The human factor, in principle, is all fundamental today, the research of state, public organizations and industries in general. After all, no matter what happens, all goals are aimed at providing equal opportunities to various segments of the earth's population. These opportunities can be traced in the financial and economic, social and humanitarian, as well as in the cultural and legal spheres. With regard to social sectors, Special attention. For example, by the resolution of the UN General Assembly, measures were taken to introduce programs that provide for the improvement of the social spheres of human life, globally. To strengthen the resolution, the 20th of February was called the World Day social justice.

Not much history

Based on the above document, which was adopted on December 18, 2007, the UN proclaimed February 20 as the World Day of Social Justice. The starting period of the official date is 2009 and from this date, the holiday is celebrated every year.
Purposes pursued by the date:
- strengthening the cooperation of international communities, providing for missions to curb the manifestation of poverty;
- ensuring decent employment, suppression of manifestations of all types of human exploitation;
- gender equality;
- ensuring social welfare and social justice of mankind;
- elimination of barriers arising from gender, age, racial, religious, cultural and ethnic characteristics, as well as physical capabilities.

The initiative to establish the World Day of Social Justice was given by the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

Also, within the framework of the UN General Assembly, recommendations were put forward on a worthy celebration of the date. Based on this, the states that are members of an international organization, in an appropriate way, should pay special attention to the organization of thematic events dedicated to the productive celebration of the date. On this basis, it was implied that certain practical work, events that would give people real opportunities to be practically convinced and imbued with the goals of social developments envisaged.

Should know about it

In addition to the UN, the International Labor Organization is invariably committed to the well-being of human factors. It was she who was one of the first to initiate the adoption of the Declaration, which states the achievement of fair globalization through social justice. The date of adoption of the Declaration is June 10, 2008. It should be noted that after the adoption of the Charter of the International Labor Organization of 1919, the Declaration is the third in priority adopted documents organizations.

After the adoption of this document, responsible, in more than 180 states, in the field of employers and workers' organizations, joined forces to organize practical measures, realizing the importance of the fact that the Organization is an important link in ensuring global social justice. One of the main goals foreseen by the date of the World Day of Social Justice is the provision of decent work. It was on the basis of this goal that the Decent Work Agenda was adopted, the responsibility and obligation to expand which was taken by the leaders of the member countries.

Remarkably, prospects for the development and implementation of the mission of the organization were identified, based on the importance of existing enterprises in working to expand employment and create the maximum level of income sources for all.

As part of the adoption of the resolution of the UN General Assembly, the guarantees associated with the fact that the process social development and social justice is necessary in ensuring and maintaining security and peace both within the country and in peaceful and secure relations between countries and peoples. It is emphasized that social justice cannot be achieved where there are no guarantees of peace and security, where there is no guarantee of respect for human rights and freedoms.

Therefore, the relevance of the adoption of the date and the dedication separate day, for reporting true value goals, to the consciousness of all countries, embodied in the World Day of Social Justice.

Based on this, to today, holding the date acquires a wider range of organized practical events. Given the scale of the work, the World Day of Social Justice can be attributed to public holidays and her, they are celebrating!

Celebrations in honor of the date

The vastness of the celebration of the date covers various areas activities, including educational institutions up to the authorities government controlled.

In a variety of methods for holding a date at the proper level, you can include the organization of presentation exhibitions. As a rule, such events can be organized with the assistance of numerous information centers United Nations, regional offices of the International Labor Organization and institutions for the storage of UN publications of a regulatory and official nature.

As part of the event, exhibitions and presentations of publications and normative documents UN and ILO. Also, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the world statistical indicators in the field of providing social opportunities, to obtain information regarding the work carried out by organizations. Often, the process of holding such events is more lively through discussions.

On a larger scale, information campaigns are held in honor of the date under certain holiday slogans. In the process of actions, organizers and volunteers distribute informational printed materials, with content about the holiday date. Such handouts contain information about the meanings and purposes of the date, interesting information about the celebration of the date in the countries of the world.

labor fairs
Equally important are the organization and holding of labor and job fairs. A peculiar side of holding such fairs is the wide involvement of people with disabilities. physical abilities. During the fairs, special attention is paid to conveying to the minds of disabled people a sense of equality in all social relations.

In addition, specialized seminars are held, which include topics on labor market, the formation of personal business. Also, the target groups are trained in the basics and methods of job search, study issues regarding gender equality.

Round tables
Particular attention is paid to organized round tables, during which heads and responsible representatives of government bodies take part, as well as with the participation of representatives of public organizations. During the events, questions are considered on the real levels of achievement of social justice in society. Questions are often considered regarding the modernization of the health care system, the importance and relevance of trade unions in solving problems of social justice.

