Development speech activity children takes place at all levels of education: natural science, music, mathematics, etc. However, the main basis for solving the problems of developing speech activity is the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

To implement the tasks of developing speech activity in Russian language lessons, the main role is played by the textbook as the leading teaching tool.

The explanatory note of the Russian language program for elementary school emphasizes that the development of speech activity is one of the main areas of work in primary school. "The tasks of teaching schoolchildren the native language are determined, first of all, by the role that the language plays in the life of society and each person, being the most important means of communication between people. It is in the process of communication that the formation of the student as a person, the growth of his self-awareness, the formation of cognitive abilities, moral, mental and speech development. The Russian language program for elementary school also determines the range of speech skills and abilities of students, which should be formed over the course of 4 years of study in connection with the study of phonetics, grammar, spelling and the development of speech activity.

Textbooks "Russian language" (author T.G. Ramzaeva) in practice confirm all the main provisions set forth in the program. They reflect all modern approaches to teaching Russian language to junior schoolchildren, including teaching coherent speech.

One of the advantages of this system is a textbook-notebook for the 1st grade. Teaching using a textbook-notebook begins in the second half of the 1st grade. When determining the content of the textbook, the starting point is the provision that teaching the Russian language in the 1st grade is a propaedeutic stage in the system initial course learning.

In the 1st grade, in the process of learning from the textbook-notebook "Russian Language", it is planned to conduct targeted observations on the word, sentence, text, as units of speech and language, and their functions in communication.

Theoretical material in a certain system is not included in the textbook for the 1st grade. Language and speech information is used by students practically in educational and cognitive activities: in the process of speech processing of the results of their observations, analysis of educational mini-texts, answers to questions included in the textbook, comparisons and comparisons provided for by the tasks of the exercises.

The propaedeutic stage of the system aims to prepare first-graders for assimilation in the 2nd - 4th grades of the theory of language on a speech basis, that is, to create conditions for the implementation of the communicative-speech orientation of education. This is largely due to the fact that in the textbook - notebooks for the 1st grade, the central place is occupied by exercises aimed at understanding in the future the relationship between the functions of a word, sentence, text, their originality and design in oral and writing. The word names, the sentence informs or contains a question, the text informs, but in more detail. It consists of two or more sentences.

The subject of constant attention is the lexical meaning of the word, its use in the text, the relationship between sentences in the text, between words in a sentence, the role of text synonyms. The word as a unit of language is not represented in the 1st grade at the level of the part of speech. Elementary observations are made on such a feature of the word as the question it answers and preliminary accumulation of information that words are the names of objects.

The textbook is aimed at ensuring that in the structure of a simple two-part sentence, first-graders highlight its semantic and grammatical basis - the main members (without knowledge of terms), learn to distribute sentences based on the need for verbal communication (initial observations), pay attention to the connection of words in a sentence in the process creating your own proposals or restoring - deformed.

Teaching Russian in the 1st grade is a propaedeutic stage of the initial course of the Russian language. The systemic - concentric principle of teaching the Russian language is implemented in the 2nd - 4th grades.

In the "Connected Speech" section, the central place is given to working with text, mastering by students a set of speech skills that ensure the perception and reproduction of the text and creating their own statements. In each class, work with the text, as well as with the sentence, is carried out throughout the school year, which is due to the general speech orientation of language teaching. In fact, at each lesson, work is carried out with the text in oral and written form; only under this condition, knowledge of the Russian language finds application in speech and speech develops. The section "Connected Speech" defines the main components of working with text:

the concept of text; the formation of the ability to distinguish between text and individual sentences that are not united by a common theme;

the topic of the text, the ability to determine the topic of the text;

the main idea of ​​the text, the ability to determine it;

the title of the text, the ability to title the text, based on its theme or main idea;

construction of the text, the ability to divide the text-narration into parts;

the connection between parts of the text with the help of words: suddenly, once, then, etc. The ability to find a word with which the main part and the beginning or the main part and the ending are connected, the ability to establish a connection between the parts of the created text;

figurative means in the text, the ability to highlight comparisons, metaphors, colorful definitions, personifications in the text, the ability to use figurative means in one's statements;

types of texts: narration, description, reasoning;

the concept of presentation, the ability to reproduce in writing someone else's text of a narrative nature according to a ready-made collective or independently drawn up plan;

the concept of writing (orally and in writing), the ability to compose a text according to a series plot pictures, one picture at a time, as well as on topics close to students in their life experience, the ability to write down their text with preliminary collective preparation.

The invaluable advantage of textbooks are texts taken from the best works of classical, fiction, popular science literature, works of oral folk art, while it should be noted that the texts are not only accessible and close to the life experience of students, but also have a certain impact on the soul of the child, make him smile, mourn and think about some aspects of life. This creates a positive emotional mood of students in the classroom, introduces them to the literary language, enriches the memory with linguistic and syntactic constructions of exemplary texts.

The textbooks have a system of tasks and special exercises, allowing to develop all types of speech activity of schoolchildren, as well as the ability of children to freely use in different languages V different situations communication.

In work on the development of speech activity of students great importance has an enrichment of their vocabulary. The language material of the textbook allows you to enrich the vocabulary of students on a daily basis. When studying a particular topic, children get acquainted with new words, learn their meaning. So, when studying the topic "Word", the vocabulary of children is enriched with words that could be attributed to different seasons. Pupils not only find such words among the data, but also, if they wish, can determine the mood that arose in them when reading this or that word.

Turning students to the history of individual words will allow them to be more attentive to the words of their native language. From the first grade, children get acquainted with the ambiguity of words. Drawings and texts of exercises help them to create specific images, perceive the meanings of polysemantic words. Performing such exercises, students correlate the objects shown in the figure with their names and conclude that all objects are similar in some way and are named the same, although they designate different objects. Also in the 1st grade, children get acquainted with synonyms and antonyms. In the 2nd - 4th grades, in the process of performing practical tasks, the students' understanding of the lexical meaning of words, of unambiguous and polysemantic words, about the direct and figurative meaning of words, synonyms and antonyms.

The authors of textbooks pay great attention to the correctness of the speech of younger students. Through texts, students get acquainted with the correct pronunciation of words ("what", "boring"), with the norms of stress in words and the forms of words most commonly used in speech ("shop", "beets", "driver", "understood"), learn the correct use in speech of the words "dressed", "put on", "dressed" and others.

A special place in the system of work on the development of speech activity of students is occupied by exercises aimed at educating a culture of speech communication. So, while doing the exercises, the children think about the questions, what words can be used when saying goodbye to their comrades, and what words can be addressed to a teacher or another adult. Thus, using typical situations as an example, students are shown how to use various means of speech etiquette when greeting, saying goodbye, asking, apologising, and so on, as well as how to behave in such situations.

There are enough exercises in textbooks that form special speech skills: to distinguish between text, types of texts, determine the topic and main idea, select a title, highlight parts of the text and construct the text compositionally correctly, choose key words, notice the figurative and expressive means of the language and skillfully use them in speech.

There are a lot of exercises in textbooks that offer the creation of your own speech statements, which allows you to develop not only oral, but also written speech of students: creating a text according to a given word, sentence, proverb, picture and questions on a given topic, compiling a continuation of the text, and so on.

The formation of speech skills also occurs in the process of teaching younger students to write essays. Working with sample text helps students to understand the features of text construction and contributes to the development of the ability to build coherent texts

It is positive that the textbook contains a large number of subject and plot drawings, diagrams, which, on the one hand, help the student to learn the material being studied, and on the other hand, are used to enrich the student's vocabulary and develop coherent speech. Help in the work of the teacher is provided by the dictionaries placed at the end of the textbook. When studying any topic, the attention of students can be drawn to working with a dictionary.

Theoretical material in a certain system is not included in the textbook, linguistic and verbal information is used practically in educational and cognitive activity in the process of verbal processing of the results of one's observations, analysis of educational mini-texts, answers to questions included in the textbook, comparisons and comparisons provided for by the tasks of the exercises . The propaedeutic stage of the system aims to prepare first-graders for assimilation in the 2nd - 4th grades of the theory of language on a speech basis, that is, to create conditions for the implementation of the communicative-speech orientation of education. This is largely due to the fact that in the textbook-notebook the central place is occupied by exercises aimed at understanding in the future the relationship between the functions of a word, sentence, text, their originality and design in oral and written speech.

Analyzing the nature of the textbook material, it is worth noting the following.

Texts taken from the best works of classical and popular science literature are an invaluable advantage of textbooks. Enrichment of the dictionary occurs due to the recognition of new words, their meanings, acquaintance with the etymology of words. Turning students to the history of individual words contributes to a more attentive attitude to the words of their native language. Drawings and texts of exercises help to create specific images, to perceive the meaning of polysemantic words. In the process of performing practical tasks, students' understanding of the lexical meaning of words, single-valued and polysemantic words, direct and figurative meanings of words, synonyms and antonyms is refined and deepened.

The author of textbooks pays great attention to the correctness of speech. Through texts, students get acquainted with the correct pronunciation of words, with the norms of stress. A special place in the system of work is occupied by exercises aimed at educating a culture of speech communication. There are enough exercises in textbooks that form speech skills when working with text: the ability to distinguish between types of texts, determine the topic and main idea, select a heading, highlight parts of the text and construct the text correctly.

There are also many exercises aimed at creating your own speech statements, which allows you to develop not only oral, but also written speech: creating a text according to a given word, sentence, proverb, drawing.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Russian language textbook contains a system of tasks and special exercises that contribute to the improvement of language education and the development of all types of speech activity.

Ways to increase the effectiveness of the development of students' speech activity:

firstly, it is a purposeful preparation of the lesson, a clear goal, thoughtful selection of material, the mandatory introduction of proverbs, the introduction of new words on a daily basis, the creation of conditions for free expression, an attentive attitude to students' speech, assessment as an incentive for mastering speech skills;

secondly, teaching a living, humanized language. The word should be presented not only from the positions of formal grammatical, but first of all moral and aesthetic.

Work begins with the enrichment of the dictionary. It is necessary to arouse interest in a single word. We study the origin of the word, structure, pronunciation, its meaning. The leading method at this stage is a game with a word.

The word is the building material for the sentence, the key to understanding the whole sentence, so the next task is to make the word an object of observation, analysis, given its etymology. To do this, we find out that the word is convincing, lively, quivering, exciting, entertaining, appropriate, beautiful, sincere; therefore, the word can: enrich, disturb, puzzle, soothe, heal, induce, save, hurt. Systematic word-formation work allows students to see and understand how words are formed, to delve into the secret of their birth. We carry out various exercises aimed at developing the ability to identify the closest related words, compare them, determine how they are formed and how their meaning changes from this.

Among the various exercises aimed at expanding the vocabulary of students, I give a special place to working with synonyms and antonyms. This is done in order to achieve greater expressiveness of the statement. To speak expressively about something means, to some extent, to enhance the impression of your speech, to influence the feelings of the listeners, to force them to pay attention to one or another detail in a conversation or narration.

After working with the word, children are offered various sentence building exercises. The traditional didactic set for practicing various speech skills are proverbs and sayings.

So, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of mastering the types of speech activity in elementary school for all subsequent schooling. To implement the tasks of developing speech activity in Russian language lessons, the main role is played by the textbook as the leading teaching tool. This is an instrument of his self-development, something that makes possible his self-education, socialization, his further cognitive and personal development.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Russian language textbooks contain a system of tasks and special exercises that contribute to the improvement of language education and the development of all types of speech activity.

