Claude Hopkins, a classic of advertising copywriting, argued about the same: “Many people see advertising simply as the art of using a pen. Language and style are important. But they just don't matter. If a beautiful style manifests itself in some way, it is only as a disadvantage. It gives the impression of trying to sell. And any attempt to sell causes resistance.” That is why illiterate, clumsy texts, prepared, however, by smart sellers, are often effective. Smooth writing cannot replace the attractiveness of the content of the text.

A special attitude to the "beautifulness" of the text is characteristic of novice, inexperienced copywriters. As M. Gorky recalled, “I began the stories with some kind of singing phrases, for example, like this: “The rays of the moon passed through the branches of the dogwood and the tenacious bushes of the holding tree,” and then, in print, I was ashamed to make sure that the “rays of the moon” are read , like torches, and "passed" is not the word that should have been put. In another story, I have "a cab driver took a pouch out of his pocket" - these three "from" next to each other did not really decorate the "tediously poor life." In general, I tried to write "beautifully".

At the same time, giving the text additional readability is always only beneficial. Therefore, when creating a text, it is worth paying attention to every sound used in the text, every word and sentence, every paragraph and paragraph. They should be distinguished by figurativeness, conciseness, simplicity, concreteness, emotional expressiveness.

After high-quality literary processing, the text is easy to read - both from a semantic and linguistic point of view.

The rules and norms of working on the text help the effective communication of the copywriter and the audience. When there are uniform standards, the author writes in such a way that readers understand him. For example, a person will easily understand the word "fan", but the word "fan" will cause bewilderment.

As language experts note, “the norm is objective, i.e. it develops as a result of the development of language and speech practice, regardless of the wishes of certain individuals. It would be a profound misconception to say that linguists "invent" norms. Carefully analyzing speech practice, linguists fix, recommend those forms, words, stresses, etc. that are accepted by society, have passed the test of life ... ”.

Only the copywriter who knows the rules well can deviate from them: create new words, constructions that, however, will be understandable to his audience.

Departure from the rules can also be justified by the context. So, for example, the author can put the above-mentioned word "sick" into the mouth of a child or a foreigner, and then it will be quite normally perceived by the audience.

It should also be kept in mind that norms, like language itself, change over time. For example, as G. Solganik notes, “in the time of A. S. Pushkin, the words gossip, old-timer, dissolute, squeal, recklessly were considered unliterary. Over time, they received all the rights of literature.

Of course, people have long paid attention to literacy. But keep in mind that not all errors are noticed. After all, we usually do not read by letter:

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one English unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in the cookery, the bkuvy in the salt are right.

Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps.

Pichriony this is the fact that we do not read the same letter in a single note, but the whole solvo clique.

IN last years even the concept of "gramar-nazi" appeared. They designate people who are distinguished by an extremely pedantic attitude to literacy issues.

In general, in the literary processing of the text, it is necessary to understand that a good text does not appear immediately. You need to work on it for a long time and painstakingly: select words, build phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.

More detailed information on this topic can be found in the books of A. Nazaikin

Literary text processing

In the advertising text, the most important thing is the content: arguments and facts. The way it is actually written is of secondary importance. That is why illiterate clumsy texts, prepared, however, by smart sellers, are often effective.

Smooth writing cannot replace the attractiveness of the commercial component of the text. At the same time, giving advertising additional readability is always only beneficial. Therefore, after writing the text, it is worth making its literary processing. The object of this work is every sound used in advertising, every word and sentence, every paragraph and paragraph. They should be distinguished by figurativeness, conciseness, simplicity, concreteness, emotional expressiveness, logic.

After high-quality literary processing, the text is easy to read, both from a semantic and linguistic point of view. It should seem to the reader that this advertisement is intended exclusively for him alone.

