A stress interview is a tough interview in which the employer or his authorized person tries to unbalance a potential employee, candidate, put him in a situation in which he is guaranteed to feel uncomfortable. It also uses some question or action for which the candidate will not be ready.

There is an opinion among employers that this type of interview should be used when interviewing a potential employee who, in the course of work, will certainly have to deal with various stressful situations. This method of interviewing allows you to see the real qualities of the candidate, and not the image that he hides behind.

The features of the extreme interview questions are a fairly accurate test for stress tolerance, a correct assessment of behavior in a stressful situation, as well as a determination of resistance to defiant behavior.

Target audience and what should be remembered?

Most often, such an interview is conducted for the following groups of people:

  • employees of banks, sales areas, customer service departments;
  • insurance agents, creditors;
  • psychologists;
  • public relations specialists, TV presenters, journalists;
  • office managers.

There are a lot of different approaches to conducting a stress interview, however, you should stop looking at the most commonly used ones.

stress interview begins long before the candidate sees the employer or a person authorized by him. It's no secret that many companies, when hiring, artificially create long queues in the corridors and deliberately make you wait in the hope of pissing off the job seeker. It is not uncommon for there to be fewer sofas or chairs in the corridor than the number of people in line.

You can ask the always kindest secretary to forbid people in line to use the cooler, leaf through magazines on the coffee table, occasionally cast glances full of undisguised anger, and answer all questions through gritted teeth.

How to test stress resistance in an interview?

The next step is the interview itself. Is it worth saying that Is it possible to artificially create the necessary atmosphere in the office? In summer, you can completely close all the windows and turn off the air conditioner, and in winter, on the contrary, open the windows wide open, moreover, more than one. The cigarette smoke test works well - it becomes difficult to breathe in a smoky room and it becomes more difficult for potential employees to answer your questions. tricky questions. The following are the main methods used in stress interviews.

Way "unequal forces". Do potential employers enter the office one at a time? Excellent. But who said that the interviewer also has to be alone? The method of "unequal forces" implies several questioning people awkwardly positioned in relation to the candidate. Two people should be located on the sides, and one will certainly be behind. This method is an excellent test of equanimity. Does the person spin around even when he is not asked questions? It definitely doesn't suit you.

long call colleagues, partners, family. During the conversation itself, discussing previous jobs, wages and best qualities candidate, you can afford to call and drag out the conversation for a good 20-30 minutes. At the same time, you can get up from your seat, start walking around the room, or even better, stand behind the interviewee and start pacing back and forth.

If the employer does not get into his pocket for a word, and the classics of the genre

Stress interview questions are usually scandalous. They should be used only in very rare cases, when a potential employee must be, well, very resistant to the most different situations right up to the meteorite falling into the office. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with an example of topics for a stress interview:

Candidate's weaknesses and those that are visible to the naked eye. Subject to a sense of tact (or lack of it), one can ridicule shortcomings not only in professional qualities ah, but also in appearance and clothing style. For example, if there is at least one unironed cuff on a shirt, you can squint to ask if irons have been banned in the country for an hour.

Reasons for dismissal from previous jobs.

Personal life job seeker. You should focus on such moments that have absolutely no connection with the place of work. Amount of children? Great, you can ask why the applicant had to have so many children. Was there a second marriage? Even better, this is an occasion to delve into the reasons for breaking up with the first partner.

Typical stressful questions should also not be put off until later. It would be good to ask the following questions:

  1. What a potential employer is able to offer the company in which he is going to get a job, is it worth hiring him and why.
  2. What situations are most pronounced positive traits candidate.
  3. What wage this person deserves and why he believes that this salary is suitable for him.
  4. How long will it take the candidate to make a tangible contribution to the development of the company.
  5. What would the applicant answer to the employer if his answers to the questions were recognized as “insipid” and of no interest.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the correct behavior of a potential employee is politeness, even if gloomy. If courtesy has left the interviewee, a good reason to leave his resume in the trash can. The choice of stress interview methods should come from the degree of tension of the position. The higher the degree, the more interview stages should be involved.

How to conduct a stress interview? This is what the video is about.

Imagine that you come to an interview, you are asked the usual questions, and then suddenly, for no reason at all: “Tell me, how often do you fall in love?”. Do not rush to slap the recruiter or run out of the office. Most likely, you just got into a stressful interview.

What form does this interview take?

At a stressful interview with candidates for a position, they communicate sharply, harshly, often impolitely. They ask unexpected, strange, personal questions, simulate awkward situations. Can cause physical inconvenience: not offered to sit down or seated so that the light hit the face, support too high or too low temperature indoors, smoke. Often they communicate with the applicant on “you”. Sometimes they are forced to wait a long time for an interview in an empty corridor without benches. The recruiter may offer to fill out many questionnaires; sometimes applicants answer questions for several hours.

