Prayer is rest for the soul

Lovely vacation for a person, my dears, to devote even a little time in your life. If, after an exhausting day, a little time is devoted to it and a person frees himself to partake of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, which is in the Church, generous and abundant, then he will really fully rest. After all, rest is not when we sleep for a long time or make different trips. And this is also, of course, rest for the body. But rest for the soul, spiritual rest, is much more important and significant. A person truly rests when he learns a living connection with God.

I say this because everyone notices how wonderful peace the human spirit finds during the holy services of the Church (as was the case at the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos, which we sang together). To what extent these sacred troparia, composed by saints who had the experience of knowing the Holy Spirit and the presence of God in their hearts and expressed precisely this experience in church music, troparia, and hymns, help the human spirit to ascend to God and partake of the Holy Spirit. The Lord will give it to those who seek and thirst for Him. All this gives us a true sense of the presence of God, rest, a true sense, so to speak, of amusement and entertainment. I am absolutely sure that from one real, from one service, from one sacred rite in the temple space, you will rest in such a way that it is impossible to rest in the best entertainment centers where people go - they leave them even more tired than they came, more nervous . Sometimes they are so excited that one kills the other.

And it is strange to hear when someone says: well, today, when you can spend nights in entertainment centers, people should be calm, joyful, smiling every day. Yes, they just get out of bed, press the button, turn on the radio, noise and din start, let's sing along, and so in the morning, as soon as they wake up, they are already on edge! Sometimes, before dawn, we go down by car from the monastery and see how, at the slightest provocation, they scream, bully each other, swear, and are about to fight. And you ask yourself: what happened to them? after all, it’s only morning… well, after all, it would be evening… And it was early morning, seven o’clock, they hadn’t opened their eyes yet, but they were already on their nerves. Where were they? They may have spent the entire night at the entertainment venues they left after spending money, so they returned home in even worse condition than they were the day before!

A man enters, an angel leaves

This does not happen in the Church. “, - says St. John Chrysostom in a beautiful word, - ... do you want to know what the Church is and what is her miracle? It's very simple. Look around you or go into a church and you will see that the church is the place where the wolf comes in and the lamb comes out. You enter the church as a wolf and you leave as a lamb. You enter as a thief, but you go out as a saint, you go in angry, but you go out meek, you go in as a sinner, but you go out spiritual, you go in as a man, but you go out as an angel.” And he corrects himself: “What am I saying: an angel?! Is it just an angel? You enter as a man and exit as a god by grace!” That's what the Church is.

And indeed, this indisputable fact: a person in the church space, in an atmosphere of chants and prayers, finds serene peace. Because, as you know, Orthodox Church there are great services, and it is, first of all, liturgical, and the entire “therapeutic course” with which it affects a person, the souls of people, is a course of treatment through worship. I remember how people came to the Holy Mountain (and in general I noticed this throughout my entire monastic life) to live in the monastery. How wild they looked! Their faces reflected their inner savagery - a wild disposition, a wild look ... After they spent a day or two on the Holy Mountain, in a monastery, attended services, the sweetness and meekness of God's grace loomed slowly on their faces. And despite the fact that they were just pilgrims, the Spirit of God still influenced them, they calmed down and gained true peace.

And many said: we are going to the Holy Mountain, to the monastery, and even if we don’t get much benefit, then at least we’ll sleep well, we sleep so well in the monastery, like nowhere else outside its walls, otherwise we can’t rest find or anything else. And not because the monastery is quiet. In the world, too, they had silence. But because there was peace in the monastery, spiritual peace. This contrast was so sharp that it could be seen with the naked eye. Sometimes I played with them (some of them thought that all of us on the Holy Mountain have the gift of clairvoyance and just look at a person, we see through him)! But it could be the saints - and who are we?! And one day, maybe 25 people came. I tell them: “Do you want me to tell you now which of you came for the first time, and who has already been here?” They say, "Yes, Father, tell us." I looked at their faces - and indeed, it was immediately possible to identify those who were on the Holy Mountain not for the first time, they had different faces in comparison with the rest. And I said, "Here you are, you are, you are, you are, you've already been." And he was right, he guessed everything! And so he joined the glory of the seer! (Laughter.) Although he was like those fakirs, who in reality are charlatans!

