Introduce modern man without a mobile device is no longer possible, and most of them have a built-in option to connect to the Internet. many function cellular communication to access the Internet is very necessary - this is laying routes, communicating and sending multimedia messages in instant messengers, watching online videos and much more. Without these features for mobile internet, our life would be very boring.

Many companies specializing in the provision of mobile communication services offer their subscribers not only voice call services, but also special lines of tariff plans. They are ideally optimized for a smartphone so that the client can optimize their costs as much as possible and get a reliable high-speed connection. But there is also big choice special Internet lines for a tablet, that is, almost exclusively with dedicated Internet traffic.

But which operator should be chosen so that, as they say, everyone can get what was intended - the minimum cost and good quality connections?

When choosing one or another line of tariff plans offered by the provider, you should pay attention to several important parameters at once, so as not to wait for hours to download video or other content:

  • To understand and understand the question of which operator is better for the Internet, you should understand that if a signal speed of up to 1 Mb is provided, then online services TV views will not be available to you.
  • If Skype video communication is supposed, then the speed parameter should be more than 500 KB per second.
  • If you are a fan of browser games, then you need a speed of more than 256 MB.

In addition, the signal transmission speed, in order for the mobile Internet to work well, may also depend on physical parameters - the remoteness of the device from the equipment of the mobile operator.

You should choose Best offer, which is on the mobile data market, following these tips:

  1. You should choose the best tariff plan from all the offers of operators, find a good tariff that best suits your needs. For example, the available daily or monthly traffic quota.
  2. Open the Internet on your desktop computer and look at the coverage map of each of the selected operator to determine the best option for yourself.
  3. You can test each operator in practice, but for this you will have to pre-purchase sim cards and do speed testing online. You will be able to determine for yourself whether the offer suits you or not.

Overview of offers on the Russian market

Today, when using the mobile Internet, many users abandon their usual smartphones in favor of tablets, so they are interested in current offers specifically for the tablet. But we will consider options for both smartphones and tablet computers.

So, what attractive offers can different operators boast of?

From MTS

This provider is very popular both in the Russian market segment and in neighboring countries, flexible tariff plans and many special offers for tablets and smartphones attract users. And the current competitive struggle for its customers has only spurred the company to develop and improve its telecommunications network.

Packages offered by MTS for tablet:

  • The tariff is called “For a tablet”. It includes not only Internet traffic, but also a special television application from MTS, through which you can connect to the network anywhere. However, in the regions Far East there are restrictions for it, since the signal transmission rate does not exceed 129 Kilobits per second, and a quota of only 3 GB for 30 days is allocated. Connection price - 400 rubles.
  • If you purchase the “MTS Kit for Tablet”, then the user can return up to 20% of the funds already paid to his mobile account, although he also has speed limits and not everywhere he can work fully.
  • Tariffs "BIT" and "SUPERBIT" can also be suitable for a mobile device. The first offer includes only 50 MB of traffic for 149 rubles, and the second 100, but for 299 rubles.
  • Connect from MTS - this line is purchased only when buying a modem of the same name, but the speed indicator reaches up to 21.6 Mb per second, and immediately after activation, 699 rubles will be deducted from the account, but after that the client will have to pay 600 rubles. monthly.

From Beeline

Networks of one of the largest operators operate in many countries former Union, and many of them have already mastered the new generation of 4G data transmission.

Beeline offers a whole range of profitable tariffs of the Highway series:

  • With a dedicated 3 GB of traffic at 350 rubles / m.
  • 7 GB will cost 550 rubles.
  • 15 is already 850.
  • Well, for the most active, 30 GB is offered for 1150 rubles.

At the end of the allocated limit, the user will not be blocked, he will be connected up to 20 Mb of traffic for the amount of 200 rubles. But you can not connect a significant monthly package, but use daily rates, for example, the company will allocate 100 Mb of traffic for 19 rubles per day, or 500 for 29 rubles. You can switch absolutely free, but the refusal of the service will cost the user 45 rubles.

From TELE2

A rapidly developing company offers its customers, probably, the most profitable option for using sim cards for tablet mobile devices:

  • Tariff "BLACK" includes 2 GB high speed internet for only 200 rubles.
  • "VERY BLACK" includes 10 GB for 399 rubles.
  • "BLACKEST" ​​- 10 GB + free TV for 599 rubles.
  • "SUPER BLACK" for 1099 rubles. provides 15 GB of traffic at the highest speed.


It should be noted right away that the company uses only American or European equipment, so the rates are a little high, but this is offset by an excellent signal even in the most remote regions of the country:

  • Tariff under the marker "S" for 390 rubles. will provide 2 GB, minutes for calls and sms.
  • Under the marker "M" you will receive for 690 rubles. 6 GB.
  • "L" provides the opportunity to get already 20 GB at a price of 990 rubles, while traffic is divided into night and daytime.
  • The most expensive, but the most voluminous package called "XL" will cost 1290 rubles. The subscriber receives 20 GB of traffic day and night, that is, 40 GB per day.


