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Sasha Spielberg(real name Alexandra Balkovskaya; genus. November 27, Moscow, Russia) - singer and video blogger.


Sasha was born on November 27, 1997 in Moscow. Her parents are small businessmen, Sasha did not talk about them in detail.


The girl was a hyper-active child: she played tennis, painted, played golf, skied, practiced swimming, horseback riding and figure skating. She also speaks English, Italian and Greek.

Sasha lived in many countries: in Italy, Switzerland, but Sasha spent the most memorable time in Cyprus, due to the fact that she was sick a lot, later she developed asthma, in the end she needed good climate.

In the fifth grade, Sasha Spielberg became interested in music, performing on stage, later she connected this hobby with her.

Some time later, Sasha returns to Russia, after defeating his illness, but becomes depressed due to a lack of friends. This went on for a couple of months, until the girl took the pseudonym "Spielberg" (according to her, her Danish ancestors had such a surname) and began her career as a video blogger.


Sasha connected her career with YouTube by making a channel on English language, laying out different videos, especially covers, where she has already gained a considerable number of foreign fans. She liked it, but not her parents. Subsequently, they were sent abroad to a boarding school, which Sasha Spielberg did not like. But she found her first love there. But Sasha did not part with her lover for a long time after arriving in Russia, but she had to do this because of the large distance between them.

So she becomes a video blogger with one more attempt, and this time in Russian.

Blogger career

Sasha's channel was created in 2010, but she began to upload videos much later due to the fact that her parents made an agreement with her that no one would know about her last name, which is quite likely another reason for the emergence of the pseudonym "Spielberg". On this moment, Sasha's channel already has more than 4 million subscribers.

Gradually, the blogger becomes famous not only on the Internet, but also in traditional media. For example, she starred in an advertisement for Unilever's Cornetto ice cream, where she sang a real ice cream anthem, along with DJ Leonid Rudenko

As of 2016, Spielberg's channel has about 0.5 billion views. According to RBC forecasts, the blogger's earnings in 2014 could range from 89.4 to 742.5 thousand dollars. According to Sasha, promotional offers began to come in when her channel gained 100,000 subscribers. For the first review of cosmetics, Spielberg received 100,000 rubles. Also, according to her, she "suffers from an abundance of promotional offers" and agrees to only one out of 15.

Singing career

Sasha, in parallel with video blogging, also posted songs with video clips, which also became popular. Sasha writes songs on his own.

Sasha Spielberg has also collaborated with already famous singers as Alexander Panayotov.


Critics of Sasha's work mainly condemn the choice of her pseudonym "Spielberg", which is already used by the American actress from famous family with the same name: Sasha Spielberg. Criticism of Sasha can be heard from such video bloggers as Dmitry Larin, Milena Chizhova, Igor Sinyak and others.



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An excerpt characterizing Sasha Spielberg (video blogger)

And, glancing around the room, he turned to Rostov, whom he did not deign to notice the position of childish irresistible embarrassment, turning into bitterness, and said:
- You seem to be talking about the Shengraben case? You were there?
“I was there,” Rostov said with anger, as if by this he wanted to offend the adjutant.
Bolkonsky noticed the state of the hussar, and it seemed funny to him. He smiled slightly contemptuously.
- Yes! Lots of stories about this stuff!
“Yes, stories,” Rostov spoke loudly, looking at Boris and then Bolkonsky with furious eyes, “yes, there are many stories, but our stories are the stories of those who were in the very fire of the enemy, our stories have weight, and not stories of those staff thugs who receive awards without doing anything.
“Which do you suppose I belong to?” - calmly and especially pleasantly smiling, said Prince Andrei.
A strange feeling of anger and at the same time respect for the calmness of this figure was united at that time in the soul of Rostov.
“I’m not talking about you,” he said, “I don’t know you and, I confess, I don’t want to know. I'm talking about staff in general.
“And I’ll tell you what,” Prince Andrei interrupted him with calm authority in his voice. - You want to insult me, and I am ready to agree with you that this is very easy to do if you do not have sufficient respect for yourself; but you will agree that both the time and place are very badly chosen for this. One of these days we will all have to be in a big, more serious duel, and besides, Drubetskaya, who says that he is your old friend, is not at all to blame for the fact that my physiognomy had the misfortune not to please you. However,” he said, getting up, “you know my name and you know where to find me; but do not forget,” he added, “that I do not consider myself or you offended at all, and my advice, as a man older than you, is to leave this matter without consequences. So on Friday, after the show, I'm waiting for you, Drubetskoy; goodbye, ”concluded Prince Andrei and went out, bowing to both.
Rostov remembered what he had to answer only when he had already left. And he was even more angry because he forgot to say it. Rostov immediately ordered his horse to be brought in and, after taking a dry farewell to Boris, rode off to his place. Should he go to the head quarters tomorrow and call in this fractious adjutant, or, in fact, leave the matter as it is? was a question that tormented him all the way. Now he thought with malice about how pleased he would be to see the fright of this small, weak and proud little man under his pistol, then he felt with surprise that of all the people he knew, he would not want so much to have his friend like this adjutant he hated.

