Ni Olga Vitalievna
Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech "The Story of the Army"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

« Army story»

Target: to expand the knowledge of children about what the Russian army- defender of our Motherland; clarify ideas about the types of troops and military equipment; develop attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills hands; to cultivate respect for people of military specialties.


1. A military march sounds, the children enter the group and sit on the chairs.

Guys, the holidays are coming. "Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

What do you think, who are the defenders of the fatherland?

Who is congratulated on this day?

That's right, guys, on this day they congratulate everyone who once served, is serving or will serve in armies.

Lenya wants to congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

With day army and navy!

To serve to defend the Motherland -

Good job.

The time will come and you will serve in armies. And let's imagine that we have become soldiers! Do you want to be in the military? (Yes)

Any young man who goes to serve in army must know a lot about the types of troops and military equipment.

2. The teacher's story about the army(illustration display)

Our Russian the army defends the country, guards the borders of the Motherland. The armed forces are divided into three types of troops such How:

Ground troops

Military air force

Military navy

TO ground forces include tank troops. People who serve on a tank are called tankers. Three people work in one tank - a commander, a gunner and a driver. Tank forces protect the borders on earth.

The borders of our Motherland are protected not only on the ground, but also in the air. What do you think these soldiers are called? (pilots)

Yes, that's right, these are pilots, they fly planes, protect the airspace.

We talked about protecting borders on the ground, in the air, and there is Navy and there sailors protect the water frontiers. A sailor serves in maritime transport.

All these people are tankers, pilots, sailors, what should they be? That's right, they must be brave, strong and brave warriors who know how to shoot accurately and manage military equipment. All are taught in armies.

What types of troops have you heard about? (On the table are pictures, the children should answer and show the illustration by hanging it on an easel).

3. Physical Minute.

Did you know that the military knows how to walk with a marching step, which is called a march. Stand up soldiers!

One, two, together in step,

Three, four, harder step.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they mint a step together. We repeat twice.

4. Riddles

Guys, you said a soldier should be strong and courageous, but he should also be smart. Do we have those?

Then guess the riddles.

You can be a sailor

To protect the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military...


Floats boldly in the sky

Outrunning birds flight

Man controls it

What's happened?


Turtle crawling -

steel shirt,

The enemy is in the ravine

And she's where the enemy is.


I take off without acceleration,

I remind you of a dragonfly

Takes flight

Our Russian...


There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened up in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down (Parachute)

5. Game "One-Many" (with a ball)

I invite you guys to play the game "One-Many"

Tank - tanks

Airplane - airplanes

Ship - ships

sailor - sailors

pilot - pilots

tanker - tankers

6. Let's imagine that we serve in the tank troops. And in tank troops, the main vehicle is a tank. Let's try it build from matches.

Laying out the silhouette according to the scheme. Music is playing at this time "Three Tankers".

Is our lesson has come to an end. Did you enjoy being in the military? What should be real soldiers?

I think that you will definitely become real defenders of our Motherland.

Vania tells a poem

Our native army

Defender of the country

Weapons and courage

Keeps us from war.

7. And in memory of our lesson, I want to give you leaflets with silhouettes of military equipment for coloring.

Nomination " Methodical work in DOW "

The quiz "Our army is strong" is intended for children of senior preschool age.

The purpose of the quiz: Using games and tasks, introduce children to some types of troops in the army, and show their purpose. Cultivate a sense of patriotism, the desire to defend their homeland. To evoke an emotionally positive response from children during the event.

Equipment: Paper caps made by children of older groups; illustrations: military equipment, soldiers, sailors, paratroopers; shoulder straps; 2 tunics made of cardboard and buttons for them, 2 laces; toys: 2 tanks on ribbons, skittles, bandages, field medical bags.

Preliminary work: The conversation “Why is the Army dear”, looking at illustrations about military professions, the poster “Military equipment”.

Excursion to the cadet class

Excursion to the park of military equipment


On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday!
And all the defenders of the earth
All people congratulate!

