On April 23-27, Hannover (Germany) hosted the international technical exhibition-fair HANNOVER MESSE, which was attended by leading Russian enterprises and organizations involved in scientific, technical and innovation activities.

Hannover Industrial Fair 2012 is the main international forum in Europe in the field of innovation and industrial production and attracts Special attention the global business community. Conferences and round tables are traditionally held within the framework of the exhibition, the business program is full of negotiations and meetings, as a result of which new contacts and relationships are built, decisions are made on the implementation of joint projects and promising contracts are concluded.

In chapter " Scientific research and technology transfer" was attended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.

Among the participants of the joint Russian exposition are federal and regional executive authorities, the highest educational establishments, research centers and universities, innovation centers, commercialization and technology transfer centers. More than 30 participants took part in the combined Russian exposition, including enterprises and organizations Russian Academy Sciences, Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S. Korolev, Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Solovyov, Government of the Yaroslavl region, Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin and others.

At the Hannover Industrial Fair of the Russian State Technical University named after P.A. Solovyov presented an innovative project jointly with OAO "Saturn-GT" to develop an industrial gas turbine with a capacity of 50 MW. "All-mode cogeneration combined cycle plant for electric heat supply of small towns, urban areas and industrial enterprises". This project interested representatives of the Russian Venture Company, and in the course of further negotiations, an agreement was reached to send a number of innovative projects from the Yaroslavl region to RVC for consideration and a decision on their financing.

On April 27, 2012, the International Industrial Fair HANNOVER MESSE 2012 finished its work. The Russian exposition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ended with a solemn closing ceremony, during which all participants of the exposition were awarded honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

RSATU named after P.A.Soloviev

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 No. 582, RSATU places links to information about the university.

The founder of the university is the Government of the Russian Federation. The functions and powers of the founder of the university are carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


  • Methodological and other documents developed to support the educational process
  • The number of students at the expense of budgets of various levels and under agreements on education at the expense of physical. or legal persons
  • Training is carried out in Russian
  • Federal state educational standards
  • Personal composition of pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) workers

Logistics and equipment

  • Sports facilities: Program for the improvement and promotion of a healthy lifestyle
  • Medical point: Contract for medical care
  • Access to information systems and information and telecommunication networks

International salon "Engines-2012". April 18, Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center, pavilion No. 57

Exhibition area of ​​the International Salon "Engines - 2012" (Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center, pavilion No. 57)

At the exhibition stand of RSATU named after P.A. Solovyov. (Moscow, VVC, Salon "Engines-2012")

At the exhibition stand of RSATU named after P.A. Solovyov. (Moscow, VVC, Salon "Engines-2012")

Members of the scientific and technical jury of the competition of the International Youth Forum "The Future of Aviation for Young Russia" (from left to right): Nesterenko V.G. - Associate Professor of the 2nd Faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow; Tarasevich S.E. - Director of the Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Energy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. KAI, Kazan; Prokofiev A.B. - Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, SSAU, Samara; Poletaev V.A. - Rector of RSATU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Chuiko V.M. - President of the Association "Union of Aviation Engine Building" (ASSAD), academician; Zrelov V.A. - Director of the Center for the History of Aircraft Engines, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. SSAU; Lysenko A.I. - Deputy head of OKB-1 for planning of JSC NPO Saturn; Kozhina T.D. - vice-rector for science and innovations of RSATU, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Vikulin A.V. - doctor of technical sciences, professor " MATI" - Russian State Technical University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky

President of the Association "Union of Aviation Engine Building" Academician Chuiko V.M. welcomes the participants of the International Youth Forum "The Future of Aviation belongs to Young Russia". On the photo (from left to right): Prokofiev A.B. - vice-rector for science and innovations of SSAU, Poletaev V.A. - Rector of RSATU; Chuiko V.M. - President of ASSAD, academician; Zrelov V.A. - Director of the Center for the History of Aircraft Engines, SSAU.

Speeches by the participants of the final of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Korotygin A.A., post-graduate student of NPO "Saturn"

Speeches by the participants of the final of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Shklovets A.O., postgraduate student of SSAU, Samara

Speeches by the participants of the final of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Kurochkin A.V., Ph.D. RSATU

Speeches by the participants of the final of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Krivtsov A.V. postgraduate student of SSAU

Speeches by the participants of the final of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Isakov A. V., student, KhAI, Kharkiv

ASSAD President Chuiko V.M. (Jury Chairman) and RSATU Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation Kozhina T.D. (Deputy Jury Chairman) announce the results of the final round of the International Youth Forum "The Future of Aviation belongs to Young Russia".

