Planet Earth is amazing and beautiful. Every day one can appreciate natural beauty and take advantage of her gifts. However, there are such places in the world, getting into which you understand how small and pitiful a person is before the forces of nature. Here we are talking about the hottest places on the planet.

The hottest place in Africa

Ethiopian Dallol. It is not the hottest place in the world, but without a doubt one of the hottest places in Africa. Half a century ago, Dallol was a mining settlement, but today it is an extinct city, the so-called ghost town. And here, experts recorded the highest average temperature for the year: from 1960 to 1966, thermometers in the city showed an average of 34.4 degrees Celsius.

For a number of days the temperature indicator was above 38 degrees. Dallol holds its temperature positions all year round, therefore, with all responsibility, we can say that these warm places will definitely warm tourists in winter. By the way, Dallol is famous for hydro thermal springs because it is a volcanically active region. One gets the impression that the heat comes from everywhere - from the hot lava and the scorching sun.

Another hottest place on the planet is Kebili in Tunisia. Here the temperature is also breaking records. The mercury column can rise to 55 degrees. And this is perhaps the highest temperature data that was recorded in Africa. However, Kebili is a beautiful desert oasis where locals can escape from the unbearable heat. By the way, it is believed that this place was inhabited 200 thousand years ago. And the secret of the popularity of this territory is palm trees and cool water.

The inhabitants of the town of Timbuktu also suffer from the heat. The city is located at the crossroads of trade routes in the Sahara. It was once the base of Islam in Africa and a scientific center. And now here you can look at the huge collections of ancient manuscripts. But, the heat does its job, and the desert wins back the territory of the city. Dunes sometimes grow on the streets, and the streets are completely dominated by sand. The heat does not give rest, and from time to time the thermometers rise to 55 degrees Celsius. Only the cool waters of the Niger River save the inhabitants, the river flows 24 kilometers from the city.

Another African place where tourists will be warm is Egypt. Most warm place in Egypt, of course, Sharm El Sheikh. Here, even in winter, the temperature rarely drops below 20 degrees. However, the weather in the country is very changeable, warm weather and rest can spoil strong winds. However, despite this, swimming is very comfortable.

The hottest place in Russia

Warm places in Russia are, of course, in the south of the country. The hottest city is Krasnodar.

Given the winter in Krasnodar mean annual temperature is plus 12 degrees. In summer, the thermometers show about 30 degrees Celsius, in some cases and areas, the mercury columns rise to 40 degrees. Therefore, if a tourist is desperate to look for warm places in Moscow, then you need to stock up on sunscreen, a swimsuit and take a plane to Krasnodar.

By the way, the hottest place in Russia, according to official data, is not at all in Krasnodar Territory. And in Kalmykia. This is the Utta weather station. Here, on July 12, 2010, a record air temperature was recorded - plus 45.4 degrees Celsius.

But the warmest place in Europe is worth looking for from Greece. Here, too, a temperature record has been set. No wonder crowds of tourists flock here during the season to swim in the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian seas and, of course, look at local attractions. Well, the warmest place in Greece is Athens. On July 10, 1977, here the thermometers showed plus 48 degrees. This is an officially recorded record.

For those who do not want to tempt fate, you can go to the warmest place in Spain. These are the Balearic Islands. This is where the famous Mallorca is located. The average annual temperature in this area in summer ranges from 29 to 30 degrees above zero. However, to get to this coveted island, you need to stock up on money, holidays in Spain are not cheap. However, you can find a more budgetary trip and visit, for example, the warmest place in the Crimea.

hottest place in january

In January, there is a surge in the popularity of trips to exotic and Asian countries for beach resorts. Tourists prefer to bask on the shores of Bali, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Seychelles and Maldives. And not without reason, these are the hottest places on the planet in January. These territories will amaze with excellent weather and contrast with the snowy landscapes in Russia.

However, along with the above, popular and Canary Islands. This is an ideal place for those who can not stand the suffocating heat. In January, in the Canaries, thermometers show about plus 20 degrees. Hotter - in Mauritius, where in the first month of the year about 30 degrees Celsius, however, humidity reaches 80 percent.

