In most sources one can find the opinion that the name Ulyana was presumably derived from Latin name Julia means “from the Yuli family”, as well as “curly”, “fluffy”. Actually this is not true. Julia is indeed a related name, but Ulyana most likely comes from Iuliania. There is also a version that the girls were named this way in honor of Vladimir Ulyanov. This is precisely what explains some of the decline in the popularity of the name in Russia in the post-Soviet space.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: amber
  • Color: dark yellow
  • Wood: maple
  • Plant: lemon balm
  • Animal: snail
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

Little Ulyana is a gentle and affectionate child who is pampered by her parents and relatives. She is very open and sociable, able to empathize with all living things. Parents of the baby should very subtly and unobtrusively educational activities so as not to “crush” the daughter’s subtle and sensitive nature. Tough and strict upbringing can lead to isolation and complexities in adolescence and will not allow the girl to reveal numerous Creative skills, with which she is generously endowed by nature.

This is a delicate little princess who is drawn to everything beautiful. Ulyana is not always lucky with her studies. She needs help learning exact sciences. Learning is best done not with the help of abstract examples, but by playing out specific life situations.

The secret of the name Ulyana lies in the fact that its young representative is a mystery girl. Feminine and romantic, she has absolutely no ability to “make her way to the top.” Natural modesty and indecisiveness can prevent her from realizing herself as creative personality fully. However, under certain circumstances, if someone provides invisible support, she will rapidly achieve success. He is a very purposeful and hardworking person. She does not accept squabbles (quarrels over petty intrigues) and deceitful diplomacy, and does not forgive betrayal.

Strict with herself and others, Ulyana shows delicate care. She doesn't like evil humor, but she loves fun and good jokes. The girl’s position in life is incomprehensible to many, since her determination is too straightforward. She does not deviate from the intended path and is not afraid of difficulties. Often takes on his father's stubbornness, smoothing it out with a gentle character. She doesn’t have many friends; many are scared off by her huge desire to be independent.

Interests and hobbies

Ulyana is a very enthusiastic person. The creative component of character is manifested in interests in dance, music, and literature.

Profession and business

Remembering " difficult relationships"With exact sciences, Ulyana does not strive to do business, although sometimes circumstances force her to do so. In this case, she needs a qualified and reliable assistant who will be her fulcrum. She can realize herself as a guide, designer, fashion designer, architect, decorator or representative of other creative professions.


As a child, Ulyana often got sick. However, if you carefully follow the pediatrician’s recommendations and focus on not hardening the body, then mature age She doesn’t have to complain about her health.

Sex and love

Mysterious and enigmatic Ulyana attracts male attention, she always has a lot of fans. But few take the risk of approaching her to start a relationship due to the independent nature of the beauty. A passionate and temperamental woman takes betrayal very hard. For her, the appearance of her chosen one is of secondary importance. Values ​​masculinity and the ability to have sincere relationships.

Family and marriage

Ulyana gets married consciously and out of great love. The chosen one of such a woman is courageous, honest and a kind person, whom the girl completely trusts. She is jealous, but never shows her insecurity to her husband. She is calm and reasonable, finds herself in the role of the keeper of the hearth. She has a cozy and beautiful house. Ulya is usually happily married, but sometimes she marries twice.

To begin with, it should be noted that today Ulyana, the meaning of whose name will be discussed in detail in this article, is not very widespread in our country. However, this is completely in vain, because the female name Ulyana sounds quite beautiful and surprisingly pleasant. Today there are two theories about the appearance of the name Ulyana. According to the first theory, the name Ulyana is a typical Russian folk name for Yulia.

According to this version, the name Ulyana has a meaning such as “fluffy”, “curly”. If you believe the second theory of the origin of the name Ulyana, then it derives its roots from the name Juliania, while the name Julia originates from Julian or Juliania. Despite the fact that both names are identical in consonance, they are used separately.

As a name for women in our country, the name Ulyana was used in the version of Ulian, which continued until the 17th century, while in the church environment the name Juliana was used. Since the 20th century, other variations of the name Ulyana have gained popularity - Juliania, Julianna and Juliana. In this article below Ulyana, the meaning of the name will be revealed in as much detail as possible.

