“Winner” and “people” - this is how the name Nikolai is deciphered from Latin. Therefore, most sources interpret this name as "the conqueror of nations." In its various variations, it is the most popular in the world when naming Christian boys. Many talented and great people in the world bore this illustrious name.

All over the world, such a great popularity of the name is associated with the great Nicholas the Wonderworker, who did many great things during his lifetime and after his death. This saint among Christians is a prototype of a sorcerer who brings gifts to children around the world on Christmas holidays.

According to the legends, the saint was long-awaited child at married couple Feofan and Nonna, who had already despaired and decided that they would remain childless for the rest of their lives. The very fact of his birth was sanctified by a great miracle, the mother after childbirth was completely healed of a serious illness. During the sacrament of baptism, Nicholas himself stood in the font and from that day on began to lead a fasting life, consuming his mother's milk only on those days when it was allowed to fast.

After he became an adult, Nikolai began to work miracles. Most famous was his rescue of three sisters who were to be taken to a brothel for their father's debts. He threw three bags of gold into the house, which saved the girls from the fall. But the great saint did all his deeds so that no one would see him.

The miracle worker never refused his help to anyone. He had the ability to calm the waves of the sea with one prayer. Therefore, since ancient times it has been considered the protector of sailors and travelers. Saint Nicholas lived to a ripe old age, performing many miracles. Even today, his preserved relics exude goodness and strength.

The birthday of those who bear this name can be celebrated with a birthday. In the calendar there are more than 150 saints who bore this name.

Name and character

Nikolay is a very ambiguous person. The secret of his name lies in the fact that he was created from solid opposites and it is not easy to understand him. This is an extremely secretive nature, which can make the most unexpected decisions. The main motives of his behavior and actions always remain hidden to the people around him. But with everyone who gets in his way, the man is extremely friendly and sociable.

However, for all the breadth of his views, Nikolai is a conservative at heart. He is extremely reluctant to accept everything new and incomprehensible. The man has quite interesting views on life and a mobile mind, which attracts many people to him.

He is extremely demanding of himself and those around him. Criticism or injustice perceives extremely sharply. Never allows you to interfere in your life or make decisions for him. The opinion of those around him is not at all interested, if a man believes that he is doing the right thing, then no one can interfere with him. He has his own opinion on every issue.

The main disadvantages of the owner of this name can be called:

  • selfishness;
  • self-confidence;
  • arrogance.

Nikolai hides these traits of his character in every possible way from others. But here's another big drawback to hide it can be extremely difficult - it's alcoholism, with which a man struggles all his life. To cope with the green serpent, he is helped by some specific goal, to which he will go ahead, sweeping away everything in his path. He is a fighter by nature, and therefore his whole life is spent in action. Inaction depresses him and brings melancholy.

Not everyone likes Kolya's honesty and directness. He has very few friends since childhood, but those that he has are the most devoted and reliable. He has the same feelings for them. In this person, self-interest and money-grubbing are completely absent, but you can always rely on his word. Any intrigues are alien to this man, but he achieves everything in his life only with his own strength and work.

Nikolai's power should not be allowed - it spoils him greatly. Even the most insignificant power can greatly change his character and make him important and impregnable. Vanity and despotism at this time will manifest in him with all his strength.

The fate of Nicholas is very difficult. His name does not promise easy paths through life, everything will depend on his character. If he can stand, he will achieve a lot, and if he weakens and cannot fight, he will become an unremarkable person.

Childhood of Nicholas

Being a very strong and mobile child, Kolya still does not cause much trouble for his parents. He usually studies very well and diligently, but at school for him the primary task is to win love and respect among his peers. For the sake of this goal, he is ready for anything, even to disrupt the lesson, if only it would be appreciated among classmates. Therefore, parents should pay more attention to the selfishness and self-will of their offspring, so that in the future they do not have to deal with many troubles.

The older Nikolai becomes, the stronger the spirit of adventurism and the desire for leadership will manifest itself in him. It is with great difficulty that he accepts generally recognized rules and strives to be different from others in everything.

Little Nikolai should not be pampered, only strict upbringing will help him achieve something in life. He needs constant supervision and attention from parents and teachers.

Health and sexuality

Knowing what the name Nikolai means, it is difficult to imagine that he may have any health problems. But in fact, a man never monitors his health, and therefore, soon he has deviations in the functioning of the liver and heart. Another weak feature of his health is nervous system. Therefore, a man should observe a certain diet and rest, and heavy physical exercise receive in moderation.

