School of astrology "Astro-help". Astrology for beginners.

● The course of horary astrology full-time and online starts with a group recruitment. Recording in progress!

● Classical astrology course in face-to-face group starts with group set. Recording in progress!

The course of classical astrology in the online group starts in November-January. Recording in progress!

● Recruitment is underway for individual training on a flexible schedule in person and online!

You always have the opportunity to have an interview by phone +7 915 241 90 51 or
+7 495 645 11 83 and join already working group!

1. Classical study groups western astrology(offices - m. Slavyansky boulevard, m. Pionerskaya) full-time course 1-2 years. Duration online course 1-2 years. Classes once a week, on weekdays, at 19.00. There are no more than 10 people in a group. Recording in progress.

2. A group of studying horary astrology according to the method of Yu.Yu. Oleshko (m. Slavyansky boulevard, m. Pionerskaya): Saturdays or weekdays, 1 rub./week. Recording in progress! Course 4-6 months.
Teacher's resume
Program and course description

3. There is the possibility of individual full-time and online learning with flexible scheduling. Kremneva Julia, Svetlana Udinskaya teach. Payment is discussed individually.

For questions, call + 915 241 90 51, +7 495 645 11 83
Send an application for training in free form to

If you want to study under the program of astrology courses, but in online mode, send an application to Let's form an online group and let's get started!

Main teacher - astrologer Pavel Tsypin

union member professional astrologers, author of 9 books and numerous scientific articles, including in the oldest scientific journal "Astrology", speaker at the regular Moscow astrological conference, teacher and consultant with many years of experience, author of seminar programs and master classes, which he reads in many cities of Russia.

School of Astrology- this is a systematic, serious immersion in science. The course is designed for those who plan to engage in astrology professionally, as well as those who simply want to better understand themselves and the world.

Seminar: "Analysis natal chart study group" (full fragment 35 minutes)

Lecture (full fragment - 30 minutes) "Saturn transits: 11, 12 houses"

The program of the course "Fundamentals of Astrology":

1st semester:

Basic principles of astrology, the limits of its applicability.

Types of astrology (natal, horary, mundane, elective, synastric, etc.).

Classical Western European astrology and its development in modern conditions.

Planets in astrology, their esoteric principles. The concept of asteroids.

Direct and retrograde motion of the planets.

Zodiac signs in astrology, their classification.

The strength of the planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Characteristics of the planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Aspects between planets. Closed configurations of aspects.

2nd semester:

Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac.

Black Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.

Calculation synthetic sign cosmograms.

Chains of planets for management.

Main stages of cosmogram interpretation.

Planets as Disposers.

The concept of a horoscope. Corner points of the horoscope.

Houses of the horoscope, their characteristics and classification.

Distance course "Classical astrology"

Training from zero to professional. Express results.

Do you want to become an astrologer and learn how to make horoscopes and forecasts?
Do you want to master astrology without stretching your studies for long years?

Then you've landed on the site you've been looking for!

Within a few months you will be able to compose and analyze horoscopes
the way the best, professional astrologers do it

Our astrology course is designed for those who want to learn more about themselves and about other people.
At the same time, it is very practical. After all, the knowledge you gain will become your assistant in various fields.
You will learn how to better manage your life, realize your talents, becoming a more successful and happy person.
And of course, you can make astrology a profession and help people.

But let's move from words to deeds so that you can clearly see clear benefits of studying at Akvilon.


You yourself determine the pace of learning that suits you.

You are the master of your own time. That is, you decide on which days and at what time to study.
If you practice intensively, you can complete the course in three to five months. If not in a hurry, then in a year.
Everyone has their own approach to the assimilation of information, and you can use the most optimal one.
We recommend taking one or two classes a week. But you can use your own mode (and even take vacations).
Yes, there is a set maximum study period of two years. But in reality, everyone masters astrology faster.

Training is conducted through a modern educational Internet platform

Through this system You can ask questions to the teacher, discuss interesting points with like-minded people.
Within two years, you will have the opportunity to access the completed classes at any time. So you can immediately review the necessary fragments of video tutorials, refresh important information in your memory.

Access to the training site is possible through a computer, phone or tablet.

Self-tests on almost all topics studied (they allow you to consolidate the material).

A personal curator will be assigned to you from the very beginning. He will always be ready to help and answer questions.

Help and support of the teacher also throughout the entire learning process.

Handouts for each lesson will be provided in an accessible in electronic format- Word or PDF files

46 lessons containing visual video materials (video recording lasting from 2 to 4 hours - for each lesson).

