Methodical development on this topic:

"Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia in older preschoolers with speech disorders"

Completed by: speech pathologist

Bolsheboldinskogo d / s "Sun"

Mazanova Elena Nikolaevna


1. Explanatory note

The development of the speech of preschoolers is one of the important conditions in the preparation of children to school age To schooling. One of the main stages in the formation of grammatically correct oral and writing is work to prevent dysgraphia, dyslexia in preschoolers -this is a partial disorder of the processes of writing and reading, due to deviations from the norm in the activities of those analyzers and mental processes that provide reading and writing.

Therefore, it is very important to identify even the most minor deviations in the child's speech development and correct them before starting school, since any pathology is easier to prevent than to eliminate.

At present, it is generally recognized that there is a close relationship between the underdevelopment of oral speech and impaired reading and writing. But as shown by numerous studies of well-known domestic defectologists (R.E. Levin, G.A. Kashe, N.A. Nikashin, A.K. Markov, L.F. Spirov, G.V. Chirkin, etc.), difficulties in Literacy does not occur in all children with pronunciation deficiencies, but only in those whose pronunciation deficiencies are an indicator of incomplete phoneme formation. This category includes children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

In the practice of our preschool educational institution, the number of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment in preparatory groups at the beginning school year always significant. Predicting their readiness to learn to read and write required intensifying work with this category of disorders in the pre-letter period. The need for this is dictated by the fact that the entire course of the normal speech development of the child proceeds according to strictly defined patterns, in which each already formed link is a kind of base for the full formation of the next one. Therefore, the loss of any one link (or a deviation from the norm in its development) prevents the normal development of other links “built on” above it. It follows that the early detection of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment and the prerequisites for possible reading and writing disorders and the elimination of these manifestations in them is necessary condition for successful correction of shortcomings of phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment in preschool age and prevention of future reading and writing disorders.

All of the above determines the relevance of the research topic on which I worked. The noted provisions predetermined the setting of the goal and objectives of the study.

2.Goals and objectives of the section.

Target: determination of the influence of correctional and speech therapy work with children with speech underdevelopment on the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia.


1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. To study the features of the manifestation of the prerequisites of dysgraphia and

dyslexia in preschoolers.

3.Build a system of work to prevent violations

reading and writing.

5. Systematize games and game exercises to prevent reading and writing disorders.

6. Track the dynamics of the elimination of phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech and the prerequisites for possible violations of reading and writing in children preparatory group

An object : Correction and speech therapy work on the prevention of dysgraphia, dyslexia.

Subject research is phonetic-phonemic (FFN) and general (ONR) speech underdevelopment of preschoolers.

Hypothesis research is the assumption that corrective speech therapy work in the early stages of speech development of children eliminates the phonetic and phonemic manifestations of speech disorders, preventing the appearance of dysgraphia and dyslexia during schooling.

3.Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the methodology for the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

In order to successfully master writing and its technique, a child should have the following skills already at preschool age: prerequisites letters:

    The difference in hearing of all speech sounds, including acoustically and articulatory close ones: voiced - deaf, soft - hard, whistling - hissing, sonorous.

    The correct pronunciation of speech sounds, in terms of the absence of replacements for some sounds by others.

    Development vocabulary, lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

    Sufficient formation of phonetic and phonemic representations. Possession of the simplest types of analysis available to preschool children, namely: highlighting a sound against the background of a word; determining the place of sound in a word - beginning, middle, end; highlighting a stressed vowel, and more complex types analysis and synthesis of words.

    A sufficient level of formation of visual-spatial representations. The ability to distinguish between objects and geometric figures shape, size, location in space. Concepts such as circle, oval, square, triangle; more, less, above, below, on the right, on the left, are necessary for a strong assimilation of the visual images of letters.

With FFN, children are unstable in using speech sounds. According to the instructions, the child pronounces some sounds correctly in isolation, but they are absent in speech or are replaced by others. Sometimes the sounds of one phonetic group are replaced and another is distorted. Since phonemic perception is impaired in children, i.e. children do not distinguish sounds in the flow of speech, then understanding of speech suffers. It is difficult for them to repeat syllables with oppositional sounds, independently select words for a given sound, isolate a sound from a word, etc.

Children with OHP are known to have a limited vocabulary, grammatically incorrectly express their thoughts, pronounce speech sounds incorrectly, mix them by ear and in pronunciation, then their written speech will contain errors in the form of mixing letters, distortion syllabic structure, errors in word formation and management, in the poverty of syntactic constructions.

Basic principles in corrective work on the prevention of dysgraphia:

    Compensation for defective or immature functions and operations occurs due to the development of the activity of all analyzers participating in the act of writing based on sufficiently formed functions.

    The outstripping development of oral speech in relation to written. That allows you to consolidate the auditory-pronunciation, visual-auditory, auditory-motor connections necessary for a full-fledged letter.

    Given the age and mental characteristics of preschool age, corrective preventive work is carried out as much as possible within the framework of gaming activities.

Having studied the works of defectologists, fellow speech therapists, teachers dealing with the problems of dysgraphia and early literacy education (I.L. Kalinina, L.G. Milostivenko, A.N. Kornev, V.V. Laylo, I.N. Sadovnikova), as well as summarizing my personal experience, I proposed a system of work to prevent dysgraphia and improve reading and writing skills for children with speech disorders.
The main objectives of this program include:
- development of constructive praxis and tactile sensations;
- improvement of visual-spatial perception;
- formation of reading skills and work on reading technique;
- development of perception.

P priority areas of speech therapy work:

According to the FGT, the content of correctional activities should be aimed at ensuring the correction of shortcomings in the physical and mental development of various categories of children with speech disorders.

The content of corrective activities should provide:

Identification of special educational needs of children with speech disorders,

Implementation of individual - oriented psychological - medical and pedagogical assistance to children with speech disorders,

When organizing corrective and preventive work, I rely on the following principles of speech therapy influence.

    etiopathogenetic principle,

    The principle of a systematic approach,

    The principle of an individually - differentiated approach,

    The principle of the gradual formation of mental actions,

    The principle of accounting for leading activities and motivation,

Overcoming FFN and prevention of reading and writing disorders is carried out in a complex manner. Work is being carried out in several areas:

    Formation of sound pronunciation,

    The development of phonemic perception,

    Formation of language analysis and synthesis skills,

    Enrichment of the active vocabulary and the formation of practical skills to use it.

    Development of grammar skills,

    Formation of coherent speech,

    Perfection spatial representations,

    Development of the ability to memorize and reproduce,

    The development of fine motor skills of the hands,

    The development of tactile sensations,

    Development of constructive praxis,

    Expanding the "field of vision" of the child.

The content of corrective activities should reflect the interaction in the development and implementation of corrective measures of educators, specialists of an educational institution, specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy, medical workers of an educational institution.

Prevention of reading and writing errors must be carried out at all stages of correctional speech therapy work:

At the letter level

At the syllable level

At the word level

At the level of phrases

At the offer level,

at the text level.

Stage 1: preparatory

    development of visual gnosis,

    The development of optical - spatial orientation

Stage 2: main

    Purpose: prevention of reading and writing errors on the material from letters to sentences.

