Arthur - "mighty bear" (Celtic).

Characteristics of the name Arthur

This is a person who does not bother himself with everyday chores. He will always find someone who will do everything for him. The characteristic of the name Arthur is imposing, ambitious. Strives for a quiet, prosperous life. Skillfully avoids conflicts, survives a storm. Introvert. Lives in the depths of his world. From childhood, you need to accustom him to active life, involve in sports activities. He must not be allowed to remain aloof from what is happening, left unattended.

A strong-willed person, but the will manifests itself mainly in extreme situations, in a state of excitement. He has many comrades, but he builds friendships in such a way that he does not burden and does not bind himself with obligations. Arthur is slow to react to what is happening, but he has a heightened sense of defeat, failures shock and destroy him.

The profession of the mystery named after Arthur chooses one that is a link between the boss and the subordinate, that is, he cannot go to the subordinates and does not want to lead, take responsibility. Can work as a customs officer, administrator, physician, electronics engineer. Achieves success in the field of alternative medicine. Famous surgeons or dentists carry this name.

He has exceptional intuition. Often this helps him in difficult situations. If he is too lazy to develop something scrupulously, he uses intuition. Has an analytical mind. Well developed imagination. Excellent memory. However, the characterization of the name Arthur lacks curiosity and interest. Prefers to think about life's problems while lying on the couch than to take part in overcoming obstacles.

Arthur is very impressionable and sensitive. He heartily experiences the harm done to him, gratefully perceives the good. Morally, he is irreproachable. However, it does not obey harsh customs, does not tolerate strict limits.

Born weak, should be protected from colds, infectious diseases. He quickly overworks, but overwork should be distinguished from laziness: Arthur often feigns. We need to take care of the nervous system.

The secret of the name Arthur by month of birth

Arthur's sexuality is extremely high. He is delicate and sensitive, well versed in female psychology. But sexual attraction, lust take their toll. He has indecision, is not completely able to resist and fight. He likes a colorful environment, which includes random people. The characteristic of the name Arthur has a well-developed sense of duty to the family, it is in the family that he seeks security and peace, for this he is able to make concessions. This man can be trusted. He is not too active and assertive, but has a rare and valuable quality- self-esteem.

  • "Winter" Arthur is gallant, elegant. Smart, diplomatic. Carry on with dignity. Excellent medical worker, successfully engaged in scientific activity.
  • "Spring" - has an amazing sense of humor. Can be a writer-humorist, perform his works himself.
  • "Summer" - kind, generous soul, able to give joy. He is attracted by the work of a circus or film artist, journalism.
  • "Autumn" - strict in judgments, correct in statements. It is impossible to get him out of patience. The secret of the name Arthur is engaged in electronics, he can become a jeweler.

What patronymic name suits

"Winter" and "autumn" Arthur should be given a name in combination with patronymics: Mikhailovich, Mironovich, Yakovlevich, Olegovich, Oskarovich, Artemovich, Davydovich.

"Summer" and "spring" - Rodionovich, Yulievich, Filippovich, Timurovich, Leonidovich, Lyudvigovich, Leontyevich.

The birth of a child is a big event for every family. Therefore, choosing a name for a baby from young parents takes a lot of time. Some name their son or daughter in honor of relatives, others in honor of famous people, others choose what they just like, and the fourth sometimes stop at rather exotic options. However, it is worth remembering that the name given at birth affects the fate and character of its owner. This article will reveal the meaning of the name Arthur. detailed information will help to establish communication with this man.

The name Arthur - origin and meaning

There are several versions of its appearance. According to the most common, it is of Celtic origin and is derived from the name Arthur, which translates as "stone" or "bear". Its most famous bearer was the legendary King Arthur, who in the VI century. led the resistance to the Saxon conquest.

According to another version, the name is of Greek origin. In this case, it is generally accepted that it appeared from the name of the star "Arcturus", which means "guardian of the bear."

There is also an opinion that it is of Latin origin. The word "artus" means "power", strength, and according to another version it is translated as "plowman".


The meaning of the name Arthur for a boy allows us to characterize its owner. In childhood, this is an obedient child, balanced and calm, always obeys his elders, it is difficult to piss him off. Sometimes it seems that Arthur is watching from the sidelines for any situation.

He can be thoughtful, at such moments it is better not to touch him, he makes important decisions for himself.

The meaning of the name Arthur for a boy says that he often happens only child in family. His parents pamper him, trying to fulfill any whim of his son. But the boy does not use this, but accepts gifts with gratitude. He also draws very well.

