More recently, graduating from school with a gold medal opened the door to any university for an applicant, giving him considerable benefits upon admission. Judge for yourself - the owner of the coveted award could enter any educational institution out of competition. The most prestigious universities readily opened their doors to gold and. But this also gave rise to rich ground for abuse, because it was very tempting to go to college without problems and exams. Now times have changed, benefits are a thing of the past and the gold medalist will have to participate in entrance examinations on a universal basis. Why do we need a gold medal now, what does it give? Although it does not exempt its owner from the need to take exams, it gives him a preferential right to enter if several applicants score the same number of points. In addition, there are a considerable number of private universities, the management of which provides gold medalists with the right to become students without any entrance exams. Another incentive to graduate from school with a gold medal may be the fact that the city authorities very often reward graduates who have distinguished themselves in this way with cash payments or valuable gifts. And, of course, one should not forget that such an award becomes a worthy reward for especially diligent students.

Conditions for obtaining a gold medal at school

How to get gold medal? A gold medal for graduation from school, or, more precisely, a medal "For special achievements in learning" is issued to those students in grades 11 (12) who have semi-annual, annual and final grades of "five" (in Ukraine, respectively, "ten", " eleven", "twelve") in all subjects included in the curriculum, and received the same marks on the state (final) certification. Students who are studying externally or who received excellent marks as a result of re-certification conducted in order to increase the score cannot receive a gold medal. The decision to award a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of the general education educational institution, is coordinated with the local education authority and approved by order of the school principal.

Thus, to become the rightful owner of the coveted award, you need to make a lot of efforts. Indeed, during two very difficult years of study (grades 10 and 11) only excellent marks in all subjects included in school curriculum, not easy at all. But if the student is firmly convinced of his desire to become a gold medalist, his path to this award should begin with a conversation with the school principal. Having declared his intentions, the future medalist has every chance to receive additional support from the school administration in the form of the necessary teaching aids, literature, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. An additional plus in determining a candidate for a medal, there will also be an active public life student: participation in olympiads, conferences, competitions and even KVNakh.

As can be seen from the above, obtaining the highest school award is a very laborious task, requiring full dedication. learning process for at least two years. Aspiration, no doubt, honorable, but not bringing significant benefits. That is why, it would be much more expedient not to chase after getting a medal, but to direct one’s forces towards decent preparation for passing the unified state exam and entering a university.

Salpugs or phalanxes of these huge arachnids are called in Russia. In other countries they are called camel spider"(they live more often in the desert) or" wind scorpion "(spiders have quite high speed movement).

As you know, there are about 1000 species of them all over the world. The temperament of these spiders is absolutely consistent with their appearance. In addition, they are overly greedy. In captivity, they can eat until they burst.

Phalanx - spider monster, and looking at the photo, it's hard to disagree. This type of arachnid inhabits, as a rule, arid regions. Central Asian phalanx, can reach a length of seven centimeters. The body and limbs of these spiders are covered with hairs. And their pedipalp tentacles, which are located in front, look like limbs and even serve as them.

All phalanges are very active and almost all of them are nocturnal predators. These spiders are either carnivorous or completely omnivorous, usually preferring termites, bees, black beetles, and other small arthropods, but some types of phalanx can also eat a larger animal, for example, a lizard.

The body length reaches 5-7 centimeters, however, there are also small species with a body length of up to 15 mm.

Phalanxes were not uncommon before in the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. They were often seen in Spain and Greece. They can also be found on south coast Crimea.

Night spiders are attracted various sources Sveta. In desert areas, phalanx monsters often come to a fire, accumulate under the light of lanterns, and penetrate into a room lit at night.

Some flank species in California are known as hive ravagers. As a rule, at night, spiders enter the hive through the notch and destroy all the bees there. Then the phalanges with a strongly swollen belly from the abundance of food eaten can no longer leave the hive through the notch. And in the morning, the arriving bees simply sting them to death.

An interesting fact is that the phalanx frightens when attacking the enemy with its loud sound that occurs when the chelicerae rub against each other.

Due to their specific body shape, the phalanges are particularly maneuverable. Some individuals can reach speeds up to 16 km / h.

Most often, these spiders are found in deserts. And surprisingly, phalanxes are almost never found in Australia.

A large individual of the phalanx is able to easily bite through human skin. For people, they are dangerous because particles of their previous victims often remain on their jaws, they rot and are very toxic. The bite of the phalanx is painful and can lead to blood poisoning.