The most warm winter in Europe - in Andalusia. But it is still winter, and during the trip it is worth stocking up on warmer clothes. In general, the climate of Andalusia is hot subtropical with tropical influences. Therefore, this is perhaps the only place in Europe where you can not be surprised to see a sunbathing person in January. In the winter months, during the day, the thermometers can rise to 18 degrees above zero, but there have been cases when it “warmed up” to 25 degrees.

The warmest place in the world

The warmest place on earth, if not the hottest, is in Iran. This is Deshte-Lut. Here the temperature breaks all records. The Iranian desert is so hot that no one undertakes to constantly take temperature measurements.

A NASA satellite recorded thermometer readings during a 7-year study. So, in the mid-2000s, Deshte Lut was considered the hottest place in the world. And in 2005, experts took measurements and found out that the highest figure of all confirmed temperatures on the planet is here - 70.7 degrees above zero. Moreover, it is this desert, according to the editors of the site, that boasts the most beautiful dunes that reach a height of 500 meters.

But the hottest country in the world is Qatar. Even in winter, the average air temperature here is 28 degrees with a plus sign.
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At the 2014 World Football Championship, the Iranian team failed to compete for medals. But in the conditional tournament in terms of the highest temperature, Iran overtook all competitors. More precisely, such a kind of champion is the Deshte Lusht desert located in the east of this Middle Eastern desert. On a multi-kilometer sandy territory, where even the most viable bacteria die from heat and lack of moisture, the American space satellite recorded in 2005 the highest temperature of the earth's surface + 70.7 ° C.

However, if you look at the salt marshes and dunes of Deshte-Lut from the window of an airplane, then the desert is quite attractive. Thanks, above all, to the beautiful and high dunes.

Not by Iran alone

By the way, Deshte-Lusht is not the only area with terrible heat. Cooking meat without the help of a fire will certainly work in some others. And not all of them are located in especially heat-loving parts of the Asian and African continents. In particular, near the resort mediterranean sea Libyan Al-Aziziya was built. On September 13, 1922, its inhabitants had to endure a record +57.8°C. The Ethiopian Dallol is also on the list of the hottest places. average temperature in it, +34.4, is also considered the highest. And it is impossible to live in Dallol, completely covered with volcanic ash and salt and 116 meters below sea level, as in Desht Lusht.

Unbearable for people and all living things is the American Death Valley. Dryness and heat (the average summer is + 47 ° C, and the maximum reached 56.7) it kills everything and everyone. The list of truly hot countries on the planet is headed by Qatar, where the average winter temperature is +28. I wonder how the participants of the football World Cup 2022 will feel on the field? Especially those who come to Qatar from European countries.

"Vostok" is a frozen thing, Petruha!

People do not appear, even weather-hardened polar explorers and meteorologists, and in Antarctica located in the most cold spot the globe. Therefore, to determine the average temperature at the Antarctic Pole of Inaccessibility, and it is equal to minus 57.8 ° C, is entrusted exclusively to special frost-resistant instruments and remote calculation groups. The record for the lowest low temperature set at the Russian-owned Vostok station (89.2 °) was “beaten” after a measurement carried out by the Americans on the Fuji ice dome 3779 m high. It turned out to be exactly two degrees lower than the “eastern” one. Fuji is also located in Antarctica, on Queen Maud Land.

40 degree Eureka

The name of the polar station established near South Pole at an altitude of 3500 km, gave Lake Vostok covered with four-kilometer ice. Also in Russia, in Yakutia, people live. A small settlement of hunters, fishermen and reindeer herders set its world record - 71.2 degrees - in 1926. It is curious that in translation from Yakut its name sounds like “Non-freezing water”. It turned out that there is hot spring, not wanting to freeze even in winter.

The prestige of North America, as a very cold continent, was supported by its highest peak, Mount McKinley (6194 m). Otherwise, it is called Denali and it is believed that there are no lower high-mountain temperatures than here. The average winter on Denali, as, by the way, on the Canadian research station called Eureka, is 40 "minuses".

The temperate climate allows residents of mid-latitudes to enjoy winter snow and summer beach holiday. Temperatures above 30 ° C are real heat, and on such days you do not want to leave the house. But there are hot places on Earth where +35 ° C for the local population is the most pleasant coolness.

People are used to living here permanently, unlike tourists. And visitors should pay attention Special attention on the climate in these natural objects to protect yourself from the destructive heat.