Stage 3: final

    Purpose: to consolidate the skills of competent reading and writing on the material of texts.

The first block of work is aimed at the development of visual gnosis

    formation of visual perception,

    visual memory development

    formation of spatial perception, visual analysis and synthesis.

The second block of work includes the development of optical-spatial orientation, which includes:

    overcoming disorientation in own body, differentiation of its right and left parts;

    overcoming the violation of orientation in the surrounding space;

    development of orientation in two-dimensional space.

The third block is aimed at preventing errors in reading and writing.

    At the letter level

    At the syllable level

    At the word level

    At the level of phrases

    At the offer level,

    at the text level.

The content of the corrective work

1. Development of phonemic perception . Recognition of non-speech sounds, speech sounds. Distinguishing the height, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of sounds, words and phrases. Distinguishing words that are similar in sound. Differentiation of phonemes and syllables. Development of basic sound analysis skills.

2. Work on sound pronunciation . First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all the shortcomings in the pronunciation of phonemes (distortion, replacement, lack of sound).

3 . Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills . Isolation of words from a sentence, from words-syllables, from syllables-sounds. Distinguish between any speech sounds, both vowels and consonants. The child must understand the difference between consonants (voiced and deaf, hard and soft). Isolation of any sounds from the composition of the word. The ability to combine sounds into syllables, syllables into words. The ability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word and the number of syllables. Enrichment of vocabulary and development of practical ability to use it. Children's education different ways word formation using various prefixes. Another type of work is the selection of single-root words. A lot of work is being done to enhance vocabulary.

4. Development of grammar skills . The main tasks of this stage are work on the understanding and use of prepositions, drawing up sentences on pictures, series of pictures, distribution and reduction of sentences.

5. Development of coherent speech . Work is underway to train drafting descriptive stories and improving the skills of retelling small texts.

4.Expected results of the development of the program

Within a few years to the main program (Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. The program of education and upbringing of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment;N. V. NishchevaProgramcorrectional and developmental workV speech therapy group kindergartenfor children with general underdevelopment of speech) exercises and games have been added to prevent reading and writing errors
- learning ability increases, attention, perception improve; children learn to see, hear, reason;
- correct, meaningful reading is formed, interest in the process of reading and writing is awakened, emotional stress and anxiety;
- develops the ability to transfer acquired skills to unfamiliar material.
Work to prevent specific errors in reading and writing should be carried out with children with various speech pathologies: with ONR, FFNR, etc. It is also very useful for children in mass groups of 5-7 years of age.

5.Rationale used in educational process educational technologies, methods, forms of organization of students' activities.

Diagnosis of prerequisites for dysgraphia and dyslexia.

To identify violations, diagnostics are carried out in the main areas:

    Study of non-verbal mental functions.

    1. auditory attention.

      visual attention.

      Perceptions of spatial representations, visual-effective, visual-figurative thinking.

    Study of the state of the motor sphere.

    The state of general motor skills.

    Compilation of mimic muscles.

    The state of articulatory motility.

    Study of the state of impressive speech.

1. Passive vocabulary.

2. Understanding various forms inflections.

3. Understanding individual sentences in coherent speech.

4. The state of phonemic perception .

    Study of the state of expressive speech.

    Active dictionary.

    The state of the grammatical structure of speech

    The state of connected speech.

    The study of the phonemic side of speech, the sound-syllabic structure of words.

    Sound state.

    The state of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis.

    Reading skills, knowledge of letters.

Depending on which of the above prerequisites of the letter turned out to be unformed, it is customary to distinguish different types of dysgraphia. There is no single classification of it, therefore I use its most generally recognized forms, which are most often encountered in practice.

    Acoustic dysgraphia is associated with non-distinction or insufficient stable distinction of some acoustically similar sounds to the ear.

    Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is associated with the non-distinction of a number of sounds not only by ear, but also in the child’s own pronunciation, the replacement of some sounds in oral speech by others.

    Dysgraphia based on the unformed analysis and synthesis of the speech flow.

    Agrammatic dysgraphia is associated with the lack of formation of grammatical systems in a child.

    Optical dysgraphia, associated with the difficulty of visually distinguishing alphabetic characters.

The main prerequisites for the types of dysgraphia and corrective work to prevent them.

Acoustic dysgraphia , which is based on the difficulties of auditory differentiation of speech sounds, Difficulties in distinguishing phonemes close in sound, leading to frequent substitutions in the letter of the corresponding letters. When writing, it can mix whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf consonants, affricates and components included in their composition (ch-th, ch-sch, ts-t, ts-s, etc.), as well as vowels o-y , i-e.

To overcome this type of dysgraphia, it is necessary to cultivate a clear auditory differentiation of sounds that are not audible. Until this is achieved, the child will continue to write at random.

Due attention should be paid to special exercises in the phonemic analysis of words that include sounds not differentiated by the child.

Working to prevent dysgraphia, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the education of auditory differentiation of hard-soft and voiced - deaf consonants.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia , associated with sound substitutions in oral speech, violations of the sound pronunciation of the nature of distortions, substitutions, omissions. When writing, the child will reflect the incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds. These disorders usually occur due to sensory functional dyslalia not overcome before the start of literacy.

Much attention should be paid to the development of phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, which will allow the child to accurately determine the location of "doubtful" sounds. When working with preschoolers, it is possible and necessary to carry out a sound - phonemic analysis of words.

Dysgraphia due to violation of language analysis and synthesis speech flow is due to the fact that the child finds it difficult to isolate some individual words in a continuous stream of oral speech and then divide these words into their constituent syllables and sounds. Children have phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Difficulties in conducting phonemic and syllabic analysis and synthesis, analysis of words in a sentence, analysis of sentences in a text. And without a clear orientation in the sound composition of words, the corresponding letter cannot be chosen to designate each specific sound, much less their order can be determined. When writing, there are omissions of vowels, consonants, with confluence, permutations of letters, addition of letters, omissions and permutations of syllables, etc.

agrammatical dysgraphia, associated with underdevelopment of grammatical systems. Preschoolers with OHP have difficulties in the formation of vocabulary, the grammatical structure of speech. Vocabulary formation is slow and incomplete. Often they mix in meaning words that have a complex sound composition. Of those words that the children comprehended correctly, they pronounced them distortedly due to articulatory or phonemic difficulties. In children, the functions of word formation and inflection are hardly formed. The limited vocabulary leads to the fact that often, contrary to the meaning, children replace the necessary, but little-known word with another, more familiar, although not corresponding to a certain meaning. Difficulties in the formation of a grammatical structure are manifested in agrammatisms - Word matching and control errors. There is a frequent difficulty in analyzing relationships in complex sentences, for example, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship. When writing agrammatisms at the level of words, phrases, sentences and the whole text.

Optical dysgraphia associated with the lack of formation of visual-spatial representations, abilities. And in the distant future, with the difficulty of assimilation by the child of visual images of letters, many of which seem similar to him. When writing, mirror writing of letters, underwriting of elements, superfluous elements, replacements and mixing of graphically similar letters. Corrective work is needed to prevent optical dysgraphia. In particular, avoid replacing letters consisting of different quantity identical elements or similar elements located differently in space, not adding elements of letters, a mirror image of letters.

