There were good days when money was scarce, capacity was limited, and competition was minimal. People were safe in their homes, just like . With the advent of new ones, competition has become very great, and wealth has made this world unsafe. Without a doubt, this is a bitter truth that must be accepted in order to maintain security and peace everywhere, because the past cannot be returned. But in order to prevent threats in the country, several secret, mysterious institutions have been created, working for the security and interests of the country. These covert agencies are actually intelligence agencies working mostly undercover. Some of them have best brains, formulating the best defense ideas. But which country has the best intelligence agencies? Let's see who is on the list of the Top 10 best intelligence agencies in the world.

10. KSRB

The Canadian Secret Service was established in 1984 for strategic and international research, backed by the Canadian Intelligence and Security Service. Before its formation, another agency operated in the country, but its work was not effective. Based in Ottawa, Ontario and with a total of 2,449 employees, this agency is responsible to Parliament. It provides services to guarantee the security of the country, especially against terrorism and all its types.


Australia is a peaceful country, and the peace in it is additionally maintained by the secret agency ASIS (Australian Security and Intelligence Service). National and economic assets are safe in the operation of ASBR. It also liaises with other similar institutions around the world. A law was recently passed that allowed the ASIS to work with foreign agencies such as the FBI, MI6, and the CIA. Strategic surveillance makes it one of the best in its field. The organization began to work in 1952 and is still in working condition.

8. HUD

Hadamad Ayetla Dawlati, better known as KHAD, has been working in Afghanistan as a secret agency since 1987. But his work was stopped in 1996 due to civil war. All records were burned by the Taliban. But the services provided by this agency for the country were invaluable. It is known that KHAD was perfectly prepared for any upcoming war.

7. BND

Germany's secret forces are known as the Bundesnachrichtendienst and have been abbreviated to BND for convenience. They began to work actively after the Second World War. The main purpose of the BND was to collect information about foreign countries ah and protect yourself from possible threats from their side. The BND also monitors criminal and terrorist activities in countries that may threaten the national

German security.

6. FSB

federal Service security (FSB) is an organization created in Russia, secretly protecting the country from the threat of disintegration. The agency was established in 1990 and is gradually increasing. The headquarters is in Moscow, and a total of 250,000 people work to protect the country. In addition to spying on the country's enemies, the FSB also deals with the threat of terrorism. It is believed that this organization is one of the most effective in the world due to its extraordinary espionage abilities.

5. MGB

The world's new superpower China has one of the best intelligence agencies in the world, the MGB (Ministry state security). China sees a threat from other powers, and therefore it needs to have an effective intelligence agency. The MGB works very responsibly, as do its branches. The MGB collects a lot of information about China's enemies, especially about those communist parties whose actions are directed against the country. The headquarters is located in the capital, Beijing.

4. MI-6

MI6 is a very old agency that was founded in 1909 in London, the capital of Great Britain. The agency works in close cooperation with the internal security service and the Government Communications Center. The main purpose of MI6 is to protect the state. And this defense is based on espionage and the fight against espionage. About 3,200 officials are currently working day and night to protect the country's national interests. MI6 also plays important role in maintaining relations with other countries.


MOSSAD was founded in 1949 and has been active ever since. Like other intelligence agencies, it is not a military organization. But the people working in it passed military training to solve defense problems. Mossad covert operations are mind blowing. MOSSAD plays an important role in Israel's wars with other countries. The main direction of MOSSAD is work with Arab countries. This organization also takes care of Jews and their migration from Syria and other countries. The headquarters is located in Tel Aviv. Total people in the organization - 1200.

2. CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was once number one in the world. It lost its rank and authority after the mysterious 9/11 terrorist attack. However, the CIA serves the US as one of the the best organizations countries. It collects information inside and outside the country, and then analyzes it, and passes the information to the competent authorities. These rules and laws were made better protection national interests. The CIA is credited with defeating the USSR in cold war. The headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and was established in

The year is 1947. The CIA is undoubtedly the most famous and popular intelligence agency in the world.

