The land of the midnight sun, "the land of a thousand lakes and islands" Finland is located to the northwest of Russia, most of it is located above the Arctic Circle. Read our article on the Tour Calendar and you will find out why the best time to travel to Suomi is from December to early March, and also from June to the end of August.

Tourist season in Finland

Finland has long ceased to be associated among Russians with the "northern dachas" of St. Petersburg residents. Today it is one of the most visited Scandinavian countries with a stable tourist flow throughout the year. First of all, people go to Suomi for magic New Year's Eve in the company of a genuine Santa Claus, for the unique beauty winter nature Arctic regions, as well as for recreation at quite affordable ski resorts. Contrary to the common stereotype that Finland is a country of an exclusively winter direction, we hasten to dissuade you of this: summer rest here is no less popular and fascinating. In addition to visiting numerous sights, which are several centuries old, tourists are attracted by good fishing, sea cruises, rafting on river rapids, water and health centers with a "tropical" climate, as well as numerous international festivals.

High season in Finland

The tourism market in Finland is experiencing a significant rise twice a year: in winter and summer. During this period, the country is visited by about 2 million Russians, who occupy a leading position among tourists in the Finnish direction. Many believe that the climate of this country is very similar to the climate of Russia, but meanwhile, many of our compatriots go to spend their winter holidays in Finland. What is her attraction? Well, first of all, for sure. known fact living in Lapland the real Santa Claus does not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults. After all, deep down, absolutely everyone wants to believe in a good fairy tale full of miracles. Secondly, take a steam bath with a noisy company in a hot Finnish sauna, surrounded on all sides by thick winter forest, and admire the world's most breathtaking natural phenomenon, the radiance of the "Aurora Borealis", an incomparable pleasure. And, thirdly, the meeting of the New Year can be combined with a holiday in ski resorts. As for the summer, this is a "hot time" for recreation in ecologically clean areas of the country in the bosom of virgin nature among crystal lakes and " mushroom forests". And the most important thing. Prices for accommodation in high season rise by 20% -40%, in addition, some cottages (very popular as accommodation facilities) are rented for a period of 1 week. As a rule, booking is possible strictly from Saturday, less often from Friday.

Low season in Finland

A much smaller number of tourists come to Finland from October to early December, and also from February to early May. This is a great time for budget holiday. Besides, in low season in Finland it is not at all colder than in Russia, and in comparison with its individual regions it is even warmer. Some go fishing in the Gulf of Finland, others come to admire the "northern architecture" of Helsinki, others just want to change the situation and see another country, but not far from home. Given the geographical proximity, transport accessibility, as well as European service and high level life, Finland really deserves to get to know it better.

The best time for excursions

In Finland, in addition to ancient cities, vast farm areas and delightful national parks, there are many other "interesting things". For example, the Moomin Island Theme Park, Santa Claus' house in Rovaniemi, the Ranua Arctic Zoo, located not far from it, and the Northern Lights Museum in Pohiyan Kruunu. best time to get to know cultural heritage Finnish cities are late spring and early autumn. Summer can also be taken into account, however, heavy rainfall occurs during this period. A trip to Lapland should be planned for the winter. True, in the pre-holiday period, there are quite a lot of people who want to get there. At the same time, for the sake of an indescribable feeling of magic and a fairy tale that covers you from the very first minutes of your stay in the homeland of Santa Claus, you can easily turn a blind eye to this.

Beach season in Finland

In summer, Finns mostly spend their holidays on the lakes: they fish, barbecue, sunbathe and, of course, swim. Hotels and cottages are located along the recreation areas, so you don’t need to go far. beach season opens in June, but the water temperature at this time does not exceed +18 °C. In July it warms up to +19 °С..+21 °С. As for the coast of the Baltic Sea, beach holiday out of favor there. Due to the strong cold undercurrents in the Finnish Baltic, it is hardly possible to swim.

