Annotation. The article discusses the reasons global crisis modern society associated with a low level of morality. The understanding of basic concepts in a consumer society and in a highly moral society. The ways out of the crisis state of modern society, presented in the "Doctrine of high morality", are considered, the role of the social movement to overcome the crisis state of society is shown.

Modern society is in a global crisis. Every day, media reports come in about political confrontation and military conflicts, terrorist attacks and environmental, man-made disasters, the bankruptcy of not only individual companies, but entire countries. And there seems to be no end to it. What's the matter? What is at the heart of this global crisis? The answer to these questions should not be sought in economics or politics. The roots of the crisis are much deeper - in the sphere of the spiritual and moral life of society and each individual.

In what case does it become possible for a person to pour waste with toxic substances into water bodies; produce products with unhealthy components and counterfeit medicines that cannot help a person in difficult situation; to bomb civilian targets, knowing in advance that there are civilians, children? There is only one answer - in the case of a low level of morality. This is precisely the main reason for the global crisis, which has engulfed almost all countries of the world and all aspects of society.

The ideology of the consumer society, when the main value is money and power, leads to the substitution of universal human values ​​that were professed in different eras, among different peoples, with false values, to a distortion of the basic basic concepts. In a society dominated by the ideology of consumption, exorbitant desires are inflated, lying mainly in the sphere of material goods, the thirst for pleasure. Profit becomes the main priority of people, and elementary concepts are interpreted with the opposite meaning. As a result, modern society is not so much evolving (in certain areas) as degrading as a whole.

Famous historians, political scientists and politicians V.E. Bagdasaryan and S.S. Sulakshin in his monograph considers the value factors that strengthen the Russian state, and also identifies factors that have a devastating effect on it, the so-called anti-values, which are focused not on the strengthening and life of any state, but, on the contrary, on its weakening and even death.

The conclusion reached by the authors is disappointing: “... Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. is in a state of not just a crisis, but a civilizational catastrophe. The erosion of the country's values ​​is one of its factors. Many of them have reached historic lows. The way out, respectively, is seen in the development of the vital potentials of the country, which ... correspond to the highest values ​​of the state.

And this is understood not only by scientists and politicians. More and more ordinary people, citizens of Russia and other countries, understand the importance of raising the level of morality in society, considering this process as an effective mechanism for the evolutionary development of society. There is a trend of more and more active involvement of Russians and citizens of other countries in actions aimed at the revival of morality in the world, overcoming the magic of anti-values. One such example is the activity of the International Public Organization “FOR MORALITY!”, which includes participants from 50 countries of the world. Members of the Movement “FOR MORALITY!” they do not just start with themselves and strive to lead a moral lifestyle, they meet people, talk about the problems of morality in society, and also try to include the leadership of their countries in solving this problem. In particular, the participants of the Movement developed a program document "The Doctrine of High Morality" (hereinafter - the Doctrine), which is a look at the causes state of the art society, defines the main value orientations, defines the basic concepts, offers ways out of the ideological crisis. The doctrine contains the concept of the ideology of a highly moral society, which can serve as the basis for the formation of state policy, the improvement of the legal field, as well as for the development targeted programs in the field of improving morality.

The existing deformations in the spiritual and moral sphere are clearly manifested when comparing the understanding of the basic concepts such as God, man, the physical world, society, freedom, power, and others presented in the Doctrine. Considering them will help, in our opinion, to see a way out of the current crisis situation.

The concept of "God". In a consumer society, this concept is no longer perceived as a source of absolute values ​​that determine a person's entire life. Instead, fetishism is implanted - religious worship of material values, the cult of money dominates. The psychology of "fast food" is also manifested in matters of faith. Often the worship of God is formal, associated only with the observance of rituals.
Objectively, God is the Supreme Law that governs the Universe. Everything is subject to this Law. Following it allows the individual to develop spiritually and morally.

The question of the existence of God is gradually moving from the field of religious and philosophical reasoning into the field of scientific research. Yes, there is in the world a large number of fundamental physical constants (gravity, electromagnetic force, nuclear interaction, the ratio of the Earth's radius to the distance to the Sun, etc.). Research results of mathematicians, the Problem of Morality and the global crisis of the society of physicists and astrophysicists from different countries of the world - I.L. Rosenthal, V.A. Nikitin, S. Weinberg, R. Breuer, F. Dyson, D. Polkinhorn, D. Barrow, F. Tripler, D. Jean and others - indicate that the slightest change in any of them would lead to the destruction of the Universe. Scientific research in this area allowed scientists to conclude that there is a Supermind that controls the Universe.

The greatest physicist of the 20th century, Arthur Compton, Nobel laureate, says: “Faith begins with the knowledge that Higher intelligence created the universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact that there is a plan, and therefore Reason, is irrefutable. The order in the universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and sublime statement: "In the beginning - God."

Similar statements were made at different times by: Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Charles Darwin, K. Flammarion, N.I. Pirogov, Jules S. Duchesne, F. Crick, A.D. Sakharov, P.P. Garyaev and many other scientists of the world.
The concept of "Physical world". In modern society, there is an idea that there is only the physical world that can be seen, touched, studied, decomposed into its component parts, therefore all activity is limited to this world.
However, scientists have proven that the physical world is only the “tip of the iceberg”. Nobel Prize winner, Italian physicist C. Rubbia, claims that visible matter is only one billionth of the entire universe. The universe is much wider, and scientists are providing evidence for new levels of life in it. The discovery by the Russian scientist S.V. Zenin of the information-phase state of matter, the development by the English physicist D. Bohm of the theory of the holographic Universe, the discoveries of Russian scientists G.I. Shipov and A.E. Akimov in the field of the theory of physical vacuum and torsion fields testify to the multilevel nature and the existence of a reasonable control of the Universe.
The concept of "Man". In a consumer society, a person is considered as part of the material world. It has a "beginning" (birth) and an "end" (death) - just like any object or process has its origin and destruction. physical world. And since, according to the ideas of the majority, a person lives once, then you need to live your life. the only life enjoying all its blessings. It is impossible to become perfect in one life, so there is no point in striving for high morality, which provides for internal limitations and self-discipline.

However, if we take into account that the Universe is the most complex multi-level system of existence of different planes of being, therefore, such a complex living organism as a person is also multidimensional. Computer GDV-graphy technologies developed by K.G. Korotkov and based on the Kirlian effect, clearly show that a person has an energy component - a biofield that reflects his thoughts and feelings.

In addition to the mortal part, a person also has an immortal part, which evolves over many incarnations. During many of his lives, a person accumulates experience, develops his best qualities, and, according to the causal relationship, reaps the consequences of his actions, committed not only in one life, but in all previous existences. If a person knew that he lives more than once, he would think deeply before committing an immoral act. He would understand that if he offended and humiliated, deceived and killed someone in a previous incarnation, then in a subsequent rebirth he himself would be offended and humiliated, deceived and killed.

The scientific approach to the study of reincarnation, which has been developing since 1960, the organization in 1980 of the International Association for the Study of "Past" Life Therapy, which includes scientists from Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Russia and other countries, made it possible to document thousands of cases of memories of past lives. For example, an American doctor, Professor I. Stevenson, studied 3,000 cases of children's memories of past lives for 40 years.

Teaching in kindergartens and schools of only two laws of the universe: on the causal relationship and on the rebirth of the immortal part of man - in one or two generations would radically change society and direct it along the moral path.

Having considered in detail the first three concepts, we will consider the rest briefly.
"Society" - in a consumer society, racial, property, religious and other inequality is assumed. In a highly moral society, humanity is a brotherhood of peoples.
"Freedom" - in a consumer society is manifested in non-observance of the Higher Law. Permissiveness, abuse to satisfy desires and receive pleasure. In a highly moral society, freedom is a conscious need to follow the Higher Law that exists in the Universe. Unlimited freedom to act within the limits of this Law.

"Power" - in a consumer society, power is aimed at keeping the masses in obedience, follows the political situation, generates corruption and the struggle for power. Positions are bought. In a highly moral society, power is an honorable duty. The best representatives of society occupy leadership positions according to their moral character.
"Finance" - in a consumer society they act as a means of control, manipulation, control, enslavement. In a highly moral society, finance is a temporary phenomenon at a certain stage in the development of society (as an equivalent of exchange, a means of accounting and distribution).

