Venus and Mercury are always close to the Sun. They are located at a relatively short distance from each other. In this regard, the planets form not so many mutual aspects, but each of them is valuable and enhances creativity in a person.

Mercury and Venus have a lot in common: their principles are related to communications, communication, contractual and mediation activities. The planets do not conflict with each other and in most cases benefit the owner of the horoscope.

The influence of the aspect on the personal qualities and abilities of a person

The owner of the aspect of the conjunction of Mercury and Venus in is immediately visible. He is polite, peaceful and knows how to express his thoughts beautifully. Everything spoken and written by him delights those around him and evokes a lively response in the mind. The speech is rich in images, beautiful comparisons and graceful turns. Such people understand the world of artistic images and sometimes try themselves in writing lyrics or prose texts.

People with this aspect between Mercury and Venus are also distinguished by a love of reading and learning. They are constantly in search of new knowledge and impressions, love to get acquainted with interesting people and share joyful news and positive thoughts.

The mind of the owner of the aspect is very fruitful. Any idea for such a person is of value, and he develops it until it brings real benefits. In addition, the subject knows how to weigh the pros and cons and most often makes deliberate and correct decisions.

Good communication skills and negotiator talents help him in any activity. The subject can achieve particular success in the field of trade, transport, consulting services and jurisprudence. People with this aspect can also try their hand at advertising.

The disadvantages of a person with a conjunction of Venus and Mercury may be an excessive love of pleasure and entertainment, an unwillingness to be serious in difficult situations, and a tendency to get away from problems by “chatting” an opponent.

Conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the male horoscope

Since Venus indicates marriage and relationships in the birth chart of a man, the aspects of the planet can be very informative if you need to characterize the type of woman most attractive to the native. The aspect of conjunction with Mercury will indicate that the subject will choose women who are intelligent, mobile, sociable and businesslike as partners. In a relationship, the owner of the horoscope is looking for a variety of sensations and romantic experiences. He loves to talk about love, knows how to confess his feelings and expects the loved one to answer him with the same sincerity and cordial openness.

Conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the female horoscope

Venus symbolizes girls and young women in the horoscope. In the female natal, Venus and its aspects will characterize the owner of the horoscope. The conjunction of Venus with Mercury will tell about a woman who is smart, creative and always striving to learn new things. Any intellectual activity gives her pleasure, and she cannot imagine her life without travel, travel and learning.

Such women, as a rule, are skilled craftswomen and know how to organize their life. Thanks to good taste and the ability to do everything beautifully, they become good housewives and valuable employees. The owner of the aspect is happy to translate her creative ideas into reality, and this applies to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication of her efforts.

Conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the children's horoscope

Children, in the natal chart of which there is a conjunction of Mercury and Venus, have many talents, the development of which should be paid attention to. They may be interested in drawing lessons and classes in a literary circle. Since Mercury is responsible for knowledge, and Venus for creativity, such a child will be happy to explore the world of art. In addition, it is necessary to develop the manual abilities of such children, since they have the ability to create beauty with their own hands.

Sun conjunct the Sun

This aspect creates a natural warmth and attraction towards a similar perspective.
in life. There is a strong competitive tendency here, which can
bring out the best in both individuals. Because two birthdays
fall on the same day or within one day of each other,
there is some difficulty in achieving balance in relationships.
The subjective experiences of both people can be so similar that one
may be depressed or elated at the same time as
and another. You should consider other planets in the charts in order to understand whether it will be
whether subjective energy is balanced somewhere else. Man's Sun conjunct Woman's Moon
This is a great combination to bring out the natural brilliance in a man,
because the woman is receptive to it. Relationships will be dominated
a man, but a woman can play a protective maternal role. This
aspect brings insight and understanding to the partnership, as well as
traditional perspectives of marriage. These relationships are creative and
feelings, the two necessary ingredients for a complete experience.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Moon
This aspect symbolizes a relationship dominated by a woman. Although
between two individuals there is a natural intimacy, a man in the end
becomes a receptive follower of a woman. With such a basis
relationships can manifest various forms of resentment and indignation. If a
a man can take on a role that reflects the light and strength of a woman, this aspect
may be the basis for a compatible union.

Male Sun conjunct Female Mercury
This aspect enhances mental awareness and creates relationships,
based on good communication. In these relationships, the woman is more likely
valued for her ability to express ideas than for her femininity. Because the
The sun is the center of the solar system, the center of these relationships is
the male. A woman finds that her ideas are easily accepted and encouraged.
thanks to the optimism emanating from her partner.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Mercury
This aspect creates a relationship with a strong female dominant. The male
may feel threatened in them because he is afraid of being relegated to a role
child. He can learn a lot from a woman, as she appreciates him not for
his sexuality, but rather for mental capacity. She will support him
warmth and optimism, helping to develop his mind.

Man's Sun conjunct Woman's Venus

This aspect indicates the natural warmth and attention in
relationships. On the subconscious levels, they have a place - the usual care, in
much like the exchange between father and daughter. Possibly material and
spiritual wealth. The radiance of the Sun and love symbolized by Venus
come together to create a sense of harmony.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Venus
This aspect appears in relationships in which the man is likely to
was pampered in a past life. Now he must draw man's strength from
strong woman. She represents the center of these relationships. Thanks to her
“radiance” and support reveal his creative abilities. The woman will
continue to generate additional power because her subconscious
the animus figure will manifest through the man.

Man's Sun conjunct Woman's Mars
This aspect indicates an active and progressive relationship.
A woman can draw strength from a man and take the necessary actions in
life through the influence of a partner. There may be rivalry between them.
but this energy can be transformed through a general interest in sports and
active activity. Perhaps increased sexuality, as a woman
attracts physical and emotional competition with a partner.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Mars
In this aspect, the man tries to impress his partner because
he perceives her sense of strength and pride as an obstacle that must
be overcome. Possible aggressive sexuality. Present here
a strong urge to activity, achievement and progress. Two flames are burning
as one.

Male Sun Conjunct Female Jupiter
The result of this aspect can be an abundance or dispersion of energy, so
how it enhances and expands the experiences of both individuals. The male
concentrated, while the woman strives for freedom. Along with positive
the energy here may be some disappointment on the part of the man. He
thinks he should hold on to his space. The woman feels
both the urge to run away and the attraction to one's partner. Having such
aspect, they may want to pursue more wealth, or invest
energy for higher education.

Man's Sun conjunct Woman's Saturn
This aspect creates sober relationships based on soundness.
female intelligence. The overflowing energy of a man is restrained
mature wisdom of his partner. Role-playing games are possible here, so
how a woman tends to subconsciously project the image of her father onto her
partner. As a result, she performs karma by teaching him how to develop
a strong sense of inner security and confidence. The strength of this aspect
can help relationships get through the most difficult obstacles, so
as a woman's sense of values ​​and the ability to understand correctly (from the past)
are added to everything that her partner supports in the present. The male,
like an eagle in its nest, it proudly surveys its possessions. The woman provides
a reliable fortress that will support his strength.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Saturn
Here the man gives the woman his maturity and wisdom. He
adds dignity, correctness and observance to her lifestyle
public traditions. As a result, relationships begin to symbolize
something more than the two people involved. A man does karma
giving strength to her partner - and a woman begins to understand her potential.
This is a strong bond for marriage as it strengthens over the years. Woman
similar flowering plant, and the man guards her flowering.

Man's Sun conjunct Woman's Uranus
In this aspect, the relationship is particularly lively. woman
excited and eccentric ideas appear that make a man
focus on your own power. There will be many
changes, surprises and unexpected events. Constant state of nervousness
or sparkling electrification may be the norm of this relationship.
Relationships of this type symbolize the conflict between traditional and
eccentric. Although there is a lot of excitement, the relationship is lacking
stability, which is necessary for duration, unless partners
are not truly mature.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Uranus
Here a woman who tries to be herself must resist
a man trying to change her. She finds him attractive
attracted by his unconventional manners. When strength and will are combined,
a sense of direction is present, as both forces need a common goal.
Without it, relationships can be active, but fragile, reminiscent of
short-term brightness of the holiday park on Independence Day.

Male Sun conjunct Female Neptune
The strength and pride of a man combined with subtle tricks from the outside
women make these relationships intriguing but difficult. sun and
Neptune symbolizes Light and Love, the divine powers necessary for
spiritual achievement. In this relationship, both people must be
caring and sensitive to each other. If so, their union will
like a foamy stream of impressions sparkling in the morning light. If
this is not so, the relationship acquires the features of thick clouds that hide

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Neptune
Here the man charms the woman. With gentle sympathy, he can
reveal her artistic susceptibility. The man may be
evasive, as he is trying to find some obscure or mystical
feeling of power. If both partners have realistic goals, then the intuitive
communication and mutual receptivity to non-verbal transmission of thoughts will be all
put them together more. A man understands a woman in the same way as
water receives the sun, which warms it.

Male Sun conjunct Female Pluto
This aspect speaks of the possibility of a non-permanent relationship. Combination
the darkness of the subconscious urges of a woman and the light of a man creates ardent
extremes. Everything is tested for the best and the worst. A man can
transform a woman with her light, and she can lead him to
depths he never knew existed. The fountain of truth beats
the key from the well.

Woman's Sun conjunct Man's Pluto
This aspect speaks of the possibility of an operational relationship, because
a man may try to find value in his partner that he cannot
find in yourself. At the same time, the woman is trying to transform her partner,
giving him your light. She usually suffers as he brings her into contact with
forces for which she may be unprepared. If the relationship
continue, it becomes stronger and may eventually learn to find in
to herself the depths that a man revealed to her. Only knowing what seemed
eclipse at noon, a woman begins to understand the cause of the mystical depths,
which she experienced.

Sun in square to the Sun
This is a very difficult aspect. Both individuals strive to achieve self-realization,
but since their life paths are different, there will be some
struggle. Living together is like a monotonous mechanical labor with
frustrations and obstacles to progress. However, the obstacles
it is a stone-paved path to strength. If a woman is aware
that the ability to identify with one's femininity is secondary to
to identification with your full "I", then difficulties can be replaced
balanced optimism that leads to a mutual sense of self
dignity and new awareness. Two light sources waiting their turn
to shine.

Man's Sun square woman's Moon
This aspect is the cause of difficulties between partners, as they try to
achieve their instinctive identity. Both can have the same purpose,
but due to past circumstances, everyone has their own idea of ​​how
to get there. A man must overcome subconscious memories of his
mothers; a woman should stop submitting to the subconscious notion
about his father. If this is achieved, the relationship can work for
the benefit of both partners.

Woman's sun square man's moon
This aspect causes difficulties of perception and understanding. Happens frequently
misunderstanding of feelings, points of view and principles, as each
the individual is engaged in an internal struggle related to sexual expression.
A woman may doubt her femininity, and a man doubt his
masculinity. This personal problem will color relationships,
blocking more important aspirations until each partner learns
overcome the anima/animus role reversals through which they test
each other.

