History of type

it ancient family The silent, related wombam, reached the greatest manifold in oligocene, 34-24 million years ago, when, judging by the fossil remains, there were no less than 18 types of sampling bears. Among them were such a giant as Queensland Koala Koalemus.who weighed half a throw. Modern Koala Phascolarctos cinereus.Allegedly appeared 15 million years ago.

Koala remained unnoticed by James Cook's expedition, in 1770 discovered east Coast Australia. The first mention of it is found in the report of John Price, the servants of the governor of the new South Wales John Hunter, about the journey to the blue mountains in 1798. Price writes that in Blue Mountains An animal called kullavayn, outwardly similar to the sloth. For the science of Koala was opened in 1802 by the Fleet officer Barral, who discovered the remains of Koala in the aborigaons and sent the wicked limbs of the beast to the governor of the new South Wales King. In June 1803, the live koala was caught south of Sydney, and on August 21, the Sydney Gazette newspaper placed him detailed description . However, the scientific name of Koala did not receive until 1816, when the French zoologist Blenville gave him a generic name Phascolarctos - From Greek. phaskolos. "Leather bag" and arktos. "bear". Species title cinereus. (ash) the beast received for the color of the fur.

In about half a century, Koal was found only within the new South Wales. In 1855, Naturalist William Bryndovsky met him in Victoria, and in 1923 O. Thomas - in the southeastern part of Queensland. Koala inhabited South Australia, but was completely exterminated here at the beginning of the 20th century. In Western Australia, the Koala was not preserved, although Quaternary residues indicate that he was found here.


Koala is a small beast of dense physique: the length of its body is 60-82 cm; Weight from 5 to 16 kg. The tail is very short, outside is impaired. The head is big and wide, with a flattened "face". The ears are large, rounded, covered with thick fur. Little eyes. The back of the nose hairless, black. There are brush bags.

Koala thick hair and soft, durable; On the back, the color varies from light gray to dark gray, sometimes reddish or reddish, belly lighter.

Koala limbs are adapted to the lasagna - the large and index fingers of the front and limbs are opposed to the rest, which allows the beast to bite the branches of the trees. Claws are strong and sharp, capable of withstanding the weight of the animal. On the big finger The hind limbs claw is absent. Koalas are one of the few non-primates having a papillar pattern on the pads of the fingers. Koala fingerprints are indistinguishable from fingerprints of a person even under an electronic microscope.

The brood bag in females is well developed, opens from behind; Inside there are two nipples.

Koalas are usually silent and given a voice only during the reproduction period or in case of danger. A causing Creek of the male is described as "something average between snatching a thick drunk, creaking the door on rusty hinges and grumble with something dissatisfied pig." Scared or wounded Koala shouts and "crying" as a child.

Dimensions and painting of this animal varies depending on the place of residence. So, Koalas of the state of Victoria is larger and harder, they have a more thick and dense dark gray fur, often with a brownish tint on his back. In tropical and subtropical Queensland, Koala is much smaller and lighter, they have less frequently and shorter.

The appearance of the koala little resembles a bear (hence his name is a sore bear); A rudimentary tail, the location of the brood bag and the tooth formula bring it closer to the wombates with whom he apparently had a common ancestor.


Koala is found in the east of Australia - from Adelaide in the south to the Cape York Peninsula in the north. Koalas of South Australia were already exterminated at historical time - in the 20s of the 20th century, but this state was again populated with individuals from Victoria.

Lifestyle and food

Koala with cubs

Koala eats leaves eucalyptus

The rate of metabolism in the Koala body is almost two times less than that of most mammals (with the exception of wombats and sloths), it helps him compensate for the low nutability of the diet. On the day of the coal, it takes from 0.5 to 1.1 kg of leaves, which it thoroughly crushes and chews, accumulating the resulting mass in the grinding bags. Like all mammals feeding with fibrous vegetable feedAt the coal in the digestive tract there is a rich microflora, including bacteria that translated cellulose to the digestible compounds. The blind intestine, where there is a digestion process, is extremely developed, reaching for a length of 2.4 m. Poisonous substances falling into blood, neutralize in the liver.

Social structure and reproduction

Cub koala

Caal females lead a single lifestyle and adhere to their sites, which are extremely rarely leaving. In fertile areas, sections of individual individuals often overlap each other. The males are not territorial, but even less sociable - at a meeting, especially during the reproduction period, they often attack each other, causing injury.