1. ISI

The best intelligence agency in the world. ISI stands for Pakistan Intelligence and is an acronym for Inter-Services Intelligence. The ISI appeared in 1948, immediately after the partition of India and Pakistan. The headquarters is located in the country's capital, Islamabad. The force includes men from the three defense forces; army, air force and navy. The agency works on many fronts, but Pakistan's security is the main focus. It protects national assets, as well as the political and social interests of the country. The ISI keeps all of Pakistan's borders under watchful eye, guaranteeing its security from outside enemies. The ISI has played an effective role in the war against terrorism, the war in Afghanistan and the Kargil war, and this puts it in the first place. The strategic brains of the ASI are invincible.


  • AMBASSADOR'S ORDER — Russia's first independent government agency who was in charge of all matters of international relations. It was created by Ivan IV in 1549. Prior to the creation of the Posolsky Prikaz, diplomatic documents were kept together with the royal treasury. At that time, there were practically no differences between diplomatic and intelligence activities. The diplomat, as a rule, also performed the functions of a scout.

  • ORDER OF SECRET MATTERS - a special office, created in 1654 by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. This special service began to work in parallel with the Ambassadorial order. She took over all intelligence functions. Thus, for the first time, a structural separation of diplomacy and intelligence was undertaken. Secret ciphers are introduced into the regular practice of secret correspondence. Abolished in 1676.

  • PREOBRAZHENSKY ORDER - an organization created by Peter I to fight the internal enemies of the state (counterintelligence). In the period between the liquidation of the oprichnina in 1572 and the creation of the Preobrazhensky Prikaz in 1697, there was no centralized "secret police" service in Russia. The order existed for thirty years, was liquidated in 1699.

  • SECRET OFFICE - Created in 1718. In system government controlled she performed the functions of a political investigation (detective). Created to conduct an investigation into the case of Tsarevich Alexei Peter I, it was under the personal control of the tsar, who himself often took part in its work. The department of the office was located in St. Petersburg in the Peter and Paul Fortress. Its branch also worked in Moscow. In 1826, the Secret Chancellery was liquidated. In its place, the Office of Secret Investigation Affairs was created.

  • MYSTERIOUS EXPEDITION - was created under the Senate in 1762. All counterintelligence functions were transferred to it. To combat foreign agents, the expedition introduced and began to effectively use the institution of informers abroad. Through them, the "confidants", the Russian special services received information both on spies sent to Russia and on employees recruited by them from among Russian subjects.

  • SPECIAL COMMITTEE. The secret expedition ceased to exist with the accession to the throne of Alexander I. Its functions were transferred to the First and Fifth Departments of the Senate. But the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars required a revision of the entire system of intelligence and counterintelligence work. In January 1807, a Special Committee was created to consider cases of crimes “tending to violate the general peace” (in the documents there is another name for this body: “Committee for the Protection general security"). The committee existed until 1829.

  • SPECIAL OFFICE OF THE MINISTRY OF POLICE . This office acted in parallel with the Special Committee as an organ of political investigation. She was instructed to be in charge of "cases under the department of foreigners and foreign passports", "censorship audit" and "special affairs" - the fight against espionage. It ceased to exist as an independent body in 1819 (transferred to the Ministry of the Interior).

  • BOARD OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS is one of the organs of government. It was created along with others that replaced the orders in 1717-1721 by Peter I. According to the Senate decree of August 31, 1719, the collegium was charged with the duty to register all foreigners coming to the Russian Empire, as well as issuing passports to Russian citizens traveling abroad for diplomatic, trade work, study. The Board constantly collected all the information about foreigners. In June 1718, she was charged with the secret reading (perusal) of all letters received from abroad.

  • III DEPARTMENT OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY'S OWN OFFICE . Created in July 1826 on the basis of the Special Chancellery by Nicholas I. It was headed by A. Kh. Benckendorff. It was conceived as the "high police" and, unlike the former investigative agencies, had a widely branched network territorial bodies in the form of gendarmes. The III Division was entrusted with diverse tasks - organizing a political search, conducting an investigation into cases of state crimes; surveillance of anti-government organizations and individual public figures; expulsion and exile of “suspicious people”, supervision of them; the fight against the anti-church activities of schismatics and sectarians, against peasant uprisings; false fraud; malfeasance and other major criminal offences. The department was supposed to supervise foreigners, collect information about improvements and inventions, censor periodicals and the press. The structure of the department included five expeditions (departments) and two secret archives. The affairs of counterintelligence were partially dealt with by the first and third expeditions, the latter supervising foreigners. Abolished in August 1880.

