Until recently, when low-quality goods were found or after the expiration date, managers trade enterprises, as a rule, simply provided to the department of organizations consumer market a report that these goods were destroyed in such and such a way.

The lack of control over trading enterprises led to the fact that many organizations began to treat this procedure negligently, and some companies destroyed products in violation of environmental laws. There were cases when the goods were not destroyed at all, but went for sale. Over time, this phenomenon became so widespread that the state could not stand aside.

Effective July 1, 2002 New Code concerning administrative violations. Working conditions for trade enterprises have become more stringent. Destruction and disposal of low-quality or expired products must be carried out under the control of the Federal Supervisory Bodies. They are required to confirm that the goods were actually destroyed and at the same time safe for environment way.

For many companies, the destruction of products has become a whole problem. If earlier it was possible to get rid of products easily and simply, without burdening oneself with unnecessary difficulties and responsibility, today the state has forced all owners of commercial enterprises to think carefully about this issue. And the solution was found!

Garbage disposal and waste disposal from Mehuborka

The safety of people's health is a paramount task that all enterprises and organizations must solve. At the same time, a by-product of human life is waste, which is very important to dispose of, and correctly. Mehuborka provides services for garbage disposal, goods inadequate quality as well as counterfeit products. Under the Trademark Law, the right holder can use the trademark and prohibit others from using it. A new measure of liability for violation of the norms has been introduced - the destruction of counterfeit products, that is, products manufactured with copyright infringement. Destruction and disposal of this garbage is carried out at the expense of the violator.

Many organizations choose Mehuborka as a partner and here is why:

We complete the whole cycle waste disposal, regardless of origin (organic, industrial, medical, chemical, inorganic, household);

Availability of equipment for fast and high-quality waste disposal;

Availability of all necessary documentation;

We are ready to organize the entire cycle of work, from cleaning and garbage disposal to its disposal;

Affordable prices for all types of work.

How waste is destroyed

The main problem faced by companies in the need to dispose of food waste is its high humidity (about 80%). Such garbage sours very quickly, becoming a source of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. What's more, food waste is excellent "food" for cockroaches, flies, and small rodents. To exclude such an outcome of the situation will help competent garbage disposal in compliance with all applicable regulations and requirements.

Grinding food waste, which contain high percent liquid phase, produced together with fibrous materials (paper, wood chip waste, cardboard). The result is a product in the form of a sludge. This way waste disposal allows minimizing the release of volatile substances, as well as increasing the level of safety in the storage of waste. If the liquid level is too high, sorbents (peat, glaucoma, etc.) are also used to absorb it during the disposal process.

The Mehuborka company applies the best world experience in its work, using advanced resource-saving methods and waste-free waste disposal technologies. All recyclable waste is completely destroyed, except for its placement in special landfills. This minimizes the level of environmental pollution.

We provide a full package of permits, including permission from Sanepidnadzor. The representative of the customer may be present during the destruction of the goods or order photo and film documentation.

Due to the fact that the country's population is growing, the demand for consumer resources is also increasing. And as a result, an increase in resource consumption also increases the amount of household waste.

Garbage dumps annually expand and occupy an increasing area, water bodies are polluted due to wastewater, which carries a lot of infections and dangerous elements for nature. Therefore, recycling household waste, in our time, it should be developed no less than industry, so that the resulting MSW (waste) cannot accumulate and pollute the soil, atmosphere and water.

Quite a logical fact is that without timely implementation innovative technologies, for recycling, the planet will soon turn into a huge dump and become unsuitable for the existence of not only people, but all living beings.

To avoid such a result, scientists in many countries have long been looking for best ways waste control, thanks to which it would be possible to destroy or recycle MSW without harm to the environment, as well as to dispose of territorial space from huge amounts of rubbish.

To date, the disposal of solid domestic waste is carried out as follows, known methods, allowing you to get rid of garbage:

  • Burial or temporary storage of waste at special landfills. Here sorting and unsuitable materials are carried out, covered with earth.
  • Composting. Natural decomposition of biological substances, their processing into mineral fertilizers for soil and planting crops.
  • Thermal treatment of MSW. This method allows you to burn almost any type of garbage, which minimizes their volume as much as possible, and also gives economic benefit, in the form of thermal energy.
  • Low and high temperature pyrolysis.

Methods of disposal of solid waste

MSW landfill

Disposal solid waste by burying them, one of the most common ways today to get rid of garbage. But this method is common only among non-combustible waste, as well as among such substances that can release toxic elements during combustion.

