RS-28 "Sarmat" (according to the NATO classification Satan-2) is a Russian advanced silo-based strategic missile system of the 5th generation with a heavy multi-stage liquid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile. It was intended to replace the R-36M (SS-18 Satan) missile system.

The concept of the Sarmat complex is not just an emphasis on the maximum weight of warheads, as in the R-36M, which can be hit by missile defense systems, but delivery, albeit not of that a large number warheads, but along trajectories and methods that make it much more difficult for them to be destroyed even by promising missile defense systems. The technology of "orbital bombardment" embedded in a rocket that strikes the United States along a suborbital trajectory through South Pole Earth bypassing deployed missile defense systems and allows launching civilian spacecraft.

In addition, the Avangard (Yu-71) guided warheads make it possible to use Soviet and Russian ICBMs V local wars according to the strategy of "global strike", without a nuclear explosion with the defeat of strategic objects of opponents by the kinetic energy of the warhead.

The missile uses a modernized RD-264 engine, already used by the Soviet-made R-36M2 ICBM.

IN mass production ICBM "Sarmat" should arrive at the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant in 2021; the first regiment equipped with such missiles will be on combat duty by the same date.

Where did it all begin?

By the middle of the 20th century, humanity fell into a "nuclear trap". Compared with other types of weapons, the simple qualitative and quantitative superiority of WMD units of any of the countries of the world did not guarantee victory. The very fact mass use nuclear warheads one of the countries can lead to the death of all mankind. Since the 1970s, strategic parity has been a guarantee of peace, but weapons of mass destruction have been an instrument of political pressure.

Guaranteed response or first strike?

Today, the very presence and number of charges plays a secondary role. Now the urgent task is either the possibility of an attack with impunity, or to provide retribution to the aggressor country. If the deployment of an American-made global missile defense system is designed to fulfill an offensive doctrine, then the development of retaliatory weapons is the main and priority direction in the development of Russia's strategic forces.

To date, the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces are the carriers of the "Voivod" (they are known as "Satan"). They cannot be intercepted by any anti-missile systems. These ICBMs were produced back in Soviet time in Dnepropetrovsk, which became Ukrainian after the collapse of the USSR.

With all their advantages, the complexes shoot like any military equipment. Not so long ago, military analysts assumed that their service life continued until 2022, but the current political situation is associated with specific issues. Maintenance, dictate a decrease in the time remaining until their testing. But the task of adopting the modern strategic carrier "Sarmat" has become even more urgent. In 2018, the missile should replace those in service in the Voyevoda mines.

balance of power

To date, nuclear weapons in service with all countries are distributed in this way: approximately 45% of such combat stocks fall on the Russian Federation and the United States. The number of charges is known and, according to the START-3 treaty, is approximately 1550 each. land and sea based plus 700 pcs. on aircraft.

In terms of the number of carriers, the picture is slightly different. Russia has 528 of them, and America has 794. But this does not speak of the advantages of a potential adversary, the United States simply has big amount monoblock systems.

90% of all atomic (neutron, hydrogen) charges are in service with the American and Russian army. The rest 10% belong to China, Britain, France and other countries of the "nuclear cube". It is difficult to say which side the states will choose when global conflict. It is possible that many of them (who are not members of NATO) will choose neutrality.

New "Satan"

By the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the ballistic missile "Sarmat" will replace the "Voevoda" - "Satan", which performs the task of a guarantor of retribution. In accordance with the times, the number of RS-20Vs exceeded 3 hundreds, now there are 52 of them. All of them have 10 warheads, a total of 520 warheads (750 kilotons of TNT equivalent each) - this is almost a third of the entire sea and land strategic defense potential.

The weight of the "Voevoda" is more than 200 tons. The nuclear potential of the Russian Federation is being updated, in 2015 the Strategic Missile Forces will receive 500 new sets of other types, but they will have to perform other tasks. As a rule, these are mobile installations that are on duty in operational areas.

"Satan" is terrible for 2 of its important capabilities: huge destructive power and the ability to quickly pass through missile defense lines. Each such carrier can turn an entire metropolis with its surroundings and an industrial area into a reactive desert. It is assumed that the Sarmat missile will replace the most powerful carrier in the world approximately at the time it reaches the age of 30, which is very honorable for an ICBM.

The main difference between the new rocket

All design, development work and the manufacture of new weapons were entrusted to the State Center. Makeev, which is located in the city of Miass ( Chelyabinsk region). The designers are not limited to the modernization of the "Satan", despite the fact that she showed herself well, and immediately decided to choose hard way pioneers. The main task was to create a lighter and more compact sample. Thus, the Sarmat was conceived - a missile, the performance of which should have significantly exceeded the characteristics of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces previously in service. The main indicator of any ballistic projectile is its power-to-weight ratio, that is, the ratio of weight to the force that sets it in motion. There has been significant progress in this area. "Satan" is a heavy 210-ton rocket, while the mass of "Sarmat" is half that.

Liquid fuel

Most of the rocket's weight comes from the propellant in the stages. All strategic carriers are divided into 3 main categories:

  • Heavy up to 200 tons in weight (at the moment there are no large ones yet).
  • Medium - from 51 to 100 tons.
  • Lightweight, weighing up to 50 tons.

This gradation is also explained by the flight range: the more fuel there is, the longer the radius of action will be, respectively. For example, the American Minutemen weigh 35 tons and are classified as light. Relatively light weight is a huge advantage, because such missiles need smaller silos, they are easier to hide and transport. But at the same time, almost all of them are solid fuel. And it gives great amount advantages: the shelf life is increased, highly toxic components are not used, maintenance is cheaper. But the problem is that the energy saturation of solid fuel will be lower compared to liquid fuel. Therefore, "Sarmat" is a rocket with liquid fuel. Bye oh power plant nothing is known, except that its power-to-weight ratio has no equal.


