Father Mikhail, known to the world as Mikhail Ardov, is the younger brother of Alexei Batalov. So famous actor they have the same mother different fathers. With Batalov, they were truly close people.

Mikhail Ardov: "Our connection was never interrupted, I tried to call on them."

My brother was one of the first to know. People's Artist, where he underwent rehabilitation after a hip fracture. Brother saw that National artist fading away.

Mikhail Ardov: "When last time visited three weeks ago in the hospital, he was quite inferior. And such a pale face that I have never seen such a pale face in a single person. He brightened up and smiled. He laughed when I joked, but I understood that this was not far away. ”

For the life of an actor until the very last day fought his wife Gitana. She believed: Alexei Batalov would return home and hug his daughter. Alexei Batalov was the main breadwinner of the family. The actor's daughter, 49-year-old Maria, is a disabled child. She has cerebral palsy. Batalov's wife, a former circus performer, devoted herself entirely to caring for only child. And now friends are worried about who, after the death of Batalov, will take care of his family.

Natalia Drozhzhina, actress: “Masha was told immediately at seven in the morning. She only cries. You know, it's very hard for her to speak. They say: “We don’t even know how to live on.”

Batalov's brother suggests that the actor's daughter from his first marriage will help take care of Maria. Nadezhda is 62 years old, she already has her own children and grandchildren.

Contrary to rumors, the people's artist his first wife and eldest daughter never quit. Just explaining how it happened, did not consider it necessary.

Mikhail Ardov: "Complete lies. His first wife left him. My mother told him about it, and he sat and cried. We had a wonderful dog dachshund Zygel. He approached and howled, sympathized. I can't forget this scene.

Family friend confirms: older and youngest daughter Alexei Batalov was friends and met at the holidays.

Natalia Drozhzhina: “Every year Masha loved to celebrate her birthday at the House of Writers. And she always invited Nadia. Nadia came with flowers, with gifts. I saw how Alexei Vladimirovich hugged and kissed her.

According to friends, Alexei Batalov indicated both daughters in his will. True, with one caveat. All the little property that the actor acquired during his lifetime, namely an apartment and a dacha, will first go to the youngest 49-year-old Maria, and after her death, the property will be inherited by the eldest 62-year-old Nadezhda.

It will take place on June 19, the people's artist will be buried at the Preobrazhensky cemetery. The People's Artist was 88 years old.

My first conscious memory of him is from the time of the war. We (and we were three brothers) were evacuated with my mother in the city of Bugulma. And in the forty-second or forty-three year our father came there, he served in one of the army newspapers.

And then I remember this scene. We - father, Alexei and I - are standing in the courtyard of the house where we lived. The father is in the uniform of a major, he holds a pistol in his hand and shoots towards the woodpile. And after each shot, Alexei and I run up to the firewood and look for traces of bullets ...

The next memory refers to the summer of the forty-fifth year. Our family then rented a dacha in Valentinovka near Moscow. And Alexander Vertinsky lived in one of the nearest houses with his wife and daughters, and he sometimes sang for his neighbors. And so Alexei, who was in his seventeenth year, skillfully imitated Vertinsky's singing.

My father in those years was somewhat preoccupied future destiny his stepson. Watching how he longs to become an artist, Viktor Ardov feared that he would become a typical member of the acting tribe. But the fears were not justified, Batalov never belonged to theatrical bohemia.

The stepfather called young Alexei "the people's artist of our apartment." And in 1969, on the day when he was awarded the title of people, Ardov said:

Here you have the "people of our apartment" ...

Alexei was an unusually gifted person. He drew beautifully and painted with oil paints. The large portrait of Akhmatova he created was the decoration of our apartment. He composed poetry, and Akhmatova approved of this. I remember she quoted his lines: "The sea always butts the rocks / / With a white forehead of a blue wave ..."

We can say that his professional career was quite successful, he was in demand, glorified and rewarded. But in a country like ours, things could be different.

In an afterword to one of my books, Batalov wrote: “To the modern reader, our life on Bolshaya Ordynka may seem quite carefree. But this is only at a superficial glance.

In the book of Roman Timenchik "Anna Akhmatova in the 1960s" a memo of the minister state security V. S. Abakumov, this text is called "On the need to arrest the poetess Akhmatova" (sent to Stalin on July 14, 1950).

There we are talking about the fact that she "carried out enemy work against Soviet state"," grouped hostile literary workers around herself and organized anti-Soviet gatherings "... And the last phrase is this:" The MGB (Ministry of State Security. - Approx. Ed.) The USSR considers it necessary to arrest Akhmatova. I ask for your permission."

Imagine for a moment that Stalin agreed with the opinion of his minister. Not only Akhmatova, but also my mother and my stepfather would have gone to the Gulag... In the summer of 1950, I graduated from the Studio School and was admitted to the Art Theater... There is no doubt that I would have been arrested.

But now, in my declining years, I feel neither malice nor hatred. I can repeat after Pushkin the words that greatest poet wrote four months before his tragic death (letter to P. Chaadaev):
"... I swear on my honor, for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history, except for the history of our ancestors, such as God gave it to us."

Russian Orthodox Church in connection with the choice of a new patriarch, a lot of attention has been riveted. How to explain such interest?

Andrey Kuraev: One of the reasons is that society has missed unpredictable elections. In this case, there is intrigue, it's interesting. The second reason is that for the first time the Russian Orthodox Church has the opportunity to choose not just a patriarch, but its own future.

Mikhail Ardov: I think the interest is fueled by television, the participation of top officials. They will decide anyway in the presidential administration and in some power structures.

Different from the face

Which of the candidates, in your opinion, is more promising for the Church?

Kuraev: In 1990, all the candidates were "seven from the casket, the same from the face." Neither society nor even the Church by and large didn't really distinguish them. Today, at least, it is clearly seen that one of the candidates has a bright personal characteristic - this is Metropolitan Kirill. He has a vision for the future of the Church, a program. And the fact that society has such an interest in a purely ecclesiastical, it would seem, topics, means that at least in part the Church managed to get out of its ghetto and become part of civil society.

