Will- conscious regulation by a person of his behavior (activity and communication), associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles. This is the ability of a person, which manifests itself in self-determination and self-regulation of his behavior and mental phenomena.

The main features of an act of will:

a) the application of efforts to perform an act of will;

b) the presence of a well-thought-out plan for the implementation of a behavioral act;

c) increased attention to such a behavioral act and the lack of direct pleasure received in the process and as a result of its execution;

d) often the efforts of the will are directed not only to victory over circumstances, but to overcoming oneself.

At present, there is no unified theory of will in psychological science, although many scientists are making attempts to develop a holistic doctrine of will with its terminological certainty and unambiguity. Apparently, this situation with the study of the will is connected with the struggle between the reactive and active concepts of human behavior that has been going on since the beginning of the 20th century. For the first conception, the concept of will is practically not needed, because its supporters represent all human behavior as a person's reactions to external and internal stimuli. Supporters of the active concept of human behavior, which has recently become the leading one, understand human behavior as initially active, and the person himself is endowed with the ability to consciously choose forms of behavior.

Volitional regulation of behavior. Volitional regulation of behavior is characterized by the state of optimal mobilization of the individual, the required mode of activity, and the concentration of this activity in the required direction.

The main psychological function of the will is to increase motivation and improve the regulation of actions on this basis. This volitional actions differ from impulsive, i.e. actions performed involuntarily and insufficiently controlled by consciousness.

At the level of personality, the manifestation of will finds its expression in such properties as strength of will(the degree of necessary willpower to achieve the goal), persistence(the ability of a person to mobilize their capabilities for a long overcoming of difficulties), excerpt(the ability to slow down actions, feelings, thoughts that interfere with the implementation of the decision), energy and others. These are the primary (basic) volitional personal qualities that determine the majority of behavioral acts.

There are also secondary, developing in ontogenesis later than the primary, volitional qualities: determination(the ability to make and implement quick, informed and firm decisions), courage(the ability to overcome fear and take justified risks in order to achieve the goal, despite the dangers to personal well-being), composure(the ability to control the sensual side of one's psyche and subordinate one's behavior to the solution of consciously set tasks), self confidence. These qualities should be considered not only as volitional, but also as characterological.

The tertiary ones include volitional qualities that are closely related to moral ones: responsibility(a quality that characterizes a person in terms of fulfilling her moral requirements), discipline(conscious submission of one's behavior to generally accepted norms, established order), adherence to principles(fidelity to a certain idea in beliefs and consistent implementation of this idea in behavior), obligation(the ability to voluntarily assume duties and fulfill them). This group also includes the qualities of the will associated with the attitude of a person to work: efficiency, initiative(the ability to work creatively, taking actions on one’s own initiative), organization(reasonable planning and ordering of their work), diligence(diligence, fulfillment of assignments and their duties on time), etc. The tertiary qualities of the will are usually formed only by adolescence, i.e. the moment when there is already experience of volitional actions.

Volitional actions can be divided into simple and complex. In a simple volitional act, the impulse to action (motive) passes into the action itself almost automatically. In a complex volitional act, an action is preceded by taking into account its consequences, awareness of motives, decision-making, the emergence of an intention to carry it out, drawing up a plan for its implementation, etc.

The development of the will in a person is connected with:

a) with the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones;

b) with the acquisition by a person of control over his behavior;

c) with the development of volitional qualities of the individual;

d) with the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require significant volitional efforts for a long time.

The formation of volitional qualities of a personality can be viewed as a movement from primary to secondary and further to tertiary qualities.

Free will and personal responsibility. Consideration of the psychological interpretation of personality involves the interpretation of the phenomenon of its spiritual freedom. Personal freedom in psychological terms is, first of all, free will. It is determined in relation to two quantities: to the vital drives and the social conditions of human life. Inclinations (biological impulses) are transformed in him under the influence of his self-awareness, the spiritual and moral coordinates of his personality. Moreover, man is the only Living being, which at any moment can say "no" to its inclinations, and which should not always say "yes" to them (M. Scheler).

Man is not free from social conditions. But he is free to take a stand in relation to them, since these conditions do not fully condition him. It depends on him - within his limits - whether he will surrender, whether he will give in to the conditions (V. Frankl). In this regard, freedom is when a person himself must decide whether to choose good or yield to evil (F.M. Dostoevsky).

However, freedom is only one side of a holistic phenomenon, the positive aspect of which is to be responsible. Individual freedom can turn into simple arbitrariness if it is not experienced from the point of view of responsibility (V. Frankl). A person is doomed to freedom and, at the same time, cannot escape responsibility. It is another matter that for many people, peace is more expensive than a free choice between good and evil, and therefore they readily "write off" their sins (ignorant deeds, meanness, betrayal) on "objective conditions" - the imperfection of society, bad educators, dysfunctional families, in which they grew up, etc. The Marxist thesis about the fundamental dependence of good and evil in a person on external (social) conditions has always been a pretext for avoiding personal responsibility.

