Today, April 6, the UN countries celebrate the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace, the Day of the Geologist is celebrated all over the world, and the Day of Investigative Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is celebrated in Russia. What holiday do workers in Kyrgyzstan know today? physical education and sports Kyrgyz Republic it's their day. Turkmenistan has its own holiday - "A drop of water - a grain of gold", and in Thailand on April 6, a little-known holiday begins - the Day of the Chakri Dynasty.

Holidays April 6, 2019

International Day of Sports for Development and Peace

holiday at the UN
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace is a new celebration among UN countries in the sports calendar. The UN General Assembly on April 6, August 23, 2013 unanimously decided to celebrate the International Day of Sports on April 6 every year. The following countries were among the sponsors of this draft resolution: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Romania, Serbia and Macedonia.

Geologist's Day

international holiday
Today, on April 6, almost all mining and geological organizations in Russia and the CIS countries celebrate the Day of the Geologist. This holiday was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 1, 1980 and is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of April. The beginning of April was chosen for this holiday because it is during this period that the winter cold ends and the snow begins to melt, and the specialists of this industry begin preparations for summer expeditions and field work.

Day of employees of the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The investigative apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the largest structure of the investigative bodies in Russia. Every year on April 6 in our country, employees of the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday- Day of employees of the investigative apparatus in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, which was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 6, 1963.

Day of workers of physical culture and sports of the Kyrgyz Republic

In the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, sport is given considerable attention today. Since this year, the Day of Physical Culture and Sports Workers in this republic has been celebrated annually on April 6th. The resolution on the celebration on January 11, 2014 was signed by the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Jantoro Satybaldiev due to the fact that on April 6 General Assembly The United Nations for the benefit of peace and development proclaimed the International Day of Sports.

"A drop of water is a grain of gold"

— holiday in Turkmenistan
Every year on the first Sunday of the month of April, the people of Turkmenistan celebrate an official holiday called “A drop of water is a grain of gold”, which was established by the decree of Saparmurat Niyazov in 1995. The holiday was intended to artificially soften the harsh climate of the Karakum desert and turn Turkmenistan into a world-class resort. “A drop of water is a grain of gold” is a celebration of water, that gold that was lacking in the arid arid zones of Central Asia.

Chakri Dynasty Day in Thailand

In Thailand, the Chakri Dynasty Day is celebrated annually on April 6 - a public holiday established in honor of the founding of the ruling royal Chakri dynasty today, which has ruled in this country since 1782 and therefore is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest ruling dynasty.
On this holiday, His Majesty the King and his entire royal family hold a religious ceremony in the Royal Chapel, the meaning of which is to commemorate the deceased ancestors of the dynasty.

Unusual holidays

On April 6, unusual holidays for children can be celebrated: Cartoon Day and Russian folk tale. And Muscovites today can celebrate the birthday of the Moscow tram.

cartoon day

Since childhood, we all love cartoons, or cartoons, as we affectionately called these extraordinary works. But what holiday today, probably, few people know. Did you know that Cartoon Day began to be celebrated only in 2002 and since then it has been celebrated in many countries of the world. Animators from all over the globe on this day they exchange different programs of films, arrange public screenings of new animated films. Sessions of new cartoons are held in many countries at the same time.

Day of Russian folk tale

Today is wonderful and at the same time unusual holiday- the day of the Russian folk tale! Congratulate all your friends and children on this wonderful holiday. After all, everyone loves fairy tales, both adults and children. Do not forget your roots, tell your children and grandchildren the tales that your mothers and grandmothers told you.

Birthday of the Moscow tram

Today's Moscow tram is no longer a popular means of transportation, it carries only 5% of passengers. April 6 is the day when in Moscow in 1899 the grand opening of the first tram along the Moscow line from Butyrskaya Zastava along the Lower and Upper Maslovka to Petrovsky Park took place.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Artemon - deri snake