God is a reliable support in life

Therefore, to learn is the blessing of God! Therefore, you need to learn to pray, dear ones, because in your Everyday life, whatever one may say, you meet a lot of difficulties and disappointments, many are at an impasse. At least from my short communication with you, I see that you have many hopeless situations, problems, questions, and severe anxiety. And even the darkness that sometimes penetrates a youthful soul, and then a person does not know who he is, or what he does, or where he is going, or what he wants - knows nothing.

All this is cured when a person begins to pray. When a person begins to pray, he receives strength from prayer. there is light, because God Himself is light. And the light of God begins to gradually dissolve the spiritual darkness. And if sometimes darkness persists in a person's soul, this happens because the good God, like a doctor, wants to heal the soul with humility, to teach a person to be humble. And we need to learn how to receive this strength in order to swim across the sea of ​​our life and overcome difficulties, having a reliable support.

Other pillars that exist today: our common sense, our money, our health, our strength, another person, our neighbor, our friend, our girlfriend, our spouse, etc. - these are supports that are also good, but they are not reliable, because they are subject to destruction and change. People change, the world around us changes due to certain events, due to certain circumstances. The only reliable support, unchanging support, is faith in God. God never changes. He does not get lost, does not change, does not disappoint a person, never betrays him. God does not leave His deeds unfinished and half done, but completes them, because God Himself is perfect! So often when you face failures, especially now when you are studying, with failures in exams, in classes, you need to learn this power of prayer in order to be above failures, like an airplane that flies over the clouds during a thunderstorm. He soars up, and he is not afraid of anything; the storm is raging, but it does not reach the height where he flies, because he has "strength" that allows him to overcome such situations.

Wish me bad luck!

And even more so in the Church, God gives strength not only to overcome ours, but also to derive spiritual benefit from these failures. And sometimes failure is the best of luck! Because it has such beneficial effects on the soul of a person, on his personality as a whole, which are often necessary for a person. I can say that it is extremely necessary to learn how to deal with failure. Failure is very important to a person. Everywhere we are wished "good luck", but we need at least sometimes to be wished "good luck", so that we know that we need to prepare for failure, and not get used to the fact that everything should be the way we want it to be. And as soon as the slightest obstacle arises, we run to psychologists and psychiatrists, our head is filled with the fact that we have “psychological problems”. Our head is full psychological problems”, our pocket is pills, and the psychologist’s pocket is money. “45 minutes cost 15 lire,” he tells you! You know, some psychologists don't like me because I stole their clients! (Laughter.) When I heard about this, I was surprised myself - the day before yesterday, a psychologist told me about a conversation that took place in his professional circle that some lost clients because of me. But this is really a dramatic situation: a person, drowning in his problems, comes to the doctor, and he looks at his watch. And as soon as 45 minutes are up, he says: “Look (and the poor fellow confesses his life to him), do you want to move on to the second hour? Calculate, otherwise stay in your abyss and come another time!” Despite all this, we often turn to psychologists. Is there a need for this and what exactly? People pay to talk, they pay to be heard. You can imagine what we have come to. That is, in what a difficult situation are people that they go for it! And all because they lost fellowship with God.

Prayer shows the meaning of life

God asks us, urges us, implores us, compels us to talk with Him! Do you see what He says? Ask, seek, knock on the door and it will be opened to you. Whatever you ask, God will give you. And if we learn to pray, then we will acquire peace in our souls. And this one peace of mind there is a force that does not allow a person to drown. So a person who learns to pray realizes very well what is the meaning of his life. He acquires the meaning of life, and in this sense there is a place for his failures.

The true secret to achieving peace of mind is that it is not defined external circumstances, but your choice. Choice of perspective on situations and way of thinking.

