Beginning gardeners do not always know how to water seedlings, because it depends on watering which plant will grow and whether it will bear fruit. There is nothing complicated in watering, you need to know some rules.

How to water seedlings correctly

Watering seeds at planting

The most common mistake novice gardeners make is to water the seeds after planting. It is necessary to water the soil in which the seeds are planted, and sprinkle with dry earth.

If there is a need for additional moisture, you can use a spray bottle. If watered from above, then the water draws the seeds into the soil, and they sprout for a long time or do not sprout at all.

How to water seedlings that have sprouted so that they are strong

Watering small seedlings should be done with caution. The thickness of the soil must be taken into account. With a soil of 3 - 4 centimeters, water should be poured into the bottom of the pot or pan.

If the soil is thicker, you need to water it with a syringe so that the soil is saturated by six centimeters. Watering, thus, can be once a week.

The main thing is to prevent the seedling disease "black leg". It appears when the seedlings are poured, so you need to make sure that the top of the earth is dry and loose.

How often should seedlings be watered

It all depends on the container in which the seedlings grow. How more land the less you need to water. For beginner gardeners, it is better to use plastic bottles, they show how the water is pulled up to the roots and dries up at the edges, then you need to water it.

Important! better to underfill than to overfill.

Too much water will cause the roots to rot and the plant to die. After the roots get stronger and braid the container, you can pour a little, as the roots absorb water stronger. It is best to water when the soil is dry but not dry.

How to water dive seedlings

You need to dive seedlings when the plant has the first three to four leaves. It is necessary to water the seedlings two days before this moment, last time.

By the time of picking, the earth will remain wet and crumbly. Then you can water the seedlings after four days. Then the seedlings will be developed and strong.

Then the seedlings need to be transplanted into a container with a pallet. Water the soil and draw up a watering schedule for seedlings, with further watering once every ten days.

Cups with seedlings in a tray of water

Wick watering

This type of watering is useful for those who have many flowers and do not have time to water them. How to make wick watering. You need a cord - select it according to the diameter of the pot and plant.

  1. Insert the cord into the drainage hole of the pot before the earth is filled up. If the pot is large or there is a lot of earth, a larger wick is taken.
  2. Pour expanded clay on the bottom of the pot and fold the cord with a snake, pour in the earth and plant a flower or seedlings. It is necessary that the cord was in the ground, and not lost in expanded clay.
  3. Put the pot in a container with water so that it does not touch the bottom of the water, and the cord is in the water.

In wick irrigation, the main thing is that the cord is not long or the water will not have time to flow to the roots due to the long path.

Drip irrigation

You can use this view when you need to leave for a long time.

First way

  1. Two pots are taken, one larger than the other.
  2. Drainage is poured into a large pot and covered with a piece of cotton cloth so that the water does not stagnate.
  3. A smaller pot with a plant is placed and water is poured into the space between the pots.

Very fast and convenient way.

Second way

Necessary plastic bottle plasticine and dropper.

  • A hole is made in the cork so that the cord from the dropper can be inserted.
  • Insert the cord and close it with plasticine so that the water flows only through the dropper tubes, and does not flow out through the cork.
  • Water is poured into the bottle, the cork is twisted and hung upside down on the wall so that it is higher than the plants.
  • With the help of a device on droppers, the water supply to the plant is regulated.

Watering tomato seedlings

Tomatoes need to be watered for the first time three days after the shoots sprout en masse, after the top layer has dried. It is best to water by spraying. Trying not to get water on the plants.

It is impossible to flood and let the earth dry out. You need to water when the top layer of the earth dries out. Once a month, watering can be combined with fertilizing. Then follow the rules of picking and watering.

How to water cucumber seedlings

Cucumbers, unlike tomatoes, need to be watered frequently. Ideally, once a day in small portions or once every three days in slightly larger volumes.

The soil in the container should not be dry and wet, it should be wet. Water for irrigation must be defended and heated to twenty-five degrees.

If the temperature is lower, the seedlings may die.

How to water pepper

Pepper seedlings love water. The quality of pepper fruits will depend on the amount of watering. With good watering, the pepper will be large, fleshy and tasty, with poor watering, small and tasteless.

Pepper is watered three days after the seeds have risen, as soon as the leaves appear, you need to water it daily until the plant gets stronger. Then they transfer to rare watering, but plentiful.

You need to water regularly in the morning, at night the seedlings should be with dry leaves. The earth periodically dries up and needs to be loosened, but carefully, the roots of the pepper are on the surface.

When planting pepper at the bottom of the container, you need to pour drainage to remove excess water. The pepper should be moist but not wet or the roots will rot. It is necessary to water with water at room temperature.

How to water petunia seedlings

In the first seven days, petunia should be sprayed with a spray bottle once a day, be sure to add potassium permanganate to the water. After seven days, it is worth watering less often and under the root, you can do it with a syringe or a teaspoon.

Be sure to control soil moisture in young shoots. When dry, they will quickly wither.

After the seedlings sprout, you need to feed the plant by spraying mineral fertilizers. During the growing period, you need to ensure that the soil is moist, but not wet.

