Natal chart, horoscope, astrology - these concepts have a very close relationship and are parts of a single whole. Astrology is ancient science, which is based on the laws of the Universe and about the Universe. It studies and analyzes the influence of various cosmic bodies.

A horoscope is a schematic representation of a site starry sky, which can be seen only in a certain geographical point and only in a certain period of time. Usually predicts events that are associated with a specific point in space and time and is the basis of many traditions rooted in astrology.

Natal (astrological) chart - is a symbolic scheme reflecting the state of the Cosmos at the time of birth. It is like a photograph of that part of the cosmos where a person was born. The natal chart contains an image of cosmic spheres with the Sun, planets solar system, the Moon and even comets that are located at certain points on the horizon of the earth.

As the researchers suggest, the first beginnings of astronomy began to appear in the Stone Age, when people began to observe the movement of the Sun and the Moon, as well as fix various important features in their movement. At the same time, primary counting skills and some elements of geometry began to develop.

First documentary evidence practical application astrology were found in the oldest written sources of ancient Sumer. Arcade and Babylon. They belong to the end of the 3rd century BC. e. Then the priests of some cults often used a rather primitive "astrology of omens" as the basis, which was served by various natural phenomena, solar and lunar eclipses, the fall of meteorites, the appearance of comets and the like. This type of astrology is known as "mundane astrology". Basically, it consisted of predictions of global events affecting the entire state.

The compilation of individual horoscopes with characteristics in many respects similar to modern ones according to historical sources began to appear only at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th centuries. BC era. But the complete formation of such concepts as astrology, horoscope, natal chart, ended only in the 1st century. n. era.

The uniqueness of astrology lies in the fact that it treats everyone very individually and does not tolerate an average static approach. For example, if you make a natal chart, individually for one, then it will never repeat astrological chart that was made for someone else. Even if you build natal charts of twins, it is easy to find significant differences there. Since their birth occurs in different time periods, even if the difference in their birth is several tens of seconds, this is already an inevitable indicator of the difference in their horoscopes.

The most accurate compilation of an astrological chart plays a crucial role in the future dynamic development making a horoscope. But if a person has forgotten or does not know exact time own birth, what to do in this case? In this case, you need to tell the astrologer everything about yourself in more detail. Especially about those events that are the most significant for you. A professional astrologer, based on the information that you tell him, will compile and restore your date of birth with an accuracy of a few minutes. A similar process in astrology is called - rectification. Even if you know everything about the time of birth, an experienced astrologer will offer to tell him about the events that played important role in your life. All this will help to more accurately draw up a natal chart and horoscope.

The main basic indicators for the astrologer are the events that have occurred in life, he rejects all unpromising options by the method of elimination, which helps to compile the necessary temporal accuracy. When the exact date and time of birth is known, then using modern technologies it is easy to calculate the compiled map of a person’s birth, in other words, to reproduce the location of certain celestial bodies accompanying the moment of birth of a person in relation to the Earth.

But deciphering the compiled birth chart is already completely different actions and calculations, here it is necessary to interpret the astrological chart as accurately as possible in relation to life and destiny. If the calculation of a birth chart can be done within a few minutes, then it will take several hours or even days to decipher it and, in accordance with this, draw up a horoscope. This is a very delicate matter that only an experienced astrologer can handle.

If we consider this aspect in more detail, then astrology does not give an answer to what exactly can happen to this or that person.

It only composes and states in detail the very moment of birth, shows what connects a person with certain celestial bodies that were at the time of the birth of a person in a certain geographical point. When compiling a complete natal chart, the astrologer needs to resort to "predictive astrology.

One of the important branches of astrology is "astropsychology", it is she who is intended to reveal the character. Astropsychology is based on the relationship of space objects with a person, their influence on behavior and psyche. Therefore, based on the analysis of the positions of cosmic bodies in the signs of the zodiac, and their influence through aspects on the psyche and behavior of a person, a conclusion is made.

Those events that are possible in a person's life and are reflected in the horoscope of events are controlled by 12 houses of the horoscope, which affect almost all areas of life.

According to the astrological school tendencies, astrology, horoscope, natal chart, do not determine fate thoroughly and accurately in its smallest details. Since the astrological school is dominated by the principle that says that general judgments cancel private ones.

In the old medieval work "The Book of Judgments about the Stars" dating back to the 12th century, there is a relevant example. Almost in the same place at the same time, 2 people were born. One was born in the family of a bread merchant, the other in the family of a powerful nobleman. The natal chart predicted for these two great wealth, influence and power, both of them should rise greatly during their lives. However, their rise will not be equal, one of them will become a king and will rule over the whole country, and the other will become a prosperous rich merchant, of course, the son of a nobleman will become the king, and the merchant will be the son of a bread seller. This is an example of a confirmation of the principle that general judgments cancel out particular ones.