1. live in the present.
You can't bring back the past, and the future depends on what you think and do in this moment. So pay attention to the present, focus on doing everything you do the best way and just live. Don't let life pass you by because you live in the past or the future.
2. meditate.
Meditation teaches you mental and physical discipline as well as emotional self-control. It's easy and enjoyable, and it's one of the most powerful self-development tools you can use right now!

3. express gratitude.
Express gratitude for everything "Good" and everything "bad", for everything that you experience, learn and adopt. Express gratitude for everything that awaits you in the future. Allow yourself to be enveloped in the warmth and light of gratitude.

4. let go of your usual view of things, look at the world from a different angle. Your point of view is not "The Law", but only one of many points of view. Your way of looking at things can cause you stress. Look at the world with an unrestricted view.

5. know that "this too shall pass."
Change is part of life. Be calm and patient - let everything happen naturally and organically. Develop the courage that allows you to focus on the desired results, not the problem.

6. simplify your life.
Simplicity gives inner peace - due to the fact that you correctly direct your energy. Get rid of everything you don't need, including connections and friendships that don't do you any good. Focus on what's important to you. Do not overload yourself with an excessive amount of things, tasks and information. Leave one or two goals that are most dear to you.

7. smile.
Smiling can open doors, turn "no" into "yes" and instantly change the mood (both yours and those around you. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Smile at family members, employees, everyone who catches your eye. Smiling radiates the energy of love - and what you send is what you receive.It is impossible to smile sincerely and at the same time feel anger, sadness, fear or envy.Smiling, you can only feel happiness and peace.

8. bring the work you have started to its logical end.
Close the circle. Unfinished business (unforgiveness, unspoken words, unfinished projects and tasks) is a heavy burden for your consciousness, whether you feel it or not. Each unfinished business takes energy from the present.

9. be true to yourself.
Love yourself. Make your dreams come true and express yourself. Find your purpose and fulfill it.

10. don't worry.
How much time do you spend worrying about what "could happen"? And which of these really happened (and ruined your life? Little, if not nothing at all... right? Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

11. take care of your health.
Take care of your body: do physical exercise, play sports, eat right and get enough sleep. Add energy to yourself with daily exercises and monitor your well-being.

12. morning is wiser than evening.
Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with problems, it is not possible to fall asleep. First of all, do your best to physically fix the problem. Only in the event that nothing can be done, turn to the energy solution of the problem. Visualize the ideal state of affairs (in which the given problem does not exist) until the problem goes away on its own or until a solution comes to you.

13. Adhere to the principles of Sufism in your speech.
This ancient tradition stipulates that you should only say something if: 1) it's true, 2) it's necessary, and 3 it's kind. Attention! Only if something you want to say doesn't meet these criteria, don't say it.

14. Use the off button.
Avoid information and sensory overload. Turn off the TV, smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer, mp3 player (unless you listen to audio recordings for meditation or relaxation. Learn to simply "Be", not necessarily "doing" anything.

15. Don't do everything at the same time.
Do one thing and do it well. Take a holistic approach in everything and do your best.

16. start with the most difficult.
Don't put things off until later. A large number of mental and emotional energy is wasted because of the fear of doing things we don't want to do - tiresome, unpleasant, difficult or frightening. Deal with them - only properly, in the best possible way. And then move on to simple things.

17. keep balance.
Promote success and inner peace by maintaining balance in your life.

18. Cross money off your priority list. Strive to be a person who is wealthy in terms of relationships, not material goods.

19. you go quieter - you will continue.
Enjoy this journey called "Life". Everything will happen when the time comes. Pay attention to every moment of life and appreciate it. Where to hurry? As soon as you reach the goal, new tasks and problems will certainly appear.

20. Use your imagination. Building the life of your dreams starts in the imagination. It is there that you take the canvas and paints and paint the most desirable life!

In this hectic life, we often simply lack peace. Someone is just very impressionable and is nervous all the time, someone is overcome by problems and difficulties, bad thoughts.

