The influence of the moon on man has been known since ancient times. This is due to the fact that the body is almost 80% water, and the moon has the most direct impact on all living and non-living things that contain water. It has long been no secret to anyone that it is on the new moon that strong tides occur. Considering how the moon affects the human body, on certain days of the lunar cycle it is strictly forbidden to carry out operations, get a haircut, and do strength exercises. And knowing what you can do on the growing and waning moon, it is always available to choose best time For cosmetic procedures, recuperation and planting care.

How the moon affects the human body

Astrology- this is not fortune telling, but the science of cycles and rhythms. Lunar astrology considers the cycles of the moon and its influence on all living and non-living things. We know that life is impossible without water. It is the basis of all life on our planet and the carrier of life in our body. Everyone knows the influence of the moon on human life and on such a phenomenon as the ebb and flow. Water has anomalous properties, i.e. when it freezes, it expands, has a memory, is receptive both at the physical, energy, and at the informational level. Water is not just H20. It has various complex structures consisting of quanta or more complex elements- clusters or clathrates. According to Dr. Emoto, any created thing is based on the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a wave of resonance.

The influence of the lunar phases on a person, as well as on all living and non-living things containing water, is a wave. Strong tides, spills occur precisely on the new moon, when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth and both luminaries, as it were, pull the Earth towards them. This shows us well the water. And, of course, the human body, consisting of 70 - 80% of water, also reacts to the influence of the moon. On the days of the new moon and full moon (and plus or minus a day from the dates of the new or full moon), it is more difficult for us to maintain balance, both emotional, mental, and physical. On the new moon, the blood becomes thicker, the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks increases due to thrombus formation. The full moon also increases the number of cases of bleeding, strokes, heart attacks due to hemorrhages.

Given how the moon affects a person, these days you need to monitor blood pressure, keep emotions in harmony, do without alcoholic beverages. The amount of liquid you drink should not go beyond the norm. And each of us has our own norm, depending on the constitution.

The influence on a person of a growing, waning moon, full moon and new moon

Synodic cycle of the moon and its impact on human health must be considered from three positions. Firstly, considering whether the moon is waxing or waning, and secondly, take into account its quarters, and then already the phases.

From new moon to full moon, the moon is waxing. From full moon to new moon - waning. And, having a lunar calendar at hand, you can easily determine this by looking at the moon. The moon is growing - if the letter “p” can be made from a sickle, and if only “s” - aging, waning.

In the period starting from the new moon, there is a gradual increase in energy. These days, the influence of the growing moon on a person is very strong, because all biological and mental processes are activated. And the closer to the full moon, the more active and successful a person is in his endeavors. This period is the best for healing the body, but unfavorable for surgical operations (especially during the full moon).

At the full moon, the influence on a person is maximum, and after this maximum point, a gradual decrease in the dynamics of life, all its processes, begins.

During the waning moon, the vitality of the body decreases. A person becomes less and less active, gets tired faster, reactions become dull, and things move forward with great difficulty. And the closer to the new moon, the lower the vitality and adaptation of the body. The influence of the waning moon on a person is not so active, because during this period emotions are inhibited, sensitivity and susceptibility are reduced. At this time, you need to properly spend the accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue what you started, to complete things. For these days, already established affairs are planned, which do not require large energy costs. This time is suitable for cleansing the body and performing surgical operations (except for the days of the new moon).

The new moon is the low point. The influence of the new moon on a person is such that it is illogical to start anything at the point of energy minimum. As they say, on what energy you start, you will get it.

And it's no secret to anyone that, when working with plants, one must also take into account which moon is waxing or waning. On the growing moon, it is favorable to plant and sow plants with a useful above-ground part. On the descending - with a useful underground part. And on the new moon and full moon, we try not to touch the plants.

What can and cannot be done on the growing and waning moon

Each person needs to know what can be done on the growing and waning moon, so that all undertakings are successful.

What not to do on the growing moon:

  • carry out planned operations, since the recovery period may be delayed, soft tissue edema may persist and coarser scars form;
  • eat hard if you do not want to quickly put on weight.

