Security statuses
extinct species
Endangered Species
Species for which there is little risk
Other types
see also

Red Book- an annotated list of rare and endangered or extinct animals, plants and fungi.

The Red Book is the main document that summarizes materials on the current state of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, on the basis of which the development of scientific and practical measures aimed at their protection, reproduction and rational use is carried out.

The Red Book includes plant and animal species that grow permanently or temporarily, or live in vivo on certain territory(mainly the territory of a single country), and are endangered. Species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book are subject to special protection throughout the entire territory taken, which is covered by a particular edition of the Red Book.

Red Books are of various levels - international, national and regional.

IUCN Red List

Gradually, the IUCN Red List was improved and replenished. The third edition, whose volumes began to appear in 1972, already included information on 528 species and subspecies of mammals, 619 species of birds, and 153 species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibians. The heading of individual sheets was also changed. The first section is devoted to characterizing the status and state of the art species, subsequent geographical distribution, population structure and abundance, characteristics of habitats, current and proposed protection measures, characteristics of animals kept in zoos, sources of information (literature). The book went on sale, and in connection with this, its circulation was sharply increased.

The last, fourth "type" edition, published in -1980, includes 226 species and 79 subspecies of mammals, 181 species and 77 subspecies of birds, 77 species and 21 subspecies of reptiles, 35 species and 5 subspecies of amphibians, 168 species and 25 subspecies of fish. Among them, 7 restored species and subspecies of mammals, 4 - birds, 2 species of reptiles. The reduction in the number of forms in the latest edition of the Red Book was not only due to successful protection, but also as a result of more accurate information received in recent years.

Work on the IUCN Red List continues. This is a permanent document, as the living conditions of animals change and more and more new species can be in a catastrophic situation. However, human effort good fruit, as evidenced by its green sheets.

Red List of Threatened Species

Security statuses
extinct species
Endangered Species
Species for which there is little risk
Other types
see also

The second branch of the “bifurcation” of the idea of ​​the Red Book is the appearance of a completely new form information about rare animals in the form of a publication " Red Lists of Threatened Species" (eng. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals). They also come out under the auspices of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), but officially and practically they are not a version of the Red Book, they are not similar to it, although they are close to it. Such lists were published in , , , and 1998 . The publication is carried out world center environmental monitoring in Cambridge (Great Britain) with the participation of more than a thousand members of the Commission on rare species IUCN.

Structural basis new system form two main blocks: a) endangered taxa and b) low risk taxa (LC).

The first block is divided into three categories:

  • Taxa Critically Endangered (CR)
  • Endangered taxa (EN, from Endangered)
  • Vulnerable taxa (VU, from Vulnerable)

These three categories are the main ones, warning about the seriousness of the loss of representatives of the taxon in the near future. It is they who make up the main array of taxa listed in the red books of various ranks.

The second block includes representatives who do not belong to any of the categories of the first group, and consists of the following categories:

  • Taxa Near Threatened (NT, for Near Threatened)
  • Taxa of Least Concern (LC, from Least Concern)

Previously, this block also included the status of taxa dependent on conservation efforts (CD, from Conservation Dependent), but since 2001 this status is no longer assigned - some taxa were reclassified as taxa close to vulnerable position (NT), for some reclassification has not yet occurred and the status is saved.

Two more categories that are not directly related to protection problems stand somewhat apart:

  • Extinct taxa (EX, from Extinct)
  • Taxa Extinct in the Wild (EW, from Extinct in the Wild )
  • Taxa for which there is insufficient data to assess threat (DD, from Data Deficient)
  • Taxa not assessed for threat (NE, for Not Evaluated)

The IUCN Red Book, like the Red Lists, is not a legal (legal) document, but is exclusively advisory in nature. She covers animal world on a global scale and contains protection recommendations addressed to countries and governments in whose territories a threatening situation has developed for animals. These recommendations are inevitably, precisely because of the global scope, are of the most general, approximate nature.

