Do you want to lose weight or build muscle, but have never played sports in your life? Scary, right? After all, the only simulator that you know is a treadmill? Fitness expert Ivan Krasavin tells in detail where to start if you want to become at least a little more athletic.

Start Small

Hiking - great start on the way to buying a subscription to a fitness club. Try to get out into the forest and walk in the area where you will meet both ups and downs. Walk for 30 minutes and then gradually increase the time. Do not overestimate your abilities and do not immediately start running through the forest - for those who have never encountered sports, this will be a serious burden. By the way, walking is a very effective exercise to improve fat metabolism (fat burning).

Then sign up for a class at the gym.

Regular walking in the fresh air will prepare the body for future workouts. But in gym take your time: take light power loads so that it does not form in the muscles. Do no more than one or two times a week and at first only on simulators: it is much easier to work on them, as they set the movement. Then you can already work with free weights: choose exercises that are simple in terms of coordination and try to ensure that each muscle works in isolation. Workouts should be circular: work all muscle groups in 45 minutes, performing at least one set of each exercise. If you do not have any medical contraindications, absolutely all simulators will suit you.

If you have never played sports and did not have a large physique, and now you want to have well-developed muscles, we are already talking about muscle hypertrophy. Here it is also necessary not to burden your body with difficult exercises at first in order to learn how to feel the muscles, but to perform circular 45-minute workouts. The process of getting used to the loads will take about 1.5-2 months. Only then can you move on to more strength training. It is very important that in addition to the formation of muscles, tendons and bones begin to strengthen, otherwise injury is inevitable. Tendons develop to three months. After circuit training, switch to a split type of training (train separately on the top, separately on the bottom). The more experience you gain, the more narrowly (one workout for one muscle group) you will be able to work on your body and train more often (three to five times a week).

Be sure to pass medical testing and coaching with a trainer

Any self-respecting fitness club necessarily offers its clients medical testing services before they start training. The specialist will measure your parameters, pressure and weight. Some fitness centers already have more advanced systems that allow you to find out the amount of water, fat, muscle in the body composition and other subtleties. Of course, it is much better to know everything about your body and body. In addition, the trainer of the gym must conduct a briefing, familiarize you with all the simulators and show you how to use them correctly. This is very important point on which the success of your subsequent workouts depends.

Cardio training in a stuffy gym is not the surest way to improve the body, let alone lose weight. Fat is oxidized only when a large amount of oxygen enters the body. And in the gym (sometimes very small), where a lot of people work out, there is little oxygen.

Do not forget about proper nutrition

For those who are going to lose weight, at first it will be enough to do strength training and remove flour, simple sugars and various sweet foods from their menu (for example, yogurts, which for some reason they love so much). And then gradually adjust your diet.

For those who are going to build muscle, it is also important to monitor their diet: you need to consume a lot of calories, but the right calories, that is, take them from complex carbohydrates. In addition, you need to eat a lot of protein - 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. It no longer makes sense to consume - the protein simply will not be absorbed. So if the weight young man- 60 kilograms, he needs to consume at least 120 grams of protein. Getting so much substance from ordinary food (cottage cheese, eggs, chicken) can be quite difficult and expensive, so you can resort to protein (whey) shakes that will give the body the right amount of macronutrient and start muscle growth. In addition, novice athletes can drink creatine. It increases its concentration in the body and increases strength indicators, thanks to which a person is able to engage more effectively and work out muscles better. It has been proven: for those who take creatine for the first time, it is better absorbed and shows itself more effectively.

If you are planning to start playing sports not in the gym, but at home, then very soon we will tell you which exercises are best to start with and what equipment you will need for this (for example, dumbbells and a rug will be needed for sure).

Most people start going to the gym to get rid of extra pounds and gain beautiful figure. But when training does not bring the desired result, disappointment sets in. Newly minted fitness enthusiasts, trying to justify their failures, assure that exercising in the gym does not help to lose weight, because "mass growth begins." This and other myths prevent beginners from reaching their goal and admiring their toned body. How to train properly to lose weight and improve health?

Coaches give 10 life hacks to beginner athletes that will make training effective and help you lose weight.

Coaches note common mistake beginners - they practice too often. Daily workouts do not allow the muscles to recover. Instructors advise to do days of complete rest, otherwise the result from going to the gym will be minimal.

To lose weight, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week. But during classes, it is necessary to force the body to actively work.

This is interesting!

Scientists from the University of Alabama conducted an interesting experiment. They divided women who wanted to lose weight into two groups. The subjects from the first group were engaged daily, and from the second - 4 times a week. Women from the second group lost weight 1.5 times faster than their competitors.