On the next day of Boris' meeting with Rostov, there was a review of the Austrian and Russian troops, both fresh, who had come from Russia, and those who had returned from the campaign with Kutuzov. Both emperors, the Russian with the heir to the Tsarevich and the Austrian with the Archduke, made this review of the allied 80,000th army.
From early morning, smartly cleaned and cleaned troops began to move, lining up on the field in front of the fortress. Then thousands of feet and bayonets with fluttering banners moved and, at the command of the officers, stopped, turned around and formed up at intervals, bypassing other similar masses of infantry in different uniforms; then with measured stomp and rattling sounded elegant cavalry in blue, red, green embroidered uniforms with embroidered musicians in front, on black, red, gray horses; then, stretching out with its copper sound of trembling on carriages, cleaned, shiny cannons and with its own smell of overcoats, artillery crawled between the infantry and cavalry and was placed in designated places. Not only generals in full dress uniform, with constricted impossibly thick and thin waist and reddened, propped up collars, necks, in scarves and all orders; not only pomaded, dressed-up officers, but every soldier, with a fresh, washed and shaved face and cleaned up to the last possible shine with ammunition, each horse, groomed so that, like satin, its wool shone on it and hair to hair lay wetted mane, - everyone felt that something serious, significant and solemn was happening. Each general and soldier felt their insignificance, conscious of themselves as a grain of sand in this sea of ​​people, and together they felt their power, conscious of being part of this huge whole.
Intense chores and efforts began from early in the morning, and at 10 o'clock everything came into the required order. Rows lined up on the vast field. The whole army was stretched out in three lines. Cavalry in front, artillery in back, infantry in back.
Between each row of troops there was, as it were, a street. Three parts of this army sharply separated from one another: the combat Kutuzov (in which the Pavlograd people stood on the right flank in the front line), the army and guards regiments and the Austrian army. But all stood under one line, under one command and in the same order.
As the wind swept through the leaves, an excited whisper: “They are coming! they're going!" Frightened voices were heard, and a wave of fuss over the last preparations ran through all the troops.

Hello, dear "Afisha". My name is Papa Spielberg. I love Winnie the Pooh very much.

- Is it true?

Of course, and who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh? Okay, let's be serious.

- Where did they go? Nothing loud Lately No.

I am a manager. Clients hire me to make more money. When public response helps to earn or sound - we resonate. Recently, commerce does not require loudness, so nothing is heard. Blogging, as the market has formed, is a routine workflow.

Have you ever wanted to try blogging yourself?

I didn’t want to, but in December I open my channel and become a YouTuber.

- For what?

I know a lot about the social media industry, about YouTube. I was even invited to the Moscow Film School to supervise the course "Video Blogging as a Profession". We start in January. I want to start my video blog together with the students. Conditional title - "How to spend a million." Now there are many blogs on the topic “How to make a million”, but earning is hard and boring, and spending is pleasant and fun. The top human scientists, British scientists, have unearthed what people love more than anything [spending money]. Well, except for the period from 18 to 35, when they most like to have sex.

