What is an extracurricular activity? How is it different from a regular curriculum session? What are the topics of extracurricular activities and how are their developments and scenarios compiled? All these questions will be answered in this article.

What is an extracurricular activity?

The answer to this question is already contained in the definition itself. This is not a lesson, not a compulsory school lesson. Initially, it was assumed that the event itself should be held outside the classroom walls. That is, the concept of "extracurricular activities" included excursions, trips, visits to theaters, museums, school holidays and olympiads held at different levels.

Today, the fact where exactly the event takes place is no longer so important - in home class or at a nearby school. extracurricular activity is an occupation that is not included in school curriculum. This is not a lesson - that's its main feature.

What is the main difference between an extracurricular activity and a lesson?

Attending classes, completing assignments in the classroom and at home, giving answers to the teacher's questions and getting grades for it - all this is the responsibility of each student. Extra-curricular activities are attended only by those who are interested. To take part or to remain a simple observer during the "out of class" - this is also every child and teenager decides for himself.

Often such extra-curricular activities are held at the school, which are designed for the entire team. That's what they call it - schoolwide. However, you can not enter a visit to them in obligatory. The task of educators and teachers is to build a scenario for an extracurricular activity in such a way that the students themselves become interested, and they would not need to be forcibly collected in assembly hall, establish duty at the door to catch those who want to go home.

What do classroom activities and extracurricular activities have in common?

Although the very development of an extracurricular activity by a teacher is based on the same methods as the planning of the main educational activity. For example, it is obligatory when drawing up his script to set such goals as teaching and educational. Students should at each such lesson, as well as at the lesson, learn something new, acquire a useful practical skill that will be useful to them in life. Such classes stimulate the desire to learn school subjects deeper, help to open up creativity the growing personality, get to know each other better, contribute to the emergence and strengthening of friendship between the guys, teach them to live and work in a team.

When should extracurricular activities take place?

And again, the answer to the question lies on the surface. Classes are called extra-curricular because the lessons that take place in the classroom should already be over. The time of extracurricular activities should not coincide with schoolwork. Unfortunately, the teaching staff of the current school very often violates this important rule. Often, olympiads or reading competitions at the district level take place just at the time when children should sit at their desks in their own class. Not only do they disrupt students from classes, such events tear them away from learning activities a large number of teachers: the child needs an escort, the jury needs judges.

Types of extracurricular activities

There are a lot of options for classes outside of program lessons. These can be both events in academic subjects (electives, quizzes, circle classes, olympiads, meetings of scientific societies, conferences, competitions, and so on), and educational events (excursions to museums and interesting places, visiting theaters, classes in creative circles, preparing concerts, staging performances, holding fairs of handicrafts and other collective creative activities). Even a simple walk in the school yard can turn into a full-fledged extracurricular activity if the teacher teaches the children something, if they get some new knowledge, they become at least a little kinder, more tolerant, more interested.

How to emphasize the differences between lessons and extracurricular activities?

Unfortunately, many students do not see the difference between lessons and electives, olympiads and tests, conferences and, again, ordinary lessons. And teachers who do not know how to approach their work creatively are to blame for this.

But it is very important to make sure that the development of an extracurricular activity is fundamentally different from the lesson. Even if an extra-curricular activity has a lot in common with the topic of the lesson, it should not become an ordinary extra activity. It should be a different world, not a boring dull lesson, but a small holiday.

If it is not possible to hold an extracurricular event outside the walls of your own class, then you can, for example, change appearance rooms:

  • rearrange the tables in a circle or in pairs so that the children sit four people opposite each other,
  • decorate the walls with posters, large flowers, wall newspapers;
  • develop original paraphernalia used only in these classes - ties, breast emblems, caps.

"Mom, dad, I'm a math family"

If desired, even an ordinary extra-curricular activity in mathematics can be turned into an exciting team competition. Here, just as it goes in " Happy starts”, family teams are organized that go through stage after stage and score points.

The scenario of the extra-curricular activity "Mom, dad, I am a mathematical family" may include a creative element - the presentation of teams. This will be the participants' homework. Let the preparation of costumes, emblems or other paraphernalia, which would make it possible to distinguish members of one team from another, will also lie on the shoulders of the players themselves.

You can include elements from KVN in an extracurricular activity in mathematics:

  • warm-up, where team members in one minute select answers to the questions of the presenter;
  • captain competition;
  • "serve-hang up", when teams take turns asking opponents questions and tasks prepared in advance.

However, this event should still be based on the idea of ​​showing students the importance of mathematical skills in real life learn how to use them in practice.

If teams play with students elementary school, they should be offered tasks for calculating the cost of goods, calculating the cost of paying for electricity, calculating required amount seeds for planting in a box or on a bed.

Older children can prepare tasks more difficult. For example, calculate the weight of a hippopotamus if it is known that it is lighter than half an elephant by two monkeys and two watermelons. And an elephant is heavier than a hippo by 110 monkeys and 50 watermelons. Present the answer in monkeys and watermelons.

An unconventional approach to a subject that seems boring and uninteresting to half of the class can radically change the attitude towards it. And even after the first such event, not all students will fall in love with mathematics. But the fact that they will have a desire to learn more about it is an indisputable fact.

biology teacher MBOU Vladimir "Secondary School No. 16":

Botneva Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Guidelines: a lesson under this name is held for students in grade 6. Before the start of the event, the biology classroom is decorated with colorful thematic wall newspapers. 2 blanks are being made for the "Flower Dance" - a poster with green grass.