You will get at your disposal a free professional astrological program

Now astrologers do not do astronomical calculations manually (this is a rather laborious process). Nowadays, specialized astrological programs have been developed for these purposes. You will learn how to work with one of the best programs.
Already from the first lesson you will make natal charts in it.

You will have free access to the astrological library with best books

The basic education in astrology we have received is enough to solve most of the issues facing a practicing astrologer.
But you may want to delve into one of the areas, choosing a specialization, doing research work.
We provide access to the electronic astrological library, where you can find literature on any direction you are interested in.

The course consists of two modules:
Module 1 - " Natal astrology and astropsychology.
Module 2 - "Prognostic and Applied Astrology"

In total, these are 46 large, capacious, information-rich classes.
Each new lesson will bring new discoveries!

You are guaranteed to learn this.

During the training, you will learn how to develop real horoscopes (moreover, under the guidance of an experienced mentor, you will make your own full-fledged horoscope).

You will be able to compose a complete psychological picture any person, knowing only the data of birth.

Just by looking at the drawing of the natal chart, you can tell a lot about a person’s life - about his work, career, finances, about what he is like with children, with his spouse, etc.

You will be able to analyze the relationship of people, their level of compatibility.

You will learn how professional astrological forecasts are made and will be able to make forecasts for yourself and your loved ones during your studies.

You will see that the laws of the Universe govern not only space objects, but also people, learn how to live in harmony with the rhythms of the Universe.

Learn to use astrological methods to identify the "drawing of fate" of a person, to discover important milestones and events in his life.

Get acquainted with the methods of correcting fate and individual life circumstances.

You will master techniques that allow you to solve individual tasks and problems (from choosing a day to buy a car or a wedding day to helping with infertility).

In fact, you will master the professional skills necessary to work as an astrologer and allow you to conduct independent astrological research.

Get started with free classes now!

You will know and be able to do things that are not available to ordinary people.

In the course program

    Classical (scientific) school of astrology. Basic, fundamental concepts and principles.

    Types of radical (natal) charts. Collecting the necessary data for building and reading a horoscope. Interpretation principles. Methods for constructing a horoscope with specialized astrological programs.

    planets solar system. Astronomical and mythological parallels. Astronomical fictitious points. Retrograde.

    The zodiac and its macrostructure (polarity, zones of creation, elements, crosses, hemispheres). Correspondence of the four elements to the four types of human temperament. Jones figures. The skill of determining the psychotype according to the horoscope.

    Houses (fields) of the horoscope. Astrological meaning of houses. The concept of House systems. Rulers and significators of houses and fields. Determination of the main character traits and predisposition to certain events.

    Study of areas of life - family, children, marriage, partnerships, money, career, illness, travel, crises, etc.

    Aspects of. The concept of aspects as relationships. Orbis when constructing aspects. Classification of aspects. Major and minor aspects, harmonious and tense aspects. Aspect configurations.

    Karmic astrology - identification and analysis of karmic points and aspects in the horoscope.

    Algorithm of natal analysis. Mistakes in interpretation. General and thematic algorithms for reading the natal chart.

    Typical signs for various life situations and opportunities. Quantitative and qualitative analysis.

    Astromedicine, health and disease in the horoscope.

    Fundamentals of career guidance (personnel consulting).

    Relocation. Moving horoscope - choosing a favorable place of residence.

    synastric analysis. Superposition of two cards. Analysis of the compatibility of people and their relationships.

    Forecasting Basics - general principles and tricks.

    transit forecasting.

    Solar forecasting. Solar map construction and methods of its interpretation.

    Additional forecasting methods - progressions, directions, profections.

    Metagnosis is a combination of forecasting methods. Development of a unified methodology.

    Biorhythms, the interaction of cosmic, planetary rhythms with the personal rhythm of a person.

    Using biorhythmological data to optimize life.

    Calculation of favorable-unfavorable cosmobiological periods.

    Practical use cosmobiological calculations (calculation of days of increased injuries and accidents, planning the sex of the child, etc.).

    Elective astrology (the choice of the optimal time for holding surgical operations, for major acquisitions, company openings, upcoming trips, weddings, and other important events).

After completing this course, you will be able to make astrology your profession.

A certificate is issued upon completion of training.
in Russian:

...and in English:

Your teacher

Konstantin Gennadievich Ponomarev

One of the highest paid astrologers in Russia.
- Experience in astrology - 27 years (engaged in astrology since 1991).
- Teaching experience - more than 15 years (since 2003 has been teaching this science).

