Let's try to make the morning charging for children, and sports in general, have become an integral part of the life of our kids, like the need to brush their teeth in the morning ...

Children's exercise

If from the very early age the baby will start the day with a 10-minute warm-up, it will become familiar, natural and completely easy for him. At first, he will work out with his mom or dad and under their guidance, and later he will do the exercises on his own.

In order to strengthen the desire to engage with the baby, it would be useful to recall the enormous benefits that such activities will bring. Movement for a child is life. Scientists have long noticed a direct link between motor activity person and those metabolic processes that occur in his body. If the baby moves enough, his metabolism improves, the respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems work more productively. So, in general, he will become stronger and healthier. Easy morning exercises charging for children are not aimed at training some serious sports skills and abilities, they do not overwork the baby, but keep the body in good shape, help it common development and strengthening, improve sleep, appetite, accelerate growth. Even the name itself - "charging" - carries a special meaning. She will charge our little hustlers with health, strength, endurance and good mood!

But that's not all! Morning exercises are also a wonderful developmental activity for the crumbs. The kid will learn to understand the tasks of an adult, repeat them correctly, while developing not only muscles and ligaments, but also speech, thinking, attention, memory.

Certainly, exercises for children It is better to practice in the morning, immediately after waking up. Because one of its tasks is to help the body wake up, start all those processes that slow down at night, stretch the “stale” joints of the arms, legs, spine, giving them the opportunity to gently and without overstrain join the daily rhythm of life. Exercise is best performed on an empty stomach, in a well-ventilated room, and in warm time year - at open window. Dress the little athlete in clothing that does not hinder movement.

And it is best to practice in shorts, a T-shirt and barefoot.

Young children do not yet know how to keep their attention in one lesson for a long time. If you exercise with them for too long, they will lose all interest in the exercises. Therefore, with a baby of 1-2 years old, it is enough to do just 5-7 minutes a day. By the age of 3, the time of morning exercises can be increased to 10-15 minutes.

If for some reason you can’t engage with your child immediately after waking up, this is not at all a reason to refuse classes altogether. Find a little time in the morning when the crumbs are in a good mood, and arrange a little workout. It will still be very helpful!

Sometimes parents complain that the baby categorically refuses to do exercises. This usually happens if we turn what should be a fun and joyful game into a boring "obligation". Is there such a kid in the world who refuses to do what gives him pleasure? Hardly. So, you need to do exercises with fun and enthusiasm! The baby will get tired of the tedious very quickly: hands forward, to the sides, up, forward, to the sides, up ... He will not yet be able to understand that all this is being done for the sake of his health. Therefore, each exercise must be turned into a fun educational game: flying on an airplane, washing a cat, dancing a hare, frog jumping, etc. Suitable theme poems are most welcome! They will help to add a certain meaning to the exercises, set the rhythm, and will additionally contribute to the development of the child's speech. And, of course, mom or dad should encourage the baby to practice by their own example!

You can come up with some special ritual with which you will start charging. Maybe the baby's favorite song will serve as a signal to start each time. Or some short rhyme that you will tell along with a little athlete, cheerfully marching around the room.

In order to make it more interesting, use balls in exercises different size, a hoop (for example, you can crawl through it, jump into it and jump out), ribbons (a path on the floor that you need to walk along). Toddlers are usually very fond of exercise with a fitball. But dumbbells and other weights cannot be used yet.

Charging in 1 year

Now let's get to the actual charging. If your baby is 1 year old or a little older, try these simple but very useful exercises with him. They are not too similar to a full-fledged exercise yet, but they help the baby improve walking skills, develop coordination of movements.

As a warm-up walk with the baby around the room, taking him by the hand. In doing so, you can say:

Top with the foot, top with the other,
I'm already big
And they walk on their own
Legs straight to mom.

Stamped with feet:
Hands clapped:
Sat down! Get up! Sat down again!
And then they ate all the porridge!

At the words “sat down, got up”, squat with the baby, get up and squat again. Repeat the entire game-exercise from the beginning.

Lay small “obstacles” on the floor at some distance from each other: a path of cubes, sticks, a jump rope, etc. Walk with the baby across the room, stepping over the obstacles with him.

We are walking along the path.
Top-top, legs, top!
We go through everything.
Top-top, legs, top!
Hey kids!
Oh yes, strong ones!

Place a chair in front of the baby, put a toy on the floor on the other side. Help the child to crawl under the chair to the toy. When the baby understands what is required of him, he himself will gladly crawl back and forth under the chair.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Crawl through the hole
Crawl through the hole
And get out of the mink!

Give the kid a big ball (preferably an inflatable beach one), let him throw it on the floor, then pick it up and throw it again.