Man's Sun square Woman's Mercury
Here the man sees the woman as a "difficult task". He may want
influence the development of her femininity and sexuality. She can react
on him rather on a platonic level or as a paternal image.
The tension caused by the mental interchange of ideas promotes growth,
however, the tenderness needed in a man-woman relationship can be
hard to find expression.

Woman's Sun square Man's Mercury
This aspect works well in a platonic relationship because
a woman may subconsciously view her partner as an image of her brother.
In marriage or in a long-term sexual relationship, a man's expectations may
don't make excuses. There may be tension that is difficult to express,
causing a lack of emotional satisfaction, ending
disappointment. However, in a working or platonic relationship, this aspect
can generate a lot of interesting ideas and working energy, even if the internal
the harmony necessary for joint activity turns out to be

Man's Sun square Woman's Venus
This is one of the most frustrating aspects of astrology. He calls
sexual attraction, and each individual hopes to find what he is looking for,
in a different. But the relationship does not seem to reach its goal. Woman
may have some serious flaw that makes it vulnerable, and
a man may lack the self-knowledge necessary to express
potential that a woman sees in him. As a result, this aspect can be
a source of inner frustration for both people.

Woman's Sun square Man's Venus
This aspect indicates a trend towards a reversal of male and female roles.
on a subconscious level. A woman often tries to find herself through a man's
energy expressed by her partner, however, she does not consider him as
man. Conversely, a man sees everything that he aspired to be in
female partner, but is not aware of her femininity. Instead, he feels
own feminine side, which can be called the projection of the anima. Woman,
perhaps working through a past conflict with his father. The male
continues to search for his male role. If two people are not
mature enough to pave the way through these difficulties in
previous relationships, their relationship may reach an impasse.

Man's Sun square Woman's Mars
This aspect causes strong disagreements that make the relationship
practically impossible. A man feels that his masculine power is being projected
on him instead of coming from him, while a woman might
desperately looking for his femininity. Perhaps the presence of a strong sexual
energy in relationships, but because of its dual positive polarity, neither
one of the partners does not fully understand how to balance this energy.

Woman's Sun square Man's Mars
This aspect indicates the impulsiveness of the relationship. Energetic
the qualities of a man kindle a response vibration in a woman. She must
use your position of authority and power (i.e. your masculine side),
to resist the frenzied attack of the attacking knight in shining armor.
Even if there are romantic overtones in the relationship, they
usually secondary to the battles it is through which each individual
puts his assertiveness to the test.

Man's Sun square Woman's Jupiter
This aspect causes significant differences in ideology, which
become more important with the development of relationships than at the very beginning.
Battles of values ​​over differences in truth, honor, dignity,
religions or formations give rise to personal autonomy, which becomes
focal point for quarrels. The independence of each person is emphasized.

Woman's Sun square Man's Jupiter
This aspect evokes the predominant tone of self-righteous
independence, which makes it difficult for every person to approach
to another. The feeling of philosophical remoteness in a man makes a woman
feel that her individuality is not as important in a relationship as
should. As a result, each individual feels frustrated because of
impossibility to approach another. These relationships may indicate
fun and excitement, but too little real convergence occurs on that
where minds and hearts meet.

Man's Sun square Woman's Saturn
This aspect creates difficult karmic relationships. The male
symbolically seeks to overcome the limitations of his father. He subconsciously
chose this relationship because it explores the value of stepping over
limits of heredity. He may doubt whether he can
cope with the guilt complex involved in this process. He can
to represent a woman in a paternal role, as she symbolically personifies
limitations and traditions that he intends to overcome. The woman can see
that deprives oneself of freedom in these relationships. The man gives her hope and
optimism, but it must also cope with a strong earthly reality.
There may be many hidden challenges here, as both partners are aware of
the need for achievement. Through the struggle, everyone tries to strengthen and support
the dignity of another. A man can eventually outgrow his partner
but, if this happens, he should help her strengthen her sense of self

Woman's Sun square Man's Saturn
With this difficult karmic aspect, a woman can subconsciously
try to outshine the image of your father, the expectations of the family or tradition,
that defined her life. She may view the man as symbolic
the limiting authority figure it must transcend if
going to find himself. He, in turn, tries to ground the relationship,
bringing their reality and responsibility. Difficult problems and disappointments
caused by a woman's feeling that she is deprived of the opportunity to experience the full
confession. As a result, there may be obstacles and restrictions that may
be overcome only when she realizes full force his "I". She is
should protect the dignity and respect of a man (even if his ideas
contradict her views) before she can fully understand
own strength.

Man's Sun square Woman's Uranus

In this aspect, a man must re-evaluate his concept of "woman", so
how she refuses to yield to his guidance. The woman thinks she can
it is better to help him thanks to his different approach to life, however, due to
pride, symbolized by the Sun, it is difficult for a man to accept it
unorthodox behavior, as he would rather see her in more
"normal" female role. Her unpredictability is interpreted as a threat,
as he is often unable to control her or her sexuality.
Despite these difficulties, this aspect can be excellent for growth, as
how achievement can be conditioned by progressive ideas, but
relationship lacks the receptive compliance needed to
long-term partnership.

Woman's Sun square Uranus Man
This aspect is disappointing. A woman sees in a man
inconsistency and feels that he does not really appreciate her warmth. Possible
numerous changes in direction in relationships, often
unpredictable and for no apparent reason. The spark present in
the beginning of a relationship, often generates an expectation of excessive gaiety,
too much excitement and anxiety. The woman eventually realizes that
the man she has chosen lacks the correctness and solidity to which
she aspires.

Man's Sun square Woman's Neptune
This aspect can bring romance, but it can also hinder
formative quality, i.e. the main goal in long
relationships. It is difficult for a man to understand the psychic wavelength of his
partner, as a woman tends to withdraw into other "mental spheres". it
causes difficulty in communicating at inner levels. As a result
a man constantly strives for a woman, but never reaches her. This
a situation reminiscent of constant courtship, over time leads a man to
the realization that he always remains empty-handed. If the relationship
have to work, a woman needs to understand that she cannot constantly
mislead him.

Woman's Sun square Man's Neptune
Here we find deceit built into the relationship. Woman
may have overly idealistic expectations that cannot
match partner. Often attraction is based only on physical
appearance and on the dreams that this image excites in the subconscious of a woman.
When reality rears its head, a woman may find that a man
- not a dream at all, but very a real man. The image shown may not
be consistent with his real "I". This aspect seems to encourage
a man to rely on his partner for inspiration, faith, hope
or the realistic achievement of his dreams. The main difficulty is caused by
that if he seeks his own reality through a woman, she expects him
will be a reality on which her dreams can be built. Such
relationships are frustrating.

Man's Sun square Woman's Pluto
This aspect seems to reinforce the subconscious paranoia about
to the opposite sex. The attraction is so strong that a woman
feels it to the very depths and withdraws into itself for protection. Both people are afraid
to be overly open with each other, to be too open is to be
overly vulnerable. They may have an almost obsessive interest in each other,
while striving for remoteness, which symbolizes security.

Woman's Sun square Man's Pluto
This aspect can bring deep understanding, which initially causes
misunderstandings. Each person must respond to new internal
sources before he can properly understand the other. A woman can
viewed by a man as a chaste virgin of light. He, in turn,
seen as a force that can overcome her virginity. She is
trusts him, but he may not trust himself. In the interchange of light and
dark forces, a great force arises that can help prosperity
relationships. But first everyone must deal with the personal
concept of "I".

Sun trine Sun
The spirit of interaction and harmony allows each partner to experience the feeling
ease and optimism. Luck, happiness, material and
spiritual wealth, life path each person provides
additional opportunities for others. Both light sources
light the way for each other.

Man's Sun trine Woman's Moon
Here we find cooperation without rivalry. True Communication
can manifest itself on many levels, since each individual has
necessary qualities to balance the other. "Parent balance" in
subconscious memories, which is an integral part
relationships, adds color, flavor, sense of direction and meaning
what is already an excellent partnership.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Moon
This aspect makes it easy for a woman to express herself. She's prone
to lead relationships, and cooperation is easy for a man. He
relies on her advice, trusts her wisdom and regards her as a light,
which it can reflect. At the same time, assuming the role of his mother, he
discovers great happiness in his family.

Male Sun trine female Mercury
The key note of these relationships is an atmosphere of understanding and mutual
interest. A man can share the ideas of a partner, and a woman is able to
explain its purpose. All activity is colored by mutual cooperation.
Sometimes a woman is highly revered for her ability to understand these
relationships. This aspect may have a platonic note that
means a focus on the quickness of the woman's mind. This alertness of mind is
a valuable quality, as a woman helps a man understand his energy.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Mercury
This is an excellent aspect for joint activities that stimulate and
satisfying both partners. Each of them is capable of self-reflection,
because each finds answers to his questions in the other. Here it is emphasized
communication, because the need for understanding enables each of them
listen to someone else.

Man's Sun trine Woman's Venus
This aspect brings a sense of lightness to the relationship, but can cause
some laziness, as each partner experiences a feeling
satisfaction to others. Here material and spiritual wealth is possible,
because relationships are collaborative. Man performs
the role of patron and protector, he is able to take on the necessary burden,
the woman is accommodating and capable of yielding to her Apollo.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Venus
This aspect seems to remove friction from the relationship, so
thus increasing harmony. However, without friction, there is almost no incentive to
growth. These people may lack challenges. In this case, the relationship
have a female orientation, and the man plays a cooperative, but very
a secondary role for the subconscious juxtaposition of a woman with her father.
She feels protected from within. He feels free from
burden taken on by those people who play the full "male"

Man's Sun trine Woman's Mars
Activity, achievement and a general sense of movement are the essence of this aspect.
Relationships are masculine, as women tend to
subconsciously identify with their animus figure. In the same time
the man sees her spirit of cooperation as a valuable contribution to his ego
expressions. Pride, achievement, and the ability to master complex
situations give a note of happiness to this partnership.

Woman's Sun trine man's Mars
This is an excellent aspect for marriage. Energetic assertiveness of a man
coherently expresses the desires of a woman. She inspires and encourages him and
gives hope and faith to his intentions. These relationships are characterized
good level of sexual attraction. Pursuit of goals is different

Male Sun trine Female Jupiter
This aspect indicates a compatible philosophy and a consistent view of
life. Both partners feel the importance of understanding and truthfulness. Woman
proud of this relationship, and this feeling increases her desire
give love. This aspect enhances the luck and brilliance of the partnership.

Woman's Sun trine man's Jupiter
This aspect brings foresight and wisdom into the relationship. In them
there is an interest in expansion and travel. A man can lead his
partner, using truthfulness and the kind of leadership that generates
mutual respect and trust. Associated with this aspect is an element of chance or
unpredictability, and this can lead to risky ventures,
scattering (especially investments) and the need for personal freedom.
Ultimately, these interests can work positively as factors
creating expansive and open relationships.