Thus, the Russian language training set (author T.G. Ramzaeva) also contributes to the improvement of language education and the development of speech activity of younger students.



Our work has shown that written speech fosters a responsible attitude to the word to a greater extent than oral speech. Written speech is more closely connected with logical thought than oral speech, and in its development cannot but rely on thinking and inner speech. And this support moves the development of these mental processes. It is of great importance for the development of a thoughtful and serious attitude of the student to what he studies and does in school.

Written speech from the very beginning appears as more arbitrary. To master it, the student must learn to analyze the sound-letter and syntactic composition of his speech, and this analysis, together with the abstraction of written speech from external situations, is the most serious basis on which other relations of external speech with thought are tied. Without the development of verbal thinking, successful schooling is unthinkable.

Let us recall one more feature of written speech, which has an enormous educational value.

Written speech and its characteristic orientation towards the abstract reader opens up new ways of communication for the child, transferring the child's thought, will and feelings to a much wider world of social reality. Through the development of orientation towards the reader, this world is more tangibly perceived by the child.

If such is the value of written speech, then the possibilities and methods of its development in school must be carefully weighed. In methodological literature, it is usually indicated that a child's written speech depends entirely on the development of his oral speech. The level of development of oral speech usually determines the readiness for certain types of children's independent writing.

Our research shows that this is far from the case. Written speech is not a simple translation of oral speech into written signs. Written speech is a peculiar process that is in specific relationships with oral speech, thinking, imagination, inner speech and attention. Therefore, the path of its development

determined by the achievements of the student in various aspects learning activities, and not just the level of development of his oral speech (although this level is the most important).

If oral speech has not accumulated a certain vocabulary, the child should not be given written work that requires the use of this vocabulary. Until the child learns to speak in conditions where he is listened to and the teacher and the class react to his speech, it will be difficult for him to write anything left alone with himself. Thus, oral speech, which children learn at school, requires for its development the ability to focus on a collective listener. This orientation is very different from simple direct communication with individuals. When a student speaks in front of a class, he must be able to adapt to these conditions the strength of his voice, and intonation, and syntax, and the vocabulary of his speech. The ability to orient his oral monologue to the listener to a certain extent will help him orient himself to the absent reader and his written speech. In both cases, imagination plays a big role; the ability to put oneself both in the place of the speaker (writer) and in the place of the listener (reader).

We especially emphasize this connection because pedagogical practice takes it very little into account and very little deals with oral speech precisely from this side.

The following order of work has taken root in the school: the teacher repeats the student's answers, being a kind of conductor of his individual statement to a group of children. With this order, the child answering the lesson does not need to orient his speech to the whole class, and the whole class does not need to listen carefully to the speaking comrades, because the teacher will repeat the most important thing later. Meanwhile, the reaction of listeners is a powerful factor in improving monologue speech.

Oral creative work with readable texts (continuation of the story, story at the beginning, at the end, change in the form of the story, etc.) is of particular importance for the development of written speech, since it is an active attempt to take the point of view of the writer and in the best way prepares the student to combine the points of view of the "writer" and "reader" when writing.

Reading is the understanding of written speech, i.e. one of the main and the main parties speech development. Understanding speech is always ahead of its use: children first begin to understand the speech of others, and then, after a while, they themselves begin to speak. The same attitude persists even when the child learns to read: one must understand well what is read in order to be able to tell or write it.<...>

It is very important for the development of written and inner speech to work with children on the plan of what they have read and on

outline of a children's story. An analysis of the essays "How I spend my summer (winter) ..." showed that children cannot write an essay without a plan. And while they do not have an internal plan, they try to build it on the surface of external speech, which makes it clumsy, unreadable. And this position is maintained until the outer plane becomes the inner one. It can be assumed that work on the plan of what has been read is of great importance in order for the child's speech to begin to be built according to the internal plan.<...>

One of the difficulties of speech is its arbitrary division into its component parts. Oral speech, in which this occurs unconsciously, cannot help the formation of written speech in this respect. Written speech, on the contrary, helps to get rid of unconsciousness manifested in oral speech. A strong skill to correctly divide thoughts is important not only for the purposes of spelling and punctuation. Without it, written speech loses its most important specific features.

Expressive loud reading greatly helps the development of arbitrary dissection of speech, while with quiet reading, the student to a greater extent embraces the general meaning of what he has read, combines individual thoughts into one whole, and weakly captures the sound-letter and vocabulary structure. That is why it is impossible to switch to silent reading before children learn how to correctly analyze sound-letter letters in writing.

But silent reading has its own value for the development of written speech: it prepares the development of inner speech.<...>

Quiet reading contributes to the transition inside the semantic nodes that are on the surface. In this way, the child acquires the habit of thinking silently, of holding in his mind the "landmarks" of the thought he is about to express in writing. The child gradually loses the habit of merging the plan of his thought and the thought itself, and semantic knots cluttering it begin to disappear from the surface of written speech. If we have a student in front of us, whose speech suffers from clumsy repetitions that play the role of logical supports, we need to think first of all about working on the plan of what is being read (told) and about quiet reading.

For mastering written speech, grammar is crucial, since it helps to the greatest extent understanding the composition of speech. That is why the teaching of grammar must be built from the very beginning in such a way that the skills of understanding speech acquired in grammar lessons are constantly consolidated by the practice of independent writing of children. We have in mind the independent composition of sentences by children, the elementary linking of several sentences, work on deformed texts, etc. The elements of independent children's writing are also extremely important for the successful passage of the grammar itself.

The fact that written language is more closely associated with abstract thinking makes it especially valuable for studying such a subject as grammar, where everything is built on abstract verbal generalizations. When can a child learn these verbal generalizations more deeply? Of course, when he knows how to abstract himself from concreteness, to separate attention to the word itself from what is contained in it. visual presentation, do not confuse the word with the subject reflected in its meaning. Without this, the child will always see objects in nouns (with the word "water" - imagine water and think very little about how to change this word, putting the unstressed under stress). Written speech copes more easily and better with the task of drawing attention to the abstract-verbal sphere of children's thought.<...>

The elements of independent writing need to be practiced more widely from the very beginning, also because many children, having learned the technique of writing, usually begin to write independently at home. They design magazines, write ads, posters, letters, diaries and even movie scripts. All this, as a rule, is woven into the fabric of children's play and often occupies a rather large place in the life of a younger student. The school cannot ignore this fact. It is impossible to wean and cool children in their aspirations for independent writing.<...>

What way should the teaching of written language go in school? This path consists in the fact that children are given the task to write briefly about something on questions, according to a detailed plan, which is nothing but those verbal-semantic knots that should develop inner speech in children. This also includes techniques for inserting missing words and expressions, and other exercises with deformed text. This kind of written work is quite expedient from the point of view of what we know about the ways of development of inner speech in its connection with written speech.

Insufficient development of the methodology of written tasks of the mentioned type for children lower grades creates a completely unjustified slowdown in the pace of development of written speech.<...>

The most favorable conditions for the intellectual productivity of writing exist when the writing technique takes a minimum of effort and time from the writer.

The school is not careful enough about the speech with which the child comes to school.<...>And from the first day he makes him speak in the form of so-called complete answers, which makes it extremely difficult for children's speech. It is very difficult to speak in full answers even for an adult. It is especially unnatural and therefore very difficult for children when they are required to speak in full answers during a live class conversation about a picture, about an excursion in which everyone participated, or about

story read and known to the whole class. This is difficult because the whole situation, and the interlocutor (in the person of the teacher and classmates), and the subject of the conversation are in front of his eyes, which pushes the child to his usual forms of short oral speech. What we have said does not mean at all that complete answers should be banished from school. They are necessary, but in their place. Teaching children to use grammatically designed detailed sentences is necessary, first of all, so that they practically dissect their speech and build the type of sentence that they have to deal with when studying grammar. If children do not know and do not know how to practically build a grammatically detailed sentence, then they will not be ready for written speech. But if the teacher demands complete answers from the child at every step, then this will also harm the written language itself: it will be detailed and precise to the point of absurdity.

Emphasizing more than once the psychological advantages of written speech over oral speech, throughout our research we have repeatedly mentioned the great difficulties associated with mastering it. These difficulties, due to the psychological nature of written speech (abstractness, arbitrariness, other connection with thinking), dictate the need for a very careful approach to children's writing. At first, it is impossible to give children difficult and abstract topics for essays, since written speech is, by its very nature, abstract speech. The path of development of written speech must be made in such a way that this tendency towards abstractness is smoothed out, so that children in their written statements can both rely on inner speech and verify its data with the visual material of living reality. You should not give children the task of writing an essay on a particular topic just on the basis that they coped with a similar task orally. A direct transition from oral to written composition is not justified by the data of our study. This transition can be carried out at first with the help of a questionnaire plan given to children or pictures that play the role of a plan, etc.<.. .>

We must not forget, however, that in the upper grades of elementary school, ready-made "milestones", plans begin to fetter children. Undoubtedly, this should be felt in time and given to children (even individually) more independence.<...>

Pupils of grades III-IV in writing are already beginning to master the inner plane of their speech. Therefore, it is certainly impossible to keep them always only in written work facilitated by a plan.<...>

It seems to us that it is necessary to formulate the questions offered to children of primary school age in such a way that they stimulate the development of their thoughts by the child,

directed his attention not only to the end (outcome) of his thought, but also to its beginning.

Elkonin D.B. Development of oral and written speech
students. - M., 1998.-S. 100-111.

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Explanatory note

As part of the introduction of the Federal Educational Standards of the second generation, much attention is paid to the development of the speech of students, including those who study Russian as a non-native language.

The primary task of every teacher-philosopher is to educate a person who knows the art of verbal communication, the culture of oral and written speech.

Today, in the context of the GIA and the Unified State Examination, introduced in almost all school subjects, this problem is particularly acute. It is no secret that the numerous test tasks that our children perform in different lessons do not always contribute to the development of their speech, and therefore their intellect. But competently expressing one's thoughts in oral and written form was welcomed at all times. In the conditions of modern reality, the upbringing of a person who owns the art of verbal communication, the culture of oral and written speech, is the primary task of every language teacher. And this is no coincidence, because strong oral and written skills help students to better absorb the content of other school subjects, increase interest in literature and the Russian language and give self-confidence. In addition, they represent universal knowledge used in other types of educational and other human activities.

Children master the Russian language through speech activity, through the perception of speech and speaking. That is why it is so important to create conditions for the speech activity of children.

The weakest link in the general system of teaching the Russian language is the work on the development of coherent speech of students.

Teaching oral and written speech in the methodology has long been called the development of coherent speech. At the same time, connected speech is understood as a process, speech activity, and a certain result of an act of communication, i.e. a detailed response of the student on the material of the academic discipline, oral and written presentation of the text created by the student, abstract, article in the wall newspaper, description, reasoning, report, etc., i.e. certain speech work, text. Each of the speech works indicated in the program acts both as a subject of training (that is, what is taught specifically), and as a means by which communication skills are formed and developed. So, teaching how to build a text of the type of reasoning-proof, the teacher helps schoolchildren to realize the features of this type of text, to master certain skills, and at the same time, all this work serves as a means of developing communicative skills, communicative abilities of a person. That is why a clear understanding of the content of work on the development of coherent speech, its sequence and the optimal selection of methods and teaching aids corresponding to the tasks are of great importance.