Control questions

1. What are the concepts and main signs of will?

2. Show the importance of will in the organization of activities and communication.

3. What is the volitional regulation of behavior?

4. What are the primary, secondary and tertiary volitional qualities of a person?

5. Do you consider yourself a strong-willed person?

6. Try using the questionnaire to determine the degree of development of your willpower. When answering the questions, mark in the table with a "+" sign one of the three answers chosen by you: "yes", "don't know (sometimes)", "no":

1. Are you able to complete the work you started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away and then return to it again?

2. Do you overcome internal resistance without much effort when you need to do something unpleasant for you (for example, go on duty on a day off)?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation - at work (study) or at home - are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation soberly with maximum objectivity?

4. If you are on a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned in the evening?

6. Will you stay at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming flight on an airplane or a visit to the dentist's office, can you easily overcome this feeling and not change your mind at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant drug that your doctor strongly recommends to you?

10. Will you rashly keep this word, even if its implementation will bring you a lot of trouble, in other words - are you a man of your word?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to the daily routine: the time of waking up, eating, studying, cleaning and other things?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. The most interesting TV show will not make you put off urgent work. Is it so?

15. Will you be able to interrupt the quarrel and shut up, no matter how offensive the words "of the opposite side" seem to you?

Answer options

Answer number


I don't know sometimes

Key to the questionnaire

Summarize the answers received according to the point system: "yes" - 2 points; "no" - 0 points; "I don't know" - 1 point.

0 - 12 points. With willpower, things are not going well for you. You just do what is easier and more interesting, even if it might hurt you in some way. You often treat your duties carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known dictum "what do I need most of all? .." Any request, any duty you perceive almost as physical pain. The point here is not only a weak will, but also selfishness. Try to look at yourself taking into account such an assessment, maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13 - 21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don't overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on extra responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of leaders towards you, and it does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of the people around you. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22 - 30 points. Your will power is fine. You can rely on - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, or long trips, or those things that scare others. But sometimes your firm and uncompromising position on unprincipled issues annoys others. Willpower is very good, but you also need to have such qualities as flexibility, condescension, kindness.


    Vygotsky L.S. Sobr. op. In 6 vols. T. 3. - M., 1983. - S. 454 - 465.

    Vysotsky A.I. Volitional activity of schoolchildren and methods of its study. - Chelyabinsk, 1979. - S. 67.

    Gomezo M.V., Domashenko I.A. Atlas of psychology. - S. 194, 204 - 213.

    Kotyplo V.K. The development of volitional behavior in preschoolers. - Kyiv, 1971. - S. 11 - 51.

    Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book. 1. - S. 357 - 366.

    General psychology. - M., 1986. - S. 385 - 400.

    Psychological dictionary. - S. 53, 54.

    Psychology. Dictionary. - S. 62, 63.

    Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. T. 2. - S. 182 - 211.

    Compilation of tests for the selection of candidates for employment (Methodology of the USA). - S. 20 - 22.

    Experimental studies of volitional activity. - Ryazan, 1986. - S. 3 - 23.

Everyone knows what will is, but not everyone fully understands this concept. The term itself is used in modern speech quite often, but the meaning that is put into it does not always correspond to reality. In this article, we will talk about what will is and whether it is possible to develop this quality in oneself.

General concept

Each person is a person with a special set of qualities. Some of them are acquired, others are congenital. Such a person's ability as will is associated with his mental activity and desires. Each individual may develop it differently. So, for example, a person with strong will clearly knows what he wants, and confidently follows his goal. On the contrary, if this ability is poorly developed, it is difficult to make decisions and achieve goals. In the life of a person with a weak will, various factors and people control his fate, but not himself.

Conscious self-regulation

In considering the question of what is will, one should turn Special attention that this ability is meaningful and conscious. It is controlled by many parts of the brain and generally depends on the person's psychotype. Given the above written, we can conclude that the full control of their activities - this is the will. There is another important nuance. Many psychologists argue that a prerequisite for the presence of will is a goal. So, the desire of a person to achieve a certain desire is a manifestation of this ability.

Strength of will

Quite often this simple four-letter word is found in certain phrases. So, perhaps, one of the most popular is “willpower”. The meaning of the words is quite simple. This concept is invested in the ability to self-persuasion. But is it? For example, a person wants to quit smoking. He convinces himself that this habit does not bring anything good into his life. Then there are attempts not to pick up cigarettes. If they are successful, the person is said to have willpower. If such a fuse lasted only for a few hours or days, then we can say that he does not have it. It turns out that a person could not convince himself? Is not a fact. So, a person can be firmly convinced that smoking is bad, but at the same time continue to take one puff after another. Therefore, the ability to convince oneself is not yet willpower. So, one desire and understanding is not enough. You also need to stick to the original plan and not deviate from it.

Consider what is will, on the other hand. A person sets himself a difficult task (true intention) and adheres to it at all costs. That is what willpower is. Among other things, it is characterized by certain functions. Without them, it will be just a desire and attempts to fulfill it.

Main functions

Will is enough complex concept in psychology. In order to understand it, you should know what basic functions it can perform.