Character of the name Ulyana

The main character trait of a woman named Ulyana is her strong developed sense justice. A woman named Ulyana is distinguished by significant energy and maximum openness towards other people. Women bearing the name Ulyana do not have selfish, arrogant feelings at all; they are not girls, but pretty flowers.

A woman named Uleya is characterized by increased sensitivity and tenderness. Even as a small child, he has a kind character. For this reason, the name Ulyana, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described, gives preference to hobbies in the field of art, while she cannot tolerate exact sciences. A woman named Uleya simply adores children and loves to participate in joint games while getting great pleasure.

If we talk about her own personality, the woman named Ulya follows strict rules. Sometimes characterized by excessive modesty and indecisiveness. Quite delicate, because she is afraid of causing offense to a stranger. The woman, named Ulya, does not understand black humor, but she will laugh at the non-prickly, standard humor with great joy.

A woman named Ulya, distinguished by her complex character, will always come to the aid of her neighbor, and will do everything in her power. In addition, he has one hereditary character trait from his dad - increased stubbornness. However, the woman named Ulya is very easy to communicate with. Moreover, location among employees does not at all influence the woman named Ulya.

Although the woman named Ulya, like other women, is open to outsiders, she still has a certain amount of mystery. A woman named Ulya has great difficulty in telling a stranger the truth about his untidiness, even if she herself suffers from intimacy with him. If she happens to inadvertently offend someone, she will begin to reproach herself for a long time. It should be noted that the secret of the name Ulyana involves her making significant efforts to decorate her home.

This is due to the fact that a woman named Ulya simply loves to invite everyone to visit her, since she is able to experience unspeakable pleasure from communicating with them. Coming to Ulyana’s house, everyone will experience the care and warmth emanating from the hostess.

Ulyana's childhood

Giving the meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl, it should be noted that from the very early childhood She has a craving for creativity. The child pays a large number of time for puppet shows, singing, drawing and going to the theater. The learning process is easy for Ole, however, only mathematics is her stumbling block. Already in her childhood, Ulyana gives preference to kindness and justice, which her teachers highly value.

From the very early years Ulya leaves her art on the walls, tries to decorate her mother’s outfits or dress up the family dogs and cats. Each family member will notice the child’s strong desire for creativity. While studying at school, Ola should be given help, since certain subjects will seem boring to her. Sometimes, it is even necessary to have a conversation with Ulya about the significant importance of getting an education, but without “assault”.

A child’s large supply of energy can be seen even in kindergarten. In the circle of friends and loved ones, Ulyana is very sociable and cheerful, while in unfamiliar company she is capable of withdrawing into herself. The child is quite sensitive, can easily take offense, and is completely unable to stand up for himself. Failures are perceived as quite problematic for them. As a teenager, Ulya acquires her own moral beliefs, which influence her entire future life.

Continuing to give the meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl, it should be noted that those around will take advantage of the kindness of this little man, who is unable to offend and experiences other people’s troubles and problems as if they were their own. Parents will need to help the child understand what he wants from life. A child should be taught from an early age to be attentive, patient, and persevering.

Ulyana's mental health

It should be noted that Ulyana, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is described, is a mysterious and open, shy and independent, vulnerable and straightforward person. The woman named Ulya, without a doubt, is distinguished by the presence of charm, natural charm, before which almost all people who communicate with her retreat.

Characterized by having a very subtle sense of humor, a woman named Ulya also appreciates this quality in outsiders who are able to perceive existing problems with irony and humor. Having a highly developed sense of kindness, a woman named Ulya is not capable of offending another person (even if he deserves it). This is due to the fact that Ulya herself takes criticism towards her seriously.

In general, a woman named Ulyana has rather low self-esteem; for this reason, loved ones should praise this person as often as possible. In addition, a woman named Ulya likes to engage in soul-searching, which sometimes greatly increases her lack of confidence in her own abilities.

Ulyana's love relationships

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Ulyana, it should be noted that in love relationships Such women reveal themselves in a special way. This is explained by the fact that despite the external balance and calmness of the woman named Ulya, she is quite a sensitive nature. During intimate intimacy, a woman named Ulya pays considerable attention to the sensations she experiences and her own feelings.

For a woman named Ulya, the partner’s external data is in the background, while higher value it gives comfort, a feeling of warmth that emanates from it. A woman named Ulyana highly values ​​such qualities of a partner as honesty in showing care, love, as well as initiative and masculinity.