The ball does not whimper and does not cry,
Just jump, jump, jump.
Together with the ball often
Jump dads, moms, kids.

(Yu. Kasparova)

Five minutes and five useful exercises For children's exercise! All you can do is relax...

Baby charge per year and 6

The kid grew up a little. So, charging can be a little more complicated. Show the exercises to the baby, saying: "Do like mom." Let him try to repeat after you. After each successful attempt, be sure to praise your little smart girl.

Breathing exercise. Stand in front of the baby, spread your arms to the sides at shoulder height. Inhale through the nose. Quickly cross your arms in front of your chest so that your palms are clapping your shoulder blades as if you are hugging yourself. Noisy exhalation through the mouth. Then slowly return your hands to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times. Of course, the baby will not be able to breathe correctly right away. But over time, he will definitely learn. And for starters, let him just spread and bring his hands together.

Let's move the handles to the sides,
And then we hug ourselves!
Let the sun hear
How our nose breathes, breathes ...

(Yu. Kasparova)

Walking. We walk with the baby around the room, alternating fast and slow walking. And then we run a little. You can stomp to a nursery rhyme about a bunny:

Zainka, go
Grey, go!
Like this, like this, go like this!
Like this, like this, go like this!
Zainka, run,
Gray, run!
That's it, that's it, take a run!
That's it, that's it, take a run!

Leaning forward. Place a cube or ball on the floor. The baby should bend down, take the toy from the floor, straighten up, lift it high above his head, and then put it back on the floor. We repeat several times. At the same time, we imagine that we are little gnomes who collect mushrooms.

In the morning the gnomes went to the forest,
Found a mushroom along the way
And after him, one, two, three,
Three more showed up!

(E. Karelskaya)

Tilts from side to side. Now put the handles on the belt and try to lean from side to side:

Ding dong, ding dong
The gnomes are building a new house,
Paint the walls, roof, floor,
They take everything around.

(E. Karelskaya)

small birds. The kid raises his arms to the sides and waves them like wings. Any nursery rhyme about birds is suitable for the exercise:

The birds, the birds have flown
They sat on the head.
Sit down, sit down, sit down
Flying again...

Instead of birds, you can depict an airplane. The boys will surely love this. If you don't know a suitable rhyme, try to come up with something on the go. Charging rhymes don't have to be poetic masterpieces. It is much more important that they be foldable, rhythmic and understandable to the baby ... For example, like this:

I'm a pilot, I'm a pilot!
I'm flying my plane
The plane is flying,
The plane is buzzing...

We raise our legs. The baby lies on its back, arms to the sides. Raise the legs up, then put them on the floor. We perform the exercise 4-5 times.

Legs, legs, get up
Reach straight for the sun...

Now we raise the straight legs, then bend them, press them to the stomach and clasp them with our hands. We repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

All! Well done! We are resting.
Two years? We are charging!

Children's exercise at 2 years old

Two-year-olds already understand a lot and can do a lot. For such children, exercises with rhymes and imitation of the movements of different animals are best suited. Such is the "animal". It would be nice to perform it with cheerful music. But do not forget about the previous exercises. They are still relevant.

Cow and calf. We depict how slowly and importantly a cow walks and how a small curious calf runs. We repeat the rhyme several times, alternating walking and running.

The cow walks sternly past,
And she does not know us and does not want to know!
A little calf runs and stops:
He wants to meet you with all his might!

(E. Moshkovskaya)

horse. We gallop like a horse, trying to raise our knees higher. At the command “whoa”, the baby should freeze in place. Then we repeat the rhyme and “jump” further.

- But! we said to the horse
And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind.
Here is the house. Horse, whoa!

(V. Berestov)

Owl. Gently knead the neck, turning the head to the left and right. Then we make slow head rotations in one direction and the other.

Owl Owl, big head,
She sat on an oak tree, twirling her head,
Wings clap-clap!
Top-top legs!

Bear. We tell the baby a rhyme and together we perform the necessary movements. There are two ways to spin. First: the baby spins in place on its own. Second: the baby and mother hold hands and spin.

Bear, raise your paws,
Bear, put your paws down
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, spin around,
And then touch the ground
And rub your tummy
One, two, three, one, two, three!

Toads. Hands on the belt, we jump in place on two legs to the rhyme about toads. When the baby learns to confidently jump in place, you can try to jump forward.

The toads went out into the meadow,
The toads all stood in a circle.
Here they clapped their hands
Here we jump a little
Ride, ride...
Oh, tired, oh, tired ...