"Work" - in a consumer society is a way to earn money. In a highly moral society, work is the highest joy, a way of creative self-realization of a person.
"Wars" - in a consumer society, this is a means of fighting for power, control, wealth and natural resources. In a highly moral society - a world without wars. Implementation of the principle of non-violence in international, social and interpersonal relations.
"Medicine, health care" - in a consumer society, treatment and medicines are used as a means of profit. There is no interest in the person being healthy. In a moral society, their goal is the health of every person. The basis of health is harmony with Nature.

"Education" - in a consumer society, a means of reproducing the labor force and educating citizens of the qualities necessary for the state. In a moral society, each person should receive the most versatile education as a means of revealing the inner potential of the individual.

"Facilities mass media"- in a consumer society, this is a source of manipulation of mass consciousness. Fulfill the social order of those in power. Contribute to the stupidity of the population. In a moral society - contribute to the expansion of the horizons of each member of society. Expand and deepen knowledge.

"Art" - in a consumer society is seen as a commercial product of mass consumption. Reflects the immorality of society. In a highly moral society, it gives examples of high morality and morality, elevates the consciousness of people.

"Science" - in a consumer society serves the interests of financial elites. Scientific discoveries used for profit, for military purposes. In a moral society, science studies the laws of the construction of the Universe and helps humanity to follow them. All scientific achievements and developments are aimed at improving human life.

"Family" - in a consumer society, the degeneration of the family is observed: same-sex marriage, incomplete families, sexual perversions. In a moral society, the family is the backbone of society and the state.
"Free time" - in a consumer society is used for pleasure and entertainment. In a moral society, it is used for education and self-improvement.
The authors of the Doctrine of High Morality believe that the revival of morality should become a national program, a national ideology, promoted at all levels, in all possible ways. Only in this case is it possible to overcome the global moral crisis of modern society.

States built on moral principles have always had a social, economic and political advantage, which led them to prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, the only way out of any crisis is to raise the morality of the people. When a person becomes more and more moral, he himself automatically begins to reject what is immoral.

Now modern media are adjusting to the lowest desires of people, promoting low standards: rudeness, smoking, violence, sexual abuse and perversion, and others. The problem of morality and the global crisis of society However, the state found the strength at the highest level to start a campaign against smoking and alcoholization of the population. The next step should be the penetration on TV screens, on the radio, on the pages of publications of higher, more moral, beautiful examples of art and culture, which should gradually oust (not by prohibition) vulgarity, rudeness and violence from the consciousness of the people, and therefore from all areas of state life. It is necessary to instill in the minds of the people the understanding of God as the Supreme Moral Law that exists in the universe. It is necessary to promote moral concepts at the state level, such as honor, sincerity, kindness, modesty, benevolence and others. Russia must become a stronghold of morality in the world!

1. Bagdasaryan V.E., Sulakshin S.S. The highest values ​​of the Russian state. / Series "Political Axiology". Scientific monograph. - M.: Scientific expert, 2012. - 624 p.
2. A. V. Bychkov, T. N. Mikushina, M. L. Skuratovskaya, and E. Yu. "The Doctrine of High Morality"


The modern world is characterized by rapid changes in many spheres of human life and society. A person's striving forward often leads him to the edge of an abyss called a global catastrophe. As J. Fourastier said, traditional man lived on Earth for many tens of thousands of years. He suffered from hunger, cold and other inconveniences, but in any case he proved his ability for a long planetary existence. A man of a new formation, born of modernity, has existed on Earth for only two or three hundred years. But he managed to pile up so many fatal problems that it remains unclear whether he will exist tomorrow.

Global problems that threaten the continued existence of mankind did not arise today. But their considerable age did not at all advance humanity along the path of their solution. Under the global problems understand the totality of problems that constitute a threat to all mankind. They are called global precisely because, on the one hand, they affect the interests of all countries and peoples, at whatever stage of development they are, and on the other hand, their solution depends on the ability of mankind to unite. That is, they cannot be solved in one country, they cannot be solved by combining the efforts of several (even the most developed) countries. To solve them, it is necessary that all of humanity act in unanimous aspiration and reinforce this aspiration with its policy, the direction of the economy and scientific and technical power.

Global problems arose gradually as society developed and changed depending on the stage of its development, on priority areas of activity. IN full height they stood before society in the twentieth century. Most of the problems that have become global today have accompanied humanity throughout its history. These, first of all, include the problems of ecology, preservation of peace, overcoming poverty, hunger, and illiteracy. But after the Second World War, due to the unprecedented scale of human transformational activity, all these problems turned into global ones, expressing the contradictions of the integral modern world. The reasons for the transformation of these problems into global ones are the increased growth of human needs, the increased scale of technical means of society's impact on nature, the depletion natural resources.

At the initiative of the Italian economist and humanist Aurelio Peccei, in 1968, public organization called the Club of Rome. This club brought together scientists and public figures various countries the world to study global problems. Members of the Club of Rome identified a range of problems that have since been considered traditional global problems:

Ø Prevention of nuclear war and preservation of peace;

Ø social development and economic growth;

Ø Overcoming economic backwardness, poverty and misery;

Ø Ecological problem;

Ø Demographic problem.

20th century became a turning point not only in the world social history but also in the very fate of mankind, which has entered the period of the scientific and technological revolution. Space exploration begins, society begins to consume a huge amount of natural resources, the waste returned to the environment reaches unprecedented sizes. The human population has increased by 2.5 times during the lifetime of one generation, thereby increasing the strength of the "demographic press".

The global problems of our time include problems that cover the "world-man" system as a whole and reflect the vital factors of human existence - environmental, demographic, problems of the crisis of culture, problems of war and peace, and more recently - the problems of terrorism. The prevention of the global crisis of modern civilization, the life of society, its fate, the state of the natural environment, and social progress depend on their solution. The global crisis testifies to the self-destruction of the world created by man, it has a destructive effect on the life, health and psyche of individuals that make up society.

The global crisis covers environmental, economic, technical areas, social sphere, politics, demographics. By the beginning of the XXI century. it reaches unprecedented sharpness. The way out of the crisis presupposes the elimination of social antagonisms, the intensification of international activities aimed at introducing legal norms for environmental management and measures to achieve global balance.

A feature of global problems is their close interconnection and interdependence: the aggravation of one of them entails the aggravation of all the others. Therefore, they must be addressed comprehensively.

In modern scientific literature, one can find a different list of global problems. Their number can vary from 8 to 45. However, all of them can be divided into 4 main groups (Appendix: Fig. A.20):

Ø Political;

Ø Socio-economic;

Ø Natural and economic;

Ø Socio-cultural.

To problems political character is the prevention of thermonuclear catastrophe, new world wars, the fight against international terrorism.

The first and main global problem of mankind, threatening the very existence of nature and society, is the threat of a thermonuclear catastrophe. For many years, the essence of this global problem was seen in the prevention of nuclear war. However nuclear threat comes not only from the military. Chernobyl scenarios are also possible. Nuclear technologies continue to develop, they are mastered by many countries, and this increases the threat of a thermonuclear catastrophe of a technological nature.

New threat, which has acquired a global character, is associated with international terrorism. As the problem of terrorism becomes more and more international in nature, it became necessary to international cooperation in opposition to this phenomenon. One of the key tasks is to stop the financing of terrorism.

Along with the well-known forms of terrorism, new forms based on the use of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological materials have appeared, facts of influencing computer systems for controlling military operations, and an attempt to use space technology for terrorist purposes have been noted.

The prevention of new wars and the fight against terrorism require that the efforts of the world community be combined to reduce nuclear weapons, the fight against "combat" terrorism and its financing.

Socio-economic problems include the need for the normal functioning of the world economy; overcoming the backwardness of underdeveloped countries.

The reasons for the backwardness of these countries are some of their features such as: high population growth, predominantly agrarian production, lack of new technologies, use of traditional energy sources, and much more.

Natural and economic problems include the environmental problem, energy, food, raw materials, the problem of the oceans and space exploration.