Stop, take a breath, look around, it's time to become aware in this life race.

I dare to give you some tips on how to find peace in the soul, they are all quite simple and easy to follow.

1. Give - receive!

If any difficulties have appeared in your life and it seems to you that the whole world is against you, do not cry and do not suffer. Find another person who needs help and do everything to solve his problems.

2. Do not demand and learn to forgive!

Do not get angry, forget about all your claims, try not to get into quarrels and disputes.

3. Do not get upset over trifles!

Life is largely determined by the internal state of a person. If his soul is dark and empty, then it will be sad, if it is good and clear, then it will be bright and full of perspectives.

4. Look at life differently!

Don't snap back, don't get defensive, don't turn into modern "zombies" or "robots" who think only about how bad their life is. Remember that all your thoughts are material. Think only good things, and this will certainly affect your mood and your reality.

5. Don't make yourself a victim!

Finally, free yourself from the illusion that you are driven into a corner by some unfavorable circumstances or the aggression of others. Your life is in your hands!

6. Don't judge!

For at least a day or two, do not criticize anyone.

7. Live in the present!

Rejoice in what is happening to you right now. Are you sitting at the computer? Great! Would you like tea? Wonderful! Pour and drink. Don't project your negative thoughts for the future.

8. Stop playing and pretending!

There is no need to deceive anyone. Cry when you feel like crying and laugh when you're really laughing. Finally, take off your mask and show the rest of the person you really are.

9. Do what you want, not others

Stop acting on someone else's orders, listen to yourself and understand what you really want.

10. Know and love yourself!

Communicate alone with yourself, look for the motives of your actions and desires. Don't judge or criticize yourself. After all, you are the person who is, and that's wonderful.

11. Exercise!

  • Inhale, count to 4 and exhale slowly.
  • Write down your own thoughts and 3 best life events on paper.
  • Sit on the porch or on a bench and just relax, contemplate and look for positive and beautiful moments in the space around you.
  • Imagine yourself floating above the ground in a transparent protective bubble.
  • Talk to your inner self.
  • Get a head massage.

Even these simple exercises help you take your mind off problems, calm down and think positively.

12. Meditate!
Solitude and silence, contemplation of nature is one of the best ways to find peace of mind and harmony, use it.

13. Don't let bad thoughts "come"!

Get rid of anything that can upset you. Use the substitution principle. Does a bad thought come? Urgently find something positive that will drive out your bad thoughts. Fill the space around you with joy and positivity.

14. Listen to soothing music!

It will help you relax and slow down your thoughts.

15. Look at the fire of candles or a fireplace!

It gives an inner smile and the energy of magical warmth, simply mesmerizing.

In addition to all of the above, you can listen to birds singing and the sounds of rain, smell fresh flowers, contemplate the starry sky and falling snow, relax, do yoga, take a bath with incense, share smiles and love.

Remember that the great Samurai always won thanks to their inner peace and the ability to see beauty in their surroundings. According to them, only those who are looking for it in panic and running around will not be able to find a way out of the labyrinth. The one who is internally calm will always see from a height both the labyrinth itself and the way out of it.

Happiness to you and peace of mind!

With love to you, In search of yourself.

In our time, people live very restlessly, which is due to various negative realities of a political, economic and social nature. Added to this is a powerful stream of negative information that falls on people from television screens, from Internet news sites and newspaper pages.

Modern medicine is often unable to relieve stress. She is not able to cope with mental and physical disorders, various diseases that are caused by mental imbalance due to negative emotions, anxiety, anxiety, fear, despair, etc.

These emotions are destructive to human body at the cellular level, deplete it vitality lead to premature aging.

Insomnia and loss of strength, hypertension and diabetes, diseases of the heart and stomach, cancer - this is not a complete list of those serious ailments, the main cause of which can be stressful conditions of the body resulting from such harmful emotions.

Plato once said: “The biggest mistake of doctors is that they try to cure a person's body without trying to cure his soul; however, the soul and the body are one and cannot be treated separately!”