With alcohol, Nikolai should also be as careful as possible. It is addictive quickly, and recovering from it can be extremely difficult.

According to history, the name Nikolay endows its owner with great sexuality, which makes his life unthinkable without a woman. He is extremely loving and jealous. But in a woman he is attracted not only by appearance, but also by her spiritual qualities, as well as intelligence. He will not be able to communicate with a stupid woman. In fact, Nikolai is a very passionate lover, but he can never become a faithful husband.

Most often, Nikolai's partners are women who are above him on the social ladder. It hurts his ego a lot. He finds attractive only slightly plump and tender girls. Rudeness and harshness in a woman scares him off and causes irritation.

It will be very difficult to wait for extra sentiment from a man. He is very direct. And therefore, he can offer his hand and heart to a woman she likes already on the second day after they met.

Family and marriage

In the house, this man will be a wonderful host who appreciates coziness and comfort. He loves his children and wife, helps his wife in everything and does not make special demands in everyday life. But often his marriage breaks up due to the infidelity of a man or his constant jealousy.

Nikolai's hands are truly golden. He can handle any job in the house. Improvement of the home, garden and vegetable garden always fall on his shoulders. And he copes with this task brilliantly. In general, a man is very attached to home and family and tries with all his might to create material well-being for them. He loves lush feasts and is always glad to have guests in the house.

Work and career

A man with this name should not take unjustified risks. He is categorically contraindicated in any activity related to finances. In any other profession, he will be extremely successful and will be able to achieve great heights.

Thanks to his fantastic performance, a man will be able to achieve his goals quite quickly. He devotes himself entirely to work, especially if the work is beloved. As a leader, he will be cruel and despotic. It can perfectly prove itself in trade, army and industry. It can also be great:

  • a lawyer;
  • teacher;
  • doctor.

Entrepreneurship and ingenuity will help him achieve his goal in entrepreneurial business. But he should do business without friends and acquaintances. He does not accept any advice from the outside, and therefore such cooperation will not bring him anything good.

Nicholas by date of birth

Knowing what the name Nikolai means, we can say with confidence that this person will not disappear in any situation. But his character is formed not only thanks to the name and upbringing, but also the influence of the stars. The designation of the name, depending on the date of birth, does not change, but the character of its owner changes completely.

The horoscope says that Nikolai, born under a certain zodiac sign, can have a completely different character:

Zodiac signs influence the character of any person, making it better or worse than its name implies. But in general, everyone is the builder of his own life.

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Kindness, tolerance, desire to help, a sense of duty, responsibility, striving for truth and justice - he actively uses all these qualities in practice, being always ready to help, take responsibility or show care. He is a man of his word, does not tolerate deceit and does not resort to it himself. He is ready to spin all day between numerous tasks, requests, duties that have been assigned to him, and the fulfillment of his own verbal promises that he cannot fail to fulfill. The main thing is that it should be needed, irreplaceable and in demand. It is through demand that he feels like a leader, the first and only one, without whom everything will stop. This is the meaning of his life, and in this he sees his future.

He has a surprisingly accommodating character: he is able to find a common language with almost everyone, never showing an explosion of emotions. In order for him to raise his tone and enter into a conflict, it is necessary that for a long time he experienced indifference, injustice, resentment, humiliation or insults. When they overflow the cup of his patience, an explosion of emotions occurs, which is actually immediately suppressed by him, which for others may even seem funny and frivolous. However, after several similar micro-explosions of emotions, he can withdraw into himself, find solace in beer, alcohol or TV. The stronger the internal resentment and wound, the more clearly it will be noticeable that he is looking for a reason to go into loneliness, to find a new circle of friends, new friends or relatives, with whom he feels good, with whom he has no offense, with whom he is comfortable. If you notice a manifestation of his internal resentment, you must urgently change the attitude towards him in the family, raise his authority, give him praise for all those small but endless duties from which he freed the family and pulls them alone, without asking for help or temporary rest . But most importantly, it is necessary to stop any verbal attacks, suppression and humiliation of his personality. He is not touchy, not greedy, not envious. He has the strongest self-esteem, but no high goals. He is the most spiritual and honest person, a devoted family man, but his sexual temperament is rather weak, since for him the most important thing is spiritual unity and mutual understanding. Work, life, money problems and maintaining the stability of the family are serious problems that he has to reckon with, endure. For him, those things that he was asked to do or that he himself promised to take on are more important. He terribly dislikes conflicts, tries to get away from them. He needs a responsible, but quiet job when the authorities are far away. He could become a collector, a security guard (because he is pathologically honest), a driver (because he loves travel and new places), a psychologist, a customer service consultant, a clerk, a parliamentarian, a diplomat, a teacher. He loves to explain, teach, give advice. He never lies and never adds fantasies to his stories, but he also requires others to do so, which can annoy those who like to lie, exaggerate their merits, or outright lie. It is impossible to deceive him, since he feels a lie immediately and instantly reacts to it, wanting to stop the talker. Strange, but he normally reacts to jokes and humor, as he easily distinguishes them from deceit and lies. He needs a wife of strong character, so that she can protect him from excessive loads, requests and duties that are placed on him. At the same time, she must be honest, tolerant, able to take on life herself, not having serious monetary requests, cold enough in bed, sharing his views, understanding him.