On the growing moon stands:

  • engage in strength exercises, muscle mass will build up well;
  • recuperate;
  • nourish the body with vitamins, food additives, useful substances and products that will be well absorbed;
  • make nourishing masks, massages with natural oils.

What not to do on a waning moon:

  • cut hair, wanting to accelerate their growth;
  • carry out anti-aging procedures (less effective);
  • nourish skin and hair.

On the waning moon stands:

  • carry out planned operations, taking into account the zodiac sign of the Moon;
  • perform procedures for cleansing the body of toxins (more effective in the dissipation and balsamic phases);
  • take drugs that promote weight loss (immediately after the full moon);
  • apply cleansing herbs and medicines;
  • to time the course of hirudotherapy (leeches);
  • remove excess hair on the body;
  • remove warts, papillomas, age spots;
  • reduce calluses;
  • fight the fungus
  • do manicure, pedicure;
  • clean the skin, exfoliate;
  • wash clothes, clean things.


  • If an emergency operation is necessary, then it is carried out without taking into account the phase and sign of the position of the moon.
  • When planning the date of the operation, consider the recommendations given in the calendar. If, for example, the calendar indicates: the throat, thyroid gland (Moon in the sign of Taurus) are vulnerable, then avoid any interference with these organs. By following the recommendations, you will avoid complications.

What are the phases of the moon

The Earth and Moon move together around the Sun, and the interval between new moons is called the synodic period. "Synodic" in Greek - "rapprochement". During the new moon, the moon seems to converge with the sun in the sky. The synodic month ranges from 29.25 to 29.83 days. The reason is the ellipticity of the lunar orbit. Average duration of a synodic month is 29.53059 days, or 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3.0 seconds.

During this time, the moon goes through a certain series of phases. All phases of the lunar month are due to the angular relationship of the Moon with the Sun. The synodic cycle consists of eight lunar phases, each of which has its own energy and semantic influence. The next phase of the Moon is taking shape and the energy in nature is changing, without fail affecting all earthly processes.

Each lunar phase- like a "speed switch". The following describes what phases of the moon and how they affect all living things.

New moon phase- period of rest, conditional point of "zero". Nature is resting. All processes are reduced. It is important at this time to be in balance, to use energy sparingly.

crescent phase. A thin moon appears. Awakening of energy, desires. Time for new projects. "Sowing seeds." It is at this phase, popular belief, shake the coins to keep them coming.

First quarter. At the beginning of this phase, as in the last quarter, the Moon looks like an orange slice. Phase of personal actions, motives. Energy is increasing, there is a need to materialize desires. "Roll up our sleeves."

Convex Moon. Very active, active phase. Increased confidence, desire to express knowledge and skills. "Fruit Set".

Full moon. The highest point of the cycle. The peak of energy, which from the moment of the full moon begins to gradually decline. Someone in this phase is easy, joyful, and someone feels discomfort. "Harvesting".

Scattering phase. Time to reflect on the current situation, use the skills and resources acquired during the growth period. "Crop Processing".

Last quarter. Efficiency, smooth, measured course of life. The manifestation of skill. "The making of wine".

balsamic phase. The last, final phase of the cycle. A tangible decrease in energy and interest in what worried in this cycle, "Liberation". Purification of the energy of space and an internal dialogue about what to do on the new cycle of the moon.

“There is a time for everything…” And those who adhere to the lunar “schedule” turn out to be more successful, they “go with the flow” of the energy of Life and thereby waste their vitality more wisely!

Phases - "seasons" of the lunar month

Comparing the phases of the moon with the seasons, we can say that:

  • the crescent and first quarter phases are spring,
  • convex and full moon - summer,
  • scattering phases and the last quarter - autumn,
  • balsamic and new moon - winter.

How do these phases-“seasons” of the Moon affect a person, and how can this knowledge be applied in self-care?

"Spring" - moisturizes. For example, in the "spring", in the phase of the crescent moon and in the first quarter, on the growing moon, you can do a perm, as the hair will more easily withstand this drying procedure. But at the same time, one must also take into account the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located. For this procedure is undesirable to carry out if the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Cancer or Pisces.