  • So, the first and most important function is incentive. It provides the beginning of certain actions to overcome some obstacles.
  • The second function is stabilization. It is associated with volitional efforts, which help to maintain activity on certain level despite interference.
  • The third function is called braking. Its purpose is to inhibit desires and goals that are incompatible with the main one.

Any situation where the manifestation of willpower takes place can be considered according to these functions. Let's look at the example we looked at earlier. So, a person decided to quit smoking in order, for example, to save money - this is an incentive function. Imagine a situation where he succeeds, but then a friend comes to visit and offers to smoke one piece at a time. Refusal of the offer will be a function of stabilization. When it suddenly occurs to a person to give up this stupid idea and start saving on something else, the braking function will work. He will rethink everything again and decide that he will not deviate from the goal.

personality traits

As mentioned earlier, not everyone has a strong will. It depends on many factors, including personality traits. In order to understand what the word "will" means, let's consider in which personalities it manifests itself most often.

So, a strong-willed person, as a rule, is purposeful, resolute, persistent, independent. Such a person has good endurance and discipline. These qualities are very important for a person with a strong will. So, for example, it will be very difficult for an indecisive individual to make a decision and set a goal for himself. Persistence will help him to stick to the plan at all costs and not deviate from the goal. Independence will be manifested in the fact that he will carry out his plans without outside help.

ancient greek philosophers

The meaning of the word "will" was interesting ancient Greek philosophers. They carefully studied this ability and tried to understand its essence. For example, Aristotle believed that the will is connected with the mind. In this term, he put certain actions and deeds of a person. Aristotle believed that the will is the true desires of a person, what he wants most of all. They are not related to needs, but arise only as a result of reflection. Plato, in turn, connected the will with the soul. After all, it is inner world man, his mind can control desires. Only the soul determines and awakens the activity of a person and the desire to act.

Will and Bible

Few people think that it is in the Bible that you can find a lot of information regarding the word “will”. So, it is God's ability to do and will whatever He wants. It is by the will of the Lord that many of the events described in the Bible take place. God is manifestation higher intelligence. It is He who is endowed with the authority and power to do whatever He pleases. So, it becomes clear that the will is the true desires and the path to their implementation. Since man is created in the image and likeness of God, he is also endowed with this ability.

Is it possible to train the will?

If someone likes to think that someone else controls his life, then such a person is unlikely to be interested in knowing that the will can be trained. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but in fact a person is a creation of God, and he himself has the right to control his life and destiny. But in order to avoid responsibility, some people unconsciously do not want to admit it. They shift responsibilities to other people and live not by their own will, but by chance. In fact, this is a rather convenient position, because later, in case of failure, you can blame anyone, but not yourself.

The will can and should be trained, because in its essence this ability is freedom. When a person manages his life, there are no impossible tasks before him. He is absolutely free to do what he really wants. Such an important ability as willpower can greatly facilitate a person's life, make it richer and more colorful.

Self improvement

Many scientists answer the question of what the word “will” means: it is an ability that helps a person put his life in order. And in fact, setting goals and getting results is very important. In order to develop willpower, it is necessary to train those personality traits that we mentioned earlier. So, a person should become more decisive, independent, persistent. Another important detail is organization. First, you need to discipline yourself. Try to organize your day so that you do certain activities at the same time. For example, eat breakfast every day at 8 a.m. sharp.

Another synonym for the word "will" is "purposefulness". Try to set small tasks for yourself and complete them in a clear time frame. It is also important to pay attention to momentary desires. These are the main enemies of willpower. When a desire arises, it must first be analyzed. So, for example, you wanted a piece of chocolate. Analyze how much you need it right now. Set a goal to eat it in exactly one hour. You need to convince yourself that your mind controls your body, and not vice versa.

In this way, one should try to discipline oneself in many things. Willpower is actually the ability of a person to control his thoughts and desires, taking into account the basic and main task. If every time you stop and think about the need for this or that action, then after a month you will notice that it will be much easier for you to set a task and complete it.

So with little effort, willpower is formed. It is also important to remember that the better the motivation, the easier it will be to perform certain tasks. People who have this ability well developed are more successful. They know how to plan their time and go to the goal in small but sure steps.

Will - highest level arbitrary regulation of activity, providing overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal.

Among the levels of regulation of behavior are the following:

1.Involuntary regulation:

  • prepsychic involuntary reactions;
  • figurative (sensory and perceptual) regulation.

    2. Arbitrary regulation:

    • speech-thinking level of regulation.

    3.Volitional regulation. Structure and content of volitional action:

    • Emergence of Motivation and Preliminary Goal Setting
    • The stage of discussion and the "struggle of motives" as a clash in the process of choosing one or another action of conflicting tendencies, desires, motives.
    • making a decision regarding the choice of one or another variant of behavior is a kind of phase of “resolution” of the struggle of motives. At this stage, either a feeling of relief arises associated with resolving the situation and relieving tension, or a state of anxiety associated with uncertainty about the correctness of the decision made;
    • execution, the implementation of the decision taken, the embodiment of one or another variant of actions in one's behavior (activity).