Ecological the problem includes climate warming, the problem of the ozone layer, the expansion of desertification, water pollution.

Global energy problem is the problem of providing mankind with fuel and energy at the present time and in the foreseeable future. The main reason for the emergence of the global energy problem should be considered the rapid growth in the consumption of mineral fuels in the 20th century. If developed countries solve this problem primarily by slowing down the growth of their demand by reducing energy intensity, then in other countries there is a relatively rapid increase in energy consumption. To this may be added growing competition in the world energy market between developed countries and new large industrial countries (China, India, Brazil).

Among the main global problems, a special place is occupied by food. After all, the physical existence and health of billions of people primarily depend on the availability and quality of food. The essence of the problem is that the increase in the world's population leads to a catastrophic shortage of food, hunger, and disease. Acute and chronic hunger and the resulting diseases and premature deaths are the result of an absolute shortage of food on Earth.

By the beginning of the 21st century, two new trends appeared in the food sector. First, the growth of food production began to slow down gradually, and the decline in production costs, and, consequently, the price of a unit of production, also slowed down. Secondly, although this did not immediately affect the direct cost of food products, the environmental price that humanity pays for the growth of agricultural production began to increase. This has found its expression in the increasing irreversibility of the impact of agriculture and the industries associated with it on the environment and human health, and in the increasingly noticeable anthropogenic undermining of the general conditions of agriculture itself.

The global commodity problem is related to the following factors:

Ø depletion of developed deposits of coal, oil, iron and other ores;

Ø limited explored oil reserves and natural gas;

Ø discovery and extraction of minerals in worse than before conditions;

Ø an increase in the territorial gap between the areas of extraction and consumption of minerals, etc.

The solution to the raw material problem lies in resource saving and in the search for new technologies that make it possible to use previously inaccessible sources of raw materials and energy.

The World Ocean is one of the most important objects of environmental protection. The peculiarity of this object is that the current in the seas and oceans quickly carries pollutants to long distances from the places of their release. Therefore, the problem of protecting the cleanliness of the ocean has a pronounced international character.

Successful Recovery water resources with their simultaneous involvement in economic circulation, that is, the reproduction of water resources, the prevention of new pollution is possible only through a set of measures, including the treatment of wastewater and water bodies, the introduction of recycling water supply and low-waste technologies. Behind last years a number of important international agreements for the protection of the seas and oceans from pollution. In accordance with these agreements, the washing of tankers and the discharge of waste ship waters must be carried out in special port facilities. Each country that has signed the agreement bears legal and financial responsibility for the pollution of the waters of the oceans and seas.

Until recently, scientists believed that the development of the near space(near-Earth space) has almost no effect on the weather, climate and other living conditions on Earth. Therefore, space exploration was carried out without taking into account the environmental situation. However, the appearance of ozone holes made me think. But the problem of preserving the ozone layer is, as it turned out, only a small part of a much more general problem of the protection and rational use of near-Earth space, and, above all, that part of it, which is formed by the upper atmosphere and for which ozone is only one of its components.

Space is a new environment for man. But here, too, the age-old problem of clogging the near-Earth space with debris arose. spacecraft. Moreover, there is a distinction between observable and unobservable space debris, the amount of which is unknown. Space debris appears in the process of work orbital stations and spacecraft, and as a result of their subsequent deliberate elimination. It also includes spent detachable elements of spacecraft structures. Space debris is dangerous not only for astronauts and space technology, but also for earthlings.

Thus, if mankind is not accepted in the very near future effective measures to combat space debris, then the space age in the history of mankind may soon end ingloriously. Outer space is not under the jurisdiction of any state. This is in its purest form an international object of protection. Thus, one of critical issues that arise in the process of industrial space exploration is to determine the specific factors of the permissible limits of anthropogenic impact on the environment and near-Earth space.

Socio-cultural problems include the demographic problem, the crisis of culture and morality, human spirituality, the lack of democracy, health care.

Global demographic problem falls into two aspects: the population explosion in a number of countries and regions of the developing world and the demographic aging of the population of developed and transition countries. For the former, the solution is to increase the rate of economic growth and reduce the rate of population growth. For the second - emigration and reforming the pension system.

The crisis of human spirituality associated with the loosening of the former ideals of most cultures, the loss of meaningful life values, the technical and technological orientation of consciousness, utilitarianism, the thirst for enrichment, profit, the priority of material values ​​over spiritual ones.

Health protection includes the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, oncological diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases that have become widespread throughout the planet.

Thus, the future of mankind depends on how effectively global problems will be solved and whether society will be able to prevent the emergence of new ones.

Training task

1. Why do many of the problems that have accompanied the development of human society over a long history in the twentieth century acquire a global character?

2. What is the complex nature of global problems?

3. What is the connection between a person's spirituality, his moral values ​​and all other global problems?


1. When did the global problems arise?

a) in a primitive society;

b) in modern times;

c) in the twentieth century;

d) at the beginning of the 21st century.

2. What issues does the Club of Rome deal with?

a) trying to develop medicine;

b) studies global problems;

c) participates in the resolution of conflicts between countries;

d) create new jobs.

3. What problem is not global?

a) computerization;

b) the fight against AIDS;

c) improving morality;

d) population growth.

4. Relatively new is a global problem…

a) pollution environment;

b) nuclear war;

c) fighting hunger;

d) international terrorism.

5. The problems of a political nature include:

a) prevention of a thermonuclear catastrophe;

b) space exploration;

c) overcoming the backwardness of some countries;

d) improvement of the ecological situation.

6. A socio-economic problem is:

a) raw materials;

b) demographic;

c) overcoming the backwardness of underdeveloped countries;

d) international terrorism.

7. The natural and economic problem is ...

a) the normal functioning of the world economy;

b) food;

c) health protection;

d) crisis of spirituality.

8. A socio-cultural problem is ...

a) raw material problem;

b) ecological;

c) lack of democracy;

d) space exploration.

9. Choose the correct statement:

a) global problems have always accompanied the development of society;

b) global problems are complex;

c) global problems include only political problems;

d) the solution of global problems depends on the group of the most developed countries.

10. A feature of global problems is that they ...

a) are local in nature;

b) apply only to underdeveloped countries;

c) depend on the type of nature management;

d) affect the interests of all mankind.

Review questions

1. Define the concept of "global problems".

2. When did the global problems arise?

3. When does an organization called the Club of Rome appear?

4. What are the goals of the Club of Rome?

5. Who is considered the founder of the Club of Rome?

6. What is the range of global problems identified by the members of the Club of Rome?

7. Give a classification of global problems of our time.

8. What do political global problems include?

9. Describe the global problems of a socio-economic nature.

10. What global problems are natural and economic?

11. Give the characteristic of social and cultural problems.


Philosophy has a huge formative impact on a person, systematizes a person’s worldview, streamlines thinking. Of course, one book cannot accomplish all these tasks. The material presented in the textbook gives an idea of ​​the main milestones in the development of philosophical knowledge, the established structure and the most important issues on which the philosophical thought of different eras is concentrated. In addition, the manual provides a description of the current state of many problems of science and philosophy, such as the problem of consciousness and the structure of the Universe, space-time, movement and development, etc.

Having mastered the material of this manual, the student receives the basics of philosophical knowledge, which he can independently replenish using the additional literature indicated in recommendation list literature, as well as independently selecting articles, monographs on issues of interest to him. Our knowledge does not stand still. Mankind is constantly receiving new knowledge, as a result of which its understanding of the world and itself is changing, so any thinking person, having mastered elementary knowledge in the learning process, in the future will strive to expand and deepen them.

The knowledge gained during the study of philosophy will help the development of many academic disciplines in the future: cultural studies, sociology, ethics, natural sciences(including KSE).


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2. Grinenko, G.V. History of Philosophy [Text]: textbook. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M. : Yurayt, 2010. - 689 p.

3. Spirkin, A. G. Philosophy [Text]: textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt, 2011. - 828 p.

4. Philosophy [Text]: textbook / ed. Dr. Philosopher. sciences, prof., acad. V. N. Lavrinenko. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M. : Yurayt, 2011. - 561 p.