"Summer" - warms. Considering the influence of the moon on the human body, in the convex phase and on the full moon, any cold effect is effective, for example, removing moles with liquid nitrogen. However, if the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, then it is impossible to influence the skin.

"Autumn" - dries. In "autumn", in the scattering phase and in the last quarter of the moon, the skin needs to be moisturized. Any will be effective. water procedures, moisturizing masks.

"Winter" - cools. In the balsamic phase of the lunar month and on the new moon, a good result can be expected, for example, from hot wax depilation, from a bath, sauna.

Do not forget that whenever using "seasonal" recommendations, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the phases of the moon on a person in the zodiac sign.

Apogee and perigee of the Moon

In addition to personal predisposition to "roof-tearing", there are also external factors influence. One of the "culprits" is the Moon, or rather, its remoteness from the Earth.

The "companion" of our planet has a specific trajectory in the form of an ellipse. The closest point in the orbit of a celestial body (Moon) to the center of gravity, that is, to the Earth, is perigee. Its opposite point - the apogee of the Moon - is the point of the lunar orbit farthest from the Earth. By the way, our satellite never moves away from the center of the Earth by more than 406.7 thousand kilometers and does not approach it closer than 356.41 thousand kilometers. Depending on whether the Moon is at its apogee or perigee, a person's well-being changes.

When the Moon is at its apogee, our working capacity increases, a feeling of fearlessness appears. Excessive optimism, recklessness, such that "the sea is knee-deep", may appear. For example, while driving, the driver may lose caution and not feel the speed, the rhythm of movement. Emotionally, at this time a person has a high degree involvement, that is, perhaps imperceptibly drawn into the "black hole" of relationships, events. On such days, it is difficult to feel the line between what is permitted and what is possible, so the number of injuries and accidents usually increases.

At this time, you need to try not to lose control over yourself and the situation, keep track of all the “over-”, slow down yourself, and also limit the intake of any stimulants, starting with coffee. By the way, when the Moon is at its apogee, as far as possible from the Earth, the influence of its phases and signs of the Zodiac is somewhat weakened.

But the most difficult is the perigee, the moon closest to the Earth. Suffice it to recall Shakespeare's hero Othello, who succumbed to jealousy under the influence of the Moon in perigee: “... The Moon is to blame for everything ... It came too close to the Earth and drives everyone crazy ...” A peak also passed under the perigee Moon Caribbean Crisis 1962, which almost plunged us into a nuclear war.

For example, biologists have already proven: when the Moon is in perigee, plant growth intensifies, and seeds adsorb the largest number moisture, especially during the full moon phase. Experts do not advise sowing, planting, transplanting and rooting on days when the Moon is in perigee. In addition, plants can overcome diseases and pests, and their root crops will “go to the tops”, even if they were planted, as expected, on the waning moon. Naturally, the degree of proximity of the moon also affects a person. For some, it’s like “breaking the roof”, there are “cats scratching” in the soul, there is pressure on the psyche. It is more difficult for people with an unstable nervous system to endure such days. Especially dangerous is the combination of perigee with a new moon, a full moon and an eclipse. Statistics show that on days when the Moon is in perigee, the number of cases of broken relationships and even suicide increases. Therefore, we avoid any clarification of relationships, introspection and criticism of ourselves and others. We try to appreciate what is here and now. We just enjoy life! Look into the starry sky more often!

The lunar health calendar will provide you with information that will make many of the procedures much more effective.

The degree of influence of the night star on people's health is underestimated by many. And in vain. After all we are talking about processes that have a significant impact.

In particular, the lunar health calendar advises adhering to the following views.

  • Carried out on the waxing moon wellness procedures that help strengthen the body, as well as organs, will be more effective. But it is necessary to adhere to a competent approach. In particular, be aware of the exceptions to this rule.
  • The waning moon period brings to the fore the procedures by which the body can be cleansed (among other things, washing) or eliminate inflammation.

Red color - Not favorable period for good health.

Orange color - a neutral period for health.

Green color - favorable period for health.

Find out what Lunar day is today ...