Red Books of the countries of the world

Unlike most Red Data Books of both world and national levels, the inclusion of species in the Red Data Book of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and other post-Soviet countries automatically entails the emergence of legislative protection for these species. Since the Red Books in the post-Soviet countries are legally significant documents, and practical guides and tools for the protection of rare species. In similar editions of other countries, the inclusion of species in the Red Book does not always mean taking it under state protection.

In the United States, there is no Red Book as such, it is replaced by the Endangered Species Act, adopted in 1973. According to it, the construction of any structures is prohibited if it is proved that as a result of this, the habitat of a rare species will be destroyed. Another difference of the law is that if the species subject to protection are difficult to distinguish from each other, then common species that are similar to rare ones are also subject to protection. The law prohibits trade in endangered species, and also provides the United States with the opportunity to encourage, including financially, foreign countries take measures to protect rare species.

The Red Book of Russia

"Red Book Russian Federation» - an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The problems of the barbaric use of forests, irrigation of lands and the disappearance of species and animal populations, to one degree or another, face every country today. That is why, back in the middle of the last century, a global environmental structure was created, operating on a non-profit basis.

Nature Conservancy and natural resources conducts special work on the planning and implementation of environmental measures, has a multi-stage system and brings together more than one thousand experts working around the world. Let's get to know this organization better.

IUCN scales

As the oldest and independent body, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has been in operation for 77 years, operating since 1948. The Union's activity program is regulated by the World Environmental Strategy adopted in 1979. Having the status of a consultant to UNESCO, ECOSOC and FAO, IUCN includes 78 countries, almost 900 governmental and public organizations, more than 12,000 scientists and experts from 181 states. The Union publishes the Red Book, popular science literature, serial and special editions. Located in Gland, Switzerland, the headquarters of the union has never changed its location.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN): mission

The unambiguous name also defines the main idea of ​​IUCN:

Implementation of effective assistance to the environmental movement in preserving the uniqueness, integrity and characteristics of various natural complexes;

Ensuring the lawful and reasonable consumption of natural resources that does not violate the environmental sustainability of the planet as a whole.

Having observer status at the UN General Assembly, IUCN cooperates not only with intergovernmental institutions, but is ready for dialogue with any association striving to preserve resources.

Organization goals

The main objectives of the creation of the IUCN are:

Combating the extinction of species and the reduction of biological (species) diversity;

Keeping existing ecosystems intact;

Monitoring the wise use of resources.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources seeks to unite joint efforts and apply progressive scientific knowledge in environmental activities.

Implementing accepted international conventions, IUCN helps various countries in the development and application of national strategies, environmental measures and plans.


IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and its members are:


government agencies;

Public organizations;

non-profit associations.

The activities of the union are coordinated by the Governing Council, elected by organizations that are members of the IUCN. The work of the union is carried out within the framework of six commissions and is carried out mainly by volunteers on a gratuitous basis. The strategy and program of activities of the association is adjusted every four years by member organizations. IUCN projects are funded by governments, international foundations, various associations and corporations, as well as members of the union.

IUCN activities

The multifaceted work of the union has several directions. Here are the main ones:

Illumination of the problems of the planet Earth and the search for their solutions;

Carrying out monitoring and scientific research;

Publications of news and articles by experienced experts of world importance;

Organization of various world significance, for example, World Congress of Parks, etc.

Scientific research and their focus

The International Union for Conservation of Nature is trying to apply the scientific and practical potential that exists today in order to preserve species diversity and support the sustainable use of forest resources.

The priority is the development of a consistent policy for the conservation of forests in the implementation of political decisions. IUCN advises various companies involved in forest land. The adopted program of the union for the conservation of forests on the planet coordinates the work on the protection, restoration and sustainable, but reasonable use of them. As time has shown, the lessons learned from the results of active field research are being used in political decision making in different levels authorities.

Published jointly with the WWF and UNEP in 1991, Aspects of a Sustainable Earth Strategy set out the main criteria applied to specific projects that combine issues such as conservation needs along with community needs.

How the IUCN functions

The activities of the association are carried out in six directions, within the framework determined by the commissions:

On the survival of species. This Commission maintains Red Lists, develops recommendations for the conservation of endangered species and applies them in practice.

