The world.

Subject: What are the animals .

Goals: expand students' understanding of animals.


    generalize children's knowledge about groups of animals: insects, fish, birds, animals;

    consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of animals different groups;

    introduce the groups: amphibians and reptiles, with the main differences between the animals of these groups;

    develop the ability to work independently with a textbook, find basic information;

    educate interest in the life of animals, respect for nature.

Planned results(subject): learn to classify animals according to hallmarks, extract the necessary information from the textbook and other sources, systematize it (semantic reading); work in pairs, in a group; work with tables

students are aware of the need for respect for animals; learn to give examples of animals of different groups;

Universal learning activities(metasubject):

Regulatory: be able to independently plan and carry out their actions on a familiar educational material, evaluate the correctness of the actions; be able to evaluate the result of their work in the classroom.

Communicative: be able to convey their position to others, be able to reason and analyze; work in a group.

Cognitive: search necessary information to perform educational tasks, use sign-symbolic means (schemes), be able to analyze objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features.

Personal: show cognitive interest, purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the goal, jointly agree on the rules of communication in the group.

Equipment: textbook and workbook for grade 2 "The world around" A.A. Pleshakov, cards for individual work.

Routing lesson.

Teacher activity

Student activities

    Motivation to learning activities (inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level)

1. Checking readiness for the lesson (textbook, notebook, colored pencils, cards).

I see you are serious about the lesson. Well done! To make our lesson work, I invite everyone to open their hands and say our magic phrase “I want to know a lot!”

2. On the board of the anagram GUSHKAL KOLSO RASK


Decipher the words. (frog, falcon, crucian carp, dragonfly, fox, turtle). What do all these words have in common?

Name the topic of our lesson (animals)

What will be our goal?

3. I suggest you answer the questions.

"Do you believe?"

On each desk there is a piece of paper on which the numbers from 1 to 7 are written on the tablet. I will read the questions beginning with the words “Do you believe that ...”. If you need, you can discuss the answers with a neighbor and put a "+" sign if you believe, or a "-" sign. if you don't believe.


3 ... in fish, the body is covered with scales.

Set aside your leaves. We will return to them after studying new material.

    children do the exercise

make up the words

name the topic of the lesson. (animals)

learn to classify animals according to their characteristics

Answer questions by completing the table

    Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial educational action(repetition of the studied material necessary for the "discovery of new knowledge", and the identification of difficulties in the individual activity of each student)

    Last year we got acquainted with several groups of animals. List them. (insects, fish, birds, animals)

    Give examples for each group of animals. (because further filling the table)

    Take a sheet - on it is your task “What is superfluous?” (groups of animals are written on the sheets, choose an extra animal, explain why they made such a choice.)

    What names do you think are superfluous? Why?

Give examples of animals for each group.

Choose an extra word, explain your choice (work in pairs).

They answer the questions asked.

    staging learning task . (discussion of difficulty)

1. - What animals could you not attribute to groups known to you? Attach two arrows.

What caused you difficulty?

2. How can I know?

There are other groups of animals that we do not know.

After reading in a textbook, ask an adult, look online.

    Discovery of new knowledge (building a project to get out of a difficulty, filling in a table.)

    I suggest you work with the tutorial. p.61 and complete the worksheet






Animal examples

Frog, toad

Snake, lizard, turtles, crocodiles

Let's check how you filled out the table. (Verification according to the sample). Compare your tables with the sample, if everything is correct, put +.

Why were they named like that? State your guess.

What difficulties did you encounter in completing the table?

    To answer these questions, I suggest you additional material. Your task is to read the text, answer questions to your text, they need to be written down.

Read the text.

The task is performed by a group. ?

The fact that there are 2 more groups of animals - amphibians and reptiles

We do not know, there is no information in the textbook.

It is not clear the number of legs in amphibians and reptiles and the skin

Reading and answering questions in writing



Stomp, bear,(stomp feet)

Clap, bear.(clap hands)

Squat with me brother(squat)

Paws up, forward and down(hand movements)

Smile and sit down.

5. Primary consolidation (pronunciation of new knowledge).

    Tell what you have learned.

2-Data from your texts can fill the table to the end? We fill.

3. Let's go back to our scheme. How will she change? (On the desk)

Guys, please look at the blackboard. Say what we need to add to our schema.

Presentation of information about amphibians and reptiles.

Complete the table.