Centuries have passed, even millennia, but this saying of the great philosopher of antiquity remains true today. In modern living conditions, the problem of psychological support for people, protecting their psyche from negative emotions has become extremely relevant.

How to achieve inner harmony and peace of mind

  1. Recognize your NOT ideality and the right to make mistakes. Excessive ambition and self-demanding, not only lead out of peace of mind, but also make a person be in constant stress. Take the mistakes you make as a life lesson and an opportunity to gain valuable experience.
  2. Live here and now. This will help get rid of fictional fears associated with the future. Often a person worries about what might happen and forgets that it may or may NOT happen. Focus your attention on the present, and solve problems as they arise.
  3. Learn to say NO. Stop shifting other people's problems onto yourself, and your life will become much easier and more harmonious.
  4. Build internal boundaries. The loss of your peace of mind may be due to worries about the other person, or taking on their responsibilities. Do not let others impose the rules of the game on you, and let's clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted in communication with you.
  5. Don't keep all your experiences to yourself. Great psychological reception to get rid of the loss of calm is to say out loud what worries you. By expressing your feelings in words, you will come to the conclusion that everything is not as bad as you thought. Do not be alone with your feelings and problems. Share them with a loved one who will understand and help.
  6. Give vent to your emotions regularly. Do not keep everything that has accumulated. Throw out the negative, and you will feel much better. Find out the 5 best ways to deal with stress and use them.
  7. Learn to forgive and forget. It happens that this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. If you are unable to cope with resentment on your own, seek the help of a psychologist.
  8. Focus on the end result, and perceive temporary difficulties as stepping stones on the way to achieving your goal.

And whatever happens to you, don't take anything to heart. Little in the world is important for a long time.

Erich Maria Remarque " Triumphal Arch" ---

When you get caught in the rain, you can learn a useful lesson from this. If it starts raining unexpectedly, you don't want to get wet, so you run down the street to your house. But when you get home, you notice that you are still wet. If you decide from the very beginning not to quicken your pace, you will get wet, but you will not fuss. The same should be done in other similar circumstances.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo - Hagakure. Samurai book

Tomorrow will be what it should be

and there will be nothing that should not be -

don't fuss.

If there is no peace within us, it is useless to look for it outside.

Unburdened by worries -
enjoys life.
Gaining is not happy
losing does not grieve, because he knows
that fate is not permanent.
When we're not bound by things
serenity is fully known.
If the body does not rest from tension,
it wears out.
If the spirit is always in worries,
he fades.

Chuang Tzu ---

If you throw a stick to a dog, he will look at this stick. And if you throw a stick to a lion, then he will, without looking up, look at the thrower. This is a formal phrase that was said during disputes in ancient China if the interlocutor began to cling to words and ceased to see the main thing.

When I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know that this moment is amazing!

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and do not drive yourself into a framework.

Strength belongs to those who believe in their strength.

Develop the habit of monitoring your mental-emotional state through self-observation. It is good to regularly ask yourself: "Am I calm in currently?" is a question that is useful to ask yourself regularly. You can also ask: "What is going on inside me at the moment?"

Eckhart Tolle

Freedom is freedom from worry. Realizing that you cannot influence the results, do not pay attention to your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Do not feed them with interest and attention. In reality, things are done with you, not you.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

1. Do not interfere in other people's problems

Many women create a lot of problems for themselves when they interfere in other people's affairs. At such moments, they are convinced that they are doing the right thing, trying to help and advise. Often they can criticize and try to guide others on the right path. But such communion is a denial of individuality, that is, of God. After all, he created each of us unique. It must be remembered that all people act as their divine essence tells them. Don't worry about others - love yourself and take care of yourself!

2. You need to be able to forget and forgive

by the most effective way to achieve a woman's peace of mind is the ability to forget insults and forgive them. Often women carry negative feelings inside themselves towards people who once offended them. Constant dissatisfaction only fuels such resentment, which leads to a repetition of people's bad attitudes. You need to believe in the justice of God, allowing him to judge the actions of people who have hurt you. Don't waste your life on trifles. Learn to forgive and look only forward!