    In most cases, decision-making and volitional behavior in general are associated with great internal tension, which sometimes acquires a stressful character. The presence of volitional effort experienced by the subject as his mental reality is very important. characteristic feature volitional act.

    Volitional regulation is a lifetime education. Volitional regulation is associated with the manifestation of efforts that realize the activity of the individual, aimed at the conscious mobilization of her mental and physical forces.

    Volitional effort is a mechanism of volitional regulation, a means of mobilization by the subject of his mental and physical capabilities.

    A volitional action is a conscious and purposeful action, taken by the decision of the subject himself. The situation is overcoming difficulties, both external and internal, determined by additional motives, connections with changes in the meaning of the action (you cannot solve the problem at once, you need to make some effort).

    Volitional behavior is the purposeful behavior of a person, manifested in the ability to manage oneself, one's actions and deeds on the basis of the desire to achieve a specific goal, by implementing special actions. The specifics of volitional regulation.

    Will and regulation of activity.

    It is traditionally believed that the main thing for the emergence of volitional regulation is the presence of barriers, obstacles in achieving the goal.L. M. Wecker believes that volitional regulation begins where there is at least a two-level hierarchy of activity programs, where it is necessary to correlate the levels of these programs and choose among them the level that meets the criteria of intellectual, emotional, moral and general social value.

    Approximately the same meaning was put into the concept of will by I.M. Sechenov when he wrote that the will is the active side of the mind and moral feelings.

    Volitional regulation includes the following components:

    1. cognitive
    2. emotional
    3. behavioral (active)

    The structure of the act of will includes the following components:

    1. motivation and awareness of the goal;
    2. struggle of motives;
    3. the act of making a decision;
    4. execution.

    Volitional action is connected with needs, but does not follow directly from them. It is mediated by awareness of motives for action as motives and its result as goals (S. L. Rubinshtein).

    Will arises when a person is capable of reflecting his own desires, can somehow relate to them. The will is inextricably linked with the available plan of action. Through volitional action, a person plans to achieve the goal facing him, subordinating his impulses to conscious control and changing the surrounding reality in accordance with his plan.

    The main characteristics of the will. Volitional regulation of behavior. The concept of will is one of the most ancient, Aristotle tried to study it. Descartes. It was introduced as an explanatory concept. According to Aristotle, the concept of will was necessary to explain the generation of an action based not on the desires of a person, but on a reasonable decision about its existence. Realizing that knowledge in itself does not have motivation, but constantly confronted with the reality of human ethical actions, when the action is carried out not because one wants to, but because it is necessary, Aristotle was forced to look for a force capable of initiating such behavior.

    The problem of the will, according to Aristotle, is the problem of giving the subject of action a motive power and thereby providing an incentive to action (or inhibiting, if necessary, a decrease in the motive force of the subject of action).

    Previously, the will was seen as a supernatural force that takes precedence over other mental processes. There is no absolute will. We can speak of will when the impulse arises:

    1. Volition phase: desire + aspiration + motive.
    2. Choice phase: struggle of motives, decision making.
    3. The phase of implementation by action, the decision turns into a bodily action. Our decision, behavior is determined by a strong motive. In the concept of Aristotle, the will determined not only the initiation of arbitrary actions, but also their choice and their regulation during implementation. Moreover, the will itself could be understood both as an independent force (formation) of the soul, and as a person's ability to a certain activity coming from himself.

    Thus, the first paradigm within which the problem of will was posed was the generation of a person's action coming from himself. Consideration of the will in the context of the generation of action presupposes, first of all, the incentive function of the will, and such an approach can be conditionally designated as motivational, it is the most powerful in the study of the will.

    It is characterized by the fact that the will is analyzed as the ability to initiate actions, or to strengthen the urge to action in case of its deficiency, due to external or internal obstacles, the absence of an actually experienced desire for action, the presence of motives competing with the action being performed. Depending on the ideas about the mechanisms of this ability, the will is understood as:

    • or as an independent mental education,
    • either as an independent force of a non-psychological nature,
    • either as a motivational or emotional formation (desire, affects, needs),
    • or reduced to the state of the brain as a regulatory mechanism.

    Later, a second approach to the study of the will was formulated, the Free Choice approach. Within the framework of this approach, the will is endowed with the function of choosing motives, goals and actions. One of the trends in the development of this approach is the transfer of studies of choice and, more broadly, decision-making into such areas of research that are not directly related to the problem of will and have their own conceptual apparatus. Therefore, the actual tasks of the "free choice" approach are to isolate the volitional aspects of the problem of choice and the development of adequate methods for their experimental study.

    Within the framework of this approach, two variants of ideas about the will can be distinguished:

    1. Will is considered as an independent force (voluntaristic type of theory);
    2. The will is reduced to the functioning of cognitive processes (intellectualistic theories).

    Thus, in modern psychology, the problem of will is presented in two versions: as a problem of self-determination (motivational approach and the approach of “free choice”) and as a problem of self-regulation (regulatory approach).

    When a person voluntarily accepts moral standards, the highest moral law and is guided by it in his actions, we can say that a person is morally free. To be free means to obey reason, not passions (Leibniz, Spinoza).