Until recently, it was believed that 57.8 ° C is a record high temperature. The indicators of 1922 were noted in the African city of El Azizia, in Libya. The fact is controversial, many meteorologists consider it invalid.

On planet Earth, according to scientists, this is not the hottest place at all. Peaks of positive values ​​fall on remote corners in which there is no measuring equipment, these are the territories of the deserts of the Sahara, Gobi and Sonora.

Ethiopian Dallol

A unique place in the north of Ethiopia, in the region natural depression Danakil. The average annual temperature here is +34.4 °C. For months it does not fall below +38 ° C, and there is practically no difference between winter and summer. Even 50 years ago people lived here and mined ore. Today, only rare tourists come here.

The hottest places on Earth should start with the Ethiopian Dallol.

Dallol is the name of an area, an abandoned village and a volcano in the Afar basin.

The landscape of the valley, located 130 m below sea level, is unusual. It is distinguished by arrays of multi-colored influxes of bizarre shapes, craters of mud volcanoes, sulfur fumaroles and travertines. The heat is not the most terrifying, but it is constant all year round. It is supported by two sources: the Sun and an active volcano, surrounded by numerous thermal springs.


The hottest places on Earth in Europe are Greece, the capital of Athens, the center of the birth of world civilization. 42 m above sea level. On July 10, 1977, the air temperature rose to +48 °C. A little later than neighboring Spain and Portugal, the thermometers rose to +50 ° C, but these figures were not taken into account due to doubts about the accuracy of the measuring instruments.

The climate is subtropical semi-desert. The average daily temperature in summer is +28-30°C, in winter +10-12°C. Precipitation is about 398 mm. Moist breezes soften the heat Aegean Sea. More than 3 million people live in Athens permanently, not counting tourists and visiting workers. From 14:00 to 18:00 is a rest period.

A sign of tactlessness is to call at this time, make noise, make appointments. Almost every Sunday, some kind of fun holiday or festival is held in the city, which attracts crowds of tourists and Athenians.

Villa de Maria

The Argentine city in the province of Cordoba is the hottest in South America. The climate is subtropical oceanic. 02.01. In 1920, the thermometer crossed the mark of +49.1 ° C in the shade. In January, summer is here with an average value of +32 °C, winter falls on June +18.8 °C. The population is small, only about 5,000 people.


The hottest places on Earth in Australia are located in its southern part, at an altitude of 112 m above sea level, on the outskirts of the Simpson Desert. The absolute temperature record was recorded in January 1960 and amounted to + 50.7 °C. Aborigines say that such a jump in temperature destroyed all bed bugs.

But still, people do not feel comfortable living here, so the population of the town does not exceed 300 people. The climate is desert. Most hot month January with a maximum of +34 °C and a minimum of +24 °C. The average annual temperature in Odnadatta is +21.7 °C.


This African city is located on the southern edge of the Sahara, one of the largest and hottest deserts in the world. The climate is sharply continental. It was here that the temperature maximum was +54.5 degrees Celsius. The city is located in the Republic of Mali, at the bend of the Niger River, and the state itself has no access to the sea.

Timbuktu is one of the most densely populated African cities.

The hottest places on Earth are in the Sahara desert. It is also one of the most dangerous, but actively visited by tourists from all over the world place. The natives have learned to cope with the ever-present heat. But travelers should take care of themselves thoroughly.


This is a very beautiful and at the same time very hot city, located at the intersection of caravan routes in Tunisia (Africa). Hellish temperatures, reaching +55 °C during the day and falling below zero at night, do not frighten its inhabitants. Kebili was inhabited already 200 thousand years ago, and until the 30s of the twentieth century, a slave market remained here.

Numerous green oases, where you can cool off with water and relax in the shade, are located throughout the city. And for those who work in the hottest midday time, a siesta is obligatory. For the inhabitants of this region, such a climate is the norm, they are accustomed to temperatures at which it would be difficult for an ordinary inhabitant of the middle latitudes not only to function, but simply to survive.

Death Valley

One of the most visited tourist spots in California. Here it is national reserve, and is the lowest point in North America. For a long time it was considered the hottest place on Earth. On July 10, 1913, the temperature of +56.7 °C became the official recorded mark.

