Pig breeding is considered one of the most profitable businesses in any country. It does not require special costs, quickly pays for the investment. The main thing is to provide pigs proper care and establish normal feeding so that they grow quickly. In this article, we will look at which pig fattening is the most effective and how best to organize it.

The pig breeding business will be profitable if the pig fattening process is properly established.

The fact that labor costs and financial investments pay off quickly can be judged by the following facts:

  • one sow is capable of producing up to 15 small piglets;
  • pigs need to be fattened for one year;
  • You can organize production even at home if you have a separate house.

There are several technologies that allow you to quickly and efficiently fatten piglets for meat at home. As a result, well-fed carcasses with meat grow High Quality. From how much effective methodology fattening pigs you choose, depends on the profit received.

These rules are simple and suitable for any type of fattening. Let's list them:

  • the food that you will give to your wards must be fresh - you should not feed them with yesterday's leftovers;
  • before feeding grain, vegetables and other plant foods, it is advisable to grind it so that the body of the pig can better absorb it;
  • it is undesirable to give hot - it must first be cooled;
  • compensate for the lack of proteins and amino acids in vegetables by adding barley and soy, fishmeal and other foods that contain calcium;
  • salt in the food of pigs must be present - up to 40 grams. It helps the stomach digest food better.

Before giving grain to pigs, it must be crushed.


Depending on what result you want to achieve, i.e. whether you want to raise pigs for meat, bacon or bacon, there are also corresponding types of fattening. Let's give them a brief description.

  1. Meat. By the age of seven months, piglets will gain weight of 100 or more kilos. Their meat by this period will become very tasty, it will contain little fat in itself. The edible share of the carcass will be about 75%. If the grown pig weighs about 130 kilos, the edible part will already increase to 85% of the mass.
  2. Bacon. This is meat that is evenly saturated with fat. To get this result, you will need to select a special breed of pigs, and adhere to a special diet in their feeding. Piglets for fattening are chosen oblong in shape, with a wide sternum and back, with pronounced legs. Best suited for this purpose:
  • Estonian white breed;
  • Lithuanian white breed;
  • landrace.

By three months, piglets of these breeds are already able to increase their weight by 25 kilos. You can breed them at home, but the breeder will need not only professional knowledge of how to properly fatten pigs, but also attention, as well as significant financial investments at the initial stage.

  1. Quality lard. It is this option that is most in demand in households. Good fat can be obtained from very fatty meat, for which piglets are selected from a special meat-fat breed. In order to achieve the desired effect, the breeder will have to constantly control the fat content of the meat and the thickness of the bacon. The latter should not exceed 10 centimeters. If you correctly observe the required norms in the nutritional diet of animals, then the total live weight should be:
  • 50% bacon;
  • 40% meat.

Depending on what you want final product it is necessary to choose different breeds of pigs for fattening.

Principles of meat feeding

Raising young pigs for meat starts with three months. You need to choose those piglets that by this time have already gained from 100 to 120 kilos. Any breed of pigs is used, but further results will depend on what exactly you will feed the pig, what type of fattening you prefer. Types of fattening pigs for meat are as follows.

  1. low intensity. In this case, the piglets will gain weight gradually. It will take quite a long time for the pig to reach a weight of 100 kilos. This method is used if cheap and affordable feed is supposed to be used. This fattening of pigs at home is suitable for those owners who raise pigs for their own needs, in small quantities.
  2. Intense. In this case, fattening is carried out in a very short time. This technique is considered the most effective both in terms of timing and profitability. It is required to select piglets that by the age of three months have already gained weight of 30 or more kilos. Further during four months feeding according to a special scheme.

If you correctly follow the technology of intensive meat fattening, then:

  • per day, the weight gain of piglets will be 600 - 650 g;
  • by the end of their average weight will reach 120 kilos.

The carcass of the pig turns out to be very impressive, and at the same time the meat will be soft, juicy and tender, since the pig does not have time to grow old. In the region of the seventh cervical vertebra, each fattening individual will form a thin layer of lard.

Pure breeds are chosen for intensive meat fattening of pigs, such are obtained by crossing pig individuals specially bred for intensive productivity. For example, piglets from crossing a large white sow and a Landrace sow are considered good.

The daily weight gain of a pig is about 600 grams until its weight reaches 120 kilograms or more.

In order to make intensive meat fattening as productive as possible, you need to create certain comfortable conditions for pigs. These include:

  • a suitable room in which the piglets would feel at ease;
  • professionally selected food.

The period of growing pigs for meat is conditionally divided into two periods.

Preparation period

This is the longest stage, it lasts until the piglets are six months old. Usually at this time, each fattened piglet gains half a kilo per day. It is better if this period falls in the spring or summer, in which case the question of what to feed will not be so acute. Green food is suitable for feeding, which should be about 30% in the diet of young pigs. Fresh herbs, melons, and root crops will do, your pets themselves will look for and find suitable food for themselves.

At the age of up to 6 months, it is necessary to diversify the diet of pigs with root crops.

If the preparatory period fell in the winter, then it is necessary to feed with grass flour, the same root crops and combined silage. During this period, you need to go on a diet that contains 115 g of protein for each individual, which will allow you to lift weight to the maximum. The diet should also contain more vitamins, especially A, D and group B, as well as minerals and amino acids such as methionine, lysine and tryptophan.