Amphibians and reptiles

6. Fixing.

1 . At the bottom where it's quiet and dark

A mustachioed log lies. (Catfish) - fish

2. Housewife

Flew over the lawn

Pat over a flower

And share honey. (bee) - insects

3. The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear) - animals

4. Knocking all the time, hollowing trees

But they are not crippled, but only healed. (Woodpecker) - birds

5. A log floats along the river

Oh, and it's wicked!

For those who fell into the river

Nose bite off………. (Crocodile) - reptiles

6. We are green like grass

Our song: "Kva-kva" (Frogs) - amphibians.

7. The rope is twisted,

Head at the end. (Snake) - reptiles

8. Reeds grow by the river,

The baby lives in the reeds.

He has green skin

And with a green face. (Frog) - amphibian

7.Inclusion of new knowledge in the system of knowledge and repetitions.

1. Conversation

What benefits do animals bring to humans?

What conclusion can be drawn from this?

What professions work with animals?

    You have done well in all tasks. And now it's time to return to our leaflets with which you worked at the beginning of the lesson and answer the same questions again. Let's check if we were wrong in our assumptions. I read the questions again. In the second line you put the desired sign.


1…animals can be conditionally divided into 4 groups.

2…insects are animals that have 6 legs.

3 ... in fish, the body is covered with scales.

4…birds are animals covered with feathers..

5… animals feed their young with milk.

6 ... animals have a body covered with hair.

7 ... there are animals that are good both in water and on land.

8. …. there are animals that do without legs.

    Have your answers to some questions changed?

So you have gained new knowledge.

(give food, clothes, protect from enemies, eat harmful insects, rodents, help in the household, etc.)

(animals must be protected).

Veterinarian, trainer, cynologist

Complete table 1.

8. Reflection.

    What did they talk about in class?

    What groups were all animals divided into?

    What new did you learn?

    What task caused the problem?

    There are a huge number of animals and plants on earth. To preserve this priceless wealth, we must treat everything very carefully.

Daria and Ksenia will read poetry to us.

1. Birds, fish, animals look into the souls of people!

You have pity on us people, do not kill in vain!

After all, a sky without birds is not a sky!

A sea without fish is not a sea!

And land without animals is not land!

2. People are giants, people are giants,

Do you have rifles, nets and traps

Do you have fearlessness, there is strength forever

And there must be a heart, a human heart.

    You know that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. What does ecology mean? We can take part in the action.

Who has green signs?

Who has yellow?

Who has red?

Homework: a message about an amphibian or reptile

Worksheet #1

Exercise 1.

At the beginning of the lesson I...

At the end of the lesson I...








Task 2.






Animal examples

Worksheet #2.

Origin of amphibians.

In the word "amphibian" - two roots "earth" and "water". These two roots indicate that the animal lives both on land and in water. This amazing creatures! They can live in water and on land, they can sleep for six months and still not eat or drink anything. Amphibians evolved from fish. Once upon a time, their ancestors crawled ashore. From the fins they developed four legs with webbed toes, and from the air bladder they developed lungs. But they didn't leave the water at all. IN early age Most amphibians live in water and breathe through gills like fish. Growing up, the animal loses its gills and begins to breathe with lungs, like all land animals. Amphibians deftly swim, dive, spawn in the water. But just as confidently they jump, crawl along the ground, hunting for worms, flies and larvae.

What is the body of amphibians covered with?

Their skin is thin and moist. Periodically, it must be moistened with water. If the frog is kept in a dry place for a long time, it may die. We often see frogs and toads. And these are quite mysterious animals. In winter, they sleep naked under ice and snow. They can breathe through the skin. They can even drink, if necessary, with their skin without opening their mouths! Their bulging eyes see everything in front and behind at the same time. But they only see what moves.

    What do amphibians eat? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name the representatives of amphibians. _________________________________________________________________

Worksheet #2

Reptiles or reptiles.

Turtles, lizards, crocodiles, snakes are reptiles. They are called so because they all crawl, that is, they crawl. Reptiles live on land, in water and underground. Reptiles are also called reptiles. Reptiles lay eggs like birds, but do not incubate and feed their young. Reptiles feed on fish, grass, algae, mice, frogs, and insects. The skin of reptiles is covered with horny scales and dry to the touch.

    We learned that these animals are called so because ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What do reptiles eat? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name the reptiles. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who is extra?

    perch, ruff, grasshopper, crucian carp, snake;
    2. fly, ladybug, bear, beetle, crocodile;
    3. tiger, fox, goose, wolf, frog;
    4. swallow, crossbill, pike, tit, toad.