Man's Sun trine Woman's Saturn
This aspect creates a sober and reasonable relationship. Woman,
using patronage and a sense of wisdom, helps a man to realize his
potential. Goals, ideals and the ability to rely on traditions are important here.
of the past. Relationships are centered on the man, as the woman
tends to subconsciously attribute to her partner the same prudence and
the wisdom she acquired from her father.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Saturn
This aspect brings a strong focus on raising the status of both
partners. There may be a need to find some "right" level here.
in life. A woman with optimism acts within the parameters set
a man. These relationships function without difficulty within the framework of the general course
and restrictions dictated by both partners. If these relationships
end in marriage, great wealth can be accumulated later.

Male Sun trine Female Uranus
With this aspect, a man is fascinated by the multifaceted experience that
reveals itself to him because of contact with this woman. She provides
the excitement he needs in life. He becomes her source
inspiration. These relationships can be interesting and progressive;
both partners can change and grow in interaction with each other. Woman
always attractive to a partner because of her sense of isolation, which
serves as an eternal mystery to him.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Uranus
Here the woman is amazed at the man's adaptability to change. She is
considers it as an unattainable ideal, as a result he acquires everything
more confidence in your ability to transcend traditional norms
society. This aspect requires a woman to have strength and self-confidence in order to
relationships could be strong and lasting.

Male Sun trine Female Neptune
Here the forces of love and light are mixed in a soft aesthetic combination,
comfortable and soothing for both partners. For these relationships
characterized by an abundance of warmth, artistic creativity, and even silent
understanding between people. The man is in love with a dream and the woman introduces herself
part of this dream. The light emanating from a man illuminates her fantasies and
strengthens his ego. This partnership includes tacit participation,
which is the essence of harmony.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Neptune
Here a man makes a woman's dreams come true. His charm intrigues her, him
an unattainable quality puzzles her and challenges her Sun's power to shine
full brilliance. The more she tries to understand her partner, the more
makes contact. A man sees some of his
dreams because of the steady and focused realism of a woman. This aspect
adds a note of romantic halo and idealization to the relationship.

Male Sun trine Female Pluto
Here the forces of light and darkness mix together to develop a sense of
a combined strength that helps both partners experience the best of both
worlds. A man brings out raw energy in a woman who helps
her to realize her power. By polishing her natural talents and developing her strength, she
raises his partner to the greatest heights. This aspect is associated
many transformations. Truth and light men can use raw
energy, symbolized by Pluto, to make discoveries. Subconscious
a woman's energy needs to be developed and cut before she can
sparkle like a diamond.

Woman's Sun trine Man's Pluto
With this aspect, it is brought to the surface and brought to awareness.
permanent rebirth, similar to sexual power. Woman aware
the presence in a man of the qualities necessary for her transformation. When
a man subconsciously tries to control the light of a woman, he unintentionally
comes to the truth. The result of this aspect can be wisdom, wealth
and strength, and both individuals eventually come to realize the richness of the inner

Sun in opposition to the Sun
This aspect rarely leaves people indifferent. Or they start
be attracted to each other, like two opposites, or immediately
repulsion occurs. Unprocessed opposition will manifest itself as
a constant struggle for leadership, in which everyone will stubbornly remain
in your opinion; will great difficulty mutual accommodation. Main
the task of the aspect is the coordination of initiatives and decisions, the division of roles, with
in which each of the partners will alternately be either the initiating party or
supportive. When worked out, the aspect gives a good union of two people
for their common tasks, based on right choice compromises in their decisions.

The sun of a man is in opposition to the moon of a woman
This aspect emphasizes the need to break through parental
Problems. A man works out the difficulties he experienced with his
mother, while the woman works out the difficulties that she had with
father. Because of this interaction, each can help the other grow and
develop. Friction may occur in this process. Each partner is forced
encounter figures of anima (for a man) and animus (for a woman). going on
transformation of subconscious expectations regarding these figures. This aspect
difficult for marriage, since the natural harmony necessary in
relationships, is overshadowed by the need to get rid of early childhood

Woman's Sun opposite Man's Moon
This aspect reveals childhood memories of the relationship of a man with
his mother. The woman appears to dominate the relationship, while
a man, against his will, begins to get a new idea of ​​​​his
childhood. A woman feels that she is burdened with a dual role: lover and
wife as well as mother. She may not like this role. This aspect is especially
difficult for marriage.

Sun of a man in opposition to Mercury of a woman
This is a particularly frustrating aspect for a woman, as she feels
that her partner misunderstands her femininity, and that her ideas are strongly
different from his views. Communication can be difficult because the man
subconsciously refers to the "boy" and not to the woman. This aspect is difficult.
for any relationship, especially marriage.

Woman's Sun opposite Man's Mercury
Here a woman often has pride, figure and significance, while
the man is acting childish, although it may be happening
subconsciously. A man may feel some kind of threat from a partner and
own insignificance, these feelings make him look at
an inner strength that he might otherwise have ignored. The woman is waiting to
he expressed what she already knew he would say. This aspect is not desirable.
for a long-term relationship, but it can be favorable for both
individuals within a short period of time.

Man's Sun Opposition Woman's Venus
This aspect brings attraction and also indicates the stagnation of the natural
flow of love to the light. Although a woman is drawn to a man, her concept of love
contrary to what he can give her. He must either cease to be
herself to be what she needs, or learn to accept restraint and
remoteness that neither of them really wants. Both
partner can achieve great wealth, but the real manifestation
will only be achieved through hard work. However, subconscious laziness can
hinder their progress.

Woman's Sun Opposition Man's Venus
This aspect tests the role identity of both partners.
A woman, in order to be herself, must often go against her natural love interests.
instincts, while a man attracted by her power tends to succumb
"male will", which he sees in her. A man admires a woman, however
lacks self-satisfaction.

Sun of a man in opposition to Mars of a woman
This is the contention aspect. The woman is more persistent and energetic than expected
man, so in the relationship between them there is a strong
rivalry. Each of them becomes more independent as a result
knowledge of another. Partners may experience more distance than convergence

Woman's Sun opposite Man's Mars
Rivalry, overflowing energy and ego battles are characteristic
features of this aspect. The male ego strives for supremacy, while the female
often fails. Sexuality lacks the tenderness that points to
real concern, it may be more a manifestation of subconscious desires,
aimed at overcoming the challenge than the manifestation of love. Relationships
tend to reveal the inherent wildness that makes marriage or
long-term partnership is very difficult.

Sun of a man in opposition to Jupiter of a woman
This aspect indicates differences in the basic philosophy of life. Each
the person tends to remain an individualist without developing a sense of participation,
which gives warmth to relationships. For these relationships
an abundance of travel or great wealth is characteristic, however, a woman can
lose some of her femininity and perhaps sexuality, as she
feels compelled to compete for recognition from her partner. it
very difficult aspect for marriage.

Woman's Sun Opposition Man's Jupiter
This aspect adds an element of chance to relationships and destroys
a sense of security. Although both partners retain a sense of individual
freedom, the woman often provides protection for both. Lack of communication and
understanding makes two life styles pull in opposite directions
directions. If this relationship is going to work, each partner
must eventually reevaluate its principles and philosophy.

Sun of a man in opposition to Saturn of a woman
This aspect is the cause of a heavy responsibility for a woman. AT
in her efforts to cope with difficulties, she can rely on memories
about her father, whose lifestyle was very different from her partner's.
The result of disputes and struggle will be the strengthening of her inner spiritual world.
A man feels that his life is becoming more responsible because of
the seriousness he feels in his partner. These relationships can
be difficult but long lasting as each partner learns
karmic lessons of strength, patience and prudence.

Woman's Sun Opposition Man's Saturn
This aspect creates a situation of "slavery". The brightness of a woman can be almost
completely overwhelmed by overly patronizing or overbearing
positions of her partner. He can present himself as a sage when he is
next to her, secretly feeling younger because of her, but hiding it from
fear of losing authority. Relationships can be
prolonged unless the woman has a strong need to fully express
your sunny personality.

Sun male opposite Uranus female
This is one of the most difficult aspects of a relationship. man with
over time begins to consider a woman insensitive, while she tries to
assert your free will. Sexual attraction is unstable and sometimes
missing. A man may feel that the burden of the relationship is placed on
him. Although a man has warm feelings for his partner, he may
feel relieved when the relationship ends.

Woman's Sun opposition Man's Uranus
A woman takes pride in her partner's unconventional ingenuity. He
relies on her confidence and protection and may view her as
its anchor, reality, audience, patron, and even the center of its
existence. However, due to a conflict of interests, he may subconsciously
deprive her of the closeness she needs. As a result of this exchange
a woman learns to be more independent, while her partner is forced to
learn to understand the value of warmth, tradition and responsibility. At its best
In this case, this is a difficult aspect for a long-term relationship.

Male Sun Opposition Female Neptune
This aspect generates a lack of trust on the part of a man. Although he
infatuated with a woman but can't really trust what he can't
understand. Very strong sexual attraction is often possible, but a man
involved in a relationship feels that he is losing himself in some
inexplicable thin fog.

Woman's Sun Opposition Man's Neptune
This aspect makes it difficult for a woman to trust her partner. Promises can
be violated before he comes close to containing them.
Intrigue, charm, mysterious languor - all this is involved in
relationship, but the woman feels that she must fight to
maintain a sense of prudence.

Male Sun Opposition Female Pluto
This is a difficult aspect for a long-term relationship. He creates strong
sexual attraction, but two people are separated by a considerable distance. For
men may have a tendency to humiliate a woman, as if showing her
the most miserable past helps him find the most noble traits in
yourself. The struggle between the forces of light and darkness becomes a constant source of
irritation. But even in this case, this relationship can lead to
significant growth, as both partners are trying to figure out if the night should
day follows day or day follows night.

Woman's Sun Opposition Man's Pluto
This aspect seems to create an arena for surface entry.
animal instincts. The honor and nobility of a woman are literally destroyed
rudeness of a man when he moves from the very bottom of the inner depths to
get in touch with her light. At this time, she can gain spiritual strength,
as he begins to realize that there are higher levels of Plutonian
energy. With this aspect, sexual degradation is sometimes manifested, but,
if a woman has high moral ideals, she will be protected from her. If a
at the beginning of this relationship, the woman gives in, ultimately, she
exalted, as her sense of honor and dignity becomes
stronger as a result of testing. Sun

The sun is the center of our solar system, it gives light and heat to all planets. All other bodies in the solar system revolve around it.
And in astrology, the Sun symbolizes: the center, the core, the essence of “I”, consciousness, conscious will, leadership, power, self-demonstration, creativity as a bright spontaneous manifestation of oneself, children (also a product of creativity). In the body, the Sun is associated with the heart and spine - the most important organs.
The roles of the Sun - a person who occupies a true leadership position. This may be a king, a president, a leader of some organization, and not necessarily formally approved, but certainly recognized. It may be the head of the family. Sometimes it is an object of love, which is adored, admired, including a child, as well as an idol - an artist or political figure. The one they look at, who they follow, who they admire, who is in sight, on the stage.
If the Sun is strong and well placed in the horoscope, it signifies a good moral basis of character and good vitality. The sun has a stronger influence in the second half of life, in the first half, especially in childhood, the moon has the greatest influence.