Death Valley is located in the Mojave Desert 86 m below sea level. Summer is dry. July averages +38 °C, average high 46 °C. Winter with rare precipitation and an average January temperature of +12 °C. There are years when not even a drop of precipitation falls on the desert land.


This Libyan desert for a long time has been mentioned as one of the hottest places on earth, along with the Mojave in the US. In 1922, a record temperature of 57.8 °C was recorded here. The researchers dispute this result, and suggest a margin of error of 7 degrees. Almost 100 years ago measuring instruments were not as accurate as they are today.

Al Aziziya is a really hot place. The average annual temperature is +50 °C. No wonder this city is not a popular place to live. There are only about 4,000 inhabitants here, and the population is constantly falling. It's all about the unbearable temperature and the constantly scorching sun.

fiery mountains

The hottest places on Earth in Asia are in China, in the Takla Makan desert, at an altitude of 832 m above sea level. The mountain range is one of the spurs of the Tien Shan and is a chain of deserted hills destroyed by erosion, devoid of any vegetation. The red color of the sandstone is evidence of violent volcanic activity. From a distance, the mountains resemble huge flames.

Along the foot in ancient times the Great Silk Road passed.

The temperature record in 2008 was 66.8 °C. The average air temperature is 49 °C, and the soil surface warms up to 82 °C. No wonder the Fiery Mountains are shrouded in numerous myths and legends and are a symbolic place.

Deshte Loot

Iran makes our list at number 1. 70.7 °C in the salt desert of Deshte Lut on the surface of the soil! Such an incredible result was recorded by a NASA satellite several years ago through a remote probe. Deshte Lut Desert is listed world heritage UNESCO.

Top 10 hottest places on Earth where people live: features of life, climate

Of course, many can imagine a high temperature, have been in a sauna or on vacation in a hot country. But to live in such conditions all the time is simply unbearable. However, this does not prevent brave natives from settling in such areas, and tourists from actively visiting them. Our ranking of the 10 hottest places on Earth with temperature peaks is opened by Iran.

Hottest places:

  1. Ahvaz, Iran: +47 °С. Iran is one of the hottest places on Earth. The harsh climate, the scorching sun, which almost never sets behind the clouds and occasional rain. It may seem that living in a place where the temperature reaches 47 ° C is impossible. In fact, Ahvaz in Iran is teeming with life, and the locals have learned to deal with the heat. From 12.00 to 18.00 the city practically dies out. It is difficult to find shops, restaurants or offices during these hours. Iranians have a siesta at this time, which they take very seriously. The city wakes up at sunset. Then Ahvaz literally comes to life.

  2. The second line of the ranking is occupied by the cities of Delhi. (India) and Dubai (UAE). Peak maxima here reached + 47.9 - 48 °С. The climate of Delhi is tropical monsoon, with an uneven distribution of precipitation, hot May and June and relatively cool, about +14 ° C, January. The population of about 20 million inhabitants is constantly growing. Dubai is a popular tourist destination, the richest emirate on the Persian Gulf. largest financial and economic center not only the United Arab Emirates, but the entire Middle East. 30°C January "coolness" is replaced here by 48°C summer heat. The development of the city is largely facilitated by numerous free economic activity zones, offshore zones, the absence of certain types of taxes, logistics (the 2 largest international airports and 2 seaports, several bus stations, metro, monorail), as well as tourism.

  3. Katenanuova, Sicily: +48.5°С . A commune in Italy with about 5,000 members. The climate is Mediterranean, with mild warm short winter and long dry hot summers. The average daily temperature in summer is +26 °С, in winter +10-14 °С.

  4. Jeddah: +49 °С. Big City in Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea coast. According to legend, here is the tomb of Eve, the foremother of mankind. The average annual temperature is +28 °С, July-August +32 °С, January-February 25°С. The population is 3.6 million people, 45% are Saudi nationals, and the rest are foreign workers. It is a major economic, scientific and Finance center countries.

  5. Cordova, Argentina: +50 °С. Capital of the province of the same name. The city is located in the zone of subtropical oceanic climate. Winter is cool and dry. Summer is hot and rainy. Such conditions are favorable for year-round cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Before colonization by the Spaniards, Indian tribes lived here, engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Now the population is over 1.7 million people and is employed in mechanical engineering, agriculture, light, aerospace, and military industries.