Who is extra?

    perch, ruff, grasshopper, crucian carp, snake;
    2. fly, ladybug, bear, beetle, crocodile;
    3. tiger, fox, goose, wolf, frog;
    4. swallow, crossbill, pike, tit, toad.

Who is extra?

    perch, ruff, grasshopper, crucian carp, snake;
    2. fly, ladybug, bear, beetle, crocodile;
    3. tiger, fox, goose, wolf, frog;
    4. swallow, crossbill, pike, tit, toad.

Who is extra?

    perch, ruff, grasshopper, crucian carp, snake;
    2. fly, ladybug, bear, beetle, crocodile;
    3. tiger, fox, goose, wolf, frog;
    4. swallow, crossbill, pike, tit, toad.

Goals: introduce children to groups of animals, teach them to combine homogeneous objects into groups according to essential features, develop curiosity, interest in reading additional literature about animals, generalize knowledge about animals, teach children to work together in a team.

Equipment: computers, tape recorder, video projector, presentation for the lesson, tests.

1. Organizational moment.

The lesson starts
He will go to the guys for the future.
Try to understand everything
Good to remember.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson.

The topic of today's lesson: "What are animals?"(1slide)

We will continue to explore the world around us. But before we get to know new topic Let's check our homework.

3. Checking homework.

The house is open on all sides
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house
You will see miracles in it.

What is this riddle about?(forest) (2slide)

What are the three layers of the forest? (trees, shrubs, herbs)

Give examples of trees, shrubs, herbs? (6-8 answers)

Why is the forest called the "lungs" of the planet? (the forest is a factory for the release of oxygen, it is necessary for the life of all living things)

How should forests be protected? (do not burn fires, plant new trees, do not cut down).

I have prepared riddles for you. Guess them and say which tier each plant belongs to: trees, shrubs, herbs?(3rd slide).

In the forest in the meadow
Worth curly Vanya
In a green coat.
The rich man is small
And give nuts.(hazel)

What tier does hazel belong to?

Just touch -
Retract your hand:
Burning the grass
Like fire.(nettle)

Nettle, what tier does it belong to?

Sisters are standing in the field:
yellow eye,
white eyelashes. (chamomile)

What about daisies?

Next riddle.

In the summer I'm glad I'm fresh
And dried in stock
It heals us from colds.(raspberry) (slide)

What tier does the raspberry belong to?

I got out of the crumb-barrel,
Roots started up and grew,
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.(oak) (slide)

What tier does the oak belong to?

Russian beauty
Standing in the meadow
In a green sweatshirt
In a white dress.(birch) (slide)

Guys, what can you tell interesting things about these plants?

Children's answers.

Nettle - useful plant. From it you can cook magnificent cabbage soup and many other dishes. There are more vitamins in young nettles than in black currants.

Birch - This is a tree up to 30 meters high, with white smooth bark. Life expectancy up to 120 years. Beautiful boxes and bags were woven from birch bark. In ancient times they wrote on birch bark.

Oak - deciduous tree, up to 50 meters high, with a powerful branched root, reaching an age of 1000 years, and sometimes more. Oak is afraid of frost. Young leaves and stems are killed by frost in spring. To protect yourself from this misfortune, the oak begins to turn green late.

Hazel otherwise called hazel. The shape of the leaves gave rise to the Russian name - like the body of a bream fish. This shrub lives up to 90 years.

IN Ancient Rome and Greece, hazel was considered sacred and they believed that a branch of a bush could indicate where treasures were buried, put out a fire, and stop the flood. Walnut was considered a symbol of life and immortality.

Well done boys!

Introduction to new material.

In the forest, we can see not only plants, but also animals.

What animals do you know?

Look at the slide.(4 slide) Name the animals you see?

Let's group these animals together.

Bear, deer, fox, hare. Which group do they belong to? (animals)

What distinguishes animals from all other animals? (4 legs, wool)

(5 slide) - In fairy tales, we often meet a fox, and everywhere she is cunning and quick-witted. Is this so, he will tell (student answer).

We get acquainted with the fox in childhood through fairy tales, fables, proverbs. And everywhere the fox is depicted as unusually smart and cunning, able to lead everyone, especially the wolf, and get out safely from any danger. But as people studied the life and customs of the fox, it turned out that the real fox bears very little resemblance to the heroine of fairy tales. In nature, the fox has only one serious enemy - the wolf, with which it cannot fight. She is far from being as cautious as, for example, a wolf, she easily goes into traps set by a person and takes poisoned bait, so it is not very difficult to catch her.