There are three main directions for the development of schoolchildren's speech: mastering the norms literary language, enrichment of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech, teaching different types of speech activity.

For successful work in these areas, you can use various productive pedagogical technologies Keywords: student-centered learning, development of critical thinking through reading and writing, game technologies, information technologies. Such training involves not only arming schoolchildren educational information but also the development of their intellect.

The main goal of teaching Russian as a non-native language is the development of communicative activity of students. Therefore, the formation of skills and abilities of verbal communication or communications is put forward as the most important goal of training. This is formed in all types of learning: reading, speaking, writing. And above all, communicative target settings play an important role here, requiring students to be able to express agreement, support what was said, join what was said, supplement the interlocutor (agree, continue what was said). When learning any language of the world, a person tries to learn its communicative activity. In educational activities, great importance is attached to communication between students and teachers.

The development of computer technologies allows you to really individualize the educational process, strengthen the positive motivation for learning, activate cognitive activity to enhance the creative component of the work of both the student and the teacher.

Information and communication technology is both a means of supplying material and a controlling tool. Computer lessons will help improve the level of teaching, enhance learning motivation, and activate students' cognitive activity.

The development of interest in the subject is also connected with the development of individual abilities of students. There are "strong" students in the class who strive to obtain a high percentage of knowledge, skills, having a high learning potential and "weak" students. Given these features, you can use learning technology. The essence of technology is that the student is given the time that corresponds to his personal abilities and capabilities, which allows him to learn the material. And "strong" students are given tasks of increased difficulty, which contribute to the development of cognitive interests.

If there are goals and motives for communication, then the act of communication within the framework of a speech situation will take place. The best methods for activating oral and written speech are interactive reception, which is translated from English as interaction, where the teacher and the student work to achieve the same goal. For example, this includes various situational tasks with dialogic and monologue speech and the ability to express one's thoughts in the form of texts, creative, research work, writing poems, etc.

Gaming technologies. Learning will be successful if knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired in a strict sequence, when each new lesson is based on the previous ones. But in the learning process, not only knowledge is important, but also the impression with which the child leaves the lesson. Techniques for learning proverbs, sayings, poems help students master aspects of the language.

With the help of such playing tricks you can consolidate new language material, or you can cheerfully and easily repeat the material covered.

Thus, the basis of communicative activity is communicative skills formed on the basis of language knowledge, skills, that is, work on communicative concepts gives good results. In conclusion, I would like to say that the main thing in the work of a teacher is the desire for creative search. Such lessons allow students to see the benefits of studying the subject, resulting in increased interest and quality of education in the subject being studied.

At school, in the process of learning activities, all functional varieties of speech develop, but special meaning during this period, it acquires speech as a means of cognition, preservation and transmission of information, speech as a means of organizing collective actions, speech as a means of self-awareness and self-expression, influencing comrades and adults. At this time, along with interpersonal communication, group communication is also intensively developing. It is at school that students master book styles of speech. Comprehending the basics of science at school, children use the educational and scientific variety book speech when in the classroom they briefly or extensively answer the questions of the teacher, make presentations and reports (on the topics of the subjects studied). The school also begins to develop a journalistic style of speech, the formation of which is associated with active participation in public life, the study of subjects of the humanitarian cycle. The latter is explained by the fact that social sciences ah, facts, phenomena, ideas, views are not simply communicated, but are analyzed from certain ideological positions. The language of the social sciences is characterized by a scientific journalistic style of presentation.

The formation and improvement of students' speech require purposeful work. In accordance with the current program, in the lessons of their native language, students receive special knowledge about speech

Ownership competent speech is an indispensable condition for the active creative participation of each student at the present time in the life of the school, in the future in industrial and social life. It is necessary to involve students in an active struggle for the purity and correctness of Russian speech, since the native language is not only a subject of study, but also a means of teaching the basics of all other sciences.

"Features of Oral and Written Speech" in the Russian language in the 9th grade is an amateur association of students under the guidance of a Russian language teacher, within the framework of which systematic classes are held with students after school hours.

The purpose of the circle lessons- improving the level of oral and written speech of students.

Course objectives:

Instilling students' interest in the Russian language;

Enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech;

Formation of skills and abilities of a coherent presentation of thoughts in oral and written form;

Teach students to work independently with books, dictionaries;

Development of linguistic outlook, thinking, research skills;

Education of initiative, purposefulness;

To improve the general language culture;

Formation of expressive reading skills;

To develop in students the desire to monitor the correctness of speech, to learn to analyze their speech and the speech of their comrades from the point of view of its compliance with literary norms.

As a result of studying the course, students should be able to:

To convey thoughts correctly, accurately and expressively;

Independently work with books, reference dictionaries, select material;

Speak to an audience, create independent oral or written messages, while using visual means of the language;

Conduct polemics to argue their judgments, give counterarguments; use the main sources of information, know how to work with information.

Read expressively: distinguish sounds in a word, pronounce words clearly, distinguish between stressed and unstressed syllables, determine the boundaries of a sentence, raise and lower the voice, speed up and slow down the pace of speech.

According to this program, in an entertaining, accessible form for students, the level of oral and written speech of students is increased. Creative tasks, dialogues, research, comments, performance of test tasks, work with a dictionary, practical work, training exercises form the creative personality of students.

Calendar-thematic planning


Number of lessons

Lesson topic


the date of the




Spelling morphemes


Vowels after hissing and C

Practical work.


Letters b and b

Performing test tasks, working with a dictionary.


Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words

Training exercises.




Punctuation marks in a simple sentence.

Offer analysis.



Punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Offer analysis.


Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech.

Offer analysis.




Speech norms

Work with text.




Russian literary language and its styles

Practical work.




Means of expressiveness of speech

Work with text.






Training exercises.




Lexicology and phraseology

Performing test tasks, working with a dictionary.





Training exercises.




word formation

Working with a teacher.



Morphology. independent parts of speech.

Conversation, dialogue, ex.




Morphology. Service parts of speech.



Syntax. A simple two-part sentence.

Syntactic analysis of sentences, performance of test tasks.



Syntax. Difficult sentence.

Analysis of proposals.



Dictionary types.

Working with different dictionaries.




Text and its main features.

Work with text.



Types of speech. Description. Narration. Reasoning.

Work with text.





Work with text.




Text styles. Review. Essay.

Work with text.



List of used sources and literature:

1. Grigoryan, L.T. My tongue is my friend. (Materials for extracurricular activities in Russian). A guide for teachers. - M .: Education, 1976.

2. Krivoplyasova, M. E. Russian language and literature. Means and techniques of expressive speech. - 5-9 grades: training tasks in the classroom. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

3. Moskvin, V.P. Stylistics of the Russian language: Techniques and means of expressive and figurative speech (general classification). Ch. I, II: A guide for students. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

4. Murashov, A.A. A culture of speech: Tutorial/ A.A.Murashov.- 3rd ed., ster.- M.: Publishing house MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK" Publishing House, -2006.

5. Plenkin, N.A. Lessons in the development of speech: 5-9 cells: Book. for the teacher: From work experience. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995

6. Programs for general education schools, gymnasiums, lyceums: Russian language. 5-9 cells / comp. L. M. Rybchenkova. - M.: Bustard, 2001.

7. Sitnikova, LN Compositions on the Russian language and literature for students in grades 5-8. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.

8. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.I. Maksimova.- M.: Gardariki, 2002.-413 p.

9. Malyugina V.A. Olympiads in Russian language 7-8 grades. – WAKO, 2010

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of teaching primary school students the skills of oral and written speech ………………………………………………………. 6
§ 1. Psychological and linguistic foundations of speech activity……… 6
§ 2. Problems in the formation of speech activity………………19
§ 3. The role of the textbook in the work on the formation of oral and written speech skills ……………………………………………………………...27
Chapter II. Experimental study of the development of oral and written speech skills in younger students…………………………….……….36
§ 1. Methods for assessing the level of development of speech in younger students ...... 36
§ 2. Analysis of the results of an experimental study of the development of speech skills of younger students…………………………………….40
Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………….51
Appendix 2……………………………………………………………………….54

The problem of the development of oral and written speech of students is becoming increasingly important these days. The deep, ongoing interest of scientists from various branches of knowledge - philosophers, psychologists, teachers, methodologists - to the development of speech in schoolchildren convincingly indicates that this area of ​​​​scientific research has become widespread and recognized. Therefore, it is natural to strive to comprehend its main aspects as best as possible and to reveal their essence.
Mastery of language, speech - necessary condition formation of a socially active personality. To learn to speak clearly and grammatically correctly, to have a well-trained voice, to express one's own thoughts in a free creative interpretation in oral and written form, to be able to express one's emotions by various intonational means, to observe speech culture and develop the ability to communicate is necessary for everyone. Therefore, one of the most important tasks at the present stage of teaching students, I consider the development of speech activity.
The relevance of the study is dictated by the increasing role of the spoken word in the cultural life of the country, since the ability to speak without preparation, spontaneously, has become the most valued in our time. According to prominent Russian psychologists (A.A. Leontiev, N.I. Zhinkin, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein), the mechanism for generating spontaneous speech is not simpler, but much more complicated than the generation of written speech. The ability to build spontaneously coherent speech works is “a manifestation of speech ability of a higher order” (K.F. Sedov). Therefore, children need to be taught how to build coherent oral statements in order to increase their communicative competence.
The main goal of all teaching the Russian language in elementary school is to develop students' literate written speech and the ability to freely and coherently express their thoughts orally in accordance with the situation of communication. However, in the process of learning, the existing knowledge of children becomes insufficient, since students, when creating their own speech works, do not rely on theoretical knowledge about the rules for constructing an utterance, about the structure, type and style of the upcoming utterance, etc., which ultimately affects the quality generated statements: their level is quite low compared to what is possible. There are spelling errors in the written language. These facts prove the need to develop a special methodological system for the development of coherent oral speech of younger students in the process of improving literate written speech and creating coherent oral statements.
The object of the study is the process of developing the skills of oral and written speech of students primary school.
The subject of the study is a methodological system for developing the skills of oral and written speech of younger schoolchildren.
The purpose of the study is to develop a scientifically based and experimentally tested methodological system for developing the skills of oral and written speech of primary school students.
The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that targeted, consistent and systematic work on teaching younger students oral and written speech will be effective if an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech is used in the learning process.
The goal, subject and hypothesis of the study involved the solution of the following main tasks:
- to study the state of the problem in theory and in practice;
- to reveal the role and importance of the development of oral and written speech skills in the educational process;
- to determine the extent to which the formation of oral and written speech skills is realized in elementary school.
The most important research sources are:
- literature on the theory and methodology of the problem;
- school program 1-4 T.G. Ramzaeva "Russian language";
The methodological basis of the study is an activity approach to the problem of the development of oral and written speech within the framework of the theory of speech activity (L.I. Aidarova, T.V. Akhutina, L. S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Zalevskaya, I. A. Zimnyaya, S. D. Katsnelson, G. V. Kolshansky, A. A. Leontiev, A. A. Lyublinskaya, S. L. Rubinshtein, etc.)
Research base: 1-"A" class of school No. 20 in Yoshkar-Ola, a total of 24 students.
The practical significance of the study is determined by the methodological material (adapted theoretical knowledge about oral utterance, a developed system of exercises, specially selected according to the criteria we have formulated for practical purposes). didactic material), developed by the author of an experimental training program that can be used to improve teaching aids, programs and textbooks for elementary school.