Watering flower seedlings

Watering flowers should be as follows. Do not use feed. Before emergence of shoots the soil is sprayed. After the seedlings sprout, watering is carried out as the earth dries. Sometimes watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to water seedlings: video

Watering plants with iodine

It serves as an antiseptic. Ten drops of iodine are dissolved in a solution of iodine per ten liters of water. This solution needs spray strawberries and strawberries before it blooms. This procedure will not allow the sprouts to rot and add vital energy. Spray three times every ten days.

For large tomato fruits, you can water the plants with the following solution, dissolve a drop of iodine in three liters of water. Water when the plant is still in seedlings. After the seedlings are planted in the ground, you can once again feed the tomatoes with this solution. Only need to increase the dosage of three drops of iodine per bucket of water. Water one liter per bush.

For ten liters of water, forty drops, a liter of serum and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.

If nine liters of water are mixed with a liter of skim milk and twelve drops of iodine, this solution you can remove powdery mildew on cucumbers. Iodine helps to rejuvenate the lashes and prevents the yellowing of cucumber leaves.

Watering with greenery

Zelenka also helps well in the garden, like iodine. Zelenka lubricates the places of cuts on plants.

Rid tomatoes from phytophthora, cucumbers from powdery mildew the next solution.

Dissolve forty drops of greenery in a bucket of water.

To start cherry fruits, you can spray with a weak solution of brilliant green.

You can get rid of slugs by dissolving a bubble of brilliant green in a bucket of water.

Onion peel prevents many diseases of crops. You can put the husk during planting seedlings in the hole, mixing with humus and soil. Then plant a seedling bush.

Decoction of onion peel can be sprayed. And pour the husk from the decoction under the bushes; it helps to control pests in the ground.

Husk excellent fertilizer and growth stimulator, and also has antiseptic properties.

Under each bush with potatoes or cabbage, you need to pour wet husks. Beetles cannot stand its smell and do not appear on vegetable crops.

From spider mites, soak ten grams of onion peel in three liters of water for five days and spray plants affected by mites.

Onion infusion will save. It is necessary to pour two good pinches with a bucket of water and bring to a boil after leaving to cool. When the onion water has cooled down, you need to dilute two liters of infusion into a bucket of water and water the cucumbers with zucchini.

Watering seedlings and flowers is very important point in their life cycle because without water they will die.

How to care for pepper seedlings

How to understand that the seedlings are of high quality and ready for planting in the ground

How and when to dive seedlings

How to avoid overgrowing seedlings

How to properly illuminate seedlings

How to properly water seedlings

When to plant seedlings

How to save seedlings if you plan a long absence

How to care for tomato seedlings

When to plant tomato seedlings

Each plant has its own length of the growing season, so different vegetables are sown for seedlings in different time, but usually this happens in February-March, for example, tomatoes - in the second half or at the end of February, bell pepper- in the first half of February, cabbage, cucumbers - at the end of March.

How to understand that tomato seedlings are of high quality and ready for planting in the ground

Any high-quality seedling necessarily looks healthy, elastic, has a natural green color, a sufficient number of full-fledged leaves. The seedlings of almost all vegetables are ready for planting about 50 days after planting the seeds. It reaches 25 cm in height, has 4-6 leaves.

How and when to dive tomato seedlings

Usually seeds for seedlings are sown first in in large numbers in large boxes, and when the sprouts sprout, the strongest, largest ones are selected among them and planted in pots and "personal" boxes. As a result of this, the sprouts receive additional space for further development and gain some experience in transplanting. A pick is made with sprouts that have at least 2 small leaves. The seedlings are watered, and after a few hours they are dug up, the roots are cut off by about 1/3 and planted in a “personal” pot or a large plastic glass.

How to avoid overgrowing tomato seedlings

Overgrown seedlings are not very good, as they have a very large shoot root system becomes too developed and the land available in the pot for food will not be enough for her. As a result, instead of strong, healthy, stocky seedlings, the gardener gets elongated and frail.

Overgrowth of seedlings can occur for the following reasons:? delay in landing in the ground due to cold spring;? with abundant watering and top dressing; v with a lack of light on the windowsill. There are several ways to prevent the situation:? when picking, specially cut off part of the root system to prevent overgrowth; use growth regulators; plant seeds a little later than usual. If your seedlings have already outgrown, then you should: stop watering and put the pots in a cooler place;? when transplanting into the ground long lower part lay the stem underground, which will shorten the plant, and new roots will come from the stem; cut off several large branches from the shoot, root them and then plant them.

How to properly illuminate tomato seedlings

Plants receive enough light only in open field, being in a normally lit area and during a long daylight hours, which is naturally possible only in summer. However, seedlings are grown from the end of winter.

To help the young shoots get enough light for development, its supply should be organized artificially. Experienced summer residents, at their request, use the following methods:? mirrors or sheets of foil are attached to the slopes of the windows, and the light, reflected from them, falls on the seedlings in greater quantities.

However, this amount of light for seedlings may still not be enough, so windows should be washed regularly and "walks" should be carried out, opening windows on a warm sunny day; the most reliable way to supplement the illumination is to use fluorescent fluorescent lamps located at a distance of about 15 cm from the seedlings. It should be remembered that the seedlings grow over time, which means that the lamps will have to be raised from them to the height of the outgrowth. Duration artificial lighting is 19-20 hours daily.

When to do the first watering of tomatoes (tomato). We monitor the growth of seedlings. February 24, 2015

How to properly water tomato seedlings

It is preferable to water the seedlings with settled or filtered water. You can also use melt water if you are not tormented by doubts about its quality, the harmlessness of the chemical composition.