Only during the period of reproduction, which continues from October to February, the Koala are collected by groups consisting of an adult male and several females. At this time, males often rub on the trees, leaving odorless labels, and make loud call screams, sometimes hearing for a kilometer. Since males are born less than females, around males Koal in the marriage season are collected by hams of 2-5 females. Pairing takes place on the tree (not necessarily eucalyptus).

Pregnancy lasts 30-35 days. In the litter, only one cub, which at birth has a length of only 15-18 mm and a mass of about 5.5 g; Occasionally twins. The cub remains in the bag for 6 months, feeding with milk, and then for another six months "travels" on the back or on the stomach of the mother, clinging to her fur. In a 30-week age, he begins to eat the semi-liquid excrement of the mother, consisting of a peculiar Cashitz from the semi-earned eucalyptus leaves - in this way in digestive tract The young coal includes microorganisms necessary for the digestive process. This Kashitz mother highlights about a month. At the age of the cubs become independent - young females aged 12-18 months are sent to search for sites, but males often remain with mothers up to 2-3 years.

Coals are multiplied once every 1-2 years. Sexual maturity in females occurs in 2-3 years, in males - in 3-4 years. On average, Kala lives 12-13 years old, although there are cases when they lived up to 20 years of age.

Population status and protection

Before the appearance of Europeans, the main cause of coal mortality was epizootia, droughts and fires. In the XIX -XX centuries, Koala became the object of fishery because of his thick fur. Only in 1924, 2 million skins were exported from the eastern states. A sharp reduction in the number of this beast forced the Government of Australia first to limit, and in 1927 and prohibit the hunt for the Koal, but only by -1954 their population began to recover little. Although the coal is assigned status lower Risk. (Low risk), fires still threaten fires, cutting down eucalyptus forests, as well as ticks delivered to Australia from Japan and Indonesia. Australia has created Koala Parks Lone Pine Koala near Sydney and Coon Koala Park near Perth.



Jumping koala with tree on a tree

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Bear's Bears" in other dictionaries:

    bugged bears - Koalos Statusas T Sritis Zoologija | Vardynas Taksono Rangas Gentis Apibrėžtis Gentyje 1 Rūšis. Paplitimo Arealas - R. Australija. Atitikmenys: lot. Phascolarctos angl. koala bears; koalas; Native Bears Vok. Beutelbären; Koalas Rus. Koala; ... ... Žinduolių Pavadinimų žodynas.

In the east and south of Australia, an amazing herbivore bedsome animal lives.

The teddy bear set in places where there is enough moisture and grow eucalyptus, whose leaves eat a bear of Koala. Although the bears are big Australia not applicable.

Description of the animal

Few people will remain indifferent, watching a charming animal that sits on a tree.

  • For the first time, the short bear was described in 1798, when it was discovered in the blue mountains of Australia. Since then, the beast with a wide muzzle, small eyes, bent nose, silver soft wool and shaggy ears loved by many.
  • Tear Koalas occurred from their nearest relatives - Vombates. From them, silent bears are characterized by a more dense and soft fur, slightly larger ears and longer limbs.
  • Sharp claws help the beam bear with ease to climb on trees, the size and shape of the limbs contributes to the same way. There are two thumbs back to the front paws on the front paws, behind them is still three fingers. This structure of the palms allows the animal to easily wrap the branches and trunks of trees and tenaciously hold onto them, and they hold onto the mother's wool. Cutting the branch. Koala sleeps on a tree, and at the same time can be kept with one paw.
  • The papillar pattern on the pillows of the bear's fingers is strongly reminded by the prints of human fingers, the differences are difficult to detect even under an electron microscope.
  • As for the sizes of the beams of Koala, the range here is very wide - the weight of the female living in the north can reach 5kg, and the male living in the south can reach weight 14kg.
  • Koalas are quite slow, which is associated with the features of the power of the bears: there is little protein in the leaves of eucalyptus. Lowly low metabolism - twice as slower than other mammals.
  • Sometimes, to replenish the lack of trace elements Koala eating land.
  • Most of the day - 18-20 hours. - Summerly teddy bear spends in almost motionless state. Hrapping the paws of the tree branch, he sleeps or moves along the trunk in search of food or chews the leaves stored under the cheeks. From the tree on the Koala tree jumps mainly to find food or run away from danger. This unique resident Australia knows how to swim.

