The recruitment process is not an easy task: there is always a chance to hire a citizen who does not actually have the professional and business qualities that were declared by him at the preliminary interview. In turn, it is equally important for the applicant documentary confirmation previous professional merit and achievements. In practice, these goals have long been successfully served by a document that does not have any legal significance, but allows you to get an idea about the applicant - a letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are also drawn up in the field production activities companies - as a positive characteristic of the partner organization under the executed civil law contract.

Recommendation, or letter of recommendation - a written notice of the professional and personal qualities of a citizen as an employee, compiled by an employer for whom this citizen worked for some time, and addressed either to a specific new employer or to an indefinite circle of persons.

A variety of letters of recommendation - recommendations for an organization that has provided a service or performed work under a civil law contract. In such a letter, the customer company characterizes the performing company, gives arguments to other organizations in favor of cooperation with the characterized company.

As a thank you for positive experience cooperation, the contracting authority can provide recommendations to the implementing organization, which, in turn, will contribute to the successful continuation of the business of the latter

It should be remembered that a letter of recommendation is a document that does not have legal force: the fact of receiving such a letter does not oblige the addressee to anything. In accordance with its title, this document is advisory and characterizing. In this regard, quite naturally, the question arises about the differences between a letter of recommendation and a characteristic.

Differences from characteristics

At first glance, the types of documentation under consideration may seem absolutely identical. However, there are still some differences between them:

  1. A characteristic can contain both a positive and a negative assessment of the object being characterized. In the meantime, the nature of the recommendation suggests that such a document be drawn up only in cases where the object can be presented exclusively in a favorable light.
  2. A letter of recommendation is used only in external document management. The characteristic is used both as an internal document of the organization (for example, a characteristic for an employee compiled for his certification), and a document for external use(provided to other organizations).
  3. The characteristic may contain only biographical data and information about professional qualities employee, while in recommendation in without fail includes information about achievements, strengths worker. In a letter of recommendation, it would be useful to give arguments for the addressee in favor of cooperation with the characterized subject.

How to write and format

The business style of presentation implies the absence in the text grammatical errors and typos, lack of emotional coloring of the text, standardization of presentation and the use of language formulas, conciseness, unambiguity and uniformity of wording, the use of professional vocabulary and generally accepted abbreviations, etc.

The letter is written on the letterhead of the company. The main details of the recommendation:

  • in the upper right corner - the addressee (if there is awareness of him at the time of drafting the document);
  • in the center - the name of the type of document - a letter of recommendation;
  • by the width of the document in its central part - the main text of the document;
  • below in one line - the name of the position of the person who signed the document, signature, full name;
  • the date of the document is most often affixed during its registration in the upper left corner, however, it will not be a mistake to indicate the date on the left, below the name of the position of the person signing the letter;
  • in the lower left corner, according to the rules of some organizations, the name of the performer, contact phone number, case number in which a copy of the document will be filed, and the date of its compilation are indicated in small print.

The main text of the document when compiling it for the employee should contain:

  • biographical data - place of education, information about previous employment;
  • information about work in the organization that compiled the letter of recommendation - positions held, duties performed, successes and achievements;
  • information about the reasons for dismissal (optional);
  • direct recommendations - arguments in favor of the fact that the person being characterized can successfully perform work in a particular profession or specialty, the wishes of the recommender former employee and his future employer.
  • information about the form and duration of their own cooperation with the characterized company;
  • own assessment of the professionalism of the employees of the partner company, the quality of the services provided or the work performed, the ratio of cost and quality of the product obtained as a result of cooperation;
  • direct recommendations - arguments for the addressee in favor of cooperation with the characterized company, etc.

Sample letter for an employee

A letter of recommendation is an official form of assistance to a well-established resigning employee or partner company in their future employment or economic activity respectively. A letter of recommendation does not oblige either the author, or the addressee, or the characterized subject. However, it is likely that such a letter will become a decisive argument in making a good decision for an organization that is staffing or looking for a reliable counterparty.

It also indicates the reasons why the applicant left the previous job. You can finish the main part by expressing the subjective assessment of the author of the letter. This will emphasize the veracity of the entire text. In addition, the contact details of the company giving the recommendation must be indicated.


Each paragraph of the letter of recommendation from the employer (a sample can be downloaded below) must be drawn up taking into account certain rules and contain comprehensive information that may be of interest to a future employer.