Fat burns slowly

Isolated exercises for a specific muscle group will not give the desired effect. To observe stable weight loss, you need to train for at least 40 minutes, giving the body aerobic exercise. At this time, at least 23% of the muscles of the total mass should be involved. If the whole body works during training, fat will be burned much faster. Loads should be light, but long.

The body's usual "fuel" is carbohydrates, and only when they are deficient does it begin to use fat reserves. To enhance the process of fat burning, you need to adjust the diet. Avoid high-calorie foods, especially a few hours before and after your workout.

Expert advice:

Losing weight by constantly overeating will not work. Eat 4-6 times a day, but the portions should be small. Choose the diet that's right for you.

Cardio after strength training

60% of the time allotted for training, give cardio loads. If you want to lose weight, do cardio after strength training. During resistance exercise, carbohydrates are mainly used. Therefore, when you move on to cardio, fat stores will be burned.

Watch the load during continuous movement. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to give all your best, but monitor your pulse - it should be within the fat burning zone (50-65% of the upper value). The calculations are simple: you need to subtract your age from 220 - this is the limit.

For weight loss, interval training is recommended: do a minute in intensive mode, and then 1-2 minutes - at a more relaxed pace. You can increase the time of intensive training and reduce the recovery pace.

Expert advice:

If you don't have time to go to the gym, do an express workout. Pick up a few multi-joint exercises and "run" them in a circle several times in a high-intensity mode.

Load all muscle groups

Include exercises in your training program that involve maximum amount muscles. The higher the load, the stronger the blood circulates, respectively, the fat “melts” more actively.

Squats burn more calories than exercise on the mat, as they engage the muscles of the buttocks and thighs at the same time. Running is more effective than an exercise bike or walking - during training, the shoulder girdle works.

Always make sure your back is straight! A beautiful posture motivates you to draw in your stomach and spend an extra “minute of sports”.

Is stability always a sign of mastery?

If you always perform the same set of exercises, you can forget about a good result. Muscles get used to the monotonous load and stop responding to it. To return the "muscle response", you need to urgently take action.

First of all, it is important to regularly increase the load, increase the number of approaches. The body should not get used to the elements of the workout, otherwise calories will be burned very slowly. The trainer will help you choose the optimal load and write out a training plan.

Expert advice:

A series of fitness mistakes can kill the desire to exercise. Don't give up, even if you have to start over!

Should there be muscle pain?

After training, the muscles should be felt, but debilitating pain is an alarming symptom. If the muscles ache for more than two days, it is worth reducing the load. This indicates that they do not have time to recover, resulting in chronic fatigue, irritability, and the desire to train disappears.

To make progress, you need to give the body a rest, and then concentrate on restorative exercises.

Efforts will be most fruitful if you find your training program. Otherwise, in the classroom, you will simply lose time and not one iota get closer to your cherished goal.

Professionals advise to always keep your fitness goals in mind. Then you will quickly achieve the desired result and be proud of your slim and toned figure.

Expert advice:

Give Special attention exercise technique is the key good result.

A mentor will help you get great results

Self-organization is, of course, good. But sometimes it takes a lot of motivation to achieve a goal. You can train with a friend and place a bet - demonstrate a certain result within a set time limit.

Share your intermediate successes, support each other. Encouraging comments are the best motivation.

Enjoy your workout!

If the gym is accompanied by constant stress, the body begins to accumulate fat "for a rainy day." Take a few days off and try to revise your schedule.

Reschedule your workouts or diversify your program. You may be pushing yourself too hard and your body is resisting the extra stress. The process of losing weight will be much more active if you enjoy exercising.

After the sauna, metabolic products are removed, muscle pain subsides, and excess fluid “evaporates” from the body. As a result, cellulite becomes less noticeable, body volumes decrease.

You can go to the sauna 2-3 times a day, the temperature should be up to 60 degrees. It is useful to drink herbal teas or mineral water.

We have selected 5 machines that are available in almost every gym, and now we explain what they are for and how to use them. Now, having come to the hall, you will know exactly what to do.

If the only machine that doesn't terrify you is the treadmill, then we understand you well. Turned it on and ran. But what about those who are tired of running and pulling dumbbells every time, because, as it seems to them, using the simulators is too difficult? Believe me, you are not alone: ​​many beginners are afraid to ask the instructor how this or that simulator works, and simply do not use them. They don't know what exercises to do on different groups muscles, how to set the correct load. After reading this guide, you will get rid of the feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment in the gym - you will have an idea of ​​​​how the simulators work and why they are needed at all. The only thing to remember is that we still do not recommend inventing a training program for yourself. Contact the experts.

Konstantin Nekrasov

world champion in fitness, coach of the Bereg studio

If you just want to start training, I advise you to first go to the doctor, then to the trainer. They will help you distribute the load correctly, tell you how and what exercises you should do better, and what to forget about.