The event includes 9 competitions:

    1 competition "Flower crossword",

    2 competition "Missed syllables",

    3 contest "I believe, I do not believe",

    4 competition "Guess a fairy tale or a fable",

    5 contest "Riddles about plants",

    6 contest "Puzzle - riddle",

    7 competition "Theatrical",

    8 competition "Musical",

    9 competition "Drawing".

Between the 5th and 6th competitions, a physical education session is held.
After each competition, the team is given flowers as a prize - tokens that need to be collected to prepare the "Flower Dance". The team that collects the most flowers - tokens and creates a large and beautiful round dance wins.
1. development of creative abilities of students,
2. develop knowledge about vegetables, their useful properties;
3. develop the ability to observe, think logically, see the aesthetic value in objects of wildlife.

Equipment: posters, didactic material.

Event progress

Leading: Good afternoon We continue our conversation about plants and plant communities. Our game "Flower dance" opens! It is attended by 6th grade students. In order to start our game, I would like to introduce our esteemed jury. Jury presentation. Evaluate our jury in an unusual way. Each competition has its own flower - a token. If the team has successfully completed the task, it receives two flowers - tokens. If the team partially coped with the task, then one flower is a token. And if the team did not fully cope with the task, then it remains without tokens at all. The task of the teams is to collect as many flowers as possible to create a flower round dance. vinaigrette. Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for teams.

So, let's begin!

"Flower crossword"

"Flower crossword"

Competition No. 1"Flower crossword"

Leading: Solve the crossword. Write the answers to the riddles in the appropriate boxes. The duration of the contest is 3 minutes. For a correctly solved crossword puzzle, the team receives 2 tokens. For a partially solved crossword puzzle, the team receives 1 token. If the team could not solve the crossword puzzle, then it does not receive anything.

Horizontally :

3. Hey, bells,

Blue color,-

With a tongue

And there is no call.

7. Ancestor garden varieties roses

9. Although Alena is hiding

Behind the green branch

But red cheek

Visible from afar

11. The first to get out of the earth

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.

12. There is an oak full of cereals,

covered with a hat,

Nailed with a carnation.

13. Holds a girl in her hand

Cloud on a stem.

It's worth blowing on him -

And there will be nothing.

Vertically :

1. The face is odorous, and the tail is prickly

2. The appearance of these flowers marks the border of spring and summer.

3. Not fire - but it burns,

It is not given in the hands.

Grew up under a willow

Call her……

4. Blooms in spring.

5. Sisters stand in the field:

Yellow eye, white eyelashes.

6. Jugs and saucers

Do not sink and do not fight

This is a water…….

8. This red flower symbolizes drops of blood.

10. White peas on a green leg

Contest №2"Missed syllables"

Leading: Words with missing syllables are offered, which must be inserted and the encrypted word established.

So_ _ _ _ _ _ in

Bo _ _ then

Yaru_ _ _ _t

Ak _ _ _ _ _m

Phi _ _ _ _ _ _z

Te_ _ _ _ _ _ _ pa

E _ _ _ _ _ iya

Answers: Community, swamp, layering, aquarium, phytocenosis, temperature, ecology

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 3"I believe, I do not believe"

Propositions are offered, from which they must choose true or erroneous.

    Plants eat, breathe, grow and reproduce

    All plants on earth form flowers and fruits.

    Plant life depends on many factors of animate and inanimate nature.

    Without green plants, there would be no oxygen in the atmospheric air.

    Plants in nature live together, forming groupings - plant communities.

    There are no dominant plants in a plant community.

    In the plant community, not only terrestrial, but also underground layering is observed.

    Phytocenosis is a combination of animals and plants.

    Draining the swamp, a person involuntarily changes species composition plants in this place.

    A person can influence the change of one plant community others.

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 4"Guess a fairy tale or a fable"

    A fairy tale about a nondescript chick that grew up and became a beautiful bird.

(G.H. Andersen. "The Ugly Duckling")

    Russian folk tale, where a flock of birds carried away not Alyonushka's brother.

("Swan geese")

    Fable about the bird. And who did not manage to have a satisfying bite because of the impudence of a cunning red-haired cheat.

(I.A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox")

    A bird with a gold ornament on its head, in the service of the king.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

    Russian folk tale about poultry, which could serve as a good source of income for grandparents.

("Chicken - pockmarked")

    A fable in which three representatives of the animal world decided to move the vehicle.

(I.A. Krylov "Swan, cancer and pike"

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 5"Plant Riddles"

    Not a knot, not a leaf, but growing on a tree (Moss)

    Small, remote, passed through the earth - found a little red riding hood (Mushroom)

    It blooms from under the snow, it meets spring before everyone else.


    Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

    In the summer - dresses, in the winter - undresses. (Plant)

    Sits - turns green, flies - turns yellow, falls - turns black. (Sheet)

    In spring it makes you happy, in summer it cools, in autumn it nourishes, in winter it warms. (Tree)

    What will be born unsown? (Grass)

    Which bell doesn't ring? (Flower)

    In the spring it makes you happy, in the summer it cools, in the fall it dies, in the spring it comes to life. (Forest)

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 6"Puzzle - Riddle"

Teams are offered a riddle - a puzzle. It is necessary to find the beginning of the puzzle and read the riddle along a continuous line and guess it.

Answer: Not water, not land - you can’t sail away on a boat, you won’t pass with your feet.


    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 7"Theatrical"

A scene is proposed that must be portrayed, showing their theatrical abilities.

