The school is becoming more and more popular. When students do research, they are faced with the question: “How to write and design this type of work?” It should be noted that this is not an easy question. Therefore, our article will tell you how to write a research paper, as well as suggest the most interesting topics for research. So, first things first.

Stage 1. Choosing a topic

Before you go to the library and select the necessary literature, it is important to think about the topic of the study. But where to start? First of all, you need to ask yourself some important questions about your research. After all, choosing a theme is the most important and main step! It is important that there is enough material and literature on your problem. If you are researching any new phenomenon, then keep in mind that there will be very few sources of information. If the problem has been little studied, is it appropriate to have your own opinion in this work?

Research work at school or university should be devoted to a topic of interest to you. If you study the one that is not indifferent to you, then the result will be positive. Today, research papers in literature are very popular. Children consider the features of poetics in the poems of various writers, study oral folk art in their native lands, and so on.

Teacher's opinion

Be sure to discuss the chosen topic with the teacher. Listen to his advice, perhaps the teacher's ideas will be original. Quality work is in the interest of the teacher. Remember that teachers will always help you.

Don't be afraid to adjust the research topic. It happens that work does not move from dead center. Do not despair! It is enough to revise the topic together with the teacher and continue research work in literature, history, social science, and so on. You can adjust not only the topic, but also goals with tasks. Please note that it is impossible to deviate strongly from the original theses. This can fundamentally affect the course of work in the future.

Stage 2. Gathering information

To figure out how to write a research paper, you need to know the algorithm. The next step after choosing a theme collection in progress information. Once a topic is chosen, you need to select encyclopedias, books, magazines, newspaper interviews, blog posts that match your problem.

Attention! The more sources you read, the better, even if you are writing a research paper in mathematics, which is based on calculations.

In the process, refer to empirical research that is endorsed by others on your subject. Don't neglect the library. The method, of course, is "grandfather's". But it is in this place that you will find a lot of information! Ask questions to the staff of the reading room. Contact them for help. After all, that is what their job is all about.

Seek help online. Do not use the first three links on your request. The information that you find on the Internet should be analyzed, since websites and various forums are not the most reliable sources. You will find a lot of useful knowledge on sites with domains:

  • gov and others.

When formulating a query, use synonyms and cognates.

Stage 3. Analysis of the received information

And we continue to figure out how to write a research paper. We pass to the next, already analytical stage. At this stage of the research, you need to systematize and structure the information found. First, you need to read everything. Secondly, make the necessary notes in the margins, put bookmarks, as it will come in handy later on! It is very convenient when the information is systematized by color. For example, if you are writing a research paper in mathematics, then in orange you can mark information about the discovery, in red - text about scientists, and so on.

After you have decided on the sources, you need to make a preliminary list of references. It is necessary to write out the authors, the year of publication of the book or magazine, where it was published, the number of pages. And, of course, be sure to write down the page number that contains the information you need. This will come in handy even at the stage of protection!

Stage 4. Definition of the essence of the study

There are two approaches to how to write a research paper. This fact should be taken into account before joining the workflow. So:

  • Discussion research work. It is based on controversial issue or argument in favor of any point of view. Naturally, the problem today should be controversial, then your opponents will be interested and will be able to bring counterarguments.
  • Analytical research work. Offers listeners a fresh idea or perspective that addresses an important issue. Interesting topics for research papers of this nature may not cause high-profile controversy during the defense. You must convince your listeners that your views are worth listening to.

Stage 5. The structure of scientific work

The researcher must understand that his work must be strictly structured.

1. Title page.

3. Introduction. It reveals the problem, topic, relevance, purpose of novelty, literature review and methodology.

4. Theoretical chapter.

5. Practical chapter. There may be several of them, depending on the purpose and objectives of the study.

6. Research results.

7. Conclusion. Contains conclusions and practical significance research.

8. List of used sources.

9. Application. Their number also depends on the study.

Stage 6. Work on the text

Before you sit down at the computer and print the study, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for processing such works. Check margins, line spacing, color, font, point size, and so on. If these rules are not followed, the commission has the right not to accept your work. Save studies on multiple storage media:

  • Email;
  • flash drive;
  • HDD;
  • virtual disk.

Rewrite them regularly. In the event of a laptop or computer breakdown, you will have the latest version of the study at hand.

Now you know how to write a research paper. And we bring to your attention a list of interesting topics.

Possible research topics

You can research anyone and anything. Every object or phenomenon deserves it. For example, consider some examples of chemistry topics:

  • aromatherapy;
  • gifts of fire;
  • history and properties of soap;
  • salt secrets.