Final period

It is quite short, only a month and a half. During this period, the weight of pigs per day grows by 750 g, for which the nutritional concentrate is increased by almost 90% using different top dressings. Most often added to it:

  • potatoes, and in such a way that fattening for piglets consists of two parts - first they are given potatoes, then concentrated feed;
  • beets, legumes and green grass;
  • food waste.

At the final stage, each fattening carcass should have 100 grams of protein. It is very important during this period to completely exclude from the diet those foods that can adversely affect taste qualities the resulting meat. These include:

  • fish;
  • bran;
  • millet flour;
  • soy (remember that it even prevents normal weight gain).

Bran, fish, millet flour and soy can negatively affect the taste of meat.

The pigs are fed at the final stage twice a day, water must be constantly present. It is undesirable to disturb them. To make this period as efficient as possible:

  • the room where the pigs are kept is darkened from bright light;
  • pigs should be taken out for a walk less often, reducing this time to a minimum.

Here is a table of effective fattening of pigs for meat

Live weight Growth per day Consumption of feed units per 1 kg of growth
feed units digestible protein, g salt, g calcium, g phosphorus, g carotene, mg
20-30 300-400 1,4 — 1,7 175 — 215 14 10 8 5 4,2
30-40 1,5 — 1,7 180 — 225 15 12 9 7 4,5
40-50 400-500 2,0 — 2,3 220 — 265 20 14 10 8 4,6
50-60 2,1 — 2,4 240 — 275 22 15 11 10 4,8
60-70 500-600 2,6 — 3,0 260 – 330 25 16 12 12 5,0
70-80 600-700 3,2 — 3,7 320 – 390 32 17 13 15 5,2
80-90 3,3 — 3,8 330 – 410 18 14 5,4
90-100 700-800 3,9 — 4,4 355 — 415 35 20 16 5,5
100-120 4,0 — 4,5 360 — 420 22 18 5,6

Principles of bacon fattening

This pig fattening technology is good for obtaining smoked products. For cultivation, a piglet is required, whose age has already amounted to 2.5 months, and by this time has gained 25 kilos. Boars at this point must be castrated.

Then a complete fattening diet is compiled for piglets, which includes:

  • 3 kilos of green food;
  • one and a half kilos of concentrate;
  • 2 kilos of root crops;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • special additives.

Pigs need to be fed twice a day. Like fattening pigs for meat, bacon fattening also consists of two stages.

  1. Initial . During this period, you should adhere to the norms of live weight gain of 450 grams per day.
  2. Final. It takes three months, and at this time the average daily gain increases to 500 - 600 grams. You should also completely exclude those types of products that can worsen the taste of meat or prevent normal weight gain.

Raising pigs for bacon requires animal walking.

Bacon fattening of pigs involves the mandatory withdrawal of animals for a walk. Exceptions should not be made even in winter.

The obligatory walks are explained by the improvement in the appetite of animals, while the food is better digested, and the mass grows. When fattening for bacon, it is necessary that muscle tissue is formed in all individuals first of all, there should be a lot of it, but fat deposits, on the contrary, are few. If you follow all of the above rules, juicy meat is formed, evenly permeated with fatty layers. It is usually used to cook all kinds of smoked products, such as ham, loin or brisket.

Vietnamese piglet fattening

This breed is bred specifically for bacon pork. There are no special differences in the fattening of Vietnamese piglets from other breeds, the rules are simple:

  • feed well, but do not overfeed;
  • walk daily.

Approximate composition of feed:

  • barley 40%;
  • wheat 30%;
  • oats 10%;
  • peas 10%;
  • corn 10% (no longer needed, because corn contributes to obesity).

Pigs of the Vietnamese breed need to be fed satisfyingly, but in no case should you overfeed.

Principles of fat feeding (for lard)

At effective organization fattening pigs to fat norms, the formed carcass can reach 200 kilos. Of this mass, meat will make up only 40% of the weight, the rest is fat. In order to fatten a pig for high-quality fat, the chosen piglet must already weigh 100 kilos. Nutrition for these piglets in different periods varies.

  1. At the initial stage, it is permissible to use concentrated feed, which includes corn and wheat.
  2. At the final stage, it is already recommended to use concentrates consisting of barley and millet. These components are needed in order for the fat to be of better quality.
  • 4 kilos of green food;
  • 3.5 kilos of pumpkin;
  • 3 kilos of concentrates;
  • 50 grams of salt.

The weight lifted in this way makes the animals inactive, their shape becomes more rounded.

Lard will be of high quality if concentrates from barley and millet are used at the final stage of fattening.

Here is a table of effective fattening of pigs for fat

Live weight, kg Growth per day, g Daily requirement for one individual
feed units digestible protein, g salt, g calcium, g phosphorus, g
110 — 120 700 — 800 4,1 – 4,6 310 — 375 40 16 14
110 — 130 4,2 – 4,8 330 – 390 43 17 15
130 — 140 4,3 – 5,0 310 – 370 50 19 17
140 — 150 600 — 700 4,4 – 5,1 300 – 360 55 21 18
150 — 160 4,5 – 5,5 270 — 330 65 22 19

Use of growth promoters

Even if you use a balanced concentrated feed, it is still worth using additional growth stimulants that make the process of raising pigs more efficient. Especially for the growth of pigs are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • mineral preparations;
  • vitamin formulations;
  • tissue preparations.

They are given not only to raise a full-fledged pig, very often they help treat sick animals, and sometimes even save their lives. Biologically active substances help piglets gain weight faster by improving their:

  • metabolism;
  • digestive processes.