5. Fourastie J. Lettre ouvert a quatre milliards d'hommes. Paris, 1970.

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7. Ableev, S.R. History of world philosophy [Text]: textbook / S.R. Ableev. M., 2005.

8. Aydinyan, V.F. System of concepts and principles of epistemology [Text] / V.F. Aydinyan. L., 1991.

9. Eysenck, G. The nature of intelligence - the battle for the mind [Text] / G. Eysenck, L. Kamin. M., 2002.

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11. Hobbes, T. Philosophical foundations of the doctrine of the citizen [Text] / T. Hobbes. M., 1964.

12. Gubin, V. D. Philosophy [Text]: textbook. - M.: Prospekt, 2010. - 336 p.

13. Davis, P. Superpower. The search for a unified theory of nature [Text] /P. Davis. M., 1989.

14. Ikonnikova, G. I. Philosophy of law [Text]: textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt, 2010. - 351 p.

15. Ilyenkov E.V. Philosophy and culture [Text] / E.V. Ilyenkov. M., 1991.

16. Kanke V. A. Philosophy for lawyers [Text]: textbook. - M.: Omega-L, 2009. - 412 p.

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19. Korotkov, K. Riddles of living glow [Text] / K. Korotkov. SPb., 2003.

20. Kokhanovsky, V.P. Philosophy [Text]: lecture notes / resp. ed. V. P. Kokhanovsky. - 10th ed. - Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2008. - 190 p.

21. Kokhanovsky, V. P. Philosophy [Text]: lecture notes / V. P. Kokhanovsky, L. V. Zharov, V. P. Yakovlev; resp. ed. V. P. Kokhanovsky. - 10th ed. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2008. - 190 p.

22. Kokhanovsky, V.P. Philosophy for graduate students [Text]: textbook. allowance / V.P. Kokhanovsky, E. V. Zolotukhina, T.G. Lyashkevich, T.B. Fathy. Rostov n / a, 2003.

23. Lipsky, B. I. Philosophy [Text]: textbook. - M.: Yurayt, 2011. - 495 p.

24. Muldashev E.R. From whom are we descended? [Text] / E.R. Muldashev. M., 1999.

25. New philosophical encyclopedia [Text]: in 4 volumes / scientific. Ed.: M. S. Kovaleva [and others]. - M.: Thought, 2010.

26. The latest philosophical dictionary. Postmodernism [Text]. - Minsk: Modern writer, 2007. - 816 p.

27. Sikorsky, B.F. Perspectives of a person in the light of humanistic ideas Western philosophy XX century [Text]: tutorial/B.F. Sikorsky. Kursk: publishing house of KSPU, 1995.

28. Tikhoplav, V. Yu. Physics of faith [Text] / V. Yu. Tikhoplav, T.S. Tikhomel. M., 2001.

29. Tikhoplav, V.Yu. Life for rent [Text] / V.Yu. Tikhoplav, T.S. Tikhomel. M., 2001.

30. Trubetskoy S.N. History course ancient philosophy[Text] /S.N. Trubetskoy. SPb., 1996.

31. Chanyshev, A.N. A course of lectures on ancient philosophy [Text] / A.N. Chanyshev. M., 1991.

32. Schure, E. Great initiates. Essay on the esotericism of religions [Text] / E. Shure. Kaluga, 1914.

33. Shchavelev, S.P. Practical knowledge [Text] / S.P. Schavelev. Voronezh, 1994.

Humanity has moved into the new millennium with a solid baggage of scientific, technical and technological achievements, which are of a dual nature. They brought undoubted benefits and at the same time gave rise to phenomena that threaten human existence on a global scale. These problems, provoked by the rapid development of science and technology, permeate literally all spheres of human life.

The first of these is still preserved - thermonuclear fire threat. Advances in the field of physics, chemistry, and space technology made it possible to master the micro- and macrocosmos. At the same time, they provided mankind means for self-destruction in the context of nuclear war. The ghost of "doomsday", the global destruction of everyone and everything still roams the planet. The possibility of a "burning flame" and the subsequent "nuclear winter" is by no means abstract.

Another 38 session of the UN General Assembly declared the preparation and unleashing of a nuclear war the greatest crime against humanity. In the 1981 UN Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear Catastrophe, it was stated that any actions pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe are incompatible with the laws of human morality and the lofty ideals of the UN Charter. Nevertheless, nuclear weapons did not stop. The moratorium on underground nuclear tests is violated every now and then, either by China, or by France, or by other members of the "nuclear club". A number of treaties on the reduction of strategic nuclear arsenals have been signed, while they are tacitly observed, but have not yet acquired the status of current law. To date, only a few percent of the vast nuclear stockpiles have been destroyed. The process of nuclear disarmament may drag on for an indefinitely long period.

It cannot be said that the danger of a direct military clash between countries possessing nuclear weapons has now diminished: the ambitions of some Middle Eastern states, backed up by the nuclear equipment of their armies, pose a real threat to the fragile stability in the world. India, Pakistan are already producing nuclear weapons, South Africa, Israel and a number of other states are ready for this. There is a growing danger that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of irresponsible political adventurers and even criminal elements. At the same time, the threat of a blind technological accident of the "Chernobyl scenario" did not disappear, but even increased. Any technique, as history testifies, someday breaks. And no one gives an absolute guarantee against a repeat of Chernobyl or an even more horrific tragedy. We must not forget that more than 430 nuclear power plants are now operating on the planet. And their number is increasing.

Another threat is looming the proximity of an ecological catastrophe. History decreed that the earthly nature, our ecological niche, comes into a state of increasing instability. The relationship between man and nature in its significance begins to overlap our economic concerns, political worries and theoretical verbal disputes. The essence of this problem is that the growing pressure of anthropogenic factors on the biosphere can lead to a landslide break in the natural cycles of reproduction of biological resources, self-purification of soil, water, atmosphere. All this gives rise to the possibility of "collapse" - i.e. a sharp and rapid deterioration of the ecological situation, which can lead to a fleeting death of the world's population.

The coming destructive processes have been talked about for quite a long time: it is estimated that at least 1 billion 200 million people live with an acute shortage of drinking water; Biologists record that every day, as a result of human activities, the world loses 150 species of animals and plants; intensive agriculture depletes soils 20 to 40 times faster than they can naturally regenerate. The future of humanity primarily depends on how the "strategy of man" and the "strategy of nature" will be coordinated. Global ecology as a set of ideas and practical acts to optimize the relationship between humanity and Nature, to ensure their so-called “co-evolutionary” (i.e., associated, corresponding) development should become the business of politicians and economists, the subject of reflection, learning and application. It is necessary to outline those "limits of development" under which the horror of a universal catastrophe can be avoided.

Unfortunately, this idea has not yet been taken seriously by politicians, has not been understood by the mass consciousness, and has not become a clearly defined task of social and personal practice. When the horror of such a "collapse" can comprehend the planet? Various periods are set: from 2-3 decades to a century. But everyone agrees on one thing: without the adoption of global measures everywhere, it is inevitable.

Among these measures are limiting population growth. Today it is up to 85 million people a year. Uncontrolled population growth in developing countries ah and consumption in the developed undermines the resource base, rapidly brings us closer to the maximum allowable load on the natural environment.

There is a sharp shortage of agricultural land in the world. Since 1984, world grain production has increased by only 1% - 2 times slower than population growth. Those. the costs of increasing the production of the world's gross product (from fuel to food, from cement to alloys and composites) will exceed the price that society is able to pay for this increase.

Demographic situation on the planet has changed significantly over the historical period. So, on the eve of the emergence of agriculture (about 10 thousand years ago), there were half as many people living on the entire planet as they now live in Moscow alone - about 5 million (and Moscow exceeded 9 million inhabitants). For 5 thousand years BC. e. about 30 million people lived on Earth. This is about as much as he lives now in Ukraine. By the beginning of our era, the population of the world was 250 million people, i.e. as much as now lives in the CIS. There are now twice as many Americans on Earth as there were people in the time of Julius Caesar on the entire planet.