Presenter: Dear children, our meeting is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Native Land can do everything: feed with warm bread, drink spring water, surprise us with its beauty. And only he cannot defend himself, the defense of the Fatherland is the sacred duty of all men. Russian warriors have always been famous for their courage and bravery. Not only boys will grow up and become worthy defenders of the Fatherland, but girls should also be ready for this. They learn the basics of medicine, cooking.


Well, which one of you decide?

Well, which one of you is ready?

We are recruiting a team

Only from the daredevils!

To complete a task

Well, to amuse everyone,

Ingenuity, dexterity, courage,

Need to show!

Presenter: You are ready? Here are caps for you, you have been accepted into the team of defenders. Forward to the victory! For every correct answer you get a star.



Who is he? Does a military person skydive? (Paratrooper).

Who wears a vest? (Sailor).

turtle crawling,

steel shirt

Enemy in the ravine

And where is the enemy (Tank).

Without acceleration up and up

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Our Russian (Helicopter) takes flight.

What do soldiers wear on their shoulders? (epaulettes).

What do soldiers shout when they go on the attack? (Hooray).

A soldier walks in knee-deep water, but do they protect their legs? (Boots).

The black pipe chirps the fire wants to fly out (Cannon).

Host: Well done, you did a great job and got a lot of stars. Oh, how much a military man should know, for example, to understand technology and military branches. Are you familiar with the weapons of our army?

IIThe task "Recalculate the technique."

On one poster there are military equipment (from 1 to 5 items), each is indicated by a number.

The second poster with the same technique, but without numbers. The audience sees the first poster, the child performing the task sees only the second poster, and performs the task from memory.

(You can call 3-4 children by changing the sequence of numbers attached to the adhesive tape on the first poster)

Presenter: And who sews buttons on a soldier's tunic? (himself) yes, of course, himself, but when he is at a halt, his fighting girlfriends can help him. So we'll see what kind of craftsmen they are.

IIIThe task "Sew on the buttons."

We invite 2 girls. They “sew” buttons made of cardboard onto cardboard tunics, with a cord, at speed. (2 times)

Presenter: A soldier needs not only courage and dexterity. In battle, for victory, faithful and reliable friends are needed nearby.

IVEncryption task.

Read the proverbs about friendship, adding the missing words.

  • disappear yourself, comrade help out.
  • Old Friend better than the new two.

Children are offered a familiar song about friendship.

Presenter: You rested at a halt, showed resourcefulness and ingenuity, and now we will measure strength.

VTask: "The best tanker".

2 children are invited to carry a tank on a ribbon between obstacles made of cubes, pins so as to prevent an accident.

Host: A soldier must be strong and healthy. But he also has to be very careful.

Border guards don't sleep

Border guards are watching

Even in total darkness

We will find the enemy everywhere!

The game "Crossing the border".

Children with a bell walk in a limited space. Two children pretending to be border guards catch them blindfolded.

I'm in my own apartment

As in the service of a combatant,

Commander on commander

I'm the only one here!

Presenter: A soldier must clearly follow combat commands and be able to give them.

VIAssignment: "Let's be quiet."

A group of children up to 10 people executes the commands of the child chosen by the "commander".

There are bumps on the forehead

Lights under the eye

But if there is a nurse nearby,

Bruises are not terrible

Presenter: And now we invite girls.

VIITask: "Bandage the fighter."

Children sing the song "Our Army".

You fought hard for a just cause

Striving for victory

Courageously and boldly

You are our defenders, everyone is great!

We are proud of you - our fighters!!!

Children are awarded sweet medals!


Russian army

Everyone loves us

About the Russian Army

There will be our story.

Our Army is native

And brave and strong

Not threatening anyone

She protects us.

That's why we love from childhood

This holiday is in February.

Glory to the Russian Army

The most peaceful on earth!

Modern Armed Forces Russian army, formally established on May 7, 1992, is one of the largest defense formations in the world, as the number of personnel approaches one million people.