Each box, pot should have drainage holes to drain excess water. The frequency of watering depends on external factors(sunny or cloudy weather), soil composition and own needs of specific plants.

Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how often seedlings need to be watered - usually the number of waterings ranges from several times a day to once a week. Vegetables that like moist air (for example, cucumbers) are best watered in the evening, and those who prefer drier air (for example, bell peppers, tomatoes) - in the morning.

How to use a peat tablet

A peat tablet is compressed peat in the form of a tablet about 8 cm in diameter and about 3 cm thick, with a small depression in one of the bases. Its advantage is the ready-made form, the peat structure allows air to pass well deep into the tablet to the roots, and its composition is balanced and does not require the delivery of additional nutrients.Before use, the tablet is laid out on a pallet with the base with a recess upwards, poured with water at room temperature.

After about 30 minutes, the tablet increases in height, becoming a cylinder. Several seeds should be put into the recess of the moistened cylinder, covered with humus from above. Place the peat cylinder in greenhouse conditions, placing under a glass or polyethylene structure (for example, an aquarium turned upside down or a wire cap covered with polyethylene). When the seedlings germinate, give roots, along with a peat cylinder, it should be planted in the ground or in a greenhouse.

How to save tomato seedlings if you plan a long absence

If you urgently need to leave for a sufficiently long time, and you plan to grow seedlings, then you can ensure a regular supply of water to the seeds or sprouts using the classic "thread" drip method, placing a sufficiently large container of water at a level above the seedling boxes and passing to each woolen thread. Currently, there is a so-called hydrogel on sale - acrylamide polymer material, available in the form of a powder or tiny granules that absorb water and increase hundreds of times. The hydrogel can be added to the soil in dry form and then watered after planting. Then the soil will increase in volume and everything can fall out of the box / pot. Therefore, it is better to introduce granules pre-soaked with water into the seedling soil. Thanks to the hydrogel, the number of irrigations can be reduced up to 6 times, and the soil structure will improve. The hydrogel consumption is approximately 30 g per 1 m2.

Tomatoes are one of the most popular garden crops. They gained such popularity due to their nutritional qualities and dietary properties. However, a huge variety of varieties suggests various methods cultivation.

In order for tomato seedlings to sprout well, how often to water it is a very important point. Tomatoes can be cultivated both in soil protected by film coatings and under open sky. Skillful gardeners grow tomatoes on windowsills and balconies.

How to choose the right landing site?

Tomatoes are very fond of warm conditions, the best temperature values ​​​​for them are +22 ... +24 ° С, at night it is slightly lower (+17 ... +18 ° С). Tomatoes must be protected from the slightest frost, otherwise they will die. When growing tomatoes, care should be taken to ensure that they are adequately illuminated by the sun.

When to plant?

When growing tomato seedlings, how often to water it is a very important question, as tomatoes love moist soil. Planting seedlings is necessary only after the end of frost, they are detrimental to the tomato. When the soil warms up to about +10 ° C, you can start planting.

The subtleties of growing tomato seedlings

It is more expedient to prepare the soil yourself, so as not to doubt its quality. Tomatoes are not very demanding on the composition of the soil, so it will be enough to combine humus, soddy soil and peat in equal amounts.

They must first be sieved to separate the debris. There is an opinion that it is desirable to steam the soil, but many experts do not recommend doing this, believing that in this case all beneficial bacteria will die.

Seed preparation

It is necessary to prepare seeds for seedlings, but it is not necessary to germinate them. Tomato seeds must be soaked in a solution that is a growth stimulant. It is better to grow them in small containers about 8 cm high.

Do not place tomatoes nearby different varieties, they may not take root. If the temperature values ​​​​in the room where the seedlings are located are + 25 ... + 30 ° С, then the seed germination period will be about a week. The duration of growth is also influenced by factors such as the quality of raw materials and the duration of its preliminary storage and preparation.

Therefore, the germination time can be from 4 to 20 days. After everything has been sown, the containers must be covered with polyethylene film or glass, and then placed in warm place, not far from a heat source. When the first shoots appear, remove the cover from the container and move the seedlings to the brightest place. First, the temperature values ​​​​must be reduced to +12 ° С, and at night - to +10 ° С.

Then the temperature indicators need to be raised to +19 ° С. Before picking, care for seedlings consists in watering and loosening the soil. Watering seedlings of tomatoes should be carried out with settled water.

In order for the sprouts to become strong and strong, in the first days it is necessary to organize additional lighting for them, which should be supplied 14-18 hours a day. Approximately 20 days after sowing, the first leaves can be seen. It is very important to pick the sprouts into separate containers in time to prevent overgrowing. Weak sprouts should not be expected big harvest, so the pick should start with strong seedlings.

Let's talk: grafting and pruning trees; tomatoes and peppers, late blight and watering

With a special peg, you need to make a small depression and carefully place the seeds in the soil to the level of the leaves, and then squeeze them tightly with earth. During this period, it is important to create optimal conditions for seedlings: temperature values ​​should be +18 ... a few degrees lower. The thermometer must be placed near the container with seedlings.

To have good tomato seedlings, how often to water, how to fertilize and where to place - these are the main nuances. After a week, you need to carry out the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizer, and then repeat it every 10 days. Now watering tomato seedlings with warm water, loosening the soil and adding a soil mixture are the basic rules for caring for tomatoes. The sprouts will reach for the light, so the containers need to be unrolled regularly.