However, this meaning of the name Arthur for a child becomes irrelevant with age. Already as a teenager, his character changes, with those around him he is increasingly quick-tempered and stubborn. He will also try to find a relative or friend who will do everything for him. Usually such a person is almost always.

Outwardly and in character, Arthur often looks like his mother. He is closer to her than to his father.

It is very important from childhood to teach the boy to set high goals and realize them.

Schoolboy Arthur

The meaning of the name, the character of its owner suggests that he does not show interest in learning. With many subjects he has certain difficulties.

However, Arthur does not study well due to a lack of motivation, since he already knows from the school bench what is useful to him in life and what is not.

But in the direction where the boy shows his interest, he becomes the best student. Both parents and teachers can instill a love of knowledge in Arthur. The boy needs to explain the importance of education from childhood.

The meaning of the name Arthur suggests that the boy usually has a good relationship with his classmates. He is ready to stand up for the weak, but he himself can become the instigator of a fight. His best friend he finds back at school.


The meaning of the name Arthur speaks of its owner as a person for whom public opinion is very important. The man has excellent intuition, he feels people well. This allows you to influence the decisions of loved ones and manipulate them.

Arthur has a very complex character. It happens to be quick-tempered and vindictive. After a quarrel, he cannot forget the insult for a long time, at the most unexpected moment he will definitely remember it and strike back.

In extreme situations, Arthur shows firmness of character and takes the situation into his own hands.

He has many friends and even more acquaintances. However, they are mostly transient people who change frequently.

An analytical mindset helps Arthur to navigate well in life. He has a good memory, but the lack of curiosity and determination does not allow him to achieve what he wants.

However, it is very important for a man to always be on top, because failures and defeats unsettle him for a long time. At such moments, he can withdraw into himself, and not communicate with anyone for several days.

Arthur's character traits

Many features characteristic of the owner of this name, depending on the time of year of his birth, may appear more clearly or almost absent.

So, "summer" Arthur is very easy to offend. At the same time, he will bear his revenge for a long time and carefully. He is squeamish, often washes his hands, in a public place eats only in last resort. He spends a lot of time in his car, loves speed.

"Winter" Arthur is stubborn and persistent. However, despite these character traits, life is difficult for him. It takes a lot of effort to be successful. But the desired man always achieves. Loves beautiful girls, jealous in a relationship. Marries usually late.

"Autumn" Arthur is vulnerable and has been very spoiled since childhood. Can be unpredictable in their actions. With age, he becomes prudent, he rarely finds real friends.

"Spring" Arthur grows up as a sickly and impressionable child. He is especially close to his mother. A life partner will be looking for someone similar to her. The desire to be the best in everything helps him achieve certain successes in life.

Love and sex

The meaning of the name Arthur suggests that its owner is a favorite of women. He is gallant, attentive, always looks great, with good manners.

When choosing a girl, he is very picky. His chosen one should be beautiful, well-groomed and smart. However, he will dominate the relationship. Arthur is jealous, he will never forgive his partner's betrayal, he will part with her immediately.

Himself in a relationship will be faithful to his companion, he will perceive any suspicion in his address as a personal insult.

He understands female psychology, so Arthur's chosen one must always be honest with her man. In return, she will receive attention from him, unexpected gifts and devotion from her partner.

Sex for a man is also important. However, he will not lie down with anyone in bed. With a partner he will be gentle and affectionate, she is also expected to be active.

Marriage and family

The meaning of the name Arthur in Islam characterizes him as a devoted man. He has been looking for a life partner for a long time, so he marries late. From marriage expects an equal and honest union. It can be very difficult to get him involved. However, for the sake of love, Arthur is ready to sacrifice a lot if he realizes that the girl is really his soulmate.

The wife will feel like behind a stone wall. The husband is ready to protect her and the children from all adversity. In the family, Arthur feels a sense of peace.

He loves his children very much, usually he has two or three children. Will take an active part in their education. Arthur - strict father but fair. When necessary, he always helps his children with advice. However, in the event of a divorce from his wife and children, he also begins to communicate less.

Arthur will never do household chores, especially "women's duties". At the same time, he expects that his house is always clean and comfortable, that there is a delicious hot lunch on the table. Also a burden to a man and men's work in the house. If something needs to be done, he will definitely hire someone.

Arthur will have a strong family with Albina, Alice, Camilla, Stela, Elsa. Difficulties arise in relations with Alla, Eugenia, Veronica, Lydia, Marianna, Julia.


The complex nature of Arthur prevents him from achieving great success at work. Stubbornness, unwillingness to obey, hot temper of a man are not always accepted by colleagues.