But she can't be denied her intelligence either.

The life expectancy of foxes in captivity is 20-25 years, less in nature. Exterminating in huge number mice, voles and hamsters, the fox saves our fields from the most dangerous pests.

Well done!

In the next group, select(6 slide).

Bream, pike, clown fish and parrot fish.

What group do they belong to? (fish)

Where do they live? (river, lake, sea, etc.)

Where do you think the bream lives? Pike? Clown fish? Parrot fish?

What other fish do you know?

How are fish different from other animals? (scales, fins, no legs).

A student will tell us about fish:

There are no fish! Thin and long, like a whip, round like balls, tiny as an ant, and huge - bigger than an elephant.

Fish scales grow throughout life, growing in ringlets. In summer, the fish grows rapidly - the ring on the scales is wide, and in winter it almost does not grow - and the ring turns out to be narrow. By rings, wide and narrow, you can count how many winters and how many years the fish.

Well done!

What group do these animals belong to?(7 slide) (birds)

Name these birds.

What other birds do you know?

How are they different from other animals? (feathers, 2 wings, 2 legs)

Interesting moments from the life of birds will tell:

Birds are children of the air, they are migratory and wintering, conquerors of airspace. They can rise above the mountains, fly over the desert and the sea.

Only birds have feathers. If they didn't have feathers, they wouldn't be able to fly.

And in general, birds cannot do without feathers, feathers save the bird from bruises and scratches, from cold and heat.

Guess the riddle:

Knocking all the time
Trees are hollowed out.
But they are not crippled
But only heals.

Who is this? (woodpecker)

I want to tell you about the woodpecker.

He has very long tongue, centimeters 10, or even 15. In addition, the tongue is sticky, with hard notches. The woodpecker gets them insects, they all stick to his tongue or prick into notches. He can stick his tongue even into the passages that the insects have made in the tree. Therefore, they call him a forest doctor in a hat.

Well done, excellent!

The following group includes:(8 slide) ladybug, butterfly, beetle, grasshopper.

What is the name of this group of animals? (insects)

Name more insects.

How are insects different from other animals? (6 legs)

In the summer, in the field or meadow, we love to watch insects. Watch the butterflies fly, listen to the chirping of the grasshopper. Do you think the grasshopper has an organ of hearing?

Let's listen to what he tells us about insects:.

Next to us lives a world of creatures, so little like us in its structure and way of life, that they can easily be mistaken for inhabitants of another planet. These amazing creatures are insects.

We have 4 limbs - they have 6. We have 2 eyes, and many of them, except for 2 big eyes, there are 3 more small ones on the forehead. We have an organ of hearing - the ears on the head, and in insects it can be anywhere: in grasshoppers, for example, in the leg.

Well done!

What benefits do ladybugs, butterflies?

Guys, is it possible to catch insects?

Why? (The food chain is broken, plants will die without pollination, etc.)

4. Phys. minute

(9slide nature, audio recording of forest noise)

Let's get some rest.

Children walked through the forest (marching in place)
Watching nature (palm to eyes)
We looked up at the sun (we raise our heads and on our toes we reach for the "sun")
And their rays warmed.
Butterflies flew
Wings flapping (flapping arms)
We clap together, (clap hands) |
We stomp our feet! (stomp feet)
Well we walked (marching, inhale - exhale)
And a little tired (sat down at the desk)

Well done, take your seats.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

What groups of animals have we already met?

A special group of animals are(10 slide) newts, toads, frogs?

Where do they live? (on land and in water)

Therefore, they form a group of amphibians.

In the name itself, it is already clear that these animals can be found both on land and in water bodies. How are they different from the rest? How many legs? (4)

What is the body covered with? (bare skin)

The skin of amphibians is thin and moist, it needs periodic wetting with water. Therefore, they do not move far from the water. If the frog is kept in a dry place for a long time, it may die.

All amphibians are predators. They catch insects, eat worms and molluscs. And the tadpole feeds on underwater plants.

But you will never be able to see how a frog drinks. It turns out that she “drinks” with the skin of her body. Having climbed into the water, the frog absorbs it through the skin, and she does not have to open her mouth to drink.

To the 6th group we will refer(11slide) crocodiles, snakes, turtles, lizards.

Who knows what this group is called? (reptiles) - Why are they called that?