The interview may include elements of a stressful interview: unexpected questions, sudden appearance of third parties.

Why is this needed?

With the help of a stress interview, the following business qualities of applicants are checked:

  • speed reaction;
  • the ability to solve several problems simultaneously;
  • stress tolerance;
  • the ability to concentrate in any situation;
  • the ability to competently behave in a conflict situation;
  • desire to defend their interests;
  • loyalty to the future employer.

Such interviews are conducted when they want to select candidates for the positions of managers, top managers, sales agents, realtors, journalists and all those whose working day is spent in a stressful environment. If you are applying for a volatile position, be prepared to go through an unusual interview when applying for a job.

It will be better if you begin to perceive what is happening as a kind of game. The recruiter does not want to offend and offend you, he does not doubt your professionalism. The goal of the interviewer is to put you in an awkward situation that is as close as possible to the working days in your future position. Your task is to show that you perfectly meet all the requirements of the company.

Remember that not only you are being checked, but you are also looking at a future employer. During the interview, you will be able to assess how much you need the vacancy and position for which you are applying.

How to understand that the interview is conducted correctly?

A stressful interview is a very delicate process, one wrong action of a recruiter during an interview can cause psychological trauma to a candidate. The script must be very precise. This technique should be applied in extreme cases when other methods do not give the desired result. Employees with a psychological education who practice manipulative techniques can competently conduct interviews. Companies whose HR specialists do not have the necessary qualifications sometimes even invite recruiters from outside.

Unfortunately, among the staff members sometimes come across non-professionals who use interviews as an opportunity to mock applicants. Or people pursue the right ends but choose the wrong means. The following signs will help distinguish a professional from an illiterate recruiter:

  • A professional will never negatively evaluate the appearance of the interlocutor: “Well, you are fat!”. At most, he can afford the question: “Could you lose weight if your position requires it?”.
  • He will not use direct physical impact: only inexperienced HRs throw crumpled papers in the face and splash water from a glass.
  • A professional always ends the interview: he necessarily explains why this test was necessary, notes the positive aspects of the applicant, and warmly says goodbye. Without removing the candidate from a state of stress, the recruiter risks inflicting psychological trauma on him.

If you understand that an amateur is interviewing you, you have three ways:

  • interrupt the recruiter with the phrase: “I think this is where our conversation can end,” and leave;
  • reach the end of the interview, draw conclusions about the employer and look for another place;
  • go through all the tests and get this position if it really suits you.

How to behave in an interview?

If you notice signs of a stressful interview, tune in to a positive perception of what is happening and try to enjoy this “game”. Be mindful of the recruiter's goals. He is trying to piss you off - don't let him do it! Try to keep calm and equanimity, communicate politely, listen carefully to questions. If the interviewer notices that you are angry, making excuses, lying, confused, unable to concentrate, a stressful interview will fail.

Act out of self-esteem. Remember that the test is not for fun; The interviewer evaluates how you will behave in a difficult work situation. You can calmly answer questions about your personal life: “I don’t understand what this has to do with the topic under discussion,” and then offer to continue the interview. Behave appropriately for the position you are applying for. If the sales manager can wait until the interview begins, then the manager is more appropriate to apologize after a while: “Unfortunately, I don’t have time to wait now.” Usually, personnel officers immediately call back with a proposal to reschedule the meeting to a more convenient time.

Use a sense of humor depending on the situation. For example, to the question of why you were fired, you can answer: "Because I'm the only one in the workplace who thought about the company and its prosperity."

Don't tolerate physical discomfort. Ask to replace a chair if yours is broken, move a lamp that shines directly into your eyes, close the window. If you are not offered a chair, be sure to ask: "Where can I sit?".

Stop outright rudeness. If someone throws a pen at you or splashes water from a glass in your face, get up and leave, having previously said: “I think further dialogue is impossible.”

Remember that you can always end the interview. Prepare a stop phrase, for example: “I propose to finish the interview, this job is not suitable for me.” After saying it, say goodbye to the recruiter and leave.

When an interview is conducted by an unqualified employee, candidates often have a desire to "revenge" the company that subjected them to this test. Try not to turn to insults and physical violence, remember your business reputation. An attempt to apply to the court to receive compensation for non-pecuniary damage under article 151 Civil Code RF, it makes sense only if the interview was held with witnesses or there is a video recording. If there is no evidence, you will only waste your time and nerves.