Click on the moon of the lunar day, and find out the details ...

1 lunar day for health

Health on the 1st Lunar Day requires your attention. There is still very little energy and the body is weakened. The immune system cannot yet fully defend itself against external influences. So the risk of a cold is high. If you want to…

2 Lunar day for health

Health on the 2nd Lunar day is also capable of giving surprises. Teeth are especially susceptible to decay. There may be problems with the oral cavity and vision. Hygienic procedures are useful, but it is better to transfer medical measures. When…

3 Lunar day for health

Health on the 3rd Lunar day can let you down. Diseases during this period occur rarely, bad habits have a destructive effect. True, today it will be easier to quit them than on other days. Treatment on this day is tight, and emergency measures ...

4 Lunar day for health

Health on the 4th Lunar day can easily be ruined. No need to smoke or drink alcohol. It is advisable to spend the day at an exemplary pace, because today the neck and throat are most vulnerable. To get sick with a sore throat today is as easy as shelling pears. If you want to protect yourself...

5 Lunar day for health

Health on the 5th Lunar day requires careful care. Now it is important to carefully look at the food, eat only proven, high-quality food. You can not take a big physical load. There is a risk of acute attacks of diseases internal organs. Diseases that manifested themselves on this day ...

6 Lunar day for health

Health on the 6th Lunar day will not fail. But it is better to spend time in a calm or peaceful activity. Use yoga or other light physical activity. For a better outcome, you can…

7 Lunar day for health

Health on the 7th Lunar day will increase. Now, in general, the period when energy arrives in the body, and with it the protective data of the human body also increase. It is better to spend energy on useful things, moderate physical activity is useful. In the psychological aspect...

8 Lunar day for health

Health on the 8th lunar day may worsen. On this day, the Moon moves from one phase to another, so many feel a slight malaise. You should not carry out too vigorous activity, you should not take heavy physical load or show emotions violently. Great risk of injury. Today we must remember...

9 Lunar day for health

Health on the 9th lunar day can deteriorate dramatically. Today, the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable, so there is a high risk of poisoning or heartburn. The immune system starts to weaken again. Long-standing illnesses can make themselves felt or open some old wounds. This day will help to calmly live ...

10 lunar day for health

Health on the 10th lunar day will be excellent. Today, energy is in abundance, immune protection is at its maximum. The body works like a clock. Any physical exercise And leisure. It will be useful to play mobile games. Or take a bike ride. Even if you get tired...

11 Lunar day for health

Health on the 11th lunar day will greatly depend on the emotional state and mood. Now you need to avoid any irritation and stress. Any emotional outburst threatens to result in serious consequences for the whole organism, so that recovery will be long and difficult. To prevent this from happening, astrologers recommend ...

12 lunar day for health

Health on the 12th lunar day will also be in a rather precarious state.. Today it is forbidden to be nervous and experience stress, so stay away from people who exude negativity. Light exercise and walks in nature will be beneficial and help prevent a sharp surge of emotions ...

13 Lunar day for health

Health on the 13th Lunar day will depend on the actions you take. Today, cleansing procedures and rejuvenation will have a beneficial effect. On this day, all processes in the body are accelerated. Therefore, the restoration and disposal of the old are quick and painless. To achieve complete harmony ...

14 Lunar day for health

Health on the 14th Lunar day will not bother you. Any diseases and other processes in the body arise and end by themselves. It is important to respond correctly to changes in your body. If the disease does occur, it is caused mainly by a person’s inattentive attitude towards his body. Also, its onset may indicate that you have chosen the wrong purpose of life. Spiritual culture can...

15 Lunar day for health

Health on the 15th lunar day is highly dependent on the diet. Proper nutrition will benefit and improve your overall condition and vitality. Junk food will have a destructive and negative effect. The consequences can be dire. So take care of yourself, don't overeat, and generally keep an eye on...

16 Lunar day for health

Health on the 16th Lunar day depends on your mood. IN this moment moderation and calmness are important. Today, by any means, you need to achieve harmony in everything and with yourself. manifestations of negativity. Anger and hatred can cause serious damage to health. If you are out of your mind, then...