  • CORPS OF THE GENDARMES. This structure (special unit) was created in April 1827 by imperial decree. (Subsequently, it was called the Separate Corps of Gendarmes.) Over time, the gendarmerie units turned into executive organs III Branches. According to the regulation adopted in 1836, the whole country was divided into gendarmerie districts (later provincial gendarme departments were created there), which were headed by gendarmerie generals.

  • STATE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The subdivision of the reorganized Ministry of Internal Affairs, which included the past III Division, began to be called the State Police Department in 1883. He dealt with all the same issues, with the exception of counterintelligence, which became one of the main divisions of the General Staff of the Russian army.

  • "SECURITY" - Russian secret police of the times of Imperial Russia. It was founded in the era of Peter I. The term “Okhranka” itself became widespread in the early 80s of the 19th century. The employees of the Okhrana (political police) were called gendarmes, trained in an appropriate way to investigate political crimes. The Okhrana practically did not engage in foreign intelligence. She only kept track of political emigration. Ophrana operated for thirty-six years.

  • MILITARY AGENT. The Institute of Military Agents was established in 1810. Then, at the direction of the Minister of War of Russia, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, the first permanent military representatives were sent abroad to the Russian embassies. Their main task was to conduct undercover, intelligence work. The extraction of important secret information was put on professional basis. Foreign intelligence is structurally formalized in the military department. At the same time, foreign intelligence issues also remain the prerogative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • MILITARY-SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE. Formed in 1812 at the General Staff of the Russian Army, he was directly responsible for the fight against espionage. It existed until the beginning of the 20th century. This committee was not engaged in direct search work. His role was mainly to collect and record information. For the first time, the Committee began to actively use the institute of "military agents" (attache) for conducting intelligence at the embassies of the Russian Empire in European countries. Officially existed until 1864.

  • GENERAL-QUARTER MAINTAIN SERVICE. For the first time in Russia, quartermaster ranks are mentioned in the Charter of 1698. Then they were introduced regimental quartermasters (special service employees). In 1701, Peter I approved the post of quartermaster general. This position was taken by Prince A.F. Shakhovskoy. But only in 1716 intelligence work acquires a legal basis. In the new Petrine military regulations, intelligence is subordinate to the quartermaster general service. When Catherine II established the General Staff in 1763, it included the Quartermaster General Service as one of the important divisions. Quartermaster General - a person in charge of the officers of the General Staff and the special service. In 1810, Minister of War M. B. Barclay de Tolly for the first time put into practice the institution of military agents in the embassies of the Russian Empire in a number of European countries. The duties of military agents included conducting undercover and intelligence work. Thus, the collection of secret military-political information abroad is placed on a professional basis. At the same time, foreign intelligence continues to be conducted, albeit at the level of one-time responsible assignments, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1856, Alexander II approves the first Instruction in the history of Russian intelligence on the work of military agents. The functions of foreign intelligence are increasingly becoming fundamental in the work of the military department. The main role here was played by Russia's defeat in the Crimean War. In 1865, the post of quartermaster general was abolished. The corps of officers of the special services of the General Staff was at that time directly subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff. Since 1892, the post of quartermaster general has been reintroduced, but only in a number of military districts, and since 1890 in the General Staff. Its functions included preparatory work for the conduct of hostilities and the defense of the state. In 1905, the military situation repeated itself (the Crimean War - Russo-Japanese War). This led to a new reorganization of the entire intelligence and counterintelligence work of the Russian special services. In the future, all training of professional intelligence officers is entrusted to the General Staff, which introduces a special course in secret intelligence into its program. On the eve of the First World War of 1914-1917, significant transformations were carried out in Russian intelligence. From the composition of the General Staff, the Main Directorate (GU) of the General Staff (GS) was separated. It was in it that the leadership of military intelligence was concentrated. Specifically, since 1910, the department of the quartermaster general (OGENKVAR) of the Main Directorate of the General Staff has been in charge of intelligence. With the outbreak of war, a significant part of the OGENKWAR officers was transferred to the active army. In the course of hostilities, the organization of reconnaissance was improved taking into account the experience gained. By the beginning of 1917, the military intelligence network was clearly divided according to the tasks performed. Having formed as an effective instrument of the state and military mechanism, Russian intelligence by the end of the summer of that year was not able to fully realize its capabilities. The advancing new era required a change in the entire system of intelligence and counterintelligence. The old government could no longer do anything, a new one still had to be born.
    * * *