The operator decided to exclude voice communication from Internet packages for tablet computers. The company positions them as completely unlimited, so the line of offers is built only on the amount of data reception limit in gigabytes:

  • For 400 rubles, the client will receive up to 512 KB.
  • 700 rubles will allow you to download data at a speed of 1.7 MB.
  • For 900 - 5.0 MB.

The scale is progressive, how much the user used traffic, how much he will have to pay, but in general we can state:

  • For the day of access to the Internet, the price will be 50 rubles.
  • For 30 days - 590 rubles.
  • Per month - 4500 rubles for completely unlimited use of high-speed traffic.


Megafon catches almost everywhere, Beeline and MTS have problems, for TELE2 the device must support the technologies of a new generation of networks, and YOTA is still doing its job well only in the Moscow region.

When making your choice, we recommend checking the coverage area in order to be sure of receiving a signal from a particular mobile Internet operator. We also advise you to decide how much traffic you need per month, and on the basis of this you can already make a choice, automatically filtering out offers with an unnecessary limit for you.

For a long time, there were no offers with unlimited Internet without restrictions on traffic and speed on the cellular market. Once upon a time, almost all operators had such offers, but over time they became unavailable for connection and unlimited Internet without any restrictions became something unreal. In 2016, finally, subscribers had the opportunity to use mobile Internet without worrying about the amount of traffic spent. At first, the operator Yota provided such an opportunity, and after that Beeline, MTS and MegaFon got unlimited Internet.

Speaking of unlimited, we mean the absence of restrictions on the speed and volume of traffic consumed. Operators also call unlimited those offers that include a certain traffic package, after which the Internet access speed drops. It turns out that the subscriber really receives unlimited Internet, but there is little sense from him, since having used up the available traffic package, the speed will drop to an extremely low value.

As part of this review, we will consider tariffs and options that provide unlimited mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. Yota, Beeline, MTS and MegaFon have such offers today. We will do detailed overview all suggestions and try to determine the best. It is now quite possible to connect unlimited Internet, but you should not hope that it will be the same as before. Unfortunately, there are no restrictions at all.

Unlimited Internet on Beeline

For a long time, unlimited mobile Internet was available only from the Yota operator, but it does not have such a large client base, like Beeline, MegaFon and MTS, and therefore there was not much noise around this proposal, although it also deserves attention and we will return to it. As for the big three, Beeline was the first to offer unlimited Internet. Postpaid tariffs of the Vse line include mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. Postpaid tariffs differ from prepaid ones in that they provide the opportunity to first use communication services and then pay. Most often, you can switch to such tariffs at the Beeline office. Unlimited Internet Beeline on postpaid tariffs "Everything" is available as part of the promotion, which has been repeatedly extended and is valid to this day.

Beeline decided not to stop at postpaid tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet and opened the “#possibleALL” tariff plan for connection, which provides for an advance payment method. There is also a tariff plan with unlimited internet for tablets. So far, Beeline has three active offers with unlimited internet.

  • Tariffs "Everything" postpaid;
  • Tariff "Everything is possible";
  • Tariff "Unlimited for tablet".

Tariffs have a number of differences and features, so you should consider them separately.

Postpaid tariffs "Everything" with unlimited internet

Postpaid tariffs of the “Vse” line differ in the size of the monthly fee and the volume of service packages, but all of them provide for unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. The most popular is . We have already done a detailed review of this tariff plan and we encourage you to check it out. Here we present brief information by tariff.

The tariff "All for 500" postpaid includes:

  • Monthly subscription fee - 500 rubles;
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia;
  • 600 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators;
  • 300 SMS messages;
  • Unlimited internet with unlimited traffic quota.

As you can see, in addition to unlimited Internet, the tariff plan provides unlimited calls to Beeline numbers at home and on trips around Russia, as well as impressive packages of minutes and SMS. All this is wonderful, but it was not without pitfalls. The subscriber really gets the opportunity to use the Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas, but subject to certain conditions.

The “All” postpaid tariffs are characterized by the following features:

  1. If a phone with a SIM card is used as a modem or Wi-Fi hotspot, Internet access is limited. Restrictions comparable to complete shutdown the Internet.
  2. The tariff plan cannot be used on modems, routers and even tablets. Unlimited mobile internet is only available for phones.
  3. The tariff provides for a speed limit on downloading from file-sharing networks. That is, you will not be able to download files through torrent clients.
  4. In a document with detailed description tariff plan, you can find an item that states that the operator does not guarantee Internet speed in case of network load. In fact, at any time you can cut the speed of access to the network and refer to this item.
  5. On the tariffs of the “Everything” line with a postpaid settlement system, the “Internet for everything” service is not available. Recall that this service is designed to distribute the Internet to other subscribers (not via Wi-Fi).