The production of a new technical sample always implies a serious risk, but if successful, it is fully justified.

Work on this project began in 2009. Design Bureau, after 2 years of research, has finally begun testing.

At the beginning of autumn 2011, the vicinity of the Kapustin YAR cosmodrome was hit by a powerful explosion. The rocket "Sarmat", on which serious hopes were pinned, a few minutes after the launch, crashed to the ground. All further launches, too, unfortunately, were unsuccessful.

Only a year later there was a successful launch. This time, the experts took into account the basic indicators of ballistics. Tests have shown that the Sarmat liquid-propellant rocket is capable of traveling more than 11,000 km, while carrying a fighting compartment weighing 4350 kg. In the spring of 2014, Yu. Borisov (Deputy Minister of Defense) announced that all work on the development of a new strategic complex proceed smoothly, according to a clearly planned schedule. He believes that the new missile "Sarmat" will have no restrictions in the direction combat use, will be able to hit targets along trajectories that pass through both poles of the planets. This is extremely important, since NATO protected systems are not designed for such versatility.


"Sarmat" has unique energy-mass characteristics. The launch vehicle is, of course, an important element of the design, but the warhead containing 10 individual targeting parts is no less significant. And he, apparently, is also unique. This is because each of the warheads combines the qualities of 2 different types weapons: hypersonic and cruise missiles. Both types of weapons have so far had a defined range of tasks. Before today RK with a flat trajectory did not fly so fast.

Winged hypersonic units

The characteristics of the warheads look inconsistent. This is because the conventional type of cruise missile sneaks up on the enemy at a relatively low speed. Given the terrain, hiding behind its irregularities, it is forced to be slow-moving, so that the electronic "brain" can have time to assess obstacles, as well as develop solutions for flying around them. For example, the American CR "Tomahawk" flies at the speed of a passenger liner (less than 900 km per hour).

In addition, a cruise missile has a mass (like any other aircraft), which means that both inertia and control actions of air rudders must be proactive. Thus, blocks of ICBM "Sarmat" also operate. The missile, whose performance is as close as possible to hypersonic, after separation begins to maintain a flat trajectory, which makes it impossible to intercept.


All the advantages of the unique personal control of warheads of a divided warhead are rendered useless if the enemy is able to destroy the ICBM before it enters the combat course. The Sarmat rocket flies fast, however, its trajectory at any moment can leave the usual predictable arc - a parabola. Additional shunting engines change direction, altitude, speed, and then the onboard computer determines new flight indicators to reach the target. Such unpredictability is also inherent in other types of modern domestic nuclear charge carriers. As a result, she became their " calling card"Or an asymmetric response to the attempts of a potential enemy to ensure their own invulnerability, which would allow them to deliver the first blow.

Invulnerability on the ground

For an aggressor who plans to deliver a massive nuclear strike with impunity, the most important task is to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to respond to this strike at the initial stage of unleashing a military conflict. This means that launchers, ground and aircraft carriers must be destroyed (neutralized) with the very first salvo. But this is unlikely. The mines where the Sarmat missiles are located are distinguished by multi-level protection, both passive (high reliability of fortifications) and active (in the form of air defense and anti-missile systems). For 100% destruction of an underground launcher, it will be necessary to inflict at least 7 accurate nuclear strikes on the operational deployment area, covered by missile defense systems. In addition, the place of deployment has not yet been declassified. And the Sarmat missile itself is a state secret. Only information that is intended for military analysts and the media is disclosed.

Device and performance characteristics

The Sarmat rocket uses an engine that was created on the basis of the reliable NPO Energomash RD-264 engine. According to Colonel-General S. Karakayev, Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, the missile uses a silo-based system and can be located in ready-made silo launchers. The complex carries out a mortar launch, as a result of which the powder accumulator ejects the rocket from the mine at a height of 20-30 m, after which it automatically activates the rocket engine.

According to the first sketches of the rocket, most experts considered it to be a two-stage one. After the official photo of the rocket was posted, some sources suggested that the rocket could also be a three-stage rocket, like classic launch vehicles that carry satellites into orbit.

The stage liquid-propellant rocket engines were “drowned” in the fuel tank, while the fuel tanks were carriers with combined dividing bottoms. The rocket will use reliable and proven engines from the R-36M, such as the RD-264 in its advanced modification RS-99, the testing of which has been effectively completed.

Expert of the Command Military Institute missile troops PRC Chu Fuhai believes that two modifications of missiles with different fuel reserves will be created to hit targets in Western Europe and the United States. The initial weight of the missile with a target in the United States is 150-200 tons, the flight range is 16,000 km, the payload is 5 tons. Western European countries- 9000 - 10,000 km, starting weight - 100 - 120 tons, maximum cast weight - 10 tons.

One rocket, according to experts, carries from 10 to 15 warheads (it all depends on their power). When delivering 10 warheads, their yield is 750 kt each. Also, some experts believe that conventional warheads are used, if maneuvering Yu-71 hypersonic warheads are used, then there will be three of them, and each will weigh about 1 ton.

The Sarmat missile is not the first missile that has such different range and load indicators in various versions, since such indicators are related. The R-36 and R-36 orbs with the same weight of 180 tons, made practically according to the same technology, have ranges of 10,000 km, 15,000 km, and the “orbital bombardment” option, depending on the mass of loaded warheads.