The landfill for solid waste disposal is an unusual landfill, it is equipped with all modern engineering facilities that allow the systems for combating and groundwater to isolate all harmful substances. This also applies to the atmosphere, that is, there are practically no leaks of any chemical and toxic elements, which is the main goal to ensure the safety of the country's ecology.

But there are also disadvantages in such methods, for example, the formation of gas during the decay of garbage. Some are equipped with special equipment for pumping gas, which, as it is worth noting, is later used to generate electricity. And it allows almost autonomous operation of equipment located at landfills. But unfortunately, so far, in Russia, only a small part of all such landfills are equipped with such equipment, while all other waste sites do not have the ability to deal with gas emissions.

But even taking into account the presence of such installations, the ecology remains not protected from the effect of the decomposition of garbage in the soil, and all the secretions in the process of decay and fermentation. Since the buried material will completely disappear only after tens or even hundreds of years. Therefore, despite the relative cheapness of this method of dealing with waste, for the environment the best option there is a complete disposal of garbage, through its processing and use in the manufacture of any product. In this case, the risk of environmental pollution will be minimized.

MSW composting

Disposal of household waste through composting is a technology that allows, therefore, MSW through natural biological decomposition. The main source of composting is organic substances and materials, this method is applied to them very actively. Composting provides not only the opportunity to get rid of bulk substances that pollute the environment, but also supplies agriculture with fertilizers that are useful for the soil, allowing you to normalize the balance of minerals in the earth and grow various vegetables and crops.

But since this method does not allow the processing of most types of waste, requires a careful sorting process and takes quite a long time, it has not gained popularity in the country and is not developed at the proper level. There is not one in Russia industrial enterprise, which carried out composting in such volumes and made it possible to clean at least one city from organic waste.

This method is often used only for individual purposes:
  • in small farms;
  • in garden plots;
  • in private houses;
  • in agricultural organizations;
  • on livestock farms, etc.

However, this method does not require large expenses, although it does not cover all types and classes of waste material, but it allows you to fully get rid of a huge part of the waste produced by the country, which occupies a third of all waste in the country. Establish a centralized process and carry out composting at special sites equipped with all necessary buildings and structures. Build original factories, to start in big cities countries, for the processing of solid waste and other organic waste. Final product, compost, will be very useful in many agriculture, and, most importantly, its cost will reduce the cost of growing many crops and provide funds for the operation of such plants.

Thermal processing of MSW

With the help of heat treatment, the disposal of household waste allows you to get rid of organic fractions, this method is quite often used in large-scale waste generation. Thermal, represents several processes that together make it possible to get rid of any non-toxic type of waste material or to minimize them as much as possible in volume and mass. Also, heat treatment is carried out to neutralize devices, equipment and other things infected with infectious or epidemiological bacteria that may have the following origin:

  • medical institutions;
  • laboratories;
  • veterinary clinics;
  • chemical enterprises;
  • oil refining industry;

which in the future, having received an inert state, can be buried in special landfills or placed in temporary storage for further processing and reuse as raw material.

Important advantages of heat treatment or recycling are modern methods allowing you to get:

  • effective disinfection or neutralization of any waste material;
  • complete destruction of any microflora and even pathogenic;
  • reduction of scrap in volume up to 10 times;
  • use the energy potential of organic waste.
Of all the various methods of disposal or destruction of MSW, the method of incineration can be considered the most waste-free. Since it destroys materials and substances of any volume and turns them into ash, which occupies hundreds of times less space and does not have the ability to rot and emit gases harmful to the atmosphere. Also, ash cannot be toxic, it is not afraid of temperature changes, it does not require specially equipped landfills for burial.

Incineration has many advantages over other methods, it is worth highlighting the main ones, these are:

but the main thing is that Lately, factories or organizations involved in waste incineration receive thermal energy or electricity that can be used for autonomous operation of the enterprise. In some cases, the surplus of such energy is diverted to urban stations, which ultimately allows entire areas to be supplied with electricity or heat them.

Plasma processing of MSW

Not as developed as the above methods and ways of getting rid of scrap, but a very promising technological process that allows you to solve everything ecological problems, utilize and ultimately provide energy that is useful and necessary for society.

The plasma processing technology uses a melting point much higher than any slag melting furnace. Thus, the output is a vitrified product, absolutely harmless and, most importantly, does not require further costs for neutralization or special disposal.

Plasma processing is a waste gasification technology, the scheme of this method makes it possible to obtain gas from the biological components of waste. The resulting gas is then used to generate electricity or steam. The main material for plasma processing is MSW in the form of slag or neutralized residues.