Events in educational institutions

Activities held in general education schools And educational institutions require a special approach. The reason for this is to convey relevant information regarding the World Day of Social Justice to the consciousness of schoolchildren and educational institutions given their levels of perception. Thus, thematic events include the organization of consultations, trainings, open lessons that provide for the direct participation of the students themselves, taking into account the manifestation of creative and professional potentials. Organizing events in this way is also more interesting for the youth themselves!

The most interesting organization process is the professional excursions of school students to vocational colleges, during which demonstration work is organized by college students in the areas of art, repair of electrical equipment, and hairdressing skills.

Also, various competitions are organized fine arts, on the topics "How I perceive social justice", "My favorite profession". Essay competitions are held on relevant topics, various video materials are shown, revealing the ideas of the concept of Social Justice.

In 2007, thanks to the initiative of Kyrgyzstan, February 20 was officially declared by the UN General Assembly as the World Day of Social Justice, and the date has been celebrated since 2009. The prerequisite for the emergence of such a holiday was an international meeting in Copenhagen, which was marked by a statement on the definition of the basic principles of development modern society.

It is the equal rights of people of any gender, age, profession, status and religion - this is the goal to which the entire international community should strive. Social justice is a guarantee of peaceful coexistence and well-being of people, allows eradicating poverty, preventing discrimination of human rights and freedoms.

Fairness matters!
We follow it bravely.
Obey all laws
Learn about suffering
Help everyone who is in trouble
And in adversity to support.
I would like to wish everyone -
Justice - no problem!

Happy World Justice Day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let adversity disappear peacefully
Let kindness fill everything.

May happiness flourish everywhere
Let honor triumph in people.
Let social world bypass all bad weather,
Let grief, falsehood and flattery disappear.

Congratulations on world day social justice and I want to sincerely wish that in our society there will never be any conflicts or disagreements because of race, for example, or religious views. I wish that a person always remains a person, that everyone in this world is equal in his rights and achieves all his goals.

Justice Day today.
Let's know the measure in everything.
After all, observing a clear framework,
We will come to an understanding.

Let's follow the rules
Good to each other to give everything,
After all, this is the main difference
To fix the price for all of us.

On Social Justice Day
I want to be in your favor
In truth and order
To make your life sweet.

Let it not bother you
Inequality in communication
Let it be appropriate
Always attitude towards you.

The sun is the same for all
shines on the planet
social justice
Let's celebrate today.

Skin color, gender and age -
Everyone is equal before God
And we all breathe with you
Air alone.

I wish they had
We are equal rights
In goodness, love, so that faith
She was alive in her heart.

So that every person
Freely, honestly lived,
To everyone, so that the world
Was fair.

Let justice prevail everywhere
And in a social environment, of course.
Let our souls excite only joy,
So that trouble never happens to us.

Let there be no stratification
For the poor and for the rich forever.
Do not be disturbed by sorrows, doubts,
Let every person be equal.

Happy Social Justice Day to you!
Let it reign everywhere and equally.
Let kindness rule our world
May order guard us properly.

Let there be no offended among us,
Let there be no humiliated, defective.
And let there be no crying eyes,
Let everything be fair and right.

Today is the day of equal rights
People of any gender
And who lives, corrects his rights,
He won't learn a word!

Happy Justice Day to you!
Let people of different faiths
They live, loving the whole world,
Let's give them examples!

We are all equal, because we are all people in the world,
Our status and skin color is not important,
Let's respect each other
So that everyone is warmed by the warmth of love!

Let there be peace in the world, and not otherwise,
After all, we were born for happiness,
'Cause every person means so much
Remember, please, we are all equal!

It doesn't matter who we are, from which country,
Skin color, gender doesn't matter!
Before each other, people are all equal,
Yes, not everyone will be able to admit it!

Let's live in peace and well,
And always respect each other, and appreciate,
So that in every word, in our every look
It was read that we are ready to love!

Congratulations: 45 in verse, 6 in prose.

World Day of Social Justice (on other official languages UN: eng. World Day of Social Justice, Spanish Dia Mundial de la Justicia Social, fr. Journee mondiale de la justice sociale) was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in a special resolution No. A / RES / 62/10 of December 18, 2007. Celebrated on February 20 every year since 2009.
The resolution recognized the need to further step up efforts international community in the areas of poverty eradication, full employment, decent work, gender equality, social welfare and social justice for all.