17 Lunar day for health

Health on the 17th lunar day can bring a surprise. Today it is forbidden to overload or drink alcohol. Under threat is the work of the main organ - the heart, blood vessels or the back can fail. It is important to acutely feel all the reactions of the body. Listen carefully to him. If you have decided…

18 Lunar day for health

Health on the 18th Lunar day is also highly dependent on you. You need to protect yourself from any negativity and stress, try to enjoy the little things, follow a diet, tune in to harmony and generally arrange small rests and breaks for yourself. Overwork will affect...

19 Lunar day for health

Health on the 19th lunar day will be stable. But surgery is not recommended. manipulation dentist will have a beneficial effect, it is possible and necessary to treat teeth. Do not overcool or drink a large number of alcohol, the kidneys will not withstand the load, they are very vulnerable today. If you have a feast…

20 lunar day for health

Health on the 20th lunar day can be undermined. It is impossible to expose the organs of vision to excessive load. It is important to undergo operations in the abdominal region, any intervention in their work will have serious consequences. On a day like this, we recommend...

21 lunar day for health

Health on the 21st lunar day is quite stable. Any disease that has appeared now will not bring serious damage to the body. These lunar day give the body great amount energy, so the immune system will successfully cope with any attacks. True, it is important to abandon the abuse of alcohol and tobacco. The most vulnerable today are…

22 Lunar day for health

Health on the 22nd Lunar day depends on your emotional state. Stress will lead to serious inflammation and disease. From which in the future it will be difficult to get rid of. At the moment, such infectious lesions are dangerous as ...

23 Lunar day for health

Health on the 23rd Lunar day will depend only on you. The Universe endows people with a sufficient amount of energy, although its nature is rather destructive. Therefore, you should not waste it on all sorts of chatter and gossip. It is much more useful to direct it in the right direction by doing something useful. This period of time is special, today ...

24 Lunar day for health

Health on the 24th lunar day is quite stable. Now the organs are in harmony with themselves and the whole world. Good intense exercise. A visit to yoga and Pilates will have a good effect on well-being. IN given period any influence...

25 Lunar day for health

Health on the 25th lunar day can undergo significant deterioration. There will be no recovery from a protracted illness today. Possibly even deterioration. Now it is better to spend time near water bodies, you can go to the lake or river. Relief can also be...

26 Lunar day for health

Health on the 26th lunar day can be undermined by malfunctions in the liver and kidneys. Possible occurrence of diseases of the pelvic organs. On this day, it is worth abstaining ...

27 Lunar day for health

Health on the 27th lunar day can be noticeably strengthened. For this, procedures related to water and intense physical activity will be favorable. Any diseases on such a day will pass easily and without complications. It is worth knowing that this day ...

28 Lunar day for health

Health on the 28th Lunar day will depend on the correctness of the cleaning procedures carried out. This time gives a chance to get rid of all the bad things and bring the body into working condition. Hardening procedures and some food restrictions will be useful. Today is not worth...

29 Lunar day for health

Health on the 29th lunar day can be undermined by injury. Also, these injuries will cause complications and malfunctions of the body. Refrain from eating fatty foods if…

A haircut

The sun, like the moon, are two incredibly powerful luminaries that not only give us light and heat. In addition to standard features, these celestial bodies are very powerful energy flows that affect every person.

Yes, at first glance it is not noticeable, however, if you think about it, the connection becomes obvious. As a rule, in sunny weather, our mood is much better, performance

- higher and creativity- brighter. In such weather, even the most difficult task seems simpler than a trifle, and the world around is beautiful fairy tale. At the same time, when clouds hang over the city, work immediately stops, and optimism turns into melancholy.

Unlike the sun, whose influence is felt by few, the effects of the phases of the moon are always visible to the naked eye. In total, there are 4 phases of the lunar cycle, each of which is characterized by its own, special significance in the behavior and mood of people.

How and what influences the moon

First of all, changes are noticed in behavior: violent activity, cheerfulness and activity after a week are replaced by apathy, universal fatigue and full immersion into yourself. Also, the phases of the cycle predetermine the outcome of any case, since they carry definitely charged information.