Awarding of the winners of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Chesnova V.A., MATI (2nd place in the category "Postgraduate student")

Awarding of the winners of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Dyachenko P.N., Ph.D. SSAU (1st place in the category "Young Scientist")

Awarding of the winners of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Likhomanova S.V., GOI (3rd place in the category "Postgraduate student")

Awarding of the winners of the competition of projects of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Isakov A.V., KhAI (1st place in the category "Student")

Winners of the international youth forum competition "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia" at the awards ceremony. In the photo (from left to right): Ionov A.V. (MAI, Moscow); Isakov A.V. (KhAI, Kharkiv); Pyatunin K. R., Korotygin A. A. and Bagrov S. V. (NPO "Saturn", Rybinsk); Chesnova V.A. (MATI, Moscow); Likhomanova S. V. (GOI, St. Petersburg)

Winners of the international youth forum competition "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia" at the awards ceremony. In the photo (from left to right): Shklovets A.O. (SSAU, Samara); Fedoseev S. Yu. and Klimenko D. V. (MAI, Moscow); Krivtsov A.V. (SSAU, Samara); Saveliev A.V. and Lebedev M.A. (KB "LUCH", Rybinsk)

Awarding of the members of the scientific and technical jury of the competition of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Chuiko V.M. - ASSAD President in the foreground

Awarding of the members of the scientific and technical jury of the competition of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Zrelov V.A. - SSAU, Samara

Awarding of the members of the scientific and technical jury of the competition of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Vikulin A. V. "MATI" - Russian State Technical University, Moscow

Awarding of the members of the scientific and technical jury of the competition of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia". Prokofiev A. B. - SSAU, Samara

Winners and members of the scientific and technical jury of the competition of the International Youth Forum "The future of aviation belongs to young Russia"

Young scientists and teachers of RSATU named after P.A. Solovyov during a trip to the International salon "Engines-2012". April 18, Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center, pavilion No. 57

RSATU. Conference "Theory and practice of system analysis"

In the period from May 16 to May 19, 2012 on the basis of the Rybinsk State technical university named after P.A. Solovyov, the All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Theory and Practice of System Analysis" will be held.

Detailed information on the conference website: TPSA-2012 (http://www.isa.ru/tpsa/index.php?lang=ru)

The main topics of the conference:

  1. Theoretical and applied aspects system analysis.
  2. System analysis and modeling of social processes.
  3. System analysis and modeling of economic processes.
  4. System researches of social and economic development of regions.
  5. System regulation and management.
  6. Methodology and tools of system analysis.
  7. Self-organizing complex systems.
  8. Technologies of automation and control of complex systems.
  9. Macrosystems.
  10. Intelligent technologies and systems.
  11. Comprehensive information security.
  12. Distributed Computing.
  13. Theory of decision making.

We invite you to take part in the plenary sessions and sections of the TPSA-2012 conference!

About PhD

Postgraduate training at SSAU is carried out in 14 areas (32 profiles) in the field of physical and mathematical, chemical, technical, historical, philosophical, economic, pedagogical sciences. For each direction of postgraduate study, there is a possibility to choose the form of education - full-time, part-time and the conditions of study (at the expense of the federal budget and under contracts with reimbursement of costs with individuals and legal entities).

Postgraduate students are trained in accordance with their individual plan, which is developed jointly with supervisor in accordance with the educational program for the preparation of a postgraduate student in the chosen field and is approved by the rector of the university.

Graduate students must:

Pass candidate exams in foreign language, history and philosophy of science and special discipline;

Have at least 7 published scientific works, including at least 3 from the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for this scientific area (list of publications of the VAKhttp:// vak. ed. gov. en/ en/ help_ desk/ list/) ;

Defend a dissertation (or submit a completed dissertation for preliminary examination).

Acceptance of documents for postgraduate studies at SSAU is carried out from April 1 to August 1. On the SSAU website in the section "Education - Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies - Admission Campaign 2014" there are rules for admission to graduate school and a package of documents required for admission.

Entrance exams are held from 4 to 17 August. Graduate enrollment on August 21st. Academic year starts September 1st.