Types of Russian troops

Speaking of structure domestic troops, then they are divided into three types: ground forces, air Force and the navy.

Ground troops

Ground forces, as you might guess, are designed to fight on land. Together with other types of armed forces, they are capable of conducting an offensive, repelling an enemy invasion, delivering fire strikes and holding occupied territories and lines.

Ground forces are also called infantry. Most of the people work there. It is the foot soldiers who are the first to meet the enemy on their lines and are the first to enter enemy territory during a counterattack. But the concept of "modern ground forces" includes not only fighters, but also a large number of technology.

The ground forces of the Russian Federation are divided into three types: missile, motorized rifle and tank troops.

Rocket troops and artillery are the main means of fire and nuclear destruction.

Motorized infantry troops equipped missile systems, powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, artillery and tanks, mortars and anti-tank guided missiles, form the core of the infantry.

The tank units of the Ground Forces are their main striking force, used to inflict powerful cutting blows on enemy forces. Tank troops, which have firepower, great stability, high mobility and maneuverability, are able to penetrate enemy-controlled territory quite far.


The navy protects the interests of our country during the conduct of hostilities in the sea and ocean, supports ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, etc.

Russia has five military fleets: Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Caspian. They can destroy enemy ships and naval bases and even inflict nuclear strikes. The basis of the fleet is surface forces: aircraft carriers, landing, rocket ships and other courts. Represents a formidable force and submarine fleet.

Submarines armed with missiles nuclear warheads, are capable of inflicting unexpected strikes - both on enemy ships and on objects on land. Forces support the fleet naval aviation and Coast Guard.

A lot of work for military sailors and in Peaceful time. For example, they protect merchant ships from pirate attacks.

The navy is a powerful foundation for the defense capability of our country. His powers are divided into two large groups- General purpose and strategic nuclear forces. The latter have high mobility, high nuclear missile power and the ability to carry out active operations in different areas of the World Ocean for a long time. Ships of the Navy remain its most important part even today.

Nuclear missile submarine.

Air Force

With the help of such a type of troops as the air force, reconnaissance is carried out, important military-economic facilities and ground forces are defended from air strikes, valuable cargo is transported, etc.

Military pilots conduct reconnaissance, cover cities from enemy air raids, deliver cargo to places where cars cannot go. Russian Air Force some of the most powerful in the world, because our designers are constantly inventing new models of military aircraft. There is no other army like this.

The Russian Air Force was created in order to warn of an attack on the territory of our country from above, to conduct reconnaissance against the enemy, to support ground and naval forces and to protect important military-economic regions of the state from air strikes. Also, the Air Force is capable of hitting important targets in enemy territory, thereby undermining the combat capability of the enemy.

With the help of the Air Force, troops and the necessary material support are transported, and the airborne troops are airborne.

In peacetime, the Air Force of the country carries out protection state borders Russian airspace.

The Air Force of the Russian Federation consists of the following types of troops: anti-aircraft missile, radio engineering, as well as special units, logistics institutions and various types of aviation: assault, bomber, fighter, transport, reconnaissance and air defense aviation.



The planes buzzed (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows),

The planes flew (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right),

They sat quietly in the clearing (sit down, hands to knees),

Yes, they flew again.

Now let's go to our tables.


Today we learned a lot about the Russian Army, but once upon a time your dads and grandfathers also served in the army. And for them we will make a postcard

"Ship". In front of you, the details made the boat and the background. Let's make a pattern on the board.

Summons one child.

Then the children lay out the composition.

The teacher explains the stages of making a postcard.

Independent activity of children.

At the end of the work, an exhibition of children's works is arranged.

I want to end our lesson with a poem about the Army.

The holiday of all our soldiers -

That's what this day means!

Day of brave defenders

Yes, and just all the guys!

After all, each of them dreams

Protect children, family,

Conquer at least something in the world

And find your destiny!

