General characteristics of the horoscope character of the zodiac sign Taurus.

Achieves victory through hard work and extraordinary patience. Very persistent. Doesn't give up on things he wants to do. Rarely listens to advice and can suddenly act ahead. It is difficult to unsettle him, but his anger is long, he does not forget insults. Curious and fair. strong will, affectionate and conservative in views, jealous. Shakespeare, Marie Medici, Delacroix, Catherine II, Cromwell, Robespierre, Balzac, Brahms, Freud, Lenin, Truman were born under this sign.

Temperament and character

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He loves discreet, but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries. Dislikes necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfumes with a delicate scent. Keeps clothes short, reverts to the same style if he thinks it suits him. Usually Taurus are peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but it's terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like disputes, especially in a raised tone and cannot stand a disharmonic life. They trust their perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference. Cautious observers who prefer to look ahead one more time before drawing conclusions. For Taurus, objectivity is important, they do not like to think, they are less religious than other signs of the Zodiac, they have an excellent memory, they keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecision, unwillingness to deal with a variable situation. They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them, they should learn loyalty. They are secretive when we are talking about their personal affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "give - take." Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, pragmatic intelligence. Taurus has more senses than others

Sign element

Your element is Earth! An earthly, worldly person, no stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. You perceive only what you can see, hear and touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. You may be called a prose writer, but they turn to you for practical advice. You really do things while others just talk about them. Few realize your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to open or show them. Friends and loved ones must be chosen from earth or water - the earth needs water if it does not want to become a desert. Earth can also coexist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional merriment, and with air, provided it can endure hurricanes from time to time. Your advantages: practicality, reliability, ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, able to provide support and protection. Your disadvantages: boringness, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic outlook on things, stubbornness, cruelty to yourself and others, callousness. If you are Capricorn, you are the most that neither is the Earth, i.e. secretive, like to control the action from behind the scenes without leaving the stage. If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, personify strength, unshakable as a rock, until your volcanic gut works. If you are a Virgo, then you are businesslike, turn over a lot of things, etc. Your motto: everything has its time, with it you move mountains. Favorable conditions: must live on the earth, firmly pressing the soles to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need quiet stability, reliable operation. Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, he lives in an inconspicuous mink, in a garden, he can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.


A Taurus is born with a strong build and can live to a ripe old age without any disease. Doesn't know where and when to stop, tends to work too hard, drink, smoke, love. When sick, it takes too long to recover. Most diseases are due to excess, despondency, boredom, and discouragement are inherent. Major diseases: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, coughs, brain diseases, fatigue, schizophrenia, depression. Most Taurus love to smoke (more than other signs) and it is difficult to wean from smoking (other signs are allergic to smoking), more often than other signs, there are homosexuals. Relationship with Scorpio often causes infection of the genitals, especially if Taurus is a woman. Men should watch their throats. Precautions: keep feet warm and dry, avoid drafts, regular but not too long sleep and rest, regular stools. Taurus dislikes exercise, diet, physical exertion, and any restriction.


In youth, they think a lot about choosing a profession, they want to be sure that they will succeed, that they will be able to do everything well, that they will earn a lot. They don't mind a certain routine, a certain recurrence that creates an impression of stability. Committed to following the rules and love success. No sign spends so much energy on trifles. Since biblical times, the sign of Taurus has been associated with wealth, money that Taurus attracts to itself and which eludes the losers, because they spend too much. Usually in Taurus good hands. Taurus writers prefer a pen to a typewriter, and if they type, then only themselves. The best use of Taurus is everything that provides reward, satisfaction of the senses - from farming to cultivating flowers, animal husbandry, cooking, baking, restaurant business (famous chefs are mostly Taurus). They show themselves well in what is connected with comfort in the house: architecture, interior design, construction in general; disposed towards fashion, care about beauty. They are capable of poetry, pedagogy (especially teaching languages), painting, music, economics, stock exchange business. As a rule, they are apolitical (further than economics, sociology, biology, anthropology, acquaintance with politics does not go).