Ecology is also able to offer interesting topics for research. For example:

  • where it is easier to breathe;
  • study of water in a certain area;
  • nanotechnology;
  • study of the properties of water;
  • live colors;
  • microflora;
  • problems of homeless animals;
  • hay and so on.

We offer you a list of common topics:

  • ways to quickly memorize poems;
  • what is the difference between Russian and European snowmen;
  • how to learn to forgive insults;
  • How weather conditions affect mood;
  • how to learn about the mood with the help of gestures;
  • what can be said about the character of a person by his handwriting;
  • symmetrical landscapes;
  • magic numbers in fairy tales;
  • the evolution of mobile phones;
  • arrangement and operation of the piano;
  • differences between road signs in Russia and Europe;
  • whether the character depends on the name;
  • electricity in the body;
  • how to find and maintain emotional balance.

As a rule, environmental topics deserve special attention in 2017. 2016 has been declared the year of cinema. The year 2015 was devoted to literature.

There is a lot of controversy going on in 2018. The first propose to declare it the year of the theater, the second - the year of unity of Russia, the third - the year of the fight against cancer. The controversy has not yet subsided.

Our article has come to an end. We wish you creative success on the way to research!

Doesn't exist at all
reliable tests for giftedness,
except for those that appear
as a result of active participation
at least in the smallest
exploratory research work.
A.N. Kolmogorov

Explorer is



such a system of organization of work,
which is related to the decision
research task with
unknown solution

How to choose a research topic?

Answer the questions:
What interests me the most?
What do I want to do first?
What do I do most of the time in my free time?
In what subjects do I get the best
What do you want from what you learned at school?
learn more deeply?
Is there something that I especially

Theme Selection Rules

1. ???? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????, ?????? ???????? ???.
????????????????? ??????, ??? ? ?????? ??????????, ???????? ? ?????????? ?????? ??
???????????? ??????. ????, ?????????? ???????, ?? ???? ???????? ??????????.
2. ???? ?????? ???? ?????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ????????????.
?????????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????, ? ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???????
?????? ??????????, ??????? ????? ??????, ?????? ? ??????. ??????? ????? ???????? ?
????? ????????, ????? ??????? ?? ?? ?????? ????? ???????.
3. ???????? ???????? ?????, ????????? ????????? ????? ? ??? ?????, ? ??????? ????
????? ????? ????????????, ? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????????.
?????? ??????? ????? ???? ???, ??? ??????? ???.
4. ???? ?????? ???? ????????????, ? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????????, ???????????.
?????????????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????????? ????? ????? ?????????, ?? ?
??? ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ? ???????.

Theme Selection Rules

5. The topic should be such that the work can
be completed relatively quickly.
6. The theme must be available.
The problem must be age appropriate.
7. A combination of desires and opportunities.
When choosing a problem, it is necessary to take into account the presence
necessary materials and means.
8. The choice of topic should not be delayed.
You need to act quickly, while interest is not
faded away.


are determined by PERSONAL MOTIVES.
And only a PROBLEM that has
PERSONAL COLORING that arouses interest,
a flash of curiosity makes a person
However, the PROBLEM MUST BE
RELEVANT not only for the author, but also for


If you are interested in football



Topics can be

1. Fantastic
2. Empirical
3. Theoretical











Examples of unsuccessful names and their reformulation

Meteorites - guests from space Study
(journalistic, very broad)
Attention Sharks!
Study of causes and factors
(journalistic, very broad,
shark attacks on humans
not related to subject
How the computer was born
overcoming problems
not when building computers
(non-scientific, Research conditions
primitive, journalistic, no rainbow appearance
How to understand Chopin
Exploring Features


To get started, you need to decide on the main points of the study:


The research problem is understood as a category meaning something
unknown to be discovered and proven.
THEME reflects character traits Problems.
OBJECT is that set of connections and relations, properties, which
exists objectively in theory and practice and serves as a source of
information needed by the researcher.
The SUBJECT of the study is more specific. It includes only those links and
relations that are subject to direct study in the work,
set the boundaries of scientific research. Each object can
select a few subjects of study.
The subject of the study determines the PURPOSE and TASKS of the study itself.
The PURPOSE is formulated briefly and definitely precisely, in a semantic sense.
expressing the main thing that the researcher intends to do. She
is concretized and developed in the TASKS of the study.
The goal should follow from the title of the work, the task from the goal, i.e. her
concretize, the conclusions at the end of the work correspond to the set

