• 4.2. Psychological and pedagogical study of children of early age (1 - 3 years)
  • 4.2.1. Development Features
  • 4.2.2. Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of young children
  • 4.3. Psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children (from 3 to 7 years old)
  • 4.3.1. Development features
  • 4.3.2. Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children
  • 4.4. Psychological and pedagogical study of school children
  • 4.4.1. Development Features
  • 4.4.2. Features of the psychological and pedagogical study of younger students
  • 4.5. Psychological and pedagogical study of adolescents with developmental disorders
  • 4.5.1. Development Features
  • 4.5.2. Goals and objectives of the psychological and pedagogical study of adolescents with developmental disorders
  • 4.5.3. Features of the procedure for conducting a psychological study of adolescents with developmental disorders
  • 4.5.4. Rules for constructing research programs
  • Chapter 5 Psychological and pedagogical study of children and adolescents with hearing, vision, musculoskeletal disorders, emotional development, complex developmental disorders
  • 5.1. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with hearing impairments
  • 5.2. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with visual impairments
  • 5.2.1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of examination of children with visual impairments
  • 5.2.2. Requirements for the examination of children with visual impairments
  • 5.2.3. Features of conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with visual impairments in different age periods
  • 5.2.4. Principles of adaptation of diagnostic methods in the examination of children of different age groups with visual impairments
  • 5.3. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • 5.4. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere (with early childhood autism)
  • 5.4.1. General characteristics of disorders in autistic children
  • 5.4.2. The procedure for the psychological and pedagogical study of autistic children
  • 5.5. Clinical-psychological-pedagogical study of children with complex developmental disorders
  • Chapter 6 Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations in educational institutions, psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions and consultations
  • 6.1. Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations (PMPC) in educational institutions
  • 6.1.1. Goals and objectives of the PMPK
  • 6.1.2. Organization of PMPC activities
  • 6.2. Psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions and consultations
  • 6.2.1. Consultative and diagnostic work
  • 6.2.2. Methods of psychological and pedagogical research of children in the PMPK
  • 6.2.3. Methods of experimental psychological research in the PMPK
  • Chapter 7 Organization and content of psychological counseling in the system of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with developmental disorders
  • 7.1. The concept of psychological counseling
  • 7.2. Methods of psychological counseling
  • 7.3. Psychological counseling procedure
  • 7.4. Basic principles and strategies of counseling
  • 7.5. Typical Difficulties in the Counseling Process
  • 7.6. Tasks of psychological counseling for families with children with developmental disabilities
  • 7.7. Psychological counseling for children with developmental disabilities
  • Chapter 8Psychological Study of the Family Raising a Child with Developmental Disabilities
  • 8.1. Family Study Methods
  • 8.1.1. Less formalized methods
  • 8.1.2. Formalized methods
  • 8.1.3. Methods of studying the relationship of the child to parents and to society
  • 8.1.4. Methods for studying the characteristics of the personality of parents
  • 8.1.5. Methods for studying parent-child relationships
  • 8.2. The procedure of psychological research of the family
  • Exemplary discipline program
  • Approximate regulation on the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution (No. 27 / 90.1-6 of 03.27.00)
  • Recommended form for scheduling PMPK activities
  • The results of the psychological and pedagogical study of Ella S., 10 months
  • 3.5. Speech therapy examination in the system of complex study of children with developmental disorders

    Speech plays an extremely important role in the formation of higher mental functions in a child. Performing the function of communication between a child and an adult, it is the basis for the development of thinking, provides the possibility of planning and regulating the behavior of the child, organizing his entire mental life, and influences the development of the personality as a whole. In this regard, in modern special pedagogy and psychology, the position on the need for early detection and overcoming of speech disorders, which are a general pattern of abnormal development, has been established. occur in most children with various developmental disabilities (V.I. Lubovsky) and can affect various components of speech. Some of them relate only to pronunciation processes and are found in a decrease in the intelligibility of speech without concomitant manifestations. Others affect the phonemic side of the language and are expressed not only in pronunciation defects, but also in insufficient mastery of the sound composition of the word, which leads to reading and writing disorders. Still others are communication disorders that may interfere with the child's education in school and his social adaptation.

    Children with disabilities speech development- this is a special category of children with developmental disabilities; they have preserved hearing and intellect, but there are significant speech disorders that affect the formation of other aspects of the psyche.

    The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech impairments are presented in the works of R.E. Levina, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, O.E. Gribovoy and others.

    The most complex speech disorders cover both the phonetic-phonemic and lexico-grammatical aspects of the language, leading to a general underdevelopment of speech, which can have a different mechanism and, accordingly, a different structure of the disorder and is observed in the most complex forms of children's speech pathology (alalia, dysarthria, etc.). d.). R.E. Levina identified three levels of general speech underdevelopment (OHP), i.e. systemic impairment of all aspects of speech with intact physical hearing.

    At the first level, there is a complete or almost complete absence of verbal means of communication at the age of 5–6 years, when speech is mostly formed in children without speech pathology. The vocabulary consists of sound and onomatopoeic complexes, in most cases incomprehensible to others and accompanied by gestures. Children with such features are referred to as the so-called "speechless".

    At the second level, commonly used words appear, albeit distorted. A distinction is made between some grammatical forms. At the same time, the pronunciation abilities of children are significantly behind the age norm.

    The third level is characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Children come into contact with others, but only in the presence of an adult and with his help. Free communication is extremely difficult.

    In modern works, the fourth level (T.B. Filicheva) is also distinguished, characterized by slight lexical and grammatical disorders that make it difficult for children to master written language at the beginning of schooling.

    Children with general underdevelopment of speech have a number of psychological and pedagogical features that impede their social adaptation and require targeted correction.

    Defective speech activity is reflected in the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children. There is a lack of stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution. With the relative preservation of semantic memory in children, verbal memory is reduced, and the productivity of memorization suffers. In the weakest children, low mnemonic activity can be combined with a delay in the formation of other mental processes. Relationship between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development

    It also manifests itself in the specific features of thinking. Possessing full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking, with difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

    Some children have somatic weakness and slow development of locomotor functions; they are also characterized by a certain lag in the development of the motor sphere - poor coordination of movements, a decrease in speed and dexterity during their implementation. The greatest difficulties are revealed when performing movements according to verbal instructions. Often there is insufficient coordination of movements of the fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills.

    Children with severe speech disorders have deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere. They are characterized by instability of interests, reduced observation, reduced motivation, negativism, self-doubt, increased irritability, aggressiveness, resentment, difficulties in communicating with others, in establishing contacts with their peers.

    A special group of children with speech disorders are children with stuttering, rhinolalia, dysphonia. With all the variety of pathological manifestations (convulsions during a speech act during stuttering, gross violations of sound pronunciation and unformed phonemic perception in rhinolalia, voice quality disorders in dysphonia), there are a number of common psychological and pedagogical features that characterize these children. First of all, these are personality disorders - fixation on a defect, difficulties in verbal communication, speech and behavioral negativism, complicating the structure of speech disorders and leading to difficulties in social adaptation. At school age, these children have a peculiar structure of a coherent utterance, which reduces its information content, persistent specific errors in writing; disturbances in the emotional and volitional sphere are intensified.

    So, in children with speech disorders, there are also difficulties in full-fledged communicative activity, the formation of self-regulation and self-control, various shortcomings in cognitive activity and motor skills, as well as violations of the emotional-volitional sphere.

    The level of speech development is an important diagnostic criterion in assessing the overall level of a child's development. Therefore, the examination of speech is an integral part of the psychological and pedagogical study of a child with developmental problems.

    The study of speech is carried out as part of a speech therapy examination and includes the study of oral and writing.

    The study of oral speech

    In domestic speech therapy, the main methodological principle of the analysis of speech disorders is the principle of system analysis, developed by R.E. Levina. The basis of this analysis is modern ideas about speech activity as a complex, multi-level functional system, the components of which mutually determine each other. The primary lack of formation in a child of one of the language components that take part in the formation of speech entails secondary, tertiary, etc. changes in the speech system. Thus, a speech therapy examination includes the study of the main components of the speech system components:

      Coherent independent speech;

      Vocabulary (lexicon);

      The grammatical structure of speech;

      The sound-producing side of speech (sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of the word, phonemic perception).

    In the process of speech therapy study, certain goals are set:

      To identify the volume of speech skills in a child;

      Compare it with age norms, as well as with the level of mental development;

      Determine the ratio of violation and compensatory background, speech activity and other types of mental activity.

    The indicative stage of a speech therapy examination begins with the study of special documentation and a conversation with parents. The task of this stage is to supplement the anamnestic data with information about the course of the child's speech development. The following main points of speech development are noted:

      Start time of cooing, babbling, first words, phrasal speech;

      Whether speech development was interrupted (if it was interrupted, then for what reason and how speech was restored);

      The nature of the speech environment (features of the speech of loved ones, bilingualism, requirements for child's speech by adults, etc.);

      The attitude of the child to his speech defect;

      Has speech therapy been provided and what are its results.

    Since speech disorders are sometimes caused by hearing loss, it is necessary to make sure that the child under examination is completely preserved.

    When examining hearing, it is recommended to use sounding or voiced toys (drum, tambourine, cat, bird), as well as specially selected pictures. It is necessary to check how the child hears whispered and colloquial speech. The child is placed with his back to the speech therapist at a distance of 6 - 8 m. The speech therapist makes a full exhalation and in a whisper of normal volume calls the words that the child must repeat, for example, school, kettle, car, suitcase, etc. In case of difficulty in perception, the speech therapist repeats the same words at a distance of 4 m, and then 3 m. In conclusion, it is necessary to indicate at what distance the child perceives a whisper.

    With normal hearing, the child should hear and repeat words and phrases spoken in a whisper at a distance of 6 - 7 m. When checking hearing, visual perception of speech should be excluded. The perception of a whisper at a distance of no more than 3 m indicates the need for a special consultation in a hearing center to clarify the state of hearing.

    It is much more difficult to examine hearing in children who do not speak at all or who are just starting to speak. In such cases, it is recommended to use pictures with simple and familiar objects drawn on them. The child is asked not to repeat the words spoken by the speech therapist, but to show the corresponding picture. First, the speech therapist offers to show where the doll, ball, cat is next to the child, then gradually moving away from him. If hearing loss is detected, the subject is sent for an audiometric study to a specialist.

    Speech examination involves the study of both the child's own (expressive) active speech and his understanding of the speech of others (impressive). The examination procedure is difficult to divide according to the indicated types of speech. This is due to the complex systemic structure of the speech function. Therefore, it is advisable to alternate techniques aimed at identifying the features of both one and the other speech.