In addition, it should be taken into account that, in addition to warheads, according to the designers, a significant mass limit will be set aside for traditional missile defense systems, such as decoys. Whereas classic decoys such as inflatable warhead dummy, angled, springy and additional reflectors are heavy, dummy warheads are quasi-heavy decoys when entering the atmosphere, and although they are lighter than warheads, their weight is still quite significant , since they represent a missile with thermal protection, a plasma generator, a pre-acceleration engine and an electronic warfare module for glowing, trajectory simulation and warhead EPR.

The device and performance characteristics of the warhead

According to the Izvestia publication, this warhead may have the following performance characteristics:

  • maximum flight speed in the atmosphere - 15M (with an average speed indicator - in the range - 5-7 kilometers per second);
  • product operates at an altitude of about 100 km (this upper bound the atmosphere of planet earth)
  • the warhead performs maneuvers in the atmosphere while descending to overcome missile defense.

Mysterious "Sarmat"

Everything connected with the development of this complex is covered in mystery. This is precisely the case when not all taxpayers will be able to find out in the near future what their paid funds are going to. Only the meager promises of the news media about successful launches and safety overhead are proof that public money was not spent in vain.

At present, too little is known about the Sarmat. Apparently, this class of carriers nuclear weapons will play the role of the main shield of the country, together with aviation, sea and mobile-based systems. Only some scattered data has been published about what the Sarmat missile is. The performance characteristics are also only approximate: the range is 11 thousand kilometers, but at the same time it is possible to defeat the targets of a potential enemy through the Southern Policy.

Tests of an aeroballistic warhead for the new Russian Sarmat missile showed that soon Russia will become the only country in the world capable of destroying any target anywhere in the world within half an hour without using nuclear weapons...

Moscow was the first to do what long years dreamed in Washington. The heavy intercontinental missile RS-28 "Sarmat", which the Kremlin plans to put into service over the next two years, mixed up all the cards for American generals. Indeed, in the non-nuclear version, it is the same weapon of "instant global strike" with which the United States has long frightened the whole world. However, in reality, the "creative managers" from Washington were unable to create a missile with desired characteristics range, speed, accuracy and reliability. But the "dense Russians" for their blow - they created! Now it has ceased to be a secret, the whole world has learned that such weapons are already in the hands of Moscow. And by the way: in the version with nuclear equipment, "Sarmat", even one missile is enough to inflict unacceptable damage on the United States!

Speed, accuracy, invulnerability

Today, a lot is said and written about military "hypersound" in the media, but for the most part we have a poor idea of ​​what it is. To put it simply, without abstruse scientific terms, "hypersound" is the ability of any material object - an aircraft or a rocket, for example, to maneuver in the atmosphere at a speed not less than five times the speed of sound (the so-called Mach number equal to 331 m/s). In the military field, this has long been available to intercontinental ballistic missiles that fly at a speed of as much as Mach 25, but they reach it only in space, in airless space, at altitudes where there is no air resistance and, accordingly, the possibility of aerodynamic maneuvering and flight control.

Military aircraft today can be effectively used only at altitudes up to 20, at most 25 kilometers. spacecraft- at an altitude of at least 140 kilometers (low orbit parameters). The interval of heights is from 20-25 to 140-150 km. is not available for military use. But it is precisely this range of altitudes - available exclusively for hypersonic aircraft - that is fantastically promising in terms of combat effectiveness.

Why is hypersound so important to the military? The answer is simple. It consists of just three words: speed, accuracy, invulnerability. hypersonic missiles, flying at great speed, capable of hitting any target at the globe In one hour. And - thanks to its ability to maneuver, correct the course throughout the flight - to hit with the highest accuracy, literally up to a meter. While moving in the atmosphere, in a plasma cloud, and therefore remaining as secretive as possible and absolutely inaccessible to any system missile defense. Many times superior, thus, in terms of efficiency combat use all existing types of weapons, including thermonuclear munitions.

Hypersonic flight is indistinguishable not only for modern means radar. In the foreseeable future, the creation of means to intercept such missiles is not even foreseen. It is not in vain, apparently, that Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, commenting on the prospects for creating hypersonic vehicles, said that in terms of significance and influence on the strategy of armed struggle, this breakthrough can be compared, perhaps, only with the creation of an atomic bomb.

The appearance of serial samples of hypersonic weapons will make a real revolution in military affairs. The first one who manages to massively put such aircraft into service with his army will receive, in fact, an absolute weapon capable of solving any strategic objectives V the shortest time and with minimal cost. For example - quickly, inevitably and with impunity to destroy the military-political leadership of any country, its infrastructure government controlled, key military and economic facilities. Simply put, instantly decapitate any opponent, paralyzing his ability to resist and retaliate.

The fact that the United States is actively conducting a large-scale development of fundamentally new means of aerospace attack, which can radically change the course and outcome of hostilities during aerospace operations, has long been no secret to us. As early as December 8, 2014, Pavel Sozinov, General Designer of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, warned that the Americans were striving “at the turn of 2020 to switch to the use of a fundamentally new class of weapons in terms of delivering high-precision warheads to the target. First of all, we are talking about the development of hypersonic maneuverable elements in the combat load of ballistic missiles - both in nuclear and in conventional versions."

But the Americans, despite all their efforts, failed to build even an experimental prototype of such a weapon. But Russian scientists, designers and engineers, despite the scarcity of resources and all the difficulties of our current life, managed to create not just a prototype, but a full-fledged model, ready for adoption and mass production, thus leaving the arrogant Pentagon in the cold!

This seems to be understood now even in America itself. Recently, Mike Rogers, chairman of the Strategic Action Subcommittee of the US Congressional Armed Services Committee, told the Washington Times, "I'm very concerned that Russia is well ahead of the US in developing rapid global strike capabilities." Recognition, of course, belated. Well, oh well, what is there: better late than never ...