Ulyana's family relationships

IN family life The secret of the name Ulyana is revealed in the form of such a woman having a burning desire to be a wonderful wife and caring mother. This means that a woman named Ulya is able to make her home cozy and always tries to decorate it, while making the overall design unique. TO own spouse treats him with maximum sincerity, friendliness, gives him all her attention and love.

A woman named Ulya loves to receive guests in her own home, because she is an excellent cook, although she does not want to spend a significant part of her time in the kitchen. A woman named Ulyana needs attention. She simply adores children, strives to devote as much time as possible to them, surrounds them with care and love. In the process of education, he avoids punishment, giving preference to dialogue.

Ulyana's career and business

A woman bearing the name Ulyana from early childhood does not really like the exact sciences, which means any reluctance on her part to choose professions that are in some way related to the financial component. Much more often he prefers work related to art or communication with people.

It should be noted that the name Ulyana, the origin and meaning of which is described, suggests that such a woman has no desire to be a leader, although she will not refuse such an opportunity. The ideal profession for a woman named Ulya is an architect, fashion designer, tour guide and designer.

Short form of the name Ulyana. Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana, Lina, Liana, Ulka, Ulechka, Una.
Synonyms for the name Ulyana. Juliania, Ulyana, Juliana, Juliana, Juliana, Julian, Gillian.
Nationality. The name Ulyana is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

Origin and meaning of the name Ulyana. The name Ulyana has different versions origin. According to the first version, the name Ulyana is Russian folk form name Julia, which is translated from Latin language means “from the family of the Julians.” It also means “curly”, “fluffy”.

But there is still a high probability that the name Ulyana is not formed from the name Julia, but is related to this name. Both of these female names are derived from the related Roman cognomen meaning "Julian, belonging to Julius." Ulyana comes from the name Julian (male name - Iulian, Julian, Ulyan), and Julia - from the name Julian (Julianna) and Julian (male name - Julius, Julius). Very consonant names, used independently.

According to the second version of origin, the name Ulyana is a Soviet name that was given to girls in honor of Ulyanov Vladimir Lenin. It is quite possible that the old name was simply given a new meaning, as happened with the names Rada and Kim.

The diminutives Yana, Lina and Liana are also independent names.

Character and destiny. For Ulyana main feature character is justice. This energetic and strong girl always shows her openness towards other people. There is no arrogance or selfishness in her. Deep down, Ulyana is a sensual and soft person.

From an early age, Ulyana manifests herself as an enthusiastic person. She is interested in art in all its manifestations. At the same time, she often does not do well in the exact sciences at school, so she may fall behind in a number of subjects. Ulyana has a great attitude towards children younger than herself, never offends them, and takes time to play.

Ulyana itself has strict rules. She can show herself as a shy and indecisive person. She is often afraid of offending people with her words, so she tries to be delicate in everything. The girl Ulyana is against cruel jokes, but happily accepts soft positive humor. Despite the complexity of her nature, Ulyana is a kind person who is always ready to help. Born in winter, the owner of this name takes many of her qualities from her father. The main one is usually stubbornness.

Outwardly, Ulyana is a rather attractive girl, in whom there is a sense of mystery. Charm and good nature make this girl even more attractive to the opposite sex. Despite her outward poise, this girl has passion. Ulya pays enough attention to her appearance. After getting married, the owner of the name Ulyana devotes almost all her time to her family and home improvement. She takes great pleasure in hosting guests. Groups of friends often gather at her house.

The only thing that Ulyana is unlikely to be able to forgive her husband is betrayal. If this happens, then most likely the woman will file for divorce. In family life, Ulya shows leadership qualities. She can command. Likes to feel independent.

Ulyana’s work should not involve business trips. She prefers to spend time at home in familiar surroundings. She chooses quiet hobbies for herself. This could be knitting or collecting something.

The owner of the name Ulyana can perfectly express herself on the creative side. She draws well, can sing, and writes poetry.

Thanks to her hard work, Ulyana is able to achieve significant success in life. At work he demonstrates himself as an honest and decent employee.

Popularity. The name Ulyana is being revived these days; since the beginning of 2005, it has appeared in the top 30 most popular female names in Moscow. The same trend is observed in many other regions of Russia. The name Ulyana at the beginning of the twentieth century was most often found in the peasant class, in Soviet time almost went out of use and was considered rare.