    In psychology, freedom of choice is understood when a person, as a result of a struggle of motives, chooses the one that is stronger. Modern researchers wills are Selivanova, Ivannikov, Platonov, Will is defined by them as a conscious regulation by a person of his behavior as a result of overcoming internal and external obstacles to the path and goal. Will Structure: Purpose; Claim level; Volitional effort; Fighting motives; Decision-making; Performance.

    Volitional effort can be at any stage of volitional action associated with overcoming obstacles. Volitional effort is a form of emotional stress that mobilizes all the internal resources of a person, creating additional motives for action and experienced mental states of significant stress (Ivannikov). The psychological mechanism of volitional effort is to attract a new motive, thereby changing the meaning of the action in order to strengthen the primary motivation.

    Will functions.

    • Incentive;
    • Brake (restrains unwanted actions)

    In Western psychology:

    • initiation of action (formation of intention);
    • supporting the primary intention in active state until reaching the goal.
    • overcoming an obstacle.

    Volitional regulation of behavior.

    Volitional regulation is a particular type of arbitrary control and is characterized by the use of significant volitional efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and difficulties, i.e. is a mechanism of self-mobilization.

    Volitional regulation is necessary in order to keep in the field of consciousness the object that a person is thinking about for a long time, to maintain attention concentrated on it.

    The will is involved in the regulation of almost all basic mental functions: sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and speech.

    The development of these cognitive processes from the lowest to the highest means the acquisition by a person of volitional control over them.

    Often a judgment about the presence or absence of volitional regulation (volitional behavior) is made on the basis of the results achieved by a person. However, you can try to overcome the difficulty, but not overcome it.

    In everyday use, the concept of “volitional regulation” is identified with the idea of ​​“willpower”. In this regard, it is customary to divide people into strong-willed and weak-willed.

    The specific content of volitional regulation is understood by psychologists in different ways.

    "Willpower" as the power of motive. The volitional activity of a person is determined by the strength of the motive (need), because the latter affects the degree of manifestation of volitional effort: if I really want to achieve the goal, then I will show more intense and longer volitional effort. Therefore, willpower is often replaced by the power of motive: if I want, then I do it. Yu.Yu. Palaima believes that “willpower” is, in essence, the strength of a motive, and that a person with a strong will is, first of all, a person with a strong motivation for behavior. Therefore, it is the mechanism of volitional regulation that a person has that determines the greater or lesser possibilities for the realization of desire.

    "Willpower" as a struggle of motives. Often, willpower is reduced only to the "struggle of motives", which is one of the internal obstacles to activity. There are many situations when the choice of one or another alternative solution is not required, but volitional regulation is necessary, because. On the way to achieving the goal, there are various obstacles and difficulties. In such situations, the need remains, but the accompanying energy is not enough to overcome the difficulties that have arisen and achieve the goal, and the inclusion of a volitional mechanism is required to enhance the energy of action.

    Inclusion in the regulation of emotions. Some psychologists believe that mobilization (additional energization) is carried out due to the emotion that arises in the presence of an obstacle as a reaction to the mismatch "I must-I can't", "I don't want - but I must." However, at the same time, volitional effort should not be replaced by such an emotional reaction. In addition, volitional efforts are also applied against the background of negative emotions, which contribute not to the mobilization, but to the demobilization of a person's capabilities. Therefore, volitional effort is considered to be the main mechanism of energy mobilization.

    "Willpower" as an independent volitional quality. The moral component of the will (for example, a sense of duty) is non-specific in relation to different volitional qualities; there is no “willpower” that is manifested equally in all situations. One and the same person, as practice and experiments show, when meeting with various difficulties behaves differently: in some situations he shows great "willpower", in others - insignificant.

    Therefore, the position of A. Puni is true that the manifestations of the will are always specific and conditioned by the difficulties that a person overcomes. On the other hand, attempts to define “willpower” as some kind of abstract indicator are also incorrect, as well as singling out people with high, medium, and low levels volitional development. “Willpower” as a general personality construct is either a product of a correlation analysis of self-assessments of various volitional manifestations, between which in most cases connections are found, or any one volitional manifestation taken for “willpower”, most often purposefulness and perseverance. It is more correct to speak about various manifestations of “willpower” (volitional regulation), called volitional qualities.

    Very often one hears from people that they cannot do this or that act because they do not have enough. For example, start exercising every morning or stop large quantities eat sweets. This requires a certain amount of effort on the part of the individual. What is will? Does it exist in every person? Is it possible to develop willpower?

    The concept of will

    Will is a function of the human psyche, thanks to which we have the opportunity to exercise control over our actions and manage actions, making this or that decision, to achieve our goals.

    The will encourages people to achieve their desires and at the same time allows them to be controlled. With the help of it, a person is able to overcome difficulties, get out of difficult life situations. People whose will is not developed prefer to go with the flow, do not seek to change their existence in better side. It is easier for them to give up their dreams than to make an effort on themselves and take action.

