general information

The University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in the UK. 800 years of history, an unrivaled academic reputation, a wealth of knowledge and tradition, majestic architecture - all this and more confirm the primacy of Cambridge among the leading universities in the world.

It consists of 31 colleges, three of which - Murray Edwards, Newnham and Lucy Cavendish, accept only girls, and Clare Hall and Darwin offer exclusively post-baccalaureate programs. In the remaining 26 colleges there is no division depending on the level of the program or the gender of the students, but each of them has its own characteristics that distinguish them from the others, so choosing a college carefully is very important for prospective students. Although the degree is awarded by the university itself, the process of learning at Cambridge is divided between colleges and faculties. Colleges are separate educational institutions that own certain properties and have an independent income. They are independently engaged in the appointment of staff and the selection of students in accordance with general rules university. Within each college, faculty and students from different disciplines come together, and this interaction promotes the free exchange of ideas.

The educational methods adopted in Cambridge include not only attending lectures, seminars and practical exercises teachers who are internationally recognized experts in their fields of expertise, but also a more personalized colloquium format - weekly meetings academic supervisor with a small group of two or three students, during which there is a discussion of the work done over the past week. Such an individual approach to teaching provides the university with the lowest student dropout rate among all British universities. Most of the time students spend in their college, which organizes not only study, accommodation and meals, but also the social and sports side of life, acting as a close-knit community within a large university.

Together with the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge university participates in a government-funded entrepreneurship development partnership and was recently selected to host one of the five Academic Health Sciences Centers dedicated to biomedical innovation. Thanks to the highest level of development scientific activity, University of Cambridge received top scores following the quality check scientific research(Research Assessment Exercise) 2008 More than 70% of the research conducted by the university received the two highest ratings of "world leading" and "recognized around the world."

Cambridge students get access to the richest resources of the university, including 114 libraries, 9 specialized museums and collections, and their own botanical garden.

In addition to this, each of the colleges provides its own facilities and facilities, recreation areas and student bars.

The £1bn 800th Anniversary Fundraising campaign was completed two years ahead of schedule, making Cambridge the first non-US institution to receive this funding. The collected funds were used to finance scholarships and attract academic staff, the construction of new research blocks, educational buildings, student residences. The scale of development is such that the total budget for current and planned construction is around £500m. In the near future, it is planned to open new buildings of the department of materials science and metallurgy; £16m sports center to open in 2013

  • 1st place in The Guardian University Guide 2019;
  • 2nd among the leading British universities in The versions Times World University Rankings 2019;
  • Ranked 1st among top universities world (The Complete University Guide 2019) and 6th in the QS World University Rankings 2019.


Cambridge is a magnificent and unusually beautiful student city. It is associated, first of all, with ancient buildings, ideal green lawns, and, of course, boats on the Cam River, framed by willows. It is a small university town and the various colleges and departments are fairly close to each other, so most students get around on foot or by bike. In addition, special bus route, providing for more low prices for travel for students, runs between the buildings of the university. London is about an hour away by train, and the nearest airport, which can be reached in just 30 minutes, is Stansted.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for undergraduate programs

  • A level program - from A * AA in core subjects (for most specialties, an A * grade can be in any subject); IB program - from 6-7 points for each of the core subjects on high level(total result from 40 points).
  • academic recommendations.
  • Motivation letter.
  • An additional Supplementary Application Questionnaire, which is sent to applicants after completing an application on the UCAS website.
  • Successful completion of the interview.
  • Additional tests in a number of subjects, for example, STEP (Sixth Term Examination Papers) in mathematics, depending on the specialty.

Admission Requirements for Cambridge Master's Degrees

  • Second class honors degree or equivalent ( GPA from 4.7).
  • The level of English is at least IELTS 7.5 (usually at least 7.0 in each of the subsections) depending on the specialty.
  • Two academic and one personal recommendation.
  • Motivation letter.
  • Additionally, you may be required to provide a resume, GRE or GMAT test results, depending on the specialty.


Almost all students are provided with accommodation in the college for the entire period of study in Cambridge.

Accommodation is available in the residence and outside it within the city and in the surrounding areas.

Most student rooms have the ability to connect to a university-wide computer network, points wireless access to the Internet are located in different parts university.

Main specializations

In total, there are more than 100 different faculties, departments and schools in Cambridge, as well as a centralized administration, almost all of them have their own websites.

