For beginners to learn English easy way improve your level is the online school LinguaLeo. When learning languages, difficulties are inevitable. As a result, the motivation to learn the language drops to zero. Today we will dedicate our review to LinguaLeo, a web service that offers a completely different approach to learning English. This site helps to practice or remember forgotten things in game form using a personal dictionary, tasks, thematic sets of phrases and exercises.

LinguaLeo allows you to learn a language anytime and anywhere, as it allows you to use not only a computer, but also a tablet or phone if you download a special application. LinguaLeo is suitable for students different levels English proficiency - from elementary to upper intermediate. With this site, you can engage in an individual plan or master great amount various materials in a chaotic manner. LinguaLeo also has disadvantages, but first things first.

Such interesting name the service received thanks to the name of the game character Leo. Today, more than 6,000,000 people are registered in Leo's online school, mainly from the CIS countries and Russia. Why is Leo's service so popular?

The interest of users who want to learn English in this interactive school, is explained by the fact that instead of dry material and routine, a game technique is used. This approach is of great interest not only to children, but also to adults.

The user gets at the disposal of the lion cub Leo, who needs to be “fed” every day. The feed is the internal "currency" of the service - meatballs. The more useful actions you perform, the faster the character's hunger will be satisfied. The daily norm of the recommended amount of educational material - "food", depends on the level of English proficiency.

Meatballs allow you to add words to your personal vocabulary so that you can practice them later. When they end, you can’t add words to your glossary, respectively, and do exercises with them too.

The user receives the first 200 meatballs when registering on the site. In the future, this “game currency” needs to be “earned”. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Feed the lion. For five days of training and maintaining 100% satiety of the predator, you will receive additional meatballs and other bonuses.
  2. Complete tasks given by Leo. For completing quests - get a good portion of meatballs.
  3. Invite friends. Upon reaching the invited friend of the fifth level, the service will give you 100 delicious bonuses.

Of course, at any time you can pay for the Premium subscription (the old name is "Golden Status") and, forgetting about all the restrictions, use all the features of LinguaLeo to the maximum.

In addition, there are experience points on the site, which can also be obtained by completing various tasks. Experience points are needed to remove some restrictions, for example, some training for learning words is unlocked after a character reaches a certain level.

In total there are about 60 levels. Higher level users have access to useful free bonuses, which further encourages participants. Thus, Leo is not only an entertaining character, but also an indicator of the effort being made.

Smart lion cub Leo will give you the necessary hints, tell you what action you need to perform in order to continue your journey through the English jungle. You will learn new words and practice the language in a variety of places: a lecture at the university, a queue to the doctor, a traffic jam for many kilometers.

How is the system of individual approach implemented?

If you do not know where to start learning English, then here LinguaLeo comes to the rescue, the composition of the lesson plan is for you. There will always be a red lion cub next to you, who will tell you what to do, where to click.

After registering on the site, you will immediately be asked to take a test for the definition vocabulary and knowledge of grammar in English, and then you will need to fill out a questionnaire - age, gender, interests. Based on their tests and personal data, a special program will compile for you individual plan study, taking into account interests.

Learning English with LinguaLeo according to an individual plan is built as follows:

  1. Free registration on the site.
  2. Passing tests for knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar.
  3. Filling out a form with personal data.
  4. The user goes to the "Tasks" section with their detailed description.
  5. Passing task after task, the student develops his language skills.

Tasks in Lingvaleo are an individual lesson plan, but you should not take them as the only the right way which must be passed. If you do not like the task, then you can refuse to complete it. The service simply suggests further actions, but you can ignore the program and do as you see fit.