    The main types of tasks in the survey impressive speech are:

      naming objects, their parts, qualities, actions with them in the pictures presented by the speech therapist (examination of word comprehension);

      fulfillment of instructions presented by ear of varying complexity (examination of understanding of sentences);

      the choice of an object or picture in accordance with the grammatical form named by the speech therapist (examination of understanding of grammatical forms);

      retelling the text, answering questions about it, working with deformed text, etc. (text comprehension survey).

    The characteristic of the level of formation of impressive speech is further reflected in the speech therapy conclusion:

      understanding of addressed speech is formed in full;

      understanding of addressed speech at the everyday level;

      understanding of addressed speech is limited (within the situation);

      does not understand spoken language.

    Survey active (expressive) speech begins with a conversation with the child, the purpose of which is to reveal his general outlook, possession of a coherent statement.

    Analysis of the child's answers during the conversation allows us to formulate a preliminary hypothesis and determine the further stages of the examination. Thus, if a child does not have elementary phrasal speech, the study of such components of the speech system as the grammatical structure of speech and phonemic processes is not possible. If, however, during the preliminary conversation, the child somehow demonstrates the possession of an independent coherent statement, then it becomes necessary to determine the degree of formation of detailed independent speech and establish its compliance with age norms. In this case, the examination of speech is carried out according to the traditional scheme and involves the study of all components of the speech system.

    Examination of coherent speech can be carried out during a conversation and includes a series of tasks for in-depth study of a detailed independent statement:

    • compiling a story based on a plot picture;

      storytelling for a series plot pictures;


      compiling a story-description;

      storytelling based on presentation.

    Criteria for evaluating coherent speech. When assessing the state of coherent speech, it should be remembered that in the fourth year of life, children master a simple common sentence. By the age of 3-4, they begin to use complex and complex sentences. After 4 years they can retell a simple familiar fairy tale, willingly tell poems. By the age of 5, children can retell short texts by listening to them twice. After 5 years, they talk in detail and consistently about what they saw and heard, they can explain the cause and effect. After 6 years, children can compose their own story, detailed and logical in content.

    Characteristic features of coherent speech in speech underdevelopment:

      poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions; in independent speech, the child uses mostly simple sentences;

      inability to distribute the offer by homogeneous members;

      the child is limited to listing objects or actions;

      violation of the logic of the story: talking about the unimportant, the child omits the main thing.

      identify the compliance or non-compliance of the dictionary with the age norm; characterize the active vocabulary (the presence of nouns, verbs, adjectives, the use of other parts of speech);

      find out the accuracy of the use of lexical meanings of words.

    The survey should include:

    Subject Dictionary:

      nouns denoting an object and its parts (teapot, lid, spout, bottom);

      nouns with similar lexical meanings(dress - sundress);

      generalizing words (vegetables, fruits, dishes, clothes, etc.);

      the names of the seasons;

      names of animals and their babies;

      job titles.

    Verb Dictionary:

      verbs denoting actions with objects;

      verbs denoting states, feelings, phenomena.

    Verbs are presented not only in the form of the infinitive (run, wash, draw), but also in various tense forms with different prefixes (ran - ran), in various pledges (my - washes).

    Feature Dictionary:

      adjectives denoting:

      the size of objects (high, low, narrow);

      color (main and its shades);

      shape (round, oval, square);

      qualities (milky, fluffy, smooth);

      seasonal signs (summer, autumn, winter, spring).

    The dictionary of signs also includes the use of adverbs such as: quickly, slowly, loudly, high.

    In addition to this, it is examined antonym dictionary.

    The simplest technique for examining vocabulary is naming objects, qualities according to specially selected thematic (toys, furniture, transport) or situational features (shop, workshop, class) pictures.

    Criteria for assessing vocabulary. When assessing lexical capabilities, it must be remembered that with normal speech development of the child and favorable conditions for education, his active vocabulary increases very quickly. At the age of 3 - 4 years, the dictionary is from 600 to 2000 words. Children correctly name the objects and phenomena surrounding them, have a sufficient number of words denoting the qualities of objects, actions.

    At the age of 4 years, they actively use both specific and generic concepts, antonyms, synonyms; freely use nouns with diminutive suffixes in speech (finger, bunny, forehead, doll, dress).

    At the age of 5 - 6, the assimilation of the skill of word formation by children allows the use in speech of words denoting the qualities of objects (iron, wooden, plastic), as well as words of different parts of speech formed from the same root (swim - swimmer - floating).

    The predominant lexical errors in speech underdevelopment:

      replacement of the name of a part of an object with the name of the object itself as a whole (collar, sleeve - shirt; spout, bottom - teapot);

      replacing the name of the object with the name of the action (laces - tie in order to);

      replacing words with others that are close in the situation and outward signs(panama, hat, beret - hat; armchair, stool - chair; hem - sew);

      replacement of specific concepts with generic ones (chamomile, bell, rose - a flower);

      replacement of feature names (narrow - non-narrow; short - small; long, wide - large);

      the use of generalizing concepts, mainly of a domestic nature (toys, dishes, clothes, flowers);

      non-use of antonyms, rare use of synonyms.

    An important point of speech therapy examination is the study of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Revealed:

      the correctness of the construction of the grammatical structure of the sentence;

      the nature of the use of case forms of nouns;

      the correct use of the gender of nouns, singular and plural forms;

      correctness of agreement various parts speech;

      the nature of the use of prepositional constructions;

      the degree of proficiency in word formation and inflection skills.

    On examination grammatical structure speech uses the following tasks:

      make a sentence according to the plot picture (at the same time, the prevailing number of words in sentences is noted, the sequence of words in the sentence corresponds to the grammatical norm);

      make a sentence based on a picture, the plot of which involves the use of given grammatical forms ("Children saw an elephant, a lion, a monkey, a squirrel in the zoo");

      insert the missing preposition or word in the required case form ("The plane flies ... in the forest"; "The ball lies ... on the table");

      convert the given grammatical form singular into the plural ("One table, but many ...?");

      form the genitive singular and plural forms (“There is a tree in this picture, but what is not in this one?” (trees, trees);

      match adjectives and numerals with nouns.

    When examining the grammatical structure of speech, special attention should be paid to identifying the skill of word formation. The main types of tasks here are:

      the formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes (stool, spoon, eyes, etc.);

      the formation of adjectives from nouns (a glass of glass is glass, a table of wood is wooden, etc.);

      the formation of the names of young animals in the singular and plural(for a squirrel - a squirrel, squirrels; for a horse - a foal, foals);

      formation of verbs with the help of prefixes.

    Criteria for assessing the grammatical structure of speech. When assessing the state of formation of the grammatical structure of speech, it should be remembered that with the normal development of speech, children by the age of 5 correctly use nouns, adjectives in all cases of the singular and plural. Separate difficulties concern rarely used nouns in the genitive and nominative plural cases (chairs, trees, wheels, pencils).

    The assimilation of prepositional forms proceeds in the following sequence. At 3-4 years old, children correctly use all simple prepositions (y, in, on, under, with, from, to, for, after, after), freely use them in their statements.

    At 5-6 years old, complex prepositions are correctly used in speech (because of, from under, etc.).

    The first word-building skills are formed at the age of 4. This is the formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.

    By the age of 5, children cope with tasks for the formation of adjectives from nouns by analogy. At the same age, the correct use of a combination of adjectives with nouns and numerals in the nominative case is formed.

    Specific errors in the grammatical design of speech in speech underdevelopment. Violation of the understanding and use of the grammatical means of the language is defined by the term "agramatism" .

    Accordingly, impressive and expressive agrammatism are distinguished. Impressive agrammatism is manifested in an insufficient understanding of the change in the meaning of words when a prefix, suffix, etc. changes. Expressive agrammatism is characterized by the following specific errors in the grammatical design of speech:

      violation of the order of words in a sentence (inversion);

      incorrect use of case forms;

      errors in the use of the gender of nouns;

      errors in matching adjectives and numerals with nouns;

      replacement or omission of a preposition;

      lack of word formation skills.

    Along with the study of coherent speech, vocabulary, and the grammatical structure of speech, speech therapy examination includes the study of the sound-producing side of speech, which must begin with an examination of the syllabic structure and sound-filling of words.

    For this purpose, words are selected with a different number and type of syllables: words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning, middle and end of the word. When pronouncing these words, both reflected and independent naming of pictures are offered.

    To determine the degree of mastery of the syllabic structure of a word, the main types of tasks are the following:

      repetition after the speech therapist of words of varying structural complexity (tree, spider, table, wardrobe, cannon, grandmother, pencil, motorcycle, TV, bicycle, aquarium, etc.);

      independent naming of pictures specially selected by a speech therapist. At the same time, the words vary depending on the sound content (currant, piglet, dragonfly, teacher, foal, lizard, pyramid);

      repetition of sentences that include a given word, difficult in syllabic structure ("The librarian gives out books", "The plumber repairs the plumbing").

    In case of a gross violation of the syllabic structure and sound filling, it is necessary to offer a number of syllables for switching:

      from different vowels and consonants (tamoku);

      from different consonants, but the same vowels (mabata);

      from different vowels, but the same consonants (kakoku);

      from the same consonants and vowels, but with different stress (pa-dad, papa-papa, papa-pa, etc.);

      and also tap out the rhythmic pattern of the word: // /// /// //.

    Errors in the syllabic structure of the word and sound content in speech underdevelopment:

      reduction in the number of syllables, more often - with a confluence of consonants in a word (tol - table, wok - wolf);

      adding extra sounds and syllables (lemon - lemon, eyes - eyes);

      permutation of sounds and syllables (kolovoda - frying pan);

      replacement of sounds and syllables (saf - closet);

      perseveration (stuck) of syllables (hockist - hockey player);

      anticipation (anticipation) of syllables (astobus - bus).

    An important link in the general system of studying speech activity is the examination of sound pronunciation, which includes the study of not only the pronunciation side of speech, but also the level of perception of sounds, the ability to differentiate them by ear.

    First of all, it is necessary to study the structure and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: lips, tongue, teeth, jaws, palate. It is noted how their structure corresponds to the norm. Examination reveals the following anomalies:

      lips - thick, fleshy, short;

      teeth - sparse, crooked, small, outside the jaw arch, large, without gaps between them, with large gaps; no incisors, upper, lower;

      jaws (occlusion) - open anterior, open lateral unilateral or bilateral; prognathia (protrusion of the upper jaw); progenia (protrusion of the lower jaw);

      palate - high, gothic, narrow, flat, shortened, low;

      tongue - massive, small, short frenulum, mottled.