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Artemon (Artemius), Bishop of Thessalonica, who lived and preached in the 1st-2nd centuries at the dawn of Christianity.
At this time, there was already standing in the yard warm weather, the snow melted, so the peasants, who had not yet changed their sleigh for a cart, risked stripping the runners along the way.
On this day, the peasants lit bonfires in the courtyard and went around the huts in circles in order to expel evil spirits. To show travelers the way to the church, fire was also lit along the roads.
On the evening of that day, families were preparing for a big holiday - the Annunciation. On the Annunciation among the peasants, any work was considered a great sin, so they tried to redo all the work in advance.
In churches, seeds for planting were consecrated on this day.
Our ancestors had such a belief: if a girl can stand in the church all night service, then she will marry good man.
On this day, the people were signs of the weather, for example - if the night of this day is warm, then the spring will be friendly.
ABOUT future weather They also judged the harvest - if there is dew in the morning that day, then the horses will not need oats, because there will be good millet, and if it rains, then the cattle will have an easy year. If it snows that day, then buckwheat will be born, but if frost hits, then both millet and oats will grow.
Name day April 6 with: Vladimir, Zakhar, Martin, Peter, Stepan, Yakov
April 6 is also celebrated:
- Birthday of the Moscow tram,
— Day of colorful ribbons.
All holidays in April

April 6 in history

1941 - Fascist troops invade Yugoslavia and Greece.
1945 - Soviet troops start the Koenigsberg offensive operation
1946 - Part East Prussia as the Kaliningrad region is included in the USSR.
1948 - The conclusion of the Soviet-Finnish treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance.
1966 - Plane crash of the Yak-28 aircraft (crew: pilot Kapustin B.V., navigator Yanov Yu.N.). Leading the falling plane away from the residential areas of West Berlin, the pilots, refusing to eject, fell into Lake Stössensee.
1972 - Launch artificial satellite Earth "Cosmos-484" to study solar and cosmic radiation.
1978 - Deputy Secretary General UN and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to the UN A. Shevchenko asked for political asylum in the United States.
1992 - Isaac Asimov, American science fiction writer, science popularizer, biochemist, died (b. 1920).
1999 - In Alexis (Yugoslavia), a peaceful quarter is destroyed by NATO bombs.
2010 - Beginning of the coup d'état in Kyrgyzstan. April Events. Reason: clan and nepotism of Kurmanbek Bakiyev's regime.

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April holidays and events.

Today is April 6th. Holidays and events:

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 6, 1963, the right to conduct a preliminary investigation was transferred to the Ministry of Public Order, later renamed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The introduction of the Decree into effect marked the beginning of the official activities of the investigative apparatus of the internal affairs bodies.
The establishment of the investigative apparatus in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation had a natural character. It was due to the practical needs of the fight against crime. Practice has shown that such a decision turned out to be quite justified. For 40 years, the preliminary investigation bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been formed and strengthened, the most expedient structure, style and methods of work have been determined. The history of the formation of the preliminary investigation bodies began much earlier than the official date of formation.
According to the Charter of Criminal Procedure, adopted in 1864, the idea of ​​procedural independence of the investigator was laid down, which was reflected in all subsequent criminal procedure laws of the Russian state.
In their development, the bodies of preliminary investigation have undergone a number of serious transformations.
The first reform took place already in 1922, when, in accordance with the adopted Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, the entire investigative apparatus was concentrated in the system of justice bodies, and was abolished in the criminal investigation department. At the same time, the competence of the bodies of inquiry was expanded.
By the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of September 3, 1928, the investigative apparatus was reassigned and transferred to the jurisdiction of the prosecutor's office. And already on October 20, 1929, a decision was made giving prosecutors the right to entrust the police with the investigation of any crime. In practice, this led to the fact that over the next 30 years, the police, not being a preliminary investigation body by law, nevertheless, investigated criminal cases of all categories in full. To ensure this activity in the 40s, in the internal affairs bodies, on the basis of a departmental order, their own investigative units were created, headed by the investigative department of the Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Fundamentals of Criminal Procedure, adopted in 1958, gave the right to conduct a preliminary investigation only to investigators of the prosecutor's office and state security. In this regard, the investigative apparatus of the police was again liquidated.
At the same time, due to the heavy workload, the investigators of the prosecutor's office were not able to ensure the investigation of the entire array of criminal cases. The bodies of inquiry essentially continued to perform the functions of a preliminary investigation and transferred the initiated cases to the prosecutor's office for completion of the investigation only when a significant amount of work on them had been completed. Therefore, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 6, 1963, the right to conduct a preliminary investigation was transferred to the Ministry of Public Order, later renamed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The introduction of the Decree into effect marked the beginning of the official activities of the investigative apparatus of the internal affairs bodies.
The staffing of the investigative apparatus in the Ministry of Internal Affairs proceeded on the basis of inquiry, and then - of the prosecutor's office. This made it possible in a relatively short time to create an investigative apparatus in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, capable of investigating any crime in a qualified, professional manner. Employees of the prosecutor's office helped to lay a solid foundation in the formation of a professional core of the preliminary investigation bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and left a good memory of themselves.
It is the work of the investigator that completes the long and painstaking work of other police units in solving crimes.

