Charging with a child This is the guarantee of the correct development of the baby. Unfortunately, not every parent can boast that they do morning exercises with their child in the morning. And sorry. After all, charging for a child has great value- health and education.

Exercises for a child in preschool age- this is a certain volitional act, the regular implementation of which not only disciplines, but also gives a course proper development child.

Close physical education should be done with a child aged from 3-6 years is the main component of the general pedagogical process. The fact is that in preschool age basic motor skills are formed, which in future fate of a person will be manifested in his gait, posture, basic expressive movements. Of course, all movements will be formed, but what will they be? Proven or clumsy? Confident or fearful? Cheerful or lethargic?

We generate interest in charging

Charging should bring only benefits to the health of the child and only positive emotions. In order to achieve this, you have to work hard.

To teach a child to systematically perform exercises is, of course, not an easy task, but feasible for every parent. It is important to develop the habit of daily activities - it disciplines and allows you to keep the body in good shape. Daily morning exercise strengthens health, energizes and improves mood.

First, you must arouse interest in the child to exercise. After all, if he is interested, charging will bring pleasure. Gradually, the need for it will appear. Here you can use your authority and set an example for the baby. The child will happily copy your movements.

Turn exercises with your child into a game. It shouldn't be boring. Turn on cheerful music, sing a children's song. Take care of the whole family. Let the child perceive everything as entertainment, and not "obligation".

In addition, the exercises for the child must be appropriate for his age so that he can perform them on his own and not feel after exercise pain or severe fatigue. Get your little one to sleep on time. If the child sleeps well, it will be easy for him to study.

As you grow older, the exercises complicate, increase the number of repetitions and, accordingly, the duration of the charge.

Gymnastics - the habit of being healthy

Regular morning exercises- is a pledge effective development Your child, both physical and mental. Systematic exercise:

- Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in youth and adulthood.

Increases the level of norepinephrine and endorphins - they increase stress resistance.

- Stimulates brain functions and promotes better learning.

Has a beneficial effect on mental health child, gives a positive charge for the day and improves the quality of life in the future.

Increase the production of hormones, in particular, norepinephrine and endorphins, which help create new nerve cells and support synoptic plasticity(speed of thought).

Regular exercise with a child in the morning has a positive effect on children's neuropsychic activity, enhances all physiological processes in a small body and eliminates lethargy after sleep.

At the same time, gymnastics performs specific tasks: it forms correct posture, is a prevention and correction for various body deformities, restores the performance of the motor apparatus after injuries.

Exercises for children

A prerequisite for conducting a lesson is warming up the muscles. Each exercise should be accompanied by a warm-up and stretching. The classic charging scheme is top-down. Start by jogging or walking in place. This gives an impetus to warm up the muscles of the whole body.

After that, we do a warm-up of the upper shoulder joint: turning the head to the left - to the right, then - circular movements of the head (45 - 60 seconds).

We stretch our arms and shoulders: we make circular movements with our shoulders and make intensive movements with our hands from the hip up (60 - 120 seconds).

Warm-up of the muscles of the back and the press: we squat, keeping the back strictly vertical, as well as tilting back and forth, to the sides (60 - 120 seconds).

Smoothly move on to the warm-up hip joints: smooth circular movements of the pelvis (no more than 60 seconds).

Basic exercises

Walking, running, climbing, jumping, throwing are vital movements (complex conditioned reflexes) that will help improve performance nervous system. In addition, during the exercises, the child begins to realize his own abilities.

Walking on toes- the main prevention of flat feet. By reducing the area of ​​support when walking, the tension of the muscles of the lower leg and foot increases. The child involuntarily begins to take a short step and a smaller swing of the arm, which helps to straighten the spine.

Walking on half-bent(“sneaking walking”) coordinates joint work hands and feet.

Running performs the same function. Wherein run- this is an excellent dynamic load that develops the respiratory and circulatory systems, the capillary network, and improves metabolism.

Throwing or throwing the ball- educate orientation in the direction of movement, the degree of remoteness and the location of objects.

climbing can be of several types: climbing, crawling, climbing, climbing on a vertical wall. Children should perform these exercises under the clear guidance of the teacher. Not recommended for children preschool age prolonged static muscle tension. Climbing brings up strong-willed qualities in a child: determination, dexterity, quick wits.

jumping is one complete movement. The correct execution of this exercise develops a sense of rhythm. Exercise is strongly interconnected with proprioceptive sensitivity - the vestibular apparatus is being developed.

Charging ends with a hitch, performing relaxing exercises to even out breathing (deep inhalation-exhalation with raising hands, you can add a slow step on the spot).

