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Dates are good for the heart and blood vessels
December 22, 2014 Stroke No comments
Here are some beneficial features dates, which will strengthen your health and insure against diseases.
Anti-Inflammatory – Dates are rich in magnesium, a mineral known for its anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that “when magnesium intake is increased, inflammatory markers in the body, such as levels of C-reactive protein, TNF (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and IL-6 (interleukin 6), are reduced.” Thus, magnesium can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and other diseases associated with chronic inflammation in the body.

Video: DRIED DRIED APRICOTS BENEFITS | dried apricots are good for the heart, dried apricots composition, dried apricots with a diet

Reducing the risk of stroke: in the authoritative "American Journal of clinical nutrition» provides the results of a meta-analysis of 7 studies that cover a period of 14 years. Researchers from different countries concluded that the risk of stroke is reduced by 9% for every additional 100 milligrams of magnesium that a person consumes per day.
decline blood pressure- Magnesium, which dates are so rich in, can also help lower blood pressure. In addition, these fruits contain potassium and other beneficial minerals that perform several important functions in the body. They have a corresponding effect on the vessels and the work of the heart, which ultimately helps to lower blood pressure.
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The article will tell you about the unique and beneficial properties of dates for the human body.

Dates: useful properties and contraindications for the body of women, men, children

Dates are a well-known and loved delicacy by many. Since ancient times, they have been considered divine food for their incredible taste, nutritional value, and sweetness. Few people know that along with the fact that the date gives a lot of taste pleasures, it brings benefits and useful microelements to a person.

Date benefits:

  • They have a lot of useful fiber, which is good because it improves digestion, gives saturation, improves bowel function.
  • These fruits are rich in minerals and salts (there are at least 15 of them in dates).
  • Another advantage is that dates have a lot of acids (about 20).
  • A person receives a large amount of vitamin A and a group of vitamins B by eating dates. In addition, they contain a small amount of the important vitamin C.
  • Dates are high in carbohydrates. This allows you to restore physical strength after a long exercise or improve brain activity.
  • Sulfur, which is abundant in dates, has a positive effect on almost all body systems and improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.
  • Pantothenic acid, as well as niacin, which are enough in dates, provide a person with sharp eyesight, and also regulate the work of the excretory organs: liver, kidneys.
  • There is also a lot of potassium and magnesium in dates, which means that by eating dates, you can not worry about problems affecting the circulatory system: the heart and blood vessels will be in order.
  • The pleasant and sweet taste of dates has a positive effect on the human nervous system, improving mood, eliminating stress and removing depression.
  • A rich mineral and vitamin supply of dates allows a person to recuperate after serious illnesses, operations, overwork, large blood loss.
  • Magnesium, which is abundant in dates, supports the health of female internal organs responsible for reproduction.
  • For athletes, dates help maintain muscle health.
  • Nursing mothers need dates to saturate milk with useful substances.
  • During pregnancy, dates help a woman to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin and even make the uterine muscle tissue stronger.

INTERESTING: Few people know that the date bone also has useful properties. It shouldn't be thrown away. A decoction should be prepared from date seeds, which very effectively removes stones and sand from the kidneys, improving their work and the functioning of the bladder

Harm and contraindications for the use of dates:

  • Dates should be consumed only in limited quantities, their excessive use may not bring a beneficial effect, but only harm.
  • Excessive consumption of dates will bring unpleasant consequences to those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems.
  • Many dates will increase the amount of sugar in the blood, and therefore, they should be used with caution by diabetics.

IMPORTANT: When purchasing dates, be interested in the production process of dates. Only those fruits that are harvested by the drying process, and not by chemical treatment, are useful.

The benefits and harms of dates: who should not use them?