Arts and Humanities:

Humanities and social sciences:

  • Archeology;
  • social anthropology;
  • politics and regional studies;
  • sociology;
  • economy;
  • story;
  • right;
  • pedagogy;
  • History and philosophy of science;
  • institute of criminology;
  • land economy.

Biological Sciences:

  • biology;
  • biochemistry;
  • genetics;
  • pathology;
  • pharmacology;
  • physiology and neurology;
  • botany;
  • psychology;
  • zoology;
  • veterinary medicine.

Physical Sciences:

  • geology;
  • geography;
  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • astronomy;
  • materials science and metallurgy.


  • engineering;
  • business and management;
  • computer science and technology;
  • chemical engineering and biotechnology.

Clinical Medicine:

  • clinical biochemistry;
  • clinical neurology;
  • neurosurgery;
  • hematology;
  • medical genetics;
  • transfusiology;
  • anesthesiology;
  • experimental medicine and immunotherapy;
  • oncology;
  • nephrology;
  • pediatrics;
  • obstetrics and gynecology;
  • psychiatry;
  • clinical gerontology;
  • surgery;
  • radiology;
  • health institute.

Tuition and living costs

University Tuition and Living Fees 2017/2018 (GBP):

  • Undergraduate – £19.197 to £52.638
  • Masters – from £20.424 to £33.342

The cost of living in a university residence is about £850 per month. The total cost of staying in the UK (accommodation, food, etc.) according to the UKVI (UK Border Agency) is min. £1.015 per month.

student life

The Cambridge Students' Union offers a record number of different clubs, communities and associations - a total of more than 600, so it's safe to say that everyone will find something for themselves. Three newspapers are published here, a student radio station operates, theatrical communities are represented by the Dramatic Art Lovers Club, as well as the well-known comedy club Footlights. The chamber orchestra attracts not only students, but also well-known guest conductors and soloists.

Despite the fact that the University of Cambridge does not offer programs of study in the field of creativity and sports, many graduates achieve recognition in these areas, and become global famous actors, artists, athletes. Many sports are very popular, it is worth highlighting rowing, competitions in which are held both between individual colleges of the university itself, and traditionally with the Oxford University team. But the sports rivalry between the two oldest universities in the UK is not limited to rowing; competitions between university teams also take place in such sports as cricket, rugby, and chess. In 2013, the university will be equipped with a new sports center, the investment in the construction of which amounted to 16 million pounds.

Employment of graduates

According to statistics, graduates of the University of Cambridge are most in demand by potential employers. 91% of Cambridge students find a job or continue their education at the next level within six months of graduation (national average of 85%). The University of Cambridge has one of the highest rates of students receiving a job offer before graduation last year learning.

Every year, the university career center Careers Service holds 12 major exhibitions attracting a large number of companies from various industries; over 6,000 organizations publish information about their vacancies on the center's website. In addition, there is a scheme for selecting options for unpaid internships and volunteer work, but it is worth noting that undergraduate students are not allowed to work. The Center has reference materials and manuals for compiling resumes, filling out questionnaires, and conducts special classes on career development.

76 miles, 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Nearest Big City: Cambridge
  • Every student dreams of being a student. Almost every graduate strives to do everything possible for this, makes a lot of efforts. And everyone wants to study at a prestigious university and experienced teachers. And what about the University of Cambridge? Do not want to try your hand and test your knowledge?

    If you are aiming to move to study in England and dream of entering the University of Cambridge, then first, let's get to know him. Worth it or not? Than it educational institution inferior to others and, at the same time, superior to them? The facts speak for themselves. Let's take a look there for a minute, shall we?

    General information about Cambridge University

    As you know, the University of Cambridge is one of the most prestigious and oldest in the world. It is also one of the largest in the UK in terms of territory. This educational institution was founded in 1209, and the first college that had its own independent system opened in 1284. It is known all over the world that knowledge here is of a high level, professors work the best. This is evidenced by the fact that the set scientific research, known throughout the world, are made in Cambridge. Graduates and teachers of this educational institution have more than 80 Nobel Prizes.

    The university has its own constitution and is governed by its own legislature(Regent House). It consists of 3 thousand teachers, administrative workers. It is the general board that directs, coordinates the life of students and educational process, ward schools and all faculties. To date, there are 18133 students in Cambridge, 17% of whom are foreigners. Oxford and Cambridge jointly formed Oxbridge, a union of universities in England.

    What the University of Cambridge offers

    Choosing a university, you also choose your future. The knowledge you get there determines your place in the sun. Of course, much still depends on your personal aspirations and skills. If you want to get into Cambridge, then let's consider whether the faculties offered by this educational institution are suitable for you.