1. Creation of a rocket plane from composite
materials using 3D
2. Influence of chronological types
on student achievement.
3. Study of the relationship between man and dog
Russian spaniel breeds.
4. Studying the origin of the pedigree
to create a family tree.
5. Use of nouns
in Russian folk tales.
6. Influence of the principle of the golden section on
human perception of living and non-living objects

Approximate topics of research papers

7. Anilization of the names of ergonyms of the city
Naberezhnye Chelny.
8. Obtaining a non-Newtonian fluid in
laboratories of the physics cabinet and detection
the possibility of using its properties.
9. The influence of body type on
sports performance.
10. Causes of violations in posture and methods for them
11. Obtaining halalite plastic from
milk and its multifunctional
12. Obtaining nanostructured particles and their
multifunctional use.

All types are welcome
All in your hands!
Good luck!

Over the past 100 years, people have learned a lot of new and strange things about the human mind and all thanks to various psychological studies. Some of the studies were very interesting, while others were so cruel that they were considered illegal and inhuman. Here are the most interesting and crazy studies of human psychology:

10 The Fun Theory

In 2009, Volkswagen decided to launch a project called The Fun Theory in a metro station in Stockholm. The idea turned out to be ingenious and at the same time incredibly simple. The theory of fun says that in order for a person to enjoy doing something, it must be something that pleases and surprises him. In this case, the company made a piano out of ordinary subway steps, and the goal was to see how many people would want to go down the musical steps, and how many down the escalator. The number of people who decided to go down the stairs increased by 66%. Surprisingly, people chose the healthier option because they had fun.

9 The Marshmallow Experiment

This experiment consisted of a series of studies analyzing delayed gratification that were conducted in the late 60s and early 70s. Psychologist Walter Mischel tried to understand whether the amount of reward for a person affects his success in the future.
In these studies, the psychologist offered children a choice: either take a small reward (in the form of one marshmallow or one cookie) right away, or wait a little (about 15 minutes) and double their reward, that is, receive 2 marshmallows or 2 cookies. A third of the children who participated in the study decided to wait to get more sweets. Subsequent experiments showed that most of the children who waited to get more sweets had a more prosperous life.

8. Experiment "Missing child".

Very often people do not pay due attention to their surroundings. This theory was proven in the "missing child" experiment.
The researchers printed out a missing child flyer with a photo and relevant information and hung it on the shop door. Some passers-by did not even pay attention to the ad, and those who saw it and studied it did not notice the "missing" boy from the ad, who was standing right next to the store. This experiment was repeated by other researchers and ordinary people In different cities. Here is one such example:

7. A Class Divided

In 1968, 3rd grade teacher Jane Elliot came up with an exercise that would show white children the effect of racism. She divided the class into children with brown and blue eyes.
On the first day, children with blue eyes were considered better, and she gave them more freedom and privileges than children with brown eyes. Both groups were forbidden to communicate with each other. The results were not long in coming. Blue-eyed students began to cope better in the classroom and at the same time mocked the brown-eyed ones. Children with brown eyes had low self-esteem and were less able to complete tasks. The next day, brown-eyed people had more privileges and the results were also not long in coming. As a result, the children realized that it is not worth judging a person by his appearance and at the end of the lesson everyone hugged each other.

6Asch Conformity Experiment

Asch's experiments were a series of studies done in the 1950s that aimed to demonstrate how people conform in groups (to show the power of conformity in groups).
One of the participants was placed in the room with the actors. An image with three stripes of different lengths was hung in the room. The contestant was asked to point to the longest line, and the actors all chose the wrong answer on purpose. The goal was to find out if the participant succumbed to the general opinion. Most of the participants agreed with the wrong answer given by the actors.

5. Monster Study

This study was given such a name because of its unethical (if not monstrous) attitude towards people. In 1939, Wendell Johnson and his team selected 22 orphans. Some children were completely healthy, while others suffered from stuttering. Children with stuttering were praised and applauded when they did not stutter, but healthy children humiliated and criticized. As a result of the experiment, children who were criticized developed speech problems that remained throughout their adult lives. This experiment, although very cruel, showed why children need to be encouraged and motivated at an early age.

4. Halo effect

In psychology, the Halo Effect is the idea that people's overall opinion of a person is made up of just one property or trait.
To test this idea, one man decided to post two different videos on a dating site where he spoke the same text. In the first video, he was incredibly confident, while in the second he was more melancholic. Each video was shown to a group of girls in different rooms. Girls who watched the first video (with confident person) said that they liked the man, but in the second room the girls did not like the man at all. This experiment perfectly illustrates the Halo Effect, and how just one character trait can affect the overall opinion of a person.