1199 - During the war with France, Richard the Lionheart, the English king, dies.
1362 - during Hundred Years War The Battle of Brynja took place.
1580 - In Britain, ground trembling destroyed some London churches, including old cathedral Saint Paul.
1722 - settlements Ragnit and Tapiau were given the status of cities (Kaliningrad region).
1748 - The ruins of Pompeii (Italy) are discovered.
1793 - Creation of the Committee of Public Safety in France.
1814 - Abdication of Napoleon I from the throne and restoration of the Bourbon dynasty.
1818 - In Paris, Baron Carl de Drez demonstrated the first two-wheeled vehicle (the prototype of the modern bicycle).
1830 - In the USA, Joseph Smith founded the Church of Christ (Mormons) in New York State.
1893 - The world's largest Mormon temple (23,505 square meters) is consecrated in Salt Lake City.
1896 - Opening of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens.
1897 - Slavery is banned in Zanzibar.
1899 - the first tram was put into operation in the city of Moscow.
1903 - the Chisinau pogrom began.
1909 - American explorer Robert Peary claims to have achieved North Pole. Its priority is seriously questioned.
1909 - An agreement was signed between Russia and Turkey on the independence of Bulgaria.
1917 - The entry of the United States of America into the First World War.
- After seven years in prison in Gulyaipole, Nestor Makhno returned.
1919 - The Day of Proletarian Culture, the first mass Soviet holiday, was held in Kyiv.
1920 - Election of the Provisional Government of the Far Eastern Republic.
1923 - The theater of the Moscow City Council opens in Moscow.
1924 - Beginning of the first round-the-world flight with landings on two American aircraft Douglas "World Cruiser"
- In the elections in Italy, the fascists won an absolute victory.
1927 - Leningrad telephone station begins mass installation of pay phones.
1930 - The Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star were established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.
1934 - Brilon, Germany. A KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Fokker F-XII crashed after entering a storm cloud. 7 people died.
1938 - Chemist Roy Plunkett discovers polytetrafluoroethylene, or Teflon.
1941 - German invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece.
- Victory Day in Ethiopia.
1946 - Part of East Prussia became part of the USSR as the Kaliningrad region.
1950 - By a secret decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, special settlers began to be considered exiled forever.
1965 - The first commercial communication satellite "Early Bird" is launched in the USA.
1970 - During the fifth tour of the United States, Led Zeppelin musicians became honorary citizens of the city of Memphis.
1972 - Launch of the artificial Earth satellite "Cosmos-484" to study solar and cosmic radiation.
1973 - Launch of the American automatic interplanetary station "Pioneer-11" towards the planet Saturn.
1984 - The people of the Cocos Islands voted to fully join Australia.
1985 - American William Schroeder becomes the first person in the world to be discharged from a hospital with an artificial heart.
1994 - Kigali, Rwanda. A Rwandan government Dassault Falcon 50 is hit by a missile. All 10 people on board are killed, including the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, who have just signed a peace treaty.
1998 - Lev Rokhlin declares that the collection of signatures for the removal of President Yeltsin will begin the next day.
1999 - In Alexis (Yugoslavia), a peaceful quarter is destroyed by NATO bombs.
2009 - a powerful earthquake five kilometers from the city center of L'Aquila, located 95 km northeast of Rome.
2010 - Beginning of the coup d'état in Kyrgyzstan. April Events. The reason: the clan and nepotism of the regime of Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

April 6 events and dates - real, main and past...

Surely many of you are interested in the history of the world and your country, the distant and recent past, past events, memorable dates, significant and significant development successes and all kinds of discoveries, as well as folk omens, as sure, everyone does not mind finding out which of the famous and successful people born April 6th different years and epochs.