- Spend money.

Yes. Spending - especially a million and especially not rubles - is a science. And there are no competitors yet, there are no channels on this topic. I will talk about beautiful and expensive goods, services and phenomena. I will not buy anything, because I already have a lot. Would you like to buy an expensive watch?

By the way, you don't have a watch.

Yes, I am without watches, crosses and ties. I'm allergic to them like the pirate Jack Rackham - he was also allergic to rings and ties. As a result, he was hanged, but I hope that I will not be hanged.

So. If a watch costs more than $1,000, it's almost an investment. You need to understand what the watch is for, at least know the market a little. One of the videos will be with a watch dealer, very understanding. I will send you a link and find out how to choose the right watch in price categories up to five thousand dollars, up to ten, up to twenty, up to fifty, up to one hundred, up to five hundred.

There will be playlists with unique specialists in various fields. For example, "Etiquette with Albina Kholgova." Albina is one of the top etiquette experts in the country.

In short, [it will be] a channel about how to spend a million wisely and with pleasure.

- Why do you need this?

For the last seven years of my life, I have been working with very young people who have a lot to say. A video blogger is a person who has something to say. I gained experience from clients and decided to exercise my right to freedom of speech. I have something to say.

I will be successful because I like what I will do. If a person does something with pleasure, with love, then he will definitely succeed.

- What do you miss in life?

age. I wish I was at least thirty years old again, so that time would go in reverse side. It is only after fifty you begin to understand.

What traits do you dislike the most about yourself?

I am a child of the era of change. Our new Chinese friends say that God forbid we live in an era of change. Life was very unfavorable, cruel, harsh, and I stayed in those times. Often I behave as if I do not live in 2018. I'm fighting it, I'm working on myself. Then everything was very specific, fast, people had more responsibility than now

- I didn't live in the 1980s and 1990s. Can you tell about main feature that time?

Outside in 1990. You leave the subway. Winter, minus twenty degrees and there is a queue, about forty people, in a stall with the inscription "Ice cream". Do you know why she's worth it? For butter. Get in the tail. In fifteen minutes you take two packs, because they don’t give more than two in one hand, and this makes your evening.

- Is it too late to go to YouTube in 2018?

Just right. Now there are a lot of companies that are looking for information, sorting, selling, buying, dismembering ... Do you know what their main deficit is? Content!

Content is primary. If you produce content that the viewer needs, then it's never too late to go to YouTube. There will be both a viewer and a buyer

Alexander Balkovsky

Papa Spielberg

- What is the worst film by Bekmambetov?

Timur the director has no bad films.

- Why don't you like BadComedian?

I really love BadComedian, especially the battered one. Seriously, this is not my content. I don't have much time to watch thrash.

- Did you look at the review on "Hack Bloggers"?

Certainly. This is a classic example of a clash of social media stars. BadComedian and Katya Klep sleep together. Katya Klap and Sasha Spielberg are bitter enemies. How to spoil Sasha Spielberg? Ask your boyfriend to crap on a failed project she's on. That's the whole story.

The same review

What are you most ashamed of in your life?

Ashamed in life? Oh, damn... Well, this, I can't say. It's too personal and no one cares. Most often I am ashamed of the moments when I was unfair to people or undeservedly rude.

- Daughters in the State Duma was with your permission?

She consulted with me. Sasha is one of the leaders in his industry. She has management. When counterparties - whether it be the State Duma or a commercial brand - want to communicate with the artist, they get in touch. No one came to the State Duma and said: "Let Sasha Spielberg speak with you." State Duma employees contacted Sasha's management and discussed the possibility of a collaboration. Agreed. The Vice Speaker of the State Duma sent Sasha an official invitation to speak. The procedure was absolutely standard.

Sasha agreed because before her speech in the State Duma, most of the country's population did not know at all who video bloggers were.

The same performance

- And I didn’t know who Sasha was.

Yes, sure. It was great occasion to get to know about my client and our industry more people. And this is not at all a shameful occasion.