Dolphin. If you have a hoop, have your child pretend to be a dolphin jumping through the hoop. The kid takes the hoop with his hands, steps over it first with one leg, then with the second, then lifts it up along the body, lowers it down and steps back. We repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

Our dolphin is a champion
He dives the best!
And to envy you
Loves to jump on the waves!

(Yu. Kasparova)

When the baby remembers the rhymes, let him tell you the words.

Charging for children at 3 years old

Despite the fact that three-year-old kids are very serious little men who strive to argue with their mother with a cry of “I myself!”, They will still be happy to do exercises to funny rhymes. But now one rhyme can contain several consecutive movements at once, which are performed one after another. Tell the rhymes slowly so that the baby has time to figure out what he needs to do. And, of course, show the baby movement. Each verse can be repeated several times. Surely some of them will become the baby's favorite ...

We have a nice posture
We brought the shoulder blades together.
We walk on socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go softly like foxes
Well, if you get tired
Then let's all go clubfoot,
How bears go to the forest.

In the morning the butterfly woke up
She smiled and stretched.
Once - she washed herself with dew,
Two - gracefully circled,
Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, she flew away.

Knows everything in the world. (waving hands over head)
Knows how the frog sings:
"Qua-qua-qua". (crouch and jump)
Knows how the shell makes noise:
"Shu-shu-shu." (fold the palms in a boat and bring it to the right, and then to the left ear)
Knows how the crow cries:
"Kar-kar-kar". (flapping arms like wings)
Knows how a cow mooes:
"Moo-moo-moo". (clap hands)
And how the clock goes:
“Tick-tock, tick-tock”, (put hands on the belt, lean to the sides),
And how the legs run into the forest:
"Top-top-top, top-top-top ..." (run in place)
And finally, let's stretch properly: we alternate raising the handles up and squats.

Up to the sky, down to the grass.
Spin around, spin around
And fell to the ground...

And charging can be thematic. For a three-year-old baby, you can conduct an exercise-game on a specific topic. Here it is no longer necessary to use rhymes, but each exercise should still be beaten. For example, tell the baby that you are taking a train and going to the forest. Here is the first warm-up exercise for you: walking around the room at a different pace with an imitation of a train ride:

Chuk-chuk-chu, puff-choo, vor-choo.
I don't want to stand still.
I turn the wheels, I turn
Wheels knock, knock.
Sit down, I'll ride!
Chu! Chu! Chu!

We arrived in the forest. I'm going down the path. Suddenly, shu-u-u ... the bird flew away (we wave our “wings”, stretch our arms), and there a hare galloped after a stump, and a bear hobbled over there ... And who is this? A swift-footed deer runs, raises its legs high. Oh, and here the snake is crawling ... I blew strong wind, trees swayed (we make inclinations to the right and left). But the clearing, strawberries ripened on it (we perform tilts and squats, as if we were picking strawberries). There can be a lot of game options - dream up with your baby.

Charging: mom and baby

Starting to exercise in the morning charging with a child, of course, we think first of all about the health of our son or daughter. But don't forget about yourself! Do the exercises with your baby - you get a good daily workout. And you can also come up with such exercises that will be a good physical activity for mom and a wonderful fun game for the baby. Here, for example, is an effective exercise for the press. Lie on the floor on your back, put or seat the child on the legs bent at the knees and start, holding the baby, swinging your legs up and down. Mom strengthens the press, and the baby swings like on a swing. And then mom will train the muscles of the hands and chest, and the baby - "fly". We raise the baby up on outstretched arms, then press it to the chest and up again. The lighter the child, the large quantity repetitions can be done. And at the end of the workout, the baby “jumps”, and the mother crouches, while holding the baby in her arms.

Child development- this is pure creativity! It is appropriate even when we are talking just about morning exercises. Try to come up with your own set of exercises, "tuning" it to the interests of your little athlete. To do this, we find in a book, magazine or the Internet an approximate set of exercises, suitable for a child by age, and put into each exercise some kind of understandable and interesting meaning for the child. Does your son love cars? Inventing "car" charging. Does your daughter love horses? Composing "horse" gymnastics. Add themed verses to the exercises, and the morning exercises complex is ready!

Surely, the baby will be happy to do the exercises! How else? After all, this is mom's exclusive! And only for him, the best, the most beloved.

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IN childhood there is an active growth of the body and the duty of parents to help their child in physical development. It is necessary to make it stronger and healthier in every possible way. Sports and active image life is the basis and guarantee of good health! How to start teaching your baby to take care of his body? Of course, with morning exercises, which will not only wake you up, but also energize you for the whole day!

The health of the baby must be taken care of early childhood. Massages, constant walks and home games are certainly good. In addition, you need to carry out sets of exercises that will help not only to use the necessary muscle groups, but to gain new knowledge.