Most likely, the first few months in the gym you will work out the technique of performing exercises, using the minimum weight. In this way, your joints will gradually get used to the load and you will be able to avoid injury. Further work will be built based on your goals. If you want to build muscle, you will need to lift more weight and perform fewer reps. To burn fat, choose not big weight, but increase the number of repetitions.

Upper block

What parts of the body does he train? upper body, arms.

If you don’t know how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar yet, you can start training with the pull of the upper block. This machine allows you to train exactly those muscles that you use when pulling up on the bar.

Set weight. Sit directly under the upper block, keep your back straight, lower back open. The legs are bent at a right angle. Pull the bar to your chest and lift it up required amount approaches.

Smith machine

What parts of the body does he train? upper body, back, arms.

The advantage of the Smith machine is that it allows you to exercise safely. The bar moves along a predetermined path, so you do not fill up your hands forward or backward. In addition, on the segment along which the bar moves, there are several hooks. The rod can be fixed on them. This is very convenient: if you go too far with the weight, you can easily stop in the middle, put the bar on the hooks and change the pancakes.

How to do the exercise correctly: fix the position of the backrest, set the required weight. Perform bench press while lying down or sitting at an angle of 45 degrees.

Lying Leg Press Machine

What parts of the body does he train? all muscle groups in the legs, the back of the thigh and the gluteal muscle.

This simulator, like the Smith machine, allows the body to move along a given trajectory and minimizes the possibility of injury. On this simulator, you can put a lot of weight and work out the buttocks and legs well. A great alternative to heavy weight squats, greatly reducing back strain.

How to do the exercises correctly: set the weight, lie down on the seat. Place your feet on the platform shoulder width apart. Bend and unbend your legs as you raise and lower the platform. Push the platform with your heels. The loin should be firmly pressed against the seat. You can hold on to the handles with your hands.

bottom block

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Over the past few years, propaganda has been gaining momentum healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition and sports. Millions of people around the world are starting to think not just about how they look, but also about the quality of the appearance itself.

Gaining more popularity different kinds fitness. Such a variety makes it possible to try your hand at many sports areas and determine what you like best.

Often at this stage, questions arise regarding how to draw up a training program, which exercises are best to choose and how to combine them with each other.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the features of training for girls, as well as compile examples of exercises that can be performed both in the gym and at home.

You will need:

What to pay special attention to

When compiling a training program for girls, you need to pay attention to:

1) State of health

This is the most important indicator that helps to choose the right load individually for each organism, because the main tasks of training are to improve health, prevent diseases and general tone muscles.

It is best to first consult a doctor, and then engage in a selection of suitable exercises.

2) Age

In some cases, it may limit the number of exercises when drawing up a training plan.

3) Rhythm and schedule of life

For example, you are working, studying and want to incorporate training into your routine. Based on this, the time for classes is selected (morning / afternoon / evening), the number of workouts per week and total time the training itself;

4) Personal wishes

No need to abuse yourself by doing exercises that do not bring pleasure. For example, you came to the gym. As a rule, modern fitness centers offer a wide range of fitness areas in addition to the machines themselves. These are group classes, and Pilates, dancing, yoga, martial arts, swimming. Each person can find what he likes.

3 main stages of training

Whatever type of activity you choose for yourself, you should stick to the basic steps.

Warm-up before training.

It will prepare your muscles for upcoming exercises and avoid possible injuries.

As a rule, the warm-up takes place at an active pace and lasts 10-15 minutes.

It can be running in place, jumping rope, just active movements with arms and legs.

Basic workout.

The main stage during which you give a load to your muscles.

The duration can be different, it all depends on your goals and objectives (usually, from 20 minutes).


This stage is also called stretching - an important end to every workout! The stretching complex helps to improve flexibility and blood circulation in the muscles, as well as speed up their recovery.

Don't believe the myths

Has been proven interesting fact that the principles of women's training are not fundamentally different from men's.

Whether you're looking to improve the "quality" of your body, lose weight, or just build muscle, you need weight training.

There are various myths about this, the main one of which says that weight training will make a real jock with huge muscles out of a girl. But this is absolutely not true.

In the organisms of men and women, different hormones predominate, which are responsible for the growth of muscle tissue: in women - estrogen, in men - testosterone. The latter contributes muscle growth in the body of the stronger sex. Accordingly, the muscles of a man during loads are programmed for growth. Estrogens just don't work female body swell to enormous proportions.

To really become a masculine woman with big muscles, you need to additionally take male hormones, which, in turn, will start the process of muscle growth, which usually happens in the male body.