Main sections of LinguaLeo

There are four main sections and several subsections:

  1. Materials is one of the main sections of the service where you can find information in English. It is possible to use the search to find content. For example, I was looking for a translation of the song Scorpions. Find the material you need, study it, add incomprehensible words to the dictionary by clicking on a word in the text and choosing the most appropriate translation. After fully mastering the material, press the "I understand the entire text" button. For each word combination in the dictionary and the learned lesson, you will receive experience to increase the level of the Lion cub.
  2. Courses - a section where all video, audio, grammar and other courses are collected. Here you can learn or practice articles, tenses, verbs and other grammar. I will warn you that most of the courses are paid. Access to them can be bought or opened for "meatballs". Any course in the demo version is available for free.
  3. Practice is the third main section of the service where you can practice and memorize words. Several types of training are provided: Leo-sprint, Word-translation, Bridge, Translation-word, Constructor, Word cards. I will not describe them, you will figure out what's what "at random". Yes, and the site itself at first gives instructions and tips to make it easier for you to understand the training system.
  4. Grammar is a grammar trainer and reference book. The user can choose a topic and from the proposed words you need to make phrases. Clicking "Show Rule" will give you brief reference with examples. Most of the tasks are available only to users with a Premium account, by paying for which you get access to all sections and training, as well as an unlimited dictionary.
  5. Words and phrases - a subsection with whole "packs" of words and phrases in English on a specific topic.
  6. Dictionary - a subsection that displays words that you personally added during the learning process. Here you can see the translation of the word, hear its pronunciation and get acquainted with the progress of the study.
  7. Savannah - likeness social network. Here you can invite friends, search for users by age and level, create “Prides”.
  8. Communication is a separate section of the site for viewing the news feed. It displays materials studied by friends, dialogues of other LinvaLeo users, etc.
  9. Video with subtitles. When watching training videos with subtitles, you can always hover over an unknown word to see its translation, add it to your personal dictionary.

As you can see, LinguaLeo huge base educational materials in video and audio format, a variety of texts on any subject. These may be short interviews, short stories, dialogues on everyday topics, anecdotes, jokes, movies, news items or just literary works. Just go to "Materials" (the old name is "Jungle") and choose your favorite topic.

The most convenient thing on LinguaLeo is reading. By clicking on any word, the translation instantly appears and it can be added from the dictionary, but only for a meatball! Unlearned words are displayed on the right. They will show up all the time. different tasks and exercises until you memorize them. However, in the free mode, the number of such workouts is also limited.

Advice! For every 5th day of training on the site you get a super bonus. Very often it is a Premium account for one day. Make the most of this day: add as many new words as possible to your personal dictionary for further study.

Sometimes the service arranges promotions with discounts and distributes promotional codes in the official communities on social networks, so we advise you to subscribe to them and always follow the updates on the page.

Free mode and Premium - is it worth overpaying?

In total, there are 7 free modes (left column) of study and 5 modes only for Premium subscribers (right column). At the same time, in order to open some free modes, you need to reach a certain level.

Free workout modes:

  1. The translation word is the traditional "multiple choice". You see a word in English, several options for a Russian translation are given for it. You need to choose the correct answer. Keep in mind that the word is given context and a picture.
  2. Translation-word - the same principle, but the word is shown in Russian, you must choose English translation. In my opinion, multiple choice only allows you to pick up a word on the hook of memory, but not learn it.
  3. Listening - you hear the words that you need to type on the keyboard by ear.
  4. Savannah is a mini-game where English tokens fall from the sky, and you have to click on the correct Russian translation. You can be wrong, but one of the few lives is burned.
  5. Word constructor - from the cubes with the image of letters you need to assemble a word. Well practiced spelling.
  6. Phrase Builder - on display short phrase in Russian, you need to collect the translation. Unlocked only at level 8.
  7. Vocabulary cards are standard double-sided cards. You see the word and click "Know" or "Don't know". Only unlocked at level 10.

Workouts in the Premium subscription:

  1. Brainstorm is a combination workout. First you will see a few words, from which you need to select a few to study, and others to translate into those that you know where they will be driven from in the “Word-Translation” mode, then in the “Word Builder”.
  2. Leo sprint is a speed workout. In 60 seconds, you have to guess whether the correct translation is offered to the English word.
  3. Repetition - fast way repeat what you have learned. An English word is offered, it is necessary to choose a Russian translation from two options in three seconds.
  4. Audio challenge - you listen to a word in English and choose the correct answer from the five suggested answers.
  5. Crossword puzzle - a small crossword puzzle is compiled from your personal dictionary, which must be solved without prompts.