§ 2. Problems in the formation of speech activity
Speech is a very complex and at the same time differentiated phenomenon: it includes phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and syntax, spelling and punctuation.
In the initial course of the Russian language, two interrelated subsystems are becoming more and more clear: language education and speech development. At the same time, knowledge of language and speech science constitutes for students the foundation on which speech skills are mastered. The development of speech activity in the lessons of the Russian language is inseparable from the study of sections of the Russian language.
Today we have to state that, despite the significant attention to the speech development of students observed in recent years, these tasks are not fully solved. And the speech environment in which the child grows up does not always satisfy the school, and speech education still suffers from major shortcomings.
Phonetics. By the time they enter school, children in most cases have a sufficiently trained speech apparatus and sufficiently developed speech hearing to distinguish by ear and reproduce in their own speech all the semantic-distinctive properties of sound units. Meanwhile, special studies of children's speech show that there are significant problems in the development of students' pronunciation skills. So a significant part of elementary school students do not have a sufficiently clear articulate speech. This is also reflected in writing skills: poor diction is often the cause of errors such as typos.
The lack of development of the articulation skill of students is manifested in excessive difficulty in pronouncing unfamiliar words, words of foreign origin or complex in composition.
(“exploitation”), words with repeated sounds (“laboratory”). When pronouncing similar words children often allow distortion (loss, rearrangement of sounds), and this kind of difficulty does not go away on its own with age, but often persists for life. With the insufficient development of speech hearing, deviations from the orthoepic norm are most often associated. Violation of the literary pronunciation norm may be due to:
- the influence of the dialect;
- Influence of spelling. Such errors are especially frequent when reading aloud (“that”, “learn”).
However, regardless of the specific reasons, spelling errors are always associated with the inability to listen to sound composition words, evaluate their own and other people's pronunciation in terms of its normativity. According to Methodists, people with well-developed speech hearing, being outside the dialect environment, quickly get rid of the dialect pronunciation, assimilating literary norm by simple imitation. Most students have to overcome a number of serious difficulties in order to acquire sustainable skills. literary pronunciation. An essential component of pronunciation and auditory culture is the ability to determine the place of stress in a word by ear.
Insufficient development of this skill is one of the reasons for the stability of spelling errors in the formulation of word stress. This is also associated with insufficient development of a sense of speech rhythm.
This is manifested, for example, in the inability to read poetry correctly, reproducing their rhythmic-melodic structure. A necessary component of the pronunciation and auditory culture is intonation skills, the formation of which requires the teacher's purposeful work. Studies of the oral speech of students show that the shortcomings in its sound design are due to the shortcomings in the development of speech activity in general and, above all, its syntactic underdevelopment.
However, we can also talk here about the absence of proper phonetic skills. Often children do not know how to express in their voice their attitude to what they are talking about, make random logical stresses that are not justified by the task of speaking, do not single out the main thing with intonational-sound means, do not know how to raise or lower their voice, say something louder, something quiet.
In other words, the intonation design of speech does not correspond to the logical and emotional content that is expressed in the spoken text. At the same time, the child sometimes finds it difficult to pronounce this or that segment of speech correctly intonation, although he understands its semantic-syntactic relations. This is due to the lack of a purely “technical” ability to reproduce one or another intonation pattern of speech, the ability to imitate the desired intonation, which is also associated with the poor development of speech hearing.
These shortcomings are mainly characteristic of the monologue speech of students. They also characterize reading aloud: students often do not know how to expressively read punctuation marks, convey in their voice the semantic relationships between parts of the text, the logical and emotional content of what they read, and maintain the desired pace and volume. A child who is internally aware of these shortcomings in his speech development develops a fear of public speaking, detailed oral answers in front of the class, and public reading aloud.
As for the colloquial dialogic speech of schoolchildren, here, too, excessive harshness, sometimes rudeness of intonations, inability to regulate the volume of speech and its general tone in accordance with the situation of communication should be noted as shortcomings. The latter is manifested in the inability to voice attention, sympathy, respect for the interlocutor, the inability to speak with an intonation of emphasized politeness when addressing elders.
The noted shortcomings in speech make it difficult for the student to communicate with others, especially adults, and in the future may adversely affect his social practice.
Observations on the perception of derivative words by schoolchildren convince us that all those active in modern vocabulary words do not cause much difficulty if they are taken in context. However, when schoolchildren are faced with the task of choosing the most accurate or vivid derivative word for a given particular statement, they experience significant difficulties.
Schoolchildren find it difficult to use nouns with the meaning of an objectified attribute and action (“whiteness”, “reading”).
As observations show, students' acquaintance with theoretical information from the field of word formation and word composition usually switches their attention to the structural, formal originality of words, weakening their spontaneous desire to see the difference in meaning behind the difference in the form of words, and this switching becomes more obvious from class to class. In this regard, it is significant that emotional-evaluative and expressive suffixes such as -ik, -ovat-, -onok, the meaning of which can be conveyed descriptively, are characterized by students through the meaning of the word, moreover, taken in a certain context.
Although school textbook and the program guides in determining the way words are formed and when parsing them by composition to work with connected texts, everyday practice shows that many teachers limit themselves to the analysis of isolated words taken out of context. To a certain extent, this deprives schoolchildren of the opportunity to see the difference in the use of different types of derivative words in speech.
In addition, the very possibilities of children in the use of various morphemic associations are limited. This, as well as insufficient knowledge of the lexical composition, in general, causes the appearance in the speech of children of some artificial formations that have synonyms in the normalized language, and causes a violation of the norms of word formation. Hence the relevance of purposeful work on the morphemic composition in the aspect of the development of speech activity.
Vocabulary studies make it possible to identify the presence
"empty cells" in the lexical microsystem assimilated by children. Thus, it has been established that students' speech is poor in abstract vocabulary: words denoting color; words expressing appreciation; emotionally colored and figuratively expressive vocabulary; synonyms. The objective difficulty is the description of the various layers of vocabulary that the child owns, the identification of the relationship between the active and passive vocabulary of the child, the identification of systemic connections that exist in the linguistic consciousness of children.
Assimilation of the meaning of abstract names is a great difficulty for younger students. The development of forms of concrete-figurative thinking precedes the development of forms of abstract thinking. The vast majority of explanations given in children's works are various ways of concretizing an abstract meaning.
Most often, the explanation of an abstract concept is given by children through its functional manifestation. For example: cowardice - afraid of lightning, idleness - a loser is messing around in class. At the same time, the meaning of a word can be determined by children through a purely external, private, insignificant manifestation. this concept, which is associated with the side associations that arise in their minds, adjacent to the main concept. One can trace how an abstract concept is refracted through the child's life experience, his own perception of the world: activity is when a wall newspaper is written in the classroom, discipline - a person does not fight.
Thus, from the totality of all the signs included in the meaning of the word, one stands out, which is for the child a sign-substitute for an abstract concept. It follows that work on the meaning of a single word should be associated with the establishment of a complete set of features that make up this meaning. Vocabulary work is organically connected with all types of work on the development of coherent speech and is only one aspect of a multifaceted whole.
Grammar. Skills of education and use grammar rules the child acquires in the process of mastering speech. By the time they enter school, a child who has not yet learned their native language is almost completely fluent in grammatical forms: children never make mistakes in declension, conjugation, and agreement of words. The child masters these speech operations in the process of actually adapting his speech activity to the linguistic conditions in which it takes place, that is, in the process of imitation.
Their use is not controlled by consciousness.
Purposeful study of the language at school, and in particular grammar, causes significant changes in the speech activity of children.
An increasingly important role is played by written speech, stylistic differentiation is constantly taking place: along with the colloquial everyday style, the book style of speech is developing and improving more and more. When using grammatical forms, a number of typical errors occur.
1. Mistakes in education:
- forms plural noun ("chauffeur" instead of
- forms of comparative and superlative degree ("prettier" instead of
"more beautiful");
- personal forms of the verb and mood forms (“burns” instead of “burns”).
The reasons for the appearance of such errors may be due to the development of the language, the influence of dialect and vernacular inflection, the law of analogy.
2. Errors associated with the use of forms in a sentence:
- non-compliance with the rules of compatibility of aspectual and tense forms of the verb (“Where Chapaev did not appear, a lot of people gathered everywhere”);
- failure to take into account the combinational features of words and word forms ("He went to sunbathe his feet");
- abuse of polynomial phrases with a large number of genitive forms (“To solve the problem of successful harvesting of bread”).
The reason for these difficulties is ignorance of grammatical norms, mastering which even for an adult is a difficult task.
Thus, for children to successfully master the grammatical structure of the language, it is necessary to work on grammatical forms in the aspect of the development of speech activity on material that is new for students in order to expand their grammatical resources.
Syntax. In order to determine the content, place and methods of working on the syntactic means of the language in the speech aspect, it is necessary to take into account not only the peculiarities of syntax, but also the nature of the syntactic structure of students' speech at various stages of mastering the native language. At the same time, it is advisable to use the following parameters for assessing students' speech: the correct construction of syntactic constructions, the richness of syntactic means of expressing correlative meanings, the accuracy and communicative conditionality of using the syntactic means of language and speech.
The most studied is grammatical correctness structures used by students. Since the subject of study in the school course of syntax long years there was only one unit - a sentence, the grammatical correctness of the construction of various types of sentences and its components was studied. As the content of the initial course was refined and streamlined, the attention of researchers began to attract other units of syntax - phrases and text.
So, with an undifferentiated attitude to a phrase and a sentence, errors of a different nature fell into one group, and therefore, requiring a different approach to their prevention. For example, violations of the norms of agreement included errors in the connection of the full adjective with the noun being defined (“green cloth”) and the subject and predicate (“A flock of crows are looking for food”).
Meanwhile, errors of the first type can be more likely attributed to spelling than grammatical. Errors of the second type are explained by the fact that when establishing a connection between the main members of a sentence, a greater proportion is occupied by the semantic connection of the phenomena of reality in the act of speech: the speaker correlates the form of the predicate with real value words denoting a set of things.
Therefore, with the seemingly identical method of grammatical connection
(coordination) the communication mechanism turns out to be different; and this must be taken into account in the method of error prevention.

