Donald Trump's colleague, former Speaker of the US Congress Newt Gingrich noted that after the inauguration elected president can cancel 60% or even 70% of the executive orders passed by Barack Obama. Gingrich called the incumbent leader's latest edicts "desperate madness" and likened them to "a puppet that has been deflated and deflated and deflated". He also noted that with the help of "political flexibility" and "smart lawyers" from his team, Trump will be able to cancel even those Obama orders that are not subject to revision by law. According to experts, after taking office, Trump will first of all liquidate the ObamaCare health care law, which has suffered a complete fiasco, cut government spending on holding color revolutions abroad, squeeze Clinton and Obama supporters out of Congress and lift personal sanctions previously imposed against citizens of the Russian Federation.

“It seems to me that he will try to establish contact with some representatives Democratic Party, which may surprise Republicans, but these actions will help Trump achieve an increase in the number of his supporters in the White House and the Senate, ”the ex-speaker suggested.

In one of his latest executive orders, on December 20, Obama indefinitely banned the sale of new permits to drill oil and gas wells on the shelves of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. It follows from the decree that the decisions of the head of state can be reviewed no more than once every five years. It turns out that Trump, who earlier promised to loosen regulation in the industry, will now be able to implement this idea only if he is re-elected for a second term. Trump will officially take office on January 20, 2017.

According to the American political scientist Sergei Sudakov, first of all, after Trump officially becomes the President of the United States, he will be engaged in the elimination of the ObamaCare health care law. “This is a whole series of laws adopted by Obama in order, on the one hand, to reduce the cost of medical insurance for citizens, and on the other hand, to make sure that insurance companies get rich, because it has become extremely difficult to receive insurance payments in the United States. That is why the Americans began to joke that the ObamaCare law remained only on paper, and everything that the president did in this area, all his decisions and bills were valid only on paper, ”the political scientist explained to Profile.

The expert suggests that the next step in Trump's activities will be opposition to sanctions. If the future head of the United States can lift personal bans personally, then he no longer has the right to lift sectoral sanctions. “The fact is that only Congress has such a right, but there are lawyers in the Trump team to find a way to negotiate with members of Congress. I believe that Gingrich is just saying that Trump will use a non-classical tool to fight Congress and the Senate called “we give you money, and you give us votes”, but on the contrary, he will give a good message, as if hinting that he will find first-class lawyers who will come up with what you can catch congressmen on. Trump seems to be asking them to read between the lines, not excluding elements of blackmail on certain members of Congress, because lobbying can only be defeated by threats, not by legislative acts. No doubt there is a law that only Congress can repeal, and no lawyers can challenge it, but in court they can do a lot. For example, provide judicial authority evidence and facts that link specific congressmen to gun lobbies that have made billions of dollars through personal interaction. And then the congressmen will be asked the question: “Which side are you on? Either you are in prison after the publication of these data, or do you vote as Trump needs?”, - the political scientist explained.

Sudakov believes that, having dealt with Congress, Trump will definitely start cutting government spending on holding "color revolutions", because all these payments, as the expert stressed, will not be canceled with Obama's departure. “Closed budgets and payments that will be used to bribe other countries, organize a huge number of all kinds of provocations, finance public organizations and funds to restore democracy and maintain a liberal society - all of which are spent hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to stop this, Trump will again need good lawyers who will tell him how to properly redraw the budget so that America stops spending huge amounts of money that goes to waste and does not bring any profit to the country. Since there was no "peace process" of transferring power from the current head of state to his successor, Sudakov believes that in the future Trump will fight everything that affects Obama's personal interests. “Now he is trying to do as many bad things to Trump as possible - he actively signs those laws that he promised not to sign and uses all his strength to make the first time of his reign as bad as possible. Trump is well aware of this, and, being a very vindictive person, the first thing he does after taking office is likely to kick out of Congress all the lobbyists who were brought to the helm by Clinton and Obama. Moreover, as president, it will not be any problem for Trump to do this, ”the expert believes.