Gallery: Koala Sumupian Bear (25 photos)

Koal Food

In the diet of the soup bear - exclusively leaves and bark eucalyptus.

There are in the world more than 800 species These trees, but the koala bear bits eat a bark and leaves only 120 of them. Note that for most animals, these trees are poisonous. But unique digestive system Koal allows them to consume them without deposits.

Temple prefer eucalyptuswhich grow on fertile soil, on the banks of the rivers.

Branches and leaves of such trees contain less poison. In eucalyptus, growing on dry poor soils, poisoning substances are more.

Every day the bear eats 0.5-1.1kg food. They choose young leaves - softer and inextinguity. Since in the leaves of the eucalyptus more than 90% of moisture, the shaggy inhabitants of Australia are almost drinking water. Teddy water drink only when they do not get moisture contained in the leaves or when they are sick.

IN eucalyptus leaves It contains blue acid, which is poison for most animal. By the way, the koala is also sensitive to its action, although more resistant to it, which allows them to keep their diet. There are cases when the bears were poisoned due to the fact that they had no opportunity to change the source of the feed.


Koala live for 11-12 years old, although cases were recorded when these bears lived up to 20 years old.


In nature, Koal has no enemies, apparently due to the fact that their meat is impregnated with eucalyptus. There is indulgent to man of bear, and it does not particularly resist when he takes them on his hands. Nevertheless, the beast is sharp claws and it is impossible to forget about it.

Koala may look like a child - staying alone, he can cry from longing.

To destroy the dying animals can:

  • drought;
  • fires;
  • dogs;
  • poachers.

Cutting eucalyptus trees Also contributes to the reduction of the population.

In the trees, Koal has no enemies and food competitors, on earth can attack wild Dingo dogs or their domesticated counterparts.

Koala - Painful Animals: and in a natural environment and in captivity they may have conjunctivitis and colds, often they are dying from complications. He is difficult to treat bears and because those poorly carry anesthesia. In the captivity of the bear show touching attachment to the educator, although they do not differ in large intelligence.

Exactly bear?

In fact, the Koalas belonging to the detachment of the silent, the bears do not even consist in distant relationship. Summer Bear is an endemic of Australia, that is, it lives only on this continent.

These bears are descended to Earth only to move to new eucalyptus thickets.

In today's Australia, the motorways cut the eucalyptus forests, and Koal often knock the cars when they want to cross the highway.

In Koal Zoos, it is difficult to provide natural feed, so they are mainly mainly in zoos in the regions with soft climate, where on open soil Eucalyptus can grow. The greatest success in breeding Koal was achieved in Australia and San Diego Zoos (California).

Due to the thick population of the areas of Koal, less natural habitats. Often in the eucalyptus forests there are fires due to human fault, and the slow koalas simply do not have time to escape. Only on the work of special rescue detachments here you can hoped. With mass fires, these services patrol forests and help animals. In Australia there are several large rehabilitation centerswhere comprehensive veterinary observation is carried out.

We hope that human efforts will provide the desired result, and the shaggy inhabitants of the trees will not disappear from the face of the earth.

Koala - very ancient animals. They reached their diversity about 34-24 million years ago. According to archaeological data, in that period there were up to 18 species. Modern view It appeared, most likely, 15 million years ago. There is a theory that wood kangaroo And the koala originated from the general ancestor.

The first mentions of this animal similar to the bear appeared at the end of the XVIII century in the price list of J. About traveling to blue mountains.

  • In 1802, Koala remains were sent to the study officer Barral,
  • In 1803, a vibrant representative of the species was caught. After that, the newspapers placed his description.
  • In 1808, they were finally determined as a species similar to Vombate.


Koala are like Wombat, but they have a more thick fur and soft. Fur thickness reaches several centimes. The color of the fur can be gray, reddish and even have a red shade, depending on the area where animals live. On belly fur always brighterthan back. Large shaggy ears and small brown eyes are on a pretty flat front of the muzzle. The weight of an adult individual can reach 16 kilograms, and the growth of 80 centimeters. The tail in animals is very similar to the Tail of the Bear - a short and almost imperceptible. For your own appearance They are often called a silent bear.