    The University of Cambridge has a college system. There are 31 of them, and 3 of them accept only girls, six - only those who have a bachelor's degree. Each college has its own symbols, territory, infrastructure. When choosing a place of study, approach very carefully and responsibly.



    • chemical engineering;
    • computer science;
    • engineering;
    • industrial engineering;
    • mathematics;
    • medicine;
    • natural Sciences;
    • veterinary medicine.


    • Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Celtic culture;
    • archeology and anthropology;
    • architecture;
    • antique classic;
    • education;
    • English;
    • geography;
    • story;
    • art history;
    • land economy;
    • right;
    • linguistics;
    • management;
    • modern and medieval languages;
    • music;
    • Eastern culture;
    • philosophy; social and political sciences;
    • religion and theology.

    Academic year

    The entire academic year is divided into three terms or, as we used to call it, semesters. Compared to other universities, these periods are shorter here. The first or Miklmas lasts October-December. Second or Lent (Lenten trimester) - from January to March. And the third (Easter) - April - June.

    How to get into Cambridge?

    Probably now many of you want to go to one of the oldest and elite universities in the world. But can an average high school student take a shot at a seat there? Everything depends on efforts, knowledge, and, what is very important, on the material side of the issue. We will try to describe in detail everything that is necessary for admission. Freshmen must be at least 18 years of age. But you can always visit the official website ( which will help you understand the whole procedure.

    1. First you need study programs, offered by the university or college. This must be done in April-May. If you find it difficult to choose, you can always contact an adviser who will give you recommendations on the program.

    2.Apply is required until October 15 when filling out a specific form that can be filled out on the official website. All documents must be attached to the application. Everything is submitted through the centralized UCAS system.

    3. From September to December, future students need to go to the University of Cambridge, where they need to pass interview.

    4. Exams and certificates - what documents do you need to have? A high school diploma is not enough!

    • It is necessary to have either an A-level certificate, or study at a university for 1-2 years and have an appropriate statement. Attach all diplomas, awards in the field you are going to study. They must be translated into English and notarized.
    • To be able to study at this university, the student must know the language at a sufficiently high level. Therefore, it is necessary to submit IELTS exam and have a minimum of 7.0 on the scale, TOEFL 600/250, and GCSE - C.
    • Entrance exams: an interview with an applicant in the chosen specialty. The most important thing in admission! Tests vary from faculty to faculty. Some, such as math, require a written test to be taken right at the interview. For architectural specialties - - a portfolio is considered.

    5.Cost of education changes in Cambridge. But, for example, for 2011-2012 for the course it was:

    • for subjects archeology and anthropology, economics, pedagogy, law, linguistics, mathematics, political science, psychology and others) - £11,829
    • for subjects architecture, geography, music - £15,480
    • for subjects engineering, computer science, management and others - £18,000
    • for medical and veterinary subjects - £28,632
    • Additional fees to be paid (College Fees) are £4,400 – £5,200.
    • Don't forget about living expenses. Yes, for foreigners living wage per year is £8,060.

    6. Through your efforts, diligent study can reduce the cost. In other words, the university offers "excellent students" grants, which partially cover the costs. Although their number is strictly limited.

    7. All freshmen are provided place in hostel. But in the following years of study, you will have to rent an apartment.

    Well? Do you intend to conquer London with your extraordinary mind, or maybe you are aiming to become a future Nobel laureate? Dare, everything is in your hands. Hard work, great desire - that's the main thing to become a student prestigious university world level.

    Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale, MIT are universities that, in the mind of an ordinary student, are in a different reality: with green lawns, wise professors, ancient libraries and tidy campuses. T&P found out how much tuition costs, what the admission procedure looks like and what are the requirements for applicants from the top universities in the world. The first in this cycle is the University of Cambridge.

    Admission procedure

    In April-May, the candidate must independently study the programs offered by the university and the colleges in which these programs are implemented. Applicants are advised to contact a specially trained person - an adviser who will recommend the program and college. From June to October, you must fill out an application for admission, attaching all the necessary documents, including results entrance examinations. During September-December, foreign students must be interviewed either at the university itself or in one of the countries where the university conducts interviews. This year it is Australia, Canada, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore.

    Entry Requirements

    A level- required level education for applicants to universities in the UK. It is needed because in the UK school education- 13 years, and in Russia - 11 years. At this level, students choose subjects for which exams will be entrance exams to universities.