Northern lights season in Finland

The beauty of the Northern Lights cannot be fully expressed in words, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear. The most spectacular "light shows" - from November to March

The fact that a quarter of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle, where the sun does not rise above the horizon line in a certain part of the year, gives a special piquancy to the flavor of Finland. Here, about 200 times a year, a beautiful sight is observed - the northern lights. The so-called "season" of this natural phenomenon lasts from August to April. But the most likely to see it is in clear weather from October to March. There are several ways to monitor northern lights, but one of the most romantic is the glass igloo hotel in Lapland. By the way, according to Japanese beliefs, children conceived at the time of the glow of the aurora will have a happy fate.

Ski season in Finland

Finland cannot boast of a large set of black pistes, high slopes and interesting descents, but comfortable, superbly equipped ski resorts with quite democratic prices in the country abound. Beginner skiers and "intermediate skiers" will feel more than fine here. Of the additional entertainment - a safari on a snowmobile, riding a reindeer sled, winter fishing, finnish sauna. ski season opens in mid-October (in some centers in early November) and lasts until April - mid-May. The amplitude of fluctuations in air temperature during this period ranges from -3 °C to -18 °C.

fishing season

Picturesque landscapes, the ecological well-being of the country and reservoirs rich in fish attract hundreds of thousands of avid fishermen here like a magnet. In addition, the Finns themselves are a nation that cannot be imagined without a fishing rod in their hands. The Åland Islands are a real mecca for anglers. There are comfortable cottages and rental shops for the necessary gear. In principle, the fishing season lasts all 12 months, however, certain areas of Finland have their own deadlines. It should also be borne in mind that this or that fish is best caught at certain times of the year. IN southern regions In Finland, fishing with a float rod is best from mid-April to mid-May. On artificial bait, a rich bite will be in spring and autumn. The perch “goes” well both in winter from under the ice and in summer. The time for ice fishing for burbot, grayling and pike is January and February. Be careful, safe ice is at least 10 cm thick! Sea fishing is also very popular. Salmon fishing by trawling is especially successful in the period from May to July, pike perch - from June to July.

Wellness season

Finland is famous for its balneological resorts or, as they are also called here, water and health centers. Some are located at ski stations, others - along the edge of the sea or on the shores of natural reservoirs, others - in urban green areas. Here you will be helped to relieve stress, lose weight, rejuvenate, get a powerful boost of energy for the next year, as well as cure some chronic diseases. You can come to recovery at any time of the year, but if you have time, it is best to plan this kind of vacation for late spring, summer and the first half of autumn, when the weather is quite favorable.

navigation season

Cruises by Baltic Sea- This vivid impressions, "splashes" of emotions and an indescribable atmosphere of romance

You can arrive in Finland by bus, by train, by plane, or by a comfortable boat, which most of all looks like a huge floating hotel. Every summer, from mid-May to the first ten days of September, a passenger ship runs between the Finnish city of Lapeeranta and Russian Vyborg. Recently, a water connection has been established between Vyborg and Hamina, the last flight is planned to be launched at the end of September, however, the exact dates directly depend on weather conditions. During the New Year and Christmas holidays, celebratory cruises are carried out from St. Petersburg with a call to the port of Helsinki. As a rule, two more capitals of Scandinavia are subject to visit. Ferries also regularly leave from St. Petersburg, the cost of tickets for the crossing from July to the end of August is approximately 35% -45% more expensive than in winter. Cruises on the Baltic Sea from Helsinki are very popular. In summer, from the Finnish capital, you can “sail” for a couple of days to Tallinn or Stockholm through the Aland Islands.

Sales season in Finland

In Finland, you can buy stylish and high-quality clothes, as well as good-quality household goods. Twice a year, like every other European country There are huge sales going on here. The most generous are post-Christmas, starting from December 27th. During this time, discounts can reach up to 70%. In summer, they begin at the end of June and coincide with the Yuhannus holiday. This a great opportunity not only to update your wardrobe, but also to purchase at affordable prices Jewelry, all kinds of souvenirs and ceramics.