Then why is there a suspicion that everything is decided in the Kremlin?

Ardov: For example, because when Patriarch Alexy died, Medvedev immediately interrupted his state visit. He did not go to the funeral, he went to Moscow to take part in the appointment of the patriarchal locum tenens. So it seems to me to some observers as well. The fact is that the Moscow Patriarchate, founded in 1943 by Stalin, Molotov and NKVD Colonel Comrade Karpov, was conceived from the very beginning as a servant of the authorities. They created the ROC absolutely in the image and likeness of the CPSU (b). There still exists an all-powerful, self-forming, non-elected and accountable to no one "metropolitburo" and "general secretary" - the patriarch.

In 1990, Alexy won by just a few votes. So there were elections after all?

Kuraev: This is not about the fact that for the first time the patriarch is freely elected, but about the fact that for the first time not only the patriarch, but also the path of development of the Church is freely elected. In 1990, the Church was not yet free enough to determine its own development. Today we see a clear personal contrast between the main candidates - Metropolitan Kirill and Metropolitan Clement. The contrast is both intellectual and in matters of understanding what is good for the Church.

Who is supported by the government?

Kuraev: It is very fashionable today to assume out of habit that the Kremlin will control the elections. I ask a simple question: what technical capabilities does he have for this? The elections will be secret. In order to control secret elections, for this, the electors must know in advance, before the start of voting, that the Great Terror has begun in the country, and if the wrong person is elected, Comrade Stalin will deal with all the electors, without going into details who voted how. Today, thank God, there is no such atmosphere in the country. Therefore, I do not see how anyone - the locum tenens Metropolitan Kirill or the head of the church apparatus, Metropolitan Clement, or Comrade Surkov, or Comrade Sobyanin - can control secret elections. In addition, control over religious life is not so important for the state today to develop some kind of super-methods. And the principle “the Kremlin has a lot of towers” ​​works. I mentioned Sobyanin - this is former governor Tyumen region. And in the Tyumen region, the archbishop is the younger brother of Metropolitan Clement. And so the Kapalin family (Clement + Dimitri) good connections with the head of Putin's apparatus. And Surkov, judging by the media, is more likely to be interested in supporting Metropolitan Kirill.

How are their programs different?

Ardov: Indeed, there is a very big difference between Metropolitan Kirill, whom I am very critical of, and almost all other bishops of that generation and older. In the 50s, at the behest of the KGB, in all educational institutions The Moscow Patriarchate was ordered not to accept boys with fours and fives in their certificates - only threes. And so the majority of the episcopate of our Patriarchal Church are these very trifles. But there were, of course, exceptions, like Cyril.

Kuraev: I just want to clarify that out of 180 bishops, 140 became bishops in the 90s. Accordingly, they studied at the seminary in the 80s, when the appeal of the KGB was no longer valid, if it was.

Ardov: Nevertheless, senior bishops are exactly like that. Metropolitan Kirill is indeed an extraordinarily capable person, a protégé of the very intelligent Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov). I think that Clement just refers to the trio. This is a gray horse, which is, how to say, easier for the presidential administration to look at. Because Kirill is very rich, smart enough, but nevertheless he always gets along with the authorities. I even came up with a special word for him and such other rich people - “oligarchs”. Here he is the main "oligarch".

However, what is the difference between the programs?

Kuraev: See what the locum tenens says in the presence of Putin and Medvedev over the coffin of the patriarch. He says that Patriarch Alexy accepted the Church as an invalid and weak, but in 20 years the Church became popular, became strong. These are very serious words. If translated into the traditional Byzantine language, this is the speech of Patriarch Nikon to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. What the word "God" meant to the medieval man means "the people" to the modern political scientist. The source of power, the source of absolute authority is God and the people. Nikon said - the Church is from God, and we will anoint you. That is, the Church is above secular power. Actually, Metropolitan Kirill said the same thing in modern political language. A lot of that what Metropolitan Kirill said and tried to do was connected with an attempt to find a foothold for the independent life of the Church in the country. For example, his idea that it is necessary to develop the church economy, to introduce a church tax. This is the way to make the Church economically independent and independent of the annual whims of those in power. In all the deeds and actions of Metropolitan Kirill, there is a bet that the Church will be an independent participant in the political alignments in Russia. In this sense, he tactically frightens the inhabitants of the Kremlin. But the pocket-puppet patriarch will not add authority to them and will not be able, in which case, to maintain at least the remnants of civil stability in society.

And Clement is pocket?

Kuraev: Clement has always made a career by agreeing to hardware orders. He is a non-public person. He cannot conduct public discussions. And he failed the main project that was entrusted to him by Patriarch Alexy - the promotion of the foundations of Orthodox culture in schools. His negotiations with the Ministry of Education ended with the fact that Minister Fursenko simply removed from the ministry all the people from the Philippov team who were more or less sympathetic to this idea. It turned out that, after all, the intellectual Fursenko was not a KGB general, so the resource of persuading Metropolitan Kliment and his team was not enough. It is obvious that every year we will be more and more hostages of the patriarch's ability to conduct a dialogue with people of other beliefs, other religious views.

Church for the image

There was a lot of criticism about Metropolitan Kirill's Christmas speech, when he started by talking about the crisis, then turned to Medvedev: "Dmitry Anatolyevich, you know how the people support you..." about the crisis...

Kuraev: Patriarch Alexy would also have spoken about this. Another thing is that there would be, perhaps, more rounded words. Then, the situation is such that if a representative of the Church speaks about what worries secular society, then he is blamed for excessive secularization, and if he does not speak, then he will also be blamed ...

Ardov: First, I will object about the nationality of Orthodoxy in Russia. We live in post-Christian times. In Russia, no more than 5% of practicing Orthodox...

But 70% call themselves Orthodox!