Place of work
- Founder (March 2003) and head of the Akvilon esoteric center.
It is the largest organization in the post-Soviet space dealing with distance education in the field of esoteric sciences.
Over the years of its existence, more than 83 million people have visited Akvilon's Internet sites.

Additional Information about professional status:
- Certified psychologist (specialty according to the diploma: "Clinical psychologist. Teacher of psychology"),
- Certified NLP Specialist, Certified Gestalt Therapist.
- Member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League.

The Academy of World Astrology and Meta-information is accredited by ISAR

License of the Department of Education of Moscow

International Society for Astrological Research ISAR - developed the regulation and organized the procedure for accreditation of astrological educational establishments around the world. Academy I took part in the accreditation process of world astrology and meta-information, providing my own for examination, and passed, during which the level of astrology teachers, the level of students' training, the Academy's equipment with teaching aids, both technical and educational materials, were evaluated. According to the results of examinations, as a school that meets the best worldlearning standards.

Currently, only a few astrological schools around the world have been honored to be accredited by ISAR, of which the Russian one is the only one, this is the Academy of World Astrology and Meta-information.

The Academy of World Astrology and Meta-Information has been teaching astrology since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, that is, for more than twenty-five years. Educational programsAcademy of World Astrology and Meta-information unique and nothave analogues in our country. Our students live in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states, Germany, Israel, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Canada, USA and other countries. By becoming a student of the Academy, you join the community of astrologers focused on classical, traditional astrology, the intellectual astrological elite.

They have international awards for the creation of educational astrological programs, they have international certification CAP ISAR.

Our students have the opportunity to gain knowledge not only from the teachers of the Academy, but also from specially invited lecturers from around the world. Among the lecturers and teachers of the Academy in different time were: K.-N. Rao (India), Derek Appleby, Graham Tobin, Nicholas Campion, Jeffrey Cornelius, Maggie Hyde (Great Britain), Raymond Merriman, Robert Corry, Chris McRae, Monica Dimino (USA), Geshe Nyima Kunchap (Nepal) and many others.

Our Academy has opened and presented many outstanding foreign astrologers to the Russian-speaking astrological audience. This practice makes it possible to compare educational programs Academy with the world's best examples of teaching astrology, expands the range of methods and gives students a deeper knowledge of astrology. Learning programs and courses provide an opportunity to improve the skills and deepen knowledge of astrologers who have basic training We strive to diversify our arsenal of knowledge.

International astrological conferences and Schools held by the Academy are an integral part of the educational process, expanding knowledge and the horizons of students, provide an opportunity to demonstrate research work.

The Academy of World Astrology and Meta-information has a perpetual educational license from the Moscow Department of Education for educational activities in area additional education according to approved programs with the right to issue a diploma established by the legislation of the sample. We draw your attention to the fact that only licensed educational institutions have the right to issue relevant documents: diplomas, certificates, etc.

What will study at the Academy give me?

    Preferential participation in International Astrological Conferences, Academy and League of Independents astrologers.

    Teaching in astrology educational institution recognized by the international astrological community.

    Membership in the oldest Russian astrological organization - the League of Independent Astrologers.

    Membership in a prestigious astrological international organization ISAR - International Society for Astrological Research (USA).

    Possibility of obtaining

    Obtaining the ISAR magazine "International Astrologer" in English.

    Discounts for participation in International astrological seminars and schools held by the Academy and the League.

    Discounts for participation in ISAR conferences.

Upon graduation from the Academy

  • You will become an astrologer-consultant of a wide profile
  • Get International certification and accreditation in prestigious Russian and foreign professional astrological organizations
  • You will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in psychology, medicine, finance, business and other areas of life and professions
  • Learn to predict the most favorable periods for development creativity personalities
  • You will help to overcome negative periods in people's lives
  • You will be able to work in companies in recruitment, crisis resolution, business development strategy selection, and many other areas
  • You will help people in choosing a profession, developing creative potential, harmonious partnerships
  • Can you compose individual programs recovery, taking into account the temperament of a person, his constitution, emotional and physical characteristics
  • And besides this, the study of astrology is a very exciting activity, broadening one's horizons, giving a new vision of the world, bringing interesting acquaintances and connections.