As a result, the amount of feed that has to be spent in order for the pigs to grow quickly is also reduced. However, they still need to be used in moderation, observing the required standards.

Growth promoters also have an anti-inflammatory effect, allowing the animal's body to better fight germs. They are recommended to be given to piglets in case of illness.

Different stimulants are used to achieve different goals:

  • it is recommended to feed pigs with vitamins and amino acids so that their nutritional properties increase, the meat becomes denser;
  • synthetic drugs stimulate faster growth in live weight;
  • special premixes allow animals to quickly gain weight, forming better lard and meat.

By the way, people have long used such "bioadditives", in literally drawing them from nature itself. For example, lake silt contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, including calcium and copper, magnesium and other substances.

Most often, specially allocated premises such as a barn or a converted barn are used for this. The pigsty must be:

  • warm (even in winter the temperature in it should not fall below +15 degrees) and without drafts;
  • dry;
  • spacious and bright;
  • with thoughtful ventilation;
  • with the ability to dim the light after each feeding.

The normal development of pigs depends on the conditions in which they are kept.

It is advisable to keep strong and weak individuals separately so that they do not harm each other. Also according to the rules:

  • the height of the walls should be at least a meter;
  • floor area - from three to five square meters to accommodate a sow, and three to four meters for each piglet.

This helps the piglets stay healthy and grow fast. In addition, once a month the room must be disinfected and the walls whitewashed.

Particular attention is paid to the presence of water, especially if dry food is used for fattening. If there is not enough water, the condition of your wards will begin to deteriorate.


In this article, we explained how to fatten pigs, what breeding methods are used in the national economy. You have learned what kind of feed is needed for pigs to grow quickly in cases where they are bred for meat, lard or bacon.

We gave brief description existing growth promoters so that you can select the ones that are best for your herd.

A properly balanced diet and the use of fresh quality feed can significantly increase the growth rate, productivity and fertility of pigs. But planning such a diet should be approached as carefully as possible. When choosing feed for the rapid growth of pigs, it is necessary to take into account the age of the animal, its weight, physiological features. Only if such moments are observed, the farm will develop normally.

Feed types

By nature, pigs are omnivores. That is why, when choosing feed for the rapid growth of piglets, several different types of products are included in the diet at once. This approach allows you to fully meet the needs of the livestock organism in nutrients ah, vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of the animal.

Among themselves, all types of food can be divided according to different characteristics. Among them, the most common is the origin. In accordance with it, all fodder reserves can be divided into vegetable and animal origin.

Commonly used plant foods include the following:

  1. concentrates. This category includes grains of cereals and legumes (barley, soybeans, peas, corn). Such food is required component pig diet.
  2. Waste processing of vegetable raw materials. This includes meal, cake and cereal bran.
  3. Green fodder. It is an essential component of nutrition in summer time. Includes leguminous greens (clover, alfalfa, vetch, peas), beet tops, various herbaceous plants.
  4. Juicy fodder stocks. These include beets, potatoes, pumpkins, apples, pears, carrots, corn silage.
  5. Rough. Coarse food mainly includes hay of cereals and legumes, as well as straw, which is steamed in a certain amount of hot water before serving.

As for feeds of animal origin, they include:

  • various dairy products (skim, whey, whole milk);
  • fish processing waste;
  • meat and bone meal, other meat production wastes.

Attention! The listed types of feed can be given separately with the alternation of the components of the diet or in the form of compound feed, which includes several ingredients at once. Compound feed in its composition can be starter, complete or replace only a certain part of the menu compiled for animals.

Food waste can also be included in a separate category. In households, they are also introduced into the diet at certain stages of animal development. Plant foods also include acorns and some types of mushrooms.

How to feed piglets to grow quickly?

To quickly raise a piglet, you should calculate the diet in strict accordance with its physiology at each stage of development. Therefore, fattening for each age of the young will include its own components and norms. Do not worry about proper feeding only for newborn babies, provided that they are kept with a sow. In this case, for the first 1-2 weeks, the cubs will have enough mother's milk to fully cover their nutritional needs. When feeding piglets of all other ages, certain recommendations should be followed.

milk pigs

At the first stage of life, the piglet needs to provide a large amount of energy and vitamins, which are the main condition for rapid growth. But new food should be given to the baby in small portions, increasing them over time. You can implement this approach in accordance with the following plan:

  1. The first 5-7 days the baby should be fed exclusively with mother's milk. It will provide the piglet required amount protein, carbohydrates and vitamins.
  2. From day 5, when the first teeth appear in the young, it can be gradually accustomed to concentrates by feeding small portions of toasted wheat or corn. Also, the diet should be diluted with yogurt. It will help normalize bowel function.
  3. On the 7th day, you can already try to add premixes to the feeder.
  4. From day 10, the animal can already begin to accustom to succulent feed. Finely grated carrots are suitable for this. But it should be administered with extreme caution, starting with a norm of not more than 10 g per day. It will also be useful to supplement the diet with legume hay.
  5. From about 10 days in the summer, small piglets can be fed pasture. In this regard, nettle and midge are well suited. Young animals are happy to eat other greens, but you should be careful not to allow piglets to poisonous plants.
  6. Immediately after the offspring learns to cope with concentrates and begins to drink on their own, you can also enter porridges steamed in water or mixed with skim milk on the menu. Reverse and whole cow's milk is desirable to give young animals regularly in the first months of life.
  7. By the age of 1.5 months, it is already possible to introduce all feed into the diet of a piglet and wean it from its mother. During this period, it is imperative to give young animals mineral supplements, bone meal and pierce or feed mineral complexes with food.
  8. From the age of 2 months, it is better to remove corn, buckwheat, bran and soy from the animal's menu. These products can greatly slow down the growth of the baby, provoke obesity and spoil the quality of the meat.