Dates: composition, vitamins, trace elements, proteins

Dates have a rich supply of trace elements:

The name of the microelement Its benefits to the body
Silicon Responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, as well as lymph nodes
Chromium Maintains adequate blood sugar levels
Bor Improves skeletal structure
Rubidium Improves performance nervous system normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system
Zinc Improves the functioning of the reproductive system, improves the condition of hair, skin and nails
Potassium Helps to work all soft tissues in the body: muscles, blood vessels
Copper Synthesizes hemoglobin
Nickel Reduces blood pressure, slows down the action of adrenaline
Vanadium Takes part in the metabolism of the body
Magnesium Helps in the work of the heart
Iron Improves the level of hemoglobin in the blood
Phytosterols Help build cell wall membranes
beta styrene Helps in the synthesis of vitamins
Starch Has anti-ulcer activity
Cellulose Helps in normal bowel function
Calcium Helps build and strengthen bones
Sodium Necessary for normal growth and condition of the body
Sulfur Responsible for normal growth nails, hair and skin
Phosphorus Ph regulator internal environment organism.
Iron Improves blood quality
Iodine Increases mental activity
Cobalt Participates in the production of RNA and DNA
Copper Synthesizes hemoglobin
Manganese Takes part in cell development
Selenium Antioxidant, keeps the body young and healthy
Fluorine Participates in the formation of tooth enamel
Pectin body nurse
IN 1 Helps with body metabolism
AT 2 Responsible for the beauty and health of the body
AT 3 Helps in the normalization of metabolism
AT 6 Regulates amino acid metabolism
AT 9 Helps synthesize hemoglobin
AT 12 Helps in hematopoietic function
WITH Helps build immunity
E Fights body aging
D Strengthens the skeletal system
RR Helps in synthetic processes
TO Improves blood clotting
Biotin Improves the condition of hair, skin and nails
beta carotene Helps synthesize vitamin A
Alpha carotene Cancer Prevention
Lutein Takes care of the eyes
neoxanthin Has an anti-inflammatory effect
Choline Improves heart function, improves brain activity
Vitamin U Treatment of stomach ulcers and in the treatment of other erosions of the mucous membranes

Dates: composition

Why do you want dates, what is missing in the body?

Every person sometimes noticed a sharp desire to eat something. Surprisingly, in some cases, you want to eat not just what is at hand or in the refrigerator, but something specific, for example, dates.

Such a desire is quite justified, because dates are fruits saturated with microminerals and vitamins. The body itself understands what it lacks, but it cannot tell you directly about it, but only sends certain taste associations.

We can safely say that dates “sharply and nowhere” are wanted for good reason. Perhaps you just need carbs, both body and brain. There are many of them in dates and they are “complex”, such a boost of energy will eliminate fatigue and take away weakness, will be able to “take away” drowsiness and dizziness.

IMPORTANT: Dates are a "storehouse" of magnesium and therefore you may want them precisely because of the lack of magnesium in the body. Pay attention to your health condition Lately. Obvious signs of magnesium deficiency are chronic fatigue, disturbed sleep, reduced performance, and frequent migraines.

When is the best time to eat dates in the morning or in the evening?

Eating dates is recommended in the morning and afternoon. During the day, they will have time to digest and assimilate. If you eat them at night, you will get an unnecessary supply of calories that will not be consumed, but will be deposited by excess body weight. The last intake of dates should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Dates can be eaten in their pure form, washed down with hot tea, can be added to milk porridge, casseroles.

When and why do you want dates? When is the best time to eat them?

Is it possible and how to eat dates instead of sweets in type 2 diabetes?

It is possible to consume dates if a person has a disease such as diabetes mellitus (type 2), but this should be done in strictly limited quantities. Dates contain a lot of sugar, and therefore it is best to stretch 100 grams of this product for the whole day and monitor your well-being and health all the time.

Dates: glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) is the ability of a certain food to change the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It is worth noting that the GI of dates is quite high and cannot be compared even with a piece of fatty meat in terms of its calorie content. Dates are high in calories. Dates should be consumed very carefully and measuredly, especially if you are diabetic or overweight.

Dates - weaken or strengthen, is it possible to eat dates for constipation, as a laxative: recipe

One of the unique features of the date is that the product has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, which is very good for the intestines. In addition, dates can positively influence the digestion process itself, improving it and eliminating constipation.