Remember: by exercising with your child, you are laying the foundations for the healthy development of the crumbs. It is charging that will help your baby to be healthy, strong, cheerful, dexterous and intellectually developed.

How lazy it is to get up in the morning. Climbing is difficult not only for adults, but also for children. In order for the day to start cheerfully, morning exercises for the child are simply necessary! Such useful entertainment should become a habit. In the future, the baby will thank you for this, because the benefits of physical activity in the morning are not only physical, but also moral. You rarely see a cheerful person in the morning, a contented person. But if he is accustomed from childhood to meet the day simple exercises to the music, life will be more fun!

The benefits of gymnastics

Moderate physical exercise useful to everyone, even a sick child. As soon as the baby turns two years old, you can safely show what morning exercises are for a child. Make sure that the baby does not have time to eat anything, but only drank a glass of water. Now he is ready to exercise. There will be a lot of benefits from such an action:

  • wolfish appetite;
  • deep sleep;
  • strengthening joints and ligaments;
  • the nervous system will return to normal;
  • blood circulation will improve;
  • growth will accelerate;
  • metabolism is normalized.

This list should be an incentive for every parent, because everyone wants to give their child the best. Morning exercises for a child is the way to healthy lifestyle life and energy for the whole day.


Almost every child shows his stubbornness to his parents, refuses to eat or do something. In order for the child not to have a denial of charging, imagine it in game form. Turn on fun music and start doing it yourself simple exercises, walk in circles different types step. This will amuse the baby, and he will definitely want to repeat. Fun warm-up exercises will eventually become your little ritual. The baby's body will be saturated with oxygen, the mood will rise - all this will be done by morning exercises. Exercises for children need to be chosen simple, without acrobatic stunts and difficulties.

Pediatricians recommend doing exercises for children from the age of two, because coordination of movements develops faster, as does motor skills. If the baby has excess weight, simple but regular exercises will help get rid of it.

Sport family

The best example for a child is his parents. When you get up in the morning, turn on fun music and get your baby involved in fun exercise. Of course, you need to prepare in advance. It is good if all family members go out in an organized manner for the first months and do exercises in a team. Then the baby will understand that everyone needs it. Morning exercises for a child will be something natural. Be sure to ventilate the room before starting classes. In the summer, feel free to go outside and exercise in the fresh air. The benefits will be huge, so also good example give to the neighbors. In order not to frighten off the baby, you can start with the simplest. Perform the following complex:

  • side bends;
  • running in a circle;
  • 10 squats;
  • walking in place (raise your knees as high as possible);
  • as a small stretch, try bending over and touching the floor with your fingers.

For the first week of such exercises will be enough. Then start to complicate the process and perform a few more simple approaches.

Musical accompaniment

Musical morning exercises for children are a very exciting activity. Choose your repertoire in advance. Use songs from your child's favorite cartoons, then it will be doubly pleasant to study. Good mood and energy for the whole day are provided. You can include one hit of the season in the music program so that the child is always aware of the latest in the world of music. The pace should be medium. Very slow, smooth music will not give the desired effect, and the baby will sleep on the go. But too fast, incendiary chords will tire the baby. Therefore, the choice of music must be approached very seriously.

The best sets of exercises

To make you appear confident in front of your children, plan your every move. The complex of morning exercises for children should be correct and easy. If it is difficult for the baby to repeat the movements after you, interest will quickly disappear. Start with a light five-minute warm-up. Experts recommend charging for 20 minutes. If you perform the same exercises daily, the results will not be long in coming. The muscle corset of the baby will come in perfect condition. A charger suitable for children of any age:

  • walking in place;
  • jumping in place;
  • we put our hands on our shoulders and begin circular movements;
  • swing your legs forward (stretch your arms forward and try to touch the tips of your fingers with your big toe);
  • jumping in place with arms raised;
  • squats;
  • several push-ups from the floor or wall;
  • one minute of boxing (hand swings imitating punches on a pear in boxing gloves);
  • several dance steps;
  • stretching (sit on the floor and spread your legs wide apart, now try to slowly put your elbows on the floor).

One two three four

Such a fun morning exercise for children is suitable for kindergarten, camp, primary school. Each exercise is performed under the account - one, two, three, four. Children can pronounce the score on their own, or the leader will help so that the children do not lose their rhythm. The movements are simple, but active, each is performed 5 times:

  • arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down;
  • marching in place, knees high;
  • hands on the belt, legs wide apart, we start tilting the head: to the right, to the left, down, up;
  • torso tilt (we try to reach the tips of our toes with our hands);
  • jumping on one leg;
  • the back is straight, we start squats;
  • we lie down on the floor and raise the torso 30 cm from the floor;
  • 10 push-ups from the floor;
  • walking in place, slow.