§3. Development of oral and written speech skills
at the Russian language lesson
The development of children's speech activity occurs at all levels of education: natural science, music, mathematics, etc. However, the main basis for solving the problems of developing speech activity is the lessons of the Russian language and literature.
To implement the tasks of developing speech activity in Russian language lessons, the main role is played by the textbook as the leading teaching tool.
The explanatory note of the Russian language program for elementary school emphasizes that the development of speech activity is one of the main areas of work in elementary grades. “The tasks of teaching schoolchildren the native language are determined, first of all, by the role that the language plays in the life of society and every person, being the most important means of communication between people. It is in the process of communication that the formation of a student as a person, the growth of his self-awareness, the formation of cognitive abilities, moral, mental and speech development take place. The Russian language program for elementary school also determines the range of speech skills and abilities of students, which should be formed over the course of 4 years of study in connection with the study of phonetics, grammar, spelling and the development of speech activity.
Textbooks "Russian language" (author T.G. Ramzaeva) in practice confirm all the main provisions set out in the program. They reflect all modern approaches to teaching Russian language to junior schoolchildren, including teaching coherent speech.
One of the advantages of this system is a textbook-notebook for the 1st grade. Teaching using a textbook-notebook begins in the second half of the 1st grade. When determining the content of the textbook, the starting point is the provision that teaching the Russian language in the 1st grade is a propaedeutic stage in the system of the initial course of study.
In the 1st grade, in the process of learning using the textbook-notebook "Russian Language", it is planned to conduct targeted observations on the word, sentence, text, as units of speech and language, and their functions in communication.
Theoretical material in a certain system is not included in the textbook for the 1st grade. Language and speech information is used by students practically in educational and cognitive activities: in the process of speech processing of the results of their observations, analysis of educational mini-texts, answers to questions included in the textbook, comparisons and comparisons provided for by the tasks of the exercises.
The propaedeutic stage of the system aims to prepare first-graders for assimilation in the 2nd - 4th grades of the theory of language on a speech basis, that is, to create conditions for the implementation of the communicative-speech orientation of education. This is largely due to the fact that in the textbook-notebook for the 1st grade, the central place is occupied by exercises aimed at understanding in the future the relationship between the functions of a word, sentence, text, their originality and design in oral and written speech. The word names, the sentence informs or contains a question, the text informs, but in more detail. It consists of two or more sentences.
The subject of constant attention is the lexical meaning of the word, its use in the text, the relationship between sentences in the text, between words in a sentence, the role of text synonyms. The word as a unit of language is not represented in the 1st grade at the level of the part of speech. Elementary observations are made on such a feature of the word as the question it answers and preliminary accumulation of information that words are the names of objects.
The textbook is aimed at ensuring that in the structure of a simple two-part sentence, first-graders highlight its semantic and grammatical basis - the main members (without knowledge of terms), learn to distribute sentences based on the need for verbal communication (initial observations), pay attention to the connection of words in a sentence in the process creating your own proposals or restoring - deformed.
Teaching Russian in the 1st grade is a propaedeutic stage of the initial course of the Russian language. The system-concentric principle of teaching the Russian language is implemented in the 2nd - 4th grades.
In the "Connected Speech" section, the central place is given to working with text, mastering by students a set of speech skills that ensure the perception and reproduction of the text and creating their own statements. In each class, work with the text, as well as with the sentence, is carried out throughout the school year, which is due to the general speech orientation of language teaching. In fact, at each lesson, work is carried out with the text in oral and written form; only under this condition, knowledge of the Russian language finds application in speech and speech develops. The section "Connected Speech" defines the main components of working with text:
- the concept of text; the formation of the ability to distinguish between text and individual sentences that are not united by a common theme;
- the topic of the text, the ability to determine the topic of the text;
- the main idea of ​​the text, the ability to determine it;
- the title of the text, the ability to title the text, based on its theme or main idea;
- construction of the text, the ability to divide the text-narration into parts;
- the connection between parts of the text with the help of words: suddenly, once, then, etc. The ability to find a word with which the main part and the beginning or the main part and the ending are connected, the ability to establish a connection between the parts of the created text;
- visual means in the text, the ability to highlight comparisons, metaphors, colorful definitions, personifications in the text, the ability to use visual means in one's statements;
- types of texts: narration, description, reasoning;
- the concept of presentation, the ability to reproduce in writing someone else's text of a narrative nature according to a ready-made collective or independently drawn up plan;
- the concept of writing (orally and in writing), the ability to compose a text based on a series of plot pictures, one picture at a time, as well as on topics close to students in their life experience, the ability to write down their text with preliminary collective preparation.
An invaluable advantage of textbooks are texts taken from the best works of classical, fiction, popular science literature, works of oral folk art, while it should be noted that the texts are not only accessible and close to the life experience of students, but also have a certain impact on the soul of the child, make smile him, mourn and think about some aspects of life. This creates a positive emotional mood of students in the classroom, introduces them to the literary language, enriches the memory with linguistic and syntactic constructions of exemplary texts.
The textbooks contain a system of tasks and special exercises that allow developing all types of speech activity of schoolchildren, as well as the ability of children to freely use different languages ​​in various situations of communication.
In the work on the development of speech activity of students, the enrichment of their vocabulary is of great importance. The language material of the textbook allows you to enrich the vocabulary of students on a daily basis. When studying a particular topic, children get acquainted with new words, learn their meaning. So, when studying the topic “Word”, the vocabulary of children is enriched with words that could be attributed to different seasons. Pupils not only find such words among the data, but also, if they wish, can determine the mood that arose in them when reading this or that word.
Turning students to the history of individual words will allow them to be more attentive to the words of their native language. From the first grade, children get acquainted with the ambiguity of words. Drawings and texts of exercises help them to create specific images, perceive the meanings of polysemantic words. Performing such exercises, students correlate the objects shown in the figure with their names and conclude that all objects are similar in some way and are named the same, although they designate different objects. Also in the 1st grade, children get acquainted with synonyms and antonyms. In the 2nd - 4th grades, in the process of performing practical tasks, students' understanding of the lexical meaning of words, single-valued and polysemantic words, direct and figurative meanings of words, synonyms and antonyms is refined and deepened.
The authors of textbooks pay great attention to the correctness of the speech of younger students. Through texts, students get acquainted with the correct pronunciation of words (“what”, “boring”), with the norms of stress in words and the forms of words most commonly used in speech (“shop”, “beets”, “driver”, “understood”), learn the correct use in speech of the words "dressed", "put on", "dressed" and others.
A special place in the system of work on the development of speech activity of students is occupied by exercises aimed at educating a culture of speech communication. So, while doing the exercises, the children think about the questions, what words can be used when saying goodbye to their comrades, and what words can be addressed to a teacher or another adult. Thus, using typical situations as an example, students are shown how to use various means of speech etiquette when greeting, saying goodbye, asking, apologising, and so on, as well as how to behave in such situations.
There are enough exercises in textbooks that form special speech skills: to distinguish text, types of texts, determine the topic and main idea, select a title, highlight parts of the text and construct the text compositionally correctly, choose key words, notice figurative and expressive means of language and skillfully use them in speech.
There are a lot of exercises in textbooks that offer the creation of your own speech statements, which allows you to develop not only oral, but also written speech of students: creating a text according to a given word, sentence, proverb, picture and questions on a given topic, compiling a continuation of the text, and so on.
The formation of speech skills also occurs in the process of teaching younger students to write essays. Working with sample text helps students to understand the features of text construction and contributes to the development of the ability to build coherent texts
It is positive that the textbook contains a large number of subject and plot drawings, diagrams, which, on the one hand, help the student to learn the material being studied, and on the other hand, are used to enrich the student's vocabulary and develop coherent speech. Help in the work of the teacher is provided by the dictionaries placed at the end of the textbook. When studying any topic, the attention of students can be drawn to working with a dictionary.
Theoretical material in a certain system is not included in the textbook, linguistic and verbal information is used practically in educational and cognitive activity in the process of verbal processing of the results of one's observations, analysis of educational mini-texts, answers to questions included in the textbook, comparisons and comparisons provided for by the tasks of the exercises . The propaedeutic stage of the system aims to prepare first-graders for assimilation in the 2nd - 4th grades of the theory of language on a speech basis, that is, to create conditions for the implementation of the communicative-speech orientation of education. This is largely due to the fact that in the textbook-notebook the central place is occupied by exercises aimed at understanding in the future the relationship between the functions of a word, sentence, text, their originality and design in oral and written speech.
Analyzing the nature of the textbook material, it is worth noting the following.
Texts taken from the best works of classical and popular science literature are an invaluable advantage of textbooks. Enrichment of the dictionary occurs due to the recognition of new words, their meanings, acquaintance with the etymology of words. Turning students to the history of individual words contributes to a more attentive attitude to the words of their native language. Drawings and texts of exercises help to create specific images, to perceive the meaning of polysemantic words. In the process of performing practical tasks, students' understanding of the lexical meaning of words, single-valued and polysemantic words, direct and figurative meanings of words, synonyms and antonyms is refined and deepened.
The author of textbooks pays great attention to the correctness of speech. Through texts, students get acquainted with the correct pronunciation of words, with the norms of stress. A special place in the system of work is occupied by exercises aimed at educating a culture of speech communication. There are enough exercises in textbooks that form speech skills when working with text: the ability to distinguish between types of texts, determine the topic and main idea, select a heading, highlight parts of the text and construct the text correctly.
There are also many exercises aimed at creating your own speech statements, which allows you to develop not only oral, but also written speech: creating a text according to a given word, sentence, proverb, drawing.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Russian language textbook contains a system of tasks and special exercises that contribute to the improvement of language education and the development of all types of speech activity.
Ways to increase the effectiveness of the development of students' speech activity:
- firstly, it is a purposeful preparation of the lesson, a clear goal, thoughtful selection of material, the mandatory introduction of proverbs, the introduction of new words on a daily basis, the creation of conditions for free expressions, an attentive attitude to students' speech, assessment as an incentive for mastering speech skills;
- secondly, teaching a living, humanized language. The word should be presented not only from the positions of formal grammatical, but first of all moral and aesthetic.
Work begins with the enrichment of the dictionary. It is necessary to arouse interest in a single word. We study the origin of the word, structure, pronunciation, its meaning. The leading method at this stage is a game with a word.
The word is the building material for the sentence, the key to understanding the entire sentence, so the next task is to make the word an object of observation, analysis, given its etymology. To do this, we find out that the word is convincing, lively, quivering, exciting, entertaining, appropriate, beautiful, sincere; therefore, the word can: enrich, disturb, puzzle, soothe, heal, induce, save, hurt. Systematic word-formation work allows students to see and understand how words are formed, to delve into the secret of their birth. We carry out various exercises aimed at developing the ability to identify the closest related words, compare them, determine how they are formed and how their meaning changes from this.
Among the various exercises aimed at expanding the vocabulary of students, I give a special place to working with synonyms and antonyms. This is done in order to achieve greater expressiveness of the statement. To speak expressively about something means, to some extent, to enhance the impression of your speech, to influence the feelings of the listeners, to force them to pay attention to one or another detail in a conversation or narration.
After working with the word, children are offered various sentence building exercises. The traditional didactic set for practicing various speech skills are proverbs and sayings.
So, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of mastering the types of speech activity in elementary school for all subsequent schooling. To implement the tasks of developing speech activity in Russian language lessons, the main role is played by the textbook as the leading teaching tool. This is an instrument of his self-development, something that makes possible his self-education, socialization, his further cognitive and personal development.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Russian language textbooks contain a system of tasks and special exercises that contribute to the improvement of language education and the development of all types of speech activity.

Chapter II. Experimental study of the development of oral and written speech skills in primary school students
§1. Methods for assessing the level of speech development in younger students
In the first chapter of our work, the theoretical foundations of teaching younger students the skills of oral and written speech were considered. In the second chapter, we experimentally investigated the features of the formation of oral and written speech skills in elementary school.
The base of our study is the 1-"A" class of school No. 20 in Yoshkar-Ola, a total of 24 students. We assumed that purposeful, consistent and systematic work on teaching younger students oral and written speech would be effective if an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech was used in the learning process.

