March 19th, 2015 09:00 am

Why read them? Well, for example, to remember the orbis that I use in the synastry. Every day I receive the same type of letters with the same questions about orbis and aspects. I think if you follow the links that I insert in the post, many questions can be avoided. Not for the sake of beauty, after all, I do all this. ;)

Well, now - to the topic.

Let's start with a definition. Marriage aspects- these are aspects that do not guarantee 100% marriage, but allow two natives to build long-term harmonious relationships. Traditionally, marriage aspects include:

- Sun - Sun;
- Moon - Moon;
- Venus - Venus

I'm adding more
- Mercury - Mercury.

Why - I will explain in the process of writing a post.

1. I consider the first and most important aspect to be interaction at the level Sun - Sun .

The sun is the personality of man. Therefore, the Sun-Sun interaction is the interaction of two Personalities. In priority, of course, only harmonious aspects. This is ideal. However, life loves to throw surprises. You can also live with the opposition of the Suns in the synastry, if, for example, one Sun is strong, well aspected, and the second is weak, expelled. Axis Leo-Aquarius. Moreover, let the Leo Sun be with a trine from Jupiter, i.e. a person loves both himself and those around him (Jupiter magnifies everything with us!), and the Aquarius Sun with a square from Saturn ... does not mind the fact that a partner loves someone there.

The conflict in a couple may be due to the fact that the Aquarius Sun simply does not understand love as emotional condition. Well, for example, the Aquarius Sun plays in the playstation, and the Lion Sun runs around with a frying pan and shouts: " Oh, you ungrateful pig, I washed your shirt and best years I gave my life, but you do not appreciate" .

Yes, there are scrambled eggs in the pan. This is not a crime weapon in the heat of passion. At opposition claims will be personally to each other, they will arise because of the jambs of each other, third parties or situations cannot be involved here. Quadrature the Suns are precisely a quarrel over a situation. Series Conflict " went to choose wallpaper in the kitchen - and got divorced " .

2. Second important aspect I consider moon interaction.

When analyzing, we remember that the Moon is the significator not only of the soul, but also of the mother! And, therefore, the opposition or quadrature of the Moons often gives a conflict between the families of the spouses (hello, "Romeo and Juliet") or, more banally, the conflict between the wife and mother of a man.

Who is the winner in the fight? The one whose Moon is stronger in position and dignity.

Let me share one more personal observation. Remember that the Moon is the significator of the 4th house, the house of pregnancy, in the woman's chart? If, according to medical (which is paramount!) And astrological indicators, everything is OK for a woman with childbearing function, it is worth asking how much she is exhausted by scandals related to the negative interaction of the Moons in the synastry.

A couple of times I have been in this situation. The women literally roared and said that their mother-in-law drinks their blood so that mom does not grieve! Usually in such cases, I advise you to leave. Twice pregnancy occurred within six months after the young people left for a rented or mortgaged apartment (yes, not only mini oligarchs hang out with me).

I warn you that these are just my innovations, so we take them into account, but do not take them as a rule yet.
I have just begun to conduct research on this topic, my own. ;)

Pluto in astrology plays the role of the arbiter of fate and is the natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in suspense and waiting for the next trick from life. Such habitual state leads to a thirst for extreme situations that allow him to experience life in its full manifestation.

can be compared with the mythical phoenix bird, which dies in fire, and then comes to life again from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives feels strong changes in himself due to symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at an impasse, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new life stage. The planet knows how to thank for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something, it sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subordinate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of trouble are confused with premonition and do not allow for correct predictions. The owner of such a position is always on the alert: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is not capable of such “miracles”.

It is worth considering the aspects of other planets to the "arbiter of fate." All of them indicate the development of the spiritual sphere and are mandatory tests. All the events described by Pluto standing in the eighth house are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be "merciless" until a person realizes what exactly he should extract from the events that have occurred. No matter how senseless the ongoing actions may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate in order for a person to learn how to respond to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher spiritually, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the benefic planet, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, success and future prospects depend on it. Favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the "happiness aspect". He in the best way affects relationships and mitigates many negative aspects.

The strongest manifestation of the connection of Jupiter with personal planets:
  1. Conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun. This aspect fills the relationship with optimism, happiness and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to acquire and accumulate material wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The Jupiter man supports and protects the loved one, and the Sun man feels happy next to his beloved.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relationships to acquire mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, go in for sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter trines the Sun. Aspect is the basis of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and lifts the mood of a loved one.

A square (90°) indicates a lack of self-discipline or a mature relationship. Emphasizes the independence, folly and arrogance of each of the partners. The opposition provokes a divergence in views on life, indulgence in extremes and points to the selfishness of one of the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is a strong position of the planet in the natal chart. In harmonious aspects, it guarantees its owner a firm and decisive character. A person with this position has endurance, self-control, insight, honesty and magnetism. He is fearless and intuitive, but his courage is observant. A person does not rush to the "battlefield", but follows what is happening from the side. As if in the thick of things, but at a safe distance. He loves risk, often gets into crisis situations, but gets out of the water dry, however, he does not always draw the right conclusions.

A calm life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life, a kind of battlefield. The harder life circumstances, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers in himself a reserve of forces that contribute to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A person with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the offenses inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, if only to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. Better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, this is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects they incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push them onto the path of self-destruction. Mars afflicted in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and morbidly jealous people. They try to subdue their will by any means. Often they choose a criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Women with Mars in Scorpio It is important to feel wanted and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not show his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and sooner or later, resentment will lead to a break in relations.

According to Eastern calendar 2019 falls under the influence of the Yellow Earth Pig. She will come to power on February 5, and the year under her rule will be remembered for pleasant events, changes and new acquaintances. Many people will stop worrying about the future or living in the past and learn to enjoy the present. Changes will occur due to the end of the twelve-year cycle, which closes the Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aries

For representatives of this zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be remembered for fateful meetings and unexpected twists of fate. In 2019, Aries will show themselves from the other side: they will avoid conflicts and demonstrative scandals. They will direct their warlike character to the struggle for career growth, skillfully showing their strengths and masking their shortcomings.

In the new year, the financial situation will improve and there will be a chance to meet your love. couples feel the renewal of feelings and once again unconvinced of right choice about the other half. Aries who are already in a relationship will delight each other with romantic surprises and gifts.

Many will have the opportunity to travel abroad and indulge in pleasant experiences. In the third decade of the year, health problems will appear, but if you notice the malaise in time, it will not turn into a protracted illness.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

Taurus in the year of the Pig should not forget about loved ones and pay more attention to them. It is not worth traveling alone, as the stars do not guarantee protection, and a lonely traveling Taurus will have many difficulties along the way.

Lonely representatives of this earth sign will have a chance to meet a future spouse, and established couples will want to formalize their relationship. Lovers and spouses will face misunderstandings that will arise due to financial disagreements. And not because Taurus will feel financial instability, but because they want to save and increase profits, and not spend it on buying expensive things.

The stars are also not advised to lend money and conflict with partners or work colleagues. In 2019, Taurus need to watch their reputation and keep their outrages in check so that people don't get the wrong impression.

Planets in the seventh house of the horoscope:

Sun. The couple is prominent, beautiful and respected. Often spouses are engaged in one thing and run a joint business. The partner can be an influential, famous person. If the Sun is afflicted, the spouse is arrogant, selfish and capricious. It is difficult to compromise and requires increased attention. A harmonious luminary gives happiness and prosperity. If the Sun is in a fixed sign, the relationship is stable and harmonious. In mutable - everyone will "pull the blanket over themselves" and make excessive demands on the partner.

Moon. In a fixed sign, the night "luminary" creates favorable conditions for the development of relations. In mutable - inclines to divorce. With the Moon in the seventh house, relationships are filled with sensuality, intuition and tenderness. People strive for home coziness and comfort. They love to eat, sleep and tend to spend everything together. free time. A woman expects devotion and protection from her husband. To be able to sympathize and guess her mood. A man is looking for a wife who looks like his mother. He needs an economic, caring and domestic wife who will warm and feed at the end of a hard day. Family life alternates with a calm and scandalous period, with tantrums, resentment and reconciliation.

Mercury. Both men and women need a partner who will become a friend, companion and comrade of interest. Everyone expects a light, cheerful and inquisitive character from a loved one. The depth of feelings is not important, since love is viewed from the side of affection, thanks to common views on life and an easy attitude towards it. The partner is usually younger in age, has poor eyesight, a strict, intelligent appearance and a passion for books.

Venus. This is a happy marriage that is made for love and exists for a long time. The husband is handsome, romantic and charming. Non-conflict and economic. If the planet is afflicted, he will be moody or lazy. The owner of this position strives for an ideal relationship and has high demands on the appearance of a loved one.

Classical astrology says that the female planets - the Moon and Venus - are responsible for relationships with a woman in the subject's horoscope. Since ancient times (and to this day), the Moon and Venus are responsible for marriage in the horoscope of a man. Aspects in the synastry between the luminaries and these planets shed light on the relationship between spouses.

Aspects in the synastry

The Moon and Venus are responsible for relationships with women in any horoscope (both female and male), but in the male, of course, they begin to indicate sexual issues, sensual relationships. The Sun and Mars in any horoscope (both male and female) are responsible for relationships with men. But in the female horoscope it is also a sexual relationship with a man, a woman's feelings for men.

Thus, if we talk about love and marriage, the relationship of these planets with each other in the cosmograms of partners is important.

By the way, some say that the potency in a man's chart is Mars. Nothing like this! Mars is the muscles, and the male genital organ is the cavernous body, a bundle of blood vessels. So it turns out that the potency of a man is when the blood vessels (Venus) are filled with liquid (Moon). The potency in the horoscope of a man is Venus and the Moon.

Impotence, by the way, is treated with Viagra, which is a vascular (Venus), not a muscular, drug. By the way, the abuse of Viagra leads to a stroke, again a vascular problem.

Of course, it is better to have a harmonious relationship between the sexual planets. There are couples who have tense aspects between these planets. The interaction between sexual planets in synastric astrology characterizes the level of harmony of both sexual relations and feelings between people.