Undoubtedly, the shortcomings are very significant and greatly spoil the impression of the tariff. However, Beeline has other offers with unlimited Internet, although they are also far from ideal.

Tariff "#you can EVERYTHING"

The tariff plan appeared quite recently. Many argue that this is the answer of the MTS company, which opened the “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan for connection, which surpasses the “Vse” postpaid tariffs in many respects. It is difficult to say whether this tariff is the best, and the opinions of subscribers in this regard differ greatly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the description of the tariff, and then decide what is best for you.

The daily fee is 10 rubles for the first month. From the second month, the subscription fee rises to 13 rubles. per day for most regions of Russia and 20 rubles. for Moscow and Moscow region. The cost of switching to the tariff is 100 rubles. The tariff is not the cheapest and for this fee you should expect a lot from it.

The tariff can be all Beeline includes:

  • Unlimited mobile Internet throughout Russia without speed and traffic restrictions;
  • Unlimited calls to phones of Beeline Russia subscribers;
  • 100 minutes (in most regions) or 250 minutes (Moscow and Moscow region) to all networks in the home region and Beeline Russia phones;
  • 100 SMS (in most regions) or 250 SMS (Moscow and Moscow region) to numbers in your home region.

If we compare the “#possible” tariff with the “Everything for 500” postpaid tariff, then the second one looks more attractive, as it includes more impressive service packages. With regards to the Internet, here the “everything is possible” tariff has almost similar conditions. The tariff plan appeared quite recently and not all of its features are known yet. Below are a number of shortcomings of the tariff, which have official confirmation. Unofficial information (subscriber reviews) suggests many other shortcomings.

The tariff "#possible" is characterized by the following disadvantages:

Such conditions are typical for the “#possible-ALL” tariff. As you can see, there are enough pitfalls here and it is difficult to call this tariff plan ideal. However, ideal rates do not exist at all. If you are a fan of Beeline, then this one has another offer with unlimited internet.

Tariff "Unlimited for tablet"

The tariffs described above are for the phone. If you need unlimited Internet for a tablet, then Beeline has an offer specifically for these devices. provides mobile Internet without restrictions on traffic quota and speed. Distinctive feature tariff plan is that it is not characterized by restrictions on protocols. That is, when downloading files from file-sharing networks (torrents), the Internet speed will not change. So far, this is the only tariff with unlimited internet that does not have a limit on downloading file-sharing networks. However, this is where its benefits end.

The subscription fee for the tariff is 890 rubles. per month (Moscow and Moscow region). Packages of minutes and SMS are completely absent. In fact, you only pay for unlimited internet. Moreover, by default The tariff does not provide for the ability to call or send messages at all. Connection of voice communication and SMS-messages services is possible only upon conclusion of a written contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services. The conclusion of the contract is possible at any Beeline sales office.

As for the disadvantages, everything here is similar to the tariffs described earlier, with the exception of the absence of restrictions on torrents. It is worth adding that on the “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff plan, the “Highway” options, as well as promotions and other bonus programs, giving discounts on Internet traffic, are not available for connection. The disadvantage is that despite the high subscription fee, the tariff does not include communication service packages.

Unlimited Internet on MTS

MTS provides subscribers with only one tariff plan with unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. This does not mean that MTS is lagging behind Beeline in terms of unlimited Internet. MTS does not have a separate tariff for a tablet or a tariff plan with a postpaid payment system. available not only on phones but also on tablets. As for the use of the tariff in the modem, there is also a limitation in this regard. But "Smart Unlimited" does not provide for restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi and the use of the phone as a modem. By removing this restriction, MTS stood out favorably from other operators. However, here, too, it was not without pitfalls.

The "Smart Unlimited" tariff includes:

  • Unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS numbers throughout Russia;
  • 200 minutes to numbers of all networks in your region;
  • 200 SMS messages to numbers of all networks in your region.

Packages of minutes and SMS are small. Few people worry about SMS, but minutes may not be enough and then you will have to pay extra. Calls to MTS Russia numbers are also included in the 200 minute package. Only after the package is exhausted, calls to MTS outside the home region become free, but you will have to pay for calls to mobiles of other operators in the home region. As you can see, everything here is very confusing and tricky. Regarding the Internet, there are also a lot of tricks. The subscription fee in most regions is 12.90 rubles. per day. Subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region pay 12.90 rubles for the first month. per day, and from the second month 19 rubles per day.