What can be said about the number of legs and cover? (4 legs, horny scales)

Reptiles live mainly on land. There are, however, animals of this group that live part of the time in the water. Who can name them? (marsh turtles, sea and forest snakes, crocodiles)

Their skin is covered with horny scales and dry to the touch. Reptiles are little dependent on air humidity and are found everywhere from swamps to deserts. The front and back legs look almost the same. Snakes don't have them.

6. Consolidation of the passed.

Guys, I recently visited a boy and he showed me this photo.(12 slide)

The boy said that he saw this animal in the forest.

Tell me, does such an animal exist? (No)

That's right, the boy came up with it himself, but let's look at the parts of which animals are mixed up here?

Which animal has the head? Back? (squirrel)

What group does the protein belong to? (animals)

Torso and Bottom part tail? (fish)

The second half of the tail, the top? (rooster)

Which group do they belong to?

Who owns the wing? (bird) (slide)

Legs? (to a grasshopper)

What group does the grasshopper belong to? (insects)

Well done, you did a great job! slide 5

Animals are covered with wool have 4 paws

Fish Body covered with scales Fins Live in water

Birds Two legs, two wings Covered with feathers Can fly

Insects have 6 legs Small size

Amphibians 4 legs Bare skin

Reptiles 4 legs Horny scales

1. Squirrel 2. Fish 3. Rooster 4. Bird 5. Grasshopper

We have been traveling for several lessons through an interesting, amazing country NATURE.

Beautiful video? Is it true?

Remember what we talked about in the last lesson.

What groups of plants are we familiar with?

You will need to complete the task. Take the cards I put on your desks. They have two columns: the first contains the beginning of the sentence, and the second - its continuation. You need to use a ruler and a pencil to connect the beginning of the sentence with its second part.

I know plants that have soft, juicy stems..

I know plants that have blade-like leaves...

I know such plants that have several rather thin lignified stems-stems ...

These plants have leaves in the form of needles (needles).

In these plants, one thick stem-trunk departs from the root.

Now exchange cards with your neighbor. Pick up a simple pencil. Let's check your work.

If all answers are correct, give yourself a five. And I'll collect your cards and check them.

Now let's guess the crossword puzzle and check how many plants you know.

    This plant is found along roads and paths, as if specially growing there to help the injured traveler.

    A cheerful purple eye looks out of the grass. So there will be good weather. Before the rain, this flower will definitely close.

3. Today the clearing is golden yellow from flowers, tomorrow it is white and fluffy. Yellow flowers turn into white "heads", and light fluffs fly off the heads.

4. Sisters stand in the field:
Yellow eye - white cilia.

5. Even those who have never been in the forest are familiar with the smell of the stem of this plant. After all, some sweets have such a pleasant taste and smell precisely because of this plant.

6. A tree with large, beautifully carved leaves could be called "musical" - musical instruments are made from its wood.

7. She is very tasty,

There are many secrets in it.

For us - sweet food,

For Cinderella - a carriage.
8. In the spring, “light bulbs” appear on this tree in the forest. These are the buds of the tree. And under New Year garlands of real light bulbs flash on these trees.

Have you already guessed what we will talk about in the lesson?

Today we will talk about animals and what they are.

Think about what you know about animals.

What animals live underground?

- How do animals move?

- What animals have you seen in nature?

- And what animals are dangerous to observe in nature?

- Why are zoos needed?

Last year we got acquainted with several groups of animals. Let's take a look at them and their features.

Now let's take a rest. Stand near your seats.

    Fish - swim

    Birds - we fly

    Animals - rises on toes, raise our hands with spread fingers above our heads, bare our mouths and squint our eyes

    Insects - jump

Animals: mouse, woodpecker, grasshopper. bear, catfish, sparrow, wolf, dragonfly, fly, elephant, pike, magpie, squirrel, crucian carp, mosquito.

Well done! You were attentive!

We will work in groups. The success of each of you depends on how you work together.

    Be conscientious towards your comrades, work to the fullest their forces.

    Listen to each member of the group carefully without interrupting.

    When rejecting an idea, be polite and don't forget to offer your own.

When I say, you will split into groups and approach the tols with the sheets. You need to turn the sheet over and stick animals of a certain group on it. Each team will have their own. Be careful!

A representative is invited from each team to defend their mini-project. Explain which animals you pasted and by what signs you determined that the animal belongs to a certain group.

No group was to stick frogs, toads, snakes, lizards, turtles or crocodiles.