    When checking the mobility of the organs of articulation, the child is offered various tasks by imitation:

      lick lips with tongue;

      reach the tongue to the nose, chin, left, and then right ear;

      click your tongue;

      make the tongue wide, flattened, and then narrow;

      raise the tip of the protruding tongue up and hold it in this position for as long as possible;

      move the tip of the tongue either to the left or to the right corner of the lips, change the rhythm of the movement;

      stretch your lips forward with a tube, and then stretch them into a wide smile, etc.

    At the same time, the freedom and speed of movements of the organs of articulation, their smoothness, and also how easy the transition from one movement to another is.

    When examining the pronunciation of sounds, the child's ability to pronounce one or another sound in isolation and use it in independent speech is revealed. Possible shortcomings of sound pronunciation should be noted: replacement, mixing, distortion or absence of individual sounds - with isolated pronunciation, in words, in phrases.

    To study the pronunciation of sounds in words, it is necessary to have a set of special subject pictures. The simplest technique for examining sound pronunciation is the following: the child is presented for naming pictures depicting objects in the names of which the sound being studied is in different positions - at the beginning, end, middle and in a confluence of consonants.

    Next, it is checked how correctly the child pronounces the tested sounds in the speech stream. To do this, you should be asked to pronounce several phrases in a row, in which the studied sound would be repeated frequently.

    When examining phonemic perception, it is necessary to find out how the child distinguishes individual sounds by ear. First of all, this applies to sounds that are similar in articulation or similar in sound. The distinction of all correlating phonemes from the groups is checked:

      whistling and hissing (sa-sha, za-zha, sa-za, sa-tsa, sa-cha, etc.);

      voiced and deaf (ta-da, pa-ba, ha-ka, etc.);

      sonorants (ra-la, ri-li, etc.);

      soft and hard (sa-xia, la-la, etc.).

    The main technique in this case is the repetition after the speech therapist of various oppositional syllables such as sa-sha, sha-sa, ach-ash, sa-tsa, ra-la, sha-zha, etc. If the child's pronunciation of some sounds is disturbed, then he is invited to respond with some action (raise his hand, clap his hands) if he hears a predetermined syllable in a series of syllables containing oppositional sounds.

    When studying phonemic perception, the ability to distinguish words similar in sound is also revealed: beetle-bough-bow; tom-house-com; bear-bowl; goat-spit; day-shadow-stump. To this end, the child is asked to choose the right picture or explain the meaning of each of the paired words containing mixed sounds.

    Characteristics of sound pronunciation in normal development. At 3-4 years old, the child correctly pronounces the vowels and consonants of early ontogenesis. At this time, softening of speech sounds is allowed. Sounds s, z, sh, zh are not pronounced clearly enough, skipped, replaced by sounds t, d, f, c; affricates h, u on t, c, s; sounds r, l can be skipped or replaced by le.

    At the age of 4-5 years, the softened pronunciation of sounds disappears, the whistling and hissing sounds are replaced by sounds etc.. Hissing may not be pronounced clearly enough. Not all children form the sound r.

    At 5-6 years old, voiced, deaf, hard, whistling, hissing sounds, affricates are correctly pronounced. There may be errors in differentiation, insufficiently formed sonorous sounds.

    At 6-7 years old, in conditions of proper speech education and in the absence of organic disorders of the central and peripheral speech apparatus children correctly use all the sounds of their native language.

    The data obtained on the state of the child's speech development should be comprehensively analyzed based on a sufficiently large number of examples of children's speech and on dynamic observation.

    The results of a comprehensive examination of speech are summarized in the form of a speech therapy conclusion, which indicates the level of speech development of the child and the form of speech impairment (OHP level III in a child with dysarthria; OHP level II in a child with alalia; OHP II - III levels in a child with open rhinolalia, etc.). P.).

    The speech therapy conclusion reveals the state of speech and aims at overcoming the specific difficulties of the child, due to the clinical form of the speech anomaly. This is necessary for the proper organization of an individual approach in frontal and subgroup classes.

    Examination of children with dysarthria

    dysarthria - this is a violation of the pronunciation side of speech, due to insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus. The leading defect in dysarthria is a violation of the sound-producing and prosodic aspects of speech, associated with an organic lesion of the central and peripheral nervous system. Pronunciation disorders in dysarthria manifest themselves to varying degrees and depend on the nature and severity of the damage to the nervous system. In mild cases, there are separate distortions of sounds, "blurred speech", in more severe cases, both distortions, and replacements, and omissions of sounds are observed, the tempo, expressiveness of speech, and modulation suffer. In general, the pronunciation becomes slurred.

    Speech therapy examination of children with dysarthria is based on a general systematic approach developed in Russian speech therapy, taking into account the specifics of both speech and non-speech disorders, the general psycho-neurological state of the child and his age. The younger the child and the lower the level of his speech development, the more important in the diagnosis is the analysis of non-speech disorders.

    Currently, based on the assessment of non-speech disorders, methods for the early diagnosis of dysarthria have been developed. Most often, the first manifestation of dysarthria is the presence of pseudobulbar syndrome, the first signs of which can already be noted in the newborn. This is the weakness of a cry or its absence (aphonia), a violation of sucking, swallowing, the absence or weakness of some congenital unconditioned reflexes (sucking, searching, proboscis, palmo-mouth-head). The cry of such children remains quiet for a long time, poorly modulated, often with a nasal tint, sometimes in the form of separate sobs that are produced at the moment of inspiration.

    Children do not take the breast well, suck sluggishly, choke when sucking, turn blue, sometimes milk flows out of the nose. In especially severe cases, children in the first days of life do not breastfeed at all, they are fed through a tube, and swallowing disorders are also noted. Breathing is superficial, often rapid and arrhythmic. These disorders are combined with asymmetry of the face, leakage of milk from one corner of the mouth, sagging of the lower lip, which prevents the capture of the nipple or nipple.

    As the child grows, the lack of intonational expressiveness of the cry and voice reactions becomes more and more clearly manifested. The sounds of cooing, babbling are monotonous and appear at a later date. The child cannot chew, bite, chokes on solid food for a long time, cannot drink from a cup. Congenital unconditioned reflexes, which were suppressed during the neonatal period, also manifest themselves to a large extent with age, making it difficult for the development of voluntary articulatory motor skills. Speech symptoms are becoming increasingly important - persistent pronunciation disorders, insufficiency of voluntary articulatory movements, vocal reactions, incorrect position of the tongue in the oral cavity, its violent movements, impaired voice formation and speech breathing delayed speech development.

    The study of the speech of a child with dysarthria in each age period must begin with monitoring the state of mimic muscles. The examination begins with observation of the mimic muscles at rest. At the same time, the severity of the nasolabial folds and their symmetry, the nature of the line of the lips and the density of their closure are noted. It is established whether there are violent movements (hyperkinesis) of mimic muscles. The child is tested for the ability to keep his mouth closed, close his eyes (both and each eye in isolation), frown his eyebrows, note the appearance of friendly movements (synkinesia).

    Examination of motor functions is recommended to be performed at various loads and repeated multiple times. At the same time, the qualitative side of each movement, its usefulness or inferiority is noted. In the latter case, the time of inclusion in the movement, the exhaustibility of the movement, changes in its pace and smoothness, volume, and the appearance of friendly movements are recorded. With repeated movements, erased forms of paresis can be detected. With such a load, there may be salivation, which accompanies dysarthria.

    The examination includes the study of the following components of articulatory motility:

      lip movements: bow, grin, stretching forward;

      movements of the lower and upper jaw: opening and closing the mouth;

      tongue movements: forward-backward, up-down, left-right, flattening, protruding with a "sting";

      the condition of the soft palate: lifting the palatine curtain with the vigorous pronunciation of the sound "a", the presence or absence of air leakage through the nose when pronouncing vowel sounds, the uniformity of leakage, the presence or absence of a pharyngeal reflex (emergence of gagging when lightly touching the soft palate with a spatula).

    In very severe cases of bulbar paralysis, there may be no voluntary movements of the lips, tongue, and other organs of articulation; in this case it is necessary to detect some reflex movements. For example, parting the lips when smiling, withdrawing the tongue when touched with a spatula, moving the soft palate when coughing, yawning, etc.

    The pronunciation of sounds is examined according to the generally accepted method. At the same time, the features of articulation, the clarity of movements included in the articulatory structure of sounds, the smoothness of the transition from one sound to another in a confluence of consonants, the appearance of overtones are noted. In addition to defects in sound pronunciation, it is important to pay attention to the level of mastery of the syllabic structure of the word.

    After examining the sound pronunciation, the features of distinguishing sounds are revealed. The child is offered to repeat syllable rows with oppositional sounds after the speech therapist, for example: ta-da-ta, sha-sa-sha, ra-la-ra. Since children often do not pronounce these sounds, the child is given tasks that exclude the pronunciation of the studied sounds and are designed for their recognition and isolation.

    When examining children suffering from dysarthria, it is important to identify the features of distinguishing not only frequently mixed consonants, but also vowels (they are usually poorly differentiated in articulation).

    In children school age reveal skills sound analysis, the ability to read individual letters, words of various syllabic composition, specially selected texts and comprehend what they read.

    The level of development of the lexico-grammatical side of speech is examined using techniques developed for children with ONR. When examining vocabulary, it is necessary to take into account the significant difficulties that the very name of objects presents for children with dysarthria. Therefore, if the child refuses to name any object, they check whether this word is in his passive dictionary.

    As a result of the examination, the speech therapist gets an idea not only about articulation and sound pronunciation disorders, but also about the level of general speech development.

    The diagnosis is made jointly by a doctor and a speech therapist. In the speech chart of a child with dysarthria, along with a clinical diagnosis, reflecting, if possible, the form of dysarthria, there should also be a speech therapy conclusion based on the principle of a systematic approach to the analysis of speech disorders. For example:

      pseudobulbar dysarthria, phonetic defect;

      pseudobulbar dysarthria, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech;

      pseudobulbar dysarthria, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment, articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia (a student may have this option);

      pseudobulbar dysarthria, general underdevelopment of speech ( III level).

    Knowledge of the structure of speech disorders in various forms of dysarthria, the mechanisms of violation of general and speech motility will allow for a full correction of existing disorders.

    Control questions

      What disorders are leading in dysarthria?

      What are the manifestations of dysarthria at an early age?

      What is the peculiarity of the study of speech motor functions in dysarthria?

      What is the role of a speech therapist in diagnosing dysarthria?


      Speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova. - M., 1989.

      Levchenko I.Yu., Prikhodko O.G. Technologies of training and education of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. - M., 2001.

      Filteva T.B., Cheveleva H.A., Chirkina G.V. Speech disorders in children. - M., 1993.