    Volitional qualities of a person

    The concept of will includes a number of qualities of human character. These include, above all, self-control and endurance. These qualities are manifested in restraining, when necessary, their emotions in order to avoid committing rash actions that can lead to disastrous consequences. For example, you should not start a fight, even if you have been insulted or humiliated.

    Another strong-willed quality is decisiveness. It consists in overcoming internal doubts and hesitations, quickly moving on to active actions, whether it be setting a goal or taking steps towards achieving it.

    The independence of a person is also one of the volitional qualities. People should be able to make decisions, guided only by their own principles and beliefs, be independent of other people's opinions.

    Strong-willed qualities can also include perseverance and stubbornness, as well as determination. They help a person not to deviate from what was planned, to continue to strive and act, even if not everything works out right away.

    Freedom and will

    Very often the word "will" is associated with freedom. In expressions such as "release" or "unleash", these words are almost synonymous. However, there are significant differences between the two words. Will is a broader concept, in contrast to freedom, which implies the ability of a person to live and act as he wants. At the same time, the will can to some extent restrict freedom, force a person to act not only as he wants, but also as common sense requires.

    There is also the concept of "free will", which means that a person has a choice independent of external circumstances. People have the right to make their own decisions - how to live, what values ​​to set as priorities for themselves, what goals to choose and how to strive to achieve them.

    What is the will of God

    Many people wonder whether a person has a choice at all and whether he can influence his own destiny. What is the will of God? How does it manifest itself in our world and can it be influenced?

    God's will implies that everything that happens in our lives is predetermined from above. There is nothing that can happen without the knowledge and permission of God. The will of the Almighty is immutable and does not depend on any external factors. People are not able to influence her, no matter how much they wish. It is hidden, inaccessible to the understanding of mankind.

    Hiding behind God's will, people could do anything - kill, steal, while saying that it was destined to do so. However, this is far from being the case, and the responsibility of a person for his evil deeds is not removed. In addition to the hidden, there is also a comprehensible, or open, God's will for people. It is reflected in the Bible and tells people how they should live, what to fear and what to strive for. A person is responsible to God when he does not do His will, rejects His laws and neglects them.

    The will of the Russian people

    Each country usually has its own distinctive features characteristic of its inhabitants. Russia is famous for the unbending willpower of its people. In the history of our state there are many examples of its manifestation. Only thanks to unprecedented willpower Russia has managed to win in many wars and maintain its sovereignty to this day.

    One of the clearest examples when full force manifested the will of the people, is the blockade of Leningrad. It lasted almost 900 days. During this time, many people died of starvation, but the city did not give up, despite all the difficulties.

    Of course, not all Russian people have a powerful will. At all times and in our country there have been many traitors, cowards, ready to sell their fatherland. However, most Russian people still have willpower, and it manifests itself not only in a dangerous time for the country, but also in everyday life.

    How to develop willpower

    Very often people decide to dramatically and radically change their lives, gathering all their will into a fist. For example, a person wants to tomorrow start playing sports. To do this, he decides to get up early every morning, do exercises, run, and after work go to Gym. However, out of habit, after a couple of days of such a rhythm of life, a person gets so tired that he completely abandons his idea, and he no longer wants to train willpower. As a result, instead of a positive result, it turned out only worse.

    How to develop strong-willed qualities without harming yourself? First you need to stop postponing the start of your actions, referring to some reasons. For example, promises “I will start doing exercises from Monday” or “I will not eat sweets from the beginning of the month” do not strengthen willpower, but, on the contrary, make it even weaker.

    What is will? It is the ability to manage behavior in order to achieve one's goals. That is why you need to start moving towards them today. It’s much easier to get up and do a few exercises right now than to jump straight into heavy loads later.

    Willpower training is a systematic process. It is impossible to become a strong-willed person in one day, you need to go to this for a long time and gradually. Every time you make even a small effort on yourself, you get closer to your goal. The main thing is not to kill the desire to develop willpower with wrong actions.

    Since childhood, we all hear such phrases as "willpower", "a weak-willed person" or "gather your will into a fist." Each of us has an approximate idea of ​​what exactly the interlocutor means when he says these words. However, a precise definition of the concepts of "will" and "functions of the will" can usually only be given by a specialist in the field of psychology or philosophy. This is all the more surprising because without this term it is difficult to imagine a person as a whole and all aspects of his life. Therefore, in this article we will consider the concept of will, and the function of will.

    Interpretation of the concept in philosophy and psychology

    Since ancient times, philosophers and psychologists have been concerned with questions of the will, and they have been viewed from numerous angles and interpreted in completely different ways. For example, studies of the will in psychology were conducted by Schopenhauer. He revealed the rational nature of the will, but carried it to the most hidden corners of the soul. During this period of time, it was believed that it represents a force that binds a person and obliges him to perform certain actions. Therefore, in order to have the hope of a happy and free life, a person had to get rid of the fetters of the will.

    I would like to note that psychologists distinguish three main areas of human activity:

    • emotional;
    • intellectual;
    • strong-willed.