Alexander Balkovsky

Member Name: Alexandra Balkovskaya

Age (birthday): 27.11.1997

Moscow city

Height and weight: 1.62 m

Channel direction: music, travel, letsplays, backstages and more

Channel created: May 19, 2010

Number of subscribers: over 5.1 million

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

Reading this article:

Sasha was born in Moscow and her childhood was very turbulent. The girl was engaged in swimming, tennis, figure skating and even equestrian sports. All this ended at the age of 7, when she was diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

For the sake of her recovery, her parents immediately changed the gloomy capital to sunny Cyprus and did not lose. The disease subsided and the family returned to their homeland.

True, Sasha's character changed after the illness - she became more closed, went into herself. Youtube has become a real breath of air for the girl. At first, the girl began to record videos in English and became popular in the United States.

All free time Sasha sat at the computer and the parents decided to end this hobby by sending the girl to a foreign boarding school.

The institution was terrible, but it gave Spielberg first love. After returning to Russia, relations with the young man quickly faded, because Sasha decided to go deeply into creativity.

True, the channel is now Russian-speaking. Plus there are two branches. In one, Spielberg filmed covers at home, but over time they grew into something more.

Now Spielberg boasts recordings in the studios and numerous of his own works.

Another branch is a vlog created in 2012, where Sasha reveals to subscribers different aspects of his life - shopping, traveling and much more.

YouTube brought Sasha real glory. True, there is an opinion that initially the girl received subscribers thanks to advertising on one of the regional channels. And it was bought by the girl's wealthy parents. This fact has not been confirmed, but it should be noted that Spielberg's life, which fans see, can hardly be called poor.

The level of everything that gets into the frame is clearly “above average”. Another interesting point is that subscribers claim that the girl’s musical branch is much more interesting and richer than just stories “for life”.

The girl took the pseudonym deliberately and after consulting with her parents. They even have a kind of contract - subscribers will never know Sasha's identity, they will not fit into her life, but for now the blogger herself can do anything. But over time, the parents got used to it and the girl’s mother even sometimes appears in her daughter’s videos.

Another important point in a girl's life - relationships with colleagues. Very often bloggers are friends with each other, star in each other's videos. Everything is different with Sasha, she has several videos with famous bloggers, but the girl has more enemies.

A story has gone through the entire Internet how vlogger Igor Sinyak lost one of the videos in which Sasha and Dmitry Larin just flashed, then the entire channel was deleted for using Sasha's image!

These two incidents led to the creation of numerous anti-Sasha Spielberg groups in in social networks. But the girl does not pay attention to these “little things in life”.

Another paint in the box of scandals associated with Sasha Spielberg was the incident at the Video People festival in 2014. Then a wave of information swept through those who came that Sasha's mother allegedly strangled Milena Chizhova. It all ended with mutual accusations of slander, there was no trial, but the sediment remained.

Both on my channel and in interviews, Sasha Spielberg always says that YouTube popularity is not going to stop.

Her words were confirmed in 2015, when the girl recorded two songs for the full-length Russian film He is a Dragon. One of them - the ballad "To love is scary" has become incredibly popular.

The girl has several clips of her own as well joint videos with popular Russian performers.

It is expected that a secretive girl will not talk about her personal life, and this is true. The girl prefers to remain silent about her romantic hobbies, but fans have repeatedly attributed relationships to her colleagues to her.

Photo by Sasha Spielberg

Sasha often takes part in photo shoots and shoots for magazines. On Instagram, the girl posts a piece of her personal life, a lot of photos from travels and joint photo with Russian stars.

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Sasha Spielberg
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Name at birth:
Date of Birth:

Russia 22x20px Russia


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Date of death:

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Awards and prizes:

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[[Lua error in Module:Wikidata/Interproject on line 17: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). |Artworks]] in Wikisource

Sasha Spielberg(real name Alexandra Balkovskaya; genus. November 27, Moscow, Russia) - singer and video blogger.


Sasha was born on November 27, 1997 in Moscow. Her parents are small businessmen, Sasha did not talk about them in detail.