    Examination of children with stuttering

    Stuttering in children is a form of speech pathology, the basis of which is a violation of verbal communication. For adequate planning of a program of speech therapy and medical work with stuttering children, their comprehensive examination is necessary, taking into account all the symptoms of this complex speech disorder. Examination of a stuttering child consists of two stages.

    The first stage includes the study of anamnestic data, medical and psychological and pedagogical documentation.

    The various negative factors of the natal and postnatal periods of the child's development revealed during the study of the anamnesis are analyzed and evaluated by specialists in order to most fully study the etiology and pathogenesis of stuttering. Along with the traditional data, the anamnesis includes information about the presence of stuttering in parents or other close relatives.

    The study of psychological and pedagogical documentation supplements the anamnestic data and makes it possible to identify the following features of upbringing and psychological manifestations in a stuttering child:

      the attitude of adults towards him;

      assistance in the formation of correct speech;

      the time of occurrence of stuttering, its first external signs;

      features of the manifestation of stuttering depending on the situation;

      the attitude of the child to his speech deficiency;

      whether assistance was provided to a stuttering child, what was recommended and what are the results.

    The second stage is the study of the most stuttering child.

    After clarifying the information about the child, about the history of the occurrence and features of the course of his stuttering, the speech of the stuttering person and extra-speech processes that have a direct impact on his speech activity are examined.

    A study is being made of sociability, motor skills, imitation, impressive and expressive speech, gaming, educational activities, personality traits of a stutterer. There are primary (during the first month of the child's stay in a speech preschool institution, in the first two weeks of stay in a sanatorium for stuttering children, at a school speech therapy center) and dynamic study of a stutterer in the process of correctional and educational influence.

    Pictures, children's books, toys are the material for the study of children's speech proper.

    The tasks of a speech examination of a stutterer are to determine:

      place of occurrence and form of speech convulsions;

      the frequency of their manifestations and the preserved speech capabilities of a stutterer;

      concomitant speech disorders, motor disorders;

      the attitude of a stutterer to his speech defect, the presence of psychological characteristics.

    The place of occurrence of seizures (respiratory, vocal, articulatory, mixed) and their form (clonic, tonic, mixed) are determined by ear or visually.

    The frequency of seizures is of particular interest to a speech therapist, as it allows you to judge the intact areas of speech. The study of the level of free speech begins with the identification of the dependence of the frequency of convulsions on the varying degree of independence of speech.

    In order to study speech behavior and speech convulsions, the following techniques are used:

      compiling a story or describing the content of the picture;

      retelling of the listened text;

      conjugated and reflected repetition of simple and complex phrases;

      telling a poem or rhythmic prose.

    To determine the dependence of speech convulsions on the volume level of speech, the subject is asked to speak softly, loudly, in a whisper.

    When examining a stuttering child, it is necessary to pay attention to accompanying speech and motor disorders. In the study of children's play activity, the nature of games, relationships with peers, the degree of play activity, and emotional state are clarified.

    During the entire examination, the psychological characteristics of a stuttering child are noted: the nature of contact with others, assessment of one's own speech, in particular, painful fixation on a speech defect, the presence of defensive reactions, and speech behavior during the examination.

    The information obtained during the examination is summarized in a speech therapy conclusion, which takes into account:

      form of seizures (tonic, clonic, mixed);

      degree of stuttering (mild, medium, severe);

      the rate of speech (slow, accelerated, the presence of takhilalia);

      concomitant speech disorders (dyslalia, an erased form of dysarthria, general underdevelopment of speech);

      state of motor function;

      the presence and severity of mental symptoms of stuttering: fear of speech (logophobia), motor and speech tricks, embolophrasia, reaction to an emotionally significant situation.

    The influence of the complexity of the speech situation, the individual psychological characteristics of a stuttering child, the nature of play activity, and the attitude to learning are also noted.

    The logopedic conclusion makes it possible to carry out differential diagnostics and distinguish stuttering from other speech disorders (tachilalia, dysarthria, physiological stumbling), as well as to distinguish between different forms of stuttering. The data of a comprehensive study of a stuttering child allow us to establish the nature of stuttering.

    Control questions

      What is the purpose of a speech pathology examination?

      What sections make up the content of a speech therapy examination?

      What is the peculiarity of connected speech examination?

      What characteristic errors of coherent speech are noted in speech underdevelopment?

      By what principle is lexical material selected for vocabulary examination?

      What is the peculiarity of the vocabulary in speech underdevelopment?

      What methods are used to study the grammatical structure of speech?

      What types of agrammatism are observed with underdevelopment of speech?

      What is the peculiarity of the examination of the sound side of the language?

      What parameters are taken into account when writing a speech therapy conclusion?

      What is the peculiarity of studying medical and psychological and pedagogical documentation when examining a stuttering child?

      What are the tasks of a speech examination of a stutterer?

      What techniques are used to study the speech of stutterers?

      What characteristics are taken into account when writing a speech therapy report for a stuttering child?



      Volkova G.A. Psychological and speech therapy study of children with speech disorders. - St. Petersburg, 1993.

      Methods for examining speech in children / Ed. I.G. Vlasenko and G.V. Chirkina / Comp. T.P. Bessonov. - M., 1996.

      Filicheva T.E., Cheveleva H.A. Speech therapy in a specialized kindergarten. - M., 1987.


      Filicheva T.E., Chirkina G.V. Preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a specialized kindergarten. - M., 1993.

      Belyakova L.I., Dyakova E.A. Stuttering: A Study Guide for pedagogical institutes. - M., 1998.

      Speech therapy: Textbook for universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova and S.N. Shakhovskaya. - M., 1998.

    Study of written language

    Writing and reading are special forms of speech activity that have a complex psychological structure.

    The formation of writing and reading skills is closely related to the development of oral speech. Therefore, with the underdevelopment of oral speech, it becomes necessary to examine not only the level of development of language tools, speech skills and abilities, but also the state of writing and reading.

    Since writing at the initial stages of learning is impossible without a conscious analysis of the sound complex that makes up the spoken word, and reading is impossible without the ability to merge individual sounds into combined phonemic groups, the examination of writing and reading in children begins with studying the process of analyzing and synthesizing the sound composition of the word.

    Sound analysis cannot proceed without the participation of the processes of phonemic perception, complete preservation of phonemic hearing is required. In addition, the formation of speech hearing is carried out with the active participation of articulation apparatus during articulation experience.

    For diagnostic purposes, first of all, it is necessary to identify the features of the child's speech activity, determine if there are any pronounced deviations in the formation of the sound side of speech, and also whether he is able to differentiate sounds by ear and in pronunciation.

    Only after this, the child's ability to consciously navigate the sound composition of the word, to perform complex operations on its elements becomes the subject of examination. The sound analysis process involves:

      the ability to isolate phonemes from the sound composition of a word based on their auditory pronunciation differentiation;

      mastery of the educational (mental) action of sequential selection of all sounds from the composition of the word.

    First of all, it is necessary to identify the level of sound analysis available to the child. For this purpose, the method of determining the number of sounds in a word is used. First, phonetically simple, one-, two-syllable words (poppy, fur coat) are offered, then words with a large number of syllables (card, photograph). In all cases, the words must contain sounds, the pronunciation or distinction of which may cause difficulty for children.

    The next stage of the task is the sequential definition of all the sounds in the word. The material for examining this sound operation is words of different sound-syllabic complexity (house, cat, window, bag, nest, friendship, cake). In case of difficulty, the examiner himself clearly pronounces the word, thereby showing the method of isolating sounds by their intoned pronunciation. For the same purpose, you can use the technique developed by D.B. Elkonin, when the chips denoting sounds are placed in the cells of the scheme in the order in which the sounds are in the word.

    An indicator of the level of formation of sound analysis is the ability not only to consistently highlight the sound elements of a word, but also to independently determine them. The main methods for this are:

      transformation of words by replacing, rearranging or adding sounds and syllables (juice - bitches, marks - frames);

      naming the second, third, fifth, and other sounds in a word;

      independent naming of words, where a certain sound would be on the second, fourth, seventh, etc. place;

      determination of the number of vowels and consonants in the analyzed word;

      naming sounds in a word that come before or after a certain sound.

    Sound analysis from the very beginning of its formation is an arbitrary activity. To analyze a word, the child must keep it in memory, distribute his attention between its sound elements, concentrate on determining the position of the sound in the word, etc. Therefore, the last group of techniques is aimed at revealing the state of this aspect of the child's activity. This group includes the following methods:

      highlighting the last sound in the word and naming such words with this sound so that it stands in the second, third and other place (horns - sleigh; hut - cat). Words ending in both a vowel and a consonant are suggested;

      determining the third sound in a word (vowel or consonant) and naming words with it, wherever it stands at the beginning, in the middle and at the end;

      naming words consisting of 3, 4, 5 sounds, and highlighting a sound sequence in them;

      selection of subject pictures, the name of which begins with a certain sound, but with the obligatory subsequent vowel "a";

      naming words that include two oppositional sounds at once (drying, teacher).

    For writing and especially for reading, not only analysis is of great importance, but also synthesis of the sound elements of the word . For this purpose, the child is presented with individual sounds and is invited to reproduce the resulting syllable. The material for the examination is direct syllables (sa, pu); reverse syllables (am, he); closed syllables (sas, lam); syllables with a confluence of consonants (one hundred, one hundred), etc. A lighter version of this technique is synthesis after analysis, when a syllable is presented orally to a child, he identifies the sounds that make it up, and then names the syllable consisting of these sounds.

    Comparison of the results obtained based on the use of a system of techniques makes it possible to identify and evaluate both the general state of sound analysis and the lack of formation of its individual components, as well as the factors that retard its development. This will allow timely prevention of violations of writing and reading in children.

    Letter survey

    Writing disorders in children, these are special specific difficulties that are due to the systemic underdevelopment of certain aspects of the child's speech activity. In children with normal hearing and intellect who have reached school age, this underdevelopment is manifested primarily in the insufficient formation of ideas about the sound and morphological composition of the word. In this case, the child turns out to be unprepared for the implementation of sound analysis and speech synthesis and, as a result, for the transition to a more mature stage of language development - mastering literacy and spelling. As emphasized by R.E. Levin (1961), this is evidenced by special violations of the letter, which may have a different structure and severity. A diagnostic sign of writing disorders of interest to a speech therapist is the presence of specific errors associated with insufficient formation of speech processes. The assimilation of writing skills can be caused not only by speech disorders, but also by other factors (irregular schooling, pedagogical neglect, hearing loss, visual impairment, intellect, etc.). the object speech therapy impact are violations of the letter, due to violations in the development of speech.