The moon is a satellite of the Earth, the body closest to us, shines with reflected light and moves very quickly.
The symbolism of the Moon is associated with its astronomical characteristics - this is home and family, that is, what is closest to us both in space and in the soul. This is our subconscious. This is a reflection, perception of everything that happens in the world. This is our variability, adaptation, survival. This is motherhood, care, everything that helps us survive. The moon shows a person's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhome.
The moon is not active itself, it reacts to external world, adapts, survives itself and ensures the survival of others. The Moon is soft, changeable, emotional, flexible, caring, homely.
In the body, the Moon is associated with the stomach, breasts, female organs - the mammary glands, the uterus.
The roles of the Moon are a mother, a housewife, a teacher of small children, a person caring for the sick, animals and plants, one who is busy with everyday life, housekeeping, and cooking.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, moving fast (although much slower than the Moon), it can be difficult to see Mercury, it constantly hides against the backdrop of dawn in the rays of the Sun, without departing from it in the sky further than 28 degrees. In mythology, Mercury is a messenger, a messenger, a merchant. So in astrology, Mercury symbolizes the exchange of information and goods, thinking as the perception and exchange of information, its analysis, evaluation. Relationships of a business nature in which there are no emotions. Education is primarily concrete, practical, and not spiritual and philosophical. Travel, transport. Post, newspapers, other means of communication and information. And also deceit, petty swindle.
In the body, Mercury is associated with the hands, as well as with the respiratory system and intestines. Diseases of Mercury are diseases of the brain and central nervous system, speech disorders. The roles of Mercury are a student, a postman, a signalman, a peddler of information, an accountant, a merchant, an intermediary, a courier, an agent, a broker. Everything related to information and exchange.
Mercury disposes to professions related to intellectual activity, literature and science.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun, also located closer to it than the Earth. In this regard, Venus in the earth's sky never moves further from the Sun than 48 °. Venus is the third brightest luminary after the Sun and Moon.
In mythology, Venus is the goddess of love and beauty. There are several major themes associated with Venus in astrology. One of them is partnerships. Agreements, contracts, marriage. Unlike Mercury, Venus is in charge of longer, more important relationships in which there is an element of sympathy, emotional coloring. I enter into a relationship (according to Venus) with someone I like. It can be love, but it can also be just an honest agreement, friendship, joint activity, from which we both feel satisfaction.
Appreciation, sympathy, “like - dislike” - this is the function of Venus. Another theme of Venus that is actually deeply related to the first is the store of personal energy. This includes money, property, coziness, comfort, and beauty, including the beauty of the body, health. So, Venus is what we have, our sympathies and our personal relationships.
Mercury also enters into a relationship, and also seeks benefits. But for him, relationships for the sake of relationships, for the sake of new information, for the sake of benefit and exchange. Relationships according to Mercury give food for the mind, but give nothing for the soul, for pleasure, for harmony.
Relationships according to Venus - for the soul, out of sympathy. Although the element of benefit (increase your energy supply) is also present here. But Venus enters into an exchange relationship honestly (unlike Mercury, which is capable of deceit, and Mars, which strives to take everything by force). Aesthetics, art, a sense of harmony and beauty - the beauty of nature, the beauty of the body, the beauty of relationships - Venus knows all this.
In the body - neck, throat, kidneys, excretory function, skin (together with Saturn).
The roles of Venus are a beautiful girl, a lover, sometimes a sister, a wife.

Mars is the first planet external to the Earth. It moves slower than the earth. It can be removed to any angular distance from the Sun in the sky (Just like all other outer planets up to and including Pluto).
In mythology, Mars is the god of war. Here on the fact that Mars is an outer planet and that he is the god of war, and his symbolism is built. Mars is responsible for all external, physical actions of a person. Mars - activity, physical work, aggression, struggle, war, manifestation of anger, rage.
Any work with hands is connected with Mars. If you need dexterity and accuracy - Mars works together with Mercury. Mars is burning, fires, injuries, violence.
In the body, Mars is responsible for the head, for the face and for the genitals. Mars processes - oxidation, muscle work, bile secretion, male sexuality.
The roles of Mars are a warrior, an athlete, a firefighter, a worker doing hard physical work, a car driver (together with Mercury), a metallurgist. In general, a man (especially in female horoscopes) is often symbolized by Mars. Opponent, competitor - also Mars.

personal planets.

Moon- mother, wife, all female figures and relationships with women in general; feeding, nutrition, care, care, Small child, public catering, household services; mental and psychological state, attitude towards one's home and satisfaction of everyday needs (food, rest, sleep, communication with relatives).

Sun- father (young), husband, relationships with men in general; dignity, pride, self-confidence, initiative, creative productivity, respect and honors. The ability to be the center, a prominent figure, lead, rule. The sun, together with Jupiter, is the planet of kings.

Mercury- teenager, messenger, translator, younger brother, schoolboy, secretary, assistant, servant; responsible for communication and transport, telephones and cars, the ability to speak, learn languages, work with information, find a "common language" with people.

Venus- wife, sister, attractive woman; the planet of love, partnership, unions, shows in general the ability to communicate with people, maintain social and secular relations. Indicates friendliness or restraint in communication, love of beauty, comfort, talents in art. It gives happiness, satisfaction, spiritual harmony, speaks of a good quality of life, the ability to smooth out conflicts, bring peace and joy, if it does not have negative aspects in the map. All pleasures and entertainments, from a night bar to love pleasures, are connected with Venus.

Mars- lover, husband, soldier, businessman, leader, all energetic men and in general the ability to communicate with the stronger sex; the principle of activity, action, is responsible for work, vigor and efficiency. Shows situations of struggle, competition, sports, perseverance, victory in any business. Talks about the productivity of a person, the ability to achieve his own (together with Pluto). Associated with technology, mechanics, with all the pieces of iron, including the car, difficult conditions in work and life, requiring constant great effort.

social planets.

Jupiter- teacher, mentor, patron, great friend, elder brother, high-ranking person, leader, boss; associated with any expansion of horizons, higher education, authority, law and justice, spiritual, intellectual and cultural wealth, generosity and great luck. This is the planet of the most successful people, rich and wealthy classes, legislators, deputies, travelers, people with ample opportunities, optimistic, risky and even adventurous outlook on the world. It is almost always beneficial, except when it is extremely negative in the chart.

Saturn- father (elderly), grandfather, older people, grandfathers, grandmothers, pensioners, boss, parent, any demanding person; executive power (together with Mars), government, leaders and officials. The principle of discipline and responsibility, the ability to endure, slowly and surely move forward towards your goal or up the career ladder. A very important planet of achievement and practical results, is responsible for the backbone of any business, the spine in the human body, the walls in the house, the main organizing and controlling force in any work. At the level of diseases, it is associated with chronic and long-term serious illnesses, lack of strength, lack of optimism and faith in one's abilities. Together with Mars, he is responsible for hard work, uncomfortable living conditions, difficult circumstances. Brings success only after long and serious efforts. Saturn is responsible for the profession, experience and purpose of a person.

higher planets.

Uranus- friend, colleague, non-standard, gifted person; the planet of all occupations torn from the earth - aviation, astronautics, astronomy and astrology, as well as science in general. Indicates friends, group activities, a group of like-minded people, all unusual hobbies and talents, and he is also responsible for electricity, electrical appliances, lightning, sockets, wires and the nervous system. Nervous breakdowns, convulsions and the search for the meaning of life, hope for the best. Uranus is responsible for freedom and the future, therefore, under its influence, people live more tomorrow than today, they are prone to experiments, innovations and even revolutions, as well as free relationships that are based on spiritual unity and not on formal obligations.

Neptune- musician, dreamer, chemist, wanderer, fortune teller, esoteric, healer, psychic, spiritual person cut off from the world, in last resort, alcoholic, weak lost man, antisocial personality (together with Uranus). Associated with any mystery, secrecy, uncertainty, poisoning - spiritual and physical, with alcohol, chemistry and oil. All types of psychological and physical addiction also refer to the actions of Neptune. It brings weakness, insecurity, a tendency to muddy the waters, to cheat, to deceive. Gives strong creative guidance, increased flair, the ability to perceive invisible things. Often associated with emigration, loss of something important, separation and death (loss of a loved one). Responsible for contact with other worlds, unusual talents on the verge of insanity or genius. Sometimes Neptune is associated with blood, grandparents, the connection between generations.

Pluto- scavenger, detective, digger, employee of the metro, KGB and other law enforcement agencies, military, big businessman and politician, surgeon, psychotherapist; radical changes, the death of the old and the emergence of the new, mass and collective processes, the planet of crises and purification, therefore it is associated with garbage, getting rid of dirt, including the fight against crime and crime, it removes everything that has outlived its time, helps in surgery and military in fact, in the fight against pests (from rodents and cockroaches to terrorism). It brings inevitable changes, difficult and fatal situations, frees from the past and obsolete stereotypes, can destroy business, personal life. However, his positive forces give tremendous power and power to an individual, can heal, make rich, gives control over world processes, large and super-large businesses. Pluto gives power over other people's money, allows you to use other people's resources and things, so it is important for bankers and antique dealers, but it is also associated with debts, bankruptcy, taxes, everything that we must give to others, which we must inevitably part with. For this reason is also associated with death (end of life). Nuclear energy, radical change, great power, radicalism, ruthlessness, the ability to overcome any obstacles, die and be reborn are themes of Pluto. He is associated with shadow processes, crime, underground business and the underworld (metro, miners). Always talking about unusual phenomena, paranormal abilities, draws a person into turbulent and dramatic events that cannot be controlled. In a psychological sense, Pluto gives people who invade someone else's life without any demand, violate all prohibitions, know how to impose their will and influence large masses of people.

Thus, all manifestations of our life are described by some planet, in combination with the influence of the sign of the Zodiac in which it is located, and with other planets that have a connection with it in the natal chart (horoscope). Before proceeding to interpretations, it is worth recalling that planets in the signs of the zodiac this is congenital traits of a person, they do not change qualitatively until the end of life.