He is a truth seeker and a trouble-free person with no luck. If he is not helped, then he will get stuck in endless requests and promises that he cannot refuse. His life will turn into endless deeds for which you can not thank, especially since he does not ask for praise. He needs Strong woman who will appreciate his kindness, sense of duty and responsibility towards his family, but it is she who will be able to protect him from others who want to “ride his backbone”.


He has a weak heart and small intestine, which will inevitably lead to increased vulnerability even because of trifles and innocent jokes, ridicule. To normalize the energy of these organs, one should take fish fat(omega-3), food enzymes. It is useful to include rice, poultry meat, pumpkin (pulp, seeds and juice) in the diet.

The name Nikolay of Greek origin is translated as "the conqueror of peoples." There are many analogues of this name in the world, the most common are Nikolaus, Nikola, Niklas. The female version of the name sounds like, Nicolas, Nicoletta. In meaning, Nicholas is identical with the name Nicodemus. In Russia, the name Nikolai is often called boys, it was especially common in the 20th century.

The origin of the name Nikolai and its meaning suggests that the person named so has a balanced, hardworking and kind character. Among the shortcomings are outbursts of anger, which occur infrequently. A man with the name Nikolai can be stubborn and impulsive, uncontrollable in anger, so he can break firewood.

He does not take criticism well and does not allow other people to interfere in his life.

But such a man a master of all trades, if desired, can cope with any even the most difficult job. The characteristic of the name Nikolai is contradictory, for example, it can combine such qualities as strictness and cheerfulness, kindness and rigidity. There are many contradictions in his character. Such a person rarely listens to the opinions of other people, he makes all decisions on his own. On every issue, Nikolai always has his own opinion.

As a child, Kolya was very active child , which is difficult to force to sit in one place, it is constantly in motion. He has many friends, Nikolai often spends time with them. Such a boy does not differ in exemplary behavior, very often he is the ringleader in the class. But at the same time, bad behavior does not affect his academic performance, he usually studies well, especially loves the exact sciences.

Such a child a lot of different hobbies. He loves outdoor games with peers, but he will not refuse to play chess either. Kolya is a very versatile and inquisitive child. Parents should not follow his lead and fulfill every whim, otherwise he can grow up an egoist.

A child with the name Nikolai cannot be spoiled, he must be brought up in strictness, then he will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Nikolai can be called very friendly, he quickly finds a common language with any person. But at the same time, because of his impulsiveness, he often gets into unpleasant situations. He is prone to introspection, therefore, looking at himself from the outside, he tries not to make such mistakes in the future.

Nikolay is always engaged in self-development, he does not stop there.

He is valued for such qualities as diligence, wit and determination. He is very conservative and practical, rarely trusting his intuition, relying only on personal convictions. Kolya is a very decent person and chooses his friends according to the same criteria. He is very smart and quick-witted, but tries not to show his abilities to others.


A man named Nikolai belongs to this type of representatives of the stronger sex, who first of all value the soul in a woman, and only then external data. Romantic relationship it is not easy to develop with such a person, because Kolya is very jealous.

He is sincere and defenseless only in moments of intimacy. In other cases, he tries to be restrained, often suffers himself and brings his soulmate with excessive suspicion.

Such a man does not like slim girls, he prefers women in the body. He knows how to take care of the fair sex.