In addition to the main diet, chalk, clay and charcoal should also be introduced into food from the age of two weeks. For a two-month-old piglet, an approximate diet would look like this:

  • concentrated feed (mainly barley) - at least 150 g;
  • boiled and chopped potatoes - 500 g;
  • tear - 500 g;
  • return - 600 g;
  • root crops - at least 250 g;
  • herbal flour - 100 g;
  • chalk - about 15 g;
  • table salt - 10 g.

It is worth noting that, in addition to what to feed, it is also important how to feed the young. All of these feed supplies should not be given to a piglet at one time. It is better to divide one serving into 2-3 parts and pour it on the baby as the previous one is eaten. So the food will be better absorbed.

It is necessary to feed the offspring during the milk period at least 8 times until the age of 3 weeks, and then gradually reduce meals. By 2 months, their number should be 3. If all the recommendations are followed correctly, then during the milk period the piglet can grow up to 25 kg.


The period of growing a pig follows immediately after the dairy and lasts up to 4 months of the animal's life. The purpose of fattening at this time is to significantly increase the gain in muscle mass of the piglet. Accordingly, for this purpose, a large amount of protein and carbohydrates are introduced into the diet.

The basis of feeding during this period are various cereals. The most successful option in this case is barley and pea porridge. Moreover, when cooking, do not introduce a lot of liquid into them. The porridge should be thick.

Also during the rearing period, dairy products continue to be given to animals. A good weight gain can be achieved when feeding with skim milk, whey, yogurt. Food waste allows you to supplement the menu, and in the summer - greens from the garden. Be sure to provide the pig with the proper amount of vegetables. To do this, it is best to alternate potatoes, carrots, pumpkins by day.

IN winter time feeding is carried out with such food:

  • concentrates are the basis of the diet;
  • vegetables - double the norm in comparison with the summer;
  • corn silage;
  • chaff and hay dust.

Attention! It is imperative to add chalk and salt in the amount of 15-20 g to the listed reserves.

adult pigs

Feeding adult pigs largely depends on the purpose of raising livestock. Most often in domestic and industrial pig breeding, fattening is carried out for meat and for bacon. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Fattening for meat

The purpose of this feeding technology is to obtain a large number tender meat without fat. In this case, the animal is determined for slaughter as soon as it reaches a weight of 100-120 kg.

This type of fattening is realized at the expense of silage, potatoes, beets. Food and meat waste has a good effect on muscle mass growth and meat quality. Such food should definitely be supplemented with green grass or legume hay.

At the last stage of feeding a pig for meat, the main food must be supplemented, including fish meal, grain processing waste, add fodder yeast. When implementing such fattening, it is also extremely important to provide the animals with regular walking and plenty of clean, warm drink.

Bacon fattening

This feeding technology is more difficult to implement. At the end of fattening, an adult should reach a weight of 90-100 kg, no more. To get high-quality bacon, you also need to strictly follow the feeding norms, which are constantly changing for different stages process. It is especially important to observe the daily rate of protein in food. In the first half of fattening, it should be at least 130 g per day. In the second half, the norm decreases to 100 g.

Feeding in this case will be mainly based on the following components:

  • legumes;
  • grass (hay in winter);
  • root crops, including Special attention given to carrots and sugar beets;
  • serum.

Concentrated feed and silage should also be introduced into the diet. But here the main task is right balance all types of feed, otherwise an increase in body fat in a pig will be traced, and high-quality bacon will not be obtained.

There are a few other important things to keep in mind when feeding adults and piglets that will increase feed conversion and keep the flock healthy. These rules include:

  1. It is better to give grain to pigs in crushed form. This will significantly increase the absorption of nutrients from them.
  2. It is better to make mixers from concentrates and other components. Pigs eat them better.
  3. When the pig has eaten enough, the remnants of feed are removed from the feeder so that it does not ferment.
  4. In parallel with the correct diet, it is necessary to provide animals with proper exercise. Piglets should be accustomed to walking gradually, starting from 1 hour of walking and increasing to 6-8 hours.

What should not be fed to pigs?

The possibility of ingestion by pigs should be completely excluded. harmful plants, the main ones being:

  • spurge;
  • pikulnik;
  • nightshade black;
  • cicuta;
  • caustic buttercup.

In the case of using cotton cake, it must first be steamed in boiling water. When cooking vegetables, you should also adhere to some points:

  • exclusively mature potatoes without sprouts are selected for feeding;
  • it is better to cook potatoes until fully cooked;
  • it is better to pour out the water in which the potatoes were boiled, as it can cause indigestion;
  • beets can not be steamed for a long time in hot water, otherwise substances dangerous for pigs are formed in it.

In no case should you feed laurel leaves or tea leaves to animals, throw them away coffee grounds, skins from oranges, lemons or bananas. Such products contain substances harmful to the body of the pig.

Thus, a properly constructed diet is the key to good health and high productivity of the pig. Of course, it can be quite difficult for the owner of the farm to provide feeding that meets all these points. But the efforts, money and time spent on this will pay off handsomely, bringing considerable income to the pig farm or homestead.