By environmental law. Promotes promotion and acceptance environmental laws, the development of modern mechanisms of jurisprudence necessary for environmental purposes.

For environmental, economic and social policy. Provides qualified expert assistance in solving political issues adopted in accordance with regional socio-economic factors.

Education and communications. Develops strategies for using communications to conserve and sustainably consume resources.

Ecosystem management. Assesses the management of natural (natural) and artificially created ecosystems.

World Commission for Protected Areas.

International Union for Conservation of Nature in Russia

Our country did not stand aside. As part of the adopted European program, since 1991, an operating office for the Commonwealth countries has been opened in the capital, which later grew into a representative office.

The creation of this structure in Russia will make it possible to achieve the implementation of high-quality security projects on the vast territory of Russia and the CIS.

The representations are:

All-round conservation of forests, their rational consumption;

Maintenance of biodiversity of flora and fauna;

Creation and subsequent maintenance of the ecological in the Eurasian territory;

Protection of endangered, unique and rare species of representatives of the natural community;

Development of rational and sustainable agricultural production;

Development of the Arctic program.

Institutions representing Russia in the IUCN

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is represented by many countries. Our country in the union today is represented by:

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Natural Resources and Ecology.

Ecocenter "Reserves".

World Foundation wildlife.

Wildlife Conservation Center.

Society of Naturalists in St. Petersburg.

Fund for Wild Animals in Khabarovsk.

How to become a member of the IUCN

Membership in the ranks of the IUCN is honorary and must be justified and supported by relevant activities. In order to achieve it, you need:

Have the status of a state, public or research organization whose activities pursue environmental goals: the prudent use of resources and the maintenance of a sustainable natural balance.

Compile and submit an application for membership in the IUCN.

Wait for an answer. The International Union for Conservation of Nature evaluates the contribution made to the cause of nature conservation and the conformity of the work carried out by the organization with the goals of the union.

If approval is received, the organization gets access to the Internet portal, publications and takes part in consulting or expert work.

Note that only organizations can apply for membership in the IUCN. But individual experts can also act as members of the commissions.

The publication of the Red Book is one of the achievements of the IUCN

The most well-known aspect of IUCN activities, which is overseen by the Species Survival Commission, is the publication of the Red Book. It has been published periodically since 1966. With the passage of time and changes in the environment, its releases are updated, representing an extensive catalog of populations and species of animals, classified according to the degree of danger of extinction. It also gives an assessment of the state of the species for the current period and predicts the subsequent dynamics - negative or positive. The publication of each issue is preceded by a deep analysis of the state of nature. Eg, analytical work, conducted by the IUCN in 2000, a negative trend in the depletion of the world fauna was noted. It is noted that over the past four hundred years, the planet has lost almost 700 species, and 33 have disappeared in the wild, preserved only in culture. The peak of this disastrous process came at the end of the 20th century and continues to this day.

Unfortunately, the forecasts for the future are even more dire. According to in-depth research by IUCN specialists, almost 5.5 thousand animals are on the verge of extinction. various kinds. The Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a document that served as a significant impetus for the emergence of national and regional Red Lists that raise environmental problems in limited areas. The work done to preserve the habitat is invaluable. That is why the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources is a vital association that restrains the destructive work of man against himself.

Develops general principles and strategy for nature protection, determines the directions of international cooperation and national policy states in the field of environmental protection.

IUCN is involved in data collection and analysis, research, field projects, advocacy and education. IUCN's mission is to "influence, encourage and assist societies around the world to conserve nature and ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and environmentally sustainable".

With the help of special commissions (on rare species, on national parks etc.) and national committees prepare specific conservation programs biodiversity Earth, publishes the Red Book and other documents.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN/IUCN) is the oldest and largest international environmental organization in the world. The International Union for Conservation of Nature was founded in 1948, the headquarters of the union is located in the city of Gland (Switzerland). The Union's activity program is regulated by the World Environmental Strategy adopted in 1979.

In 1963, at a meeting of its members, IUCN adopts a resolution establishing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). In 1973-74, IUCN is actively involved in obtaining the consent of its members to sign the CITES Convention, the Secretariat of which was originally represented by IUCN.