Watering tomatoes

While the tomato seedlings are growing, every experienced gardener knows how often to water. Watering should be uniform and regular so that the leaves do not overheat. It is advisable to carry out mulching, and the water jet should be directed to the center of the aisle so as not to damage the plant.

It is worth watering before lunch, but there is no need to wait until the leaves begin to wither. The better to water tomato seedlings, everyone who decides to achieve good results and grow delicious tomatoes. The water should be settled, preferably filtered, it is necessary to heat it to room temperature. 10 days before transplanting tomatoes, you need to slightly limit watering and gradually accustom the sprouts to the sun's rays.

During the day, you can keep the container in the greenhouse, and in the dark, transfer it to the street. How to properly water tomato seedlings before planting - it depends on the weather. If it is very hot, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves receive enough evaporation, then they will not dry out.

Proper watering

Very important, oddly enough, is precisely the watering of the tomato. Therefore, it is undoubtedly important to figure out how often it is worth watering the culture. After all, it is with water that the roots receive all the necessary nutrients.

This unique and delicious vegetable will develop well if the soil in which the crop is grown is 85-90% saturated with moisture. You can check it yourself with one of simple methods: squeezing a lump of earth in your hand from a depth of 10 cm from the surface.

If a lump has formed, and when lightly pressed, it disintegrated, then the soil moisture is suitable. In other cases, you will have to specify how often the seedlings need to be watered to achieve the optimal moisture level.

Water is the source of life. And not only for humans, but also for plants. And the "correct" watering of tomato seedlings is to observe the volume of water and regularity in accordance with the growth periods of future seedlings.

Watering seedlings

For those who grow seeds in a greenhouse, it is necessary to water the seedlings of tomatoes for the first time after 2, and preferably 3 days after the seedlings sprout en masse. Reminds about watering the soil - by this time the top layer will begin to dry out. The sprayer will serve good helper for those who first started growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and for those who are afraid to “fill in” the newly appeared tender shoots. At the same time, it is worthwhile to carefully carry out the procedure so that water practically does not get on the plants. Further watering of future tomatoes should be moderate and regular. add organic fertilizers

Watering dive shoots

Two days before the picking process, and this period determines the presence of the first 3-4 leaves, the seedlings must be watered for the last time. Thus, by the time of picking, the soil will still be wet, but crumbly. It is impossible to water seedlings after picking for another 4-5 days.

To get well-developed tomato seedlings with a strong root system, you need to transplant them into containers with watering trays. This is explained by the fact that the roots after picking, in order to get moisture, will begin to stretch and grow stronger. After 5 days after picking, water the soil again and set a schedule according to which further watering would be done once every seven to ten days.

The amount of water and regularity will gradually change depending on the period of seedling growth, because adult tomato seedlings require more moisture.

In general, the state of the plants themselves and the soil will tell you about watering those who begin to dry out with the top layer. Watering should be done abundantly before the date of planting tomato seedlings in open ground. So you can transplant seedlings with minimal damage to the roots.

Watering seedlings in open areas

After planting in open ground, tomato seedlings need to be watered not very often, but at the same time quite plentifully. Poor rare watering, which is very often abundant, has a bad effect on tomato seedlings.

In the second case, the water will lower the temperature in the soil, and in the future this may affect the fruit set. Many begin to water the seedlings abundantly immediately after planting. But, in reality, tomato seedlings do not require this. First, before disembarking, she poured abundantly. Secondly, this watering is enough for the roots of tomatoes so that they take root well and take root in the soil. In the future, already rooted tomato seedlings are watered according to the scheme:

  • during the period of the appearance of the ovary, the earth should be optimally moistened so that the plants receive sufficient moisture; from the beginning of flowering until the appearance of tomato fruits, the humidity level must be moderate; in hot sunny days watering should be done in the early morning or about 2.5-2 hours before the sun sets; when it is cloudy outside, you can water the tomato seedlings at any time.

Watering greenhouse seedlings

Seedlings in a greenhouse should also be watered with care to prevent stagnation of water on the soil surface. The first watering should be carried out after the appearance of the first shoots of tomatoes.

The next such procedure should be carried out when the seedlings are a little stronger, after about 2 weeks. In general, watering in the spring should not be excessive. It will be enough to moisten the soil every 8-10 days.

IN summer period in a greenhouse, watering should be carried out quite often, for example, once every 5-7 days. One plant needs 2.3-3 liters of water. Usually, for the convenience of watering, a barrel of water is placed in a greenhouse. However, its presence guarantees excessive evaporation.

And tomato seedlings should be protected from high humidity. Therefore, the barrel should be covered with a film or a denser material. Water for irrigation is taken at room temperature. Optimal is water 18-22 degrees.

It is not necessary to spray the seedlings. It is worth trying to distribute the jet between the stems directly to the ground. After watering, you should wait until the soil is saturated with moisture and slightly loosen it.

If the soil is dense and absorption is slow, it can be further accelerated with the help of garden tools. For example, using a pitchfork, you can make several punctures between rows of tomatoes.

After all the water has been absorbed, you need to briefly open the doors and windows in the greenhouse to ventilate it. The seedlings should be watered for the last time about 2-2.5 weeks before harvesting. Soaked roots will give moisture to the fruits. Accordingly, maturation will accelerate.