Directions for different levels of training

There are different types of fitness. Let's take a closer look at those that will fit different levels preparation.

Bodyweight workouts.

The advantage of such training is that you do not need to look for additional training equipment, such as dumbbells, barbells, weights, and so on. You are using only your body weight. An example of such exercises are: push-ups, squats, jumping, jumping, pull-ups.

Such exercises contribute to the overall improvement of the body, strengthen the muscles and tone them.

Bodyweight training can be done anywhere: at home, in the gym, and in the fresh air. Suitable for any level physical training, it is only important to regulate the number of exercises, approaches and repetitions.

Weight training.

They allow you to work out the muscles of your body in more detail using various weights: barbells, expanders, kettlebells, dumbbells, exercise equipment, and more. Examples of exercises are: lunges with dumbbells, press on an incline bench with a pancake 5 kg, bench press from the chest.

Such training can be carried out both in the gym, and at home, and on the street.

You just need to have the right equipment.

Suitable for any level of training, but it is important to follow the technique of performing exercises and dose the load.

functional training.

Exercises are selected in such a way that it is involved a large number of muscles right away. An example would be: burpees (burpees), squats with dumbbells, and then pushing them up overhead, exercises with weights on the arms and legs.

This type of training is suitable for different levels of training, but special attention should be paid to breathing and execution technique.

Also, make sure that the pulse does not rise above the norm (the threshold is determined for each age group separately).

Functional training is a great way to diversify your workouts. Suitable for home, gym and outdoor use. For some exercises, you will need additional equipment.

Cardio workout.

An excellent type of load for your body, providing a general recovery on cardiovascular system, helps to strengthen muscles, helps in the fight against excess weight.

The classic example of a cardio workout is running. It also includes swimming, cycling, ellipse, brisk walking.

Suitable for any fitness level.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the initial data (if there are any problems with the joints) and to the pulse (it should not be higher than normal).

You can do cardio training in different places: outdoor running, ellipse trainer in the gym or at home, stair running.

How can you load the muscles

Exist various ways and types of how you can load the muscles of our body.

Training for all muscle groups (circular training).

Allows you to work out evenly the whole body. Ideal for beginners and people who want to diversify their training.

One of the principles of building such workouts is that all exercises are performed one after another in a circle, starting from working out large muscles (back, biceps, chest), ending with smaller ones (biceps, triceps, abs).

The number of exercises and circles depends on the objectives of the training and the state of health of the person.

Training of individual parts of the body.

This type of training is not suitable for beginners. It is more aimed at amateurs and professionals.

Allows you to qualitatively work out the necessary muscles.

The training plan looks something like this: 3 workouts per week, each of which works on individual parts of the body or muscle group.

For example, on Monday, workout for the legs and shoulders, Wednesday - chest and biceps, Friday - back and triceps.

Antagonist/synergist muscle training.

Good for variety training process.

Antagonist muscles work opposite to each other (biceps and triceps, chest muscles and latissimus dorsi).

Synergistic muscles - work in one direction - pull or push (triceps / pectoral muscles, leg muscles / buttocks, biceps / latissimus dorsi).

This type of training is most common among amateurs and professionals.

Superset training.

It helps to work out the muscles and give them some stress.

The basic principle of training: two or three exercises are performed one after another without rest.

Superseries are also commonly used by amateurs and professionals. Such training is used to work out the muscles of synergists and antagonists.

Let's now move on to the detailed preparation of a training plan for girls, focusing on the main tasks. When we decide to come to grips with our appearance, improve health, make the body more prominent and feminine, each of us pursues a specific goal - to gain weight, maintain the weight that we have, or lose excess. Based on this, the entire training program will be built. It also depends on the level of physical fitness, but first things first.

Exercises for a beginner in the gym

If you are new to fitness and all your sports experience is limited to physical education lessons at school, then it is best to seek the help of a professional trainer who will conduct fitness testing for you (determine your level of fitness), individual plan training and talk about the technique of performing exercises, clearly demonstrating their performance.

Many modern fitness clubs provide the opportunity to get acquainted with the simulators under the supervision of a trainer for free (this service is already included in the subscription price).

You will be shown how each simulator works, they will tell you which muscle groups it works on, in general, they will give you a full consultation. If the fitness club did not have such a free service, then the trainers on duty, who are always present in the gym, can come to the rescue.

The main goals of training at this stage are: general improvement of the body, setting the correct exercise technique, mastering proper breathing.

Best of all for a beginner, a circular training is suitable, in which all the muscles of the body will receive a load.