According to the political scientist, Obama is now actively taking advantage of the fact that the cards regarding Trump's planned future policies were partially revealed during his election campaign. “It was quite expected that in his convulsions, Obama would start doing nasty things to the best of his ability. As soon as Trump announces his intentions, Obama will soon start passing laws with the exact opposite provision. After Obama is removed from office, he, like former president, immunity will remain, but his entourage (lobbyists and advisers) will not have such a bonus, and everyone who now opposes Trump will later regret it very much, ”the expert emphasized.

The United States is gradually losing leverage on Russia through Europe, Sudakov believes. But now, according to the expert, Trump is primarily concerned about relations with China, and not with Europe. “Relations in general to Russia in European countries changes a lot. In order for the United States to continue to exert strong pressure on Russia, it is necessary that at least ten like Angela Merkel rule in each country, but the fact is that Angela Merkel is no longer the same. Although Trump will not care much about Europe now. America's main interest today is Asia. Trump will have to resolve the problematic relationship with China, which is taking a huge job market from the United States. All American production in the States is gradually dying, because cheaper production is in China, and there is no production in the States. The main threat to the US is that if America quarrels with China, then 80% of Chinese products will disappear from American shelves, leaving them half empty,” he added.

President Obama signs executive order to prepare the American public for unusual phenomena space weather reports
The executive order directs the American people prepare for the imminent cataclysm associated with "space weather", in the next 120 days.

The White house indicates that solar flares and geomagnetic disturbances are likely to have a huge impact on electrical equipment on Earth, and could also cause health and safety crises around the globe.

The document, pointing to the need to prepare for the complete collapse of the electricity grid, states that "Space weather conditions, in the form of solar flares, solar energy particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, occur regularly and some may be critical to infrastructure systems and technologies such as the global positioning system (GPS), satellite and communications systems, aviation, and the electrical power grid.

Extreme space weather events - those that can significantly degrade critical infrastructure - can take out much of the electrical power grid, leading to cascading outages, affecting essential services such as water, healthcare and transportation. Space weather has the potential to both impact and negatively impact the health and safety of entire continents.

According to, Obama signed his decree ahead of a trip to Pittsburgh for a technology conference with an emphasis on artificial intelligence, space exploration, clean energy and precision medicine.

Like many other executive orders, Obama's directive instructs the executive branch on their responsibilities in preparing for and responding to space weather events.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy will coordinate the efforts of agencies across the government, including defense, commerce, energy and NASA, who will work together to improve their ability to predict space weather and ensure that critical infrastructure is protected from these effects.

Obama's executive order also made public for the first time a previously unknown secret directive, signed on July 15, called Presidential Policy Directive No. 40.
She sets up a new national policy a succession that determined the "basic national functions" of the federal government. Such directives, known as PPDs, are often a secret form of executive order in the area of national security.

Wernher von Braun on the lies of the authorities about the alien threat

For these purposes, a whole chain of regular "scarecrows" was repeatedly and consistently used, designed to shake money out of pockets. ordinary people and subordinate them to the global financial system. At first, "the fight against communism", then "the fight against terrorism", then "the fight against rogue states" was used for this purpose. Among the last cards played by the World Government should be "Meteor Threat" and "Alien Invasion Threat".

Dr. Carol Rosin, who in 1974-1977 worked with the creator of the American space program Wernher von Braun at Fairchild Industries Corporation, says that this scientist was apparently privy to the plans the mighty of the world this, because he told her about all this shortly before his death.

Here's how she describes it:

“The most interesting thing for me was the idea that von Braun constantly emphasized throughout all four years during which I had the opportunity to work with him. He talked about the strategy that was used to manipulate society and those who make decisions - this is a method of intimidation, creating the image of an enemy.

According to this strategy, Wernher von Braun urged me, the Russians should be considered the main enemy.

The next were called terrorists, which was soon confirmed. [He] said that there would be a third enemy against which we would create a weapon stationed in space.

That enemy is asteroids. He chuckled when he first mentioned it. It is to protect against asteroids that we will build space-based weapons.

And the funniest of all were those whom he called aliens. This is the last of the dangers. In the four years that we've known each other, he's been pulling that last card all the time. “And remember, Carol, the last card is aliens. We're going to build a space-based weapon against aliens, and it's all a lie."