Trainings are always varied and interesting, so that learning English does not turn into a boring routine.

How does the LinguaLeo browser plugin work?

Many thanks to the developers for a well-implemented browser extension. A special LeoTranslator plugin allows you to add words from any resource you visit to your dictionary. Due to this, the time of accessing the dictionary when reading texts is reduced to a minimum.

What should be done:

  1. Download the extension.
  2. Install it in your browser.
  3. While on any site, double-click on the desired word to see its translation.
  4. Highlight a word and right-click on it to "Add to Dictionary".
  5. If you select a phrase, right-click on it, the entire phrase will be added to the dictionary at once.

This plugin is a very handy tool even for those who speak English high level. With the LeoTranslator extension, you can read text on any site and instantly translate unknown expressions, immediately adding them to the glossary.

The only remark is to make information about this plugin more accessible, otherwise, due to the fact that it is hidden in the bowels of the site, many users have not even heard of this wonderful extension.

Final Findings on LinguaLeo

Lingua Leo service is very good and has no analogues. It will not help you "learn English in a month", but regular classes perfectly fill the gaps in school and university education. The service is rapidly evolving and expanding. Personally, I use LinguaLeo all the time: I look for interesting educational information, I translate songs and poems, I train, I take courses.

The LinguaLeo website is perfect for self-studying individual recommendations, practice reading and listening, learn phrases and words, practice grammar.

The sets of words seemed very interesting to me. They can be thematic (times, emotions, colors, countries, family) or consist of the top 100, 500, 1000 frequency English words. Phrasebooks are also good because they help you learn the most necessary phrases for communicating on a specific topic.

However, you should not expect something from the Lingualeo web resource for which it is not intended. For example, it does not provide for the training of speech skills, there is no communication with online tutors or English-speaking foreigners. Based on this, listening is weakness LinguaLeo. The texts are voiced by non-native speakers, which makes listening to English even more difficult.

It would also be useful to finalize the "Grammar" section, to make it more visual and easy to remember. For example, to give the basic rules, declensions and other basics of grammar in the form of tables and highlighting key points. It is inconvenient that grammar training is divided into affirmation, question and negation, which does not allow you to visually compare and catch the difference.

However, the Lingualeo service has a lot of possibilities:

  • a huge database of educational materials: texts, video and audio;
  • the possibility of expanding vocabulary;
  • thematic dictionaries with illustrative associations;
  • personal dictionary with transcription and voice acting;
  • the ability to choose a translation;
  • grammar exercises and video courses;
  • it is possible to study without internet connection;
  • effective training: listening, constructor, translation of words;
  • monitor the progress of language learning in real time;
  • you can learn English for free;
  • convenient and beautiful interface;
  • browser add-ons;
  • applications for Android and mobile phones;
  • how much time you allocate for study is up to you (30, 60, 120 minutes).

It is worth mentioning the cons:

  • there is no section on teaching phonetic basics;
  • the section "Grammar" has not been finalized;
  • not always an adapted translation, that is, if you need to translate a phrase, the service will translate each word separately, and not the entire phrase, which is why the translation does not always adequately reflect the context;
  • there is no opportunity to communicate with native English speakers;
  • not all sections are free;
  • The android app is far inferior to the PC version.

At first, the downside of the site may seem to be its confusion, but it will only seem so to you when registering. I guarantee that if English is interesting to you, then you will get into the game and enjoy learning in this interactive school every day. I recommend LinguaLeo ( 124 Votes: 4,80 out of 5)

It is almost impossible to learn English without constant practice of skills. Internet resource lingualeo gives its users this opportunity. Thanks to a wide range of content, those who want to practice English online can do it every day. The system of bonuses - meatballs - supports the excitement for learning. To get them, the student must go to the site and complete tasks daily. Interface lingvaleo site convenient and understandable, therefore leo like both adults and children.