3. Don't Seek Social Acceptance

There is no need to show your selfishness in everything, pursuing only personal gain. There is no one perfect in this world. Don't expect recognition from others. Better believe in yourself. Someone else's recognition and encouragement does not last long. Always remember sincerity and morality when you carry out your duties. Everything else is the will of God.

4. Changing the world, start with yourself

Do not try to change alone the world. Nobody has been able to do this yet. Changes need to start with yourself, with self-knowledge and self-development. In this case, an unfriendly environment will become harmonious and pleasant for you.

5. You have to put up with what you can't change.

The best way to turn weaknesses into strengths is acceptance. A woman every day faces irritations, inconveniences and negative circumstances that are beyond her control. It is necessary to learn to accept such manifestations in your address. If God willed it so, then it must be so. Divine logic is not subject to our understanding. You need to believe in it and become stronger and more tolerant.

6. Practice Meditation Regularly

Meditations are the best way to free the mind from thoughts. It gives the highest state of peace of mind. Daily meditation for 30 minutes allows you to keep calm throughout the rest of the day. This increases efficiency and allows you to fully enjoy life.

Major troublemakers

1) Take a deep breath for one-two-three-four, hold your breath for the same period, then exhale just as smoothly.
2) Take a pen and write down your thoughts on paper.
3) Recognize that life is hard.
4) Write down your three most successful events in life.
5) Tell a friend or loved one what he or she means to you.
6) Sit on the porch and do nothing. Promise yourself to do it more often.
7) Give yourself permission to just mess around for a while.
8) Look at the clouds for a few minutes.
9) Fly over your life in your imagination.
10) Unfocus your eyes and just notice in your peripheral vision everything that is happening around you for a few minutes.
11) Give some coins to charity.
12) Imagine that you are inside a transparent protective bubble that protects you.
13) Put your hand on your heart and feel how it beats. This is cool.
14) Promise yourself that no matter what, you will keep a positive attitude for the rest of the day.
15) Be grateful that you don't always get what you want.

Peace, inner peace is one of the foundations of happiness. Inner peace is achieved when the body pulsates not in the rhythm that circumstances impose on us, but in the rhythm determined by the soul that has settled in our body for a limited time. And getting into resonance with spiritual vibrations is just a thrill. A high that is as difficult to express as it is to describe what you feel during an orgasm. A high that you should feel for yourself, so that you will never forget again.

By the way, people who are commonly called lazybones or couch potatoes are most often not loafers, but those who feel the charm of inner peace and try to achieve it with simple actions, which are most often unsuccessful.

But what should be done in order to achieve inner peace?

  1. Armed with patience. You start fighting with yourself. Achievements in this struggle will be necessary, but not immediately.
  2. Calm your spirit. Try to stop thinking. To do this, sit in silence. Try to free your head from thoughts. to free and clear your mind of thoughts. Learn to meditate, that is, focus completely on one thought, object, or inner feeling.
  3. Get rid of stress and anxiety. The first commandment here is not to fuss either at work or in life. One is minea friend formulated it even more unexpectedly: “Do not fuss under the client.” Another saying that also sets you in the right mood: “The best is the enemy of the good.” Down with perfectionism! Down with the Stakhanovites too! Don't try to do everything at once. As preference players say: "You can't go wrong with one"
  4. And yes, do not be ashamed to rest more often. Relax in some cozy place, even take a nap. Even though it happens at work
  5. Live here and now. Do not suffer because something did not work out in the past. Let's go! Don't worry about what will happen. As one of the heroes of "Soldier Schweik" said: "It will be, it was, after all, something, yes it was." Therefore, focus on current affairs. And build fewer plans, especially grandiose ones. one great country grandiose plans did not lead to good.
  6. But don't focus on the present moment. Use the new experience. Down with any prejudice! And yes, don't judge anyone for acting differently than you are used to.
  7. Be happy. Make time for activities that bring you happiness. Satisfy your desires. This is not selfishness! This is reasonable selfishness.
  8. Don't run from yourself. Be yourself and enjoy your individuality.
  9. The most important happiness is in life itself. Be content with where you are, who you are and what you are doing.
  10. Be kind and courteous to others. Not for them, for yourself. Kindness warms the heart of the giver.
  11. Strive for beauty. Seeing beauty is an amazing pleasure. Develop the ability to see beauty in everything and everyone.
  12. Evaluate everything that happens calmly and joyfully. Everything that happens around happens for you.
  13. Fill your inner world. This will save you from many problems in life that would otherwise seem intractable.
  14. Be optimistic. Even though we all die.
  15. And finally, always remember that the search for inner peace is always a process, not a result. Therefore, you will have to work on yourself every day. But is it difficult if the result is beautiful?