Below you will find out how certain past and real events April 6 influenced the course of world history, or of a particular country, how the date of this day was remembered, what kind of incident, something unusual, this day was remembered in, and also what is remarkable about the date of this day, who was born and died from famous people and much more. In a word - we will help you to understand all this in more detail and to our advantage. You will find on this page all the answers to these topics of interest, we have tried to put together as many materials as possible for this day of the year.

Who was born on April 6

Zinaida Anatolyevna Slavina. She was born on April 6, 1940 in Peterhof. Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986)

Vasily Vasilievich Merkuriev. Born March 24 (April 6), 1904 in Ostrov, Pskov region - died May 12, 1978 in Leningrad. Soviet actor theater and cinema, theater director, teacher. National artist USSR (1960). Laureate of three Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1947, 1949, 1952)

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Shagalova. Born April 6, 1923 in Rogachev (Belarus) - died March 13, 2012 in Moscow. Soviet actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1977). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1949)

Merle Ronald Haggard was born April 6, 1937 in the California town of Bakersfield to a family of Oklahoma refugees fleeing the Great Depression.

Stanislav Andreevich Lyubshin. Born April 6, 1933 in the village. Vladykino (now - a district of Moscow). Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, film director. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981)

Barry Levinson ( born April 6, 1942) is a Hollywood cinematographer. Director, screenwriter, producer and actor. Oscar Winner 1989

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (March 25, 1812, Moscow - January 9, 1870, Paris) - Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Irina Nikolaevna Bilyk. She was born on April 6, 1970 in Kyiv. Ukrainian singer and composer, People's Artist of Ukraine (2008)

Harry Houdini (04/06/1874 [Budapest] - 10/31/1926 [New York]) - American magician

Nikolai Sklifosovsky (04/06/1836 [farm near the city of Dubossary] - 12/13/1904 [Yakovtsy's estate]) - Russian surgeon

Gustave Moreau (04/06/1826 [Paris] - 1898) - French painter and graphic artist

Frederic Cesar Laharpe (04/06/1754 - 03/30/1838) - Swiss political figure, teacher of the future Russian Emperor Alexander I

Raphael Santi (04/06/1483 - 04/06/1520) - the great Italian painter, graphic artist and architect, representative of the Umbrian school

Billy Dee Williams was born in New York in 1937 and played Lando Carlissian in Star Wars episodes 4,5 and 6.

Michael Rooker was born in Alabama in 1955 and played Merli Dixon in The Walking Dead, Junda Udonta in Guardians of the Galaxy, and William Rice in Teleport.

in 1956, the singer Igor Sarukhanov was born, who sang about dear old people

Paul Rudd was born in New Jersey in 1969 and played Peter Klavin in Love You Man, Danny in Adult Surprise, and Pete in Knocked Up.

Irina Bilyk was born in 1970

in 1971, the singer Kirill Andreev was born, one of the Ivanushki

Evgeny Rudin, better known as DJ Groove, was born in 1972 in Appatity

Denis Klyaver was born in 1975, a former whisker of the group "Tea for Two"

in 1976 in Panarama City in California was born actress Candace Cameron Bure, who played Summer Van Horn in the TV series "Gymnasts", Tanner in the TV series " Full house and Cindy Nelson in "Miracles of a Kind"

in 1980, the actress Yana Sexte was born, who played Lyusya Polynina in the series "Thaw", Lilith in the film "Heavenly Judgment" and Zoya Khruleva in the series "Wonderworker"

1981 New Hampshire-born actress Eliza Coop, who played Jane Kerkovich in Happy Ending, Denis Mahone in Clinic, and Sheila in How Much Do You Have

Actress Diora Baird was born in Miami in 1983, who played Rachel in the film Girl of My best friend", Bailey in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" and Kiki in "We're Accepted"

Charlie McDermott, an actor born in Pennsylvania in 1990, played Axel Henk in the TV series It Happens Worse, Chaz in the movie Hot Tub Time Machine, and TJ in the movie Frozen River.

Natalya Milnichenko, member of the Ranetki group, was born in 1990

in 1998, Florida-born actress Peyton List, who played Emma Ross in the TV series "Jesse", Holly Hills in the movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2.3" and young Becky in the movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice".