A letter of recommendation should be on a special form of a letter of recommendation to an employee (you can download it above) effective and convincing. Very often, an incorrectly compiled and written recommendation does not help, but harms the candidate.

  • You should not write a recommendation without reading the vacancy. Study the requirements carefully and sharpen the text to the wishes of a potential employer.
  • Do not use colored fonts, pictures, diagrams, etc. to write a recommendation to an employee (a sample can be downloaded below). Write in clear business language without artistic additions. In order to avoid mistakes when writing, you need to focus on a sample recommendation from your place of work, an example can be downloaded below.
  • Do not exaggerate the dignity of the worker. A text with excessive enthusiasm is unlikely to inspire confidence.
  • But don't criticize the employee too hard. The main purpose of the letter is to present the employee in a favorable light.

IN general view the recommendation should look like this:

NNN worked for the company ... in a position ... from ... to ...

NNN was responsible for (job list).

Over the years, NNN was able to increase sales by N%, attract new customers, come up with new way implementation (lists major achievements).

NNN is distinguished by communication skills (responsibility, punctuality, other positive qualities).

We are grateful to NNN for a successful and productive collaboration. We are sorry to lose such an employee, but we wish him (her) success in a new job.

Date of compilation Signature

In the photo below you can see an example of a document:

Writing a good recommendation letter is easy. This is an important document because it affects the future career of an employee. Therefore, it is important to read the sample characteristics and recommendations from the place of work, approach its writing with responsibility and follow all the rules.

LLC "Olimp 2000"

By this letter, we, OLIMP 2000 LLC, represented by General Director Polikarpov K.S. acting on the basis of the Charter, we confirm that SevzapRegionStroy LLC is our reliable and long-term partner.

Since 2008, the company has completed a range of works in the cottage village of Sestroreche in Vyborgsky district Leningrad region.

All the conditions in force between our companies are carried out properly and in good faith, the professionalism of the specialists of SevzapRegionStroy LLC ensures high quality executed works.

Based on the foregoing, OLIMP 2000 LLC characterizes SevzapRegionStroy LLC as a professional and reliable partner in the construction industry.


CJSC "Baltic Engineering Company" has been working with LLC "SevzapRegionStroy" for more than 4 years, during this time the company completed work on the construction of facilities: a refrigerator with an administrative building, a confectionery factory, a JTI Petro factory for the production of tobacco raw materials, located in St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya areas.

I would especially like to note the high professionalism of the specialists of SevzapRegionStroy LLC and high level organizational work conducted by the management and engineering staff, allowing to solve problems of increased complexity.

Letter #1: LLC is our partner in [field of activity]. During the cooperation "" confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving the tasks. All works are carried out on time, within strictly stipulated terms and with proper quality. Employees of the company competently cope with their duties.

We are satisfied with the work "" and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

Letter #2:

Firm "". working in 2013 year on LLC "New Solutions" carried out the work of [name of work] and established itself as an executive, highly qualified organization.

The work was carried out with high quality and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the period of work.

Letter #3: LLC is a partner LLC "New Solutions" during 5 years. For such a long time "" proved to be a reliable and stable partner, providing a flexible approach to the needs of the Customer, high efficiency and reliability, never missing deadlines. I recommend "" as a reliable supplier and conscientious partner.

Letter #4:

I hereby confirm that LLC has experience of cooperation with LLC "New Solutions" in the field [field of activity]. During the cooperation, the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity and efficiency in completing assigned tasks.

We confirm that the services LLC correspond to a highly professional profile.

Letter #5:

Our cooperation with the company "" continues from 2010 of the year. During this period the company LLC has established itself as a sustainable enterprise and a reliable business partner. Due to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with customers based on mutual cooperation and professionalism, it occupies, in our opinion, a stable position in the field [field of activity].

Letter #6:

By this letter, the company "New Solutions" reports that during the cooperation with LLC this company has managed to establish itself as a professional and reliable partner. hallmark work "" is the efficiency and high organization of the employees of the organization, the willingness to quickly respond to circumstances.

Based on the above, the company "New Solutions" I would like to note the high potential of the company "". focus on further successful development and prosperity.

Letter #7:

For the period of work with LLC employees of the enterprise have proven themselves on the positive side. Their work meets the given level, is performed qualitatively and strictly on time. I would like to note the efficient work of specialists and the efficiency of completing tasks, attentive attitude to the Customer.