Here rough plan of what a workout for a beginner in the gym might look like (all exercises are done one after another; rest only at the end of the circle 3-4 minutes; only 1-2 circles; focus on your own feelings; each exercise for 12-15 repetitions; weight is selected individually):

1) Warm-up (treadmill 5-7 minutes) + articular gymnastics;
2) Main workout:

  • Squats with an empty bar or bodybar;
  • hyperextension;
  • pull of the upper block behind the head;
  • wiring dumbbells on an inclined bench on the chest;
  • horizontal pull to the belt;
  • lifting dumbbells for biceps;
  • elbow extension with a dumbbell with an emphasis on the bench for triceps;
  • raising arms to the sides with dumbbells standing on the shoulders;
  • twisting on the rug (press);
  • lying leg raises right angle(press).


At the initial stage, it is best for a beginner to train 2 times a week with a break of 2-3 days.

This mode is optimal for good muscle recovery. After 3-4 weeks of such training, you can move on to 3 classes per week with a break of 1 day.

Exercises for a beginner at home

If we talk about training at home, then there is a slight difficulty with the preparation of equipment.

At the initial stage, you can do exercises with your own weight, but after a while it is better to buy the necessary equipment (dumbbells, mat, expander, elastic band, a few pancakes) in order to increase the effectiveness of training.

An example of a workout for a beginner at home (circuit training: exercises are performed one after another without rest; 1-2 circles; 15 repetitions; rest only after the end of the circle 3-4 minutes):

1) Warm-up (running in place or jumping) + joint gymnastics 7-10 minutes;
2) Main workout:

  • Bodyweight squats or dumbbell squats;
  • push-ups from the knees with a wide setting of hands;
  • traction of dumbbells to the belt in an inclination or traction of any weighting agent (a bag with clothes, a canister of water);
  • lunges in motion with or without dumbbells;
  • push-ups from the knees with a narrow setting of hands;
  • reverse push-ups for triceps (for example, from a chair);
  • lifting dumbbells or any other improvised weighting agent for biceps;
  • lifting dumbbells or other weighting agent in front of you on your shoulders;
  • twisting on the carpet (press);
  • lifting the body to the raised legs (press);

3) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

Don't forget to drink water throughout your workout.

Workouts for the amateur at home and in the gym

If you have already mastered various exercises well enough, perform them technically correctly, watch your breathing and understand why you are doing this or that action, then you can safely be classified as a fitness enthusiast.

At this stage, the understanding of the training process is noticeably improved, you can already independently create a training program for yourself and determine the amount of load.

It's time to formulate more specific goals: either maintaining current weight and improving body quality, or gaining muscle mass or weight loss.

Once you decide on your desires, you can begin to draw up a training plan. In each case, the principles of training will be different.

Maintain current weight

You should maintain the usual number of calories in your diet through proper nutrition (daily calorie intake is approximately 1500). Calculate more exact value You can use special formulas on the Internet.

The training regimen is usually 2-4 sessions per week for about 1.5 hours. Types of training are also at your discretion: circular, by muscle groups, functional training. Most often, preference is given to the last two types.

An example of dividing workouts by muscle group per week

You need to perform these exercises with an interval of 1 day. Gym workouts.

Monday (legs/shoulders/abs)

1) Warm up.
2) Main workout:

  • 1 superset (press):
  1. Twisting on the mat;
  • 2 super series
  1. Squats with dumbbells with wide legs;
  2. lifting dumbbells to the side on the shoulders;
  • 3 super series
  1. Deadlift with dumbbells;
  2. lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • 4 super series
  1. Breeding legs in the simulator;
  2. reverse "butterfly" to the rear delta;
  • 5 super series
  1. Hyperextension;
  2. seated dumbbell press;

3) Cardio (10-15 minutes).
4) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

Wednesday (chest/triceps/abs)

1) Warm up.
2) Main workout:

  • 1 superset (press)
  1. twisting on an incline bench;
  2. hanging leg raises;
  3. twisting on the rug;
  • 2 super series
  1. chest press on an incline bench;
  2. reverse push-ups from the bench for triceps;
  • 3 super series
  1. wiring dumbbells on an inclined bench;
  2. elbow extension with a dumbbell with an emphasis on the bench;
  • 4 super series
  1. bench press in the simulator from the chest;
  2. French bench press for triceps;

3) Cardio (10-15 minutes);
4) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

Friday (back/biceps/abs)

1) Warm up
2) Main workout:

  • 1 superset (press)
  1. twisting on the rug;
  2. alternately raising the legs to an angle of 45 degrees;
  3. cot;
  • 2 super series
  1. thrust of the vertical block behind the head;
  2. lifting dumbbells for biceps;
  • 3 super series
  1. EZ-bar pull to the belt;
  2. raising the EZ bar for biceps;
  • 4 super series
  1. pull-ups in the gravitron;
  2. lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination;

3) Cardio (10-15 minutes);
4) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

An example of dividing workouts at home

If we talk about drawing up a training plan at home, then amateurs definitely need to have additional equipment in their arsenal, for example, a kettlebell, a couple of sets of dumbbells, an elastic band, weights.