For the prevention of optical dysgraphia, it is necessary to develop visual-spatial representations in the child, which will give him the opportunity to replace the differences in the style, recognition of the letters he mixes.

The main directions of correctional work to prevent dysgraphia.

    Development sensory functions and psychomotor: visual, auditory perception, spatial representations, kinesthetic organization of movements, constructive praxis.

    Development of inter-analyzer interaction: auditory-motor, visual-motor, auditory-visual connections, the ability to remember, reproduce spatial, temporal sequence.

    Development of mental functions. Development of thinking, memory, auditory, visual attention.

    The development of intellectual activity, mental operations.

    Development of all aspects of speech:

    Formation, correction of sound pronunciation, clarification of articulation of sounds.

    Development of phonemic hearing, phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, phonemic representations.

    Expansion of vocabulary, enrichment of the active vocabulary, formation of the development of lexical and grammatical categories.

    Formation of coherent speech: teaching different types of retelling: detailed, selective, brief, compiling a story based on a series of pictures, one plot picture, according to a proposed plan, according to a given beginning or end, etc.

    Preparation for teaching literacy: familiarity with the basic concepts: sentence, word, syllable, letter, sound, charting, etc.

    Development is not speech functions and operations:

    spatio-temporal orientations, representations.

    development of tactile sensations.

    development of fine motor skills, development of graphic skills - development of constructive praxis.

Principles of building corrective work

When developing and conducting preventive work with children with a predisposition to dysgraphia, the following principles were taken as the basis:

1. The principle of complexity was implemented through the implementation of corrective work aimed at the entire complex of speech and non-speech symptoms identified in children with ONR.

2. The principle of consistency involves the impact on speech as a single system of speech.

3. Ontogenetic - the sequence of speech therapy work is determined by the appearance of certain forms in the hypothesis.

4. Pathogenetic - at the basis of all disorders, a mechanism is determined, a violation of some mental function.

5. The principle of taking into account the gradual formation of mental actions.

Correction of writing disorders - holistic one system, but in this system certain stages are distinguished, each stage is distinguished by its goals, objectives, methods of work.

It is necessary to take into account the theory of the formation of mental actions (according to P. Ya. Gamperin). According to this theory, any mental action goes through several stages of its formation: orientation, implementation, control.

6. The principle of development is a constant transition from the zone actual development to the zone of proximal development (according to Vygotsky).

7. The principle of an active approach - it is necessary to take into account the structure of the activity, it is important to create a motive, to interest the child.

8. The principle of maximum use of visibility, especially at the initial stages of work.

9. Taking into account the characteristics of higher mental functions that ensure the mastery of writing in children with speech disorders.

One of the conditions for the normal course of the process of mastering writing and reading is the formation of a complex of speech and non-speech mental functions and processes. Preventive work should be built taking into account the identified individual psychological characteristics inherent in preschoolers.

The main tasks for the prevention of dysgraphia in children with ONR

1. Formation of sound pronunciation, clarification of the articulation of sounds.

2. Development of phonemic hearing, phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, phonemic representations.

3. Vocabulary expansion, active vocabulary enrichment.

4. Development of thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention.

5. Formation of coherent speech: it is necessary to teach children different types of retelling (detailed, selective, brief), leaving a story according to a series of pictures, one plot picture, according to a proposed plan, according to a given beginning or end, etc.

6. Improving spatial and temporal orientations on oneself, on a sheet of paper, developing the ability to memorize, automate and reproduce series that include several different movements (Ozeretsky's test "Fist - rib - palm"), Head's tests, and pronunciation.

7. Development of fine motor skills of hands using massage and self-massage of fingers, games about fingers, stroking, hatching, working with scissors, plasticine, etc.

8. Development of tactile sensations: through dermalexia, preventive work is carried out to prevent dyslexia (it is necessary to find out which letter was "written" on the back, on the arm, in the air with the child's hand to recognize the letters by touch, etc.)

9. Expansion of the "field of vision" of the child.

10. Preparation for teaching literacy: familiarity with the basic concepts (sentences, word, syllable, letter, sound), drawing up diagrams, etc.

The solution of all these problems helps to form the basis for mastering school knowledge.

Games and exercises for the prevention of dysgraphia in children with speech disorders

1. Prevention of writing errors at letter levels

Laying out letters from sticks with fixing attention on which direction the letter is directed, where its elements are located, and in what quantity.

Determination of letters written on cards, where both correct and false (mirror) letters are presented.

Feeling cardboard letters with closed eyes. It is necessary to determine by touch which letter is in the hands, name it, come up with words containing this letter, put it on the table so that it reflects the correct spelling.

Find the missing elements of the letter. To do this, turn to the game "The letter is broken."

Demonstration of letters in different positions.

Presentation of letters of different fonts: printed; uppercase; lowercase; stylized...

Determination of the letter "written" on the back (with a finger on the skin, the outline of the letter is slowly drawn), on the palm, in the air (with closed eyes, with open eyes).

Search for letters superimposed on each other.

It is necessary to highlight the letters written one against the other.

Thinking up words for a given letter in a certain position: beginning, middle, end

Reconstruction of letters.

2. Prevention of writing errors at the syllable level.

Game "Live letters".

Drawing up a syllable from pictures with the selection of the first sounds, the last, the second from the beginning of the word, the second from the end, etc.

Let's make a syllable according to the first sounds: UM.

Think of words with this syllable.

3 . Prevention of writing errors at the word level.

In the beginning it is necessary to give the concept of "word".

Words are short and long. The shortest words - unions and prepositions, consist of one letter U, I, K, B, C. Therefore, when studying the letter "a", children get acquainted with the union "a".

In a letter, all words are written separately, so children are encouraged to learn a counting rhyme, limiting each word with a wave of their hand. Particular attention is paid to prepositions, conjunctions, so that children remember that these are separate words and do not combine them with others.

To clarify the lexical meaning of a word, it is good to give tasks for selecting the right word to the semantic series: according to the supporting features, to generalizing concepts.

Selection to given word related words.

Exclusion of superfluous words.

Compiling a word from these syllables (at first, the syllables are given in order, then loosely).

Dividing a word into syllables and then rearranging them.

Composing a word using initial sounds (letters), other words.

Composing a word from the final sound of other words.

Replacing one sound (letter) in a word to get a new word.

The selection of antonyms for these words and combinations.

Working with homonyms Coming up with sentences with a given word in various lexical meanings.

4. Prevention of writing errors at the phrase level.

Combining nouns with adjectives.

a) Selection of as many words as possible to the proposed one, answering the questions: What ?, What ?, What ?, Whose?, Whose?, Whose?, Whose?

b) Selection of a noun to a given adjective. What can you say: warm, warm, warm?

c) Connecting words with arrows to get the correct phrase, while using both relative and possessive adjectives.

d) Presentation of phrases with a missing adjective ending.

e) Presenting children with incorrectly composed phrases. Help game.Combining nouns with verbs.

a) Match as many as possible to the given word.

b) Selection of a noun to a given verb with a preposition.

c) Selection of the right verb depending on the gender and number of the noun.

combination of nouns with numerals.