A diet with the inclusion of dates in the diet is prescribed for those who suffer from chronic constipation. Eating dates is useful for those who have constipation due to malnutrition: not regular intake, junk food, flour and foods high in starch, fatty foods.

The laxative effect of the date is due to the high content of fiber in it, which irritates the intestinal walls (increases its peristalsis), as well as a rich amount of oils that simplify the process of defecation. You can use dates in their whole form, or you can cook compotes from them.

The benefits of dates for humans, their unique properties

Dates - increase or decrease blood pressure, and how to eat them with hypertension from pressure: a recipe

Since ancient times, dates have been considered the "food of the Gods" for a reason. Regular use of dates had only a positive effect on the well-being and performance of a person. Dates are also noticed in the fact that they are able to lower the pressure of a person.

It is also believed that the regular use of dates is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes. The secret of their action is that despite rich content potassium, sodium in them is very small - and this is useful both for the heart and for the entire circulatory system.

IMPORTANT: You should not eat dates in excessive amounts, just include them in your diet and eat them from time to time. For example, drink tea with dates and for an afternoon snack or add dates to cottage cheese, cottage cheese and milk casseroles.

Dates - thin or thicken the blood?

Dates have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system due to the rich content of oils. It is they that have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic organs and the blood itself, diluting it, increasing the level of hemoglobin. As a result, a person ceases to suffer from hypertension, and hence fatigue, headaches, dizziness and even mood swings.

Positive influence dates on the human body

How to eat dates for pancreatic pancreatitis: a recipe

It is also known that the date has a powerful antiseptic and healing property. That is why its use can favorably affect a disease such as pancreatitis, weakening its symptoms and manifestations.

IMPORTANT: Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, as a result of which gastrointestinal disturbances may occur, observed pain in the abdomen and poor metabolism.

Dates should be consumed before the main meal. It is advisable to soak it in advance hot water to wash off any dirt and adhering dust (this often happens, because dates are sweet and sticky by nature). After that, 3-5 dates are eaten half an hour before breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you want to diversify your diet, regularly cook date compotes for yourself and make infusions from date stones.

How to eat dates for gastritis and stomach ulcers: a recipe

Gastritis and stomach ulcers occur when a person's stomach acidity is disturbed. It is possible to weaken the manifestations of the disease and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with natural products by regularly consuming fresh dates or in the form of drinks.

Dates should be eaten 30-40 minutes before the main meal. Before use, be sure to pay attention to which dates you buy: chemically treated or dried. Those dates that were dried and dried in a “not conscientious” way can only harm you.

How to choose useful dates?

How to eat dates for gout: a recipe

Gout is a serious disease that is characterized by impaired metabolism and the inability of the kidneys to remove uric acid from the body. As a result, this substance accumulates in the soft tissues of a person, giving him discomfort and poor health.

You can help yourself with gout by regularly drinking dates and teas with a diuretic effect. The date is rich in vitamins and acids, which help to restore and speed up the metabolism in the body, eliminate stagnant processes and “expel water”. In this case, you can eat dates with food or separately from it, drinking plenty of water or tea.

How to eat dates with hepatitis?

As already mentioned, dates have an excellent effect on hematopoietic and excretory internal organs person. Hepatitis is a liver disease that is characterized as inflammatory and infectious. The date will help not only to exert an antimicrobial, but also an antiseptic effect on this organ, reducing inflammation and eliminating unpleasant pain.

IMPORTANT: With hepatitis of any form, it is allowed to include dates in the main diet, supplement with other dried fruits and compotes from them. It is necessary to take dates with the main diet of food.

How to eat dates with cholecystitis?

Cholecystitis is an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder, which also occurs when a bacterium or virus enters the body. The use of dates in this case will alleviate the symptoms of the disease, eliminating pain, reducing burning sensation and pressure in the chest and abdomen, improving metabolism in the body and “killing” all pathogenic viruses. In this case, you can eat dates with the main meal.

What diseases do dates help relieve symptoms?

How to eat dates for oncology?