Psychosexual horoscope

Taurus is perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People ruled by Venus love to caress, but they prefer to be caressed, they stretch out the time of caresses. What characterizes Taurus on the positive side is that they are most often good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives, they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taureans work well when they have a cozy home and family where they can relax and re-energize. Taurus wives often complain that their husbands are not demonstrative in sexual relations. They take on a passive role, expecting the wife to be active. If this is not so, then the husband will readily find another woman. Because Taurus rules the House of Money, his financial affairs greatly affect the sexual area of ​​​​his life. When Taurus is solvent, he does not look at a beautiful female figure, but when things go wrong, sex becomes his belief. When he succeeds easily, he can become greedy for money. But he loves to spend and spends. Taurus women should indulge their Venus nature with various luxury items: expensive jewelry, clothes, cars - all in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and arouse the admiration of Mars. When admired, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the Taurus man is rarely so indifferent: he will not refuse sex. Both men and women are quite unrestrained. During sexual intercourse, they often act on impulse and, being physically strong sign often consider insufficient one sexual intercourse. Taurus often likes the appearance of the two signs ruled by Mercury: Virgo and Gemini, which are also able to offer a diverse sexual repertoire. Both men and women Taurus are usually endowed with beauty, more than one movie star was born under the sign of Taurus.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Venus often acts on her subjects in such a way that they become aggressive and as a result get what they want through non-sexual maneuvers. Taurus take a significant place in the list of famous "dear mistresses". They love to be admired and pampered, and in this way they achieve expensive gifts. Taurus is an earth sign, he is able to practically use his charms. Taurus say what worthwhile thing it makes sense to work hard. Since Taurus believe in fair play, they are bad businessmen and businessmen. And therefore, economic fields that require impudence and resourcefulness must be avoided, otherwise they will not withstand the competition. In general, non-sexual Taurus maneuvers work better not in business and society, but in personal life. How to Satisfy a Taurus Taurus's attitude towards sex can easily become too prosaic when he is not connected with a partner with a deep feeling, or when he is simply tired of a partner. Taurus will not hesitate to ask the former partner for the phone number of any other suitable partners.

Positive character traits

Taurus is a peace-loving person and in our time, when everyone strives to manifest their desires in a frantic manner, Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to the strength and ability to concentrate energy on one thing, he easily succeeds. They excel in activities that require time and perseverance. They often come up with some commercial ideas that at first seem insignificant, and later turn into national values. Remember, Taurus rules the House of Money. And he already knows how to shake gold out of other people's wallets. Once married, he rarely divorces. Taurus are faithful to the end, if not sexually, then spiritually. Men can safely marry a Taurus woman, because. she is a strong, noble wife who supports her husband's affairs practical advice. If anyone wants a relationship that would float on the smooth waves of Venus, board the Taurus steamer. Venus, the goddess who makes girls fall in love and young guys climb onto moonlit balconies and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of Taurus the most suitable for romance and marriage. They are in high demand in this area.

Negative character traits

Stubbornness, indifference, selfishness - that's where to start. But the main disadvantage of Taurus is self-indulgence, self-indulgence. Another drawback is overcaution. If he does not succeed in something, then this is due to his insecurity and inability to take advantage of the opportunity. In personal relationships, Taurus fails to connect sex and emotions. They should at least invent a spiritual life, pretend, if not for themselves, then for their partner, if they want to keep the peace. Women love to talk and men should occasionally listen. Taurus men love flattery and their partners must force themselves to say something that pleases their ears. The sexual impulses of Taurus are closely related to the stomach, and they must remember that excess weight comes from gluttony.

Economy of love

Taurus wants to have everything and happily enter the game of "love economy". They usually exalt the golden calf and are extremely skilled in using money for personal purposes, especially sexual ones. Taurus attracts many, but he himself often wants the unattainable - a person who succumbs to his charms at a high price. But he lacks one person: he needs not only quality, but also quantity. He needs two cars, two houses, and if not a second wife, then at least a mistress. And the Taurus woman is not shy about using money to lure herself handsome man. Positive Taurus types can be generous. They carry their love of art to their own intimate life. But they rarely take under their protection a person who does not have beauty and talent: Venus endowed them with a subtle feeling regarding these two qualities. Taurus always manages to save money for a rainy day. These are the people who survive the ups and downs in the financial life of the country, wisely buying things that always retain their value, such as estates or jewelry. In short, no one knows the art of money manipulation like the owners of the House of Money.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners are people of the signs of Capricorn and Virgo. All three are earth signs and until age 29.5 they are all looking for casual, slightly passive sensual connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good partner and spouse, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually. After 29.5 - Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries - fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are fairly intelligent signs, but don't have as high in the clouds as Taurus. Sometimes it is useful to lower him to the ground so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future. After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited well-being, he is ready for a deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationship. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.

Loyalty score

In general - always good. Taurus is a solid sign, he does not like change. In their younger years, Taurus are especially loyal to their friends and relatives. In marriage, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Erotic horoscope


Born under this sign is charming and refined, capricious and sensual. She strives to surround herself with beautiful things and brilliant men. Perfectly understanding her character, men, nevertheless, achieve intimacy with her, as she is a great partner, able to give refined sensual pleasure. The Epicurean perception of life helps her avoid many serious problems and painful relationships. The joy from the fullness of sensations is transmitted to her chosen one. However, his joy is short-lived. Through a short time he finds his epicurean in the arms of another. She is sincere in eroticism and gives herself up to her attraction recklessly, trying to draw in a new partner an unexplored pleasure. It must be admitted that for men it is as attractive and alluring as it is ruinous. Her married life is often chaotic and unstable.