Such a complex of morning exercises for children is very useful. There is nothing complicated, and a positive charge is useful for any person! Now you can start water procedures. Well, if the baby likes to take a shower, in the morning it will give him even more vigor after charging. If he is against early bathing, let him just wash himself with cool water.


Preferences in melodies, performers, directions of music may be different for parents and children. Therefore, if you are doing joint exercises, you need to carefully select the repertoire. Usually kids prefer melodies from foreign cartoons. But they don't have to follow suit. Combine some modern tracks, a couple of hits with your baby's favorite songs. Then you get a fun morning exercise. Music is very important for children - they learn the world, form their tastes and preferences. Therefore, there is no need to forcibly impose your idols on them.

We bring variety

It is very important for girls to be plastic, to have a beautiful walk and posture. Therefore, try experimenting with ballet steps and the basics of yoga. Do some stretching after charging. But teach the boys a lesson in martial arts. Box with your son for 7-8 minutes. This will be enough for a warm-up.

Spend as much time with your children as possible. After all, these little people are unique and interesting! The moments spent together will be remembered for a lifetime for both you and the baby!

Fitness: Morning exercises: Exercises for children

IN early childhood the foundations of the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child are laid. Main tasks physical education children are strengthening the body, development and improvement of movements.

IN successful implementation of these tasks, the greatest merit belongs to morning exercises: physical exercises are the most effective form creating in children a correct understanding of the nature of movements, contributes to the development of various muscle groups, the formation of correct posture.

Approximate sets of morning exercises for children 5-6 years old


1. Walking in place. Raise your knees high. Easy run. Walking in a circle on the heels, hands on the belt (15 - 20 seconds).

2. I. p. - the main rack. Raise your arms to the sides (inhale), lower them down (exhale).

3. I. p. - legs apart, arms above. Tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands (exhale), return to and. n. (inhale).

4. I. p. - hands on the belt. Raise the straight leg, swing it back, forward again, return to and. n. Perform the exercise, alternating swings with the right and left legs.

5. I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the head. Make tilts to the right and left, while raising your hands up (exhale), and. p. - inhale.

6. I. p. - legs apart, the hoop lies in front. Bend over, take the hoop in your hands (exhale), straighten up, hands with the hoop in front (inhale), bend over, put the hoop in front on the floor (exhale), straighten up (inhale).

7. Jumping on two legs.


1. Walking in place. Raise your knees high. Run in place. Walking in a circle on toes, arms up (30 seconds).

2. I. p. - arms bent in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides (inhale), return to and. n. (exhale).

3. I. p. - legs apart, arms above. Make springy forward bends (long exhalation), straighten up (inhale).

4. I. p. - kneel, hands on the belt. Sit on your heels (exhale), return to and. n. (inhale).

5. I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides. Make turns to the right and left, hands behind the back.

6. I. p. - stand facing the chair, left leg on the chair, hands on the belt. Bend the leg standing on the chair, straighten up (voluntary breathing). Repeat the exercise with the right leg.

7. I. p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. Jump in place, legs apart, then jump in place, legs crossed.


1. Walking in place. Raise your knees high. Easy running around. Walking in a circle on the outer arches of the foot and on the inner arches of the foot, hands on the belt (20 seconds).

2. Raise your arms up (inhale), at the same time raise your head and look at your hands, return to and. n. (exhale).

3. I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, arms at the top. Lean forward, touching your heels with your hands inside(exhale), straighten up (inhale).

4. I. p. - kneel, hands up. Sit on your heels with a deep inclination forward, take your hands back (exhale), return to the starting position. Straighten up, raise your hands up, look at them.

5. I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the head. Make turns to the right and left, arms to the sides.

6. I. p. - kneel, stick from behind in straight arms. Bend back, touch the heels of the legs with a stick (exhale), return to and. n. (inhale).

7. I. p. - become sideways to a stick lying on the floor. Jump sideways over the stick, moving forward and backward.

Approximate sets of morning exercises for children 7-9 years old


1. Walking around the table, rolling from heel to toe. Easy running in place. Vigorous walking in place with gradual deceleration.

2. I. p. - legs apart, in the hands below a stick. Raise the stick up, stretch (inhale), lower the stick down (exhale).

3. I. p. - sit down, legs apart, arms to the sides. Rotate your body left and right.

4. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. Take the right (left) leg to the side on the toe, arms to the sides. Make two tilts to the right (left), arms up. Attach a leg and return to and. P.

