English for adults: learn a language for free online

Without English, it’s like without water - you can’t order coffee, or write an important item in your resume. And knowledge is not a luxury at all, because there are a lot of places on the Web where you can learn it completely free of charge, that is, for free.

For beginners

If for some reason your English is at the level of “Ben, ay nid help” and “Yes, yes, obehhees”, do not tell anyone about this, turn on the computer and repeat after the patient electronic teacher. Be persistent - soon overtake Soviet English teachers. Free online English lessons http://english-for-free.com 50 lessons to learn conversational English from scratch. You read sentences, translate, check the translation, and learn the pronunciation by double-clicking on the desired word. English for beginners http://begin-english.ru/ Here everything happens gradually: you start with word cards, then you move on to a simplified grammar for beginners, then you take on a tutorial for dummies with audio. You fix it with audio courses, as a bonus - articles, pictures with translation, interesting videos. Audio Lessons http://englishfull.ru/ 100 audio lessons on various themes(from a city tour to dinner at a restaurant, for example). There are also linguistic subtleties: they will tell you about irregular verbs or phrases with adjectives. Video lessons online http://uroki-online.com/ Grammar from scratch, educational videos for travelers, common mistakes when learning English and more. Audio phrasebook http://audiorazgovornik.ru/ A lot of colloquial material in order to learn to perceive by ear and speak about everyday things. Here you will be taught to say things like "Powerful shot on goal" or "Let's get a divorce." Spoken English http://tonail.com/ How to get to the library, exchange change, order the right amount of beer... In general, only essential. Video lessons http://videourokionline.ru/ 16 videos with lessons on the express method "Polyglot". They promise to learn to speak in 16 hours. Learn English on your own http://englishes.ru/ The site was made by a guy who studied German at school. He shares his experience of self-mastery of English. Lessons, grammar, dialogues, tests - everything is lively, with pictures.

For "returnees"

You already once started - and somewhere advanced. Now you want to restore your skills and move on - and the last thing you want is the boredom a la "Du-did-dan" and "Landan from the capital." First of all, interesting and practical material will help you get back in shape and improve it. 4 flags http://4flaga.ru/ 82 lessons plus a lot of any additional material at the links: a library of books in English, songs, an illustrated history of Britain, foreign fiction and all that. English online http://onlinenglish.ru/ Having gone through the sections for beginners - audio and video courses, dialogues - let's move on to interesting things: audio books, songs, films, tests. English Guru http://englishgu.ru/ A lot of material with a varied and interesting presentation. Grammar visualization, tests, tips from tutors and teachers, YouTube series and videos, demotivators and comics in English with translation illustrating the rules. Englishtexts.ru http://englishtexts.ru/ Hobbit lesson, topic “I don't like to get up early on the weekends”, analysis of the soundtrack to “The Great Gatsby”… Learning the language in the most practical of practices! American English http://am-en.ru/ Want to pass for your own in Manhattan? Oh my gosh, its up that yu! Home English http://www.homeenglish.ru/ We learn vocabulary according to Stephen King, memorize with the help of associative pictures, sprinkle proverbs, sayings and quotes famous people. Learn English online http://www.englishonlinefree.ru/ In addition to lessons-exercises-dialogues, there are such interesting sections as "English driving", "Interview in English", as well as radio, television, shows and other entertainment - all in English. english art http://englishart.ru/ What is called in spa-salons, how to swear in English, translations from Apukhtin - in general, a daring vinaigrette! I love english http://iloveenglish.ru Collections of words on topics, videos, online lessons, “crazy grammar” - everything is very nice and fun. Movies in English http://www.filminenglish.ru/ We study the language by immersion: we watch action movies, comedies, horrors, arthouse and any other movies in the original language. hamatata.com http://www.hamatata.com/ Movies with English subtitles plus translation. When you hover over a title, the action pauses; when you hover over a word in the credits, it is translated. Very comfortably. Lingua Leo http://lingualeo.com A well-known service built on a gaming technique. It has both paid and ball functions. By registering for free, here you can interactively learn the language individually and through communication with your own kind.