All three concepts, astrology, horoscope, natal chart are closely related to one another. So that make a natal chart one cannot do without calculations, but in itself it is static and does not carry any predictions. But the dynamics of the development of the horoscope completely depends on predictive astrology, and only then it will be compiled as much as possible accurate horoscope for a person, by date of birth. It will reflect the predisposition and destiny of a person important events his life family relationships psychological picture and. etc. Possessing such information, it becomes possible to influence events to some extent own life, but of course, a person will never be able to change what is completely intended from above.

Since ancient times, people have sought to understand the relationship between the location of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth and his character, appearance and life events. Astrology is rooted in the distant past of human civilization. A natal chart compiled by date of birth with a decoding of the most important astrological indicators will help you understand your fate and destiny.

Individual horoscope

Translated from Latin“natal” means “native”, that is, the natal chart is the landmark that a person receives at birth, what he comes to life with. Here his talents and inclinations, life circumstances and achievements, fatal events and personal will are indicated.

Forecasts, which are made according to the solar sign of the Zodiac, reflect the most general trends. To understand your individuality and foresee the main events of your subsequent life, you can independently draw up a horoscope by date of birth. How to use the information received will indicate the location of the planets and important points in the signs of the Zodiac and houses.

For those who are just getting acquainted with astrology, it is better to start by drawing up your own map. To do this, you need to know the place, date and as accurate as possible the time of your birth. technical work and accurate calculations can be entrusted to the astroprocessor, computer program, which includes astrological ephemeris. They make it possible to accurately determine the coordinates of the planets in the desired period of time.

Planets and zodiac signs

Knowing the primary properties of the planets and the characteristics of the zodiac signs, you can begin to decipher the natal chart yourself. The strongest, most pronounced planet in the horoscope creates a certain type of personality. Each zodiac sign is associated with one or two rulers who have an energy related to it:

The sign that a planet rules is its abode. Being in this sign, she gains strength. Here her qualities are clearly manifested. The opposite sign for her is the place of fall. Getting here, the planet acquires a weak status and can create difficulties.

For example, Venus in Taurus appears strongly and harmoniously. In Scorpio, she is in a fall, here she is uncomfortable. Scorpio is not in tune with Venus.

Four elements in the cosmogram

Three zodiacal signs belong to each of the four elements. To understand the personality traits, you need to evaluate which element in the cosmogram is represented more strongly. How more planets is in the signs of the elements, especially it is expressed in the horoscope:

Principles of horoscope analysis

The cosmogram shows the basis of personality, its basic potential. It is easy to make a natal chart yourself. How the planets in the signs of the Zodiac are associated with the inclinations and abilities of the individual can be understood using principles of horoscope analysis:

It is important for beginners to remember that no matter where the Sun is at birth, others planets can be in different signs . A typical representative of a sign is one who, in addition to the daylight, has several planets located in the same sign. Especially if they rule the Ascendant and Meridian.

You can recognize such a person by pronounced character traits. It is more difficult to decipher information relating to those who do not have other planets in the solar zodiac sign.

Astrological houses

It is necessary to take into account the meaning of the houses of the horoscope in order to independently draw up a natal chart with decoding. How the astrological sector affects, allows you to understand the top of the house, that is, the point at which it begins. Like the sign of the Zodiac, the house has a ruler who will show how successful things will be in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example, if the 7th house begins in Taurus, it is ruled by Venus. To make a forecast for partnerships and marital relations, one must proceed from the location of Venus in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. Meanings of astrological houses.

Now astrology is very popular. Astrological forecasts according to the signs of the zodiac can be found in newspapers, magazines and on television. But under each of the signs, 1/12 of all humanity is born, and it is unlikely that you admit that all representatives of your sign are racking their brains over the same problems as you. Forecasts by signs are approximate and very far from the specific situation of each person. Therefore, professional astrology is based on the construction of natal charts that take into account birth data with an accuracy of up to a minute.

The natal chart consists of several circles placed inside each other, divided into 12 sectors - 12 signs of the zodiac and 12 houses. The planets represented symbols- symbolic icons, arranged in accordance with their actual position in the sky at the time of birth. Aspect lines connect the conventional icons of the planets, the angle between which is a special value - the astrological aspect. Major astrological aspects are Conjunction, Opposition, Quadrature, Trine and Sextile.