The last card is hostile alien creatures. The insistence with which he repeated this led me to the conclusion that he knew something about which he was afraid to speak. He was afraid to talk about it. He didn't give me any details. I'm not sure that in 1974 I would have understood these details or even believed him."

And here is a fragment of an interview that Linda Moulton Howe, a well-known journalist in the United States, took from Carol Rosin in 2004 about these same events:

What exactly did Wernher von Braun tell you about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations?

He repeatedly repeated the idea that only in our galaxy there are about a hundred billion stars. And to think that there is intelligent life only on Earth is at least naive. Speaking of aliens, of "strangers", he often turned into arguments about what he called the "formula of war." It must be remembered that when I started working at Fairchild Industries, the US and the USSR were in a state of "cold war".

Von Braun said this: “Let's start with what you see every day. And you see a continuous series of military conflicts and more and more new enemies who are appointed to this role so that wars constantly continue. The purpose of these wars, ultimately, is aimed at establishing dominance in outer space, for which it is imperative to control the minds of people. Therefore, they, our government structures, will never tell people the truth about who we are and who surrounds us in the Universe.”

It was for this, Dr. Brown said, including for the constant pumping of the Pentagon budget, that the "list of enemies" was compiled, designed to maintain the regime of war in the world. The list, as Dr. Brown told me back in 1974, is: Soviet Union, international terrorism, asteroids, aliens.

And how did von Braun explain the choice of these enemies?

Recalling the time when he began working in the US military-industrial complex, von Braun noticed that there were indeed fears about the Soviet threat at that time. But the Russians, as such, have never been enemies for the United States - they have been made such.

Terrorists - immigrants from the countries of the "third world", asteroids - when I talked with von Braun, no one even heard about these threats (unlike today). I asked Dr. Brown: what does the asteroids have to do with it? To which he replied that, of course, it was not about asteroids. the main task- removal of military technologies to space. To do this, the manipulation of public consciousness will definitely be used, a lot of arguments will be given in favor of the fact that weapons must be deployed in space to protect our national interests.

Dr. Brown kept repeating that the last card to be played in this performance would definitely be hostile aliens. Von Braun constantly repeated: “None of the representatives of alien civilizations is hostile to earthlings. All talk of threats from them is a lie!”

Now look how often Lately in respectable media, the subject of the UFO phenomenon began to be exaggerated in the aspect of painting the horrors of an alien invasion. All of us have already been "divorced" as "suckers" for all the previous "scarecrows". Let's not fall for another one. After all, it was not for nothing that von Braun argued that in space there is a large number of intelligent civilizations, but none of them carries a threat to the humanity of the Earth.

Three weeks before leaving the presidency of the United States, Barack Obama announced the introduction of new, unprecedentedly tough sanctions against Russia. Six people and five agencies, including the FSB and the GRU, were blacklisted for Moscow's alleged involvement in cyberattacks on US servers. In addition, 35 Russian diplomats- in response to the "unacceptable persecution" of their American counterparts by Russian police and special services. Experts note that at the end of his stay in the White House, President Obama decided to “express the true attitude towards a number of his long-term interlocutors on the world stage,” as well as to make the task as difficult as possible for President-elect Donald Trump. Establishing relations with Moscow will now be even more difficult for his team. The Kremlin and the Russian Foreign Ministry reacted extremely harshly to the news from Washington, calling the actions of the Obama administration "an absolutely unpredictable manifestation of aggression" and promising "adequate countermeasures."

Answered for hackers

The fact that the United States is preparing new sanctions against Russia was reported in the media back in mid-December. This week it was reported that the package of "response measures" is at the stage of finalizing the details. As a result, on Thursday the White House announced a number of measures against the Russian Federation and its citizens.

Thus, the Obama administration followed through on its threats to respond to Russia's alleged interference in the electoral process during the presidential election campaign. The new black list includes five departments - including the FSB of the Russian Federation and the GRU of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, as well as six people. Among them are the head of the GRU, Igor Korobov, and other high-ranking officials of this special service: Igor Kostyukov, Vladimir Alekseev, Sergei Gizunov. In addition, two Russian hackers were on the list - Evgeny Bogachev (his pseudonyms Lastik, lucky12345, Monstr, Pollingsoon and Slavik are mentioned), as well as Alexei Belan (Abyr Valgov, Abyrvaig, Abyrvalg, Anthony Anthony, Fedyunya, M4G, Mag, Mage, Magg, Moy.Yawik, Mrmagister). The latter, in particular, has long been wanted by the FBI for infiltrating the servers of three large US e-commerce companies between January 2012 and April 2013 and stealing customer data. The FBI is offering $100,000 for information about him.