In the Russian language, the ending of nouns changes, and sometimes the whole stem when counting.

It is necessary to teach children to correctly coordinate numbers 1,2,5

The combination of numerals with nouns that do not have a singular;

5. Prevention of writing errors at the sentence level.

Drawing up proposals according to schemes.

Drawing up schemes for these proposals.

The exclusion of a word from a sentence in order to invite children to correct the mistake by making the right sentence.

a) skipping prepositions;

b) Omission of nouns;

c) Omission of adjectives;

d) Skipping adverbs;

e) Omission of verbs;

6. Implementation of the principle of integration in speech therapy classes.

Implementation of the principle of integration of educational areas is a prerequisite for the implementation of the main general education program preschool education in accordance with current state requirements (FGT, Order No. 655 dated November 23, 2009). To overcome the systemic violation of the speech of children, the maximum concentration of such educational areas as "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical Culture" is necessary, which ensure the comprehensive development of mental and physiological qualities, skills and abilities in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children.

This cannot but have a positive effect on the formation of coherent speech, grammatical competencies, preparation for schooling, and the development of cognitive processes in general. That is why speech therapy classes, along with traditional ones, set and solve problems of related educational areas, conduct integrated and joint classes with a physical education teacher, educators, and a psychologist. This allows you to make classes more interesting and dynamic. Children get tired less, changing activities helps to assimilate the material, enriches with impressions, and teaches them to adapt to new conditions. It is impossible to master the sound analysis of a word without mastering the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting, without mastering the ratio of part and whole. In speech therapy classes, children learn to count sounds and syllables in words and words in sentences, determine their sequence, compare the number of letters and sounds in a word. Undeveloped spatial representations, problems with structuring elements in a row, inaccurate visual perception, difficulties in self-control significantly slow down the process of mastering reading and writing skills. Having mastered the use of prepositions and their introduction into active speech, the child consciously determines the position of objects in space. The development of lexico-grammatical competencies when using, for example, diminutive and augmentative suffixes depends on the formation of an idea of ​​size.

Thus, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and a mathematical vocabulary in children with systemic underdevelopment of speech is the main task for a speech therapist teacher from the first lessons. After all, visual and spatial perception, as well as visual and auditory memory, is closely related to the possibility of establishing patterns.

For the formation of skills and abilities it is necessary:

Holding didactic games, with the same type of toys, objects, dummies (“First, last”, “What has changed?”, “Next, previous”);

Teaching orientation on a sheet of paper: “Catch the figure”, “Left, right, middle”, “Graphic dictation”, on the body: “Do this”, “Close your eyes and repeat”, in space: “Cold - hot”, “ Find according to the scheme”, “The most, the most”, “Closer - further”, in time: “Time to work”, “Merry week”;

Comparison of the graphic structure of letters and numbers ("The fourth extra", "Letters, numbers behind the veil", "Fill in");

Working out the ordinal and quantitative account at the same time as coordinating nouns with numerals and adjectives (“Numeric Cube”, “Favorite Fifth”). At the first stages, “remembrance” verses help well;

A selection of logarithmic exercises, taking into account the tasks to be solved. Children love counting rhymes, both modern and folklore, riddles-"questioners", including logical relations of direction, magnitude, sequence.

7. Achievement of planned results by children

Diagnosis of prerequisites for dysgraphia and dyslexia

To identify the prerequisites for dysgraphia and dyslexia, speech therapy diagnostics is carried out, which includes the following parameters:

1. Attention Sustainability Survey

2. Examination of visual and auditory perception

3.Examination of visual and auditory memory

4.Examination of general motor skills

5. Examination of motor skills articulation apparatus

6. Study of mimic muscles

7. Vocabulary survey

8. Survey of the grammatical structure of speech

9. Survey of the phonemic side of speech

10. Examination of the syllabic structure of the word

11. Examination of sound pronunciation

Dyslalia - violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment - violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

Agrammatism - violation of understanding (impress.) and use (express.) grammatical means language.

Stella Egorova
Parent meeting "Prevention of dysgraphia in preschool children"

Hello dear parents!

Today we have something unusual meeting. The topic is the problem dysgraphia in elementary grades, which originates in preschool age. I will also spend frontal lesson with children together with parents, learn to play games that are aimed at dysgraphia prevention.

Dysgraphia- this is a violation of the writing process, in which persistent and repeated errors, distortions and replacements of letters, distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of the word, violations of the fusion of writing individual words in a sentence, agrammatism in writing are observed.

What is dangerous dysgraphia?

With such a deviation, starting from the first grade, children find it difficult to write, it is especially difficult for them to write from dictation. If such a child writes a dictation, then he will have many mistakes in his work. Except grammatical errors, children ignore capitalization, as well as periods, dashes, and commas. They have very poor handwriting.

Such children are aware of their shortcomings and try, especially when writing essays, to use short phrases consisting of several words. And there are also many mistakes.

Often, especially after the 4th grade, students do not want to attend classes, because they are embarrassed, they try in every possible way to evade completing assignments in the Russian language, or even skip classes altogether.

Over time, children dysgraphists are becoming"outcasts", they do not want to participate in the life of the school, dodge public works. Reaching maturity age, such people try to find a job where nothing needs to be written.

Typical errors in dysgraphia:

Mirror spelling of letters, mixing of graphically similar letters;

Mistakes related to pronunciation. The child writes what he says "sapka" instead of "a cap");

Errors in the replacement of letters denoting phonetically close sounds, in the definition of softness, hardness, deafness, sonority (p-b, c-g);

Errors at the level of syllable, word, sentence and text;

Errors related to the lack of formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

The risk group is children:

1. Children with general underdevelopment of speech.

2. Children who had a delay in the development of speech at 2-3 years old.

3. Children who have problems with memory and attention.

4. If the child is left-handed or retrained left-handed.

5. If the child had a head injury.

6. If by the age of seven the child has not corrected sound pronunciation disorders.

7. If the child goes to school too early, at 6 years old, and the family intensively tries to spur intellectual development child, ignoring the natural pace of physiological and psychological development. Or, on the contrary, if the child grew up in a socially disadvantaged environment, where the opportunity to develop naturally was limited.

8. Often ill (especially in the early age, weakened child;

9. Child in whose family cases were observed dysgraphia;

10. A child raised in a bilingual family.

Systematic and consistent work is required to prevent and correct this type of error.

Competent warning dysgraphia in preschoolers should be carried out in several directions:

1. It is important before school and at the time of learning to read to train the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. A flaw in this matter is fraught with errors in writing and reading.

It is important that the child before school has a good grasp of the concepts "sound", "letter", "consonant", "vowel", "hard consonant", "soft consonant", "syllable", "emphasis", "word", "offer".

preschooler must understand the differences between:

Letter and sound;

Vowels and consonants;

Word, syllable and sound;

Hard and soft consonants;

voiced and voiceless consonants.

A future student should be able to divide a word into syllables, highlight a stressed syllable, highlight the position of a given sound (or syllable) in a word.

Sound Analysis Exercises (phonemic analysis) to do with everyone preschoolers to prevent the occurrence dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis:

Clap your hands when you hear the sound "ABOUT" and stamp your foot when you hear the sound "U".