Official website of lingualeo:

Brief description of the site

It is enough to enter the short word lingva into any search engine and the Internet user receives a link to the official website of the English language school. On the central page lingua leo Students are asked to tell about themselves, take a grammar test.

Lingua Leo offers to view educational materials: short videos, films, dialogues. In the grammar section, theoretical information and practical exercises placed in levels. If a user registers on the lingvo site, his progress in learning will be tracked by the program.

Students can use the basic materials free of charge. But, in order to access the rest of the content, you will have to pay money. All tutorials posted on lingualeo website also paid.

The target audience

For today lingvaleo has about nine million people. These are only registered users. The main audience is residents of the CIS countries, as well as Brazil and Turkey. They all share a desire to learn. English interesting and productive.

Lingua leo for people who want:

  • improve vocabulary;
  • learn grammar;
  • learn to write correctly lingvo leo it's simple;
  • easy to perceive oral speech aurally.

The resource is suitable for preparing for exams IELTS TOEFL FCE, as well as to USE online. True, these services are paid and they are not available for mobile versions.

The lingualeo site is not suitable for people who want to learn how to use English in colloquial speech. It will be boring for people who speak the language at levels upper-intermediate and advanced. Leo the lion cub can only offer them to test their level and practice listening comprehension in the jungle section.

Project Features

The lingualeo website is designed to help those who want to conquer english. Its web version is available to everyone on the Internet. At Lingvaleo There are extensions for the most popular browsers. The service can also be used on multiple platforms. This Android, Windows Phone and iOS.

lingualeo helps to solve the main problem that arises when studying English language It creates extrinsic motivation. This is facilitated by the gaming technique for completing tasks, boring and relevant material, and a reward system for daily visits.

Learning English is designed in such a way as to provide an individual approach to each user. Based on the entrance test, the program lingle determines the course of study and daily offers the student the number of words and grammatical material necessary for learning. Leon actively helps him in this.

Service lingvaleo works according to the freemium model: users are offered to use the free version of the project, while the premium product is available for an additional fee. The mass nature of the project makes the prices for www lingualeo com affordable.

Instructions for working with the Internet school

To get started, you need to register for lingvaleo. Next, take a grammar test and enter your contact details in the questionnaire. Based on this information, the program will create an individual training plan. Then, every day, the user will be given the necessary task. Generally lingua easy to use.

Assignments can be found on the My Page tab. The program prompts the sequence of actions of the student. All learned words can be placed in a dictionary, periodically return to them and repeat. The lingualeo site is also adapted for vocabulary training.

Assistant on the site is lion cub leo. It helps to find the necessary information, reminds about the next tasks, tries in every possible way to simplify the learning process. study with him langvich become a game. Every day it needs to be fed food - meatballs.

Login to lingualeo website preferably done daily. After completing individual tasks for the day, you can additionally watch a video, practice vocabulary or consolidate the material covered. There are several types of such training on leolingvo. The most effective is "bridge". The bottom line is this: the user pronounces the word, and his opponent must hear and understand what he said.

Written English is practiced using the service "savannah". Already placed there ready-made templates expressions. You can change them, add words, create your own phrases. The translator will check all this and correct it.

What are meatballs for?

Learn English with leo easy and interesting. But you have to pay for everything. Exchange currency for lingua leo are meatballs.

You can earn virtual money in the following ways:

200 units of currency users receive when registering on lingleo.
To complete tasks. For the successful completion of certain exercises, the student lingvaleo gets meatballs.

Five day marathon If the user diligently completed all the tasks and provided 100% satiety to the local animal lego- he receives virtual money on the first, third days.
Meatballs can be obtained for each invitee who has reached level 5. Invite a friend to website and get 100 units of local currency.
They pay with meatballs for newly added words at the rate of 1 piece per 1 word. Buy additional courses from leolingua premium using this currency is not possible. Meatballs also cannot be gifted to other users. They can only be used for self-improvement purposes. langvich.