Arthur should be reserved and flexible when communicating.

For a man, those professions are suitable in which he is an intermediate link between the boss and subordinates. Usually these are controllers, customs officers, wardens.

However, Arthur also manifests himself in medicine, becomes a good surgeon, dentist.

In rare cases, a man finds himself in art. Maybe an actor or an artist.


A child named Arthur (the origin and meaning speaks of this) is characterized as a sickly boy. There are often violations nervous system, vision and digestion.

Mental problems should also not be confused with fatigue. Parents should devote a lot of time to the health of the boy. Hardening can change the situation in the shortest possible time. Thus, Arthur grows up as a healthy man who devotes a lot of time to sports. Most often it is swimming, running and weightlifting.

It is better for him to spend his vacation by the water, by the sea.

Male name Arthur: meaning and general information

Planet Neptune.

The stone is chalcedony.

The animal is a bear.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Plant - oak, apple tree.

The day of the week is Saturday.

Lucky season is winter.

Name color is white.

The name Arthur is believed to have several origins. According to the first version, Celtic roots can be traced in it and it is translated as "bear". The second version suggests the Greek origin of the name, it means "guardian of the bear." But the variant of Latin origin is also not excluded, and the meaning of the name Arthur in this case is “plowman”. The owner of the name Arthur does not lose his sobriety of thinking even in the most difficult situation and knows how to gather strength in time to solve the problem. He is waiting difficult fate because he has a stubborn and short-tempered personality.

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    Arthur as a child

    Little Arthur in childhood is a very balanced and reserved child. He is accommodating and obeys his elders, which indescribably pleases his parents. This boy prefers quiet games and hobbies. As a hobby, he often chooses drawing, in adolescence he often decides to devote himself to the study of history.

    Arthur is prone to thoughtfulness and daydreaming, sometimes it may even seem that the boy does not take part in what is happening and looks at the situation from the outside. The task of the parents of such a child is to teach their son to be active. The best way to stir up Arthur is to involve him in various cultural events And sports entertainment.

    A boy with this name often inherits the character traits of his mother. Sometimes a strong similarity is observed in appearance. Almost always, Arthur is closer to his mother than to his father.

    With age, a child's character changes dramatically. He becomes more and more quick-tempered and impatient towards the people around him. Increasingly, stubbornness and willfulness are noticed behind him. In order to protect the boy from serious disorders and nervous shocks, he should be taught to direct his energy in a more positive direction. Therefore, it is important to show your son how to set high goals for himself and achieve them through various decisions.

    In the negative characterization of this name, vindictiveness occupies a special place. Parents of the child should make every effort to convince him that every person has the right to make a mistake, for which he should not be condemned. Arthur needs to forget about grievances, leaving them in the past. This approach will make him happier.


    A lot of attention has to be paid to the health of a child with this name, since the boy is prone to colds and infectious diseases. To strengthen immunity, hardening would be a suitable practice. It will positively affect the involvement of the child in sports, especially running and swimming. With this approach, he will have every chance to grow up as a man with good health.

    Due to the finely organized nervous system, the boy should beware of rapid overwork, and parents need to learn to distinguish between manifestations of laziness and fatigue. Sometimes Arthur is able to pretend.

    Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


    A boy with that name shows little interest in studying. Difficulties arise with several subjects at once. But this can be explained by the lack of motivation, since already in school years Arthur understands what knowledge he may need in the future.

    Feeling interest in any subject, the child makes significant progress in its study. Parents need to convey to their son the importance of education from an early age. It is difficult to instill a love of learning, but it is quite possible. It would be nice if teachers were involved in this as well.

    His relationships with classmates are quite good. Sometimes he can take on the role of a protector of the weak, but this does not mean that he is unable to become the instigator of conflicts and fights. There are situations in which Arthur tries to win the favor of the teacher by becoming an informer.

    Features of the character of adult Arthur

    During the period of growing up, the character of a man named Arthur becomes more complicated. He has a temper and lingering memories of old grievances. For him, public opinion matters. At the same time, he is quite good at manipulating the behavior and decision-making of loved ones, as he is endowed with excellent intuition and has learned to feel people.

    It is easy to earn the recognition of this man if the interlocutor manages to show his erudition and awareness. Arthur loves intellectual conversations. He himself gives the impression of an intelligent creative personality, which has its own style and some sophistication.

    Arthur has many acquaintances and friends, but it cannot be said that he has a strong friendship with someone from his environment. His social circle changes very often, with few people he can communicate for long enough. But a man with this name is not at all saddened by this state of affairs. Moreover, it even suits him, since he does not like to feel affection and feel responsible for anyone.