The process of irresistible growth of the Earth's population (at a rate of 8 thousand people per hour in the 60s, 10 thousand people per hour in the 80s, and now 12 thousand people per hour) is uneven. In our country, against the background of ongoing social cataclysms, the death rate per 1 million people a year exceeds the birth rate. In developed countries, growth is minimal or non-existent. But the countries of the "third world", despite the actions to contain it in China and India, continues to grow rapidly. Demographers believe that the maximum population of the Earth can be no more than 10 billion people. And this figure will be reached by the 30s. 21st century Many argue that the figure is too high. So there is no escape from thinking over global, coordinated measures to optimize the demographic boom.

worth it and the problem of stopping the pollution of the living environment by xenobiotics(i.e. substances hostile to life). Chemical, radiation pollution is increasing. The spheres of our common human heritage have fallen into the danger zone: the World Ocean, outer space, Antarctica.

The technological power of man turned against him, this is the main grain of the environmental problem. Note that the environmental challenge is no less, if not more dangerous and tragic in terms of consequences, than the economic and political ones. But we must also admit that it is impossible to answer it apart from radical shifts in the world economy and politics, in the minds of leaders and millions.

The third threat danger looming over the human body. Under threat is the "external" nature, the ecological niche in which we live, but also our "internal" nature: our body, flesh, human corporality. In the second half of the 20th century a “biological revolution” took place, which marked the beginning of a “new biology”, an important place in the system of which is occupied by genetic engineering. Man has manipulated genes before, but mostly unconsciously; now there is a fundamental possibility of creating an organism in the laboratory with a strictly defined set of features. The development of genetic engineering methods contributed to advances in virology, bacteriology, and enzymology. It is possible that biotechnology in the 21st century. will have a tangible impact on the increase in food and other agricultural products on shrinking areas and with less water consumption, and the harmful effects of mineral fertilizers and pesticides on the environment will be reduced. The reverse side of these processes and achievements was the danger of the destruction of humanity as a species, the deformation of its bodily foundations. The shattering of the gene pool, genetic engineering, which opens not only horizons, but also ominous possibilities.

Anxiety is caused by the possibility of "mutant genes" getting out of control, which can distort human evolutionary adaptations in an unpredictable direction; mass production of cloned organisms; the possibility of breaking the main genetic code as a result of ill-conceived interventions in its structure is not ruled out. The genetic burden of human populations is growing. A sharp weakening of the human immune apparatus under the influence of xenobiotics and numerous social and personal stresses is recorded everywhere.

There are already visible consequences of these phenomena. AIDS is the first global pandemic in history, sowing death, which so far nothing can stop. A number of researchers believe that this is not just a disease, but some stage in the biological existence of the human race. AIDS today is no longer a narrowly medical, but a universal problem. To this we can add an increase in the percentage of hereditary aggravated deformities, an increase in female infertility and male impotence. There are signs of physical degeneration in a number of regions, an uncontrollable, truly epidemic spread of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Finally, the fourth, no less terrible threat - crisis of human spirituality. Almost all secular and religious, global and regional, ancient and new ideologies are now experiencing painful difficulties, they cannot answer a single question. actual problems era, nor to the eternal demands of the spirit.

Fears and anxieties, stresses, permeate all layers of human existence. Defenseless, tossing, lame human thought in many cases is unable to grasp the present, maturely assess the past, at least somehow confidently foresee the future. From the 19th century humanity has come up with two ideas worthy of being called global ideas. One idea is socialist, the other is scientific and technological. It was believed that, based on these ideas, the people of the Earth would build a just society, gain the fullness of life, assert the freedom and dignity of the individual. Today, both ideas collide with the boundaries set by the biospheric global opportunities human existence.

The old dream of people about a society of justice, real social equality, high human dignity, satisfaction of all requests - spiritual and material - did not come true, because. not based on the realities of life. There is a calculation: if the consumption standard of 5 million outsiders is raised to the level of the “Golden Billion” we have already mentioned, then in 50 years the consumption of all resources must be doubled and energy production increased 500 times. At the same time, one should not forget that by 2030 humanity will at least double. With existing technologies and consumer orientations, the planet's biosphere simply cannot withstand this. With the current technical equipment, this is not possible.

The same applies to technocratic optimism, to the idea of ​​the greatness of technological progress. It is recognized by all that technology carries not only good, but also evil. Therefore, these ideas are now in a state that it is difficult to rely on them. Obviously, these ideas require rethinking. The resulting ideological vacuum was filled by numerous esoteric doctrines of the Western and Eastern persuasion, which only exacerbated the confusion and spiritual crisis of mankind. Religious extremism practicing terror is also one of the manifestations of the spiritual crisis of mankind, which has engulfed all countries, regardless of their socio-economic status.

These are the real threats of our day. They urgently demand the consolidation of all mankind in order to find ways out of the crisis. Today we can point to certain and fundamental prerequisites for overcoming global crisis collisions, blocking and diverting the universal threat from humanity.

The first such premise is this is the deployment of the information (computer), biotechnological revolution as a technical and technological basis for a possible way out of the situation of "survival”, overcoming obstacles to the unification of mankind. The creation on its basis of a certain new civilization is still being revealed at the level of prerequisites. The contours of such a civilization are still poorly discernible. But there are real trends towards the deployment of a more humanized and prosperous world community in the foreseeable future. It is important to emphasize that it is this information revolution that creates an objective substantive basis that will make it possible to avert the thermonuclear and environmental threats, as well as the danger hanging over the human corporality.

Whatever skeptical assessments may be expressed about modern Big Science, but it will provide the “building” material for the development of civilization. One of her brightest modern minds, Ilya Prigogine, said that in our “turbulent” age, we are very close to a new rethinking of the world. We are in the face of a new universe, a new nature, we need time to restore or establish ways of understanding this new nature that we are discovering. A new understanding of the world, new mathematical means, new physical and technical tools - all this will help to understand Time, the Universe differently than traditionally. All this will help create a new vision of the world and make decisions in accordance with this. This is the first basis on which threats can be dealt with.

The second premise is the possibility of establishing as the dominant type of the world economy - a mixed market and, as a rule, socially protected economy with elements of a convergent type. This form of economic relations will be able to help link the interests of different economic entities, harmonize relations, find a balance between economic efficiency and social justice.

Both the super-centralized economy, with dominant state ownership, and the radical-liberal economy, based on the fact that the automatics of the market will put everything in its place, proved to be equally unjustified.

The third premise is the formation of the principle of non-violence and democratic consent in foreign and domestic policy, in group and interpersonal relations. Aggression and violence have been the eternal companions of history. Wars, coups, blood permeate all significant events, permeate the entire generic existence of people. Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz bluntly argued that there are good reasons to consider intraspecific aggression the most serious danger that threatens humanity in the current conditions of cultural, historical and technological development.

At some cost, the idea of ​​a transition from the cult of force to dialogue, the search for agreement and mutually acceptable solutions, is already making its way. The terms "consensus", "negotiation process", "compromise" are becoming permanent in international and domestic politics. Jean Sharp, an American researcher, in her three-volume work "The Politics of Nonviolent Action" described 198 methods of nonviolent struggle (including forms of symbolic protest, social boycott, nonviolent intervention, etc.). The ethics of non-violence from a naive-utopian construction becomes one of the central moments of ethical thought.

The fourth premise is unifying (ecumenical) processes of spiritual life in both religious and secular versions. At considerable expense, there is a search for something that can bring together liberal and socialist thought, the attitudes of the Vatican and Orthodoxy, the Western mentality and Eastern etiquette. Attempts to encourage these processes are not uncommon, the Vatican has already invited the hierarchs of Orthodoxy to find ways to overcome the church schism dating back to 1054. Social democratic leaders seek to find common ground with the communists and conservatives.

The process of acceptance, tolerance (tolerance), rejection of stubborn ideological and spiritual confrontation now and then encounters resistance from chauvinistic groups. 1999 was declared by the UN to be the year dedicated to tolerance. This fact is symptomatic. The essence of the call for tolerance is to recognize the existing differences in cultures, social groups, political and economic groupings as less significant than what unites all the people of the planet. Tolerance is the recognition of the high importance of the diversity of people, ideas, ways of life. This is a reasonable recognition that the world is multidimensional, colorful and cannot be otherwise. And we all need to live in this world, and the elimination of intolerance, xenophobia, narcissistic messianism is one of the main conditions for the life of our humanity.