Task options:

    Picking mushrooms in the forest

    Butterfly Catching

    "A flock of mosquitoes"

    Fighting the Colorado potato beetle

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 8"Musical"

Teams name songs, flowers are mentioned in the titles or lyrics. The team that calls the largest number songs.

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Competition No. 9"Drawing"

Two or three team members take turns on the board with eyes closed draw the drawing they propose.

Task options:

    Cow grazing in the meadow

    hare in the forest

    The jury evaluates the competition, summarizes the preliminary results and issues tokens.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

Mathematical and humorous competition "Squaring the Circle"

Penza city

Place of employment: GAPOU PO Penza College Food Industry and commerce"

Position: teacher of mathematics

Participants of the event: 4 teams of 5 students of the 2nd year (or 11th grade); jury - 5 teachers; fans are students of the respective groups.


  • To intensify the activity of students on the basis of a competitive game, to instill interest in the study of mathematics;

  • To form the communication skills of students;

  • Develop students' cognitive interest in the educational event, contribute to the formation of positive motivation for learning;

  • To develop the creative abilities of students;

  • Build teamwork skills.

  • Expand the mathematical and general horizons of students;

  • To form the skill of applying knowledge in non-standard situations;

  • Develop logical thinking students, memory, attention, auditory perception;

  • Improve the skills of mathematical modeling in memory and representation;

  • Contribute to team building.
Conduct form: KVN

Preparing for the event: a few days before the start of the event, announce it to groups, form teams and distribute homework, prepare props and a computer presentation, decorate the hall.

Homework for teams: come up with a name, motto and emblem of the team, choose a captain; prepare a greeting that reflects the identity of the team; prepare a creative number on the topic "We and mathematics."

Setting up the venue for the event: tables are arranged in the hall according to the number of teams, a table for jury members, seats in the hall for fans, a splash screen with the name of the event, musical accompaniment.

Materials and equipment: computer, screen, projector, event presentation, stopwatch; props for contests: black box, tetris, rubik's cube, clock, task cards (Appendix 1, Appendix 2), cards for jury members (Annex 3).

Expected results: students' interest in mathematics as a subject, manifestation of knowledge and creativity, active participation in the preparation of the event and the competition itself, awareness of the role of mathematics in the outside world, manifestation of team spirit, team building, positive emotional attitude.

Event scenario

Moderator: Hello, dear friends. We are pleased to welcome all of you to our today's event called "Squaring the Circle"

It is widely believed that mathematics is a very boring science. However, we are here to dispel this stereotype and prove that mathematics can also be entertaining, interesting and quite fun.

Three teams take part in our mathematical competition, with which we will get to know each other very soon. Today they have to show themselves, their knowledge and sense of humor in various competitions, so let's support them with thunderous applause.

I would also like to introduce the main arbiters of our intellectual and humorous duel - (representation of the judges).

Well, of course, fans gathered in this hall, who are very worried about their classmates.

We begin! And now, as well as possible, the words of the famous Baron Munghausen are recalled: “You are too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!

  1. Greetings.
Q: - “They usually have difficult or even frightening surnames: Leibniz, Euler, Lagrange, Lobachevsky, etc. Where are the mathematicians with such simple surnames as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov?” And what names did the members of our teams choose for themselves? Let's find out. And you are invited to the stage...

Teams present themselves, their name, motto, greet the jury, opponents and fans.

The originality of the presentation, cohesion, culture of speech, appearance of the participants are evaluated. The maximum score is 5 points.

Q: - Thanks to the teams for their greetings, and we continue.

  1. Fitness for the mind.
Q: - Once Deniska, the hero of Dragunsky's stories, asked his friend Mishka the task: "How to divide two apples into three?" And when Mishka finally gave up, he triumphantly announced: “Cook compote!”. Mishka and Denis had not yet gone through fractions and were sure that 2 by 3 was not divisible.

Our participants certainly know how to cope with such tasks, and now they will test each other for quick wit in the "Fitness for the mind" competition.

Each team member asks the opposing teams a pre-prepared question. Points are awarded to the first team to answer the question correctly. For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

  1. Black box.
"Black Box" music from the TV game "What? Where? When?". To the music, a black box is brought into the hall, in which there are a Rubik's cube, Tetris and a clock.

Q: Did everyone recognize this tune? Can you guess what our next contest will be called?

The facilitator reads out the description of the item in the black box. After 1 minute of reflection, the teams write down the answer on the card and hand it over to the jury. The teams announce their answers, and the presenter shows the object to the public.

Tasks for the Black Box contest:

1) Once upon a time, the Moscow programmer Alexei Pajitnov came across the ancient Pentomino puzzle, in which it is required to add various figures. This brain-teasing puzzle has evolved into a fast-paced mind game. In 1984, the game was presented to the public and quickly spread throughout the world, carrying a Russian flavor - in the background screensaver there was a photograph of Yuri Gagarin and the melody of the song "Peddlers" sounded. Today, this game, whose name comes from the Greek word for "four", is implemented on almost all computers, including phones, video game consoles and many handheld devices.

(Answer: Tetris)

2) This beautiful puzzle toy in the late 70s of the last century caused a general stir. This toy was invented by an architecture teacher from Hungary, who wanted to use it to develop spatial thinking in his students. Some enterprising manufacturers attached a plastic hatchet to the toy itself, so that the completely annoyed owner could take his soul away, breaking it, after long and fruitless attempts to solve the puzzle.