  • Cheka - The Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage. Soviet organization, responsible for state security from 1917 to 1922, then was renamed the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission), and since 1923 - the GPU. Formed by decree of V.I. Lenin, it performed police and intelligence functions. It was headed by F. E. Dzerzhinsky. At first, twenty-three people worked in it, and by the middle of 1921 it numbered thirty-one thousand people, about one hundred and forty thousand soldiers of the internal troops and more than ninety thousand border guards. Under the Cheka-VChK, a Foreign Department (foreign intelligence) was created, as well as a Special Department to conduct counterintelligence work and ensure party political control in the ranks of the Soviet armed forces.

  • OGPU - United main political administration. It was created in 1922 and worked until 1934 under the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the USSR. Designed to protect state security. Supervised the work of the GPU of the Union republics. Incorporated into the NKVD and renamed the Main Directorate of State Security. The Counterintelligence Department was created in it (separated from the Special Department). The system of measures developed by the KRO to prevent and suppress the subversive activities of foreign intelligence services on the territory and outside the borders of the USSR retained its significance for many decades. In the 1930s, the OGPU increasingly became involved in solving internal and, most often, political tasks that were completely uncharacteristic of intelligence and counterintelligence. It, in fact, has turned into a punitive body, carrying out, as a result, the expansion of extrajudicial powers of security agencies.

  • INO - Foreign department (foreign intelligence) of the Cheka-VChK-GPU-OGPU. Formed December 20, 1920. At first, his duties included working against counter-revolutionary figures who had emigrated from Soviet Russia. Among the first major operations were "Trust" and "Syndicate". Later, the department began to train and send its agents abroad to conduct political, military, scientific, technical and economic intelligence.

  • NKVD- People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR (included state security agencies in 1922-1923 and 1934-1943). He was responsible for ensuring the internal security of the state and conducting foreign intelligence.

  • GUGB- The Main Directorate of State Security - a security service that was part of the NKVD in 1934-1943.

  • PSU- The first main department (foreign intelligence) of the KGB of the USSR.

  • KGB — State Security Committee. One of the most powerful state security organizations in the world. The KGB was created in March 1954 on the basis of the existing Ministry of State Security. It worked until October 1991. Its structure was as follows: First Main Directorate - foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, "active measures", analysis of information coming from residencies; Second Main Directorate - internal counterintelligence, the fight against espionage and subversion, industrial security; Third Main Directorate - counterintelligence in the Soviet armed forces ( military counterintelligence), OO (special departments); The fourth department - political search, conducted work on the search for political criminals and traitors to the motherland, further engaged in the protection and internal security of embassies and consulates, carried out counterintelligence in transport; Fifth Department - the fight against anti-Soviet activities (work in all ideological organizations, with dissidents); The sixth directorate - counterintelligence on all types of transport (was engaged in anti-sabotage activities, preventing dangerous situations, etc., subsequently engaged in the protection of state secrets in the economy); The seventh department is the surveillance service (operational search); The eighth main department - encryption and decryption, worked for its intended purpose; Ninth Directorate - Ensuring the protection of the country's leadership and secret objects, the Kremlin Regiment; Tenth department - accounting and archival; Main Directorate of Border Troops; Office of Government Communications; Inspection Department - carried out inspections of the activities of the KGB units in the center and in the field; Investigative unit for especially important cases (on the rights of management); Economic service department. In addition to the listed central offices and departments, the committee included ten independent departments, then two more were added. The KGB ceased to exist on the eve of the collapse Soviet Union(December 1991). Its functions were later carried out by the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Federal Security Service.