In addition to other herbal products, dates can have a beneficial effect on the body, weakened by cancer. It is also useful to eat dates in simple form after courses and sessions of chemotherapy to restore strength and vitality.

The most common way to use dates for oncology involves mixing several components:

  • Date pulp without pit
  • Liquid natural honey (by eye)
  • Cumin grains
  • Cassia

All these ingredients are mixed into one mass and consumed in 1-2 tsp. before each meal for 30-40 minutes. So the absorption of nutrients will happen much better and faster. The body will receive a "portion" of trace elements and vitamins for good health.

How to eat dates with milk for cough?

Few people know about the existence of such a useful cough recipe as “dates with milk”. This tool is good because it helps to effectively and quickly eliminate reflex or chronic spasms that occur in the airways.

How to eat dates for therapeutic and preventive purposes?

How to eat dates for joints and ligaments?

A rich supply of vitamins and minerals helps to saturate the human body with useful substances, eliminating the symptoms of unpleasant diseases and improving well-being. Athletes have long known that a handful of dates will give not only strength and energy to the body, but also reduce pain in soft tissues and ligaments. This is because these fruits contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are necessary for normal operation joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons.

Is it possible and how to eat dates with thrush?

The antimicrobial and antifungal action of dates is very useful for a disease such as thrush. In addition, the date is rich in vitamins, and especially vitamin C - it is precisely this that women lack to normalize the work of the nominal system, which does not allow such a disease as thrush to develop.

What are the benefits of dates for the brain?

Why is it good to eat dates?

How to eat dates for heartburn?

Glutamic acid, which is abundant in dates, helps fight such an unpleasant sensation as heartburn. If you feel a burning sensation in the larynx, a handful of dates will help eliminate this unpleasant symptom and improve well-being. You should not eat too many dates.

Dates for high cholesterol: a recipe

Due to the large supply of vitamins, minerals, acids and fibers, dates have a general beneficial effect not only on the whole body, but also on the state of the blood. Dates help normalize blood sugar and lower cholesterol, which is very beneficial for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, anemia and other diseases.

Dates for anemia: why use?

Anemia is a disease characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Regular consumption of dates, which have a large supply of iron and other important trace elements, will help restore strength, improve your condition and blood quality. In this case, dates should be an invariable component of the daily diet.

Dates for atopic dermatitis: how do they help?

Atopic dermatitis is the body's reaction to an allergen. The use of dates will also help to weaken the allergic reaction and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Date will have a "calming" effect on all body systems. Together with dates, it is also recommended to consume a large amount of any fermented milk products.

Eating dates: benefits and effects on the body

Can there be an allergy to dates: symptoms

Most often, an allergy to dates does not occur. It can appear only in some cases and in extremely sensitive people, as well as small children (newborns, through breast milk). If you rarely use a date or never eat it at all, start the test with 2-3 pieces a day and follow your feelings: is there a rash, redness, itching, irritation, intestinal disorders.

Dates with warm milk at night: benefits

Dates with milk healthy recipe drink, a powerful "restorer" of forces. Drinking such milk is useful for those who suffer from sexual dysfunction, constipation, weak immunity, anemia and anemia. In addition, at breastfeeding this drink will help to give large complex baby vitamins.

How many dates can you eat a day, can you eat every day?

Dates are quite high in calories, and therefore their amount of consumption per day should be limited. There are almost 300 kcal per 100 g of fruit, and therefore one handful of 100 g will be quite enough for one adult per day.

Video: "The benefits of dates and contraindications"

Dates are unique in their composition, include great amount substances useful for the body, which makes them an excellent alternative to the usual food. Dates contain fats and proteins, as well as carbohydrates and water in large quantities. Disaccharides are present in a significant amount. Due to the ingestion of dates into the human body, a qualitative saturation of his blood with useful substances occurs, which eliminates the feeling of hunger. Dates contain vitamins of groups A, B, C and K, as well as mineral elements in significant volumes. The most important of these are calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium.