Recall that the first accusations against Russia were made after the server was hacked in the spring national committee Democratic Party. The White House accused Russian hackers who allegedly worked for the leadership of the Russian Federation of involvement in this. At the same time, as Kommersant wrote earlier, no irrefutable evidence of this thesis was presented.

At the height of the scandal, US officials also said they suspect Russian hackers of attacks on the servers of the National Committee of the Republican Party and even the Pentagon. Martin Dempsey, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the US armed forces, announced the attack on the military department. In an interview with CBS News, he said that in August 2015, hackers penetrated an unclassified system Email KNSh, having for some time gained access to the passwords and electronic signatures of Mr. Dempsey and other military leaders.

Moscow has repeatedly called such accusations speculation. “We need to either stop talking about it, or finally bring some evidence. Otherwise, it already looks very obscene, ”said, in particular, on December 16, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. And on Wednesday official representative Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova noted: “The outgoing US administration does not leave hope in the end to have time to do something else bad for relations with Russia, which it has already brought down. With the help of clearly inspired leaks in the American media, they are again trying to scare us with the expansion of anti-Russian sanctions, measures of a "diplomatic nature" and even sabotage against our computer systems. Moreover, they want to cynically present this last New Year's greetings from Barack Obama's team, which is already preparing for eviction from the White House, as a reaction to some "cyber attacks from Moscow."

PIR Center Consultant Oleg Demidov explained: “Obama's decision today sets a precedent for a new US sanctions mechanism to protect national cybersecurity interests. We are talking about the decree “On the seizure of property of persons involved in serious illegal actions in cyberspace” dated April 1, 2015. The order gives US authorities the power to impose sanctions (including asset freezes) on companies and individuals involved in cyber attacks that disrupt the functioning of critical US infrastructure and key computer networks and systems. Sanctions may also apply to individuals and companies that misappropriate funds or economic resources, trade secrets, personal data and financial information of US companies and organizations - or used these assets stolen during a cyber attack by a third party, knowing about the method of their appropriation. The last point is particularly important as it represents a potential deterrent to systematic cyberattacks and theft. intellectual property American companies.

According to Oleg Demidov, “initially, the decree was written “under the PRC,” but it has not yet come to its use - in September 2015, Washington and Beijing managed to agree on joint work over the problem of state cyber attacks and cyber espionage, after which the activity of "Chinese state hackers" for some time began to decline. No such agreements have been reached with Russia.

“In the current environment of the imminent change of presidential administration in Washington, there is a possibility that the new owner of the White House will suspend or cancel the decree. However, in a wider and long term the consequences of today's decision are irreversible - the mechanism of "sanctions for cyber attacks" has moved from a latent to an active toolkit foreign policy USA. And the same Trump, even if this mechanism is blocked in relation to the Russian Federation, will easily be able to use it against China already in next year“The mechanism itself is convenient and can be easily redirected against any other state,” notes Oleg Demidov.

Not too diplomatic behavior

The US authorities did not limit themselves to expanding the black list. They also declared 35 Russian diplomats persona non grata - those whose activities, the State Department noted, "are not consistent with their diplomatic or consular status." The names of the people were not released. They were given 72 hours to prepare.

In addition, the State Department also informed Moscow that employees of Russian diplomatic missions would be denied access to two Russian-owned facilities - in Maryland and New York. We are talking about embassy dachas.

explaining Taken measures American diplomats say: we are talking about the response to "Russian interference in US elections, as well as the systematic harassment of US diplomats abroad, which has increased over the past four years and increased significantly over the past 12 months." In particular, the State Department notes, this refers to “deliberate detention by the police, physical violence, disclosure in live state television personal information about our (American - Ed.) employees, which puts them at risk.