(Answer: Rubik's Cube)

3) Before purchasing your modern look, this item has undergone many changes and for its functioning in different time water, fire, sun, sand, electricity were used. The very first prototype appeared as early as the 2nd millennium BC and was ingeniously simple: a pole stuck into the ground. Another variety was a device invented by Plato, which consisted of two vessels. Water was poured into the upper vessel, from where it gradually flowed into the lower one, displacing the air. Air through the tube rushed to the flute, and it began to sound. IN modern world this thing performs a necessary and important function, but, in addition, it also serves as an excellent excuse to start a conversation with a stranger on the street.

(Answer: clock)

  1. Eureka.
Q: - "Eureka!" exclaimed Archimedes, who, according to legend, discovered his famous law, lying in the bathtub. "Eureka" or translated from ancient Greek "I found" is the name of our next competition. In it, the teams must show what they found so interesting that can surprise our sophisticated audience and respected jury.

Teams present a pre-prepared number.

Compliance of the content with the declared topic, originality and quality of the performance are evaluated. The maximum score is 10 points.

  1. The power of thought.
Thanks to the teams for their performances, and we are moving on. And our next contest is called "The Power of Thought". As the famous scientist Albert Einstein said: “Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere.” Therefore, turn on your spatial imagination.

Teams receive a task on a piece of paper (Appendix 1): to determine which image of the cube corresponds to this scan. Participants perform this task during the fan contest and after its completion they submit answers to the jury members.

  1. Fan competition.
Q: - While the teams are doing their tasks, we will play with the fans. You need to remember and name as many proverbs and sayings as possible in which numbers occur.

Team fans take turns calling proverbs and sayings containing numbers.

According to the number of named proverbs, the fan teams take the following places: 1st place - for the largest number, 3 - for the smallest number.The competition is evaluated as follows: 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point.

Q: - And now another test for our viewers. Come up with a long math-related word. Whoever comes up with the word with the most letters wins.

Fans try to come up with a mathematical word containing the most letters. The cheerleading team that comes up with the longest word gets 2 points.

  1. pedagogical debut.
(The song “Captain, captain smile” sounds).

Q: - As you may have guessed, we are moving on to the captains' competition, which is called"Pedagogical debut" . Why such a name? I'll explain now. Today you will feel like a real math teacher. Imagine that your students are in front of you, and you have to explain to them certain concepts, moreover, without naming this word itself.

This competition has several rounds: one for each team. Before the start of the round, the time is set - 1 minute. At the sign of the host, one team member takes out a card (Appendix 2) with a word from the box and tries to explain its meaning to other players from his team. At the same time, this word itself and words of the same root cannot be called.If the team guessed the written word, and the appointed time has not yet passed since the beginning of the round, then the card becomes the property of the playing team, and the player takes the next card out of the box. If the second word is guessed, the player gets the third one, and so on. The participant has the right to skip the word and take another card if he cannot explain its meaning.

This competition is evaluated as follows: for each guessed word, the team receives 1 point.

  1. Fun arithmetic.
Q: - Do you know who Sophia Kovalevskaya is? As a child, one of the most famous female mathematicians had an amazing experience. When her father's house was being renovated, there wasn't enough wallpaper for the nursery. I had to cover it with paper with notes of lectures on higher mathematics. So the childhood of little Sonya was surrounded by some incomprehensible icons. The girl stood for hours at the walls of the nursery, trying to understand the written text. When, as a teenager, she began to take lessons in higher mathematics, the teacher was very surprised at how quickly she learns the most difficult material. So down with the wallpaper! Long live lecture notes in higher mathematics!

But for our next competition "Merry Arithmetic" knowledge of higher mathematics is not required. All you need is a sense of humor and the ability to perform simple actions.

On the screen is a table with task numbers. Teams take turns choosing a cell with a problem and solving it within 30 seconds. If a team does not answer, the other team has the right to answer. For each correctly solved problem, the team receives 2 points.

Tasks for the competition "Fun arithmetic":

1) The older brother has 2 candies and the younger brother has 12 candies. How many sweets must the elder take away from the younger, so that justice will prevail, and equality will come between the brothers?

2) 40 strict teachers gathered at the teachers' council, and everyone took turns scolding one sad third-grader. Each teacher scolded the poor fellow for 12 minutes. How many hours did you scold the sad third-grader?

3) Koschey the Immortal was born in 1123, and received a passport only in 1936. How many years did Koschei the Deathless live without a passport?

4) The length of the side of a square-shaped mirror is 10 dm. How many square meters will be equal to the area of ​​​​the reflection of the face of Princess Nesmeyana, if, when she admires herself, this reflection occupies just the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mirror?

5) 40 grandmothers went to ride motorcycles. The nimble grandmother rode alone in front on a motorcycle without a silencer, three motorcycles with sidecars, each of which could fit three grandmothers, raced behind her, and the rest of the motorcycles caught up with them from behind. Two grandmothers were sitting on the lagging motorcycles. How many motorcycles did grandmothers have in total?

6) There is 1 hole in a donut, and twice as many holes in a pretzel. How many fewer holes do 7 bagels have than 12 pretzels?

7) Two boys ran towards each other along a sports track, the length of which is 100 m and the width is 60 cm. One boy ran at a speed of 5 m/s, and the second ran at a speed of 5 m/s. After how many seconds did their foreheads collide?