The Union unites 213 governmental institutions of the states, more than 1100 non-governmental organizations, more than 14500 volunteer experts work in six commissions that assess the state of the world's natural resources. Permanent missions of IUCN operate in more than 160 countries. IUCN partners are hundreds of non-governmental and commercial organizations Worldwide.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

From 2009 to the present, IUCN has been defending and promoting the concept of "Nature-based Solutions" (NbS) - the use of the ecosystem and nature to solve social and environmental problems, which include issues such as climate change, water security , water pollution, food security, human health and risk management natural Disasters.

Climate change, food security, natural disaster risks, water security, social and economic problems are common to all countries, according to the IUCN.

Arising before the international community global ecological problems forced to abandon the idea of ​​human dominance over nature in favor of finding solutions based on "partner" relations with it.

The emergence of the concept of "Nature-Based Solutions" (NbS) in environmental science in the context of nature conservation has led to international organizations, such as IUCN and The World Bank, began to look for natural solutions to change ecosystems, rather than relying on traditional engineering interventions such as seawalls. Solutions to mitigate climate change while improving sustainable livelihoods and protecting natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

Rows of trees and shrubs to protect the stream

Natural solutions in urban construction

Natural coastline for protection from storms

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines NbS as actions to protect, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems that effectively and adaptively address social problems while delivering benefits to human health and biodiversity.

IUCN Red List - IUCN Red List

Since 1963, the IUCN has maintained a list of endangered species of animals and plants - IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which presents various degrees of risk of extinction certain types plants, fungi and animals. The main purpose of creating the IUCN Red Book (list) is to identify the most vulnerable species for which there is a high risk of global extinction.

The first edition of the Red Book (list) of the IUCN, published in 1964, included information on 211 species and subspecies of mammals and 312 species and subspecies of birds.

Currently, the IUCN Red List contains an assessment of the status of more than 98,500 wildlife, of which more than 27,000 species are threatened with extinction - more than 27% of all studied species.

According to the IUCN Red List, 40% of amphibians, 34% of conifers, 33% of corals, 31% of sharks and rays, 25% of mammals and 14% of birds are endangered.

The degree of threat of extinction of the species

Extinct (Disappeared species) - EX

Extinct in the Wild - ew

Critically Endangered - CR

Endangered - EN

Vulnerable (Vulnerable View) - VU

Near Threatened - NT

Least Concern (Least Concern) - LC

Data Deficient (not enough data) - DD

Not Evaluated (threat is not evaluated) - NE

The IUCN Red List is the most important indicator of the state of biodiversity in the world.

The IUCN Red List is much more than just a list of species with status status, it is a powerful tool for informing and galvanizing action on biodiversity conservation and policy changes critical to protecting natural resources essential for survival.

The IUCN Red List is critical not only to help identify species in need of targeted restoration efforts, but also to identify habitats that need to be protected.

One of the key objectives of IUCN is to increase the number of assessed species to at least 160,000 by 2020.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Russia

As part of the European program adopted by the IUCN, since 1991, an operating IUCN office for the Commonwealth countries has been opened in Moscow, which later grew into a representative office. Russia is represented in IUCN by 7 organizations:

At the All-Russian Forum on Specially Protected Natural Areas, which was held in Sochi from September 28 to October 2, 2017, the President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Zhang Xinsheng called Russia one of the leaders of the environmental movement in the world. According to him, Russia is aware that only sustainable development will allow humanity to develop further. The IUCN President thanked the Government of the Russian Federation and the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources for the invitation to the Forum and emphasized IUCN's readiness for comprehensive cooperation in the environmental field.

At the beginning of 1924, the Department of Nature Protection of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR put forward a proposal to formalize the formation of an environmental public organization in the traditional form - in the form of a voluntary Society for the Protection of Nature. The idea of ​​organizing the Society was approved by the leaders of the People's Commissariat of Education A.V. Lunacharsky, N.K. Krupskaya, M.N. Pokrovsky. The charter was approved on November 29, 1924, and this day became the day of the foundation of the Society.
The purpose of the creation of the Society was the need for a voluntary association of scientific forces and the most progressive-minded public for the restoration and rational use natural resources of the country, undermined by ruthless exploitation, civil war and ruin.
On July 25, 2013, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation issued a State Registration Certificate for the All-Russian Public Organization "All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature".
The All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature joined the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in 1960.