Earlier, the media wrote about one of the incidents, in the center of which was an unnamed employee of the US Embassy. According to the American side, a certain "FSB officer" was the first to attack the diplomat, breaking his shoulder. At the same time, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that an employee of the American diplomatic mission worked for the CIA and was the first to hit a Russian policeman who asked him to show his identity card.

In addition, continue at the State Department, " Russian government interferes with diplomatic activity, which is expressed, among other things, in the following actions: the forced closure of 28 "American Corners" where cultural events and conducted classes on English language; blocking efforts to begin construction of a new, more secure building for the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg; rejection of requests to strengthen the security of the perimeter of the current obsolete building in St. Petersburg.

"Today's actions send a clear message that such behavior is unacceptable and will have consequences," the State Department said in a document. At the same time, President Barack Obama noted that the announced initiatives are "not the whole answer to Russian aggressive actions." “We will continue to take a series of actions in places and at times we see fit. Some measures will not be announced publicly,” Mr. Obama explained, quoted in the White House statement.

“It is clear that the same number of diplomats will be expelled from Russia”

“Toward the close of his presidency, Barack Obama was finally able to express his true attitude towards a number of his long-term interlocutors on the world stage,” said Fyodor Lukyanov, head of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy of the Russian Federation.- At first there was an unprecedented decision not to block the anti-Israeli resolution in the UN Security Council. This is the fruit of Obama's longstanding dislike of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Now a diplomatic war with Russia in the style of the 70s. He was clearly in pain, but before the President of the United States did not want, could not or did not dare to express all this. According to the interlocutor, one of the goals of such a drastic step is “to make it harder for the next administration to establish relations with Moscow”: “Trump and his Secretary of State will have to start from an even lower point than it was the day before. After all, it is clear that the same number of diplomats will be expelled from Russia and mirror sanctions will be announced against someone.”

The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, noted the day before: “If Washington really takes new hostile steps, they will receive an answer. This also applies to any actions against Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, which will immediately ricochet on American diplomats in Russia.” After the imposition of sanctions, she spoke on her Facebook page with extreme emotion: “We talked about this for several years in a row: the people who lived in the White House for eight years are not the Administration, they are a group of foreign policy losers, embittered and narrow-minded. Today, Obama admitted this officially. The most surprising thing is that, having failed to write any achievements in the history of the presidency international arena, Nobel laureate managed to put a fat blot instead of an elegant dot. Ms. Zakharova wrote that "today America, the American people have been humiliated by their own president." And that "the whole world, from the stalls to the gallery, is watching a crushing blow to America's prestige and leadership inflicted by Barack Obama and his illiterate foreign policy team." And that "no enemy of the United States could do worse." “On Friday there will be official statements, countermeasures and many other things,” Maria Zakharova added.

The initial reaction from the Kremlin was also harsh. “Such actions, of such a destructive, destructive nature for bilateral relations, are being taken by an administration that is leaving in three weeks. It looks like an absolutely unpredictable manifestation of aggression,” Dmitry Peskov told reporters. He recalled the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin about potential aggressors, said at a large press conference: "True, he did not rank the United States among such potential aggressors, but now we are seeing concrete manifestations." Mr. Peskov also promised that the imposition of new sanctions would not go unanswered.

Pavel Tarasenko, Elena Chernenko

First Lady Michelle Obama on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. "Silver Fox" is a popular term in American slang for a smart and attractive man over 50, and "lame duck" (English lame duck) in the United States is traditionally called a president whose term as head of state is nearing completion, but he is no longer re-elected may or may not want to. Judging by the last orders of Barack Obama as President of the United States, he tried to do everything to remain in history as a "silver fox" and not a "lame duck." TASS has selected the key decrees of the outgoing head of the White House, which the administration of the 45th US President Donald Trump will have to deal with.

Extension of sanctions

Literally a week before leaving office, Barack Obama extended sanctions against Russia for a year. "The actions and policies of the government Russian Federation", according to Obama, "continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States." "Therefore, I decided that it is necessary to continue the (sanctions) state of emergency in accordance with Executive Order 13660 regarding Ukraine," the president said. The sanctions were supposed to expire in March of this year, but now this will not happen until 2018. Further fate anti-Russian sanctions depends on the actions of Donald Trump, who this week did not rule out the lifting of sanctions in exchange for reducing Russian nuclear weapons.