  • "SMERSH" - "Death to spies" (Soviet military counterintelligence, operated from 1943 to 1946). Smersh had five departments. The first department is the Smersh representation for the trial of suspects in all units and formations of the Red Army, up to battalions and companies. Conducted surveillance of personnel, led informants. The second directorate - operations, communications with the NKVD, the NKGB, special units for the protection of headquarters and senior officers (by company - for the army, battalion - for the front). The third department is the receipt, storage and dissemination of intelligence. The fourth department is the inquiry and investigation of military personnel suspected of treason and other anti-state actions. The Fifth Directorate is the military "troikas" of Smersh employees.

  • GRU - Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff Soviet army(military intelligence), since 1992 - the Russian Army, known as the Fourth Directorate of the General Staff and "VCH No. 44388". Formed in 1918, it was originally called the Registration Directorate of the Headquarters of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (the GRU began to be called from 1942). At present, according to the "Encyclopedia of espionage" (M.: Kron-Press, 1999), eighteen departments work in the GRU.

  • CI- Information Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. It existed for a short time (October 1947 - July 1948). It absorbed the functions of foreign intelligence, military intelligence. The Information Committee was headed by V. M. Molotov (Scriabin). Carried out military and political intelligence abroad; operations against all foreign anti-Soviet organizations; counterintelligence in Soviet embassies, trade missions; intelligence operations in the People's Democracies. A year after its creation, he was engaged only in the collection of foreign policy information. In 1951 it ceased to exist.

  • FSB— Russian Federal Security Service. It is called upon to oversee the observance of internal state laws and order and counterintelligence. Initially, it was called the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK). It was created in October 1991. In April 1995, it was renamed the FSB. At the same time, the functions of combating organized crime, banditry, terrorism, smuggling of goods and values, corruption. In accordance with the adopted new law, the FSB received the right to have its own prison system, infiltrate its agents into foreign organizations and criminal groups, and create its own commercial structures in the interests of its main work. The FSB also has the right to demand necessary information from private companies and firms. The FSB is, among other things, responsible for guarding classified government materials, ensuring security in the armed forces and other state structures. "
The country has a professional anti-mafia team. All the most high-profile criminal cases of recent times related to corruption and fraud were conducted by the group of FSB General Sergei Korolev. In early July, Sergei Korolev received the Service under his command. economic security(SEB) FSB

"In the fight against the Russian Cosa Nostra"

Behind the most high-profile criminal cases of recent times is a team of FSB officers led by General Sergei Korolev, who until recently headed the Department of Internal Security of the department (USB) of the FSB, and in early July received the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB under his command, said

In the early 2000s, Korolev served in the third department of the Economic Security Service of the UFSB, which was in charge of law enforcement agencies. In those days, they looked at it almost like a pension, Fontanka wrote the other day.

A few years later, news reached St. Petersburg - Korolev became an adviser to the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, while he oversaw the Main Directorate of the General Staff, which is often called the GRU.

Soon, unexpectedly for everyone, Korolev became the head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the FSB of Russia. In the police environment, security officers are called watchmen. It turns out that he guarded the watchmen.

Under the Queen, the Sixth Service became one of the most significant units in the CSS. According to RBC's interlocutor, close to the USB, it was created in 2008, it includes only about 35 people. The service is headed by Ivan Tkachev, writes RBC.

Of course, before detaining governors and other high-ranking officials, the head of the service coordinates the position with FSB director Bortnikov. And with such questions it is already necessary to approach the president. The resolution should be the same everywhere: “To work”. Signature, date. Which, in fact, means - in Lefortovo, Fontanka notes.

The Economic Security Service is one of the key units in the FSB, explains retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov, a member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. According to him, in the USSR, in the face of confrontation with the West leading role played by employees directly involved in counterintelligence, but in last years the value of the SEB has increased markedly.

Officially, the structure of the SEB FSB is not disclosed. As she wrote " New Newspaper”, the Economic Security Service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (department “K”), industrial enterprises, transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice, for combating smuggling and drug trafficking, organizational and analytical department and administrative service.