    In this regard, the task of speech therapy examination of written speech becomes the identification of specific errors as the main diagnostic indicator of writing disorders.

    The first ideas about the level of formation of the letter and the nature of the errors can be obtained after viewing school notebooks. To clarify the structure of the violation, a special survey should be carried out, including three sections:

      auditory dictation;

      independent writing;

      copying from printed text.

    The first section includes a test for auditory dictation, consisting of a series of gradually becoming more difficult tasks.

    The examination begins with the writing of letters, syllables, words, and ends with the presentation of more complex forms of written speech (depending on the level of education of the child, this is a presentation from a picture or an essay on a given topic). Children who have just begun to learn are invited to write letters from dictation. Individual sounds are dictated to the child, the graphic representation of which he must record. This series of tests allows you to determine whether the child clearly perceives the sounds of speech by ear and whether they correctly recode them into the corresponding graphic images.

    The next moment is the examination of the writing of individual syllables under dictation. The child is dictated direct syllables (na, sa, sy, that, mo, etc.), reverse (an, mind, from), with a confluence of consonants (hundred, dro, squaw), oppositional syllables (sa-za, sa-sha, ra-la, ba-na, ri-ry). Instead of writing, the student can compose syllables using the letters of the split alphabet. The purpose of these tests is to determine how correctly the child distinguishes and singles out the individual elements that make up the sound complex.

    For determining accessible to the child level of writing, following the indicated samples, the writing of individual words and short phrases is offered. At first, simple words are dictated, and then phonetically more complex words (house, balls, nail), as well as small phrases (a stream murmurs, puddles near the porch).

    In addition to writing individual words and phrases by ear, in the process of a speech therapy examination, independent writing is also checked using pictures of varying complexity. The material for the examination can be pictures depicting objects familiar to the child (ball, clock, teapot, girl, etc.). It is proposed to write the names of these objects or independently compose and write down separate sentences according to the pictures.

    At a more advanced level of writing, the auditory dictation becomes the central stage of the examination, consisting of a series of phrases selected in such a way that they meet the program requirements for the Russian language, and also would include a large number of words with sounds, the pronunciation of which is usually impaired.

      independently compose and write down a short story based on a series of pictures;

      write down the listened or independently read story;

      write an essay on a given topic.

    It is possible to offer even simpler tests, which also make it possible to reveal the dependence of assimilation of writing on general development speeches: writing sentences or a short story based on key words and deformed text.

    The analysis of students' independent writing makes it possible to identify both errors in the sound composition of the word and various types of agrammatism.

    The third section of the speech therapy examination of writing includes the study of the ability to write off the text from the presented sample, and in case of difficulties - individual words, syllables, letters. Visual dictation is also used as a technique, when the child must independently read a word or sentence, and then write it down from memory. Here it is also checked whether the child is experiencing difficulties in the motor technique of writing.

    Summarizing the results of the examination of written speech, it is necessary:

      compare and analyze all types of writing errors; compile a summary table, classifying errors by type and quantity (Table 3);

      correlate the analysis of errors in writing with the characteristics of the child's oral speech.

    Table 3 Analysis of writing errors

    Error types

    Types of errors

    Number of mistakes

    Examples of erroneous writing

    Errors at the level of the sound composition of the word

    Consonant substitutions; vowel substitutions; omissions of vowels; consonant omissions

    Errors at the level of the syllabic composition of the word

    Omissions of syllables and parts of a word; permutations; additions; separate spelling of parts of a word

    Lexico-grammatical errors

    Agreement violations; management violations; replacement of words by sound similarity; replacement of words by semantic similarity; omissions of words; continuous spelling

    Graphic errors

    Replacing letters by the number of elements; replacement of letters by spatial arrangement; mirror letter letters

    Spelling errors

    Misspelling zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu; lowercase letter at the beginning of a sentence, in the names and nicknames of animals; mistakes in writing soft consonants; misspelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word (disyllabic words)

    Errors on spelling rules not covered in class

    The table is designed to analyze the writing of first grade students. When analyzing the writing of students from other classes, changes should be made to the heading "Mistakes in spelling rules" in accordance with program requirements.

    Analyzing the results of the survey, first of all, it is necessary to determine whether the level of writing impairment extends only to the sound-letter analysis, due to the underdevelopment of the phonetic side of speech, or whether it is associated with a more complex level of organization of speech activity, with a violation of the means of language.

    Depending on the results of the survey, the ways and methods of remedial education are determined, which must be in full accordance with the causes that gave rise to speech and writing disorders.

    Control questions

      Why is it necessary to examine the state of writing and reading in case of underdevelopment of oral speech?

      What subjects are used in the examination of sound analysis and synthesis in children?

      What are the characteristics of specific writing disorders?

      What sections make up a speech therapy examination of written speech?

      What are the principles for analyzing specific writing errors?



      Levina P.E. Writing disorders in children with speech underdevelopment. - M., 1961.

      Methods for examining speech in children / Ed. I.T. Vlasenko, G.V. Chirkina / Comp. T.P. Bessonov. - M., 1996.


      Sadovnikova I.N. Violation of written speech in younger students. - M., 1983.

      Spirova L.F., Yastrebova A.V. Teacher about children with speech disorders. - M., 1985.


    Completed by: Makhankova L.A.

    Technology for organizing a speech therapy examination .

    • Stages of speech therapy examination:
    • I stage. Approximate.
    • II stage. Diagnostic.
    • III stage. Analytical.
    • IV stage. Prognostic.
    • V stage. Informing parents.

    1. Indicative stage

    Tasks of the first stage :

    • collection of anamnestic data;
    • clarification of the request of parents;
    • identification of preliminary data on the individual typological characteristics of the child.
    • Activities:

    Study of medical and pedagogical documentation;

    • studying the work of the child;
    • conversation with parents.

    • 2. Diagnostic stage

    The diagnostic stage is the actual procedure for examining the child's speech. At the same time, the interaction between the speech therapist and the child is aimed at clarifying the following points:

    • what language means have been formed by the time of the survey;
    • what language means are not formed by the time of the survey;
    • the nature of the unformed language tools.
    • in what types of speech activity deficiencies are manifested (speaking, listening, reading, writing);
    • what factors influence the manifestations of a speech defect.

    • Methods of speech therapy examination:
    • pedagogical experiment;
    • conversation with the child;
    • child supervision;
    • a game.
    • As didactic material real objects of reality, toys and dummies, plot and subject pictures presented singly, in series or sets, orally presented verbal material * cards with printed tasks, books and albums, materialized supports in the form of diagrams, conditional icons can be used.

    3. Analytical stage

    The task of the analytical stage is to interpret the data obtained and fill out the speech card, which is a mandatory reporting document for a speech therapist, regardless of his place of work.

    • As a rule, the following sections are presented in the speech map:
    • passport part;
    • anamnestic data;
    • information about the physical and mental health child;
    • a section on the general characteristics of speech, connected speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure, sound pronunciation and phonemic perception, the syllabic structure of the word, reading and writing;
    • a special place for recording a speech therapy conclusion.

    • 4. Prognostic stage
    • The prognostic stage is a very important link in the system of speech therapy examination, since on the basis of the available facts and their comprehension, the specialist determines the forecast for the further development of the child, finds out the main directions of corrective work with him, and decides on his individual educational and correctional route. .
    • Educational routes can be implemented in various forms:

    Individual lessons according to an individual program in a specialized institution.

    Group classes on a specific educational correctional program in a specialized institution.

    5. Informing parents.

    Informing parents - delicate and difficult stage of examination of the child. It is held in the form of a conversation with parents in the absence of a child.

    • Special Requirements

    Firstly, a conversation with parents should be built on the level of use of terminology that is accessible to them, clearly structuring the material presented based on the results of the survey.

    Secondly, the conversation should take into account the parental feeling of love for the child: it is necessary to emphasize the merits and achievements of even the most difficult children, explain in detail the essence of the defect and immediately give constructive proposals for overcoming them.

    Thirdly, the conversation should be built in a constructive direction, since correctional work will not be effective enough if we do not find active allies in the face of parents.

    • A). Examination of the speech of preschoolers and schoolchildren.

    Begins from the study of the state of coherent speech of the child, which can be dialogic or monologue. The principle is observed from the general to the particular and from the simple to the complex.

    • B). Lexicon .
    • IN). The grammatical structure of speech (the volume of the stock of grammatical forms and constructions, the volume of the stock of grammatical forms in one's own utterance and in the perception of someone else's utterance, the adequacy of the use of grammatical means in one's own speech and in perception, the mechanisms for the appearance of specific errors).
    • G). Sound pronunciation .
    • D). The syllable structure of the word.
    • E). The structure and functions of the articulatory apparatus.
    • AND). phonemic perception.
    • Z). A block of tasks aimed at studying writing and reading.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance

    Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support "DAR"

    I APPROVE: The program is recommendedto work

    Director of the MBOU Scientific and Methodological Council of the Center

    PPMS-center "DAR"

    Protocol No. _________

    N.I. Balakirev "___" ___________2012 "____" ___________2012



    Compiled by:

    teacher-speech therapist Sapegina E. S.

    Novokuznetsk, 2012

    Explanatory note

    In general education schools where children with disabilities study, within the framework of an inclusive and distance learning, the majority of schoolchildren with various violations speech. Consequently, the main task of a speech therapist teacher is the correction and prevention of defects in oral and written speech in children with disabilities, as well as the formation of prerequisites for the full assimilation of general educational programs. The effectiveness of speech therapy work largely depends on how competently the diagnosis of speech underdevelopment was carried out and the characteristics of children with disabilities were taken into account.

    The proposed diagnostic program is based on the methods of T. A. Fotekova, T. V. Akhutina and N. V. Nishcheva and is designed to identify the features of the speech development of children of primary school age with disabilities: a qualitative assessment of speech impairment, analysis of the structure of the defect.

    Purpose of the program - determination of the speech status of a child with a violation of the musculoskeletal system to select a corrective and developmental route.

    In accordance with the goal, the following are distinguishedtasks:

      To study the personal and anamnestic data of a child with disabilities.

      Examine the state of articulation, general and fine motor skills.

      Identify the features of the respiratory and vocal functions.

      To determine the correspondence of the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech to the age norms.

      Reveal the correspondence to the age of the level of formation of the operations of language analysis and synthesis.

      Determine the state of the lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speech in comparison with age norms.

      Explore written language products junior schoolchildren with disabilities to identify persistent specific disorders.

    Diagnosis of speech development is carried out in the first two weeks of September and is a starting speech therapy examination (enrolled in a group / continuing education) or upon admission of children during school year. In January, within one to two weeks, it is recommended to conduct an intermediate examination of the level of speech development of children so that both achievements and difficulties in the implementation of individual correctional programs and make the necessary adjustments. At the end of the school year (the last two weeks of May), a speech therapist conducts a final examination of children, makes a comparative analysis of the data, and draws up an annual report indicating areas of activity and work efficiency.