  • Nikolai is a very gallant gentleman who knows how to compliment, what to give and how to surprise his soulmate.
  • He loves compliments very much, so if a girl wants to win Kolya's heart, then she needs to praise him more often, but only deservedly.
  • A man named Nikolai does not differ in constancy in love. He can change girls like gloves. But he always tries to part with his partner well, does not like to hurt.
  • Girls are attracted to Nicholas by such qualities as gallantry, tenderness and charm.

Intimacy is very important for him, being in a relationship usually does not change, but if a woman has a constant headache, then he can decide to cheat.

Family relationships

Nikolai loves ladies very much, but at the same time he is in no hurry to tie the knot. He usually marries adulthood And only if you really fall in love. Otherwise, he may remain a bachelor. Kolya can make his wife happy.

He is a good family man, trying to do everything possible for his wife and children.

Nikolai is very faithful, but if his wife constantly refuses him intimacy, then he can have a mistress. He will do everything possible so that his wife does not find out about his love affairs. He will never forgive his wife's betrayal, he is a real owner and jealous.

A soft, kind and sensual woman will suit him. who will listen to him. Very often, Nikolai chooses for himself a life partner, a girl who is higher than him in social status.

A man named Nikolai loves children very much, he himself is engaged in their upbringing, tries to give them decent education and make good people out of them.

Kolya simply has golden hands, so he does an excellent job with all the male duties around the house, for example, he can fix a faucet or do repairs in an apartment with his own hands. He does not make serious demands on housekeeping, if necessary, he can help his wife, for example, wash the dishes or vacuum if the wife is tired.

With his wife's relatives, Nikolai tries to support a good relationship and he succeeds, especially if the father-in-law and mother-in-law live far away. Such a man is very unpredictable, his actions are difficult to predict, can unexpectedly completely change his life, for example, leave a promising high-paying job and become a photographer or a teacher at school. People are often interested in knowing what the name Nikolai means, because for them he is a mystery.

In addition, the wife needs to know that Kolya may have an alcohol addiction. That is why it is necessary to ensure that Nikolai does not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Career and business

A man named Nikolai is a real careerist, he can devote himself completely to work to the detriment of his family and his health. He is very demanding not only in relation to himself, but also to other people. If a dishonorable person works in his team, then he will not respect him and will never take him to his team.

He is very smart and capable, so he can master different skills.

In the chosen profession be sure to become a true professional, because Kolya is a very responsible, self-confident and purposeful person.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Tishchenko (Kiev restaurateur, philanthropist, athlete, master of sports in judo)

  • The authorities often entrust him with important matters, as they know that Nikolai will not let you down.
  • Size wages important for Nikolai, he will not work for a penny, because he knows his own worth.
  • Kolya is honest and decent, he will make an excellent organizer, because he is very quick-witted and has practical ingenuity.
  • He can achieve great success in the field of trade, and can also make a good career in the army.
  • In addition, he can make an excellent lawyer, doctor and teacher.
  • He is dedicated to his work, therefore he gives all his best at work 100%, he cannot stand lazy people and loafers. Because of this, a tense environment in which it is difficult to work can arise in the team.

The head of such a man turns out to be very strict and impregnable. He loves power very much, so professions where there may be great opportunities, it is better for him to beware. Employees of such a leader are usually afraid, he always demands too much from them, he hates when employees are late.

Nikolai can succeed in any profession. Good luck accompanies him in business. In the presence of creativity can try his hand at art.

Nikolai is a responsible, hardworking and very capable person, he will definitely not be left without work.

What does the name Nikolai mean, we learned, in his contradictory nature, both positive and negative traits character. Parents always need to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for a baby, because each name has a certain energy that will affect not only the character, but also the fate of a person. It is desirable that the name should sound similar to the surname and patronymic.

Short form of the name Nicholas. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakh, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas.
Synonyms for Nicholas. Nikola, Mykola, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nikolaou, Miklos, Niklas, Nikogos, Nikos.
Origin of the name Nicholas The name Nikolai is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Nikolai in translation from Greek means "victor of nations". The meaning of the name Nicholas is identical to the name Nicodemus. IN different countries Europe, this name has analogues. In France - Nikola, Cola, in Hungary - Miklos, in Germany - Nikolaus, in Scandinavia - Niklas. Abbreviated appeals to Nicholas in Europe became independent names - Klaus, Nils. Used in Russia affectionate appeals Nikola, Mykola also gained independence and autonomy.