Of course, the “Smart Unlimited” tariff has drawbacks and there are quite a lot of them. The most annoying thing is that the list of shortcomings is constantly growing. This is not because we did not identify them in a timely manner. The fact is that since the time of MTS it has been changing the conditions for the tariff and a similar phenomenon is typical for all operators. Below is a list of shortcomings that are relevant today.

Disadvantages of the "Smart Unlimited" tariff:

  1. A SIM card with an activated "Smart Unlimited" tariff cannot be used in a modem or router. Is it possible to bypass this limitation? Yes, it's possible, but it's not easy to do. We have already written about.
  2. The “Smart Unlimited” tariff is characterized by a limitation on downloading from file-sharing networks (torrents). If you try, these restrictions can be bypassed.
  3. The document with a detailed description of the tariff indicates that it is possible to limit the speed of Internet access in case of a heavy load on the network. All operators providing tariffs with unlimited Internet insure themselves with such a review.

We have devoted a whole series of articles to this tariff plan. If you believe the reviews of visitors, then the tariff has a lot of shortcomings. However, we believe that this is true for all operators. It is hardly worth counting on the fact that someday the mobile Internet will appear again without any restrictions.

Unlimited Internet on MegaFon

MegaFon does not have a separate tariff plan with unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas, but there is a special option "MegaUnlimited". Access option for connecting to the tariffs of the All Inclusive line. As in the case of other tariffs, the MegaUnlimited option provides for a number of restrictions. The subscription fee depends on the region and tariff plan.

As an example, we present data that is relevant for Moscow and the region. So, on the tariffs "MegaFon - All Inclusive L, XL" within the framework of the "MegaUnlimited" option, it will cost 5 rubles per day. If you use the tariffs "MegaFon - All Inclusive M" or "Warm welcome M", then the daily fee will be 7 rubles. For the tariff plans of the line "MegaFon - All Inclusive S" and "Warm Welcome S" the price is set at 9 rubles. If you have activated the "MegaFon - All Inclusive VIP" tariff, then the "MegaUnlimited" option will be provided to you free of charge.

Features of the "MegaUnlimited" option:

  • The option is only available on phones, smartphones and tablets. You will not be able to use the option in a modem or router.
  • The use of torrent resources and wi-fi tethering is limited. That is, when you try to download a file through a torrent client, the speed will drop to an extremely low value. Distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi also does not work.
  • The option is valid only within the home region.
  • The option is available for connection to subscribers of all regions, except for the Taimyr District, Norilsk, Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous District.

Many will think that MegaFon lags behind competitors in terms of unlimited Internet, but in fact this is not the case. Unlimited Internet without speed and traffic restrictions has long been provided by MegaFon's subsidiary Yota. If you want to connect the "MegaUnlimited" option, dial the command * 105 * 1153 # on your phone or send an empty SMS to 05001153.

Unlimited Internet from Yota

Yota offers quite attractive conditions for tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet. Many believe that this operator has too little coverage and is available only in large regions of the country. In fact Yota services are available wherever MegaFon has a connection, and this is a very impressive coverage area.

Provides very flexible settings. That is, you have the opportunity to independently choose the maximum Internet speed and cost. Yota does not have tariffs similar to those offered by MTS or Beeline. This operator offers to select the Internet for a specific device (phone, tablet, modem). First you need to decide on the device on which you will use the Internet, and then you yourself determine the optimal conditions for yourself.

Yota tariff for smartphones

The tariff for smartphones includes unlimited calls within the network and unlimited internet. You set the package of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators yourself. The minimum cost of the tariff is 230 rubles per month. For this money you get:

  • Unlimited Internet (there are a number of restrictions, see below);
  • Unlimited calls to Yota numbers throughout Russia;
  • Unlimited SMS (for an additional fee of 50 rubles);
  • 100 minutes to numbers of other operators in Russia.
  • If 100 minutes is not enough for you, you can increase the package to 300, 600, 900 or 1200 minutes. The larger the package of minutes, the more expensive the tariff.

Unlimited Internet Yota is designed for smartphones. If you need Internet for a tablet or modem, connect tariffs specially designed for these devices. You cannot use your smartphone as a modem or hotspot WI-FI access. No one will block you for these actions, the Internet speed will simply be limited to 128 Kbps. You can also forget about using file-sharing networks, since the speed will be limited to 32 Kbps.

Yota tariff for tablet

If you need unlimited Internet for your tablet, then Yota has a special offer for such cases. The tariff for the tablet provides for mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. You have the opportunity to independently determine the period of access to the Internet. Internet for a day will cost you 50 rubles, for a month you will have to pay 590 rubles, and a year of Internet at high speed will cost 4500 rubles. Rates are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region, in other regions the monthly fee will be lower.

The tariff plan is valid throughout Russia. Packages of minutes and SMS are not provided within this tariff. The cost of outgoing calls within Russia to all numbers is 3.9 rubles. in a minute. A similar cost is set for outgoing SMS.