3. Cognitive dissonance

Everyone experiences cognitive dissonance. The first person to study this phenomenon was Jack Brehm, a psychology student at the University of Minnesota.
In 1956, he brought 8 of his wedding gifts such as a toaster, radio and hair dryer to class and asked each student to rate each item based on how much they needed it. After that, he asked each student to choose between two subjects that they considered equally necessary and take home one of them. Later, the students were again asked to rate each item. As a result, it turned out that the students praised the previously chosen subject more and less the subject that they rejected for the first time. This experiment shows how people try to convince themselves that they made the right choice.

2. Blindness to change

If something around you suddenly changes, of course, you will immediately notice it, right? In fact, this is not always the case. When too much information enters the brain, it is unable to process it all. Take a look at this image
Now look at this image. What changed? Were you able to identify right away?
"Change blindness" is a term that describes a person's difficulty with paying attention to significant change. Simply put, a person does not pay attention to an obvious change. Every day we experience such blindness. In one experiment, it was decided to test blindness to change using face recognition. A man approached the research participant and gave out a form to fill out, after which this person bent under the table to allegedly pick up something, and a completely different person and in different clothes got up. 75% of the study participants did not find any changes. Test yourself (you don't need to know English for this video):

1. Global Harvard Grant Study

This study spanned 75 years and involved 268 male students at Harvard University. During the experiment, data were recorded on various aspects of the life of each of them.
This exciting and unique study has shown that love, and the warmth and happiness that comes from it, actually fills a person with a sense of life satisfaction that we cannot get from other sources of our life. The results of the study also showed that for complete happiness, a person needs not only love, but also the opportunity to live in such a way that this does not affect love.

Currently, research work in primary school are considered a prerequisite for learning. Find out the goals, objectives, directions of such work. Here are the finished research papers in elementary school.

Significance of Research

IN Russian education major reforms have taken place. To replace the first generation standards characteristic of the classical educational system, new GEF came. They mean organization primary education not only as an opportunity for students to acquire certain subject knowledge. The updated standards are aimed at developing children's adaptation to life in social society. After completing the first stage of education, students should develop universal learning skills.

Design and research work in elementary school successfully copes with such tasks, helps the teacher to build individual educational trajectories for each student.

Those skills that a child receives at a younger stage of education help him avoid problems in cognitive activity in the future.

Children's research work in primary school is often carried out under the guidance of parents, which is an excellent educational aspect, helps to strengthen family values. For example, a student, together with his parents, is looking for information about family customs rituals passed down from generation to generation.

Received skills

Ready research work in elementary school is presented by the author in front of classmates. The children learn to analyze the activities of other students, ask questions, and answer them. The experience of creative thinking, conducted experiments and experiments, provide a deep understanding of the importance of the work in question, increase junior schoolchildren interest in scientific work.

The research work of an elementary school student is a progressive form educational process V modern school. That rich experience that is in progress joint activities with parents and teachers children receive, gives them a real opportunity to display their creative and intellectual abilities.

The purpose of the search method in elementary school

Research work in elementary school is aimed at developing primary skills for conducting experiments and experiments in schoolchildren, mastering adaptation techniques in social life. Physiological features of this age confirm the biological need of children of seven to eight years for knowledge, gaining new life experience.

Interesting research work in elementary school helps to instill in children the desire to become real scientists. The thirst for new experiences should be used by the teacher.

Research topics in elementary school are often related to the study of wildlife, family values. They should encourage the novice researcher to take active steps, the desire to understand the material that he has chosen for his work.

Features of research

Many research activities in elementary school are carried out in a corner of nature. The children not only observe the plants, but also learn how to care for them. For example, research projects in elementary school may be concerned specifically with identifying conditions for rapid development certain indoor plants.

The teacher should use to the maximum extent the inner desire of the child to explore the world, its diversity and uniqueness. Research work in elementary school, they change not only the way of thinking of schoolchildren, but also their behavior.

Design rules

How is research carried out in elementary school? Its design is no different from the rules that apply to the scientific works of schoolchildren. Every project or work must have title page. It indicates the name of the school on the basis of which the work was performed. The title of the work, the last name and first name of the student, as well as the teacher who acted as the supervisor are also prescribed.

Finished research work in elementary school assumes the presence of content (table of contents). It indicates the enumeration of the main sections that are in this work. The pages on which information on each item of the study is presented are also indicated.