Deadly and impregnable

For outside world the victory of Russian hypersound went almost unnoticed at first. April 21, 2016 Russian media sparingly reported: "In Orenburg region A ballistic missile RS-18 was launched to test a hypersonic aircraft. The tests were considered successful." Then clarifications followed: the launch was carried out from the Dombarovsky training ground, and a hypersonic warhead for a new-generation Sarmat heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was tested on the serial RS-18B Stiletto missile.

In fact, this message means that a real revolution has taken place in equipping our Strategic Missile Forces. I repeat for those who have doubts: the nuclear equipment of one such missile is enough to guarantee unacceptable damage to the United States. And in the non-nuclear version, the Sarmat will become a real superweapon, combining the colossal speed of ICBMs with the precision of guidance of the most modern cruise missiles.

The fact is that for warheads of ICBMs - even the most modern ones - the circular probable deviation (that is, the radius of the circle into which the block hits with a probability of 50%) is 220-250 m. And the radius of the circle where the warhead hits with a probability of 99 % and even three times more. But the maneuvering hypersonic warhead "Sarmat" can be guaranteed to aim at the target with an accuracy of several meters!

At the same time, Sarmat will be able to attack its target even through the South Pole, that is, from the direction in which the Americans do not have a stationary missile defense infrastructure. And his so-called. "flat trajectory" will increase the length of the controlled flight of warheads. This, in turn, means that such an important indicator of combat effectiveness as the “area of ​​the warhead disengagement zone”, that is, the distance between different targets that one missile can attack with its charges, will also increase.

The new Russian missile will be based in a stationary mine, but this, contrary to a widespread misconception, does not at all make it less tenacious than, for example, the mobile Topoli or Yarsy. For an example, suffice it to say that the mine launchers (silos) of the predecessor of the Sarmat, heavy ICBM"Voevoda", remain combat-ready, even if they find themselves inside the fiery hemisphere of a nearby nuclear explosion. Even if they find themselves in the zone of soil heap from a funnel from such an explosion up to 2 meters thick.

Their overprotected shaft can only be guaranteed to be destroyed if it is inside the explosion crater. Meanwhile, the accuracy of the most modern ICBMs is such that in order to guarantee the destruction of our mine with a probability of 99.8%, this funnel must be at least 750-840 meters in radius! But to form a funnel of this radius, you need a very powerful warhead - much more powerful than those currently on most American missiles.

In addition, there is also KAZ - a complex for active protection of silos against incoming warheads of enemy missiles. The peculiarity of KAZ is that air targets are hit by metal arrows and balls with a diameter of 30 mm at a height of up to 6 km. These arrows and balls are fired from a huge initial speed(up to 2 km / s.) and create a real iron cloud over the protected object. Suffice it to say that one volley contains up to 40 thousand striking elements. So KAZ can be considered a kind of "anti-missile artillery" of short range.

The first such complexes, developed back in the early 90s, were called "Mozyr". At the Kamchatka Kura training ground, they were tested not even on mock-ups, but on a real warhead of the Voevoda missile, launched specifically for testing, and the target was hit in full accordance with the calculations. The only drawback of KAZ is the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe protected zone. This makes it impossible to use it to protect large objects, but it protects point targets such as silos quite reliably.

Voyevoda's heir

Yes, the RS-28 "Sarmat" is undoubtedly a revolutionary missile in its capabilities. But, of course, it didn't come out of nowhere. More Soviet Union worked out the possibility of equipping the warheads of its ICBMs with individual engines for maneuvering in space and special aerodynamic surfaces for planning in the atmosphere in the final section of the trajectory. For the first time, this technology was successfully applied on the warheads of the R-36M2 Voyevoda missile, which were put into service in 1990 and received the code 15F178.

In fact, each such block already then combined the properties of an unmanned spaceship and hypersonic aircraft. All its actions, both in space and during flight in the atmosphere, this device performed autonomously, independently determining the optimal parameters of movement.

Inside the Voevoda's split warhead there is a very complex unit (it is called a "breeding platform"), which, after the ICBM warhead is out of the atmosphere, begins to perform a number of programmed actions for individual targeting and separation of warheads located on it.

As a result, in outer space battle formations are built from real nuclear charges and decoys, which are also initially located on the platform. In the head of the "Voevoda", for example, out of fourteen "seats" only ten are occupied by warheads, and four - by cassettes with numerous imitators and traps designed to deceive enemy radars. And while these radars are trying to figure out where the real target is and where the false one is, each warhead of the "Voevoda" is freely displayed on a trajectory that ensures it hits a given point on the Earth's surface.

After separation from the breeding platform, the blocks begin to live their own separate, independent lives. Each of them is equipped with engines for maneuvering in outer space and aerodynamic control surfaces for controlling flight in the atmosphere. In addition, each has an inertial control system, several computing devices, a radar and many other high-tech equipment on board ...

The first model of this weapon, made back in 1972, was very bulky - almost five meters long. But by 1984, a draft design of a warhead suitable for installation on a rocket was ready. The block had the shape of a sharp cone about two meters high, and its aiming at the target was carried out as follows. Before entering the upper atmosphere, the onboard computer calculated the actual location of the block using radar. Then, before entering the atmosphere, the locator antenna fired back. In the atmospheric section of the movement, the warhead performed a series of active maneuvers with extremely high overloads for only a few seconds, which made it invulnerable to any missile defense system.

The first launch under the program of state tests of such a block for Voyevoda was carried out in April 1988. Over the next year and a half, six launches were made - all, as one, were successful. As a result, the missile system with a maneuvering warhead 15F178 was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces by a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 23, 1990. But after the collapse of the USSR, the installation of new blocks on rockets was stopped, and further work on this super-promising product was closed ...