Offer to study astrology

  • At the full-time, distance and correspondence departments of the Faculty of Western Classical Astrology
  • At the full-time, distance and correspondence departments of the faculty of predictive Indian astrology
  • On full-time and remote departments of the special course "Traditional Astrology of the West"
  • At the full-time and remote departments of the Faculty of Tibetan Astrology

Classes are held in an auditorium equipped with both traditional and first-class latest teaching aids for the possibility of demonstrating material on the boards,

flipcharts, on the screen with the possibility of using presentation systems to make the learning process as efficient and comfortable as possible. In 2010, the Academy introduced distance learning of astrology, using the latest Computer techologies allowing students to participate in educational process, being far from the class, and also have access to both lecture notes and the electronic astrological library.

Our classroom

*** Students who for any reason missed the lecture, or were absent from classes due to illness, business trips, vacations, etc. receive the missed material in the form of a video recording of the missed lectures or in the form of a text file. This opportunity is provided only by our educational institution..

So, you have decided to start learning astrology, what you need to do and what not to do -

It may seem to a person who has decided to study astrology that now there are a huge number of opportunities for studying astrology, the Internet gives us primary information. There are dozens and hundreds of offers of courses, private lessons, workshops, centers, schools, associations, academies, institutes of astrology on Internet sites. Indeed, the Internet opens up many technical possibilities for us, for example, distance learning, access to books, articles, educational materials from different authors, and, finally, communication in chats and Internet forums.

It is from these, the last - chats and Internet forums, that we will begin our review.

  • If you want to become an astrologer, then do not expect to receive holistic knowledge brought into the system on these resources. Despite the fact that people who communicate in chat rooms and on Internet forums are very active, often these people are neither experienced astrologers, nor teachers of astrology, nor professional consultants. However, the activity and offensiveness in conducting dialogues can give the impression of experience, mastery of the profession and possession of great knowledge of the subject. This is an illusion, and the least that awaits a person who decides to study on forums and chats is disappointment, the worst is complete disorientation in the subject and abandonment of this "useless activity" - learning astrology. Take it for granted that experienced professional astrologers do not have the time and opportunity to spend time in chats and on Internet forums, they are busy teaching, consulting, leading research work, writing books, participating in conferences.
  • Perhaps you have decided to study astrology from books, is this a good way to go? If we talk about astrological literature in Russian, then now there is no such selection of books that could replace a good textbook for you, and there are no full-fledged astrology textbooks. Not every book is a textbook, not every author is a good astrologer. Publishing houses publishing astrological literature do not have a clear critical approach to the literature they publish, they only exploit the public's interest in astrology, and do not at all set themselves the task of training professional astrologers (and it would be strange to demand this from a publishing house). In addition, there are many schools and directions in astrology, and it is almost impossible for a beginner to study astrology to understand how different books and author's approaches are combined with each other.
  • Well, you have decided that you will study astrology in a teaching structure - a studio, workshop or center, how to navigate here? The first thing you need to pay attention to is the volume and structure of the proposed training program. There are authors who offer training on only one topic, direction, branch of astrology. It is better for a novice astrologer not to waste time getting an education in such a structure - your task is to first get a complete basic education, and only later, perhaps, if the need arises, to specialize.
  • Supposeyou have found the school where you want to study. You need to find out how long the school you have chosen has been in existence, familiarize yourself with the curriculum, find out who teaches at this school, what is the experience of the teachers. Do they have books, participate in prestigious astrological conferences, have astrological awards, are they associated with an academic environment, and do they conduct research in astrology? What is the activity of the school you have chosen in the astrological environment - does this school conduct and participate in conferences, public astrological structures, does it have awards and accreditations. And finally, what is the legal basis of the school - does it have an educational license and professional accreditation. Remember that only an organization that has a state educational license has the right to issue diplomas, certificates and other educational documents. All other documents are valid only as souvenirs.
  • Finally, you need to be clear about what the study of astrology is a long process, astrology cannot be taught in a few lessons, a few months, in two or three master classes: if you decide to seriously study astrology, then you will need to allocate several years for this, as when studying a full-fledged subject or science.

We hope these guidelines will help you make right choice and start studying astrology.

Head Oleg Fomichev

Education includes a full academic course of classical and modern astrology. The curriculum includes all topics necessary for professional activity astrologer.

There are two forms of distance learning for you to choose from: part-time and online. It is possible to transfer from one form of education to another. The duration of training depends on you and your desire to study astrology. You can start learning by studying two free lessons.

The school created the astrological program Altair Online. This wonderful helper in the study of astrology for both beginners and professionals. Free for students.