Beginning farmers do not know how to feed pigs, and consider these animals to be omnivores. The statement can be considered almost true, the nutrition of piglets does not require the preparation of an exquisite menu. Pigs eat vegetables and fruits, cereals and cereals, meat and fish products and any food waste. Such feeding will not bring the expected result. In order for the animals to grow up healthy, gain weight, and the taste of the meat is excellent, you should be more selective, not feeding the piglets any leftovers indiscriminately.

What is included in the diet of a pig

Fattening piglets for meat at home aims to get tasty and healthy products. Any feed affects the properties of animal fat. Livestock feeding involves the selection of a balanced and varied diet based on existing standards and norms.

It must be taken into account that pigs have a special structure digestive system. A single-chamber stomach does an excellent job of digesting ready-made granular feed, fresh vegetables, cereals and other fiber are much worse absorbed. To obtain high-quality meat, a pig must consume products:

  • cereals: millet, barley, millet;
  • fresh vegetables: root vegetables, pumpkins, zucchini and other fruits;
  • succulent food: burdock and dandelion leaves, young nettles, clover, lupins;
  • roughage: pellets, hay, legumes;
  • animal products: milk, meat, poultry, fish.

These feeds have a positive effect on the properties of meat, increase grain size, and form a pleasant taste. Implement them and raise well-fed piglets faster.

Less preferred menu for feeding pigs: buckwheat, bran, corn. The introduction of these ingredients has some positive aspects. Thanks to corn, the animal receives energy and is more mobile. If second-class products occupy no more than half of the entire diet, then this has almost no effect on the quality of meat.

The last group of products includes oats, cake and soybeans. It is undesirable to feed piglets with this. In exceptional cases, the diet is selected for individuals under 60 kg. The most important is the livestock menu 2 months before slaughter. The farmer should only use products the best variety.

What type of feeding is preferable

The feeding ration of pigs depends on the desired result, the scale of agricultural activities and the welfare of the farmer. The choice of the type of complementary foods will depend on these details.

Dry type of food includes the use of pre-prepared and dried feed. The rancher can prepare food for pigs at home or buy a ready-made product. Important in this case is the use of premixes. They contain vitamins and other useful substances, so homemade food should be slightly diluted with purchased granules. The use of dry feed formulations has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Significant weight gain.
  2. Healthy digestion.
  3. No bad smell from manure.
  4. The possibility of long-term storage of food, because it does not spoil, bacteria and fungus do not develop in it.

In order for pigs to grow quickly, drinking water must always be freely available, and food should always be available in the feeder. A dry diet is more balanced and will produce fat and tasty piglets.

Liquid type means cooking. Dairy products, broths, meat products are added to food for pigs. The wet type is reduced to the preparation and feeding of watery dishes from boiled vegetables, soup food waste. Liquid and wet types of food are preferred, they are as close as possible to the nutrition of animals in natural environment. The inconvenience for the farmer is the frequent cleaning of the corral. Liquid and wet foods stain the bedding and spoil quickly. To prevent poisoning of pigs, the owner must clean the feeder regularly.

Pig breeders, whose economic property has meadows and lands for harvesting hay and succulent crops, it is beneficial to use the wet and liquid type in practice. On the other hand, the density of the meat and the thickness of the fat are not the same as when using the dry type. Based on this, each farmer must weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each method and decide for himself what is the best way to feed the pigs.

What to feed piglets

After birth, the first days of piglets suck milk. This process is natural and should not be interfered with. Piglets receive natural immunity from sow's milk. Later, the cubs repeat the actions of adults, picking up the remnants of food. A prudent farmer, especially for a piglet that has not grown to the feeder, should scatter food on the floor or use shallow bowls.

From the 5th day of life, roasted corn grains can be introduced into the diet of a piglet. The stomach of the suckling is not able to digest, therefore, in addition, individuals consume yogurt and other dairy products. Gradually introduce premixes with chalk and bone meal. 10 days after birth, the suckling consumes carrots, potatoes, pumpkin. The piglet is weaned from the sow at the age of 45 days.

Feeding piglets from 1 to 6 months should be enhanced, at this age the skeleton is growing rapidly. Young individuals are kept in a separate pen, where they eat food 3 times a day. Piglets need to get high dose proteins so that the animals gain weight well. To do this, they are offered yogurt, cottage cheese, skimmed milk, and bone meal in addition to the basic diet.

The pig's diet should be changed as soon as its weight exceeds 20-25 kg. Growing individuals need vitamins. At this age, the main food is mixed with vegetables, herbs, juicy mass. Fine
the wet type of nutrition has proven itself, if it is used during this period. Weed grass is poured with boiling water and insisted for several hours before feeding.

Principles of fattening pigs

When a young individual reaches a weight of 50 kg, its menu should be adjusted again. The farmer's efforts are aimed at increasing the body weight of pigs. The introduction of meat into the diet becomes a necessity. The main goal of fattening is to get well-fed animals. Daily rate weight gain is approximately 600 g. To achieve this result, the fiber content in the diet of livestock should be minimized. A pig breeder can achieve weight gain of up to 800 g per day by introducing a fatty meat diet using dry feed.

Significantly reduce the financial costs of yeast for pigs. The essence of the method is to add this ingredient to the food to enhance the palatability of the food and better digestion of the food eaten.