On behalf of Nikolai, several female names are formed. In different countries, girls will be called Nicoletta, Nicole, Nikulina, Colette, Klasina, Nicolas, Nicholas and other names.

Among Christians, Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, is especially revered. He is better known as Nicholas the Pleasant or Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas once helped one very poor family, in which there were several daughters, it was not possible to marry them without a dowry. He threw a bag of gold into their house. Hence the tradition appeared - to give gifts for Christmas, and St. Nicholas himself, as a kind giver who gives gifts to children, later became known as Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of sailors, fishermen, travelers and merchants. He also patronizes such states as Russia, Greece, the island of Sicily, the cities of Amsterdam, Liverpool, Naples, Lutsk, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Friborg and the University of Paris. For the name Nikolai will be indicated Orthodox name day. Catholic name day of Nicholas - see the name Niels.

The character and fate of Nicholas. Nikolai is inherently a very secretive person. He always strives to move forward, absolutely not paying attention to others. One can never be absolutely certain that this moment Nicholas thought. His motives often remain a mystery. At the same time, such a person is endowed with self-control. There are very few things that could really hurt his rather callous soul. He looks somewhat down on the conventions that have developed in society, while regularly observing them. Despite outward friendliness, Nikolai constantly analyzes everything. There are moments when it shows aggression. At the same time, he, like everyone else, needs care. If he feels a manifestation of kindness towards himself, then he responds in kind.

Usually the fate of Nikolai is not easy. His youth often passes stormily, and over the years develops into a monotonous life. When the owner of this name has grandchildren, he begins to devote a lot of time to them. It is worth noting that some men with the name Nikolai are able to unexpectedly change their fate.

Nikolai is a rather selfish person with conservative convictions. In life, he does not use his intuition, but relies on personal conclusions. Such a man cannot be called sociable. He is quite smart and quick-witted, but usually does not clearly show his abilities. Nicholas is characterized by extraordinary decisions.

In life, Nikolai is strict not only to the people around him, but also to himself. If he sees someone as a deceiver, he immediately loses any respect for him. A dishonorable person will never become a friend of Nikolai.

Nikolai is able to fully devote himself to work, not sparing himself at all. The team appreciates him. If the owner of this name takes a leadership position, then it becomes quite tough. If necessary, he is able to master any skills.

As a wife, Nikolai needs a sensual and soft woman. Usually he tries to choose a partner who is higher than him in social status. In marriage, he behaves like a jealous husband. Under no circumstances will he be able to forgive betrayal and betrayal by his beloved. For a long time he does not delay with a marriage proposal with a woman he likes. IN family life Nikolai is rather silent and does not make serious demands on everyday life. He does a good job of improving his own home. Always ready to help his wife with the housework. Loves Tasty food. Feels relaxed in a circle of friends.

Name day of Nicholas

Nikolai celebrates name day on January 6, January 8, January 10, January 14, January 17, January 24, January 31, February 1, February 4, February 6, February 7, February 8, February 14, February 16, February 17, February 26 , February 28, March 2, March 5, March 7, March 8, March 11, March 13, March 15, March 20, March 22, March 26, April 18, April 24, May 3, May 4, May 7, 9 May, May 10, May 16, May 17, May 18, May 22, May 29, May 30, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 18, June 20, June 23, June 27, July 4, July 8, July 17, July 27, August 2, August 6, August 9, August 10, August 11, August 13, August 16, August 21, August 25, August 26, August 27, September 1, September 5, September 10, September 15 , September 16, September 17, September 20, September 23, September 24, September 25, September 26, September 28, October 2, October 5, October 6, October 8, October 9, October 11, October 17, October 20, 21 October, October 25, October 26, October 27, October 31, November 2, November 3, November 4, November 5, November 6, November 10, November 11, November 13, November 16, November 17, November 19, November 20, November 23, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 3, December 8, December 9, December 10, December 11, December 12, December 15, December 16, December 17, December 19, December 23, December 24 December 26, December 27, December 29, December 30, December 31.