8) Mryaka, Bryaka, Slyunik and Khryamzik ​​walked, walked, walked and walked 200 longs for 5 debts. For how many longs will they go 360 longs if they go, go, go at the same speed?

9) A world-famous scientist, Innokenty, invented shoes without soles so that he could sneak around barefoot from everyone. How many soles will a shoe factory save in a month if, producing 40,000 pairs of shoes a year, 3/4 of these shoes are produced without soles?

10) An ostrich runs a distance of 200 meters in 12 seconds. Not less than how many kilometers must Peter Petrovich run, whom this ostrich has been chasing for 10 minutes now?

11) Grandmother has a jar of jam hidden in her closet. In the bank -650 g of jam. Kolya's grandson found out where the jar was hidden, and every day he eats 5 spoons. How many grams of jam will the grandmother find in the jar after 20 days, if it is known that 5 g of jam is placed in each spoon eaten by her grandson?

12) The speed of the arrow fired from the bow of Ivan Tsarevich is 50 km / h. The arrow flew to the Frog Princess in 2 hours. The speed of Ivan Tsarevich on foot is 5 km / h. In how many hours will Ivan Tsarevich get to his bride?


Q: - It's time to sum up our competition. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury.

(Summing up, awarding).

Q: – You are all great today, you showed yourself worthy, showed your ingenuity, ingenuity and ability to smile. Thank you for participating and remember: For a true mathematician, there are no limits!”

Annex 1. Tasks for the competition "The Power of Thought"

Option 1.

Choose two cubes that match the given sweep.

Answer: VF

Option 2.


Option 3.

Choose a cube that matches the given sweep.

Answer: 2

Option 4.

Choose a cube that matches the given sweep.

Answer: in

Annex 2. Tasks for the competition "Pedagogical debut"













the equation






line segment















Pythagorean theorem






number π

































middle line










empty set





Annex 3. Jury scoring card


Max score

1 team

2 team

3 team

4 team

1. Greeting


2.Fitness for the mind

3.Black box


4. Eureka


5. The power of thought


6. Pedagogical debut

7. Fun arithmetic


fan competition



List of sources used

1. Oster G.B. An indispensable guide to mathematics. – M.: ROSMEN, 1993. – 128 p..

2. Prosvetov G.I. History of mathematics: Educational and practical guide. - 2nd ed., add. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa-Press", 2016. - 200 p.

3. I know the world: Culture: Det. Encycl. / Auto-stat. N.V. Chudakov. - M .: LLC "AST Publishing House", 2003. - 475, p.: ill.

4. Film "The Same Munghausen", directed by Mark Zakharov, USSR, 1979.

5. Rules of the game "Hat" www.shlyapa-game.com/rules/

6. Development cubes www.smekalka.pp.ru/picture

The game "Intellectual Marathon"


    Show the application of methods, forms and techniques, technologies for activation cognitive activity students in extracurricular activities

    Expand students' horizons

    Develop creative activity

    To promote the activation of children's cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance

Equipment: interactive board, presentation of the game, package, letter, disk, posters with homework, badges,

Game progress

Sounds like music in the animal world.

    Hello guests, Hello guys! We are with you at the game "Intellectual Marathon". For a long time, we have repeatedly spoken about protecting the nature of planet Earth. They studied the life of animals, insects, plants, as well as natural phenomena. I wanted to summarize your knowledge. For help in preparing the game, I turned to specialists in the protection and conservation of nature. They sent you a package. Let's see what's in it? (read the letter) “Dear guys! With the help of your teacher, we want to check how well you know our planet Earth. Will you be able to protect and protect it in the future. And for this you need to go through several competitions. The reward for your achievements will be the prizes we put in the package. It can be opened only when everything is done.

    The game is played by 3 teams. To protect nature, you need to know it. Let's test your knowledge of nature. Before starting our game, I will introduce you to the members of the jury:


I Contest "Welcome"

    The jury evaluates this competition on a five-point system. Now the teams introduce themselves according to the chosen name.

    Molecule team. Motto: "We, molecules, are constantly in motion, we are made of atoms and we are always in the subject"

    Team "Young Explorers" Motto: "We, young explorers, are always moving forward. We love adventure, and victory awaits us"

    Team "Earthlings". Motto: “We, earthlings, are friendly and necessary to everyone in the world. We will always win, we will never lose.”

II Competition "Homework"

    The jury evaluates this competition on a five-point system. Teams must present a poster on the theme: "Protect nature."

The Molecules team presents a poster depicting a forest.

The Young Explorers team presents a poster with a picture of a reservoir.

The "Earthlings" team presents a poster with a settlement.

Jury word. Scoring.

III Competition "Warm-up"

    Each team must answer questions. For a correct answer 1 point. The answer is accepted from one team member. If the team makes noise and shouts, points are deducted.

Questions for 1 team

Questions 2 team

Questions 3 team

On the trail of which predatory animals are there no claws? (cats, lynxes)

Who grows teeth every day? (rodents: hare, beaver)

Which plant's name says where it grows? (plantain)

Which bird flies the highest? (eagle)

Who runs with their hind legs forward? (hare)

Bloodthirsty predator of our forests? (wolf)

Who can drink with their feet? (frog)

Which bird lays eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)

Which flower summer starts? (bell)

Who picks apples with his back? (hedgehog)

What is the largest bird in the world? (ostrich)

An animal of our forests similar to a cat? (lynx)

What birds breed chicks 5 times a summer? (sparrows, oatmeal)

The tree is a symbol of Russia? (birch)

The sweetest tree in the forests? (Linden)

What tree leaves are green? (alder)

Which animal has the loudest voice? (crocodile)

Multi-colored mushrooms? (Russula)

Which berry is black, red and white? (currant)

Which bird can fly tail first? (hummingbird)

The tallest cereal? (bamboo)

What kind of mushrooms can moose be treated with? (fly agaric)

What is the smallest bird in the world? (kinglet)

Which tree in the spring waters the woodpecker? (birch)

IV Contest "Troubles from a barrel"

    Teams take turns taking questions from the barrel and answering them. The jury evaluates each answer to the question at 2 points. (background -nature sound music).