Time for holidays and festivals

The festive calendar of Finland is very impressive, the following of them can be counted as its main events: January 1 - New Year, January 6 - Epiphany, February 5 - Poet Runeberg Day, March 19 - Equality Day, April 27 - National Veterans Day, April - Lutheran Easter, May 1 - Vappu / May Day, second Sunday of May - Mother's Day, June 4 - Banner Day Finnish Defense Forces, June 12 - Helsinki Foundation Day, June 20-26 (movable date) - Johannus / Ivanov's Day, coinciding with Finnish Flag Day, November 6 - Swedish Culture Day, November 8 - Father's Day, December 6 - Finnish Independence Day , December 8 - Jean Sibelius and Finnish Music Day, December 25 - Christmas, December 26 - St. Stephen. Summer is the time for numerous festivals and concerts. In July-August, Savonlinna hosts a large-scale opera festival, in which the most famous opera performers from all over the world take part. At the same time, a 2-week chamber music festival is held in Kuhmo. Also noteworthy are the colorful 4-day "Sea Festival" in Kotka, starting on the last Thursday of July, and the 10-day folklore festival "Yutayaiset" in Rovaniemi, taking place during the "white nights".

Climate in Finland

Finland is a Nordic country. Its extreme northern position, the presence Gulf of Finland and proximity to the "Arctic Sea" contributed to the formation of cold climatic conditions. In the north, the continental type of climate prevails - humid and cool, the average daily air temperature is usually 5 ° C-10 ° C lower than in the rest of the country. In the south - a zone of transition from maritime to continental climate. Summer here is short and mild. Beyond the Arctic Circle at this time of the year the sun does not set below the horizon, over 2 months there are "white nights". Winter in the north is long and snowy, the polar night sets in, lasting about 50 days. Thanks to the influence westerly winds blowing from the Atlantic, it is much warmer in Finland than in other countries located on the same geographical latitudes. For example, in winter in the Finnish capital, the average daily air temperature is 10 °C higher than in Magadan or Yakutsk.

Finland in spring

In March, snow begins to melt gradually in the coastal areas and in the south-west of the archipelago. During the day at this time, the weather is often clear with light winds, however, on cold nights, the melt water freezes, as a result of which ice forms on the roads in the morning. In April, the thermometer usually reaches +7 ° C, this month the snow cover finally disappears on the coast. In May, up to +15 ° C is observed - in the southern and central regions through the frozen damp earth young grass breaks through. As the sun gradually returns to the north, it rises higher above the horizon, causing the days to become warmer. However, for these areas, sharp cooling is possible, and even at the end of May, such a probability is quite high. So, in some years in Lapland in March, air temperatures up to -30 ° C were recorded, in April - up to -20 ° C. At the end of May, the forest regions and the northern territories of the country are already covered with thawed patches.

Temperature and weather in Finland in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Helsinki +2 +8 +15
Rovaniemi -3 +1 +3 +10 +2
Turku +2 +1 +8 +3 +15 +5
Levy -4 +1 +8
Kuopio 0 +6 +14

Finland in summer

Summer in Finland is moderate warm weather, during the day the air temperature ranges from +19 °C to +21 °C, and July is the “hottest” month of the year. In the south-east of the country, the highest average daily air temperatures are observed - in general, 3 ° C more, although sometimes tropical winds from the Atlantic penetrate here, which lead to an increase in the thermometer up to +30 ° C. The coastal southwestern part of the country is considered the sunniest region of the entire Northern Europe. Daylight hours during the period of "white nights" beyond the Arctic Circle lasts for 20 hours a day for 73 days. In the south, it is much darker at night, the light level at this time resembles twilight. The early summer is quite dry, but July and August are the season heavy rains often accompanied by thunderstorms.

Temperature and weather in Finland in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Helsinki +19 +21 +19
Rovaniemi +17 +7 +19 +12 +16 +14
Turku +20 +10 +22 +15 +20 +17
Levy +16 +18 +16
Kuopio +19 +21 +19

Finland is not called for nothing northern country. The climate is changeable and unpredictable. situation with subarctic climate on Finnish lands, the warm influence of the Gulf Stream softens a little. Otherwise, the transition from the maritime to the continental climate is familiar only to the Finns themselves, but not to the guests of these territories.

Finnish winter

The cold season in this state is a real test of strength. Daylight hours become so short that sometimes it brightens closer to dinner. The temperature in Celsius drops to -20 degrees, and in Northern Finland the thermometer can show below -30.