An example of a workout to maintain weight at home:

1) Warm-up (running in place / 15-20 burpees / jumping rope (or imitation) + joint gymnastics 10-12 minutes);
2) Main workout:

  • 1 superset (press)
  1. twisting on the rug;
  2. lifting straight legs lying down to a right angle;
  3. lifting straight legs to an angle of 45 degrees;
  • 2 superset (legs/shoulders/triceps)
  1. squats with dumbbells;
  2. lifting dumbbells in front of you on your shoulders;
  • 3 superset (legs/chest/biceps)
  1. lunges with dumbbells;
  2. push-ups from the knees from the floor with a wide setting of the hands;
  3. lifting dumbbells for biceps;

  • 4 superset (back/shoulders/triceps)
  1. lifting dumbbells to the belt in an inclination;
  2. lifting dumbbells to the sides on the shoulders;
  3. dumbbell pull with two hands from behind the head to the triceps;
  • Superset 5 (glutes/back)
  1. gluteal bridge;
  2. dumbbell pull with one hand from the support;

3) Stretching (10-15 minutes).

Losing excess weight

If your goal is to drop excess weight, get rid of subcutaneous fat, bring your muscles into tone, then a slightly different scheme will work here: create a calorie deficit by reducing daily food intake and increase physical activity.

You should eat less, but move more.

This does not mean that you need to train all day long and reduce nutrition to a minimum.

Your calorie intake should not fall below 1200 per day. Otherwise, it is fraught with a failure of the menstrual cycle, a deterioration in the general condition of the body, the development of chronic fatigue and all the unpleasant consequences.

Training aimed at reducing body weight is similar in principle to training to maintain the current weight. The big difference is the increased cardio load. After your core workout, add a long run, brisk walk, or ellipse for about 40-50 minutes. This in an additional way will burn unwanted body fat.

Be sure to monitor your pulse. It should not be more than 160 beats per minute (the optimal heart rate for fat burning is from 130 to 160 beats per minute).

After such an intense workout, be sure to stretch your muscles. This will allow them to recover faster for the next lesson, as well as improve flexibility and plasticity.

For fat burning, fasting workouts (in the first hour after waking up) are good, but lasting no more than 40 minutes. After the night, glycogen stores are depleted, which means that the breakdown of adipose tissue will immediately begin. At the end of the workout, you need to have a good meal.

It is better to give preference to foods rich in complex carbohydrates and protein ( oatmeal with nuts, chicken with buckwheat, scrambled eggs and other options).

Exercise in the gym will help fastest process weight loss, as opposed to home workouts. But if you do not have the opportunity to train in the gym, then home fitness will be very helpful.

If weather allow you to train outside the home, then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

An example of an outdoor workout for weight loss:

1) Warm-up (light running + articular gymnastics);
2) Interval running (2 minutes average pace - 1 minute acceleration = 20 minutes);
3) Exercises (circular training): 2-3 circles of 15 movements

  • Squats;
  • push ups;
  • lunges;
  • burpee;
  • long jump;
  • reverse push-ups for triceps;
  • grass press.

4) Stretching (10 minutes).

Set of muscle mass

This is quite a long and painstaking process. It is almost impossible to gain a clean dry mass. The fact is that you need to create a calorie surplus in your diet, that is, increase the amount of food consumed through complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals) and proteins (chicken, fish, seafood, meat, eggs). To do this, you need to know.

With the intake of more food in your body, the muscles will gradually grow, but at the same time the fat layer will increase.

This is a normal process with such a diet. The most important thing is to watch what and when you eat. Control will help you get the desired shape faster in the future.

Also consider one important fact that all organisms are different. Your girlfriend may quickly go through the process of muscle growth, while you will notice that in your case, nothing really changes. Don't give up and keep working on yourself. For more detailed information in each specific case, it is better to seek the help of a professional trainer with whom you will discuss all your concerns.

When gaining muscle mass, training is more relaxed. During this period, do not get involved in cardio loads. Better to avoid them altogether additional expense You don't need calories at this stage.

The training regimen can be different: from 2 to 4 sessions.

At each workout, it is better to work out different muscle groups (usually there is a division of muscles by day of the week). The number of repetitions is reduced from 20-15 to 10-12. Weight increases slightly and may increase during the bulking period.

An example of a workout for gaining mass in the gym

Day 1 (abs/legs/glutes).