    Why do swallows fly low before the rain? (because the midges get their wings wet and they sink to the ground, and the swallows feed on them)

    Why at cloudless sky frosts are strong? (because clouds are like a blanket for the earth, they do not allow the earth to cool down)

    Why is the wolf called "forest orderly"? (he finishes sick, weak animals)

    What paper do wasps make nests out of? (they make paper themselves, scrape off pieces of wood from the tree and crush it, moisten it with their saliva. It turns out a sticky slurry, when it dries, it turns into a dense “paper” of gray color and you can write on it)

    Why do snakes stick their tongue out? (they feel the air, they are looking for prey)

Jury word. Scoring.

V Contest "You-me, I-you"

The teams ask each other questions prepared in advance. For the correct answer, the jury gives 2 points. The team that scored the least number of points starts.

1. Why does the crane have 1 chick? (Cranes lay 2 eggs, but they have 1 chick left. The hatched chicks immediately start a fierce fight and the strongest survives, and the parents indifferently watch this murder)

(while the children are discussing the answer, music sounds)

2. Why do flies "beast" (bite) by autumn? (In autumn, an autumn zhigalka rages in our homes, which needs to suck blood in order to continue its race. A house fly cannot bite).

3. Foresters sometimes call birch a “good nanny of spruce.” Why?

VI Competition "Race for the leader"

    Who are the "Leaders?" leaders are your captains. Team captains come out, stand at the table, answer questions. For each correct answer, the jury gives 1 point.

Questions 1

Questions 2

Questions 3

Which snow melts faster, dirty or clean? (dirty)

Animals that build a house on the river? beavers

Who has the most sensitive nose? (butterfly)

What insect wears a rank naval officer? (butterfly admiral)

Which legs of a giraffe are longer front or rear? (same)

What kind of fish builds a nest? (stickleback)

How many wings does a beetle have? (4)

Change in the density and color of wool in animals? (molting)

What mushroom is called a predatory beast? (chanterelle)

Who protects the forest clearing from harmful flies? (Dragonfly)

An herb that even the blind can recognize by touch? (Nettle)

What grass do cats like? (Valerian)

What insects clap their hands? (mosquito, moth)

What animal spends all the time underground? (mole)

Which bird breeds chicks in winter?

What plant is a predator for insects? (dew)

Who is cuckooing at the cuckoo, male or female? (male)

Which herbaceous plant blooms first? (mother and stepmother)

Which bird has the longest tongue? (woodpecker)

Most fast beast on the ground? (cheetah)

The state of the river when water floods large areas? (flood)

The arrival of which birds means the arrival of spring? (rooks)

The tree that blooms the earliest? (willow)

The cleanest animal? (badger)

The footprint of which predatory animal is similar to a human one? (bear)

What is semolina made from? (wheat)

VII Competition "Who is faster"

You must answer questions quickly. I ask a question, the team that raises their hand the fastest has the right to answer. The Jury follows closely the order of raising hands. If the first team does not answer correctly, then the move passes, by decision of the jury, to those who raised their hands second. For each correct answer, the jury gives 1 point.

    The Science of the Stars and celestial bodies? (astronomy)

    Life Science? (biology)

    Earth's natural satellite? (moon)

    How many oceans are there on our planet?(4)

    The particles into which molecules are divided? (atoms)

    The name of which plant is associated with ringing? (bell)

    Model the globe? (globe)

    "The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it." What is this? (horizon)

    “I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and an ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be glass.” (Water)

    The beginning of the river? (source)

    Most big ocean? (quiet)

    Which tree has a white trunk? (birch)

    What is the smallest bird? (kinglet)

    The smallest ocean? (Arctic)

    What does a moose lose every winter? (horns)

    What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (at chess)

    Which bazaar has the biggest noise? (on bird)

    When is the bird louder: in flight or sitting on a branch? (in flight)

- While the jury sums up the game, I want to know from you, "Do you know?"

monuments to himself the highest manifestation of the human soul are monuments to animals. In gratitude for love and devotion, people erect monuments to animals, this is gratitude expressed in stone.
1. Hachiko - dog breed , which is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan. Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923. The puppy was presented to Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, who worked at the University of Tokyo. The professor gave the puppy the nickname Hachiko (eighth). This is a dog, faithfully waiting for the owner on railway station. In 1934, a monument was erected to Hachiko, at the opening of which he personally attended. During the Second World War, the monument was destroyed - the metal of the monument went to military needs. But Japan did not forget the dog - and after the end of the war, in August 1948, the monument was restored. Today, the statue of Hachiko near Shibuya Station is a meeting place for lovers, and the image of the dog in Japan has become an example of selfless love and fidelity.

2. In St. Petersburg, they honored the duck mother and ducklings from Robert McCloskey's fairy tale "Give Way to the Ducklings". Installed in 1991, donated by Barbara Bush to Raisa Gorbacheva.