Full information about SSAU postgraduate studies can be found in the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies of SSAU (building 3A, room 212, t. 267-48-78, 335-64-40)

Postgraduate. Benefits and opportunities.
Postgraduate studies - third stage higher education. The purpose of postgraduate studies is to educate qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel capable of conducting research, pedagogical work independently set and solve urgent scientific problems, adequately perceive the scientific achievements of specialists in the same field of knowledge, transfer their knowledge to the scientific community. Persons with an education not lower than higher education (specialist or master's degree) are allowed to master postgraduate programs.

Why go to graduate school? If, as a student, you are seriously interested in a certain area of ​​​​knowledge, or you are attracted to the work of a teacher, then graduate school is the right way to deepen this knowledge. There is no age limit for admission to graduate school.

An important step in the choice of postgraduate study is the choice of a scientific specialty. Scientific specialties are classified by the fields of knowledge by the Higher Attestation Commission. They have ciphers and are presented on the VAK website. Each specialty has its own passport, which describes the object of study of this specialty, as well as the range of issues considered in this area. It is necessary to decide on the specialty immediately, since dissertation councils accept for defense clearly defined for this council dissertations.

The next step in the choice of postgraduate study is the choice of the form of study. Currently, there are two forms of education: full-time and part-time.

Full-time postgraduate study provides for attending training sessions, participating in the work of the department and institute, conducting classes with students, etc. Full-time postgraduate education is carried out both on a budgetary and on a paid basis. full-time PhD student budget education receives a monthly stipend.

Correspondence postgraduate study provides that the postgraduate student will take curriculum mostly on their own. Education in correspondence postgraduate studies is carried out on a paid basis.

Full-time graduate students are granted the right to defer from military service for the entire period of study.
The basis for the emergence of the right to deferment from the army during postgraduate studies are the provisions of paragraph 2 "b" of Article 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military service and military service"
"Article 24. Postponement of conscription of citizens for military service
2. Citizens have the right to deferment from conscription for military service:
b) receiving postgraduate professional education in full-time training in state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) educational institutions of higher vocational education or scientific institutions who are licensed to operate educational activities for educational programs of postgraduate professional education - for the period of study, but not more than the standard terms for mastering the main educational programs and for the duration of the defense qualifying work, but not more than one year after completion of training in the educational program of postgraduate professional education"




(full-time/correspondence education)


Full name of the postgraduate student





The total volume of the main educational program is 7560 hours (210 credit units (CU)). One credit unit is equal to 36 academic hours lasting 45 minutes of classroom and/or independent work of a postgraduate student. The maximum volume of the teaching load of a postgraduate student, providing for all types of academic work, is 54 academic hours per week (1.5 ZET). In terms of content, the main educational program includes two components: educational and research.

The educational component is 1080 hours (30 ZET), designed for the mastering of the PhD program by the postgraduate student and theoretical training in special and general professional disciplines. Structurally, the educational component is represented by blocks of general scientific and optional disciplines and practice.

The scope of the research component is 6480 hours (180 ZET). In terms of content, this component includes the following types of work: research work on a selected topic, presentation of results at scientific events, in scientific publications and titles of protection for intellectual property, preparation of a dissertation manuscript and an abstract.

Individual plan work (tables 1, 2) is developed by each graduate student together with the supervisor on the basis of the curriculum and the schedule of the educational process in the specialty, taking into account the labor intensity of individual elements of the educational (table 1) and research (table 2) components and reflects the individual educational trajectory of the graduate student for the entire period postgraduate education. Curricula can be found in the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies, at the department and in the corporate network of SSAU. The supervisor and postgraduate student, if necessary, can partially or completely use the time allotted for the development of optional disciplines in other sections of the educational component. As an exception, it is possible to change the curriculum, for which it is necessary to develop additional work programs and approve them from the vice-rector for science and innovation.

Within two months from the date of enrollment in graduate school, the individual plan and topic of the dissertation work of the graduate student is considered at a meeting of the department and at the faculty council. After that, the individual plan is approved by the rector of the university.

Every year, a graduate student, on an individual basis, draws up a report on the results of the past year of study (tables 1.1-1.4 and 2.1-2.4) for certification at the department and the academic council of the faculty; the report is then submitted to the Department of Graduate and Doctoral Studies.