1) Warm up (10 minutes)
2) Main workout:

  • squats with a neck on the shoulders (3x12);
  • deadlift with bar (3x12);
  • lunges with dumbbells in place (3x12);
  • sitting leg curl (3x12);
  • hyperextension with pancake 5 kg (3x15);
  • super series on the press (3х20):
  • twisting on the rug;
  • lifting straight legs lying down to a right angle;
  • twisting in the simulator;

3) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

Day 2 (abs/back/biceps)

1) Warm-up (10 minutes);
2) Main workout:

  • pull EZ-neck to the belt (3x12);
  • lifting the EZ bar for biceps (3x12);
  • thrust of the vertical block behind the head (3x12);
  • lifting dumbbells sitting on the biceps with a delay at the end (3x12);
  • dumbbell pull with one hand to the belt (3x12);
  • super series on the press (3х20):
  • twisting in the simulator;
  • alternate lifting of straight legs lying down to an angle of 45 degrees;
  • twisting on the mat with pancake pushing 5 kg up;

3) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

Day 3 (abs/chest/shoulders/triceps)

1) Warm-up (10 minutes);
2) Main workout:

  • chest press (3x10);
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides on the shoulders (3x12);
  • French bench press for triceps (3x12);
  • wiring dumbbells on an inclined bench (3x10);
  • dumbbell pull with two hands from behind the head (3x12);
  • super series on the press (3х20):
  • twisting on a fitball;
  • press on the elbows in the simulator;
  • plank (1 minute);

3) Hitch (stretching) 10-15 minutes.

Weight gain workouts at home

If we talk about gaining mass at home, then this is unlikely to succeed. As a rule, there is not enough equipment for such training.

It's also likely that you'll need help exercising with unusual (heavier) weights. In the gym there will always be a trainer or ordinary people who will follow the exercise, give the barbell or remove it, for example, from your chest, when there is no strength left at the end of the workout.

At home, you simply recover after a workout, follow proper nutrition, sleep well, and then your muscles will definitely be doomed to growth.

After you gain a sufficient amount of muscle, noticeably acquire volumes in the right places, you can proceed to the next stage - getting rid of subcutaneous fat.

Here information from the section will come to your aid. Training will be more dynamic in nature, cardio load will be actively connected.

It is possible that during this period you will need to apply additional sports nutrition so as not to lose hard-earned muscles during fat burning. For this information, it is better to contact a professional trainer who will competently select the right products for you, based on your tasks and initial data.

Professional training

If at some point you decide for yourself to move on in a sports direction (for example, to compete in high level), then you need to qualitatively change your approach to training. Naturally, in this situation, we are no longer talking about home workouts - only a gym or special rooms for sports areas.

To achieve maximum results, you need to find a trainer who will work with you on an ongoing basis, track progress, monitor nutrition and advise on various issues.

Even if you think that you have enough knowledge and experience in this area, and you can cope with all the difficulties alone, then this is a big mistake.

Only then will we be healthy. Our body will say thank you. You will get a wonderful bonus in the form of a toned, slender body that attracts attention and speaks of inner balance and harmony.

Stop putting off your New Year's resolution to finally lose weight! I will help you open the doors to the gym and start your first workout. Today you will find out where a girl should start in the gym. Go!

Today the famous fitness model Jamie Eason will share with you. She knows very well how a girl can start training in the gym.

After I had my baby, I knew it wouldn't be long before I got back to the gym. After 9 months of pregnancy and a few months of sitting at home with my baby, I was ready to take some time for myself. But returning to the gym after a long break was a little scary.

I was out of shape and already getting used to it. That is why, when I entered the gym again, I felt insecure about myself and my abilities. It made me think back to my first time at the gym and how scared I was at that moment.

I believe that this article is also read by those who are just about to go on their first “journey” to the gym. If this is about you, then I want to offer you some tips that will help you overcome your fears and succeed this year.

If you haven't purchased a gym membership yet, now is the time! In this article, I'll answer some common questions as well as give you some training and nutrition tips so you can hit the gym with confidence.

I'm too afraid to go to the gym. What should I do?

If this is your first time going to the gym, then my advice to you is to go there with a friend or acquaintance. Find a friend or someone in your family who wants to start exercising too. Together is better!

It's even better if you have a friend who is crazy about gyms and sports in general and who can show you what to do. Advice good friend usually better than any advertisement.

If you haven't found a company, don't despair. After all, you are only doing this for yourself. Find some courage in yourself, take a deep breath and step into the room.

I came to the gym. What's next?

Most gyms offer free trial workouts or even a week-long introductory course. If the hall staff insists and offers certain discounts or classes, take advantage of this and ask questions that concern you. Find out when there are a lot of people in the hall, and when there are few. Ask about cardio machine time limits, personal trainers, pricing, schedules and more.