AT recent times study foreign languages It has become not only fashionable, but a vital occupation. Whatever one may say, without knowledge of a foreign language, it is unlikely that one will be able to get a prestigious job today: almost any application form for employment is threatened with the “knowledge of languages” column. It would seem, what is the problem here? Sign up for language school(we are looking for a tutor) and hone our linguistic skills. However, everything would be simple if it were not so difficult. This option is very costly: both in terms of money and time. It is much easier to study English on your own with the help of the free online service LinguaLeo.

TOP 5 benefits of LinguaLeo and my review

Among the many sites that offer help in learning English, the LinguaLeo service can rightfully be called one of the best. What is the secret here? In its advantages, of course! These include, in particular, the fact that this service:

  • absolutely free, which means that instead of buying English courses, you can organize a trip abroad;
  • makes it possible to effectively determine the level of knowledge of the language using interactive tests;
  • offers a unique training program, which is selected individually for each user, taking into account his interests, level of English proficiency and the set learning goal (for example, pass TOEFL exam);
  • gives users the opportunity to independently determine the type of activity (for example, watching movies, TV shows or listening to music files);
  • provides a wide range practical tasks to develop English language skills;
  • mobile, that is, with its help you can practice English anywhere in the world.

At the same time, you can practice English with the help of LinguaLeo absolutely at any time! Only 30 minutes a day is enough to feel the visible result after a week of practical training. Want to know how the site works? Then let's go! Let's analyze everything step by step.

Step #1: Mastering the Art of Registration

In principle, the registration process on the LinguaLeo website is so simple that it will seem like a joke even for complete "dummies" far from computer science. The fact is that you can register here directly from the social network. In this case, you only need to follow this link to the LinguaLeo website, then click the "More" button and select one of the proposed social networks - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook:

After that, all that remains is to give the application the go-ahead to read user data, and you can immediately get to work:

It is worth noting that you can register on LinguaLeo without having an account on a social network. In this case, our favorite e-mail will come to our aid. What are we doing? We go to the LinguaLeo page and click the "Register" button to start. Then enter the address Email and a password for the site, click "Create an account" and select gender and age in the window that opens to select an individual training program:

The next step is to determine the amount of time that is planned to be devoted to English classes per day and click the "Next" button:

After that, we fill in an interactive table illustrating our English skills. In this case, in each of the columns, we alternately move the lever to the number that the best way characterizes the level of our practical training:

Now, after clicking the "Next" button in the new window, all that remains is to tick off your interests and click "Finish" to complete the registration on the site:

What is the outcome? Less than 5 minutes of work, and a LinguaLeo account is created! You can start learning!

Step number 2: Choose a training program

So, after completing the registration, we should see something like this window:

What is required of us? To begin with, determine your vocabulary in order to learn only those words that we do not know. How to do it? Press the corresponding button in the column and go to the text. Each task looks like this:

We are only required to honestly answer whether we know the meaning of the word or not. As a result of the test, a corresponding message will appear:

There are only three answer options for each question, so it is enough to check the knowledge to select the appropriate one and click the "Check" button. If the answer is given correctly - a tick in the section "I already know"; if it is wrong, go to the “We will study” section. Based on the test results, it will be determined individual program learning:

It remains only to click the "Finish" button and select the "Goal" item in the newly appeared column. Actually, why do we need English? As a hint, the service offers us the following window:

Select the appropriate option and click Finish.

Step #3: Get trained

Well, after the training program is selected, it remains only to start classes. It is worth noting that the tasks will be different for everyone, because they directly depend on the level of English proficiency, and on the interests of the user, and on the goal set in his study. In general, tasks can be in the form of reading texts, practicing pronunciation of words, listening, watching videos, speaking.