Divide the pictures into two piles - on a blue and green field. Words that begin with soft sounds will be on a green field, those with hard sounds will be on blue.

I will call a sonorous sound, and you - a pair of deaf (B - P, D - T, etc.)

I'll call hard, and you - double soft (C - Cb, M - Mb, etc.)

Voiced or deaf? Pictures whose names start with a dull sound "P" put in a house without a bell, and pictures whose names begin with a ringing sound "B" to the house with a bell.

Who has more? The winner is the one on whose card in the word large quantity syllables.

Find words with the same first sound in the word.

Find words with the same syllable at the end of a word.

2. If the child had speech disorders and he replaced one sound with another, it is necessary to correct the speech before you begin to teach the child to write and read.

But it also happens that the sounds are corrected, and sometimes the child still continues to confuse them! For example, earlier baby instead of sound "SH" uttered a sound "WITH", but the speech therapist put a hissing sound and everything seems to be fine. But in some words, the child, as if by habit, returns to the old pronunciation, and speak "malys" instead of "Baby", or "kosmosh" instead of "space". Funny, right? Yes, but also dangerous! After all, that is how it will be written.

Distinguishing sounds that the child pronounces incorrectly, confuses and changes each other, should be well practiced in a variety of exercises on dysgraphia prevention:

If you hear a sound "SH" raise a symbol (a picture symbolizing a sound, for example, a balloon from which air comes out, and if a sound "WITH"- show his symbol (e.g. pump).

Repeat sounds after me mix up: "SH" "WITH" "SH", "WITH" "WITH" "SH", "SH" "WITH""Sh", etc.

Raise the sound symbol "SH" if you hear a word with this sound. If the word contains a sound "WITH"- raise sound sound symbol "WITH".

Settle words with sounds "SH" And "WITH" to different houses.

3. When getting acquainted with letters, it is necessary to learn to call a letter by its sound analogue: "IN", but not "VE", "SCH", but not "ShA" or "SHCHE", "L", but not "LE" or "EL". Immediately teach your child to read each letter with only one sound that stands for it. Otherwise, errors will appear on the letter associated with an incorrect, distorted sound image of the letter, the child will write instead "vase" - "veaza", instead of "pike" - "shawka", instead of "paw" - "leapea", because the child pronounces the name of the letter as two sounds. There is confusion in the perception of the letters and sounds of our speech. If such a mistake was made parents or teacher(this happens, do the exercises on dysgraphia prevention.

Sound dictation. The adult calls the letter (pronouncing them as one sound, the child writes.

Visual dictation. An adult draws a letter on a board or piece of paper, the child writes it and pronounces it (only one sound representing a letter): letter "SH", letter "T" etc.

Determine which letter is the first in the words and name it. An adult offers a set of 2-3 pictures, the names of which begin with one sound. For example: fish, steering wheel, lynx - all words begin with a sound "R". The child calls the letter its sound analogue.

4. When learning to write (in capital letters) before school, you need to do a lot of exercises to consolidate the correct image of the letter. It is necessary to teach the child not to confuse letters that have similar elements and not turn them over, write each letter in the right direction. The better the child remembers the image of the letter, the fewer mistakes he will make when writing.

Spend with preschoolers with exercises for the prevention of optical dysgraphia:

Circle the letter;

Blind a letter from plasticine, lay out from counting sticks or rope;

Draw the missing details;

Cross out the misspelled letters;

Learn a poem about a letter;

What letter will turn out if you add details ?;

What letter will you get if you remove the details?

Draw a letter in the air;

Compare two letters, how are they similar, how are they different?

And now a fragment of a joint with parenting classes.

L .: Children, what sounds did we meet in the last lessons?

D: Sounds C and C.

L .: Give a description of these sounds, the Zvukovichok will help you with this.

D .: Both consonants, both deaf, the sound C is hard, denoted in blue, the sound Sy is soft, denoted in green.

L: Let's play a game. "Traffic light" (with chips). On a soft sound, raise the green chip ( parents, for a solid sound - a blue chip (children).


L .: And now the game "Collect the Word" (according to the first sounds of the word)

L .: And now let's perform a sound-syllabic analysis of this word (work with allowance). One child works at the blackboard.

L .: Let's learn with you rule: "How many vowel sounds in a word, so many syllables"

L .: The next task is work with letters. (each child is given leaflets, there are three sticks on them). Exercise children:

L .: Turn the first stick into the letter T. Turn the second stick into the letter P, and the third into K.

L .: Assignment parents: write letters and read words (KIT, CAT)

L: And the last task. (Children are given leaflets, different letters are printed there in three lines). Underline the letters representing the vowels A, O.

L.: Parents task: from letters put together the word.

L .: Well done, everyone did it.

At the end parent meeting parents were given



With the beginning of schooling, some children suddenly find it difficult to read and write. The guys are at odds with the Russian language, although they do well in mathematics and other subjects where, it would seem, more intelligence is required. These "smart", but devoid of speech talent, sooner or later are sometimes sent to a speech therapist. More often to a psychologist, which is not entirely correct.Dysgraphia is a partial specific writing disorder.

Etiology of dysgraphia. The question of the etiology of dysgraphia is still debatable. Many scientists (M. Lamy, K. Lonay, M. Sule) note a hereditary predisposition. They believe that this is due to the fact that children inherit from their parents a qualitative immaturity of the brain in its individual areas. This immaturity manifests itself in specific developmental delays. certain function. But most researchers studying the etiology of dysgraphia note the presence of pathological factors affecting the prenatal, natal and postnatal period. The etiology of dysgraphia is associated with the impact of biological and social factors.Functional causes may be related to the impact of internal (for example, long-term somatic diseases) and external (incorrect speech of others, lack of speech contacts, bilingualism in the family, insufficient attention to speech development child from adults) factors that delay the formation of mental functions involved in the process of reading.Dysgraphia is often caused by organic damage to the areas of the brain involved in the writing process (alalia, dysarthria, aphasia). Writing disorders are very common in children with MMD, ONR, ZPR, ZRR, ADD.Thus, both genetic and exogenous factors (pathology of pregnancy, childbirth, asphyxia, a "chain" of childhood infections, head injuries) are involved in the etiology of dysgraphia.

Speech symptoms of dysgraphia. With DYSGRAPHY, children of primary school age hardly master the letter: the exercises they performed, dictations contain many grammatical errors. They don't use capital letters, they don't use punctuation, they have terrible handwriting. In middle and high school, children try to use short phrases with a limited set of words when writing, but they make gross mistakes in writing these words. Often, children refuse to attend Russian language classes or complete written assignments. They develop a sense of their own inferiority, depression, in the team they are isolated. Adults with this defect have great difficulty writing a greeting card or a short letter, they try to find a job where you do not have to write anything.In children with dysgraphia, individual letters are incorrectly oriented in space. They confuse similar letters: "Z" and "E", "P" and "b" (soft sign). They may not pay attention to the extra stick in the letter "Sh" or the "hook" in the letter "Sh". Such children write slowly, unevenly; if they are not in the mood, then the handwriting is completely upset.