3. This one is more modest.hare monumentinstalled in St. Petersburg in 2003 on the initiative of the historian Sergei Lebedev. Sculptor - V. Petrovichev, architect - S. Petchenko. The address is the Kronverk Strait, which washes the Hare Island, on which the Peter and Paul Fortress is located. There are several historical legends about the name of the island, which include a hare that escaped during one of the floods in St. Petersburg.

Team awards.

Now, do you guys have anything to add?

Our planet earth

Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields

Our home, guys!

Let's save the planet

There is no other planet like it

Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it

We won't let anyone hurt her

Let's take care of birds, insects, animals

This will only make us better.

Decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers

We need such a planet

Extra-curricular literary reading event
Literary ring "What a charm these fairy tales are."
Purpose: in game form repeat and consolidate students' knowledge about the content of the studied books (literary tales of such writers as Pushkin A.S., The Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Milne,)
- enriching the experience of children with new ideas, forms (drawing illustrations for favorite fairy tales, taking part in a new type of event for them)
Form of conduct - held for only one class in the form of a literary duel. The activity is held in the classroom.
Preliminary preparation.
A few days before the event, children are given a homework assignment to draw illustrations for their favorite fairy tales, it is also said that the children need to try hard, because the works will be hung out at the exhibition, and the authors the best works will be awarded. Two hours before the event (when all the children brought their work), an exhibition is being prepared (in the classroom, at the stand) called "What a charm these fairy tales are."
Necessary equipment:
- stopwatch and bell for timing
- cards with team names.
- emblems for team captains.
- handout for each team (cards for the 2nd competition, cards for the 3rd competition, with the choice of the correct answer; illustrations for Pushkin's fairy tales; pictures of heroes for Grimm's fairy tales, crossword puzzles for each team; a poster with a proverb; a poster with the words "shifters"). Poster.
- form of scoring for the jury.
Event progress:
Participants: presenter, 3 teams of schoolchildren, jury
Duration: 50-55 minutes
Host: Our today's competition is called "Literary Ring", because it consists of rounds - like in a real competition in a boxing ring. Only you will have to compete not in fist strength, but in literary knowledge and erudition.
We will visit those places where kind and funny people live. fairy-tale heroes. We will remember the journeys that fairy-tale heroes made. In a word, we will visit an amazing country literary heroes, in its various areas - poetry and detective, riddles and entertainment.
Three teams will take part in our game (children are preliminarily seated at the tables set. There are three rows of desks in the class, respectively, and the teams were divided in this way.). Now I will give you 30 seconds to think about choosing a captain for your team. Time has gone……
Now let's give the teams names. I invite captains. (I give the children three inverted leaves, the children draw out the names.)
The first team is called ... .. "Nevod"
The second team is called ……. "Fairy tale"
The third team is called ……. "Lukomorye".
Let the captains come up to me, shake hands and make a promise to fight with all their might for the victory of their team. Captains swear? Then get your distinctive badges - emblems (in the form of an asterisk).
Of course, in order to judge who will be the best at our meeting, a strict jury is needed. Today the jury agreed to be ……….(Elena Viktorovna).
I immediately warn you that the teams will be given a certain amount of time to think about the answer to each question. You see, our jury has an accurate stopwatch and a bell to signal the time.
For non-compliance with the requirements, the team will be deducted points.
So, are the teams ready? The jury is at its combat post. Our meeting begins. And for its grand opening, I suggest you remember the proverbs about teaching ...... (Children's answers). Remember how people say - "It's never too late to learn." And my favorite proverb is this: "Reading is the best teaching." And why this is so, the poster that adorns our class will tell you. Let's read it in unison. (I read with the guys: “I read the book - I became smarter.”)
I announce the first round.
Warm up
But before we start our game, let's warm up and remember the fairy tales. I will give riddles to each team, in turn, and you must answer them as quickly as possible.
Onion Boy Cheerful
everyone knows him from school
onions are not sweet raspberries,
his name
white robe collar
A bandage in his hands and cotton wool
Flu cures bronchitis
Children's doctor…………..
Doll with blue curls
Well guess for yourself
Irina is not rowan
Her name is……………
He went to the emerald city
On the long difficult road
From iron he is forever
That iron ……………….
The evil wolf was deceived
I brought pies to grandma
Such an obedient sweetheart
And call her……………….
(Little Red Riding Hood)
Not just a smart cat
The people are surprised
In spurs and heels
It was…………………..
(Puss in Boots)
His death is on the needle
In a chest lies in the ground
There is no one worse than him
What is his name………….
He is bloodthirsty
One-eyed, carnivorous
The scariest villain
He is a robber………………..
He is cheerful and gentle
This cute weirdo
With him is the owner, the boy Robin
And a friend……………………..
For him, a walk is a holiday
And honey has a special scent
It's a plush prankster
Teddy bear…………………
(Winnie the Pooh)
And now next questions. (I ask questions to each team in turn). We answer very quickly 1 second.
How many brothers did the heroine of S. Marshak's fairy tale meet at the New Year's fire for months? (12)
2. How many brothers did Eliza have, the heroine of the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "wild swans"? (eleven)
3. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister? (Barbara)
4. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? (koschey demon.)
5. what was the name of the three bears from L. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"?
(Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)