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9.2.1. Processing and analysis of information What information is needed for "public relations"? In the traditional democratic society there is a certain pattern: financial flows correspond in direction and intensity to information flows. Here

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3.8. FURTHER DATA PROCESSING The centralized processing of data on exhibitors and visitors and other information about the exhibition event is carried out by exhibition companies. For an exhibitor, participation in an exhibition can only be considered the beginning of intensive

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6. Processing test results TEST 1. How good am I as a diplomat? Processing results If you answered yes to all questions 1 to 7, you can be happy to say that you are a born diplomat. You have no problems with understanding and respecting your partner

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Returns Processing You provide a warranty for your products. Sometimes the state forces this, and sometimes you yourself go for it. And since there is a full or partial guarantee for the products, there will be a return. Therefore, a standard way to handle returns is required. For example, you

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4.5.10 Processing the results To process the results of the Game, a special key is used - a matrix of 16 rows (16 player numbers) and 4 columns (4 time intervals, which correspond to scores other than zero). In each cell of the matrix there is a score in points, which From the book Sales Management author Petrov Konstantin Nikolaevich

A well-written text is the best indicator of the author's cultural level and proof of respect for readers. Any author wants to write a quality book, but not everyone is able to do it on their own. Sometimes a little proofreading is enough to correct typos. Often, when preparing a long book or a complex article, you may need the help of an experienced editor. If the author is not confident in his own abilities, but has interesting material and creative ideas, which he wants to embody in the article, the Textmark premium content studio is ready to offer the service of literary processing with stylization.

What is literary processing with stylization?

Literary processing is special kind editing associated with the retelling of the actual and semantic content of the text. Many authors have interesting material that they cannot correctly and beautifully present in a competent article. Dryness of speech, incorrectly placed accents, violation of the logic of the narrative, inconsistency of styles in combination with grammatical and punctuation errors require the help of a specialist. In relation to such manuscripts, it is more expedient to use not the editing service, but literary processing with stylization.

It does not make sense to involve an editor in working with weak manuscripts. There is a risk that, despite the advice of a specialist, the author will make more and more mistakes. As a result, editing can become a never-ending process that takes a lot of time and incurs unexpected costs.

In such situations, we recommend using the service of literary processing with stylization. Our experts will work through the material from start to finish. As a result, from the "raw" text you will get a full-fledged literary work. In fact, literary processing is the creation of a new competent text based on the submitted articles. By providing the service, the editor does not claim copyright, which is fully reserved by the owner of the source material.

In the process of literary processing with stylization, not only the compliance of the text with the norms of the Russian language is taken into account. The editor pays special attention to the style, which must fully comply with the context. The cost of literary processing is estimated based on the quality and readiness of the material provided by the author, further plans for the implementation of the processed text.

How is literary processing with stylization performed?

This comprehensive service implies a comprehensive work on the article. Usually, memoirs, memories of interesting events that happened, travels, the participant or witness of which the author was a participant in, need literary processing, but he is not able to correctly and logically present the material in a consistent manner.

In order to prepare to perform literary processing with stylization in a quality manner, we conditionally divide our work into three stages:

  1. Receipt detailed information on this topic. We work with any subject, whether it is a report on a tourist trip, a medical treatise, a technical instruction or historical reports. Before starting literary processing with stylization, a specialist studies the topic in detail, consults with colleagues and our partners if necessary, so the quality of the text, regardless of the subject, always remains at the highest level.
  2. Processing and styling of materials provided by the customer. At this stage of work, we check the marketing and practical components of the text, taking into account the subject matter and the wishes of the author, in order to prepare a high-quality and competent article that meets the customer's expectations.
  3. Final proofreading of the finished text by an editor with specialized education. Based on the results of this stage, we provide the customer with material fully prepared for publication.