Watering in a mini greenhouse

Often, tomato seedlings are grown on window sills from seeds in a makeshift greenhouse. But few people know that this is a troublesome process, since it is more difficult for seedlings to create normal humidity. To ensure good germination and get strong seedlings, you can use some tips from "experienced" gardeners:

  • additionally, place open containers with water near the mini-greenhouses so that the seedlings are fed with additional moisture; before the formation of the first leaves, you can lightly spray the tomato seedlings with water from the sprayer.

Since the planting of seeds in mini-greenhouses usually takes place in February, when the heating season is in full swing, you can use one more effective method- hang a wet towel on the battery under the windowsill with tomato seedlings. Evaporating, moisture will create favorable conditions.

Top dressing should be arranged for seedlings after it has been picked in separate containers. In them, tomato seedlings will be about 20 more days until the date of planting them in open ground comes.

The rules for watering tomato seedlings before and after planting are not so complicated. By following them, you will not spend a lot of time and effort. The main thing is to carry out the procedures on time in accordance with the maturation of the plants, and then you will get strong seedlings and a good harvest.

Biologically, pepper is a perennial plant. If in the fall it is transplanted into a bucket and transferred to a room, then it will continue its development and will bear fruit for several years.
Pepper seeds quickly lose their germination. Therefore, they should not be bought in reserve. If your seeds are old, then, first of all, they must be checked for germination.
Seed preparation begins with dressing in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate at room temperature for 20 minutes, followed by rinsing them in cold water. Then the seeds are soaked for 18 hours in a solution of zircon (1 drop of the drug per 300 ml of water) at room temperature.
The same result is obtained by dressing the seeds in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate, and then soaking for 18 hours in a solution of epin (2 drops of the drug in 0.5 cups of water) at room temperature.
To speed up germination, seeds can also be soaked in nutrient solutions of Ideal, gumi, potassium humate, Agricola-start, Albit, etc. according to the instructions. A positive effect is obtained by soaking the seeds in a solution of slurry (1:10) or an ash solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter hot water).
After that, the seeds are wrapped for 2 days in a damp cloth placed on a saucer and placed in plastic bag so they don't dry out. The temperature must be maintained at 25°C. Do not put seeds on the battery, they will dry out and not germinate.
The soil for growing pepper seedlings should be loose, moisture-intensive, with sufficient nutrient content, not acidic and free from pests and pathogens. You can prepare such soil yourself if soil harvested in autumn is stored on your balcony, or you can purchase it in a specialized store without any hassle.
A very simple and reliable soil mixture, consisting of 4 parts of ventilated peat, 2 parts of soddy soil, 1 part of old sawdust (brown) and 1 part of humus.
On a bucket of the mixture, add a half-liter jar of sand, 2-3 tbsp. l. ash, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tsp. urea and pour it with a warm solution of rhizoplan or a warm strong solution of potassium permanganate.
You can use ready-made soils from the store. It is best to take for this purpose ready-made soil soil Special No. 1, created on the basis of the Living Land.
The sowing time for pepper seeds depends on the period of planting seedlings on permanent place. Early-ripening varieties are usually sown 65 days in advance, mid-ripening 65-70, and late-ripening 75 days before planting in a permanent place.
The term for sowing pepper seeds, taking into account the time from sowing to germination, each gardener must calculate very accurately - when he sowed, when they should sprout, when the seedlings are planted in the ground. And this period depends on the condition of your greenhouse, on the weather, and most of all on whether you live in the garden all the time or visit only on weekends.
The fact is that if pepper seeds are sown too early, then the plants grow in pots, and the lower fruits begin to set. In low light conditions on the windowsill, all this leads to the depletion of the plant. As a result, even when 1-2 lower ovaries are removed, the plants take root more slowly, and the main wave of fruiting is delayed. Therefore, it is impossible to overgrow seedlings of pepper in any case.
Peppers are best grown without picking, sowing seeds immediately in pots. But this will require a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe windowsill or greenhouse. Therefore, more often pepper seedlings are grown in sowing boxes, followed by transshipment into a “personal” container.
To do this, on the soil compacted after watering with warm water, after 3-4 cm, grooves are made up to 1 cm deep and seeds are laid out in them after 1-2 cm. The less often they are placed, the longer the seedlings can be kept in the seed box without fear of thickening. A box with sown seeds is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm place with a temperature of 25 ... 27 ° C. Then it (without removing the film) is transferred to the south window or to a warm greenhouse, maintaining the temperature at a level of at least 23 ... 26 0C.
The soil in the box is lightly sprayed with water every 2 days using a hand sprayer.
Seedlings appear together at a temperature of 25 ... 27 ° C on the 7-12th day, but depending on the temperature, this can happen much later. So, at a temperature of 20 ° C, pepper shoots will appear on the 18-20th day, at a temperature of 16 ° C - only on the 27-30th day.
With the advent of the first shoots, the film is removed from the box and rearranged on a sunny and warm windowsill. Lack of lighting at this time can lead to curvature and stretching of seedlings.
Good advice! IN initial period development of seedlings, it should be transferred to a round-the-clock lighting regime. This will significantly accelerate the growth and development of plants.
The air temperature for 3 days after the emergence of seedlings is reduced during the day to 17 ... 18 ° C, and at night - to 14 ... 15 ° C, so that the seedlings are stocky and the roots grow well. With more high temperature plants begin to stretch strongly and root growth slows down.