The fifth premise is interethnic and intercultural integration while maintaining the autonomy and uniqueness of each ethnic group and each culture. The universalization of cultural life is increasingly unfolding against the backdrop of ensuring the identity of all participants in this process. International, economic and cultural contacts are expanding. An intensive exchange of values ​​is accelerating. Wide migration flows lead to the interpenetration of cultures, borrowing the finds of peoples from each other. The "dialogue" of cultures is turning into a polylogue, and attempts to preserve "isolationism" are becoming less and less common.

Another way to overcome difficulties is to breakthroughs in the field of intelligent search. Humanity is on the eve of an intellectual revolution. The largest scientists of our time believe that we are in the face of a New Universe, a new Nature, and now the human intellect, as it were, is again moving from a state of mental satisfaction to a state of puzzlement, surprise. Logic, close to ordinary thinking, holistically covering the situation and taking into account its non-standard changes. Interpenetration of traditional dialectical ways of thinking with the concepts of modern formal-logical mathematic systems. Natural intelligence, coupled with "artificial", the addition of the creative capabilities of the brain with the creative potential of computer systems. All this and much more confronts us with the problem of changing traditional ways and types of thinking. Only in the general view it is possible to outline the trajectory of such shifts in human intelligence. Perhaps we can talk about the inversion of the interests of thinking and acting social subjects, about the search and finding a new paradigm of thinking that does not exclude contradictions, but pays attention to the complementarity (complementarity) of ideas, their integration into a multidimensional integrity.

Now there is an acute question of finding acceptable contacts between the rational and non-rational, scientific and technical, aesthetic and mystical in the development of reality. Breaks and rejections from each other of different aspects of the human spirit have revealed their perniciousness and the fragility of the results.

Finally, absolutely necessary construction of global ethics, universal moral principles that strengthen all-human solidarity. Wisdom and conscience are above straightforward truths, dry rational knowledge. Knowledge that is not ennobled by eternal values, that is not multiplied by the idea of ​​the good, that does not affirm justice, can lead to universal destruction. Without an ethic of human solidarity, threats cannot be deflected and hopes cannot be met. These are the grounds for getting out of the global crisis in which we are immersed.

2. The spiritual world of the individual. Worldview.

3. Do you agree with the statement of the French writer F. R. Chateaubriand: “As is almost always the case in politics, the result is the opposite nyu"? Justify your answer. How to explain thatthe result does not always coincide with the intended goal?

1. global problems - it's a collectionproblems affecting the vital interests of all mankind and requiring for their resolutionconcerted action by the entire world community.

The most important global problem is preovercoming the ecological crisis and its aftermathstviya. In the course of his business activity, a person for a long time occupied the position of a consumer in relation to nature, exploited it mercilessly, believing that natural resources are inexhaustible.

One of the negative results of human activity has become depletion of natural resources, primarily energy. Humanity is also concerned about the problem of ensuring security nuclear power plants. As for other common energy sources - oil, gas, peat, coal - the danger of their depletion in the very near future is very high. Therefore, humanity, apparently, should heed the opinion that it needs voluntary self-restraint both in the production and consumption of energy.

The second aspect of this problem is behindenvironmental pollution(atmosphere, water, soil, etc.) - Powerful accumulations of harmful substances lead to the appearance of so-called ozone holes, which has a negative impact on the health of the planet's population and leads to global warming.

There is a problem of general degradation of the environment. Humanity can solve it only together. In 1982 The UN adopted a document - the World Charter for Conservation of Nature, and then created a special commission on environment and development. In addition to the UN, non-governmental organizations such as Greenpeace, the Club of Rome, etc. play an important role in developing and ensuring the environmental safety of mankind.

Another global problem is the growth of the world's population. (demographic problem). It is associated with a continuous increase in the number of people living on the territory of the planet. This problem is generated by two global demographic processes: the so-called population explosion in developing countries and underreproduction of the population in developed countries. However, it is obvious that the Earth's resources (primarily food) are limited, and today a number of developing countries have had to face the problem of birth control. The demographic problem should be solved now, because our planet is not able to provide such a number of people with the food necessary for survival.

The demographic problem is closely intertwined with the problem reducing the gap in the level of ecoeconomic development between the developed countries of the West and the developing countries of the "third world" (the so-called "North-South" problem). The essence of this problem lies in the fact that most of those who were released in the second half of the 20th century. from the colonial dependence of countries, embarking on the path of catching up economic development, they could not, despite relative success, overcome the gap with developed countries in terms of basic economic indicators (primarily in terms of GDP per capita).

Another global issue that has long been considered the most important is problemprevention of a new - tpretpyey - mirdvawar. To date, the likelihood of conflict between the leading powers of the world is much less than before. However, there is a possibility that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of authoritarian regimes or international terrorist organizations. There is a great danger of individual local conflicts escalating into regional and even international ones (with the possible use of nuclear weapons by one side).

The Threat of Global Terrorism has become a global problem of our time relatively recently. Terror (lat. toggog - horror, fear) - the use of violence, including the physical destruction of people, to achieve any political goals. Violent actions should instill a sense of fear in people. Terrorism is one of the extreme forms of political extremism. An integral property of terrorism is the systematic use of violence, used with appropriate socio-political and ideological justification.

Global problems include the looming AIDS epidemic And developdrug addiction, disease, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, as well as diseases - cancer, cardiovascular diseases.

All global problems are united by a number of common problems. signs:

1) they arose in the second half of the 20th century. and are a consequence of the negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution;

2) global problems pose a threat to the existence of mankind as a whole;

3) they are all interconnected - it is impossible to solve each of them separately;

4) the presence of global problems is an indicator of the unity and integrity of the modern world;

5) their solution requires the unification of the efforts of all mankind, encourages the search for mutual understanding and harmonization of the interests of various countries and peoples, contributes to the formation of a single civilization.

2. Spiritual world of personality (human microcosm) is a holistic and at the same time contradictory phenomenon, which is a complex system.

Herelements are:

1) spiritual needs in the knowledge of the surrounding world, in self-expression by means of culture, art, other forms of activity, in the use of cultural achievements, etc.;

2) knowledge about nature, society, man, himself;

3) beliefs, firm views based on a worldview and defining human activity in all its manifestations and spheres;

4) belief in the truth of those beliefs that a person shares (i.e., unsubstantiated recognition of the correctness of some position);

5) the ability to one or another form of social activity;

6) feelings and emotions in which the relationship of a person to nature and society is expressed;

7) goals that a person consciously sets for himself, ideally anticipating the results of his activity;

8) the values ​​that underlie a person's attitude to the world and himself, giving meaning to his activities, reflecting his ideals.

Values are the object of a person's aspirations, are the most important moment of the meaning of his life. Distinguish social values ​​- social ideals that act as a standard of due in various fields public life and personal values ​​are the ideals of an individual, serving as one of the sources of motivation for her behavior.

An important element of the spiritual world of man is his outlook, which is understood as a set of generalized views on objective reality and a person's place in it, on the attitude of people to the surrounding reality and to themselves, as well as the beliefs, principles, ideas and ideals conditioned by these views.

There are several types of worldview:

1) everyday (or everyday), which is based on personal experience and is formed under the influence of life circumstances;

2) religious, which is based on religious views, ideas and beliefs of a person;

3) scientific, which is based on the achievements of modern science and reflects the scientific picture of the world, the results of modern scientific knowledge;

4) humanistic (it is spoken of more as a goal than as a reality), which combines the best aspects of the scientific worldview with ideas about social justice, environmental safety and moral ideal.

3 . One can agree with the statement of F. R. Chateaubriand. Politics, by its very nature, is a goal-setting activity. This means that it arises and is carried out for the sake of certain goals. The goal, means and result are the main components of political and any other activity. Purpose is an ideal result worked out by human thinking, for the sake of which activity is carried out and which serves as its internal motive. In political activity, it performs organizing and motivational functions. Facilities politicians are tools, tools for the practical implementation of goals, for turning ideal motives into real actions.