Non-verbal symptoms of dysgraphia. In dysgraphic children, the lack of formation of many mental functions is noted: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, memory disorders, attention, successive and simultaneous processes, emotional and volitional sphere.

The mechanism of dysgraphia. To understand the mechanism of development of dysgraphia, I will start from afar. It is known that we have at least three types of hearing. First rumor -physical . It allows us to distinguish the noise of leaves and rain, summer thunder, the buzzing of a bee, the squeak of a mosquito, as well as urban sounds: the rumble of an airliner, the clatter of train wheels, the rustle of car tires ...The second variety ismusical hearing. Thanks to this, we can enjoy the melody of our favorite song and the beautiful music of great composers.Finally, the third kind -speech hearing. You can have a good musical and very unimportant speech ear. The latter allows you to understand speech, catch subtle shades said, to distinguish one sound from another. In case of insufficiency of speech hearing, similar consonances are not distinguished, addressed speech is perceived distorted.

If a child has impaired speech hearing, then it is understandable that it is very difficult for him to learn to read and write. Indeed, how can he read if he does not clearly hear sounding speech? He is also unable to master the letter, because he does not know what sound this or that letter stands for. The task is further complicated by the fact that the child must correctly capture a certain sound and present it as a sign (letter) in the fast flow of speech he perceives. Therefore, teaching literacy to a child with defective speech hearing is a difficult pedagogical problem. And you need to learn, because the distortion of one or two sounds changes the meaning of the word. Compare, for example, the words "daughter-point", "coal-angle", "stick-beam", "cup-Sasha". Replacing a dull sound with a sonorous sound, a hard sound with a soft sound, a hissing sound with a whistling one, gives the word a new content.

Along with speech (phonemic) hearing, people have a special vision for letters. It turns out that just seeing the world around us (light, trees, people, various objects) is not enough to master writing. It is necessary to have a vision for the letters, allowing you to remember and reproduce their outlines. This means that for full-fledged learning, a child must have satisfactory intellectual development, speech hearing and special vision for letters. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully master reading and writing. It is no coincidence that psychoneurologists and speech therapists, when meeting with a poorly performing schoolchild, carefully study the content of his notebooks, handwriting, and the features of his speech. Quite often, a child's low academic performance is explained not by the state of his intellect, but by the presence of specific disorders the letters I'm talking about.Of course, only a specialist can recognize such disorders.

What area of ​​the brain is "responsible" for writing? It turns out that the center of speech in most people is in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere of the brain "manages" object symbols, visual images. Therefore, peoples whose writing is represented by hieroglyphs (for example, the Chinese) have a better developed right half of the brain. Writing and reading among the inhabitants of China, unlike the Europeans, will suffer from malfunctions on the right (for example, with a brain hemorrhage).

Anatomical features of the central nervous system the facts known to doctors of good drawing abilities in dysgraphics are explained. Such a child hardly masters the letter, but receives commendable reviews from the drawing teacher. This is as it should be, because in this child the more "ancient", automated area of ​​the right hemisphere is in no way altered. Disagreements with the Russian language do not prevent these children from "explaining" with the help of a drawing (as in ancient times - by means of images on rocks, birch bark, clay products).

Speech therapists sometimes pay attention to the "mirror" nature of the letters of patients. In this case, the letters are turned to the other side, as in the image in the mirror. Example: "C" and "Z" open to the left; "Ch" and "R" are written in the opposite direction with the prominent part ... Mirror writing is observed in various disorders, but the doctor in such a phenomenon is looking for overt or hidden left-handedness. He searches and often finds: mirror flips of letters are a characteristic feature of left-handed people.

There are five forms of dysgraphia:

1. Articulatory-acoustic form of dysgraphia. Its essence is as follows: A child who has a violation of sound pronunciation, relying on his incorrect pronunciation, fixes it in writing. In other words, he writes as he speaks. This means that until the sound pronunciation is corrected, it is impossible to correct the letter based on pronunciation.

2. Acoustic form of dysgraphia. This form of dysgraphia is manifested in the replacement of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds. At the same time, in oral speech, the sounds are pronounced correctly. In writing, letters are most often mixed, denoting voiced - deaf (B-P; V-F; D-T; Zh-Sh, etc.), whistling - hissing (S-Sh; Z-Zh, etc.). ), affricates and components included in their composition (CH-SCH; CH-TH; C-T; C-S, etc.).It also manifests itself in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in a letter: “letter”, “loves”, “hurts”, etc.

3. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis. This is the most common form of dysgraphia in children with writing disorders. The following errors are most typical for her:

omissions of letters and syllables;

permutation of letters and (or) syllables;

omission of words;

writing extra letters in a word (it happens when a child, pronouncing while writing, "sings a sound" for a very long time;

repetition of letters and (or) syllables;

contamination - in one word syllables of different words;

continuous spelling of prepositions, separate spelling of prefixes ("on the table", "on the step").

4. Agrammatic dysgraphia. Associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. The child writes agrammatically, i.e. as if against the rules of grammar (" beautiful bag"," fun day"). Agrammatisms in writing are marked at the level of words, phrases, sentences and text.Agrammatical dysgraphia usually manifests itself from the 3rd grade, when a student who has already mastered the literacy begins to "close" to the study of grammatical rules. And here it suddenly turns out that he cannot master the rules for changing words according to cases, numbers, genders. This is expressed in the incorrect spelling of the endings of words, in the inability to coordinate words with each other.

5. Optical dysgraphia. The basis of optical dysgraphia is the insufficient formation of visual-spatial representations and visual analysis and synthesis. All letters of the Russian alphabet consist of a set of the same elements ("sticks", "ovals") and several "specific" elements. The same elements are combined in different ways in space, and form different alphabetic characters: i, w, c, u; b, c, d, y...If the child does not catch the subtle differences between the letters, then this will certainly lead to difficulties in mastering the outline of the letters and to an incorrect representation of them in writing.

The most common mistakes in writing: - omission of elements of letters (due to underestimation of their number): L instead of M; X instead of W, etc.;- adding extra elements;- omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element;- mirror writing letters.

What you need to pay special attention to:

1. If your child is left-handed.

2. If he is a retrained right-hander.

3. If your child attended a speech therapy group.

4. If the family speaks two or more languages.

5. If your child goes to school too early (learning to read and write unjustifiably earlier sometimes provokes the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia.) This happens in cases where the child has not yet become psychologically ready for such learning.

6. If your child has problems with memory, attention.

7. Mixing letters by optical similarity: b-p, t-p, a-o, e-z, d-y.

8. Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: leka (river), suba (fur coat).

9. With impaired phonemic perception, the vowels o-y, ё-yu, consonants r-l, y-l, paired voiced and deaf consonants, whistling and hissing, sounds c, h, u are mixed. For example: tynya (melon), cranberry (cranberry).