You can learn the meanings of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac from the description of the signs themselves, which is given above. It is important to remember that the Sun in our chart is one of the symbols of the father, and in the female horoscope, together with Mars, the Sun is responsible for the husband and communication with men in general. The sun always indicates a supply of vitality, creative initiatives, human consciousness, pride, the ability to realize oneself. It shows how a person makes important decisions, how he organizes his life, how he attracts attention, talents, in what situations he can be a king, the center of attention and admiration.

in Aries

It draws attention to itself with new initiatives, various "feats" that are within reasonable limits, or go beyond them. They organize their lives without any system, obeying impulses and impulses, they also make important decisions, they can change their lives in a few days. Usually there is a good supply of strength and health, high resistance to disease, rapid recovery after overload. A person is self-confident, has a high leadership potential, is able to lead people, make important discoveries. Women of this sign themselves often perform male functions and roles. Vulnerable area - the head, a lot of injuries due to negligence.

Bright representative: Jean Paul Belmondo, Alla Pugacheva.

in Taurus

A person attracts attention with his physical strength, property, whether it is a summer house, a castle in France, jewelry or some kind of artistic talents and skills. It can turn out to be a king when it is necessary to protect old values, show thriftiness, frugality, the ability to communicate with plants, nature, and also show a flair for advantageous situations, create a calm environment, show off artistic talents. He is very slow in making important decisions, always proceeds from material considerations and his own comfort, organizes his life systematically, is able to achieve his goals for years, pull his family, business. A person is very conservative, but efficient, does not tolerate instability and any changes, loves earthly pleasures. Restores strength in nature, with the help of good nutrition, appreciates expensive gifts, loves to collect and accumulate necessary and unnecessary things. Taurus men are often feminine, but very charming and pleasant in communication, as a rule, they are reliable husbands with good taste, who understand a lot about food, pleasures and art. In terms of health, you need to protect the tonsils, esophagus, thyroid gland, throat, shoulder joint, monitor hormonal metabolism.

Bright representative: Catherine II, Bulat Okudzhava.

in Gemini

A person attracts attention with versatile talents, wit, ingenuity, the ability to find a common language with everyone, dexterity of mind and obvious literary gift. It can be the king or the center of attention, if you need to establish a connection, write an article, give comments. In this position, a person is highly dependent on the stability of the nervous system, he can be inconsistent in his decisions, which can be influenced by friends, acquaintances and even random factors, he tends to hesitate, doubt, and in many situations maintain duality. They organize their lives on the basis of intellectual considerations, they always need to have enough "air" and space, satisfy their curiosity, the need for communication and new experiences. A person can be sociable, friendly, but the stock of health is not large, especially you should not overload the nervous system. Women of this sign are more prone to divorce and open relationships. Dual air sign Mercury helps a person to realize himself in intellectual work, increases his inclination to literature, moving, combining various activities.

Outstanding representative: Paul McCartney, Alexander Abdulov, A.S. Pushkin.

in Cancer

These people attract attention, first of all, with their spiritual qualities, caring, charm, cosiness, comfort that surround them. They will attract attention when you need to feed someone, take care of them, create a unified atmosphere, start a tradition. The Sun under the control of the Moon gives a sensitive, sentimental, sincere character. In all situations that are associated with the birth and upbringing of small children, Cancers also often turn out to be “kings”. Often they make life decisions on a whim or under the influence of emotions, so the wave of their success goes up and down. They organize their lives quite spontaneously, because they generally don’t like to do anything according to a plan, the interests of the family always come first, however, all the people who communicate with them, one way or another, will eventually be drawn into the orbit of their family life. Such people usually love children, cook well, are picky about food, try to surround themselves with loved ones wherever they are and create a comfortable environment everywhere. psychological environment. The most vulnerable area of ​​the body is the stomach.

Bright representative: Princess Diana, Yulia Menshova.

In Leo

In its own sign, the Sun gives innate pride and dignity, a large supply of health and self-confidence, the ability to achieve a prominent position. A person attracts attention already with his appearance, posture, confident actions and reactions, sometimes with a loud voice, demonstrative behavior, by the fact that he, as a rule, occupies a central place in his profession, is familiar with some famous people, possesses exclusive elite things. I must say that Leo generally loves various “toys”, and fate often gives them generous gifts, this sign is known for gambling. A person strives for independence in everything, organizes his life regardless of the opinions of other people, is able to make strong-willed decisions himself, because he is usually confident in his strength. Leo women can be stronger than many of the men around them. These people love recognition and a good quality of life, and are ready to work hard for this, they know how to own an audience thanks to energetic and vivid self-expression, they often achieve good earnings, receiving the "lion's share", that is, more than everyone else. The back and heart are very important for their health.

Outstanding representative: George Bernard Shaw, Oleg Tabakov, Leonid Yakubovich.

In Virgo

A person attracts attention and can turn out to be a king in any situation where high professionalism, hard work, critical thinking, good organization labor, technical ability. He will be the central figure when it is necessary to make a recovery, make repairs, cure, launch a working technology. Mental, intellectual occupations, labor organization, accounting, personnel work, scientific work, as well as medicine, allow them to express themselves most clearly. Such a person always organizes his life extremely soberly and reasonably, always analyzes what is happening and makes decisions logically, without any impulses and emotions, with a clear understanding of what, why and why. Virgos are extremely fond of what is “useful” and “reasonable” and criticize the world for imperfection, however, they themselves are very hardworking, they study and improve their skills all their lives. They are not afraid of rough and secondary work, they are always attentive to their health, hardworking and decent, but often feel their connection with lower classes society. They show themselves well in the service sector, medicine, helping people, men are well versed in automotive equipment, women in needlework and housework, office work. They most often suffer from the intestines and nervous system.

Outstanding representative: Yuri Luzhkov, K. Tsiolkovsky, F. Ranevskaya.

In Libra

A person attracts attention with good taste, delicacy, gentleness of character, the ability to resolve conflicts and contradictions, as well as his novels, marriages, unions and secular adventures. He can become the center of attention, receive well-deserved fame and applause, thanks to active social activities, mediation, the realization of his talents in art, fair observance of laws. In this sign, the Sun is weakened, a person lacks pressure, physical strength, and sometimes character, usually he needs strong and authoritative partners, he always strives to comply with the laws. A person experiences some self-doubt, but is perfectly oriented in public life and chooses the right style of behavior. He makes important decisions taking into account public opinion, spouses and partners, trying to take into account, if possible, all interests. Libras are not made for hard and dirty work, they should be surrounded by a beautiful and light environment, in spirit these people are aesthetes, aristocrats who have a great craving for the opposite sex and even dependence on successful or unsuccessful personal relationships. Being a Venusian sign, they organize their lives along the path of least resistance, they can hesitate for a long time, not make the necessary decisions, wait for initiative from the outside, while they know how to do a variety of things with the wrong hands. Libras are at their best when they join forces in partnership with others, enforce rules and laws, engage in the beauty and arts, or community service. The weak area for them is the kidneys.

Bright representative: Sergei Yesenin, John Lennon, Vladimir Putin.

In Scorpio

This sign attracts attention with its psychic power, a sense of hidden power, magnetism, violent passions, sometimes hidden or obvious wealth, complex character and sharp emotions that always accompany them. Scorpios find themselves in the spotlight, get their well-deserved fame in any tense and even critical situation, sometimes it seems that the worse they are around, the better they feel. They can turn out to be "kings" where you need to unravel other people's secrets, wage some kind of long war, or deal with other people's money and resources, they are good bankers, cashiers, policemen, surgeons. In this Martian-Plutonic and fixed sign, the Sun usually gives endurance and self-control, insight, the ability to find out and keep secrets, the talents of a doctor, healer, psychologist, businessman. Scorpios do not know how to live without problems that they often create for themselves, passions and violent emotions are always present in their lives, they are too harsh in their reactions. Usually this faithful friends, but the outlook on life is somewhat gloomy. Like all water signs, they are highly dependent on their emotions and moods, although they know how to control them. They make important decisions, as a rule, after considering everything well, they can achieve their goals for years and decades, but emotional motives outweigh the voice of reason.

In organizing their lives, Scorpios are very self-willed, they can have plans or act spontaneously, but it is almost impossible to put pressure on them or convince them, defending their positions, they are very aggressive, and women can show a masculine strong character. The vulnerable area is the reproductive organs and all diseases of the other signs of the fixed cross (throat - Taurus, heart - Leo, nervous system and legs - Aquarius).

Outstanding representative: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Karachentsov, Alain Delon.

In Sagittarius

A person attracts attention with broad erudition, rich geography of places and countries that he visited, good education, humor and fun, interesting stories, active life position or high position. A person will "reign" or shine in those situations where you need to inspire, support, teach, show or tell, give a lecture, make you laugh, direct you to the true path in a spiritual or political sense. This position gives optimism, joy of life, self-confidence, wide interests, a certain adventurism, a penchant for study, sports, travel, and constant development. This is a dynamic person who often achieves a high standard of living and recognition by his own efforts, often travels abroad, is able to act as a guide and teacher for other people. The father may be constantly abroad or away from home, although relations with him are quite friendly. A person organizes life in such a way that there is time and place for favorite hobbies, makes important decisions a little adventurous, not caring too much about long-term consequences, but luck almost always accompanies them.

The area of ​​possible problems is the liver (increased or decreased function), blood and the upper part of the legs - the thighs.

Outstanding representative: Tina Turner, Nikolay Ozerov, Andrey Makarevich.

in Capricorn

In two winter signs, the Sun is clearly weakened. Capricorns at the beginning of life may feel a lack of strength and confidence, they act slowly, but they set their goals early and strive for them all their lives. The older they get, the stronger their position, they achieve material well-being quite early, they are very patient and hardworking. They attract attention due to their great seriousness and responsibility beyond their age, noticeable ambition, win applause by taking on the biggest and most difficult tasks, and bringing them to the end. They can take on a central role when you need to put things in order, organize some kind of process, and achieve results. A person lives all his life according to a predetermined plan, never takes random steps, all decisions are thought out in accordance with the main goal. Capricorn organizes his life more than anyone else, and submits it to strict rules, laws and even limits. In their personal lives, their harsh nature can create problems due to inflexibility and increased demands. Relations with the father are always very important for their development and formation. Successful implementation is possible in government structures, politics, construction, agriculture, geology, and other areas of Saturn, especially in commanding positions. Vulnerabilities and diseases, with age - knees, skeletal system, spine, rheumatism.

Bright representative: Michael Schumacher, Andriano Celentano.

In Aquarius

The weakest position of the Sun. A person compensates for the lack of penetrating power, the ability to lead and command with ingenuity, the ability to get along with people, friendliness, which provides them with a good attitude and help from others. Attention is won through originality and sociability, the ability to present fresh ideas. At the same time, a person becomes a leader, a center, when a team of people united by one idea appears, can prove themselves, “shine” in the company of friends, in an informal setting or in a situation where experiments and sudden rearrangements are needed. They make important decisions half rationally, half intuitively, but as a fixed sign they can delay the solution of some issues. Usually Aquarians have a very free outlook on life, they do not like to organize it according to any plan, therefore they often make unexpected and spontaneous decisions. The father could be a talented, original, but fickle person. These people value personal freedom and prefer to work where they are interested, science, social relations, any group activity, especially in some advanced and unusual activities, can become a sphere of implementation. The most vulnerable place in the body is the lower leg (varicose veins) and the general nervous system.