It is not for nothing that our ancestors, looking at the sky at night, determined what and when to do. After all, few people dared to take a serious step at the end of the lunar month - such a deal is doomed to failure, it is worth delaying its start until a new growth. In the same way, all field work, as well as important things, began in a growing phase, which stimulated a rich harvest and an excellent result of all undertakings.

The influence of each of the phases concerns a variety of areas of life:

  • the young month brings with it the relief of diseases, raising vitality, a surge of strength. At this time, you need to plan and take the first steps in serious matters related to business, love, travel. Haircuts, manicures and a complete renewal of the body and home will be successful, and the changes made during this period will bring happiness. The growing moon often brings with it new ideas of financial income;
  • The full moon is a strong stimulant of feelings and emotions. At this time, intuition is aggravated, insomnia, bouts of sleepwalking are often observed. mental illness and deviations also manifest themselves most acutely precisely on the full moon. It is not for nothing that all the Sabbaths described in the books take place precisely under the full moon, and mental anxieties and strange existential thoughts visit emotionally unbalanced people against the background of a perfectly round large celestial disk (remember, at least, the Master from Bulgakov’s novel);
  • the waning moon is the most unfavorable period for health or life schedule, since everything done at these moments will not bring any result and may even turn into trouble.
  • the new moon is a transitional stage, which is a kind of calm and respite before a new cycle filled with ups and downs.

Dangerous waning moon and its negative impact

Astrologers and doctors have long found out that the waning moon, which brings devastation, is considered the most dangerous and unfavorable period of the lunar month. After stable rise and bright splash, all the senses in the body are dulled. Scientists who study human energy indicate that at this time we are subject to the most great influence from the outside, because

own level vitality is at a very low level.

As for health, doctors insist that during this period it is necessary to be as careful as possible: most diseases or injuries received at this time are amenable to longer and more serious treatment. This week, the greatest number of nervous breakdowns occur, a repeated wave of subsided diseases is often observed, and the risk of injury increases. Extracting teeth or performing surgeries (only if they are not urgent) is also highly discouraged, as this may lead to complications during the procedure or complicate the rehabilitation process. Most of all at this time, people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and patients of the gastroenterological department suffer;

If we talk about the financial sector, then the decreasing crescent is fraught with only losses. Started business will move very slowly, with big amount snags and problems. Most likely, they will not bring any results. Financial operations should also be rescheduled, because the risk of significant losses and waste increases literally at times.

The waning month period is good for a quiet self-healing without significant intervention. At this time, you need to walk a lot, read calm books, listen to pleasant music, enjoy nature and touch beauty.
Video about the influence of the moon on human health

The nature of the influence of the moon on human health depends largely on the phases of the lunar cycle, each phase of which lasts about a week. If lunar days determine our behavior to a greater extent, then the phases of the moon affect the state of our body, the degree of its vitality and activity.

You have probably noticed that on some days of the month you wake up alert and full of energy, and on others - lethargic and tired. If you take a closer look at this phenomenon, you will notice that the changes in our well-being occur cyclically. The different phases of the moon affect our emotional state, nervous system and energy level. The moon has a particularly strong effect on women, because female body more subject to lunar cycles.

Consider how the phases of the moon affect our health and body.

During new moon a person is the most weakened and exhausted, the energy resource of the body is at a minimum. As the moon grows, energy will accumulate until the full moon. Men react to the new moon more strongly than women. At this time they are aggressive and nervous.

During the period of the new moon, any stress on the body is not desirable; it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor. Efforts should be made to minimize nervous tension and aggression, because it is during the new moon that the greatest number of strokes and heart attacks is observed.

The new moon period is favorable for getting rid of bad habits, for cleansing procedures, as well as for dieting.

Phases growing moon This is the best time for new beginnings. In relation to health, this can be a strengthening of the immune system, an increase muscle mass, accelerating the metabolic process, increasing the flexibility of the spine, etc. During the period of the growing moon, activities should begin to achieve these goals.

On the growing moon, a person has a lot of energy. Therefore, all physical exercises begun at this time will be easy and carried out with enthusiasm. Any loads these days are allowed higher than, at first glance, a person can withstand.