The sanctions were extended not only against Russia, but also against a number of other countries. On Friday, January 13, Obama decided to maintain a number of sanctions imposed by Washington on Iran and Libya, and also upheld restrictions on officials from Zimbabwe and Venezuela. In addition, the existing economic sanctions against Cuba - we are talking about restrictions arising from the US Trade with the Enemy Act of 1917. In fact, this decision means an extension for a year of the Cuban embargo - a blockade that Obama promised to ease. In fairness, we note that it was under Obama that the United States restored diplomatic relations with Cuba and has already softened a number of restrictions relating, in particular, to such industries as tourism, transport, insurance, communications, and the financial sector.

New migration policy for Cuba

Related to Cuba is another important Obama executive order, repealing the so-called wet and dry feet policy, which allowed Cubans who arrived in the country without visas to obtain residence permits. Under a law passed under President Bill Clinton, Cuban citizens who reached the coast of the United States could permanently remain in the country after one year, while migrants intercepted at sea returned to Liberty Island. Since January 2017, individuals "trying to enter the United States and not needing humanitarian aid will be subject to deportation." The same decree prohibits Cuban doctors working in third countries from entering US territory.

Earlier, the Cuban authorities themselves stressed that the "dry and wet feet" rule, as well as the program to poach Cuban doctors "are incompatible with the current bilateral context, impede the normalization of migration relations between Havana and Washington and create problems for other countries." Therefore, Obama's decision to cancel this migration policy was viewed positively in Havana. But the Cuban migrants themselves, who are already in the United States, but still have not received a residence permit, condemned the president's actions, saying that he "killed their dream."

Middle East settlement

Obama, Laureate Nobel Prize peace of 2009, could not become a peacemaker for the Middle East and, moreover, fell out with his only ally in the region - Israel. His latest attempt to promote peace in the region was his refusal to veto a UN resolution banning Israel from continuing settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories. Since 1980, the US has consistently vetoed Israeli settlement resolutions, but this time abstained from voting. Security experts close to Obama said Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has only himself to blame for passing the resolution, as he has been repeatedly warned that settlement activity could jeopardize a future peace deal with Palestine.

The US decision to abstain from the UN vote turned Obama into an object of criticism from the Republicans, and also split the Democratic camp. President-elect Donald Trump accused Obama of destroying relations with Israel and promised to restore them after the inauguration. How exactly he intends to do, Trump did not specify. "We'll see what happens after January 20, okay? I think you'll be impressed," the president-elect promised.

Pardon Decrees

During the eight years of his presidency, Obama commuted the sentences of 1,385 US citizens - the largest number in the history of the country. However, Obama has issued a record low number of pardon decrees (that is, decrees that completely remove all charges and fully restore the civil rights of a previously convicted person): only 212. Since the end of the last century, only two presidents have issued fewer pardons: George W. Bush and George W. Bush. Jr. When Obama first came to the White House, about 800 clemency petitions were under consideration by the presidential administration. During the presidency, another 3.4 thousand people filed petitions for clemency. Of these, 1.6 thousand received an official refusal, another 500 cases were simply "deployed" without any consideration. Thus, after himself, Obama will leave about 2,000 petitions for pardon - this is far from an anti-record, but such an indicator cannot be called a success either.

Against this background, the decree to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning), a WikiLeaks informant who was arrested in Kuwait in 2010 on charges of espionage and theft of government property, stands out prominently. He managed to transfer more than 700 thousand military and diplomatic documents, as well as video files revealing secrets to WikiLeaks military operation United States in Iraq in 2009–2010. Also on the presidential pardon list is former high-ranking US General James Cartwright, who admitted to leaking US and Israeli sabotage against nuclear program Iran. However, "informant number one" - former American intelligence officer Edward Snowden - was never pardoned, although the White House does not rule out that this could happen in Obama's remaining time.