The Scientific Center "Protection of Biodiversity" has been working in the field of environmental consulting and protection of natural resources for 18 years. The basis of the team is the leading specialists of the Federal State Institution All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Conservation, Moscow State University, IGAN and others scientific organizations countries. At present, the Scientific Center "Biodiversity Protection" is successful company in the market of environmental services and is one of the leading organizations in practical and research activities in the field of nature protection and production ecology.

The Ecological and Educational Center (EcoCenter) "Zapovedniki" is an association of conservation professionals and their like-minded people in order to organize public support for specially protected natural areas of Russia - nature reserves and national parks.
EcoCenter "Zapovedniki" tells, convinces and proves that the future of our country is unthinkable without the preservation and development of the system of specially protected areas. Protected areas occupy almost 11% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation, make a key contribution to the stabilization of the ecological situation on Earth, to the preservation of a favorable environment for human life. They preserve those values, the loss of which is irreplaceable.

specially protected natural areas Russia (SPNA) are areas of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance. Specially protected natural territories of Russia are completely or partially withdrawn from the list by decisions of state authorities. economic use and for them (PAs) a special protection regime has been established.

The working group of the "Baltic Fund for Nature" "Biologists for Nature Conservation" has been working to conserve the biodiversity of the Baltic for over 20 years. "Biologists for Nature Conservation" is a partner of the Russian and international offices of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Association of Reserves and National Parks of the North-West of Russia and other organizations involved in the study and conservation of the nature of the Eastern Baltic.
Interregional charitable public organization(MBOO) “Biologists for Nature Conservation” actively contributes to the development of a network of environmental organizations in the North-West of Russia, promotes international cooperation on the conservation of biological diversity and unique ecosystems of the Baltic region and the entire North-West region.
In 2000, the BFP, as part of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, became the first organization in the region to become a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization, founded in 1961, working in the field of wildlife conservation and reducing human impact on environment. The organization was formerly known as the World Wide Fund for Nature and is still the official name in Canada and the United States.
WWF is the world's largest independent environmental organization with over five million supporters worldwide, active in over 100 countries, and supporting nearly 1,300 conservation and conservation projects worldwide. WWF has invested over $1 billion in over 12,000 conservation initiatives since 1995.
WWF Report" living planet"Published every two years since 1998, it is considered one of the world's most cited and authoritative sources of information on the environmental situation on the planet. The report determines the health of the planet in several indicators: the state of animal populations, the use of natural resources by mankind, the use of renewable energy and resources , quantity fresh water consumed in production, and so on.
In February 2019, WWF published the "50 Foods for Healthier People and a Healthier Planet" report, compiled in collaboration with the German food and beverage brand Knorr (Knorr), owned by the Dutch-British company Unilever. The Future 50 Foods report identifies 50 plant-based foods "that can boost nutritional value our meals while reducing the environmental impact of our products", and "promoting the sustainability of the global food system".
The first WWF projects in Russia began in 1989, and in 1994 a Russian representation WWF. In 2004, WWF Russia became a Russian national organization. For more than 20 years, the Fund has successfully implemented more than 1,000 field projects in 47 regions of Russia and has invested over 137 million euros in the work to preserve and increase the country's natural resources.

I recently found on mine bookshelves a reduced copy of the famous Red Book. This edition did not include full list endangered animals, but the title of the book had interesting name: "IUCN Red List". What does the last abbreviation mean and what does the Red Book consist of, I decided to find out.

What is the IUCN Red List

Let's start with the fact that "IUCN" can be translated as International Union for Conservation of Nature. In 1948, this union was able to unite and lead the work related to wildlife conservation in many countries of the world. And already in 1949, it was decided to create a commission regarding certain creatures. The main task of the commission was identification of rare species animals (as well as plants) that are on the verge of extinction (as well as the development of measures to protect them).