The “Learning Outcomes” section is completed after the final certification at the end of the postgraduate course. The topic of the dissertation, code and affiliation of the dissertation council in which the defense took place or is planned (after the presentation of the completed work at the department) is indicated. In the case when, upon completion of postgraduate studies, the dissertation work is incomplete, the expected date and place of defense should be indicated.

When drawing up an individual plan, one should without fail give a transcript (indicate the surname and initials) of all signatures, with the exception of the signatures of the graduate student himself, and also indicate the dates in the places provided for in the established form.

Department ______________



1. Surname, name, patronymic ________________________________________________________________

2. Code and name of the specialty __________________________________________________________


3. Supervisor ________________________________________________________________


4. Topic of the dissertation _________________________________________________________________________




5. The topic was considered at a meeting of the department

Protocol No. ____ dated ____________________


Full name department


6. The topic is approved by the faculty council

Protocol No. ___ dated ____________________


Full name of the chairman of the faculty council


7. Developers of the plan:

Postgraduate student _____________________________________________________________


Scientific adviser ___________________________________________________


(Name, academic degree, title, position)


General work plan


Table 1

Postgraduate Year

Labor intensity (ZET)

Compulsory disciplines

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

Optional disciplines**

Teaching practice

PhD exams

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

*When developing an individual plan, it is necessary to be guided by the curriculum of the main educational program of postgraduate professional education in the relevant specialty.

** Optional disciplines (FD.A.00) are not obligatory for study by a graduate student: when developing an individual plan, optional disciplines can be partially or completely replaced by compulsory disciplines.


table 2

Postgraduate Year

Labor intensity (ZET)


1. Patent

Individual grants (regional, all-Russian and international level) and participation in funded research on the topic of dissertation research.

Total for the research component


Preparation of a dissertation for defense

Total labor intensity of R&D (ZET)

* for full-time education / for part-time education

When developing an individual plan, it is allowed to redistribute the total labor intensity for 1, 2, 3, 4 years of study, depending on the specifics and nature of the research work.

Supervisor ___________________ __________ 20__

Report for 1 year of study

Table 1.1

I . Educational component





teacher's signature

Compulsory disciplines

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

Special disciplines of the branch of science and scientific specialty

Disciplines at the choice of a postgraduate student

Total labor intensity of compulsory disciplines (ZET)

Optional disciplines

Teaching practice

The total labor intensity of all disciplines of the curriculum (ZET)

PhD exams

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

Candidate exam in a special discipline

The plan for the 2nd and 3rd year of study is adjusted taking into account the implementation of the plan for the 1st year of study

Table 2.1

II. Research component







Postgraduate research work and dissertation completion

1. Work on the implementation of the experimental part of the study

2. Work on the implementation of the theoretical part of the study

3. Work on the preparation of the dissertation manuscript

Scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation, of which:

1. Monographs and scientific publications in publications from the list of VAK and international publications included in international citation databases

2. Scientific publications in other publications

Obtaining security documents for objects intellectual property:

1. Patent

2. Certificate of registration of the program or database

1. Participation in an international conference with a report or exhibition

2. Participation in the All-Russian conference with a report or exhibition


Total labor intensity (ZET)

PhD student ___________________ __________ 20__

Supervisor _____________ __________ 20__

Minutes of the meeting of the department dated _________________ 20__ No. ____

(Dean of the Faculty)

The plan for the 2nd year of study is adjusted taking into account the implementation of the plan for the 1st year of study

Year 2 report

Table 1.2

I . Educational component





teacher's signature

Compulsory disciplines

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

Special disciplines of the branch of science and scientific specialty

Disciplines at the choice of a postgraduate student

Total labor intensity of compulsory disciplines (ZET)

Optional disciplines

Teaching practice

The total labor intensity of all disciplines of the curriculum (ZET)

Evaluation and signature of the head of the department. postgraduate and doctoral studies

PhD exams

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language


Candidate exam in a special discipline

Table 2.2

II. Research component







Postgraduate research work and dissertation:

1. Work on the implementation of the experimental part of the study

2. Work on the implementation of the theoretical part of the study

3. Work on the preparation of the dissertation manuscript

Scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation, of which:

1. Monographs and scientific publications in publications from the list of VAK and international publications included in international citation databases

2. Scientific publications in other publications from the list of VAK, foreign publications

3. Scientific publications in other publications

Obtaining titles of protection for intellectual property objects:

1. Patent

2. Certificate of registration of the program or database

Individual grants (regional, all-Russian and international) and participation in funded research on the topic of dissertation research.