Dates April 6

Burundi celebrates Cyprien Ntaryamira Day

In Thailand - Chakri Dynasty Day

In the Cocos Islands - Day of the act of self-determination

Argentina, Canada, USA and UK celebrate Tartan Day

By folk calendar this is Zechariah and Jacob or Zechariah the Postnik

A warm night on this day is for a good spring, and sunny circles, as usual, for a rich harvest

April 6 actively prepared for the Annunciation Day. People prayed in churches, visited prisons to distribute gifts to prisoners

It was believed that it was on April 6 that one could repent of sins and get the right to visit the temple, which was not allowed to enter those on whom a serious sin hangs. In order to see the road to the church, bonfires were lit

Events took place on April 6 - historical dates

in 1199, Richard the Lionheart died, as he dreamed on the battlefield

in 1520, Raphael died, by the name of Santi, one of the greatest artists not only of the Renaissance, but of all time

Albrecht Dürer died in 1528, the artist who depicted the Apocalypse in a fit of Melancholy

in 1748, the ruins of Pompeii were discovered under a layer of petrified ash

in 1814 the last abdication of Napoleon from the throne and the restoration of the Bourbons to the throne

Niels Abel, Norwegian mathematician, died in 1829

in 1899 the first tram appeared in Moscow

Igor Stravinsky died in 1971, composer, author of the operas "Fire Bird" and "Petrushka"

In 1992, Isaac Asimov, an American science fiction writer who developed laws for robots, died.

arrested in 2006 famous psychic and healer Grigory Grabovoi on charges of fraud

in 2010, the April revolution in Kyrgyzstan.

April 6 events

Pas de Calais is the strait between Europe and Great Britain. It is believed that it is the narrowest part of the English Channel. According to the results of the inspection, which took place already at the end of the twentieth century, the magnitude of the earthquake was more than six points on the Richter scale. The source of the disaster was at a depth of twenty kilometers under the bottom, and its epicenter was at the very bottom.

As a result of a devastating natural disaster, several large cities were affected. In London, all court sessions were interrupted. In addition, several cultural and historical structures were damaged, and entire layers of chalk rocks went into the water on the banks. The resulting tsunami claimed more than one hundred and twenty lives, three dozen large ships sank.

After the victory of the Russian army over the French during a campaign in Europe, on March 30, 1814, Paris was handed over to them by the allies. There was a real threat that the Russian troops in revenge for Moscow could burn down Paris. Fearing such radical measures, the marshals of France turned to Napoleon Bonaparte, who, after some deliberation, decided to leave the throne.

It happened on April 6, 1814. The text of the abdication contained the following lines: "There is no such personal sacrifice that I would not give up in the interests of France."

It is known that after the resignation of Bonaparte was sent to the Elbe. However, a year later, in 1815, he again took the French throne, his associates brought him into the hall literally in their arms. At that time, an anti-French coalition was being organized, the participants of which were many European countries.

Soon she opposed the Napoleonic Empire, as a result of which the emperor's army suffered a crushing and final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo. In the summer of 1815, Napoleon abdicated again, and last years he spent his life in the lands of Saint Helena under the supervision of the British.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games of the new time took place at the Marble Stadium in the presence of eighty thousand people. By this decree, George the First (King of Greece) actually annulled Theodosius' ban on holding such games as a relic of pagan times.

Only male athletes took part in the first Olympic Games, there were just over 300 of them. The Russian team did not participate in the competition due to lack of funds. However, one of the representatives of Russia still applied for participation in the games, but soon, after changing his mind, he took it back.

Signs April 6 - Jacob's Day, Zakhara

IN Orthodox Church On April 6, the memory of Saints Jacob and Zachar is venerated. The Slavs made large bonfires in courtyards or courtyards, trying in this way to expel darkness and glorify light. They also hoped that the evil spirits would leave the house if they prayed to the saints.

In addition, the day of April 6 was dedicated to preparing for such a holiday as the Annunciation. The Slavs tried to redo all the urgent and important work. The supper was obligatory.

There was enough interesting sign: if an unmarried girl goes to the temple for the vigil on this day, then this year she will definitely get married.

By the way, on April 6, they also went to church in order to consecrate the seeds for planting - it was believed that in this case they would give excellent shoots.

On this day, as a rule, it is warm enough outside, the snow melts, and the roads deteriorate, therefore, they tried to clean the sled and not use it anymore, hiding it until the next winter.

Peasants on April 6 necessarily fumigated winter clothes and household belongings with juniper, which, according to ancient beliefs, allowed people to protect themselves from the evil eye.