Of course, there are no limits here. The Yota tariff provides for a number of restrictions that make it less attractive.

The tariff is subject to the following restrictions:

  1. Unlimited Internet is provided only for use on tablets;
  2. When using a SIM card in modems or routers, the speed is limited to 64 Kbps;
  3. For downloading / distributing files in torrents, there is a speed limit of up to 32 kbps;
  4. When distributing the Internet via WI-FI or using a tablet in modem mode, the speed is limited to 128 Kbps;
  5. When you are in the Crimea and Sevastopol, there are special conditions billing. For example, the cost of the Internet is 9 rubles. for every 100 kb.

Yota tariff for modem

To date, only the Yota operator has unlimited Internet for a modem without speed limits and traffic quotas. The tariff for the modem also has flexible settings. You can choose between price and speed. If you need unlimited mobile internet on top speed, then the subscription fee will be 1400 rubles per month (Moscow and Moscow region). If this is too expensive for you, you can reduce the monthly fee by reducing the Internet speed. For example, Internet at a speed of 1 Mbps will cost 600 rubles per month. You can also connect unlimited Internet for a day for 150 rubles or even for 2 hours for 50 rubles.

As for restrictions, there are none. You can use the tariff in a modem or router, distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi. We did not find information about restrictions on downloading from file-sharing networks. So far, this is the only tariff with unlimited mobile Internet that can be used in a modem or router. MTS and Beeline have long closed such tariffs and options for connection. In general, we can say that Yota is a good operator for the Internet, and if you find yourself in the coverage area of ​​​​this operator, then you definitely need to study its offers in detail.

Best offer

It is unlikely that someone will be able to answer you which operator provides the best tariff with unlimited Internet. It all depends on the preferences of a particular person, and therefore opinions will differ. If you have read the entire review in full, then you already have an understanding that all proposals have drawbacks. Unfortunately, the truly profitable offers have long been unavailable for connection.

Previously, unlimited Internet without restrictions was provided by Beeline, MTS and MegaFon, but over time, the load on the network increased and operators considered such offers unprofitable for themselves. No matter what we are told, but every operator always thinks first of all about profit, but not about the benefit of subscribers. All current tariffs with unlimited internet are far from ideal, but we have no choice but to choose from what we have.

We tested all the tariffs listed in the article, but we will not impose anything specific on you, since there really is no better guess. You yourself must choose the best option for yourself, depending on your own preferences.

Even when you are far from hometown, I still want to stay in touch, have access to the Internet. This tablet does a great job. But it's not enough to just have a mobile device. It is important to deal with another issue in detail. Which Internet to choose for a tablet?

On the this moment many operators offer their services to access the worldwide network. And involuntarily, starting to understand all this, even the head is spinning! It turns out that this is not at all accidental, because the question is really complex. And you need to approach its decision seriously, because a lot depends on it. Therefore, I propose to start to understand together.

Tablet selection

But first things first. And before you think about which tariff to choose for a tablet, you need to decide on the following: how to choose a 3g tablet. Of course, today the presence of a 3g modem in a tablet computer is a must have. And let in big cities Wi-Fi zones appear like mushrooms after rain, but they are still far from being everywhere.

And yet, which tablet to choose with 3g? To date, the price range for mobile computers with this function, it unfolds from 3 to 40 thousand rubles. Naturally, the higher the cost, the richer the functionality.

Tablet PCs with a high price tag tend to be released famous brands. The leaders in this area can be called Apple or Samsung. This kind of device always combines excellent quality, long battery life and many other exceptional features. Worthy examples are the following models: SamsungGalaxyNote (about 20k), AcerIconiaTab (about 19k), Apple iPad, etc.

Among tablets of average price category such devices stand out as ASUS FonePad (about 9-11 tr.), ASUS Google Nexus 7 (about 15 tr.), Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD Turbo (about 17 tr.). The value for money here is quite acceptable.

However, when making a purchase, first of all, be guided by your own tastes. I hope that now you do not have to comb the entire worldwide web for the request "help me choose a tablet with 3g" and your problem will be at least partly solved.

Main operators and tariffs

How to choose a tariff for a tablet? This is the next and, in fact, the main question that we have to solve. Now most operators have a lot of Internet tariffs. We will look at the main ones. And let's start, perhaps, with a fairly large operator MTS. It is difficult to name specific unlimited monthly tariffs here, since for the most part the operator offers only traffic packages, options. Answering the question of which connection to choose for the tablet, here are the main ones:

· MTS Tablet. If you are wondering how to choose the Internet for a tablet, be sure to pay attention to this tariff. The monthly fee is 400 rubles, the user is provided with 2GB of traffic for the entire month. After it ends, the speed decreases to 64 Kbps. Also included is unlimited Mobile TV.