Long limbs are adapted to climbing on trees. So, the front paws have 2 fingers that oppose the other three. All fingers (except the large) ends with sharp claws, which helps when lifting on trees. In addition, this location of the fingers on the front paws allows the young to be tightly held for adult wool. On the hind legs there is also one reputable finger.

One of the most interesting features of these animals is the presence of fingerprints on the pillows. The papillary pattern is similar to the human.

Teeth are similar to Kangaroo or Wombat teeth. Sharp and strong cutters, like other silent herbivores, are adapted to circumcise leaves.

In addition, Koala is pronounced binarity of the genitals. Females have two vagina with two separate uteros, and males have a split penis. In general, such binarity is characteristic of all silent animals.

It should be noted that during the evolution, the brain at Koala has greatly decreased. W. modern representatives This type of brain weight is only a few tenth of a percent of the total mass. In this case, the free part of the skull is filled with a spinal fluid.


Koalas are very slow animals. Most of the life they spend in crowns of eucalyptus trees. As much as Koala sleeps, almost no one sleeps. Day animals are sufficiently passive. And even when they are not sleeping, they are sitting motionless, tightly clinging to a tree claws. Thus, in a dream or in complete immobility, representatives of this species can carry out to 18 hours a day.

These animals are more active at night. In addition, if they fail to reach the new tree, they are very slow and clumsily descend to the ground for the transition. But they jump on the trees they are very clever and in case of danger easily climb on the trees. Koalas are still able to swim, despite the fact that they drink water only during the drought period.

What koala feeds

Scientists have long agreed that the slowness of this species is associated with their nutrition. In food these silent animals use exceptionally leaves and shoots eucalyptus. Interestingly, in different time the year of Koala choose the most safe views Eucalyptus to reduce the possibility of departure. Focus B. different types Eucalyptus animals helps a developed sense of smell.

During the day, the coal is enough to eat up to 1 kilogram of leaves, which are thoroughly crushed and accumulated in the form of herbal mass in bags located behind the cheeks. They drink very rarely, all the necessary moisture is obtained from leaves.

How koala breeds

As a rule, the females of Koal live separately on their sites that are rarely leaving. At the same time, in fertile lands, the plots can overlap each other. Males do not guard their territory but when meeting, often fightBy having embraced each other. Groups These short animals are collected only during the reproduction period, which begins with the middle of the autumn and lasts until the end of winter.

Male in nature is born less than females. On one adult male falls from two to five females. To attract attention, males:

  • leave odor tags on trees;
  • make loud cries.

Pairing takes place on the trees. As all the silent animals, the pregnancy of Koala lasts a very short period - about one month. It is born, as a rule, one young, although there are very rare cases of the birth of two kids. The cub is born very little and stays in a bag until six months, feeding with milk. The next six months of the young sits on the back of the mother, clutching into her fur.

Females become independent at age from 12 to 18 monthsAnd males can stay with your mother up to three years. This is due to the fact that puberty The males and females comes at different times. Coals are rarely multiplied: about once every two years.

Today, zologs are well known how many Koala live. In nature - about 13 years, although long-livers are known, which lived to 20.

In nature, Koala are found only in Australia. Moreover, it is possible to meet them only in the south or in the eastern part of the mainland. Artificially populated by Kangaroo Kangaroo. In other parts of the world, this is a cute and harmless animal can be found. only in zoos or private nurseries.

At the same time, if until the XIX century, the population was practically not regulated and the animals died only because of diseases, droughts and fires, then in the XIX century after the detection of these animals, their mass extermination began. The coal hunt was associated with their dense fur, which was very valued. In 1927, due to a sharp reduction in the number of animals, the Government of Australia banned the coal hunt.

Another situation has developed on Kangaroo Islandwhere koalas live, who were settled there artificially. In 2000, the fallen population of these silent animals led to the depletion of the eucalyptus base, and therefore, by order of the authorities, a huge number of Koal was exterminated, since they threatened the hungry death.

Koala - mammals, chascia. Live in natural environment wildlife Only on the territory of Australia and Tasmania (like many other sampling). On the bears, they are similar only outwardly. The lifestyle of Koal is completely different.

The life of animals is studied by scientists from the 19th century. Earlier, this animal was unknown.