We praise those who did not cry

From your pain

But did not hide the tears

On the graves of friends

Those who were men

Not in words

Coward did not celebrate

Sitting in the bushes

Those best

Sons of mankind

Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!

Dear Guys! Let's talk about the profession of a military man.

Who is a soldier? This is a man in the military.

I am sure that each of you has seen the military parade on TV, which takes place on May 9, on the Victory Day of our people in the war against Nazi Germany.

Representatives of all military branches walk in orderly rows along Red Square, minting a step. They are wearing dress uniforms.

The orders and medals of veterans who gathered in the stands gleam in the sun to watch holiday parade. And in the evening, when it gets dark, bright fireworks are lit in the sky.

Parade is a demonstration of the strength and power of our state, a manifestation of the patriotism of our military.

Like every state, Russia has an army, that is, armed forces.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - these are ground or ground forces that operate on land, the air force - they defend the Motherland in the air; and naval - keeping watch in the seas and oceans.

Let's talk about ground forces. These include motorized rifle troops armed with machine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers. They travel in combat vehicles.

Tank troops fight on tanks protected by thick armor. These are self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain: along ravines and off-road. The tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. There are people inside the tank - the crew.

Ground forces include artillery and rocket troops. Artillery mounts cannons fire projectiles, and missiles fire rockets. famous rocket launcher"Katyusha" smashed enemies during the Great Patriotic War. Artillerymen serve in the artillery.

Motorized riflemen, artillerymen and rocketmen serve in the Ground Forces.

To the military ground forces also include signalmen and sappers who can clear mines minefields, roads and bridges.

Each state also has border troops. They stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Soldiers of the border troops are serving at border outposts. Their the main task- do not allow spies, terrorists, armed enemy groups, people transporting drugs to cross the border. Specially trained dogs help the border guards to carry out the difficult service.

The Airborne Forces (abbreviated as the Airborne Forces) are allocated to a special group. The military serving in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They undergo special multi-day training, mastering the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, study different types confrontations.

Paratroopers are usually delivered by planes and helicopters to the places of hostilities. They descend to earth with the help of parachutes.

In addition to courage and bravery, the "blue berets" - the so-called paratroopers (after all, they wear blue berets as part of the uniform) - endurance, absolute health, agility and strength are needed.

Our army also has aviation - combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. The aircraft is controlled by a crew of pilots - this is the first and second pilots, the navigator, who plots the course of the aircraft in the sky, the radio operator, who keeps in touch with the airfield, and the mechanic responsible for the aircraft's serviceability. The pilots wear beautiful blue uniforms to match the color of the sky. In addition, in flight they have special high-altitude helmets. These soldiers must have excellent health, self-control, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make a decision, courage and determination.

A young man who dreams of becoming a pilot passes a medical examination, then studies at a flight school, after which he can continue his studies at a military academy. After all, a pilot needs to know and be able to do a lot!

Our seas are protected by warships and submarines. Together they make up the navy.

Large surface ships - battleships - are armed with guns, machine guns, cruise missiles. A cruiser is a smaller ship, and a destroyer is a guard ship.

The military who serve in the navy are called sailors.

There is always a captain on the ship. He is responsible for the entire ship. He is assisted by an assistant captain and a navigator who plots a course at sea. The boatswain keeps order on the ship. The radio operator maintains contact with the ground and other ships. A ship's cook is called a cook. Each sailor in the team has his own duties.

My dad is a captain

Daddy knows everything

Knows where the wind will be born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything

Dad has been everywhere.

I will grow up and become

I, like dad, captain!

Russia also has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Submarines move under water, they go to the open sea for many months.

Many submarines help border guards if the border with other countries passes through the sea.

Soldiers of all branches of the military wear military uniform. It is casual and formal. The difference between the marine uniform is a white and blue striped vest, and on the head a peakless cap with ribbons. On the shoulders, the military wear shoulder straps, on which the number of stars indicates the rank of the military personnel.