Desert dwellers, as a rule, have a sandy-yellow color or brown-yellow. Some tropical species have a bright appearance.

Most salpugs hide from sunlight under rocks or in burrows.

During the breeding season, the male finds a female with the help of olfactory organs located on the pedipalps. Mating takes place exclusively at night. The male releases a specific sticky substance containing spermatophores on the soil surface in advance, then picks it up with his long chelicerae, and simply transfers it to the female in the genital opening. Then it is advisable for him to get out as soon as possible, since the females after such fertilization become excessively aggressive, and may even eat the male.

Soon the female begins to build a mink, and lays 30 - 200 eggs there. She spends time with her offspring until they finally get stronger.


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Phalanges are insects of the arthropod family, arachnid order. There are about 800 varieties. They live almost everywhere, except for the regions of the Far North, Antarctica, and Australia.

In our country, they can be found in the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga region, in the Crimea. They prefer dry places, deserts, semi-deserts. Found in the steppe zone.

Who are the phalanges

Phalanges are not spiders. In fact, these are arachnids ranging in size from 1 to 7 cm. The largest Central Asian individuals are more than 8 cm. Among biologists, it is customary to call them saltpugs.

For defense and attack, the phalanx usually uses its chelicerae. These are powerful jaws, on the surface of which teeth are located. Chelicerae can cut hair, feathers, skin, bones of small animals that they feed on. When attacked, the phalanges emit a specific sound, which is obtained as a result of chelicerae rubbing against each other.

Salpugs are very mobile. Their jumps reach a meter. Surprisingly quickly climb steep walls. They can move at a speed of 15 km / h. For this they are called "scorpions of the wind."

The body of the salpuga is covered with hairs, which makes this insect look rather ominous. Color - from light yellow to brown-yellow. There are very bright multi-colored individuals.

Human danger

Phalanxes to their own appearance resembling spiders and causing horror and fear in people. However, they are very fast and aggressive.

The phalanx itself is not afraid of man. She perceives any movement around her as a danger. Therefore, a number of rules should be followed to minimize the possibility of a bite.

  1. Tightly close windows and doors at night, in case of heat - tightly fit the windows with mesh.
  2. If at night you have to walk with a flashlight, you should carefully watch so that the phalanx does not rush into the light.
  3. Be very careful when sitting by the fire at night.
  4. When spending the night in nature, tightly close the entrance to the tent, do not light a lantern in it.
  5. Shoes or clothes should not be left overnight on the street: the phalanx can crawl into them.
  6. When hiking in nature, you need to tuck your pants into socks and wear clothes with long sleeves.

The phalanx boldly crawls up to the light of a fire or a flashlight in a tent. In general, these insects love light, they are attracted even by street lights. There is an opinion that they are attracted not by light, but by midges that flock to the light. They especially love electric light and the ultraviolet radiation of a mercury lamp.

If the phalanx crawls into a brightly lit house or tent, then it is almost impossible to drive it out.

You can catch and carry it out wearing thick gloves, sweep it with a broom or kill it. This should not be done inside the house, as this releases a dark, not very pleasant, liquid. It is almost impossible to kill a salpuga on the sand.

During the day, the phalanxes hide from bright light under rocks, in burrows. Therefore, one should not touch stones, heaps of stones, or examine animal minks with their hands.

If the home terrarium contains a phalanx, it is not recommended to take it with your hands.

What to do with a bite

Salpuga literally bites through human skin. Contrary to fears, the bite of the phalanx is not poisonous, although it is very painful. When it bites, it chews the skin with its powerful jaws. Why is the phalanx dangerous?

Danger present leftovers food, which are on jaws saltpugi.

They usually live in warm climate, leftover food decomposes quickly and can be toxic. Therefore, after a phalanx bite, there are inflammations, and sometimes blood poisoning.

To avoid this, you need to take a number of actions:

  • wash the wound clean water with laundry or any other soap;
  • treat the bite site with any disinfectant that is at hand;
  • if present, antibiotic ointment may be applied;
  • bandage or apply a plaster;
  • change dressings daily and treat the bite site.

As a disinfectant, you can use iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide. Even vodka or alcohol will do. Of the antibacterial ointments in the first aid kit, it is best to keep Levomekol.

No need to cauterize the bite or cut it, as with the bites of poisonous animals, try to suck the poison out of the wound, apply a tourniquet.