Aspects in the synastry of the Sun - Moon, Venus - Mars

The interaction of these planets (male Moon and Venus + female Sun and Mars) creates attraction for a man and a woman to each other. Again, I'm talking about major aspects - connection, sextile, quadrature, trine, opposition. At the same time, for the formation of attraction, the aspect can be any - both harmonious and intense.

But harmonious aspects are important for permanent long-term sexual relations. Those. this is when the Moon (M) is in conjunction, sextile or trine with the Sun (F); Moon (M) in sextile or trine with Mars (W); Venus (M) in conjunction, sextile or trine with the Sun (W); Venus (M) in sextile or trine with Mars (F).

And in a woman: the Sun (F) in conjunction, sextile or trine with the Moon (M); Sun (W) in conjunction, sextile or trine with Venus (M); Mars (W) in sextile or trine with the Moon (M); Mars (W) in sextile or trine with Venus (M). Orb take eight degrees. Conjunctions of the Moon or Venus with Mars should be considered a tense aspect. (M - man, F - woman)

Only tense aspects create "African passion", which flares up brightly, but quickly dries up. In this case, in marriage, the relationship becomes very uneven - sometimes flashes of attraction, then flashes of repulsion. Not everyone can live on a periodically waking up volcano. Ultimately, this is psychologically exhausting, the partners get tired of each other, and there is a desire to leave (at least for a while). But it's still better than no aspects at all.

For permanent alliances, harmonious aspects are needed. For short-term - any will do. Combinations are also very interesting when there are both harmonious and tense aspects. For example, the Moon (M) is in sextile with the Sun (F), and Venus (M) is in opposition to Mars (F). Mixed aspects give zest and variety to the relationship of the spouses - sometimes they are even and "correct", then some kind of "crazy" suddenly slips through.

The lack of aspects in the synastry

Are there marriages in which there are no aspects between sexual planets? Yes. I have many such examples. And I ask: "Are you friends?". They answer: "Yes, friendship. Sex on holidays - on big ones. Several times a year." Such couples have practically no sexual relations, although otherwise they can live very well together, especially since the lack of sex does not bother them at all. At the same time, children can be and, as a rule, carefully planned in advance.

It is important that the sexual needs of partners are the same. At the same time, the union becomes harmonious. And what tells us about the level of sexual needs? The highest sexual needs are demonstrated by people with a predominance in individual horoscope the elements of Earth and Water in relation to the position of the sexual planets.

Those. when a man has the Moon and Venus in the signs of water and earth, then this is the highest level of sexual needs. It is the same in women, the highest level of sexual desires, when the Sun and Mars are in the signs of Earth or Water.

Aspects in the synastry: planets in the elements

Fire and air give a low sexual need. There is an opinion that fire is a sexual element. No, fire is a passionate temperament; a person can passionately demonstrate himself as a sexual partner, but ... once a year. Fire can have a high intensity of feeling when sexual contact, but the frequency of contacts is low. Well, air is generally non-sexual, especially Gemini and Aquarius.

Venus (M) and Moon (M) in fiery or air signs show a low level of sexual needs in a man. The Sun (F) and Mars (F) in fire or air signs also show a low level of sexual desire in a woman.

Then, if both partners meet Water and / or Earth, this is good. If both have sexual planets in Fire and / or Air - also good, both have a low need for sex, there is no problem, the combination is quite stable.

But if one person has sexual planets in Earth and / or Water, and a partner has sexual problems in Air and / or Fire - this is bad, the level of sexual needs is significantly different. But in itself, the position of the sexual planets in the signs of different elements is not yet an indicator of a future gap.

In this sense, it becomes clear that the opposition between the sex planets is better than the quadrature. Since, with opposition, the sexual planets of partners just turn out to be in "identical pairs" of elements, i.e. it is either Water - Earth, or Air - Fire.

But quadratures are the most unpleasant aspects, because. in this case, the sexual planets are in "different pairs", i.e. these are combinations of the type Air - Earth, Fire - Water, Fire - Earth and Air - Water. It can turn out like this: first, both have an African passion, and then one of the partners, satisfied, will wait for the next time in a month, and the second has not cooled down yet and give him more, but not just once. Now you already have disharmony.

I remember one client with the Sun in Gemini: "I gave him a night of love ..." And I think: "just one?"

Unfavorable aspects in the synastry

The most unpleasant situation in a synastric chart can be this: the sexual planets of partners are in different elements and there are no major aspects between them. For example, the wife has the Sun in Aquarius, Mars in Sagittarius, and the husband has the Moon in Taurus, Venus in Cancer. But at the same time, there are no major aspects between them. This means that they are simply not sexually interested in each other; they don't excite each other at all.

The result is complete and chronic sexual dissatisfaction. Then it becomes a serious problem. Again, this may not lead to divorce (if there are no tense aspects between conflicting planets), but it almost always leads to adultery (usually both have sexually compatible lovers).

By the way, sexual planets, no matter how problematic they are located with partners in the synastric chart, never by themselves lead to divorces. They say that divorces happen because of adultery. Nonsense. Divorces occur due to the tense aspects of conflicting planets.

I have a lot of real cases in which the second half cheats on my clients right and left, and they know about it, they even personally know lovers and mistresses, congratulate each other on holidays, live for many years and do not get divorced.

And why? There are no tense interactions between conflicting planets. So I can give "harmful synastric advice". If you want to have both a wife and a mistress (and not even one) and at the same time have peace and grace in family life, get married so that there are no tense aspects between your Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto spouse (wife).

A happy family life and at the same time unpunished adventures on the side are guaranteed to you. However, I warn you: karma does not sleep! Earn yourself a "crown of celibacy" on next life or your partner will do this to you later - you will be tormented and you will not be able to do anything. So this is bad advice.

There is another side of sexual relations - external or behavioral. What it is?

Aspects in the synastry: Mars male and Venus female

The sun and Mars in a man's horoscope are his external behavioral characteristics, i.e. behavioral sexuality is how his masculinity looks in the world, in society. It's the same for women: the Moon and Venus draws us the style of a woman's external behavior, this is her "social" femininity, how she outwardly presents herself among people (the ability to dress, the timbre of her voice, femininity in movements, etc.)

So, the interaction of the Sun (M) and Mars (M) with the Moon (F) and Venus (F) in synastric astrology determines the external, social behavior spouses, i.e. this is an image of a couple "in public", how they look with each other. Sometimes you look at them and you see - this is really a couple. Their behavior is coordinated, movements are synchronized, they fit into the interior (or landscape) as a whole. But this is just an external perception.

Between the Sun (M) and Mars (M) and the Moon (W) and Venus (W) there can be a tense interaction. Then, outwardly, they do not look like a couple, they behave in discord (say, a woman sits at a table in a restaurant, and a man moves a chair awkwardly, at the wrong time). There is no behavioral unity.

I can say that this type of incompatibility is not significant, it can only be not very pleasant for others, but they still feel like a whole if they have good synastric connections between the Sun (F) and Mars (F) and the Moon (M) and Venus (M). So, if you choose between external and internal compatibility, then, of course, you must choose internal. What's the point if you are a good waltz dancer at a party, breaking the enthusiasm of others, and then alone in bed you have a complete fiasco ...

In my practice as a synastric astrologer, I have seen many outwardly unsightly couples, but otherwise they are happy people, tk. external compatibility is the tenth thing.

Aspects in the synastry: luminaries of partners

At this level of synastry, we look: the aspect of the Sun of one person to the Sun of another. This determines the degree of mutual understanding at the level of consciousness. Aspect of one person's Moon to another person's Moon.

This determines the degree of emotional and mental compatibility. With a harmonious aspect (including connection), people live "soul to soul", well understanding and accepting psychological condition each other. There is also a commonality of everyday tastes, lifestyle in food, sleep patterns, methods of relaxation and the acquisition of comfort.

The aspect of Venus of one person to the Venus of another. Determines the degree of like/dislike between two people. With a harmonious aspect (including connection), mutual sympathy arises between people.

Interestingly, in stable marriages, in which there was no interaction between sexual planets, these configurations were present - good aspects between the Suns, Moons and Venus. It turns out the replacement of sexual life with psychological comfort.

Intense interactions at the level of the Sun, Moon and Venus in synastric astrology are not in themselves a reason for divorce. At the same time, I often observed disharmony on a psychological level in stable couples against the background of harmony in the field of sexual interactions (in the absence, of course, of three or more tense aspects between the four conflicting planets).

S. V. Shestopalov

S. V. Shestopalov

In this article, we will look at the most important planets in synastry in astrology, aspects in synastry, orbs of aspects in synastry.

Of course, the most important in comparing the two cards are the planets - the Sun and the Moon. All aspects in the synastry to the Sun and Moon are felt very sharply.. It is important for us how our partner relates to our manifestation in the world, our Ego - the Sun. Aspects to the Moon in the synastry may not be as pronounced at the first meeting and superficial communication as when living together. If people spend enough time together, then the synastric aspects to the Moon will be felt much more than the synastric aspects to the Sun. The planet Moon in the natal chart is a very sensitive point, it characterizes how a person behaves in home environment, the style of behavior that is characteristic of him from birth and which is not amenable to conscious control.

If there are many tense aspects to the Moon of one of the partners in the synastry, then it will be very difficult for him to stay in the company of his partner for a long time, and there can be no talk of a happy relationship. Because a partner with a Moon afflicted in the synastry will constantly feel internal tension and discomfort.

Aspects in the synastry between the planets Sun and Mars or between these planets of the same name (Sun-Sun, Mars-Mars) more determine the interaction at the level of the will of two people. The Sun and Mars in the natal chart are male planets of the will, they show how a person defends his rights, what is the energy reserve of a person, his endurance. If Mars is weak in the natal chart, then a strong Sun can compensate for it and vice versa. Aspects in the synastry between these planets speak of possible cooperation, of how people will work together, i.e. whether they can equally perform some common tasks. Also, the location of the Mars partners speaks of sexual compatibility.