Women seek marriage with him. They are conquered by his self-confidence, self-esteem, correct and respectful attitude towards his partner. You cannot call him a sophisticated and refined lover, but his passion is strong and exciting for women. In closeness, he is prone to equality and does not seek to suppress his partner with sensuality. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and suggests the presence of the same openness in a woman. Jealous, but considers it his weakness. In the choice of women, as in everything else, he is absolutely independent and relies only on own experience. It is almost impossible to "seduce" him with all sorts of female tricks. To do this, he is smart and insightful enough. Maintains excellent physical form to a ripe old age. His marriage is long and happy, although he does not attach to this special efforts. Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Gemini suits you. Contraindicated, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries definitely do not suit you.

Support in life

Wives are very fond of money and beautiful things. They are puzzled by the success of their husbands, they are practical, they force their husbands to methodically achieve their goals without suffering defeat. Taurus is the sign of bankers. Many husbands are happy to be ruled by common sense and the business acumen of the Taurus wife. Taurus - worthy daughters of Venus - possess good taste, love to give their husbands beautiful clothes. Choose rich and considerate friends. They love luxury and success. The house is usually furnished with exquisite luxury, taste and comfort. Taurus are often stubborn and find it difficult to get along with progressive thinking men. The second problem is the excessive materialism of Taurus, which gives them a lot of trouble.

life companions

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world”, falling in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The sun in the female horoscope indicates a man who is preferred, in male horoscope the moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorces. TAURUS - for him to love is as natural as breathing. Venus rules Taurus - in their youth, Taurus has many romances, as they are kind and attractive. For them, marriage is more important than success in love. Taurus women have an easy character, they are pleasant, although very practical, partners are chosen carefully. They can offer a husband a lot: taste, charm, the quality of a good housewife, but they also require moral and material satisfaction. Taurus men are almost ideal husbands. They are faithful, reliable, generous, homely, love to be masters in their own home. Taurus is very passionate, although laconic. They are ideal parents, often hiding a stormy temperament under a calm look. Taurus are restrained in the manifestation of feelings, do not recognize jealousy and suspicion. Good Partners: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn. Conflict with Leo and Scorpio. Mutual dislike with Aquarius.

love horoscope

In their youth, they are dreamy, fall in love long before the appearance of the first object of love. When this happens, they need time to wake up, to open up to reality, to the other person, until their person becomes the object of love. Passion, even in more mature years, does not arise suddenly, but grows slowly and imperceptibly, but when feelings speak, there is no more sensual sign. He does not deviate from his choice. For Taurus, feelings and desires are one and the same. Taurus' passion is complete: he goes to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. In love, Taurus cannot be stopped by criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort, although in other respects Taurus is practical. The sensitivity of Taurus is higher than sexual desire, it is visible in everything that relates to a loved one: clothing, complexion, smell, tone of voice. The love of Taurus is fraught with the intimacy and isolation of a deserted island in the sunshine, the mystique of a warm and dark cave. It is deeply touching, tender, uncomplicated and long lasting. Taurus wants to own their beloved (s) and belong to them to the end. If reality does not correspond to the ideal, Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency, does not want any reconciliation and distraction, sometimes it can even die because of broken heart. They can fall into other extremes - "Don Juanism", alcoholism, gluttony, but this is relatively rare. Taurus women make the most terrible old maids, Taurus men are generally warmer, more thoughtful, they are devoted lovers, although they are owners, they are pleased to satisfy all the needs of their chosen ones and even surround them with luxury. But they do not compete with other men for affection for their beloved, do not share it with others, do not compromise, do not forget and do not forgive betrayals and deceptions. Taurus women want worship and expect their loved ones to prove their feelings. Having made sure of this, they become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men. Communication with Taurus is entanglement, drawing sometimes into a predicament. Marriage with Taurus discounts the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony. From Taurus gentle parents are obtained, taking care of their children with pleasure. Physically and psychologically, they cannot tolerate the emotional attachment of a partner to children. Taurus thrive in harmony family life, do not tolerate quarrels, can be slightly dictatorial in relation to children. Sentimental Taurus and Scorpio are two opposites to each other. Not always a favorable union of Taurus with Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo (for love and friendship). Pisces, Cancer should be avoided.

Horoscope for parents

Taurus is the most loving sign. Taurus fathers, paying attention to children, demand a lot from them. They themselves are honest, sincere, reliable, they try to bring up the same qualities in children. They are patient and do not like to be rushed. Taurus should be wary of raising extreme materialists out of children. Avoid surrounding them with luxury items, give children developmental items, musical instruments, gymnastic equipment, etc. instead of expensive clothes.

