instill love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.

2. To educate the beginning of the ecological culture of preschoolers.

3. Involve pupils and their parents in active environmental activities.

4. Give children an idea of useful properties forests.

5. Collect and recycle waste paper, save trees from cutting down.

Today, the problem of the environment in Russia and around the world is particularly acute. And in order to save the planet for future descendants, it is necessary for every person to learn to protect nature from an early age.
In April of this year, in the preparatory group, under my leadership, an environmental action was launched to collect waste paper "Hand over waste paper - save the tree!", The purpose of which was to form an active position of children in the field of environmental protection
This choice of topic - the collection of waste paper - is not accidental. Paper is one of the main components of waste in every apartment and, of course, in an office or school. One resident, on average, throws away up to 150 kg of paper per year. And to get 1 ton of paper, about 10 trees and 20,000 liters of water are consumed. Handing over waste paper to recycling, you can not only reduce the size of landfills, but also significantly save natural resources, reduce water pollution.
The action was carried out in the form of competitive competition. With great enthusiasm, the parents of the pupils took part in it, bringing old newspapers, magazines, books, cardboard packaging. Removal, weighing and delivery of waste paper to the collection point for recycling is planned to be carried out in November this year.

Within the framework of the project, many interesting events were held together with all project participants.

Activities with children

1. Practical lesson "Trees on our site", in which the children replenished their knowledge about the trees growing on the territory kindergarten; worked with herbariums, determined from which tree a leaf; competed in teams, answering tasks and quiz questions.

2. As part of direct educational activities, practical classes were held on children's experimentation "Properties of paper and cardboard." In the classroom, the children got acquainted with the history of the appearance of paper, with different types paper and cardboard. In the course of an independent study of the properties of paper and cardboard, the children came to the conclusion that paper and cardboard products require careful handling.

3. Viewing the presentation “Production of paper and cardboard. Waste paper recycling. As a result, children have expanded their knowledge about the process of production and processing of paper from waste paper.

4. Within the framework of direct educational activities, practical lesson"Making paper in a kindergarten."

Activities with parents

1. Children together with their parents took part in a poster contest on the theme "Protect the forest!" and the competition of crafts from waste material "Second Life of Paper and Cardboard". It should be noted the active participation and creativity group families.

3. A collection of waste paper was organized under the slogan "We collect waste paper - we save trees!" ..

Practical work

"Paper has a second life"

Target : Get paper in a kindergarten from used landscape and scribbled notebook sheets.

To get paper at home from paper waste, the following technique was applied.

1. Tear the paper into small pieces (no more than 2x2 cm) and place them in a basin. Pour water into a basin and leave for a while until the paper softens.

2. To break up the paper fibers, mix everything well with a blender until the consistency of slurry.

3. Place a window net on the tray.

4. Put the resulting mass on the grid and level with a spatula.

5. Remove excess moisture with a foam sponge, dry until completely dry.

The first experiment was carried out with old newspapers. The result is gray paper.

To receive you need to colored paper, we add to paper pulp gouache. You can get colored paper from colored paper napkins. When processed, they became much denser. Colored paper received.

Project result

Expansion of preschoolers' ideas about the forest as an interconnected system of living organisms; about the importance and influence of the forest in nature and human life;

Activation of cognitive and research activities children

Interaction of parents and children in creative experimental activity.

As a result of the work done, the children studied the history of the emergence of paper, got acquainted with the technology of paper production at a pulp and paper mill.

Having studied various sources, we tried one of the paper making methods in a kindergarten. Using old albums and scribbled notebook sheets, colored paper napkins, we managed to get paper of different quality, different colors.

Thus, the children got acquainted with the manufacture of paper in a kindergarten.

As a result sociological survey conducted among the parents of our preschool educational institution, it turned out that most families are aware of the need personal contribution for the conservation forest resources and are ready to take an active part in the collection and delivery of waste paper.

We thank all participants of the action for their activity, competitive spirit and sincere desire to make a practical contribution to the conservation of natural resources. Saving resources, we care, first of all, about the future of our planet!