Any finished research work in elementary school should be relevant, contain some element of novelty, uniqueness. Together with the teacher, the child sets a specific goal for his research. Individual research work in elementary school, finished projects must have a specific purpose. For example, a child might schedule their study to explore how to transplant garden strawberries. A sample elementary school research paper is presented below to demonstrate the complete structure of a school project.

In addition to the goal, the work must indicate the tasks that the young researcher has set for himself. In order to make it easier for the child to search for theoretical material, the subject and object are indicated.

What else does research work in elementary school include? Grade 4 is the final stage of education, so the guys already know how to make assumptions. The study indicates the hypothesis that the novice scientist plans to confirm in the course of his experimental activities.

In the main part of the study, a full review of various books on the problem of the selected study is carried out. If the topic is related to practical activities, then laboratory experiments are included in the work. The last section of any research is the one in which the child must draw conclusions, give recommendations on the problem of his research.

What else does research work mean in elementary school? Grade 3 already knows how to work with literary sources, therefore, the list of references used by the author is indicated in the work.

Registration of literary sources

Books are listed in alphabetical order, indicate the author, title of the work, publisher, year of publication. Does primary school research work contain applications? Topics: "3D design of my room", "Garden of dreams", "Garden on the windowsill" suggest the addition of photographs, pictures, diagrams.

If, in addition to books, sources from the Internet were used in the course of the study, they are also indicated in the list of references.

Research work is not only carried out by children. Topics: "Primary school grade 3: teaching methods and techniques", "The value of research at the first stage of education" can become options for the scientific activity of teachers.

Schoolchildren's work

We give examples of research papers in elementary school, not including the title page.

What do we know about peas?

Peas are considered one of the oldest food plants. He was known to people even when no one even heard of cabbage, potatoes, or carrots in Europe. Why is this plant so famous? What is the nutritional value peas? Can peas be used in traditional medicine? How to grow this crop in an ordinary summer cottage? What factors affect the growth of peas? In my work, I will try to find answers to these questions and connect the results of the experiment with the quality of the soil taken.

What is the pea itself? I'll try to figure it out. According to archaeological data, it is the pea that is one of the ancient cultures that has average age approximately 20 thousand years.

Pea is a cold-resistant crop that only tolerates frosts down to 0 degrees. Its seeds begin to germinate at about two degrees Celsius. That is why it can be grown in the northern Russian regions in which farming is permissible. In addition, this plant has a short growing season, it does not exceed three to six months. Peas do not tolerate drought well, it is a light-loving crop. Peas have a rod root system and a weak rod, the length of which is not more than 2.5 meters. Leaves with several pairs of leaves and long tendrils ending in a leaf. At the base of all leaves there are two semi-heart-shaped bracts that are larger than the leaf itself.

They play a huge role in the process of photosynthesis. Leaves usually have blue-green color. The flowers are large, 1.5-3.5 cm long, with a white, rarely yellowish, or reddish corolla. Pea is a self-pollinating plant, but cross-pollination occurs in hot weather. The beans are mostly straight, sometimes curved, almost cylindrical, about three to ten centimeters long, with a white or pale green shell (skin). Each contains three to ten large seeds in the form of balls, which are called peas.

What is the healing power of the plant? Peas are a real champion in protein content. It is rich in important amino acids: cystine, lysine, ascorbic acid, it even contains carotene. Due to the balance of active biological and nutritional components, peas began to be considered a particularly valuable dietary product (it seemed to me very relevant in our time) for various diseases.

The aerial parts of this plant as an infusion are excellent for kidney problems. The diuretic effect can be explained by the increased potassium content in its green parts. For pustules on the skin, pea flour poultices help soften the inflamed areas. Pea flour breeds hard breast tumors well.

Pea grain, roasted over moderate heat, ground and mixed with part of the chicory coffee, replaces Indian coffee! How to prepare medicinal drugs? I was so interested in this question that I reviewed many books with old recipes. Judging by the number of recipes, peas are indeed of great value, and therefore, I was not mistaken in choosing them for the experiment.

So, having carefully studied all the features of peas, I decided to proceed to the practical part: prepare the soil, sow peas, harvest, dry the seeds, cook one of the medicinal dishes from them, and analyze the effect of using the dish.

The practical part of the work.

I have set myself the following tasks:

Grow peas on two experimental beds, analyze the results of the experiment, compare two varieties of peas;

Analyze soil quality at each site;

Make a conclusion about the environmental situation in the suburban area;

Prepare from the harvest old recipes at least one dish, analyze the results of its use;

Through the experiment, I came to the following conclusions:

Peas are sugar and peeling.

It is demanding on lighting, the action of winds.