More Finnish winter different from winters in other countries big amount precipitation. Ice and snow are indispensable companions of such a winter. The winter months in Finland coincide with the generally accepted calendar. But already in November it can be quite frosty.

Finland in spring

The south of the country is freed from the winter cold faster than the north, spring comes there at the end of March, and in the north at the end of April. The average temperature in Helsinki in April can range from 4 to 10 degrees Celsius.

The spring months are quite pronounced here. With the onset of the first thaw, grass and plants begin to wake up everywhere, the snow melts, and the light duration in the day increases.

Summer days in Finland

Summer in the north of Finland has one peculiarity: in July the sun almost never sets there. White nights are warm and long. During the day in the southern part of the country the air warms up to +30 degrees. Where to the north, the temperature rises to a mark of 15-20 degrees Celsius.

All summer months the average temperature does not fall below 14 degrees. The Finnish summer has all the signs of a continental climate. It comes quickly, it varies a lot temperature regime with winter.

Finnish autumn time

What can you say about Finnish autumn? It is characterized as rainy and windy. Snow may fall as early as October. The sun rarely shines, there is a lot of humidity outside due to frequent precipitation.

The average temperature in September fluctuates around the 10-degree mark. November is the period of the first frosts, because average temperature in November it can easily drop below zero.

The Finnish climate is a distinct change of seasons. By climatic standards, Finland is considered a harsh country, in the north of which you can see the northern lights. It is much colder in Lapland, but the weather is more bizarre than in the south. Spring comes much later.

The total amount of precipitation per year sometimes reaches 700 mm. Beyond the Arctic Circle, they are half as many. August is the wettest and rainiest month.

It is interesting to know that in the middle of winter, people in Finland may not see the sun for 51 days a year. In summer, the solar disk in the north may not go beyond the horizon for about 73 days in a row. Although all Finns have long been accustomed to such jokes of nature, and do not consider given climate something special.

In the north of the country and in the central part of the country the climate is temperate continental. The influence of the warm North Atlantic Current is noticeable. Most cold month- January. Medium minimum temperature at this time it drops to -18...-20 degrees, the maximum reaches -7...-9 degrees. The hottest time of the year is July. The average minimum temperature at this time drops to +8...+10 degrees, the maximum reaches +19...+21 degrees. The least precipitation falls in February and March, in which their monthly amount is from 15 to 25 mm. The rainiest time of the year is July and August, in which the monthly amount of precipitation is from 65 to 80 mm.

In the south-west of the country, the climate has a transitional character from continental to maritime. Therefore, winters are milder here, and summers are warmer and wetter. January remains the coldest month. In it, the average minimum temperature drops to -10...-12 degrees, the maximum reaches -2...-4 degrees. The hottest time of the year is July, August. The average minimum temperature at this time is +10...+12 degrees, the maximum reaches +21...+23 degrees. The least precipitation falls in March, from 20 to 30 mm. The rainiest time of the year is August, with monthly precipitation ranging from 70 to 86 mm.

Best time to visit:

The best time to visit Finland is late spring. The fishing season runs from May to September.

Weather in Finland

Finland lies within a few climatic zones Oh. prevails temperate climate. The coast is located in the maritime climate zone. Dominated in the northern regions continental climate. However, the general climatic conditions, characterized by thaws and the presence of fairly warm periods, are much less severe than, for example, in neighboring Scandinavian countries.

Most low temperatures can be traced in February, when the thermometer drops to -6, and in the north of the country, in Lapland - to -16 degrees. The most hot days are in July. The air temperature rises to +17 +19. And even in the north, the temperature in summer rarely drops below +12 +14 degrees.

Variety of climatic zones of the country

Finland with its snowy expanses, icy lakes, cold rivers attracts tourists from all over the world who prefer skiing or reindeer safari, swimming in the warm sea and sunbathing on sandy beaches. are comfortable ski resorts, hot Finnish saunas, ice fishing and long ski trips between snow-covered hills.