    For admission to the University of Cambridge, as well as to any other university in the UK, it is not enough for Russian applicants to have a school leaving certificate, they must either pass the A-Level preparatory stage or study at Russian university one or two years. The selection committee pays special attention to the fact that in those subjects that are considered leading by the candidate, only excellent results are needed - an A mark according to the British system. Achievements in the chosen field are also welcome: victories in olympiads, competitions, research work, participation in conferences. Whether a candidate can apply for a place in Cambridge can be found out only by contacting a special department - Cambridge Admissions Office. It is also necessary to confirm knowledge of the language - 7.0 points on the IELTS scale.

    Entrance tests

    For admission to all specialties, you must pass an interview. Other tests are optional for different specialties. For example, to study computer science, you need to write a test right at the interview, to study languages ​​- a test and an essay, for architectural specialties - a portfolio. However, in all colleges, the list of tests for the same specialties is different.

    Cost of education

    In 2016–2017 academic year tuition fees for foreign students starts at $15,816. In addition, the cost of living in Cambridge, which is estimated at a minimum of 9400 pounds for 12 months, should also be added to the university and college tuition fees.

    Available grants

    There are a limited number of grants for international students that partially cover tuition or college fees. To find out more about these opportunities, you should either contact the Cambridge Admissions Office or the representative of this office at the college where the candidate is applying. A much larger number of grants are offered to undergraduates and graduate students.


    There are 31 colleges in Cambridge. Each college has its own territory, in general, the choice of a college is one of the most important decisions that a student must make when applying. Each college has its own infrastructure, Cambridge leadership

    Two oldest university England have much in common, but in many ways the history of these educational institutions is the story of their centuries-old rivalry. The status of the university was confirmed in 1231 by a decree of King Henry III, and the papal bulls of 1233, 1290 and 1318 granted Cambridge the right "to teach throughout Christendom" and made it an international center of education.

    At the moment, the University of Cambridge has 31 colleges, three of which accept only women (New Hall, Newnham and Lucy Cavendish). The remaining 28 colleges are mixed. Magdalen College was the last all-male college and only began admitting women in 1988. Two colleges accept only graduate students (Clare Hall and Darwin), four more accept predominantly adult students or graduate students (Hugh Hall, Lucy Cavendish, St. Edmund and Wolfson). The remaining 25 colleges accept both undergraduate and graduate students.

    Cambridge is not only a complex education system that requires deep knowledge, but also a powerful research base, many sports, social, cultural and entertainment projects for students to have interesting leisure time. In the structure of the university: Library (one of the largest in the world), Fitzwilliam Art Museum, Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, Museum of the History of Science. J. and F. Whipple, Museum of Geosciences. A. Sedgwick, Zoological Museum (includes the collection of Ch. Darwin), Botanical Garden, Institute of Polar Research. R. Scott, Kettle Yard (collection of paintings of the 20th century), etc.

    The university has its own constitution and is a self-governing entity with its own legislature (Regent House), which includes 3 thousand teachers and administrative workers. The administrative body of Cambridge is the Council, and the General Board of Faculties coordinates the educational policy of the university, which includes more than 100 departments, faculties and schools.

    Type of university.


    University admission.

    The academic year at Cambridge begins on October 1st. The application process opens on 1 September of the previous year and it is best to apply early. There are two options for filing an application - in paper and in electronic format-and we advise you to choose the latter option as more reliable. When applying, please Special attention choice of college.

    Location and transport.

    The university is located in the city of the same name, in the east of England, the city is the administrative center of the county, allocated as a separate area with the status of "city" in the southern part of the non-metropolitan county of Cambridgeshire. One of the oldest university centers in Europe.

    The university is on the 1st line according to the Guardian league table in the UK ranking for 2012, having risen one position up, and ranks 6th among world universities according to the Times Higher Education's World University Rankings in the ranking for 2011-2012 years.

    Number of students.

    18,448 students, including about 3,000 foreigners from more than 120 countries. Accommodations.

    Students are given the option to choose to live in a more flexible student residence (known as College House) or home furnishings and support for living in English family(Homestay).

    IN Standard College Houseoffered standard type accommodation in single rooms with a wardrobe and a desk; shower and toilet in a common corridor. Most rooms have a sink for washing. For the greatest convenience, you can also choose single rooms with a private bathroom.

    Dormitory ManorThe campus in the northern part of the city offers modern safe housing for 60 girls and boys from the age of 18 (from 17 with special parental permission).