Operators and tariffs

· Internet Mini option. The subscription fee is 350 rubles per month. 3GB of traffic is given.

· Superbit option. Subscription fee - 299 rubles, traffic - 100Mb / day.

· Internet VIP option. Subscription fee - 2000 rubles, traffic - 50GB.

The mobile operator Beeline presents an already richer range of tariffs. Among them, 2 two specialized ones can be distinguished:

· Tablet online. This tariff plan provides the subscriber with 2 GB of traffic per month, after the use of which there is a threshold for reducing the speed. The monthly fee is 281 rubles.

· Tablet online plus. Here, the user is already given 6 GB of traffic, but at the same time, the monthly fee increases to 432 rubles.

There is only one operator of the mobile trio we have reviewed - Megafon. Here are some of his suggestions for mobile internet for tablet devices:

· Megafon Online. This tariff plan provides limited access to the Internet. However, at a very favorable price - 1.9 rubles per 1 MB.

· Unlimited Internet 3Gb. The name of the tariff speaks for itself. The monthly fee is 390 rubles.

· Unlimited Internet 70 Mb. 70MB is provided per day. The fee is also per day and it is 7 rubles.

The optimal tariff for a tablet

Now let's sum up and answer the question: which SIM card to choose for a tablet. However, it is hardly possible to choose one single ideal tariff. After all, it all depends on how much and how often you use the Internet, how much traffic you spend, what data transfer speed you prefer.

If you rarely access the Internet and do not use a lot of traffic, then Megafon Online will be the most suitable tariff plan. After all, the payment is for the used megabytes.

If you do not go online often, but do not want to count extra MB, then feel free to take the “Unlimited Internet 70Mb” tariff from the same telecom operator. So you will be able to actively use the Internet all day long without worrying that you will “sit” something superfluous.

"Tablet Online Plus" from Beeline is ideal for those who cannot live without the Internet. Watching videos on the net, some games, social networks - 6GB may well be enough for all this. And 432 rubles is not the most expensive subscription fee. But be careful when purchasing this tariff. Beeline does not provide a stable network everywhere, and the Internet speed may come to naught.

Well, for the "monsters" of the Internet, you can advise options like "Internet VIP" from MTS. After all, 50GB of traffic per month for mobile Internet is real gold. However, the price of such an option is “gold”.

So, when thinking about which operator to choose for a tablet, do not forget to evaluate the cost of tariffs and the quality of services provided. Otherwise, what's the point of having an expensive internet if it's unavailable at the moment? In addition, choosing the best tariff, decide what you need it for.

What is the best Internet for a tablet 2019 tariffs - unlimited, in Moscow and Russia - from Beeline, Megafon, Tele-2 or MTS? What should a lover of 3G and 4G mobile devices choose?Overview of operators and offers.

Of course, completely unlimited 3G or 4G data mobile operators they simply don’t offer, otherwise any device can be made a traffic distribution point, and the operator himselfwill lose profit. Moreover, be responsible for the fools who decide to skype to the police and report a planted bomb. Therefore, for example, with Megafon, for 400-550 rubles per month you can get from 4 to 12 gigabytes of traffic.

Month Beeline Megaphone Tele 2 MTS
February 22,12 23,89 38,94 15,04
March 21,01 22,46 44,2 12,32

Conclusion: the most favorable tariff for the Internet on a tablet according to the results of the rating is Tele2.

MTS has the most optimal tariff for 500 rubles. also provides 10 gigabytes per month, but you can choose free unlimited TV or video calls. Plus, all operators have different policies for buying additional traffic and speed. Some have free navigation, others have profitable package roaming.

Comparative table of tariffs and traffic (winter 2019):



Tele 2

"Internet for tablet" or new packages "All mine!"

"Internet S for Tablet"

"Internet Packages"

"For tablet"

Ability to exchange minutes and SMS for traffic.

Maps, mail, cloud - for free. At high rates - music, video, etc.

As a gift - "Megafon TV" + free films per month.

At night it is free, starting from the tariff for 699 rubles.

Unlimited Internet via Opera Mini - 4.5 rubles per day!

Throughout Russia + preferential calls.

Unlim - full unlimited for 20 rubles per day.

All is mine:

19 GB per month for 600 rubles.

Postpaid (Highway):

12 GB per month for 600 rubles.

6 GB per month for 400 rubles.

5 GB - 13 rubles / day.

17 GB - 20 rubles / day.

22 GB - 30 rubles.

30 GB - 50 rubles.

Minutes and SMS for communication are attached to the traffic. They can be exchanged for GB, increasing traffic.

S - 5 GB for 400 rubles.

M - 12 GB for 550 rubles.

L - 20 GB for 900 rubles.

1 GB - 120 rubles.

3 GB - 200 rubles.

15 GB - 499 rubles (special for tablet).

25 GB - 600 rubles.

40 GB - 900 rubles.

Unused traffic is transferred to next month!