    The survey is conducted on an individual basis and is designed for two to four sessions of 20-30 minutes, depending on the individual characteristics of the children. The sequence of presentation of diagnostic tasks and the amount of time allotted for the examination may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the child. The program consists of four blocks: collection of personal and anamnestic data, examination of the speech apparatus, examination of oral speech and examination of written speech, each of which solves the corresponding tasks.

    Iblock. Collection of personal and anamnestic data (during the examination)

      Personal data

      general characteristics child

      History of speech development

      Hearing and vision

      Speech understanding

      General motor status

    IIblock. Examination of the speech apparatus (5-10 min)

    IIIblock. Examination of oral speech (30-35 min)

      The state of sound pronunciation (2-3 min)

      Formation of the sound-syllabic structure of the word (2-4 min)

      Formation of operations of language analysis and synthesis (10-12 min)

    V) Phonemic processes

    4. The state of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech (8-12 min)

    a) Dictionary

    b) Word formation

    c) Inflection

    5. Connected speech (8-10 min)

    IVblock. Examination of written language (25-30 min)

      Reading (5-7 min)

      Letter (20-23 min)

    a) writing off

    b) Dictation

    To examine younger schoolchildren with disabilities in grade 1, tasks of blocks 1-3 are used, for children in grades 2-4 - tasks of blocks 1-4. In the course of the diagnostics, the speech therapist receives data that allows compiling individual plans development for each child. A qualitative approach allows us to determine the approximate terms for the formation of skills and the content of corrective work. The diagnostic results are recorded in a special speech chart, where data on the child's speech development are noted.(Appendix No. 1) .

    This diagnostic program was developed for teachers-speech therapists of secondary schools working with children of primary school age with disabilities in the framework of inclusive and distance learning.

    A prerequisite for the implementation of the program is an individual Full-time conducting a survey of the speech of children with disabilities, in connection with their developmental characteristics.

    To achieve the goal and objectives of diagnostics, the following methods are used:methods :

      study of anamnestic data;


      conversation with the child, parents and teachers;

      analysis of written works (at least 8 - 10 works).

    Diagnostic material

    I block. Collection of personal and anamnestic data

      Personal data

    The surname, name, age of the child, class, name of the institution are noted

      General characteristics of the child

    The stability of attention, perseverance, motivation, features of the emotional-volitional sphere and other individual characteristics of the child are noted.

      History of speech development

    It is noted how speech development proceeded (whether there was a speech delay and why)

      Hearing and vision

    The state of hearing, vision

      History of learning to read and write

    The time of the beginning of literacy training and the difficulties that arose during this are noted.

      Speech understanding

    There is an understanding of individual words and phrases, as well as the ability to follow instructions and assignments.

      General motor status

    The state of general motor skills is noted

      Formation of graphomotor skills

    The presence and features of graphomotor skills are noted

    II block. Examination of the speech apparatus

      Pronunciation side of speech

    The degree of intelligibility of speech, its pace and rhythm are noted Features of breathing and voice are noted

      Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus

    The features of the structure of the lips, teeth, hard and soft palate, tongue, bite features are noted.

      The state of articulatory motility

    Volume, amplitude, tempo, accuracy of execution, switching are noted

    III block. Examination of oral speech

    1. The state of sound pronunciation




    In a word

    Dog, sausage, bus

    Seven, letter, goose

    Teeth, star, goat

    Zebra, monkey, strawberry

    Heron, button, cucumber

    Hat, car, shower

    Beetle, scissors, knives

    Teapot, butterfly, key

    Brush, vegetables, raincoat

    Fish, cow, ax

    Belt, rope, lantern

    Lamp, hammer, woodpecker

    Watering can, phone, blizzard

    In a phrase

    The table is covered with a tablecloth.

    The caterpillar sits on a leaf.

    Behind the fence is a rose bush.

    In the green basket of newspapers.

    On the porch is a hen with chickens.

    On the hanger is a fur coat, hat and scarf.

    Firefighters go to the fire.

    There is a cup of hot tea on the table.

    Puppy in a box.

    There is a red chimney on the black roof.

    House on the seaside.

    Table and chair on the balcony.

    Lemon lies on a saucer.

      Formation of the sound-syllabic structure of the word

    One-syllable words: house, poppy, cheese

    Two-syllable words from open syllables: willow, children, veil

    Two-syllable words with confluence: jar, branch, sponge

    Two-syllable words from closed syllables: compote, tulip, skier

    Three-syllable words from open syllables: hunting, raspberry, swans

    Trisyllabic with confluence: tablet, matryoshka, astronaut

    Polysyllabic words: turtle, state, frying pan, cyclist, cleaner, excavator

    Phrases: toolmaker, cosmonaut-researcher, strict traffic controller

    Offers:The photographer has a camera with a flash. The traffic controller directs traffic at the intersection.

      Formation of operations of language analysis and synthesis

    a) Analysis (determine the number of words in a sentence, name the first, second, third, etc.) and synthesis of sentences

    A 3-word sentence without a preposition:

    The days are warm.

    A 4-word sentence without a preposition:

    It often rains in autumn.

    A 5-word sentence with a preposition:

    Yellow leaves fall to the ground.

    A 4-word sentence with a preposition:

    A book is on the table.

    A sentence of 5 words with a preposition presented in a broken sequence:

    Katya, with, jug, saw, water.

    A 5-word sentence with a preposition (the words are given in initial form):

    Ira, buy, hat, in, shop.

    b) Syllabic analysis and synthesis (determine the number of syllables in a word; make a word from syllables)

    monosyllabic words with closed syllable: catfish, poppy, mouse

    Monosyllabic words with confluence: chair, explosion, wade

    Two-syllable words: fly, ear, cat

    Two-syllable words with confluence: bed, tray, roof

    Three-syllable words: cabbage, potato, dog

    Three-syllable words with confluence: swallow, pencil, octopus

    Two-syllable words: ka-sha, color-tok, te-trad

    Three-syllable words: ka-na-va, a-na-us, chu-che-lo

    Polysyllabic words: sko-in-ro-yes, for-mo-ro-feminine

    c) Phonemic processes:

      Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds

    Differentiation of paired voiced and deaf phonemes: ba-pa, sa-za, yes-ta, zha-sha, wa-fa, ka-ga, pa-ba, etc.

    Differentiation of whistling - hissing phonemes: sa-tsa, sa-sha, zha-za, cha-cha, tsa-sa, sha-sa, za-zha, cha-cha, etc.

    Differentiation of sonorous phonemes: la-ra, ra-la

      Repetition of words with oppositional sounds

    Kidney-barrel, class-eye, sofa-owl, duck-rod, grass-firewood

    Roof-rat, bough-beetle, forest-bream, polar cod-gull

    Watering can-rail, ram-accordion, nut-gull, spoon-horns

    Mouse-bowl, corner-charcoal

      Isolation of sound against the background of the word

    Sound [m] in the word: mouse, tree, mink, lobe, sleep, house, dwarf, table, cat, room, hat, slide

      Isolation of the first sound in a word

    Vowel sound: aster, fishing rod, frost

    Consonant in words with confluence: scallop, tap, whistle

    Consonant in open syllable: nightingale, fly agaric, tanker

      Isolation of the last sound in a word

    Consonant in closed syllables: poppy, house, pencil

    Consonant in syllables with confluence: tanker, stork

    Vowel: rainbow, cat, window

      Determining the place of sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end)(Appendix No. 2)

    Where is the sound [a] hidden in the words: stork, varnish, saw, poppy, hand, watermelon

    Where is the sound [p] hidden in the words: stick, hat, dill, pony, stop, cap, button, floor

      Determining the sequence of sounds in a word

    What is the first, second, third, etc. sound in words: paw, mail, raspberry

      Determining the number of sounds in a word

    Monosyllabic with a closed syllable: smoke, juice, onion

    Two-syllable words: goats, hat, porridge

    Two-syllable with confluence: dictation, cover

      Determining the place of a sound relative to other sounds

    Name the neighbors [t] in words: cactus, coat, fleece

      Sound synthesis skills

    Monosyllabic with a closed syllable: [h] - [a] - [s], [p] - [s] - [l"] , [T"] -[m]-[a]

    Monosyllabic with a confluence of consonants: [p] - [a] - [p] - [k], [h] - [c] - [y] - [k]

    Two-three-syllable with a confluence of consonants: [f] - [y] - [t] - [b] - [o] - [l], [a] - [l] - [f] - [a] - [c" ]-[u]-[t]

      Phonemic representations

    Name three words that have the sound [m]

    Name three words with 4 sounds

    Show pictures with 5 sounds in the title: umbrella, shovel, doll, whistle, slide, hammer, lemon, hat(Appendix No. 3)

    4. The state of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech


    Description item name:

    an object used to comb hair?

    an object used to cut bread?

    object used for chopping wood?

    an object used to dig the earth?

    children who are in school?

    a house made for starlings?

    Pick up antonyms for the words: good, friend, dirt, good, sick, wide, give raise, buy.

    Name items related to: furniture, tools, insects, shoes, mushrooms, etc.

    b)word formation

    Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes(Appendix No. 4) :

    table, machine, sock, bucket, knife, mitten, cup, window, blanket

    Formation of nouns denoting babies(Appendix No. 5) :

    A cat ... (a fox, an elephant, a duck, a hare, a wolf, a goat, a squirrel, a bear, a beaver, a dog, a badger, a cow)

    Formation of relative adjectives (what is made of):

    wood, paper, fur, wool

    Formation of possessive adjectives(Appendix No. 6) :

    Whose rabbit tail? ... (fox, wolf)

    Formation of prefixed verbs(Appendix No. 7) : by-, under-, about-, for-, you-, from-, re-, at-


    The use of nouns in the form Im. case units and many others. numbers(Appendix No. 8) :

    leaf, chair, sparrow, tree, stump, eye, mouth, river, ear, ring, lion

    The use of nouns in the form R. case pl. numbers(Appendix No. 9) :

    balls, birches (trees), spoons, keys, pencils, windows, books, buckets, leaves, forks

    The use of prepositional case constructions(Appendix No. 10) :

    in, on, under, in front of, from under, because of, to, for, from

    The use of nouns in the form of indirect cases without prepositions:

    I have a pen.

    I have no … .

    I do not see … .

    I'm drawing … .