For meticulous

If it’s your taste, on the contrary, don’t jump from a clip to a joke and back, but sit straight and learn everything in order from the alphabet to Shakespeare’s studies, start from the basics and move to the top. English in in perfect order http://tonail.com/ Here everything is divided into several sections. Basic: aspects (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary), sections (colloquial, American, dialogues, programs ...), topics (about yourself, family, food ...). lingust http://lingust.ru/english In detail, consistently and step by step: up to the Upper-Intermediate level. Delight English http://www.delightenglish.ru/ Lessons based on the Oxford International English Course plus additional material: grammar guide, books, films, etc. TalkEnglish.com http://ru.talkenglish.com/ Conversational and its subtleties, business and its nuances, listening for different levels, Additional materials and lessons. According to the principle: "Read, click, listen and repeat." “Speed” lessons online http://www.study.ru/lessons/ There are lessons with registration, but there are also without: everyone with a knowledge level of Elementary and above can study for free.

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

English for Beginners is a study guide for those who want to learn how to speak, listen, read and write English, but have never studied English and do not know how to start learning it. However, it can also be useful for those who once learned English and would like to quickly restore their knowledge. The manual offers a short phonetic course for teaching pronunciation and reading, an elementary grammar course, basic vocabulary on basic topics, communication models used in communication, texts for reading, exercises for training and systematizing the material. The accompanying CD helps develop listening skills.

This course was written at the numerous requests of teachers and students as the first and necessary part in mastering the English language, preceding the work on the textbooks “English for Russians. English course colloquial speech+ CD 1 and English for All. Universal guide for learners of English + CD 2. For many years, the author has received requests and wishes to write a textbook based on the methodology he developed for those who want to start learning English, but do not have elementary information about it, i.e. present an elementary English course, after which you can proceed to work on other author's manuals. English for Beginners is for everyone who wants to learn how to speak, read and write English, but who have no idea about this language and do not know how to start learning it. Based on the needs of those who want to learn English from scratch, we offer a textbook consisting of two parts. The first part includes the "Introductory Phonetic Course", "Reading and Writing Rules", as well as the "Thematic Dictionary".

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English from scratch, an elementary practical course in English, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • English from scratch, Elementary practical English course, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - English from scratch is a textbook for those who want to learn to speak, understand by ear, read and write in English, but ... English language books
  • English for All, Universal Guide for English Language Learners, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - The guide is written on the basis of the author's methodology aimed at developing all skills speech activity: speaking, writing, reading, listening. In every lesson... English language books
  • Keynote Intermediate, Workbook, Lansford L., 2016 - Excerpt from the book: MARK BEZOS got a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in advertising and public relations from Texas Christian … English language books
  • Dictionary of typical mistakes of the English language, Vybornov A.V., 2012 - Exists a large number of words and expressions, the translation of which presents significant difficulties for those who study English. This dictionary will help... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

The following tutorials and books:

  • Real English tutorial, entry level, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - Real English tutorial, First level, CD, Karavanova N.B., 2015 The tutorial is designed specifically for Russian-speaking students. It includes all… English language books
  • Real spoken English for free communication, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 - Real spoken English for free communication, CD, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 This manual will help you master modern spoken English and learn … English language books
  • Beginning to learn English, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - Beginning to learn English, Karavanova N.B., CD, 2015. The manual is intended for those who are just starting to learn English or need ... English language books
  • English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2011 - English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, 1 CD, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O. , 2011 English in … English language books

Previous articles:

  • English language books
  • English without a tutor, Self-tutor of the English language, Martynova Yu.A., 2012 - You can learn English quickly, easily and independently with this study guide. The book lays out the main... English language books
  • Understandable English, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2014 - This manual is intended for a wide range of people traveling abroad and faced with the need to communicate with foreigners in English. … English language books
  • Spoken English, Trofimenko T.G., 2014 - This has never happened before! The author uses an innovative technique that allows, without studying grammar in full and without cramming, to teach a person ... English language books

An acute, exciting question for everyone:

“How to learn spoken English for beginners from scratch?”

Hello friends!

  • Who doesn't dream of traveling the world freely or finding foreign friends?
  • Who doesn’t want to boldly and proudly write “fluent English” in the “knowledge of languages” column?
  • Who doesn’t want to not hide under the table when they see a foreigner approaching, but confidently and with a smile be the first to start a conversation with him?