But where do you put these animals? It turns out that there are 2 more groups of animals. Let's open the textbook on p. 61 and read.

What are these groups of animals called? Who belongs to them?

That's right, the animals we named weren't supposed to be on your sheets.

Now read Interesting Facts about your group of animals. Turn to page 62. What else can we learn about insects, fish, animals and birds. Find your group. Share with your classmates what you learn.

Well done! You talked about insects, birds, animals and fish. And your classmates will tell you interesting facts about amphibians and reptiles.

Amphibians are amazing creatures! They can live in water and on land, they can sleep for six months and still not eat or drink anything. Amphibians evolved from fish. From their fins they developed legs with webbed toes. But they didn't leave the water at all. At an early age, most amphibians live in the water and breathe with gills, like fish. Growing up, the animal loses its gills and begins to breathe with lungs, like all land animals. Amphibians deftly swim, dive, spawn in the water. But just as confidently they jump, crawl along the ground, hunting for worms, flies and larvae.

Their skin is thin and moist. Periodically, it must be moistened with water. If the frog is kept in a dry place for a long time, it may die. We often see frogs and toads. And these are quite mysterious animals. In winter, they sleep naked under ice and snow. They can breathe through the skin. They can even drink, if necessary, with their skin without opening their mouths! Their bulging eyes see everything in front and behind at the same time. But they only see what moves. Their tongue is attached to the jaw not with the posterior end, but with the anterior one, so the frog can throw it far forward.

They all crawl, that is, they crawl. For this they got their name. Reptiles can live on the ground, underground, in water. Reptiles lay eggs like birds, but do not incubate and feed their young. The skin of reptiles is covered with horny scales and dry to the touch.

And now let's check the new knowledge in the notebook. Open p.44. Find task 7.

So how many groups of animals are there?

What two groups did we meet today?

We were divided into 4 groups, but could be divided into ...

In the next lesson, we will continue our journey through the country of Nature. For this we need tickets. On each of them is written a group of animals. Prepare a report about any member of this group.

And you will take the tickets from the table at the end of the lesson.

Raise emoticons. Did you enjoy the lesson?

What interesting things did you learn in the lesson? What was not known before.

The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson!

Presentation prepared

Polukazakova G.I.

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 43, Voronezh

More than anything in the world of insects - 200,000 species .

Insects are animals that have six legs.

(three pairs).


The bee carries nectar into the hive, from which it makes honey. And as a building material, he uses wax secreted by the glands on the abdomen, and propolis (bee glue), which insects extract from plant buds.

Grasshoppers long legs, straight elytra, females have “swords” or “sabers” behind them, with the help of which they lay eggs in the ground, in the stems of plants.

They "sing" with their wings and all have "ears" on their front legs. All grasshoppers jump well, pushing off with their feet, descend slowly with the help of wings.


The most voracious predators of the planet. Their prey by weight is several times larger than the insect itself. They fly very fast. Most dragonflies have thirty thousand eyes stuck together on each side. The upper eyes distinguish only black and white colors, and the lower ones - all the rest.

Birds are animals whose body is covered with feathers. There are about 9 thousand species of birds on earth. Some birds are very big and some are very small. Some fly above the clouds, while others do not fly at all.

Some feed only on fish, while others feed on insects. Predatory birds eat other birds, and there are those that eat only berries and seeds.


Mammals are animals whose body is covered with hair. They give birth to live cubs and feed them with milk.




Fish are animals whose body is covered with slippery scales. Fish - aquatic life. Fins help them move. With the help of gills, fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water.

veiled synodont


with o m

Reptiles are animals whose body is covered with dry scales, and some also have a shell. Reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles.



The lizard is nimble

agile animal. She

runs fast and changes direction abruptly.


f a b a

The most enduring animal is hydra : if you cut it, then each piece will again become a hydra.

The largest diurnal butterfly is a female birdwing of Queen Alexandra. Its wingspan reaches 26-28 cm. It lives on the island of New Guinea.

The heavyweight champion among insects is the massively armored African goliath beetle - weight 100 grams .

The fastest swimmers:

perch - 17 km / h; pike -

33 km/h; barracuda and

mackerel - 40 km / h.

The fastest of all is the swordfish.

She is the absolute champion in swimming short distances, can reach speeds up to 130 km / h.



most deadly- King Cobra . Its poison is deadly, and it always attacks without delay.

The largest animal is blue whale . Its average length is about 24 meters.