Musical exercises from 1.5 years old "A giraffe has spots."

In order to attract the attention of a child, songs and music are often used. There are many different songs that are written especially for kids. Their text indicates all the actions that the baby must do. Let's take a look at one of them!

This exercise can be done with a very young child. You can start doing such exercises with a child up to 1.5. The text of the song is very clear and even an unprepared, inexperienced person can carry out exercises. You can put the baby on a pillow in front of you, controlling his hands to sing a song and do the whole complex to the music. When the child grows up a little and is able to perform the actions himself, you can stand in front of each other. So he can look at you and repeat the set of exercises after you.

Consider the main movements in the text:

  1. The song begins with the words: "The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere." During this stitch it is necessary to show the spots of the giraffe. For greater clarity, spread your fingers, feed them a little forward, as if they were focusing on a wall. The line is repeated twice.
  2. Then comes the main block, which will help to learn parts of the body with the child: “On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows. There are on the nose, on the stomach, knees and socks. This block must be done with both hands on the body.
  3. The remaining three verses are done according to the same principle.

To avoid problems when performing this charge, you can see detailed video below:

There are a lot of such songs and they can be alternated so that the child is not bored. At the same time, the benefits for the child's body will be versatile.

Charging for every day.

In addition to musical exercises, you can invite the child to play. Disguise a small set of exercises as a game. The most important thing to remember is that small children cannot do the same exercise for a long time, they get tired quickly. If you want more benefits, you can use the proposed exercises several times during the day.


This exercise is also for attentiveness and ingenuity.

Stand in front of the child and ask the baby to stretch, raising his arms up. Then say that you are the wind, he is a birch and the wind blows on a birch. The birch sways from side to side, and when the wind stops blowing, the birch stands up straight again.

"Funny animals"

The principle is that the child is invited to imagine that he is some kind of animal. For example, that he is a bunny. The child must jump like bunnies jump. You can also depict how a penguin walks or a cockerel walks, how a kitten fawns or a bear walks. It will be very interesting and fun if there are several kids.


Play the situation that the child is an airplane. It is located at the airport and stands in its place. The place can be a sofa, a chair or a bed. At first he sits still and when the dispatcher announces that he is ready to take off, the baby begins to run around the room, spreading his arms like wings. After the words: "It's time to land!", He must return to the parking lot.

"For mushrooms, for berries"

Arrange cubes, balls or toys around the room. Invite your child to pick berries or mushrooms. At the same time, he must squat at each item, rise and carry it into a bucket (bag, basket). And so on, until everything is collected. You can complicate and offer to collect by color.

Morning exercises for preschool children (3-7 years old).

Older children need a heavier load in order to use more muscles. The complex proposed below is perfect for ages from 3 to 7 years. Simple but effective exercises will not cause problems. They should be changed periodically.

If the complex is used for a child of 3 years, then you should not exercise for more than 5 minutes. With the addition of the year, it should be increased by about a minute.

Charging in verse.

Morning work-out for children may be poetic form. This will make the process more interesting. The child will be happy to do the exercises described in the verses.

Simple strengthening exercises to recharge.

Consider the individual elements from which you can assemble any complex you like. You can consult with the child and leave only those that you liked the most and then gradually add the rest. The most important thing is that the child is interested. If he does not like this or that component, you can exclude it. Morning developmental exercises are performed for children strictly before meals.


In this exercise, the child should raise his arms up through the sides, stretch well up. It can be said at the same time that he reaches for the sun. Then offer to wave your hands to the sun or pretend that he is dispersing the clouds to see the sun. Additionally, you can put your hands behind your head and bend well.


The exercise is aimed at warming up the upper body. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Hands are placed on the belt. It is necessary to make turns to the sides, pretending that the clock is ticking. In this case, only the upper part of the body should move, and the pelvis should remain in a fixed position. When turning - inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. It is done 5 times in each direction.

"Look around"

Starting position as in the previous exercise. Smooth turns are performed in both directions. It is necessary to perform 3 times in each direction.

"Touch the Floor"

The legs remain in the same position. It is necessary to bend down, exhale, stretch and reach with your hands to the floor. Straighten up, inhale.

"Window in the house"

The child lies on his stomach and joins his hands in the castle. As you exhale, you need to raise your head and shoulders, stretch your arms in the lock forward and up. Linger on 5-8 accounts. Inhale - go down. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Swinging legs"

Remaining lying on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows, put one on top of the other and lower your chin on them. Take turns swinging with each leg. 5 times each.


Lying on your back, you need to depict the well-known exercise - pedaling a bicycle. 8 - 10 accounts.