This will only cause additional pain. It is forbidden to sprinkle the wound with sand, earth, apply plants.

You can not comb the bite site. If you are prone to allergies, you need to take an antiallergic agent.

These actions will help to avoid suppuration and infection. In case of inflammation, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe an antibiotic. Usually pain persists for a while, so you can take painkillers.

Despite all the superstitions and fears, phalanxes are not as dangerous and poisonous neighbors as other spiders and arachnids. For example, scorpions. But you still need to be careful of them.

When meeting with a person, the salpuga does not run away, like other animals, but goes straight at him. Does not avoid dwellings and bright light. Therefore, all measures must be taken to ensure that the neighborhood with this insect is peaceful and safe. No need to panic if bitten by a phalanx. Unlike other arachnids, this insect is not poisonous.

Phalanges or, as they are also called, salpugs are a detachment of the class of arachnids. There are about 1000 species of phalanges in the world fauna, of which 9 genera and 47 species can be found on the territory of countries former USSR. They live mainly in dry and desert regions. Crimean peninsula, the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia. Solpugs are also common in Spain and Greece. Solpugs are absent only in Australia and Antarctica.

Almost all phalanxes are nocturnal predators. They hunt various insects, spiders, scorpions, lizards, etc. Phalanxes run very fast, even on vertical surfaces.

The "head" of the salpuga has grown together with the first segment of the chest. It has a pair of upper jaws - a chelicerae and a pair of lower jaws, which are shaped like legs. The upper jaws are located vertically and look like powerful claws. The swollen main part of the upper jaw has strong muscles. When meeting with the enemy, the phalanx assumes a menacing posture. It raises the front part of the body, pushes forward the chelicerae with open claws. Large phalanges are quite capable of biting through human skin.

How to avoid a phalanx bite

For the phalanx, everyone is an enemy. She is not at all afraid of humans. Therefore, it is worth adhering to some simple rules, the observance of which will save you from being bitten by a salpuga.

Firstly, when spending the night in nature, tightly close the entrance to the tent, as the salpuga, attracted by the light of a flashlight, can easily run inside.

Secondly, be careful when sitting by the fire.

Thirdly, when entering the tent, check carefully if the phalanx has made its way along with you.

Fourthly, bring all things into the tent, do not leave them outside, because by morning the phalanx can penetrate them in search of shelter for the day.

Fifth, do not try to drive the phalanx out of the tent. You can try or kill it, crush it, which is completely impossible in the sand, or throw it out with a broom. Perform all these actions in thick gloves, while tucking the legs into your boots.

Sixth, during the daytime, do not put your hands into the holes of rodents, do not turn over stones. In these and other secluded places, salpugs can hide from daylight.

Seventh, be careful when traveling at night with a flashlight. Choose clothes with long sleeves and trousers for such walks, as well as closed shoes.

Eighth, close the windows in the house with special protective nets, do not leave the doors open. Night views of the salpug are attracted not only by the light of a lantern or a fire, but also by electric lighting, and especially the ultraviolet radiation of a mercury lamp.

Ninth, when keeping phalanges in a terrarium, do not touch them with bare hands.

Tenth, be especially vigilant when traveling to India, which is home to the most potentially dangerous view phalanges.

What are the consequences of a salpuga bite

For a long time, people considered the phalanx to be very poisonous and deadly to humans. However, contrary to popular belief, she does not have a special poison-producing apparatus.

Salpug bites are very painful, because, when biting, they wrinkle the skin with the claws of their strong upper jaws. In addition to pain, the following may appear at the site of the bite:

  • redness,
  • edema.

A wound caused by the jaws can get clear digestive juice from the mouth opening of the phalanx, but this juice is also not poisonous. However, when a phalanx is bitten, an infection can enter the damaged area from the decaying remains of previously eaten insects that remain on the jaws of the arachnid. All this can lead to the development of inflammation and suppuration.

There is even a special medical term- Arachnose, which denotes diseases of humans and animals provoked by arachnids.

Separately, it is worth noting the type of phalanx that lives in India. In their chelicerae, modified skin glands were found, the contents of which killed 70% of the test lizards. The effect of this substance on human body not explored.

What not to do with a phalanx bite

  • Do not burn the bitten place. Salpugs do not produce poison, and activities of this kind only further injure the victim.
  • You should not cut the bite site for the same reasons that were described in the previous paragraph.
  • You can not sprinkle the wound with earth, sand, wash it with water from natural reservoirs, apply unwashed leaves and grass to it, as this increases the risk of secondary infection
  • You should also not rub, comb the wound.