The Moon and Venus are planets of emotions, planets that determine manifestations of tenderness, love and care for other people. And synastric aspects between the planets Moon and Venus, and to them from other planets they will talk about how comfortable we will be emotionally with our partner.

Aspects of Mercury in the synastry considered insignificant. But they are also important, because if Mercury is in different elements or Mercury is afflicted in the synastry, then this will be a big minus in compatibility, people will not be able to communicate easily, full mutual understanding will be difficult to achieve.

Harmonious aspects from Jupiter in the synastry always favorable, they bring optimism, joy and peace to the relationship. Tense synastric aspects from Jupiter may indicate an overestimation of your partner, unjustified expectations (but tense aspects in the synastry from Neptune).

Aspects in the synastry from Saturn to personal planets are important, they hold the relationship for a long period of time, but this is more characteristic of the harmonious synastric aspects of Saturn and the conjunctions of Saturn with personal planets. Tense aspects of Saturn in the synastry I can also keep people together for a long time, but they are difficult for a person in a pair, in which the partner's Saturn aspects a personal planet. If there are no supporting harmonious aspects of other planets in the synastry and the partner (with a personal planet) is not characterized by patience, then such relationships can quickly collapse.

Aspects between the Higher planets in the synastry really not that important. These are generational aspects that will occur much more often than aspects in the synastry to personal planets.

It should also be noted that it is very important aspects in the synastry between personal and higher planets, especially with a fairly accurate orb (within 1-2 degrees). Of course, a personal planet falls under the influence of the Higher Planet. Those. depending on the synastric aspect, the partner whose personal planet is aspected by the Highest will be subject to positive or negative influence. And in any case, the action of the Higher planet will be predominant, regardless of the strength of the Higher and personal planet in the synastric aspect. For example, with a square of a strong Sun and a weak Pluto in the synastry, the partner of the Sun will still feel pressure and negative impact on him from his partner with Pluto.

It is worth saying that when analyzing the synastry, it is imperative to pay attention to which natal aspect the synastric aspect or planet in the synastry is being completed. For example, if a woman's natal chart has a Moon Venus square, and a man's Mars is in conjunction with the female Moon, then Mars will automatically square Venus. Those. the influence of his Mars will force the woman to work out her square Moon Venus. And if this Mars also has a square in the natal chart of a man, then in the synastry it will be a whole configuration of aspects and, accordingly, those features that characterize the square of Mars in a man will be a big problem for this woman. Therefore, before proceeding with the comparison of two cards, you need to have a good understanding of each card separately.

If a planet in the synastry completes a harmonious configuration or joins a favorable aspect of the natal chart, then such a partner will be a support and help develop the best qualities.

Orbs of aspects in the synastry

in the synastry much less than in the natal chart. Each astrologer over time determines for himself the orbs of aspects in the synastry. The aspect will be manifested the stronger, the more accurate the orbis, it is desirable that the orbis does not exceed 2-3 degrees, so that the influence of the aspect is well felt in a couple. For compounds in the synastry orbis maybe a little more - up to 5-6 degrees in one sign of the zodiac, and in different signs of the zodiac up to 2-3 degrees. For a synastric aspect between the Higher and the personal planet, the orbis should not exceed 3-4 degrees.

It must also be taken into account that orbis for tense aspects in the synastry - quadrature and opposition need to increase a bit. BUT harmonious aspects in the synastry - trine and especially sextile are not felt as bright as tense ones and therefore their orbis can be slightly reduced.

In general, if there are many tense aspects in the synastry, then harmonious aspects are unlikely to save the couple from quarrels, misunderstandings and serious disagreements. Especially if tense aspects go in the synastry from the Higher planets to personal planets.

Favorable aspects in the synastry for love and marriage.

by the most favorable aspects in the synastry for love relationships and for marriage are aspects between Venus, the Moon and the Sun. Of course, it is better if these are connections, especially double ones. It is very good if these planets also have favorable synastric aspects of Jupiter and Neptune, then the union can be truly happy.

Aspects between Mars and Venus in the synastry are aspects of sexual attraction. But if there are no exact aspects between them, or Mars and Venus in the synastry are in incompatible elements, then over time, in such a union, the intimate sphere will suffer. Although this position can be saved, for example, by the exact synastric aspects of the Moon and Pluto, Venus and Pluto, Mars and Pluto, but it is desirable that these be harmonious aspects or conjunctions.

The most destructive aspects in the synastry.

The most destructive aspects in the synastry are tense aspects from Saturn and the Higher planets to personal planets.

Aspects from Uranus to personal planets in the synastry prevent people from maintaining long-term relationships. They destroy the union, the only exception can be if the partners part from time to time.

If in the synastry personal planets are struck by several tense aspects from Saturn, then it is unlikely that a partner with affected personal planets will be able to endure this relationship for a long time, he will most likely run away, unable to withstand pressure and boredom.

Women in general should be afraid to connect their lives with a man if the male Saturn makes intense aspects to the Moon and Venus. In such a union, the woman will be unhappy.

Tense aspects of Neptune to personal planets can cause deception on the part of a partner whose Neptune aspects personal planets in the synastry.


Interesting and important topic. Very often questions arise - how to attract a particular partner, why there are no reciprocal feelings, etc.

Each of us needs something different in a relationship, in addition to general phrases about understanding and support.

With the help of astrology, you can lift the veil of secrecy.

Love and astrology.

Like any other sphere, love is not limited to any one factor, but is the sum of several components. In particular, there are four main celestial bodies that affect close relationships between people: Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars.

Two female planets (Moon and Venus) controls the sensual life of a person, or rather, the first is responsible for affection and a deep desire to be close to a loved one or loved one, and the second affects falling in love, the desire to get the most out of relationships. Accordingly, the nature of the interaction between people is also different, Venus is assigned romantic relationship, courtship, kisses and caresses, and the Moon is marriage, including care, tenderness and emotional closeness.

Sun and Mars are male planets and are responsible for direct actions to establish and develop relationships. The first forms the goal of future relationships, whether they will lead to married life, or to love affair, friendships, etc. And the second is the direct executor of aspirations and wishes, that is, it controls the activity of a person, forcing him to win a partner.

The combination of the influences of Venus and Mars shows what kind of love and intimate relationships a person strives for, and the Suns and the Moon demonstrate married life with care for each other and acquiring offspring. In most cases, Venus and Mars play the role in the first phase of tying. It is traditionally considered that actor(Mars) is a male representative, and a beautiful and desirable object of conquest (Venus) is a representative of the fair sex. Although sometimes the opposite happens, then the priority planets need to be rearranged.

Advice to the active side (boy, man):

Familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the position of Mars in your horoscope. This is your trump card, no tricks and attempts to portray yourself as another person will not lead to anything good, it is better to fully develop your own characteristics. Even the excessive passivity inherent in the positions of Mars in the signs of Taurus, Libra and Cancer has its own attractive features.

Next, you should find out the position of Venus from your potential partner and get acquainted with what she likes: what gifts to give her, what establishments to take, how to cheer her up so that she gets the maximum pleasure from joint ventures.

The combination of the above factors will give the proper result, except for critical cases.

Advice to the passive side (girls):

It is necessary to pay attention to your own Venus and get acquainted with its meaning. With rare exceptions, most girls use cosmetics and take care of their clothes - this is a trump card. Trust your own taste and be sure to protect the influence of the moon. The fact is that these sensitive planets sometimes mutually exclude each other, bringing nonsense to the toilet. For example, the Moon is in Taurus, and Venus is in Scorpio - the first is distinguished by a subtle combination of shape and color, tenderness and smoothness of color transitions, and the second by brightness and a defiant look that emphasizes sexuality. If you need to attract the attention of the opposite sex, you need to emphasize the Venusian manifestations, so be sure to read the influence of the Moon in your horoscope so as not to be mistaken.

And the second. If an attractive young man shows attention to you, you need to find out the position of his Mars in order to understand the manner of his actions and correctly respond to his activity. For example, Mars is in Aries, then it is not necessary to take retaliatory steps, he will achieve his own goal (rather, he will have to cool his ardor), but with Mars in Cancer, you need to be attentive and perhaps take the initiative into your own hands.

So the relationship is established, but where is the confidence that the beloved or beloved will agree to the marriage. Here is one of the recipes:

Advice to the active side (male):

For a successful marriage proposal, you must be able to use your own abilities, bestowed by the position of the Sun in the horoscope. It is they that allow the girl to assess your potential, that is, who you can work to provide for your family, how you will treat your unborn child, etc.

Well, secondly, you must try to convince your partner that you are able to satisfy all his wishes, which are formed in accordance with the position of the Moon in her horoscope.

Advice to the passive side (girl, future housewife):

Pay attention to your ability to care for loved ones, to feel and respond to the feelings of others. The position of the Moon in the horoscope will reveal your ability to maintain future family comfortable emotional environment.

A man must make sure that you can support him in all endeavors, help, take care, etc. Therefore, evaluate the range of interests of your partner according to the position of the Sun in his horoscope and in no case laugh at his activities. He should get the impression that he will only benefit by acquiring such a spouse.

P.S. The best result is achieved if the Mars (Sun) of the representative of the stronger sex is in the sign of the same element or in the opposite sign as the Venus (Moon) of the girl.

(From the book "Practical Astrology, Find Your Way in Life")



A.Aich - Synastry.

First, I would like to dwell on general issues, and tell you what bricks the work is built from. In order for the house not to fall apart, we need a base, a foundation. And this foundation will be: what, - synastry? No, not right! The base will be individual cards partners with all their features and details. But already on this foundation a flowering synastry will grow, decorated with trines, squares, and Lunar nodes. For stable, established relationships, you can also use a composite, but if the relationship is really stable and established, then there are usually no questions for the astrologer.