But we warned you...

After ten long years, Putin, having come to power, resumed such developments. The same technology as that of the Voevoda - only, of course, already improved, with expanded combat capabilities - was used on new missiles: first on the Topol M ICBM, and then on the Yars and Bulava.

For the first time, Putin said this out loud in the spring of 2004, after the large-scale exercises of the Russian armed forces held in northern Russia. Foreign and Russian media then zealously mocked the Russian army, weakened and disorganized during the years of Yeltsin's "reforms". And at that moment, Putin, who, as a rule, is very cautious in his public assessments and judgments, suddenly broke the news to the whole world. Moreover, he specifically stressed that every word in his statement "is important."

He said: “In these exercises, experiments and some tests were carried out ... Soon the Russian armed forces will receive combat systems capable of operating at intercontinental distances, with hypersonic speed, with great accuracy, with a wide maneuver in height and direction of impact. These complexes will make any type of anti-missile defense, existing or prospective, unpromising.

In November of the same 2004, Putin again, speaking at a meeting of the leadership of the Armed Forces, said that in the near future unique, unparalleled strategic missiles would appear in Russia: “We are not only conducting research and missile tests of the latest missile and nuclear systems. I'm sure they will be in service soon. Moreover, these will be developments that other nuclear states do not have and will not have in the coming years. We understand that as soon as we reduce attention to such components of our defense as a nuclear missile shield, we will have new threats. Therefore, we will continue to persistently and consistently build the Armed Forces as a whole, including its nuclear component.”

And in 2006, the Russian media reported: "Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov reported to President Vladimir Putin on the successful testing of a fundamentally new warhead for domestic ballistic missiles. We are talking about a warhead that is capable of maneuvering independently, avoiding any missile defense systems. It is important that that the new warhead is unified, that is, it is adapted for installation on both Bulava naval missiles and Topol-M land-based missiles. Moreover, one missile will be capable of carrying up to six such warheads.

This means that, compared with the warheads of the Soviet "Voevoda", the new Russian hypersonic warheads have significantly improved and expanded the maneuvering parameters, while reducing their weight and size characteristics. Simply put, their maneuver has become more energetic and wider, and their size and weight have become smaller.

At Sarmat, of course, everything will be even cooler. Due to the fact that this ICBM does not fly along a classical ballistic trajectory, but along a flat trajectory, its approach time to the target is reduced, and hypersonic maneuvering warheads will fly in the atmosphere much longer, which, in turn, will increase their combat maneuvering capabilities.

But the main thing is that the new warhead for the Sarmat (the Americans call it Yu-71, our media - "Object 4202") seems to be controlled throughout its entire flight path. And if this is so, if Russian scientists, designers and engineers really managed to solve the most difficult problem remote control a warhead flying in the atmosphere, in a plasma cloud and at an enormous speed, then the accuracy of its guidance can be brought to a value comparable to the accuracy of Glonass or GPS, that is, up to several meters!

With such accuracy, not only a nuclear, but even a conventional charge is needed. The warhead can be purely kinetic - that is, a simple blank without any hint of the presence of an explosive. With the weight of such a blank, say, one ton - and the Sarmat will be able to carry up to ten (!) tons of payload - and at the colossal speed at which this blank collides with the ground, the effect will be similar to the explosion of many hundreds of tons of TNT and is guaranteed to destroy any target - areal or buried, protected by a multi-meter layer of reinforced concrete!

All this means that after the deployment of the Sarmats, Moscow, even without the use of nuclear weapons, will receive unique opportunity: destroy any target on the globe with known coordinates within 30-40 minutes!

Three nuclear death scenarios

In nuclear equipment the main task"Sarmata" - guaranteed infliction of "unacceptable damage" to the United States with a minimum number of missiles.

Back in the early 1960s, then US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara introduced the concept of "assured destruction of the enemy." Assured destruction, according to the McNamara criterion, meant the infliction nuclear strike, in which from a quarter to a third of the population will die and two-thirds of the industrial potential of the enemy country will be destroyed.

For guaranteed destruction of the USSR, McNamara considered it sufficient to blow up on its territory four hundred thermonuclear charges with a capacity of one megaton each. And the US Committee on Strategic Assessments stated that the "murder of a nation" in America can be ensured by the delivery of "only" one hundred megaton rockets to its territory.

Then Washington came up with the concept of the so-called "irreparable damage to the enemy." American strategists defined irreparable damage as "the destruction of such a percentage of the population and economically important objects that will lead to the fact that the enemy state will no longer be able to function." This effect could be achieved already with significantly smaller forces than the 400 megaton rockets required for the guaranteed destruction of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the USSR, another concept was born in the Pentagon - the concept of "unacceptable damage". This is damage that is less than irreparable, but at the same time it can be guaranteed to "stop the enemy from any hostile actions." It is precisely this view of Washington on the sufficiency of its strategic potential that is now the basis of the nuclear "deterrence of Moscow." True, so far no one has been able to explain what exactly should be understood by this mysterious term. After all, the range in which the damage is assessed as "unacceptable" is very wide. Here, as they say, to each his own. "Unacceptable" can be called the consequences of a massive nuclear strike, and the damage from the detonation of even a single nuclear warhead on enemy territory.

Be that as it may, during the McNamara era, during the era of the Cold War, the US population and all its infrastructure were much better prepared for a possible nuclear strike from Russia than they are today. All experts unanimously argue that now the threshold of unacceptable damage to America is much lower than it was 20-30 years ago. Which, in general, is not surprising: the more complex the state and financial and economic infrastructure of the country, the easier it is to cause mortal harm to its delicate organism.