The main advantage of high-temperature pyrolysis is the ability to get rid of waste in an environmentally friendly way, at no extra cost:

  • for preliminary preparation;
  • for sorting;
  • for drying, etc.

These qualities allow thermal processing by right be considered the most environmentally and economically beneficial technology for the disposal of solid waste.

All of these methods are designed to solve.

Also watch the video - how the waste recycling plant works

As the world's population grows, the level of consumption inevitably rises. Every day new products, technologies appear, production facilities open. All this leads to an increase in the mass of waste produced by civilization: there are so many of them that the problem of garbage, in particular its disposal, has become one of the most important for the world community.

The concept of recycling includes the entire list of actions necessary for the most environmentally friendly release from waste from human life and the production sector:

  • collection, sorting and removal from places of residence and work activities of a person;
  • storage in landfills or burial in quarries, special landfills, as well as in insulators and underground storage facilities;
  • physical destruction with the help of modern technologies;
  • recycling of waste materials in order to obtain new useful to man products and goods.

Popular methods of waste disposal are conventional incineration under different thermal conditions and pyrolysis technology, when the decomposition of the mass of raw materials occurs under the influence of very high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment.

Of course, the best way out for humanity is the recycling of waste materials, but, unfortunately, today only a small part of it is exposed to it.

Types of waste and disposal problems

Garbage to be disposed of is divided into household - MSW (municipal solid waste) - and industrial.

Containers for the collection of solid waste are located in the courtyard of each residential building. Their main subgroups are:

  • paper;
  • glass products;
  • remnants of food and products;
  • plastic and all kinds of plastic.

Industrial waste is divided into:

  1. Biological. This, for example, includes the remains of tissues, organs of people and animals: animal corpses, waste from the production of meat products, as well as biomaterials from the work of hospital departments, microbiological laboratories and veterinary institutions.
  2. . These are objects, liquids or gases containing radioactive substances in quantities higher than those established by safety standards.
  3. Construction. They appear as a result of the construction of houses and other structures, repairs and decoration, as well as during the production of building materials.
  4. . All sorts of garbage from the activities of medical institutions.
  5. Transport complex waste. They arise as a result of the work of motor transport enterprises, as well as places of repair, maintenance and long-term parking of automotive equipment.

Of course, only the main types of household waste are listed. production activities, but they full classification much more extensive.

The main problem of recycling is the need for impressive initial funding for the organization of the responsible modern requirements ecology production destruction or recycling of waste.

For example, conventional incineration of many types of waste results in the release of highly toxic substances into the atmosphere and is therefore prohibited. Due to the lack of funds and qualified personnel, there are not enough processing (utilization) enterprises or resources to create industries that independently carry out the secondary processing of waste materials produced.

What is the danger to the Earth is the waste?

Ecologists around the world have been sounding the alarm for a long time: our planet is dying from poisonous garbage that has flooded it and emissions of harmful substances into the biological environment.

Note! As a natural part of the ecosystem, humans are already getting the negative results of polluting the planet with waste. List of allergic, endocrine, viral and infectious diseases is growing every year.

Waste disposal in Russia

Unfortunately, the problem of environmentally friendly and legal disposal in our country is still acute, as violations of the current legislation by enterprises and an irresponsible attitude towards this problem on the part of ordinary citizens flourish.
For example, a system of separate waste collection from the population is being introduced. For this, sites near residential buildings are supplied with special containers with the appropriate marks: “glass”, “plastic”, “paper”, etc. For violations of the principles of such sorting, in Europe, for example, the perpetrator will have to pay an impressive fine. In our country, it is not uncommon for residents to ignore these rules with impunity, or the contents of all containers are unloaded by the same machine, and all the efforts of citizens come to naught.

The official statistics read:

  1. Up to four billion tons of waste is generated in Russia annually, of which: more than two and a half billion are the remains of industrial activities, seven hundred million are manure, dung from poultry and livestock complexes, up to forty million are solid waste, about thirty million are waste water and three million tons of salvage from medical institutions.
  2. The country has accumulated more than eighty billion tons of waste (of which at least one and a half billion are classified as especially dangerous, as they are toxic).

Today, huge areas are allocated for landfills and for waste disposal. And at the same time, hundreds of unauthorized dumps and "burial grounds" operate in Russia, illegal emissions of harmful substances into the air and water are made, soils are polluted, as a result of which the animal and plant world is dying.

Waste management experience abroad

In the modern world community, there are many examples of a decent level of waste management, including recycling, which can and should be equaled.