10. Omissions of letters, syllables, underwriting of words. For example: prta - school desk, moko - milk, cheerful (cheerful).

to measures early prevention Dysgraphia refers to the purposeful development in the child of those mental functions that are necessary for the normal mastery of the processes of writing and reading.A few words about handwriting. The handwriting of a dysgraphic is an expression of all his difficulties. As a rule, two types of handwriting stand out quite sharply in dysgraphics: one is small, beady and "beautiful"; the other is huge, clumsy, clumsy, "ugly". So, in this case, there is no need to chase beauty, it will come by itself. As experience shows, just clumsy and huge letters are what the child should eventually come to and work on. This handwriting is his real face, the face of an honest first grader who wants and can study (our first grader, by the way, can be 10 or 16 years old, we are talking O psychological age learning to write).So, DOWN with the beaded chain of letters, LONG LIVE to sweeping handwriting, for the entire line, and maybe one and a half!

HOW TO TEACHEverything is quite simple here. For some time (usually two to three weeks is enough for this) in a notebook. EVERY DAY, a paragraph of text from any artwork or exercises from a SMALL textbook. The text, which is VERY IMPORTANT, is rewritten BY CELLS, ONE LETTER IN A CAGE, THE LETTER SHOULD OCCUPATE THE ENTIRE CAGE!The psychological preparation of the child for classes is also important here. In an unfavorable psychological atmosphere, classes "under pressure", there may be no results. The volume of text, I emphasize again, should be small, for a child under ten years old it may be only one line a day, but as it should, clearly rewritten. common goal- do not allow the slightest disgust, fatigue, even dissatisfaction with yourself!

There are tricks to choosing stationery for dysgraphics.

Massaging the pads of the fingers is important for the proper functioning of the brain when writing. I recommend this to all speech pathologists. Therefore, it is good if the place of the "grip" of the writing object (pen or pencil) is covered with ribs or pimples.But even better, if it is convenient for the student to hold this same pen, then the handwriting will soon stabilize. And for this, the body must be trihedral. Such pens and pencils for dysgraphics with a triple section for the support of three holding fingers are produced, for example, by Staedtler. There are trihedral pencils and felt-tip pens from Centropen.Unfortunately, it has not yet been seen that both "conveniences" are combined: both the triangle and the pimples. So buy a "pimple" pen and a triangular pencil.

I would also like to note that the stationery, which has some features, will be the subject of a little pride of the child in front of classmates, which can at least a little smooth out school failures.Girls often like to buy pens with multi-colored, shiny, etc. paste, since they are allowed to write with them (at music lessons, labor, etc.). So let it be better for the dignity of the pen in the eyes of the child to be a beautiful, colored, unusually shaped body than a colored gel, from which ripples in the eyes and in the notebook. When buying a pen, check how it writes to see if the ink passes to the other side of the page.Gel pens are considered the most suitable for dysgraphics (pressure is felt), but in the first grade they will most likely be banned from use: they often leak, freeze, and deteriorate. Therefore, at home, even for the smallest, it is useful to play a medieval copyist - to train to write with a pen and ink (if the parents do not know how, then you can ask your grandparents). "Pen" writing forms the correct position of the hand relative to the surface of the paper. At the same time, however, there is a fascinating opportunity to smear and smear the notebook, table, nose, knees, etc. in ink, so be careful.

to help you overcome dysgraphia

I want to warn you that these exercises do not eliminate the problem, but they will help parents in overcoming dysgraphia, they will help the speech therapist in working on the defect.

1) Exercise "Proofreading". For this exercise, you need a book, boring and with a fairly large (not small) font. A student every day for five (no more) minutes works on next task: Strikes out specified letters in solid text. You need to start with one letter, for example, "a". Then "o", then consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time. After 5-6 days of such classes, we move on to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled. The letters should be "paired", "similar" in the mind of the student. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs "p/t", "p/r", "m/l" (similarity of spelling); "g / d", "u / u", "d / b" (in the latter case, the child forgets whether the tail from the circle is directed up or down), etc.The pairs necessary for working out can be set when viewing any text written by your child. When you see the correction, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.Attention! It is better if the text is not read (therefore, a boring book is needed). All attention must be concentrated on finding the given appearance of the letter, one or two, and work only with them.

2) Exercise "Write aloud." An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken aloud by the writer at the time of writing and the way it is written, with underlining, highlighting weak parts.That is, "More-Yo O-din ch-rez-you-cha-Y-but important-y-y-y-yom" (after all, in fact, we pronounce something like "LOOKING FOR ADIN EMERGENCY IMPORTANT PREYOM"). The example is simpler: "There was a jug WITH MILK ON THE TABLE" (a jug with malak was melting on the steel).By "weak beats" here we mean the sounds to which, when uttered in fluent speech, the speaker pays the least attention. For vowels, this is any unstressed position, for consonants, for example, a position at the end of a word, such as "zu*p", or before a deaf consonant, such as "lo*shka". It is also important to clearly pronounce the end of the word, since it is difficult for a dysgraphic person to complete the word to the end, and often for this reason the habit of “putting sticks” is developed, i.e. add at the end of the word an indefinite number of squiggle sticks, which, upon a cursory glance, can be mistaken for letters. But the number of these squiggles and their quality do not correspond to the letters of the end of the word. It is important to determine if your child has developed this habit. However, regardless of whether it exists or not, we are accustomed to the sequence and gradual pronunciation, we pronounce each recorded word!

3) "Look and see" (punctuation for dysgraphics and not only).Material for work - collections of dictations (with commas already set, and check that there are no typos).Task: carefully reading, "photographing" the text, explain the setting of each punctuation mark aloud. It is better (for middle and older age) if the explanation sounds like this: "The comma between the adjective "clear" and the union "and", firstly, closes participial turnover"...", and secondly, it separates two parts of a compound sentence (grammatical bases: the first "...", the second "..."), connected by the conjunction "and"".

Dictation must be written! Only in a special way.

1. Extremely slow!To write a dictation of 150 words in initial stage elimination of dysgraphia in a dysgraphic applicant should take at least an hour. Why so long? This is evident from the following points.

2. The text is read in its entirety. You can ask what spelling / punctogram this text is. Your ward is unlikely to answer, because he has already decided that this is "not for him", so remember and slightly point to them yourself, find out if the concepts of "unstressed vowels" and "participial / participle turnover" are known.Then the first sentence is dictated. Ask the student to name the number of commas in it, try to explain them. Do not insist, prompt, encourage the attempt to give the correct answer. Ask to spell one or two difficult spelling (or just long) words. Only later (after two or even three or four readings).

3. The sentence is dictated in parts and recorded with the pronunciation aloud of all the features of pronunciation and punctuation

What can't be done?

Children with dysgraphia tend to have good visual memory. Therefore, in no case should they be offered exercises where it is required to correct the mistakes that were originally made. Performing such exercises can have a detrimental effect (due to the same visual memory) on students who have the skill of literate writing.DO NOT OFFER CHILDREN TO CORRECT MISTAKES, TEACH THEM NOT TO MAKE MISTAKES. The essence of correcting dysgraphia is to eradicate the very idea that these same mistakes can be made when writing. The text with errors once again shows the child that mistakes are possible, even, perhaps, useful in some way. Let's forget about it...

Workshop for parents

Completed by: speech pathologist

E.A. Zatsarnaya

November 2012

The earliest and most targeted correction of speech and mental development preschoolers is one of essential conditions the effectiveness of speech therapy and pedagogical work, ensuring the readiness of children for literacy and school adaptation in general, and also serves to prevent secondary deviations in the development of the child.