The natal chart is unique, and unlike magazine horoscopes, it can really tell a lot about a particular person. Today, in order to build a natal chart, there is no need to pay a fabulous amount of money to an astrologer, because now it can be done for free, through online services. All you have to do is type in the combination "Construct a natal chart for free online" into the search engine, and you will be able to build your natal chart along with a machine interpretation in a few seconds and absolutely free.

Despite the fact that the machine interpretation is significantly inferior in quality to the interpretation professional astrologer, it will be much more specific and relate to you personally. The data needed for plotting is date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth.

Make a natal chart online

In order to build your birth horoscope (natal chart) enter your name, date and time of birth. By default, the page has the GMT (Universal Time) time setting enabled. To enter the local time birthday, you should definitely switch the checkbox to "local" time. Remember that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! Permissible approximation - plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select the country, region and city where you were born from the list. You don't need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! In the absence of your locality, choose the city closest to your place of birth, but then the horoscope will not be accurate. Next, click the "Create Horoscope" button.

The page will show " Natal horoscope" with your birth card. To receive a free complete interpretation of your individual horoscope, you need to select the item "Interpretation" in the drop-down menu "Horoscope".

Astrology is the science that studies the interactions between the planets, stars and personal qualities person. With the help of a natal chart, one can explain the nature of a person and make a forecast of his future. Learn how to read a natal chart to gain valuable information about yourself.


Part 1

Learn your zodiac sign

    Find your zodiac sign. The outer ring of the zodiac chart is divided into 12 houses. One of them includes your date of birth. The section that contains your date of birth determines your zodiac sign. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, and each of them reveals different character traits. Determine the sector you belong to to find out your sign.

    Find out the meaning of your zodiac sign. Astrologers say that the sign of the Zodiac affects the personal qualities of a person. For example, a person from the air element is a passionate, lively, ambitious and sociable person. Any Internet user can find data on the Internet about the features of his character in accordance with the zodiac sign. In addition, you can purchase a book about the zodiac signs online or at a bookstore, or borrow it from the library. Such literature will help you better know yourself, based on your personal zodiac sign.

    Understand what influences correct interpretation your zodiac sign. It should be borne in mind that the sign of the Zodiac is only a small component of the natal chart. For its correct interpretation, many nuances must be taken into account. Full transcript natal chart involves taking into account all other components, such as houses and planets. This information depends on where and when you were born.

    Part 2

    Interpret at home
    1. Find an ascendant. The ascendant is a very important part of the natal chart and rises on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. rising sign will allow you to find out the location of houses on your map.

      Familiarize yourself with the first six houses. Each house indicates a different aspect of a person's life. Your natal chart is influenced by the sign that rules this or that house.

    2. Learn about the last six houses. In addition to those already listed, there are six more houses. To decipher the natal chart, it is necessary to determine the location of the houses, as well as calculate the planets and zodiac signs that dominate them.

      Part 3

      Uncover the meaning of the planets
      1. Determine the location of the planets. The planets that pass through different houses of your chart affect its decoding. They are presented in the form different characters and scattered throughout the map.

        • The sun is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center. The moon has a crescent-shaped crescent.
        • Venus is the female symbol and Mars is the male. Mercury is represented in the form of a male symbol, but with two small lines projecting from the top circle.
        • Jupiter is represented as a symbol that resembles the number 4, and Saturn is the number 5.
        • The symbols of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have rather intricate configurations. Uranus looks like an inverted female symbol with four lines, two on each side, that curve outward in the opposite direction. Neptune looks like an inverted cross with two lines on each side that curve upward. Pluto is a kind of combination of Neptune and Uranus. It is a female symbol pointing upwards, with two lines on each side that curl upwards.
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Rising Sign - Sagittarius

Rising Sagittarius is a masculine and fire sign, symbolized by the archer. It indicates the active, direct and noble character of a person striving for a great goal or upholding some kind of good deed. Sagittarians are principled, they make good parents and teachers.

Usually they are healthy, cheerful, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the spiritual uplift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy, have good foresight. They are modest, impulsive, enthusiastic, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: a full figure, a happy smile, brown hair, an elongated face, large nose and ears. The demeanor is restrained, consistent with generally accepted traditions, at the same time they are enterprising. They make good businessmen, officials, as they strive for power, but do not allow dishonesty when using it. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. Sagittarius rising may sacrifice themselves for the good of others, find fortune abroad, or away from where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures, they can become good leaders and guides for people who are pure in heart. Often there are quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love of comfort for the sake of working for the benefit of mankind. They control themselves well, but lose their money. They are brave and virtuous, but suffer from the opposition of envious people. They are highly respected by scholars and noble people, they live long, and their life is pure.