Children's horoscope

You got a wonderful child - stubborn, persistent, cheerful, benevolent. He is not indifferent to art, especially to music, and at the same time practical. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It's not easy at all - to be the parents of a child born under the sign of Taurus. You will rejoice at how your child achieves his goal: he builds a house, learns to write a difficult letter. But sooner or later he will show such perseverance in achieving a goal that, from your point of view, is completely unsympathetic and even harmful. For example, one day he may declare that he does not want to go to kindergarten because he doesn't like it there. And it won't. And if you drag him there by force, he will behave in such a way that you still have to take him out of there. If you think that it is enough to yell at him, to threaten him with punishment, then very soon you will see that all standard parenting techniques are useless or, much worse, reach reverse result. If he decides that he does not need it, he will show his characteristic stubbornness, which you will call stubbornness in your hearts (and you will be right). Do not waste your energy on the fight "who wins", it is better to stop. You will have to spend a lot of time and mental effort to convince your child why you need to do this and not otherwise: why you need to go to kindergarten, why he needs to learn this or that subject at school, why you can’t beat the neighbor’s boy who broke his favorite toy. Strain your intellect: find arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed in him. Your efforts will be rewarded. If you find the right argument, you won't have to repeat every day. The nature of your child is such that, having once made a decision, he will persistently carry it out. Your child has another feature that can annoy parents and teachers. Taurus children are slow and even slow compared to other children. It will seem to you that the child is digging too long, switching to another action for too long. But this slowness is not from “harmfulness”. The fact is that Taurus are solid people, they do everything carefully (as well as everyone born under the earth signs - Virgo and Capricorn), they simply do not know how to rush. Come to terms with this feature, although it may be difficult to get used to such a slow pace, especially if you yourself are a fiery or air "sign". Do not push the child, do not rush, do not create stressful situations. If you get nervous and shout endlessly: “Faster, faster, what are you doing there?”, You will only make it worse: the child will also start to get nervous, and everything will fall out of his hands. It is better to calculate everything in advance, give the child as much time as he needs to feel comfortable. These children (just like Virgo and Capricorn) do not tolerate changes in their lives. They are very attached to their home, parents, relatives, comrades. For any child, a change of scenery - stressful situation, and for yours - doubly. It is very difficult for children born under the sign of Taurus to get used to a new routine, a new home, a new class, new comrades. Even as adults, they continue to adhere to the principle of "better familiar old than unfamiliar new." They love to travel, but only if they know that a warm and loving home awaits them. Unlike fire signs, they rarely act impulsively and almost always consider their actions, taking into account, first of all, such a category as justice. Spare no time and money to give your child a good education, introduce him to the culture. First of all, Taurus, a child or an adult, wants to enjoy life. The more educated your child is, the more happy life he will live. He will then be able to receive not only primitive pleasures - from food, drink, beautiful and comfortable things, but also to experience more subtle feelings - the joy of music, books, successful work, communication with highly intelligent people. What can hurt your child? First of all, any diseases associated with the throat and neck: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In addition, there may be consequences of gluttony, diseases associated with blood pollution, abscesses. The viability of children of this type is high. How should you treat your child in order to achieve what you want without disturbing his inner balance? Don't rush him or push him. Never order him without explaining why you need to do this and not otherwise. Do not undermine the foundations of his security, never, even jokingly, tell him: "Get out of the house, since you are so bad." He also should not have two houses, because, from his point of view, two houses are the same as not one.

These women skillfully manipulate the emotions of men. They are very sensual, and if the partner cannot satisfy them, then they are very worried. Maybe because of this, Taurus often try to take the initiative in their own hands, like to dominate in bed. They have excellent taste and dress beautifully, they never take and do not like to lend money, they are very practical and pragmatic. Such women value luxury and choose men who can satisfy their high demands. Whoever is able to surround them with visible wealth will win their heart for a long time. These women are sure that they have the right to wait for appropriate gifts from their partner, as they fully rewarded him with their love. Conquer wealthy man for them it is not difficult, but not always enough ardor to keep it. As soon as a respectable businessman with big money enters their life, they immediately lose interest in work - a carefree existence dampens them. Their connection can be hot - crazy passions overwhelm both, but long-term relationships are very doubtful. A marriage will be long and happy only on the condition that both partners make every effort to preserve it.

As a partner, Aries men named Anatoly, Arthur, Vsevolod and Ilya are most suitable.