Letter #8:

By this letter, we LLC "New Solutions". confirm that LLC is our reliable and long-term partner. LLC actively and successfully working with 2008 year, providing a full range of services. During this period, we were provided with services at a good professional level. Professionalism of specialists "" ensures the high quality of the services provided.

Based on the above, "New Solutions" characterizes LLC as a professional and reliable partner in the field of [field of activity] services.

Letter #9: LLC. as a supplier of [equipment] for LLC "New Solutions" has established itself as a reliable supplier that fulfills its contractual obligations on time, with good quality.

The volume of supplies for the period [date] exceeded [amount] RUB.

A letter of recommendation from an organization to an organization is a review of one company about another, an assessment of its reliability as a partner, the quality of the goods offered or the services provided, the level of professionalism of the working staff, etc.

First, at the top, in the middle of the sheet, the title of the document is indicated - Letter of Recommendation.

Then the main text of the letter immediately begins, which is written in free form. Here, one company highlights the positive aspects of cooperation with another company, evaluates the level of professionalism of its employees, gives its recommendations to use the services of this organization, etc.

The date of the letter is indicated as necessary either at the very top of the document or at the very end.

Techmontazhservice LLC has been our partner in the field of construction and architecture for 5 years.

For a potential employer, a letter of recommendation acts as a kind of guarantee that the future employee really worked in the company, performed a certain range of duties and left the company “in peace”, retaining a good impression of himself.

  1. The recommendation was given to Sergey Ivanovich Petrov.

The aforementioned employee was hired by our company as a project manager. He managed the company's projects, recruited temporary staff, negotiated and subsequently communicated with partners within the framework of projects. The duties of I. S. Petrov also included the timely preparation and submission of reports to the business director of the enterprise. I would especially like to note his achievements in working with partners - during his work on the entrusted projects, the income of one of the partners increased by 7%, the other - by 9%. He showed himself to be a proactive, competent specialist and a conscientious employee. I would not hesitate to recommend him for a similar position in another company.

  • We confirm that Mr. Sergeev, who was born on July 7, 1974, worked in our company in the period from October 20, 2000 to March 1, 2003 as a controller-auditor.

    Mr. Sergeev was involved in the process of controlling the sales of a new product on the Ukrainian market. I would especially like to note his organizational skills, the ability to quickly find shortcomings and establish business ties, both with foreign and Ukrainian partners. Thanks to his extensive knowledge and high efficiency, he managed to master everything in a short time. technological features new product. Despite the tight deadlines and adverse circumstances, he managed to achieve all the targets of the business plan. Mr. Sergeev accounted for products in a number of leading supermarkets and hypermarkets in Ukraine. We are grateful to Mr. Sergeev for successful cooperation.

    CEO Radkovich G. S.

  • Ivanenko Anna Valentinovna held the position of head of the advertising department in our publication. She has established herself as an enterprising employee with good organizational skills.

    During the year of her work in our company, the circulation of the publication increased by 25%. At the initiative of Anna Valentinovna and with her help, the new system distribution of the magazine in the regions. Thanks to her efforts, the publication got new partners and advertisers. I would especially like to note her responsibility, her ability to negotiate with people, quickly find a way out of difficult situations, as well as purposefulness and focus on achieving results.

  • OOO "Gazpromneft-SM" expresses its gratitude to OOO "BusinessPartner-Group" for the high-quality work performed on the analysis of lubricants import markets, as well as for conducting a full-fledged marketing research on the analysis and forecast of the development of the market of marine oils.

    The management of LLC "Financial Sovetnik" decided to introduce software product"1C Enterprise". To implement this project, it became necessary to attract qualified specialists in the automation of enterprises. For this purpose, work was started with the company "BusinessPartner-Group" LLC.

    CJSC "Direct Net Telecommunications" expresses gratitude to you and your employees for the high-quality performance of work on the assessment of fixed assets of our company. The high qualification and competence of the specialists of LLC "BusinessPartner-Group" made it possible to solve the tasks set in a timely manner and provide the results of the assessment in an accessible form.

    LLC "BTPi-FO" expresses its gratitude to you and your employees for the high-quality work on the evaluation of intangible assets, which is a computer program - Information retrieval system, as well as a database of clients of Formula Recreation LLC.

    LLC "BusinessPartner-Group" has been serving our organization since 2008. Specialists of LLC "BusinessPartner-Group" implemented the 1C:Enterprise program and trained the company's employees. Specialists of "BusinessPartner-Group" LLC completed all the assigned tasks with high quality and on time.