The benefits of dates for the body

Eating dates is good for teeth because they strengthen tooth enamel due to the presence of fluoride and dietary fiber in them. In addition, dates are very useful where there is a need to treat certain diseases. Eating them helps strengthen blood vessels, prevents the development of heart disease, and maintains the proper functioning of the immune system. Dates are good for the kidneys, lungs and liver, they are able to eliminate joint inflammation. Doctors often recommend them for high blood pressure as well as anemia. This is due to the presence in the composition of dates of substances that increase total red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the blood. In addition, it naturally lowers blood pressure levels. Dates are useful for the body, as they restore the intestinal microflora and maintain it at the proper level.

What are the benefits of dates for men

The benefits of dates for men are undeniable. One hundred grams of the product contains at least 300 kilocalories. The presence of selenium in them significantly reduces the likelihood of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Dates not only can quickly eliminate hunger, but also contribute to the restoration of nervous and brain activity, representing a powerful source of energy. A man who eats dates is able to restore his own masculine strength as soon as possible if he had problems with this before. Their positive properties for men also include the absence of cholesterol in them.

Benefits of dates for women

Dates are used in various women's diets in dry and fresh form. They contain a significant amount of fiber, several times greater than the amount of daily dose for a woman shown by dietary prescriptions. Many nutritionists, when developing daily rations, include them as an excellent tool for normalizing metabolism.

Dates normalize bowel function, which is very useful if necessary to keep a woman in good health and high performance. The quality of the skin on the face improves, it acquires a healthy color and acne disappears from it. Many women are not even aware of how important the full functioning of the intestines is for them and how it affects their lives.

The harm of dates for the body

Despite the abundance positive qualities dates have a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when including them in a nutritious diet. First of all, this refers to the high calorie content of the product. Eating dates more than ten times a day can greatly spoil the figure, since they contain up to 300 calories per hundred grams. Also, dates should not be eaten by those people who suffer from severe allergic reactions. Dates contain large amounts of fructose, which makes them undesirable for those people who do not tolerate it well.

Dates have a lot of sugar and this excludes their use for people suffering from diabetes. If diabetics find it difficult to eliminate dates from their nutritious diet, they should at least limit their consumption. In addition, with the help of special devices it is recommended to monitor the level of sugar in the blood.

Dates should be consumed in moderation so that they only benefit the body and do no harm.

Folk recipes from dates

Folk recipes from dates are widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Below are some common recipes for using dates.

Decoctions of dates

Decoctions of dates are indicated for infectious diseases and influenza conditions. Everything is determined by the maturity of the fruits that are used in the preparation of the solution. The more ripe the fruit, the better the end result. Decoctions of dates are very useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

On the water

A decoction of dates in water is indicated if necessary to treat the flu or the consequences infectious disease. When preparing a decoction, 60 grams of dates are used for one glass of water, previously boiled. Due to the large amount of iron in dates, they are recommended for the treatment of anemia.

Malignant formations are also effectively treated by drinking a decoction of dates in water. This is due to the high concentration of magnesium in these fruits, with a lack of which the development of cancerous tumors is observed.

On milk

A decoction of their dates in milk helps to increase sexual arousal and its severity. In addition, a decoction of dates in milk is good for coughing. Dates in milk will help eliminate a dry, lingering cough. To prepare a decoction, the following components are required: seven pieces of fresh dates and 250 grams of milk. The sequence of preparation of the decoction is as follows.
Washed dates are placed in a saucepan, after which they must be poured with cold milk and kept on fire for up to ten minutes. After that, the broth is cooled to an acceptable temperature for consumption. After that, the broth is drunk, and the dates are eaten. It is best to use this technique before going to bed.

Decoction of dates with rice

A decoction of dates with rice is good for treating diarrhea if necessary. When cooking, five dates are washed, after which they are poured with a liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then the broth is cooled and the bones are removed from the dates. After that, the pulp should be passed through a grater and poured with a quarter cup of the liquid in which the dates were cooked. Cooked rice is added to the cooked broth and mixed. The resulting porridge should be eaten throughout the day.