The girl was a hyper-active child: she played tennis, painted, played golf, skied, practiced swimming, horseback riding and figure skating. She also speaks English, Italian and Greek.

Sasha lived in many countries: in Italy, Switzerland, but Sasha spent the most memorable time in Cyprus, due to the fact that she was sick a lot, later she developed asthma, in the end she needed a good climate.

In the fifth grade, Sasha Spielberg became interested in music, performing on stage, later she connected this hobby with her.

Some time later, Sasha returns to Russia, after defeating his illness, but becomes depressed due to a lack of friends. This went on for a couple of months, until the girl took the pseudonym "Spielberg" (according to her, her Danish ancestors had such a surname) and began her career as a video blogger.


Sasha connected her career with YouTube, making a channel in English, posting various videos, especially covers, where she has already gained a considerable number of foreign fans. She liked it, but not her parents. Subsequently, they were sent abroad to a boarding school, which Sasha Spielberg did not like. But she found her first love there. But Sasha did not part with her lover for a long time after arriving in Russia, but she had to do this because of the large distance between them.

So she becomes a video blogger with one more attempt, and this time in Russian.

Blogger career

Sasha's channel was created in 2010, but she began to upload videos much later due to the fact that her parents made an agreement with her that no one would know about her last name, which is quite likely another reason for the emergence of the pseudonym "Spielberg". At the moment, Sasha's channel has more than 4 million subscribers.

Gradually, the blogger becomes famous not only on the Internet, but also in traditional media. For example, she starred in an advertisement for Unilever's Cornetto ice cream, where she sang a real ice cream anthem, along with DJ Leonid Rudenko

As of 2016, Spielberg's channel has about 0.5 billion views. According to RBC forecasts, the blogger's earnings in 2014 could range from 89.4 to 742.5 thousand dollars. According to Sasha, promotional offers began to come in when her channel gained 100,000 subscribers. For the first review of cosmetics, Spielberg received 100,000 rubles. Also, according to her, she "suffers from an abundance of promotional offers" and agrees to only one out of 15.

Singing career

Sasha, in parallel with video blogging, also posted songs with video clips, which also became popular. Sasha writes songs on his own.

Sasha Spielberg also collaborated with already well-known singers like Alexander Panayotov.


Critics of Sasha's work mostly condemn the choice of her pseudonym "Spielberg", which is already used by an American actress from a famous family with the same name: Sasha Spielberg. Criticism of Sasha can be heard from such video bloggers as Dmitry Larin, Milena Chizhova, Igor Sinyak and others.



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An excerpt characterizing Sasha Spielberg (video blogger)