From 2004 to 2008, the SEB was headed by Alexander Bortnikov, who moved from this post immediately to the post of director of the FSB. Yakovlev became Bortnikov's successor in the leadership of the SEB. On July 8, Vladimir Putin appointed a new head of one of the key divisions of the FSB, the Economic Security Service. They became Sergei Korolev.

The most notorious criminal cases of the Sixth Service

May 8, 2015. Police Lieutenant General Denis Sugrobov, who until February 2014 headed the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was detained. Recall that he was arrested on charges of organizing a criminal community, provoking a bribe and exceeding official authority. His deputy Boris Kolesnikov was also arrested, who soon committed suicide.

September 2015. The head of the Komi Republic, Vyacheslav Gaizer, was arrested on charges of fraud and organizing a criminal community. 19 people are involved in the Gaiser case, including the ex-deputy of the State Duma from Komi Yevgeny Samoilov.

March 4, 2016. Governor Alexander Khoroshavin was detained on Sakhalin, he is charged with taking a bribe in the amount of $6 million.

March 14, 2016. Deputy Minister of Culture Grigory Pirumov was detained in Rostov. The total amount of damage imputed to him and other defendants is more than 100 million rubles. In addition to Pirumov, the director of the St. Petersburg company BaltStroy, Dmitry Sergeev, and other responsible persons were arrested in the so-called "restorers' case".

End March 2016. Arrested "St. Petersburg businessman number 1" billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. He has been charged with smuggling. According to investigators, elite alcohol was bought at European auctions, which came to Russia under the guise of building sealant.

According to RBC, the Mikhalchenko case is not the only case of smuggling handled by CSS. At the end of 2015, management became interested in the case of ULS Global. Among the defendants in the investigation was the head of the 7th department of department "K" (it deals with counterintelligence support in the credit and financial sphere) of the Economic Security Service of the FSB Vadim Uvarov.

The connection with Mikhalchenko was reflected in the career of one of the country's most senior security officials, the director of the FSO, Yevgeny Murov.

Murov worked for several years together with Mikhalchenko's business partner Nikolai Negodov in the regional department of the FSB. Murov, Mikhalchenko, Negodov lived in the same village on the shores of Lake Valdai in the Novgorod region.

At the end of May, by decision of the President, Murov was dismissed. The press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, explained Murov's dismissal by his advanced age, reminds RBC.

June 24, 2016. In a Moscow restaurant, while receiving 400 thousand euros, the governor of the Kirov region, the former chairman of the Union of Right Forces, Nikita Belykh, was caught red-handed.

July 13, 2016. The court authorized the arrest of Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), who is charged with extortion and organizing a criminal community.

On the night of 18 to 19 July. Denis Nikandrov, deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, head of the Main Directorate, was detained interagency cooperation and own security of the Investigative Committee Mikhail Maksimenko and his deputy, head of the own security department Alexander Lamonov.

July 26, 2016. Investigators found about 10 million rubles and hundreds of thousands of dollars and euros during a search in the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Andrei Belyaninov. Searches were also carried out in the offices of Belyaninov's deputies Andrei Strukov and Ruslan Davydov. During the searches, items and documents relevant to the investigation of the criminal case on alcohol smuggling were confiscated.

As it became known today, July 28, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the resignation of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov.

We note, following Fontanka, that Khoroshavin, Gaiser, Belykh are the governor's power. Sugrobov is a policewoman. Pirumov - ministerial. Mikhalchenko - capitalist. Citizen Shakro is a mafia. Today we reached the Investigative Committee and the Federal Customs Service.

Changes in the FSB

In June, the head of department "K" (part of the SEB structure), Viktor Voronin, the immediate supervisor of Vadim Uvarov, lost his post.

The USB had information that Voronin was connected with Mikhalchenko, two interlocutors close to the CSS management told RBC. Voronin's resignation came as a result of internal verification, which was carried out by CSS employees in the SEB.

Shortly after the first audit, Homeland Security began a re-audit. Upon its completion, the head of the SEB, Yuri Yakovlev, resigned.

A few weeks before the resignation of Yakovlev, Korolev became the main contender for his place, interlocutors in the special service told RBC. It was he who was appointed head of the SEB on July 8.