  6. Rajasthan, India: +50.6 °С. The largest densely populated Indian state, consisting of 7 administrative divisions - legions. The population of the state, more than 68 million people, is distinguished by a variety of ethnic, caste groups and classes. Until 1961, there was a system of debt slavery. The area of ​​the territory is 342,239 km², the desert regions of the northern part are rarely inhabited. Less than 400 mm of precipitation falls here annually, temperatures range from +45 °С in summer and below 0 °С in winter.

  7. Sonoran Desert, United States and Mexico: +52 °С. The huge desert in North America covers an area of ​​355,000 km², located on the territories of 2 American states - California and Arizona, as well as 2 Mexican ones - Baja California and Sonora. In the heart of the desert is the capital of Arizona - the city of Phoenix with a population of about 1.5 million people. The average annual temperature is 23.9 °C. In June, the thermometer rises to 39 ° C, and in winter it stays around 13-14 ° C. It rains about 50 days a year, most of the precipitation falls in July (27 mm). frequent dust storms. It is the hottest and driest city in the US.

  8. Tirat Zvi, Israel: 53.9 °C. Sunburned endless sandy deserts and the absolute lack of greenery on the horizon, such a landscape extends to Tirat Zvi in ​​Israel, at a place where the temperature was 53.9°C on June 12, 1942, and little has changed since. 50°C is the norm in this city. This small religious settlement has about 800 inhabitants. The main occupation is the cultivation of dates, the production of meat. The settlement is located in a valley 220 m below sea level.

  9. Sulaibia, El Kuwait, Kuwait: +53.6 °C. This suburb of Kuwait's capital is home to the world's largest tire dump. They are brought not only from their own country, but also from neighboring ones. Sometimes tires ignite, and huge fires are put out for months. But the biggest evil is air pollution from the smoke of burning rubber, which envelops. It remains a mystery when the work of the collection point will stop, and how the country's government will solve the problem of disposing of this toxic heap. The hot arid climate and dry winds of the Mitraba desert “warm up” the problem. The thermometer here famously jump up to +50 °С, in summer they do not fall below 40 °С. And rainfall is rare.

  10. Surprisingly, the hottest places on Earth where people live, scientists believe, is the city of El Paso.(USA, Texas) and the city of Gizan ( Saudi Arabia). El Paso is located near the Rio Grande, which is why the humidity is always increased to 70%. And Jizan is on the coast of the Red Sea. In these cities, the highest average annual temperature is observed - about 30 ° C.

Each continent and each country has its own record-breaking city for high temperatures. In Antarctica, this is Vanda station with a record of +15 °C. In Russia - Volgograd with 45 ° C heat, in Egypt - Safaga and Cairo, in Turkey - Anamur and Alanya, in Iraq - Baghdad. And everywhere people live and work who have adapted to the harsh conditions that seem to be hell for the inhabitants of the middle latitudes.

Top 10 hottest uninhabited places on the planet: location, minimum and maximum temperatures

Probably, there are hardly many places on the planet where a human foot has not set foot. Even if these places are uninhabited. There are no roads and it is very difficult to get to them. Especially if extreme heat and lack of water become an obstacle. Such places are numerous deserts.

People left them long ago, or did not live here at all. And the caravan routes sank into dunes. Only occasionally desperate travelers come here to capture rare shots.

Name Mainland A country Average t of winter Average t of summer Maximum t (°C) Precipitation (mm/year)


Asia Afghanistan 0 30 45 50
Kalahari Desert Africa Namibia 12 29 45 up to 500
Thal desert Asia Pakistan 22-28 40 45 up to 400
Rub al Khali desert Asia Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE 25-30 40 47 35
Desert Karakum Asia Turkmenistan -3 36 50 60-150
Deshte Loot
Asia Iran 11 39 50 20-50
Mojave Desert North America USA -3 47-50 54 150
Danakil Desert Africa Ethiopia 20 40 55 up to 200
Africa Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia, Chad, 13 40 57,8 76
Gobi Desert Asia China, Mongolia — 32 40 58 50