Mom apparently mentally straightened her severely, because the girl was suddenly very upset. Tears welled up in warm brown eyes and it was clear that a little more - and they would flow like a river.
- Just don't cry! Stella asked quickly. “Do you want me to do the same for you?”
The girl's face instantly lit up. She grabbed her mother's hand and squealed happily:
“Do you hear, Mommy, I didn’t do anything wrong and they are not angry with me at all!” Can I have one too?.. I really will be very good! I promise you very, very much!
Mom looked at her with sad eyes, trying to decide how to answer correctly. And the girl suddenly asked:
“Have you seen my daddy, kind luminous girls?” He disappeared with my brother...
Stella looked at me questioningly. And I already knew in advance what she would offer now ...
“Do you want us to eat them?” – as I thought, she asked.
- We have already searched, we have been here for a long time. But they are not. The woman answered very calmly.
“But we’ll look differently,” Stella smiled. “Just think of them so we can see them, and we'll find them.
The girl closed her eyes funny, apparently trying very hard to mentally create a picture of her dad. It's been a few seconds...
“Mommy, how is it that I don’t remember him?” the little girl was surprised.
I heard this for the first time and, to my surprise, in Stella's big eyes, I realized that this was also something completely new for her ...
- How so - do not remember? mother did not understand.
- Well, I look, I look and I don’t remember ... How is it, I love him very much? Maybe he really doesn't exist anymore?
- Excuse me, can you see him? I asked my mother carefully.
The woman nodded confidently, but suddenly something in her face changed and it was clear that she was very confused.
– No... I can't remember him... Is this possible? – already almost frightened she said.
- And your son? Can you remember? Or brother? Can you remember your brother? Stella asked, addressing both at once.
Mother and daughter shook their heads.
Usually such a cheerful, Stella's face looked very preoccupied, probably could not understand what was happening here. I literally felt the intense work of her living and such an unusual brain.
- I figured it out! I came up with! Stella suddenly squealed happily. - We will "dress" your images and go for a "walk". If they are somewhere, they will see us. It's true?
I liked the idea, and all that remained was to mentally “change clothes” and go in search.
“Oh, please, can I stay with him until you return?” - the little girl stubbornly did not forget her desire. - And what is his name?
“Not yet,” Stella smiled at her. - and you?
- Leah. - The little girl answered. "Why are you still glowing?" We saw them once, but everyone said they were angels... And then who are you?
- We are the same girls as you, only we live "above".
- Where is the top? Little Leah did not let up.
“Unfortunately, you can’t go there,” Stella tried to somehow explain, having got into difficulty. - Do you want me to show you?
The little girl jumped for joy. Stella took her by the hand and opened her amazing fantasy world, where everything seemed so bright and happy that I did not want to believe it.
Leah's eyes became like two huge round saucers:
- Oh, what a beauty! .... And what is this - paradise? Oh ma-amochki! .. - the girl squealed enthusiastically, but very quietly, as if afraid to frighten off this incredible vision. - And who lives there? Oh, look, what a cloud!.. And golden rain! Does this happen?..
Have you ever seen a red dragon? Leah shook her head in disapproval. – Well, you see, it happens to me, because this is my world.
“Then what are you, God?” "But God can't be a girl, can he?" And then who are you?
Questions rained down from her in an avalanche and Stella, not having time to answer them, laughed.
Not busy with “questions and answers”, I began to slowly look around and was completely amazed at the extraordinary world opening up to me ... It was, in fact, a real “transparent” world. Everything around sparkled and shimmered with some kind of blue, ghostly light, from which (as it should) for some reason did not become cold, but on the contrary - it warmed with some unusually deep warmth that pierced the soul. Around me, from time to time, transparent human figures floated, now condensing, now becoming transparent, like a luminous mist... This world was very beautiful, but somehow unstable. It seemed that he was changing all the time, not exactly knowing how to stay forever ...
- Well, are you ready to "walk"? Stella's cheerful voice pulled me out of my dreams.
– Where are we going? Waking up, I asked.
Let's go look for the missing! The little girl smiled cheerfully.
- Dear girls, will you still allow me to guard your dragon while you are walking? - not wanting to forget him, downcast her round eyes, asked little Leah.
- Okay, watch out. - Graciously allowed Stella. “Just don’t give it to anyone, otherwise he’s still a baby and can get scared.”
- Oh, well, you, how can you! .. I will love him very much until you return ...

Sasha Spielberg (Alexandra Balkovskaya)

Blogger Date of birth November 27 (Sagittarius) 1997 (22) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @sashaspilberg

Sasha Spielberg is a popular video blogger and an idol of 5 million people, consisting of schoolchildren and students. Thanks to her own charisma and interesting content, Sasha managed to stand out among thousands of bloggers and let's players. She was the first in Russia to officially receive her own channel before coming of age. Her earnings on advertising exceed 1 million rubles a month.

Biography of Sasha Spielberg

The future YouTube star was born on November 27, 1997. Her real name is Alexandra Balkovskaya. Parents are wealthy businessmen. only daughter they strived to give the very best. Sasha's childhood passed in Moscow. She studied music and drawing, attended several sports sections. The girl was engaged in horse riding, tennis, figure skating. Despite the efforts of the parents, the baby was often sick. The doctors diagnosed her with bronchial asthma.

Treatment required dry and warm climate, and the family moved to the island of Cyprus. The girl went to school abroad. Here she found friends who were passionate about singing. In the 5th grade, Alexandra took the stage with a girl group. New sensations inspired the girl, she decided to become a singer. The Mediterranean climate benefited her health. The family decided to return to Moscow.