Quote from the site " Amazing world Australia ":

"The science and society Koala became known only in 1802, and by the year later, the first living animal of this breed was caught.
Its "official", the scientific name of Koala received already in 1816, when they were assigned the name Phascolarctos - from the Greek Phaskolos "Leather Bag" + Arktos "Bear".
His own species name, cinereus (gray, ash), Koala received due to the color of the fur. "

Koala leads an exceptionally nightlife. At night, these lovely respect will be dormant on comfortable beds from eucalyptus branches. Of course, beds on the trees. Well, not far to the dining room

In the language of the Australians, the word "Koala" means "never drinking water" And indeed, almost all the fluid necessary for vital activity, these amazing bears are obtained from eucalyptus leaves.

They, in contrast to the bears, do not eat meat at all and eat exclusively by the leaves of the eucalyptus, and at different times of the year - different species This kind of wood. This is because many varieties of eucalyptus are distinguished in some period of time to poisonous chemical compounds. Basically, it is cyanistic acid, which, when ingestion, affects the breathing organs. Also, the koalas are not like bears because they lead almost completely a woody lifestyle and descend from their abode only in order to climb to another tree.

Coal's paws are greatly adapted for climbing and clinging.
Their large and index fingers are opposed to all the rest - it is more convenient to wrap the branches.

And Koal has a tail, just he is so tiny that the soil is not noticeable.

The fur of these animals is soft and thick, it depends on the terrain, where the Koala lives, and maybe gray, reddish and even reddish. On the trouser, it is always lighter than on the back.

One of the most prominent parts of the body in Koala is claws. They are so powerful and sturdy that, overwhelming them into the tree, the koala does not fall down, even when it will sleep hard.

And they sleep often and for a long time, up to 20 hours a day. Koalas are generally very phlegmatic animals: in the afternoon, even if they do not sleep, they sit motionless, clinging to the tree and only turning the head from side to side. Often, the baby sits on the back of the female, the same calm as his mother.

Adult males have their own harem (female groups). IN summer period Time, about once every two years, the Koala female brings one sole baby.

The newborn cub reaches about 2 cm, and its weight is 5 grams. Half a year, the bear sits in a mother's bag. At 7-8 months, the baby begins to get out of her mother's bag gradually the worldAnd at 9 months he leaves his refuge and moves to the back of the mother, where he will take another year.

The average life expectancy of the animal is about 13 years, although there are individuals living and up to 18 years. The female often lives longer than the male. Koalas are easily accustomed to captivity, if it is the Australian Reserve. However, they only need eucalyptus, so they are well multiplied in state security parks.

The number of coal threateningly reduced due to the mass hunt. Now the coal hunt is prohibited. The number of these wonderful bears is slowly, but increases.

Interestingly, koalas have fingerprints, similar to human.

We offer to see photos with these wonderful animals.

I can not believe that these funny beasts really live in wildlife. So I want to take a coal on the handles. To carry home, to post in the pack and taped like a breast baby :))

The thick fur makes a little animal like a teddy bear. Interestingly, the color of the fur depends on the place of living of Koala.
Possible furs colors: smoky-gray, bright and lightly tweezing, almost red.

Interestingly, the koalas absolutely do not drink water.

On the soft pads of the coal, if you look at, you can see the pattern, the elderly manprint.

Koala boasts can also boast of their claws, which are so strong that we can withstand the weight of the animal.

On large fingers of the hind legs of Koala claws.

Koala pregnancy lasts only 1 month.

After birth, the baby lives in a bag of mom half a year and feeds on milk.

Then, when the kid moves back to his mother, it feeds on special feces (excrement) in order for the kid to receive the right microorganisms for good digestion.

Koalas sleep for 18-22 hours per day. Still would! They are so tired, renovating their heavy food ...

Koala are under the scrutiny of the World Wildlife Foundation.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF, WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE, WORLD WILDLIFE FUND) is one of the world's largest public charity organizations, more than 50 years working for nature conservation on the entire planet. Every year WWF exercises over 1200 environmental projects, attracting the attention of millions of people to security issues ambient And their decision.

Koalas are usually silent. They give sounds only at the moment of danger. Scared or wounded koala shout and cry like human children.

Here is another interesting fact:

The dimensions of these amazing animals may vary (as well as the color of the fur) on what territory this individual lives. So, in Victoria, the largest individuals live, and in Queensland - the most miniature from Koal.


Not so long ago, near the Australian town of Brisbane directly on the road was discovered orphan-cub Koala. Of course, the man who found his man could not leave the crumb to die in the middle of the road.