Then the air temperature is again increased during the day in sunny weather up to 24...26 °C, in cloudy weather up to 18...20 °C, at night up to 15...16 °C.
Pepper seedlings are sensitive to lack of heat (below 12°C at night), which causes leaf drop and can lead to plant death. This is also facilitated by the cooling of the soil from cold concrete window sills. Pepper seedlings do not tolerate cold air from the window.
The first 2-3 days after the emergence of seedlings, seedlings should not be watered, if the earth is dry, it is moistened with a sprayer. When the cotyledon leaves unfold, the seedlings begin to be watered with warm (30 ° C) water. Plants should not be allowed to wilt, but excess water is no less dangerous, since plants can get sick with a black leg. In this case, good ventilation of plants is very important.
Seedlings before picking with sufficient preparation of the soil usually grow without top dressing. But if they are very weak, then when the first true leaf appears, it is necessary to feed Agricola-forward (1 tsp of liquid fertilizer per 1 liter of water), which enhances the development of seedlings and strengthens the root system. The second top dressing should be done when the second leaf appears (1 tsp. Barrier per 1 liter of water).
During the cultivation of seedlings, it is necessary to carefully monitor the lighting of plants. At the same time, it is interesting that if, with a lack of light, the tomatoes stretch out, then the pepper chooses another form of protest - a "sitting strike". Plants freeze and may not grow for weeks. At the same time, their roots often rot, which is also facilitated by low temperature soil from concrete window sills.
Seedling boxes should be rotated every other day reverse side to the window so that the seedlings do not stretch in one direction. With a lack of light, seedlings should be highlighted fluorescent lamps. They do this with the emergence of seedlings, spending it from early morning at 10-12 o'clock in February and at 8-10 o'clock in March. Keep in mind that in low light, the buds on the first brush may not be laid.
Pepper is a short daylight plant. The best duration of illumination of pepper seedlings is 9-10 hours. Late varieties peppers require even shorter daylight hours. All together, this means that peppers need short daylight hours, but with very high light levels.
Pepper seedlings tolerate picks worse than tomatoes. But this largely depends on the growing conditions. If you nevertheless decide to grow pepper seedlings in a box with its subsequent picking, then this is done in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, after watering the plants abundantly with water. Seedlings cannot be selected from dry soil, otherwise the soil will crumble from the roots. But when making such a decision, it must be remembered that picking delays the development of plants by 8-10 days.
This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots. At the same time, you can’t pinch the roots of pepper seedlings, as is usually done with tomatoes, since they are very poorly restored. 2 hours before picking, seedlings are abundantly watered with warm water. The seedling is carefully dug up, taken out with a clod of earth. If at the same time you still damaged the roots, then be sure to treat these sections with phytosporin-M, because. pathogens can enter through them.
A hole is made in the ground with a depth of 5-6 cm, into which the seedling is lowered to the cotyledon leaves. The latter is extremely important for obtaining a good harvest, since when planting pepper seedlings in the ground, they do not bury it, i.e. all additional roots are formed only as a result of a pick. Burying pepper seedlings when planting seedlings greatly delays the first harvest and reduces its total number.
It is necessary to ensure that the root does not bend up during picking and the roots of the plant have good contact with soil. Therefore, when planting, the roots of the transplanted seedling are pressed tightly with soil so that the seedling cannot be pulled out by the cotyledon leaf.
More acceptable for seedlings of pepper is its cultivation not with picking, but with transshipment, i.e. with a change in the container with soil from a smaller to a larger one, in which the seedlings are transplanted with a lump of earth without disturbing the root system.
During the growth of seedlings, it is desirable to feed twice. The first top dressing should be carried out a week after picking with a solution of Planta or Kemira, and in their absence - nitrophoska (per 10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon) with the addition of trace elements or a solution of mullein (1:10). It is even more useful instead of mineral fertilizers to fertilize them with solutions of biofertilizers - Signor Tomato, Chamomile, Planta, Ideal, New Ideal, etc.
An excellent fertilizer for seedlings is dry bird droppings. It is diluted in hot water (1:20), where it swells for 2 hours. It is not necessary to ferment it so that there is no smell.
If the seedlings are weak, it is useful to spray them 2-3 times with a solution of epin at intervals of 8-10 days. After that, the plants are less responsive to unfavourable conditions cultivation, especially low light inherent in city apartments. For good education roots, plants can be fed with potassium humate (25 ml per 10 liters of water). It is advisable to water the seedlings once every 10 days with a solution of rhizoplan (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
When watering seedlings, it must be remembered that this should be done rarely, but plentifully, only in the morning, preferably with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, followed by ventilation. Frequent surface watering can lead to blackleg disease in seedlings. If, nevertheless, it appears, then watering must be immediately temporarily stopped, ventilation must be increased, and the soil should be sprinkled with a layer of calcined sand or powdered with ash.
To prevent the appearance of pests on seedlings, a week before planting in open ground, it must be sprayed with infusion of calendula, marigolds, onions, garlic or coniferous extract.
V. Shafransky
Newspaper "GARDENER" №7, 2010

For seedlings of pepper it is very important how it will be watered. Since, for example, cold water can help stop the growth of seedlings, and the desired crop will not be obtained.