Yeasting is carried out in several ways. The essence of the first method is to add baker's yeast in a high-capacity container, pour warm water, fall asleep with finely ground food. After the mixture has been infused for 8 hours, it can be fed to pigs. Feed yeast concentrate can be prepared by another method. To do this, you need a bucket or bowl with a capacity of 5 liters, into which 100 g of yeast and feed are poured until an average density is obtained. The mixture is infused for 5 hours, after which it is poured into the feeder with food.

With the correct feeding scheme for 6 months, individuals grow, and each will gain more than 100 kg. When calculating the effectiveness of the feeding method, the cost per head should be taken into account. Yeast top dressing will significantly reduce the amount of food eaten.

How to feed boars and sows

The main rule of keeping a male is that he must be healthy. When choosing food, you need to remember that excess weight or exhaustion adversely affect sexual activity. During the breeding season, the pig's metabolism increases, so it needs to get more energy from the feed. At overexposure, the diet of boars should be reduced. You can feed pigs at home with grain, meat waste. Before an animal is planted with a female, its diet is changed.

The diet of the sow depends on which group she belongs to: preparing for fertilization, pregnant, lactating. Grown in good conditions the uterus does not require special feeding before insemination.

In the first 80 days of pregnancy, the gestating individual is picky about food. When growing offspring, there will be no problems if the nutritional value of the diet is increased before childbirth. You can not feed fatty food, because excess weight will complicate the birth process.

During lactation, food should be enriched as much as possible. Otherwise, the sow may lose milk and the question of how to feed monthly piglets will arise. Immediately after farrowing, the pig is offered drinking water. Feeding is carried out no earlier than 5 hours after birth. First, a liquid concentrate is introduced, gradually thickening the consistency over several days.

Feeding of individuals at any age should be carried out in accordance with general recommendations. The use of certain products in the diet affects the health of the animal, the ability to produce offspring, the rate of weight gain and the quality of the meat. universal system does not exist, the method of feeding depends on financial condition pig breeder, purpose of the individual. Everyone decides individually how to properly feed the pigs. The farmer should choose a suitable scheme in advance.

Experienced pig breeders recommend choosing the optimal diet for pigs. Proper feeding of meat is reflected in the quality and quantity of meat and fat that they give. Therefore, it is important for pigs to receive all the nutrients and minerals that positively affect their growth. But what you need to give animals in order to get good products, you will learn from the article.

The breeder cares about the quality of meat and fat, which the individual will give in about a year. Therefore, it has great value what to feed the pigs. Better pick up optimal ratio all types of feed, so that animals receive all the necessary substances for growth and development.

So, what and how much to feed pigs at home? Most often, animals are fattened until they reach a weight of 100 kilos. Since the process of breeding pigs is aimed at obtaining tasty meat and granular fat, then it is better to give animals:

  • Juicy feed - vegetables and root crops. For example, pigs eat sugar beets, potatoes, pumpkins.
  • Cereal crops - peas, millet and barley. It is better not to feed guinea pigs with oats, soy or oilcake. These cultures lead to yellowing of fat and flabbiness of meat.
  • Greens - alfalfa, nettle, sainfoin.
  • Coarse flour from legumes.
  • Dairy products and meat waste.

All this can be safely included in the diet of feeding pigs. To find the optimal combination of feeds, you can watch an educational video on the network about the diet of pigs.

Dry food

Many breeders choose to feed their gilts dry food throughout the year. Its use at home saves time and simplifies the feeding process. At the same time, the individual receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals per day. This feed for pigs contains a properly selected amount of nutrients that make up the daily norm of an individual.

Manufacturers offer farmers a wide range of dry feed. However, in order to save money, it is better to make it at home. It is necessary to add premixes at the rate of 10 kg per unit of finished feed. Animals receive this mixture all year during fattening.

Such feeding allows pigs to quickly gain weight and forget about digestive problems. Farmers also receive some benefits. Feeding pigs dry food does not produce manure with a strong ammonia smell. In addition, the remnants of the feed mixture will not turn sour at the bottom of the feeder. It is also important that this type of feed significantly reduces the costs of the breeder.

What to feed piglets

After birth, the piglet eats mother's milk, receiving from it everything necessary for development. But after two weeks, the babies already need to be fed, since the mother's food is no longer enough for them. Therefore, the piglet begins to be taught to feed.

So, what does a piglet eat in the first month of weaning? What to feed small piglets after weaning from the sow? What products and how much to give to the cubs can be seen in the table. This shows the feeding of suckling piglets depending on the date of their appearance.

Table "Feeding for weight gain piglets"

Product nameFeeding timeQuantity, grams
Mineral feedFrom the third dayHow much is required for a single meal
Whole or skimmed milk, toasted grainsOn the fifth birthday50 to 800 grams as you grow
Bean hay and dustAfter 10 daysStart introducing into the diet with 50 grams
Juicy feed and root cropsFrom day 10Begin to introduce vegetable puree. Potatoes are introduced into the diet of piglets last - after 25 days
Green fodder and vegetable topsAfter 12 daysIn the first feeding, you can give 300 grams of fresh grass.

This table shows only approximate norms. How much feed will actually be, each farmer calculates individually.


Cubs begin to feed from the 15th day. Upon reaching the age of one month, the pig already consumes hay infusion, which contributes to an increase in body weight by 6 times.

Suckers need to be fed in small portions, but often. Proper nutrition involves 6-8 meals per day. If you follow these recommendations, at the age of 2.5 months, the piglet will weigh about 25 kg.