    Coordination of adjectives with nouns. name the characteristics of objects(Appendix No. 11) :

    ball, hat, bucket, orange, butterfly, saucer, bell, dress, crow

    Coordination of numerals with nouns (how many items - 2, 5)(Appendix No. 12) :

    cats, cars, roses, balls, windows, stumps, sparrows, scarves, buckets

    5. Connected speech

    a) Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures(Appendix No. 13)

    b) Retelling the listened text

    5 - 6 years Ant.

    The ant found the grain. It was so heavy that the ant could not lift it. Then the ant called for help from his comrades, other ants. All together, the ants easily dragged the grain to the anthill.

    6 - 7 years Smart jackdaw.

    The jackdaw wanted to drink. I saw a pitcher of water. And the water is at the very bottom. The jackdaw jumped, jumped - all to no avail. The jackdaw could not get water in any way. The jackdaw began to throw pebbles into the jug. She threw, threw and threw so much that the water rose and the jackdaw was able to get drunk. What a smart jackdaw!

    (Adapted text after Leo Tolstoy)

    1st class Fishing.

    Ilyusha is going fishing. He dug up worms, took a fishing rod and went to the river. Ilyusha sat down on the shore and cast his line. Soon he caught a bream, and then a perch. Mom cooked a delicious fish soup for Ilyusha.

    Grade 2 Grandma's chickens.

    Grandma had chickens. Nadia asked: “Can I feed them?” "Can". Nadya took the bowl of grain. She began to call: “Chickens, chickens, here!” But the chickens don't come. "Grandma, they're not coming!" "And you tell them: chick, chick." Then chickens came running from all sides and let's peck at the grain.

    3rd grade Kitty.

    Vasya and Katya went for a walk. They took fromkitten fight. The kitten was gray with white paws.Sorrel grew by the road, the children began to tear it. And forgotabout a kitten. A hunter came out with two dogs. The dogs ran to the kitten. They wanted to grab him.The kitten was frightened and clung to the ground. Vasya rushedto a kitten. He covered him with his body and saved him from the dogs.

    4th grade Peas.

    There were peas in one pod. Passeda week. The pod opened up. Pea funrolled into the boy's hand. The boy chargedpea gun and fired. Three peaslanded on the roof. Pigeons pecked them there. Onethe pea rolled into the ditch. She gave birth. Soon he turned green and became a curly bushpeas.

    IV block. Written Language Survey

    1. Reading

    Grade 2 She-wolf and hare (Appendix No. 14)

    At night, the she-wolf hunted the hare. A nimble hare ran across the highway. The she-wolf watched him from the bushes. The headlights of a passing car blinded the she-wolf. The she-wolf tucked her tail and disappeared.


      Who is this story about?

      When did the she-wolf hunt?

      Where did the rabbit run?

      Why didn't the she-wolf catch the hare?

    Grade 3 Neighbors (Appendix No. 15)

    Our building has five floors. Grandfather Vasily lives on the first floor. He defended our land in the war. Grandfather Vasily is a veteran. All neighbors respect him. Yaroslav lives on the third floor. He is in the fourth grade. Yaroslav helps grandfather, brings letters and food.


      Who is this story about?

      Who was grandfather Vasily?

      How does Yaroslav help his grandfather?

    4th grade Eagle (Appendix No. 16)

    A mighty eagle flies high. He hovers above the ground for hours. Vigilantly he looks at the ground: if a nimble hare or a cautious partridge flashes somewhere. With an arrow, he falls on prey and takes it to his distant nest. There are hungry eaglets waiting for the eagle. Their mighty cry can be heard from afar. They eat their prey greedily and quickly. And again the eagle flies to hunt.


      Who is this story about?

      Why does an eagle look vigilantly at the ground?

      Where and to whom does the eagle carry its prey?

    2. Letter

    a) writing off

    Grade 2 (Appendix No. 17)

    There was a cottage on the bank of the river. Large lindens and birches grow in the park. Mom put on a new apron. The swollen buds of the tree blossomed. Alyosha and Ulyana are carrying diapers to their sister. Yellow flowers swayed on the ledges of the mountains.

    3rd grade (Appendix No. 18)

    Lisa and Sonya rush to the snow-covered meadow. A rich honey scent filled the evening air. Hedgehogs lived under Grisha's porch. The boys sat under the tree. Polya's grandmother hung out the laundry to dry. The larches are full of cones. It smelled of rotten leaves.

    4th grade (Appendix No. 19)

    The guys are waiting big changes in nature. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the frosty air. Puppy Tuzik wanted to lick the hedgehog and pricked his tongue. The grandmother praises the girls for their help. There are always big fish in someone else's boat. In winter, children go to the lake to skate. Ulyana was terribly afraid of tickles and mice.

    b) Dictation

    Grade 2

    Beginning of the Year of the Dog.

    Lyuba and Nadia played. A strange dog ran into the yard. The children got scared. Lenya threw a clod of dirt. The dog immediately ran away.

    End of the year Spring.

    There are streams running down the street. Rooks have arrived and are screaming in the grove. Buds swelled on the apple tree. And earrings are already hanging on the birch and hazel. Children sail boats all day long.

    3rd grade

    Beginning of the year Our dacha.

    This is our cottage. Across the river is a wonderful oak grove. We often go there for a walk. There are many mushrooms and mushrooms in the grove. There are also berries. Once Larisa took a whole jug of raspberries.

    End of the year Clock.

    There is a big clock hanging on the wall in our room. The clock has two hands and a shiny pendulum. The big hand shows the minutes and the small hand shows the hour. The clock strikes every hour. The gentle chiming of the clock can be heard throughout the apartment.

    4th grade

    Beginning of the Year of the Sheep.

    Why does a man keep a sheep? Sheep are of great use to man. A man needs sheep's wool for stockings and cloth. Leather goes to boots. The meat is edible. Collective farmers breed sheep. In the summer they are grazed in the meadow. In winter, sheep live in a barn in the barnyard.

    End of the year Night holiday.

    The night was moonlit and dewy. Huge night butterflies fluttered. Bats were quietly drawing the sky. White night flowers open. Soon the green lights of fireflies swirled in the air. The grass became even thicker. The night flowers are brighter. Even the rustlings subsided in the thicket. Taiga began her nightly celebration.


      Gaydin, L.I. Speech therapy exercises: Correction of violations of written speech: grades 1-4 / L.I. Gaidina, L.A. Obukhov. – M.: VAKO, 2008. – 112p.

      Danilova, L.A. Methods for correcting speech and mental development in children with cerebral palsy./ L.A. Danilova. - L., 1977.

      Efimenkova, L.N. Correction and prevention of dysgraphia in children / L.N. Efimenkova, I.N. Sadovnikov. - M .: Education, 1972. - 206 p.

      Zabramnaya, S. D. Practical material for conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination of children: a manual for psycho-med.-ped. comis. / S. D. Zabramnaya - M .: Humanitarian, ed. center VLADOS, 2005. - 32p.

      Inshakova, O.B. Album for a speech therapist / O.B. Inshakov. - M.: VLADOS, 2003. - 280p.: ill.

      Kosinova, E.M. Speech therapy tests for the correspondence of your child's speech development to his age / E.M. Kosinov. - M: OLISS; Eksmo, 2007. - 64 p.: ill.

      Nishcheva, N.V. Picture material for the speech map of a child with general underdevelopment of speech from 4 to 7 years old / N.V. Nischev. -St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2008. -85 p.: ill.

      Nishcheva, N.V. Speech map of a child with general speech underdevelopment from 4 to 7 years / N.V. Nischev. -St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2008. - 48s.

      Features of mental and speech development of students with cerebral palsy. / Ed. M. V. Ippolitova. - M., 1989.

      Fotekova, T.A. Diagnosis of speech disorders in schoolchildren using neuropsychological methods / T.A. Fotekova, T.V. Akhutin. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Iris-press, 2007. - 176 p.

    Natalya Khruleva
    Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Khruleva N. V., teacher - speech therapist MOU PPMS CDC"Chance", year 2014

    « Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard».

    Federal State Educational Standard preschool education (GEF DO) takes into account educational needs and features children with disabilities (HIA)- to the program "Birth to School" included section "Correctional and inclusive pedagogy".

    Created taking into account the peculiarities of speech and general development children with disabilities, The standard provides learning through activities, opens up wide opportunities for pedagogical creativity, providing the ability to create variable educational materials that provide step-by-step logopedic correction , ability development children independently solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks in accordance with their capabilities.

    Program implementation "Birth to School" in accordance with GEF involves an assessment individual development children within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics.

    At the core speech therapy examination lie general principles and methods of pedagogical diagnostics: it must be complex, holistic and dynamic, but at the same time it must have its own specific content, aimed at analyzing speech violations.

    Complexity, integrity and dynamism surveys are provided by that all sides are examined speech and all its components, moreover, against the background of the whole personality examined, taking into account the data of its development - both general and speech.

    So what is speech therapy examination?

    Logopedic examination is a set of measures aimed at identifying speech disorders in the subject through a comprehensive and complete study speeches, its individual components, taking into account the data of personality development from an early age.

    primary goal speech therapy examination consists of the following:

    Explore conditions upbringing and development of the child on the basis of a conversation with parents and analysis of documents;

    To identify the level of development of leading activities and evaluate in accordance with age standards;

    Reveal characteristics emotional-personal and cognitive spheres of the general mental development of the child;

    Assess the state of the connected speeches from the point of view of its subject-semantic and lexical-syntactic design;

    Determine the degree of mastery of the components of the language system.

    At the core speech therapy examination lies"speech card".

    Logopedic examination according to the speech map, includes the following points:

    1. First name, last name, age.

    2. Data of early development:

    a) general (briefly);

    b) speech (detailed, by periods).

    4. Vision.

    5. Intelligence.

    6. The structure of the organs of articulation, their mobility.

    7. The state of general motor skills.

    8. Brief description of the child at the present time.

    9. Speech: a) impressive; b) expressive - from the point of view of phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure; whether he owns a broken speech.

    10. Conclusion.

    The first paragraphs are filled in from the words of the mother accompanying the child, and on the basis of medical records.

    This data collection takes quite a lot of time.

    We have optimized this process and use questionnaires to collect anamnestic data.

    The questionnaire does not exclude conversations with parents, but significantly reduces its time.

    Data from the questionnaire speech therapist transfers to the speech card, and puts the questionnaire itself into the individual folder of the child. We have created such folders for each child and collect all the material on survey(drawings, cards with completed tasks, etc. + we also put in a speech card).

    Data on the structure of the organs of articulation are obtained on the basis of an examination of the oral cavity. We cannot get away from this. We establish the mobility of the articulatory apparatus by inviting the child to make the main movements of each of the organs (lips, tongue, soft palate, while freedom and speed of movement are noted, its smoothness and uniformity of movement of the right and left sides (tongue, lips, soft palate, as well as ease of transition from one movement to another.