Ardov: Who knows what they call themselves. For Easter in Moscow Orthodox churches a maximum of 200 thousand people come, and those who did not go to church on Easter are certainly not Orthodox. All over the world it is. We are nowhere predicted that there will be a golden age, chiliasm. Therefore, it is necessary to look realistically. But, unfortunately, politicians really want to use the Orthodox Church for their image, which we have seen since the 90s. And these sycophantic speeches are a disgrace. People always say to me: how can this be?! Why does he say "Your Excellency"?! I answer that the patriarchy is a servant of the authorities. And it was not for nothing that another patriarch, Denisenko 1, quite wittily said: the ROC MP is the Russian Orthodox Church of Medvedev-Putin.

But the point is precisely that Metropolitan Kirill wants to make the Church independent of the secular authorities. What's wrong with that?

Ardov: I'm not saying it's bad. It is a bad thing in what condition this Church is...

Who is separated from whom

Many believe that the closeness of the Russian Orthodox Church to the state is detrimental to it. Shouldn't she "separate" from power?

Kuraev: There must be certain boundaries in relationships. We are not against cooperation with the state. But different actors must cooperate. They must remain different. And there must be certain taboos. Namely: the state does not interfere in dogma, in personnel matters, in liturgical matters, in the inner life of the Church. For its part, the Church should not interfere in the police, economic, internal life of the state, including in the personnel policy of the state. And then, having outlined these boundaries, depending on a particular social situation, public demand, cultural situation, questions can be resolved about in what projects cooperation between the Church and the state is possible.

Ardov: I once came up with such a formula that the Church is separated from the state, but the state is not separated from the Church. My deep conviction is that the Church should distance itself from the authorities as much as possible. Millions of people will not come to us - tens, hundreds, maybe thousands will come. But the only important function of the Church is the moral assessment of what is happening, including the actions of the authorities. This is where Christianity began. So John the Baptist denounced King Herod, for which he paid with his head. The Lord Jesus Christ denounced the Pharisees, the high priests...

Kuraev: Still, the apostles did not engage in denunciation of the policy of the Roman Empire. As for the incident with John the Baptist, one of the unnecessary and all the more strange tragedies in the history of Christianity grew out of this. John the Baptist suffered not because he denounced the despotism of Herod, but because he tried to control his family life. And since then, all the conflicts of the Orthodox patriarchs with the tsars have been exclusively “bed”. Not a single Orthodox (I'm not talking about heretics) Russian or Byzantine tsar was excommunicated from the Church for lawlessness, for terror, but only for bed affairs. Alas, this is not politics.

Ardov: For the first time I hear from the lips of a priest condemnation of St. John the Baptist.

Kuraev: This is not a condemnation of John the Baptist. Talking about mentality church life in which this act of John the Baptist became a justification for authoritarian control over the family life of people. And this control, in turn, became one of the reasons that we entered the post-Christian period of history. The beauty of the gospels has been rejected by so many people because of the church's too rigorous stance against divorce. Remember the rebellion of Vasily Rozanov.

Ardov: About Vasily Rozanov - separate story. And I can tell you about the indignation caused by kholuy speeches in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior among ordinary people. They say: well, what about your patriarch - what is he with the president?! What is he with Luzhkov, who dragged him to the opening of some piece of the ring road? Why did he go there? But I got enough in Peredelkino a large number of acres of land and all that.

Do you think the role of the ROC will grow or decline?

Kuraev: Depends on who is elected patriarch. If a person of the school of Metropolitan Clement, then this is the path to the gilded ghetto. Such, you know, jubilee-banquet life under the guise of piety. But this means a lack of dialogue with society, with the intelligentsia. If the choice falls on Metropolitan Kirill, then this is the path of dialogue.

Ardov: From my point of view, whoever is chosen, the role of the Moscow Patriarchate in political life, in government PR campaigns will increase from year to year. And the influence of the Church on the population will decrease.

Queue to the priest

What must the Church do today to be attractive to the people?

Ardov: Well, for example, to support the riot of drivers in Vladivostok; demand from the government that they sell gasoline to their population at real prices, and not the way they sell now ...

You have just condemned Metropolitan Kirill for speaking about the crisis on Christmas Day.

Ardov: Don't talk about it at Christmas. The point is that the Church should stand up for people, protect...

Much has been written about the role of the priest Tikhon (Shevkunov), who was called Putin's confessor: a queue of officials is lining up for him. This is not a demonstration of the intertwining of the Church and the state?

Kuraev: In the same way, actors and directors are looking for communication with Father Ivan Okhlobystin, and members of the Writers' Union - with Father Mikhail Khodanov, who is also a writer.

You don't think they're using Tikhon to lobby their interests.?

Kuraev: Someone is trying. It is already a matter of the priest's tact to recognize them. I think Father Tikhon understands his place in Putin's life, what it is worth talking to him about, what not. And it's clear that Putin probably doesn't need a cassocked alternative chief of staff to advise him.

Ardov: I can only say one thing: Rasputin is dead, but his work lives on under Putin.

Andrei Kuraev is a deacon and professor at the Moscow Theological Academy. Publicist, secular and ecclesiastical scholar. Author of many books.

Mikhail Ardov - cleric of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, archpriest; Rector of the Moscow Church of the Holy Royal Martyrs and New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia at the Golovinsky Cemetery. Formerly a professional writer.

1 Patriarch Filaret, in the world Mikhail Denisenko - former Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church; since 1995 - Patriarch of Kiev and All Rus'-Ukraine (Primate of the UOC-KP).

Ardov clan

Writer-humorist, screenwriter, cartoonist Viktor Ardov - Zhidovin

Viktor Efimovich Zigberman (writing under the pseudonym Viktor Ardov) was born in 1900 in Voronezh, in Russian Empire. In some sources, the real name of Radov is given incorrectly - Zilberman. That's right - Sigberman. By nationality, Viktor Efimovich Zigberman is a Jew. Father - a railway engineer, a graduate of the Kharkov Institute of Technology - Zhidovin Efim Moiseevich Zigberman. In those years - a member of the economic board of the Voronezh Jewish community.