In the EU countries put on stream separate collection waste from the population (paper, glass, plastic, etc. are separated), for violation of the rules when throwing garbage into sorting containers, an impressive fine threatens.

In European stores selling household goods, there are collection points where you can turn in your old and obsolete household appliances(from battery to large refrigerator), while receiving an impressive discount on the purchase of a new one.

For example, in Sweden up to 80% of household waste is recycled, about 18% is disposed of in environmentally friendly ways. And only a small residue is taken out for burial outside the country.

All Swedish recycling companies, in accordance with the law, are equipped with special alarm sensors that monitor the level of concentration of harmful substances. In case of violation of the permissible norm, the signal goes directly to the regulatory authorities, and the violator faces a fine and administrative sanctions.

The Swedish television journalists talk about the unprecedented recycling of waste in Sweden in the following video.

From the countries of the East good example Waste management is demonstrated by Japan. According to statistics, almost half of all generated waste materials are recycled here, more than thirty-five percent are recycled, and only a fifth end up in landfills and landfills. And the authorities are constantly concerned about how to reduce this part to a minimum, because the country's territory is too small to load it with landfills.

At the end of the 20th century, Japan passed a law on compulsory recycling all types of packaging and cans for drinks and food, which is respectfully observed by both enterprises and ordinary citizens. As a result, Japan is rightfully considered a highly cultured and very “clean” country.

Of course, the situation is by no means so optimistic everywhere. Unfortunately, countries with increased level pollution natural environment, and, accordingly, the level of disease and mortality of people, there are much more in the world than "islands of civilization". Today, among the most "dirty" places on the planet are India, China, Egypt, Iraq, etc.

Of course, the cleanliness movement natural resources does not stand still. In Russia and the world, state and regional waste disposal programs are being developed and implemented. New production facilities for the processing of waste materials are being opened, as well as points for receiving them from the population.

However, the solution to the problem of waste management is possible only through the joint efforts of state control bodies, and each individual citizen of the country and the world community.

Have you ever thought about where all the garbage goes? Of course, the topic is not the most interesting, but the problem of recycling is very important. More precisely, not the processing itself, but its absence.

If you believe the numbers, everything is very bad: processing in Russian Federation exposed to only 4% waste. Where does all the rest of the garbage go, what happens to it, and how does it affect the country's ecological situation? Our article will answer these and other questions.

Why is there a problem of waste recycling in Russia?

How can our country get rid of garbage? There is not one way. There are several. The first two - burial and burning - have been known for a very long time. So why can't we afford to continue using proven methods? It's very simple: the population of Russia is growing every year. The area of ​​cities is increasing, albeit insignificant, but there is growth. The amount of food consumed is also growing. We buy more, we throw away more. This means that the area of ​​landfills will increase over time.

It doesn’t sound very scary, but there is one “but”: the total area of ​​​​all Russian landfills is more than four million hectares. The annual increase is almost 10% of this value, approximately 0.4 million hectares. Just think about it, this is the total area of ​​Moscow and St. Petersburg!

Every year, every Russian has more than 400 kg of waste. Over a year, more than 70 million tons of household waste is collected in the country, almost all of which settles on.

And everything would be fine, but not only organic matter ends up in landfills. organic matter decompose in a very short period of time. As a rule, no more than a year. And everything ends up in landfills.

Here is another blunder: culture is not instilled in Russia. This is one of the first and critical steps to recycling, without which the problem of garbage in the Russian Federation cannot be solved!

As a way of destroying waste, incineration is the most environmentally hazardous. Landfills are very bad for the environment, but their area is still limited, as is the impact on nature. And everything around suffers. In fact, it is the process of turning solid waste into smoke. One problem: all harmful substances enter the atmosphere. This is incredibly harmful to human body, including. Severe illnesses is a matter of a particular case, so it is not entirely correct to say that pollution from incinerators provokes cancer.

This is most clearly and reliably manifested in the general condition of the body. Reduced immunity provokes a multiple increase in the number of colds. According to studies conducted in France, toxic emissions from incinerators affect the frequency of allergic diseases. And, of course, the general condition of the body: rarely anyone pays attention to weakness, as well as poor appetite, especially if this is a permanent state of the body.

What is the situation with waste incineration in Russia? Fortunately, there are only 6 large plants so far. The total share in waste disposal is only 2%, which is good. Organizations such as Greenpeace constantly carry out awareness campaigns and actions against the construction of new factories. And it works. Still, burying garbage does less harm. But the problem of waste disposal still exists. Natural resources our country is almost unlimited. It's just stupid to pollute nature like that.