    • 60 single rooms with a sink in the room; shower and toilet in the common corridor
    • Each block of three rooms has all the conditions and is designed to accommodate students of the same sex
    • Breakfast and dinner in the common dining room
    • Availability of laundry in the block
    • Frequent bus service to the center (5 km).

    Purbeck Houseis a modern residence hall built for Queens Campus students over the age of 18. Here everyone has their own comfortable bathroom and kitchen - a dream for those students who wish to lead a completely independent lifestyle while preparing for their studies at the university.


    • 26 individual apartments and studios
    • Each room has a private bathroom
    • Self catering, fully equipped kitchens
    • Large lounge for socializing with other students
    • Public laundry. Washing machines work when you toss a coin
    • Wired internet connection
    • 10-15 minutes walk from the college
    • 20 minutes walk from city center
    • Included in the price communal payments, internet charges and weekly cleaning service.

    Tripos Court- a modern building specially built for a hostel on the Queens campus for students who have reached the age of 18. It is a five-minute walk from the college.


    • 39 single rooms with private bathroom
    • Laundry with advance payment in the block
    • Kitchen for preparing light meals and hot drinks
    • Breakfast and dinner included
    • Frequent bus service to the center (5 km).

    And finally homestay- it is an opportunity to share everyday life and everyday life British family And unique opportunity immerse yourself in British culture.

    Homestay accommodation includes:

    • Constantly inspected comfortable and clean houses
    • Guaranteed security of residence
    • Host family support and assistance
    • Choice of single or double room
    • A room fully equipped for classes
    • Two meals a day
    • Ability to use a telephone

    List of awards and achievements.

    • By number Nobel laureates(88) the university occupies one of the first places among the higher educational institutions of the world.
    • Lowest student dropout rate and best student demand in the market
    • In terms of student satisfaction with the quality of knowledge, living conditions and many other factors, Cambridge ranks first in the National Student Survey.
    • Cambridge was the best in terms of value for money in 2011 according to the QS World University Rankings.


    Classical; theological; English, new and medieval languages; musical; art history; Oriental; economics and politics; historical; legal; philosophical; technical; geography and geology; mathematical; medical; physical and chemical; electrical engineering and Information Systems, computer design; biological; pedagogical.

    General requirements for admission.

    Minimum age: 18 years old

    English level:

    undergraduate: IELTS 7.0+, TOEFL 100+;

    magistracy: IELTS 7.5+, TOEFL 110+;

    Academic requirements: GPA from 3.33

    Prices and requirements for admission to specialties:

    You can find out prices and requirements for admission to a bachelor's degree

    You can find out the prices and requirements for admission to the master's program


    To enter an educational institution, you must graduate high school. It is best to do this abroad, since the certificate issued by the Russian Federation is likely to be rejected by the selection committee Cambridge A. If you graduated from a university, institute or academy in Russia, it will be easier to enter. IN Cambridge e there is a special one that evaluates the list of subjects specified in the incoming applicant.

    If the members of the commission approve the candidate, then they inform him of their positive decision, if not, they offer to enroll in next year on a general basis or apply to private schools Cambridge A. In the latter case, training is paid basis.

    Based on the results of the consideration of documents, the commission may schedule an interview for a certain date, or may ask you to write an essay about yourself, as well as provide a short video with a story about your personal qualities, public life and other achievements.

    To get started, you will need to fill out the UCAS application form, which can be received by mail from UCAS or downloaded from the website Cambridge University special form (CAF) with detailed instructions for filling out. Next, the form must be sent to admission committee Cambridge and specific and wait for an answer.

    To get into Cambridge you can use one of the international student programs. The most famous to date Chevening program(Chevening Scholarship). Participants in this program can complete their degree at any university in the UK. You can also finish one of the international schools. To get into Cambridge you need to score a certain number of points at the end of the university, and if the diploma is suitable, there are chances for enrollment.

    At the interview, questions are most often asked that are not related to the chosen specialty or subjects, the commission focuses on logical thinking the applicant and his figurative perception of the world. Very unexpected questions are asked, for example, is the moon made of cheese or which US politician looks like the British Prime Minister?

    Documents must be filled out, copies of all submitted documents about higher education must be certified by the relevant university. All translated documents must be notarized. All documents must be submitted in at least three copies, the cost of each package is 35 euros. This amount is a commission fee and not to the applicant in case of refusal of the selection committee.