The city of Voronezh was outside the "Pale of Settlement", but gradually the clever Jews penetrated there, and greatly multiplied and strengthened. For example, the famous Zhidovin in Voronezh, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Goldshtein, ended up here already around 1840. First a printing worker, then he converted to Orthodoxy, was assigned to the guild artisans, at the end of 1850 a Jew became a merchant of the 2nd guild, then he opened “lithography and metallography”, and already in May 1859 he founded the first private printing house in the city. Goldstein was the publisher of the first private newspaper in the province, the Voronezh Leaflet, and then published the Voronezh Reference Sheet. Since 1869, this Jew became the publisher of the Voronezh Telegraph newspaper, the largest and most respectable newspaper in the city, which was published until June 1918. He successfully zombified Russian population provinces, especially the upper class. There were pogroms in 1905, but they were small in Voronezh. In Voronezh, Jewish merchants, Jewish bankers, Jewish doctors, Jewish engineers, Jewish officials multiplied... The ancestors of the children's Jewish writer Marshak and the Soviet Jewish writer Baklanov lived here... When the Cadet Party appeared, the Jews rushed there as well. Yefim Zigberman, a Jew, also became a member of the Cadet Party...
(A Brief History of the Voronezh Jewish Community in the 19th-20th Centuries). http://base.ijc.ru/new/site.aspx?IID=47933&SECTIONID=47912&STID=248594

The actress, "TV star" Anna Ardova recalls:
- My grandfather Viktor Ardov had German Jews on the one hand, and Sephardic Jews on the other. (Sephardim is a sub-ethnic community of Jews, formed in Spain). By the way, my grandfather's real name is Sigberman. That is, I, in theory, was supposed to become Anna Borisovna Zigberman. Sounds nice. But since in Soviet times it was not very welcome to be a Jew or to wear Jewish surname, then the grandfather writer first decided to become Sephardic, and then the first three letters disappeared by themselves and Ardov turned out ...

(International Jewish Journal ALEF).

From the memoirs of a former employee of the magazine "Crocodile" Ernst Edel:

Who are you, Viktor Ardov?

Drunk A. Tvardovsky saw Viktor Ardov in the House of Writers: “I don’t like your last name for some reason ...” Ardov immediately gave the answer: “This is because it is the middle of yours!” Probably, the author of “Terkin” meant that “Ardov” is a pseudonym. My real name, Jewish, Ardov, it seems, he himself forgot? In general, he was known as an ideological assimilant, believing that Jewish names and surnames are unpleasant to the Russian ear. According to this logic, all the nationals (national people) of the USSR should become Ivanovs and Petrovs? I did not agree with this. But writers and other Jewish figures, hiding behind Russian pseudonyms, remained, as it were, in the eternal underground, under nicknames like criminals.
(Ernst Edel. Intelligent tales from Edel. Archive, No. 10 (22), October 2002).

Maybe Ardov was an “assimilant”, maybe he was embarrassed by the name Zigberman, maybe he changed his last name in the interests of a career ... Ardov preferred to keep quiet on this topic.

Voronezh a good city but Moscow is better. The Jews Zigbermans are resettled at the beginning of the war in Moscow. In 1918 Viktor Zigberman graduated from the First Men's Gymnasium in Moscow.

His son Mikhail Ardov wrote in his memoirs: “By the time of the revolution, at the age of seventeen, Viktor Ardov was already an established person and quite consciously shared the program of the Cadet Party. I remember a funny episode that took place in the early sixties. A certain artist, whom his father had somehow favored, came to Ordynka and expressed his gratitude in the following words:
“Thank you, Viktor, for helping me out… You are a true Bolshevik-Leninist… since 1920.” In 1947-1951. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.
- You are an idiot! Ardov answered him. - What kind of Leninist am I to you? I've been a liberal all my life! I am a supporter of bourgeois democracy…”
Of course, he didn't openly say that at the time.

Mikhail Ardov:“In the nineteenth and twentieth years, he happened to serve in some Soviet institutions, but he had a desire to study at the institute. However, there was an obstacle to entering a Soviet university, namely, the origin "from employees" or even "from the middle class". At that time, a workers' faculty already existed, and the institutes recruited mainly "proletarians" and "peasants".
But then Ardov was helped by patronage: one of his aunts was married to a Marxist historian, later academician V.P. Volgin ... "

This is wrong. Mikhail Ardov is lying. Proletarian and peasant origin then, of course, meant when entering institutes. But the Jewish origin also meant a lot. After all, most of the Jews who filled the institutions, as well as the governing bodies, were not of proletarian and peasant origin. But, of course, it mattered if Viktor Ardov's father, Yefim Zigberman, was an owner and rich man, and even a cadet, before the October Revolution.

In 1925 Viktor Ardov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics National economy named after Plekhanov. But if you believe the words of his son Mikhail, he did not receive a diploma. The fact is that the Komsomol committee demanded that he, as the son of wealthy relatives, donate some money for general needs. Ardov refused, then he was threatened that he would not receive a graduation diploma.
“You can wipe yourself with my diploma!” - Ardov told them and left the institute building forever.

He didn't really need a degree. Zhidovin Viktor Ardov was not going to work as an economist. It's good to be an economist, but it's better to be a "Russian writer".
When he was studying, he already worked as an actor and entertainer in the cabaret "Nesydai". Since 1921, he began to publish his own cartoons with accompanying text in the Spectacles magazine. In order to hide his Jewish roots, he already spoke under the name of Ardov. Then he began to illustrate his own humorous collections. He was regularly published in the humorous magazines Crocodile and Red Pepper. Together with L. V. Nikulin, he wrote the comedies Squabble and Article 114 of the Criminal Code (1926), Tarakanovshchina (1929). (Many Jewish biographers rank Nikulin among the Jews). Together with the Jew Mass, he composed the comedy "The Birthday Girl", independently composed the comedy "Small Trumps" (1937). Altov often wrote humorous monologues for pop artists (for the Jews of Khenkin, Rina Zelenaya, for the Jews, Raikin, for the Jews, Petker and others). Since 1927, the Jew Ardov was in charge of the literary part of the Leningrad Satire Theater. The name of the theatre, of course, is incorrect, there could not and never was any legal satire under the dictatorship. Therefore, the Jew Ardov cannot be ranked among the satirists. He was just a Jewish humorist.