The most bitter thing is that most of this advice absolutely does not coincide with what most of our generation was "programmed" in childhood. That is, initially set up for an unsuccessful and difficult life.

A happy life begins with peace of mind. Cicero

Calmness is nothing but the proper order in thoughts. Marcus Aurelius

Wisdom comes with the ability to be calm. Just watch and listen. Nothing else is needed. Eckhart Tolle

If you can breathe slowly, your mind will calm down and regain vitality. Swami Satyananda Saraswati

The search for tranquility is one of the ways of prayer, which gives rise to light and warmth. Forget yourself for a moment, know that wisdom and compassion lie in that warmth. When you walk on this planet, try to notice the true appearance of heaven and earth; this is possible if you do not allow yourself to be paralyzed by fear and decide that all your gestures and postures will correspond to what you think. Morihei Ueshiba

Is our peace of mind and the joy of being does not depend on where we are, what we have, or what position we occupy in society, but solely on our frame of mind. Dale Carnegie

No one can disturb the other - only we deprive ourselves of peace. Irvin Yalom.

Nothing calms the spirit so much as finding a solid goal - a point to which our inner gaze is directed. Mary Shelley

The greatest peace of mind is possessed by the one who cares neither for praise nor for blasphemy. Thomas a Kempis

If someone offended you, take revenge courageously. Stay calm and this will be the beginning of your revenge, then forgive - this will be the end of it. Victor Hugo

If difficulties and obstacles stand in your way, it is not enough to remain calm and calm. Boldly and joyfully rush forward, overcoming one obstacle after another. Act as the proverb says: “The more water, the higher the ship.” Yamamoto Tsunetomo.

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other. F. C. Etinger

From calm reflection, there is much more sense than from impulses of despair. Franz Kafka.

Calmness can achieve more than excessive excitement and nervousness. Arthur Haley.

Only in calm waters things are reflected undistorted. Only a calm consciousness is suitable for perceiving the world. Hans Margolius

The rays of calm eyes are the strongest in the world. Akhmatova A. A.

Nothing gives as many advantages over others as the ability to remain calm and cool in any situation. Thomas Jefferson

Calmness is an important component of success, without it it is impossible to think productively, act and communicate with people. Peace of mind allows the mind to dominate the senses. Anna Duvarova

In disputes, a calm state of mind, combined with benevolence, is a sign of the presence of a certain force, as a result of which reason is confident in its victory. Immanuel Kant

Every dignity, every strength is calm precisely because they are sure of themselves. Belinsky V.G.

We must calmly understand ourselves, not rush to conclusions, live as it should, and not chase like a dog for its own tail. Franz Kafka.

And in my soul peace and quiet,
like a mirror lake...
I'll live my life with pleasure
she is unique to me! Angelica Kugeiko

When you live in harmony with yourself, you are able to get along with others. Mikhail Mamchich

He who controls himself controls the world. Halifax George Savile

Live in peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves. Chinese proverb

If you can’t calmly react to everything, at least react calmly to your own reaction.