So, in the case of the use of our heavy missiles R-36M2 "Voevoda", (not to mention the "Sarmat"), a dozen missiles may be enough to guarantee the destruction of the United States according to the McNamara formula. And even one single one is enough to cause unacceptable damage!

To prove this, it is enough to make the most rough and approximate calculation. I apologize in advance to readers for this cannibalistic arithmetic, but it is necessary so that we can at least approximately imagine the combat power of our heavy ICBMs and understand why the Americans called our "Voevoda" - "Satan"!

Algorithm of total death

Today, in the United States, a third of the country's total population lives in three giant megalopolises: the Northeast (the so-called Bos-Vash, from Boston to Washington, where at least 50 million people live); Lakeside, around the Great Lakes (Chi-Pits, from Chicago to Pittsburgh, at least 35 million people); and California ("San-San", from San Francisco to San Diego, at least 20 million people). The zones of these megalopolises are relatively small. Their total area is about 400 thousand square meters. km., but it produces more than half of US GDP!

So: to destroy these regions with all their infrastructure, 10-12 missiles of the "Voevoda" type are enough. And we have about five dozen such missiles in service today. And neither the current nor even the future American missile defense systems can intercept them!

So let's count together. In accordance with American data, during the explosion of a nuclear warhead with a capacity of one megaton, in a zone with a radius of up to 10 kilometers, the proportion of the affected population (i.e. killed and wounded immediately, not counting those who later die from radiation, thirst, epidemics, lack of medical care etc.) is 50%. The zone of fires, blockages and destruction of civilian infrastructure will spread to the same range. Thus, in accordance with the formula, 314 sq. km. This means that one missile carrying 10 warheads can cover 3140 square meters. km., and ten - 31,400 sq. km. This is an area of ​​almost continuous destruction.

If in a similar way to calculate the area in which at least 25% of the population will be affected in one way or another immediately after the explosion, then it will increase to 56,000 square meters. km. And this is almost 15% of the entire territory of megalopolises. Given that the aiming points for warheads of our ICBMs are the most important infrastructure facilities: centers of state, administrative and financial and economic management, industrial zones, life support facilities for the population, etc., it can be assumed that such infrastructure will be completely destroyed. Washington and New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco will turn into steam…

But in addition to the blast wave and light radiation, which are main reason almost instantaneous destruction and rapid death of people, a nuclear explosion also has other damaging factors - a powerful electromagnetic pulse that disables all electronics, as well as penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination of the area. Given this, within, say, a month after a nuclear strike throughout the territory of American megalopolises, the probability of total death of the population is high.

The rest of the United States will also suffer terrible damage. The network of centralized government will simply disappear. The food supply system of cities where 82% of Americans live will collapse. Everyone will survive as best they can, which will inevitably end in general chaos and a total war of "all against all." With more than 270 million units in the hands of the US population today firearms, this can lead to casualties, almost more than from a nuclear strike ...

Thus, for "killing the nation" and "assured destruction of the United States", even in accordance with the terrible criterion of McNamara, 10-12 missiles of the "Voevoda" type may well be enough. After all, each of them is capable of delivering to America either one "heavy" thermonuclear charge with a capacity of twenty (!) Megatons, or ten "light" maneuvering warheads with a capacity of at least 750 kilotons each ...

Needless to say, in order to inflict “unacceptable” damage on the current pampered and overweight America, even one missile of this type will be more than enough. What can we say about the even more deadly "Sarmat" ... Merciful God, do not let us, sinful madmen, bring things to the realization of these terrible scenarios!


Moscow regained its undisputed leadership in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. From now on, any attempt by the United States, NATO or any other state (alliance of states) to gain a qualitative military superiority over the Kremlin is doomed to inevitable failure. A military victory over Russia again, as in the days of the USSR, has become absolutely impossible!

In achieving such a result, the personal merit of President Putin is obvious and indisputable. It is he, as head of state and Supreme Commander bears full responsibility for the defense of the country. It was he, in this capacity, who led the complex and multifaceted work to revive the Russian military-industrial complex, the entire military infrastructure of Russia and the combat power of its Armed Forces.

The presence of the best strategic nuclear deterrence forces in the world, combined with mobile and professional general-purpose forces that proved their effectiveness during the Syrian war, allows Russia in the short term to secure the constructive role of a Eurasian superpower, the role of the main geopolitical counterbalance to US imperial hegemonism and liberal democratic Satanism of Eurosodom.

All this, taken together, can already in the foreseeable future turn our country into a universally recognized leader of the world resistance to God-fighting globalization, the main defender of the traditional spiritual, religious, moral and historical values ​​of all the peoples of the Earth in the face of the global aggression of the God-fighting West.

DATA FOR 2019 (standard replenishment)
RDS-6s / product 501-6

The world's first combat thermonuclear charge / thermonuclear bomb. KB-11 was developed (now - VNIIEF, Sarov), heads of theoretical development sectors - Ya.B. Zeldovich (RDS-6t) and A.D. Sakharov (RDS-6s), chief designer and scientific supervisor of KB-11 - Yu.B.Khariton.

In 1945, I.V. Kurchatov, through intelligence channels, received information about research on the thermonuclear problem being conducted in the United States, which had begun in 1942 on the initiative of Edward Teller. His ideas were discussed with the leading participants of the "Manhattan Project" and developed into a holistic concept by the end of 1945. According to this concept, the hydrogen bomb was called the "Classic Super" (or simply Super). On the instructions of I.V. Kurchatov in December 1945, a group of Soviet physicists led by Yu.B. thermonuclear weapons. On December 17, 1945, Ya.B. Zel'dovich reported on the results of this work to the technical council under the Special Committee. Further, a group from the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Ya.B. Zeldovich, A.S. Kompaneets and S.P. Dyakov) began to study one of the possible options for the development of a thermonuclear reaction. This option (RDS-6t, "pipe") was chosen based on intelligence data. The incoming information about the "superbomb" could not but cause serious concern among the leadership of the USSR ( ist. - Veselovsky).