Outstanding representative: Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Vysotsky.

In Pisces

This sign usually gives people with poor health, which manifests itself on a physical or psychological level. Therefore, it is easiest for them to attract attention to themselves through pain, a sense of pity and compassion, sympathy for their problems, or through subtle sensitivity and talent in art and other areas of life. Pisces easily become the center of attention when you need to help someone, take on some of the problems of others, voluntarily or unwittingly, they often become victims in various situations, and this also attracts attention. In ordinary life, they hardly remain leaders and achieve applause, if we are not talking about artistic and spiritual pursuits, the topic of self-sacrifice and saving the world is also very relevant for them. As a rule, Pisces avoid clear plans in their lives, they go with the flow and rely on their intuition and a lucky break, which often helps them out. They do not like to make important decisions themselves, they can be fatalists. In general, this sign is difficult to understand rationally, it has great charm, and often makes decisions not with the usual logic, but with some kind of instinct, while it can violate previous agreements, but they are not offended by it. Pisces perceive reality very subtly, have great sensitivity and responsiveness, which always evoke reciprocal sympathy from other people. They can be dependent in their actions and decisions, it is desirable to have a strong and sober partner nearby. Relations with the father can be very uncertain, absent. There is always a lot of mysterious and incomprehensible in their life, one of the best areas of realization is helping other people, art, music, psychology. The weak point is considered the psyche and Bottom part legs - feet, ankles.

Outstanding representative: Irina Alferova, Mikhail Gorbachev, Bruce Willis (the topic of saving the world).

Note: when determining the organs of the body that may be susceptible to disease, it is necessary to look at the entire horoscope along with the houses. Now in the 1st course, one can only talk about a decline in immunity in one or another part of the body. The position of the Sun in any of the crosses can cause diseases of that entire cross. For example, for Aries, these are not only headaches, injuries, bruises, but also problems with the stomach (Cancer), kidneys (Libra), knees, spine, skeletal system (Capricorn) - the whole cardinal cross.

* According to the Solar sign, one can very approximately estimate the temperament of a person. The fiery element corresponds to choleric, the air element sanguine, the earth element (according to William Lilly and S.A. Vronsky) corresponds to melancholic and the water element phlegmatic. A more accurate calculation of temperament should be done for all 10 planets and the Ascendant.


It is one of the indicators of the mother in the personal horoscope, is responsible for home life, conception, raising small children, as well as nutrition, feeding, cooking. The moon is connected with our subconscious attitudes. The position of the Moon in the sign shows the type of relationship with the mother, how a person adapts, his emotional, immediate reactions, as well as how a person creates his emotional space, which creates a feeling of comfort, coziness, and security for him.

in Aries

It gives great impatience and ardor of emotional reactions, there may be a competitive relationship with the mother, since a person has an acute perception of competition, in home life, to feel comfortable, freedom is needed, unencumbered by kitchen and other household worries, recognition of leadership. Such a bang at home does everything very quickly, women, as a rule, are very independent, like to cook quickly and eat almost on the run, with such a position of the Moon in a Martian sign, it is generally bad for a person to sit at home, dynamic work is needed in which his leadership inclinations will manifest. In situations where adaptation is required, a person adapts to new conditions with lightning speed, behaves impulsively and energetically, quickly seizes the initiative, does not know how to listen to others, which causes problems in partnership. Many changes, including those in family life, happen very quickly, in a day or two. The state of mind is restless, the upbringing of children is sometimes ignored, and sometimes turns into a fire, like all domestic life. The need in everyday life to always be the first number, a great thirst for superiority, sometimes even sloppiness in business, if only to do something as soon as possible. A good entrepreneurial streak, love of adventures and disputes, because a person does not like to concede in anything.

in Taurus

In family and home life, a person needs comfort, calmness, a sense of material prosperity, he slowly adapts to a new environment, he is always emotionally balanced, his reactions are calm and slow, he maintains a stable relationship with his mother, in which there may be material and financial motives. Some topics in communication with women can drag on for years and decades, men can spend their whole lives with one woman. The Moon in Taurus does not like to change its place of residence, keeps large stocks of food, canned goods at home, does not know how to part with things. The state of mind is very stable, comfortable, it is almost impossible to piss off a person, they create the emotional space around them slowly but surely, while familiar objects and things are important (he can carry his favorite with him), good food, some natural motifs, plants. Great psychological stability, patience, conservatism, dislike for any changes, hasty and unprepared actions. A good indicator for earnings, money can constantly go to a person, he knows how to make quality purchases, his flowers and plants grow well in his garden, garden. In general, these people are big conservatives, and unless absolutely necessary, they will not change anything in their lives, since Taurus is a rather inert sign, and at times lazy.

in Gemini

Most of everyday life takes place in study, travel, business trips, telephone conversations, easy and free relationship with mom, quick adaptation to a new situation, a person easily makes contacts, makes new connections and acquaintances. To feel comfortable, it is important to constantly receive a lot of impressions and information, so there is a love for the press, books, literature, and travel. In communicating with loved ones, verbal contact is very important for a person, the exchange of news, opinions, his emotional expression is open and direct, but there may be frivolity, a lack of real emotional depth. Close emotional ties are burdensome for a person, so he prefers to establish informational and intellectual connections, make acquaintances, and explore the area in which he is well. In home life, freedom is very important, food, nutrition, family concerns are in the background, they are given a minimum of attention. People are very democratic, sociable, there is some fuss and pettiness, dispersion of efforts, a person often moves, likes to live in two houses. At home, as a rule, there are a lot of books, quite spacious, but everything is a bit like an office or temporary housing, frequent rearrangements. A person literally “feeds” on information, cannot sit still for a long time, must constantly communicate with someone, walk more in the air in order to unload the nervous system. For women, this is one of the factors of potential childlessness, for men it can serve as an indication of free and intellectual relations with women, unwillingness to tie the knot in official marriage. Psychological mobility, nervousness, instability, love for change, new experiences, diversity.

in Cancer

The strongest position of the Moon speaks of the great importance of family, children, relationships with mother and ancestors in general, even men with this position love babies, tend to have two or three children. A person is extremely emotional and sensitive to security issues, but quickly adapts to a new situation, with the help of charm he always draws people around him into his space, tries to create some kind of protection around him, surround himself with family and relatives, create a semblance of his own home even at work, in another country, etc. These people everywhere know how to create a comfortable environment, but they quite clearly divide the world into their own and others, loved ones and not loved ones. Mom is sometimes given too much attention, a close relationship (up to living in the same house) can last until the end of life. Emotional comfort requires a full-fledged family, good home-cooked food, a comfortable own home and psychological security, which is usually provided by a spouse, children and parents, sometimes even plants and animals in the house. Creates a need for a large number of children and grandchildren, a person needs to drink plenty of fluids, eat more often, take care of other people. Usually the connection with family members is extremely close, everything is done together, it is very difficult to individualize, to do some kind of own business outside the family. True, sometimes such a position turns into bondage, which keeps a person in a very tight and stuffy confines of a narrow circle of people on whom he is emotionally dependent. Children usually love them, they are great plants and pets, but the house always requires too much time and attention.

In Leo

In everyday life, a person behaves like on stage, from childhood he attracts attention with some talents, likes to be fashionable and noticeable, emotional reactions are very bright, noisy and excessive, attracting attention. We can say that this is self-love, the need for applause and recognition, women feel like queens, so they can give birth to children at a later age. A person’s state of mind is festive, he loves to talk about his successes and talents, defiantly expresses his emotions, and thus creates an emotional space around him. The attitude towards the mother is respectful, but in communicating with the family, a person must be a leader, does not tolerate any dependence. At home, comfort and coziness are created by children, in whom they usually invest their soul and heart, as well as those things, prizes, achievements that can be boasted, in a new environment, a person quickly and boldly adapts, immediately taking a central position. These are born artists who dramatize any situation, just to arrange a small performance. A very developed sense of pride pushes them to the most notable roles, they must reign and succeed both at home and at work, in public. At home, they cannot save on electricity, Leo needs bright lighting, they love photographs and expensive jewelry. They definitely need to brag about something, emphasize their peculiarity, therefore, in any work they strive to be the best, buy expensive and beautiful things for themselves, and are very proud of the success of their children. In the worst case, this can result in window dressing, in the best case, self-realization on stage or in creativity. One of the best areas of implementation is working with children and teaching, the field of fashion, luxury goods or show business.

In Virgo

In everyday, home, family life, a person is usually very critical, emotions are expressed very restrainedly and are under the control of the mind. The attitude towards mother and close relatives is cool, children are brought up, first of all, in an intellectual way, but in women this position may reflect difficulties with conception or psychological unwillingness to give birth to children. In a new environment, a person does not adapt too confidently until he finds some kind of occupation or function that he can perform, he is quite satisfied with secondary roles, being a good performer. The house can resemble an office, everything is rationally organized, cleanliness, order, no random details, a table, a wardrobe are important, bookshelves, computer, folders - all this in the understanding of a person creates a feeling of spiritual comfort, coziness, tranquility. Emotional self-expression is generally problematic for this position of the Moon, he feels most calm and adequate at work, and emotions are best expressed in situations of caring for other people, for example, when someone needs help or loved ones are sick. The Moon in Virgo prefers simplicity and efficiency in everyday life to everything else, while a person tends to study all his life. Virgo is a sign of the proletariat, ordinary workers and employees, therefore, with such a position, innate modesty is observed, a person is not afraid of hard work, unpretentious in food and clothing, even with a lot of money. Nutrition, quality and freshness of products are of great importance, and medicine, journalism or teaching are some of the most successful areas in which a person quickly finds himself.

In Libra

One of the most pleasant positions for the Moon, since such a person is always subconsciously tuned in to beauty, harmony, conflict-free existence, primarily in the family and communication with loved ones. The feeling of comfort and coziness is created by harmonious relations with others and the aesthetics of the space in which a person is located. From childhood, relationships are formed on an equal footing, friendly and open with a mother, but a child who has the Moon in Libra should not be treated unfairly. Such people also tend to instill in their own children a love of culture and art, they are very balanced in nutrition, but women do not like the kitchen too much, preferring to be the soul of society. Their daily emotional reactions are very balanced, pleasant, even graceful, at home and in the family, he usually stays in a good mood, friendly, delicate and attentive to others. Emotional reactions are open, friendly, calm, which makes such people very popular in society. In a new situation, they do not adapt immediately, but rather quickly, they try to find a partner, assistant, organize beautiful communication or somehow decorate the environment, while willingly giving up leadership. As a rule, these people are fair, cheerful, gentle, they react badly to noise and rudeness, they try to reconcile everyone, they appreciate beauty and art. They have an innate talent for diplomacy, as a rule, a beautiful house and not too hard work, good relations with children and parents, and for a marriage partner this is just a gift. In general, these people appreciate a good society, they know how to arrange beautiful meetings and parties, especially at home.