Fishing is one of the most popular recreational activities in Finland. a huge number rivers, rivulets and lakes filled with a wide variety of fish. Moreover, lovers of the fishing process itself gather here, when the number of fish caught does not matter. According to the rules of fishing, all fish caught by the fishermen must be released back into the water. You can relax after fishing in specially equipped reservoirs on the banks, which provide everything you need for comfort and coziness.

Monthly weather in Finland

Average t (o C) during the day

The land of the midnight sun, "the land of a thousand lakes and islands" Finland is located to the northwest of Russia, most of it is located above the Arctic Circle. Read our article on the Tour Calendar and you will find out why the best time to travel to Suomi is from December to early March, and also from June to the end of August.

Tourist season in Finland

Finland has long ceased to be associated among Russians with the "northern dachas" of St. Petersburg residents. Today it is one of the most visited Scandinavian countries with a stable tourist flow throughout the year. First of all, people go to Suomi for the magic of New Year's Eve in the company of a genuine Santa Claus, for the unique beauty of the winter nature of the Arctic, as well as for relaxing in quite democratic ski resorts. Contrary to the common stereotype that Finland is a country of exclusively winter destinations, we hasten to reassure you of this: summer holidays here are no less popular and exciting. In addition to visiting numerous sights, which are several centuries old, tourists are attracted by good fishing, sea cruises, rafting on river rapids, water and health centers with a "tropical" climate, as well as numerous international festivals.

High season in Finland

The tourism market in Finland is experiencing a significant rise twice a year: in winter and summer. During this period, the country is visited by about 2 million Russians, who occupy a leading position among tourists in the Finnish direction. Many believe that the climate of this country is very similar to the climate of Russia, but meanwhile, many of our compatriots go to spend their winter holidays in Finland. What is her attraction? Well, firstly, the well-known fact that the real Santa Claus lives in Lapland does not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults. After all, deep down, absolutely everyone wants to believe in a good fairy tale full of miracles. Secondly, taking a steam bath in a noisy company in a hot Finnish sauna, surrounded on all sides by a dense winter forest, and admiring the most breathtaking natural phenomenon in the world, the radiance of the Aurora Borealis, is an incomparable pleasure. And, thirdly, the meeting of the New Year can be combined with a holiday in ski resorts. As for summer, it is a "hot time" for recreation in ecologically clean regions of the country in the bosom of virgin nature among crystal lakes and "mushroom forests". And the most important thing. Accommodation prices in the high season rise by 20% -40%, in addition, some cottages (very popular as accommodation facilities) are rented for a period of 1 week. As a rule, booking is possible strictly from Saturday, less often from Friday.

Low season in Finland

A much smaller number of tourists come to Finland from October to early December, and also from February to early May. This is a great time for a budget holiday. In addition, in the low season in Finland it is not at all colder than in Russia, and in comparison with its individual regions it is even warmer. Some go fishing in the Gulf of Finland, others come to admire the "northern architecture" of Helsinki, others just want to change the situation and see another country, but not far from home. Given the geographical proximity, transport accessibility, as well as European service and a high standard of living, Finland really deserves to get to know it better.

The best time for excursions

In Finland, in addition to ancient cities, huge farm areas and amazing national parks, there are many other “interesting things”. For example, the Moomin Island Theme Park, Santa Claus' house in Rovaniemi, the Ranua Arctic Zoo, located not far from it, and the Northern Lights Museum in Pohiyan Kruunu. The best time to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of Finnish cities is late spring and early autumn. Summer can also be taken into account, however, heavy rainfall occurs during this period. A trip to Lapland should be planned for the winter. True, in the pre-holiday period, there are quite a lot of people who want to get there. At the same time, for the sake of an indescribable feeling of magic and a fairy tale that covers you from the very first minutes of your stay in the homeland of Santa Claus, you can easily turn a blind eye to this.

Beach season in Finland

In summer, Finns mostly spend their holidays on the lakes: they fish, barbecue, sunbathe and, of course, swim. Hotels and cottages are located along the recreation areas, so you don’t need to go far. The beach season opens in June, but the water temperature at this time does not exceed +18 °C. In July it warms up to +19 °С..+21 °С. As for the coast of the Baltic Sea, a beach holiday is not in favor there. Due to the strong cold undercurrents in the Finnish Baltic, it is hardly possible to swim.