1. Participation in an international conference with a report or exhibition

2. Participation in the All-Russian conference with a report or exhibition


Preparation of a dissertation for defense, writing a dissertation text

Total labor intensity (ZET)

PhD student ___________________ __________ 20__

Certification of a postgraduate student by supervisor _________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________ (Signature)

Head Department _________________________________________________________________________ (Signature)

I approve the certification ____________________________________________________________ (Signature)

(Dean of the Faculty)

Minutes of the faculty council meeting dated ________________ 20___ No. ____

Year 3 report

Table 1.3

I . Educational component





teacher's signature

Compulsory disciplines

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

Special disciplines of the branch of science and scientific specialty

Disciplines at the choice of a postgraduate student

Total labor intensity of compulsory disciplines (ZET)

Optional disciplines

Teaching practice

The total labor intensity of all disciplines of the curriculum (ZET)

Evaluation and signature of the head of the department. postgraduate and doctoral studies

PhD exams

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language

Candidate exam in a special discipline

The plan for the 3rd year of study is adjusted taking into account the implementation of the plan for the 1st and 2nd years of study

Table 2.3

II. Research component







Postgraduate research work and dissertation:

1. Work on the implementation of the experimental part of the study

2. Work on the implementation of the theoretical part of the study

3. Work on the preparation of the dissertation manuscript

Scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation, of which:

1. Monographs and scientific publications in publications from the list of VAK and international publications included in international citation databases

2. Scientific publications in other publications

Obtaining titles of protection for intellectual property objects

1. Patent

2. Certificate of registration of the program or database

Individual grants (regional, all-Russian and international) and participation in funded research on the topic of dissertation research.

1. Participation in an international conference with a report or exhibition

2. Participation in the All-Russian conference with a report or exhibition


Preparation of a dissertation for defense, writing an abstract

Total labor intensity (ZET)

PhD student ___________________ __________ 20__

Supervisor _____________ __________ 20__

Certification of a postgraduate student by supervisor _________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________ (Signature)

Head Department _________________________________________________________________________ (Signature)

Minutes of the meeting of the department dated _________________ 20___ No. ____

I approve the certification ____________________________________________________________ (Signature)

(Dean of the Faculty)

Minutes of the faculty council meeting dated ________________ 20___ No. ____

About PhD

Postgraduate training at SSAU is carried out in 32 specialties in the field of physical and mathematical, chemical, technical, historical, philosophical, economic, and pedagogical sciences. For each scientific specialty of postgraduate studies, there is an opportunity to choose the form of study - full-time, part-time and the conditions of study (at the expense of the federal budget and under contracts with reimbursement of costs with individuals and legal entities). The passage of training in any form of education gives grounds for obtaining higher qualifications.

Postgraduate students are trained in accordance with their individual plan, which is developed jointly with the supervisor in accordance with the educational program for the preparation of a postgraduate student in their specialty and is approved by the rector of the university.

Graduate students must:

Pass candidate exams in a foreign language, history and philosophy of science and special discipline;

Have at least 7 published scientific papers, including at least 3 from the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission in this scientific area (list of publications of VAKhttp:// vak. ed. gov. en/ en/ help_ desk/ list/) ;

Defend a dissertation (or submit a completed dissertation for preliminary examination).

Acceptance of documents for postgraduate study at SSAU is carried out from April 1 to September 15. On the SSAU website in the section "Education - Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies" there are rules for admission to postgraduate studies and a package of documents required for admission.

In accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 24 federal law"On military duty and military service" citizens receiving postgraduate professional education in full-time education in educational institutions of higher professional education or scientific institutions that have state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) or scientific institutions that have a license to conduct educational activities in educational programs of postgraduate professional education , have the right to deferment from conscription for the duration of training, but not more than the standard terms for mastering the main educational programs and for the duration of the defense of the qualification work, but not more than one year after the completion of training in the educational program of postgraduate professional education.

Full information about SSAU postgraduate studies can be found on the SSAU websitessau. enin the education-postgraduate section or in the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies of the SSAU (building 3A, room 212, t. 267-48-78, 335-64-40)

Postgraduate. Benefits and opportunities.

Postgraduate studies - postgraduate education. The purpose of postgraduate studies is to educate qualified scientific personnel capable of conducting research work, independently setting and solving urgent scientific problems, adequately perceiving the scientific achievements of specialists in the same field of knowledge, and transferring their knowledge to the scientific community. The path to science is open to all those with a higher professional education, i.e. specialist or master's degree.