6. Which of the three pigs built the most durable house? ... (naf-naf)
7. what boy was supposed to put out the word "eternity", for this he was promised to give new skates and the whole world ?. (Kai)
8. What was the name of Matroskin's cat's cow? (Murka)
how many times did the old man cast a net into the sea? (3)
10. How many thieves did Ali Baba outsmart? (40)
11. what was the name of the jna that Volka freed from the bottle? (hottabych)
12. from whom did Kolobok leave? (from grandmother, grandfather, zastsa, wolf, bear)
Run time 7-8 minutes
2. Poetic round.
Now I will distribute the cards. Rhymes will be given on your cards.
For example:
"to me, on a belt, plaque, cap"
IT IS NECESSARY TO REMEMBER AND READ the poems from which these rhymes………….. I distribute cards. Run time 3 minutes
Who is knocking on my door
With a thick shoulder bag
With the number five on a copper plate
In a blue uniform cap.
Guys, do you remember who wrote this poem? What about the title?
This is a poem by S.Ya. Marshak "Mail"
Is the assignment clear?
Get cards. 3 minutes to complete the task.
the king……………………… said goodbye
……………………… equipped
……………………….near the window
A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
The king and queen said goodbye
Equipped the path on the way
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him
A.s. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
My light, mirror, tell me
Yes tell the whole truth
Am I the sweetest in the world
All blush and whiter
………………………….. customized,
…………………………..in waves,
A.S. PUSHKIN "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is pushing
He runs in waves
On swollen sails
3. The next round is detective.
Do you guys know what a detective is?????????????
This is a type of literature in which detectives find a person by the most insignificant details of his appearance or character.
I will ask each of the teams to find out hero's name, and name the book in which he lived, after listening to an episode from his life. (I read out an episode for each team) Run time 3-4 minutes.
this hero worked as a doctor on the ship. Once his ship was shipwrecked, he was captured by little men……………………………………………….(Gulliver)
As this hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by a pigtail from a wig, flew on a cannonball, turned the evil portage inside out and shot a furious fur coat………..(Munchausen)
The heroine of this English book ran after the White Rabbit, but then fell into deep well and ended up in an unusual country……………….(Alice)
4. Round “according to Pushkin’s fairy tales……..”
Guys, who do these lines belong to?
fairy tale lies
Yes, there is a hint
Good fellows lesson (Answers of children)
The next three competitions will be dedicated to Pushkin's fairy tales
Photofit contest.
From the details in the picture, you should recognize the name of the fairy tale.
I distribute drawings to each team ... ... 2 minutes to complete
Competition for knowledge of the text
Guys, and now I will distribute small excerpts from the texts to each team, after reading them, you will have to determine the name of the fairy tale. Distribute texts.
You have 3 minutes to complete this task. Time has gone……..
Folk Wisdom Competition
“Give with a fingernail - ask for it with an elbow” - I read a proverb, I hang a poster. Distribute sheets of paper to each team.
And now the task: What hero characterizes this floorboard. Time for reflection 2 minutes.
5. Jumping captains
The task requires additional explanation. Recall the fairy tale "golden key". What phrase did Malvina dictate to Pinocchio when she tried to teach him? (children's answers).
"And the rose fell on Azor's paw."
What is the secret of this phrase? (teacher puts up a poster with the phrase)
Such phrases are called POLINDROMES or shifters.
Now I will ask the team captains to leave (the guys sit at a separate desk). Each captain is given a piece of paper with the words "shifters"
Task: Read the phrases, find which sentences are not turnarounds, underline them. (Run time 3 minutes). Guys, while your captains are doing their job, let's support them. Which team will hurt better?
The lion led the oxen.
The thief flew into the ditch.
Teeth are on the shelf.
Forged pop float
milk around me
Cone and pattern
Candy is not a focus
The cat is being dragged by ducks
Round dedicated to fairy tales by B. Grimm.
Reading the lines……..
Dear good fairy tale
We go without fear
And we speak together
We go to the Brothers Grimm
And heroes will meet us
Beauties and trolls
frog and pot
And bean and ember
And the musicians of Bremen
We know for sure
And Rose and White
On a fairy tale
And we'll repeat again
We came to (Children in chorus to the Brothers Grimm.)
And now the task. Find out in the picture the heroes of fairy tales B. Grimm. And the title of the story. I distribute pictures for fairy tales. Guys, on my command, you will turn the drawings over and begin to complete the task. You have 2 minutes for this task. (Enter the hero and the name of the tale on reverse side drawing). Started………..
7. Solve the crossword
Now for the final contest. I will distribute a crossword puzzle to each team. 5 minutes to complete the task.
The bell is ringing. I collect sheets. I give fat. The jury sums up.
Guys, while the jury is summing up, I would like to thank you for your drawings, without which our exhibition would not have taken place. I would like to highlight some of the work.
3rd place is taken by ……………… (prize, gratitude for participation)
2nd place takes………………….(prize, gratitude)
1st place goes to………………. (diploma for 1st place, prize, gratitude).
The rest of the children will receive incentive prizes ......
Guys, we thank you for your honest and interesting game, and we only have to provide the last word jury. But regardless of the results of today's meeting, let's remember the golden rule of the heroic Olympiads: the main thing in the Olympiad is not to win, and the main thing is (Children in chorus) to participate in it. Therefore, I think that you all benefited from this meeting, you will love to read new fascinating books and once again re-read the old, well-known ones.
Jury word. Announcement of results.
1st place team Nevod
2nd place Skazka team
3rd place team Lukomorye.
The winners are being awarded.
And now I wanted to ask the team captains to come out.
I give certificates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. I award the winners, the rest of the teams receive incentive prizes.