Now the FSB is undergoing reshuffles, but already at the level of middle-level operatives of the Economic Security Service. According to one of RBC's interlocutors in the FSB, close to the leadership of the special services, it is still difficult to assess the scale of layoffs, but it is already known that about ten people will lose their posts, about half of which will be additionally checked in connection with possible violations of the law.

Another interlocutor of RBC in the special service said that at least one person from among the SEB employees left the country. According to another RBC source, one of the operatives of the Economic Security Service was fired on July 8, the day the decree on the appointment of a new head of the SEB was signed.

Intelligence agencies are considered the main pillar of the security of any country. But everything they do, they do behind the scenes, so the results of their work are usually not visible to the uninitiated.

Here Top 10 intelligence agencies in the world in 2015, according to the foreign online publication ExpertSecurityTips, dedicated to security, personal protection and self-defense.

This organization is engaged in the collection and study of intelligence, participates in the fight against terrorism and eliminates the enemies of Israel around the world. The director of the agency reports on his activities directly to the Prime Minister of Israel.

9. Ministry of State Security (MSS), China

Responsible for counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. Also, employees of this ministry extract foreign advanced technologies and control dissidents and students outside the PRC.

8. Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)

The main role of the agency is to collect information and transfer it to various intelligence agencies of the country. Among the others secret agencies throughout the world, Australian intelligence is known for its excellent technical progress.

7. Directorate General of External Security (DGSE), France

In 1982 he replaced the service of external documentation and counterintelligence. The department employs up to 5,000 people. The success of French intelligence is not too well known to the general public, but the intelligence service claims to have prevented 15 terrorist attacks in France.

6. Research and Analysis Division (RAW), India

The main attention of the agency is focused on the neighbor and the main enemy of the country of the Kamasutra and Bollywood - Pakistan. It is responsible for disinformation activities, sabotage and espionage against Pakistan and other countries. Even the Parliament of India does not know about the budget, structure, composition and staffing of the intelligence service.

5. Federal Intelligence Service (BND), Germany

Regularly conducts espionage operations since 1956. Focuses on collecting and analyzing classified information, detecting potential threats, and informing the German government about terrorist criminal activity.

4. Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia

The ranking of the world's best intelligence services would be incomplete without the successor to the USSR State Security Committee. The FSB was formed in 1995 and is engaged not only in intelligence and counterintelligence, but in the fight against terrorism, countering drug smuggling, ensuring information security and improving the country's defense security.

3. Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), UK

Officially, the existence of the place of work of James Bond was not recognized by the British government until 1994. The agency is working in cooperation with the Mossad and the CIA in order to eliminate any potential threat to England. This intelligence is known for its deadly and cold-blooded agents, who for a long time did not stand out from the number of respectable inhabitants before the operation.

2. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), USA

Officially, the CIA, founded in 1947, is civil organization. Its tasks include: obtaining and analyzing information about foreigners, controlling and coordinating the collection of intelligence outside the United States through an intelligence network, maintaining national security and various functions related to intelligence activities.

1. Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)

Pakistan's main intelligence and counterintelligence agency, founded in 1948, immediately after the partition of India and Pakistan. Maintains links with other intelligence agencies of various countries, including the American CIA and the British MI6. It is at the top of the top 10 best intelligence in the world for its high performance, especially in operations in Afghanistan, Kashmir and during the Kargil War. He does not shy away from any means to achieve his goals. The world's most powerful intelligence agency has long been accused of using terrorist groups and militants to wage proxy wars against neighbors.

The special service is the most powerful organization for any people and country. There are countless agencies around the world that work to ensure the security of the state, and also act as a powerful and strong hold on the destabilization of the situation. The secret services are really complex network, so it's impossible to trace and find out what they actually do. Thus, it is very difficult to list the top ten intelligence services in the world.

10. Australian Security and Intelligence Service (ASIS - Australia)

The Australian Security and Intelligence Service is the official Australian government organization responsible for collecting intelligence from foreign countries.. It was established in 1952, the current leader is Nick Warner. Most interestingly, the service was a secret to the Australian government for over 20 years.

You can easily imagine the strength of an organization. The main interests of the service cover Asia and the Pacific region, agents are scattered around the world to collect and store records that protect the economy and politics of the country. The estimated budget for ASDB is $162 million.