He was so small that it was easily felt in the coffee mug, and now, after a month, he studied just a little bit. His feeder and guardian Julie Zaiznevski (Julie Zyzniewski) gave the baby to Kickka Raymond.

Cubs Koala, forcedly separated with mothers in such early ageMadly suffer and even fall into the real depression, refusing the milk offered to them. But Julia managed to fade and warm up his care and caress. He began to eat and recover. In a couple of weeks he scored as much as 65 grams !!!

Koala is a championship of the infralass family of the Temple, family and the genus Koala. Scientists still did not find out until the end, what kind of animal Koala: Bear, Raccoon or someone else. Koala, or Australian Bear - the only animal that feeds on the leaves of the eucalyptus only.

What does a short bear look like?

Few people saw the coal alive, but many celebrated video and photos with this animal. Koala is actually a bit like a bear. For example, the tail tail is the same as a bear - a small, which is practically not visible on the body. Nevertheless, it cannot be confused with any other living being.

Koala is pretty a small animal: for example, the weight of a sample bear - from seven to twelve kilograms. Usually wool in Koala short, but thick, gray. On the abdomen in animal brighter wool. The eyes of Koala are small, and the ears and nose are big. Claws on the paws are sharp and long. They are needed by silent bears in order to easily move around the trees.

Habitat Koala

Koala is a silent animal, and it lives, of course, in Australia, as well as in the neighboring islands (except for Tasmania). The silent bears choose their places closer to the water, because there are located there rainforests - Traditional coal habitat. Temple bears live in the south, east and a little north of the mainland Australia.

The photographer found a rare moment when Koala decided to "wash the throat" in the countryside.

Koala lives in wet subtropical, tropical and subequatorial forests, where many eucalyptus grows - the only power supply of Koala.

About nutrition of samp bear

The koala is powered only by eucalyptus, despite the fact that this plant contains a blue acid toxic for animals. The fact is that this animal is less susceptible to its action. Moreover, nature even invented a kind of defense for them: in different seasons The coals are powered by different types of eucalyptus (at a certain time, these types of eucalyptus contain less syntic acid than others). However, sometimes Koala can still choose the leaves of the eucalyptus.

Contrary to popular belief that Koala never drink, these animals, although not often, find sources of water and drink it.

Coal reproduction

Koalas, which always live in one, are collected by groups only during the reproduction period. Most often, such a group consists of one male and two or five (and sometimes more) females. Pairing at Koal occurs on the trees. Coals are multiplied once a year or every two years.

Pregnancy of sampling bears lasts about a month. Usually only one cub is born about 1.5 cm and weighing no more than 6 g. Since the koala is a silent animal, a bag when carrying a child is used for quite a while - about six months. In 30 weeks, when the cub has a little tears, he can already eat liquid excrement of parents (this is necessary, as they contain the necessary substances for normal digestion). After some time, Koalas are completely growing up and begin to live their lives.

Features Koal.

What is so special in the silence of Mishke? He has many interesting abilities and differences from other living beings.

Koala is an endemic of Australia. In other words, except for Australia and the neighboring islands, Koala does not live, only in zoos. In addition, because of its fitness, exclusively to climb on trees and eat eucalyptus, a sore bear is slow and calm enough.

One more interesting feature Koal - They give birth to completely small cubs, having much larger and body weight. Surprisingly, eight-kilogram parents can be born kids with the size of the grains of beans!

Koal enemies

Koala is a stunning animal: in nature they have no enemies! Why did it happen? There are several reasons for this.

First, the silent bears are found in Australia and live on trees, but there are no wood predators on this mainland who can harm the coal. Secondly, the koala is powered exclusively by the leaves of eucalyptus, which are not harmful to the animal, but can be dangerous for other animals who want to eat a soup bear.

What is useful and the harmful koala

Koala is a very good-natured creature that can help a person and harm him.

The main use of Koal - in the zoos, they are very loved by many children, and sometimes adults. On these animals, scientists are often put on experiments. Thanks to this, charming creatures are protected by law from shooting and poaching for valuable fur.

Alas, koalas can and harm people. When the silent bears become too much and they lack nutrition, they are able to move closer to the horses of people and even become the cause of an accident. Despite this, the Koala is a very interesting animal, which has not yet been studied by scientists to the end.

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