So, the first in order is the analysis of partners' natal charts. For what? To find out what they expect from each other. Therefore, we look in which sign the Descendant is, where its ruler stands and which planets are in the 7th house. It is the Descendant, the 7th house that shows what a person lacks, what he wants to compensate by interacting with the outside world. Let's say the Descendant turned out to be in Aries, and a person wants to get an active, strong, proactive partner who is able to build dynamic relationships. But the Descendant in Aquarius indicates an interest in outstanding, intellectually developed individuals who are not prone to control and domination. In addition, if this is not just a business relationship, you will need to consider the expectations for the Sun-Moon and Venus-Mars pairs of planets.

A woman in a relationship gives her Moon and Venus to her partner and wants to receive her Mars and Sun from a man. A man gives his Mars and Sun, wants to receive his Moon and Venus from her. It is good when she corresponds to his image of the Moon and Venus, and he corresponds to her image of the Sun and Mars. If a man’s Moon and Venus are very different in energy (in sign, house, aspects), then it’s more difficult for him to combine this in one woman, here mother, daughter, business partners, girlfriends, but often lovers also help out. All the same is true of a woman with respect to her images of Mars and the Sun.

So, if the partners fully justify each other's expectations, then everything is in order? Not always, a lot depends on mutual aspects. For their analysis, a synastric map is built. Connections manifest themselves most actively in the synastry: both from the positive and from the negative side. From them "do not hide, do not hide." In second place in terms of influence is the square. Hard aspect. Even if favorable planets participate in it, it is difficult for partners to find a common language on this quadrature. Oddly enough, the opposition is softer, or rather, gives more chances for use. On the opposition, you can become hostile, or you can interact using those strengths that each partner has. For example, the opposition of Mars in the synastry. It is usually very difficult for people to work together. They have diametrically opposed ways of influencing the world around them. And each thinks the other's method is wrong. If people recognize that it is possible to act not only in the way they are accustomed to, then a close-knit team can turn out of such an alliance. They will complement each other, unite their actions and become one force. The trine is a favorable aspect and acts openly and harmoniously. Sextile gives only opportunities. The sextile of benefic planets says: everything can be fine, but work in this direction. The male factor sextile says that these planets can be negotiated or ignored. Sextile will not insist.

Sun-Moon relationship

The Sun and Moon are the most important planets of the horoscope and are most directly related to the formation interpersonal relationships. The sun is a husband, a father. The moon is a wife, mother. If there is an inharmonious aspect between them, then the family relations of such a person can be difficult. And the reasons for this most likely lie in his childhood, in the relationship between his parents. Difficulties in family life also gives the defeat of the luminaries by Saturn.

Do not forget that the Sun is consciousness, the Moon is the subconscious. When there is a square or opposition between them, a person is torn between conscious principles and subconscious desires. For example, the Sun in Scorpio, the Moon in Aquarius. Scorpio needs power. He can feel calm if he is in control of the situation. He holds invisible strings in his hands and, like a puppeteer, directs those around him in the direction he needs. This is his talent and calling. And suddenly Aquarius Moon! Deep down, he longs for freedom, new relationships, interesting meetings. He was tired of everyday life, everyday life, constant control and stress, he was also tired of it! How can he live in such a state? It is clear that the internal conflict will manifest itself from the outside and will certainly affect family relationships.

When evaluating the Sun and Moon, it must be remembered that in a male chart, the Moon will show the ideal type of wife for this man. His preferences in this matter. In the female chart, the Sun will show the ideal type of husband for this woman.

Venus-Mars relationship

Mars and Venus are the feminine and masculine function in a person's horoscope. This is a man and a woman, but not a husband and wife! Venus in the male horoscope shows the ideal type of a woman as a lover. Mars in the female horoscope will show the ideal type of a man.

If there is a tense aspect between the planets, then the love relationships of these people will develop inharmoniously. How exactly - will show the position of the planets in houses and signs.

When evaluating Mars and Venus, the retrograde of these planets matters. Especially Venus. With retro Venus, it is very difficult for people to adequately express their feelings. They can love with all their hearts, but they don’t know how to convey this to their partner. This applies to both men and women.

Venus is the goddess of love and relationships. If in the chart she is struck by Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, the Black Moon, then the love theme will be painted with the colors of the pest planet. Uranus will give unpredictability and nervousness, capriciousness and eccentricity. Today I love, tomorrow I don't. Then come, then get out!

Saturn will bring excessive coldness and restraint, freeze emotions. Neptune can make a person either idealize the chosen one, or deceive him, or stop believing in partners himself.

Another point worth paying attention to is the aspect between the Moon and Venus, Mars and the Sun. If the aspect is inharmonious, then it will be difficult for a person to combine the roles of mother and woman, or father and man. If there is a square or opposition of Venus and the Moon in a woman’s chart, then she will hardly be able to be both a good mother and a good lover for her husband. She will either go only to Venusian qualities (beauty, love, sex) and discard motherhood and homeliness according to the Moon, or vice versa. Everything will depend on the strength of the planets and the period in life (transits, progressions). If a man has such an aspect, then he will marry one and love another.

But that's not all! In relationships, the axis of the lunar nodes also plays a very important role. After analyzing it, you can understand who was to whom and who was in past life what karmic debts and tasks these people have to each other - but this is already a topic for another large article.

How can you be sure it all works?

It's not that difficult, and you don't even need to make new acquaintances! One of the most noticeable effects occurs when an exact square or opposition forms from your Moon to a pair of planets that are in exact square in your partner's horoscope. In this case, someone else's quadrature, creating 90 and 180 to your Moon, breaks through the protection of your soul and you become vulnerable and powerless, and it is impossible to fight it. You can try to analyze your feelings by looking at the TV screen:

Irina Allegrova, singer, born on 01/20/1952. There is an exact square in the singer's chart: Sun 29 gr Capricorn Mars 29 Libra. If your Moon is 29 Cancer (or 29 Aries) - you should be terribly annoyed by the work of this singer.

Yuri Loza, singer, born on 02/01/1954 In the map, the square: Mercury 23.15 Aquarius Mars 24.30 Scorpio. Not entirely accurate, but fairly accurate. If your Moon is 24 grams of Taurus (or 24 Leo), then you will not be able to stand this singer.

John Travolta, actor, born 02/18/1954. Played in films: "Pulp Fiction", "No Face" and many others. In the actor’s chart, Venus is 4 grams of Pisces and Mars is 4 grams of Sagittarius. If your Moon is 4 grams of Virgo or Gemini, then most likely it is very unpleasant for you.

Anastasia Vertinskaya, actress, starred in the film "Amphibian Man", in the role of Ichthyander's beloved. She was born on 12/19/1944 In the chart, the Sun 23.30 Sagittarius, Jupiter 26.20 Virgo. If your Moon is in complex aspects to this quadrature, then you do not like her work.

Vladimir Molchanov, TV presenter, born 10/7/1951. His Sun is 13 grams of Libra, and Uranus is 13 grams of Cancer. If your Moon is 13 grams of Capricorn or Aries, then you can enroll it in the category of your ill-wishers.

Vlad Stashevsky, singer, 01/19/1974 In the chart Sun 28 Capricorn Uranus 27 Libra. If you have Moon 28 Cancer or Aries, then it will be extremely unpleasant for you. And if before you didn’t know the reason, now you can be sure that your Moon is “trapped”.

Alexey Buldakov, actor, "well, you give a pancake!" was born on 03/26/1951 In the chart the Sun is 13 gr of Libra, Uranus is 13 gr of Cancer. If your Moon is 13 grams of Aries or Capricorn, then Buldakov is extremely unpleasant for you.

Is it possible to see something good in the synastry?

Of course! One of these "win-win" synastry is the conjunction of the Sun of a woman with Jupiter of a man. This is almost one hundred percent indication of a wonderful marriage and the birth of wonderful children who will have something to say to the world. Another interesting synastry, which for some reason we often come across is the Sun of a man at the South Node of a woman. In this case, the man without a trace loves and bows before his chosen one. A woman feels it and ... uses it. Of course, it's very nice when you are so loved ... the first two or three years, then comes the understanding that too much attention and care is very tiring. This is usually followed by parting, but after searching in her North Node, a woman will again want (well, at least for a little) to return to this man in order to again experience the joy of touch, the depth of his feelings, because this is an incommensurable feeling when you are loved 100 percent!

Another interesting effect occurs when the girl's Mars is in opposition to the man's Sun. From the moment of the meeting and forever, she becomes for him a woman of dazzling beauty. He will be dumbfounded by her and will be speechless. At this point, a woman needs to take the initiative.




Ndya .... here ... ran into this on the net:


Significators of marriage or a serious, long-term relationship are:

For women - Sun (day birth) - Mars (night birth)

For men - Venus (day birth) - Moon (night birth)

Age of marriage: for women, where the Moon is in natal from IC to ASC, this is an early marriage (with medium duration life 60 years) up to 20 years.

In the ASC-MC quadrant, this is 20-30 years of youth, but not the most.

The square of DSC and IC is the maturity of 30-40 years.

DSC MC at the end of life.

Quantity looks at which double or single sign is on the 7 cusp

Also, is there a mutable moon and how many aspects from the sun a woman has.

The sun will indicate what role men will play in a woman's life, and the moon will tell the role of women in a man's life.

One of the signs of many marital situations is Sagittarius in the cusp of the seventh house or Jupiter in the seventh house. Part of the reason these people often marry is because of their optimism, ardor and enthusiasm for alliances, but they lack discernment.

If the client asks if she or he is destined to remarry, the Astrologer can answer yes in almost all cases if Jupiter is in the seventh house or rules the seventh house. The astrologer should also not forget that a client with a similar placement of Jupiter is less selective, has high expectations, is more impulsive and more eager to create partnerships.

Mars in a female chart also indicates the type of men she will attract.

A woman with Mars in Capricorn will be attracted to men of high position and positions who are at the same time realistic and sexually attractive.

Moon conjunct Saturn may indicate that the client's mother had an authoritarian nature and had very high hopes for the child. One of my clients has this aspect. She was brought up in a strict religious atmosphere and still has not got rid of her problems. She had a strong fear of death and experienced anxiety attacks when she had such feelings. All this was

hammered into her by a strict religious upbringing. In addition to the fear of death, Saturn is able to cause a person to feel fear, guilt and anxiety.