Why go into science? If, as a student, you are seriously interested in a certain area of ​​​​knowledge, or you are attracted to the work of a teacher, then graduate school is the right way to deepen this knowledge. It is far from always that postgraduate students enter immediately after graduation from the university. After working for some time, an understanding of the lack of knowledge comes, and for a career it would be nice to get a degree. There is no age limit for admission to graduate school.

An important step in the choice of postgraduate study is the choice of a scientific specialty. Scientific specialties are classified by the fields of knowledge by the Higher Attestation Commission. They have ciphers and are presented on the VAK website. Each specialty has its own passport, which describes the object of study of this specialty, as well as the range of issues considered in this area. It is necessary to decide on the specialty immediately, since dissertation councils accept dissertations clearly defined for this council for defense.

The next step in the choice of postgraduate study is the choice of the form of study. Currently, there are two forms of education: full-time and part-time.

Full-time postgraduate studies provide that postgraduate studies are the postgraduate student's actual place of work. He is obliged to attend training sessions, participate in the work of the department and institute, conduct classes with students, etc. Education in full-time postgraduate studies is carried out both on a budgetary and paid basis. A full-time budgetary graduate student receives a monthly stipend.

Correspondence postgraduate studies provide that the postgraduate student will go through the curriculum mostly independently.

Full-time graduate students are granted the right to deferment from military service for the entire period of study.
The basis for the emergence of the right to deferment from the army during postgraduate studies are the provisions of paragraph 2 "b" of Article 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service":
"Article 24. Postponement of conscription of citizens for military service
2. Citizens have the right to deferment from conscription for military service:
b) receiving postgraduate vocational education in full-time education in educational institutions of higher vocational education or scientific institutions that have state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) or scientific institutions that have a license to conduct educational activities in educational programs of postgraduate vocational education - for the period of study, but not over the standard terms for mastering the main educational programs and for the duration of the defense of the qualification work, but not more than one year after the completion of training in the educational program of postgraduate professional education.

Postgraduate education.

In accordance with federal law“On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” and Order No. 1365 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2011, postgraduate studies are carried out in accordance with the professional educational program of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate studies).
The normative period for mastering the educational program of postgraduate professional education in full-time education cannot exceed three years, with the exception of training in certain specialties of scientists in technical, natural sciences, the training period for which may be four years.
The educational program of postgraduate professional education in full-time postgraduate studies consists of two main parts: educational and research.
The educational part includes the training of graduate students in compulsory, optional disciplines and pedagogical practice. The research part includes the research work of a graduate student and the preparation of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, the preparation and passing of candidate examinations, the preparation for defending a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences.
Education in compulsory disciplines includes the study by a postgraduate student of the history and philosophy of science, a foreign language, as well as special disciplines in accordance with the specialty. In addition, a graduate student can additionally undergo training in a discipline of their own choice from among those offered by the university. Training is carried out in the form of lectures, seminars and is mandatory to attend.

Education in elective disciplines is not mandatory, but you should listen to the recommendations of your supervisor.
For graduate students, the passage of pedagogical practice is provided.
The maximum amount of teaching load of a postgraduate student should not exceed 54 academic hours per week.
In accordance with the plan of research work, a graduate student takes candidate exams in the history and philosophy of science, a foreign language and a special discipline in accordance with the chosen topic of the dissertation research, and prepares a dissertation. The last stage of postgraduate study is preparation for the defense of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, which includes the submission of a dissertation to the department or the council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences.
All of the above questions must be resolved by the graduate student during the period of study in graduate school.
For the rational distribution of time for postgraduate study, a postgraduate student, together with his supervisor, draws up an individual plan. An individual plan is drawn up within 2 months after enrollment in graduate school, is considered at a meeting of the department and at the faculty council. After that, the individual plan is approved by the rector of the university. The individual plan contains all the main stages of postgraduate education and his research work on the topic of the dissertation.
An individual plan is filled out by year of study and should contain the deadlines for passing candidate exams, the content of the stages of scientific research and the timing of their conduct, the educational and methodological work of a graduate student, the timing of scientific publications, the schedule for preparing dissertation chapters, the timing of pre-defense and defense.
The fulfillment of the individual plan by the graduate student is controlled by the supervisor and the head of the department, for which the certification of graduate students is held annually at the meetings of the department. The results of the attestation are approved by the faculty council. In case of non-fulfillment of the individual plan, a graduate student may be expelled for any period of stay in graduate school.