Since 1946, the group of Ya.B. Zel'dovich (A.S. Kompaneets and S.P. Dyakov) from the Institute of Chemical Physics carried out calculations of thermonuclear detonation of deuterium. On April 23, 1948, L.P. Beria instructed B.L. Vannikov, I.V. Kurchatov and Yu.B. Khariton to analyze intelligence materials on the Fuchs-von Neumann system transmitted by Klaus Fuchs. The conclusion on the materials was presented on May 5, 1948. By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 10, 1948, the creation of atomic bombs, RDS-4, RDS-5 and hydrogen bomb RDS-6 ( ist. - Andryushin). On February 8, 1948, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the work of KB-11” was adopted, which provided for the assignment of Ya.B. Zeldovich to the “object”. The appearance of information from K. Fuchs forced these works to be accelerated ( ist. - Veselovsky).

Based on the expertise of B. L. Vannikov, I. V. Kurchatov and Yu. at the Physical Institute. P.N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a group of theorists was created under the leadership of I.E. Tamm, which included A.D. Sakharov, V.L. Ginzburg, Yu.A. Romanov, S.Z. Belenky and E.S. Fradkin ( ist. - Veselovsky). In the autumn of 1948 A.D. Sakharov, independently of Edward Teller, came up with the idea of ​​a heterogeneous scheme with alternating layers of deuterium and U-238 ("puff"). The underlying principle of ionization compression of thermonuclear fuel is called “saccharization” (“first idea”). At the end of 1948, VL Ginzburg suggested using lithium deutiride 6 as a thermonuclear fuel (the "second idea"). By order of B.L. Vannikova on May 8, 1949, Yu.B. Khariton prepared a conclusion, noting that the main idea of ​​A.D. Sakharov’s proposal was “extremely witty and physically illustrative” and supported the work on the “sloika” ( ).

On February 26, 1950, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 827-303ss / op "On the work on the creation of RDS-6" was issued ( ist. - Goncharov G.A...). Which obliged the First Main Directorate (PGU), Laboratory No. 2 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and KB-11 to carry out theoretical, experimental and design work to create the RDS-6s (“Sloika”) and RDS-6t (“Pipe”) products. First of all, an RDS-6s product with a TNT equivalent of 1 million tons and a mass of up to 5 tons was to be created. The decree provided for the use of tritium not only in the RDS-6t design, but also in the RDS-6s design. The production date for the 1st copy of the RDS-6s product was set - 1954. Academic Supervisor work on the creation of products RDS-6s and RDS-6t was appointed Yu.B. Khariton, his deputies I.E. Tamm (RDS-6s) and Ya.B. Zeldovich (RDS-6t). In terms of the RDS-6s, the decree obliged to produce by May 1, 1952, a model of the RDS-6s product with a small amount of tritium and conduct a field test of this model in June 1952 to verify and refine the theoretical and experimental foundations of the RDS-6s. By October 1952, proposals for the design of a full-scale RDS-6s product were to be submitted. The resolution ordered the creation of a theoretical calculation group in KB-11 for work on RDS-6s under the leadership of I.E. Tamm ( ist. - Andryushin I.A., Ilkaev R.I ....).

On the same day, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 828-304 “On the organization of tritium production” was issued. Soon, the Decrees of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the organization of the production of lithium-6 deuteride and the construction of a specialized reactor for the production of tritium were adopted ( ist. - Andryushin I.A., Ilkaev R.I ....).

In 2018, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the latest intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 Sarmat. This colossal weapon is planned to be used...

In 2018, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the latest intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 Sarmat. It is planned to equip a part of the Strategic Missile Forces in Siberia and the South Urals with this colossal weapon. These liquid-fueled missiles will replace the R-36M2 Voyevoda intercontinental ballistic missile, which was developed during the Soviet era and is still the largest weapon of its kind.

The first prototypes of the latest rocket have already been built, and the first test launches are scheduled for 2016. If everything goes well, and the tests are quite successful, then mass production of missiles of this type will begin, and in 2018 they will go into service, as planned.

Almost nothing is known about the exact characteristics of the newest Sarmat intercontinental missile, however, some data indicate that this projectile will be an extremely dangerous weapon. But the Sarmat is not being developed from scratch; the latest ICBM will use a modernized version of the Voyevoda liquid rocket engine.

Its first stage will be equipped with four RD-278 engines. The weight of such a rocket, according to various estimates, will be in the range from 100 to 130 tons, and the mass of its warhead will be 10 tons. This means that the rocket will have 15 separable thermonuclear warheads. The range of "Sarmat" will be at least 9.5 thousand kilometers. Once this ICBM is put into service, it will become the largest missile in world history.

"Sarmat", like other ICBMs, such as "Yars", "Topol-M", is designed in such a way as to easily overcome the enemy's missile defense. Especially for this, the latest rocket will use a combination high speed and special radar traps. In addition, it will also be equipped with maneuvering warheads, which will be quite problematic to intercept.

Nevertheless, the development of the latest Ground Based Strategic Deterrent intercontinental ballistic missile, which will replace the “veteran” Minuteman III, has also begun in the United States. Now the States are making a lot of efforts to modernize the Minuteman, however, as the US Air Force command rightly notes, this outdated system is unlikely to provide a guaranteed deterrence in connection with the improvement of the enemy's missile defense.