A decoction of date seeds

Crushed date pits are used to treat kidney stones. A decoction is prepared from the seeds of dates in a certain sequence. First, the bones of six dates are crushed into powder, after which it is poured with half a liter of water and the composition is put on fire. After ten minutes of boiling, the composition is removed and cooled, then filtered. Drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals, three times a day. After the consumption of the prepared dosage, a new one should be prepared, only fresh decoction is used. As a rule, a couple of weeks of daily intake is enough for the stones to begin to come out.

Date tincture

Tincture of dates is recommended to get rid of alcohol intoxication of the body. To do this, you need to soak the dates in water for a day and drink the resulting infusion. The principle of operation of such a tincture is based on the restoration in the human body of those lost due to alcohol consumption. useful elements. In particular, this applies to potassium. In order to restore the disturbed water-salt balance, up to five fruits are required.

Dates for health

To restore shaken health, dates are used in a wide variety and purpose.

Dates for weight loss

Dates for weight loss are used as part of a special diet, which is designed for ten days. The diet involves eating dates along with green tea without additives and sugar. On the fifth day, oranges can be added to the diet. All other days, from the fifth to the tenth, you can switch to eating other fruits. dates and green tea are also accepted. After the tenth day, there is a transition to the usual food.

Such a diet allows you to lose up to five kilograms of excess weight.

Dates for the pancreas

For high-quality cleaning of the pancreas, it is recommended to eat dates on an empty stomach in the morning for two weeks. Before use, they are washed and placed on porcelain dishes. During the specified time, the pancreas is well cleansed and high-quality prevention of its subsequent contamination is ensured.

Dates for childbirth

Dates are useful for pregnant women to take long before childbirth, as they contain many useful substances that the female body needs in the process of bearing a child. The oxytocin found in dates strengthens the walls of the uterus and promotes quality labor. As a result, childbirth proceeds relatively quickly and painlessly. In addition, oxytocin promotes the production of breast milk.

Dates are high in fructose and are beneficial to take from the third trimester of pregnancy. Fructose helps the female body prepare for childbirth and stimulates normal labor activity.

dates for hair

The usefulness of dates for hair is determined by the content of selenium in them, without which normal hair growth is simply impossible. To strengthen the hair roots, it is recommended to take dates at least three times a week. If you do this regularly for at least three years, hair problems will disappear.

Dates for the heart

Dates are good for the heart due to the selenium and vitamins of groups A and B contained in them. Eating three dates on an empty stomach in the morning significantly reduces the risk of occurrence and development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is due to a decrease in the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood and a decrease in triglyceride levels. The use of dates can significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and vascular diseases.

Dates for potency

Dates help to strengthen male potency, because they have large healing properties. The high protein content in dates determines their usefulness for restoring lost strength and ensuring the process of regeneration of body cells. If you regularly eat dates, the risk of violations in the genital area in men is several times reduced.

homemade treatment with dates

Dates are known as one of the means of folk medicine arsenal. They have been successfully used to treat various diseases and elimination of painful conditions.

Dates for cough

Dried dates help with lingering coughs when taken with milk. To do this, pour milk over six washed dates, previously placed in a saucepan. After bringing the milk to a boil, you need to wait ten minutes, after which the broth cools to room temperature. Milk is drunk and dates are eaten. It is recommended to take before going to bed.

Dates for constipation

In the event that the occurrence of constipation is associated with a violation of the diet, dates will be useful, since they normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They contain a lot of dietary fiber and high-fat oils, which leads to a good laxative effect of dates.

You can eat dates as a whole, or as part of a compote of dried fruits. In the latter case, it is necessary to calculate based on the number of five dates per half liter of water.

Dates for worms

Dates are effective when necessary to eliminate worms in children. This requires eating up to one hundred grams of dates in the morning and not eating anything else until lunch. A week of such practice is enough and the worms will be removed.

dates for cancer

The usefulness of dates as a remedy against cancer is explained by the presence of magnesium in their composition, which prevents the development of cancer. Also, this element strengthens muscles, prevents general aging of the body and can be useful for people with disorders of the nervous system.