They also burned old straw beds to drive out evil spirits. They jumped over the fire, but they did not heat the stoves and went to bed in chilled rooms - in the hallways and upper rooms. Children and old people could stay in the hut.

April 6 actively prepared for the Annunciation Day. People prayed in churches, visited prisons to distribute gifts to prisoners.

It was believed that it was on April 6 that one could repent of sins and get the right to visit the temple, which was not allowed to enter those on whom a serious sin hangs. In order for the road to the church to be visible, bonfires were lit.

06.04.2018 08:00


Today the world community celebrates the International Day of Sports for Peace and Development.

Sports Day was proclaimed in accordance with the decision of the UN General Assembly of August 23, 2013. As noted in the relevant UN resolution, sport, which is one of the tools of education, development and peace, contributes to strengthening cooperation, solidarity, tolerance, understanding and social inclusion, both locally and nationally and international levels. Its internal values ​​such as team spirit, honesty, discipline, respect for the opponent and the rules of the game are perceived throughout the world and can be applied to strengthen solidarity, social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. Sport unites us around positive values ​​and contributes to a culture of dialogue beyond national boundaries. The history of sport testifies that it is able to destroy stereotypes, initiate and strengthen the movement for the rights and dignity of every person, drawing the attention of the whole world to them. It is known that today almost two billion people in the world are not physically active enough. Physically active children are 15% more likely to go to college, and physically active teenagers are less likely to smoke, use drugs, engage in risky sexual behavior and, as a result, early unwanted pregnancies. A child with an active mom and dad is twice as likely to grow up too active person. Insufficient physical activity Causes 6% of all cases of cardio-vascular system, 7% of cases diabetes type 2 and 10% of breast and colon cancer cases. Investment in sports, including time, equipment and facilities, is three times more profitable than the costs associated with medical care. All kinds of sports competitions are organized on Sports Day, including 10-kilometer races and marathons, collective sports games.

Events of the day:

On this day 2014 armed militants seized the premises of the Donetsk regional administration, which marked the beginning of the occupation of the city by pro-Russian gangs and the establishment of a criminal puppet regime of the so-called "Donetsk people's republic". The activation of the separatist movement in Donetsk took place immediately after the completion of the Revolution of Dignity and the flight of the then President of Ukraine Yanukovych to Russia. During March, under the direct supervision of the Kremlin curators, rallies were held under the building of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, pro-Russian slogans and calls for joining Russia were heard; The Ukrainian flag has repeatedly changed to the Russian tricolor. On April 6, about 2,000 pro-Russian protesters gathered on Lenin Square. After the end of the rally, the protesters marched along Artema Street to the building of the Donetsk Regional State Administration. The storming of the building began, there were clashes with the police. After two groups of separatists managed to get into the courtyard and into the building itself, and a grenade was thrown into the window of the building outside, the security forces retreated, the building was under the control of the separatists, and the flags of Russia and the “DPR” were hung over the regional administration. After the capture of the Regional State Administration, the protesters published a resolution in which they demanded the immediate convening of an extraordinary session of the Donetsk Regional Council and its decision to hold a referendum on joining Russia. The next day, April 7, 2014, in the session hall of the building of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, the separatists proclaimed a "declaration on the sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic", which was proclaimed on the territory of the Donetsk region. Since then, Donetsk and the region have become " hot spot where hostilities do not subside. As a result of fighting between separatist groups and the armed forces of Ukraine, as well as numerous acts of sabotage, the city was destroyed, and many of its residents were forced to leave their homes.

Anniversaries of the day:

101 year of birth Leonora Carrington (1917-2011), famous Anglo-Mexican artist, sculptor, writer, author of books in English, French, Spanish. If the whole world knows about Frida Kahlo now, then Leonora Carrington is less known, although the creative manner of both artists is somewhat similar. In addition, Carrington was friends with Kahlo (the latter was 10 years older than Carrington). The only thing is that fate measured Frida only 47 years old, and Leonora - almost 100. Both were wayward, passionate and rebellious faces. And Leronora Carrington was born in the family of a textile manufacturer. On the maternal side - Irish, brought up by an Irish nanny, often went to Ireland to her grandmother. She studied painting in Florence, studied at an art school in Chelsea, and in 1936 entered the London Academy of Painting. In 1937 she met the famous avant-garde artist Max Ernst (almost 30 years older), became his mistress, student and muse at the same time. She left everything for him, moved with him to Paris, entered the circle of surrealists, participated in group exhibitions in 1938 in Paris and Amsterdam. After the arrest in 1939 of Max Ernst by the French authorities as a subject of the enemy country, she suffered a nervous breakdown. Fleeing from the Nazi occupation, she moved to Spain, where the breakdown recurred, was placed in psychiatric clinic(she later described it in the stories Down There and Stone Doors). In 1941, she escaped from the clinic, moved to Portugal, from there to the USA, and then to Mexico, where she lived for the rest of her life - almost 7 decades. In Mexico, Leonora was friends with the artists Varo and Frida Kahlo, writers Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes. His personality and work influenced such pillars of Latin American postmodernism as Cortazar and Alejandro Jodorowsky. She worked on the mural "The Magical World of the Maya" for National Museum anthropology, acted in films, defended the rights of women. In Mexico, she found family happiness, got married and raised two sons.

81 year of birth Billy Dee Williams ("Billy Dee"; 1937), American actor, artist, singer and writer. The filmography of the actor has long exceeded a hundred and he is quite well known in the United States. In addition to Hollywood, Billy Dee is actively filmed on television (you can say that he is a serial actor), sometimes he plays in the theater. To the non-English-speaking visual community, this actor is known primarily for his role as Lendo Calrissian in the Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" and "Episode VI: Return of the Jedi". Billy Dee Williams was born in New York. His mother was from the West Indies, and his father was from Texas (he worked as a janitor). Williams grew up in Harlem, the guy was raised by his grandmother - his parents worked hard at several jobs to teach their children. Billy Dee graduated from the Higher Theater School in New York. He made his debut in the theater at the age of 8, playing in the Broadway production of Flaming Florence. His film debut took place in 1959, and he became a truly successful actor in the 70s and 80s, after starring in the films Lady Sings the Blues (with Diana Ross in leading role) And " star wars"(V and VI episodes). In addition, Billy Dee starred in the films: Nighthawks, Batman, Fear City. He played himself in the series "Clinic", "Lost" and "Modern Family". Williams voiced Two-Face in The Lego Batman Movie (2017).

Death anniversary:

26 years from death Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), American science fiction writer, biochemist, science popularizer. Author of the trilogy "Becoming" and its continuation "The Edge of Becoming", the dilogy "Steel Caves" and "The Naked Sun", the novels "The End of Eternity", "Even the Gods", stories. He published his first science fiction story when he was 18. For many years he treated literature as a form of entertainment, writing while working on his doctoral dissertation in chemistry. It wasn't until 1950, when the first two books of his science fiction were published, that he began to think about making a living from writing. It is difficult to name a field of knowledge in which Asimov did not write at least one book: physics, astronomy, geology, geography, biology, mathematics, nutrition, history, literature ... He also published several collections of humorous, rather frivolous poems - limericks and two volumes autobiography. On his 70th birthday (January 2, 1990), he was the author or editor of 445 books, and two dozen more of his books were being prepared for publication.

Day of Investigators

Great Heel

Great Fiver. Commemoration of the Holy Saving Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Strict post.

Beginning of the modern Olympic Games.

In 1896 began Olympic Games modernity.

The first congress of the All-Russian Society of the Blind was held

In 1925, the First (Constituent) Congress of the All-Russian Society of the Blind took place.

The Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star were established

In 1930, the order of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR established the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star.

Creation of five district party organizations started in Saratov

In 1917, the committee of the RSDLP began to create five regional party organizations of Saratov.

Saratov hosted the Musical Art of Leningrad festival

In 1964, the Musical Art of Leningrad festival was held in Saratov with the participation of the composer V.P. Solovyov-Sedogo, art chapel named after M.I. Glinka and other Leningrad artists.

Birthday "Lipok"

In 1824, the Saratov City Duma decided to equip the boulevard near the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral "with the planting of lindens and a decent vegetable garden" and the boulevard was called Aleksandrovsky, then. City, and since 1876. "Lipki".

Chernyshevsky's brother was born

In 1833, Alexander Pypin (1833-1904), a cousin of N.G., was born in Saratov. Chernyshevsky, well-known literary critic, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

The Pashennaya tour took place

In 1922, the artist of the Moscow Maly Theater V.N. Pashennaya, n.a. THE USSR.