On Earth, there are still the most "hot spots" that amaze the imagination. Hot places attract with their unusualness, mystery and beauty. Many of them are densely populated, others are uninhabited. But all of them are unique and inimitable, because they contain the history of the blue planet, its present and future.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the hottest places in the world

Top 10 hottest places on the planet:

Domestic winters are severe, frosty and very long. It is at this time of the year that we are so drawn to where the sun shines warmly and brightly. Do you know which country in the world is the hottest? In what cities of the planet the air temperature rises to unimaginable values? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Climate records of the planet

When in summer the air warms up to +30 degrees, we languish from the heat and pray to the Almighty for a cool rain. But there are hotter places on our planet, where temperature values ​​can reach +40 ... 50 o Celsius. What are these places? And where is the most hot country in the world? Let's find out.

In meteorology, there is such a thing as "absolute temperature maximum". This is the highest air temperature recorded at a certain point on Earth in the entire history of observations. This is one of the main indicators that allows you to highlight the 10 hottest countries in the world (or cities). So, for example, for Moscow this value is +38.2 o C, but for Athens (the sultry capital of Europe) - +48.0 o C.

For quite a long time, +58.2 o C was considered to be a record temperature for the globe. It was recorded back in 1922 in the desert of Libya, not far from the city of Tripoli. However, in 2012 the World Meteorological Organization denied these figures. According to satellite monitoring data earth's surface, the absolute maximum air temperature was recorded in 2005 in the Deshte-Lut area in southwestern Iran (+70.7 o C).

So, where is the hottest country in the world located? And how many degrees does the thermometer show on its territory? Read more about this later in the article.

The hottest countries in the world: TOP 10

There are many truly “hot” states in the world. Most often, they are located in the equatorial and tropical latitudes. After all, it is these parts of the globe that receive in a year the largest number solar heat. But which country is the hottest in the world? To be called such, it must have high temperatures throughout the calendar year.

So, the ten hottest countries in the world looks like this:

  • Ethiopia (10th place).
  • Indonesia (9th place).
  • Jamaica (8th place).
  • India (7th place).
  • Malaysia (6th place).
  • Vietnam (5th place).
  • Bahrain (4th place).
  • UAE (3rd place).
  • Botswana (2nd place).
  • Qatar (1st place).
  • Dubai, UAE).
  • Baghdad (Iraq).
  • Al-Kuwait (Kuwait).
  • Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).
  • Ahvaz (Iran).


Ethiopia is located in the eastern part of Africa. Since the country is located in equatorial latitudes, it is not much cooler in winter than in summer. The climate of the eastern regions of Ethiopia is characterized by extreme dryness and sultryness.


The average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

As such, there is no division into seasons in Indonesia either. Annual temperature fluctuations here do not exceed 3-5 degrees. The Indonesian heat is significantly complicated by the high humidity of the air, due to the proximity of the open ocean. However, in mountainous areas of this island country it is quite possible to freeze even in the hottest months of the year.


The average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

The climate of Jamaica is tropical maritime, very humid. It is just as hot here in winter as it is in summer. And here is the distribution precipitation is strictly seasonal. Most of the rain falls in autumn. According to historical reports, the first European colonizers in Jamaica had a hard time. It took a long time for the Europeans to adapt to the unusual Jamaican climate.


India is a distinctive and colorful country, one of the most popular among tourists. From the harsh northern winds, it is reliably protected by a chain of the Himalayan mountains. But the hot air from the Thar Desert is freely distributed throughout almost its entire territory. Unlike all of the above states, in India there is some seasonality in the climate: in winter, the average air temperature here drops to +15 degrees.


The average temperature of the warm season: +32 o C.

In the middle of our rating is the Asian state of Malaysia. The climate here is humid (due to the proximity of the sea) and hot (due to the proximity to the equator). However, the Malaysian heat is "diluted" a little by the monsoons, which bring heavy and prolonged rains in spring and autumn.


A similar situation is observed in Vietnam: in the transitional seasons of the year, monsoons bring precipitation and, often, typhoons. But the winter in this country is quite dry, even in comparison with the hot summer. In general, Vietnam is the hottest country in South-East Asia.


The average temperature of the warm season: +33 o C.

