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Topographic Maps

Topographic map is an integral part of a long hike, mushroom picking, orienteering and riding a "quad" over rough terrain. Symbols on topographic maps such as:

Forest area, urban-type settlements, power lines (power lines), shrubs, swamps, difficult areas, dirt road, trail, ford

and so on. will allow you to walk through the forest, away from settlements in a safe way. Topographic maps of the regions are offered in two formats:
- expansion cards .ozfx, .ecw, .gif, .png with references to the area for use on personal computer(PC), laptop from the operating room Windows system xp, 7, 8, and tablets and mobile devices governed by operating system Android 2.2 and higher.
- Maps with expansion .jnx with references to the area for use in tourist navigators of a company with support for the service birds eye.
Detailed topographic maps scale 1:25000 are now most in demand among both mushroom pickers and travelers because of the accuracy of their data on the area and other information. Topo maps in Scales are presented in our online store:
throughout the western Russia to the Urals, including O. New Earth and partially some squares central Russia, Siberia and Far East RF.
- 1:50000 (1cm = 500m or 500m) throughout the western Russia to the Urals, also some squares of central Russia, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.
- 1:100000 (1cm = 1km or kilometers) throughout the territory of western Russia to the Urals, as well as some squares of central Russia, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.
- 1:200000 (1cm = 2km or 2km) throughout Russia, partly in neighboring countries, CIS territories, countries Western Europe and Africa.
- 1:500000 (1cm = 5km or 5km) throughout Russia, partly in neighboring countries, CIS territories, countries of Western Europe and Africa.

One of the most common and detailed maps Ukraine are maps of the General Staff. Mostly they were compiled and published in the period of 70-80 years of the last century. However, despite the past years, today on the Internet you can find scans of such maps in a very decent resolution. In total, they occupy a little over 900 megabytes. Maps of the General Staff of Ukraine, as a rule, have a traditional scale - 1:100000. The value of these maps is almost immeasurable. They provide an opportunity to form an idea of ​​the situation for 70-80 years, and also help to compare the old and new card to calculate what changes have occurred.

In order to freely use the cards of the General Staff of Ukraine, special superpowers are not required. It is enough just to have access to them, to own the system symbols and know the measurement techniques that are commonly used in map work. Perhaps, due to inexperience, someone will have problems using the card. What do you need to know about the General Staff to prevent this from happening?

A bit about the military term

To begin with, it must be said that, in fact, the General Staff was created after the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Today it is the main body of the country in matters of state defense planning, management armed forces, control of military formations, governing bodies, executive power, etc. special occasions, such as emergency in the country, the General Staff also receives the powers of the working body of the Headquarters Supreme Commander APU. That is, the responsibility for making all decisive decisions rests with the staff of this organization.

In a broad sense, it is generally accepted that the General Staff is main body troop control. But if you delve into the meaning of the term, you will notice that in different countries understand and interpret
differently. In Germany, for example, the general staff was the operational leadership body that commanded ground forces, aviation and navy. In France, he controlled the training of troops and the provision of all necessary operations. It is logical to assume that the highest ranks are enrolled in the General Staff, whose experience and knowledge are necessary in solving the most important issues in the fate of the country. The defense of the state can be entrusted only to people who know their business. That is why the best cadres of the highest military staffs are admitted to the General Staff. As a rule, these are those who have already reached the position of general.

Maps of the General Staff of Ukraine (original sheets) require careful preservation. Since only a careful attitude to valuable cartographic material is a guarantee that this material will not become disposable within the framework of a particular task, but will also serve for subsequent use. It will ensure proper preservation of the map of the General Staff of Ukraine by its correct initial folding. After all, numerous kinks contribute to rapid wear, in particular, in the same places of kinks.

Today, downloading the map of the General Staff is the most simple and accessible way for every Internet user. Information of interest is available in the form of photographs, as well as files linked to gps navigators and the ozi explorer program (in ozf2 and map format).

After the Second World War, the military triangulations of independent states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland) as well as Germany were combined into one system (triangulation network of 2, 3, 4 classes), An accurate triangulation network was necessary when creating a topographic survey at a scale of 1: 25000 and small scale maps.

In the USSR, since 1942, Krasovsky's reference ellipsoid has been used. Krasovsky's ellipsoid is a reference ellipsoid, the dimensions of which were derived in 1940 at the Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography (TsNIIGAiK) by the Soviet geodesist A. A. Izotov on the basis of studies conducted under the general supervision of F. N. Krasovsky.