According to some senior officials, the United States is in dire need of a new missile in order to deter Russia and China, but the result, if the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent program is successful, is unlikely to turn out to be as large and with the same shed weight. as in "Sarmaty".

That serial deliveries of the latest intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat" will begin in 2018. This means that the creation of a heavy strategic missile is ahead of schedule. Its receipt in the part of the Strategic Missile Forces was expected by 2020.

This acceleration became possible thanks to the modernization of the production base of the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, where the serial production of Sarmat is being launched. And this is very timely in the current conditions of aggravated relations between Russia and the NATO bloc, in which Washington plays a “leading and guiding role”. The new missile should become a powerful deterrent, significantly surpassing all nuclear weapons carriers existing in the world.

IN currently the most powerful rocket is the silo-based liquid propellant R-36M2 Voevoda. Among land, sea and air based ICBMs on both sides Atlantic Ocean there is nothing that would come close to her in terms of combat capabilities. It is no coincidence that NATO gave her a "speaking name" - "Satan".

The Voyevoda missile, put into service in 1988, consists of two stages, the engines of which use high-boiling fuel.

This ICBM was created to guarantee a breakthrough of the enemy's anti-missile defense. With this task, she copes well to this day. However, after a quarter of a century, enemy missile defense systems are already beginning to “get close” to Satan. More precisely, it became technically possible to make a new ICBM with more serious characteristics in order to more convincingly show probable adversary the failure of its missile defense system. Both the existing one and the one that can be created in the future.

Relatively recently, another reason has appeared to replace the "Voevoda" with a new missile. The fact is that the rocket was created in Dnepropetrovsk - at the Yuzhnoye design bureau under the leadership of the general designer Vladimir Fyodorovich Utkin, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Now, when ties with Ukraine have been completely severed, it is necessary to get rid of dependence on the military-industrial complex "square" in terms of the supply of spare parts and service activities.

The order for the development of the Sarmat missile went to the Miass Design Bureau named after V.P. Makeev. It would seem that the decision is extremely strange, since the Makeevites specialize primarily in the creation of marine products - ICBMs for strategic submarine cruisers. And here their achievements are impressive. The Sineva rocket holds the record for power-to-weight ratio among all existing rockets. That is, it has best regards rocket power to its mass.

However, there is no paradox in the fact that Sarmat was made in Miass. Firstly, a huge experience has been accumulated here in the development of liquid-propellant rockets, which have better power characteristics than solid-propellant ones. And the Sarmat, in order to surpass the Voevoda in terms of combat characteristics, was conceived and embodied in metal precisely as liquid. Secondly, the design bureau has experience in creating land-based missile systems. These, for example, include the R-17 missile (“Scud” according to NATO classification).

Designers KB im. Makeeva went, as they say, their own way. That is, they did not engage in the modernization of the Voyevoda, but created a completely new rocket. Although there were opportunities for modernization - the "heart" of the rocket, the RD-264 engines, were developed not in Ukraine, but here - in the Khimki design bureau Energomash under the leadership Vitaly Petrovich Radovsky.

As a result, a rocket was obtained that surpasses the Voevoda in all respects. She has a higher power supply. "Voevoda" weighs more than 210 tons, "Sarmat" is 20% lighter. And at the same time, the rocket is capable of reaching a suborbital trajectory, entering the target through space. This means the possibility of attacking, say, the United States not along the shortest straight line, but from any direction - and through North Pole, and through the South. At the same time, the trajectory is laid in such a way as to bypass regions with massive missile defense systems.

This is achieved by using a more efficient propulsion system in both the first and second stages. An increase in power is also expected due to the use of an upper stage at the final stage. In this connection, the rocket turned out to be dual-purpose. With a reduction in payload weight (10 warheads of 750 kt each weigh more than 8 tons in total) and the use of an upper stage, the Sarmat is capable of delivering satellites into orbit. This opportunity can be used when the resource of missiles is coming to an end. Or when they begin to be replaced by more advanced missiles of new developments.

Enhanced protection of missiles at launch positions. They are installed in the same mines in which the "Voivods" are now located. The mines are able to withstand close nuclear explosions, which is achieved through the use of special damping containers, for which large seismic loads are safe. The defense of the mines is strengthened by the Mozyr active protection system specially created for the Sarmat complex. It consists of a hundred artillery barrels that fire a cloud of arrows and balls with a diameter of 3 cm towards an incoming cruise missile or ballistic missile warhead. The height of the shot is 6 km. This system is served by a radar that has a long range and detection accuracy. In addition, it is planned in the future to cover the region where the Sarmat systems are based on the S-500 air defense system.

At the same time, the "penetrating ability" of the warheads of the new missile is unique. It is based not only on the highest energy qualities of the missile itself, which, before the warheads are separated from it, has the ability to maneuver with high overloads. The warheads themselves also have high maneuverability. In addition, they are equipped with electronic warfare equipment. They also increased the accuracy of targeting by almost two orders of magnitude - the maximum deviation from the target is 5-10 meters. This makes it possible, if necessary, to use kinetic warheads instead of nuclear warheads, which destroy enemy strategic targets with a mechanical impact of enormous energy.

Well, and finally, by 2020, the missile will be equipped with hypersonic warheads, which now have only a code name - “product 4202”. Their trials began in 2010. To date, a stable flight with a given accuracy of hitting the target has been achieved. Their speed is within 17M-22M. The warhead, presumably since the mid-2000s, has been developed at NPO Mashinostroeniya, located in Reutov, near Moscow.

Now "product 4202" is not able to stop any missile defense system in the world. And in the foreseeable future, such opportunities are not visible. The Reutov warhead is capable of long-term hypersonic flight in the atmosphere, maneuvering in vertical and horizontal planes.