(All manifestations for planets in signs will be modified - improved or worsened - depending on aspects with other planets, harmonious or tense. You will get acquainted with Aspects in the 2nd semester of the 1st year.)

In Scorpio

Here the Moon is in its fall, therefore, in all Lunar spheres, inadequacy or hypertrophy is manifested. In a relationship with a mother, feelings of love and kinship are very specific, they can be hidden or be very acute (both in a positive and negative sense. A person feels spiritual comfort only in situations of struggle, tension, overcoming, for this reason, home life should seethe, relations with relatives are very uneven and restless.The moon in Scorpio gives sharp emotional reactions that a person seeks to control, but after a certain limit, a real outburst and even an emotional explosion can occur.In a new situation, a person is not lost, is able to live and work in under any conditions, but they don’t really like to change their lives, they may not adapt to a new society immediately.In general, these people react very passionately to what is happening, and would be happy to intervene in the affairs of others if their upbringing and other factors allowed, but they keep themselves under control, and do not like it when strangers interfere in their family and private life zn. They are characterized by mental tension, dislike for household and family responsibilities, they have a strong physiology that allows them to withstand great psycho-physical stress, a special love for spicy food, proteins, food and drinks is possible, which stimulate the immune system, tone up, give additional strength. With such a position of the Moon, it is imperative to have an active and stormy work in which a person can invest his mighty mental strength, this is especially important for women. A person loves and knows how to work in critical circumstances, often realizes himself in medicine, chemistry, forensic science, healing, in any case, his life should not go smoothly. Often, such people live and work with anguish, are prone to harmful, and even self-destructive habits. The upbringing of children takes place in a combative manner, the child may not receive much affection, but they are very jealous of what is dear to them, and can passionately defend their positions. In general, the fight against enemies gives them great pleasure, and relations with relatives can be very strained, it is useful at home from time to time to arrange radical rearrangements, get rid of old trash, although this sign knows how to appreciate antiques. These people are very mediumistic, they perceive the reality hidden from the eyes well, they often have interests and talents in the field of esoteric sciences, they understand herbs, mushrooms, medicines, especially adaptogenic properties.

In Sagittarius

One of the most pleasant positions for the Moon, since it gives a positive mental attitude, sincere and honest emotional reactions, a mood for the best results, respect for oneself and others is always observed. Therefore, a person quickly and successfully adapts to a new situation, is not afraid to take the lead, and even loves change and diversity; for emotional comfort, he must live with various large-scale projects, feel spacious in the spiritual and physical sense. Such people are very authoritative in their family, maintain good relations with their mother, who probably laid down the basic ethical and even religious principles in them, although political disputes in the family are not excluded here. In everyday life, they are leaders for others, show them the direction of development, in home life they are guided by all the best and advanced, and in general they know how to enjoy life and often succeed. Emotional reactions are ardent and self-confident, sometimes drifts are possible from this, and the imposition of one's opinion. This is a resilient person, because the sign of Jupiter always sets up for the best. A person is overwhelmed with new ideas, plans, projects, dreams of traveling, he is very restless, loves to travel, he is always convinced that he is right. There is usually a tendency to good education, interest in other cultures, a wife from distant lands is not excluded, a person can live part of his life abroad. At heart, a person is an incorrigible optimist, usually brought up on high moral standards, appreciates culture, respects religion, and is often related to the field of education. It is useful to travel abroad often and make wide connections and contacts; the spirit of travel, culture and education should be present at home.

in Capricorn

In its influence, this position is directly opposite to the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. It gives a restrained and slightly pessimistic attitude, emotions are strongly suppressed, a person does not show his natural reactions, he treats everything evenly, calmly and coldly. In communication with mother and relatives, there may be some barriers, distrust, coldness. The moon is in exile in this sign, so sometimes a person has an unstable emotional state, attacks of fear, irritability, in an extreme form, a reluctance to start a family and children. In everyday reactions and family life, a person lacks optimism and confidence, he slowly adapts to a new situation, always follows formal rules and regulations, may at first lag behind the development of events, and almost always notices negative and negative consequences more. At the same time, he is capable of self-sacrifice, especially in the name of a great goal. It is difficult for the Moon in Capricorn to create emotional space, so she feels more confident when she does a large amount of work, and sees her usefulness, a sense of comfort and security associated with achieving large goals, posts, performing scientific, government tasks or finding some kind of laws (for example , following yoga or working in politics). Therefore, this position is found among people who built entire new states and even empires. Usually these people have a hard time communicating with children, but they have little need for food and drink, they realize themselves well in politics, government bodies, in managerial and supervisory positions, they like to live according to a pre-built plan. They can put together very difficult and protracted relationships with women, in which excessive lack of freedom, responsibility, self-doubt or lack of parental attention in childhood interfere. Women are not too fond of housework, may underfeed their families a little, express their emotions too dryly, and be very demanding of children. Periods of pessimism and despondency can constantly come, from which only big job. The family is almost always in the background after work and personal or social goals. In family life, there may be psychological restraint, lethargy, stinginess of feelings, therefore such people prefer to live in the interests of the profession, in which they are usually valued for their responsibility and diligence.

In Aquarius

The male sign, the air element and the influence of Uranus, thanks to the Moon, subconsciously set a person up for increased sociability, friendliness and the need for freedom in family life. In everyday reactions, a person is spontaneous, a little unpredictable, relations with his mother develop, as a rule, easily, even common hobbies or mutual support can be observed. To feel comfortable, a person needs to have many friends and hobbies, as well as enough freedom. Comfort and safety in and of themselves are not important topics Since the functions of the Moon are somewhat weakened in this winter sign, usually in everyday life a person is directed to the future with all his thoughts and emotions, literally lives through various informal meetings, and he can put the interests of his company or group above his own family. Ideally, a strong family is facilitated by a spouse who shares or supports their hobbies. In a new situation, these people adapt quite quickly, they love novelty and unusualness, they value intellectual and spiritual communication with loved ones more, therefore, naturally, they do not like to deal with household and economic issues for a long time, even at home. This position gives popular people who have many friends, comrades, they are the soul of society, their house should be open to all people who share their hobbies. Often, in addition to the main job, they have a second life, which is associated with hobbies and informal communication. At home and in the kitchen they value speed and convenience, they love everything unusual, at home they can arrange a headquarters or a wardroom. Their state of mind is mostly cheerful, they love and know how to unite people into clubs and societies. Men will appreciate in a woman not so much romance and love as the presence of common ideals, the coincidence of views on life or common hobbies. In marriage, food and home comfort are not so much important as space and topics for communication.

In Pisces

A person reacts very subtly to what is happening in the family and family relationships, but as a rule, he hides or is afraid to show his immediate emotional reactions, since they can expose his weakness and insecurity. These people have increased mental sensitivity and even vulnerability in everyday communication, so ordinary everyday life takes on different forms for them, they are impractical in everyday life, sensitive to food, smells, atmosphere, and many other things that are sometimes difficult to understand even for close people. They try not to let anyone into their personal lives, there may be little mutual understanding with the mother due to illness or some oddities, but subtle spiritual unity with the mother and her own children is not excluded. For emotional comfort and a sense of security, they need to run away or hide somewhere all the time, immerse themselves in the unreal world - either art or alcohol, they have an extreme craving for secrets and secrets or behind-the-scenes play. A person creates an emotional space by attracting sympathy and pity for his own person, people are happy to help them, however, excessive emotions, fantasies, resentment and vulnerability prevent them from freely and fully communicating with others. Adaptation to new conditions can be a little painful, accompanied by some fears, for the most part, invented and imaginary. But a person manages to subtly define his niche, as a rule, he goes into the shadows and is always somehow dependent on others, but sometimes he can withdraw into himself, choosing loneliness. Almost all people with this position love secrets, mysticism, fortune telling, but do not like to disclose information about their family, roots, relatives. Such a person wants to dissolve in something big, be it religion or music, he will never directly argue and prove his case, most likely, he will prefer to act in detours. Often some kind of loss in the family, an “orphan” theme, is associated with Pisces. They easily agree to minor roles in family life, sentimental and sometimes superstitious. Spiritual, esoteric, religious interests, charitable activities are almost always observed, there may be a large number of children.


Responsible for speech and thinking, propensity for languages, the ability to communicate, establish connections, assimilate and transmit information, and also in a broad sense indicates the interests of a person.

in Aries

It gives quick speech, active behavior in conversation, assertiveness, the ability to impose one's point of view, to convince, while a person does not hear his partner or opponent well. May be somewhat disorganized in daily affairs, but has a large supply of fresh ideas, resourceful, witty, thought works quickly, sometimes choking speech, because the language does not keep up with thought. He can harm himself with sharp statements, but a person loves open polemics, verbal and intellectual struggle, often wins an argument. In communicating with people, impulsiveness and excessive frankness interfere; with age, a person understands that it is not always worth saying directly what you think.

in Taurus

Slow speech, beautiful and calm. The interests of a person, as a rule, are colored by material considerations, accumulation, cultivation, extraction of something, he is attracted by money, art, nature, agriculture. He does not like wasting energy for nothing, talking in vain, knows how to earn money thanks to some skills, abilities or intellectual work, loves beautiful things, can collect something, including works of art. The person is economic and economical in everyday life and in business, however, he is very conservative in thinking, and prefers to deal only with well-known reliable business. All relations with people are stable and even, he makes new contacts only if necessary, does not really like changes and surprises ( if Mercury is not afflicted by aspects of the higher planets).

in Gemini

In the strongest position, Mercury gives great love and craving for communication, talents in the field of languages ​​and philology, love for literature in all forms and genres. A person's brains are extremely restless, he does not know how to sit still for a long time or remain without communication and work. However, nervous system too thin, so at times they get tired of people and need to rest. There may be a very large circle of friends, acquaintances, relatives, an excellent ability to start a conversation, a quick movement of thought, dexterity in business, travel, wit, love for talented people. A person gets along well with young people, we quickly learn, can change or master several professions in a lifetime, especially if Mercury has a high speed. It is the center of communication and information transfer for all relatives, a lot of various connections pass through it, it can be a good intermediary. Always interested in the press, books, literature.

in Cancer

Thinking is strongly influenced by emotions, a person communicates very warmly with loved ones, and can be closed to strangers. A very good understanding of psychology and the inner world, charm and sincerity in communication, a great craving for all the humanities, especially history, psychology, local history. A person knows his area, region, country well, loves to travel, and easily makes new acquaintances anywhere. Cancer is associated with nationalism, both in mild and extreme forms, a person is distrustful of strangers, but glorifies his homeland with all his might. The female element speaks of a dislike for public speaking, inner world plays a big role here, a person can be an excellent psychologist, educator, well understands the importance of the human factor, which makes him a pleasant boss and parent.