What measures can be taken when bitten by a salpuga

When bitten by a phalanx, immediate first aid is required.

1. First of all, you should thoroughly wash the bite with clean water and antibacterial soap.

2. Then it is necessary to treat the wound with any antiseptic. You can use peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, alcohol.

3. You can also apply a gel with antibiotics, for example, Levomekol, to the affected area, after reading the instructions that come with it.

4. After that, a clean bandage or plaster should be applied to the bite site.

5. In the future, it is necessary to change the bandage every day and treat the wound until complete recovery.

6. Common pain relievers can be used to relieve pain.

If the wound does not heal for a long time, clinical signs of infection, inflammation, suppuration appear in it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Interesting facts about saltpugs and their bites

  • The phalanx is so masterfully controlled by its claws that it can even cope with a poisonous and dangerous scorpion.
  • Some types of salpugs can jump up to 1 meter in height and reach speeds of up to 2 km / h, for which they are called "wind scorpions".
  • When attacked, the salpugs make a piercing sound resembling a squeak or chirp. This sound is obtained as a result of chelicera friction against each other.

WITH Latin spider phalanx translates as "running away from the sun." IN different countries this land animal is called differently - camel, bihorka, salpuga, wind scorpion. This type most common in hot and warm countries Northern and Southern hemispheres.

The phalanx spider is a rather large arthropod, its length can reach 70 millimeters. The animal has a sandy-yellow, brown, whitish color. Its body is divided into three sections - the abdomen, chest and head. This is distinctive feature spiders of this species. The head is convex and very large. The chest is divided into three segments. The abdomen consists of nine to ten segments. Three pairs of limbs are attached to the head section. They correspond to two pairs of jaws and mandibles. The remaining segments are attached to the three thoracic segments. The first pair of limbs, facing forward, is located at the front edge of the head. According to its functions, it corresponds to the mandibles and is called chelicerae. These oral appendages are rather large, with powerful claws and swollen basal segments. The shape of the forelimbs resemble thick large claws. Their role is to capture and grind food. The second and third pair of segments (pedipalpi) resemble tentacles that work like legs when walking. The hind limbs are much longer than the rest. Below, on their coxae, there are five pairs of peculiar organs (pendants). Their functions could not be reliably determined. It is believed that these are Pedipalps, legs and chelicerae are covered with a powerful head shield. The eye tubercle with two convex pupils is located on leading edge head shield.

Representatives of this species of spiders can be found in arid regions (Mongolia, Greece, North Caucasus, Spain, middle Asia, Crimea, Lower Volga region). These animals are predators by nature, so they go hunting mainly at night. They feed on a variety of insects and small arthropods: beetles, termites, wood lice, and lizards. Attacking their prey, spiders emit a sharp squeak to intimidate the enemy. Some individuals are so maneuverable that they can overcome a scorpion. The arthropod is capable of reaching speeds of more than 16 km / h. During the day, the phalanx of the spider hides in a shelter - these can be holes of rodents and other animals. Moreover, the arthropod changes its location every night. However, it is not so difficult to see the phalanx. It is necessary to build a large fire, and the snot will come running to the bright light.

The phalanx spider is distinguished by voracity and promiscuity in food, especially for fertilized females. mating games occur at night. During the mating season, the female is so inert that the male has to drag her along. Fertilization is carried out by the spermatophoric method. The male phalanx releases a sticky liquid containing sperm, then, with the help of chelicerae, picks it up and directs it into the spider's genital opening. After intercourse, the female becomes very active. After a certain time after eating, she lays her eggs in a shallow hole. An adult is capable of reproducing from 40 to 200 larvae. After two or three weeks, young spiders are born. At first, they are inactive, devoid of hairs and articulation, and covered with a transparent thin shell. Three weeks later, molting begins, the covers are dissected and harden. With the appearance of hairs, the spider phalanx can move. The female is next to the cubs and brings them food until the time when the kids get stronger.

The spider does not have venom glands. However, its bite can cause severe consequences for humans. Large individuals can easily bite through human skin. Since rotting food remains on the chelicerae, with a bite, they can get into the wound and cause inflammation. Therefore, when attacked by a phalanx, it is necessary to treat the damaged area. In 1992, the animal was included in the Red Book.