Marriage in the female horoscope.

Good indicators of the stability of marriage - the Sun in conjunction with the Moon with harmonious aspects with the 1st and 7th houses (with their owners or planets);

A good aspect of Venus to Mars speeds up marriage.

If the Sun has any aspect with Saturn or Uranus, and Saturn and Uranus themselves are in a harmonious aspect with each other, the marriage is late, unsuccessful or early widowhood. If Saturn and Uranus are in a tense aspect - celibacy.

Sun conjunct Jupiter, or trine Saturn - remarriage.

Sun in dual signs and 7th house almuten in dual signs (Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra) - remarriage.

The Sun is in harmonious aspect to Mars, and Mars is well placed - a good marriage.

If the Sun has no aspects to Mars, but there are bad aspects to Saturn, it is difficult to get married.

The tense aspect of Venus with Saturn means difficulties in family life.

Almuten 1 and 7 houses in good aspect with each other - a favorable marriage.

Venus has an aspect with Jupiter or Mercury - the attitude to sex is cultural. If Venus has an aspect only with Mars (without Jupiter, Mercury) - laziness, love of sexual pleasures. If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, but not burned - often the mistress of a superior person.

Saturn in a female sign, having negative aspects, inclines towards sinfulness. If he is in the East in a male sign - base love, low passions. If there is an aspect of Mercury to it, it is made public. If at the same time there is a positive aspect to Jupiter or Venus, the situation is smoothed out.

Marriage in the male horoscope.

If the Moon is in the East and in phase 1 or 3, he marries early, or to a younger one. Moon in the West in 2 or 4 phase - marries late, or older.

It is more difficult for a man to marry if his Moon is in Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini.

Mars characterizes sex drive men. If Mars does not have aspects with Venus and Saturn, but has any aspect with Jupiter - an honest person, faithful in marriage. If Mars is associated only with Saturn, the man is phlegmatic and cold. If Mars has an aspect with both Venus and Jupiter, it is ready to love itself and has a need for love, but at the same time observes moderation. If Mars and Venus are in the West, it tends to women. If at the same time both planets are in female signs, it is easily enslaved by women. If both planets are in the East - a tendency to homosexuality.

Mars, Saturn, Venus have positive aspects with the luminaries - marriage is legal, and its fate depends on the aspects between the planets.

If Venus is in good aspect with Saturn - constancy, fullness of love. If Mercury is added to this, happiness is enhanced. And if Mars is added - jealousy, quarrels in marriage. If at the same time Venus and Saturn are in signs related to them, then there is a connection with relatives by blood.

Marriage in any horoscope (for both men and women).

If the Sun is in the place of the Moon in another horoscope, or Mars is in the place of Venus - good physical compatibility.

Marriage is favorable when it is concluded during the passage of Jupiter through the corners of the horoscope (cusps of houses).

The moon, passing through the 7th house, usually excites love feelings.

Venus in conjunction with Saturn - an obstacle to marriage, sometimes a lonely life. Especially dangerous for a person with a weak will.

Venus conjunct Jupiter - happiness in family life.

Venus in conjunction with Mars in the 7th house in the male horoscope - passion, immorality, danger from women. And in the female horoscope - the lack of principles.

Sun conjunct Moon, if Venus is in the 6th house and the Moon is in the 7th, the bride and groom will separate before the wedding.

Mars in opposition to Venus - unhappiness in love, especially in women.

Venus conjunct the Moon in a man with a nocturnal birth is a secondary marriage.

Sun in conjunction, square, or opposition to Mars in a woman's horoscope - an unhappy marriage if the defeat of Saturn or Uranus is added to this - sudden death husband.

If the Sun and Jupiter are in a tense aspect, and one of these planets is in 7, a difficult family life.

If the Sun or Saturn in the 8th house is struck by Mars - quarrels in the division of inheritance, up to violent death.

If, in addition to the Moon in opposition to the sun, there is also their tense aspect with Mars, the marriage is unhappy, and if Mercury is added to this, publicity.

Saturn in 8 - the spouse will be poor, and marriage will give material troubles.

Saturn at 12 - the spouse is sickly, in poor health.

Venus square Saturn and one of them at 7 - unhappy love, marriage, in men - misfortune from women.

Jupiter at 11 - usually an early marriage.

Mars in the 11th house in the female horoscope - the husband is wasteful, quarrelsome. In the male horoscope - poor health, quarrels in the family, dangerous birth of the wife, deception of friends, attack by criminals.

Venus in the 2nd house is a good financial situation in marriage, but not always a happy marriage, and in the male horoscope there is also extravagance.

Venus in the 3rd house in the female horoscope - marriage with a foreigner is possible.

Venus at 8 with bad aspects to Saturn and Mars - loss of fortune, early widowhood, divorce, loss of children, instant death, but long life.

Venus in the 9th house - marriage to a foreigner.

Venus in 4th house - marriage arranged by parents.

Venus in the 5th house - love marriage.

Venus in the 11th house - a happy marriage, a good financial situation. If the 11th house is in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces - a second marriage.

If Saturn strikes almuten 7 - the death of a spouse, or a cooling of relations.

If the Sun and Moon are weak, and Saturn is strong, and the signs on cusps 5 and 7 are barren, marriage is unlikely.

If the almuten is 7th in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and has more than one aspect, the likelihood of remarriage.

In the male horoscope, the Moon in any aspect with Uranus is a connection with a married woman, and Venus with Uranus is with an unmarried woman.

If Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are in the 1st, 5th or 7th houses, there is a tendency to be unfaithful.

The Sun in conjunction with the Moon at 7 - honor and respect in society after marriage.

Sun at 7 afflicted by Uranus - adultery.

Moon at 7 in Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius - relocation due to marriage.

Moon in 7 in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius in the male horoscope - the wife will be the real head of the family, enemies among women.

The moon at 7 in air signs in the female horoscope is an unfaithful husband.

Mercury struck in 7 - marriage of convenience, possibly with a relative. Marital infidelity.

Venus at 7 in Aquarius in the female horoscope - late marriage, in Virgo - celibacy.

Mars at 7 in the female horoscope, with a tense aspect with Mars, widowhood is possible.

Mercury in 7 - in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces - more than one marriage, marriage with a senior partner in a prominent public position.

Saturn in 7 - obstacles to marriage, if at the same time he has good aspects to the Sun, or Uranus - marriage with a widower with children. And if tense aspects to Venus, the moon - a fruitless marriage.

Uranus in 7 - often cohabitation without registration. If he has harmonious aspects with Jupiter - a rich dowry, and if tense aspects with the Moon - a love affair with a married or married person, if a tense aspect with Venus - then a relationship with minors.

Neptune at 7 - spiritual marriage, tends to get married in the church. In case of defeat - a fictitious marriage or marriage with unworthy people.

Pluto in 7 - marriage with a famous person, in case of defeat - collapse, bankruptcy of a partner and loss of property through the court.

The sun at 8 is a generous partner, but in the female horoscope - widowhood.

Jupiter at 8, in good aspect with the Moon - financial position improves after marriage.

Saturn at 8 in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, in good aspect with Jupiter - a rich inheritance from a spouse.

The direction from which the partner will arrive is indicated by the signs and houses in which his or her significator is located.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius mean the East.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - South.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - West.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - North.

Ascendant means East.

The fourth house is North.

Seventh house - West.

Tenth house - South.

Intermediate houses mean intermediate directions.

The combination of the house and the sign indicates the true direction.

Venus square or opposition to the Moon signifies losses associated with love and marriage.

For example, one should be very careful about the statement that the significator in the ninth house indicates marriage with a foreigner or a foreign woman.

It could mean marriage to a foreigner, but it could just as well indicate an acquaintance in a church or university, as well as an acquaintance through friendship with one of the relatives of a future wife or husband, or even through a marriage advertisement in a newspaper. The only way to narrow the circle of possibilities - to consider the signs involved here and aspects from other planets.

Julia Payne








Here ... I met on the net ... enough, in my opinion, figuratively written:

Compatibility Horoscope - a short guide for beginner astrologers

There are different cures for love, but none is reliable.

(F. La Rochefoucauld)


Every astrologer knows very well how much good and different things can be seen in the natal chart. Synastry (comparison of two natal charts) makes it possible to find out exactly what resources a person updates in given period time.

A fragment of instructions for interpreting synastry for men: (women do not need instructions, because they do not know how to use them)

1. Never use someone else's instructions, even if you are great at it.

2. Never forget that all degrees are alive. They have Angels and Geniuses, not to mention Sabian symbols. Be polite and considerate.

3. The last degrees are not to blame for the fact that some of the accumulated begins to rot. Help them clean up if asked.

4. Contact analysis for a couple includes the following steps:

· Construction of two natal charts with all "parses" and "midpoints".

· Comparison of two natal charts - i.e. synastry building.

· Replacing the planets of the same name in the charts of partners with one located in the middle between them, i.е. building a composition.

· Calculation of the date and coordinates of the place of the average relative to the time of birth and place of birth of both partners and the construction of a map based on these data, i.e. building a relationship map.

· The aspects established between the planets of one partner and the "midpoints" of the other correspond to the expectations of people in relation to each other. These channels are almost impossible to go beyond. A widely used analogue of the interpretation of aspects to "midpoints" is fortune-telling on a camomile: loves, does not love, spit, kiss, press to the heart, send to hell. For women, the planets must be taken in the sequence: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter. For men: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter. "Midpoints" for women are considered in the direction from the Moon to the Sun, and for men - from the Sun to the Moon along the signs.

The synastric map allows you to judge the energy foundation of the relationship. Consonant aspects indicate areas that are saturated with energy, and dissonant aspects require work from partners. Both of them should be considered as pitfalls. Harmonious aspects are stones covered with moss, and disharmonious ones are sharp stones, fragments of recent disasters. You should not stop at either one or the other. It is necessary to swim forward: towards the Sun - for men and along the lunar path - for women. The symbolic place of the Sun and Moon in the relationship is indicated in the composition. Synastry gives an answer to the question - what do we have, and the composition gives an indication - what is all this for, and outlines methods for finding compromise solutions in case of conflict. The relationship map shows why these people met.