The related name Yulia has seen a rise in popularity since the 1960s, and its obsolete form, Ulyana, only reappeared in use with the return of interest in ancient names in the early 21st century. So, they again began to call the girls Arin and Vasilisa. Over the course of twelve months, the level of interest in the name increased slightly, reaching highest value in June 2016, it was in this month that 121 girls were named Ulyana in Moscow maternity hospitals.

Ulyana's name day

Ulyana celebrates her name day on January 3, January 15, March 17, April 2, June 15, July 5, July 19, August 30, August 31, October 11, November 14, December 17.

Famous people named Ulyana

  • Juliania (Ulyana, Juliania) Tverskaya ((d. ​​1399) daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich, second wife of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, mother of the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland)
  • Ulyana Babkina ((1888 – 1977) craftswoman, keeper of the traditions of Kargopol toys)
  • Ulyana Gromova ((1924 - 1943) one of the leaders of the underground Komsomol organization"Young Guard", Hero of the USSR)
  • Ulyana Semyonova ((born 1952) birth name - Iuliyaka; famous Soviet basketball player, two-time Olympic champion, three-time world champion, 10-time European champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971). One of the best centers in the history of women's world basketball. )
  • Ulyana Lopatkina-Korneva ((born 1973) Russian ballerina, prima of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, People's Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau ((1909 - 2004) Queen of the Netherlands, who reigned from the abdication of her mother Wilhelmina in 1948 until her own abdication in 1980 in favor of her daughter Beatrix. She then bore the title Princess of the Netherlands for the rest of her life. In honor Queen Juliana is named after a mountain in Suriname, a canal in the south of the Netherlands, an airport on the island of St. Martin, asteroid (816) Juliana Queen's Day is celebrated annually in the Netherlands on the birthday of Queen Juliana as a public holiday and the only annual civil holiday non-working day - the rest are holidays non-working days in the Netherlands are dedicated to church calendar Dutch Reformed Church.)
  • Yuliana Yakhnina ((1928 - 2004) Russian translator and literary critic)
  • Yulianna Shakhova ((born 1968) maiden name- Patsevich; TV presenter, journalist, singer, composer. Academician International Academy TV and Radio. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation.)
  • Giuliana Penzi ((1917 - 2008) Italian ballerina and choreographer)
  • Juliana Paes (Paes) ((born 1979) Brazilian TV presenter, actress, model)
  • Yuliana Fedak ((born 1983) Ukrainian professional tennis player. Semifinalist of the 1st Grand Slam tournament in women's doubles (Wimbledon 2006).)
  • Yuliana Nikolova ((born 1954) Bulgarian politician)
  • Ulyana Urvantseva ((born 1971) Russian actress theater and cinema)
  • Ulyana Barkova (foreman of a large farm cattle state farm "Karavaevo" Kostroma region, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1948, 1951))
  • Ulyana (Ulyana) Kravchenko ((1860 - 1947) real name - Yulia Schneider; Ukrainian writer)
  • Juliana Hatfield (American rock guitarist and vocalist)
  • Julianne Young (American fashion model)
  • Julian (Julianne) Moore ((born 1960) real name - Julie Ann Smith; American actress, four-time Oscar nominee, winner of the Berlin Film Festival, three-time winner of the Venice Film Festival)
  • Gillian Anderson ((born 1968) American actress. Best known for playing the role of FBI agent Dana Scully in the television series The X-Files)
  • Gillian Becker ((b.1932) South African writer)
  • Juliana Banze, Juliane Banze ((born 1969) German opera singer (soprano))
  • Julienne (Julienne) Passwords ((1882 - 1959) French film actress)
  • Ulyana Denisova ((born 1983) Russian biathlete. Master of Sports. Member of the Russian national team. World champion among juniors. 2-time European Champion.)
  • Ulyana Donskova ((born 1992) Russian gymnast. Member of the Russian National Team rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around since 2006. Multiple European and World Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2010). 2012 Olympic Champion in rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around.)
  • Ulyana Trofimova ((born 1990) Uzbek gymnast. Master of Sports international class. Leader of the Uzbekistan rhythmic gymnastics team.)
  • Ulyana Shilkina ((born 1970) Russian director, screenwriter)
  • Ulyana Gromova ((1924 - 1943) member of the headquarters of the Young Guard organization, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Princess Juliania Dmitrievna Paletskaya, Ulyana Udelnaya ((d.1569) in monasticism - Alexandra; wife of the Uglich prince Yuri Vasilyevich, sibling Tsar Ivan the Terrible)
  • Ulyana Lapteva ((born 1979) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Ulyana Rudakova ((born 1979) before marriage - Petrova; Ukrainian singer)
  • Ulyana Ivashchenko ((born 2002) Russian film and dubbing actress)
  • Ulyana Kaisheva ((born 1994) Russian biathlete, champion in the 7.5 km pursuit race and bronze medalist in the 6 km sprint of the winter youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck. Winner of the Olympic biathlon festivals among juniors.)
  • Ulyana Yarmolenko (Soviet ski racer, seven-time champion of the USSR. In 1949, after two seasons of training, she became the USSR champion for the first time in the 5 km race and 4 × 5 km relay race (RSFSR team), also received bronze in the 8 km race. In In 1950, she retained the championship title in the 5 km race and the 4x5 km relay, and rose to second place in the 8 km race.In 1951, the results in the 5 and 8 km races remained the same, and her team took bronze in the relay. In 1952, she took gold in the 5 km race and the 4x5 km relay.)
  • Ulyana "IF" Elina ((born 1980) Russian singer)