    Experts believe that the latter area is the least studied, and often it is presented in a distorted version. For example, psychologists in the Soviet Union, defining the function of the will and the concept itself, argued that it can be understood as the pressure of social goals and interests over individual ones. It is noteworthy that with such an interpretation, individual values ​​formed by volitional nature became just a set of accepted value orientations of society as a whole. This approach has brought up several generations of citizens, whose will was completely and unconditionally subordinated to public and state interests.

    It is noteworthy that philosophers are still debating about free will. Some authors of works adhere to the ideas of determinism. Their meaning in a few words can be expressed in the absence of free will in principle. That is, a person cannot independently choose one or another path, based on his own convictions, and Another group of philosophers promotes the theory of indeterminism. Representatives of this trend lead evidence base ideas of free will. They argue that every person is free from birth, and in such a context, the will only contributes to development and movement forward.

    In psychology, there are certain characteristics through which the will is determined:

    • personality traits - purposefulness, perseverance, self-control, and so on;
    • the ability to regulate mental and behavioral reactions;
    • volitional actions that have a number of clear signs - overcoming moral and other types of obstacles, awareness, and the like.

    Of course, all of the above does not exact definition structure of will and function. However, in general, the mechanism of its action under certain conditions becomes clear. In the following sections of the article, we will take a closer look at the will, its main features and functions.


    In modern scientific world the concept of will is considered one of the most complex and multifaceted. After all, considering it, one has to take into account that the will can act as an independent process, an indispensable aspect of certain actions, as well as the ability of a person to subordinate and control his actions and emotions.

    If we refer to the terminology of psychology, then we can say that will is the ability of a person to regulate his behavior by overcoming a number of difficulties and obstacles. This process proceeds consciously and has a number of functions and features. Will in this case appears as a certain property of the human psyche. Indeed, in order to achieve his goal, a person must not only overcome a number of obstacles, but also apply all his emotional and physical forces. So it's hard to imagine human activity without a volitional aspect.

    act of will

    It is possible to reveal the signs of will and function only through understanding the volitional act. This process is extremely complex, it includes several successive stages, which can be represented as follows:

    • a need that performs a motivational function;
    • awareness of the need;
    • internal definition of motives that prompt action;
    • selection of options to meet the needs;
    • first steps towards the goal;
    • control over the implementation of a well-thought-out plan.

    It is noteworthy that each stage is accompanied by a strain of will. She participates in all the above processes. Psychologists believe that each time a person compares his action with a picture drawn in his head, taken as an ideal. The real plan is adjusted and re-launched.

    Experts also call all items on our list “volitional actions” and believe that it is in them that the personality is most fully revealed, and also enters a new stage of development.


    Before talking about the functions of the will, it is necessary to consider its features. There are several of them:

    • concentration of efforts for a volitional act;
    • a detailed action plan;
    • attention to one's own efforts;
    • absence positive emotions in the course of their actions;
    • mobilization of all the forces of the body;
    • ultimate concentration on the goal and the path to it.

    The above features reveal psychological basis will. After all, such actions are aimed primarily at overcoming their own fears and weaknesses. In the process of implementing a volitional action, a person is set to fight with himself, which is considered characteristic only of a highly developed personality.

    Signs of volitional action

    We have already said that the will is the main aspect of all human activity. It imperceptibly penetrates into all spheres of life and sometimes subjugates them to itself. This process has three main features that explain that will and volitional processes and functions of will are closely interrelated concepts:

    • Providing the goal of any human activity, as well as streamlining life. Volitional actions are able to change the world around a particular person, subordinating it to certain goals.
    • The ability to control oneself with the help of the will gives a person freedom. Indeed, in this case external circumstances cannot have a decisive influence, and the personality turns into an active subject, having the ability to make conscious decisions.
    • The conscious overcoming of obstacles on the way to the goal activates all volitional processes. After all, when faced with difficulties, only the person himself can decide whether to continue moving forward or whether it is time to stop. Will gives him the impetus to make a decision.

    It is worth noting that the mental function described by us manifests itself in various properties. human personality. It is worth talking about them in more detail.

    Manifestation of will

    Every person has certain qualities. Many of them are a clear reflection of the will:

    • persistence. It can be interpreted as the ability to gather all the forces and concentrate on the task at hand.
    • Excerpt. Subjugation and restraint of the mind, emotions and actions for the sake of a single goal.
    • Determination. The desire for the fastest decision-making and implementation of the action plan.
    • obligatory. Completion of all activities on time and in full.

    Of course, these are not all personality traits. In reality, there are many more of them, but already from this small list it becomes clear that the will literally permeates all human activity, his thoughts and dreams. Without it, a person would not be able to realize any of the ideas that have arisen. This fully reveals the will and volitional processes.

    Will Functions

    Science has distinguished them for a long time. Initially, psychologists spoke of the presence of two functions of the will, but now their number has increased to three. This is considered the most accurate definition of the functional role of this mental aspect. Today we can highlight:

    • incentive function;
    • brake;
    • stabilizing.

    In the following sections of the article, we will take a closer look at the main functions of the will.