Dates for pressure

Dates are able to lower blood pressure if taken regularly in the morning on an empty stomach in a volume of up to 50 grams. It is only important not to overdo it with the dosage, since in large volumes these dried fruits can cause unwanted weight gain, which often leads to an increase in pressure.

Dates for heartburn

Dates are useful for heartburn due to the glutamic acid they contain. This acid effectively removes stomach acid, which causes heartburn. Enough for three days eat three dates in the morning and heartburn will stop.

dates for cholesterol

Eating up to one hundred grams of dates per day helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. As a result, the vessels are cleansed and the conditions for the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques are eliminated in them.

dates for acne

When acne occurs on the face, it is recommended to eat fresh dates. The vitamins and microelements contained in them qualitatively heal the skin of the face and gradually eliminate acne formed on the face. It is recommended to eat at least 50 grams of dates per day to gradually eliminate acne on the face and prevent their subsequent formation.

In the Middle East and North Africa, dates have been included in the human diet since ancient times. The juicy fruits of the date palm served as a second bread for the poor; in dried form, they were used to satisfy hunger in caravans. Healers used dates in the treatment of many diseases.

What are the benefits and harms of dates for the body, how to use them, and to whom the fruits are contraindicated?

What are dates rich in?

Ripening under the hot eastern sun, dates absorb natural force and receive a large set of useful substances from the earth. In the amber berry of the East there is copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, boron, iron. It is rich in protein and various amino acids. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B6, B2, C. As you can see, the list of substances useful for the human body is impressive.

Despite the high content of carbohydrates, up to 65%, the fruits of the date palm are not contraindicated in diets. They do not contain cholesterol, and carbohydrates are represented by easily digestible fructose, glucose and sucrose.

With such a set of minerals, healing microelements and vitamins, the date could not help but get on the table of a person. Add to this the pleasant sweet taste of the fruit, and it will become clear why it is so appreciated in the countries of the East, and not only in them.

What are the benefits of dates for the human body

Numerous studies by scientists and physicians have stated that the date benefits both adults and children. So what and how does the fruit of the date palm help?

  • Date is able to relieve insomnia, improve sleep and relieve depression.
  • Useful for the female reproductive system. It supplies substances that strengthen the muscles of the uterus and vagina, which allows you to bear a fetus without the threat of miscarriage.
  • Increases potency in men. To enhance male power, you need to soak it in milk for 24 hours, add honey and cardamom. If you drink this composition in the morning, then the man will always be in excellent sexual shape.
  • A few date fruits eaten for breakfast relieve problems with the intestines and improve its functioning.
  • By supplying the body with potassium, it stimulates the work of the heart in case of heart failure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, speeds up recovery after a long illness, and helps with paralysis of the facial nerve.
  • The dietary fiber of the fetus is able to stop the formation of dangerous tumors. Together with pectin, they increase the peristalsis of the stomach, helping the proper absorption of food.
  • It helps to normalize blood pressure in hypertension, improves blood flow in anemia, and is useful for diabetic nutrition.
  • It has a positive effect on human brain activity.
  • They are also good for teeth. Fluorine contained in fruits prevents caries and strengthens tooth enamel.

The versatility of the healing properties of dates is manifested in all areas of human life. Its medicinal, nutritional and dietary qualities are comparable to cereals.

A delicious oriental fruit is also in demand in cooking. It is added to sweet pastries, salads, compotes. Dates are used to produce honey and sugar. In Arab countries, a nutritious paste is made from the fruits of the date palm, which has long term storage.

Dates are useful for athletes and people involved in fitness. They maintain the tone of the body, quickly restore strength, give energy for exercise.

What is the harm of dates and to whom they are contraindicated

With all the usefulness of dates, there is whole list restrictions on their use.

  • High glycemic index Dates are dangerous for those with diabetes. even a few berries can trigger an increase in blood sugar.
  • In a limited amount, it is worth eating fruits for people who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer.
  • The fruits should not be consumed by those who suffer from fructose intolerance.
  • They are not recommended for people who have kidney problems. Especially with urolithiasis.
  • The high calorie content of dates is harmful for people prone to obesity.