How to water pepper seedlings

It is best to water a vegetable with ordinary settled water, which has room temperature, about +27 ° C. And so that such water is always at hand, it is enough in the evening to take a little time to collect liquid in buckets or watering cans. Some gardeners prefer melt water in watering pepper seedlings. To do this, filled bottles are placed in freezer and keep them there until ice forms. After that, the containers are removed and thawed to a temperature of +25 °C. But it should be noted that this option of watering takes more time and requires a sufficient size of the freezer.

Important! Always avoid using cold water for pepper seedlings, as it can be a source of death for the plant and, most importantly, do not overdo it in watering so that the vegetables do not fall into the Blackleg disease.

How often to water pepper seedlings

While peppers are not the most demanding vegetable to grow, their seedlings require certain watering requirements. The main rule for normal growth pepper, which must be observed, is to prevent the soil from drying out. Since the lack of water can lead to a deterioration in the taste of the vegetable and its insufficient size.

When watering, some facts should be taken into account, depending on which the soil will be moistened. These factors include: the amount of soil in the tank, planting density and others. For example, the ground needs to be watered often enough if the seeds are planted densely, as the soil dries out faster when planted this way. If the seedlings are in a container in which a lot of earth is placed, then it should be watered less often, and if the container contains little earth, then more often.

It is recommended to wet the seedlings every day or every other day. It should be borne in mind that this must be done in the morning, since at night it must remain completely dry. This mode of irrigation comes gradually. If the seeds have just been planted, then they do not need to be watered until shoots appear. Then they are watered already 2 - 3 times a week. This continues until the sprouts give the first true leaves. After this, the seedlings must be watered every day, this will help improve its growth and development.

Pepper seedlings can weaken if there is uneven and rare watering, from which they may even begin to shed their leaves. With this option, the formation of fruits can be delayed and the yield is reduced.

Excessive watering contributes to the compaction of the earth, which entails the cessation of the pepper root system, which then ceases to nourish the plant. To understand that the seedlings are heavily flooded, the leaves will help. In this case, they become dark green.

Watering seedlings after diving

After the pepper seedlings have a few true leaves, you can pick. As a container in which the pepper will grow, both an ordinary plastic glass and a special seedling pot are suitable, but whatever the choice, it must be taken into account that the volume of such a container must be at least 500 ml.

Pots or glasses must first be filled with sufficiently moist soil, leaving 3 - 4 cm to the top of the container. Next, a recess is made in the center and a pepper sprout is placed. It is necessary to straighten the roots and sprinkle them with soil. In addition to the fact that the land in which the seedlings are planted must be moist, it must also be warm, this will reduce the chances of the Black Leg disease. Calcined sand will reduce the risk of such a disease, which must be sprinkled around the stem with a small layer after transplantation. It is able to pass moisture well, thanks to which the water will go deeper to the roots and will be able to protect the seedlings from diseases.

Important! Containers with plants placed on the windowsill should not create a shadow to each other.

By appearance plants, you can talk about how the seedlings feel after picking. If the upper young leaves are lighter than the lower old ones, then this means that the pepper tolerated the pick perfectly.

Advice! It is necessary to loosen the top layer of the soil, as the pepper does not tolerate soil compaction.

After such a transplant, the first watering of pepper should be carried out only after 5 days. Further, soil moistening is carried out less often, once a week. As noted above, vegetable seedlings should not be heavily flooded, so there should always be holes in the containers through which excess moisture escapes. Seedlings are also recommended to be watered with warm water in the morning, but avoid getting it on the leaves, as burns may occur with high solar activity. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil, avoiding its drying out.

There is a widespread belief that supposedly pepper seedlings can be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. But it's not. It is great as a protective layer for seeds, and not for better getting moisture.

Summing up, we can say that to grow good seedlings even any novice gardener can. The main thing is to follow the easy growing rules and be patient, then the results will exceed all expectations.

Feeding pepper seedlings

To get a rich harvest of pepper in the summer, you should take care of feeding the seedlings in advance. Thanks to it, you can get viable and healthy plants. It is enough to carry out top dressing once or twice, although after the first one the result will be visible.

A favorable time for the first feeding and a kind of sign that it is time to carry it out is the appearance of a pair of “real” leaves near the seedlings. To feed pepper, you will need ammonium nitrate - 0.5 g, superphosphate - 3 g, potash fertilizers - 1 g, all this is diluted in a liter of settled water. The second feeding is carried out in two weeks. The same composition is used, but the amount of each ingredient is doubled. It is recommended to carry out one more top dressing before transplanting seedlings into the soil. In this case, the mass content of potassium fertilizers increases to 8 g per liter of settled water.

If organic fertilizers are preferred, then wood ash and nettle infusion may be suitable for use in top dressing, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:10. Tea infusion will help speed up the growth process of seedlings. For this, sleeping tea leaves (1 cup) are poured with 3 liters of hot water. After 5 days, the mixture is filtered, and it will be ready for use when watering peppers.

Another top dressing is a mixture containing urea and superphosphate. characteristic sign a couple of leaves on seedlings will serve for top dressing. To do this, you need 5 - 7 g of urea and 30 g of superphosphate. The second top dressing should be carried out three days before planting seedlings in the soil. You will need: superphosphate - 50 g and potassium salt - 20 - 30 g, which must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. All necessary ingredients for such top dressing can be purchased in specialized stores. Such a fertilizer will provide pepper fruitful growth in the open field and give a good harvest.