Speech in children of primary school age usually develops in parallel with the improvement of thinking, especially verbal-logical, therefore, when psychodiagnostics of the development of thinking is carried out, it partially affects speech, and vice versa: when a child’s speech is studied, then in the received indicators cannot but reflect the level of development of thinking. However, at primary school age, speech must still be distinguished and evaluated separately from thinking, and its diagnosis can be twofold: linguistic and psychological. In the first case, those features of speech that correspond to its linguistic analysis are distinguished and evaluated, including vocabulary, grammar, style, phonetics, etc. In the second case, it is mainly how the child uses speech to control his cognitive processes, to regulate behavior and communicate with people around him that is subject to study.
In practice, it is just as impossible to completely separate the linguistic and psychological types of speech analysis as it is to conduct a separate psychodiagnostics of thinking and speech. The point here is that human speech in its practical form contains both linguistic (linguistic) and human (personal, psychological) principles.
In view of the foregoing, the methods of speech psychodiagnostics used by us must be considered as those that allow us to obtain combined, psycholinguistic information about the corresponding cognitive process, including definitions of concepts (in this case, in contrast to the study of thinking, attention is drawn to the possession of a word when expressing a thought, and not on the thought itself), the vocabulary of the child.

In this technique, the child is offered sets of words. Before starting the diagnosis, the child is offered the following instructions:

Method 2. Clarification of vocabulary
In this technique, the child is presented with the same five sets of words, each containing ten words, which were used in the technique just described, as stimulus material. The procedure for this technique is as follows. The child is read the first word from the first row - bicycle "and is invited to choose from the next rows the words that fit it in meaning, constituting this group with the given word, defined by one concept. Each subsequent set of words is slowly read to the child with an interval of 1 second between each spoken word. While listening to a row, the child must indicate the word from this row, which in meaning fits the one already heard. For example, if he had previously heard the word “bicycle”, then from the second row he would have to choose the word “airplane”, which, with the first, is the concept of “modes of transport” or “means of transportation”.
Then, in succession, from the following sets, he will have to choose the words “car”, “bus” and “motorcycle”. If the first time, i.e. after the first reading of the next row, the child could not find the right word, then it is allowed to read this row to him again, but at a faster pace. If, after the first listening, the child made his choice, but this choice turned out to be wrong, the experimenter fixes the mistake and reads the next row.
As soon as the child has read all four rows to find the right words, the researcher goes to the second word of the first row and repeats this procedure until the child makes attempts to find all the words from the subsequent rows that match all the words from the first row. .

We conducted a diagnosis of the development of speech development skills using these diagnostic exercises. The full text of the methods, as well as sample protocols and study results are presented in the appendix.

§ 2. Analysis of the results of an experimental study of the development of speech skills of younger students
We conducted the first stage of the experimental study with first-graders at the beginning of the school year - in October. The children were asked to give a definition of concepts, that is, to explain the meaning of individual words.
When performing this task, the following results were obtained: a high level of speech development was noted in only three schoolchildren; average level- in 14 people, a low level - in 7. For clarity, we have depicted these results in Diagram 1.
Diagram 1. Evaluation of the development of speech skills of younger students
according to the methodology "Definition of concepts" at the first stage of the study

So, from diagram 1, we see that a third of first-graders at the beginning of the school year have a low level of speech development according to this method.
The next task, within the framework of the study, was to choose words that fit the proposed word in meaning, constituting one group with it, defined by one concept.
When completing this task, the following results were obtained: a high level of vocabulary development was noted in four schoolchildren, an average level in 16, and a low level in four.

Diagram 2. Evaluation of the development of speech skills of younger students
according to the methodology "Clarification of vocabulary" at the first stage of the study

So, from diagram 2, we see that most first-graders have a fairly high vocabulary, however, about a fifth of the children have a low vocabulary.
The second phase of the study was conducted four months later - in March. During this time, first-graders were engaged in curriculum using an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech. We again carried out diagnostics of speech development using these methods in all children from this class and compared the results.
When performing a task to explain the meaning of individual words, at the second stage of the study, the following results were obtained.
A high level of speech development was noted in 9 first graders, an average level in 14, and a low level in only one student. Also, in schoolchildren with an average level of speech development, there is a positive trend in the number of points scored. So, in children who scored 4 points according to this method at the first stage of the study, there was an improvement in the results up to 5-6 points.
The results of the study are presented in Appendix 2. Based on them, we built Diagram 3 to assess the dynamics of the development of the level of speech in first graders.
Diagram 3. Evaluation of the development of speech skills of younger students
according to the methodology "Definition of concepts" at the II stage of the study

So, from diagram 3 we see that the number of children with a high level of speech development, at the second stage of the study, tripled.
To show the dynamics of the development of the level of speech according to this method, we reflected the results of two stages in Diagram 4.
Diagram 4. Dynamics of development of speech skills
junior schoolchildren according to the methodology "Definition of concepts"

So, from diagram 4 we see that the number of first-graders with an average level of speech development has not changed, but has remained stable. On the other hand, there is a positive trend in an increase in the number of children with a high level of speech development, and in a decrease in the number of children with low level speech.
Thus, we see that the level of speech in first-graders, at the second stage of the study using this method, has increased, compared with the results of diagnostics at the first level. In general, according to the "Definition of concepts" methodology, our first-graders show a positive dynamics of speech development.
When analyzing the results of the vocabulary study, at the second level of the study, the following data were obtained: a high level of vocabulary development was noted in 7 schoolchildren, an average level in 15, and a low level in two. There is also an improvement in the results in children with an average level. So, in children who scored 4 points according to this method at the first stage of the study, there was an improvement in the results up to 5-6 points. In Diagram 5, we have presented the results graphically.
Diagram 5. Evaluation of the development of speech skills of younger students
according to the methodology "Clarification of vocabulary" at the II stage of the study

So, from Chart 5 we see that the number of children with an average level of vocabulary has slightly decreased, but the number of children with a low level of vocabulary has halved, and the number of children with a high level of vocabulary has doubled. In order to visually assess the changes that have taken place, we have reflected them in Diagram 6.
Diagram 6. Dynamics of development of speech skills
junior schoolchildren according to the method "Clarification of vocabulary"

So, from diagram 6 we see that despite a slight decrease in the number of children with an average level of speech development, there is a positive trend due to a decrease in the number of children with a low level of vocabulary and an increase in the number of children with a high level of vocabulary.

So, the problem of the development of oral and written speech of students is becoming increasingly important these days. The deep, ongoing interest of scientists from various branches of knowledge - philosophers, psychologists, teachers, methodologists - to the development of speech in schoolchildren convincingly indicates that this area of ​​​​scientific research has become widespread and recognized. Therefore, it is natural to strive to comprehend its main aspects as best as possible and to reveal their essence.
A person throughout his life improves his speech, masters the richness of the language. Speech arises from the need to speak out, and human statements are generated by certain motives. Thus, speech motivation is necessary for the development of a child's speech activity. To develop the skills of verbal communication of younger students, a system of educational influences on students is needed, systematic work is needed that clearly and definitely doses the material, it is necessary to follow the steps in the formation of speech.
So, despite the significant attention to the speech development of students observed in recent years, the problems of the development of speech activity in the study of sections of the Russian language are not fully resolved. So a significant part of elementary school students do not have a sufficiently clear articulate speech. This is also reflected in writing skills: poor diction is often the cause of errors such as typos. Thus, vocabulary work is organically connected with all types of work on the development of coherent speech and is only one aspect of a multifaceted whole. Therefore, the purposeful study of the language at school, and in particular grammar, causes significant changes in the speech activity of children.
To implement the tasks of developing speech activity in Russian language lessons, the main role is played by the textbook as the leading teaching tool. The subject of constant attention is the lexical meaning of the word, its use in the text, the relationship between sentences in the text, between words in a sentence, the role of text synonyms.
Texts taken from the best works of classical, artistic, popular science literature, works of oral folk art are an invaluable advantage of textbooks. This creates a positive emotional mood of students in the classroom, introduces them to the literary language, enriches the memory with linguistic and syntactic constructions of exemplary texts. Through texts, students are introduced to the correct pronunciation and learn the correct use of words.
The textbooks contain a system of tasks and special exercises that allow developing all types of speech activity of schoolchildren, as well as the ability of children to freely use different languages ​​in various situations of communication. The formation of speech skills occurs in the process of writing statements, which helps students to realize the features of text construction and contributes to the development of the ability to write coherent phrases.
Thus, the Russian language training kit (author T.G.
Ramzaeva) contributes to the improvement of language education and the development of speech activity of younger students.
We conducted an experimental study of the features of the formation of oral and written speech skills in elementary school.
The base of our study: 1-"A" class of school number 20 in Yoshkar-Ola, a total of 24 students. We assumed that purposeful, consistent and systematic work on teaching younger students oral and written speech would be effective if an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech was used in the learning process.
At the first stage of the experimental study, we conducted a diagnosis of speech development in first-graders at the beginning of the school year - in October. Then, four months later - in March, at the second stage of the study, we again diagnosed speech development in all children from this class and compared the results.
When diagnosing the development of speech using the "Definition of Concepts" method, we found that a third of first-graders at the beginning of the school year have a low level of speech development. We also found that most first-graders have a fairly high vocabulary, however, about a fifth of the children have a low vocabulary.
Then, four months later, we repeated the study using these methods and compared the results. So, according to the "Definition of concepts" method, we found out that the number of first-graders with an average level of speech development did not change, but remained stable. On the other hand, there is a positive trend in the increase in the number of children with a high level of speech development, and in a decrease in the number of children with a low level of speech.
Based on the results of two stages of vocabulary diagnostics, we found that despite a slight decrease in the number of children with an average level of speech development, there is a positive trend due to a decrease in the number of children with a low level of vocabulary and an increase in the number of children with a high level of vocabulary.
Thus, as a result of the experimental study, we concluded that when using a special system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech in younger students in the learning process, the level of their speech development will increase.
This means that our hypothesis that targeted, consistent and systematic work on teaching younger students oral and written speech will be effective if an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech is used in the learning process has been confirmed. The purpose of the work is achieved, the tasks are completed.
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Annex 1
Methods for diagnosing the development of speech skills in younger students

Method 1. Definition of concepts
In this technique, the child is offered the following sets of words:
1. Bicycle, nail, newspaper, umbrella, fur, hero, swing, connect, bite, sharp.
2. Plane, button, book, raincoat, feathers, friend, move, unite, beat, stupid.
3. Car, screw, magazine, boots, scales, coward, run, tie, pinch, prickly.
4. Bus, paper clip, letter, hat, fluff, sneak, twirl, folding, pushing, cutting.
5. Motorcycle, clothespin, poster, boots, skin, enemy, stumble, collect, hit, rough.
Before starting the diagnosis, the child is offered the following instructions:
“There are several different sets of words in front of you. Imagine that you meet a person who does not know the meaning of any of these words. You should try to explain to this person what each word means, for example the word "bike". How would you explain it?
Next, the child is asked to give definitions for a sequence of words chosen at random from five proposed sets, for example, this: car, nail, newspaper, umbrella, scales, hero, tie, pinch, rough, spin. For each correct definition of the word, the child receives 1 point. You have 30 seconds to define each word. If during this time the child could not give a definition of the proposed word, then the experimenter leaves it and reads out the next word in order.
Remarks. 1. Children can read stimulus words themselves if they know how to do it and if reading does not cause them any difficulties. In all other cases, the experimenter himself reads the words to the child.
2. Before the child tries to define a word, it is necessary to make sure that he understands it. This can be done with the following question: “Do you know this word?” or “Do you understand the meaning of this word?” If an affirmative answer is received from the child, then after that the experimenter invites the child to independently define this word and notes the time allotted for this.
3. If the definition of the word proposed by the child turned out to be not quite accurate, then for this definition the child receives an intermediate grade - 0.5 points. With a completely inaccurate definition - 0 points.
Evaluation of results
The maximum number of points that a child can receive for completing this task is 10, the minimum is 0. As a result of the experiment, the sum of the points received by the child for determining all 10 words from the selected set is calculated. When conducting psychodiagnostics of the same child again using this technique, it is recommended to use different sets of words, since previously given definitions can be remembered and then reproduced from memory.
Conclusions about the level of development
10 points - very high.
8-9 points - high.
4-7 points - average.
2-3 points - low.
0-1 point - very low.