    It is quite difficult for this person to achieve a position in society, to which he feels such a strong craving. The problem lies in the complex nature. Despite an excellent memory and an analytical mindset, Arthur does not have the necessary determination and high efficiency. He succeeds in achieving his goal thanks to his flexibility, diplomatic inclinations and cunning.

    Arthur's desire for a high position in society can play a cruel joke, since the path to it is not complete without defeats and failures. At such moments, it seems to the owner of the name that the world around is collapsing. He becomes withdrawn and is able to close himself in for a while.

    Love and family

    This man cannot complain about the lack of attention from the weaker sex. He is well versed in female psychology and produces good impression. Arthur is courteous and gallant, his manners are dignified, and his appearance makes the ladies lose their minds.

    When choosing a partner, he is extremely picky. In a woman, he appreciates first of all the presence of style, temperament and fidelity. Does not tolerate secrets and betrayal. He is attracted to smart ladies who know how to show their sexuality. Only that woman who can support any topic of conversation that interests him, will be inquisitive and will gladly share his interests can become the chosen one.

    IN family life manifests himself as a good father, a worthy spouse and a hospitable host. But doing household chores is not in his habit, because he considers it a woman's concern. Prefers to marry adulthood. In relations with children, he is on an equal footing.


    Promotion by career ladder this man is usually given a hard time, and the reason for this is his character. He is stubborn, quick-tempered, does not want to follow the traditions generally accepted in the team. Therefore, she prefers informal work or a rotating schedule. Approves long business trips.

    Arthur hates being subservient. But thanks to the analytical mindset and good imagination, he will be able to find himself in positions that are the link between ordinary workers and superiors. The most suitable areas for him professional activity:

    • requiring good physical training and disciplines, for example, military science and sports;
    • a creative area where fantasy can be applied, for example, an actor or an artist;
    • medicine, teaching, jurisprudence.

    Arthur will not agree to a low-paying job. The motivation for promotion for him is the desire for a prosperous life. But he should be careful, as his character can cause both career ups and downs.

The name Arthur belongs to the most militant ancient people Europe - the Celts. In translation, it sounds like “man-bear” or “stone”. The Latin version of the origin is also considered convincing, from the word artus, which is interpreted as “strength, power”. Some researchers believe that it was formed from Greek name stars Arcturus and means "guardian of the she-bear". Popularity gained thanks to the legendary conquering king Arthur.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Ruler Planet: Neptune
  • Talisman Stone: Chalcedony
  • White color
  • Wood: oak
  • plant: apple flowers
  • Animal: bear
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

The secret of the name Arthur hides a confident, ambitious, persistent and strong man. He is endowed with good endurance and self-control. He knows how to control his actions and thoughts in extreme situations. He endures life's hardships and failures. The owner of this name is cautious in actions and statements. Strives for victory and success, but needs friendly support, positive emotions. He takes praise for granted, loves compliments. Conservative in views on morality, family relations, friendship and traditions.

Arthur understands and respects the weaknesses of children and the elderly. Easily adapts to new requirements and circumstances. Innate diplomatic skills help a man with that name reduce the number of enemies and envious people. However, aristocratic laziness, jealousy of everything that can compete with him, unpredictability, impulsiveness and honesty prevent him from achieving absolute victories, fully enjoying power.

Interests and hobbies

His hobbies are exclusively competitive. Arthur is a great athlete. For the sake of fame and satisfaction of personal ambitions, he is ready to forget about home comforts and agrees to incredible physical tests. He is fond of maritime professions, an excellent climber. He plays chess well, appreciates music and outdoor recreation. Sometimes he forgets about everything and plunges into personal problems and thoughts on his favorite sofa. Such periods do not last long and serve as an internal reset for him.

Profession and business

Arthur is engaged in activities that bring him satisfaction. He does not like monotony, intrigue, petty showdowns in the team. Hates corruption. Such a man is successful in developing various government projects requiring ingenuity, independent judgment and perseverance. He makes a good official, administrator, dentist, surgeon. In politics, he rarely realizes himself. As a manager, he copes with any task. He needs money for have a nice holiday, travel, self-realization. Goals are achieved through perseverance, intuition and flexibility of character.


Like all children, early age Arthur is sick, but never naughty. He does not trust doctors, he is “afraid” of meeting with them more than the disease itself. Predisposed to diseases of the spine, joints and liver. Able to rest and recuperate without medication.