Peas are planted only in well-warmed soil.

Pea flowers are sensitive to cold.

To accelerate growth, peas must be loosened.

Peas are capricious, require watering.

Sugar peas need support, otherwise part of the crop is lost.

The more often you harvest, the more it becomes.

There is a direct relationship between the condition of plants and the proximity of the roadway.

Sugar peas are softer, tastier, but the seeds spoil faster.

1. To reduce the impact exhaust gases for plant growth country cottage area should be protected from the road by planting trees.

2. It is better to plant peas later, in well-warmed soil.

3. Weeding should be carried out only after the height of the plants reaches 2 - 3 cm (the root system is strengthened).

4. It is better to water peas with warm water.

5. Planting can be carried out without pre-soaking the peas.

Work about water

For several centuries, people have been looking for ways to treat various diseases, not noticing that some of the methods are nearby. Such a tool, for example, can be the treatment of many diseases with melt water. The first information about hydrotherapy is found in ancient Indian and ancient Egyptian treatises written before our era. From Egypt, the method of treatment was transferred to Greece by Pythagoras. It was transferred from Greece to Rome by the doctor Asclepiades. Our ancestors kept the water melted from the Epiphany snow in jugs in case of illness.

Currently, hydrotherapy is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, therefore this topic can be considered quite relevant and interesting.

Unfortunately, now it is not so easy to find such snow that would become clean and useful for humans after melting. drinking water. She herself is not drug. But it is water that provides self-regulation of the body, improves metabolism, increases the vital activity of each cell. This can be explained by its similarity in molecular structure with the intercellular fluid. Such water is active, it will be easily absorbed by the human body. It has a certain energy charge of cheerfulness, lightness, which people need so much in winter time. Fresh melt water strengthens the human body.

The purpose of my work is to obtain melt water and test its medicinal properties.

1. By freezing to get melted water.

2. To study the existing methods of treatment with melt water.

3. Do your own experiment.

In order to get melt water, you can use several methods:

1. If you live in the mountains, it is enough to collect snow, then melt it. In this case, only clean, dry, recently fallen snow is taken. To thaw it, you can use an enameled bucket, which is closed with a lid. To speed up the process, you can place the bucket in a basin filled with hot water. There should be no resinous sediment on the walls of the bucket; if it is, then the water is unsuitable for drinking. To get rid of vegetable litter, the water is filtered through several layers of gauze. Then it is poured into glassware and close the lid tightly. She should not have a shelf life of more than a week.

2. The water is quickly brought to + 94 ... + 96 ° C, i.e. bubbles form, but the water does not boil yet. Then remove the pan from the heat and cool. Then pour into a jar, freeze.

3. It is necessary to pour water into a plastic container cold water. Then it is closed with a lid, then placed on a cardboard lining in freezer refrigerator. When the water completely freezes in about half of the container, you need to remove the ice, discard the rest. It is in liquid water that all impurities will remain. In practice, the volume of the removed "brine" can be from thirty to seventy of the total volume of the originally poured water.

After only a few experiments, I came to the following conclusions:

Melt water is really good for health;

Melt water treatment is available to everyone.

However, treatment with melt water is not a universal remedy. It, however, as well as any medicine, has contraindications.

Whether it is worth using the properties of melt water in practice is up to you.


The examples of primary school research papers above demonstrate the basic structure of the project. Such activities contribute to analytical thinking: comparison, classification, generalization of the collected material.

During this activity, children get to know various methods research, apply theoretical skills in personal research.

A child who is passionate about project activities learns to organize his personal time. An important point any design work is to present the results of the work done to other students and teachers.

In order to make their performance bright and memorable, students already at the initial stage of education actively use information Technology. The teacher introduces them to the basic rules for making a presentation. During preparation for public speaking with the results of the study, the child learns to overcome the fear of the audience.

In addition, a culture of speech is being formed, which will help the student in the future. schooling. In primary school research activities carried out according to a certain algorithm. First, a topic is selected. Then the purpose and objectives of the study are determined. Next, a hypothesis is put forward for work.

After conducting a literary review (acquaintance with various books), the child chooses a theory, selects a methodology for conducting his experiments and experiments. What are the main conditions for the formation of research skills in younger students?

What is important is systematic, motivation, systematic, the authority of the teacher, the psychological environment, taking into account individual and age features schoolboy.

Federal educational standards of the second generation involve the formation of four blocks of skills that a student will need in project activities.

Organizational skills involve organizing the workplace, drawing up an activity plan.