Torn off from her usual surroundings and friends, Sasha spent a lot of time on the Internet. She abandoned her studies, constantly recorded songs and posted them on YouTube. In order for their daughter to finish school, her parents sent her to an American boarding school. The time spent in the boarding school, Alexandra called terrible. She did not like the room, the neighbor, the new living conditions. Video blogs have become an outlet for Sasha. She had subscribers who supported the girl.

After returning to Russia, Spielberg continued her favorite pastime. Starting her career as a blogger, she agreed with her parents that she would not mention her real name anywhere. In 2012, Sasha began to broadcast, in which she shared her opinion about cosmetics, clothes, and travel. She posted letsplays for The Sims and other games. A year later, the audience of her channel amounted to 100 thousand people. Numerous advertisers began to contact blogger Sasha Spielberg. She received a lucrative offer from Procter & Gambel to advertise cosmetics.

Sasha's projects interested a wide audience, the number of her subscribers quickly grew to a million. She received the "Golden Button" YouTube. Fans of the channel call themselves "Spielbergs". New video projects are released every Friday.

Sasha owes much of her popularity to her father. The co-owner of Z-Agency helped her with advertising and promotion on YouTube channel. Balkovsky, together with director Timur Bekmambetov, manages famous video bloggers. The daughter introduced him to colleagues and friends Yulia Pushman, Karina Gaparyants. Balkovsky also became their manager. The blogosphere has its own competition and clash of interests. Some bloggers openly conflict with Sasha. Among her ill-wishers Igor Sinyak, Milena Chizhova, Katya Klep.

Sasha's life is not limited to filming for the channel. Together with the Marmalato brand, she created her own collection of clothes and school supplies. A popular blogger was invited to the “Let them talk” program. Alexandra's face has graced the cover of ElleGirl magazine twice.

Sasha has always loved to sing. It was with cover versions of foreign songs that her YouTube career began. The girl performed English-language hits and put them up for public discussion. The first own single appeared in 2013. A fifteen-year-old girl wrote the song "Love". With the financial support of her parents, she was able to record compositions in a professional studio. Her first performance before the public took place in one of the Moscow clubs. She was invited to perform the songs of Emmy Winehouse. Fans of the eccentric British singer paid Spielberg 60 thousand rubles for the concert.

A duet with Alexander Panayotov and a video for the song "I Promise" brought her fame as a singer. The single "To love is scary" became the soundtrack to the film "He is a Dragon". Sasha starred in the clips of the group "Degrees" and "Friends".

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Personal life of Sasha Spielberg

An attractive girl does not reveal anything about her fans. She is credited with an affair with the famous blogger Ivangay. These rumors fueled interest in young people, but had nothing to do with reality.

While studying abroad, Alexandra was in love with a classmate. Romantic relationship helped her cope with the difficulties of life in an American boarding school. After returning to Russia, children's attachment ended.

Latest news about Sasha Spielberg

Sasha, along with other popular bloggers, starred in the New Year's comedy "Yolki 5". She received a cameo role as herself. This is not the first work of the girl in the cinema. In 2016, the film "Hack the Blogger" was filmed, in which she became the main character. The plot is dedicated to popular video bloggers. It alternates real heroes and animated characters. In addition to Spielberg, Ivangay, Yan Gordienko, Mariana Ro participated in the film. The picture was a failure, it was not liked by the audience and critics. The studio of Timur Bekmambetov was engaged in work on the project. The general opinion was demonstrated by the Kinopoisk website, the film's rating was 1 out of 10. This is the lowest rating in the history of the portal.

Spielberg blogs are not limited to clothing reviews and let's play. In the spring of 2017, a video of a conversation with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Medinsky appeared on her channel. In May, Sasha spoke at a meeting of the State Duma. She was invited to the hearing "Oh youth policy". In his short speech the girl spoke about the peculiarities of the activities of bloggers and advised the deputies to run their own channels. In social networks, her words were skeptical.