A study of the nature of the flow of married life in different strata of our society has shown that many marriages can be provided as a set of seven types of relationships between men and women. As a rule, partners can change, but the type of relationship remains if the corresponding stage of life has not worked out.

Each type of relationship has a dominant target function, and you can also specify the symbolic ruler of marriage, most often - this is the ruler of the most saturated sign of the composition of partners' natal charts. For each type of relationship, the ratio of the sun sign and the sign of the ascendant is also considered for most couple leaders - the main magnet of marriage. Each type of relationship has a specific name. These symbols are chosen in such a way as to give an opportunity to feel the nature of people's attachment to each other.

1. Marriage "on a string".

I live in the land of snails

Preserved ancient status.

They do not know captivity from threads,

Your mirage is a wandering cactus.

You hide the words in the palm of your hand

And go down to them on the shore,

To your childish inventions

Still no one believes.

By an abandoned ditch

The whole world does not sleep in silence:

I cleaned the silt - poison for the waters -

And he saves the earth.

There is my home - in the country of snails,

Preserved ancient status.

How ridiculous is her bluff of threads,

Your rich, wandering cactus.

Symbolic ruler - Sun. The target function is the development of the solar sign. Ascendant of one sign partner in sextile and quincunx with another's Sun sign.

Main constellations: Man's Sun square woman's Sun, Man's Sun conjunct woman's Moon, Planet stellium of one partner in the other's solar sign.

Connections of this type are the longest and in nature resemble a child's game: "I love him because he is thoughtful," and then everything starts with the letter "z". One of the spouses, as a rule, reaches a high social status and morally degraded. It is difficult for these people to part, since they are tied by a mass of parameters that are crushed to infinity. If it comes to divorce, spoons (silver) are shared. The abandoned spouse is in a catastrophic situation, for he feels that a part of himself is being cut off from him. A good result is the orientation to a hitherto unknown field of activity, because. what was involved in the marriage is "pumped out" to the end.

2. Marriage "on shoelaces".

We're talking nonsense

Circles, circles, like on water.

Where did the crystal sound go?

Be naked. So from time immemorial.

Deeds, deeds - servants of the days

At the craft - he knows better

Who to give time to work,

Crystal does not tolerate gilding.

Oh, how our vampires love us!

We are both environment and idols for them,

We are gilded nets for them,

And who are they to us? - Evil children.

Symbolic ruler - Moon. The target function is to search for methods to deal with aspects of one's natal chart. The sun sign is often in opposition to the partner's Ascendant sign. Main constellations: a tensely aspected planet (most often the Moon) is complemented by a harmonious partner's planet, moreover, the corresponding point of the chart acts like a magnet and attracts happy owners of harmonious aspects throughout their lives. Mystery prevails in relationships. There really is a secret: they pay for the missing psychic energy material wealth. In order to "dissolve" such partners, you need to find a "bow" with which the ends of the lace are tied. Such a "bow", for example, can be the phrase: "Will you really leave me alone with two children?" - which the wife utters in response to her husband's reproaches about regularly evading the performance of unpleasant duties (cleaning the apartment, washing, etc.).

3. Marriage "with lightning".

With you and me, bribes are smooth,

We live in the same notebook

We look at the pages from one

We make up lies.

In fiction we are comfortable,

We change day to morning

We change the night for tenderness

Compassion for sinlessness.

We chase each other

We take each other away

At sunsets and sunrises

Not affected by fuss.

See how it all turned out

You fell in love - how you stumbled,

And stumbled - did not fall,

There is power - turn to the beginning.

Wheel of dashing dates,

Wheel of dry confessions

Wheel of your courage -

May I give you some paper?

You said "You can, you can"

A little careless and anxious

Just don't scare the flock

Catch up with the sound of the hurdy-gurdy.

And there are no more hurdy-gurdies,

Everyone plays according to the story.

That plot is quite simple -

"I am yours, and you are not mine."

Symbolic Ruler Mercury. The target function is the study of the rhythm of life. the ascendant and solar sign in the horoscope are most often in the quincunx. Ascendants of partners sometimes coincide up to a degree. The main magnets are the cusps of the 5th, 7th, 4th, 8th houses. Such spouses feel comfortable with each other and sometimes strive to do everything together. They spontaneously have the same desires, which greatly strengthen family life. It's a shame, however, that the desire to have children in such couples rarely arises. But, since quite developed people who have a fundamental idea of ​​​​the structure of the universe find each other according to the degree of the ascendant, as a rule, they also have grandmothers who can be entrusted with the upbringing of children with a clear conscience. Crisis situations in such families arise if a third suddenly appears from nowhere, possessing all the virtues of the second and additionally something else, for example, Uranus in the degree of the cusp of the 11th house of the first. Of course, if the victim is stocked with patience, then the crisis can be waited out. The chances of restoring the usual rhythm of life for these couples are quite high, but there is an even greater chance that happiness from another house will smile at the spouse in standby mode.

People who enter into an alliance "with lightning" have a rare sensitivity to the degrees of the cusps of houses (according to Placidus). Their natal charts can be rectified by synastry, using the memories of those who played a big role in their lives. Key phrases for women are approximately the following:

1st house. "He opened my eyes to the world" (Which planet of the partner fell on the 1st house cusp can be understood by the properties of the world that was opened.

2nd house. "Then there were no material problems for me."

3rd house. "I flew to him on wings."

4th house. "I have never met a dearer person. We were incredibly good together." (True, connections with your own 4th sign give almost the same effect. Memory stores memories of unusually comfortable situations, but there it is a holiday, not the norm).

5th house. "How I loved him! Despite everything and in spite of everything." (Often - illegitimate children).

6th house. "He was the only person whose word became law for me."

7th house. "The desire to become his wife was stronger than me." (It is not clear why).

8th house. "I have never forgiven a single person as much as I have forgiven him."

9th house. "I could listen to him for hours."

10th house. "No one could replicate our results."

11th house. "Thanks to this man, my pipe dreams came true."

12th house. "More than anything, I wanted to be with him on a desert island."

4. Marriage "on the buttons."

Little Forest Fairy -

colorful creature

She fell in love with the rake

For idleness in punishment.

Called the rake to visit

Heat up the stove.

He brought her a handful of pearls.

He sang about the sea very nicely.

Fairy pearls strung

On a deadly thread

Then the call: "I'm at the station.

I am hungry. The kibitka came."

Horses rush in the palm of your hand,

The fairy's heart skips a beat.

A gloomy dwarf sits on a throne,

March on the flute picks up.

But at the same time, the gnome's fingers

Cross to cross squeeze the flute

Fairy at the door. There is a wagon

Oh my God! She is empty...

Our rake is a quick guy,

He left by tram.

A poor glass is like a bottle,

Bitter grief torments

And the backyard smirk

It crawls right into your soul.

"What are you, a witch, inconsolable?

Darling, is it inimitable?

Better eat nuts in honey.

Are we numbing the pain?"

Symbolic ruler - Venus. The objective function is the discovery of the fact of the presence of two sexes. Ascendant and solar sign are usually in the same element. Main constellations: Venus of a man in opposition to Venus of a woman, Mars of a man in opposition to Mars of a woman, Mars of a man in opposition to the Moon of a woman, Mars of a woman in opposition to the Moon of a man, Mars of a woman in conjunction with Venus of a man, Mars of a man in conjunction with a woman's Venus .

Relations of this type are characterized by the presence of resonant aspects up to the same stelliums. People in such marriages have a difficult life. They love each other, but from the very beginning you need to determine what. The conjunction of a woman's Mars with Venus Men creates a lot of uncomfortable situations, and, conversely, a man's Mars in conjunction with a woman's Venus, against the backdrop of general confusion, still makes it possible for its owners to feel like a man and a woman. You need to be very careful with the aspects of Mars and the Moon. The safest is the quintile. Relationships containing a trine quickly exhaust themselves, although they leave vivid memories. Squares and oppositions support the general tone well. Unions, which are nice to look at from the outside, are obtained by connecting Venus of a man and the Moon of a woman and Mars of a woman and the Sun of a man. Otherwise, do not spill water. Conjunctions of "same-sex" planets, similarly aspected, create a solid foundation for long-term relationships.

When analyzing aspects in synastry, one must very clearly imagine their internal structure. Why is the square difficult? For example, Venus male to Venus female? Like Onegin and Tatyana - when she has a trigon: "I am writing to you ...", he has a quince: "No, I am not created for bliss." When he has a trine: "A little light, and I'm at your feet," she has a quickons. Standard situation with squares.

The disharmonious aspects of Mars and Venus are more often mastered outside of marriage, and if they are in the family synastry, then they have long been accustomed to crises, and they should be viewed as an attribute of family life, and not as a reason for divorce. Remarriages "on the buttons" are usually worse than the previous ones.

5. Marriage "on the buttons."

Black Moon

Black Earth.

debt pit

Can't be bypassed.

In the clouds of dreams

Lilith spins.

Her path is hard

He speaks the truth

that we live in a fairy tale

Wild and sad

Painted with black paint

Your wedding suit.

Decorate with white

Wedding Dress.

This theft is bold

Not long enough.

What are you sitting, yearning for?

Chilly on the porch.

Once I found another

Expect heat from the stove.

Once I found another

What kindness

Warm black ash

Will become a ghost of a fairy tale.