Research plan skills involve choosing a topic, setting a goal, choosing a research method, and searching for the necessary information.

The child learns to choose from a large volume only the material that is directly related to his research.

The fourth block involves getting the skills to present your work. The student gets acquainted with the forms of demonstrating the results obtained, studying the requirements for the speech of the speaker, the option of presenting the results of the work.

To carry out propaedeutic activities, the teacher uses a heuristic, problematic approach to the educational process.

During such classes, children learn to identify the problem, determine the algorithm of actions aimed at resolving it. It is problem-based learning that allows elementary school teachers to captivate their students with research.

The science

What would the world be like without scientific research? Most people will agree that some of the studies can be very informative, others not so helpful, and still others are a waste of time and money.

The list below contains rather unusual studies that are, at the very least, entertaining. However, some still have certain merits, others fall into the category of dubious and should be treated with distrust.

10 Elephant Confession

Research: The Elephant's Self-Recognition

The experts, placing a large mirror in the garden, observed the behavior of three Asian elephants, which they named Lucky, Maxine and Patty. The letter X was painted on the bridge of the nose of the lucky woman with white paint, and it was also marked with a similar sign. opposite side heads, only made it a paint that leaves no residue, but which has an identical smell and texture.

When Lucky saw her reflection in the mirror, she repeatedly tried to reach the white mark with her trunk. It was the last self-identification test. Other elephants also made repetitive movements in front of a mirror and used their trunks to "inspect" their body parts. Maxine even, being in front of the mirror, put her trunk in her mouth as if she was trying to study what she had there.

Interesting fact: the elephants have already joined the monkeys and dolphins, which are part of a small group of animals that recognize themselves in the mirror.

9. Recognition of a sheep

Study: Sheep Recognition of Different Faces

Specialists from the Babraham Institute investigated the ability of sheep to identify and recognize their own kind, as well as people. The experts trained the sheep to recognize the face of the pair, which is associated with food. 20 sheep were represented by photographs of 25 pairs of faces.

As a result, it was determined that a sheep can recognize a person associated with receiving food, even in profile. Later, a team of experts found that a sheep can remember more than 50 faces of its own kind in addition to a human face for up to two years.

Interesting fact: The researchers concluded that because sheep have such a sophisticated facial recognition skill, they appear to be much more social animals than previously thought.

Research: Do married couples become similar to each other over the years?

The study involved 110 people who were given photographs of random faces. Volunteers had to pair up those men and women who most resembled each other. On two dozen there were couples who had just got married, on the other two dozen the same people were depicted, but already after 25 years of marriage. As a result, the subjects were much more likely to "coincide" with couples who had lived together for many years than couples of newly-minted husband and wife.

Interesting fact: no one has given an exact explanation for this phenomenon, but some possible reasons have been expressed. The first has to do with diet and says that if both partners eat a high-fat diet, then their faces tend to look plump.

Another explanation is related to environment, namely, sunlight, which affects the skin in a similar way. Supporters of the third point of view say that people are more inclined at a subconscious level to choose a partner for themselves that person who, with age, will resemble themselves.

The most popular view is that it's all about empathy. Couples with age become similar to each other, because they empathize with each other, and therefore copy facial expressions from one another. Then, over time, due to constant empathy, their faces become similar to each other.

7. Smart hips

Study: Relationship Between Curvy Thighs and Intellectual Ability

The experts analyzed the data of more than 16,000 women and girls who measured their body parameters in detail, and also studied their level of education and their scores on various cognitive tests. Women measured their waist-to-hip ratio.

The report notes that women with waists that are about 70 percent of their hips scored higher on intelligence tests and tend to be more educated than women with higher waist-to-hip ratios.

In addition, women with lower scores, as well as their children, also scored higher on cognitive tests. One theory says it's all about the omega-3 fatty acids found in her thigh fat, which is why her thighs are a key indicator of her heart health. It is also important for the health of her brain, and the brain of the child she will give birth to.

Interesting fact: the scientists describe the study as quite intriguing, but emphasize that the differences in cognitive abilities found by the researchers are not that great. For this reason, they believe, it would be a mistake to interpret the results as follows: women with a curvaceous figure are smarter.

6. Woman in red

Study: Are women in red more attractive?

As part of this study, the authors decided to check whether the attitude of men towards women changes depending on the color of the clothes of the latter? In one experiment, psychologists asked a large number of men who were given the situation: "Imagine that you are going on a date with this woman, you have $ 100 in your wallet. How much are you willing to spend on a date?" The men were shown photos different women dressed in clothes of different colors.