Notable people named Nicholas

  • Nicholas I ((1796 - 1855) Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland. From the imperial house of the Romanovs, the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty, the third son of Emperor Paul I and Maria Feodorovna, brother Emperor Alexander I, father of Emperor Alexander II. He began his reign with the suppression of the Decembrist uprising. During his reign, legislation was codified; at the same time, dissent was suppressed, censorship was tightened, and political investigation was intensified. Were brutally suppressed Polish uprising and the revolution in Hungary. A bloody war was waged in the Caucasus. As a result of the wars with Persia and Turkey, the mouth of the Danube went to Russia, Black Sea coast Caucasus and Transcaucasia. He died during the losses of the Russian army in the Crimean War.)
  • Nicholas II ((1868 - 1918) Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish, the last Emperor Russian Empire. From the Imperial House of the Romanovs. Colonel (1892); in addition, from the British monarchs he had the ranks: admiral of the fleet (1908) and field marshal of the British army (1915). The reign of Nicholas II was marked economic development Russia and at the same time - the growth in it of socio-political contradictions, the revolutionary movement, which resulted in the revolution of 1905-1907 and the revolution of 1917; in foreign policy- expansion into Far East, the war with Japan, as well as the participation of Russia in the military blocs of European powers and the First World War. Nicholas II abdicated the throne during February Revolution 1917 and was with his family under house arrest in the Tsarskoye Selo Palace. In the summer of 1917, by decision of the Provisional Government, he was sent into exile with his family to Tobolsk, and in the spring of 1918 he was moved by the Bolsheviks to Yekaterinburg, where he was shot in July 1918, along with his family and close associates. Glorified in the face of Russian saints Orthodox Church like a passion-bearer (2000).)
  • Nikolai Annenkov ((1805 - 1826) Russian military and statesman, Russian amateur poet)
  • Nikolai Sheremetev ((1751 - 1809) Russian Count from the Sheremetev family, son of Count Pyotr Borisovich, patron of the arts. Chief chamberlain, real privy councilor, senator, director of the Moscow Noble Bank, founder of the Hospice House (almshouse) in Moscow (now the building of the Moscow Research Institute ambulance named after N.V. Sklifosovsky) and the Neva almshouse in St. Petersburg; philanthropist; musician; owner of the village of Ivanovo (now the city of Ivanovo).)
  • Nikolai Golitsyn ((1850 - 1925) Russian state political figure, last chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire)
  • Nikolai Rubinstein ((1835 - 1881) Russian virtuoso pianist and conductor. Founder of the Moscow Conservatory (co-founder Prince Nikolai Petrovich Trubetskoy) and its first director.)
  • Nikolai Nikitin ((1907 - 1973) Soviet architect and scientist in the field of building structures, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970) and the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1951). Author of the project of the Ostankino television tower.)
  • Nikolai Novikov ((1744 - 1818) Russian journalist, publisher and public figure, enlightener)
  • Nikolay Bukharin ((1888 - 1938) Soviet political, state and party leader. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929).)
  • Nikolay Pirogov ((1810 - 1881) Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, founder of the atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of military field surgery, founder of anesthesia. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.)
  • Nikolai Sklifosovsky ((1836 - 1904) Honored Professor, Director of the Imperial Clinical Institute Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in St. Petersburg, author of works on military field surgery of the abdominal cavity)
  • Nikolai Berdyaev ((1874 - 1948) Russian religious and political philosopher, representative of existentialism)
  • Nikolai Gogol ((1809 - 1852) surname at birth - Yanovsky, since 1821 - Gogol-Yanovsky; Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, widely recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. Most famous works: "Dead Souls", "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", "Inspector".)
  • Nicolaus Copernicus ((1473 - 1543) Polish astronomer, mathematician, economist, canon; best known as the author of the heliocentric system of the world, which marked the beginning of the first scientific revolution)
  • Nikolai Lobachevsky ((1792 - 1856) Russian mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry, figure in university education and public education. The famous English mathematician William Clifford called Lobachevsky the "Copernicus of geometry". Lobachevsky taught at Kazan University for 40 years, including 19 years as a rector; his activity and skillful leadership made the university one of the leading Russian educational institutions. In the words of N.P. Zagoskin, Lobachevsky was the "great builder" of Kazan University.)