Anna, Vlada, Maya

These Tauruses embody all the qualities that most men usually look for in women: they are patient, mature, affectionate. To get them out peace of mind, you have to try hard. These women have great fortitude, but they never show it. They strive to please their partner in everything. For the sake of a loved one, they are capable of any sacrifice - provided that the partner adheres to the same views on relationships. They need a sentimental man nearby who will look after them beautifully. Strong feelings very often blind them - they see in a partner exclusively positive features and after a while they become disappointed. They like to copy the style of especially attractive women from their environment - they do not always have enough imagination for self-expression in clothes. But in this respect they imitate perfectly. They are not too jealous, but they will not forgive betrayal. These women have a very sensitive sense of smell and will not want to have any intimate relationship with a man who does not smell well. Affectionate, gentle and flexible, both in sex and in everyday life.

As a partner, Taurus men named Athanasius, Efim, Innokenty and Fedor are most suitable.

Valentina, Vera, Zhanna, Karina

Such Taurus are charming, pleasant in communication and very attractive to the opposite sex. They are proficient in the art of seduction and actively apply their knowledge in practice. Men are attracted to them like a magnet, but for many they remain an unattainable ideal. If Taurus liked someone, then they instantly set up their networks, which no one can pass. These girls do not reject third-party signs of attention and will gladly accept courtship and gifts (and it is very difficult to please them!). Such women do not tolerate anyone's power and do not want to concede. In bed, they are temperamental and know how to get even a sexually weak partner. Another feature of such ladies is excessive sentimentality: hence the frequent whims and claims. They will not allow themselves to be deceived. Jealous, like to arrange noisy scenes or scandals. As soon as they suspect something is wrong, the partner will be dismissed.

As a partner, Gemini men with the names Valentin, Vladimir, Efim and Sergey are most suitable.

Elena, Elizabeth, Zoya, Lilia, Oksana

The material side of life of such women worries more than emotional or moral. Even when love overwhelms them, they remain very prudent. Such women need not only a temperamental, but also a fairly wealthy lover. Short-term novels are not about them. They are looking for a reliable man for long-term relationships and strong family happiness. The peculiarity of such women is that they accumulate insults in themselves until they break out. When the cup is overflowing and the boiling point has been passed, an immediate burst will follow. Lena, Lisa, Zoe, Lilia and Oksana have a wonderful sense of humor and use it with might and main: they like to play tricks on their loved ones, arrange practical jokes. In bed, they are unusually temperamental, they are more interested in the result than the process of sexual games. Most of their relationships are developing quite successfully - provided that a man can guarantee stability and fidelity to these Taurus.

As a partner, Cancer men named Adam, Ivan and Taras are most suitable.

Ekaterina, Regina, Svetlana

Taurus with marked names are the most tender and sexy representatives of their sign. Those born in April are a little stricter towards others than those born in May. They love comfort in everything, including during sex. For example, they prefer certain evening time for intimacy. They meet their lover, preparing as much as possible for this. They cannot be taken by surprise. Too much demands are placed on the partner. He must be very strong, well developed physically and intellectually, attentive, caring, affectionate. Love should be his priority - Taurus will not tolerate another attitude towards themselves. It is worth noting that excessive pressure, perseverance and importunity can scare away such women. The marriage will last as long as possible if their man is not born in August.

Virgo men named Andrei, Benjamin and Cyril are most suitable as a partner.

Evgenia, Inna, Irina

These women are naturally seductive, masterfully master the techniques of seduction - in this regard, they do not need any advice. In their every gesture and movement there is something extraordinarily attractive, inflaming the imagination. (The opposite sex is crazy about their neck ... and earlobes! During intimacy, they tend to touch them with their tongue.) Possessors of excellent intuition, on which they often rely. At the same time, modesty, a sense of proportion, and high moral principles are not alien to them. They are sincere in dealing with people. Life with them proceeds quite calmly, you should not expect raging passions. Although they are quite jealous. inclined to set excess weight. They need to learn how to emphasize the dignity of the figure. Taurus women are in dire need of affectionate and hardy partners who can satisfy all their desires.

As a partner, Libra men named Albert, George, Ivan and Kirill are most suitable.

Diana, Sabina, Taisiya, Tatiana

They know what deceit and love are. They are inventive, they know how to charm, using female energy in their own interests. They skillfully manipulate men and benefit from every acquaintance. Like all Taurus, they are distinguished by practicality. The strength of love is determined for them solely by physical attraction, but by no means by platonic feelings. The closer they get to know a man, the more demands they make on him. They quickly break off relations with bored lovers, especially do not spare their feelings. They need increased attention from the partner, his most reverent attitude towards their person. In bed, these women are tireless, love long sex and long foreplay. They study in detail the erogenous zones of a new lover in order to demonstrate all their skills. The most sensitive area of ​​such Taurus is the neck and chest. Long-term marriage is possible subject to the tolerance of both spouses.