The meaning of the name Ulyana reveals its owner as a benevolent and sensitive nature, capable of sympathy and empathy. As a child, he is a small and delicate angel whom you want to protect with all your might.

Gifted by nature, the little princess has been drawn to everything beautiful since childhood. She is overly sincere and open, and delicate with others. Respects parents and elders, pays great importance family ties. She often looks like her father, close to him in spirit and worldview.

She doesn’t stand out at school, she studies diligently, and is a little shy and indecisive with her classmates. He does not like exact sciences, and with inadequate parental control, his study at school can be greatly hindered.

She will be happy to attend theater clubs and music lessons. She doesn’t like to play sports, she’s quite sick. She is interested in knitting or embroidery, which she attaches great importance to, believing that every self-respecting woman should do this.

The girl has a creative streak. She is interested in painting, history, architecture and antique objects. Can write poetry or compose music.

She is a little timid, afraid of inadvertently hurting or offending her interlocutor. Always friendly and friendly with people. She does not know how to flatter and lie, she speaks openly about her feelings, but she is not able to express her dissatisfaction with a person directly to his face.

In her youth, the meaning of the name Ulyana for a child reveals even brighter facets of the girl’s personality. This is a deep nature that attaches great importance to its sensations and feelings.

Likes to look good and dresses with taste. Dreams of adventure and travel. The girl is always optimistic and cheerful. She gets very upset when something doesn’t work out for her, but she won’t blame anyone for her defeats. The young lady lacks self-criticism; in case of defeat, in most cases, she blames everything on fate.

Has many friends who appreciate the young lady for her unusual look at the world. This is a mystery woman that not everyone can solve. Sensitive and vulnerable by nature, the girl is not inclined to be offended for a long time and complain about something. It's easy to offend her, but it's also easy to cheer her up.

The girl has her own unique charm and a special sense of humor, which attracts more people to her. more people. She does not like falsehood and pretense, she always tries to be herself.

The young lady highly values ​​a sense of humor that does not smack of vulgarity and negativity. Can produce good impression on people.


The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl in love is revealed in a special way. This means that, despite external calm and balance, the woman is very sensitive. In sex, the young lady pays great importance to her feelings and sensations.

For a girl, the appearance of her chosen one is of secondary importance; what is important to her is the feeling of warmth and comfort emanating from him. Values ​​masculinity, initiative and sincere expressions of love and care.


In a family, the interpretation of the name reveals the owner's burning desire to be a good wife and mother. This means that she is able to create coziness in the house, loves to decorate the room, creating a unique design and interior. She is always friendly and sincere towards her husband, trying to surround him with attention and affection.

Loves to receive guests at home. She cooks well, but does not like to sit in the kitchen all day. Communication is very important for a woman.

She loves children and tries to give them a lot of attention, surround them with love and care. In her upbringing, she tries to avoid punishment, preferring to conduct a constructive dialogue with children.