Benefits of working with us

Text Mark premium content studio is a team of professionals who are ready to offer literary processing with stylization at competitive prices. Some of our advantages to guarantee high quality works:

  • Editors and proofreaders are certified philologists and linguists with many years of experience.
  • We work with documents of any format, both standard doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, and rarer pdf, ppt, djvu.
  • We design and layout web documents.
  • We turn drafts and sketches into a competent, logically connected text.
  • We identify and eliminate stylistic, logical, grammatical, punctuation and any other types of errors.
  • We take on texts for sites of various subjects, of any size, we work with materials in Russian and English.
  • We select suitable photo materials, video and audio, graphs, tables, diagrams for articles.
  • We provide fact-checking services for an additional fee.

The place of fact in journalism.

Fact (from lat. Factum - accomplished) - a real event, phenomenon, case.

The object of journalistic reflection can be both reality itself and social phenomena, and processes, and people. In a word, in the field of view of journalists is the whole world in all its manifestations.

Involving in the process of cognition of reality, the journalist focuses on socially significant events. In the very act of choosing the object of cognition, in the specifics of its perception, different forms display, in evaluation and interpretation life situation is the author's position. Therefore, speaking about the relationship between the objective and the subjective in a fact, many authors agree that the content of the fact is an objective reflection of an event that is outside of human consciousness, and the form in which this reflection is carried out is subjective.

After all, a fact, as a phenomenon of reality, can be classified in the following order:

Fact as an element of reality.

Fact as an element of consciousness.

Fact as a text element.

In the first case, he is a source of information, an object of knowledge. In the second, it also turns out to be a means of cognition: we use it in approximately the same way as models of any of the objects of reality, considering them from different angles, observing their behavior in different conditions, and thus we get Additional information, which brings the fact of consciousness closer in meaning to the fact of reality. In the third case, the dominant function is the function of storing information in material form. At the same time, the fact retains the first two rows of functions: they are implemented when the text contacts the audience.

A fact in journalism is a reliable reflection of a fragment of reality that has real representativeness. With its help, a model of reality is created. Various facts are used.

They also say that unlike, say, poetry, the art form in journalism plays a much smaller role. Content comes first. In the case of small informational genres, this is true: when reading a note about a fire, we want to find out where the fire was, why, what damage it caused, whether it caused human casualties (although here, too, one can mislead the reader by confusing, for example, with commas). In the works of analytical and artistic-publicistic form is one of the most important components of adequate perception of the text. It is clear that when reading analytical correspondence, we first of all pay attention to the harmony of the logical system of proving a certain thesis, to the connectedness of facts and conclusions, etc. But any thought must be expressed with the utmost precision, concisely, and succinctly. There should be no unwanted ambiguity, no breakthroughs in logical chain, - all that is fraught with improper handling of the language, this subtlest and most accurate instrument. No matter how talented a musician is, he will not be able to play well on an out-of-tune instrument. Linguistics gives this very "ability to tune" one's instrument, and in any way, which is especially important for the author of artistic and journalistic materials. The word is the most terrible weapon. We ourselves sometimes do not understand how much we are in his power. And a journalist should always remember this.

The form organizes and facilitates perception, affects it in the most direct way.

Collection, generalization, analysis and literary processing of factual material.

At the stage of developing the concept of a future work, a journalist needs to decide on the object of study. IN this capacity a specific everyday situation can come forward, and a problem that requires careful consideration, and certain social phenomena, and people's activities, etc.

In all cases, the journalist is included in cognitive activity collection and analysis of evidence. For successful implementation At this stage of work, a journalist needs to perfectly master various methods collection of primary information, since the content richness of the future work depends on the quality of the collected material. Therefore, in journalistic practice, a whole arsenal of methods for collecting primary information is used.

Traditional journalistic methods usually include observation, experiment and interview. All of them are focused on revealing the deep characteristics of the object under study and on elucidating patterns in social reality. With the development of journalism, these methods were supplemented and enriched with specific methods from sociology and psychology, representing the "set techniques associated with this method, including pure operations, their sequence and relationship.

All methods can be divided into two large groups:

The first of them are used in the collection of empirical data (observation, experiment, interview, etc.);

the second - when analyzing the information received (here we can name classification, grouping, typology, etc.).