    Many scientists consider it to be the main function of the will. It provides human activity, both arbitrary and conscious. It is noteworthy that this function is often confused with reactivity. However, there are serious differences between them, which are noticeable even to beginners in psychology. Reactivity causes action in response to a particular situation. For example, a walking person almost always turns into a shout, and a teaser will definitely cause resentment and negativity. In contrast to this process, the incentive function is expressed in the action caused by certain states within the personality. An example is a situation where the need for some information forces a person to shout and start a conversation with a friend or classmate. This is what distinguishes the basic function of the will, as it is called, from the described reactivity in the first place.

    It is noteworthy that the activity caused by the impulse of the will makes it possible to rise above the situation. The action can be carefully thought out in advance and go beyond what is happening right now.

    It should be borne in mind that the incentive function often provokes a person to an activity that is not mandatory. Nobody expects it from a person and will not condemn him for not performing any actions. But, despite this, the action plan is built and implemented.

    The incentive function contributes to the mobilization of all forces even when there is no need for activity right now. For example, it can be difficult for a school graduate to study hard every day for a year, but the thought of the final exam and entering the coveted university makes him mobilize and start studying.

    braking function

    The functions of the will in psychology have been studied for a long time, so experts say that the inhibitory and incentive functions act in unity and work for the same goal in human life. Any person is able to suspend actions that are contrary to his principles, moral principles and the worldview formed as a result of education. Remarkably, the inhibitory function can even halt the development of undesirable ideas. Without it, not a single person could regulate his behavior in society.

    The habit of controlling oneself in a team is especially important. She is nurtured as a person from infancy. Parents first, then teachers kindergarten teach the baby to slow down himself in various negative manifestations. Even Anton Semenovich Makarenko in his works more than once emphasized how important it is to educate self-regulation in a growing personality. Moreover, control should become a habit and be as natural as possible. For example, one of the manifestations of the inhibitory function is considered banal politeness. At the same time, it is a certain framework that regulates the relationship of a person with society.

    We have already said that a person cannot exist without motives for action. They can be divided into lower and higher. The former form our need for the simplest and most necessary things: food, drink, clothing, and the like. But the higher ones give us the opportunity to experience a wide range of emotions and feelings associated with moral experiences. The will allows the individual to restrain his lower needs for the sake of higher ones. Thanks to her, a person can bring to its logical conclusion the work begun, despite all the temptations and difficulties.

    Incentive and inhibitory functions in their unity work to achieve the goal, despite all the problems encountered on the way.


    Determination of the functions of the will is impossible without a description of the stabilizing function. It performs its very significant role in the development and formation of personality. Thanks to it, the necessary degree of activity is maintained in the event of a collision with obstacles. At the moment when a person is aware of a number of problems that he will have to overcome in order to achieve his goal, and is ready to retreat, it is the stabilizing function that does not allow activity to decline and motivates the person to continue the struggle.

    Determination of the function of the will: arbitrary and volitional regulation

    Talking about the will and its functions, it is impossible not to mention voluntary and volitional regulation. It's not the most simple theme, because until now in psychology there is no unity between specialists regarding terminology. It is noteworthy that most psychologists equate voluntary and volitional regulation, but they apply these definitions in various situations.

    In the broad sense of the word, arbitrary regulation is understood as control over the behavior and activities of a person as a whole. This process has its own characteristics, but it should be borne in mind that not every action that is subject to self-regulation is volitional. For example, a person who abuses alcohol does so voluntarily. That is, he consciously destroys himself every day, but he does not have enough to radically change the situation. However, in others life situations it is the arbitrary regulation of behavior that becomes the very mechanism that starts the process of dominance of higher motives and needs over the lower ones. It depends on the level of development of the personality itself and the conditions in which certain actions must take place.

    When psychologists mention volitional regulation, then most often this is understood as an action in a situation that is critical or difficult for a particular person, requiring concentration of physical and, above all, moral forces. Any volitional action includes a struggle of motives and is accompanied by a continuous movement towards a consciously set goal. regulation can be considered on the simplest example. Many people are actively involved in sports and do morning runs. What motivates them to do these things almost every day? Let's find out:

    • First of all, the need for the need for physical activity is determined, which is converted into a specific and clear goal.
    • Every morning there is a struggle of motives, because often you want to sleep much more than go out into the fresh air in the very early hours, when all the household members are still sweetly napping.
    • At this stage, volitional regulation comes into play, forcing the person to get out of bed and go for a run.
    • In parallel, this process weakens the motivation that inclines a person to abandon his intentions regarding the morning run.
    • Before returning home, the individual carefully regulates his actions so as not to be tempted to enter the store, for example, or run a shorter distance than originally planned.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that volitional regulation contributes to the manifestation, formation and development of various mental processes. Thanks to them, the volitional qualities of the individual become more noticeable. Consciousness, purposefulness, determination and self-control of a person increase. Some psychologists call this mechanism the genetic function of the will. However, not all scientists agree with this term, so it is used in scientific papers rarely.

    Summing up, I would like to say that the will is not yet a fully studied mental process. But it is difficult to argue about its significance, because it is thanks to it that humanity still lives and develops.