9. Indian Intelligence Community (RAW - India)

The Intelligence Community of India is the ninth largest foreign intelligence organization in the ranking. It was formed in 1968 after two armed clashes. The first occurred in 1962 during the Sino-Indian War and in 1965 after the Indo-Pakistani War.

After two defeats, the Indians realized that they must have a strong external organization that would protect the interests of India beyond its borders, with the aim of foreseeing the state of war on early stage. Previously, the Intelligence Community of India was responsible for domestic and foreign affairs. It is worth noting that India is included in the ranking of 10 emerging economies.

8. General Directorate of External Security (DGSE - France)

The General Directorate of External Security of France takes an active part in the creation of intelligence operations, the protection of national security abroad. The service was formed in 1982 and its main task is to obtain records and collect intelligence information from various sources to help the country in a military-strategic situation. In the organisation DGSE employs more than 5,000 people under the leadership of Erar Corben de Mangu.

7. United States Intelligence Community (CIA - America)

The CIA is the largest advanced intelligence agency responsible for collecting data and information from other countries that could influence US policy.. The head of the CIA is John Brennan (previously this post was held by Leon Panetta), the service was formed in 1947. Its main task for this moment is the fight against terrorism.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the goal is to capture the leaders of al-Qaeda and weaken the organization. The CIA and the US Army have completely failed the mission to combat terrorism, not a single leader of Al-Qaeda has been caught in 9 years of hard work. But they had little success in assassinating al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May 2012 in Pakistan, where he was hiding. With a high budget and the most advanced technology, the CIA failed very much.

6. Federal Intelligence Service (BND - Germany)

BND – Germany's foreign intelligence service and official government security agency that operates as the German government's early warning system for corruption. To protect the interests of Germany, the organization monitors international communications and listens to conversations through online calls.

The service collects and analyzes data, evaluates information in order to prepare a report for officials. As a foreign intelligence agency, BND covers both military and civil services with more than 6,000 employees. Germany is in the top 12 countries that hate the US.

5. Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China (MSS - China)

The Ministry of State Security is the largest and most active Chinese intelligence agency. The head office of the organization is located in Beijing, it covers the control of international and political issues, extending a strict policy to foreign agents and spies. One of the main missions MS is to collect information from various countries.

It is said that many agents MS work in the USA, Canada and Australia, most of them worked as big businessmen, bankers, scientists and journalists. This really demonstrates the wide range of tasks of the great Chinese intelligence.

4. Office of Intelligence and Special Tasks (Mossad - Israel)

The Mossad is responsible for intelligence gathering for Israel. It is one of the most successful intelligence agencies in the world, taking an active part in covert operations and paramilitary activities. Acquisition of MIG-21 in 1967 and theft of plans" Mirage 5"is also the merit of this agency.

The Mossad is helping the US support Solidarity. The service was formed in 1949 and has approximately 1200 employees. Until 2011, the Mossad was headed by Meir Dagan, currently Tamir Pardo is in charge of the work.

3. Secret Intelligence Service (MI6 - UK)

British MI6 is also an effective intelligence service. A bit like the CIA in America. It has good technical equipment, MI-6 can be considered the best intelligence in the world. They say that they can access any confidential information and documents in order to change any details for their own purposes. How successful is not yet known.

2. Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI - Pakistan)

A well-known intelligence service has a long successful track record ISI. The Inter-Services Intelligence was formed in 1948, only a year after Pakistan's independence, with the aim of strengthening the effectiveness of the young country. Success in achieving one's goal without leading to major interventions is unmatched, no one can compete with the excellence of the best intelligence in the world.

In history ISI there were absolutely no double agents, and this is one of the main reasons to consider her one of the best intelligence. It is one of the least funded intelligence agencies of the ten, with 10,000 good agents working around the world.

1. Federal Security Service (FSB - Russia)

Federal Security Service Russian Federation(former KGB) is the main internal security organization in the country. All law enforcement agencies and institutions work on the orders of the FSB. The service is responsible for internal and external security Russian state. It is involved in counterintelligence, border security, counter-terrorism and surveillance. The organization fights organized crime and drug trafficking within the state.