In journalism special methods are used in cases where, due to some circumstances, it is impossible to obtain information. It is in such situations that the correspondent, in order to achieve the goal, changes his profession, participates in social experiments, conducts focused interviews and expert surveys, tries to predict certain phenomena of reality. Due to the fact that each method is fraught with various procedural aspects, a journalist needs to know not only the sequence of certain operations, but also various rules analysis and interpretation of data.

A procedure is usually understood as a sequence of all operations, common system actions and method of organizing research. This is the most general, moreover, a collective concept related to the system of methods for collecting and processing information.

The sequence in the application of certain methods is quite consistent with the staged nature creative process associated with the creation of a journalistic text. The idea of ​​the future work can be correlated with the advancement of a number of working hypotheses about the state of the object under study. The stage of cognition of the object of reality implies its comprehensive study. At this stage, the journalist decides which method of collecting primary information is most preferable, which technique is more effective, and finally, in what sequence to study the object. At the stage of implementation of the plan, the journalist performs analytical work understanding the information received. Here it is required to skillfully use general scientific methods of data analysis and interpretation.

Speaking about the factors that determine the formation of the methods of a journalist's activity in a creative act, G.V. Lazutina highlights the following:

a) stages of the creative process;

b) the complexity of the tasks solved by a journalist on the way to the result of creativity;

c) the nature of information sources (more broadly, the structure of the information environment);

d) laws of knowledge, laws of perception and processing of information;

e) the laws of communication.

“This,” the author concludes, “determines the diversity of methods of journalistic creativity, firstly, and their correlation with a certain stage of the creative act, secondly.” 22 The task of a journalist is to see the rational grounds for using one or another method, depending on the tasks facing him.

So, it can be conditionally divided into two options: the use of sociological sources and sociological methods of collecting information.

So, sociological sources.

A journalist can take them as the basis of his research, use them as illustrative material for a more complete disclosure of his topic, or use different research data for comparison. It should also be noted that in any sociological research the journalist can see his subject. That is why it is important for him to view data on topics of interest to him. He may be surprised by the numbers, given statistics, etc. “Sociological data can simply be an operational, “eventful” reason for a journalist to prepare a publication, broadcast, a kind of creative impulse.”

The journalist can also use his observations, superimposing them on the data of sociologists.

The journalist not only searches for a topic, but also adjusts its interest for the audience based on public opinion polls. “Today, opinion polls are an important tool on a journalist's workbench. Many messages are built around the results of surveys on a wide variety of issues, obtained from no less diverse sources. Editors of newspapers and TV news often ask reporters if they have poll results in order to expand on a topic or confirm the conclusions they make in their reports.

Why are polls important? Because polls are a measurement of public opinion, an indicator for a journalist. At the same time, public opinion is largely shaped by what people learn from the press. And so it turns out a vicious cycle: the public - the press - polls - the public.

Now let's consider directly the sociological methods of collecting and analyzing information that can be in the arsenal of a journalist.

Journalists can also use the survey method to study various problems and situations. However, for an objective selection it seems difficult for one journalist. That is why it is possible that in such a survey someone should help him.

Rapid polls on a random sample (telephone, street, etc.) are now often used by radio journalists, we can often see them as confirming some idea of ​​a journalist in a TV report, they are less common in a newspaper.

In journalism, the technique of structured observation can also be used. In the case of the social experiment, the journalist turns to the experimental method. Also, for the preparation of reviews, the method of content analysis or some of its elements can, of course, be used.

Literary text processing is editing the text by a literary editor, aimed at making the text readable, stylistically even and logically coherent.

Thus, the literary processing of the text differs from the work of a proofreader, who only corrects spelling, grammatical, punctuation and other errors.

The main content of literary text processing is the correction of text defects related to style and logic, as well as the lexical compatibility of words and expressions.

Literary editing editor usually begins with the definition of the general task of the work, its genre, stylistic features.