After the “bicycle” exercise, you need to focus on your elbows, bend your legs at the knees and put them on the floor. Alternately straightening each leg up and holding it for 5-6 counts at the top. Do 2-4 times with each leg.

"Reach for a sock"

The final complex for stretching. Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the sides as far as the stretch allows. You need to get to the toe, grab it and linger for 5-6 accounts. Then change legs. Repeat 2-4 times.

"Closed Book"

Continuing to sit on the floor, connect the straightened legs. Raising your hands, you need to go down to the toes of your feet, exhale. Stretch and linger for 5-6 counts. Return to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat 3-4 times.

This is the main complex, which can be reduced or supplemented, the time of the event can be varied. You can finish it with deep breaths and exhalations. During charging, observe the child, his condition.

In addition to the suggested exercises, you can take your favorite options from the video below:

Morning exercises for school children. Full complex.

For schoolchildren, charging is no less important! Except physical development, charging will help you quickly wake up and go to school cheerful and energetic.

  1. Always start by walking in place. We warm up the muscles and prepare for stretching.
  2. Next, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. To the right, then to the left, slowly tilt your head. In this case, the body is in a stationary state. 4 times in each direction.
  3. We remain in the same position. We stretch one hand up, the other remains down. Now alternate hands in front of you. 8 times.
  4. Body turns. All the same position, feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Turns are made alternately to the sides. Turns are done completely with the whole body and you need to try to get your elbow as far as possible behind you in order to better stretch the muscles. 4 in each.
  5. Further, the arms are extended to the sides and tilts to the right and left begin. In this case, the pelvis does not move, all actions are performed only by the upper part. While tilting first right hand stretches to the left leg, then vice versa. 4 times in each direction.
  6. Then we move on to full slopes. Both hands first tend to the right leg, then raise and lower again, but already to the left. 4 times for each leg.
  7. Sit on the floor. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Put your hands behind your head in the castle. Turns are made to the right and then to the left. 4 approaches.
  8. Remaining sitting on the floor, we connect the legs together. Emphasis is placed on the back of the hands. Now, in turn, the right straight leg rises first, then the left. In this case, it is necessary to try to raise the leg as high as possible. 4 times.
  9. The penultimate exercise, jumping through the squat. First you need to sit down, but not completely, but half. Then, on the rise, make a push from the floor and, as it were, jump up. During landing, we immediately go to the squat and repeat these steps 8 times.
  10. In conclusion, slowly stretch up, rise on your toes, count to 4. Then slowly lower yourself to the full foot, while the body leans forward and towards the legs. Bend as low as possible to fix the position and stretch the muscles. If the stretch is good, you can wrap your arms around your legs. Count to 4 and rise to the starting position.

When choosing morning exercises for your child, look at his abilities and health. Pay attention to stretching, it improves blood circulation and, accordingly, improves metabolism. Additionally, for good health, it will be good to temper the baby from childhood, do periodic massages and monitor nutrition. Be healthy!

As a rule, the key to success and good mood is a cheerful start to the day. It is for this reason that many qualified specialists do not advise abandoning exercise in the morning. Some make morning runs, while others spend this time in bed.

If you can’t force yourself to go outside and run, then a set of exercises for morning exercises is what you need. And besides, we bring to your attention not only exercises for men and women, but also for children. Let's get started.

For almost all men and women the question overweight is in first place. Get rid of extra pounds, improve well-being, strengthen the immune system - all this is provided by daily morning exercises.

However, there are a number of regulations that must be taken into account without fail:

  • Exercises should not be performed abruptly (this applies more to men, because they are used to doing everything abruptly and quickly), movements should be smooth, measured, the amplitude is average and it doesn’t matter whether you are doing exercises at home or for children in kindergarten or for students.
  • A set of exercises should be performed before the first meal. If exercises are carried out for children in kindergarten or for schoolchildren, then they should be carried out before lunch.
  • The basis of morning exercises should be a warm-up and stretching.
  • During the exercise, each muscle group should be involved, starting from the head and ending with the heels.
  • Strength exercises, like endurance exercises, should not be in the morning exercises.
  • The most important thing is the regularity, but the duration does not play a special role. Therefore, if you want to achieve good results, do exercises every morning, no more than 20 minutes.
  • After all the charging exercises are done, you should consolidate the effect by taking a contrast shower. Naturally, this does not apply to children in kindergarten or schoolchildren.

Charging for lazy people

This exercise is great for men and women who find it very difficult to get up every morning and start exercising, since it can be done right in bed.