    I hope I won't upset you too much if I say this: An interview is not a cavalry charge. This is a test of your training and track record. If something is wrong with the last two points, it will be difficult to take the bastion in an impudent manner.

    The word "recommend" comes from "recommendation". This is not so much a specific recommendation from specific people, but all your “baggage” with which you go to an interview, your track record. And this baggage is checked even before the interview.

    What are you carrying in this “luggage”? Is there something there that can cause problems that the employer does not need at all?

    To what extent is this information confirmed at the first stage of the interview?

    The interview itself does not start from scratch. You already have a certain opinion. It's like a handicap race. Some of the candidates have the first starting position, some the last.

    You may be invited for an interview, but if your "baggage" has dark spots, your starting number will be at the very end. The chances of reaching the finish line first remain, but ...

    We live in an era of global trust deficit.

    And many are aware of this, frantically trying to see something on which to build a trusting relationship. Employers are no exception.

    He wants to see if you can be relied upon. How safe will your stay in the company be? Can you be trusted difficult task And under this not need to stand over soul? He evaluates risks.

    It is clear that the risks differ in different positions, but the conclusion is unambiguous: If you failed to get a credit of trust, most likely, you will not receive an offer.

    The initial credit of trust is issued even before. Let's see what bricks this foundation is made of.

    • Track record (reputation, discipline, loyalty)
    • Professionalism (experience, education)
    • Loyalty
    • Recommendations

    We go in order.

    Achievement list

    With a track record, they usually try to figure it out even before an interview with the manager who makes the decision. Sometimes interesting things come up.

    Recent example: conducted a preliminary interview with a candidate for the position of commercial director. Before submitting it to the general, it is necessary to draw up your conclusion, both from the interview and from other available information.

    I go to the Internet, I type his name in a search engine. On the third line of the issue, I see: an excerpt from the minutes of the court session, at which the candidate acted as a defendant in the fraud case. Such evidence does not always get into the network and it seems that they should not get there, but a fact is a fact.

    Conclusion: If you do not monitor your reputation, this does not mean that it does not exist.

    I would advise you to pay serious attention to your reputation on the network. Just, as they say, google yourself on the network, sometimes your social network accounts come up in the search, sometimes not, apparently it's in the settings.

    Look at your account with the eyes of the employer, who your friends are there, what records, etc. How does this fit with you and the position you are applying for.

    I remember finding the account of a candidate for the position of head of the financial department. In friends, dubious personalities, some kind of erotica club. How to be here? Not a crime, of course, but ...

    For fun, he presented his resume to his boss - such and such a person, an experienced qualified specialist, worked there and there, an MBA degree. In addition to work, he is fond of pornography. We laughed and ... sheathed this option. Stay away from sin) But seriously, the leader must monitor his image.

    If you find something like that about yourself, you need to fix it. Or prepare a reasonable explanation.

    Another example:

    Candidate for the position of Head of Department in the Department of Logistics. Made a good impression. After the initial interview, a security check.

    I send documents. The answer comes: he had an offense - detention and an administrative penalty for hooliganism. Fight at the gas station. The Security Service is usually checked against police bases. Sometimes things pop up.

    Usually these are alcohol-related incidents - driving in drunk, less frequent detention by law enforcement officers. This mainly concerns the personnel of working professions, for example, drivers, managers emerge much less often, but it happens.

    I call this candidate, I say, “Well, sss, citizen… tell me what is there and how.” For some reason, he began to deny the episode, which, in general, is completely unreasonable. Then he said that he either defended himself, or defended someone. It is clear that they did not meet with this candidate again, and not even because everything is not going smoothly with him, but because he began to lie and get out.

    If you have similar episodes in your biography, there is no need to deny it, the employer will believe the facts, not you. It is better to come up with some reasonable explanation in advance. Everything happens in life. In practice, sometimes the employer does not attach importance to minor episodes.


    Here are the trust factors:

    A well-written resume and .Specialty experience. Achievements. Key competencies.

    How to properly compose and reflect in it are the topics of other articles. You can view them by clicking on the links.


    Relatively infrequent job changes.

    Jobs are changed much more often now than in the past. In a year and a half, to change jobs in my opinion is quite acceptable. Previously, they were changed less often and this was not welcomed. You may remember such people. called flyers.