There is no unequivocal opinion among personnel employees whether a stress interview is necessary. Most tend to believe that this type of interview is intended for a narrow range of positions and should be conducted by specialists in the field of social action psychology. However, given the "fashion" for this species tests when applying for a job, mastering the basic skills of participating in a stressful interview will be useful for every job seeker.

Recruitment in modern society occurs not only after an assessment of professional qualities and work experience. It is important to realistically assess the character and business abilities of a person. In order to remove from him the mask in which he can come to any interview, it is necessary to introduce the respondent into a state of stress.

A stressful situation will help to fully reveal the personality of the candidate and correctly assess his capabilities.

What is a stress interview

Stress interview or conflict interview is used to take the candidate out of peace of mind, to make him feel "out of his element." Such an interview is used to reveal the true face of the client.

You yourself understand that a well-written resume and an excellent ability to present your professional qualities can be simply prepared and clearly learned. The candidate is not visible. And there are many professions where strong nerves and the ability to find a way out in a stressful situation are the most important qualities.

Previously, such specialists included people working in intelligence, military structures, as well as firefighters and the police. Now such requirements can be presented to both managers and call center specialists, as well as many other specialists in quite peaceful professions.

Psychologists distinguish four types of people's attitude to stress:

  1. Stress resistant. These people are not able to change under the influence external conditions. In a stressful situation, such persons are irritated, nervous and out of balance.
  2. Stress trained. This type can adapt to the situation, but this should not happen quickly, gradually and as less noticeably as possible.
  3. Stress inhibitory. They respond well to quick and one-time stress. Such people are able to change jobs abruptly and can usually show up with a one-time outbreak of problems. If the stress drags on and proceeds slowly, then the stress-inhibitory character is gradually lost.
  4. Stress resistant. They are able to survive any conflict, in any manifestation. For them, the stress is the stability and predetermination of everything that happens.

As a result, it is thanks to the correct conduct of conflict interviews that it is possible to identify which group the candidate belongs to and whether he will be able to work productively in a nervous job, with burning schedules and nervous clients.

If you are going to get a job in a large trading company, and also become a director or auditor, then before you go for an interview. remember that you can set traps for stress interviews.

Questions for stress interviews are prepared by specialists from the personnel department, psychologists, as well as directly by managers. How to conduct a stress interview, the interviewer decides, already looking at the applicant. There are no standards for this procedure.

For proper preparation, attitude is important. You must understand that your interview may take place on the stairs, and not in the office. You may be asked a very unpleasant, even offensive question. A survey can be conducted by several people at once. All this should be taken as the norm.

The main thing is not to start being rude in response to rudeness, and also to maintain the necessary distance. Just control yourself and evaluate the employer too. Perhaps you will change your mind about joining this company.

What questions to ask

Stress interview questions are not standard yet. Every company has a different list of questions. Most often, provocative moments prevail in such an interview. For example: “Are you sure that you deserve such a salary?” They may also ask about deeply personal things, such as whether your husband drinks or how your child is doing.

Sometimes questions can be completely shameless, but it is important for the interlocutor to understand that he has the right not to answer if this does not concern his professional qualities. The main thing is that the refusal to answer the question should be as firm as possible, but not rude, but within the limits of business ethics. At the same time, you can not show your emotionality and irritation.

How to make the interlocutor experience stress

Interview methods for conflict interview are, for the most part, known. Case interview stress is most often accompanied by the following situations:

  1. Late. Used to bring the applicant out of a calm state. Moreover, you can wait at the reception for more than one hour to be invited. At the same time, even the cleaning lady and the secretary do not pay attention to you, as if you were furniture.
  2. Silence and pauses. The interviewer often falls silent, pauses, looks at some documents for a long time. Questions to the interlocutor are short, there are no emotions. It seems that the leader has already decided everything, and the candidate is not interesting to him. In this case ideal solution will take matters into their own hands.
  3. Monologue. This situation is the opposite of the previous one. You are not allowed to say anything, the interviewer himself constantly speaks, asks questions himself and answers them himself. The task of the interlocutor in such a monologue is not to get confused, but to be able, without interrupting, to tell what he came for.
  4. A large number of interviewers. Stress interviews when applying for a job can be conducted by several people at once. And everyone is configured differently. Some will smile and react positively to you, while others will look down on you. And everyone needs to find a common language.

Of course, there are situations that are specific to each individual company. But, in any case, it is important to quickly find a way out of critical situation, do not respond to provocative questions, learn. Then a place in the coveted company is guaranteed to you.

How to determine who successfully passed the interview

It is important to understand that the stress interview is conducted without the consent of the applicant.