Thus, the leading goal of the Commission was the formation of a special list of organisms, the number of which critically low. This list is called "Red Book". The fact is that the color red subconsciously symbolizes danger and threat. And so the Red Book, familiar to this day, appeared.

The first edition of this book was published a long time ago. 1963. Then it gradually expanded, supplemented and improved. Changes in the Red Book are being made today.

The Red Book is a document that has permanent action. This can be explained by the endless change natural conditions and the formation of threats to species. It is worth noting that the efforts made by people still bear fruit. What are they talking about green sheets books.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Red Book of the USSR. It was distinguished by the fact that only those species that lived in the territories of the former Soviet state.

Taxa in the Red Book and their species

The Red Book includes taxa(groups) of organisms, which are divided according to the relevant criteria and blocks.

There are two main blocks in total. The first one consists of:

  • taxa in critical condition;
  • taxa under threatened with extinction;
  • and taxa residing in vulnerabilities.

This block warns of species that may disappear in the near future.

The second block includes:

  • taxa whose safety depends on degree of protection;
  • taxa that can move into group of threatened;
  • as well as taxa with minimal risk.

These sections are very helpful when reading the Red Book and facilitate understanding. We all need to remember about the importance of animal and plant conservation on the ground.

Animals of the Red Book Does not need urgent special protection measures. Protected in the Daursky nature reserve. The preservation of the species will be facilitated by the measures necessary to maintain the general natural balance in the steppe and forest-steppe zones Transbaikalia. The most specific of them are: expansion of the network of specially protected territories; reducing the number and scale of artificial forest and steppe fires; introduction of environmentally friendly methods of agricultural harvesting; prohibition of the large-scale use of insecticides and poisons used to destroy carriers of especially dangerous infections and rodent pests Agriculture; restriction of free keeping of dogs

Red Book Animals Included in the IUCN-96 Red List. In Russia, a mining ban was introduced in 1920 and lasted with a short break until 1946, when licensed mining was allowed, in 1956 a 5-year ban was reintroduced; the final ban on the extraction of muskrat was established after the species was listed in the Red Book of the USSR. It is protected in the Voronezh, Khopersky, Mordovsky, Oksky, Kerzhensky, Voronensky reserves, as well as in a larger number of reserves (about 80), where more than 25% of the total desman population lives. It is kept in the vivarium of the Khopersky Reserve, but does not breed.

Animals of the Red Book Listed on the IUCN-96 Red List. Harvesting of polar bears in the Russian Arctic has been prohibited since 1956. In 1973, the Arctic countries signed the Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears, which, after its ratification and entry into force (1976), became the international legal basis for the protection, study and use of the species. Conservation of populations polar bear in the Russian Arctic, the organization of a special protection regime in places where family lairs are concentrated (Wrangel and Herald Islands and Franz Josef Land

Animals of the Red Book Listed in the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 1 of CITES. It is protected in the Sayano-Shushensky and Altai reserves. The Sayano-Shushensky Reserve is the main reserve for the conservation of the snow leopard in Russia and the second most important in the Mongolian-Siberian part of the range (after the Great Gobi Reserve)
Animals of the Red Book Listed in the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 1 of CITES. Leopard hunting has been banned since 1956, and in 1966 a ban on catching live animals was introduced. Within the range of the Persian leopard in Russia, there are some reserves of the Caucasus. It is necessary to create an alpine reserve on the Bogossky Ridge. or the Dyultydag mountain range. Far Eastern leopard protected in the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve
Animals of the Red Book Listed in the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 1 of CITES. The ban on tiger hunting has been in force since 1947. In 1955, the capture of cubs was banned and then severely restricted. Tigers are protected in reserves, among which Sikhote-Alinskiy and Lazovsky are the main tiger reserves. The "Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger in Russia" was developed and published in 1996, containing a detailed rationale for the system of measures for its protection. Amur tigers are kept and breed well in many zoos around the world. As of December 31, 1993, there were 604 tigers in them.