The significance of the problem of prevention of dysgraphia in children with general underdevelopment of speech continues to be insufficiently developed in speech therapy and pedagogical theory and practice.

Dysgraphia And dyslexia- these are difficulties in mastering the graphic form of speech associated with the general underdevelopment of speech in children. Dysgraphia and dyslexia usually occur together.

The causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia in children are congenital disorders of the central nervous system, craniocerebral trauma, delayed neuropsychic and physical development.

The necessary prerequisites (according to the researchers of this problem) for the formation of written speech is a good state of the child's auditory, visual perception, motor development, oral speech, and mental processes. Any failure, even the most insignificant, in the formation of the above-mentioned aspects of a child's development can cause problems in learning to read and write.

Therefore, in the classroom with preschoolers, teachers and speech therapists must use this knowledge and lead corrective work in all directions. Namely:

form and improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech,

· develop fine motor skills hands,

spatial orientation,

develop all mental processes,

prepare for literacy through familiarity with the basic concepts: sound, letter, word, sentence.

The existing methods of teaching reading and writing almost do not take into account these problems, and if you do not approach this process comprehensively and with knowledge of the etiology and clinic, the results can be disastrous.

The child needs to determine the place of the sound in the word and how many syllables are in the word, drawing up a diagram of the word from the picture in which the object is depicted.

2. "What has changed?"

The child is offered a couple of words and he needs to determine what has changed. For example: cat-crust, bear-mouse, bow-hatch.

3. "Encrypted word"

There are a number of pictures in front of the child (cabbage-watermelon-ball-car). From the first sounds of the depicted objects, you need to get a new word - porridge.

For the development of auditory perception, it is important to use games:

for the formation of auditory attention: "Guess who it is?",

· to form the skill of determining the direction of the sound: "Where did you call?", "Blind man's blind man with a voice."

To distinguish between the strength and loudness of a sound: "Quiet-loud".

All these games can be played using the heroes of your favorite fairy tales.

For example, in order to develop a sense of rhythm in a child, we ask him: "Tap the telegram to Dr. Aibolit", "Tap the song of the buckets on the notes."

Thus, we develop both verbal and non-verbal auditory perception of the child.

Here it is necessary to direct all work to the formation of the following skills and abilities:

the ability to analyze an object, its image,

drawing up a picture cut into pieces,

design according to the model, according to the idea,

the ability to see the grapheme and its exact location,

memorization of elements of letters,

Distinguishing letters that have the same style elements,

adding elements of letters, etc.

To do this, children can be offered tasks:

1. "Learning to look and see" - it is proposed to find a picture, a figure in a row according to the proposed pattern and circle it, find two identical pictures or figures in a row of 6-7 pictures and circle them, guess who the artist did not finish, etc. .

2. "Learning to follow with your eyes" - unraveling the threads to find out which animal has which house, which of the children likes which fruits, etc., follow the rope only with your eyes and find out which house the bunny is running to, find a way out of the maze.

3. "Learning to navigate in space" - find the shadow of a dog, look at the picture and say who is in front of the boy, to his right, to his left, etc., draw in the cells to get the same fish, etc., find the halves of the pictures that match and put them together, color the right half of the Christmas tree with toys just like the left one.



Municipal Preschool educational institution second category

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 3 "Fairy Tale"

city ​​district ZATO Svetly, Saratov Region"

Workshop for parents

"Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia in older preschoolers".

Completed by: speech pathologist

E.A. Zatsarnaya

November 2012

The earliest and most targeted correction of the speech and mental development of preschoolers is one of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of speech therapy and pedagogical work, ensuring the readiness of children for literacy and school adaptation in general, and also serves to prevent secondary deviations in the development of the child.

The significance of the problem of prevention of dysgraphia in children with general underdevelopment of speech continues to be insufficiently developed in speech therapy and pedagogical theory and practice.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia - these are difficulties in mastering the graphic form of speech associated with the general underdevelopment of speech in children. Dysgraphia and dyslexia usually occur together.

The causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia in children are congenital disorders of the central nervous system, craniocerebral trauma, delayed neuropsychic and physical development.

The necessary prerequisites (according to the researchers of this problem) for the formation of written speech is a good state of the child's auditory, visual perception, motor development, oral speech, and mental processes. Any failure, even the most insignificant, in the formation of the above-mentioned aspects of a child's development can cause problems in learning to read and write.

Therefore, in the classroom with preschoolers, teachers and speech therapists must use this knowledge and conduct corrective work in all areas. Namely:

  • to form and improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech,
  • develop fine motor skills,
  • orientation in space
  • develop all mental processes,
  • prepare for literacy through familiarity with the basic concepts: sound, letter, word, sentence.

The existing methods of teaching reading and writing almost do not take into account these problems, and if you do not approach this process comprehensively and with knowledge of the etiology and clinic, the results can be disastrous.

I have formed some guidelines on the development of auditory perception based on their own practical experience.

The development of auditory perception.

1. "Where is the sound and how many syllables"

The child needs to determine the place of the sound in the word and how many syllables are in the word, drawing up a diagram of the word from the picture in which the object is depicted.

2. "What has changed?"

The child is offered a couple of words and he needs to determine what has changed. For example: cat-crust, bear-mouse, bow-hatch.

3. "Encrypted word"

There are a number of pictures in front of the child (cabbage-watermelon-ball-car). From the first sounds of the depicted objects, you need to get a new word - porridge.

For the development of auditory perception, it is important to use games:

  • for the formation of auditory attention: "Guess who it is?",
  • for the formation of the skill of determining the direction of the sound: "Where did you call?", "Blind man's blind man with a voice."
  • to distinguish the strength and loudness of the sound: "Quiet-loud".

All these games can be played using the heroes of your favorite fairy tales.

For example, in order to develop a sense of rhythm in a child, we ask him: "Tap the telegram to Dr. Aibolit", "Tap the song of the buckets on the notes."

Thus, we develop both verbal and non-verbal auditory perception of the child.

Development of visual perception.

Here it is necessary to direct all work to the formation of the following skills and abilities:

  • the ability to analyze an object, its image,
  • compiling a picture cut into pieces,
  • design according to the model, according to the idea,
  • the ability to see the grapheme and its exact location,
  • memorization of letter elements,
  • distinguishing letters that have the same style elements,
  • adding elements of letters, etc.

To do this, children can be offered tasks:

  1. "Learning to look and see" - it is proposed to find a picture, a figure in a row according to the proposed pattern and circle it, find two identical pictures or figures in a row of 6-7 pictures and circle them, guess who the artist did not finish, etc.
  2. "Learning to follow with your eyes" - unraveling the threads to find out which animal has which house, which of the children likes which fruits, etc., follow the rope only with your eyes and find out which house the bunny is running to, find a way out of the maze.
  3. "Learning to navigate in space" - find the shadow of the dog, look at the picture and say who is in front of the boy, to the right of him, to the left of him, etc., draw in the cells to get the same fish, etc., find the halves pictures that match each other and connect them, color the right half of the Christmas tree with toys in the same way as the left one is painted.