The main techniques used by the editor are: replacement of an unsuccessful or inaccurate phrase; checking the agreement of the members of the sentence, especially if the agreed words are removed from each other; correlation of the control word with each of the controlled ones; simplification of complex syntactic constructions; elimination of verbosity clerical turnover and stamps, repetitions, etc.

Some examples of errors: n. The text can be correct in meaning, but uneven stylistically, it can use too official and too colloquial phrases in one context; the chosen style may simply not fit the purpose.

n Often there are excessively long, complex sentences and periods, unjustified use of pretentious words and phrases, incorrect use of phraseological units and other stylistic errors.

n One of the most common defects when translating from foreign language is tracing - that is, a literal, literal translation without taking into account the rules of the Russian language.

n A. M. Gorky advised young writers: one must learn "the economy and accuracy of the language, liberation, purification of it from unsuccessful provincialisms, local sayings, as well as verbal tricks composed by young people from motives, should be" aesthetic ". . . The accuracy and conciseness of the language is, first of all, and only if this condition is met, it is possible to create a convex, almost physically tangible image.

These requirements are also the norm for editors working in electronic media where oral speech is used. Speech perceived by ear has more barriers to accurate, adequate perception.

Thus, the maximum semantic accuracy of the language and the penetration into the peculiarities of the author's individual style are two sides of the same process called literary editing.

n Toughness - essential quality writing - gives her known benefits before oral speech. n Text is a consciously organized result of speech creation, a speech work.

Written speech can be complex in structure, it allows the inclusion of elements of various sign systems (numbers, formulas, drawings, drawings) and requires from the addressee more independence and analytical thinking than oral speech. In one and the same time, you can read almost 3 times more words than listen carefully.

Many graphic techniques of written speech do not imitate the techniques of oral speech and have independent meaning. So, it has no analogue in oral speech tabular form of material organization. Uppercase and lower case can indicate in the text not only the meaning of grammatical forms, but also emotional coloring words. Paragraph indentation not only graphically clarifies the architectonics of the text, but in many cases also preserves the meaning of what was written "from the red line".

Exist various ways fixing text: handwritten, typewritten, different kinds polygraphic reproduction, fixing the text on the display screen. The editor should be aware of the possibilities and features of each of these methods.

Fixation on a material carrier, the type of material carrier, the nature of communication channels (visual, auditory) can influence the perception of the text.

So, for a written text, it is important that the audience has the opportunity to re-read it, and the writer has graphic means of highlighting information, the use of fonts, frames, unusual spelling of words (SOSulki!, STADIUM. NOE feeling, etc.) Even punctuation marks become the most important element of the printed text.

There are other regularities in the construction of text on the radio, where the only channel of communication is spoken speech, and a return to utterance is impossible.

The fixedness of the text in a certain sign system (sign) allows the reader to comprehend and reproduce the whole text or rather large fragments of it.

The method of fixing written speech in printed text has been most fully developed. Printed text allows a return to what was read, the ability to present a complex text structure, including pictorial and graphic elements.

Written communication is focused on the maximum use of grammatical, lexical and stylistic means language, requires compliance with regulatory recommendations, allows the editor to make changes to the text, correct what is written, improve the text.

The printed text loses the individual features of handwriting, but it is characterized by greater clarity and organization.

For many authors, fixing the text in writing is a necessary part of the creative process. “Writing with your own hand, holding a pen in your fingers, is our most direct relationship with a sheet of paper,” said the writer and essayist Marietta Shaginyan, who never used a typewriter.

Fixing the text on the letter is a complex process. Probably, everyone is familiar with that feeling of dumbness in front of a white sheet of paper, which many writers testify to. Written speech is the most accurate and detailed form of speech activity.

Sources: n Nakoryakova K. M. » Literary editing. ", M.: Ikar Publishing House, 2004. n http: //article. ucoz. ua/ n http: //www. biz translate. com/services/literature/ n http: //litklub.