The famous commander A.V. Suvorov said: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." But in order for a soldier to become a general, he must climb the ladder military ranks on many steps.

The highest naval rank is Fleet Admiral.

Let's remember the most prominent Russian military leaders. In the Navy, this is F.F. Ushakov, P.S. Nakhimov, N.G. Kuznetsov. In the ground forces - A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, G.K. Zhukov. The most fearless pilots are P.N. Nesterov, V.P. Chkalov, M.M. Raskov.

After listening to my story about military service, I think, dear guys, you understand that this service is "both dangerous and difficult." Military personnel often risk their lives and health, protecting peace and tranquility on earth. They are deep

they love their Motherland and their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, readiness to fulfill any order.

If there are those among you who dream of serving in the army, they can be advised to enter military school- Suvorov or Nakhimov.

Who is called a soldier?

What three main groups can be divided into the armed forces of the state?

Tell us about the land, air and sea branches of the military.

What is the service of the border guards? Paratroopers? Sappers?

What qualities should a soldier have?

Would you like to become a soldier?

Educator. What is necessary for people to live peacefully, work, so that children can safely walk to kindergarten and school? (Children's answers.) Of course there must be peace. Our rest and peace is guarded by the army. Listen to what L. Kassil writes in the story "Your Defenders":

“... You slept well at night, and the border guards stood guard all night, so that no one would secretly crawl onto our land, or get to us with malicious intent. And those who guard our sky were on duty all night at their posts. And in the morning, when the birds were still sleeping, the planes rose high into the sky. Experienced commanders began to teach young pilots to fly. Our ships raised their flags at dawn and sailed across the seas, over the waves. Old captains began to teach young sailors maritime service. You are still sleeping in the morning, and the tankers are already starting the engines of their combat vehicles. And the infantry soldiers have already entered the field for training with a marching song ... "

Our country Russia occupies a very large territory, having land, air and sea borders. Therefore, in our army there are different types of troops that guard these borders. Border guards, tankers, missilemen, infantrymen guard the land borders. Border guards go around the territory entrusted to them several times a day and, if necessary, will engage in battle with border violators. Tankers serve on tanks, which can overcome both small rivers and steep climbs. There are many different missiles in the service of our army. But the most formidable are those that are hidden on land, deep underground, in concrete mines. Warriors-rocketmen are on watch around them. The missiles are launched from the ground and in a matter of minutes can fly a thousand kilometers to hit the target exactly. There are also machines with rocket launchers, they are also called anti-aircraft guns. Such machines can independently move to the right place and from there launch missiles at air and ground targets. Infantry soldiers work every day physical training are exercising. To be always ready to repulse the enemy, every soldier needs to become strong, courageous, hardy. Ground forces include signalmen and sappers. Sappers can clear minefields, bridges, roads.

In a special group are airborne troops. They are called VDV for short. Those who serve in these troops are physically strong, athletic; they undergo special training, master the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, and study different types of wrestling. Paratroopers must be hardy, agile, strong.

And who guards our air borders? (Children answer.) Of course, pilots on military planes and helicopters. Military aircraft are small aircraft that are flown by one or two pilots. Such machines are called fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, bombers. Aircraft carry out reconnaissance over enemy territory, attack an aircraft that has violated state borders, or destroy enemy ground and sea forces from the air. Those who serve in air force, must have excellent health, courage, determination, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make a decision.

Who protects our maritime borders? (Children's answers.) That's right, ships and submarines. Together they make up the navy. The military who serve in the navy are called sailors. Patrol ships ensure that the ships of foreign countries do not cross the maritime borders of our state. Warships include an aircraft carrier, which has a very wide deck. On the deck are military helicopters and planes waiting for orders to take off.

Russia also has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Most of the time the submarine is under water. The task of the submarine is to quietly approach the enemy warship and destroy it.

Military service both dangerous and difficult. Military personnel often risk life and health, protecting peace and tranquility on Earth. They love their homeland, their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, readiness to fulfill any order.