As a partner, Scorpio men named Athanasius, Yegor, Igor, Roman and Tikhon are most suitable.

Veronica, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Christina

Endowed with extraordinary flair. They know exactly what a man likes, and from the first minutes of the meeting they know how to use female tricks and tricks. Their elegance and grace can only be envied. They seduce everyone who comes into their field of vision, but only one of the many is chosen as a partner. They are not inclined to polygamy, they never change. However, even a strong feeling, not supported by fantastic sex, loses all meaning for them. They enjoy being petted during foreplay until the excitement reaches its peak. And it doesn't matter how long it takes. They like to encroach on the freedom and independence of a partner. Their marriage will fall apart quickly if both spouses do not try to understand each other.

As a partner, Sagittarius men named Vasily, Vladislav, Dmitry, Konstantin and Ruslan are most suitable.

Anastasia, Lolita, Natalia

Gentle, attractive, intelligent, strong-willed, independent, intolerant of the shortcomings of others. These women have every next step thought out, especially when they want to charm someone. Men fall into their nets easily and get out with difficulty. In their youth, such women want to know all the charms of love as early as possible, and a man who can teach them this has a chance to win their heart for quite a long time. If Taurus indulges in all serious and begins to know completely different partners, then they become very picky - without remorse they will find a replacement for any gentleman. They often become depressed due to unsatisfied feelings. They know how to dress stylishly, do not like excessive luxury. They are quite economical, they know how to meet the budget allotted for shopping. They are very fond of jewelry, especially necklaces or necklaces. This is due to the fact that they have a very sensitive neck and, decorating it, they experience special pleasure. The skin of such Taurus is soft and tender. Therefore, in clothes they prefer silk, and they do not like coarse fabrics.

As a partner, Capricorn men with the names Victor, Denis, Leo, Pavel and Rustam are most suitable.

Dinara, Marina, Olga, Polina, Sofia

These women are very sensual and too receptive. The physical side of life means a lot to them. They do not try to find a reasonable explanation for this - rather, it exists at the level of instinct. Such Taurus adore luxury and enjoy all the blessings of life, often thanks to their beloved. But such women deserve to be pampered!

If these women make a date, everything will be thought out to the smallest detail: from a candlelit dinner to lacy lingerie. A man will be fascinated by their outfit, exquisite jewelry. In bed, such Taurus are unusually inventive - they perfectly understand how much joy oral sex can bring to a partner, and they actively use it.

Aquarius men with the names Herman, Pavel and Semyon are most suitable as a partner.

Maria, Julia

Women with such names are erotic and too amorous. Temperamental and at the same time hardy, they can spend long hours in bed and not feel tired. During intercourse, they behave freely with any partner. Sex is not an end in itself for them - they are looking for a man who is close to them in spirit. Although in general Taurus is quite conservative, these women willingly go to various experiments in erotic relationships. And it is sex that helps them maintain good physical shape, it relieves stress and increases their performance. Masha and Julia can live with expectations for a long time: they hope that they will meet their prince on a white horse. They easily get acquainted with new people, are devoid of prejudices and complexes, have little regard for public opinion. Most often, these qualities help them find perfect man and brilliantly arrange a personal life. It is difficult for men to part with such a partner. If a break occurs, then the woman herself becomes the initiator. They are very jealous, although they carefully hide it, but discord can begin precisely on the basis of their constant suspicions and paranoia. Of these women, the sexiest and most liberated are those born in April. May ones often depend on conventions.

Pisces men with the names Venedikt and Vyacheslav are most suitable as a partner.

Alice, Valeria, Varvara, Yana

Such women are smart and purposeful. At the same time, they are not inclined to demonstrate their wit and intelligence, which is probably why many men underestimate them. Taurus soberly look at life, at the relationship of the sexes. They do not believe in platonic love - feelings are inseparable for them from physical attraction. These women are charming, knowing their advantages, they know how to emphasize them. They are very demanding lovers. They like long caresses, experiments in bed, transferring fantasies to reality. To increase the excitement, they can be snarky, play resistance. Such women are torn between strong sexual attraction and the need for security. They cannot stand abstinence and do not know how to be alone.

As a partner, Leo men with the names Alexei and Efim are most suitable.

Ruler planet:♀ Venus. Element: Earth.

Taurus personality

Taurus is surprisingly stubborn and strong, but, oddly enough, it is easiest to recognize a person born under this sign of the Zodiac by its invisibility. In the company, Taurus will keep to himself and, most likely, will rush to leave this noisy, uncomfortable gathering. Only in the circle of close friends, where Taurus is guaranteed complete comfort - both physical and spiritual - can he last the whole evening, but even then you cannot call him talkative or emotional. However, behind his stingy phrases and unhurried movements, solidity and hidden strength are always felt.