During the period of the growing moon, courses of preventive treatment are recommended: taking vitamins, food enriched with essential elements, etc. Favorably carrying out procedures that nourish the skin, nails and hair. At this time, our body especially eagerly absorbs everything that enters it. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet: it should be complete and of high quality, but in no case should it be excessive.

IN full moon our feelings and emotions are heightened. During this period, the human psyche becomes very vulnerable. Women react more strongly to the full moon than men. The full moon is characterized by insomnia, excess energy and restlessness. On the full moon, you should not clarify conflict emotional relationship or take on the willful upbringing of children. These days, as a result of increased emotionality of drivers, accidents on the roads are becoming more frequent. Under the influence of alcohol, people commit unpredictable acts with serious consequences.

On the full moon, painful sensations are maximally manifested, symptoms of diseases are pronounced, and surgical operations dangerous bleeding. Studies have shown that during this period, the blood is more liquid and worse clotting. Therefore, surgery should be avoided whenever possible during the full moon.

Vibrant activity and pace exercise on the full moon should be reduced. During this period, strong physical exertion causes the opposite effect: instead of a surge of energy, fatigue is felt, mood deteriorates, pessimism appears, all efforts seem futile. To prevent this from happening, on the full moon, heavy loads should be abandoned. For example, instead of jogging in the morning, you can just take a walk during the day, and in the gym you can replace strength exercises with relaxation exercises.

On full moon days, it is recommended to drink more fluids, but not alcohol. Full moon enhances the effect of alcohol on the body. Juices must be freshly made. You should eat more vegetables and fruits. From meat these days, you can generally refuse. Well at this time, lactic acid products will act on the body.

In phase waning moon it is necessary to analyze the achieved results and correct errors. At this time, you need to start a decisive struggle with chronic diseases and with what you do not like in your body. The waning moon period is the best time to finally get rid of everything that annoys you. If you need to limit yourself in food to get rid of excess weight, begin to observe the new regime during the waning moon, after the full moon.

The disease during the waning moon loses its strength, and the body tries to get rid of it as a foreign one in itself. If you help him in this with your efforts in the form of normalizing the daily routine, walking in the fresh air, restoring the diet, correcting some bad habits, you can significantly improve your well-being and achieve excellent results. All physiological procedures aimed at removing inflammatory processes and removing toxins are more effective than ever at this time. During this period, you can visit the dentist and agree to the operation.

In the phase of the waning moon, metabolic processes slow down. Food that is poorly digested will accumulate in the body in the form of toxins. Therefore, in nutrition, the emphasis should be on cereals, vegetables and fruits, and meat should be consumed in small quantities. It is recommended to drink more fluids to facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body.

Living in harmony with the lunar cycle allows you to maintain stable health and nervous system, and in the treatment of diseases, taking into account the phases of the moon, you can achieve a more effective and accelerated recovery.

The distant, cold and mysterious Moon is impartially watching us from above, she does not care about our worries, fears and experiences. But the influence of this mysterious and changeable planet (or rather, satellite) on the Earth and people, of course, is tangible. Each lunar day proceeds differently, and if, for example, on the full moon we feel inexplicable anxiety and even panic, then on the growing moon we are cheerful, optimistic and full of energy.

First you need to understand - what is Lunar Day? The answer is quite simple: a lunar day, or lunar day, is the time that passes between moonrise.

Another question arises: why do some lunar months have twenty-nine days, while others have thirty? This also has an explanation. The lunar day begins at the moment when the moon rises, and the number of hours in lunar days can be different. The beginning of the first lunar day is considered the moment of the new moon, and it ends with the rising of the moon. Therefore, the first lunar day can be quite short - only a few minutes. The thirtieth lunar day usually also passes quite quickly and does not happen in every month.

Average moon month lasts 29.53 days. However, some inaccuracies can be observed in the calendars due to the complex movement of the moon in its orbit. We do not need to go into the wilds of calculating the length of lunar days and months, it is better to leave it to the guys who are seriously dealing with the topic.