So, the alarm clock rang, turned it off and, without getting up, we do the following gestures:

  1. We bring the handles together and fix them in the lock, after which we raise them above our heads and pull ourselves up.
  2. Remaining in this position, we stretch the legs and stretch the toes of the feet towards ourselves and away from us - five times each.
  3. We turn over on the side and bend the top leg. We wrap our arms around her and try to pull her towards us as much as possible. Then we change the side and repeat the same thing.
  4. Lie down on your back again and bend your legs in knee joint. Grab your legs with your hands and begin to roll from side to side.
  5. We bend the right leg and put it on the thigh of the left. Now we raise, but not very high, the left leg at least five times. Swap legs and repeat the movement.
  6. No matter how much you want, but you need to throw off the blanket and raise straight legs up. Now we alternately pull each leg to the forehead, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds.
  7. Take the handles back, and rest your elbows on the mattress. We straighten the legs and begin to alternately bend them at the knee joint - at least five times each leg.

Such a “bed” warm-up will help you wake up faster, get up and move on to the main morning exercises.

Basic exercises for invigorating morning exercises

We bring to your attention a set of exercises that is suitable for both men and women. Each of the proposed exercises must be done at least seven and no more than ten times.

If for men this number of times is not enough, you can increase it by another five repetitions, but no more.

We develop neck muscles

This complex consists of three exercises:

  1. We make head tilts to the right and left, then back and forth, while the amplitude should be medium, so as not to damage the muscles.
  2. We make circular movements with the head, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  3. Opening your mouth slightly, we begin to quickly (but not abruptly) shake our heads left and right, so that your cheeks begin to shake.

We stretch the shoulder girdle and handles

We do the following:

  1. We bend the arms and touch the palms of the shoulders. Now we begin to make circular movements with the elbows, first forward and then back.
  2. We make the "Mill": rotate each hand back and forth, and then with both hands together.
  3. Now we make claps with straightened arms, first in front of us, then behind our backs. Hand speed is average – not too fast and not too slow.

We develop the upper half of the body

We do three exercises:

  1. We stand up straight and raise each hand alternately up. We try to stretch it as high as possible, imagining that you are climbing up the rope.
  2. We continue to stand straight, and put the handles on the belt. Now we lean to the right and to the left.
  3. Without changing the starting position, we perform tilts to the right and left, while stretching with the opposite hand to the side, as if you were going to reach the other hand.

We stretch the legs and buttocks

In order to start working this particular muscle group, you should do the following exercises:

  1. We become even and begin to perform the simplest squats, during which the arms are straightened forward.
  2. We stand near the wall and swing our legs from side to side. After that, we become sideways and wave first with one leg, and then changing position with the other.
  3. We get on all fours and perform swings with bent legs from side to side.
  4. From a standing position, we bend down, without bending the legs at the knees, trying to reach the toes of the feet with our hands.
  5. At the end of this complex, you need to jump a little, no more than one minute.

We develop abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscle group is developed as follows:

  1. From a supine position, lifts both legs.
  2. Without changing the starting position, we raise the upper part of the body and at the same time the legs bent at the knee joint.
  3. We make movements that imitate cycling.


And at the end of the whole morning exercise, we will stretch all muscle groups:

  1. We sit on the floor, and spread our legs as wide as possible, now we bend one leg at the knee joint and fix the position for 15 seconds. We change the leg.
  2. Without changing the starting position, we perform inclinations first to one leg, then to the other.
  3. Sitting on the floor, we bring our legs together and perform tilts to the toes of the feet, trying to touch the knees with the chest.
  4. We rotate the brushes of the handles extended forward.

This set of exercises is great for men and women who, for whatever reason, cannot make time for basic workouts, as it contains all the necessary movements to strengthen and shape all muscle groups.

A set of exercises for children's morning exercises

If you teach your child to do morning exercises, then your baby will grow up healthy, vigorous, active and happy. But in no case do not force children to exercise through force, as this will only discourage the child from doing exercises.

We bring to your attention a set of exercises for children's morning exercises, which is perfect for both schoolchildren and children who go to kindergarten:

  1. Walking in place.
  2. We tilt our heads left and right, and then up and down.
  3. We wave hands alternately - right up, left down.
  4. We reduce the handles in front of the chest, now we bring them together in jerks and spread them to full extension.
  5. We become even and try to get the toes of the feet with our hands.
  6. We fix our hands in front of the chest and make turns of the bodies to the right and left.
  7. We squat.
  8. Handles forward and swing with each foot to the hand.
  9. We do push-ups.
  10. Jumping on two legs.
  11. Walking in place.
  12. Raise your hands up, inhale, and as you exhale, lower the handles.

Each exercise should be repeated five times.

We sincerely wish you good health and good luck in all your endeavors!