Sex and love

A man named Arthur is not capable of turning a woman's head. He just confesses his feelings. And it looks more serious than romantic. Good knowledge of female psychology. For the sake of love is able to sacrifice a lot.

Family and marriage

Arthur marries only when he does successful career and takes its rightful place at work and in society. Spouse in love is explained, but only once. Then all his life he emphasizes the strength of his feelings with behavior, attitude and care. By nature, he is vindictive and jealous, he never forgets resentment. If he feels falseness in a relationship, betrayal, he takes revenge.

Nevertheless, Arthur can be safely called a father with a capital letter. As a parent, he is very conservative, requiring respect, discipline and obedience from children. Can punish a child physically, but always enthusiastically and sincerely prepares holiday surprises and gifts for children, is interested in school affairs, helps with lessons, teaches many subtleties public life, etiquette.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Arthur:

Presumably the name comes from a Celtic word meaning "bear". This animal was highly revered by the druid priests. Hero of Celtic myths, character of European medieval stories about the Knights of the Round Table ("Arthurian legends", "Arthurian story cycle").

The symbol of personality is men who withstand storms. The main character traits are excitability, susceptibility, morality, sexuality.

Arthur seems to be a normal personality, and his character is not bad. However, there is not one feature that is very important for a man - working capacity. Or rather, the desire to work.

Yes, the Arthurs are not one of those people who earn their daily bread in the lot of their face. Instead of himself, he makes others work. He is not overly ambitious - he just needs a quiet, prosperous life. He does not like to face the storms of life face to face. No, he has the psychology of a reed and a badger - his totem plant and an animal that usually tends to bend down to the ground during cataclysms below or hide in a cozy warm mink. After all, Arthur is too deep in his inner world, so he is afraid of ordinary (real) life.

It needs to be shaken well from time to time so that it does not fall asleep completely in its “hole”. So Arthur's parents need to introduce him to the sport, determine his hobbies and contribute to their development. However, this will not be easy - Arthur's excitability resembles a sleeping queen. In fact, he would like to have many friends, communicate with them, but on the condition that this does not oblige him to anything.

And all because the speed of Arthur's reaction is very weak. In addition, he is afraid of defeat - failure greatly shocks him ... His field of activity is quite extensive. Most of all, Arthur is suitable for the profession of a link between managers and performers, that is, he is an excellent manager. He can also be a good administrator, controller, customs officer...

Many Arthurs achieve great success in the field of electronics, as well as medicine, especially non-traditional. Among them there are many good psychics, surgeons, dentists. Success in this area is ensured by his powerful, exceptional intuition. Arthur often uses it, especially in cases where he does not want to use his head.

He is also well helped to navigate in life by an analytical mindset, well developed imagination and memory. However, he lacks the usual healthy curiosity. To some extent, this compensates for the sensitivity to everything that is connected with good and evil. Arthur is also impeccable in regard to morality. However, he does not recognize too harsh rules. He is annoyed by their scrupulousness, which often turns out to be out of place.

The name Arthur has no Christian designation. Not listed in saints. Name days are celebrated according to the actual birthday.

Happy birthday to Arthur:

Do not forget to celebrate Arthur's name day and congratulate Arthur on the day of the angel.

Your birthday, which means -

I wish only you, Arthur,

In line for happiness and good luck

Be the first of all candidates!

Succeed in all matters and plans,

To be on the crest of life's wave,

Visit all the beautiful countries

Look at life from the best side!

Our Arthur

Wide nature!

But if he sees things

Contrary to nature

He becomes sharper

And the blood boil in Arthur!

I believe in him immensely

Neither night nor day

Let's not wake the beast

that slumbers in it

us this adventure

Not to my liking at all.

And to drink for Arthur

It's high time already!

Arthur is a rather complex person!

Mobile and mobile, like a "goat".

He loves adventure, adventure,

It happens sometimes too unrestrained.

But at the same time - to the limit businesslike.

Always, everywhere he strives to be in time:

Arthur is in a hurry, he is in a hurry in his affairs

(Which is why it sometimes makes me laugh)

There are many businessmen among the Arthurs,

Artists, divers and athletes.

Arthur, as a rule, is sociable, handsome.

And, if necessary, he will be courteous,

But, in general, by nature - stubborn,

Perhaps because he is honest and direct.

Arthur narcissistically adores himself

And Arthur knows the price of his qualities very well.

Life with Arthur is not boring, it's interesting.

But what he can throw out is unknown to his wife.

He is often uncontrollable and defiant,

Since our Arthur is always unpredictable