If desired, you can choose new program, add unfamiliar words to study, review previously learned lessons. Where else can you find such freedom of action in learning English?

In general, with LinguaLeo, learning English will turn into not only useful, but also the most interesting hobby from which it is simply impossible to break away neither a child nor an adult! Are you already on LinguaLeo?

English with Leo is a program for learning English for Android. It is designed for both children and adults. Information is presented at two levels of perception: visual and sound.

The application is stylized old map, along which the lion Leo will lead you. The level of knowledge of the language can be selected immediately, when you first enter the game. At the same time, a student account is created, which allows the program to remember your successes and failures. Based on these data, exercises and a dictionary are formed for learning new words. The English with Leo application can be synchronized with your Google account, and then, if you have Internet access on your phone or tablet, it will be able to remind you of classes. It will also be possible to purchase additional upgrades.

Features of learning English with Leo

The whole program is built in the form of a game, you are offered to perform several exercises to feed the hungry lion Leo. For the correct answers, you get meatballs, which you feed to the virtual assistant.

Learning English with Leo is carried out at all levels necessary for full communication. Each time you log into your account, you will be prompted to select words to study on a wide variety of topics, for example: "For food", " Phrasal verbs"," Family members "and so on. After the words are reviewed and selected for study, you can proceed to training.

The training includes four types of exercises: word-translation, translation-word, word constructor and listening. Each of the exercises reinforces the knowledge of a certain layer of the language. Words presented in English are constantly duplicated by voice, which allows, along with the practice of translation, to practice pronunciation. In addition, all words are provided with pictures depicting the concept being studied. For those who have a well-developed visual and associative memory, this is a real find.

The results of the lessons are remembered by the application if an account has been created in the game. This allows you to increase the complexity of learning the language and gain new knowledge on an individual basis.

The school or service for learning English has existed since 2009. During this time, the resource has undergone a lot of changes and even got its own Wiki page. Today, Language Lion offers to teach English not only to beginners, but even to those who have reached the Upper-Intermediate level and above. captures at first sight. Beautiful design, a lot of information, interesting exercises and a lot of nice bonuses. However, some users claim that before a series of updates, the service looked much nicer. Like it or not, we will find out later.

What is learning at school? welcomes new users very well. After a short registration, you are offered to take a grammar test, as well as check your vocabulary. You then rate your reading, writing and comprehension skills English speech. Based on these data, your level of language proficiency is determined (a total of 7 levels including Advanced and Proficiency).

After that, you indicate your learning goals and interests. Based on your preferences, daily tasks will be selected for you. The list of topics is very large. Therefore, you will always come across interesting tasks.

If you love cooking, then you will be offered to study a list of words on the kitchen theme. And if you like technology or health, then the "suave lion cub" will offer to read the English article about "Sandblasting" or "How to stay in shape 365 days a year."

In general, all training is based on passing game exercises. In the "Workouts" section, there are 7 free workouts and 5 for premium users. Also, as a lesson, it is proposed to independently parse an audio, video or text recording with translation.

Most tasks are puzzles where you need to pick up correct word, compose a phrase or sentence. More advanced exercise options offer speed translation of words. For example, the Savannah exercise, in which English words and you owe a short time guess its meaning.

In addition, the site provides exercises with cards, difficult crossword puzzles, listening and complex training (Brainstorm). But note that some exercises are not fully thought out.

Instead of self-study texts, I would also like to pass a test task with a test or questions, as in busuu. Studying the video could well be implemented as in puzzle-english, as well as adding tasks with a microphone, as in Duolingo. From this it can be seen that is trying to cover everything at once, but it turns out that the service is not very smooth.

The site offers a system of levels and rewards ... meatballs. Virtual Meatballs are given as a reward when you fully feed the Lion Cub in the lower left corner by completing the exercises.

Meatballs can be spent on adding new words to your personal virtual dictionary on the site. In it, you can repeat the passed phrases, listen to their playback, and even watch the progress of learning each word. By the way, meatballs are given in an infinite amount when buying Premium.