The dimensions of the Krasovsky ellipsoid were derived from degree measurements made in the territory of the former USSR, Western European countries and the USA. Although these degree measurements, together with the definitions of gravity, led to the conclusion that the figure of the geoid can be more correctly represented by a triaxial ellipsoid, nevertheless, the ellipsoid was taken as an ellipsoid of revolution.

The Krasovsky ellipsoid is characterized by the following values: semi-major axis a 6378 245 m; compression of the Earth 1:298.3.

The position (orientation) of the Krasovsky ellipsoid in the body of the Earth is determined by the geodetic coordinates of the center of the round hall of the Pulkovo Observatory:
latitude B0 = 59°46"18.55",
longitude L0 = 30°19"42.09",
the height x0 is set equal to zero.

Krasovsky's ellipsoid is also used in geodetic and cartographic works of all countries former USSR, in countries of Eastern Europe, China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia and other countries.

On the territory of the former USSR, Russia and a number of other countries, a similar Gauss-Kruger projection is used for large-scale maps. In 1825, Carl Friedrich Gauss solved the general problem of depicting one surface on another while preserving the similarity in infinitesimal parts. The working projection formulas were derived by A. Krueger in 1912. This projection is conformal, or conformal, i.e. saves angles and directions.

In 1959-1969, the military completed a triangulation network of 2, 3, 4 classes on the territory of Lithuania, in which there were about 1800 points. Maps published in the USSR since 1942 use the 1942 or SK-42 coordinate system. For civilian purposes, a distorted coordinate system of 1963 or SK-63 was introduced with a shifted frame (frames).

At the end of the era of the USSR (1990s), the category of topographic maps included maps with scales1:1000000, 1:500000, 1:200000, 1:100000, 1:50000, 1:25000 and 1:10000. Maps in scales of 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000 and 1:500 were considered topographic plans.

A map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 was considered strategic, while maps at a scale of 1:500,000 and 1:200,000 were operational maps. Maps in scale 1:100000, 1:50000 and 1:25000 made up a group of tactical maps.

In the first decades after the war, the topographic survey scale was 1:25,000; in the 1990s, the entire territory of Lithuania was covered by maps at a scale of 1:10,000 with contour lines every 1.0 or 1.5 meters. Using the 1:10000 map, the 1:25000 map was also updated, the relief step on the map (h) was strictly connected to the map scale: on the map 1:25000 h=5 m, 1:50000 h=10 m, 1:100000 h=20 m.

The main geodetic and cartographic work on the field of war was carried out by the military. Civilian organizations produced topographic survey scale 1:10000 (and larger) and a leveling network. Only at the end of the century, maps began to be updated not by the military, but by Enterprise No. 5 at the main department of geodesy and cartography.

Nomenclature of coordinate system maps 1942

The nomenclature of topographic maps is based on a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (10 km in 1 cm).

The entire surface of the Earth is divided by parallels into rows (through 4 °), and by meridians - into columns (through 6 °); the sides of the formed trapezoids serve as the boundaries of the sheets of the map at a scale of 1:1000000. Rows are indicated by capital letters. with Latin letters from A to V, starting from the equator to both poles, and the columns - in Arabic numerals, starting from the meridian 180 ° from west to east. The map sheet nomenclature consists of a row letter and a column number. For example, the sheet with the city of Vilnius is designated N-35. Subpolar circular regions (with a latitude greater than 88°) are denoted by the letter Z without indicating the column number. Sheets of millionth maps located between latitudes 60-76° are doubled in longitude; Thus, a sheet of a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 will have a longitude not of 6, but of 12°. Above 76° the charts quadruple and occupy 24° of longitude. Beyond 88° is sheet Z, covering the full 360°.

Double sheets of a millionth card are indicated by indicating a row (letter) and two corresponding columns (an odd number followed by an even number). Quadruple sheets are formed in a similar way, four columns are listed separated by commas.

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This is branded software prepared by us. Professional cards that come with paid basis, have much large quantity options. In order to understand whether they are needed, it is necessary to establish the purpose of your trips. If these are just trips to nature with the family, then it is enough to buy a navigator in our store and download free Garmin topographic maps. If you are engaged in serious multi-day trips (including ATV trips), then you will have to buy professional maps in the end.

What else can be found here

Download free Garmin GPS maps and more. Information will be gradually updated here, we will expose maps prepared by us for free use. There are also topographic maps that were scanned a very long time ago, and have been in the public domain for more than 10 years. In fact, everything a beginner needs is here.