There are many mysterious, incomprehensible and inexplicable things in the world. Our Earth is called the blue pearl of the Universe, but what can we compare the Moon with? The moon can be called a white pearl, it has its own charm and beauty. The planet is compared with both the mysterious opal and the mysterious alexandrite. As a chameleon changes color, so does the Moon - during the day it appears to us white, or even pink, at night we see it yellow, and in photographs from space it is completely gray.

People began to notice the influence of the moon in ancient times. Sorcerers and magicians in those days were a dime a dozen, but even impostors in caps adorned with planets and stars could reveal some patterns.

Each of the lunar days has its own mysticism, special and unique magic, which is why astrologers advise using the lunar calendar and protecting yourself with the help of talisman stones. Stones have amazing energy, but when choosing a talisman that suits the day, you should consider not only lunar influence but also your zodiac sign.

Lunar days have their own lucky and unlucky numbers, lucky and unlucky colors, useful and "harmful" directions and, of course, symbols. The symbolism of lunar days has come down to us since ancient times, this is a kind of characteristic of the day, expressed in an image understandable to man. Each lunar day has its own heavenly guardian angels, they protect us from trouble and help us cope with difficulties, suggest the right decisions and protect us from unnecessary risk. The lunar day has its own elements. These elements include Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire.

There are favorable and unfavorable lunar days, passive and active lunar days. For example, some days are unfortunate for cutting and dyeing hair, but business area will be full of successes and achievements, and vice versa.

It should be remembered that there are no bad lunar days. Yes, of course, there are heavy lunar days, they are even called satanic. But whoever is warned is, as they say, armed - knowing what lunar day it is today, we can plan our actions and avoid harmful influences.

The "negative" moon helps us understand our experiences, on such days we understand what exactly we are doing wrong and what needs to be done so as not to make mistakes. On “bad” lunar days, we get a lot of clues, and our mood and well-being will depend on how we perceive ourselves and this changing world. On "heavy" lunar days, it is undesirable to take active actions, it is useful to reflect, contemplate, observe and pay more attention to your inner world.

A “good” moon gives us strength for new achievements and gives us inspiration. On "positive" lunar days great success reach creative people- talented guys with the Moon seem to be on the same wavelength, and the ideas that appear on these lunar days are simply amazing with their unusualness and genius. On a favorable lunar day, an active position is welcome, but we ourselves will not be able to sit still - there is so much energy in people on such days that you want to move mountains and accomplish some kind of feat.

Women are most affected by the moon. Emotional and sensitive natures react to changes in the phases of the moon, and not always adequately. To avoid shocks, you need to turn to the lunar calendar and star advice for help in time. And be sure to include intuition - the inner voice will always agree with the Moon and help us make correct conclusions. On some lunar days, instinct can even scare us ourselves - at such moments it is important to be careful, because clairvoyance is given to people for a reason, and joking with such a gift is harmful and even dangerous.

Not only our mood depends on the lunar day - given the phases of the moon, we can build relationships with people around us, conclude or terminate deals with business partners, plan a wedding and conception. The moon also affects our subconscious - dreams that come to us on certain lunar days can be interpreted in any way. For example, a picture seen in a dream on the first lunar day may be repeated on the tenth lunar day, but the meanings of these dreams will be completely different.

By the way, the human biological clock is much more consistent with the rhythms of the moon than the sun. Perhaps that is why people tend to blame the Moon for their failures and thank her for her successes and achievements.

Many believe that the Moon patronizes lovers. Venus, of course, comes first, but the influence of the Moon on our sensual and emotional sphere cannot be excluded. It is no coincidence that dates are made under the moon, couples roam the lunar path, and if love fails, we look at the night sky and complain to the moon about our troubles and sorrows.

If we begin to live according to the lunar calendar, then there is no doubt that problems will remain in the past, and our days will be filled with bright meetings and beautiful experiences. Of course, it is not necessary to build every day clearly according to astrological advice and recommendations, because if we did not make mistakes, our existence would become boring and dull. But the Moon only helps us understand our essence, and with its tips we can make life rich and fun, multifaceted and interesting.