This Jew Ardov (Zigberman) composed in Russian in the USSR - more than forty collections of humorous stories, feuilletons, theatrical sketches, essays, screenplays for the films "Bright Path" (1940) and "Happy Flight" (1949) and theoretical works on the technique of colloquial genre on the stage and in the circus. A book of memoirs "Sketches for Portraits" (1983) about Mayakovsky, Bulgakov, Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, Ilf, Petrov, Svetlov, Olesha, Koltsov, Ilyinsky, Ranevskaya and others was published posthumously. The book of this Jew called "The Great and Funny" was republished in 2005. And so far there is not a single study on the stupefying effect of this zombarian Jew and similar Jewish comedians on the consciousness of the Russian people.

Viktor Ardov (Zigberman) died in 1976. The coffin with his physical body was buried at the Transfiguration Cemetery (Moscow). A photograph of the grave monument is given on the Jewish Memorial website.

Wives, children, grandchildren.

The first wife of Ardov (Zigberman) was Irina Konstantinovna Ivanova. The second wife became in 1933 already famous actress Nina Antonovna Olshevskaya. By nationality - half-Polish. Her five-year-old son Alexei Batalov (future artist) became Ardov's stepson. A little later, the successors of the Ardov family were also born. In 1937, the future writer-memoirist and priest Mikhail Viktorovich Ardov was born, and in 1940, the actor and director-animator Boris Viktorovich Ardov. The granddaughter of Viktor Ardov, actress Anna Borisovna Ardova, will also become famous. The great-grandchildren, actors Anton Shavrin and Sonya Ardova, will also become a little famous.

Actor, director-animator Boris Ardov -
son of Viktor Ardov (Zigberman)

Boris Ardov was born in 1940 in Moscow. By nationality - Zhidovin by father. Father - writer and screenwriter - Zhidovin Viktor Ardov (Zigberman). Mother - actress of the Moscow Art Theater Nina Olshevskaya, half-Polish.

In 1961 he graduated from the MXAT Studio School. Worked as an actor in the Sovremennik Theatre. In 1972 he graduated from the Higher Director's Courses. From 1974 to 1987 he worked as a director and production designer at the studio "Multtelefilm" TO "Ekran". Since 1975 he taught at VGIK. Was an associate professor acting skills, Ph.D. in History of Arts. Headed by Akhmatovsky Cultural Center in Moscow (although Akhmatova was not a Jew).

He died in 2004 in Moscow. His physical body buried at the Preobrazhensky cemetery with his father. A photograph of the grave monument is given on the Jewish Memorial website.

Wives and children

Zhidovin Boris Ardov was married four times and had seven children. The first wife is Mira Ardova (nee Kiseleva), an actress of the Youth Theater (then she is the wife of actor Igor Starygin, then she is the wife of the theater director Lev Davydovich Vaisman). From the first marriage, two children - designer Nina Ardova and actress Anna Ardova.
When Boris Ardov was married to Mira, he met Lyudmila Dmitrieva, a student at the Textile Institute, who dreamed of becoming an actress. Ardov began to prepare her for a theater school and at the same time began to mate with her. And his wife at that time began to meet with the theater and film actor Igor Starygin. The actress Lyudmila Dmitrieva later admitted publicly that she had several abortions from Ardov. He injected his seed into her body without thinking about the consequences. When she was in her third year at the Moscow Art Theater, she became pregnant again, but decided to give birth. Daughter Maria was born. Lyudmila Dmitrieva knew that Boris Ardov was very lustful, he had many ladies, he liked to copulate with different ladies ... “And one day she returned home and found her husband, in the company of several ladies at once. She could not restrain herself and shouted: “Prostitutes, get out of here!” However, for the time being, Borya respected and loved me. And then for a long time he could not choose between me and the animator Olga, the daughter of the famous cameraman (Jewish) Eduard Rozovsky, who shot “ White sun desert" and "Three Musketeers". I sobbed, and my mother-in-law reassured me: "Don't cry, you - stay, and he - let him go." She divorced when Masha was 6 years old. With (Jewish) Rozovskaya, who now lives in America, he had a daughter. After parting, Ardov married for the fourth time and started three more daughters. His last wife is no longer alive, like Bori himself, who died in 2004 from cirrhosis of the liver. Both were killed by alcohol, their girls were left orphans and live with their grandmother.”

Writer of memoirs and priest Mikhail Ardov -
son of the Jew Viktor Ardov (Zigberman)

Mikhail Ardov. photo: Alexander Astafiev (www.mk.ru)

Mikhail Ardov was born in 1937 in Moscow. By nationality - Zhidovin. He is the son of a Jewish writer-humorist Viktor Ardov (Zigberman). Mother - actress Olga Olshanskaya (according to the memoirs of Mikhail Ardov - she has Polish roots). “My mother, Nina Antonovna Olshevskaya, was born in Vladimir on July 31/August 13, 1908. Her father, Anton Alexandrovich, was the son of the chief forester of the Vladimir province. And the wife of this great-grandfather of mine was a Polish aristocrat - nee Countess Poniatowska.

In 1960 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. But being a Soviet propagandist-journalist did not appeal to me. But it’s not given to write satire, and it’s scary, I also didn’t dare to write novels and stories, I also didn’t dare to become a professional humorist, to make the goyim laugh, because they will be compared with the then famous comedian father ... Obediently and quite standardly and in a mask to live in the USSR " very tired." And in 1964 Mikhail Ardov was first baptized. Then, from 1967, he was already a subdeacon in the Church of All Who Sorrow on Ordynka. In 1980 he was ordained a deacon in Yaroslavl in the church in the name of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow. On Easter 1980 he was ordained a priest by Metropolitan John (Wendland). He served in rural parishes of the Yaroslavl and Moscow dioceses.