    H o sometimes there are candidates who manage to change 7-8 companies in 3 years, that is, on average, less than six months in one. Here, of course, there are questions.

    When preparing for an interview, be sure to decide.

    “Well, you see ...” “Well, how can I tell you ...” - such turns of speech are undesirable. Significant episodes of your career should sound clear.

    Just recently read new article, in my opinion, on Superjobe. Scared, I quote:

    Don't underestimate how seriously a recruiter will take an interest in your story. This applies not only to making general inquiries about former locations work and financial position. An HR manager may contact your former boss to speak with him personally.

    It certainly shouldn't be underestimated, but it shouldn't be overestimated either. A lot depends on the position. Roughly speaking, where there is something to steal, they check more carefully. They can send you to a polygraph.

    On former bosses come out not so often, recommendations are also not always checked. For various reasons, I will probably not take your time with stories about what you cannot influence.

    Your task is to find referees who could describe you with better side. Their surnames, names and positions are entered in the resume form. Contacts do not need to be written. On sites this is not necessary, it is better to write “I will provide on request”.

    I repeat once again: your image as a job seeker develops gradually starting with a resume. To prove yourself in an interview, you should do everything to approach him with a good reputation.

    Be careful.Every person leaves a mark. An experienced recruiter knows how to read it.

    A trained aspirant should be able to cover his tracks.)

    However, even if you pretty much "inherited", you should not despair. There are chances to win back the handicap. But this is a topic for other articles. Follow the news.

    Thank you for your interest. I would appreciate a comment (at the bottom of the page).

    Subscribe to blog updates (the form under the social media buttons) and receive articleson topics of your choice to your mail.

    Have a nice day and good mood!

    The more of them there are in the text, the less the one to whom this message is addressed will believe in the essence of what is written. It is also not necessary to use many laudatory epithets without reason. It is clear that any employee or the whole company is not perfect. They have their negative and positive sides. Naturally, it is not worth mentioning the problems, but the merits should be gently emphasized. It is better if this is done on a specific example. Then everything said will not cause any doubt. You should also not write long texts. A thousand words will be enough to express your attitude towards the candidate. The structure of such a letter is extremely simple. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts:

    1. Introductory. In it, the recommender introduces himself first. Here, the most minimal data will suffice. Then he should tell in detail about the recommended person (full name, by whom and for how long he has been working).
    2. Main.


    Based on the foregoing, the New Solutions company would like to note the high potential of the company, its focus on further successful development and prosperity. Petr Petrov Letter #7: During the period of work with LLC, the company's employees have proven themselves on the positive side. Their work meets the given level, is performed qualitatively and strictly on time.

    I would like to note the efficient work of specialists and the efficiency of completing tasks, attentive attitude to the Customer. To confirm the recommendations on the work of LLC, contact [last name, first name, patronymic] by phone: [number]. Petr Petrov Letter #8: With this letter, we, New Solutions LLC, confirm that LLC is our reliable and long-term partner. LLC has been actively and successfully operating since 2008, providing a full range of services. LLC is our partner in the field of [field of activity]. During the cooperation, "" has confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving the tasks. All works are carried out on time, within strictly stipulated terms and with proper quality.


    Employees of the company competently cope with their duties. We are satisfied with the work of and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner. Petr Petrov Letter #2:, working in 2013 for New Solutions LLC, carried out the work of [name of work] and established itself as an executive, highly qualified organization.

    The work was carried out with high quality and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the period of work. Petr Petrov Letter #3: LLC has been a partner of New Solutions LLC for 5 years.

    At the end of the letter of recommendation of the company, the signature of the head of the company - the compiler of the letter, which is sealed with the seal of the organization, indicates his position, full name. The date of the letter is indicated as necessary either at the very top of the document or at the very end. Sample letter of recommendation from the organization 02.09.2013 Letter of recommendation Techmontazhservice LLC has been our partner in the field of construction and architecture for 5 years.
    During this time, Techmontazhservice LLC has shown its ability to approach the tasks set with full responsibility, to perform work efficiently and on time. A distinctive feature of the work of Techmontazhservice LLC is the high professionalism, organization of the company's employees and a strong team spirit. We recommend Techmontazhservice LLC as a reliable and stable business partner.
    General DirectorOOO "Opera" Ya.I. Savelyev

    Aleksey Smirnov Sample Letter of recommendation: sample for the company 05/22/2017 Letter of recommendation StroyDomService LLC has been our strategic partner in the field of design and construction for 10 years. During this time, StroyDomService LLC has shown its ability to approach the tasks set with high responsibility, to perform work in a timely manner and with high quality. characteristic feature The work of StroyDomService LLC is high professionalism, responsibility of the company's employees and a strong team spirit.
    We recommend StroyDomService LLC as a reliable and stable business partner. General DirectorLLC "Framework Workshop" Smirnov A.P.