Northern lights season in Finland

The beauty of the Northern Lights cannot be fully expressed in words, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear. The most spectacular "light shows" - from November to March

The fact that a quarter of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle, where the sun does not rise above the horizon line in a certain part of the year, gives a special piquancy to the flavor of Finland. Here, about 200 times a year, a beautiful sight is observed - the northern lights. The so-called "season" of this natural phenomenon lasts from August to April. But the most likely to see it is in clear weather from October to March. There are several ways to view the northern lights, but one of the most romantic is the glass igloo hotel in Lapland. By the way, according to Japanese beliefs, children conceived at the time of the glow of the aurora will have a happy fate.

Ski season in Finland

Finland cannot boast of a large set of black slopes, high slopes and interesting slopes, but there are plenty of comfortable, well-equipped ski resorts with quite affordable prices in the country. Beginner skiers and "intermediate skiers" will feel more than fine here. Of the additional entertainment - safari on a snowmobile, reindeer sledding, winter fishing, Finnish sauna. The ski season opens in mid-October (in some centers in early November) and lasts until April - mid-May. The amplitude of fluctuations in air temperature during this period ranges from -3 °C to -18 °C.

fishing season

Picturesque landscapes, the ecological well-being of the country and reservoirs rich in fish attract hundreds of thousands of avid fishermen here like a magnet. In addition, the Finns themselves are a nation that cannot be imagined without a fishing rod in their hands. The Åland Islands are a real mecca for anglers. There are comfortable cottages and rental shops for the necessary gear. In principle, the fishing season lasts all 12 months, however, certain areas of Finland have their own deadlines. It should also be borne in mind that this or that fish is best caught at certain times of the year. In the southern regions of Finland, fishing with a float rod is best from mid-April to mid-May. On artificial bait, a rich bite will be in spring and autumn. The perch “goes” well both in winter from under the ice and in summer. The time for ice fishing for burbot, grayling and pike is January and February. Be careful, safe ice is at least 10 cm thick! Sea fishing is also very popular. Salmon fishing by trawling is especially successful in the period from May to July, pike perch - from June to July.

Wellness season

Finland is famous for its balneological resorts or, as they are also called here, water and health centers. Some are located at ski stations, others - along the edge of the sea or on the shores of natural reservoirs, others - in urban green areas. Here you will be helped to relieve stress, lose weight, rejuvenate, get a powerful boost of energy for the next year, as well as cure some chronic diseases. You can come to recovery at any time of the year, but if you have time, it is best to plan this kind of vacation for late spring, summer and the first half of autumn, when the weather is quite favorable.

navigation season

Cruises on the Baltic Sea are vivid impressions, "splashes" of emotions and an indescribable atmosphere of romance.

You can arrive in Finland by bus, by train, by plane, or by a comfortable boat, which most of all looks like a huge floating hotel. Every summer, from mid-May to the first ten days of September, a passenger ship runs between the Finnish city of Lapeeranta and Russian Vyborg. Recently, a water connection has been established between Vyborg and Hamina, the last flight is planned to be launched at the end of September, but the exact dates directly depend on weather conditions. During the New Year and Christmas holidays, celebratory cruises are carried out from St. Petersburg with a call to the port of Helsinki. As a rule, two more capitals of Scandinavia are subject to visit. Ferries also regularly leave from St. Petersburg, the cost of tickets for the crossing from July to the end of August is approximately 35% -45% more expensive than in winter. Cruises on the Baltic Sea from Helsinki are very popular. In summer, from the Finnish capital, you can “sail” for a couple of days to Tallinn or Stockholm through the Aland Islands.

Sales season in Finland

In Finland, you can buy stylish and high-quality clothes, as well as good-quality household goods. Twice a year, as in any European country, grandiose sales take place here. The most generous are post-Christmas, starting from December 27th. During this time, discounts can reach up to 70%. In summer, they begin at the end of June and coincide with the Yuhannus holiday. This is a great opportunity not only to update your wardrobe, but also to purchase jewelry, all kinds of souvenirs and ceramics at affordable prices.