From 1 month

From the first month of life, it is better for piglets to give bait in the form of whole and skimmed milk, vegetable purees, hay dust. If the gilt eats enough food at home, he gains body weight correctly, and most importantly, quickly.

In winter, piglets eat only succulent feed, hay flour or hay. Many farmers also give their animals silage mixes. For growth, a young pig needs to eat up to 2 kg of the mixture per day.

At 2 months of age

Piglets at the age of two months are weaned from the sow and begin to feed heavily to gain weight. So, what do pigs eat during this period at home?

The grown piglets are given vegetables, hay, whole or skimmed milk, cereals. Only now one individual is calculated large quantity bait.

What to do if the pig refuses to eat

As a rule, piglets do not complain about the lack of appetite. Every day, a growing body needs to get enough vitamins and minerals. That's why daily amount feed is constantly increasing.

What to do if the pig refuses to eat? This is a serious cause for concern. If you notice a decrease in the animal's appetite, contact your veterinarian immediately, as the piglet may suffer from a disorder or disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to do this as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the disease in the body.

How much does a pig eat

For rapid growth and weight gain, the pig eats a lot. For one kg of live weight at home, about three feed units are calculated. It is better to give animals combined feeds containing a lot of useful substances.

It is important that guinea pigs have constant access to water. This helps to better digest food. For one kg of feed eaten, a pig should drink about two and a half liters of water.

Per day

The daily rate of food for animals is calculated by farmers based on the weight of the individual. As you know, the more a pig weighs, the more feed it eats per day. Therefore, raising pigs at home is considered by some breeders to be a costly business.

The pig must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the daily norm of substances is divided into three meals. That is how many times you need to feed the pig so that it not only quickly, but also correctly gains body weight.

The daily feed intake reaches 12 kg per individual. This is how much the consumption of biofeed is with the optimal diet of pigs. This amount of food allows you to feed and raise pigs that will produce high quality meat and lard.

In year

At home, in one year, a pig consumes from 350 kilograms of combined feed. If we are talking about biofeed, its quantity increases to one ton. Such a consumption of feed reserves is considered the most optimal for pigs. In summer, the pig consumes a considerable amount of biofeed, receiving a lot of useful substances.

How much feed is needed to raise a pig

It is known that the pig eats a lot. Therefore, raising animals sometimes requires additional costs that quickly pay off.

From the age of six months, a pig eats about five kg of potatoes per day. The daily norm of silage or waste is at least three kilograms.

Up to 100 kg

In order for a pig to quickly gain weight up to 100 kg, about 350 kg of feed is needed. As a rule, individuals reach this weight in six months. During this period, the daily diet should be taken seriously.

If you feed the pig with potatoes, then the product rate increases to 1200 kg. However, the process of weight gain will increase significantly. Weight will reach 100 kilograms only by 11 months.

To speed up the growth of the animal, there are feed additives for pigs. At home, an animal consumes approximately three feed units of supplements per meal.

During pig production, farmers add about 2 percent of animal protein to their food daily. So at home, weight gain in weaners begins.

When the animal gains 40 kg, energy value feed is reduced. Now you can transfer the individual to a cheaper type of food. IN given period animal eats bran, vegetable feed, vegetables.

Growing an individual on bran and roughage is possible up to slaughter. It is important to accurately calculate the required amount of feed per individual.

Feed additives

Feed additives are an integral part of the daily diet of pigs. At home, the animal eats protein supplements, fish and meat and bone meal, dairy products, biofeed. All this allows the animal to quickly gain weight.

How many additives are needed to make the animal's diet balanced? In this case, the consumption of food should be made so that the supplements provide the animals with daily energy. This allows you to feed the animals as required by the quality standard.

In the summer, the individual should receive up to 60 grams of nutrient mixture per day. In winter, the amount of mineral supplements increases by about 10 percent.

feed yeast

For rapid weight gain, pigs are given fodder yeast. This is a protein-vitamin supplement, which is considered the basis for raising pigs. Yeast promotes the absorption of proteins and proteins from the grain mixture by the pigs.

There is a process called yeasting. This is the basis for fattening animals throughout the year. Corn, barley, bran and oats lend themselves best to yeasting. They are mixed in certain proportions with any of the cereals.

Baker's, hydrolysis or brewer's yeast are suitable for yeasting. However, farmers are advised to use special feed additives. Yeasting can be carried out in a double or non-dough method. The dough is long enough to make, so the yeast is usually just soaked in warm water.

It has long been calculated that even at home, investments in the construction of premises, the purchase of sows, the costs of caring for and feeding pigs pay off very quickly. A sow's litter averages about 15 heads. Fattening lasts about a year. Therefore, already after 12 months, more than ten adult full-fledged piglets can be obtained from one sow.

To achieve the best results, special attention must be paid to the diet, quantity and quality of feed and special additives. For successful pig breeding, you need to know how to properly feed pigs and what.

Feed used in pig breeding


A huge proportion of the diet of pigs falls on dry feed, in particular, on cereals. And this is no coincidence. They contain the right carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and fiber, so necessary for excellent quality product.