Business and career

Since childhood, the girl does not like exact sciences, which means she avoids professions directly related to finance in every possible way. Professions related to communication and art are most suitable. He does not strive to become a leader, but will not refuse such a position. Such professions as guide, fashion designer, designer, architect are suitable.

Origin of the name Ulyana

There are several versions of where this naming came from. According to the first hypothesis, the origin of the name Ulyana originates from Ancient Rome, namely from the naming Julian, whose name was borrowed from the generic Roman name Julianus and means “belongs to Julius.”

According to the second version, the female name Ulyana is an affectionate form of the name Julius, which is etymologically translated from Greek as “curly, wavy”, and from Latin as “happiness”.

According to the third assumption, this naming has Russian history and was formed in the post-revolutionary period, therefore the secret of the name Ulyana takes its origins from real name IN AND. Lenin.

Characteristics of the name Ulyana

The pros and cons of character that the characteristics of the name Ulyana show will help potential parents decide on a name for their unborn child.

She is a kind, shy and soft girl. A little timid and indecisive. Parents should pay attention to the development of the young lady’s character in order to increase her self-esteem and self-confidence.

Non-conflict, good-natured, sweet in communication. Very charming. She can become an ideal wife and a wonderful mother.

The mystery of the name

  • The talisman stone is amber.
  • Name day - November 14th.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Scorpio.
  • Patron planet - Pluto.
  • Color – yellow, light green.
  • Favorable plant: lemon balm, maple.

Famous people

  • Ulyana Sergienko (1984) – socialite, fashion designer and photographer. In the West, the style that the young woman preaches is called the “Russian nesting doll” stele. Married to Russian oligarch Daniil Khachaturyan.
  • Ulyana Tseytlina (1968) – media personality, socialite, millionaire hunter. She writes books on how to become attractive. One of the few friends of another socialite Ksenia Sobchak.
  • Ulyana Donskova (1992) – multiple World and European champion in gymnastics.

Different languages

The translation of the name Ulyana has its own characteristics associated with the history of its origin. On English language the name is translated as Juliana (Juliana) Julianne (Julian), Julianna (Julianna, Gillian, Jillian (Jillian)), abbreviated form - Jules (Jules), Gill, Jill (Jill), Gillot (Dzhillot) Julie (Julie), Liana ( Liana) and Jools. On French- Julienne (Julienne, Julien), shortened form - Juju (Juju).

On German The name is translated as Juliana or Juliane, in Spanish – Juliana (Julianna), in Polish – Juliána (Julianna). In Chinese the name is written 乌莉阿娜 (wūlìānà), in Japanese it sounds like Tadashim (正し美), which means righteous.

Name forms

  • Full name: Ulyana.
  • Options - Juliana, male form - Ulyan, Julian, Julian.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) - Ulichka, Ulka, Ulyuska, Ulyusik, Ulik, Ulyasha, Ulyashka, Ulyanka, Yulya, Ulya, Yulchik, Ulyanochka, Ulyasha, Ulyanchik.
  • The declension of the name is Ulyany-Ulyane-Ulyana.
  • Church (Orthodox) name – Juliana.

The female Ulyana is quite widespread throughout Europe. It is found no less often (in the form of Ulyan) in Ukraine. About its meaning, history of origin, interpretation options, name day dates, fates of famous historical figures who wore it, and much more you will learn from this article.

Origin and meaning of the name

There are various proven or unconfirmed versions of the origin and meaning

According to historians, the word “Ulyana” could have arisen as a form of the name Juliania (the male version is Iulian), which, in turn, is associated with the Latin male name Julian (Ulyan). But Julian has a connection with the Roman family name Julius (Julius).
However, Ulyana is not directly derived from this Latin form, but rather is a related variant. Thus, historians have come to the conclusion that Ulyana is appeared “in the descendants of the Yulias”(“belonging to Julius”). As the legend says, this family was famous and respected, and it originates from the goddess Venus. Gaius Julius Caesar himself descends from this family. Female names Yuliana (Yulianna) and Yulia (Yuliania) were invented precisely on the basis of male models. Ulyana is the folk version of Yulia.

Another version of education - Julius and Julian have a connection with in the summer month July, so Ulyana means "July". Therefore, the name Ulyana is very suitable for, whose day fell in July.

And another popular version - the name means “curly”, “fluffy”.