It must be borne in mind that the defense of the candidate's dissertation must take place no later than the date of completion of the postgraduate study. This means that 4-6 months before the term of the defense, the graduate student must submit the dissertation prepared by him to the meeting of the department and receive a recommendation to submit the work to the dissertation council for defense. The dissertation council gives permission to distribute the abstract, which must be at least a month before the defense.

Postgraduate education.

One of the forms of postgraduate education is correspondence postgraduate studies. Correspondence postgraduate study provides for independent study of a number of disciplines and independent work on a dissertation research. In accordance with the training program, the correspondence student takes examinations of the candidate's minimum.
Every year a graduate student is certified at a meeting of the department.
The standard term of study in part-time postgraduate studies is 4 years, in some specialties the term of study can be 5 years.
Education in correspondence postgraduate studies is carried out in accordance with the Individual Curriculum, which is compiled jointly with the supervisor within 2 months after enrolling in graduate school, is considered at a meeting of the department and at the faculty council. After that, the individual plan is approved by the rector of the university. IN curriculum according to the years of study, all stages of education in correspondence postgraduate studies are signed: preparation for passing the candidate's minimum, stages of preparing a dissertation work and scientific articles, etc.
The program for passing the candidate's minimum includes exams in the history and philosophy of science, a foreign language and a specialized subject.

Stages of postgraduate study.

After enrolling in graduate school, a graduate student within 2-3 weeks must develop an individual plan with his supervisor, submit it to a meeting of the department and to the faculty council.
An individual plan is drawn up for the entire period of study and includes all stages of study in graduate school, such as mandatory attendance at classes in the disciplines of the candidate's minimum, participation in educational process, participation in research work, passing the candidate minimum, preparing the stages of dissertation work, etc.
The candidate minimum includes three exams: the history and philosophy of science, foreign language and profile subject. Usually, in the first year of study, exams are taken in the history and philosophy of science and a foreign language.
The participation of graduate students in the educational process may include conducting laboratory and seminar classes, managing student practice, working in admission committee And so on.
Participation in research work provides for the independent implementation by a graduate student of individual sections of research on the subject, carried out by the staff of the department.
In accordance with the plan of study work of a postgraduate student, the first year of study usually provides for the approval of the thesis topic, the preparation of a review scientific article, participation in 2-3 scientific conferences with the publication of abstracts of reports, preparation of the first chapter of the dissertation with a review of literary sources and setting the goal and objectives of the dissertation research.

The second year of postgraduate studies is mainly devoted to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of dissertation research by the postgraduate student and, on their basis, the preparation of the main text of the dissertation.
In accordance with the plan of study of a postgraduate student in the second year of study, it is usually provided for the preparation of 1-2 scientific articles based on the results of a dissertation research, participation in 2-3 scientific conferences with the publication of abstracts, preparation of the second and third chapters of a dissertation with conclusions.
Also, in accordance with the plan of educational work, the postgraduate student participates in the educational and research work of the department.


In the second or third year of study, a graduate student leads self-training to pass the candidate's minimum exam in the profile specialty. This exam is taken in the autumn session in the third year of study. Based on the results of passing the candidate's minimum, the postgraduate student is issued a “Certificate of passing the candidate's examinations, which is valid until the defense of the candidate's dissertation.
The third - fourth year of postgraduate study is devoted to bringing the dissertation research to a dissertation form. At this stage, the main results of the study are worked out: the purpose and objectives of the study, scientific novelty and scientific provisions, the reliability of scientific provisions, the theoretical and practical value of the study are formulated, and the results of approbation of the dissertation research are presented. In addition, the list of references is specified, the introduction and conclusion are written, the text of the dissertation and its appendices are drawn up.
Also, based on the results of the dissertation work, an abstract is being prepared. 2-3 scientific articles are prepared and published in journals of the HAC list.
Preparations are underway for a preliminary review of the dissertation at the department. Based on the results of the pre-defense, the text of the dissertation and abstract are corrected, after which documents are prepared for submission to the Dissertation Council.
It should be taken into account that at this stage of training, the postgraduate student is not exempted from the teaching load and participation in the research work of the department, which determines a very busy schedule for the postgraduate student.