Unlimited YouTube - 399 rubles per month.

3 GB - 300 rubles.

5 GB - 400 rubles.

10 GB - 500 rubles.

20 GB - 600 rubles.


150 MB for 20 rubles at high speed.


1 GB - 210 rubles

5 GB - 450 rubles.


3 GB for 150 rubles

5 GB - for 250.

500 mb - 50 rubles.

You can pay by the day without a subscription fee - from 20 rubles for 300 MB per day.


1 GB - 175 rubles.

2 GB - 300 rubles.

Unlimited for 3 hours - 95 rubles.

Unlimited for 6 hours - 150 rubles.

The operator Tele2 in Moscow at a rate of 200 rubles. per month offer 3 gigabytes of traffic. Beeline has very good Internet packages for a tablet - with unlimited cards, although the options for tariffs are a bit tricky. But it is convenient to buy an unlimited tariff from MTS in terms of a quick connection - just dial a request.

In general, considering the best Internet tariff for a tablet in 2019, all offers from mobile operators, both in Moscow and throughout Russia, are approximately the same, it is most profitable, of course, to purchase a router for home use and receive unlimited Internet via Wi-Fi. BUT Mobile Internet turn on occasionally, for example, only to check mail or communicate through social networks while traveling in transport.

Almost every quarter, one or another operator organizes promotions, for example, provides free Internet at night, or after the expiration of the main traffic - unlimited access, but at a very low speed. They also sometimes develop tariff plans, for example, with unlimited access to social networks. At the same time, very often, through the same Facebook or VKontakte, you can’t view videos or watch photos for free, but only chat through mobile applications. In general, unlimiteds in the full sense of the word for the TABLET are NOT.

One thing can be said from the positive - every year the volume of traffic is growing for the same money. Devices are getting faster, more and more users are addicted to the online use of smartphones. And there is only one negative - because of the dollar exchange rate, bulk packages are becoming more expensive.

So, when choosing the Internet for a tablet which tariffs are better in 2019, one cannot draw an unambiguous conclusion, since almost all offers are designed for a specific audience of people. Residents of the outback should also choose according to the coverage area criterion, but in Moscow, for example, almost all operators have the same access from the same speed. Today, Beeline is the leader in night access, and in a couple of months MTS may introduce a more favorable tariff - the situation is changing every month.

Friends! Of course, the ratio of payment and the amount of traffic plays important role, but a lot depends on the speed, form of service, network operation. Below is a poll in which, based on the results of your votes, the most best internet for tablet price Russia | Please vote!

Today, for many, a portable computer has completely replaced a smartphone: you can not only watch movies or read from it. Conduct work and personal correspondence, call colleagues and relatives and use worldwide network it is sometimes no less convenient than on a familiar phone. At the same time, the Internet on the tablet is in demand. In this review, we will try to figure out which operator offers the best rate for using on a tablet. Before choosing the best internet plan for your tablet, check out the offers of leading providers.


For these purposes, a special tariff plan " ", which is described below. This basic offer is better for tablets than others from the same carrier. In addition, routers and modems work on it.

Choosing "Megafon-Online", you must make a minimum advance payment of 201 rubles, which will be debited from the account upon connection. You don't need to pay to transfer. According to the terms of connection, the cost of 1 MB ranges from 2.5 p. in the home region up to 9.9 p. in others.

But a better option is to activate a special option that provides a certain amount of gigabytes for a fixed fee. For owners of different devices are provided different conditions. For laptops, there are three different packages to choose from:

  • S - 4 GB for 400 rubles;
  • M - 16 GB for 590 rubles;
  • L - 36 GB for 890 rubles.

If this volume is not enough, activate spare megabytes:

  • 1 GB for 175 rubles;
  • 5 GB for 400 rubles.

Unfortunately, unlimited internet is not available in this case. It can only be purchased upon activation XL package when using a SIM card for distribution through a router or modem.

Of the minuses Megafon is worth noting network access restriction. There is a partial connection for 16/36 GB: from 7 am to 00:59 am, and then from 01:00 am to 06:59 am, you can use not the entire volume, but only half of it.

Be aware of the coverage area limitation: high speed not valid in the Far East region, in the Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. There, payment is made at prices for roaming: 1 MB - 9.9 rubles.

On the plus side: if you are just going to buy a laptop and are already thinking about a SIM card, you should look into Megafon partner stores and communication stores.

Then you will receive a free SIM card with the "Internet for tablet without worries" tariff.

Every month you will be provided with 600 MB free of charge, they can be spent throughout Russia. But again, the limitation: every day you can use no more than 20 MB. The benefit of this tariff plan is in the options. You can buy every day 300 MB for 30 rubles. Under these conditions, spending will be about 900 rubles. per month.