And in the summer of 1993, the Zhidovin Mikhail Ardov left the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate and moved to the Russian Church Abroad. He became a clergyman of the Suzdal diocese, which was then headed by Valentin Rusantsov. Together with Rusantsov, he went into a split. Since 1995, Mikhail Ardov has been a cleric of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, administratively and canonically independent of ROCOR. In 1998 this church was renamed into the Russian Orthodox Church. autonomous church.

And it is clear that he did not become a hieromonk out of higher considerations. There is nothing interesting about Faith, about God, about the Highest Meaning of Life in his writings and speeches. He left as a hieromonk not only because he was “very tired”. Some biographers noted that "going into religion meant in those years one of the forms of protest against Soviet power and Soviet reality." And he himself admitted: “And then, I did not immediately understand this reason: coming to church was an internal emigration. We fell out of Soviet life. We are outcasts. Those were the two reasons."

And even more so, it was no longer dangerous to walk with a beard and in a cassock. Even serving in the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church was no longer dangerous.
The Jewish poet Joseph Brodsky reacted correctly to the new image of Mikhail Ardov when they met in 1995 in New York. Seeing an old friend in a cassock, he said:
- What a masquerade!

Long before that, back in the mid-60s, in Moscow, answering the question of the newly converted Ardov whether he was thinking of being baptized, Brodsky said in English:
- I am Jew. (I am Jewish).

Zhidovin Mikhail Ardov, of course, began to stupidly yelp at the Russian Orthodox Church.
“The Moscow Patriarchate, the Russian Orthodox Church, to a large extent fulfills what it did in Soviet times propaganda department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. To this must also be attributed the desire to introduce the Law of God into general education schools. It seems to me that this decision is not only not very correct, but, I would say, not very smart either. Because the tragedy that occurred in the Russian Empire was largely predetermined by the fact that Peter I turned the Orthodox Church into a spiritual department and an appendage of the state. And by the way, the Law of God was taught in all educational institutions. How it ended in the 17th year, we know ... ".

The poor fellow did not even understand that the point is, first of all, that Christian Religion came into conflict with Big Science in all countries. It's really too late to teach God's law, but a brief history Of course, it is necessary to teach the main religions. Every Russian student should know the basics of paganism, Orthodoxy, Islam and Buddhism. Yes, and about Judaism, the Torah and the Talmud should know a little. The Russian-Jewish question should know a little.

In the 1990s, the Izvestia newspaper published his article against the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Zhidovin Ardov vowed never to enter this temple. Yes, don't go. At least go to the synagogue. Mikhail Ardov publicly opposed Olympic Games and any sports competition. Christians are not even allowed to engage in physical education and sports. Physical education and sports are “caring for the flesh”, and the supreme apostle Paul warned us against this (Romans 13:14). He spoke out against the imprisonment of girls who were half-naked jumping in a Christian church ...

On September 22, 2006, Mikhail Ardov was "attacked" in live programs of the Author's Television (ATV) "Novoe Vremechko" Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate (DECR MP). The incident was covered in some media. Chaplin called priest Mikhail Ardov a "schismatic". Chaplin urged clergy and laity to refuse joint participation in television and radio programs with Mikhail Ardov, a cleric of a schismatic group based in Suzdal. Chaplin noted that in the journalistic environment the ROAC was given the title of "sect of pedophiles." This sect is famous for its scandals with homosexual priests and pedophile priests.

Zhidovin Mikhail Ardov wrote a dozen books in Russian for Russian goyim: “Little things archi..., proto... and simply priestly life”, “Return to Ordynka. Memoirs, journalism”, “Around Ordynka”, “Legendary Ordynka. Portraits”, “Monograph about the graphomaniac. Memoirs”, “Notes of a Cemetery Priest”, etc. But he was not satisfied.

Mikhail Ardov: "I have an unfortunate fate ... the clergy consider me a writer, and writers consider me a clergyman, and both of them do not show me the slightest respect."
(Mikhail Ardov. Monograph about the graphomaniac. - M. 2004, p. 528).

Rusantsov declared himself in 1995 head of the Russian Orthodox Free Church. He managed, with the support of local authorities, to seize 19 churches in the city of Suzdal, where the center of this schism is located. On February 19, 1997, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church was defrocked. On March 15, 2001, by decision of the Synod of Bishops of the ROAC, Rusantsov was elevated to the rank of metropolitan, recognized as the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. He is the Metropolitan of Suzdal and Vladimir, he died in 2012. And this church has no prospects. And no prospects for the Zhidovin Mikhail Ardov. Mikhail Ardov is little known as a priest or religious preacher of the Russian Free Church. He is a boring and timid pop.

And, of course, pop-Jewish Mikhail Ardov stubbornly ignores in his memoirs and media appearances the important topic of pederasts and pedophiles in cassocks ... He never once spoke in favor of introducing a law in Russia banning pederasty in Russia and increasing the terms of punishment for pedophilia. And, of course, he never spoke on the topic of the danger of the expansion of the Jews into the Christian church ... He did not say a word in his memoirs about the First Big Leap of the Jews into power, into the cinema, onto the stage, into publishing houses, and then into the TV box ... But you should have known well that the Soviet stage was overflowing with Jews, and even now there are a lot of Jews on the stage ...