Remember how in kindergarten every morning began with exercises? And then, in school age and older, did you do it often? Most likely not often. Are your kids exercising? Also no? Then let's fix it together!

As you know, a set of morning exercises for children is extremely important. It not only strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to disease. Charging helps the child quickly get rid of morning sleepiness, provides a surge of energy and vigor. And morning exercises for children to music serve as a guarantee Have a good mood for all day.

In addition, morning exercises for children contribute to discipline and organization, and also strengthens the musculoskeletal system of the little man. There are for children and exercises for weight loss - this is one of the possible ways lose weight baby. After all, diets and surgery at this age are contraindicated.

But you probably heard from your child more than once: “I don’t want”, “I don’t like it”, “Come on tomorrow”, etc. Then maybe he's just not interested? Boring? In this case, you need to interest the child in classes, and not reproach him that even Chinese and African children do exercises in the morning, but you don’t want to. It is important to beat the exercises so that it is interesting for children. You can offer to include songs from cartoons, and have fun marching to them. You can call a neighbor boy (girl) to visit and do exercises together, and the next day go to visit them to do exercises for them. You can learn an interesting rhyme, and do the exercises that are spoken there.

What you need to know about morning exercises for children?

  1. The room in which the child does exercises must be pre-ventilated. In summer it is better to do it outdoors.
  2. Exercises are done before meals, but after hygiene procedures.
  3. Charging time should not exceed 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can get the maximum benefit, and at the same time, the child will not have time to get bored with it.
  4. It is best to do the exercises to the child's favorite music, or by telling him a rhyme.
  5. Charging in the morning for children should begin with walking (in place or in a circle) and breathing exercises, then we stretch the neck, shoulders, arms, etc. That is, we move from top to bottom. It is also better to finish the set of exercises with walking and breathing exercises.
  6. During morning exercises, the parent needs to make sure that the child inhales through the nose and exhales through the mouth.

Complex of interesting morning exercises for children

During morning exercises, invite your child to perform movements like an animal, fairy tale character, that is, convert everything to game form. Here are just a few examples of how you can beat boring exercises.


The child stands straight, then raises the arms through the sides and stretches up to the sun, or turns them over the head, bending back, and then stretches up. You can wave your hands at the top, greet the sun, disperse the clouds, etc.


The child jumps like a bunny. You can show where the bunny has a nose, ears a tail.


Let the child put his hands on his belt and tilt his body to the right and left, imitating the ticking of a watch.


Let the child walk with his knees high, like a heron. Then you can stand on one leg, then on the other.

"Big fish"

The child bends his arms at the elbows, holding them parallel to the floor at chest level. Turning right and left, he spreads his arms wide. You can say what big fish the baby caught.


Let the child put his feet shoulder-width apart and make springy inclinations in turn, touching one or the other leg with his hand, pulling his other hand back.


Have your child pick up the scattered small items from the floor. Let him take the toys and put them in the box. In this case, you can depict an excavator and sounds, that is, growl.

"Dwarf Giant"

Keeping our hands on our belts, we do squats, showing what little gnomes and tall giants are.


This is one of the most favorite exercises of all children. Lying on his back, raising his legs up, makes circular movements with them, imitating cycling.


Lying on his back, let the child raise his legs in turn up without bending. Then you can do leg lifts, bending them at the knee and pulling them to the chest.

We complete the exercise with a series of deep breaths and exhalations.

For most people, the morning is the busiest time of the day. I want to lie in bed a little more, but I need to get up and cheerfully start a new day. Morning exercises will help you learn to self-organize and quickly get rid of the shackles of sleep.

Complex of morning exercises

It is known that exercising in the morning helps to fully wake up, better digest breakfast and get back to work faster. Thanks to morning exercises for the whole day, a person is charged with energy. morning physical activity promotes improved metabolism, normalizes blood circulation, produces the hormone of joy (endorphin), and also maintains muscle tone.

As a rule, a set of exercises for morning exercises begins with pull-ups and smoothly moves on to training the muscles of the arms and legs. You can include dance elements, breathing exercises, yoga. It should be remembered that all exercises for morning exercises should be simple and easy to perform, because the body is still between sleep and reality. A large load in the morning can lead to stress, which threatens a person with time to develop vascular and heart diseases.

There are different morning exercises, so it's best to change them periodically. If you have any diseases, then you should select movements based on the existing diagnosis. Start doing a set of exercises for morning exercises from tomorrow morning, and not from Monday, and your life will immediately change for the better. The body will be grateful to you, because it will be in good shape at three levels at once: mental, mental and physical.