“Slowly but surely” is the motto of the stubborn Taurus, which is reflected in all areas of his life. If Taurus has taken up something or is firmly convinced of something, it is simply impossible to force him to retreat. You can spend hours assuring Taurus that he is wrong, you can yell at him and even stomp your feet - Taurus will remain unperturbed, as always, and will not change his point of view. However, it also happens that he - no, does not question his rightness - but still loses his temper. Fortunately, such cases are very rare, because the usually calm and balanced Taurus in his furious anger is really scary.

However, the stubbornness and intractability of Taurus is just back side his inhuman perseverance. With the same equanimity and calm confidence, he will slowly go towards his goal, regardless of any obstacles. Where the other retreats and breaks ten times, the stubborn Taurus will not stop until he achieves his goal.

It is not surprising that, having such penetrating talents, in life Taurus is used to relying primarily on himself. In the work team, he strives to be not a leader and not a follower, but on his own, being fully responsible for his area of ​​work. His independence and ability to work hard make him an indispensable worker, and the resilience with which he is ready to endure setbacks and even start from scratch is admirable.

However, with all his ability to endure difficulties and (if necessary) be content with little, you can’t call Taurus an ascetic. Yes, he is an opponent of special excesses, but with two hands for comfort and a decent life. And believe me, his concept of a “decent life” includes not so little: Taurus appreciates all the pleasures and conveniences, whether it is healthy sleep, the joys of love, delicious food, a good car or a cozy apartment in a prestigious area.

Thanks to his perseverance, thoroughness and desire for material wealth, Taurus is able to gradually fulfill all his desires and accumulate considerable capital. Most likely, in his life over time there will be everything that he dreamed of and for what long years strove: and a strong family, and prosperity, and coziness, and comfort. But the most important thing - balance and harmony - regardless of his achievements, will always reign in his soul.

The planet of Taurus - the beautiful Venus - gives him the ability to love, a penchant for the arts and romance, and his element Earth gives him the strength to stand firmly on his feet.

Confident and peaceful, serious and stubborn, purposeful and knowing exactly what he wants from life, Taurus slowly moves towards his goal and has every chance to reach the very heights. His inner strength allows him to move mountains, and the onslaught and perseverance are so great that there are no barriers for them.

Taurus is all about patience. They can be safely considered a role model, because people born under this sign are almost impossible to piss off. But if you succeed, you will receive an unstoppable wave of rage. The cup of their patience is deep enough, but when it overflows, the flood cannot be stopped.

Taurus is a very domestic sign. They do not like to leave their comfort zone with familiar places and people.

They do not need to become the soul of the company. Taurus will always stick to their course, always give useful advice and help in Hard time. But at the same time, this is a very silent sign. Also, they are the most stubborn people in the world. But we must admit that Taurus will never offend anyone with their sense of humor. They are always worried about other people's feelings.

Taurus man - best dad in the world. He moderately observes the methods of "carrot and stick". Men born under this sign are ideal husbands. They are not spenders, but at the same time they do not regret anything for their chosen one.

The Taurus woman is harmonious in everything. She is reasonable, sober in her choice and judgments. She will not be an ordinary wife or mother, she is a true friend.

Taurus at work

They are always professionals. They have "golden hands", a sharp and practical mind. They are not afraid of routine work, because the result is important for them. Satisfaction with their success is the main incentive for their career growth.

Taurus in love

The Taurus man is again patient and very gentle. He will try in every possible way to protect his chosen one from any troubles and problems. He does not need short-term intrigues, he longs for understanding between partners. But if a Taurus man is waiting for a break in relations, this can have a very negative effect on his future choice. He may become more cynical and distrustful. It is necessary to prove to the offended Taurus that he is loved and appreciated, then you can return a sincere romantic to his soul.

The Taurus woman loves attention. She can have several admirers at the same time to satisfy her whims. But if she still chooses one, all other fans will fade into the background. She will completely and completely surrender to her chosen one.

Taurus in sex

They love variety in sex and various experiments. Any refusal of intimacy for a representative of this sign is equated with personal hostility and treason.

Erogenous zones of Taurus

They love tactile sensations, so without touching they will not be able to start the process of foreplay. Their love language is gentle touches and passionate kisses. Their erogenous zones are the neck and ears.

Taurus in Friendship

These are very loyal and reliable friends, but getting into their close circle is not so easy. To do this, you need to be tested by time and circumstances. Remember that Taurus do not forgive deceit. They love heart-to-heart talk and may even be jealous of their friends because they value the emotional connection so much.

Taureans will not tolerate pressure placed on their persona and cannot stand doing things that they don't like or that seem unreasonable. If you decide to give Taurus an order, do it in the form of a friendly request.