Time for holidays and festivals

The festive calendar of Finland is very impressive, its main events include the following: January 1 - New Year, January 6 - Baptism, February 5 - Runeberg Poet Day, March 19 - Equality Day, April 27 - National Veterans Day, April - Lutheran Easter, May 1 - Vappu / May Day, second Sunday of May - Mother's Day, June 4 - Flag Day of the Finnish Defense Forces, June 12 - Helsinki Foundation Day, June 20-26 (movable date) - Johannus / Ivanov's Day, coinciding with the Day of the Finnish Flag, November 6 - Swedish Culture Day, November 8 - Father's Day, December 6 - Finnish Independence Day, December 8 - Jean Sibelius and Finnish Music Day, December 25 - Christmas, December 26 - St. Stephen. Summer is the time for numerous festivals and concerts. In July-August, Savonlinna hosts a large-scale opera festival, in which the most famous opera performers from all over the world take part. At the same time, a 2-week chamber music festival is held in Kuhmo. Also noteworthy are the colorful 4-day "Sea Festival" in Kotka, starting on the last Thursday of July, and the 10-day folklore festival "Yutayaiset" in Rovaniemi, taking place during the "white nights".

Climate in Finland

Finland is a Nordic country. Its extreme northern position, the presence of the Gulf of Finland and proximity to the "Arctic Sea" contributed to the formation of cold climatic conditions. In the north, the continental type of climate prevails - humid and cool, the average daily air temperature is usually 5 ° C-10 ° C lower than in the rest of the country. In the south - a zone of transition from maritime to continental climate. Summer here is short and mild. Beyond the Arctic Circle at this time of the year the sun does not set below the horizon, over 2 months there are "white nights". Winter in the north is long and snowy, the polar night sets in, lasting about 50 days. Thanks to the influence of westerly winds blowing from the Atlantic, Finland is much warmer than other countries located at the same geographical latitudes. For example, in winter in the Finnish capital, the average daily air temperature is 10 °C higher than in Magadan or Yakutsk.

Finland in spring

In March, snow begins to melt gradually in the coastal areas and in the south-west of the archipelago. During the day at this time, the weather is often clear with light winds, however, on cold nights, the melt water freezes, as a result of which ice forms on the roads in the morning. In April, the thermometer usually reaches +7 ° C, this month the snow cover finally disappears on the coast. In May, up to +15 ° C is observed - in the southern and central regions, young grass breaks through the frozen damp ground. As the sun gradually returns to the north, it rises higher above the horizon, causing the days to become warmer. However, for these areas, sharp cooling is possible, and even at the end of May, such a probability is quite high. So, in some years in Lapland in March, air temperatures up to -30 ° C were recorded, in April - up to -20 ° C. At the end of May, the forest regions and the northern territories of the country are already covered with thawed patches.

Temperature and weather in Finland in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Helsinki +2 +8 +15
Rovaniemi -3 +1 +3 +10 +2
Turku +2 +1 +8 +3 +15 +5
Levy -4 +1 +8
Kuopio 0 +6 +14

Finland in summer

Summer in Finland is moderately warm weather, during the day the air temperature ranges from +19 ° C to +21 ° C, and July is the “hottest” month of the year. In the south-east of the country, the highest average daily air temperatures are observed - in general, 3 ° C more, although sometimes tropical winds from the Atlantic penetrate here, which lead to an increase in the thermometer up to +30 ° C. The coastal southwestern part of the country is considered the sunniest region of all of Northern Europe. Daylight hours during the period of "white nights" beyond the Arctic Circle lasts for 20 hours a day for 73 days. In the south, it is much darker at night, the light level at this time resembles twilight. The early summer is quite dry, but in July and August it is a season of heavy rains, often accompanied by thunderstorms.

Temperature and weather in Finland in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Helsinki +19 +21 +19
Rovaniemi +17 +7 +19 +12 +16 +14
Turku +20 +10 +22 +15 +20 +17
Levy +16 +18 +16
Kuopio +19 +21 +19