The tiny kingdom of Bahrain is located on an island archipelago in the Persian Gulf. abundance tropical deserts minimizes the amount of precipitation and, as a result, indicators of air humidity. In summer, air temperatures here are often kept at around +40 degrees, but in winter they drop to +17 ° C.

United Arab Emirates

The average temperature of the warm season: +37 o C.

In the UAE, the climate is characterized by excessive dryness and sultryness. The hottest months of the year are July and August. At the same time, the heat does not subside even at night, remaining at the level of + 34 ... 35 ° C. Almost the entire territory of the UAE is covered with sand. But this did not stop the Arab sheikhs from turning their country into one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the Middle East.


The average temperature of the warm season: +40 o C.

Another one African country in our ranking is Botswana. Two seasons are clearly distinguished here: hot winter (since this is the Southern Hemisphere) and relatively cool summer, when the air temperature averages +25 degrees. Even small frosts sometimes occur within the Kalahari Desert.


The average temperature of the warm season: +41 o C.

Finally, the hottest country in the world is Qatar. Local residents are not particularly surprised when they see +50 degrees on their thermometer. And it's in the shade! Most of the country is occupied by deserts, so throughout the year they blow sandstorms.

One of Qatar's main problems is the shortage drinking water. Solve it by desalination. That is why water in this country is more expensive than gasoline.

Our planet has different seasons and temperature conditions. In most countries of the world, weather conditions are changing and we are already accustomed to the cold season, then to the hot one. But there are places where people live and work for a whole year in simply incredibly hot conditions. This top rating hottest places on earth, where the air temperature is kept at very high rates for almost a whole year.

The hottest places on earth Top 10

10. Wadi Halfa (Sudan)

A city with a population of about 16,000 people is located in Northern Sudan. Wadi Halfa has attracted the attention of archaeologists more than once; in addition, it has historical meaning, as it was the postal communication center for the allied forces in Africa. Climate hot and dry, the air temperature reaches 52.76 °C

9. AghaJari (Iran)

The city is located in the province of Khuzestan in Iran. The population is about 13.100 people. The place is famous for its giant oil field, one of the largest in Iran, as well as one of hottest places on earth. Especially hot in July when the temperature exceeds 53.33°C.

8. Ahvaz (Iran)

Another city located in the province of Khuzestan in western Iran, through which the Karun River flows. The population is about 969 thousand people. Is very important center metallurgical industry. The air temperature reaches 53.5°C.

7. Tirat Zvi (Israel)

This religious kibbutz is located in the Beit Shean Valley, which is 10 km from the city of Beit Shean in Israel. The place is 220m above sea level. The population is about 700 people. The temperature reaches 53.9°C.

6. Aravan (Mali)

This is a small village located in the Malian part of the Sahara Desert. The population is about 4,500 people. A particularly hot month is April, when temperatures can reach 54.4°C.

5. Timbuktu (Mali)

fifth position among hottest places on earth occupies Timbuktu. The city in Mali is located at a distance of 15 km north of the Niger River. The population is about 35.3 thousand people. The city receives its main income from tourism. The air temperature can reach 54.5°C.

4. Kebili (Tunisia)

The city is located in the Tunisian desert. It is notable for the fact that one of the oldest oases in Tunisia and throughout northern Africa is located there. The population is about 146 thousand people. The temperature can reach 55°C.

3. Ghadames (Libya)

Ghadames is an oasis located in the southwestern part of Libya. Population in this place about 10 thousand people. Previously, the Romans ruled here, then only Muslim Arabs began to rule. Temperature reaches 55°C

2. Death Valley (USA)

The name Death Valley is synonymous hot and dry weather conditions, in the region North America. This is an intermountain depression, in the Mojave Desert, located east of the state of California. It is the lowest point in North America, located 86 meters below sea level. The air temperature reaches 56.7°C. This is officially recognized as the hottest place on earth, but the hottest place was not recorded here. heat hence the second place. Although if we take the average annual temperature then Death Valley is the standout winner.

El Azizia (Libya)

The city is located in the northwest of Libya. It is a major center of trade. It is this place that is the hottest place on the ground. The air temperature can reach 56.8°C. Although this record, set in 1922, was officially challenged, and awarded the first place among the hottest, the valley of death when a temperature of 56.6°C was recorded there in 1913. But even after that, many even give the first place to El Azizia.