Most large companies, after passing the interview, you will be informed that you have been subjected to this type of interview. Also, in most cases, the stress of an interview does not take up the entire interview time, but only a small part of it.

A very large number of applicants are eliminated, since many people are not ready for stressful situations. A positive candidate who passed the interview can be considered a person who found a way out of all situations, was able to manage the conversation, while not violating business ethics, and was not at a loss and did not lose his mood to work in this company.

Stress before an interview can also affect, like any excitement. But if the job involves a high degree stress resistance, then you have to pull yourself together.


The modern employer is very much interested in employees who can work at a high pace, not paying attention to stress, and finding a way out of any situation. There are very few such people, and it is difficult to identify these qualities.

Conflict interviews, which may question your success as a professional or ask why you are not married, are a great tool for finding those who can cope with any difficulties.

You must be mentally prepared for anything. No event during the interview can surprise or unsettle you if you are mentally prepared. You may be invited to a restaurant instead of an office, made a victim of an attack by future colleagues or employers. They can shout at you, insult you, they can arrange an unpleasant scene in front of you. If you are not ready for this, it will be difficult to respond correctly.

Have a good day before the interview so that nothing angers or annoys you. The less negativity you have in your soul, the better. By the beginning of the interview, try to be patient and turn on the mode of maximum endurance and composure. Do not let any words or actions of the interlocutor annoy you or even just offend you. If he is late for half an hour or even an hour, pretend that you already had a great time at the office. Do not give in to provocations. React calmly to offensive questions. For example, if you are asked if you think what to choose this profession was the most stupid thing for you to do, answer that you don’t think so and at the same time ask the interlocutor what profession he would advise you in this case.

Remember that in a stressful interview you can’t do three things: show your fear and insecurity, remain silent, and act defiantly in response to rudeness. Imagine that in front of you is not a recruiter, but a client that you cannot miss. Treat the interlocutor from this point of view, and it will be easier for you to communicate with him. Another option is to play along with the recruiter, trying to enjoy it.

How to respond to different techniques during an interview

Each company has its own methods of conducting stress interviews, so there is no universal option for passing such tests. However, some techniques and ways of responding to them can be learned to make it easier to improvise.

If the recruiter didn't invite you to the office, but suddenly came up to you in the hallway and immediately began the interview, behave naturally. Imagine that you are talking with a neighbor on the porch, whom you respect very much. If they start asking you strange questions from the category “why are sewer manholes made round”, and you don’t know the right answer, look for another one and justify it logically. The recruiter will appreciate your resourcefulness. Finally, if you are invited to a cafe or restaurant, do not order food and alcohol - it is better to take just a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

A stress interview, or job interview, is a difficult test for job seekers. During it, a representative of the personnel department or other authorized person tries to bring a potential employee out of balance. Stress interviews often practice a way of putting the applicant in situations in which he is guaranteed to feel awkward.

AT last years this type of test for applicants is gaining all great popularity. Abroad, such interviews have been held for a long time, and in Russia they appeared relatively recently.

HR professionals have an ambiguous view of stress testing. Someone believes that they really allow you to know the weak and strengths candidate. Others, on the contrary, believe that such an interview is disrespectful to candidates for the position.

The purpose of the stress interview

Why is such an interview necessary? Among the heads of organizations there is an opinion that such a test should be subjected to those candidates who are guaranteed to face stressful situations during work. Many candidates behave unnaturally during regular interviews. A shock interview allows you to reveal the true qualities of an applicant for a job.

What a stress interview reveals:

The target audience

Of course, everywhere with official employment stressful interviews are not carried out. However, there are a number of positions for which this type of test is one of the most important.

The most commonly tested are:

  • psychologists;
  • office managers;
  • lenders and insurance agents;
  • call center employees;
  • secretaries;
  • employees of banks, sales areas;
  • journalists;
  • TV presenters;
  • public relations specialists.

Often, candidates are interviewed in this way, whose future activities are related to leadership positions. However, even if bank employees are on the list of those who are most often subjected to such interviews, this does not mean at all that stress testing takes place in every bank. To carry out the procedure or not, the management of a particular organization decides on its own.

What to expect from the interview?

There are situations that employers practice often enough to test a candidate's readiness for a position.