  • Nikolai Ozerov ((1922 - 1997) Soviet tennis player, actor, sports commentator)
  • Nicholas Roerich ((1874 - 1947) Russian artist, philosopher, mystic, scientist, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure, freemason, poet, teacher)
  • Nikolai Naidenov ((1834 - 1905) Moscow entrepreneur, banker, local historian, publisher of the albums "Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches" (1882))
  • Nikolai Notovich ((1858 -?) Russian intelligence officer, writer, journalist, nobleman and Cossack officer. Known for the book written in French “ unknown life Jesus Christ" (better known as "The Tibetan Gospel"), allegedly containing the early sermons of Jesus and suggesting that Jesus lived in India from 12 to 30 years.)
  • Nikolai Pilyugin ((1908 - 1982) Soviet design engineer in the field of autonomous control systems for rocket and rocket and space complexes. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, member of the Council of Chief Designers of Rocket and Rocket and Space Technology, headed by S.P. Korolev.)
  • Nikolai Leikin ((1841 - 1906) Russian writer and journalist, author of the famous book "Ours Abroad", published the humorous weekly "Shards" in St. Petersburg)
  • Nikolai Iossa ((1845 - 1916) Russian mining engineer and metallurgist)
  • Nikolai Khaladzhan ((1931 - 2004) academician, doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of philosophical sciences, author of the theory of fundamental authorized education. He is the founder of the Moscow External Humanitarian University, his pedagogical contribution is appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad. Winner of numerous national and foreign awards, diplomas and medals, orders. In 1999-2000 he was included in the British international list"Person of the Year", in the "Golden Book of Russia - Business Elite of the XX-Century", as well as in the American encyclopedia "Who's Who in the World". Author of more than 300 scientific and methodical works.)
  • Nikolai Eichenwald ((1873 - 1934) Russian architect, master of modernity)
  • Nikola Tesla ((1856 - 1943) physicist, engineer, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering. Widely known for his scientific and revolutionary contribution to the study of the properties of electricity and magnetism in late XIX- early XX centuries. Tesla's patents and theoretical work provided the basis for the invention and development of many modern devices powered by alternating current, polyphase systems and the electric motor, which made it possible to accomplish the so-called second stage of the industrial revolution. He is also known as a supporter of the hypothesis of the existence of the ether: his numerous experiments and experiments are known, which aimed to show the presence of the ether as a special form of matter that can be used in technology. The unit of density measurement is named after N. Tesla magnetic flux(magnetic induction). Among the many awards of the scientist are the medals of E. Cresson, J. Scott, T. Edison. Contemporaries-biographers considered Tesla "the man who invented the 20th century" and "the patron saint" modern electricity. After demonstrating the radio and winning the "War of the Currents," Tesla gained widespread recognition as an outstanding electrical engineer and inventor. Early work Tesla paved the way for modern electrical engineering, his discoveries early period were innovative. In the US, Tesla could rival any inventor or scientist in history or popular culture in terms of fame.)
  • Nicolas de Courteille (artist, academician of painting)
  • Miklós Jancso (Hungarian film director)
  • Miklós Forrai (Hungarian choir conductor)
  • Miklós Spanyi (Hungarian pianist and organist, specialist in historical performance on instruments of the 18th century)
  • Miklós Ybl (Hungarian architect, bright representative pseudo-historicism in European architecture. Hungarian State Opera theatre- most notable work Ibla. According to the project of Miklós Ybl, the main avenue of the Hungarian capital was laid - Andrássy Avenue)
  • Niels Henrik David Bohr (Danish theoretical physicist and public figure, one of the creators of modern physics. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physics (1922). Bor is known as the creator of the first quantum theory atom and an active participant in the development of the foundations quantum mechanics. He also made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, the processes of interaction of elementary particles with the environment)
  • Sir Niels Olaf (a king penguin living in the Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland. Niels is the mascot of the Norwegian Royal Guard, holds the rank of Colonel (Colonel-in-Chief), and was knighted in 2008)
  • Nils Wilhelm Gade ((1817 - 1890) Danish composer, organist, violinist and conductor, the largest Danish composer of the 19th century)