In Leo

Very active thinking, confident speech, the ability to ignite others, to become a leader and the center of some ideas, maybe poetic, literary talent, a good speaker talent and, in general, a love for the stage and public speaking. The person is a good teacher, knows how to work with children, appreciates talents in himself and in those around him. There may be snobbery in thinking, contacts with relatives and acquaintances, but this position helps to communicate with the authorities and leaders of all ranks, to seek attention. The man himself also good boss, authoritative and fair, loves beautiful things, elite transport, can study in the best educational institutions. Since Leo is responsible for love and gambling, novels with young people are not excluded, a passion for adventures, at least at the level of literature.

In Virgo

Mercury in the strong position, and even in an earthly sign, gives incredibly skeptical and rational thinking, restraint and dryness in communicating with peers, acquaintances and relatives. A person can be highly professional in his work, well versed in technology, accounting, paperwork, medicine, science, but in dealing with people he is very strict, because he unwittingly notices a lot of shortcomings. Virgo is a sign of learning, so a person studies all his life, is capable of great achievements in the field of journalism, science, and medicine. In personal communication, pedantry and the inability to stop in time, relax and rest can greatly interfere. Love for small forms and objects, various boxes, lockers, stationery world. Good for work in the service sector, office, various agencies, especially for hiring labor. This is probably one of the best secretaries who organizes work, both for himself and for others.

In Libra

Mercury in the sign of Venus and in the active air element speaks of high contact, a diplomatic gift, the ability to communicate with people in general, and with the opposite sex in particular. A very good position for any joint work, trade, conclusion of contracts, participation in conferences and public events. A person has very wide connections, a lot of information and connections flock to him, from which you can then derive considerable benefit. Dislike in hard work and all the unpleasant, dirty, difficult aspects of life, a person is elegant in words and expressions, appreciates literature and art, feels good in secular communication on the very high level. There can be romantic relationships with young people, everything is done beautifully in everyday affairs and communication, it is important to follow the rules and laws. He speaks slowly, does not like rough treatment, appreciates mutual understanding in marriage and the opinion of partners. Among the interests are psychology, art, marriage sphere, contacts between people.

In Scorpio

Since the owner of Scorpio, Pluto, is responsible for X-rays that shine through any matter, the thinking of a person with this position is very insightful, he sees the behind-the-scenes side of things, understands the hidden processes. This is a good doctor, surgeon, phytotherapist, chemist, diagnostician, psychologist, criminalist, politician, military man. The sphere of interests is always connected with secrets, detective stories, the occult sciences, the criminal world, finances, and critical circumstances. The influence of Mars in this sign gives sharpness to words that sometimes go to their own detriment, and sharpness in thinking, a person quickly grasps the essence, although he can argue a lot and show incredible stubbornness. He is not afraid of the dirty and unpleasant aspects of life, loves and knows how to work in critical circumstances. A person is quite secretive in his thinking, does not like it when outsiders hear his conversations, peep in records, in communication with relatives he will always help in difficult times, but can be quite harmful and aggressive in everyday life. Loves and appreciates sharp criticism, sarcasm, irony; given sign and its ruler are associated with death and rebirth (repair, repair, restoration).

In Sagittarius

Although all Mercurial functions are weakened in this sign, the thinking here is very optimistic, broad and sweeping. A person does not go into details, therefore, he can make minor mistakes and inaccuracies, but he is a good theorist, programmer, philosopher, who lacks knowledge and experience ( unless Mercury is aspected by Saturn) replaces theory, enthusiasm and general principles. It is useful for a person to have good advisers and assistants in business that will save him from punctures and inattentive decisions. A good position for a driver, traveler, teacher, politician, lawyer, although there is a danger of getting carried away with words and promises without a specific job. He loves humor, jokes and practical jokes, but the organization of a person is very let down, so he can’t go to the administrators or he needs to have a reliable gray eminence behind him. It is always useful to get acquainted with other cultures and foreign literature, traveling abroad changes a lot in a person's thinking, he can acquire a large number of international connections, and communicate better with foreigners than with fellow citizens. Area of ​​interest - travel, education, literature, international relations.

in Capricorn

One of the most effective, productive positions for Mercury. The influence of Saturn and the earth element makes thinking very clear, concrete, purposeful. As a rule, a person has vast experience in his work, he communicates well with older people, superiors, understands laws, rules, restrictions, can realize himself in administrative and political sphere or science ( including astrology). He is not very in contact with young people, he can choose an intellectual profession for himself, and maintain a clear mind and a sober memory until old age. As a rule, his words are weighty and authoritative, it is good to go to him for wise advice, unlike Sagittarius, who loves to joke and have fun, a person will treat any request very responsibly and attentively. These are professionals in their field, although in communicating with loved ones you don’t often hear kind and affectionate words from them, speech can be somewhat slow, coldish, saturated with sometimes monotonous formal words. These are good drafters of laws, the sphere of interest is science, politics.

In Aquarius

Mercury in its native element feels free, loves informal communication, parties, perfectly converges with strangers. He has a wide range of interests, especially in the most unusual and advanced areas, in the field of aviation, electronic engineering, space research, astrology, as well as in modern medicine, science, and developments aimed at the future. A person can be interested in fantasy, have a literary and technical gift, communicate with a large number of intellectual people, although at times he will get off the ground and go into dreams and fantasies about the future, this also applies to political parties, groups, associations pursuing their own goals. A person is not interested in living like everyone else, so he always tries to modernize, discover, experience something, such people are very loved by friends, they have connections in all sectors of society, they do not recognize boundaries and conventions, they have increased intuition, sometimes they can anticipate the future . These are gifted astrologers, inventors, public workers who love people and know how to communicate with them. In any communication, the coincidence of ideals and common interests is very important.

In Pisces

One of the most difficult and weakened positions for Mercury. The simultaneous expulsion and fall of the planet's functions, plus the influence of the antagonistic water element, leads to an abundance of mistakes, confusion, uncertainty in one's intellectual abilities, strange and incomprehensible relationships with others. A person loves loneliness, has pronounced spiritual and mystical interests, understands music well, but it is often difficult for him to express his thoughts in words, which was most clearly demonstrated by MS Gorbachev. Meaning and specificity may simply be absent in their speeches, they may be confused in numbers, dates, facts, but at the same time they always have bright artistic inclinations, they perfectly realize themselves in the world of photography, web design, programming, cinema. The influence of Neptune gives them great subtlety in thinking and a very pleasant sense of humor. As a rule, they hide their thoughts, areas of interest - any secrets, psychology, cinema, fortune-telling, art, they can be well versed in chemistry. Not a bad position for a psychologist and a doctor, but a person is always helped out not by the amount of knowledge, but by high intuitiveness, sensitivity, and the ability to feel a person. It is useful from time to time to go out into nature and disconnect from business, it is especially important to visit the sea. Connections with siblings and relatives may be lost, one of the possible indicators of emigration or creative pursuits.


In the male chart, Venus, together with the Moon, is responsible for the wife, may indicate a sister, girlfriend. Responsible for pleasures, gifts, jewelry, entertainment and relationships in general, as well as finances (medium size), the ability to attract money and make quality purchases.

in Aries

In the fiery element, Venus gives initiative in love and social relationships, assertiveness in gaining new contacts, especially with women. However, due to the weak position of Venus in this sign, personal and business relationships are very unstable, a person does not understand the prohibitions and restrictions that exist in any union, he is very selfish in his desires, may suffer from a lack of taste and love for the simplest and most primitive companies. All personal sympathies and views on society are very contrasting, black and white, a person sincerely loves his friends, and is ready to destroy his enemies just as sincerely. Pleasures and entertainment can be completely masculine or very extreme, like riding a motorcycle or visiting stadiums, a person’s fashion is very defiant, provocative. In communication, they are restless, they can provoke scandals, offend people, leave one relationship and start another. They are very jealous of what they love, they do not like secrets and nocturnal sighs, they keep everything on the surface, they immediately categorically declare what they like and what they don’t. There may be passionate loves and hasty marriages, early acquaintance with the love sphere. Before recent years life, these people will not lose their taste for romance and love adventures, because the fire of Aries never goes out.

in Taurus

One of the strongest positions of Venus, which is typical for artists, connoisseurs of beauty and art, lovers of nature and good beautiful food, comfort. Such people almost always know how to attract money into their lives, have good taste, a flair for earning opportunities. Such men prefer women with a body that maintains a calm and comfortable mood. It is important for a person to eat well, dress nicely, but the most important thing is to feel the stability of the financial situation. If it is lost, a person's mood deteriorates, he will not think about love and entertainment until he restores reserves at the same level. As a rule, these are reliable partners, successful sellers, businessmen, agricultural workers, garden and park architects and designers, financiers, merchandisers, and artists. Their affections in love are stable, love situations proceed beautifully and in a timely manner, there is a certain stinginess in money, which is characteristic of the entire earthly element due to its restraint.

in Gemini

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Your child has charm, a soft and melodious voice, the ability to "feel" other people's thoughts. Most often he speaks correctly, but can be emotionally agitated if others do not understand the course and depth of his thoughts. He has a talent for literature, poetry, science and mathematics. He may be able to discover and express his talents in art if his parents help him in this. For example, if your child has a melodious voice, encourage him to read aloud aloud.

Het monster. Aspects

Exquisite syllable in speech and writing, soft, melodic voice; aptitude for literature and poetry. They radiate beauty and harmony, and can often help to improve the psychological and physical well-being of others. Passionate temperament, often causing great difficulties.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

When combined, it is a combination of the rational and the emotional: one cannot do without the other. Reasoning is strongly influenced by feelings - and vice versa. Therefore, in arguments and inferences, likes and dislikes are often present, and inclinations and inclinations can obey logic.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Exquisite speech orally and in writing, a soft and melodious voice, abilities for literature, poetry, earnings in this. Diplomatic in everyday life, as the goals are aimed at aesthetic areas in partnership with others. Skills in science and mathematics give an understanding of connections and relationships. They enjoy the company of others, radiating beauty and harmony. Can improve the health of others. If nothing spoils, they give favor and sympathy. The mind is directed to practical purposes, especially if the connection is in the sign of the Earth.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Since Mercury moves away from the Sun no further than 28 °, and Venus no further than 48 °, the aspects that Mercury and Venus can form between themselves are: connection, semi-square (inharmonious aspects) and semi-sextile, sextile, quintile ( harmonious aspects).
Since Mercury and Venus are weakly conflicting planets, the disadvantages of their inharmonious aspects (conjunction, semi-square) are small and insignificant. Such interaction may be associated with an excessive desire for pleasure, chatter.
Mercury in harmonious aspects with Venus
Harmonious aspects give a peaceful mind, friendliness, sociability, fruitfulness, talent, giftedness, good abilities (as a rule, for art - poetry, painting); can give skillful hands (the ability to do everything beautifully, gracefully), cuteness, good taste.
An unfavorable consequence may be, associated with an excessive desire for pleasure, a change in a marriage partner, business.