Translation of Guantanamo prisoners

Obama even before coming to power promised to close the Guantanamo special prison, but never did it. On January 3, the White House announced that before the end of the president's term, several prisoners of the American special prison in Cuba would be taken from there to other places. It was assumed that at least a third of the 55 prisoners would leave the prison. In total, 22 people received the right to transfer, of which 10 were temporarily placed in Oman, four more were delivered to Saudi Arabia. Trump on this occasion expressed the opinion that the transfer of prisoners from Guantanamo should be stopped, since it is "extremely dangerous people who should not be allowed to return to the battlefield again."

However, the outgoing president should be given credit for at least reducing the number of prisoners: in 2009, when he ordered the closure of Guantanamo Bay, there were 242 people there. Obama could have gone through with it, but Congress didn't let it: parliamentarians blocked the ability to move those prisoners from Guantanamo who do not have permission to transfer. Journalists identify only three scenarios for resolving this dilemma: 1) Congress can reverse its decision (which is unlikely, since it is controlled by Republicans who support the operation of the special prison); 2) Obama can use his constitutional right to make security exceptions and force the secretary of defense to allow the transfer of prisoners; 3) Obama can leave the Guantanamo problem to future President Trump, but in this case the prison will continue to work and will probably begin to accept new prisoners.

Stop surveillance of Muslims

In one of his statements, Donald Trump called for surveillance of mosques and Muslims as a means of combating terrorism. The media and social networks also widely discussed Trump's alleged plans to create a database on all Muslims in the United States (which the president-elect has already managed to disown). The Obama administration appears not to have ignored Trump's Islamophobic sentiments and, in response, canceled the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS) program. .

NSEERS, sometimes called simply " special program", was to register and monitor US visa holders - students, workers and tourists. However, in fact, under the guise of NSEERS, Muslims and Arabs coming to the United States were monitored. This program was launched by the administration of President George W. Bush a year after September 11, 2001, and remained in effect for nearly a decade.Most of NSEERS was canceled in 2011, but it was not completely cancelled, raising fears that it would be revived by President Trump. buried NSEERS, blocking the new president from using this program.

Arctic drilling ban

Alongside his decrees, Obama put spokes in the wheels not only of the future presidential administration, but also of the Republican Party. One example is the ban on the development of most US-owned offshore areas in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. The step, taken in coordination with Canadian authorities, will "protect the Arctic ecosystem," according to the current US administration. This decision may be changed by the next US administration led by Donald Trump, but this issue will most likely have to be resolved through the courts, which may take years. Republicans took the ban on drilling in the Arctic with hostility, accusing Obama of "abuse of power" and undermining the "energy power" of the country.

New national monuments

Another Obama's "prick" to the Republicans is the announcement of a protected area of ​​about 670 hectares of land in the states of Utah and Nevada. Now there will be two new national monuments: Bears Ears ("Bear ears") and Gold Butte "Gold Butte". The purpose of this order is not only to protect the sacred lands for the Indians from possible oil and gas production, but also to preserve wildlife as well as archaeological sites. Republicans who were counting on the development of these lands have criticized Obama's actions and promised to reverse the decision, but, as in the case of the ban on mining in the Arctic, this will be extremely difficult to do.

Saving Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

Over the past few years, a number of "red" (that is, Republican-controlled) states have tried to cut funding for the American Planned Parenthood Federation (Planned Parenthood), because it provides abortion services. In mid-December last year, Obama issued a special executive order that prohibits such actions by the states. The law obliges to provide federal funds to all qualified medical institutions dealing with issues of contraception, fertility, sexual infections, cancer of the genital organs and so on. Thus, Planned Parenthood will not be able to remain without federal funding, which is great success Obama and Democrats in general.

What can not be said about the reform of health care and patient protection in the United States, better known as Obamacare. IN recent months Obama and his team tried to save her by promoting special kiosks health insurance(previously, you could only join the program through the website). In the end for last year 6.4 million people have joined Obamacare, and in total, the program covers 11.54 million Americans. However, the future of Obamacare looks bleaker than ever. The cancellation of this initiative was one of Trump's main campaign promises, and, apparently, he will keep this promise. On last week The Senate of the US Congress passed a resolution on the beginning of the procedure for the abolition of Obamacare. Republicans, the main opponents of this initiative, believe that the program caused an overall increase in health care costs and negative changes in insurance market, including the withdrawal of some companies from it.