Well, I really want to know English, right?

– “But how do you make all of this a reality?"- you ask, - " if I don't know (don't remember) English at all?

You can’t ask for directions, or have lunch in a cafe, and you can forget about friendly conversations in general.

What to do?

Just today, we will talk together about how to learn English easily and without strain for beginners and those who remember on their own and with the help of others!

So, are you ready? Go! 🙂

Do not try to immediately “get the stars from heaven”! First things first, get to grips with “Conversational English for Beginners”!

Many students immediately try to cover everything: and start writing, and reading, and sending their resume ... But!

As we all have great understanding, knowledge of the language, first of all, is the ability to SPEAK and SPEAK on it!

Therefore, do not focus immediately and a lot on writing, reading - all this will come by itself during class. Take your attention by the tail and turn it into side of training your speech! 🙂

I took an English course for beginners. Now I'm practicing what I learned at my new job. An important role for me was played by the fact that I really needed English for my career.

— Anna, English in 4 Weeks 2in1 student

« Fine', you say, ' BUT AS? WHERE SHOULD I START?»

- First of all, it's not scary 🙂

- Secondly, it can be done both at home and in the office. And also in the car, plane, and fishing.

– Thirdly, we create such video tutorials that amaze with their simplicity and accessibility!

Yes, yes, we understand that everyone has been intimidated by learning languages ​​for a long time :-) And we want to show you that everything is actually very simple! Simple, Easy and Interesting!

Video tutorials will give you a quick result precisely because they are very simple! This means that you quickly learn and memorize new words, where and what and how to say!

Video classes will make you feel much more confident (and this is so important, right?)

Agree, you will be pleased if you can make a competent order on your own, and not explain on your fingers to the waiter the meaning of “one coffee and that bun” :-)

IN modern world Internet, you can learn English without attending courses or a tutor. Today, technology has taken a giant step forward and now everyone is happy to learn English online!

So, start practicing with English video lessons!

And how to do it right?

1. Watch lessons regularly.

2. Be sure (!) Repeat everything out loud.

3. Practice English on your own or with your family! - Choose what works best for you.

4. Don't rush to "jump" to the next class. You will see more results if you view the same lesson several times.

5. Be sure to write down everything you learn in the video in your special notebook. Periodically open it and repeat everything. Remember that learning and remembering words is much easier if you write them out and repeat them regularly.

6. Connect and practice English audio lessons from scratch!

Thanks a lot! Until the moment I started doing video lessons, my English was at zero. And now he's finally moved on! I watch video tutorials, I repeat constantly, I already say a little bit! I hope to write to you in English soon!

— Alexandra, BistroEnglish student

Video + audio = double artillery! 🙂

Agree, learning English with video lessons is very simple and fun! Both for beginners and for those who continue, both for adults and children - it's simple and interesting!

You don't have to go anywhere! Just imagine: now you are attending classes ... right at home. And when it's convenient for you. The main thing is to consistently perform all the proposed tasks and the result will amaze you!

English classes online - Pros:

  • You can study both video lessons and audio lessons;
  • You calmly listen to both native and non-native speakers and learn to understand them ALL;
  • You analyze different dialogues, learn where and how to ask and what to answer;
  • Learn and REMEMBER many necessary words and expressions;
  • And many other benefits! What? Think for yourself! :-)

Just imagine, even if you don’t know the name of something, you can still explain what you want to your interlocutor! Cool, isn't it?

Online learning is a choice modern people striving for self-development, results and success.

This is learning English in a new way!

No need to wait for anyone! There is NO need to be shy or afraid of not being able to catch up with someone!

You master the program on your own and conquer personal heights in the study foreign language. Just go to the site and your lesson has begun! How far you go in your knowledge is entirely up to you. We provide quality, structured materials and practical tasks compiled and presented in an accessible and visual way.

Welcome! - Welcome!

Join Online English Learning for Beginners Here:


How to learn English on your own at home from scratch? So that the phrase "Landan from the Capital of Great Britain" would not be your only crown, we have collected for you best advice! Choose what you like more.


If you want to quickly learn English on your own at home from scratch, then you should stick to some system. It is similar to the system that is used in physical training, and covers all areas in the study of a foreign language.