Symbolic ruler - Mars. The target function is to overcome the fear of life. The sun and ascendant of the leader belong to the same quadrant. The role of the magnet in these pairs is performed by the degree of Lilith. The squares and oppositions of the Black Moon are in a stranglehold. Coming into contact with the degree of Lilith, the human consciousness feels its infinite remoteness from everything earthly and, of course, the fear of loneliness. There are two ways to overcome this fear:

1. try to pave the way to the Earth through the gloomy abyss. This is the path of scientists, poets, politicians;

2. devote your life to an in-depth study of yourself personally. This path is dangerous. On transits, the Black Moon mercilessly shines through the results achieved and may refuse a place. To people moving towards the Earth, Lilith is more tolerant. Although both of them periodically there is a temptation to dispose of their lives at their own discretion. Especially if Lilith puts unsuccessful.

In family life, the transit of Lilith is fraught with quarrels, depression, mutual cooling. The problem of people who are married "on the buttons" is associated with a deep misunderstanding, difficulties in joint activities. One of the partners has a desire to retire, think about the smart, read science fiction, while the other at this time is packing a bag for the beach. With high intellectual development, the spouses constantly prove to each other that black is white, and white is black, creating grounds for doubts about the mental usefulness of the partner. But if they manage to come to a common opinion on some issue, it can be considered true. For health, such marriages are harmful, because in disputes, truth is rarely born, and many nerve cells die. Divorced from fatigue. Adultery play sooner positive role, because allow you to accumulate energy for further struggle. In the heat of battle, they wish each other a speedy end, without thinking about the consequences. Such marriages contribute to the professional growth of spouses, more often in the humanitarian field.

6. Marriage "on hooks."

Kaya froze

Not for nothing…

Oh, how it presses on the heart

Let it be here


Even if not for long

But sleep.

But why did you choose

Look, after all, in the heart -

What did you regret

Soul ice?

Chipped off a little

Don't you pull me in

In conversation

I took pity on the girl.

Because of the mountains

I see a destructive light

wicked love,

Can't be a spectator

You understand.

This light in me I'm down

It has a hidden meaning


female hands,

The same to be chosen

To the first round.

She has the power to melt

Any ice

This is what is meant to be:

"Be alone".

Husband is her punishment

heavy load,

She has a calling

I swear.

What you came up with

Dust in your eyes

Replace with vanity

Life cannot be

my past fate

Eternity closes

On love.

You are your jury

Waiting for the chips

They'll smash it.

Who handles it like this

With fate

Whatever the conversation, then she herself

Symbolic Ruler Jupiter. Target function - following the main direction of its development. Ascendant and sign of the Sun in a semi-sextile.

This marriage is characterized by the hit of the partner's planets in the vicinity of the ascending node (orbis 15 degrees). These are unions of ministers. Their lives are stressful. If they live together, they are busy with one thing, and the leader is a man. The results of their activities have an impact on the life of society (Karl and Jenny Marx, Pierre and Marie Curie, A. Akhmatova and B. Anrep).

In family synastry of this class, there are an unusually large number of sextiles, semi-sextiles, and even trigons come across. Significant events for the couple coincide in time with turning points in the life of the country (A. Akhmatova and B. Anrep finally parted on the day of the February revolution). Especially effective is the hit of Jupiter on the ascending node of the partner, and Mercury on the descending (and the work is being done, and the children are growing). They behave perfectly on the nodes of the planet, the gender of which coincides with the gender of the owner. If the Moon or Venus of the man acts on the ascending node of the woman, then under their influence the development of the female essence of the partner begins according to the given aspects.

It brings money to a man. The femininity of a partner often contributes to the growth of the family's well-being. The sun and Mars of a woman on the ascending node in the horoscope of a man make him behave karmically competently and severely punish him for wrong actions. Unfortunately, not everyone is interested in this, and people more often pass by those who are able to draw them onto the path of solving karmic problems. Although, as practice shows, chances are given to everyone, but not equally. People for whom the main magnet of the natal chart is the ascending node do not need the advice of an astrologer. So, sometimes they come to please.

7. Velcro marriage.

... Then from the ghostly depths

Words came to them, staggering.

You know I loved you...

I knew this…

At the turn of the last years

And a wild start

I've been looking for you everywhere.

It wasn't like that. I was searching for.

I searched for you and found you

And we rode together in a boat

Do you remember those two oars?

Yes, we were the weather then.

How ferocious was the mad whirlwind!

Everything can happen again...

But what about the children? What awaits them?

Shooting, noose or buttonhole.

Symbolic Ruler Saturn. The objective function is the recognition of the second half. Ascendant and Sun partners are often in coincidence. Signs: all kinds of manifestations of symmetry, harmonious aspects between the planets of the same name. The main magnet is "midpoint" (the middle between the position of the Sun and the Moon for men and the Moon and the Sun for women). Love begins at first sight, ends after the first betrayal. The fact of adultery can not be kept secret, because. partners know everything about each other. Together they live well, apart - badly, they rarely sign. In the event of a conflict, they do not go to reconciliation. They understand each other perfectly, but do not forgive. It seems that the fact of the existence of a partner in a given period of time on Earth is enough for members of such unions, and efforts to establish contact are superfluous. As the old song says: "If I made you up, be the way I want you to be."


1. A normal man loves with the Moon, and the right woman loves with the Sun.

2. The attention of a man to a woman is riveted by Venus, and women to a man by Mars.

3. Jupiter ennobles relationships, and Saturn blows off the husk.

4. Mercury is responsible for the order in the house and for the upbringing of children.

5. higher planets clearly work only on the cusps of houses.

6. The role of aspects as restraining principles in decreasing order of importance is as follows: conjunction, square, opposition, quincunx, semi-sextile, sextile.

7. Events from the life of the betrothed, whom you cannot ride around with a horse, are noted in the directorates of the missus: the first meeting, the beginning life together, deciding on marriage, ceremony

marriages, weddings.

Elena-Sekleta Netsvetay









Compatibility of people in terms of astrology. S.V. Shestopalov

The data for the first study were obtained from the personnel department of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. These were two samples: reprimands and thanks. That is, the pairs of boss - subordinate were studied. We proceeded from the fact that a reprimand is an extreme measure used when people cannot agree with each other and there is no mutual understanding. We considered these couples to be in conflict. The data included the dates of birth of the subjects, on the basis of which the longitude of the luminaries was calculated with an accuracy of 1 degree. The longitude of the Moon was taken at the middle of the day. A comparison of these two samples showed in a number of cases significant differences in the aspect interactions of the luminaries in the cosmograms of two subjects and made it possible to identify "conflicting" planets. They were Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. The presence of tense aspects (0°, 90°, 180°) between the conflicting planets of one horoscope and the conflicting planets of another horoscope was observed precisely in conflict couples. The fact that Mars and Saturn turned out to be planets in conflict will not surprise any astrologer. However, Jupiter also gives more aggressiveness in tense aspects. The participation of Pluto is also explainable here, which, in our opinion, is responsible for self-affirmation, and in bad aspects - dictate and the desire to solve the problem by force.

The second study was conducted on the data obtained in one of the registry offices of Leningrad. All marriages took place in 1968. Data on divorces is always received by the registry offices in which these marriages were concluded. Therefore, writing out the data in 1989, we had not only data on marriages, but also on divorces, for 21 years. Preliminary analysis showed that sun signs are not the main indicators of divorce. All 144 combinations of pairs according to solar signs (12x12) are possible, and all these combinations can be stable for 21 years. Although there are some preferences and some repulsions. It turned out, for example, that smallest number marriages were concluded among Sagittarius and Scorpios, both men and women, as well as among Cancer women. Capricorns and Pisces, both men and women, as well as Taurus men, Aquarius men, Leo women, have the greatest propensity for family life. At the same time, the highest percentage of divorces is among Cancer women (they also have the smallest number of marriages). Libra has the lowest divorce rate for both men and women. It also turned out that the compatibility of couples according to the signs of the Zodiac is symmetrical with respect to the sex of the partners. For example, most often out of all 144 options, marriages are between an Aquarius man and a Leo woman, with an average divorce rate. At the same time, the opposite situation, marriage between a Leo man and an Aquarius woman, occurs 2.5 times less often with a divorce rate above the average. Marriages are also often made between two Taurus, a Taurus man and a Libra woman, a Taurus man and a Capricorn woman, with an average or even low divorce rate. Frequent unions are between the Gemini man and the Pisces woman (average divorce rate), the Libra man and the Leo woman ( low level divorces), Taurus man and Aries woman (average divorce rate), Virgo man and Gemini woman (low divorce rate), Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman (medium divorce rate). It also turned out that the "bad" aspects (90° and 180°) are not always bad in marriage, and the "good" ones (60° and 120°) are not always good. For example, Aquarius - Leo, Gemini - Pisces, Virgo - Gemini - quite stable, and Virgo - Capricorn, Virgo - Scorpio, Taurus - Cancer, Taurus - Virgo, Cancer - Virgo, Scorpio - Capricorn, Capricorn - Scorpio, Pisces - Cancer have high divorce rate. In all cases, the first sign is the husband, the second is the wife.

The data obtained allow us to draw the following conclusions regarding the compatibility of people according to horoscopes:

1. The sun is responsible for mutual understanding and does not affect conflict;

2. 4 planets are responsible for conflict:

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.

Practical work with people allows you to supplement the scheme with the following points:

1) If two conflicting planets of two horoscopes are in tense aspects 0°; 90° and 180°, but in the original horoscopes they have only harmonious aspects of 60° and 120°; then conflicts are possible, but there is the possibility of a constructive way out, since the subjects themselves are not in conflict;

2) The sexual luminaries of the male (Moon and Venus) and female (Sun and Mars) horoscopes, their harmonious and disharmonious aspects determine the harmony or disharmony in love, as it is said in classical literature by astrology.

In addition, the results obtained help to find scientific explanations of astrological positions. Since, when determining compatibility, we superimpose two natal charts on each other, two pictures of the arrangement of the luminaries that existed at the time of the birth of a person, it seems that a person somehow captures this picture of the spatial position of the luminaries on the structure of the body. From these positions, we proposed and published in the scientific press the hypothesis of information-energy imprinting:

1. Material carrier of the influence of luminaries, bodies large mass is the gravitational field, but we are talking about informational (weak energy) interactions, about vibrations;

2. The picture of the spatial arrangement of the luminaries is imprinted on the structures of our body like a hologram, and the radiation of energy by our body recreates this energy-information picture in the space around us, which determines the features of our interaction with other objects;

3. The stress of birth (childbirth, asphyxia, physiological changes associated with the transition to autonomous breathing, the first awakening, an avalanche of information, etc.) includes the process of imprinting, imprinting, based on the same mechanisms for the formation of conditioned reflexes and memory formation.