The question of the influence of ends and means on the results and moral evaluation of politics has long been a subject of controversy.

Among the various views onThis account can be divided into three main ones:

1) the moral character of the policy is determined by its purpose;

2) the means used have a priority influence on the moral significance of the policy;

3) both the end and the means are equally important for making the policy humane, and they must be commensurate with each other and with the specific situation.

From the point of view of a universal approach, contradictions social progress at the present stage accumulate in the global problems of mankind. The main global issues are:

Prevention problem wars and statements peace on the ground.

Problems caused by the ecological crisis.

Demographic problems (populationist and depopulationist).

Problems of human spirituality (education, healthcare, culture) and lack of spirituality (loss of universal human values ​​as internal guidelines for a person).

The problem of overcoming the negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution, computer revolution, information explosion.

The problem of overcoming human disunity caused by various economic, political, spiritual development of countries and peoples.

These and other problems are global, because, firstly, in essence, they affect the interests of all mankind and its future. They are global, their unresolved threatens the future of all mankind, and this threat goes in two directions: the death of mankind or regression in conditions of prolonged stagnation.

Secondly, these are the problems that require the unification of the efforts of all mankind for their solution.

Thus, the global nature of these problems stems not from their "ubiquity" and, moreover, not from the "biological nature of man", as many ideologists claim, but from the ever-increasing internationalization of the entire social activities on Earth, as a result of which they directly or indirectly affect humanity as a whole.

The global problems of our era are a natural consequence of the entire modern global situation that has developed in the globe in the last third of the 20th century. For a correct understanding of the origin, essence and possibility of their solution, it is necessary to see in them the result of the preceding world-historical process in all its objective inconsistency. This position, however, should not be understood superficially, considering modern global problems as simply grown to planetary proportions. traditional local or regional contradictions, crises, troubles. On the contrary, being the results (rather than a simple sum) of the previous community development humanity, global problems act as a specific product of precisely modern era, as a consequence of the extremely aggravated unevenness of socio-economic, political, scientific and technical, demographic, environmental, cultural development in a completely new, unique historical situation.

Ecological crisis, in essence, it's a social crisis. He is result of contradictions between the operation of the laws of society and the natural laws of nature. These contradictions led to the fact that for a very short term were undermined the mechanisms of self-regulation biosphere, and man became the most vulnerable in it. If the lower biological organisms adapted to these changes in a very short time, and some of them mutated in an unknown direction, and in this case, unsafe for humans, then a real danger of physical and mental degradation arose before a person.

Thus, today it can be argued that technological development has gone "not where nature required." Mankind has crossed the threshold of the possibilities of the biosphere. One of the latest resource models of the state of the Earth in five main parameters: population, resources, industrial products, food, pollution of the environment, shows that if the growth rates of population, economy, depletion of resources are the same as the last decade, then the Earth will suffer a catastrophe , around 2040.

There are many causes and components of the ecological crisis, and they are not equal in importance: a population explosion (the biosphere was stable until the Earth's population exceeded two billion people); imperfection of engineering and technology; colossal chemical pollution of the environment; unplanned urbanization, etc. material, objective reasons. But perhaps the most important reason is the low level of spiritual culture, expressed, among other things, in the ecological ignorance of man and mankind. This needs to be remembered and spoken about today.

The ecological catastrophe before our eyes has turned from a gloomy forecast of the Club of Rome into an inevitable reality. Today, the question is not about how to avoid it, but about how to survive it, mitigate and slow down the negative consequences of technogenesis, first of all. A technical civilization that destroys nature did not arise on its own, but within the framework of a culture with values ​​and ways to achieve them that orient humanity towards the unlimited development of technical means of exploitation. natural forces. The idea of ​​the practical limitlessness of these reserves and the right of a person to dispose of them uncontrollably was laid in the spiritual culture. Such a view is not only detrimental to nature. This is a secondary problem. The primary misfortune is anthropological, that is, the destruction of man in man, the "damage" of human essence, the choice of erroneous guidelines and values ​​by him.

In the second half of the XX century. there was an overlap in time of these two catastrophes. Sometimes one gets the impression that environmental disasters have befallen our country, Russia, with particular force. But isn't it really? Are we not the height of lack of culture, irresponsibility, unsuitable organization of our political, moral and environmental education? But still, the ecological catastrophe, as well as the anthropological one that caused it, is of a global nature. And they are generated by a number of fundamental mistakes of mankind in the choice of value orientations, or rather, a deviation from universal human values, which are moral imperatives inherent only in human nature. They are not chosen, they are. The problem is how adequately they are embodied in human culture, including in the culture of this or that nation.

Proceeding from such an approach to man, to society, to civilization, it is necessary to understand a simple truth: a person can protect nature only when he himself remains a man in the spiritual sense, a man not only reasonable, but also conscientious, since reason and conscience are the only the dignity and property of Man, which allows him to know and appreciate what he "does".

In the current state of ecological research, we cannot determine exactly where and when man took the decisive step in shaping the current situation. But what exactly people played here leading role- that's for sure. In historical terms, most likely, it was the era of the New Age, when science and production entered into a "marriage", combining theoretical and practical approaches to nature. The philosophical, ideological meaning of this approach was expressed by R. Descartes: scientific knowledge gives technical power over nature, and the goal of science is to restore the paradise abundance lost by man due to the fall. To do this, he needs to conquer nature, to master and dominate it. T. Hobbes continued this idea, arguing that a person is initially independent and absolute and enters into relationships with others (people and nature) only to satisfy selfish interests.

Thus, this is one way to search for the main cause that caused the modern ecological catastrophe.

But it is reasonable to look even deeper into the origins of the ecological crisis, because how people treat their environment depends on what they think about themselves. It is absolutely unambiguous that the earliest person spoke about himself and the world around him in religion, including the Christian one. If in the period of paganism with its deities a person treated nature with respect, then in the Christian period the attitude of people to nature becomes different. According to the biblical story, God, step by step, created the Earth and everything on it, including man, declaring to him that every natural creature has no other purpose than to serve the purposes of man. So man, by the will of God, was blessed to exploit nature for his own purposes.

The Christian doctrine of creation, in a certain sense, opened up the psychological possibility of destroying nature with impunity. It is reasonable to believe that such a view could not but influence (in historical terms) the formation of modern environmental consciousness. In fairness, one cannot discount the alternative Christian approaches contained in Franciscanism and other interpretations of Christianity, which prohibit the utilitarian attitude of man to nature.

So, for all the problematic nature of the above, one cannot but agree that when analyzing the origins and causes of the ecological crisis, the subjective factors, norms and values ​​that caused this trouble, embedded in human consciousness, including Christian values, should be taken into account. And thus, in order to prevent further deepening of the ecological crisis and its negative consequences, not only material measures are needed, but also a reorientation of consciousness in its relation to nature, a whole system of environmental education is needed, which primarily carries moral values.

The demographic situation is also changing significantly on the planet. It is known that, along with nature, population acts as a material factor that determines the possibilities for the development of society. That is, being the basis and subject of social development, the demographic factor has an impact on all components of social development, although he himself is at the same time subject to their influence. There is no doubt that every historically determined economic order, a certain social organization, has its own laws of population growth and overpopulation. But in reality, these connections are not so unambiguous and straightforward. Based on the facts, one can agree with T.R. Malthus, who warned as far back as the 18th century that if people do not limit their sinful inclination, then in time they will plunge themselves into hell, predetermined for them by the forces of nature and society.

The facts are that today there is an absolute increase in the population. So, only by 1820 the population of the Earth reached 1 billion people. And then it took only 107 years for it to double (1927), and then 33 years for the next billion to be added, the fourth billion in 16 years, and the fifth in less than ten years. Thus, by the year 2000, according to the average version of the forecast, the population of the Earth will be approximately 7 billion people.

Today, on average, the Earth is growing by 83 million people per year, 12 thousand per hour. The average growth rate is 1.9% with a fluctuation step from -0.3% (natural decline) to +6% (biological maximum). Naturally, such growth rates could not but lead to " population explosion". And despite the fact that this phenomenon is practically local, occurring in Asia, Africa and parts of Latin America, with its consequences it has created a world global problem. Uncontrolled population growth here undermines the resource base of the entire Earth, is rapidly approaching the maximum allowable load on natural environment.