For top dressing, you can use eggshells. This method takes more time than ready-made fertilizers, but it's worth it. To do this, the crushed shells of ten eggs are poured into 3 liters of boiling water and this mixture is left to infuse for four days. After this time, the composition only needs to be filtered and it can already be used to feed seedlings.

You can use ready-made organic fertilizers. For example, "Kemira Combi" is suitable. It is a pink powder that must be dissolved in water. For one liter of water, 0.1-0.2 g of fertilizer will be enough, that is, powder poured onto the tip of a teaspoon. This liquid must be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on seedlings in the morning, falling not only on the upper, but also on the lower leaves.

Advice! If the leaves of the seedlings begin to acquire a yellowish tint, then this indicates that they do not have enough nitrogen. In this case, a fertilizer containing urea should be used.

Fertilizers "Leaf" and "Effekton-2" will help if pepper seedlings grow and develop slowly, and the leaves are light green in color (1 tablespoon of Leaf fertilizer, 2 tablespoons of Effekton fertilizer are suitable for such top dressing). -2" and 10 liters of water).

The drug "Athlete" should be used when pepper seedlings were planted too early. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions.

How to feed peppers that are already growing in the garden, you can watch the video:


  • constantly monitor the condition of the soil in the container with seedlings, since if it dries out at least a little, this will definitely affect the condition of the seedlings;
  • in no case should seedlings be heavily flooded, as this can lead to rotting of the roots of pepper seedlings and the occurrence of the Black Leg disease. When choosing a container for growing a vegetable, remember the drainage holes through which excess moisture will be removed;
  • after planting pepper seeds in the ground, the first watering should be carried out only after a few days, and after the appearance of leaves at the seedlings, vegetable seedlings should be watered every day;
  • it is best to water the seedlings in the morning, while avoiding water on the leaves of the seedlings;
  • you should alternate watering with top dressing, which should be carried out no more than once every two or three weeks. It can be carried out with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are suitable, which are very useful for pepper, the main thing is not to overdo it, as this can lead to a decrease in the amount of the crop;
  • it is recommended to loosen the soil, this should be done carefully so as not to harm the root system of the vegetable that is not yet strong;
  • pepper seedlings cannot grow normally in dry air, therefore, it is recommended to place a decorative fountain or an electric humidifier next to the containers in which the seedlings grow;
  • watering seedlings from a pallet;
  • watering should be carried out only with settled water at room temperature. Cold running water can cause disease in pepper seedlings.

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Growing seedlings of peppers on the windowsill - care. How often to water seedlings? What you need to know about growing pepper seedlings?

Pepper seedlings are planted in separate pots or deepened into snails, peat pots. The first greens appeared, and now the gardener needs to start introducing watering. How, focusing on home growing conditions, to properly water pepper seedlings on the windowsill. Peppers stand on a glazed balcony or on a windowsill in a room/kitchen. They are constantly exposed to the sun's rays, drying up life-giving moisture. Humidity at home also fluctuates, but we need to stabilize the baseline.

Pepper care at home:

  • Air humidity 60%;
  • Daily soil moisture check;
  • Moisturizing as needed
  • Use water at room temperature;

When seedlings of crops are planted in large containers, the issue of frequent moistening is not acute, since moisture evaporates more slowly from the general container. In small pots, the root system of the pepper feels safer, but the moisture also quickly disappears. You need to check the pepper seedlings on the windowsill every day - how many centimeters the soil mixture has dried out. If it is 2-4, then it can be moistened, but if the soil mixture remains wet, then the procedure can be delayed. You can check with a stick, as is usually done with a pie, or with your finger.

Secret methods of experienced gardeners: You can check the soil moisture by collecting a small part of the earth from the pot so that you can roll the ball. If it forms, then there is enough moisture, but if it breaks up, water it.

Watering seedlings of peppers on the windowsill for a sprout

Why not combine useful with ... even more useful! You can stimulate the growth of peppers with plain water. The first criterion that is observed is the use of settled water, so that the soil is not weighed down with impurities. Melt water is ideal for irrigation. It should be at room temperature after it has melted. Watering will be soft. You can not use cold water, boiled or from the tap - there is a risk of infection with a black leg, the formation of chlorosis on the leaves.

The frequency of watering seedlings of peppers on the windowsill

The frequency and number of procedures depend on several criteria. : planting density, number of seedlings, volume of soil mixture, age of the plant. Before the formation of the first powerful sprouts, they do not water, then they gradually introduce moisture from the outside, that is, the peppers take it no longer from the soil. As the seedlings develop, irrigation volumes are increasing, but taking into account the above methods of monitoring the condition of the soil.

In a dense landing seedlings draw a lot of water from the soil - watering becomes more frequent. Focus on your inner instinct, so as not to fill the peppers, and give enough volume.

Amount of soil in a pot also affects the frequency of watering. Small pots and a small amount of land - you need to water less often. The more land in the pot, the more often and more abundantly watering. excess water merge, preventing the development of rot on the roots or the development of mold in the ground. The best thing watering seedlings of peppers on the windowsill in the morning enough for the whole day.

↓ Write in the comments what watering schedule did you use for peppers?

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