Outcome: the offer is not suitable for active users who do not part with social networks and regularly watch movies online. Good for those who need stable access and medium volume.


The most beneficial option is « » . For 400 r. you will get 4 GB and the ability to watch mobile TV without restrictions. There are also several tariffs where a postpaid settlement system operates, including a monthly fee and a variable one.

  1. "Mini"— 7 GB for 500 rubles. After the quota is exhausted, 15 more times in 30 days you can connect a package that includes 500 MB for 75 rubles. Disable: *111*160*2# / Personal Area.
  2. Maxi— 15 GB during the day + unlimited Internet at night for 800 rubles. In addition to the main package, a 1 GB package is available, you can also activate it 15 times in 30 days. It costs 150 rubles. Disable: *111*161*2# / Personal account.
  3. VIP— 30 ​​GB during the day + unlimited at night for 1200 rubles. After the quota is exhausted - 3 gigabytes for 350 rubles. Disable: *111*166*2# /Personal account.

They operate throughout Russia. When using outside the home region, in this case Moscow and the Moscow region, a fee of 50 rubles / day is charged. You can also set up auto pay.

You can connect the service United Internet to use the same package on different devices at the same time.

You can add up to five members to a group, which must have a common connection address.

To know, how much traffic is left, you can use the command *217# .

Bottom line: average in terms of supply at an average price for the market. It is worth choosing because of the service that allows you to share gigabytes across all your devices, and unlimited TV.


The main suggestion is #everything is possible.Tablet. Just he offers unlimited for a monthly fee. In Moscow and the Moscow region, it is 600 rubles according to the prepaid system. You can use it during the transition, which will be free, or after purchasing a new SIM card. It is possible to save the old number.

Purchase a SIM card in the communication salon, pre-ordering it on the website. If you are going to change the plan, go to your Personal Account in mobile application or on the operator's website - this can be done by dialing 0674 10 888 or *115*4888# .

New customers receive a bonus: the first month will cost half as much, since a subscription fee of 10 rubles / day is provided.

How to connect: dial 0674 10 888 or *115*4888# .

The best offer, perhaps, will be "" with the option "". With it, you will get 200 MB of traffic for free. Payment depends on the volume that is connected within the "Highway":

  • 8 GB for 600 rubles;
  • 12 GB for 700 rubles;
  • 20 GB for 1200 rubles.

When the megabytes run out, the extra ones will come in handy. Beeline offers three options to stay in touch at once:

  • every 150 MB will cost 20 rubles;
  • "Auto-renewal of speed" - 70 MB for 20 rubles;
  • “Extend speed” — 1 GB for 250 rubles, 4 GB for 500 rubles.

If you decide to connect, dial the desired code and press the call button:

  • 8 GB: *115*071# ;
  • 12 GB: *115*081# ;
  • 20 GB: *115*091# .

You can switch for free by dialing *110*999# .

When choosing a SIM card with 4G/LTE, check if this speed is valid in your region.

Study the map of the operator's coverage area:

Outcome: good tariffs with the most thoughtful conditions and more flexible prices. If you do not know what to choose, Beeline will certainly not disappoint you.

Tele 2

When minimalism is the best solution: Tele2 offers a plan , where there is nothing superfluous. Only mobile traffic - and the function of sending SMS. This offer is for modern devices. You can connect it if your device supports 4G.

Three volumes are available:

  • Package (7 GB for 299 r);
  • Portfolio (15 GB for 500 r);
  • Suitcase (30 GB for 899 rubles).

Some characteristics:

  • $1.80 – 1 message and 1 MB in the home zone;
  • SMS to other phones in the country - 10 rubles;
  • 2.50 p. – SMS within Russia;
  • 6.50 p. – send MMS.

In some regions, a special option "Internet for tablet" is available for connection.

For example, in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region for 99 rubles you can spend 2 GB within 30 days.

Tele2 transfers the remaining gigabytes to the next billing period. You can spend it safely at another time.

Do not forget that the operator can block your number if you do not use it. So, if you do not perform any actions for 4 months and do not pay for them, then after 180 days you can say goodbye to the card. But before that, all funds will probably be written off from your account, since every day you will pay a fee of 3 r / day.

Bottom line: a great package for the lowest cost on the market. The most favorable tariff for a tablet.


In this review, we reviewed the main tariffs that Russian operators have developed specifically for portable device. Which tariff to choose is up to you. The most profitable plans are from Beeline and Tele2. First connect #everything is possible.Tablet with unlimited for 600 rubles, the second - 7 GB for 299 rubles. For comparison, that Beeline 8 GB on a different tariff will cost 600 rubles. Another option for unlimited connection, but only at night - at MTS. In combination with 15 GB of daily traffic and a price of 800 rubles. looks very attractive.