The population growth caused by the "demographic explosion" is associated with serious economic problems and consequences, I would like to think that only for these countries themselves, since here there is an intensive increase not in "working hands", but first in "mouths". But this is hardly the case. It is known that if the population is growing at a rate of 1% per year, then "demographic investment" in the economy should be 4%, so that the rate of economic growth does not fall and the standard of living does not decrease in all respects. Naturally, with Western population growth rates, such investment "infusions" into the economy are beyond the power of either these countries themselves or developed countries that provide this or that support to developing countries. The consequence is hunger, the growth of poverty, both material and spiritual. But will the peoples of this region make claims against developed countries and demand compensation from them for their poverty? In the brilliant analysis of the "population explosion", given by Ch. Darwin - the grandson in the book "The Next Million Years", it is stated that there are facts of this kind. Consequently, the question posed is not idle, but one or another of its solutions will create additional problems for world civilization.

The possible political consequences of the "population explosion" in the developing countries for the whole world cannot be discounted, which is already being expressed today, for example, in the geopolitical claims of some of them.

However, it would not be correct to reduce the global demographic problem of modern civilization only to a "population explosion". Mankind cannot but be concerned about the minimum rate of natural population growth in developed countries, the action of the causes that cause them, and the consequences that this process can "turn around" for them.

Russia also began to die out (by the way, demographic processes are no less threatening in the countries of the former USSR, especially in Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltic states). In our country, due to ongoing social cataclysms and social instability, since the early 1990s, the death rate has exceeded the birth rate by more than 1 million people a year. The age and sex structure of the country's population has been seriously changed. Life expectancy is falling. Today, according to this indicator, Russia is below many developing countries. No less dangerous are the socio-economic, moral (including family instability) problems and consequences caused by the current demographic situation.

But it is especially necessary to dwell on the medical and biological problems of modern mankind. They arose at the intersection of the demographic, ecological, economic, moral crises of modern society and are their generalizing result. It's about not only about bodily health, which in a civilized society has always been one of the first places in the system of human values.

"A healthy mind in a healthy body" - the ancient Greeks said. And it is all the more alarming to hear the growing warnings of biologists, geneticists, physicians that we are facing the danger of the destruction of humanity as a species, the deformation of its bodily foundations. For example, the "achievements" of genetic engineering open up not only new horizons, but also ominous possibilities for getting out of control of "mutated genes" that can distort human evolutionary adaptations, the mass production of artificial mutant bastards. The danger of breaking the main genetic code as a result of ill-conceived interventions in its structure is not ruled out. The genetic burden of the human population is growing. A sharp weakening of the human immune apparatus under the influence of xenobiotics and numerous social and personal stresses is recorded everywhere.

Eat real consequences this phenomenon. AIDS. This misfortune that befell mankind is the first global pandemic in history that sows death. A number of researchers believe that this is not just a disease, but a certain stage in the biological existence of the human race, which is associated with the unbridled mass intrusion of people into the natural foundations of their own being. AIDS today is no longer a medical, but a truly universal problem.

Ocean chemical substances in which our everyday life, abrupt changes in politics and crises in the economy - all this affects nervous system, reproductive abilities and somatic manifestations of millions of people. There are signs of physical degeneration in a number of regions, an uncontrollable, truly epidemic spread of drug addiction, alcoholism with all their biological, social and moral consequences.

Finally, among global problems, a no less terrible threat is the crisis of human spirituality. Practically all secular and religious, world and regional, ancient and new ideologies today cannot even provide any convincing answer either to the actual problems of the era or to the eternal demands of the spirit.

Tossing about in the eternal search for truth, human thought in many cases turns out to be unable to embrace the present, to maturely evaluate the past, or to foresee the future with at least a minimum of accuracy. There are currently no reliable social theories and philosophical and anthropological concepts within which it would be possible to more or less definitely characterize our today and even more so tomorrow. Fear, anxiety, anxiety pervade all spheres of human existence.

There is no fresh outlook on the world. Two great ideas - socialist and scientific and technological, which came to the twentieth century from the nineteenth century, are currently experiencing a deep crisis.

At the beginning of the XX century. it was believed that, relying on these ideas, the people of the Earth would build not only a paradise, but also a fair, free, human-worthy society.

Both of these ideas are practically in ruins. Both of them collided with the boundaries set by the biospheric global possibilities of human existence. Noble was the long-standing primordial dream of people about a society of justice, equality, brotherhood and the satisfaction of all demands - material and spiritual. This is the idea of ​​communism. Alas, not to mention its ugly distortion by real practice, it is internally vulnerable, because the motto "to each according to his needs" cannot be based on the realities of life. The proof of this is a simple calculation. If the consumption standard of the population of the developing and former socialist countries (about five billion) is raised to the standard of living of the population of the developed capitalist countries (about one billion), then in 50 years the consumption of all resources must be doubled and energy production increased 500 times. Not forgetting at the same time that over these 50 years the population will increase at least 1.5 times. With existing technologies and consumer orientations, the planet's biosphere will not withstand this.

The same applies to technocratic optimism. Technique carries not only good, but also evil. Therefore, these ideas are now in such a state that it is difficult, and sometimes even dangerous, to rely on them. The socialist idea raised on the shield social justice, technocratic - economic efficiency. Their association did not take place. But our 20th century did not give birth to new unifying ideas either. It seems that we will not sin against the truth, saying that humanity is now in an ideological vacuum. This applies both to philosophical socialist ideas and to the religions of the most different levels and shades that did not go beyond the call "to the other world."

These are the threats to humanity. These are the problems. They are global. They are real. They are tragic. But there is also hope for their solution. One can agree with A.I. Solzhenitsyn that the world has now come, if not to death, then to a turn in history, in significance equal to the turn from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. And it will require new deeds and a new person, thinking in a new way, creating in a new way.

Even today, one can point to some certain hopes, prerequisites for overcoming global crisis collisions that will help to ward off the universal threat from humanity.

First- deployment of the information revolution. It can create an objective substantive basis that will make it possible to avert the thermonuclear and environmental threat hanging over humanity.

Second - approval as the dominant type of world economy of a mixed market and socially protected economy with elements of a convergent type. This form of economic relations will contribute to linking the interests of different economic entities, finding a balance between economic efficiency and social justice.

Third- the formation of the principle of non-violence and democratic consent in all types of social and personal relations. It is necessary to debunk the opinion, which has been established since ancient times in the minds of people, that "violence is an organic way for people to communicate" (Nietzsche), that "aggressiveness is an irremovable moment of human behavior" (Freud). The ideal of non-violence, which was talked about by many, from Jesus Christ to V. Lenin, can cease to be only an alluring distant goal, an ideal, and turn into a defining regulator of human relations.

Fourth- unifying (ecumenical) processes of spiritual life in both secular and religious versions. Tolerance (tolerance), rejection of spiritual confrontation illuminated by ideology. Pluralism of opinions. This is a reasonable recognition that the world is multidimensional, diverse and cannot and should not be otherwise. And we all need to live in this world, and the elimination of intolerance, xenophobia, patronizing messianism is one of the main conditions for the life of present and future humanity.

Fifth - it is a steadily ongoing interethnic and intercultural integration while maintaining the autonomy and uniqueness of each ethnic group and each culture. The universalization of culture and the preservation of originality, originality, the interpenetration of cultures and the borrowing of "finds of peoples from each other."

sixth- a breakthrough in the field of intelligent search. The transition of the human intellect from "a state of mental satisfaction to a state of puzzlement, surprise", which implies the interpenetration of traditional, dating back to Heraclitus and Hegel, dialectical ways of thinking with the concepts of modern formal-logical mathematic systems. Natural intelligence coupled with "artificial" intelligence, supplementing the creative capabilities of the human brain with the creative capabilities of computer systems.

It is worth noting that now there is an acute issue of finding acceptable contacts between the rational and non-rational, scientific and technical, aesthetic and mystical in the development of reality.