There are only five points that you must master:

  • grammar;
  • reading;
  • lexicon;
  • listening;
  • speaking.

The meaning of the system is that every day you should devote 15-20 minutes of your time to a specific item.

Day 1: Grammar

Grammar is the foundation of everything. To begin with, it is worth remembering all the pronouns, tenses, irregular verbs and exceptions.

§English course from Dmitry Petrov and from the channel "Culture". In just 16 lessons, the teacher will introduce you to the basics of the English language, using his individual system.

§Channel English Galaxy will tell you how to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. The channel features great amount lessons to help you master a foreign language.

Indigenous native speakers use only 4 tenses in everyday speech: Present Simple, past simple, Future Simple and Present Continuous. Well, they also love the passive voice. This is sufficient for the elementary level.

Useful software

The Duolingo app will explain the basics of English grammar. You will need to devote only 10-15 minutes of free time per day to the language. The application will teach you simple grammar and translation of elementary things.

You should not sit over studying English for 4-5 hours. Enough 15-20 minutes a day. There can be 3 or 4 such days in a week.

Day 2: Reading

Start with the simplest texts. Let it be children's books about bunnies, cats and foxes. But you will understand everything that happens there. Books can be found at major bookstores or ordered online.

Yes, e-books- it's cool, but it's better to print the text or buy a book in English. So you can write the translation of a word right above the English word. Like they used to do in school.

In addition to books, you can find websites, entertainment portals or blogs in English that talk about things that interest you. Most importantly, you have to love it. If you are more interested in reading technical texts, then why do you need to know about how God sent a piece of cheese to a crow? Read what you want.

§Books in English for beginners (level elementary):

  • Peppa Pig (books about Peppa Pig);
  • Danny and the Dinosaur (Danny and the dinosaur);
  • Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh);
  • Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure (Moomin Troll's adventures);
  • When Lulu Went to the Zoo (When Lulu went to the Zoo).


  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
  • Alice in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Mary Poppins (The Adventures of Merry Poppins)
  • The Black Cat (Edgar Poe)/(Black Cat)
  • The Gift of the Magi (Gift of the Magi).

§Books in English for the level advanced:

Yes, you are the God of English! Read at least "Harry Potter" in the original, even "The Lord of the Rings".

  • The Time Machine (Time Machine);
  • The Invisible Man (Invisible Man);
  • Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice);
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (Four weddings and one funeral);
  • The Grass is Singing (The grass sings).

Day 3: Vocabulary

How to learn English on your own at home quickly? You need to replenish your vocabulary. You can combine this day with the second day if you wish. As you read, write down any unfamiliar words that come across your eyes.

Get a dictionary

Get your own personal dictionary so as not to lose all the words, because not everything can fit in your head. It can be a notebook or notepad.

§1 option: unfamiliar English word| Russian translation

§Option 2: unfamiliar English word | explanation of the translation of the word in English

§3 option: unfamiliar English word | explanation of the translation of the word in English | Russian translation

Useful software

A cool app that will help you memorize foreign words is called Easy Ten.

  • you can choose the words you want to learn on your own;
  • you can choose the level of difficulty of words;
  • there is a pronunciation of words;
  • there are examples of phrases with the use of a specific word;
  • Russian translation;
  • the application sends notifications every half an hour, the studied word with translation is displayed on the screen, which contributes to better memorization.
  • the application is paid, only 3 free days are given.

Translate the menu of your phone or work computer into English. Before your eyes will always be the most elementary words in the English language.

Day 4: Listening

Forget those stupid awful quality cassettes they played us in school. Because of the noise, you were just beginning to listen to a boring text about some newspapers, business, and cap-offs, but the dialogue was already ending. And you didn't catch anything. How easy is it to learn English on your own at home?

Watch and listen to what interests you:

  • foreign YouTube channels;
  • interesting and informative videos;
  • tracks and clips in English.

What serials, what videos on YouTube go immediately with subtitles. Just press the Play button and enjoy. Try to shield yourself as much as possible in English so that you can get used to it, and then you will automatically understand everything that is being said, and already without subtitles.