He scolds Stalin on Radio Liberty, who “first annexed the Donbass to the Poltava region and Kyiv, and then two more pieces of Poland and one piece of Austria-Hungary. Such a state cannot exist. Stalin, as Gorbachev once said, mined the whole country! In Georgia, who invented the Abkhazian autonomy? Who cut Ossetia into two parts? Who gave Karabakh to the Azerbaijanis? He did the same in Central Asia. Who gave the Yaik Cossacks to Kazakhstan? I have been to Samarkand twice. This is a wonderful city inhabited by Tajiks, which belongs to Uzbekistan. He mined the whole country. It was not the Democrats who destroyed the Union, but the Communists who destroyed the Russian Empire. And this expression "Russian world" is a new invention. There was no Russian world in Russia. There was the Russian Empire. There was no nationality. There was only religion…”

Zhidovin Mikhail Ardov conceals that the reduction of the Russian Empire, the collapse of the Russian Empire and the stupid stitching together of pieces into a “Soviet blanket” - in the USSR began under Lenin and Trotsky, under the dictatorship of six Jewish dictators, and not under Stalin. Stalin then completed and reworked Lenin's work. Zhidovin Mikhail Ardov is not able to consider the historical process also in the national aspect. It is the pop-Jews who do not see or hide the Great Leap of the Jews into power after 1917. This pop-Jew does not see or does not want to see the Second Great Leap of the Jews into power after 1991. He does not see that the "democrats", and if we consider the events in the national aspect, then it was the Jews with other nationalists who ruined the country. And they even eliminated the nationality column in passports and questionnaires in order to facilitate the Second Big Leap to power. Eh, poor pop, oatmeal forehead ... or smart-ass priest ...

Actress Anna Ardova - granddaughter of the Jew Viktor Ardov (Zigberman)

The granddaughter of the Jewish Viktor Ardov, Anna Borisovna Ardova, was born in Moscow in 1969. Her mother, Mika Ardova (Kiselyova), worked at that time for the Youth Theater, and her Jewish father, Boris Ardov, was a director and animator. The girl got her name in honor of her grandmother's friend, the poetess Anna Akhmatova.
Ani Ardova's mother divorced her Jewish father. She then married famous men from an artistic environment. Anya even became friends with Igor Starygin, but she could not find a common language with director Lev Davydovich.

Anya Ardova was able to enter GITIS only on the fifth attempt. She graduated from GITIS in 1995. Since 1995 she has been an actress of the Moscow Academic Theatre. V. Mayakovsky.

Anna began acting in films in 1983. She starred in several films.

For five seasons, she played in the Women's League sketch-com on TNT (a sketch-com is a small play of comedic or sharp content with two, less often three characters). Got some notoriety. In 2009, Ardova was offered the main role in the show "One for All" on the TV channel "Domashny". Biographers write that the project has become one of the main hits of the channel. Adova received the TEFI Award for Best Actress in a Television Series in 2010.

She started acting in serials. In 2004, she played in the TV series "Only You", and she also got the main role in the film "The Secret of the Blue Valley". In 2006, she was offered a role in the TV show "Women's League". The series was popular with undemanding viewers, Anna began to be recognized on the streets. She began work on a new project "One for All".

Her husbands and children
Anna got married for the first time when she was still in her second year, for actor Daniil Spivakovsky. His last name on the Jewish website 7:40 is highlighted in blue (“Know ours!”).

“My grandfather, Semyon Davidovich Spivakovsky, was a Jew,” Spivakovsky himself admitted in an interview,

For her, the granddaughter of a Jew, it was normal to marry a Jew. But the marriage lasted less than a year. Anna: “We got married in our second year. We broke up after not living together for a year. I don't know how we didn't kill each other with our temperaments."

Then she had an affair with the Georgian Georgy Shengelia (son famous director). But they also parted ways soon after.
In 1996, the actress again had a stormy romance. With journalist Sergei. “Sonya’s father, journalist Sergey, left me when I was six months old,” Ardova said in an interview with Express Gazeta. - I blamed myself for everything: “What a bad person you have to be thrown into a deep pregnancy. Her second husband was the artist Alexander Shavrin. They met a long time ago, were friends, but he confessed his love when she was pregnant. From the journalist Sergei, she gave birth to a daughter, Sonya. From Shavrin, in 2001 she gave birth to a son, Anton. Sonya also became an artist. With her son Anton, Anna Ardova starred in the TV series "Women's League" ...

Actress Sonya Ardova -
great-granddaughter of the Jew Viktor Ardov (Zigberman)

Sofya Sergeevna Ardova - the daughter of Anna Ardova, the great-granddaughter of the writer-humorist Viktor Ardov (Zigberman) - was born in 1996 in Moscow.

Studied at the Architectural and Design Studio. Then a student of the Moscow Theater School Oleg Tabakov.

In the cinema, Sofya Ardova has played about 10 roles since 2004. The most famous are the main roles in the films: "Roof", "Everything is for the better."

Anna Ardova and her son Anton Shavrin, great-grandson of the Jew Viktor Ardov (Zigberman).

Anton Shavrin was born in 2000 in the family of actors Anna Ardova and Alexander Shavrin. Filmed with her mother in the sketch-coms "Women's League" and "One for All".

The collection "Zhidovsky Telebox" in a fuller volume and the Fundamentals of Russian Cosmism read here:

http://forum.17marta.ru/index.php?board=81.0 (admin censorship here))


“Get up, Russian people!”

The free newspaper Metro, published by the Swedish media holding, is fooling its readers in St. Petersburg. A column by Archpriest Mikhail Ardov appeared in it. A huge cross hangs on Michael’s chest, but you would be mistaken if you classify the columnist as a member of the Russian Orthodox Church. Metro is silent about the fact that he is not an archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, but the ROAC is the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, non-canonical. However, Ardov considers the ROC to be a non-canonical structure.

Original taken from kimura in the Archpriest of Desovietization

IN Lately literally in geometric progression desovietization processes began to accelerate. These processes result in slanderous information campaigns, renaming of streets and other objects.
One of the powerful directions is the rethinking of the activities of General Vlasov.

Kiril Alexandrov defends his doctoral dissertation on the phenomenon of collaborationism http://arctus.livejournal.com/106374.html .
And Vesti.fm is already in a mild form whitewashing Vlasov in his supposedly scientific programs http://friend.livejournal.com/2274320.html?view=74182672#t74182672.