Name forms

  • Full form The name is written and sounds like Ulyana (Juliana).
  • Derived forms: Julianka, Liana, Julia, Anya, Anyusha, Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana.
  • Diminutive options: Yana, Lina and Liana.
  • Abbreviated (short)options: Ulyana, Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana, Lina, Liana, Ulka, Ulechka, Una.
  • We also give the declension by case: Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana.
  • Church uniform: At baptism the girl is named Juliania.

Important! The above variants of the name Ulyana (for example, Yana, Liana) should not be confused with the names given at birth.

Angel's Day, name day

Angel days (name day) for girls and women with the name Ulyana according to the church calendar Orthodox Church celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor they were baptized, which is closest to the date of birth.

Remembrance days of saints with name Juliana: January 3 and 15; March 17; April 2; 16th of May; June 15; July 5 and 19; August 30 and 31; 6 September; November 14; December 17.

Memorial dates for saints with names Juliana according to the calendar Catholic Church: February 7, 16; 20th of March; may 13; June 19; October 11; August 12, 14, 17, 18; Nov. 1.

Name in different languages

The sound and spelling of this name on different languages slightly different from each other:

  • in Ukrainian - Ulyana;
  • in Polish - Juliana;
  • in English it sounds like Juliana, Julianna;
  • in Spanish - Juliana;
  • in Portuguese - Juliana;
  • in Italian - Giuliana;
  • German version - Juliana, Juliane;
  • in Danish - Juliana;
  • in French - Juliana, Julienne;
  • Romanian version - Iuliana, Juliana;
  • in Hungarian - Julianna.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Ulyana (Orthodox name - Juliania) Lazarevskaya (Muromskaya). She was born in 1530 into a revered noble family. She became known for her pious life and helping those in need. As a child, she avoided games, preferring prayer and needlework. At the age of 16, Juliania was married to the owner of the village of Lazarevo, Yuri Osoryin. The husband's family immediately fell in love with the daughter-in-law. She was modest and good-natured, surrounded her loved ones with attention and love. The housekeeping was run in a very exemplary manner. At night Juliana sewed, which she then gave to orphans and widows. During the Great Famine, she sold all her possessions to buy bread for the poor. She died in 1604. She was equated to sainthood.
Juliana (Queen of the Netherlands). Years of life: 1909-2004. Rules from 1948 to 1980 Juliana had strong character. She was an active and authoritative queen. Every year on April 30, the Netherlands celebrates Queen's Day, which is considered a public holiday and is the only annual public holiday on which it is not customary to work.

Did you know? During the Second World War, Monarch Juliana and her family hid in Ottawa. She was pregnant at the time. So that after birth the child can inheritthrone, the chamber in which the Queen gave birth was temporarily declared not to belong to the domains of Canada. Consequently, the baby was not born on the territory of a foreign state and could claimthroneon equal rights with other heirs of the titled mother. Since then, in gratitude for such an act, the royal dynasty of Holland sends several thousand tulip bulbs to Canada every year.

Ukrainian poetess and writer of German origin. Real name is Julia Schneider. Born in 1860 in Nikolaev (Austria-Hungary). The girl grew up polite and calm child, behaved like an adult. Ulyana suffered almost all childhood illnesses, so she did not play with other children. She read a lot, kept a diary, to which she trusted her pink dreams of a knight, drawings wedding dress, thoughts about death. Then she began to write poetry. Ivan Franko played a significant role in Kravchenko’s life and work. Having lived long life, she died in 1947 in Poland.
(born in 1924 in the village of Pervomaika, Ukrainian SSR) - member of the headquarters of the secret anti-Hitler organization “Young Guard”. The organization operated in the city of Krasnodon (now Ukraine) during the Second World War. It is known about Gromova that she was an excellent student at school and repeatedly received certificates of merit. Having a strong, decisive and fighting character, Gromova, together with other activists, organized a patriotic group in her native village. In 1943, posthumously, she was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.
- Hollywood actress, prize-winner and laureate of many film festivals. Born in 1960. At birth her name was Julie Ann Smith. The girl turned into Julianne Moore when it turned out that such a name was already available in the Actors Guild. In the indifferent metropolis, no one was waiting for her with open arms; she had to work a lot and hard. Among best films with her participation we can highlight “Hannibal”, “I’m Not There”, “Chloe”. Julianne has been nominated for an Oscar four times. Having a delicate feminine appearance, the actress’s character cannot be called pliable and soft.
(born 1968) - Hollywood actress. World fame received after leading role in the series “The X-Files”, where she played FBI agent Dana Scully. The actress’s strong and resilient character was very useful to her in her childhood and beyond. life path. Thanks to this disposition, as well as her talent, Anderson has earned her place among the stars of the first magnitude.