As a result, women dressed in red received maximum amount points at the request of men to spend money on them. In all subsequent experiments, women dressed in red or wearing some red piece of clothing were rated as more sexually attractive than women wearing a different color.

Interesting fact: one of the theories explaining the results of the study suggests the presence of deep biological roots, because male primates, such as baboons and chimpanzees, are attracted to females that have a red tint on various parts body.

5. Herring gases

Study: do herrings communicate with each other by gassing?

Two teams of experts carried out this project. One of them investigated the behavior of the Pacific herring in British Columbia, while another focused on studying the Atlantic herring in Scotland.

As a result, it was found that both types of herring create a mysterious underwater noise. As it turned out, this high-frequency sound is nothing but air from the anus. The noise was always accompanied by a thin stream of bubbles. The researchers suspect that the herring "hears" these bubbles, and thus forms a defense at night.

Interesting fact: the researchers called this phenomenon a "rapidly recurring tic." Unlike the human version, as expected, fish BPT brings individuals together.

4. Bra that holds the chest

Study: A bra that supports bouncing breasts

The experiment involved 70 women with bra sizes ranging from A to very large. Every woman walked, jumped and ran while wearing various types bras. During the "exercises" were carried out biomechanical measurements of the movements of the mammary gland in three directions: up and down, from side to side, outward - inward.

While walking female breast relatively little movement in all three directions. But when the participants started jumping or running, their breasts moved proportionately more in some directions.

The study found that A-cup women's breasts moved 53 percent less when wearing a sports bra compared to 55 percent of G-cup wearers. D-cup breasts weigh approximately 7-10 kilograms, and have very little natural support from the skin.

In the end, the experts concluded that regardless of breast size, conventional bras do not meet the requirements of bouncing breast support.

Interesting fact: the momentum generated by intense bouncing can stretch the connective tissue, which can cause, in addition to sagging skin, sharp pain. Researchers estimate that about 50 percent of women experience chest pain while exercising.

3. Sexuality and fertility

Study: Does a woman's walk get sexier during peak fertility?

The idea behind this study was to determine whether women give men unconscious signals about the levels of sex hormones in their blood. Leading Researcher The university believed that a sexy gait is one such signal.

She analyzed the gaits of female volunteers and also measured the level of their sex hormones contained in saliva. Then a video clip of women's walks was shown to 40 men, who had to rate the attractiveness of the walks, and she compared the results with the results of hormonal tests.

The results were so amazing that she decided to repeat the experiment with another group of men. The researchers found that the women with the most enticing walks were far from ovulating, and the women who were most ready to conceive walked with minimal movement of their hips and knees.

Interesting fact: it was suggested that during the period of maximum hormone content in female body, a woman is most interested in forming an attachment to one man who will help her raise children, and not in order to demonstrate her fertility and hook more males. In addition, a sexy walk is something too obvious, so women often "take advantage" of changes in smells and facial expressions that can only be felt at a close distance.

2. Sexy scream

Study: why female monkeys scream during sex

In order to find out what the purpose of female monkeys is, behavioral scientists and primatologists focused their attention on Barbary macaques in nature reserve Gibraltar, which they followed for two years. The researchers found that females screamed in 86 percent of all sexual encounters. When females screamed, males ended sexual intercourse with ejaculation in 59 percent of cases, in the absence of screams, ejaculation occurred in less than 2 percent of contacts.

To make sure that the screams are the result of vigorous sex, the scientists counted the number of pelvic movements of males and the time during which they did them. They found that when the females screamed, the speed of their movements increased. This naturally led to more vigorous sex. In the end, it was concluded that female monkeys scream during sex to help their partners reach climax. Scientists have found that without these calls, Barbary males almost never ejaculate.

Interesting fact: male and female Barbary macaques are erratic sexual life often have sex with many partners. Females scream during periods when they are most ready for fertilization, so males can maximum benefit use your sperm.

1. Big hands, big feet, big...

Research: Correlation between penis size and leg size

In this study, researchers measured 104 men's leg length and ratio to the length of their penis. Because there is no perfect way to measure male penis, experts resorted to the method used in many other studies, they simply stretched the skin as much as possible.

This gives a pretty good idea of ​​how long the penis is when fully erect. As a result of this study, experts came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no relationship between the length of a man's dignity and the size of his penis with leg length.

Interesting fact: in another study, a group of Greek experts measured height, weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and finger length and compared them to the length of the penises of 52 men aged 19 to 38. They found that age and physical characteristics had nothing to do with penis size, with the exception of index finger length, which correlated with flaccid penis size.