    Over the years, NNN was able to increase sales by N%, attract new customers, come up with a new way of implementation (the main achievements are listed). NNN differs in sociability (responsibility, punctuality, other positive qualities). We are grateful to NNN for a successful and productive collaboration.


    We are sorry to lose such an employee, but we wish him (her) success in a new job. Date of compilation Signature Download a sample letter of recommendation from the place of work. In the photo below you can see an example of a document: It is not difficult to compose a competent letter of recommendation.

    This is an important document because it affects the future career of an employee. Therefore, it is important to read the sample characteristics and recommendations from the place of work, approach its writing with responsibility and follow all the rules.

    They are needed in case you need to clarify the information provided.

    • The date the document was created.
    • The list of items can be increased at your discretion, since the law does not establish a specific form of such a document. Helpful Tips In order for the sample of letters of recommendation to be the most complete and correct, when compiling it, it is worth considering several useful tips: Do not use in the text on-duty phrases such as “the employee showed commendable initiative” or “the employee showed himself responsible and executive during his work.” Any person already indicates this in his resume.

      It is better to show in the letter his specific actions and achievements, backing it all up with numbers.

    Always be in the mood

    During the entire period of cooperation, the representatives of the company have shown a creative approach, a high level of professionalism and efficiency in fulfilling the tasks assigned to them. We confirm that the services of CJSC "Open Technologies" correspond to a high professional profile. Alexey Smirnov, General Director of United Telesystems LLC.

    Sample 2: Open Technologies, working in 2017 for United Telesystems LLC, carried out installation and commissioning of telecommunications equipment and has established itself as a company with vast experience in carrying out such work. All work was done to a high professional standard and on time. For the entire period of cooperation, there were no claims against the company's employees.

    Alexey Smirnov, General Director of United Telesystems LLC.

    Most often, this situation develops due to their increased workload at work. In this case, a nanny is invited to the house, who will have to take care of all the worries associated with the child. When selecting candidates, both spouses need to carefully study each of them.

    After all, it is to this person that they will soon have to transfer their beloved baby. Abroad, in such situations, employees are required to provide a letter of recommendation. For a nanny, it will be an additional bonus when applying for a job.

    And such a document will help make sure that the employee really has necessary knowledge and relevant qualifications. A letter of recommendation for a nanny can be:

    • the company in which she previously worked;
    • the family who hired her to care for their children.

    In Europe, nannies have long been required to have references in order to be hired.

    During this period, LLC has established itself as a stable enterprise and a reliable business partner. Due to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with customers based on mutual cooperation and professionalism, it occupies, in our opinion, a stable position in the field [field of activity]. Petr Petrov Letter #6: With this letter, the New Solutions company informs that during the cooperation with LLC, this company has managed to establish itself as a professional and reliable partner. A distinctive feature of the work of is the efficiency and high organization of the organization's employees, their readiness to quickly respond to circumstances.

    For admission to domestic institutions, this, as a rule, is not required. But those who want to study abroad should definitely take care of the execution of such a document. In it, the applicant should be given the most frank assessment.

    Moreover, teachers should separately mention both special achievements in certain disciplines and personal qualities student. If the assessment is positive, then he will have a great chance of entering this university. And especially gifted students can even count on certain benefits during the period of study.

    After reviewing such a letter of recommendation, the university management will have a complete picture of a particular applicant and will be able to make a decision regarding his admission. The document is compiled according to general rules and can be addressed to a specific person or the university itself.

    Past owners or a former employer act as guarantors. Employment assistance When an employee changes jobs or applies for participation as a specialist in any project, he is sometimes required to provide a letter of recommendation from the employer for whom he worked Lately. Employment history only states the fact of work at a particular enterprise.

    But it does not say anything about how the person showed himself in the workplace. The desire to find a more prestigious job is understandable to everyone. But not every management is ready to give a recommendation. A lazy and non-executive employee may not even count on it.

    And here good specialist with great experience will always go forward. To write a letter of recommendation for an employee, it is best to contact your immediate supervisor.