Never regret anything! Everything that was supposed to be and nothing can be changed. Emotions bursting out, leaving peace and satisfaction, cleansing us.

Perhaps, in us, and on earth, and in heaven, only one thing is scary - that which is not expressed aloud. We will not find peace until we have said everything once and for all; then, finally, silence will come, and we will no longer be afraid to be silent. Louis Ferdinand Celine.

I like the stillness of the flowers only because it came after they had just been swayed by the breeze. The clarity of the sky strikes us only because we have seen it more than once in thunderclouds. And the moon is never so majestic as among the clouds crowding around it. Can rest be truly sweet without fatigue? Continuous immobility is no longer rest. This is non-existence, this is death. George Sand.

Take care without worry. Vadim Zeland.

Whatever it is, calm down.
Calm down - laugh.
Laugh and breathe again.
Be quiet.
Enjoy one moment.
Revelation or oblivion.
Doesn't matter.
About one.

Rating 4.90 (5 Votes)

Everyone has moments in life when they experience emotional discomfort. It depends on the external factors, such as the situation in which he found himself, or internal state his soul.

Experiencing dissatisfaction with his life, a person literally loses peace, cannot concentrate on work and personal relationships, and is faced with loss of appetite and sleep.

If you are familiar with this condition, find out its causes, and ways to gain inner harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Reasons for the loss of inner peace

Each person has their own reason to worry and worry, but it comes down to one of the following:

  • Fears and doubts. They overcome us every day, but not everyone knows how to deal with them effectively. The reason for this is anything: the fear of losing loved one, work, property, self-doubt, fear of failure.
  • Guilt. It is imposed by people around you who want to manipulate you, or arises due to self-flagellation.
  • Commitments. If you feel that you can’t cope, or you have taken on an overwhelming burden, then you will surely lose your peace.
  • Resentment. This destructive feeling leads to depression intrusive thoughts and loss of mental balance.
  • Anger, anger, hatred and envy. These emotions are so strong that they threaten not only the loss of peace, but also sleep, appetite, and performance. Find out,

All these reasons will inevitably lead to the fact that a person loses his peace of mind, will experience emotional, and not rarely physical, discomfort.

Loss of inner balance, negative attitudes, and destructive thoughts lead to the emergence of real physical diseases. Such patterns are studied by science, which we have already talked about earlier.

How to find peace of mind

Awareness of the problem is already the first step towards its solution. The following recommendations will help you find inner harmony and peace.

  1. Recognize your NOT perfection and the right to make mistakes. Excessive ambition and self-demanding not only lead to mental balance, but also make a person be in constant stress. Take the mistakes you make as a life lesson and an opportunity to gain valuable experience.
  2. Live here and now. This will help get rid of fictional fears associated with the future. Often a person worries about what might happen and forgets that it may or may NOT happen. Focus your attention on the present, and solve problems as they arise.
  3. Learn to say NO. Stop shifting other people's problems onto yourself, and your life will become much easier and more harmonious.
  4. Build internal boundaries. The loss of your peace of mind may be due to worries about the other person, or taking on their responsibilities. Do not let others impose the rules of the game on you, and let's clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted in communication with you.
  5. Don't keep all your experiences to yourself. A great psychological technique to get rid of the loss of calmness is to say out loud what is bothering you. By expressing your feelings in words, you will come to the conclusion that everything is not as bad as you thought. Do not be alone with your feelings and problems. Share them with a loved one who will understand and help.
  6. Give vent to your emotions regularly. Do not keep everything that has accumulated. Throw out the negative, and you will feel much better.
  7. Learn to forgive and forget. It happens that this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. If you are unable to cope with resentment on your own, seek the help of a psychologist.
  8. Focus on the end result and perceive temporary difficulties as steps on the way to the realization of your goal.

If you are good at self-hypnosis, then practice reading prayers for peace of mind and meditate. But remember that you can find harmony and peace only by eliminating the cause of the loss of balance, and changing your stereotypes of thinking.