What does the name Nicholas mean? Translated from Greek, it sounds like “victor of the peoples”, while the origin of the name Nikolai is very old. It received its greatest distribution in the 19th century, in the first half of the 20th century it became rare, and now it has again begun to be given to babies, and quite actively. His most important interpretations in connection with character traits:

  • Sociability.
  • Short temper.
  • Mobility.

The shortened version of the name is Kolya, and the children receive patronymics - Nikolaevna and Nikolaevich. Forms of the name Nikolai: Kolyan, Kolyasha, Nikolasha, Nick, Kolyunya, etc. Name days are celebrated several times a year - July 2, March 22, February 3, December 24, February 17, February 28, May 22 and December 6.


It has long been proven that the name of a person largely determines his character and fate. Nikolaev can be characterized as follows: in early childhood, these are usually very mobile boys, they are very sociable, cheerful and active. IN school age they have a wide variety of interests - chess, war games, checkers, music, dancing, etc.

Many men with this name in early age they are self-willed and persistent, so parents need to be careful when raising boys, taking into account all the character traits of the child. Descriptions of the name Nikolai indicate that its owner has a cheerful disposition and constant jokes that initially touch adults so much, but you need to try not to bring this to the fore in children so that in the future a person becomes more serious and responsible.

But if Nikolai is brought up correctly, then he will really become a winner, as the interpretation of the name Nikolai prophesies. It will be good if the boy copes with his willfulness and treats life with humor. In this case, a good person will surely grow out of him.


As a rule, in adulthood Kolya is usually happy. In their youth, their life is very bright and interesting. At right choice professions, men with such names become good workers, and possibly bosses in such areas as industry, trade, the army, and medicine.

And he will be a good ordinary employee if he chooses the profession of a teacher, doctor, lawyer, chemist, investigator, forensic expert, artist or philosopher. Kolya usually always goes headlong into work himself and therefore does not like loafers very much, and his character traits allow him to quite competently manage the team. In many ways, this is facilitated by an analytical mindset, thriftiness, purposefulness, the ability to generalize and isolate the main thing, as well as others. positive traits personality.

The translation of the name - "winner of the peoples" - carries a broad meaning. Nikolai are often not just winners, but very decent men who have practical ingenuity and ingenuity, and can also easily get out of a difficult situation and a difficult situation.

At the same time, we note that often male name Nikolay bears for his "master" several not very good traits. For example, irascibility, which sometimes reaches aggressiveness. If you do not fight it, then this can lead to undesirable consequences.

The characterization of the name Nikolai is somewhat different depending on when he was born. The meaning of the name Nikolai for a child who was born in winter: purposeful, strict, active, stubborn, strong, stubborn. When he becomes an adult, he begins to get involved in fishing and hunting, loves to visit and is very hospitable himself, so such a man often has friends, acquaintances and relatives in his house.

The name Nikolai for a boy born from April to September has a slightly different meaning. These are usually active, good-natured, mischievous and active children who, with age, can achieve great success in the field of art. In family life, these are very good people.

"Summer" Nikolai usually loves his wife very much, respects women's work, which means that he helps his wife in everything, including taking care of children. By the way, many Nicholas, choosing a wife, pay attention to women full, sensual and with a soft character.

In love, they are usually lucky, but it also happens that men are looking for connections on the side, and they never forgive their wives for treason. After 30 years, Nicolai is usually always married. They value love, the warmth of a family hearth, home comfort and prosperity, so they always strive to earn good money so that the family does not need anything.

It is also worth talking about the compatibility of the names Nikolai and Larisa, Evdokia, Zoya, Love, Elvira. With women bearing such names, Nikolai's marriage can be very happy.

And Nikolai is a less successful ratio, women with the names Tatyana and Natalya are also not very suitable for marriage. Note that for Nikolai, sex is important in life, and very important, such is the secret of the name.

It will not be easy for Kolya to develop relations with Raisa, Alevtina or, therefore, it is better to try to avoid close communication with representatives of these names.

In a successful marriage, Nikolai usually has many children, and in old age - grandchildren. It is in them that an elderly man finds his consolation, and kids usually adore their grandfather Kolya.

Business and career

From the early childhood Nicholas is usually very diversified. This name leaves its mark on the rest of his life. The boy, as a rule, attends several circles and sections, having time to study well in them at the same time.

Such development contributes to the fact that in the future the history of Nikolai's life develops very well. He becomes an excellent organizer and diplomat, in connection with which he can both manage any department or an entire company, and organize his own business.

But in fairness it should be said that his financial affairs are often changeable - from takeoff to bankruptcy. In order not to lose his business, a man should not participate in dubious fraud, play on the stock exchange or invest in unknown projects.

By the way, the decoding of the name Nikolai can mean not only a winner, but also a reliable person who achieves everything in life with his mind and perseverance. It’s better for Nikolai never to argue, because there will be no sense from this anyway - the man will do everything in his own way.

The meanings of the name Nikolai are very important for every person who is called that. Men with this name have a slight predisposition to alcohol addiction so it's better for them not to drink at all.

Variants of the name Nicholas in other countries: in Britain - Nicholas, in Italy - Nicola, in Germany - Nikolaus, and in Polish it can be translated as Mikolaj.