The final conclusion is that only statistical research will raise astrology from an amateur level to the level of modern science and will be able to promote its recognition by the modern scientific community. Without this, it will not be able to become the science of the future era - the science of Man.


L. does not “love” the Yang planets, but “loves” the Yin planets - the Moon, Venus; Saturn - to a lesser extent, Netpun - a separate issue.

An unorganized person without a job, without duties, without being embedded in society for L. is a tasty morsel. As soon as there is a built-in society, it departs.

Mercury, Uranus, Chiron are indifferent for L.: both in personal and synastric charts, interaction with these objects is very weakly expressed.

Most of all, L. “loves” Venus. We learn the world through Venus, she is a convenient guide.

A significant orbis for the synastry is one sign. That is, when Venus of one partner and Lilith of the other are in the same sign. This is one of the biggest horror stories.

Next in importance after Venus is the Moon. L. provokes her well.

L. can manipulate through Saturn, as well as through Neptune - all these combinations in the synastry should be “feared”.

Mercury and Uranus - you can not be "afraid".

L. with Mars, when the unreasonableness of Mars manifests itself, “nightmares” are formed.

Conjunctions with Jupiter and Pluto are normal, and even not bad.

With blood ties, L. with the Sun and Moon in conjunction is difficult for a person, but develops him. Those. L. of one person says to another: “Turn on the Sun (Moon)! I'm here, I've come, come on, reveal the Solar (Lunar) potential!”

With blood ties, L with Venus is quite tolerable, like Jupiter and Saturn. L. in this case opens the planet at all levels, makes it manifest.

For marriage, the conjunction of the Sun of one partner with the Lilith of the other is good. One turns on the Sun of the other, and the person with the Sun understands what needs to be done. It is especially good if the Sun is a man, and L. is a woman. But vice versa is also good. When the Moon of one partner and L. of the other are in conjunction, it is slightly worse than the conjunction with the Sun, but also not bad. It is better if the Moon is women, and Lilith is men.

In general, the connection of L. with the luminaries of a partner speaks of the karmic nature of the relationship.

The connection of L. with Mars in the marriage synastry is good, because. Mars turns on from this interaction - as a valiant one, or as an aggressive one, but you can work with the latter.

Also, L.'s conjunction with Jupiter is not bad. A person with Jupiter is forced to turn it on.

At first, L. turns on the lower programs of the planet and the partner is forced to develop and look for a way out of an uncomfortable situation. And L. feeds on these energies. Those. the balance of the partner with L. is restored, the shortage is replenished. Those. L. receives part of the manifested energy of the planet through feedback.

For marriage, the combination of Venus and L. in the synastry is very bad. The man of Venus loves, and the man of L. - allows himself to be loved, simply accepts. A person with L. subconsciously provokes a person of Venus to more and more bestowal. The man of Venus does not know how to make the man L. sincerely love him. L. is ruthless. A person with Venus begins to feel this reality more fully next to a person L., but such a connection also brings a lot of suffering. The man of Venus wants a lot from the man L, but he cannot get it. Those. the man of Venus will love the man L., but in return he will not receive the love he is counting on, although the man of Venus will develop in such a partnership. itthe most karmic.

In a business partnership.

It is good when there is a conjunction of the Sun of one and L. of the other, Saturn and L. of the other. It is better when there is no conjunction of Venus or the Moon with L., because. there is no emotional involvement.

The main thing in business synastryso that the planet, which is in conjunction with L., does not turn out to be a significator of the business that business partners are engaged in.

For example, if there is a conjunction of Jupiter and L. and the partners are not busy with teaching, jurisprudence, publishing, tourism, then everything is in order. And if, nevertheless, there is a connection with these and other Jupiterian themes, then first L. activates Jupiter, and then absorbs it and the matter collapses, because. Jupiter begins to serve L.

Those. if, with the above connection, the partners are busy selling jewelry, they just cannot work together with distant partners and distant deliveries. And vice versa, if there is a conjunction of Mercury with L., then it is better that there are no business contacts related to transportation, communications.

If the conjunction of the Moon with L., then it is impossible to jointly engage in real estate, it is also not recommended to visit each other.

If, nevertheless, there is a connection of L. with a planet signifying joint activities, and such a partnership began less than 4.5 years ago, then get out of the influence of such cooperation up to 4.5 years (half of the Lilith cycle). Otherwise, you will have to work out a full cycle - 9 years.

If two women are friends, they should not be in conjunction within the sign of the Moon of one and L. of the other. The moon will give away her feminine power, magic, she will be very tired. Often such a connection may indicate belonging in the past to the same Genus, for example, mother and daughter. The moon can repay debts to the owner of L. And L. will be a consumer. One will be the servant of the other.

In male friends, you need to be wary of the connection of L. one with the Sun of the other, because. The sun at the same time gives vitality, up to a lethal outcome. In the past, these could be father and son. Even if these two men are not blood relatives, but are part of the same family tree, then such a connection is not scary for both of them, but it is impossible to start making friends or establish a business partnership. because at first it will be euphoria, and then - extinction. Such a connection threatens the owner of the planet with energy depletion.

When such a reception is mutual for two people, then it is for life, either in friendship, in business partnership, or in marriage, because the flows from the planet to L. go in both directions.

When there is a connection of the North Lunar Node and L. in the synastry, the SLN person, as it were, “does not see” what needs to be done, L. gives wrong guidelines. It is very difficult to live nearby with such a connection for any people in any case - marriage, friendship or business communication.

Sometimes you can’t directly see the connection with L., but at the same time we take the dispositors of each Lilith in the maps of people and see how they interact.

L. can close Sev.Uz. The one who has Sev.Uz. must determine what he wants and will do in the absence of a partner with L. and must put the partner before the fact, this is very difficult, but only this way is possible. Already in the presence of a person L., he will begin to doubt and hesitate about the decision made.

When in conjunction are South.Uz. and L. two people, then this is a fairly neutral position. Occasionally, L. can “pick out” something generic, but very rarely. These are insensitive points in the maps with such a connection.

When partners mutual the connection of L. with Sev.Uz., incredible things can be revealed. But there is a condition: you can’t be together all the time, otherwise it turns out that the “blind” leads the “blind”. Those. you need to part for a while, and then - again together. It is good for business and business partnership.

When there is a conjunction of L. with Neptune in the synastry, this gives the perception of such a plan that a person can say; “I'm addicted to you!”. L. here provokes Neptune to transfer states. Such interaction should include a joint creative process, an obsession with each other. In the marriage synastry, such a connection is good, worse if it exists in other types of communication, because it turns out that it is not clear what is happening - joint “alcoholism”. Such a conjunction is a joint voyage and aspiration to Venus, which is in a state of exaltation in the sign of Pisces ruled by Neptune. Such a connection gives the absence of boundaries of love and hatred, here you cannot destroy the joint illusion, but you need to practice joint creativity, it is an impersonal service for two.

Is always! In addition to direct connections with L., we look at the dispositors of L. in the maps of people and pay attention to their interaction. As an example of the connections of L. through dispositors: the connection of the dispositors of both Liliths in a sign or degrees in a synastric chart, or the combination of these two planets in a chart of one person.

Example: 03/23/62 + 04/30/62. The Dispositor can bring planets into conjunction with him - it is an unmanifested planet, in a sense. Mars is cruel here.

Subdispositor L. - shows the origins of problems in past lives.

Next, we look at the 10th house from the house of Lilith - this is if we have forgotten everything, we are confused, we do not understand anything. Escape to this house makes it possible to jump out of the vicious circle of problems that are created in the house of Lilith and in the opposite house. It turns out the same cross at home. We kind of say: “Thank you, I understand, but for now I will do something else.” And in general, in order to prevent the manifestation of Lilith in the house, it is better to keep the topics of the 10th house from the house of Lilith under control. It does not matter which planets or fictitious points are present / absent in the house, just the very fact that they are at home. The more problems in this house, the 10th from Lilith, the less - in the house of Lilith herself.

Example: with L. in the Second House, it is better to invest money in learning astrology than just lose it; with L. in the Fifth house, invest money in children, improve yourself, the value system, you will feel the child more deeply, you can sculpt, draw, practice physical body, try to feel the creativity, change the attitude towards the child.

When Lilith and Selena are combined in one sign, Selena neutralizes the influence of Lilith, turns out to be stronger than her. If it becomes completely unbearable from L., then you need to go to the person who has Selena there, he will advise what to do, his Selena highlights the influence of Lilith.

The connection of L. with Chiron - at first - is very painful and incomprehensible. then - even worse and worse. Then - you die. and then, when you find yourself alive, you will laugh for a long, long time. It's very hard. Any transit activates such a connection. At the same time, it is simply necessary to have a minimum medical education, at least courses, so that there is a crust. Otherwise, Chiron can play a cruel joke and will not be allowed to treat people, even if the person is good healer. Chiron says: "We must have the right." Even if between Chiron and Lilith the aspect of a square, opposition or connection, a person should be able to heal a little, such aspects are conducive to healing. If a person is not engaged, then he himself gets to unscrupulous charlatan doctors. If he himself does not understand a topic, then it is better not to go to the doctor for advice.

In the synastry, the connection of Chiron with Lilith gives a “teacher-student” relationship, or one is an assistant, then everything works out fine. With unequal alliances, such a connection is good. When equal - very bad, both at work and in personal relationships.

In the natal chart, the connection of L. with Neptune includes Neptune in the streams and obliges to go through all the levels of Neptune. But you must go to the highest - the crystal of Alchemy! This can give the highest level of self-awareness. This is the highest wisdom - serving by silence, silent wisdom, but not speaking.