Whether you have restrictions on the use of date palm fruits, or not, fruits should not be eaten in large quantities. 10 berries a day are enough for children and adults to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

How to choose dates and in what form to eat

In stores, dates are sold in dried form. They bring fruit from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, Israel. The highest quality fruits are those that are ripe and dried on a palm tree. Manufacturers, in order to speed up the process of preparing the marketable appearance of fruits, subject them to heat treatment. Drying is carried out in special ovens. All useful properties of dates are preserved, you can safely buy them.

If the fruits were soaked in sugar or glucose syrup, they lost a large number of useful elements. Such a product does not have healing properties for the body.

Refuse to buy fruits that stick together in the package, and sugar crystals are visible on their surface. Defiantly shiny berries are a sign of processing dates with fat. It's not worth taking them.

It is important to eat these fruits properly. It is better for children to give them with whole milk. If you have problems with digestion, cook compotes from dates. When using them in dried form, remove the skin from the berries. In fruit salads, they go well with apples and various slightly acidic fruits. You can not combine fruits with lemons, oranges, grapefruits. A large number of The moisture in citrus fruits kills the flavor of the date.

Dates contain 60-65% carbohydrates - the highest percentage compared to other fruits, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, protein, oil are also present. ; 23 different amino acids that are missing from most other fruits.

Vitamins A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6, niacin, riboflamin, as well as pantothenic acid, which promote the digestibility of carbohydrates, regulate blood glucose levels and fatty acids.

Pectin, a dietary fiber that reduces the risk of certain cancers. Fluoride protects teeth from caries. Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Due to the fact that dates are low-calorie and contain a huge amount of nutrients, they are recommended to be used instead of sweets for everyone who is on a diet, or just trying to maintain their normal weight.

They were widely used to fight various oncological diseases, tuberculosis, tumors, infectious and other diseases.

It is believed that dried dates have a beneficial effect on the brain, increasing its performance by 20% or more.

Since ancient times, dates have been known for their healing properties. It was believed that the fruits of date palms give strength, endurance, increase life expectancy, enhance male sexual potency.

They strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys, promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, maintain the acid balance of the body and nourish the blood, promote the development of the root endings of the brain, enhance the body's ability to resist various infections, including viral ones.

Dates are also useful for anemia and hypertension, for the chest and lungs, they soothe coughs and promote the removal of sputum, they are extremely useful for brain activity. Dietary fiber contained in dates reduces the risk of cancer.

Due to the high content of potassium, doctors recommend eating dates for cardiovascular diseases.. In case of heart failure, dates stimulate the activity of the heart, serve as a tonic and tonic, restore strength after a long illness. Dates help with paralysis of the facial nerve, with overwork and physical fatigue, with diabetes. A decoction of dates with rice helps with dystrophy. Dates are especially useful for women during pregnancy, during childbirth and when feeding a child. They facilitate childbirth, contribute to the onset of production female body milk

Fruits are very nutritious, perfectly satisfy hunger and saturate the body with useful substances. Ten dates are able to satisfy the daily human need for copper, magnesium and sulfur, and they also contain half of the necessary iron and a quarter of calcium. Even in dates, about sixty percent of sugar, which far exceeds its amount in other fruits. What is most important is mainly fructose and glucose, which are completely safe for the body and make dates akin to honey.

For their nutritional, dietary and healing properties dates are equated with cereals. They are useful for adults, children, pregnant women. Fresh dates are added to many dishes - fruit salads, sweet buns, homemade cookies, pies and cakes. Date honey, sugar, alcoholic date juice are produced from dates, palm flour is produced from the core of the tree.

Fresh dates keep well in the refrigerator. Date sugar is much healthier for the body, than cane or beetroot. If you put dried dates for a while, their taste improves, and with a filling of butter, nuts, almonds or thick cream, the content of proteins and protein necessary for the human body increases. published

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