Maybe you'll get lucky! And while they won't necessarily give you everything you asked for - a discount, a personal trainer - being curious about what the gym has to offer can put you in the best light and maybe they'll offer you a detailed gym tour and free advice. training from a professional trainer.

Okay, I bought a subscription. Where to start?

After you have gone through all the formalities, go straight to the locker room. On your way to the locker room, explore the gym and the machines available. As a rule, it will take some time to understand which simulators are the most popular in the gym and start exercising on them.

After you spend a few weeks in the gym, you will notice which machines and which days of the week are used more and which are less. For example, many people avoid working out on their legs on Mondays - going to work on Monday is already hard in itself - so you can start training on legs.

Once you've changed and left your belongings in the locker room, grab a bottle of water, a towel and a music player and head straight to the cardio machines for a little workout.

Warm up? Why do I need it?

Before you start a full workout, you need to prepare your muscles. It is necessary that the blood circulates in the body, and your thoughts are directed to classes. It is not necessary to spend 20 minutes on a treadmill, 5 minutes will be enough.

As you warm up, look around and plan your workout. If this is your first time in the gym, it's good to do exercises that get the blood pumping into your muscles and help you maintain strength and stamina when doing harder and harder exercises.

“It is necessary that the blood circulates in the body, and your thoughts are directed to classes”.

My "plan of attack" consists only of a treadmill!

I know you feel great on the treadmill, but it's time to do something more serious, right? The circuit training scheme is the safest option, as your heart rate will always remain slightly elevated as you exercise. You will feel like after a great workout, but not tired at all. Trust me, lifting too much weight on the first day is a surefire way to derail your daily workouts. You may feel a certain strength in yourself, but after a few days you will regret it.

For circuit training, you need to perform five or six different consecutive exercises for a certain number of repetitions. "Repetition" means how many times you do a particular exercise. Once you've completed all six reps, you can take some time off. Then do the same five or six exercises again. If you feel like you can do the third round of exercises, do it!

I usually recommend circuit training for both beginners and more advanced athletes who, for one reason or another, took a break from training. Such exercises help to warm up and prepare the muscles for hard work in the coming weeks.

What else should I know before I start exercising?

If you have never exercised, or have taken a long break from training, any amount exercise, especially power, gives extra stress to the muscles. Don't overexert yourself for the first two weeks. Lift a weight that is heavy enough for you but that you can do about 15 reps with.

If you have never lifted weight before, then I suggest you use machines with lighter weights. When you feel confident, you can move on to heavier weights. Gym safety is very important as it is very easy to get injured. Especially unprepared athletes.

When you feel strong enough, free weights will give you more movement options and open up new training opportunities. You can also learn more about specific exercises by checking out the exercise database.

Obviously, circuit training. Are there any examples?

Here are some examples of workout routines you can take to the gym with you. Don't try to complete all three circuits on the same day. I advise you to do one a day and rest at least three days a week.

Training program for beginner girls in the gym

Program #1

  • Elliptical Trainers: 5 Minute Warm Up

Program #2

  • "Bicycle" lying down: 5 minute warm-up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Stretching on the legs: 15 times
  • Leg Press: 15 reps
  • Walking lunges: 15 times
  • Seated leg curl: 15 reps
  • Shoulder width leg press: 15 reps
  • Lifting on toes while standing: 15 times

Program #3

  • Treadmill: 5 minute warm up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Lifting dumbbells: 15 times
  • Reverse curls: 15 reps
  • Push-ups: 15 times
  • Standard crunches: 15 times
  • Reverse grip crunch: 15 times

I want to lose weight, so I probably shouldn't eat before or after a workout, right?

Wrong. Whatever you eat before or after your workout is very important. Your body needs energy to exercise. Therefore, you need to eat foods high in protein in order for your muscles to get enough energy and recover.

Before workout

Eat one of the following before your workout:

  • Oatmeal with almond milk and honey
  • Spinach omelette with toast
  • Greek yogurt with half a banana
  • Cottage cheese with blueberries and almonds
  • Fried eggs, pita bread, small apple

After training

Eat the following after your workout:

  • Chicken with brown rice
  • Protein shake with half a banana
  • London roast, sweet potatoes and vegetables
  • Legumes and quinoa salad

I can not wait anymore! Pity me good luck!

The first step into uncharted territory is always difficult. This year, be brave, cast aside all doubts and take a step! Not all gyms are equally good. So if you suddenly did not like one and you have the opportunity to move to another, go boldly.

The main thing is that you like and enjoy what you are going to do every day. If you don't like the gym, consider other options like fitness classes or outdoor workouts. Never give up if you don't like gyms. Find what you like and life will change for the better!