There are also concrete attempts to include the Orthodox community in this struggle on the side of the de-Sovietists. Our people have inner wisdom and, in general, understand that those who allegedly came to the Soviet "soul" are actually licking their lips in the style of Hitler's solution to the Russian question.

Let's take a brief look at it. So, at first, Ardov expresses his admiration for the work of M.A. Bulgakov. The archpriest notes the Diaboliad, this work in a metaphorical form can be interpreted as an identification of the devilry and the early Soviet Union. No wonder Ardov draws a parallel with Kafka and his Kafkaesque bureaucracy.

Further, the author proceeds to the most famous novel of the writer "The Master and Margarita". He immediately makes a reservation about the rejection of blasphemy in the dialogue between Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate. And proceeds to explain the rest of the novel. The essence of Ardov's interpretation of the novel comes down to the identification of evil spirits with the Soviet regime. And only the threat of reprisals prevented Bulgakov from directly making the Lubyanka or the Kremlin a source of diabolism, the author writes. One wonders where the archpriest has information about Bulgakov's motives, especially such secret ones.

Then Ardov reduces the motive of the literary "devils" in the work to Bulgakov's resentment against the surrounding bureaucracy, read the Soviet bureaucracy. And this alleged formation of motives by the writer leads the archpriest to the idea that Bulgakov hoped that the novel would be published. Any writer hopes for the publication of his works, this idea of ​​a publicist is not original.

It’s interesting here how the novel came out, what role Bulgakov’s wife Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya played in its publication, and who she herself was. A deeper consideration of the theme of the publication of the work would have carried away from the topic of the post. It is interesting what exactly Ardov had in mind when he called his note “A deliberately authorized masterpiece”, by whom was it authorized? Ardov does not answer. I will only say one thing, that the novel was first published in 1969 by the Posev publishing house Frankfurt am Main. The publishing house was organized by the People's Labor Union (NTS) in 1945 in the American zone of occupation of Germany. At the same time, the novel is both anti-Orthodox and anti-communist, that is, extremely anti-Russian.

Archpriest Ardov interprets the novel, in spirit I do not accept blasphemy, but for part of the identification of evil spirits with the Soviet system, he calls the novel a masterpiece. How blasphemy and a masterpiece can coexist in the head of a believer at the same time is an open question.

In one of the following issues of the newspaper, Ardov's text "The scribbled pen" was published, about the Soviet writer Marietta Shaginyan. In the text, Ardov expresses his negative position towards the writer, and this position is due to the fact that the writer was devoted to the “Lenin-Stalin cause”.

The central topic of the conversation was Stalin and repressions, in the conversation Shaginyan defended Stalin. Ardov "through the mouth" of his friend tells a frank lie about 22 million killed. These lies about the millions killed are read by millions of citizens who commute to work by subway. Moreover, this lie is reported by a person with an Orthodox rank, and people can perceive this as the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).

Who is Archpriest Mikhail Ardov? Born in 1937 in Moscow. Father Viktor Efimovich Zigberman, in the literary field, took the pseudonym Ardov. The ancestors of the Siegberman-Ardovs were, on the one hand, Sephardic Jews (a community formed in Spain), and on the other, German. Therefore, at first the pseudonym was Sephardi, subsequently the first three letters were dissolved. Mother Nina Olshevskaya, theater Soviet actress. By the way famous Soviet actor Alexei Batalov is the mother's brother of the discussed Mikhail Ardov.
In 1960 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. He was baptized in 1964, in 1967 a subdeacon in the Skorobyashchensky Church on Ordynka. In 1980 he was awarded the priesthood. In 1993, he left the Russian Orthodox Church and entered the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, became a clergyman of the Suzdal diocese, headed by Valentin Rusantsov. In 1995, together with Rusantsov, he left ROCOR. They created the Russian Orthodox Free Church, which in 1998 was renamed the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. This church is not canonical.

Ardov himself says the following about the reasons for his churching on the air of Radio Liberty:


For the ignorant, internal emigration is an evasion of participation in political and public life states as a result of internal disagreement with the dominant ideology; unwillingness to follow the given rule; spiritual alienation from the state; alternative to real emigration. That is, the impetus for leaving for Orthodoxy was not faith, but a radical rejection of the Soviet system, which prompted them to flee to another world.

There he expresses his attitude towards Stalin:

Ardov connects the ugliness of modernity with the activities of Stalin, and Stalin is to blame for the events in Ukraine, Stalin is to blame for everything, the damned one reached out. The Communists destroyed the Russian Empire, Ardov probably forgot that the empire existed until February Revolution 1917, and was renamed the republic. We see that Ardov does not accept not only Soviet, but also Russian. There is no "Russian world" for him, interesting production question. But what about Pushkin: " There is a Russian spirit, there is Russmells"! Just Archpriest Ardov, who knows more about Russianness than the great Russian poet. For a publicist, there is no crisis of religious identification, which was caused by the Modern project, it was this crisis, coupled with the incapacity of the elite, that led to February. I will note by February, and not by October. If it weren't for him, they would still live in the Russian Empire, and Zigberman, in my personal opinion, does not take the “Russian world” for choosing communism.

But let's continue quoting:

Analyzing the above remark, we can assume that the departure from the ROC is also due to the attitude towards Stalin. It was Joseph Vissarionovich who in 1943 recreated the institution of the patriarchate. In this regard, Ardov declares that the ROC is a non-canonical structure. Here the question immediately arises, what kind of structure is canonical, with such a formulation of the question, one can not only reach Peter I. Further, Ardov-Zigberman reports interesting information about the relationship between the KGB and the party in the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church. Further disclosure of this topic would take us far beyond the subject of the post. Nevertheless, it is clear that the archpriest knows firsthand about the conflict between "Brahmins" and "Kshatriyas" in Soviet reality.

So, from the pages of one of the most popular newspapers, a publicist, as if speaking on behalf of the entire Orthodox community (no one will bother to figure out who Archpriest Mikhail Ardov is), pours Russophobic poison on society. And if I were the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, I would think about this collision, since this poison is in their souls.