That's all you need to know and remember about this zodiac sign. Taurus - very good people, friendship with which can last a lifetime, if, of course, to be sincere with them.

All Signs of the Zodiac have their own mysteries and secrets. Each of the 12 constellations has its own energy and character, which is inherent in people born under these stars. Taurus is no exception.

Those who were born under the Sign of Aries can read the article about 10 unusual facts about the Zodiac Sign Aries. We continue to consider the most secret corners of consciousness and other Signs. The Earth Sign of Taurus is very strong, although it does not show it. He has his weaknesses, his shortcomings that prevent him from living, but who does not have them?

Character of Taurus

Who are these people, if not bright good-natured people. They will always help friends, relatives, while not distorting their faces. They will find time for you, but this will not always be the case. Until Taurus finds a soul mate, they will help you, be friends with you. Everything will be great. But after they meet their love, friends fade into the background. Get ready for this, because Taurus people change their priorities very easily.

These people love everything beautiful. They are true aesthetes. They are attracted by practical beauty - in the house, in the car, in clothes. These are the mods. Beautiful people are the main magnet for Taurus. If you want to see a Taurus rally, then come to a fashion show, a car show or a beauty pageant. There will be a lot of representatives of this Zodiac Sign.

The land has a very strong influence on these people, so they are economical and will never squander the money earned by honest labor ... well, unless they buy a more expensive car or a cooler suit.

10 Unusual Taurus Facts

Get ready to learn something about these people that you may not have known.

Fact one: Taurus just can't stand anything temporary. If they are looking for a friend, then for life. The same goes for the person you love. They also buy a phone or a car once every few years, but they are ready to pay a lot of money for it. Temporary relationships for them may be acceptable if they already have a loved one. Taurus cheat, but you will never know about it.

Fact two: The philosophy of these people is as simple as a blow to the head with a frying pan. The main thing is the house. Taurus love their haven, although they may not spend much time in it. Coming home, they need comfort. They don’t care what kind of view is out of the window - it’s better to let the bathroom be bigger and more pleasant. They are easily seduced by amenities and high technology.

Fact three: Do you know who Mr. Bean is? It's that weird English comedian who has the funniest lively eyebrows and incredibly funny facial expressions. So, Taurus is capable of the same show. Not everyone knows this about themselves, but almost everyone can be just as artistic and funny. Just watch them tell funny stories - their face sometimes looks much more funny than the greatest comedians. Taurus can help cheer up anyone, anywhere.

Fact four: patience - strong point Taurus, which even some Taurus do not know about. They are able to wait indefinitely until the opportunity comes for something. That's why they're good at gambling card games, are successful in love and always achieve what they want. Only the laziest of the representatives of this Sign can afford to do nothing, but most hide the ability to wait, disguising it as laziness.

Fact five: Taurus deserve to be trusted. They won’t “throw” anyone just like that - they don’t need it. They are creators, therefore they do not destroy everything around them, but create. An interesting fact is that Taurus can always be trusted. They do not like to lie, although they know how to do it. These people don't know it themselves, but it's true.

Fact six: Taurus is very jealous, but not for money. These people can become greedy only in the most unusual and difficult situation, but they are jealous of their loved ones even for things. Sometimes one gets the feeling that Taurus wants to know even the thoughts of a loved one, controlling him completely. They love to be obeyed, but they do not have a God complex, so do not be afraid to listen to their advice and instructions.

Fact seven: Taurus at first glance seem so bold that you begin to believe in their courage, but in fact they are afraid. Their greatest talent lies in the fact that they not only mask their fears, but also turn them into courage in some unthinkable way. How they do it, only they know. It remains only to observe this phenomenon.

Fact eight: if you did something good to this person, he will never forget it. He or she may forget when mom's birthday is, but they can't forget your kindness, so being nice to them can be helpful. Respond to their pleas for help, because this goodness will return to you in double ... no, in triple size.

Fact nine: Taurus rampage is unstoppable. Never bring these people to a nervous breakdown. Otherwise, a real apocalypse may come. Your life will turn into hell if you do something bad to him. The vindictive Taurus will take revenge on you when the opportunity comes. They know how to wait, we told you.

Fact ten: negative interesting fact only one. Many Taurus, almost 90%, will not communicate and build relationships with you if you are not dressed stylishly, not fashionably, cheaply or without taste, if you do not match sexy looks if you smell bad. They notice any little things that can interfere with your friendship. However, if you are already friends, then Taurus will gently and kindly point out to you what is wrong with you.

We are sure that you did not know much of this. Now your friendships, love or partnerships with this Zodiac Sign will be more effective. We also recommend that you know what to talk about with people is not worth it. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and