In this technique, the child is presented with the same five sets of words, each containing ten words, which were used in the technique just described, as stimulus material. The procedure for this technique is as follows. The child is read the first word from the first row - bicycle "and is invited to choose from the next rows the words that fit it in meaning, constituting this group with the given word, defined by one concept. Each subsequent set of words is slowly read to the child with an interval of 1 second between each spoken word. While listening to a row, the child must indicate the word from this row, which in meaning fits the one already heard. For example, if he had previously heard the word “bicycle”, then from the second row he would have to choose the word “airplane”, which, with the first, is the concept of “modes of transport” or “means of transportation”. Then, in succession, from the following sets, he will have to choose the words “car”, “bus” and “motorcycle”. If the first time, i.e. after the first reading of the next row, the child could not find the right word, then it is allowed to read this row to him again, but at a faster pace. If, after the first listening, the child made his choice, but this choice turned out to be wrong, the experimenter fixes the mistake and reads the next row.
As soon as the child has read all four rows to find the right words, the researcher goes to the second word of the first row and repeats this procedure until the child makes attempts to find all the words from the subsequent rows that match all the words from the first row. .
Comment. Before reading the second and subsequent rows of words, the experimenter should remind the child of the found words so that he does not forget the meaning of the words he was looking for. For example, if by the beginning of reading the fourth row, in response to the stimulus word from the first row “bicycle”, the child has already managed to find the words “airplane” and “car” in the second and third rows, then before starting to read the fourth row to him, the experimenter should tell your child something like this:
“So, you and I have already found the words "bicycle", "airplane" and "car" that have a common meaning. Remember it when I read you the next series of words, and as soon as you hear a word of the same meaning in it, immediately say so.
Evaluation of results
If the child correctly found the meanings from 40 to 50 words, then he eventually gets 10 points.
If the child managed to correctly find the meanings from 30 to 40 words, then he is awarded 8-9 points.
If the child was able to correctly find the meaning of 20 to 30 words, then he gets 6-7 points.
If during the experiment the child correctly grouped from 10 to 20 words, then his final score in points will be 4-5.
Finally, if the child managed to combine less than 10 words in meaning, then his score in points will be no more than 3.
Conclusions about the level of development
10 points - very high.
8-9 points - high.
4-7 points - average.
0-3 points - low.

Appendix 2
Stage I - October 2008
№ Name, surname Methodology 1.
Definition of concepts
Method 2. Finding out the passive vocabulary

1 Aktuganova Dasha 5 points - average 6 points - average
2 Kirill Vorobyov 3 points - low. 4 points - average.
3 Grachov Zhenya 7 points - average. 5 points - average
4 Egorova Natasha 8 points - high. 7 points - average

6 Korotkova Nastya 3 points - low. 3 points - low.
7 Markova Vika 4 points - average. 5 points - average
8 Mamaeva Anya 3 points - low. 4 points - average.
9 Nazarova Sofia 7 points - average. 6 points - average.
10 Nazipova Lilya 7 points - average. 8 points - high

12 Petrov Yura 3 points - low. 4 points - average.
13 Reshetov Sasha 5 points - average 8 points - high.

15 Sushentsov Vladik 7 points - average. 5 points - average
16 Salnikova Snezhana 4 points - average. 4 points - average.

18 Andrey Savelyev 5 points - average 8 points - high.
19 Sidorova Kristina 3 points - low. 4 points - average.
20 Timofeev Roma 4 points - average. 5 points - average

22 Maxim Chepaikin 8 points - high. 7 points - average
23 Denis Shestakov 3 points - low. 4 points - average.
24 Yarkina Nastya 3 points - low. 3 points - low

The results of diagnosing speech skills in first-graders.
Stage II - March 2009
№ Name, surname Methodology 1.
Definition of concepts
Method 2. Finding out the passive vocabulary

1 Aktuganova Dasha 5 points - average 8 points - high
2 Kirill Vorobyov 4 points - average. 6 points - average.
3 Grachov Zhenya 8 points - high 5 points - average
4 Egorova Natasha 8 points - high. 8 points - high
5 Kazakov Misha 5 points - average 6 points - average.
6 Korotkova Nastya 4 points - average. 4 points - average.
7 Markova Vika 6 points - average. 5 points - average
8 Mamaeva Anya 3 points - low. 3 points - low
9 Nazarova Sofia 8 points - high 6 points - average.
10 Nazipova Lilya 8 points - high 8 points - high
11 Petya Osokin 4 points - average. 5 points - average
12 Petrov Yura 4 points - average. 6 points - average.
13 Reshetov Sasha 8 points - high 8 points - high.
14 Rybakova Nastya 4 points - average. 5 points - average
15 Sushentsov Vladik 8 points - high. 5 points - average
16 Salnikova Snezhana 6 points - average. 6 points - average.
17 Sergeev Ilya 8 points - high. 9 points - high.
18 Andrey Savelyev 8 points - high 8 points - high.
19 Sidorova Kristina 4 points - average. 6 points - average.
20 Timofeev Roma 6 points - average. 5 points - average
21 Toroshchin Stepan 5 points - average 5 points - average
22 Maxim Chepaikin 8 points - high. 8 points - high
23 Denis Shestakov 4 points - average. 4 points - average.
24 Yarkina Nastya 4 points - average. 3 points - low

Methods for the development of oral and written speech of students in the lessons of the Russian language

Speak so that I can see you"


It is known that approximately 70% -80% of the time when a person is awake, he listens, reads, writes, i.e. engaged in speech activities. There is not a single lesson in school where children do not speak and listen, read and write. Of course, teachers of all subjects monitor the speech of students, explain the meaning of new words, often evaluate the sequence of the answer, its expressiveness, etc. schoolchildren's experience. It is the lessons of the Russian language that create the base on which they must rely subject teachers in order to successfully solve the problems of developing the speech of schoolchildren at the interdisciplinary level. If, for example, in Russian language lessons, students realize the structure of a text such as reasoning and learn how to create such texts, they will be able to more conclusively and clearly answer questions that begin with the word "Why ..." in other lessons.

Teaching oral and written speech in the methodology has long been called the development of coherent speech.

(Slide 2)

The best teachers and methodologists spoke about the need to develop the child's speech, to instill in him a love for his native language. KD Ushinsky stood up for the development of the "gift of speech", emphasizing its importance for the formation of the child's mental activity and for further education.

(slide 3,4)

It's no secret that the speech of the modern schoolchild is poor, inexpressive. The reason for this phenomenon is a poor vocabulary. In children's speech there are words of all grammatical categories, but nouns and verbs predominate. There are very few adjectives in children's speech, adverbs are even rarer. Due to the limited vocabulary, the child finds it difficult to build complete phrases. Speech is saturated with inappropriate interjections, particles, words - weeds. Because of this, oral answers, written creative works, and the ability to substantiate your answer in writing suffer. Poorly speaking children begin to realize their shortcomings, become silent, indecisive. This often leads to poor progress, to a decrease in motivation, cognitive interest. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a primary school teacher is the development of speech, the formation of communicative competence.

(Slide 5)

The planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education by students consist of three content lines:

    language system. Includes sections: "Phonetics and graphics", "Orthoepy", "Word composition", "Vocabulary", "Morphology", "Syntax"

    Spelling and punctuation

    The development of speech.

(slide 6)

The graduate will learn:

    evaluate the correctness (relevance) of the choice of linguistic and non-linguistic means of oral communication in the classroom, at school, at home, with friends and strangers, with people of different ages;

    observe in everyday life the norms of speech etiquette and the rules of oral communication (the ability to hear, accurately respond to remarks, keep up the conversation);

    express their own opinion, argue it taking into account the situation of communication;

    independently title the text;

    plan the text;

    compose letters, greeting cards, notes and other small texts for specific communication situations.

(slide 7)

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    create texts according to the proposed heading;

    retell the text in detail or selectively;

    retell the text from another person;

    compose an oral story on a specific topic using different types of speech: description, narration, reasoning;

    analyze and correct texts with a broken sentence order, find semantic omissions in the text;

    correct texts in which violations of the culture of speech are allowed;

    analyze the sequence of their own actions when working on presentations and essays and correlate them with the developed algorithm; evaluate the correctness learning task: correlate your own text with the original (for presentations) and with the purpose, tasks, conditions of communication (for self-created texts);

    comply with the norms of speech interaction in interactive communication (sms, Email, Internet and other types and methods of communication).

(slide 8)

The relevance of this topic also lies in the fact that during the regional monitoring, which took place in April-May 2015 among 4 classes, the section "Speech Development" was mastered at a critical level. And the analysis of the complex works of the KGO showed that only 10% of the students coped with the task of developing speech.

In her analysis, the head of the department of general education of the Ministry of Education of the Chelyabinsk region, Tyurina Elena Aleksandrovna, noted that a junior student should understand what a text is, know its features and the technology of its creation. And the achievement of these substantive results is closely related to the formation of the following universal actions - to build a speech statement in oral and written form, to make a small oral monologue statement on the proposed topic, question asked, create small written texts of your own on the proposed topic.

For a child, good speech is the key to successful learning and development.

Scientists believe that it is best to use the speech abilities of children under 10 years old.

(slide 8-9)

(slide 10)

Working on a dictionary is the basis, the foundation of all work on the development of speech.

Work on the dictionary consists in its clarification, enrichment and activation.

Students often do not understand the most simple words. The reason for this is the weak work on instilling the skill to delve into the meaning of the word. Children do not think at all about the meaning of the word, they do not have an image behind the word. To clarify the meaning of a word, such well-known tasks are effective as to name from which word these words were formed, the selection of test and cognate words, the search for checked and test words.

(slide 11)

Familiarization work co dictionary word should be built as follows


goal setting;

Presentation of a new word, reading, clarification of its meaning, partial

sound-letter analysis in order to highlight the spelling;

Spelling pronunciation, writing a word, highlighting the spelling in

written word;

Message by the teacher or students of the etymological reference;

Selection of single-root words;

Making up phrases or sentences with the studied word.

The effect of vocabulary and spelling work depends on the methods of introduction in the lesson.

new vocabulary word. The teacher is right who does not just give the children a word to remember, but creates a situation that requires active mental activity from the students. Performing certain actions, students themselves must find a new vocabulary word. In the course of such a search, their intellectual abilities develop, and the teacher has an additional opportunity to organize a passing repetition on various topics in the lesson.

Works very well in this case reception charade.

Tasks that develop the ingenuity of children : (work in groups)

Define and name the vocabulary word.