  1. Barley. The most useful cereal, feed for pigs, which is absorbed by them by almost 90%. In the diet, it occupies up to 70% of the feed composition and is suitable for feeding animals of all ages. Its percentage in the feed is directly proportional to the quality of meat and fat.
  2. Corn. It is also almost completely digested and absorbed when fattening pigs of all age groups. It contains more fats and carbohydrates than barley, but other nutrients, in particular protein, are much less, which adversely affects the quality of fat and meat. That is why the content of corn in the feed at the end of feeding should be significantly reduced.
  3. Oats. It contains more fat and fiber than in other cereals, therefore it is recommended for feeding young animals, suckers and suckling queens. Its low price is also attractive. For animals in the last fattening period for best quality pork, it is recommended to add oats mixed with barley to the diet.
  4. Peas. The steamed product is an excellent food for all age groups, as it contains great amount complete proteins. Its presence in the diet has a beneficial effect on the quality of meat.

succulent feed

Potatoes are excellent food for pigs

At home middle lane In Russia, it is a staple food not only in the human diet. It has always been believed that the body of a pig is as close as possible to the human. Therefore, just like people, a raw green vegetable in the diet is dangerous because of the presence of the poisonous substance corned beef in it. It can be neutralized by boiling the potatoes in water and then draining the broth. In addition, the boiled product is much better absorbed by the body. In total, in the diet of animals, it should contain 20-40% of the total feed, depending on the type of pig fattening.

Feed and sugar beets

20-30% of pig feed should consist of this vegetable. Moreover, sugar beet is 2 times more nutritious than fodder and is used for fattening pigs along with tops. Both varieties are fed crushed raw to all age groups of animals. Cooking beets is not recommended, as heat treatment significantly reduces the content of vitamins and other nutrients.

Carrots - a storehouse of vitamins

Green feed

Protein, vitamins and minerals - all this is fully contained in the green mass of many plants. Useful substances are stored in dried plants, in hay. For this type of fattening pigs, you can use the tops of beets, peas, vetch, clover. Dandelion, baby quinoa, alfalfa and wood lice are perfect for fattening pigs both fresh and dry. Nettle for this mixture is recommended to pour boiling water over. The price of green fodder is minimal, and the benefits are huge.

Feed of animal origin

Fish and meat waste

Pigs, like humans, are omnivores. Lots of vitamins, proteins and minerals when fattening, they take from animal food: meat, fish and products of their processing. The owners of pig farms successfully increase the productivity of all livestock groups, regardless of the type of fattening of pigs, feeding them meat and fish waste, pre-chopping and boiling them well.

It has long been noticed that such animal food in the diet greatly impairs the quality of the resulting fat and meat, causing an unpleasant odor, therefore, it is recommended that shortly before the end of the fattening of pigs, stop adding it to the mixture.


This animal product in the diet has a great effect on the quality of pork, so it is recommended to use it not only for fattening suckers, but also for fattening piglets. Dairy products include: milk, whey, buttermilk and skimmed milk.

Combined silo

All listed types of feed can be used in pig breeding in various combinations. The pig fattening technology is based, among other things, on the selection of different nutrition schemes. The best and most effective dish for any pig is, of course, prepared from several ingredients, combisilos. There are many recipes for preparing this delicious and healthy pig food:

  • potatoes (tubers) - 4 parts, clover (otava) - 3 parts, carrots (with tops) - 1.5 parts, cabbage leaf - 1.5 parts;
  • carrots (with tops) - 2 parts, sugar or fodder beets - 5 parts, legumes (green mass) - 2 parts, hay flour - 1 part;
  • corn (cobs) - 6 parts, pumpkin - 3 parts, legumes (green mass) - 1 part;
  • potatoes (tubers) - 4.5 parts, vegetable waste (assorted) - 5 parts, grain waste - 0.5 parts;
  • carrots (with tops) - 5 parts, sugar or fodder beet - 3 parts, aftertaste of legumes - 1.5 parts, herbal flour - 0.5 parts;
  • sugar beets - 4 parts, potatoes (tubers) - 3 parts, clover aftermath - 3 parts;
  • corn (milk cobs) - 8 parts, carrots - 2 parts.

All root crops are harvested for fattening in raw form, except for potatoes. It is better absorbed after steaming. Depending on age groups, cultivation purposes, there are different kinds fattening pigs, and hence the menu.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

What are premixes for?

In order to carry out rapid fattening of pigs, little pig after the first week of life, special additives are added to the feed. With their help, when fattening, its weight in just 60 days increases four times. Decades ago, this was only a dream. More recently, scientists presented their discovery to livestock breeders - specially developed vitamin and mineral complex feed supplements.

Premixes for pigs can significantly increase fattening weight gain, palatability and livestock viability. They strengthen the immune system nutritional value pork. With their help, the fattening time is significantly reduced, which provides significant savings for the entrepreneur, reducing the price and cost of the product.

Composition of feed additives

There are various complex feed additives for pigs. different groups. They differ in the number of components and their percentage. Almost all feed additives for pigs contain: phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, lysine, threonine, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, selenium. In addition, they include vitamins: A, D3, E, B6, B12, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid. Each kit necessarily contains a small amount of antioxidants to extend the shelf life of the supplement.

Number of additives

There are different feeding rates for pigs of different groups. All premixes on sale have a different price and their own composition, intended to be added to the feed separate group. The instructions for use describe the components in detail, and also tell you how much to measure into the feed in each individual case. For example, at home, for pigs from 60 kg before slaughter, it is enough to add only 1% of the premix to the total feed mass. For pregnant and lactating sows, this figure will increase to 3%. For fattening piglets weighing from 10 to 60 kg, you need to prepare 2.5% of a vitamin and mineral supplement.

The success of pig production depends on feed and feed additives in the diet. But to a greater extent, it depends on the literacy and enlightenment of the farmer who is engaged.