The main character traits of people with this name

When naming a girl Ulyana at birth or at baptism, it is worth first familiarizing yourself with the character traits inherent in this name.

Positive features. Ulyana is a complete person. Behind external calm and self-control hides a loving, soft and sympathetic nature. The girl is very simple and frank in communication, regardless of her place in society. Plus, she is forgiving and responsive. There is also a certain mystery about the girl, which is a significant part of her charm.

Important! Before naming the baby Ulyana, parents should be very careful about the characteristics of the name.

Negativequality: excessive softness, unnecessaryness, restlessness, laziness. She is often detached, uncollected, and lives in a world of dreams and fantasies that she has made up. The girl is interested in literally everything, but she devotes little time to study. Therefore, she does not always study well. She can be violently indignant and react sharply to failures, but, fortunately, she quickly moves away without remembering what happened.

Name Astrology

Planets-patrons - Pluto and Venus.

Most suitable signs zodiac - Leo and Scorpio.

Happy colors- yellow, orange, red.

Stones-amulets - amber and labradorite. Amber symbolizes creativity, spirituality and inspiration. The stone awakens intuition, illuminates the mind and helps in achieving goals. The amulet helps the girl free herself from depression and blues. Labrador helps to reveal hidden abilities.

Totemic tree- maple. This is a tree inner strength, it symbolizes restraint and modesty. A maple amulet will help a girl discover her best qualities, will bring harmony and peace into her life.

Deified plant- Melissa. It personifies liberation and rebirth, improves the inner mood and gives the girl confidence. The healing qualities of the plant help relieve tension and normalize sleep.

Deified animals serves as a snail. This is a sign of infinity and tranquility. This mollusk moves slowly towards its goal, but at the same time achieves success where others rush. An amulet with the image of a snail brings success and prosperity.
Character. For a child, the name Ulyana means that a girl from early childhood will display the traits of a creative, inspired, temperamental personality. She is focused on creativity: she admires singing, dancing, drawing, going to the movies and theaters. Her fate is quite successful: she lives a bright and eventful life. This is a persistent and energetic nature, while it is not devoid of femininity, charm and mystery. A girl doesn’t think about starting a family for a long time until she realizes that this also matters in life. She lives in harmony with her husband.

Important!It is necessary to take into account in advance that Ulyana is not good at exact sciences. Mathematics, computer science, physics, and chemistry seem uninteresting to her. However, a girl can succeed in humanitarian subjects. The future may also become goodartist,musician orart critic

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

  • U- combines an attraction to higher ideals and the ability to sympathize with cunning and cunning. In addition, he is a soft and compliant person, but due to his distrust, he often makes mistakes in his assessments.
  • L- pronounced aesthetic taste, creative talents, rich imagination. These people value inner beauty.
  • b- this sign in the name Ulyana means that the girl will grow up easy-going, peaceful, and gentle even towards ill-wishers. She is prone to work that requires calmness, attentiveness, and accuracy in detail.
  • I- in the value system of such people vital role self-esteem plays a role. Although they need to be respected by those around them, self-esteem and maintaining self-esteem are much more important to them.
  • N- the letter represents an initially wary view of absolutely everything. The girl is picky about her choice of social circle. She is honest and hard working.
  • A- the letter symbolizes purposeful initiative. The craving for physical and metaphysical development makes a girl an active creator in the field that she chooses. Such people are leaders in all areas of life.

Ulyana's lucky number is a number 5 . This number is characterized by such qualities as insight, efficiency, accuracy, perseverance, diligence, accuracy, scrupulousness, and conscientiousness. In addition to the listed advantages, the girl is distinguished by high moral qualities. At the same time, she does not elevate herself above others and takes a healthy look at her privileges.

As you can see, the characteristics of the name Ulyana fully justify its meaning. If you liked the interpretation and sound of its forms, you can safely call the girl with this beautiful and noble name.