5. I. p. - the main rack. Perform 3 swings of the right (left) leg back while simultaneously moving the arms up and back. Return to i. P.

6. I. p. - main stance, legs together, rope at the back. Make jumps on two legs, rotating the rope forward. Then the same, rotating the rope back.

7. Go to walking.


1. Walking. Easy running on toes. Walking is normal with free, rhythmic, sweeping hand movements.

2. I. p. - legs apart, hands to the shoulders. Rise on your toes, arms up. Return to i. P.

3. I. p. - kneeling. Take the right leg to the side on the toe, the right hand on the belt, the left up (inhale). Make two springy tilts to the right (exhale), return to and. by changing the position of the hands. Repeat the exercise on the left side.

4. I. p. - stand, legs apart wider, hands on the belt. Do squats.

5. I. p. - stand, legs apart, arms to the sides. Make inclinations to the right (left) leg, touching the toes with your fingers.

6. I. p. - stand, hands in front of the chest. Lunge with the left (right) foot forward, turn the torso to the left (right), arms to the sides.

7. I. p. - stand, hands on the belt. Perform jumps on two legs, alternating three jumps in place and the fourth with a 180 ° turn. Perform 2 - 4 jumps in one direction, and then in the other. Jump gently on your toes.

8. Walking.


1. I. p. - arms bent at the elbows. Walking in place with the movement of the hands in a circle and moving forward and backward.

2. I. p. - main stance, arms to the sides. Raise your hands to your shoulders, rise on your toes (inhale), lower yourself on the entire foot, arms to the sides, return to and. n. (exhale).

3. I. p. - stand, legs apart, arms to the sides. Do squats on the left (right) leg.

4. I. p. - main stance, hands at the top. Do deep squats, hands behind your head (exhale), return to and. n. (inhale).

5. I. p. - wide stance, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt your torso to the right, back, left, forward.

6. I. p. - stand, legs apart. Jump to connect the legs together, arms to the sides. Jump to spread your legs, arms down. Jump softly, on your toes.

7. Go to walking.

Morning exercises for children are cheerfulness, health and good mood. If you teach your child to start the morning with a complex gymnastic exercises, then your baby will be less sick, will always be alert, active and happy.
Having set out to teach both daughters to morning exercises, I have compiled in this article a list of exercises for morning exercises. I think such morning exercises will be useful for schoolchildren and young children.

Regardless of the presence of "charges" in educational institutions: school, garden; This set of exercises will be more useful to perform at home immediately after sleep. Morning exercises set children up for activity, invigorates, develops a good habit and improves health.

A set of exercises for morning exercises for children

Each exercise is performed 5 times. Later, you can complicate the complex and increase the number of approaches and exercises.

  1. Take a starting position and take the main stance. Raise your arms up to the sides and inhale. Lower your arms with a half-tilt forward and exhale.
  2. Walking in place (you can add arm movements later).
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, tilting the head to the left, to the right - at the expense of 1 - tilt the head to the left; on account 2 - return to the starting position; at the expense of 3 - tilted to the right; at the expense of 4 - returned to the starting position.
  4. Feet shoulder width apart, count 1 - left hand up, right down; at the expense of 2.3 - jerking hands, inhalation; at the expense of 4 - return to the starting position, exhale.
  5. Feet shoulder-width apart, at the expense of 1 - hands in front of you; at the expense of 2,3 - jerks with your hands in front of you, inhale; at the expense of 4 - returned to the starting position, exhale.
  6. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, torso to the left and right, at the expense of 1, 2 - tilt to the left; at the expense of 3.4 - tilt to the right.
  7. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands should try to reach the socks, torso tilts forward and backward, at the expense of 1, 2 - lean forward, stretch your arms down, exhale; at the expense of 3.4 - we return to the starting position and tilt back, inhale.
  8. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, fingers interlaced. On account 1 - turn the body to the left, inhale; on account 2 - starting position, exhale; at the expense of 3 - tilt back, hands behind the head, inhale; at the expense of 4 - starting position, exhale. The same to the right.
  9. Squats. Heels touch the floor, back is straight.
  10. Take a starting position - hands forward, to the sides. Make a swing with the left leg to right hand. Attach a leg. Perform the same exercise with the other leg.
  11. Take a starting position - lying on your back, put your toes under the support. Rise to a sitting position, then return to the starting position.
  12. Take a starting position - lying down. Perform flexion and extension of the arms.
  13. Jumping on the left and right leg - 3 - 4 times.
  14. Easy walking in place.
  15. Take a starting position and take the main stance. Next, raise your arms through the sides up and inhale. Lower your arms with a half-tilt forward and exhale.