Day 5: Speaking

If you have a friend or acquaintance who speaks perfect English, talk to him more often. But, if you do not have such people nearby, this is not a reason to be upset.

§How to learn spoken English on your own at home? You need to communicate with the indigenous people, who ideally own it. The Hello talk application will help with this. You just register, indicate your level of English knowledge, your interests, tell about yourself and look for friends from different countries. It's like a small global social network.

Application pros:

  • you can improve your level of knowledge of any language;
  • communicate with people from different countries;
  • help them learn your native language;
  • if you wrote or said something incorrectly, your interlocutor will correct you;
  • you can correct other people too;
  • the ability to record audio messages;
  • the ability to share your moments and photos;
  • likes, comments are present.

§ A similar application with similar functionality is Tandem.

§You can also recommend the fiverr resource. There you can find a person whose native language is English and talk to him via Skype. The service is paid.

Useful channels, sites and applications

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free? We've put together some tips and tricks for you! Take what pleases you.


Here are some useful channels:

Learn English with Papa Teach Me

The channel of the guy who teaches English in English! Everything is super simple and clear!

Skyeng: Online English School

The cute girl teaches English through songs, series, videos, TV shows and more. An interesting and informative channel for everyone who does not know how to learn English on their own at home from scratch.


Have many seen the video where foreigners listen to Russian music? Venya has a lot of videos where you can see the reaction various people for CIS content. And also Venya travels a lot around the world, teaches English and shares big amount life hacks.

Marina Mogilko

A Russian girl who founded her own business and went to live in the USA talks about her life, work, the pros and cons of America. And yes, she is just beautiful!

English Maria

Great English teacher who teaches the way she wants. And she does it, by the way, very well!

Applications and websites

In addition to the above applications, there are several more:


Interactive learning of English, where everything is collected: grammar, speaking, reading, listening. Completing tasks is easy and simple. And most importantly, it's not boring. Also at LinguLeo there is a website that helps to learn the language.

§English with Puzzle English

At Puzzle English There is a website and an app. This is a great project that suitable for those who wants to learn English. The point is that it is necessary to collect a complete picture of audio, video or text using puzzles. And you can also find a huge number of interesting articles and memes. Well, where without games!

If you urgently need to check the text in English, then entrust this matter to native speakers. On the site, you can ask for help editing your article or essay.

§Sites with double subtitles

Movies with double subtitles will help you learn English on your own at home from scratch. You can find them on the following sites:

As you can see, it is quite possible to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. Do, read and watch only what you like. Feel the language, catch its rhythm. And soon you will not feel embarrassed when you speak English and will be able to express your thoughts clearly.

Let me speak from my heart,

Thanks for your time!

There is no secret method to learn a language in a month. If someone promises you a miracle, don't believe it. But the process can be accelerated in order to overcome the barrier in six months and finally speak English. Lifehacker and Skyeng online English school experts share simple tips.

1. Study online

Online classes help you learn quickly. It is too lazy to go to the other end of the city in bad weather, and the Internet is always at hand. Adapting your schedule to the course schedule, agreements with teachers, wasting time on the road - all this bothers and slows down the process. Choose online courses. What makes life easier, increases motivation.

Many, choosing between a cozy evening at home and a long trip to the courses, decide that they can live without English.

Get rid of the reasons to miss classes - make a convenient personal schedule. At Skyeng, teachers work in all time zones, so you can study anytime, even in the middle of the night.

Online classes are also good because all the materials, texts, videos, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the application or on the website. Homework assignments are checked automatically as they are completed.

2. Learn at your leisure

Don't limit yourself to class time. Learning a language is not only about doing exercises. You can upgrade your skill by listening to songs and podcasts or by reading English-speaking bloggers.

Everyone knows how important it is to watch movies and series with English subtitles, but not everyone is aware that there are special educational applications for this. Skyeng online translators are linked to the same name application on your phone, so new words can be repeated at any time.

For example, if you install a special extension in the Google Chrome browser, you can read any texts in English, and when you hover over a word or phrase, you can immediately see their translation. The same goes for subtitles for online cinemas. Each word individually can be translated directly in the course of viewing. These words are added to a personal dictionary and sent to mobile app, where in free time they can be repeated and memorized.