  1. Delayed start of the interview. Employers consider this the most effective test of a candidate's readiness for the job. Therefore, do not be surprised if the conversation is delayed for more than 15 minutes. The leader may stay for a longer period, for example, for half an hour. At this time, the applicant should think: does he need a job that does not value the personal time of employees?
  2. Prolonged silence. During the conversation, the employer may ask awkward questions, after which an uncomfortable pause will hang in the air. He can also pretend that he is bored with talking with the applicant, and speak only monosyllabic phrases. Such a test makes it clear to what extent the candidate is able to maintain a conversation and correctly close pauses. In this situation, HR specialists advise the candidate not to be embarrassed, but to talk about their skills and positive experience. Gradually, it is necessary to bring the conversation in the right direction and at the same time be friendly towards the interlocutor.
  3. Extraneous interference. Often, when applying for a job, the employer deliberately arranges interference, now and then interrupting the interview. For example, as soon as the dialogue begins, strangers will enter the office with urgent questions, and then the manager’s phone will “unexpectedly” ring. He can answer the call, and then have a conversation with the applicant, buried in a laptop. This situation allows you to understand how the applicant is able to maintain negotiations with the customer, even when the latter is constantly distracted. In addition, the test shows the candidate's reaction to the manifestation of disrespect towards him.
  4. Endless survey. The applicant is given to fill out a questionnaire, which cannot be dealt with the first time. Usually, the manager asks the candidate to rewrite the questionnaire several times. The reasons for this are far-fetched - sloppy handwriting, mistakes or other trifles. This is how the candidate’s readiness to perform routine work is checked.
  5. Depriving the candidate of the opportunity to insert a word into the conversation. In this situation, the person conducting the interview leads a long monologue and accompanies it with inappropriate remarks, without allowing the interlocutor to answer. For example: "Well, again you can't tell me anything." This test shows how prepared a candidate is for a conversation with difficult clients. At the same time, HR-specialists recommend waiting for a pause in the manager’s monologue and benevolently, confidently answering the questions asked.
  6. Provocative questions, as well as questions about personal life. The manager may ask inappropriate questions, such as “You are already over 30, why haven’t you got married yet?”. He can also openly tell the applicant that he talks about himself too boringly. Of course, many people react painfully to questions about their personal lives, and this is natural. But do not succumb to provocation and allow yourself to be humiliated. Even business ethics disapproves of invasions of privacy. With such questions, the employer wants to provoke a conflict. There is no clear recommendation on how to behave in this case. Each applicant must decide for himself how to answer uncomfortable questions about his personal life. You can not answer at all, but you can say that family life does not affect the performance of work duties. You can also assure the manager that personal life will remain outside the office. If the person conducting the interview makes statements about professional qualities, you should answer confidently and calmly.
  7. Questions about disadvantages. Often the manager tries to find weak sides candidate and put pressure on them. For example, asking why a former employer was dissatisfied with the work of an employee. Your weaknesses can be disguised as strengths. This test is a test of the candidate's self-esteem and his ability to present himself.
  8. "Glass of water". This measure is shock and is used extremely rarely. During it, the applicant can pour a glass of water on his clothes. The response to such a display of disrespect can vary. People unprepared for this situation can react painfully to the attacks of a recruit. A balance needs to be found between response and negative impact. In this case, the applicant is advised to show his dissatisfaction and seek an apology from the guilty person. The main thing in such a situation is not to sit silently. Candidates who successfully pass this test perform well in the eyes of management.

Sample Questions

The main place in such an interview is occupied by questions on stress resistance. Therefore, in order to “not fall into a stupor” at an interview, it is better to prepare for them in advance. The key to successfully ending the conversation will be an adequate and restrained reaction to the provocation.

Sample questions:

  1. Why should we take you and not Ivan Sidorov (another candidate)?
  2. Why are you better than other job applicants?
  3. What is your reaction to psychological pressure?
  4. Give an example of a time when your work was criticized.
  5. How quickly can we expect results from your work?
  6. What salary do you value your skills as a specialist?
  7. How well can you do your job?

Other questions may be asked. They can relate to both professional skills and the personal sphere. The questions show how well the candidate was able to overcome the stress of the interview.

It is not necessary during the answers to greatly embellish reality. The answers depend on the candidate, but it is better to prepare for them in advance. After a stressful interview, the recruit must communicate the results of stress tests to the candidate.

How to successfully overcome an interview?

As a general recommendation, candidates for vacant positions can be advised to complete puzzles against the clock. They will help develop skills for solving non-standard problems and finding answers to questions within a short period of time. You can also read literature on self-improvement and self-control. Self-development trainings are also useful in this situation.

The key to a successful interview is confidence and professionalism. It is important to respond appropriately to different difficult situations and exit them politely and delicately.

It is also worth knowing that the interviewer does not aim to humiliate and insult the interlocutor, as well as learn about his personal life. He simply conducts a test for the level of self-control, which can be terminated at any time, both at the initiative of the employer and at the request of the applicant.