    The survey begins with a conversation. We use the topic for conversation and benefits, according to the speech map.

    Another methodical approach surveys there will be active observation of the child in the course of his activities, which we organize, offering him various material (toys, pictures) and putting before him various tasks of the game and curriculum.

    In the music class, physical development, while eating, we reveal the state of general and fine motor skills, and enter the data into the speech map.

    In the process of specially organized activities we observe how children perform learning and play tasks aimed at exploring the overall development of the child.

    H - r: Exercise "The Fourth Extra" on individual sheets. The children had to circle the object that they thought was superfluous, and color the rest of the objects, united by a common feature, with colored pencils. While observing the children, we note who finds it difficult to complete the task correctly, and ask this child to explain his choice.

    This and other types of tasks for surveys we take from"Album of individual examinations of a preschooler» - author Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tkachenko, series "Practical speech therapy» . We put the cards with the completed task in the individual folder of the child.

    We use these tasks to identify the level of children's knowledge of general concepts.

    Used and Board games, such as loto "Who needs what to work?", or pictures from question: "Who's missing something?" The teacher can play the game. Speech therapist at this time watching the action children, listens to their responses and captures the data in the speech map. We use this technique to identify the volume of vocabulary.

    Complete understanding speeches- a necessary prerequisite for the correct use of speech and for further successful learning. Therefore, starting examination of the child, speech therapist explores all aspects speeches: its impressive and expressive side.

    Examining impressive side speeches(understanding speeches, we focus on how understands child:

    a) the names of various everyday items;

    b) generalizing words (clothing, dishes, furniture, vegetables, transport, etc.);

    c) everyday phrases;

    d) a short text told or read to him.

    At survey expressive side we study speeches:

    a) a dictionary;

    b) grammatical structure speeches;

    c) sound pronunciation;

    d) phonemic hearing;

    e) syllabic structure words;

    Analyzing answers children, we determine the poverty or wealth of the dictionary (names of objects and their actions, qualities, position in space (to identify the use pretexts) etc.

    At survey grammatical system reveals the nature of the design of answers, the use of the phrase (short, elementary, stereotypical or extended, free, special attention is paid to the correct agreement in verbal and case endings, the correct use pretexts.

    For surveys sound pronunciation, we select subject pictures so that their names include the tested sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.

    For surveys we select the necessary illustrative material,

    conveniently differentiated by sections and topics:

    "Album on development speeches» - author Victoria Semyonovna Volodina;

    « Speech therapy cards for examining sound pronunciation, syllabic composition of words, lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speeches"- author Natalya Nikolaevna Belavina.

    "Album of individual examinations of a preschooler» - author Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tkachenko.

    Innovations that change education in our country require active participation of all participants educational process encourage them to analyze their work and make the necessary adjustments to it. We have optimized the process speech therapy examination:

    introduced the questionnaire into the process of conversation with parents;

    For surveys the general development of the child, we use the method of active observation in the process of specially organized activities and during classes;

    a folder was created for each child, where we collect all the material on survey(drawings, cards with completed tasks, a questionnaire for parents, a speech card).

    As a result survey becomes comprehensive, complex and dynamic and makes it possible not only to analyze speech disorders but also to outline a plan for the most effective assistance.

    The behavior of adults who organize the upbringing and education of children with disabilities is often decisive in their future fate. It is the quality of the timely pedagogical impact that determines the likelihood of compensating for violations in development, behavior, and learning difficulties.

    In special psychology, logopsychology, it has been convincingly proved that the formation of the psyche of children occurs under the influence of speech communication, training and education. Specialists of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) must take into account, when assessing the psychoverbal development of children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities), information from parents (legal representatives), teachers, educators about the features of speech development, methods of communication, skills interactions with others, etc.

    Therefore, in a comprehensive examination of a child with disabilities in the PMPK, a significant role is given to the quality of the speech therapy conclusion for an objective interpretation of the results of the psychological, medical and pedagogical examination in the preparation of the final conclusion and recommendations for training.

    aim of these methodological recommendations (hereinafter referred to as recommendations) is to determine approaches to organizing the examination of children in the PMPK, the main parameters for analyzing the results in the preparation of speech therapy conclusions and the conditions for effective correctional and developmental support in the educational process.

    The recommendations present general requirements for the structure and content of a speech therapy examination, consider the issues of differential diagnosis of similar speech disorders, provide explanations for the compilation of pedagogical characteristics for children with disabilities, and offer a list of definitions and abbreviations within the professional competencies of speech therapists.

    Guidelines addressed primarily to speech therapists, specialists of territorial PMPK, school councils (hereinafter referred to as PMPK), and may also be useful to heads of school councils, educational psychologists, educators and teachers educational organizations where children with disabilities study.

    Abbreviations, symbols, definitions

    HIAlimited opportunities health;

    PMPK– psychological-medical-pedagogical commission;

    PMPc– psychological-medical-pedagogical council of the school;

    cerebral palsy- children's cerebral paralysis;

    ICD-10– International classification of diseases of the tenth revision;

    WHO– World Health Organization;

    WOS– All-Russian Society of the Blind;

    VOG– All-Russian Society of the Deaf;

    RDA- early childhood autism;

    ADHD- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;

    ONR- general underdevelopment of speech;

    FFNR- phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech;

    ICT– information and communication technologies;

    exercise therapy- physiotherapy;

    ZPR- mental retardation (a term of special pedagogy, a medical diagnosis is a disorder of learning skills);

    ZUN- knowledge, skills, abilities;

    Special (correctional) training is carried out within the framework of the system of special education for the following types of educational organizations:

    Type I– for children with severe hearing impairments (deaf children);

    type II- for hearing impaired children;

    III view– for children with severe visual impairments (blind children);

    IV view- for visually impaired children;

    5th view– for children with severe speech disorders;

    VI type- for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

    7th view- for children with mental retardation or learning disabilities in accordance with ICD-10;

    VIII view- for children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded children).

    remedial education- organization of special training aimed at overcoming developmental disorders, the formation of ways and means of obtaining knowledge, skills, and applying the acquired knowledge in practical actions, the life experience of the child. The main goal of remedial education is the formation of compensation mechanisms in educational activities.

    Corrective development - overcoming the shortcomings of the intellectual, emotional, personal development a child that impedes adaptation and learning, the improvement of intact sensory and cognitive functions with which the student can master educational programs.

    General speech underdevelopment (OHP)- speech therapy conclusion for children with intact intelligence, hearing, vision. There are three levels depending on the degree of speech disorders: I level (non-speaking children), II level and III level. At general underdevelopment speech, the language means of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of speech are violated.

    Systemic underdevelopment of speech- qualify for children with intellectual, hearing and speech impairments. There are mild, moderate and severe degrees, depending on the nature of violations of the lexical and grammatical means of language, thinking and personality as a whole.

    General requirements to the organization of a speech therapy examination of children with disabilities in the PMPK

    In accordance with modern legislation, the appeal to the PMPK of parents (legal representatives) is voluntary, and the quality of the documents required for the work of the commission depends on organizational work teaching staff of general education organizations in which children with learning difficulties and (or) behavioral disorders are trained (brought up).

    Sufficiently reasoned grounds are required to send children to the PMPK. According to the theory of educational psychology, training and education are defined as a two-pronged process. On the one hand, the child's reactions to the influence of an adult are considered, and on the other hand, pedagogical activity teacher (educator), aimed at organizing, stimulating and managing the development of the child.

    Despite the fact that training and education act as specific activities, they are considered as joint activities of an adult and a child, since they represent a situation of organized communication.

    Therefore, a speech therapy examination of children in the PMPK should correspond to certain stages in the organization of a speech examination and the linguistic parameters for evaluating its development.

    In practice, there are several stages.

    Stage preparatory includes:

    1. Selection diagnostic material in accordance with age requirements for the level of development of children's speech, characteristics of individual development, disabilities (needs non-verbal and verbal methods, special material for examining the speech of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, etc.).

    2. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical documentation ( pedagogical characteristics, conclusions of teachers-speech therapists, pedagogues-psychologists of educational organizations, other specialists), medical reports on the state of health of the child, products of independent activity (workbooks, test papers, drawings, etc.) in accordance with the main tasks of speech therapy examination.

    3. Drawing up questions for a conversation with a child, his parents (legal representatives), representatives of educational organizations in accordance with the competencies of a speech therapist teacher.

    4. Statement of the problem of interaction of violations of speech, behavior, learning, communication, personal development of the child.

    5. The choice of methods for examining a child in accordance with his characteristics of communication, the possibilities of perceiving information (the state of hearing, vision, somatic health, etc. is taken into account).

    6. Definition of a line (route), tactics speech therapy examination in accordance with a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination.

    7. Determination of a hypothesis (preliminary speech therapy conclusion) based on consultations with PMPK specialists, study of the child's work, documentation, conversations with parents (legal representatives).

    8. Preparation of a speech examination protocol form (in accordance with the competencies of a speech therapist) to make a record of speech disorders, typological features of communication and behavior of the child.

    Stage of speech therapy examination provides for the implementation of ways and methods of contact with the child:

    ways of communicating tasks (non-verbal, verbal instructions, demonstration, explanations, forms of joint activity, etc.);

    the possibility of varying instructions, brevity or length of the phrase, presentation of tasks in full or in stages, etc.;

    Sufficient self-control of speech instructions of a speech therapist: clarity of sound pronunciation, use of competent lexical and grammatical language means, compliance with the correct intonation (tempo, loudness, expressiveness, pauses, stress, rhythm, etc.);

    • implementation of assistance (types, forms, volume, time);

    · analysis of the effectiveness of aid;

    organization of possible independent activities of the child.

    Analysis stage the results of a speech therapy examination in the structure of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics include:

    1. Correspondence of the methods of speech therapy examination with the tasks of the psychological and pedagogical study of the child's activities.

    2. The validity of a possible change in tactics and forms of communication when examining a child with disabilities, taking into account severe speech disorders.

    3. Determining the primacy or secondary nature of speech and thinking disorders. Forms of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and other specialists when examining a child and drawing up final conclusions, drawing up protocols, coordinating controversial and (or) conflict situations.

    4. Drawing up a speech therapy conclusion, the validity of proposals for recommendations on the organization of special (correctional) education of the child (forms and content of speech therapy assistance in correcting speech disorders).

    Stage final involves reporting a conclusion, a final conversation with parents (legal representatives) on issues of harmonizing the type educational program, organizations remedial classes with a speech pathologist.

    Consultation stage provides additional clarifications based on the results of a speech therapy examination at the request of all interested parties.