Obamacare implies compulsory insurance for all residents of the country and the introduction government subsidies for the poor citizens of the country. What will it be new program, is unknown: according to Donald Trump, it will provide all Americans with health insurance for "much less money." Be that as it may, Obamacare is Obama's favorite brainchild and his main pride, so the cancellation of this initiative will be perhaps the biggest blow to the 44th US president and his legacy.

Artur Gromov

In September 2016, the Obama administration proposed tax funding from American citizens for research into the creation of a half-human, half-animal.

The US federal government's National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced a proposal to change the ethical restrictions on a federally funded study that would result in animal-human hybrids called chimeras. By injecting human stem cells into animal embryos, scientists can create such hybrids.

The goal is ostensibly to use such chimeras in the study of human disease. In particular, NIH assistant director of science Carrie D. Wolinetz said in an interview with the Washington Times: “These types of human-animal organisms have great potential for disease modeling, drug testing, and possibly even organ transplants in the future. ".

The researchers claim they can breed sheep, pigs and cows with human hearts, kidneys, livers, pancreas and other organs to be transplanted into humans.

William Saletan of the Washington Post, in his article "Creating Human Animals" explained, "The more you humanize animals, the better they serve their purpose as laboratory models for humanity...this is the future of medicine."

Proponents of the study say that the progress of science in the treatment of such purely Middle Eastern diseases as diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's requires funding from the federal tax fund.

They add that for decades, scientists have been transplanting human tissue into animals, such as implanting human tumors in mice, to experiment on the effectiveness of drugs to treat cancer.

Is it any wonder that today most of the world's population is done in this way quietly. Only now, scientists have decided to lift the veil of secrecy, but, not knowing about such activities, people silently let such chimeras into their lives. Here and now - while critics object, they say, the creation of chimeras is inhuman, unethical and immoral. But what will happen in 10 years?

Scientists are making concessions: they are introducing a ban on the use of monkeys, a ban on crossing animal sperm and human eggs, on crossing animals with human sperm and eggs, which can lead to the creation of human babies inside animals.

But all this has been carried out for more than a hundred years without the knowledge of mankind. This is evidenced by the inhuman dynamics of population growth in a number of Asian and African countries.

Dr. Stuart Newman, a biologist at the New York College of Medicine, condemned such experiments, calling them "Pandora's box": "It's very shaky ground, which, in my opinion, hurts our sense of humanity. Pigs with fully human brains, humans with animal brains that could be used for research or organs - who knows? I don't think we can say, since it's possible, let's do it."

Doesn't the behavior of "refugees" in Europe resemble the result of such experiments? Or do you think that this did not happen yesterday? “We were also told that no one wants to create human-animal hybrids. However, this is exactly what is required now. Anyone who does not see the dishonest approach here simply does not want to open their eyes, ”Dr.

Catholic Medical Association (KMA) President Dr. Lester Ruppersberger told LifeSiteNews: “Non-humanized animals are a valuable resource for medicine, but there are imperative moral reasons to refrain from using biotechnology to create chimeras or hybrid organisms that are partially humanized. . Prevention of human harm is our moral obligation. As for the official position, the KMA is against any research into chimeras or hybrids and technology that fundamentally alters human nature created by God."

Dr. Ruppersberger also explained: “The KMA believes that the moral boundary clearly separates man from non-human animal life. This boundary is determined not only by cognitive, physical or genetic criteria. This boundary was set by God when He created mankind in His own image and likeness.”

Human-animals could start coming off the assembly line early next year.

But already in 2000, the creation of a pig-man was discussed. These creatures are 3% pigs and 97% human. So far, such organisms are not recognized by the law as humans. But even 70 years ago, Europeans kept Mongoloids, Negroids and Caucasoids in zoos. And now it's hard to even imagine.

Peter Mountford, chief executive of Australian stem cell company Stem Cell Sciences, which is partnering with US firm Biotransplant to create two human pigs, admitted that the creatures could already be placed in a woman's womb to "become a new human species." ". And then populated Europe and America?