Morning exercises for children

Children's complex of exercises of morning gymnastics is health, vivacity, good mood baby for the whole day. If you start every morning with gymnastics, then the baby will forget about illnesses. You need to perform exercises immediately after sleep, 5 times each. To complicate the task, increase the number of approaches. This is an effective morning gymnastic program for elementary, middle school and teenagers:

  1. Stand straight, raise your arms up through the sides, inhale and lower down, while tilting and exhaling.
  2. Walk in place, actively working with your hands.
  3. Tilt your head first to the right, then return to the starting position, then to the left and back to the starting position.
  4. Stand straight, raise one hand up, the other down. Under the count, change hands and alternate breathing (inhale-exhale).
  5. Try to reach your toes with your hands while tilting your torso forward (inhale). As you exhale, tilt your body back.
  6. Do tilts to the right (inhale) and to the left (exhale).
  7. Do squats with a straight back so that your heels remain on the floor.
  8. Easy walking in place.
  9. Raise your arms up as you inhale, and as you exhale, lower them downward.

Morning exercises for men

Home morning workout for men is different in that the stronger sex needs to work out the whole body: back, abs, chest, arms, legs. The benefits of charging for the male body are obvious: muscle tone increases, mood improves, metabolism accelerates, pain in the lower back and back disappears, sexual activity. To prevent health problems, a man should devote 15 minutes daily to a set of exercises for morning exercises:

  1. Working out the legs and hips with or without dumbbells. Do 25 squats for 4 sets with a straight back.
  2. Lateral leg lunges. Set your legs as wide as possible, then alternately squat on one or the other with arms extended forward. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.
  3. Classic lunges. One leg should be extended forward, and the other should be bent at the knee at a right angle. Stretch your arms along the body, you can take dumbbells. Unbend two legs, then sit down again, but on the other leg. Do 15 lunges on each side.
  4. Exercise bar for training the abdomen, chest, hips, arms. Rest your elbows on the floor so that your body is stretched. Try to hold out as long as possible with a straight back and straight legs.
  5. Push ups. Practice different types: with a narrow, wide grip, on the fists. Start with 10 reps and add 1-2 bench presses to that amount daily.

Exercises for morning exercises for women

An excellent reason for a woman to take care of problem areas is to do a complex simple exercises for morning exercise. Girls do not really like to load the body in the morning, preferring to go to the gym for fitness or dancing. Morning exercises are very healthy, and individually designed exercises for charging will help you get a powerful boost of energy for the whole day:

  1. Start your morning exercises with a warm-up, which includes squats, rotations of the arms and head.
  2. Then do 15 squats. Do the movements slowly, gradually increasing the load.
  3. Do circular motions bottom torso to make the waist look slim.
  4. Walking in place is a versatile exercise for all ages. You need to walk with a straight back, raising your knees high for at least one minute. For the beauty of the hands, you can add an additional movement: raise your hands while walking to the sides, armed with dumbbells.
  5. Finish your morning exercises with a spine stretch: sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Tilt your torso, trying to reach your knees with your chin. Don't bend your legs!

How to properly exercise in the morning

When choosing exercises for yourself, you should remember that charging is not a workout, but a light warm-up before a working day. It adjusts the circulatory system, improves the functioning of organs, muscles, brain, oxygenates tissues. An adult, waking up, feels lethargic nervous system, his lungs are narrowed and blood circulation is reduced. If you start the day with a heavy load, such as strength training or running, this can cause serious damage to the body.

When and how to exercise better? The ideal option is to perform it before breakfast every morning for 10-15 minutes. If you wish, you can increase the time to 30 minutes. Before exercising, drink a glass of water, because the body has not received it for at least 8 hours. If there is little liquid, then the blood has thickened and will overload during the charging process. cardiovascular system. As for the frequency of movements, during cold weather it is better to start with intense exercises so that the heart rate reaches 110 beats / min by the end of the workout. In summer, the normal pulse after charging is 90 beats / min.

Morning exercises for weight loss

In order to lose weight faster, the body is not enough low-calorie food. You need to give him regular physical exercise. Most The best decision For busy people- this is a morning exercise for weight loss, which will not only help to cope with extra pounds, but will also keep the body in good shape all day. Gymnastics should begin with slow and smooth movements based on the correct breathing technique. Gradually, the pace increases, and the pause between sets is minimal.

Start the warm-up with steps in place, then do tilts, circular movements of the pelvis and squats. For the press, raising straight legs from a supine position is effective. For weight loss in the waist area, use a hula hoop. To do beautiful hands, raise and lower them with dumbbells or bottles filled with water in different directions for 30 seconds. This set of exercises is enough to fill a 15-minute morning exercise dedicated to improving the body.

Video: the best morning exercises