  • Learning astrology starts from scratch
  • Emphasis of learning is put on practice
  • You study and complete tasks at your own pace

distance learning

During the practical exercises, examples from real life. With each course, there are more practical lessons. This allows you to get necessary skills to learn how to apply astrology in different life situations.

You have a wonderful opportunity to study astrology in close dialogue with an experienced astrologer. who checks your practical work answers questions and shares experiences. Training is as close to individual as possible. Your teacher Oleg Fomichev

Semester cost 6500 rub.

Online training

Online learning additionally includes webinars. Online saves everything educational materials distance learning, including video tutorials and practice. Webinars are held on Sundays, their videos are published the next day. You can start learning at any time convenient for you. Webinars are conducted by Oleg Fomichev

For students of online learning, there is a wonderful opportunity to attend webinars of completed courses for free, consolidating previously studied material. The survey showed that this greatly enhances the distance learning process of astrology.

Another novelty. Choosing the form of learning astrology online, students have access to the archive of video recordings of webinars over the past six months!

Semester cost 9500 rub.

How to become a student

To become a student of the school, please register.

Yours will be created for you Personal Area, where you can choose the form of study that is convenient for you, part-time or online, pay for the first semester, and start learning.

Start learning now!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer.

Training program

I course

1 semester

Astrology for beginners

Training starts from scratch, with the basics of astrology. You will study the signs of the Zodiac, elements, crosses, planets, aspects, houses of the horoscope. Learn to use the formula of Hermes Trismegistus and determine a happy place to live, build chains of soul formula dispositions. The secrets of controlling fate will be revealed to you.

2 semester

Astropsychology. Compatibility

Astropsychology course helps to understand psychological features character of a person. You will learn how to make a psychological portrait of a person according to a cosmogram. By studying the course of compatibility astrology (synastry), learn to determine the basis of a long and happy relationship.

II course

3 semester

Horoscope analysis

The course of analysis of the natal chart allows you to determine key events in the fate of man. In the process of learning, the concept of the Formula of Events is studied. The secrets of the local horoscope of professional astrology will be revealed to you.

4 semester

predictive astrology

In this course, skills in calculating rectification and forecasting methods are acquired. being studied astrological forecast fateful events: danger, love and personal life, conception and birth of children, work, career, real estate, finances, creative success, recognition, emigration.

III course

5 semester

Karma. Horary astrology

The course of horary astrology allows you to answer question asked, find missing things, understand the causes of incidents. By studying karmic astrology, the laws of Karma will be revealed to you. It is no coincidence that Tibetan astrology says that an astrologer is given the gift of managing events for good merits in the past.

By services:

1. It is important to memorize the signs of the zodiac and planets below in order to learn to understand the symbolic language of astrology and be able to read the horoscope.

Learn about the occult meaning

Astrological circle

The general principle of planetary control according to the cosmogram.


If the planet Pluto is retrograde in your cosmogram, then it will also rule the Zodiac sign Aries and Scorpio. Neptune not retrograde will only rule Pisces. Mercury and Venus, regardless of their movement (direct / retrograde), will always rule two signs - Gemini / Virgo and Taurus / Libra. The Moon and Sun are never retrograde and always rule Cancer and Leo.

Deciphering the natal chart.


The sign of Aries is in the 5th house. This means that the Fifth House will be ruled by the planet Pluto, and the symbolic ruler is always the Sun. If the sign of Scorpio is in the 11th House, then Mars rules the 11th house, but in your horoscope the planet Pluto is retrograde, then the planet Pluto will also be a full-fledged ruler. But the symbolic ruler of the 11th House, in which the sign of Scorpio fell, will always be the planet Uranus and retrograde Saturn (see the description of the rulers on the cosmogram).

2. Master the 12 categories and the principle of governing the signs of the zodiac, 10 planets and 12 houses.Like zodiac signs, Houses have their rulers. But unlike the signs of the zodiacthe Houses define two types of rulers: a symbolic ruler and an actual ruler (dominant).

The symbolic ruler of the field is the planet, which controls the sign of the zodiac corresponding to the house. So, the First House corresponds to Aries, therefore, the symbolic rulers of the 1st House will be Pluto and Mars retrograde.

The planet is called the dominant of the house., which controls the sign of the Zodiac - the owner of the sign in which it falls cusp(beginning) at home. For example, the cusp of the 11th house is in Leo. This means that the actual ruler of the 11th house will be the Sun, and the symbolic Uranus and Saturn will be retrograde.