Jungle and learning materials at is a great base for learning English on your own. More recently, the section of the library was called "Jungle" and had some differences. However, the main idea remains the same - free materials to users from users.

The library offers a lot of interesting videos, translations of songs and texts for self-study. You will also find many interesting topics of materials, ranging from music with poetry to complex NASA or TED articles.

And all this became available thanks to the huge audience of Lingualeo. After all, most of the materials are added by users of the service. Even more remarkable is the fact that the entire database is available absolutely free of charge.

It should be noted very convenient. It allows you to translate English phrases on any site by simply double-clicking on a word. And although the application is extremely useful, however, it is not so easy to find and download it, since it is hidden deep in the site.

A little disappointing is the fact that after a recent update, all social activity on the resource was simply cut off. If earlier users could get to know each other, share knowledge, communicate in English and even play games, now all this is simply not there.

What training programs does offer? is a very flexible resource, suitable for those who want to learn freely without any plan, and those who are used to more precise programs. Standard free education is to pass daily quests and doing independent work.

Separately, a grammar course is displayed, where you are invited to study tenses, participles, modal verbs etc. But the training takes place according to the same scheme - puzzles. In addition, half of all grammar rules and exercises are only available to premium users.

Interestingly, the service offers special intensives. They are thematic puzzle lessons with explanations and tips. For example, travel English, business English, grammar, etc. Almost all courses are free to try.

IELTS, CAE, TOEFL simulators and preparation for state exams deserve special attention. These are not really courses, but, as it were, a full-fledged online testing. Moreover, the check of modules, except for Reading and Listening, is carried out by a specialist, and not by a computer.

A nice addition is the mobile version of the service. The application allows you to learn English directly from your phone or tablet. However, sometimes the program crashes and hangs. But this doesn't happen often.

Tuition fees at

The website offers a shareware learning system. Registration on the resource, a huge library and 40% of all lessons are open to users. If you wish, you can fully study English for free.

A subscription opens up more opportunities for learning, namely: an endless dictionary, access to 5 types of training, 3 courses and all grammar sections. Moreover, the subscription cost is very small: only $10 for 3 months and $17 for a whole year. Is it worth ordering "Premium" if you liked the resource? - definitely.

However, the owners of managed to add a drop of tar. The cost of online intensives is prohibitive. The price of 10 lessons of 30 minutes can be $32. Small courses for beginners consist of 3-5 lessons and are sold for $7-17.

Moreover, the intensives are not particularly distinguished from standard tasks, except for the thematic focus. There is no point in buying them. But if you want to take a few online intensives, then be prepared to spend about $100 or even $200. school benefits.

  1. Nice and responsive service design.
  2. Tons of free lessons.
  3. Huge library of materials for self-education.
  4. Low cost "Premium".
  5. Studying grammar and vocabulary replenishment up to the level of Proficiency.
  6. Preparation for international and state exams online.
  7. Convenient mobile app and a browser plugin.

Disadvantages of the school.

  1. Almost all lessons are made in the form of puzzles.
  2. A bunch of dubious intensives at a high price.
  3. There are no lessons with a microphone and complex tasks for parsing texts.
  4. The social part of the project was completely removed.

What reviews about the school can you see online?

Note that among the reviews there are purchased ones.

General impression of the school.

With each update, became more expensive and less attractive. And this is not surprising, because about 10% of all paid users on the site. It remains to be hoped that the service developers will correct the company's policy in the future.

Also, the resource tries to capture almost everything, but it does not work well for him. A lot of things remain unfinished and cumbersome. Because of this, at some point learning on becomes simply boring.

Nevertheless, the resource is very solid and worthy of attention. If you like the site, then be sure to subscribe, because it costs a penny (for now). Don't waste your time on stupid intensives, download a great plugin and practice on every day.

In a year, you will significantly improve your English skills and learn a bunch of interesting information. Of course, if up to this point you do not get tired of learning. Well, our final score is a solid 4 points.