It has two syllables, each of which can

be an independent word.

The first of these words denotes a big dance party.

The second is a separate game in some games. What is this word? (The word bal-con).

Tasks that provide a comprehensive repetition of what has been learned:

A new word can be learned if it is sequentially defined and connected between

found letters.


The first letter of the word is a consonant in the last syllable of the word room

The second letter is the last consonant in the root of the word north

The third letter is an unchecked unstressed vowel in the word breakfast

The fourth letter denotes the first unpaired voiced solid consonant in the word raspberry

The second syllable in the word oats begins with the fifth letter.

The sixth letter is the ending in the word straw

The seventh letter always denotes a voiced soft consonant in the word harvest.

Tasks in which the search for a word is related to the topic of the lesson: (Slide 12)

When studying the topic "Indeclinable nouns", the teacher dictates for recording

words: parquet Taxi, interior, lieutenant, emperor, interview, pen, relay, relatives,

lighting, lumber truck.

Task: connect the first letters of indeclinable nouns, add to them

noun endings 2 declensions prepositional, and you'll learn the vocabulary word we'll be learning. (Word dash)

(slide 13)

I would especially like to note the role of etymological reference when meeting a new

word. It contains information about the origin of the word, its original

meaning, helps to clarify the historical composition of the word. Often, an appeal to the history of a word makes it possible to explain its modern spelling.

All these tricks can be used when working with a single dictionary word

(slide 14-32)

How many lexical meanings does the word apple have.

(slide 34)

I actively use the TRIZ methodology, which, in addition to the development of intelligence, contributes to the development of students' speech.

(task for listeners)
1. Remove an extra word on three signs at the same time :

2. Method " System analysis ” helps to consider the world in the system as a set of elements interconnected in a certain way, it is convenient
functioning with each other.

I propose a system, pick up the words included in this system:

A dog is a hunter, a gun, a forest, a wolf, (Children explain the dependence: The hunter had a dog. He took a gun and went into the forest, etc.)

Weather – rain, umbrella, raincoat…..(explain…)

Enriching students' vocabulary is of great importance for the development of their speech. It is necessary to show how this word lives and develops in the structure of phrases, sentences, a small text; associate a word with a specific speech situation. Of course, the game will come to the rescue.

One of these games is this is a selection of rhymes for these words.

Then 4 rhymes are given, for example: (offer to listeners)
_____________ behind the window


On the window

(slide 39-40)

-Acrostic and acrotext, aimed at developing oral and written

students' speeches, which are at the same time such type of work,

which can be used as a mood for the lesson, increasing interest in the subject. Acrotext differs from an acrostic in that an acrostic has a rhyme, and a acrotext there is no rhyme, but it is like a short story.

L - summer has come to visit us,

E- We have things to do.

T– if only it didn’t pass quickly,

ABOUT- sad to leave !

WITH fluffs fell from the sky,
H and frozen fields.
E or wrapped in a scarf,
AND poplar fur coat arch.
AND covered the house and square
H unusual blanket.
TO whats their name? – you ask.
AND I wrote here.

Suggest for group work:

1.C neg fell out at night .
and the trees have white warm fur coats.
E whether they put on fluffy hats.
G Laza rejoice at the snowy purity.

3. WITH children ride slides.
H and sledding and skiing.
E if there is a lot of snow,G the garden will become clean and white.

2.Z I got a lot of snow.
AND Ra and Katya are making a snowman.
M Isha and Vova play hockey.
A I ride my little brother on a sled.

4. Z Imai froze the rivers.
AND it silvers the branches of trees.
M oroz drew beautiful patterns on the windows.
A there was a lot of snow under the trees.

To enrich the vocabulary of children, we all often use in our work Proverbs and sayings. Unfortunately, most often the work does not progress further than writing, explaining the meaning and memorizing. Therefore, most often in subsequent classes, children cannot remember the already studied proverbs and sayings. This material can be included in the organization of work on the development of speech and speech creativity.

Small spool but precious. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A good deed does not sink in water.

Tasks can be:

    Read one (of your choice) sentence-proverb. Orally convey its main meaning. Formulate a topic.

    Based on this sentence, “expand” your thought in writing (from 5 to 15 sentences). Remember that the supporting sentence is the name of your future text: this heading expresses the main idea. Your text can take the form of a short story, an instructive tale, little poem or reasoning text. So, gradually you will learn how to turn one sentence into your own author's text.

Game "Translate into Russian". It is known that in the languages ​​of many peoples there are many proverbs and sayings that are similar in meaning, because wisdom knows no bounds. Children love to “translate” such proverbs.

(slide 41)

Here are a few proverbs that children will be able to “translate” into Russian.

(for listeners)

    Before speaking, turn your tongue seven times.(Vietnam.)

    You can't hide a camel under a bridge.(Afghanistan.)

    The small pot heats up well.(England.)

    The son of a leopard is also a leopard.(Africa.)

    Where the shovel leads, water flows there.(Tibet.)

    After dinner you have to pay.(England.)

    A scalded rooster runs away from the rain. (France.)

(slide 42)

Sample answers:

    Seven times measure cut once.

    You can't hide an awl in a bag.

    Small spool but precious.

    The apple never falls far from the tree.

    Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.

    You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

    A frightened bird is afraid of everything.

A variety of methods can be used to develop the speech of younger students, including patter technique. I offer the following forms of work with a tongue twister: (Slide 43)

Can arrange "Patter circle" . To do this, some object is passed around the circle and a tongue twister is pronounced (the same or different for each person).

play the game "Patter Tape". A ribbon is fixed at the ends of two sticks (you can use a thread or rope). On command, two people begin to twist it and at the same time say a tongue twister. Who will roll the tape faster and at the same time pronounce the tongue twister correctly.

Tongue twisters with continuation. If one of you comes up with the beginning of a tongue twister, then you can offer it to everyone else to finish it.

Speech development lessons help to arouse students' interest in the Russian language, so it is necessary to make speech development lessons emotionally attractive, to interest children in the very process of working on a word, to teach them to consciously treat essays and presentations.

The concept of text is central to the program of work on the development of coherent speech, since communication skills are formed around it and on its basis.

To teach schoolchildren how to create a text, the following are used in the development of coherent speech: (Slide 44)

Analysis of texts (oral and written, positive and negative);

Drawing up a compositional scheme, plan, working materials;

Text editing, etc.

(slide 45)

The tasks that are used in this case can be conditionally divided into five groups.

    Tasks of an analytical nature according to the finished text. For example: determine the main idea of ​​the text; find in the text a part that should be expanded; title the passage with the words of the text, etc.

    Tasks of an analytical and synthetic nature according to the finished text. These tasks require the analysis of the finished text and the creation of text elements (but not the text as a whole) on its basis. For example: to formulate the main idea of ​​the author; title the text choose an epigraph; make a compositional scheme of the text, etc.

    Tasks for processing the finished text in terms of its improvement. For example: eliminate some shortcomings; enter quotes into the text, etc.

    Tasks that require the creation of a new text based on the given (finished). For example: state in detail (concisely) part of the text or the entire text; prepare an oral report based on this text; supplement the text with your own reasoning, write down the story you heard, etc.

    Tasks that require the creation of your own text. For example: to make abstracts of the speech; write a note; write a review, review, essay, etc. Tasks of the 4th and 5th groups are essentially presentations and essays - types of work on the development of coherent speech, which have long been practiced at school. The types of work to develop students' ability to perceive and create texts are infinitely diverse.

And now with such tasks you will work in practice.

(for verification - work in the presentation slide 46-53)

Arrangements, retelling, presentation are the oldest types of works.

The presentation occupies a large place in educational activities, being for schoolchildren a means of assimilation, and for a teacher - one of the means of checking the assimilation of educational material.

Presentation is one of the effective means of developing memory, thinking and speech of students.

The essay, conducted at the lessons of the Russian language, is an exercise in which students independently present their thoughts on the topics they have planned. By subject (by content), essays are divided into two large groups: essays on linguistic topics and essays on topics from life - on the so-called free topics.

Essays and presentations are the main ways to check the level of students' speech activity. They check for:

1) the ability to reveal the topic and the main idea in accordance with the topic, task and content of the statement;

2) the ability to comply with the norms of the Russian literary language;

3) spelling skills.

That is why any essay and presentation is evaluated by two marks. The first is placed for the content and speech design of the work, the second - for the observance of spelling, punctuation and language norms.

Presentation and composition are the main types of work on the development of written coherent speech.

"We almost never learn to speak". This fixation of the state of affairs, expressed by the Russian linguist Vasily Ilyich Chernyshev at the beginning of the century, fully applies to our time. A stereotype of requirements for a teacher has developed, when the teacher's activity is judged mainly by the results of the control dictation, and not by how children are able to perceive what they hear, read, how they can speak.

Oral statements of students should be evaluated by the teacher, students who prepare oral lessons well (answers from the textbook, retellings, oral compositions of various types), who participate in the discussion of oral monologues and dialogues, should be encouraged in every possible way. What needs to be done to develop the gift of speech in children? To do this, you can use speech exercises in the lessons:

(slide 49-50)

1. speech situations.

Here are two types of teacher's statements when he sets communicative speech tasks.

Write congratulations - New Year is coming soon.

positive letter Naturally, you want to

"Happy New Year!" you congratulate your

to your friend (peer friend (peer or

nickname, adult) adult) with this note

holiday. A

your friend is far away.

He needs to write late

positive letter

to please a friend - to him,

of course it will be nice

receive your letter.

The first type of problem statement is more concise, it is purely educational in nature. We use it most of the time. However, if we practice only such purely educational speech tasks, then we will poorly prepare schoolchildren for life, where it is so important to navigate the speech situation, i.e. in what I say (write), to whom, where, etc. like "I wish you happiness in your personal life and success in your work."

The speech situation in many cases is determined by the teacher.

And it is not at all indifferent how it will be done (only verbally or using any visual means), in what emotional key.

The purpose of such a statement of a communicative task is to create a certain emotional mood, to awaken the imagination.

2. Conversational five minutes.

What interesting thing happened to you yesterday?

Putting such a question at the beginning of the lesson makes it possible to start a conversation about how the child lives. There is a lively situation of communication when you want to exchange information, opinions, impressions. These conversational five-minute sessions, of course, may begin differently.

3. The tone of communication.

The question of the language of the teacher, the culture of his speech is not new.

In a narrow sense, the tonality of communication is its sound, intonation characteristic. In a broader sense, it is also as they say, and what is said.

The main thing in pedagogical communication is contact, mutual understanding. The modern tone of communication is characterized by interest, benevolence, respect, personal creativity. On the part of the students, the relaxed, free (but not cheeky) speech of children is both a sign of a good tone of communication in the lesson, and its result.

Speech exercises, as a rule, do not give a noticeable effect in a short time. Systematic work on the development of speech will certainly lead to success.

Thus, speech development classes are a multifaceted work aimed at ensuring that students master not only grammatical theory and spelling skills, but in the process of speech practice they also master the ability to pronounce words correctly and use them correctly in speech, build phrases. Suggestions, connected speech.

In general, the development of speech is work on the speech culture of students, and therefore work on the development of the child's personality.
(slide 57)

And I would like to end with the words of L.N. Tolstoy: “The child is happy to perform any tasks and exercises of the teacher. And the teacher thus stimulates correct speech student, both oral and written