For the first time, the President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev proposed to establish the World Day of Social Justice. Subsequently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan made this proposal in a general discussion at the 62nd session of the General Assembly.
“Social justice is not just an ethical imperative, it is the basis of national stability and global prosperity. Equal opportunities, solidarity and respect for human rights are extremely important for the full development of the productive potential of nations and peoples.”
From the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the Day. Social justice is a fundamental principle of peaceful and prosperous coexistence both within countries and between various countries. We uphold the principles of social justice by promoting equality between women and men or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants. We promote social justice by removing barriers that people face because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, or disability.
For the United Nations, the pursuit of social justice for all lies at the very heart of our global mission to promote development and respect for human dignity. Adoption international organization The Labor Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization is just one example of the United Nations system's commitment to social justice. The Declaration emphasizes guaranteeing an equitable outcome for all through employment, social protection, social dialogue and fundamental principles and rights in the workplace.

November 26, 2007 General Assembly proclaimed February 20 as the World Day of Social Justice, which has been celebrated annually since 2009. She also invited all Member States to dedicate this special day to specific activities at the national level, in line with the goals and objectives of the World Summit on highest level for social development and the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly.
The observance of the Day should further strengthen the efforts of the international community in the areas of poverty eradication, full employment, decent work, gender equality, social welfare and social justice for all.

Social justice is not just an ethical imperative, it is the basis of national stability and global prosperity. Equal opportunities, solidarity and respect for human rights are essential for the full development of the productive potential of nations and peoples. General Secretary UN Ban Ki-moon

World Day of Social Justice has been celebrated since 2009. The UN General Assembly proclaimed the establishment of this holiday in a special resolution No. A / RES / 62/10 of December 18, 2007. The prerequisite for the emergence new date- February 20 - was the world summit, which was held in Copenhagen in March 1995, and at which the tasks of the social development of modern society were proclaimed. Member States of the United Nations dedicate 20 February to national activities that promote social justice.

As conceived by the organizers, the international date should contribute to the eradication of poverty, providing people with full employment and decent job, the achievement of equality between men and women, as well as the establishment of social welfare and social justice for all. The UN considers the pursuit of social justice one of its main missions. The organization upholds the principles of justice by removing barriers that people face because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, or disability.

One of the main documents working in this direction is the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization. It emphasizes guaranteeing fair outcomes for all through employment, social dialogue and fundamental principles and rights in the workplace.

Society brings together people with different abilities. They differ in income, level of education, obligations. There are conditions under which social inequality. The latter causes problems in the economy, health care and other areas of life. To reduce this phenomenon, to draw the attention of officials to social injustice, an international holiday was established.

When does it pass

World Day of Social Justice is celebrated every year on February 20th. In 2020, the date is celebrated by residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world.

Who notes

People who counteract social injustice are related to the holiday. The event is attended by representatives political organizations, public, public institutions, activists of charitable foundations, employees of social services, lawyers, members of trade unions.

History and traditions of the holiday

On November 26, 2007, the UN General Assembly, in resolution No. A/RES/62/10, declared February 20 the World Day of Social Justice.

The holiday was first celebrated in 2009. The UN invited the participating states to carry out activities in the interests of social development.

The prerequisite for the occurrence of the event was the World Summit, which was held in Copenhagen in March 1995. Its representatives proclaimed the main tasks of social development and measures for their implementation.

The holiday was created with the aim of increasing efforts to eradicate poverty, ensure employment, decent work, gender equality the well-being of those around you.

Every year on February 20, educational lectures, seminars, conferences are held in many countries of the world, where pressing problems are discussed. social sphere. Proposals are being considered to improve legislation, employment programs, pension provision. Activists of public organizations draw the attention of officials to topical issues in the social sphere. Reports on the implementation of government programs are published. Charitable foundations raise money to help people in need. On air funds mass media they show stories dedicated to the event, prepare materials about the life of representatives of various segments of the population.

Since the time of Aristotle, it has been customary to distinguish two types of justice: egalitarian and distributive. The first refers to the actions of people and requires the equivalence of labor, its payment, the value of objects. The second is set according to certain criteria.

Supporters of social justice demand equal rights and the arrangement of economic differences.

The Nobel laureate in economics F. Hayek considers the term "social" contradictory and stupid. The scientist points out the impossibility of an objective distribution of benefits, including on the basis of moral criteria. Fellow researcher Milton Friedman mutually excludes justice and freedom. The latter implies a lack of evaluation of the former.

IN Greek mythology there was a goddess of justice, Astrea. She is depicted with scales and a crown of stars. The asteroid was named after this goddess.

Areas of the brain associated with emotional sphere person. Feeling formed on genetic level in the process of human tribal development, giving an advantage in survival.